HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-16-83 ". ,. ... ~a I ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. e POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT June 7, 1983 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE 1983-1984 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVAL Walter Funasaki Initiating Dept./Div. ,Administrative De t. SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The 1983-1984 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Budget is sub- mitted for approval by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1983-1984 Equipment and Personnel Budgets were approved by the Board of Directors on May 5, 1983 and June 2, 1983, respectively. The 1983-1984 O&M Budget was submitted to the Board for initial review at the June 2, 1983 Board Meeting and is scheduled for approval at the June 16, 1983 Board Meeting. A revIsion to the 1983-1984 retirement contribution amount, which was described at the June 2, 1983 Board Meeting, has been incorporated in the attached O&M Budget. The revision resulted in a $138,000 decrease in the retirement contribution expense, offset by a $13,714 decrease in the employee benefits amount which is capitalized as a cost of capital projects; the resulting net effect was a $124,286 decrease in 1983-1984 D&M expens~from the previously reported $16,459,473 to $16,335,184. The Board is requested to approve the 1983-1984 Operations and Maintenance Budget submitted herewith. A summary of actual, budgeted and projected expenses, revenues and reserves for the six fiscal years 1979-1980 through 1984-1985 is presented on Attachment A. Final adoption of the 1983-1984 Equipment, Personnel and Operations and Maintenance Budget is anticipated on July 7, 1983. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 1983-1984 Operations and Maintenance Budget. nlJ~' WF REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION @ PM ...-. z '" I'TI 0 CD X rt < " CD CD CD ::J ::J c: VI '" ZI'TlCD "'tI"'tIC"'lI'Tl~CD ....... o ::J VI C:~O::Ja.VI ::J < .. 3 QI -<0 3 .. I "C ::J - -.-. 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N \J1NW OON O\J) 3 v v v v '-.00 r-t W 0' 0' \J1 0 I N ::J ~ 0 0 N 00 W~OO )> I CD \J1 '-I 0 0' --\J) n - Vl r-t \J) r-t -0 \J1 0' ~ N \J1 '-I C 00 ""'\ ""'\ O'N W 00 \J1 NON 01 W 01 0 N~ \J) 00 000 r-t '-. CD 0 n ::J r-t CD ....... CD 0.. -VI- -VI- -VI- -VI- -VI- -VI- X N N \J) -0 CD \J) o:J 00 ::J 00 0 W N C W Vl W 0 W 0 '-I 0.. I CD I 0' W '-I W lC - Vl ~ v v v '" CD\J) \J) 00- \.0 ~ ~N'-I ~ r-t 00 )> 00 ON \J) W ..I:- 00 ..0-- '-I WOO ~ r-t 01 ~ \J) ~ \.0 \J) 0 ..1:-0'-1'-1..1:-0' r-t ""'\ ....... 01 CD 01 n ::J ~ 0.. '-" 3 ::J CD n ::J \J) ....... r-t C 00 -VI- -VI- -VI- -VI- -VI- -VI- )> 0.. ~ " - CD I N WW '-I - \J) N NN ""'\\J) 0.. v v v v v v 0 00 \J) 0' 0 ~ \J1 0 \J1 \.0-000'0- '-. ~ 00 0 N W 0 000 O\J)\J)N'-I- CD I ::J \J1 00 \J1 W 00 000 ~ 00 \J1 \J1 0' n - v v v v v v v r-t \J) 00- \.0 \.0 0 000 000000 CD 00 '-I N \.0 \.0 0 000 000000 0.. \J1 -~ \J) \.0 0 000 000000 '-" ....... I District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. Hear; ngs 2a b c 6 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT HOLD PUBLI C HEAR I NGS FOR ESTABL I SH I NG THE 1983-1984 TYPE OF ACTION ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGE (EQC) RATES AND FOR THEIR HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS COLLECTION, AS WELL AS THE COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT EQC ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL SUBMITTED BY Walter Funasaki rlltlatlng ept. IV. Administrative Dept. ISSUE: The District Codes and State law require holding Public Hearings for establishing the 1983-1984 EQC rates, and on the matter of placing current and delinquent charges on the tax roll for collection. BACKGROUND: Notlce of the June 16, 1983 Public Hearings to consider changes to the current schedule of Environmental Quality Charges. collection of the 1983-1984 EQC on the County tax roll and to receive and consider protests to having delinquent sewer charges collected on the 1983-1984 tax roll was duly given. It is recommended that three separate hearings be held to consider the matters described in the foregoing. Hearing to consider establishing the 1983-1984 EQC rates: Upon review of the O&M Budget and consideration of appropriate levels of reserves, the Board is required to determine changes to the schedule of Environmental Quality Charges on an annual basis. Hearing to consider collection of 1983~1984 EQC on the County tax roll: The law requires that a Public Hearing be held each year before the EQC can be placed on the tax roll. The EQC has been collected on the County tax roll since inception of the charge in 1976. Collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and effective means for the Dlstrict to collect the major portion of the100,OOO or so accounts. The alternative of direct billing by the District would be an unwarranted expense. Hearing to consider collection of delinquent sewer service charges: The District bills certain property owners directly. During the 1982-1983 fiscal year,three owners failed to pay charges which were billed directly to them. Information regarding the delinquent accounts is contained on the attached report. It is proposed that these de11nquent charges be collected on the 1983-1984 County tax roll, unless there are valid protests. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION nltlatlng d: '''''/^.''''~-~~..u WF PM "._"_ ."__.....___..._,~__.,_..'"'...,~.~. .<.,_."".~.._____.____."_._____"d'___"_"_"__'""__'_" Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION: Conduct three separate Public Hearings and upon their respective conclusions, adopt resolutions for the following actions: 1. Establish a 1983-1984 EQC rate schedule. 2. Authorize the collection of the 1983-1984 EQC on the County tax ro 11 . 3. Consider protests and, if appropriate, adopt the attached report pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code, for collection of delinquent service charges on the County tax roll. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR 80ARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR.!CHIEF ENG. I- (1) 0 0 0 0 0 ..s:::. ...... ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ...... e ::l (1) \.D \.D N \.D \.D 0 0 ::l l""I l""I r--. l""I l""I ...... E Cl ~ N <( (/)- (/)- (/)- (/)- III (1) O'l I- ro ..s:::. U (1) ~~ U e (1) > ::l...... eN! eN! eN! eN! I- O"~ 0' 0 0 0 (1) e ro .- III 0- e ~ (1) I- (1)!l- (1) Cl 3 (1) III "'0 (1) U ,-... ,-... N l""I l""I l""I 0 (1) 000000 000 000 > U 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 I e e oN oN oN ro ~OO~OO ~OO ~ 00 N c:n N c:n N c:n N c:n >- ro ---- CO .ur........ -(/')- '-'" (/)- ....... (/)- ....... III LLJ Vl ::l ell I- 0 a:: :z: <( :::> > :c 0 (1) "'0 U U I- a:: U 0. LLJ <( 0<( ro U 4- (1)U e I- 0 > I- > :z: <( 0<( a:: LLJ ...... >- ~ >U LLJ :::> e ...... III ...... (1) Vl d (1) I- III ::l (1) ,-... --l :z: E (1) (1) C I- (1) 0 a:: >- 0.1- ~U E E LLJ --l ro 0"'0 ro ro ro 3= LLJ 0. 1-"'0 3=...... Vl ~ LLJ Cl !l-<( ::l <( Vl e LJ"\ e O~ l""Iro 0. ...... ~3= l- e 0 (1) "'0 U ::l 1-"'0 "'0 c:n 0" ro ro ......>~ e ..c 3 0 e~ LJ"\ III >-a:: (1)CO~ <( ro r--. E c:n (1) (1) U :c..s:::.o 0.0 "'0 (1)3= ULJ"\ o~ <..!> III U ~ ro e~ ~ -C <( (1) III 0- er--.~ roc:n (1) ro U l- I- (1) ~ (1)~ (1) (1) a:: >0- ro III (1) I- <(~l""I<1) E (1)Cl (1) e"'O ell I- ro 0<( Cl (1) III 0_ 3"'0 <..!> XU !l- EU o ...... 1-...... 0<( <..!> 0 ro ..c ... ... (1) I- "'0 CO... <..!>~ ~ U~ (1) C (1) ..s:::. ::l00 <( 0 >- 3 0. 0 III ec:n e E I-c:nro 0 0 I- ~ O~LJ"\ ..s:::.~ ro ~ c:n 4- I- ro (1) 0 ro~ 000 ~ ror--.ro 4- 0. :c3=!l-3=c:n ""')~<( U l""I--l 0 "'0 ... (1) Ill... 0- III III I- 0 Ol III ~ r--. LJ"\ c >- III I I I (1) r--. \.D 5 (1) III N ~ > III 0 0 0 <( 0 I I I ... :z: 0 0 0 U >- c:n c:n 4- (1) ... 0 0 0. e I I I (1) III ::l c:n r--. N ..s:::. (1) 0 l""I c:n c:n l- I- U c((SD Central Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'IV. Heari ngs POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 1, 1983 SUBJECT HOLD A HEAR I NG FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADOPT I NG A "RESOLUT I ON OF NECESSITY" TO ALLOW THE ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC SEWER EASE- MENT BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR DISTRICT JOB 3842 IN THE WALNUT CR TYPE OF ACTION HOLD HEARING TO CONSIDER CONDEMNATION SUBMITTED BY Denn i s Ha 11 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division iSSUE The owner of the "Main Chancel! subdivision (No. 3842) has been unable to acquire a particular sewer easement through negotiation. BACKGROUND: A portion of the ';Main Chance" subdivision (120 units) is designed to sewer easterly to North Civic Drive. This sewer a1 ignment is the most logical and best engineering design. The sewer as proposed must cross, at right angles, a strip of land one foot wide which is owned by Mrs. Anna J. Garibotti. The developer has offered a fair and reasonable price for the easement rights, based on an appraisal by Robert Orr. Mrs. Garibotti has refused to negotiate or accept the tendered offer. A map of the required easement is attached. The City of Walnut Creek is also condemning for easement rights at two other locations across the one-foot strip. Because the owner will not grant an easement to this District based on an offer of fair market value, the Board has been requested by the developer to adopt a J'Reso1ution of Necessity" to acquire the easement rights through the Eminent Domain process. Board adoption of the "Resolution of Necessity" will authorize and empower District Counsel to proceed with condemnation action. The affected property owner has been notified of this hearing as required by law. RECOMMENDATION: A. Make findings that: 1. The pub1 ic interest and necessity require the project for which said pub1 ic sewer easement is to be acquired. 2. The proposed project is planned and located in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest publ ic good and the least private injury, and 3. Said publ ic sewer easement is necessary for the proposed project. B. Adopt a "Reso1ution of Necessity'; to acquire easement rights for sewer purposes by Eminent Domain. C. Direct District Counsel to proceed with condemnation for easement rights. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION iJt '/11 iN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of Incinerator Stairways and Platforms to General Conveyor, Inc., and authorize $239,400 from sewer construction funds. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FO/( BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ HSMc GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. JAL RAB J. ..J< ~, ~, I Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. ~ ~. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATEJune 14, 1983 SUBJECTAWARD CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MHF STAIRWAYS AND PLATFORMS AND AUTHORIZE $236,400 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS TYPE OF ACTION AWARD CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTI~p BY U D 1 d ::>teve !'IC ona INITIATING,..pEPT./DIV. . tnglneerlng Division ISSUE: A contract must be awarded or bids rejected within 45 days of the bid opening. Funds for this work were not included in the original Incinerator Repairs and Modifications Project authorization. BACKGROUND: On September 30, 1982 the Board authorized $1.875 million for Phases I and II of the Incinerator Repairs and Modifications Project. At that time the lack of safe and efficient equipment access and working plat- forms were known and the design cost was budgeted in Phase II. Construction of the stairways and platforms was included in the Phase III cost estimate. The advantages of proceeding ahead of Phase III are: o Safer and more efficient operation during testing, o Ability to simulate long term manpower requirements during the initial testing, o Potential for reducing the time between testing and long term operation if no other construction is required. Based on these reasons and the opportunity to complete this work at the same time as the fuel gas system modifications, the staff felt that it was prudent to proceed with the construction at this time. The construction includes two spiral stairways (one adjacent to each multiple hearth furnace), working platforms around the two waste heat recovery boilers, and seismic restraint for both waste heat recovery boilers. The relocation of existing piping and lighting fixtures to eliminate interferences with the stairways has been accomplished with District forces and small contracts. The work was advertised on May 24 and five bids were opened on June 9. A tabulation of the bids received i~ included as Attachment 1 to this position paper. The Engineer1s estimate for the work is $210,924. General Conveyor, Inc., is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder at $165,900. This work is being brought forward from Phase III and $236,400 is required to cover the cost of construction, utility relocation, and construction administration. The details of this budget amount are included in Attachment 2 to this position paper. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ HSMc V0 JAL tI!& RAB CENTRAL-r: NTRA COSTA SA~-~" DP 3694."3 SPIRAL STAIRWAYS AND WASTE HEAT RECOVERY JOB BOILER PLATFORM ATTACHMENT 1 \RY DISTRICT DATE ENGR. EST . 6/9/83 - 2:00 P.M. LOCATION . Treatment Plant $210,924 BIDDER - . NAME BID PRICE ADDRESS PHONE GENERAL CON'lEYOR., INC. 1. 2140 NORTH BROADWAY $165,900.00 WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596 934-9121 MONTEREY MECHANICAL CO 2. 8275 SAN lEANDRO ST. $218,159.00 OAKLAND, CA 94521 632-3173 lANG'S ENTERPRISES ..: , 3. 301 NORTH WASHINGTON $306,254.85 MODESTO, CA 95352 (209) 529-0136 - COFAB CORP. . 4. 1667 SEARS POINT RD. $314,696.00 VALLEJO, CA 94589 (707) 552-6333 5. o ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION, INC. P. O. BOX 906 $325,500.00 CONCORD, CA 94522 827-3339 0" - JOB CHKD. BY BY DATE SHEET NO. 1 DATE_WO/83 1 OF - - ~~-- -. -=~.. - -....--.... --- ATTACHMENT NO. 2 CONSTRUCTION OF SPIRAL STAIRWAYS AND WASTE HEAT RECOVERY BOILER PLATFORMS DP 3694.3 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE Item Cost l. Construction of spiral stairways, WHB $165,900 platforms and WHB seismic restraint. (General Conveyor, Inc.) Contingency(@ 10%) 16,600 Subtotal $182,500 2. Utility Relocations 1) lighting 8,000 2) Piping 7,500 15,500 3. Movable stairways 12,200 (Hearth to burner access) 4. Construction management 1) Malcolm Pirnie, 2nc.1 14,200 2) District forces - 12,000 26,200 Total $236,400 1 Malcolm Pirnie will provide office engineering during construction 2 District forces will provide contract administration and day to day inspection. <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 6 6/16/83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 74 (ORINDA AREA) June 7, 1983 TYPE OF ACTION COMPLETE ANNEXATION OF D.A. 74 Dennis R. Hall SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The District must pass a resolution to final ize the annexation of the above- referenced annexation. BACKGROUND: The District approved this annexation (property owned by Jerome Nava) on May 7, 1981, subject to L.A.F.C. modification of the existing District Sphere of Influence (S.O. I.) to include the subject territory. On May 11, 1983, L.A.F.C. Passed a resolution approving the subject annexation and amending the S.O.I. to include the Nava property and additional territory which will require sewer service in the future. The County has prepared a Negative Declaration covering this annexation. RECOMMENDATION: Approve annexation and adopt a resolution concuring with the Negative Declaration and ordering the completion of District Annexation No. 74. B REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. pt f)ItfZ ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VI. Consent Cal. 1 6 16 83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 7, 1983 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 83-9 (MARTINEZ) AND P.A. 83-10 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy, Manager INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Construction & Services Division Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agenc 83-9 Martinez Michael Macrusky 4946 Alhambra Valley Road Martinez, CA 94553 367-070-007 1.02 AC. One Single Family Home, CCCSD now on septic system. Owner is remodel ing and wants to connect to publ ic sewer. District to prepare Notice of Exemption. 83-10 Alamo John F. Campbell 136 Gaywood Road Alamo, CA 94507 198-020-04 1 . 54 AC. One existing home on fail ing septic system. Must connect to publ ic sewer. District to prepare Notice of Exemption. CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P. A. 83-9 and P.A. 83-10 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB /7f$ Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. Eng. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 9, 1983 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS FOR STORM DAMAGE REPAIRS AND AUTHORIZE $101,650 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY . Jarred Miyamoto-M,lls INITIATING D~T./OIV. . D,'v,'s,'on tng, neen ng Issue: Authorization is required to execute a contract for geotechnical engineering and predesign services to continue work on the storm damage repair projects. Additional funding is required. Background: The Board of Directors has authorized a total of $446,215 to date for work on the storm damage repair projects. The details of the expenditures to date are shown on Attachment 1. To date final corrective actions have been completed at 6 sites, interim corrective actions have been completed at 5 sites, and the preliminary engineering evaluation has been completed for 44 sites. The 44 sites have been classified into three project groups for long term repairs: GROUP I The damage at 19 sites is minor and repairs can proceed with a limited geotechnical engineering and design effort. These projects will be bid in groups using sketches, standard specifications, and unit price contracts. These projects are currently scheduled to be completed by November 30, 1983. GROUP II The damage at 10 sites is major or complicated and repairs will require a significant geotechnical engineering and design effort. Six of these projects are critical and must be completed prior to the next wet weather season to prevent further damage. These projects are currently scheduled to be completed by November 30, 1983. GROUP III The remaining 15 sites have legal, jurisdictional, or instituional questions that must be resolved prior to further action. These will become Group I or II projects as the questions are answered; however, funds for geotechnical engineering and predesign services for these projects are not included in this authorization. Design of the Group 1 and 2 Projects will be accomplished in two phases. During preliminary design, alternative repairs for each site will be evaluated including the options of deferring or not constructing any repairs. Legal and institutional questions will also be addressed during this phase. Plans and specifications for each project or sets of projects REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ?- JM2 (! jug cws Ve, JAL /NJ RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. will be prepared during final design. A formal District review will be conducted between the two phases for the purpose of selecting a course of action for each project. The project team for design of the storm damage repairs will consist of District staff and the engineering firm of Woodward-Clyde Consultants. District staff will be responsible for management of the three groups of projects, design of the Group 1 Projects, and resolving the problems associated with the Group 3 Projects. Woodward-Clyde will provide geo- technical engineering services for the Group 1 Projects and predesign services for Group 2 Projects. Woodward-Clyde's involvement is required because of the need for geotec~ni- cal engineering services and the current staff workload. Staff has negotiated a contract with Woodward-Clyde to provide the required services. The cost ceiling for these services is $73,000. The requested authorization of $101,650 is shown in detail on Attachment 2. The Board has previously authorized funds for design of four of the Group 1 Projects and one of the Group 2 Projects. This request does not include funds for these five projects. The Board will be requested to authorize additional funds for the construc- tion of the Group I projects and for the design and construction of Group II projects at future Board meetings. The estimated construction cost of the Group I and II Projects is $900,500. The anticipated timing of the future funding actions is shown on Attachment 3. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize the GM-CE to execute a contract for geotechnical engineering and design services with Woodward-Clyde consultants with a cost ceiling of $73,000. 2. Authorize $101,650 from sewer construction funds for predesign of repairs to 29 of the 44 storm damage projects and final design of repairs of up to 19 of the storm damage projects. 3. Authorize the use of $11,700 in emergency authorizations to be used as part of this general authorization. Attachments REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOil BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. JM2 CWS JAL RAE ATTACHMENT 1 STORM DAMAGE PROJECTS PREVIOUS AUTHORIZATION SUMMARY INTERIM/EMERGENCY REPAIRS Specific Locations Allowance for Other Locations $114,344 20,000 LONG-TERM REPAIRS 6 locations 311 ,871 TOTAL AUTHORIZATIONS $446,215 ATTACHMENT 2 STORM DAMAGE PROJECTS PRELIMINARY DESIGN COST ESTIMATE PROJECT PLANNING Project Planning and Organization $8,000 6,500 FEMA Grant Application Group I Projects Construction Approach and Preliminary Bid Documents 5,000 $19,500 LEGAL ASSISTANCE Legal Review Title Investigation 3,500 10,000 $13,500 GROUP 1 PROJECTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants 8,500 Project Management & Contract Preparation 6,400 $14,900 GROUP 2 PROJECTS Woodward-Clyde Consultants Project Management 50,500 1,750 1,500 600 1,000 8, 1 00 $63,450 Drafting Alternative Sewer Route Evaluation Site Clearing Survey GROUP 3 PROJECTS Project Management/Staff Support 2,000 $113,350 11 ,700 $101,650 TOTAL Less Remaining Authorization NET AUTHORIZATION ATTACHMENT 3 STORM DAMAGE PROJECTS PROJECT BOARD ACTIONS Board Meeting Action 6/16/83 Authorize funds for design of Group 1 and 2 Proj ects 7/21/83 Award construction contract for first set of Group 1 Projects Authorize funds for final design of Group 2 Projects 8/4/83 Award construction contract for second set of Group 1 Projects 8/18/83 9/15/83 Award construction contract for third set of Group 1 Projects Award construction contracts for Group 2 Projects 9/30/83 Award construction contracts for Group 2 Projects