HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-17-84 c((SD .~ /- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS - NO. I V . CONSENT CALENDAR 1 5/17/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT May 8, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 1559, PARCELS 7, 8, ~NB 9, WALNUT CREEK AREA APPROVE QUITCLAIMS OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Construction and ISSUE: Mr. Robert Ayres, owner of property at 1309 Creekside Drive in Walnut Creek, has requested the District to quitclaim a sewer easement which crosses his property. BACKGROUND: The publ ic sewer pipe which is in the subject easement provides service to the Ayres parcel alone. This fact was verified by District forces at the owner's expense. The improvements on the Ayres property are to be razed and the entire property will be redeveloped. The existing sewer will be abandoned and the owner will install new sewer facilities for his development. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and execute Quitclaim Deed and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION # II/( INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. DH JSM RAB RJD /.... , t i .'........... '~ A @ \. c T ~ ~ Q( V\ '. ; 1ft 1ft - )( 1 I 'U -> -. . -. . . \\ r -- ~. <:) \ N I ~ )( , U > Q~~~4/~ 118 oJ -s..... ~ . PI!B! PI5769 , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ , , \ Ot Claim Easement QUl Job 15597 8 and 9 Parcels , k Area Walnut Cree ..I . \ ~/975 p4410 p/4Z! P4$80 plTO P4$8/ cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I V . CONSENT 2 5/17/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 8, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 84-9 (LAFAYETTE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 84-9 Lafayette R. Cole-Doyle 227 Randall Street San Francisco, CA 94131 231-060-010 (0.98AC) Property owner wants to build one single family home. District to prepare "Notice of Exempt i on. II CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 84-9 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ 11/1( DH JSM RAB HIEF ENG. L INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ---~"";liG.,iLi.-" 10 62 AC / / "'.. "'t-O __~ 1)<, 28 1,80'-_ '\/' ~---...,..--- /9 + ,~ '9' // / :>.---- SELBY "0 A<' DiCKEY 393~ AC TR \~ T i... ]/oIT f--~- i 5 \~- ~Stl.l 1,);.,1 /TD A +- .1:' I Z ,'/...'~ " PROPOSED ANNEXATION.9 -84- PA. ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 5/17/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 8, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH WILLIAM S. PERCEY, ET UX, JOB 742, PLEASANT HILL AREA APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The property owner wants to maintain in place a wooden deck, a portion of which was constructed within a District easement and partly over an existing 8-inch sewer main. BACKGROUND: The property owner has cooperated with District staff by providing construction drawings of the deck and has paid the Districtls costs for field survey work and processing the subject agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements do not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should arise, the agreement requires the property owner to move the wooden deck at his expense within 30 days of notice to do so. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, execute "Agreement" and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JSM RAB I #/11 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. P46$771\ 6 I I L____ ~ ~ 207'6 ~ 2070 --- 7 a i , ave - 742 P"""9L P6H9H I 205/ 2 2043 P95 H P""50L :~ 2044 P""5~L P.,6.JSH P"896H :I IQ 2036 /8 5 3 ~ PIOI H /2 4 p".,521.. P" </5/L P.,660H 6J4CGIU I . i( . ID' t,. I l/~.~' ~ I J... a" .5'ewer ~o PtPe TYPIC.AL C/e,oss- 5ec.TloN REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 742 . PLEASANT HILL AREA BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ V. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 5/17/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT May 3, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE TWO-YEAR EVALUATION REPORT ON QUALITY CIRCLE PROGRAM Review Report SUBMITTED BY Gail Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative De artment ISSUE: An evaluation of the first two years of the District's Quality Circle Program has been completed. BACKGROUND: In December 1981 the Board of Directors provided funding to implement a Quality Circle Program at the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. The stated purpose of this program was to provide the public with the most cost-effective methods of collection and treatment of wastewater, while creating a work environment conducive to personal growth and satisfaction. It was also stated that the Quality Circle Program was designed to foster communication between all levels of the District to allow all of the employees to IIwork smarter, not harder'" The stages of the Quality Circle Program included retaining the consulting services of Golomski & Associates to train interested employees on the conceot, process, and techniques of quality circles; the appointment of volunteer facilitators and group leaders for each circle; and the establishment and chartering of five quality circles throughout the organization. A six-member Steering Committee, with equal representation from Local 1, the Management Support/Confidential Group, and management has had the responsibility to organize, develop, define the parameters of, and oversee the Quality Circle Program. The Steering Committee acts as a resource and support group to program participants and management, and monitors the program's process. The Steering Committee concluded that an evaluation report to monitor the Quality Circle Program should be develcped after a two-year period to determine if the original goals and purpose of the program were being met. The evaluation report focuses on four major areas: 1. Employee and management attitude toward the program The Steering Committee developed and distributed a questionnaire to Quality Circle participants, non-circle employees, and management to objectively assess the Quality Circle Program and its effectiveness. The questionnaire and results of the study are contained in the report. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PAGE 1 OF 2 2. Circle process Each quality circle submitted a list of projects identified during the program's first two years including the circles' recommendation and the action taken on each project by management. 3. Time investment and financial impact The report addresses the actual time reported by employees participating in the program and provides an analysis of the financial cost/savings of the program projects. 4. Findings and recommendation The Steering Committee has addressed its findin9s as a result of this study and makes its recommendation for the continuation of the program. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the two-year evaluation report on the District's Quality Circle Program and provide comments as appropriate. PAGE 2 OF 2 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV, GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. S2n Dis~;r' BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. ENGINEERING 1 5/17/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ma 24 1984 SUBJECT APPROVE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (CCCSD) SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT TYPE OF ACTION Approve Project Approach SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. James M. Kell ISSLE: Board approval of the CCCSD Solid Waste Management Project is required prior to proposing the plan to the County Board of Supervisors. BAD<GROUND: On February 16, 1984, the Board directed staff to ". . .pursue, with diligence, the potential of the District operating or contracting a solid waste landfill for the public benefit. . ." In addition, on April 11, 1984, the Board authorized the staff to conduct preliminary planning for the District Landfill Project. As part of the preliminary planning phase, staff has developed a scope of work for a planning study to develop alternative landfill sites and has conferred with central county officials about the solid waste problem. One of the first conclusions to come out of the preliminary planning effort is that a broad based approach is required to adequately address the long-term central county solid waste problem. This is the opinion of staff and has been the consensus of officials who have been conferred with to date. Accordingly the CCCSD Solid Waste Management Project includes tasks to evaluate waste-to-energy, recycling, and composting. The proposed CCCSD Solid Waste Management Project is presented in Attachment 1. The preliminary cost estimate for Phase I of the CCCSD Solid Waste Management Project is $190,000. No authorization of funds is required at this time; the present Board authorized funds will last until the project decision point after the Board of Supervisors meeting in June, 1984. RECOMMENDATION: Approve CCCSD Solid Waste Management Project approach. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JMK RAB RJD ATTACHMENT 1 May 14, 1984 TO: Board of Directors VIA: Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer Robert A. Baker, Engineering and Construction ~ Department Manager FROM: James Kelly, Planning Division Manager Curtis Swanson, Senior Engineer SUBJECT: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (CCCSD) SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT INTRODUCTION On February 16, 1984, the Board of 0 i rectors directed the staff to investigate the potential of the District's owning and possibly operating a solid waste landfill for the benefit of the public. This dec i s i on was an outcome of the d i ff i cu1 ties that pr i vate industry was hav i ng in expand i ng the Acme 1 andf i 11 site and deve lop i ng a future 1 andf i 11 . The staff recommends that the District not only investigate the potential for owning and operating a landfill, but that it address the ent i re so 1 i d waste management prob 1 em in the cent ra 1 county i nc 1 ud i ng volume reduction strategies such as recyc1 ing, refuse-to-energy options, and composting. Th i s memorandum def i nes staff's recommended approach for deve 1 op i ng a sol id waste management project for the central county area. The plan has been separated into phases to a 11 ON management.and the Board of Directors to assess progress of the project and to proviee direction to the staff. The phases represent logical steps in solid waste planning and landfill development. PROJECT APPROACH The rationale and approach for the District's Sol id Waste Management Project is described in the fo110Ning sections. The project phases are: Preliminary Phase - Project Planning I. Solid Waste Management Plan and Landfill Site Screening II. Contra Costa County Approval of CCCSD Project Final Site Evaluation and Selection IV. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Permit App1 ication Board of Directors May 14, 1984 Page 2 Project Phases (continued) V. Design VI. Construction VI I. Operat ion The prel iminary phase is more detailed than the other phases because the scope of the other phases will be determined during at this time. At this point, Phases II through VII address developing a landfill only. The scope of a resource recovery project (e.g. compost, waste to energy) will be developed based upon the results of the District's Solid Waste Management Project. A plan for a landfi 11 was prepared nO\^! because a landfill will be required regardless of what resource recovery method is recommended by the District's Sol id Waste Management Project. Preliminary Phase - Project Planning The preliminary phase occurs between now and June, 1984. The two goals of this phase are 1) to present the District's proposal to prepare a Sol id Waste Management Project to the county officials, and 2) to prepare for Phase I, Soli d Waste Management Plan and Landf i 11 5 i te Screening. The District's presentation to the County Solid Waste Management Commission (CSWMC) and Board of Supervisors will establish the District's motivation for preparing a management plan, project approach, study objectives, and the relation to landfill projects being developed by private industry. The presentation should stress that the District is not attempting to disrupt or preempt the efforts of private industry, but is providing a comprehensive, objective approach to sol id waste management and for identifying and permitting landfill sites. There is no question that new landfill sites are urgently needed. The District has observed the delays and problems encountered by Acme Fill Corporation in trying to expand their existing landfill and in developing the Bettencourt site. Land Waste Management Company may face strong local public opposition in developing the Kirker Pass site. The problems facing these two groups are compounded by not having deve loped a comprehens i ve so 1 i d waste management plan. Consequent 1 y, without the help of an agency 1 ike CCCSD, private industry may be unable to provide a landfill for the central county in time to avert a garbage crisis. One of the District's goals should be to have a landfill developed within five years. To accompl ish this goal, the staff proposes to undertake a comprehensive, objective landfill site evaluation study that would identify several potential landfill sites by January, 1985. During the prel iminary phase of the landfi 11 site evaluation study, contacts wi 11 be made with key government agencies, groups, representatives of the solid waste industry, and individuals including the franchising cities and individual members of the CSWMC and Board of Supervisors. The purpose of these contacts wi 11 be to determine if support exists for a District role in sol id waste management. The Board of Directors May 14, 1984 Page 3 comments from these agencies and individuals will be incorporated into the District's fonnal presentation to the CSWMC and Board of Supervisors in June" 1984. The proposal will be presented to the Board of Supervisors at their June 19" 1984" meeting. This proposal would be for the District to undertake a six4TIOnth study (Phase I) to develop a plan for solving the central county's sol id waste disposal problem; a key element of which will be to develop a sanitary landfill disposal site. In return the District will ask the Board of Supervisors to consider the plan in early 1985 and decide in a timely way if CCCSD should be authorized to proceed as the agency responsible for sol id waste disposal for the central county. During the prel iminary phase" the scope of work for the technical" environmental" and publ ic participation aspects of Phase I will also be developed. Consultants will be selected and contracts will be negotiated such that Phase I can begin after the District's presentation to county officials. Following is an outline of the CCCSD Sol id Waste Management Project scope of work: Phase I - Solid Waste Management Plan and Landfill Site Screening Phase I-A - Solid Waste Management Plan Phase I-A will be preparation of a Sol id Waste Management Plan. Resource recycl ing" compost ing" and waste-to-energy projects wi 11 be evaluated in a prel iminary manner as a way of reducing the amount of waste to be disposed of in landfi 11s (thus extending the 1 ife of the landfills). Preliminary financial and institutional arrangements necessary for sol id waste management will be developed. Phase I-B - Landfill Site Screening Phase I-B wi 11 be a comprehensive pub1 ic 1andfi 11 site screening to identify potential sites throughout the county. The screening will be based upon specific" rational" and objective criteria. At the completion of the screening" there will be up to six potential sites. These sites along with the Kirker Pass and Bettencourt sites" if still viable" will be evaluated further in Phase III. Data gathering for EIR preparation and public participation will begin during this phase. Pub1 ic participation will insure that public concerns are addressed. Contact will be made with key groups" citizens" and government officials to inform them of the project and sol icit their comments and concerns. Pub1 ic input wi 11 also be provided by the Management Committee" which will be composed of delegates from garbage franchising agencies and others as appropriate" and the CSWMC. Status reports will be presented to the CSWMC at key milestones during Phase I (criteria development" screening" site selection). Key pub1 ic interest groups such as the League of Women Voters and Sierra Club as well as the press wi 11 also be invited to these status reports. If possible" infonnation regarding the study wi 11 be presented at appropriate city council meetings. Board of Directors May 14, 1984 Page 4 Phase II - Contra Costa County Approval of CCCSD Project At the end of the site screening study, the District wi 11 present a report to the CSWMC and Board of Supervisors. At this point if there has not been significant progress by the private sector, the District wi 11 request the Board of Supervisors to amend the County Sol id Waste Management Plan to allow or to designate the District to implement the management project. Phases III through VII assume that the District has been selected to develop a publicly-controlled landfill. It should be noted that the results from Phase I-A and Phase I-B may not be presented to solid waste authorities at the same time. Phase III - Final Site Evaluation and Selection Dur i ng Phase I I I, a deta i 1 ed techn i ca 1 , econom ie, and env i ronmenta 1 evaluation will be made of the potential sites identified during Phase I, the Kirker Pass and Bettencourt sites (if viable) and selected 1 andf ill s outs i de of the county. Finane i al, i nst i tut ional, and operational arrangements will also be addressed during this phase. Resource recycling, composting, and waste-to-energy projects will be further evaluated during this phase. The interface of a landfill project with existing and future resource recovery projects will also be addressed. An extensive publ ic participation program will be undertaken to alleviate potential problems during the next phase. Preparation of the draft EIR will be completed during this phase. This action may reduce the time required for Phase IV. Phase IV - EIR and Permit Appl ication Phase IV wi 11 be the formal EIR process and land use permit process. The EIR process will comply with CEQA requirements. In accordance with these requirements, the EIR process must be completed within one year of the notice to prepare an EIR. Phases V, VI, and VII - Design, Construction, and Operation These phases are se 1 f-exp 1 anatory and will be def i ned in more deta i 1 during Phases II and IV. /bc Central Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. BUDGET & FINANe 1 5/17/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 14, 1984 SUBJECT SET PUBL C HEARINGS ON JUNE 7, 198 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE 1984-1985 EQC RATE AND FOR COLLECTING THE 1984-1985 EQC ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLLS TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: The District codes and State law require holding public hearings for establishing the 1984-1985 EQC rates and for placing the Environmental Quality Charges on the tax roll for collection. BACKGROUND: The 1984-1985 Operations and Maintenance (0 & M) Budget will be submitted for initial review by the Board of Directors at the special Board Meeting on May 31, 1984. Approval of the 1984-1985 0 & M Budget is scheduled at the regular Board Meeting on June 7, 1984. It is customary to hold public hearings to receive public comment on establishing the EQC rate and collecting the EQC on the County tax roll at the Board Meeting at which the 0 & M Budget is presented for approval. Because the interval between the Board Meeting on May 31, 1984, at which the June 7, 1984 public hearing date would normally be set, and the public hearing date is insuffi- cient for proper notice, it is necessary to set the public hearing date at the May 17, 1984 Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Set a public hearing date of June 7, 1984 to receive public comment on establishment of the 1984-1985 EQC rates and their collection on the County tax roll. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. d c7'~~' WF PM I Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~VI I. BUDGET & FINANCE 2 5/17/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 14, 1984 SUBJECT PR P I A WRITTEN REPORT, THE GIVING OF NOTICE AND THE SETTING OF A HEARING ON JUNE 7, 1984 REGARDING THE PLACING OF DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE TAX ROLL TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: A public hearing is legally required to place the delinquent sewer service charges on the tax roll for collection. BACKGROUND: As in past years, there are a few direct billed accounts which are delinquent. The District has previously used the tax roll to collect outstanding charges. It is proposed to continue this practice. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution directing the preparation of a written report, the giving of notice and setting a public hearing date on June 7, 1984 regarding the placing of delinquent sewer service charges on the tax roll. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATj)'G DEPT./DIV. /d~~' WF PM