HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-06-84 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I I I. BIDS & AWARDS 1 9 6 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 29,1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 20006 PLANT OPERATION AWARD CONTRACT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MODICICATIONS FOR HVAC CHLORINE EXCLUSIO , AND AUTHORIZE $26,219 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Dave Reindl SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Sealed bids for District Project No. 20006 - Plant Operations Building EI ectrl ca I Mod I f I cations for Heatl ng, Venti I atl ng, and A I r Cond I tl on I ng (HVAC) Chlorine Exclusion were received on August 20, 1984. The Board of Directors must award a contract or reject proposals within 60 days of the opening. BACKGROUND: On July 26, 1984, the Board of Directors authorized funds for the design of the Chlorine Exclusion Project. The project will modify the Plant Operat Ions Pump and B lower Bu II ding HV AC Contro I System to prov I de automat I c shutdown of ventilation equipment upon a signal from remote chlorine leak detectors. Plans and Specifications for the project were completed and advertisements Inviting sealed bids were placed on Friday, August 3, 1984 and Wednesday, August 8, 1984. The District received three bids ranging from $11,501 to $15,447. The lowest respons I ve bidder was A I hambra E I ectr I c. Th I s bid I s lower than the eng I neer' s est I mate of $19,600 and ref I ects conservat I sm I n the eng I neer' s est I mate and a competitive bidding situation. A tabulation of the bids Is attached. A separate mechanical modification to the HVAC System Involves the Installation of of Back Draft Dampers for the Pump and Blower Building fresh air fans. This work has been arranged under a separate contract. The cost for this work Is Included In the attached budget breakdown. $26,219 Is needed to complete the project Including contract construction, construction management, engineering support, and as-built drawings. RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of District Project No. 20006 to Alhambra Electric per their bid of August 20, 1984 and authorize $26,219 In Sewer Construction Funds for contract construction, construction management, and contingencies. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~. 1 .., .. .. \I> ' ?' t. DJR f!#J ...^"._...._._---~..__.."~..._.,."._- ,,- _._.~_._. ....,.....-...-.--- ,..- ~-_.'+,-". ._-------~---_._.~,-,..,,_.,....~- ".,,, , ._---_._'-".~-....--.._....,._._-_.""--".._-_.._...._-,"--------_.,----,-----~---- POST BID ~RECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF cosn FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 20006 ITEM DESCRIPTION 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ITEM AMOUNT 1. Construction Contract (As Bid). . . . . . . . . . . . la. Back Draft Damper Installation (Separate Contract) lb. Back Draft Damper Materials 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies . . . . . . 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ -0- Inspection a'1d .Copstru.ctj 0'1 M.an~gE;me.nt. . $5.616.00 Engineering .In.c a/~l /.84. . . . . . . . . $2,200.00 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals . . $ 7.816.00 Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat TOTAL . $11.501.00 3,922 2,000 . $ 3,485.00 $ 7,816.00 .:- -0- . . . . . . . .$ Total Estimate Required to Complete Project Pre Bid Expenditures Survey. Engineering, Printing, Advertising Special Services Right-ot-Way Acquisition. . $ 9.995.00 . $ -0- -0- . $ Total Preconstruction Incidentals (as ot 7-31-84 ). . $ 9.995.00 Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5 & 7) Funds Previously Authorized . . . . . . .. . Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. (Item 8 minus Item 9) .$28.724 $ 9.995 .00 . '.' $ 38,719.00 . $ 12.500.00 .... . $ 26,219.0'0 . % CONST. CONTRACT 6.6% 22% 12% 20% 32% 45% - 165% 57% 222% 2050-8-78 s ~ ~ \} t; In ~ ~ c 0 li: ~ < lD I- ~ In < d l.) < !: z o l.) ~ ~ l.) I III Z o ~ ..J al < I- o a ~ ~ \1) '" ~. tl: ~ "- ~ \l- ~ ",. ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \.. \l ~ ~ ~~ ! .! '" w .~ Q) Q) .: ell c W , ( ~ ~ I ~ ~ en \ ' ~ ~ ~ a ~\~ ~ , ::i:: ; ~ ~ ~ j:i o ., - iQ o I- ..Q) .- U C.- ::>.t :! ~ - ..Q) .- U C._ ::>"" 0... :! ~ ..Q) .- U c.- ::>'" a.. :! o I- ..Q) .- U C._ ::>Q: ..Q) .- U C.- ::>Q: 13 > 'a; o Q) a: Q) iO o I I I \\ " :::: ~ \n "(. 1\ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1\ ~ ~ ~ :! ~ c .g .9: ~ '" Q) o i ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ \l o z \\ ~ E ~ .... ~ ~ In "'C ~I "'<. ~ ~ ~ '" -< .\ 't ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ c ~ " \j t\ " ~ 'z l\ " ~ " '- \\ ~ I:P l<) '- l \) ~ ~ I[ '< ~ ~. ~ I I Ie .n I CIl ... o N t\ r'.. ~ ~ ~' , ~\ , ~ ,-- .... "! ~ "." ~ ~. " l\ "~ '-0 ~ " - ... iii '0 I- -.:I iii I BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 1 9/6/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE AUGUST 27, 1984 SUBJECT RECEIVE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROCEDURES FOR DESIGN OF SEWER SYSTEMS IN HILLSIDE AND CREEK AREAS TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY JAY McCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING DEPT./CONSTRUCTION DIVISION ISSUE: It Is necessary to control the locations and types of sewer pipes wh I ch w III be I nsta II ed In hili s I de and creek areas so that future adverse effects of sl Ides and bank erosion wll I be minimized. BACKGROUND: The District's collection system was extensively damaged by landsl Ides and erosion during the winters of 1982-83 and 1983-84. It has become apparent that a need ex I sts to forma II ze current po II c I es and develop written criteria and procedures for avoiding new sewers which are proposed to be Installed In potentially unstable areas. With such criteria and procedures, the damage from landslides and erosion wll I be greatly reduced. The attached procedures have been prepared to minimize potential future damage from landslides and erosion. Job engineers will be required to prepare and submit soils reports which wll I delineate suspected problem areas for al I hillside developments. If necessary, special geotechnical evaluations wll I be required along specific sewer alignments to Identify and prov I de for the correct I on of unstab I e areas. Eng I neers w III be required to meet certain dimensional standards (which are Included In the procedures) to minimize the effects of erosion on pipeline Instal lations. The proposed procedures have been rev I ewed by the Bu II ding Industry Association, and their comments have been Incorporated. The procedures are being presented to the Board for information. No formal action is req u I red. Staff w II I I ncorporate any comments the Board may have and Inform al I design engineers of the new requirements. RECOMMENDATION: ACknowledge and comment on the procedures for design of sewer systems in hillside and creek areas. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RJD NG D}%'1.DIV. /4~t JSM J2ft-e RAB CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED FOR DESIGNING SEWERS TO BE LOCATED IN HILLSIDE AND CREEK AREAS 1. Soils reports wll I be required where: a. Slopes of hills where sewers are proposed for Installation exceed 1 5 per cent. b. Sewers are proposed for Installation within 50 feet of creekbeds. c. Sewers are proposed for Instal Jatlon within the range of Influence of a possible landsl Ide from adjacent hll I. d. Sewers are proposed for Installation In historical sl Ide locations. 2. A soils report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer practicing In Geotechnical Engineering must be submitted by the Job engineer which covers the proposed project. 3. If the project geotechnical report provided does not cover an off-road sewer alignment, the District may require a supplementary report. This report, at a minimum, must address the fol lowing: a. Supplementary geological setting, general soils and bedrock conditions along the proposed sewer alignment, and recommended set backs from sl Ides and creeks. b. Stabl II Ity or Instability of selected sewer alignment. c. Potential ground water problems. d. Effect of trenching on slope stabllllty (negative Impacts on s lope) . e. Spec I a I backf III, spec I a I trench I ng req u I rements, or spec I a I supports that may be recommended. f. Erosion potential of soils around sewer near water courses. g. Recommended corrections If an Instability exists or may develop. 4. Installation of sewers In unrepalred sl Ide areas Is to be avoided. a. If an acceptable gravity route Is feasible around the unrepalred slide, the sewer must be Instal led around the sl Ide. b. If the only feasible gravity route is through a slide area, a complete study of the slide must be made by a Geotechnical Engineer. The Geotechnical Engineer must propose a solution which is satisfactory to the District. The normal solution is the repair of the slide. c. If a satisfactory gravity solution does not exist, the pumping of sewage from individual homes will be considered. 5. The Project Engineer must furnish a map which shows existing creeks or swales which may convey water in the vicinity of any proposed sewer main alignments. 6. Sewers shall not be designed to be located in the bottom of swales or creeks. 7. For sewers which will be parallel to swales or creeks, the sewer must be designed far enough away from the drainageway to eliminate the possibility of future eroding around the sewer. A Geotechnical Engineer shall review the proposed alignment and furnish recommendations regarding long-term erosion potentials. a. If it is unfeasible to locate sewer mains on the downslope side of future homes and maintain a safe distance from drainage ways, consideration will be given to installing the sewers in street areas which may result in the installation of residential sewage pumps on individual homes. 8. For sewers which cross creeks or swales, the crossing shall be as nearly perpendicular to the drainageway as feasible. a. Bank and bottom protection shall be designed per the recommendation of a Geotechnical Engineer and shall be installed in the drainageway as a part of the overhead or underground crossing. b. The Project Engineer shall pay particular attention to designing adequate support foundations and protection for the foundation. 9. An access easement (mnimum width of ten feet) shall be granted by the developer from the nearest public street to the creek crossing structure along the route of the sewer main, if possible, for future maintenance. 10. The attached design standards shall be used by the Project Engineer when designing sewers in hillside and/or creek areas. DESIGN STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO SEWERS WHICH ARE TO BE LOCATED IN HILLSIDE AND CREEK AREAS 1. Sewers to be installed across hillside slopes (generally parallel to contours) shall be ductile iron (no bedding) if the cross slope of the hill exceeds 25 percent. 2. Sewers to be installed parallel to defined creeks shall be located no closer than 20 feet from the top of the bank if the creek bank is defined; if not, no closer than 30 feet from the centerline of the creek. 3. Sewers to be installed parallel to defined creeks from 20 to 50 feet away from the top of the bank shall be ductile iron (no bedding). 4. Manholes to be installed on either ends of creek crossings shall be located no closer than 20 feet from the top of the creek bank. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. ENGINEER 2 9/6/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE AUGUST 24, 1984 SUBJECT APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH INDUSTRIAL TANK CORPORATION (I.T.) TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE AGREEMENT JAY McCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING DEPT./CONSTRUCTION DIVISION SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: A license agreement with I.T. is needed to permit I.T. to construct, reconstruct, maintain, and operate two waste transmission pipes across District- owned property. BACKGROUND: The District owns a strip of property near the east end of I.T.'s treatment plant. The District's outfall pipel ine is located within this strip of land. I.T. has installed two above-ground, steel pipel ines over the District's property. The District and I.T. have negotiated a 1 icense agreement which provides for I.T.'s installation, operation, and maintenance of the pipel ines, a $600 per year payment to the District for use of the land, I.T. keeping the land free from waste, and I.T. bearing the costs of relocation or removal of the pipel ines. The 1 icense has been signed by I.T. and is being forwarded to the Board for approval and authorization for the President of the Board and Secretary of the District to sign. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize the execution of a 1 icense agreement with I.T. RAB fJIrrj ~ AC.. E 'tLL co..... 12'5.1' AC. \ I, I t .. t" ,H BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. ENGINEERING 3 9/6/R4 OS ON nAp I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P ITI r"'I""l ER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT August 31, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $30,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR OUTFALL INSPECTION AND REPAIR PROJECT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY John Larson, Engineering Division Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department ISSUE: An authorization of $30,000 is required to complete the planning phase of the Outfall Inspection Project. BACKGROUND:. Treated effluent from the District1s treatment plant is discharged to Suisun Bay via a four mile long outfall that was built in 1958. The outfall has experienced leaks at several locations, most notably near the Industrial Tank evaporation ponds. A major cause of the leaks appears to be settlement induced by levees and other earthwork which have been placed over or adjacent to the outfall since 1980. The settlement has caused joint separation in an unknown number of the approximately 2,000 joints in the outfall. An inspection of the condition of the outfall is needed at this time to determine the number of bad joints. The inspection is tentatively scheduled for the end of September. This authorization would provide the money to complete planning for the inspection and repair effort and would authorize a previous General Manager-Chief Engineer $5,000 work order authorization. Additional funds to cover the in-pipe inspection and repairs will be requested when planning for the project is complete. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $30,000 in Sewer Construction Funds for the Outfall Inspection and Repair Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JAL ~ RAB GEN.JG:~(cjHIEF ENG. J~~jL RJD INITIATING DEPT./DIV. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH DAVID M. GRIFFITH AND ASSOCIATES FOR GRANTS ADMINISTRATION SERVICES AND AUTHORIZE $16,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND Au ust 31, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department ISSUE: Authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with David M. Griffith and Associates to assist in developing indirect cost rates for District force account work on Clean Water Grant projects. An authorization of Sewer Construction Funds is also required. BACKGROUND: The District has received State and Federal Clean Water Grants for the Stage 5A and 5B projects. Under the grant program regulations, the District may be reimbursed for certain force account costs related to these projects. Potential grant eligible force account costs that have been or will be incurred are in excess of $1.19 million. Indirect costs associated with District staff efforts may also be reimbursed provided that the indirect cost rates are approved by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). Grant eligible indirect cost rates range from 20 to 35 percent of direct costs. Thus, the District has an opportunity to recover from $238,000 to $416,000 for overhead costs. Staff proposes to retain David M. Griffith and Associates (DMG) to assist in developing indirect cost rates for several fiscal years and obtaining approval of these rates from SWRCB. DMG will provide these grant administration services on a lump sum basis for a total cost of $16,000. DMG was selected to provide these services because of their extensive experience in developing indirect cost rates for various State and Federal programs, including the Clean Water Grant Program. DMG has provided services to half of the counties, most major cities, and many special districts in California. The cost of the grant administration services provided by DMG is not eligible for grant funding. However, their work product will enable the District to seek reimbursement of a substantial amount of indirect costs. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the agreement with David M. Griffith and Associates for grant administration services. Authorize $16,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for these services. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CWS RAB L~ \~NF ~ cc{S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS G NEERING 5 9 6 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS TO COMPLETE STAGE 5B PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE $33,100 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS. Au ust 31 1984 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY JOHN LARSON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING DIVISION ISSUE: Board approval is required for the GM-CE to execute a contract amendment with John Carollo Engineers. Board authorization is required for sewer construction funds. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved a lump sum contract with John Carollo Engineers (JCE) in 1982 to complete plans and specifications for the Stage 58 Project. The total lump sum price was $438,000. The estimated construction cost is $6,000,000. The 90% plans and specifications were completed in 1982 and were submitted to SWRCB for grant funding. On July 9, 1984, the State Water Resources Control Board gave its approval to complete the design. JCE is currently working under the existing lump sum contract to finish the plans and specifications described in the initial scope of work. The 2-1/2 year delay in SWRCB approval has caused an increase in design administration costs. In addition, a change of circumstances has resulted in the need for some design changes. Consequently, an amendment to the lump sum price has been negotiated with JCE for an additional $33,100. This increase covers additional work required to obtain SWRCB approval, new work to reflect current conditions, new work to meet SWRCB requirements, and the increased labor and overhead incremental costs for the remainder of the existing lump sum contract. A summary of the costs is attached. This work is to be completed by the end of October. To avoid further delays, the District elected to proceed with Stage 58 design without waiting for grant funding approval. This amendment is therefore not covered by clean water grant funding. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the GM-CE to execute a contract amendment with John Carollo Engineers to complete the Stage 58 plans and specifications and authorize $33,100 from sewer construction funds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION f;x- j L JAL m NITIATING DEPT./DIV. RAB PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS STAGE 5B CONTRACT AMENDMENT COST SUMMARY Additional work to support SWRCB approval $ 1,300 New work to meet current conditions: o Project status review o Combine D.A.F. and hydraulic expansion contracts into one document o Add MUX connections 6,800 6,000 12,500 New work to meet SWRCB requirements Increased labor and overhead 4,000 2,500 TOTAL $ 33 , 1 00 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 9/6/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 29, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH URBAN ALTERNATIVES AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY James M. Kell Division Division ISSUE: Authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract with Urban Alternatives (U.A.) to provide public participation services for the District Solid Waste Management Project. BACKGROUND: On June 28, 1984, the Board authorized $190,000 in Sewer Construction Funds to conduct the District Solid Waste Management Project. One important element of this project is the public participation program. The public participation consultant will perform the lead role in formulating and implementing the District's public participation program. Public participation is a highly specialized field. The District staff interviewed several experts in the field to develop the overall public participation approach and to determine candidate consultants. The candidate consultants were interviewed; U.A. is recommended to be engaged to perform the lead role in public participation based upon both excellent qualifications and references for public participation in projects similar to the Solid Waste Management Project. U.A.'s Scope of Work will include establishing the method of disseminating information about the project; establishing workshop and meeting sites; disseminating general information and notifications of meetings; preparing agenda, mailers, and graphics for meetings, conducting meetings, and preparing summary reports of the meetings; and assist the District staff in preparing the public participation portion of the Summary Report. District staff has prepared a Scope of Work and has conducted contract negotiations with U.A. The contract with U.A. is on a per diem basis with a $23,309 cost ceiling. No additional Sewer Construction Funds are needed as the $23,309 was part of the original $190,000 authorization. RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorize General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute contract with Urban Alternatives to provide public participation consultation for the District Solid Waste Management Project. The contract will be on a per diem basis with a $23,309 cost ceiling. No funds are requested in this authorization. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMK RAB NG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer No.VI. W.P. CONTROL PLAN 1 9 6 84 DATi: AUgust 30, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION OF $10,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR A MOISTURE/SOLIDS ANALYZER. AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: The Plant Operations Department requests authorization of $10,000 from Sewer Construction Funds to purchase a Multiple Sample Moisture/Solids Analyzer . BACKGROUND: An important operational parameter in the sludge handling process is sludge cake dryness. The Plant Operations Department reports the sludge cake percent solids through the Acme Landfill to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, as part of the requirements for landfill disposal. Normally such measurements are done by the Solids Conditioning Building operator using an "Ohaus" balance and taking several hours to dry multiple samples. Currently there are two other important reasons to measure the percent of moisture/solids in dewatered sludge; first~ such feedback would facilitate polymer conservation allowing the centrifuge operator to maintain required solids concentration with minimal polymer usage. Second, rapid solids analysis will be critical to furnace operation; sludge feed to the multi-hearth incinerator should be maintained as constant as possible. Variations in sludge feed to the furnace can cause air emmissions violations or excessive natural/landfill gas consumption if the sludge cake is too wet. The Plant Operations Department has identified a system that will allow rapid drying and analysis of dewatered sludge samples with minimum sample handling. Such a system would also allow more efficient use of operator time and reduce sampling errors. This system combines unique microwave technology with digital computer electronics; the unit has mul ti-sample capability. This system would be a sole-source purchase from CEM Corporation and would cost approximately $10,000. The Plant Operations Department has examined this piece of equipment during the furnace test and found the system applicable for sludge moisture/solids analysis. If such a system resulted in a two percent savings in polymer and landfill gas consumption, it would pay for itself in less than one year. RECOMMENDATION: Authorization of $10,000 in Sewer Construction Funds for a moisture/solids analyzer. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIAIT[E CWB .!DIV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 9 6 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 31, 1984 SUBJECT APPROVE $40,000 PAYMENT FOR BARBARA BLUME LANDSLIDE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT FROM THE O&M CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TYPE OF ACT ION LEGAL/LITIGATION SUBMITTED BY Jack E. Campbell INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Risk Management and Safety ISSUE: The settlement of the Blume case is proceeding and the payment of the District's portion should be made from the O&M contingency account which was establ ished for the 1984-85 budget year. Expenditures from this account require Board approval. BACKGROUND: The proposed Blume settlement agreement was presented at the July 26, 1984 adjourned Board Meeting. The Board approved the $40,000 District share, and it now appears that this settlement will be consummated. One of the expense categories proposed for the newly establ ished O&M contingency account was for large claim settlements, and the overall 1984-85 budget was set up accordingly. The Board retained specific approval authority for this account and the staff requests payment of the $40,000 Blume settlement from it. RECOMMENDATION: Approve payment of the $40,000 Blume landsl ide settlement from the 1984-85 O&M contingency account. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INll~AQG DEPT./DI'\I. ". (R- JEC PM