HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-20-84 . --- ------- -- -- -~- --- - I Central Costa Sanitat J1 Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS i NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 12 20 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE DECEMBER 14, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACT ION HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF THE GROVER PARCEL IN HOLD PUBLIC HEARING LAKE ORINDA HIGHLANDS AND THE EXTENSION OF THE PUBLIC SEWER TO SERVE SAID PARCEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JAY McCOY, CONSTRUCTION DIVISION MANAGER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT/CONSTRUCTION DIVISION ISSUE: It is necessary to hold a publ ic hearing to obtain information from interested parties on their concerns relative to the development of the Grover parcel. BACKGROUND: Mr. William Grover has requested that the District annex a 0.46 acre parcel he owns on Camino Del Diablo in Orinda (see attached map). The parcel is currently vacant, and Mr. Grover desires to build one single-family home on it. A public sewer must be extended in Camino Del Diablo to provide sewer service to the parcel. The proposed sewer project is shown on a display map which will be avail abl e at the Board Meeti ng. Because of the sensitive nature of the Lake Orinda Highlands area, the Board of Directors is holding a public hearing on the proposed project. For purposes of this discussion, the project is defined as the annexation of the property and the extension of the public sewer. The following events are anticipated to occur on the night of the hearing. o The public hearing is opened o The Board receives comments from the public o The hearing is closed o If any environmentally sensitive issues are raised, the Board directs staff to review the issues and report to the Board the measures which will be taken to mitigate the potential adverse effects which may result from the project. o If no environmentally sensitive issues are raised, staff will proceed with he finding that the project is an exemption category of Class III, New Construction of Small Structures and that neither a negative declaration nor an environmental impact report are required. RECO~ENDATION: Hold a public hearing regarding the annexation of the Grover parcel in Lake Orinda Highl ands and the extension of the publ ic sewer to serve sai d parcel. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB /~ ~ a (' .~~ ~, ,0 -\'~ ~ <y.<:( ,,0 '? rot>. ~ v ( \ /' /j 56 55 -<..'~ ~' ,,~ ,0. '?" t>.' ~~ z~ 1,,0 jrle ~ 1'6 11~ ~6 o o ~( r;;\ \~O \~ (i' o l.';:. - \ 84-26 / - a . ~rn rn @ rn n \YJ rn [ill ., ~l ,I DEe 1'( 1984 WILLIAM H. WALLACE 245 MARKET STREET SAN FRANCISCO 94106 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION DIVISION, December 12, 1984 Mr. Jay McCoy Construction Division Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. McCoy: Re: Proposed Annexation - P.A. 84-26 I strongly support any extension of sewer service in the Lake Orinda Highlands area. I wish there were some way to force people with failing septic tanks/fields to hook up to the sewer. I am surprised that you let the occupants at 19 Camino del Diablo rebuild their failed septic tank rather than hook up to the sewer that I put in to 14 Camino del Diablo. Sincerely, &~ I - 245 MARKET STREET ;, 1M rn @ rn u \Yl rn [ID '. ~ ;1 DEe l'i 1984 WILLIAM H. WALLACE SAN FRANCISCO 94106 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION DIVISION. December 12, 1984 Mr. Jay McCoy Construction Division Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. McCoy: Re: Proposed Annexation - P.A. 84-26 I strongly support any extension of sewer service in the Lake Orinda Highlands area. I wish there were some way to force people with failing septic tanks/fields to hook up to the sewer. I am surprised that you let the occupants at 19 Camino del Diablo rebuild their failed septic tank rather than hook up to the sewer that I put in to 14 Camino del Diablo. Sincerely, &V~ <e<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. V. BIDS & A~JARDS 1 12/20/84 DATE December 12, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD PURCHASE ORDER FOR ONE GENERATOR SET TO PETERSON POWER SYSTEMS FOR $25,655.85 AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD PURCHASE ORDER SUBMITTED BY Ken Laverty, Purchasing & Materials Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Purchasing ISSUE: One generator set for Pump Stations North was authorized for purchase in the 1984/1985 Equipment Budget. Staff work has been completed and we hereby recommend that the purchase be approved. BACKGROUND: The Request for Bids was publicly advertised on November 30, 1984, and bids were publ icly opened on December 10, 1984. Three bids were received. A technical and commercial evaluation was conducted by Plant Operations Department and Purchasing (see Attachment No.1) which shows that Peterson Power Systems is the lowest responsible bidder. Peterson Power Systems bid a del ivery schedule of 12 to 14 weeks. Staff has evaluated and found the del ivery time to be acceptable, based upon the reasoning that the cost savings between this low bid and the next lowest bid would be more than sufficient for rental of an interim generator set if necessary. Since funding was previously approved by the Board, no funds will be requested. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a purchase order to Peterson Power Systems for one generator set for a total of $25,655.85. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ KL PM CB RJD ~ I- Z LLJ L ::c u e:( 1-- l- e:( \. r, ~, y -l-J tIl Q) :J 0- Q) II: a:: ~ w ~ -0 :;) .- Z co ~ e: 3 Q) >-0 .- Q) I.. -l-J "'P e: z I :J o ~ 0 Ii: ~ E a: Q) I.. ~ .- Q) o-o~ ... :s II: i U LJ\ LJ\ o I- o~ Z en Q - Cl2 ... o .z o ;: oc( .... ::2 CQ c( to- lL o ~ ~ 1'~ ~ 11 ~ ~ ~I~ .~ VI~ ~ sl~ -l-J Q) tIl -l-J .- ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ J. ~ ..... ro I" vi'~ I.. e: o :J -l-J co I.. I.. 0 Q)-l-J e: co Q) e: Oll.. Q) 3:-l-J ~~ co .::: a; c- .- .~=~ :>I >..... oit~ C Q)...... .'- EN ,~ LLJ ~ o LJ\ ..r::. ~ -l-J 3 co Q) I.. Z-l-J << ~ 8 << z 0 '" 0 .> c( tIl E Q) +-' ~ (/) I.. Q) 3 o a.. e: o tIl I.. Q) -l-J Q) a.. ii z .. 11 11 o u .. c ~ i .- i.a <1J ::;: .- ~ ~ ~ -l-J ~ 3 o w a ~ :f ... w ~ o ... ai ~ :;) go", 00": 0 z o 3 c " -l-J v: ~ ~~~o ~-C::J~ <-. 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U :J .- -l-JH- u - co U 4- Q) :J 0. e:(/) co :::E o U e: .- :3 +- co I.. .'- o I.. e: co .- > L I.. co '0 I.. Q) -l-J co U -l-J co I.. .- o I.. e: co .- > L I.. Q) -l-J co I.. .- o I.. e: co .- > L ..r::. ~ " Q) ~o co :::E .. ~ till co e:i U 0' .- .-1- e: -l-J ..r::. 0. U Q) Q) U l- X LLJ tIl e: o tIl e: o Q) 1-0 I~ ~ tIl e: o Q) e: o Z -l-J e: I e:LJ\> -l-J tIl 0 ~ ~ tIl E .- I ~ .- I.. -l-J 0 co LJ\ Cl Q) .- (V'\ E r--. .,.,I--g-l-J::;cn oQ) III 0 e: e: r--. -l-J -. U Q) ....... 0"\ ~0-o[~~ '-,'- e: co N Q)I..CO..r::.-o a:: (/) ~ co o l.L. N (V'\ co U I.. Q) E E o u o 0"\ 0"\ o N (V'\ LJ\ 0:::> LJ\ LJ\ \.0 LJ\ N BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. BIDS & AWARDS 2 12/20 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 13, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACT ION AWARD CONTRACT FOR $18,500 TO FABRICATE AND INSTALL STEEL ROOFING AND SIDING ON THE GRIT DEWATERING FACILITY AW ARD CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. William Brennan, Senior En ineer Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: The Board of Directors has authorized a total of $90,000 in capital funds for refurbi shment of the Grit Dewateri ng System. Staff work has been comp1 eted for the purchase of the 1 ast maj or porti on of thi s work, and it is recommended that the purchase be approved. BACKGROUND: The Grit Dewatering Handling System (Grit II) as approved by the Board on February 21, 1984, consisted of an expansion of the existing platform to accommodate a second hydrogritter with appropriate piping and electrical service. The platform was fabricated by an outside supplier and installed by Plant Operations Department maintenance workers. A total of $65,638 has been expended on the project. In addition, a metal panel roof with walls to the south and west were to be provided under the previous authorization. Formal bidding commenced with publication of Notice to Contractors on November 13 and 18, 1984. Six contractors completed the site inspection, as required, and were given their bid package upon completion of the inspection. Bids were publicly opened and read on Wednesday, December 5, 1984. Three bi ds were received as follows: Contractor Bid Amount Excepti ons Capitol Contractors GCI Mobile Mechanical Morosen Construction Anning-Johnson Co. COFAB $18,500.00 19,600.00 26,322.00 No Bid No Bid No Bid None None None A technical and commercial evaluation was conducted by the Plant Operations Department's Seni or Engi neer and Purchasi ng (see Attachment 1) which shows that Capitol Contractors is the lowest responsi bl e bi dder. A telephone check of the references furni shed in Capi tol Contractors' statement of experience shows that Capitol Contractors can ful fill all of the requi rements of thi s contract, if awarded. Capitol Contractors' bid is below the engineer's estimate of $20,000.00 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WEB CWB W83 INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. RECOMMENDATION: Award contract to Capi tol Contractors for the fabri cati on and installation of steel roofing and siding on the Grit Dewatering Facility, including all structural supports, at the lump sum contract price of $18,500.00. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. I I I ral Contra Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 12/20/84 O I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITI N PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE DECEMBER 12, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH JANET F. WASKO APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AND LAVERNE L. WEBER, JOB 3417, WALNUT CREEK AREA AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY DENNIS HALL INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT/CONSTRUCTION DIVISION ISSUE: The property owner desires to construct a wooden walk-way and deck within an existing District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The property owner has cooperated with District staff in altering the plans to minimize the impact upon the existing sewer easement. Staff has determined that the improvements do not interfere with the present use of our sewer, however, if they should become an interference, the agreement requires the property owner to remedy any harm within 30 days of notice to do so. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute IIAgreementll and authorize the recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ;tf' DH JMc RAB G~ ~ CHIEF ENG. ffi~ J.t1A r "RJD INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Ihr flJj; 0\' 1.1)' \'1Jr-..,; t'ti/i :t-I~ t """" 'i~ ~<o t I.", sh~.. ~ -J / i '" -r~ "'" / / . ~--s- ','0 I "" ~~? ';~ ~~z S'4/V iO.4N-= ~,:; \ ~~/I <0 ~ ~r ~~ ~. '~l I ~ oJ\~~ c,.t xY ~/ , ~~ ~ tJ t' ~ \ \ , , 1 i! \\ \ \ ... ,. '\ \ D ~ I \ I I ~ \-.. I , w..-,O ' s: S.&. ~ \j . ~ , ... ~ l f~\ ~ . Y AGREEMENT REAL PROPER~ARCEL 2 JOB 34T17CREEK AREA WALNU c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE DECEMBER 11, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE MORAGA TRUNK SEWER REPLACEMENT AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, (PROJECT 4004) AND ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY JAY McCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT/CONSTRUCTION DIVISION ISSUE: Work has been completed on the Moraga Trunk Sewer Improvements. BACKGROUND: The Board awarded a contract to Peter Cole Jensen, Inc. on October 18, 1984 for the subject work. The Contractor has completed the contract work. It is appropriate to accept the work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract for construction of the Moraga Trunk Sewer Replacement and Drainage Improvements (Project 4004) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION flf[f) JMc RAB RJD c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~VI. CONSENT CALENDAR POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE DECEMBER 13, 1984 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 84-27 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY DENNIS HALL, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER INITIATING DEPT./DIV. NGINEERING DEPARTMENT/CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Remarks Lead A enc 84-27 Alamo Bruce Eldridge 688 MacCulloch Drive Los Angeles, CA 90049 198-050-024 (3.73 AC.) Property has been subdivided into 7 lots (single family residences) SUB. 6513 Negative Declaration by Contra Costa County 9/21/84 Contra Costa County RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 84-27 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~r DH ./ HIEF ENG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. . TATE '\?} ...00 AC '::~::::".,:: .:{: .I0N[S 10.03 AC I""H[S 7.!OAC FAY If.'' co ..U.oy 101.10 AC ".01 At '" ~ CORDUROY PROPOSED ANNEXATION J?A,84-27 ___----I. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 12/20/84 POSITION ftAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN r-"" General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJEC U RIZ CONSULTING SERVICES FOR $15,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS; AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF 2 WORD PROCESSING STATIONS & PRINTERS FOR $11,750 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS DATE December 13, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION Contract Execution; Authorize Purchase SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accountin ISSUE: Software applications which were deferred until completion of the initial complement of Financial Management Information System (FMIS) applications under the Al exander Grant/MMI contract are now proposed for development. Appl i ed Busi ness Systems, Inc. has been sel ected to prov ide data processi ng consul ti ng services to the District. Two additional word processing stations and printers are required for the District's other data processing system. BACKGRWND : Financial Management Information System The following software applications which comprise the District's Financial Management Information System have been completed under the Alexander Grant/MMI contract which was signed on February 3, 1983: General Ledger; Grant Accounting; Accounts Payable; Accounts Receivable; Capital Project Cost Accounting; Fixed Assets; Payroll/Personnel; Labor Distributions; Purchase Orders; Job Work Orders; Warehouse Inventory; and Roll i ng Equi pment Mai ntenance. The acqui sition of these software applications and the ADDS Mentor computer and peripheral hardware has been accomplished within the budgeted cost of $232,350. During the initial phase of the FMIS project, a data processing consultant was engaged to provide technical assistance to the District's FMIS Committee in the following three areas: determining systems requirements; preparing the Request For Proposal and formulating evaluation criteria; and assisting in proposal evaluation, selection of the software firm, and contract negoti ati ons. Three additional software appl ications required by the District were identified by the FMIS Committee; however, because of their specialized nature, software firms which submitted proposal s for the twel ve applications described above chose not to propose on these applications. As a consequence, the three applications were deferred for implementation after completion of the i niti al FMIS proj ect. These appl icati ons, and a fourth appl icati on which has been newly identified, were described at the December 6, 1984 Board Meeting; the applications are: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. ~ c..?.... 4. .~/: W. F. fKe J.M. @ P.M. R.D. o Sewer Maintenance Management System o Plant Preventive Maintenance System o Sewer Service Charge Calculation System o Permit Operations Systems The FMIS Committee has been reconvened to undertake compl eti on of the four appl ications 1 isted above following Board approval of the recommendation in thi s Positi on Paper. The Committee will seek future Board approval for execution and funding of the software development contract. To initiate the implementation of the four new applications, Applied Business Systems, Inc. was selected to provide data processing consulting services. The scope of the consultant's services includes: Phase I - Determine Systems Requirements. The consultant will assist in developing systems specifications in sufficient detail for inclusion in a Request For Proposal to obtain firm fee quotations and to assess hardware capacity. Phase II- Prepare Request For Proposal. The consultant will draft the Request For Proposal and distribute it to qualified software firms. Phase III-Proposal Evaluation, Selection of Software Firm and Contract Negotiations. The consultant will assist in establishing selection criteria, evaluation of proposals, selection of a software firm and negotiation of a contract. Fees and expenses are not to exceed $15,000. Word ProcessinQ System The District-wide Sony Word Processing System purchased in June 1984 consisted of six work stations and five printers. One work station and one printer were installed in the Plant Operations Department, Construction and Services Division, Engineering Division, and the Collection System Operations Department; two work stations and one printer were installed in the Clerical Support Section within the Administrative Department to provide services for the Accounti ng, Purchasi ng, Ri sk Management, and Personnel secti ons, as well as centralized clerical pool functions. During the initial six month start-up period, workloads and actual time spent at the word processors were closely monitored. As a result of this monitoring REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV, GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. and the incorporation of the Planning Division activities into District workloads, the following needs were identified: o A work station and printer is required by the Planning Division to process the information relating to the solid waste management study, as well as ongoing planning work. This equipment was not requested in the initial authorization since the Planning Division was in the formation process and a need had not been establi shed; however, it is consi stent with the previous Board action authorizing access to the common District-wide word processing system to each department and division. o An additional work station and printer is needed in the Personnel Section to accommodate the large volume of correspondence related to recruitment and personnel activities, to facilitate drafting and editing District publ icati ons, and to allow greater use of the Admi ni strative Department word processi ng hardware by the centralized cl erical pool and other Administrative Department sections. The total cost of the recommended word processing equipment additions is $11,750. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize execution of a contract for data processing consulting services to determi ne systems requi rements, prepare the Request For Proposal for software development, and assist in contract negotiations with the selected software firm for an amount not to exceed $15,000 to be provided from Sewer Construction Fund; authorize $11,750 from the Sewer Construction Fund to purchase two word processing stations and printers. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. I <c(SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 12/20/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE December 6, 1984 SUBJECT AUTHOR I ZE FUNDS OF $35,596 TO PURCHASE FURN I TURE, EQUIPMENT, AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS FOR THE CSO REMODELING PROJECT FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS S,UB/dITTED,I3.Y KODert Hinkson, Manager, CSO Department INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations Department ISSUE: Certain new furniture, equipment, and miscellaneous items are required to replace and supplement the furniture and equipment needs of CSO Department as part of the Walnut Creek remodeling project. BACKGROUND: Funding for the construction work on CSOls remodeling project was authorized on August 2, 1984. The funding for furniture, equipment, and miscellaneous items was deferred until an assessment of requirements was made and the remodel ing was nearing completion. CSO staff has completed a furniture evaluation study to determine which items are serviceable, in need of replacement, and new requirements. Following is the cost of the goods del ivered to Walnut Creek: Furniture Partitions Equipment/Miscellaneous Items Total $28,132 $ 3,672 $ 3,792 $35,596 Attachment A shows a cost breakdown of the requested items. All selected items follow the District standards as set by the initial purchase of furniture and equipment for the Headquarters Office Building. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize funds of $35,596 to purchase furniture, equipment, and miscellaneous items for the CSO remodel ing project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. k\~r W---Lu~ RHH ATTACHMENT A SUMMARY OF FURNITURE, PARTITIONS, AND EQUIPMENT/MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS PUBLIC AREAS Quantity - Waiting Chair Occasional Table 2 1 COMMON AREAS - Lunchroom Table - Lunchroom Chair - Storage Cabinet Wall Mounted Shelf - Work Counter/Cabinet - Computer Table - Cabinets w/Counter Top - Stool - Form Storage Unit 4 50 4 5 3 1 4 5 1 INDIVIDUAL WORK AREAS - Desk - Desk Chair (including secretarial) - Guest Chair - Credenza - Bookcase - File Cabinet - Executive Chair 6 8 9 3 6 7 1 PARTITIONS - 3 ft., 4 ft., 5 ft., 7 ft. 11 EQUIPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - Refrigerator - Clock - Bulletin Board - Sign - Painting Existing Locker - Forms Cabinet Estimated Cost $ 610 187 $ 1 ,980 3,375 782 1 , 115 805 280 1 ,006 925 250 $4,795 3,476 1 ,381 2,318 1 ,145 1 ,435 550 $3,448 1 $ 900 9 600 6 250 1 Lt. 500 48 1,008 1 300 Contra Costa BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. X. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 12 20 8 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Dec. 12, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACT ION DENIAL OF A PERSONAL INJURY ClAIM FROM MR. KENT C. WILSON DENY ClAIM SUBMITTED BY Jack E. Cam bell, Admin. 0 erations M r. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Risk Mgmt. & Safety ISSUE: A claim for $15,000 alleging District responsibllity for personal injuries has been filed by Mr. Wilson. BACKGROUND: Mr. Wilson alleges that last August 31 he was riding his bicycle northbound on Civ i c Drive and struck a depressi on in the asphal t-surfaced roadway causing him to lose control. He sustained injuries to his left leg and el bow and was taken to the hospital by ambul ance. The depressi on in the roadway allegedly resulted from the backfilling for a 10-inch District sewer line in 1977. The City of Walnut Creek is a co-defendant in this matter and they have tendered the claim to the District. Their theory is that since the trench and backfilling were for a District line, the District should be responsible. The District's position is that responsibility for the condition of the street after this length of time is the City's. Further negotiations with the involved parties will be continuing, but in the meantime the claim as presented should be denied in order to initiate the Statute of Limitations' requi rements. RECOMMENDATION: Deny Mr. Wilson's claim against the District and refer it to the Risk Manager for further action as necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION NG?..("./DIV' JEC PM RJD c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Dec. 13, 1984 SUBJECT DENIAL OF ClAIM FOR INDEMNITY AND CONTRIBUTION BY ENGEO, INC. TYPE OF ACTION DENY ClAIM SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jack E. Campbell, Admin. Ops. Manager Administrative/Risk Mgmt. & Safety ISSUE: A claim for Indemnity and Contribution has been flled against the District by ENGEO, Inc. BACKGROUND: ENGEO, Inc., an engineering consultant firm located in Concord, is a defendant in a suit filed by Donald and Frances Penner of 321 Merr1lee Place, Danv1lle, against the parties involved with the development and construction of their homesite. A landslide apparently occurred in March 1983 and the Penners are claiming significant damages as a result. ENGEO alleges that CCCSD was negligent in the construction, inspection, and maintenance of sewer lines in the vicinity and wants the District to contribute to and/or indemnify them for the amount of judgement, settlement, or costs which they may incur as a result of this action. At this time no information has been presented which substantiates the allegations against the District and the claim should be rejected. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the ENGEO cl a 1m and refer it to the R1 sk Manager for further action as necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JEC P~1 INITI :rING DEPT./DIV. fe- ," y