HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-03-84 ((sD ,.:.;,"" . .; Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO'IV. CONSENT CALENDAR POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT DATE Ap r i I 24, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 84-8 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT Accept for Processing SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction & Services Division Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 84-8 Alamo Bruce Kuhlman 102 La Sonoma Way Alamo, CA 198-111-001 (0.50 AC) Existing house, septic CCCSD system fa i I i ng-- District to prepare "Not ice of Exempt i onll Recommendation: Authorize P.A. 84-8 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. fJ'4- DH 11/1 Ie CO IIDUIIO., 202.20AC "" " ~,-" ~(, . OJ''' OJ' q, COIIDUIIOY PROPOSED ANNEXATION ,',,!!!!;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;,; _....v...._ _ _ __ 68.01 At RA.84-8 itary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT April 30, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION RECOMMEND POLICY FOR USE OF DISTRICT FACILITIES BY OUTSIDE GROUPS ADOPT POLICY SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Admin. Department Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSLE: The Board has requested staff to research the issue of outside requests for use of District facilities and recommend a policy for Board consideration. BACKGROUND: Several weeks ago, the District received a request from the Commodore Computer Users' Group for use of District facilities to hold their meetings. With the exception of requests by the County Elections Office, the District has not in the recent past dealt with requests for the use of our facilities by groups not engaged in District- related matters. Since the siting of the board meeting room and Headquarters Office Building at the plant site, no requests have been .received except that from the Commodore Users' Group. When the District had its headquarters located at the Walnut Creek facility, requests for use of that facility by scouting groups and the County Elections Office have been honored. During that time, no requests were made nor granted for use of facilities at the plant site. At present, only those groups who have business with the District are permitted use of the Headquarters Office facility. These groups generally include one or more District personnel who are meeting with a group during regular business hours at the Headquarters Office Building facility. Other Aqencies' Policies The District has researched other sanitary districts, public agencies, and school districts with regard to their policies for similar requests. With the exception of school districts, who charge for the use of their facilities, few other public agencies allow use of their facilities by outside groups. Research has indicated that sanitary districts do not allow outside groups to use their facilities that are located in their industrial treatment plant areas. Your attention is directed to the attached survey which summarizes this research. District Considerations - In deliberating whether to allow outside groups to use District facilities, the following points have been addressed: . RISK - The District Headquarters and board meeting facilities are located near our industrial site which has an abundance of machines, ponds, chemicals, and other potential hazards that comprise a risk to those who may have access. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. PM . INSURANCE AND LIABILITY - If the District allows outside organizations to permissively use its facilities, all coverages provided by the District's general liability policy would be available in the event of a claim arising from such use. The District's present policy limit is $25 million with self-retention limits of $25,000 per occurrence and $100,000 annual aggregate. The direct loss exposure of the District is equivalent to the self-retained amounts. An alternative to bearing the risk of losses up to the self-retained limit is the obtaining of a special events rider to the basic policy. This would require reporting the use of District facilities by outside organizations prior to that organization's use of the facilities and the remittance of a premium payment. Coverages for such special events would be established at levels lower than the basic general liability policy. The premium charge which is $12 per occurrence for a coverage of $500,000 could be assessed to the outside organization. . JANITORIAL - Use of District facilities after hours by groups would increase the frequency with which the board chambers or other meeting rooms would have to be cleaned and would present problems with the scheduling of our janitorial service, which is presently under contract. . SECURITY - The District now has security officers on duty on nights and weekends and we have developed a schedule for the security officers which we feel best serves the District's security needs. At those times that an outside group is using the District facilities, security arrangements would have to be specially planned as we would want the security officers to monitor the comings and goings of the outside group. This would add to the administrative workload and would add to an administrative burden of scheduling and monitoring the organization's usage. . CONCLUSIONS - It is felt by staff that it is not in the District's best interest to allow outside organizations the use of District's meeting facilities due to the discussion as outlined above. In summary, staff feels it inappropriate to allow organizations to use a facility so near and accessible to the plant site and any public goodwill that would be generated from such a move would be greatly offset by the liabilities, administrative work, and potential risk the District would suffer. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt. a policy to allow use of District facilities by outside groups only when the District is involved or the meeting is directly involved with District-related business. ItEVlnED AND RECOMMENDED I'OR 80ARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. 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G)'" l'll l'll l'll :::I VI :::I VI G) VI :3 ~ -oJ .- .- 1-.- VlO NO UO 1.6- 1.6- 1.6- G) G) 0 0 0 e:- e:- ... ..... l'll 8 .- 0 ::I 0 >- >- >- ..... ... 0 e: 0 ... ... ... l'll.s= I-.s= ..... .s= .- .- .- u U l'll U l'll U U U u <tV') ~V') :3 V') -:t co ....... ~ N ....... rt'\ "0 G) l'll ~ -l~ ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. ADMINISTRATIVE 2 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 25, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE INFORMATION ON UNAUTHORIZED SEWER LINE CONNECTIONS AND THE DISTRICT PROCEDURE CONCERNING THEM REVIEW AND COMMENT SUBMITTED BY Jack E. Campbe 11 Administrative 0 erations Mana er INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative De artment ISSUE: At the March 21, 1984 Adjourned Board Meeting, the staff was requested to provide information on current District procedures when unauthorized connections to sewer 1 ines are discovered. BACKGROUND: Approximately four to five unapproved sewer connections are discovered each year. The connection fee involved for each ranges from $1,000 to $2,000. The District1s procedure upon making such a discovery is to identify the responsible property owner and notify them of the unapproved connection. The owner is requested to contact the District and either establ ish that the connection has been approved or pay the appropriate fees and obtain ~n approval. The first letter (Attachment No.1) is the initial contact. After thirty days if the District has not received a response, further attempts are made by phone and letter to reach the responsible owner. If no progress is made on resolving the matter or no response can be obtained, the matter then is turned over to District Counsel and the second letter is sent (Attachment No.2). Legal action can be taken under District Code Section 10-401 if the property owner refuses to obtain District approval for the connection. This has rarely become necessary; most property owners do contact the District and take care of the connection fee problem. The one or two per year who do not usually will cooperate when contacted by District Counsel. There have been only two or three cases over the years in which 1 itigation eventually became necessary. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the above procedure and attachments; comment as appropriate. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I TIATING DEPT./DIV. te. JEC PM RJD /*':.~CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA ~., f ~.~~-..::.. .,.-., ..'~ SANITARY DlSTRlC'- '~.lll(j J;l....RK L. WEDDLE. PhI>. ?s.'~ use SPRINceROOK ROAD 29' U Deputy Chief En~lneer .~ . -"I.SS . ~ totAILINC ADDRESS. P. O. BOX 5266 .:..........,......". ~. ~..':":: .:.:'::...~!~.....,rf:':.-:.:::.:.~:.-:-./..-;.... ........ ....:- WALNUT CREEK. CALIFORNIA 94596 ....~~..':J' :..::::.:;.....'.:~~:.....;f.-:;;.;.:..:.r;..r.'-.1~:....:::;;.:.:~.:;.:.~~ TEL. 'U-6127 AREA CODE .,S .i::~j.~~~~j;?~.::~;~/:~::::,j\~;..~~~.~g:~~$::.h~{.\:/it~J January 27, 1981 ......~:>....:y&.:.t/iS;.jI!.:J~J,1..L~.....<:..i.~..::~ '-"-..1;.,"-'.. .." ~;__~.'..,. .:.... .........,~-f4i!f1..~. ,--'l:..'~' ::,_....;. . . .:. L ::SI.:.' ;:(t:<l.~~~ijfw.l' .~~;~ '..~.:::.:~ ~-}~[~ii~~~~li:~;~:j~~~ ROGER J. DOL"'S Ceneral Man"'l:cr-Chlel En~lIIeer ATTACHMENT NO. 1 .;..- ...... . .- ...:' ~'.' Dear Re: Code Violation Job Location: Thomas Bros Loc: . ., . .. ". .. ~ The property located at .... of which you were the original owner, is connected to this District's sewer system. However, this office has no record of such connection. It appears that the connection was made during your ownership of the property and that a permit was not obtained for connec- tion of this home to the p~lic ma~n or were any connection fees paid ~ thi~ District. .. Unless you have written proof of permits 'and payments, we must assume that o~ records are correct and that the connection was made in violation of the District Code. If you have any information, contract, etc., indicating that others were responsible for these payments, under contract to you, copies of these documents would be helpful in resolving this problem. . . To rectify this situation, a permit for connection must be secured, connection fees must be paid, the existing sewer must be exposed at designated points and inspection must be made by this agency. Section 10-401 of the District Code provides that a failure to obtain a permit may cause the property owner to incur "in addition to all other charges" an amount to defray the additional cost to the District caused by the failure to obtain the required permit. In order to avoid the assess- ment of any additional charges, please contact the District Permit Division within thirty calendar days from the date of this letter to make arrangements to correct this situation. Very truly yours, .1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT / JS!1: DH: sf Cert.Mail RRR t?rI ~J7 I';;y S. McCoy Collection System Engineering and Services Division ~~na~er cc: Pe~it Division District Counsel @ R<cyc!cd P'P<' ATTACHMENT NO. 2 i .". '.. . .~~~<:/. JOB NO. . . CODE VIOLATION Dear Mr. - .... ': ;..-. 0" ..' .... o. .' Thci~ office 'has' received no . response to Its letter dated . . ~'. regarding your illegal connection to this District's sewer system. Hence, this matter is being'referred to District Counsel for resolution. This letter is to advise you that you are liable for . all costs which will be .incurred to inspect the connection; costs of permit issuance, payment of connection fees, legal costs and penalties. The total estimated amount of money involved is .' You will be contacted directly by District Counsel in the near future. ___.~ Very truly yours. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT .:p Jay S. McCoy Collection System Engineering .and Services Division Manager :I JSM:j f cc: Permit. Division District Counsel @ Recycle<! Pap.' BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ V. ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 25,1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION ON NONPAYMENT OF CONNECTION FEES FROM BARRETT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A BANKRUPT RECOMMEND ACTION SUBMITTED BY Jack E. Campbe 11 Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: In September 1982, the District discovered that a developer in the above Pleasant Hill subdivision had not paid the applicable connection fee on its units. BACKGROUND: The District sent a letter on September 13, 1982 to the Barrett Development Company and when no response was obtained, turned the matter over to the District Counsel as is the District procedure. Counsel wrote Barrett on January 3, 1983 and received a notice of bankruptcy on March 23, 1983. Subsequently, Counsel determined that it was a "no asset" bankruptcy and there was no possibil ity of obtaining any payments from the Barrett Company. The Toronto Dominion Bank, which financed the project, has taken it over and has agreed to pay District fees on unsold units or any units still to be constructed; however, they will not pay for the units which Barrett previously had built and sold. Counsel contacted the homeowners' group through its attorney and was informed that they feel no responsibil ity for the fees because this was Barrett's responsibil ity and any nonpayment is between Barrett and the District. They do not feel obI igated to make up what the District lost because of Barrett's bankruptcy. There are 14 units which were sold by Barrett and are currently occupied. The total amount of connection fees owed is $15,500 or an average of $1,100 each. RECOMMENDATION: The Board needs to advise the staff as to the action to take. There are three possibil ities: A. Accept the fee loss because Barrett was the responsible party and its bankruptcy has prevented fee recovery. B. Require payment of the fees from the homeowners under the regular District procedure because these are unauthorized connections and the current owners are now responsible. Litigation would be initiated if required. C. Assess the connection fees to the homeowners by placing alien on the homes, payable when sold. This alternative would require notification to the homeowner and holding of a publ ic hearing to consider this action. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IATING DEPT./DIV. f~ ~ JEC PM RJD Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VI. BUDGET & FINANe 1 / /84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 24, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE THE 1984-1985 E~UIPMENT BUDGET FOR REVIEW BUDGET REVI E\oJ SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: The 1984-1985 Equipment Budget is being submitted for initial review by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1984-1985 Equipment Budget for each department is supported by a request form which contains a description and justification for each item. As in the prior year, a 10 percent allowance for minor capital purchases which is comouted on a District-wide basis has been included in the Equipment Budget. Purchases from this allowance, which are $1,000 or less, are permissible upon approval of the General Manager-Chief Engineer. A summary of the 1984-1985 departmental requests in comparison with approved equiDment budgets for the three preceding years is provided; additionally, a summary of equipment requests by functional categories is attached. The 1984-1985 Equipment Budget is scheduled for Board approval on t1ay 17, 1984. RECOMMENDATION: Review the 1984-1985 Equipment Budget, and calendar for approval at the May 17, 1984 Board Meeting. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. C~--.4./. WNF