HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-21-83 ~ oiL I BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'IV. Consent Cal. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 13, 1983 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 83-11 (SAN RAMON) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT Accept for Processing SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Construction & Services Division Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 83-11 San Ramon Michael Conkl in 18884 Boll inger Canyon Rd. San Ramon, CA 94583 208-240-031 2.17 Ac. Owner plans to build a two-story office building. The County has amended its general plan to permit this use. Contra Costa County RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 83-11 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. IiIfJ 1J7J1. DH RAB rv'_ FARIA 4Z9.01AC ~ --- -- -- -- -- --- "Ji-A.-JO , ~G ~\I...vo. ~"'? ~ ~..e'" ~ N E:.. SON 12 71 AC ) PROPOSED ANNEXATION RA. 81-// ((sD Cent BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. m. 7/21/83 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 30, 1983 SUBJECT CONSIDER INSURANCE PROPOSALS FROM DISTRICT BROKERS FOR POLICY YEARS BEGINNING JULY 1, 1983 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER INSURANCE PROPOSALS SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: The District's Risk Management Program should be reviewed for coverage and self-retention limits for policy years beginning July 1, 1983. BACKGROUND: The District's major property and general liability coverages which were written on a three-year rate guarantee basis will be due for renewal or placement as of July 1, 1983; other District coverages are written on an annual basis to coincide with the District's fiscal year beginning July 1. It is considered appropriate that a review of the District's Risk Management Program be completed at this time to determine the lines of insurance and the coverage and self-retention limits which should be maintained for the next three years. Presently, the District's insurance coverages are placed through two brokers: Schroder Insurance Agency provides general liability, boiler and machinery, public officials' liability, and employee blanket bond coverages; Kaine and McAuliffe is the broker for the property insurance coverages. Both brokers were given the opportunity to submit proposals for the District's entire risk management requirements. These proposals are summarized in a comparative format with the present coverages on Attachment A. The selection of_ the proposals which are considered to meet the District's risk management requirements may lead to the continuation of the dual broker arrangement, or may result in the appointment of a single broker. District staff's evaluation of the brokers' proposals, and recommendations for revisions to coverages and limits are made in the following sections by lines of insurance. Property: Schroder Insurance Agency has quoted an all-risk coverage for a blanket property limit of $123 million, $500,000 extra expense coverage and a self-retained limit of $25,000. Earthquake and flood coverage of $25 million for real and personal property with a $1 million self-retention is proposed. The annual premium quoted is $80,500. Kaine and McAuliffe, the present broker for this coverage, proposed all-risk coverage on a maximum foreseeable loss basis of $25 million for real and personal property, $500,000 extra expense coverage and a self-retained limit of $25,000. Earthquake and flood is provided with a $25 million coverage limit and rentention of $750,000 for earthquake and $250,000 for flood. The annual premium quoted is $70,000. Additional fire only coverage of $25 million can be obtained for approximately $8,500. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED "'OR BOARD ACTION WNF '7d~ Staff Assessment: Both proposals include replacement cost coverage, an agreed amount clause, and guaranteed three-year rates. While the $123 million blanket coverage amount in Schroder's proposal may seem significantly more advantageous than the $25 million proposed by Kaine and McAuliffe, its advantage is realized only if a loss exceeds the $25 million maximum foreseeable loss proposed by Kaine and McAuliffe; its impact on the premium quoted is not significant as underwriters have used a maximum foreseeable loss concept in developing the premium. It would be appropriate to consider obtaining earthquake and flood coverage for underground sewer lines, particularly in the current favorable insurance market. If earthquake and flood coverage were extended to underground lines, the premiums for Schroder and Kaine and McAuliffe would be increased to $92,000 and $88,000, respectively. Recommendation: As Schroder's proposal, which is quoted at a higher premium is not regarded as more advantageous to the District, the present Kaine and McAuliffe policy with the new coverage amounts and limits should be obtained. Liability: Schroder, the present broker for this coverage, has quoted an increase in coverage from $11 million to $25 million, with a decreased retention from $50,000 per occurrence/$100,000 aggregate to $25,000 per occurrence/$50,000 aggregate for the same $79,325 premium paid last year. Kaine and McAuliffe's proposal is for $25 million of coverage with a $25,000 per occurrence/$100,000 aggregate retention for an annual premium of $68,530. The policy is a "Public Entity Form" which is broadly written and contains few exclusions. Staff Assessment: The Kaine and McAuliffe policy is superior to the policy form, presently in force, being proposed by Schroder because it is broadly written and contains few exclusions. Additionally, the premium is believed to be significantly lower, even after consideration is given to the higher aggregate retention in Kaine and McAuliffe's proposal. Recommendation: Kaine and McAuliffe's proposal for comprehensive liability coverage for a quoted premium of $68,530 is recommended. Boiler and Machinery: The present coverage obtained through Schroder provides $2 million coverage and $5,000 expediting expenses with a $5,000 retention for an annual premium of $9,456. Due to a favorable insurance market and the present carrier's interest in retaining the coverage, Schroder is able to obtain increased coverages of $5 million and $25,000 expediting expenses with a $5,000 retention for an annual premium of $7,020. Kaine and McAuliffe proposes coverage of $5 million with .$25,000 expediting expenses and a $5,000 retention for an annual premium of $9,120. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Staff Assessment: The specialized nature of this coverage has produced generally standardized policy terms; therefore, selection should be made on the basis of the proposed premium. Recommendation: Schroder's proposal for boiler and machinery coverage for an annual premium of $7,020 is recommended. Public Officials' Liability: The present coverage of $1 million with a $10,000 retention provided by International Surplus Lines was obtained through Schroder for an annual premium of $7,650; the same premium is obtainable for the same coverage in the new year. If coverage were increased to $5 million with no retention, this carrier's premium would increase to $10,575. Alternatively, Schroder has proposed obtaining $5 million of coverage with a $2,500 retention for an annual premium of $6,540 from Lloyds of London. Kaine and McAuliffe proposes a public officials' liability coverage limit of $1 million with a $100 retention for Board Members and a $5,000 retention for District employees for an annual premium of $5,975; losses in excess of $1 million would be provided by the general liability policy proposed by Kaine and McAuliffe up to its $25 million coverage limit without additional premium. Staff Assessment: The public officials' liability coverage limit should be increased to higher levels commensurate with present-day risks. The $6,540 premium proposed by Schroder for $5 million of coverage with a $2,500 retention is considered reasonable. However, the additional $24 million of coverage which is included under the general liability policy proposed by Kaine and McAuliffe at no additional cost makes it unnecessary, under this broker's proposal, to increase the present coverage of $1 million. The Board should reaffirm its policy of reimbursing any covered individual for the retention amount in the event of a compensable claim under this coverage. Recommendation: Coverage of $1 million with a $100 retention for the Board of Directors and a $5,000 retention for District employees should be obtained through Kaine and McAuliffe for an annual premium of $5,975, with additional coverage of $24 million provided under the general liability policy recommended in a preceding section. Employee Blanket Bond: The present coverage of $1 million with a $100,000 retention was obtained through Schroder for an annual premium of $475. The policy is a three-year policy which will expire July 1, 1985. Recommendation: As this three-year policy expires in 1985, the present Employee Blanket Bond coverage should be continued to expiration. Pollution Liability Insurance: Non-sudden or gradual pollution caused by discharge of vapor, fumes, toxic chemicals, liquids or gases, and waste materials are not covered by general liability policies, but are available in specialized liability policies. Present regulations require owners or operators of hazardous waste REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. facilities to maintain non-sudden pollution liability coverage. District staff will review the advisability of obtaining this coverage and, if considered appropriate, premium quotations will be obtained and a recommendation will be made to the Board at a later date. RECOMMENDATIONS: The following recommendations are made based upon evaluation of the brokers' proposals for the Risk Management Program: o Property insurance coverage should be placed through Kaine and McAuliffe for the proposed increased coverage and self-retention limits for an annual premium of $70,000. o Liability insurance coverage should be placed through Kaine and McAuliffe for the proposed increased coverage and self-retention limits for an annual premium of $68,530. o Boiler and machinery coverage should be placed through Schroder Insurance Agency for an annual premium of $7,020. o Public officials' liability coverage should be placed through Kaine and McAuliffe for the recommended coverage limit of $1 million for an annual premium of $5,975 with coordination of coverage with the liability insurance policy to provide coverage to $25 million. The Board should reaffirm its policy for reimbursement of the retention to any covered individual in the event of a compensable claim. o Employee Blanket Bond coverage should be carried through expiration in July 1985 by Schroder Insurance Agency. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR 80ARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. ..: .... c v E .s::: u ~ .... ..: >- u a:: >-11> II>...J -..: ell> C >- 0.. a::o ..:a:: >-0.. - '" ZUJOO ":uCTI II>Z- ..: ..: a:: . >-:::>- v>v> CZ>- u -- :0 ..:......., a:: 0 >- Z>- o a:: u": X ...JX ..::::> a:: V> >- Z UJ U ~ .... .:< o e ..0 .s::: t o :z '" N C '" -;;;- .. o ...J V ..0 '" V Ql .. Ql .... o .... c c: 00 .. v .:< '" :0 cr .s:::." t 8 "'- UJ.... 000 000 000 Lt\00 NLt\Lt\ .....N </H/H/> III III III 1Il Q,) Q) cD Q) >>>-> 1Il U'I III \I) Q) Q) Q,) Q.l >>>> o o o o ..... <I> o 0 o 0 Lt\ 0 o N 00 CTI <I> <I> .:< ~ ..0 .s::: .... .... 0 v :z E '" V N c: C c: > c: 0 0 0 0 '" u 0:: Lt\ .... :;;: 0.- N C xx ox ~ v .. 00 Lt\_ .. .. VI .. Lt\ ~ .... 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E ::l.- 4- E l/l E ~ > (I) (]) l/l E~ > (I) "C l/l E (I) c.- (I) 0 L- L- ....J c.- (I) 0 L- C c.- (I) L- >-'- ....J (/) U 0.. 0.. - ....J (/) U 0.. /'0 -....J (/) 0.. 01-1 L- /'0 L- (I) L- . (I) 0. /'O.!l U "C (I) 4- (I) /'O.!l U "C (I) /'O.!l u"C 0 C L- (I) 0 0.. c:l a:I Cerr~raB Contra Costa Sanitary Dis't~'ac.t BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. VI. Wat. Pol. Contr 1 P 1. 7 21 83 DATE July 14, 1983 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHOR I ZAT I ON OF $65,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTI ON FUNDS FOR RELOCATION OF THE GRIT SYSTEM CAPITAL EXPENDITURE SUBMITTED BY Will i am Brennan INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Dept./Operations Div. Issue: The existing treatment plant grit dewatering system pumps grit to the Sol ids Conditioning Building and drops the dewatered grit into an ash hopper. These hoppers will be required for ash storage during furnace testing and operation, and the grit dewatering system should be relocated at this time. Background: The grit system has been an operational and maintenance problem because of the distance and 1 ift required to bring the grit from the preaeration tanks to the third floor of the Sol ids Conditioning Building. It has been estimated that the maintenance cost for unplugging these 1 ines runs over $S,OOO/year. Other typical problems are pump wear and inadequate capacity. This project was part of the Table 8 items in the 1 itigation settlement and is not el igible for grant funding. The main justification for this project, aside from improved process performance, is energy conservation; reduced pumping cost is estimated to be $lS,OOO/year at current electrical rates. The planned schedule of this project would provide an operating system by the furnace testing timeframe. The possibility of,mixing relatively wet grit with dry ash could cause problems with unloading the ash hopper; therefore, the project should be completed in the near future to avoid any additional cost to the furnace project. It appears that the most expeditious way to meet this timeframe is to have the Plant Operations Department build a grit facility using Plant Maintenance Division forces and outside contactors as necessary. This facility will consist of a concrete driveway suitable for a drop box and an elevated platform upon which one of the existing hydrogritter units will be mounted. As much as possible, existing materials and equipment will be used. It will be located at the southeast corner of the preaeration/primary sedimentation tanks adjacent to odor control unit No.2. A second unit will be built next to this one as a second phase of this project. The purpose of this second unit will be to handle the large volumes of grit which are carried into the plant during wet weather flows and will provide backup to the initial unit. This additional unit will require a subsequent authorization by the Board of Directors. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /11 f {J WEB CWB The cost of building the first platfonm and installing the associated equipment, piping, and electrical is estimated to be $65,000. Recommendation: Authorize $65,000 in sewer construction funds to relocate the grit system. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG.