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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-03-83 District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. 1:\0. M. 1 3/3/83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Februar 28 1983 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION SUBMISSION OF PRICE WATERHOUSE REPORT ON REFUSE COLLECTION RATE-SETTING PROCEDURES RECEIVE CONSULTANT'S REPORT SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSLE: At its November 4, 1982 Board Meeting, the Board of Directors approved a work plan proposed by Price Waterhouse to perform a review of the District's refuse collection rate- setting procedures. The review has been completed, and the report by Price Waterhouse is submitted herewith. BACKGROUND: The Board directed Price Waterhouse to perform a review of the District's refuse collection rate-setting procedures to include: o performing a review of the District's refuse collection rate application analysis procedures, o analyzing alternative methods of determining reasonable rates, o performing a survey of rates charged for similar services by companies operating in other cities or areas, and o recommending a methodology and procedure which satisfies the requirements of the District. The major recommendations and suggestions contained in the report are summarized in the following paragraphs. Assessment by District staff of the applicability of the recommendations to the impending rate application analysis for the new rate year which normally begins April 1, 1983 is also provided. Consider Requiring Rate Applications To Be Prepared In a Standardized Format and Requirinq Inclusion of Operational Information The consultant suggests requiring rate applications to be prepared in a structured and standardized format to facilitate a more timely and efficient completion of the rate application analysis; operational statistics should be required to provide a means to monitor the applicant's operations by developing cost-volume and service relationships. Staff Assessment: The implementation of the consultant's suggestions will improve the rate application analysis process; however, rate applications from Valley Disposal Service and Orinda-Moraga Disposal are expected to be received within days; therefore, the use of prescribed standard formats would be appro- priate for subsequent rate applications. Operating statistics should be requested with the current rate applications, recognizing that certain statistics may not be readily available. . REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IN~TING DEPT./DIV. t1d~' WNF PM ~ Consider Chanqing the Calculation of the Revenue Requirements From the Operating Ratio Method To the Return On Equity Method The consultant suggests that the District consider using the Return on Equity method in place of the Operating Ratio method in determining the applicant's revenue require- ments; the Return on Equity method would provide the District with the ability to monitor the applicant's profit and provides a return to the owner based upon his investment in the business and the associated risks. Staff Assessment: As the Return on Equity method is based on the application of a prescribed rate of return applied to the refuse company's stockholders' equity, refuse collectors operating in more than one regulatory jurisdiction such as Valley Disposal Service and Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal will require apportionment of the stockholders' equity on some basis. If a satisfactory method of apportion- ment is determined, the Return on Equity method may be used with the current rate applications analysis. . Consider Implementation of Incentive Plan For Cost Savings Proqram i~ The consultant suggests that consideration be given to implementing an incentive plan in which the refuse collector shares in cost savings identified by the collector or through management audits. The cost savings program should provide for a sharing of cost savings by the refuse collector and the rate payer. The duration of the sharing of cost savings must be long enough to provide incentive for cost savings for the long- term, as well as the short-term. Staff Assessment: A cost savings program may be instituted with the Board requesting interested refuse collectors to submit proposals which may be considered at the time current rate application analyses are presented for Board review. Established criteria for. acceptable cost savings proposals would be required. Depending upon the specific cost savings proposal, the Board may find that it may be unable to implement the consultant's suggestion without performing a management audit. In order to monitor the cost savings program and prevent abuse, the actual results attained would require verification by periodic management audits. Consider Additional Methods For Reviewing Related Party Transactions and Monitoring Officers' Compensation The consultant suggests additional methods for reviewing related party transactions and officers' compensation including performing a review of Acme Fill's tipping rates, reviewing the reasonableness of truck lease payments to F &F Leasing, requesting supporting documentation for internal charges within the Valley Disposal Companies, and using industry compensation guides for reviewing officers' compensation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATltJG DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. Page 2 of 3 Pages Staff Assessment: The additional methods for reviewing related party trans- actions and officers' compensation can be initiated with the current rate application analysis; however, the feasibility of a review of Acme Fill's tipping fees is dependent on accessibility of that firm's records. A copy of the consultant's report has been provided to the District's franchisee refuse collectors. Written comments received from refuse collectors are-appended to this Position Paper. Representatives of Price Waterhouse and the refuse collectors will be in attendance at the March 3, 1983 Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Receive Price Waterhouse's report on the District's refuse collection rate-setting procedures and consider its findings and recommendations. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI~IG DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.!CHIEF ENG. Page 3 of 3 Pages "-~'---~--~~-----~"""~'---'.-""-"'--'--~"-,--","'-'---'-~-"--'-"""""---,-""""'_..._--_.....,~."--_.,^",.,.,,.'~----'~'.-'-"._' San BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. VI. ADM. 3 3/3/83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT Februar 25 1983 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT PURCHASING AND MATERIALS POLICY, RECEIVE INFORMA TIONAL COpy OF PURCHASING AND MATERIALS MANUAL AND RECEIVE PURCHASING ISSUES INFORMATION Adopt Purchasing and Materials Policy and R ceo I . K. F. Lavert INITIATING DEPT./DIV. SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The California Government Code requires the adoption of a purchasing policy. Attached is the redefined Purchasing and Materials Policy recommended by staff for Board adoption. In addition, the staff is taking this opportunity to submit to the Board an informational copy of the Purchasing and Materials Manual (PMM); and to address the Board's concerns on certain purchasing issues. BACKGROUND: Since centralizing the purchasing function for the District, numerous changes in policies and procedures for District purchases have been required. To keep the Board informed and to comply with the Government Code, the staff has redefined the Purchasing and Materials Policy statement, has developed a District-wide Purchasing and Materials Manual, and has explained the various purchasing issues raised by the Board. A. Purchasing and Materials Policy: The California Government Code Section 54202 states: "Every local agency shall adopt policies...governing purchases..." The staff recommends that the attached redefined Purchasing and Materials Policy statement be adopted by the Board. B. Purchasinq and Materials Manual: The PMM is designed to explain the Purchasing and Materials Control organization, its functions, standards and procedures, and to serve as a tool in personnel training. The PMM's contents are issued as District directives and shall be approved by the Administrative Department Manager and the General Manager-Chief Engineer. The PMM will be kept current and will include all Standards, Guidelines and Procedures issued by the Purchasing and Materials Officer via the Administrative Department Manager and the General Manager-Chief Engineer. o The Standards contained in the PMM represent the basic intentions and goals of the District. They represent the foundation upon which the District purchasing activity operates, and are expected to be relatively independent of the changing technologies and methods used to carry them out. o The Guidelines section is an informational section used to familiarize personnel on purchasing documentation, purchasing law, price considerations, and other purchasing related reference material. o The Procedures section contains the instructional procedures which establish the functions and responsibilities of the applicable District personnel and defines the interfaces, necessary approvals, and use. C. Purchasing Issues: The Board has expressed concern over the rejection of the lowest bid, on three occasions, caused by the apparent low bidder being declared non-responsive to the District formal bid requirements. The individual issues that have resulted in problems are REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1. Bonds o Bid Bond - Required of the bidder to ensure that the bidder will not withdraw the bid at any time up until a commitment is made by the District, or for the duration of bid validity. The furnishing of a bid bond is a good indication of the bidder's past performance and reputation as far as the surety company is concerned. Usually required on construction type contracts and on specific goods where withdrawal of a bid could jeopardize project scheduling. o Performance Bond - Ensures that the obligations assumed by the Seller, under the terms of the purchase order or contract, will be fulfilled. This may also include an assurance that the Seller will fully meet the specified warranty terms. Performance bond would be required on construction type contracts and on specific goods where delivery and quality were critical. o Payment Bond - Ensures that the Seller will meet and pay for all costs that have been accumulated as a result of meeting the obligations under the terms of the agreement. These costs might include sub-suppliers' invoices, and wages for Seller's employees and other persons performing work on behalf of the Seller. This bond is added insurance' against liens being filed against the District for the Seller's nonpayment of costs. Payment bond would be required on all labor type contracts. 2. Length of Time in Business The requirement that a bidder must have been engaged in a particular business for a specified minimum amount of time is related to quality assurance. This requirement helps to protect the District from administrative costs that could arise from awarding a contract or purchase order to a business that is not established financially or with no proven record of performance. A new supplier may go out of business prior to contract completion causing major delays or after delivery but prior to warranty expiration, thereby voiding the warranty rights of the District. The determination of the exact length of time in business, used on rare occasions for a particular bid request, is determined by the requesting department in conjunction with Purchasing and is based on relevant industrial practices. The specifying of this requirement is a judgment that staff will be prepared to defend upon inquiry by the Board. 3. Non-U.S. Made Goods Government Code of California, Chapter 4., Articles 4300 through 4305 states: "4303. The governing body of any political subdivision, municipal corporation, or district, and any public officer or person charged with the letting of contracts for (1) the construction, alteration, or repair of public works or (2) for the purchasing of materials for public use, shall let such contracts only to persons who agree to use or supply only such unmanufactured materials as have been produced in the United REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. -2- States, and only such manufactured materials as have been manufactured in the United States, substantially all from materials produced in the United States. 4303.5. Any provision of this article to the contrary notwithstanding, any such body or person may let a contract for the purchase of office machines or supplies therefor without regard to the place of their manufacture or the source of the materials from which such machines or supplies are manufactured, except that such contracts or purchases shall be subject to the provisions of Section 4334. 4304. Every contract for the construction, alteration or repair of public works or for the purchase of materials for public use shall contain a provision that only unmanufac- tured materials produced in the United States, and only manufactured materials manufactured in the United States, substantially all from materials produced in the United States shall be used in the performance of the contract. Any person who fails to comply with such provision shall not be awarded any contract to which this article applies for a period of three years from the date of the violation. . 4305. The name of the person failing to comply, together with a report of the facts constituting the violation, shall be posted by the governing board or person who let the contract in at least three public places in the county in which the contract was made." Please note that our legal counsel has been researching court actions on this issue and feels. that the law may not be as clear cut as it reads above. As an end result of our legal counsel search and subsequent recommendation, a Standard will be added to the Purchasing and Materials Manual. 4. Technical Specifications Technical specifications are the responsibility of the originating department and are provided to Purchasing by the department specifying the minimum technical criteria, including delivery schedule, that the goods or service must meet. Purchasing's responsibility is to review the technical specifications provided, checking for errors, exceptions and any unnecessary restrictions that may result in eliminating a product or supplier. Purchasing also looks for any potential legal implications and, when questions arise seeks District legal counsel's advice. The originating department has the final say on the content of the technical specification. If a technical question arises at a Board meeting, then the originating department will respond to that question. Administrative/Purchasing will endeavor to answer any question other than technical asked by the Board. 5. Lowest Responsible Bidder The District is directly bound to the Health and Safety Code of California in its procurement practices. This code states: "When the expenditure required for a district project exceeds Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), it shall be contracted for and let to the lowest responsible bidder after notice..." Notwithstanding the above, the Board has the right to waive any irregularities in any bid, if in the judgement of the Board, it is necessary or proper in the exercise of any of the powers of the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. -3- The preceding paragraph is the source of almost all of the problems that the Board sees when a request for purchase approval is brought before the Board. Purchasing can only bring to the Board our recommendation and why it was made. The Board is the only authority in the District that can waive a bid irregularity. Therefore, it is the responsibility of Purchasing to point out to the Board any bid exceptions at the time of public opening with our recommendations and reasons. The Health and Safety Code does not define what a "district project" is or how to arrive at the "lowest responsible bidder." Therefore, most Government agencies follow the strict guidelines of rejecting any bid that is non-responsive (where exceptions are taken) to any of the minimum bid requirements. By following this guideline, the District has a clear basis for bid evaluation, that is all minimum requirements are equal; therefore, the lowest price among the responsive bids should prevail. However, this price may not be the lowest price received at the public bid opening. 6. Supplier Education Among the problems staff have identified are that our suppliers are used to a more informal procedure. As the District moves into a more structured purchasing environment, staff has begun an educational process with the suppliers on the correct procedures for formal bidding and subsequent sealed bid responsiveness. Purchasing endeavors to write clear bid instructions and bid requirements covering such things as: What forms must be used; what submittals must be attached; what general and special conditions the District requires; and what may happen if an exception is taken. This continued restatement of District requirements along with supplier involvement will substantially reduce the need to have the Board declare a bid non-responsive or to waive irregularities. 7. Conclusion While the above purchasing practices will be helpful, there is no hard and fast rule for purchasing-related issues because each bid request has a different set of circumstances, both technically and commercially. Staff will carefully review each bid request to minimize future problems. RECQMMENDA TION: Adopt the Purchasing and Materials Policy as attached, and receive an informational copy of the Purchasing and Materials Manual, and the information related to Purchasing issues. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. -4- <C!SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District NO. POLICY & PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE March 3, 1983 SUBJECT SECTION PURCHASING AND MATERIALS POLICY Administrative ESTABLISHED BY: REFERRING TO: Ken F. Laverty, Purchasing & Materials Officer It is the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's policy to perform procurement activities in conformance with all applicable laws and with the highest ethical standards of business conduct. The District's Administrative Department's Purchasing and Materials Section will contract for purchase, rent or lease materials, supplies and equipment, and secure services for the Districtls use with the objective that such goods and services will be available at the proper time, in the proper place, in quantity, quality, and price so as to receive maximum value in the conversion of the District's revenues; and to maintain inventories of goods at minimum levels consistent with the user depart- mentis needs while allowing the maximum conservation of the District's funds. It is the responsibility of the Purchasing and Materials Officer to develop and recommend the procedures necessary for the District to establish and administer an effective purchasing and materials system. It is the responsibi lity of the Department and Division Managers to ensure that their department's personnel utilize the Purchasing and Materials Section for its department's purchasing. I SHEET 1 OF Contra Costa Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. Adm. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT DATE February 23, 1983 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $1,703.00 OUT OF SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR SUPPLEMENTAL FURNITURE ORDER Authorize Funds SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: As requested by the Board during presentation of the initial furniture request, the staff has evaluated furniture needs after occupying the new Headquarters Office Building and is recommending purchase of supplemental furniture items at this time. BACKGROU\lD: When staff requested the initial furniture order for the new Headquarters Office Building, the Board requested that staff not purchase all of the items requested at that time, but rather defer several items and, based upon their demonstrated need after occupancy, to approach the Board for a supplemental furniture order, if necessary. After occupying the new building, staff has re-evaluated the items which were deferred and recommends the purchase of some of this deferred furniture for certain areas of the building in Administrative and Engineering Departments as outlined on the attachments to this position paper. Every effort was made to minimize this request; for example, some old furniture will be proposed for reupholstery in this coming fiscal year's budget as a less expensive alternative to replacement. Substantiation of the furniture requested is itemized on the attachments; but generally speaking, items are being recommended and requested either because no item exists or the present item is unserviceable. The department managers of the Administrative and Engineering Departments will be available to respond to questions from the Board regarding any particular item that appears on our request. The Board authorized $132,900 for the initial furniture requirements for the Headquarters Office Building. As a result of specification changes and subsequent negotiations, the actual cost of the furniture acquired totaled $119,639, and an unexpended balance of $13,261 was produced. The supplemental furniture cost totals $14,964; therefore, the additional furniture authorization which is now requested totals $1,703. RECOMMENDED: Authorize $1,703 funds from Sewer Construction Funds for the purchase of supplemental furniture for the new Headquarters Office Building. INITI REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Id& re .j..J 0 N 0 0 0 U"\ 0 0 0 0 1""'1 '" 0 '" .j..J VI U"\ 1""'1 00 0 U"\ 0 00 0 0 1""'1 ..::r 0 1""'1 0 0 00 0 0 00 ..::r 00 ..::r ..::r N 00 ..::r U"\ N ..::r en '" 1""'1 I- u (/)- '" ......... ......... CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) V! OJ I- ......... 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O'l I.... 0. > I.... C. - Q) Q) 0 Q) Q) a.. a.. c::: a.. u Cl a.. Cl - >- .j..J I.... E 0 OJ 0- .j..J I.... a.. N C'"'I 4" LI"\ '" r--. 00 >- co "-' Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Bi ds & Awards POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Februar 25, 1983 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD CONTRACT FOR GARMENTS AND LINENS RENTAL AND LAUNDRY SERVICES TYPE OF ACTION Award of Contract SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. K. F. Lavert , Purchasin & Materials Officer ISSUE: The District requires garments and linens rental and laundry services. Purchasing has complied with the formal bid request procedures for these services, and we recommend that the Board authorize contact award. BACKGROUND: One function of a centralized purchasing operation is to identify products or services where overall District costs can be reduced by combining the requirements of all' District departments into one purchase order or contract to achieve economy of scale. The garments and linens rental and laundry services is one such area in which Purchasing anticipated that both improved supplier performance and a substantial cost savings could be realized. Purchasing formed a bid request document that covered in detail supplier's obligations for quality, performance, and responsibilities. Furthermore, we established a committee comprised of all involved departments to review, comment, and approve the bid request. The finalized bid request was publicly advertised and bid opening took place February 18, 1983. We received two bids. Both are completely responsive and are shown in the attached tabulation of bids. The two bidders quoted fixed unit prices per garment cleaned. Based upon the typical District requirements as of January, 1983, the average price per month for the required garments (uniforms) rental/laundry services (Item 1. on attachment) is: Certified Garment @) $2,154.54/month Servisco @) $3,041.31/month The actual monthly charge will vary depending on the exact number of uniforms cleaned which will fluctuate due to employee sickness, vacations, and seasonal adjustments for garment styles. The required linens, rugs, coveralls, etc. (Item 2a.-h.) are estimated to cost an additional $600 per month from either supplier. The combined monthly cost of approximately $2,800 reflects a District-wide savings of $1,200 per month. Garments and linens rental and laundry services are departmental O&M budget expenses, therefore, we are not requesting additional funds from the Board. RECOMMENDA TION: Authorize award of a fixed unit price contract to Certified Garment and Linen Supply for the garments and linens rental and laundry services. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION KFL PM ~ ot- '- 0'" 0--" " wi -v z - ~ '" ... ~ ...... 'r -.. -<u 0- - 0" ~ 0-'" , .. ~ 0 ...... -u Z - -- ~'" ... :5 Cl ~ ::2 ...... Z t; -< u c - ... 0- - 0'" - 'i :x: ... ... '" . - ...... -u z - ~'" ... - 3 1 "I - I; ~ ~ " ~ ~ - ~ ~~ S"- ~ j~ ~ ~J1 ~ ~ ~.. ... ~4~~' - ~ E ;: ~ E ~ ~ ~- ~ <:.9 - en - 9~' ca' ... . ~ o ~ '~.J .ct ~~ ~~ ~- a z .. :0 :I a u .. co Ill~ ~" \J\I~ ~ \)t \lC; ~ ~~ ~ 3i Ie::; "" i~~-~~ ~.~ ~ .t .~ \J\~ ]. ~I~ ()i ~ \_ t .. , , \ lJI ~ ~I~ . I~ ~ !: ::: C ~ Oa <:) ~ q - ~ '... Zii: l'C')....._~C:'O'i~'J'~ ~ ~ ~.. I .. t'i ~ ...:. . ;~ ~ ~~i~ ~tP-~I~\l ~:':I~ll j 11 11.,,,iJ'\{\ ~ ..... 1- +I~ ~~ \ ~~B~~~~~l I ... .~ ..:~ v~1 .- - ...... ~ ~~ ~ 0CE: ~ I I ...... 0 ~ . . I: Ie ~ ~ .r , - ~ - ::> ~-~ ~ ~~......::. ...)~" I I' -::l-\J\" ~~~ ~~I, t=:: cO ... OZ !( o:f. ~ ... ,.: ",!!lOZ 0 togs 8klw'" '" ",<va "' ~~ ... ;t-. ~ g g g ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ II -><oo...o>...~ 1-. u , ~ ~ I~~ ~ ::" a. III - ..' .' ~ I~ . - .. "." -~ '. l""l - 5 5 ~ _ . VI.... C. I- - f. - t (?c - ~ ~: ~ . koo. ii:, ,.,)~"::t\.(\ ~ -\-'1 _~~.., ~ ~ 3 ~ >J.)( ~I~ ~ . ! ~D~)O ,.,..~ U ; I I~ ~ ~ ~ -t- ,. i' t"( ~I'" AI-; Cl\' tor.C' ~-QI~~- ~ I~ l ~ c _ ~ ~ ~ () ~ _ ~ I_ ~ I, \ I ~ ~ ~ \..9 ~ ~ ~ V) 0:::.:; I- 'i: I~.N ~~V\ ~ I~ I~ ~ f \ ~ ~ 0 ..... ~ -'" tiS ~ ~ ~ 1-+0 ~ t1" c t;"" ....s {'() 1.3 "'e> q ~ ~ ~~ ~ l-J,:!"-::;--I'~ 1-:-.1 c: z 01( u _ . . <II ~ ~ ~ 0 -:: ~...c:;. ~ ~ lU "-\- cS~ ~.e\ -J . ~ ~ Z N' ~ 1-'* ~ - .- - - "" ',C .0 . ; . . ~ ~, - . '" . - "'" ~ i o 3 c <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ V. Consent Cal. 83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT QUITCLAIM PORTION OF EASEMENT, JOB 1276, PARCEL 2, LAFAYETTE AREA EXECUTE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denn is Ha 11 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The District has been requested to quitclaim a portion of an existing sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The District's Survey Division has determined that the existing publ ic sewer was not constructed on the centerl ine of the subject easement and may be outside of the easement in one area. A replacement easement over the centerline of the existing sewer main has been granted to the District. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION fit (II#) INITIATING DEPT./DIV. DH ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. Consent Cal. 3 3 3 83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT Februar TYPE OF ACTION QUITCLAIM PORTION OF EASEMENT, JOB 366, PARCEL 1, MORAGA AREA EXECUTE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The District has been requested to quitclaim a portion of an existing sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The publ ic sewer which is in the subject easement is being relocated to permit the construction of several stores in the Rheem Valley Shopping Center. A replacement easement has been granted to the District covering the new sewer alignment. A quitclaim processing fee has been paid by the property owners. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION lilt :Mt ./ INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. DH Contra Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. Wtr.Pol. Con. It. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 1, 1983 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF 1982 ANNUAL SELF-MONITORING PROGRAM REPORT ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department Issue: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Self-Monitoring Program Annual Report for 1982 has been prepared for submission to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Section. SUBMITTED BY C. W. Batts Background: All effluent requirements were met through the year with the exception of 25 nonzero chlorine residual tests out of 8,760 analyses. These nonzero violations were measured at the Water Pollution Control/Reclamation Plant and were a result of process control problems, with a duration of 25 hours. The effluent discharge to the receiving waters is several miles downstream of the sample point, and full dechlorination occurred prior to discharge to Suisun Bay. In December there was a total coliform violation due to moving the sampling point to accommodate work on the new plant dechlorination facil ity. There was a total of 16,644 million gallons of wastewater treated for an average daily flow of 45.6 million gallons. This flow is an 18 percent increase over 1980 and a 21 percent increase over 1981. The treatment plant operated throughout the year and produced an average BOD of 6 mg/l and suspended solids of 7 mg/l for a 96 percent and 95 percent removal respectively. There was a total of 63,636 tons of solids produced this year for an average of 5,303 tons per month. These solids met the regulatory criteria for off-site disposal and were transported by truck for off-site disposal. Upon acceptance of this report by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Board of Directors, the Annual Report will be submitted to the Regional Water Quality Con,t ro 1 Boa rd. Recommendation: Acceptance of the 1982 Annual Self-Monitoring Program report. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CWB