HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 02-17-83 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 2 2/17/83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 9, 1983 SUBJECT AUTHORIZA TION OF $3,800 OF SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS TO PURCHASE BLINDS FOR THE WEST SIDE OF NEW OFFICE BUILDIN TYPE OF ACTION Authorize Purchase SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. P. Morsen, Administrative Department Manager Administrative Department ISSUE: After occupying the new Home Office Building (HOB), a need to have blinds for sunlight control has been proven for the West side of the HOB. The staff is requesting that the Board authorize the funds and gi ve approval to issue the purchase and installation of the blinds for the West side. BACKGROUND: During the construction of the HOB, it was anticipated that blinds would be required on the outside windows of the entire building at an estimated cost of $24,000. However, to hold construction costs down and to be absolutely sure of actual need and location of the blinds, the staff delayed the request. Since occupancy, a considerable sun and heat problem has been identified on the entire West side and to a lesser extent on the South side of the HOB. Since costs are still a paramount concern, we are only recommending the purchase of blinds for the West side at a cost not to exceed $3,800. This cost was obtained from a local supplier of blinds and includes the material and installation of mini-blinds to match the existing office blinds in both style and color. At the recommendation of the Board, the staff reviewed a fiberglass sun screen alternative to the mini-blinds and have the following comments: o The sun screen must be permanently mounted to the outside surface of the building to withstand the effects of the wind. This type of screw mounting leaves a potential for water penetration and resultant damage. o The sun screen does not allow for any regulation of its screening process, therefore, during cloudy days or at night, seventy percent (70%) of the light is still screened. o MWM recommends against the sun screen because of the architectural effect and loss of light source. o Outside window cleaning could not take place without removal of the sun screens. It also would raise a potential OSHA problem concerning their variance approval on the equipment and procedures the District must use in cleaning the outside windows. o The cost of sun screens for the West side has been quoted at $3,500. Since costs of window blinds vary greatly from supplier to supplier, it is our intention to request written quotations from at least five (5) qualified suppliers to get the best competitive price. Each supplier will be required to attend an on-site walk through and state in its quote the exact plans for the layout and installation. RECOMMENDA TION: Authorize the purchase and installation of mini-blinds for the West side of e HOB at a cost not to exceed $3,800. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ EPT./DIV. <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I V. Eng. 1 2 17 83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 10, 1983 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CONFIRM THE $50,000 EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION FOR AUTHORIZATION OF FUNDS STABILIZATION WORK (PROJECT X3849) NECESSARY TRIINK ,F'lJF'R SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jay S. McCoy Construction & Services Division ISSUE: A new slide occurred during the first week of February which is threatening the stability of the existing 27-inch trunk sewer (Line E) in the old Sacramento Northern Right of Way. BACKGROUND: The new landslide is located approximately 300 feet north of the slide which occurred two years ago. The attached map shows the general location of the problem area. Since the new slide posed an immediate threat to the existing sewer, the Secretary of the District contacted Board Members by telephone for an emergency authorization. The Members verbally authorized emergency funds to do work to protect the sewer pipeline. It is now necessary to formalize this emergency authorization by action at a regular Board meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the $50,000 emergency authorization for creek bank stabilization work (Project X3849). Attachment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION f/1bJ ~OFT 18 AC. c ~ RAMPART INVESTMENT CO. 32.08AC / I I S1AC STATE OF CAL.IF. ..AFAYETTE SCROOL. DIST. 2S. 84 AC II. aSAC ,.. J't'G.8 (8IZIO~) RHIIM CAL I F. 1.""0 CO 5 Z. 4 Z AC PRO EGT SITE STATE OF CALIF 4 R 02 Ac- \\ \\ , , " /'1 iJ':-... 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DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 8, 1983 SUBJECT SUBMISSION OF PRICE WATERHOUSE REPORT ON REFUSE COLLECTION RATE SETTING PROCEDURES TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE CONSULTANT'S REPORT SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: At its November 4, 1982, Board Meeting, the Board of Directors approved a work plan proposed by Price Waterhouse to perform a review of the District's refuse collection rate setting procedures. The review has been completed and Price Waterhouse is submitting its report herewith. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors authorized Price Waterhouse to perform a review of the District's refuse collection rate setting procedures to include: o Performing a review of the District's refuse collection rate appl ication analysis procedures, o analyzing alternative methods of determining reasonable rates, o performing a survey of rates charged for similar services by companies operating in other cities or areas, and o recommending a methodology and procedure which satisfies the requirements of the District. A copy of the consultant's report has been provided to the District's franchisee garbage collectors. RECOMMENDATION: Receive Price Waterhouse's report on the District's refuse collection rate setting procedures and consider its findings and recommendations. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I Ndd=:U . WNF PM " Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS .J< NO. II 1. Adm. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT DATE Februar 9 1983 TYPE OF ACTION 1982-1983 SIX MONTH 0 & M BUDGET REVIEW Receive Budget Review SUBMITTED BY . . Walter N. Funasaki, Flnance Offlcer INITIATINg DEPT./DIV. Aamimstrative ISSUE: A comparative review of actual and budgeted Operations and Maintenance revenues and expenditures for the first six months of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1983 has been performed. BACKGROUND: The results of the review of the actual and budgeted Operations and Maintenance revenues and expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1982 are summarized in the following sections. ~~- DISTRICT REVENUES The amount of $13,636,298 was recorded from all revenue sources through the six months ended December 31, 1982, representing 84.7% of the $16,090,503 of total revenues budgeted for the fiscal year. The principal revenues budgeted are $13,023,803 of Environmental Quality Charges and $2,661,000 of Service Charge Revenue from the City of Concord. The amount of $13,066,513 of Environmental Quality Charges was recorded as revenue through December 31,1982, $12,613,651 of which has been credited to the District's account through the Contra Costa County's property tax rolls. The amount of $475,623 has been received from the City of Concord as an advance payment of one-half of the servi ce charges for the first six months of the current fiscal year. The ba1 ance of the budgeted service charge revenue of $2,185,377 is considered to be a reasonable approximation of the remainder of the billing to the City of Concord for the fiscal year. As the two principal revenue accounts, comprising 97.5% of budgeted revenues, are considered to be fully achievable, the total budgeted revenues of $16,090,503 are projected to be realized in the 1982-1983 fiscal year. DISTRICT EXPENDITURES A comparison of actual expenditures and budgeted expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1982 is shown by department on Attachment I. Total District expenditures of $7,068,617 for the first six months of the fiscal year were $964,562 less than budgeted expenditures of $8,033,179. Explanations of major underexpended or over expended accounts for the six months ended December 31, 1982, and a general projection of expenditures for the twelve months ending June 30, 1983, are provided for each department in the following sections. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IN'7cG DEPT./DIV. WNF PM RJD , . <. " . ,~ Page 2 of 6 Administrative Department Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1982 totaled $725,443, and were $196,529 1 ess than the budgeted expend i tures of $921,972. The under- expenditure of 21.3% is primarily the result of the following causes: Electricity is underexpended by $21,000 because power requirements for the new Headquarters Office Building were budgeted to begin in November 1982, whereas occupancy occurred in January 1983. This account is projected to be $27,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Professional Services is undere~pended by $11,000 primarily as a result of expenditures for the District's job classification study which were budgeted during the first half of the fiscal year but will be expended in the second half. This account is projected to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures for the fiscal year. Recruitment expenditures are $9,000 underexpended because of low employee turnover in the first half of the fiscal year; this account is projected to be $11,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Salaries and Wages - Non-Management and related employee benefits are underexpended by $77,000 because of vacant positions in Materials Control, Clerical, and Safety, and the hiring of a new Personnel Analyst later than the month budgeted. These accounts are projected to be $63,000 under- expended for the fiscal year. L i abil ity Insurance expenditures are $10,000 less than budget because anticipated rate increases did not occur due to competitive factors in the industry. This account is projected to be $20,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. The balance of the underexpenditures was within accounts in which the variances were less than $10,000 during the first six months of the fiscal year. These accounts are projected to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures for the fiscal year. The Administrative Department's expenditures are projected to be $121,000 underexpended for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1983, as a result of under- expenditures of $27,000 in Electricity, $11,000 in Recruitment, $63,000 in Salaries and Wages - Non-Management and related employee benefits, and $20,000 in Liability Insurance. Engineering Department Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1982 totaled $839,154, and were $15,264 less than budgeted expenditures of $854,418. The 1.8% under- expenditure is primarily the result of less than budgeted salaries and wages and REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT ./DIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. . t " ". Page 3 of 6 related employee benefits due to unfilled staff positions, offset by capitalized salaries and wages and related employee benefits being less than budgeted, and the effect of a $30,000 provision for a half-year charge by the Contra Costa County for processing EQC charges on the tax rolls which will be paid within the second half of the fiscal year. It is projected that while salaries and wages and employee benefits will be less than budgeted for the fiscal year, capitalized salaries and wages and employee benefits will reflect a greater decrease because of the delay in commencement of the construction of the 5A-I completion projects, and the department I s net expenditures for the fiscal year will be overexpended by $91,000. A comparison of budgeted and actual capitalized salaries and wages and employee benefits for this department is provided on Attachment II. Collection System Operations Department Expenditures for the SlX months ended December 31, 1982 totaled $1,120,332 and were $78,126 less than budgeted expenditures of $1,198,458. The 6.5% under- expenditure is primarily the result of non-management salaries and wages and related employee benefits being underexpended by $88,000 due to unfilled staff positions, offset by a $14,000 unfavorable variance in Operating Supplies caused by purchases scheduled for the second half of the fiscal year occurring in the first six months of the fiscal year, and a $4,000 overexpenditure in Claims Expense. The potential underexpenditure in non-management salaries and wages and related employee benefits for the fiscal year is likely to be sub- stantially offset by overexpenditures in Claims Expense; therefore, the depart- mentis total projected expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1983 are anticipated to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures. Plant Operations Department Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1982 totaled $3,950,241, and were $546,766 less than the budgeted expenditures of $4,497,007. The 12.2% underexpenditure is primarily the result of the following causes: Salaries and Wages -Management is substantially equivalent to budget for the first six months; however, this account is projected to be $27,000 underexpended for the fiscal year because of the unfilled Plant Maintenance Manager position since January 1983. Operating Fuel expenditures are $14,000 less than budget because purchase of the diesel fuel requirement for the fiscal year in the amount of $22,749 will be made in the second half of the year. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. . . < , ... Page 4 of 6 Chlorine expenditures are $44,000 underexpended because of favorable prices negotiated with a new supplier and lowered usage requirements for post-chlorination and within the solids centrate line. It is projected that the account will be underexpended by $92,000 for the fiscal year. Lime expenditures are underexpended by $76,000 for the first six months due to improved plant process controls and provision in the budgeted amount for a price increase which did not occur. It is projected that lime expendi- tures will be $136,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Polymer expenditures are underexpended by $41,000 because of reduced polymer consumption resulting from operating efficiencies gained from modifications made to one of the centrifuges. An underexpenditure of $78,000 is projected for the fiscal year. Other Chemicals expenditures were underexpended by $19,000 for the first six months due to decreased odor control requirements caused by a cool summer. It is projected that this account will be underexpended by $10,000 for the fiscal year. Electrical expenditures are less than budget by $75,000 for the first six months primarily because of lower than anticipated electrical rates; additionally, power usage for the six months has been lower than budgeted. As current information indicates that electrical rates will increase in the second half of the fiscal year and usage will reach levels. budgeted for the year, it is projected that Electrical expenditures will be $111,000 underexpended for the fiscal year. Gas expenditures are less than budget for the first six months by $107,000 because of understated Getty Oil billings produced by a faulty landfill gas sales meter. Correction of the faulty meter and an increase in rates in the second half of the fi sca 1 year wi 11 produce a projected under- expenditure of $134,000 for the fiscal year. General Repairs expenditures for the first six months are underexpended by $37,000 because lubricants budgeted within this account are being charged to Maintenance Supplies, and equipment repairs have been less than anticipated. It is projected that this account will be $46,000 less than budgeted for the fiscal year. Outside Repairs and Maintenance expenditures are $30,000 underexpended because major repairs are scheduled in the Spring after the rainy season and roof repair and building repainting will be completed during the second half of the fiscal year. It is projected that this account will be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures for the fiscal year. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. \ . " Page 5 of 6 Ter.hnical Services expenditures are less than budget by $12,000 because of the postponement of the use of a security guard service at the Treatment Plant during daylight hours. It is projected that this account will be underexpended by $8,000 for the fiscal year. The balance of the underexpenditures was within accounts in which the variances were less than $10,000 during the first six months of the fiscal year. These accounts are projected to be substantially equivalent to budgeted expenditures for the fiscal year. Capitalized salaries and wages and employee benefits were substantially equivalent to budget as of December 31, 1982; a comparison to budget for 1981- 1982 and for the first six months of 1982-1983 is shown on Attachment II. The Plant Operations Department is projected to be approximately $642,000 underexpended for the fiscal year as a result of projected underexpenditures of $27,000 in Salaries a,nd Wages Management, $92,000 in Chlorine expenditures, $136,000 in Lime expenditures, $78,000 in Polymer expenditures, $10,000 in Other Chemicals expenditures, $111,000 in Electrical expenditures, $134,000 in Gas expenditures, $46,000 in General Repairs and Maintenance expenditures, and $8,000 in Technical Services expenditures. Pump Stations - North Expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1982 totaled $232,824, and were $80,011 less than budgeted expenditures of $312,835. The '25.6% under- expenditure is primarily the result of chemical expense reductions resulting from a concerted odor control program and a cool summer. Pump Stations - North expenditures are projected to be $54,000 underexpended in Other Chemicals expenditures for the fiscal year. Pump Stations - West Expenditures for the first six months of the fiscal year totaled $200,623, and were $47,866 less than the budgeted expenditures of $248,489. The 19.3% under- expenditure is primarily the result of lower than budgeted Electrical expenditures resulting from using diesel pumps because of the early onset of wet weather and increased efficiency of overhauled pumps and lower than budgeted Outside Repairs and Maintenance expenditures. Pump Stations - West1s expenditures are projected to be $30,000 underexpended in Electrical and Outside Repairs and Maintenance expenditures for the fiscal year. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. , " .,' Page 6 of 6 Conclusion The major causes of the variances in departmental Operations and Maintenance expenditures for the six months ended December 31, 1982 have been identified in this Position Paper. The following summary presents the projected under- expenditure or overexpenditure for the fiscal year by departments: Plant Operations Annual Budget $ 1,936,019 1,716,100 2,350,802 9,195 , 170 Projected Under(Over) Expenditure for Fiscal Year Department Administrative Engineering $121,000 (91,000) Collection System Operations 642,000 Pump Stations - North 587,747 54,000 Pump Stations - West 463,069 $16,248,907 30,000 $756,000 The projected expenditure variances for the fiscal year are based on the first six months' experience and information available at this time; however, the limitations inherent in projecting expenditures which are largely dependent on operational requirements, particularly in the Plant Operations Department, should be recognized. Budgeted revenues are projected to be realized. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT ./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Attachment I CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT COMPARISON OF BUDGET AND ACTUAL OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1982 Six Months Ended December 31, 1982 Annual Expenditures Actua 1 Favorable Variance Budget Department Budget Expended Amount %---.- -- Amount % Expended Admin1strative $921,972-725,443 196,529 21 .3 '1,936,019 37.5 , Engineering 854,418 839,154 15,264 1.8 1,716,100 48.9 Collection System 1,198,458 1,120,332 78,126 6.5 2,350,802 47.7 Operations Plant Operations 4,497,007 3,950,241 546,766 12.2 9,195,170 43.0 Pump Stations - North 312,835 232,824 80,011 25.6 587,747 39.6 Pump Stations - West 248,489 200,623 47,866 19.3 463,069 43.3 District Totals $8,033~179 7p68,617 964,562 12.0 16,248,907 43.5 Attachment II Department/Division CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITALIZED SALARIES AND WAGES AND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS (CONTRA ACCOUNTS) Six' Months Ended December 31,1982 Percent of Budget Actual Budget 1981-1982 Budget Actual Construction Division: Salaries & Wages & Emp 1 oyee Benefits Contra $ 545,914 $ 356,572 $ 260,260!, $ 162,817 62.6 Engineering Division: Salaries & Wages & Employee Benefits Contra $ 365,064 $ 320,181 $ 269,923\ $ 222,610 82.5 Engineering Department: Salaries & Wages & Employee Benefits Contra $ 910,978 $ 676,753 $ 530,183 $ 385,427 72.7 Plant Operations Department: Salaries & Wages & Employee Benefits Contra $ 78,595 $ 147,167 $ I 86,691,$ 87,282 100.7 District Capitalized Salaries & Wages & Employee Benefits Contra $ 989,573 $ 823,920 $ 616,874 $ 472,709 76.6 District Paid Salaries & Employee Benefits: Salaries & Wages & Emp 1 oyee Benefits $8,094,111 $7,980,745 $5,012,712\ $4,628,635 Percent of Contra Accounts to Paid Salaries & Employee Benefits 10.3% 12.3% 10.2% 12.2%