HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-07-84 Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. HEARINGS la b c 6 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 4 1984 SUBJECT HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR ESTABLISHING THE 1984-1985 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CHARGE (EQC) RATES AND FOR THEIR COLLECTION, AS WELL AS THE COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT EQC, TYPE OF ACTION HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBMITTED BY Walter Funasaki Finance Officer ISSUE: The District Codes and State law require holding Public Hearings for establishing the 1984-1985 EQC rates, and on the matter of placing current and delinquent charges on the tax roll for collection. BACKGROUND: Notice of the June 7, 1984 Public Hearings to consider changes to the current schedule of Environmental Quality Charges, collection of the 1984-1985 EQC on the County tax roll, and to receive and consider protests to having delinquent sewer charges collected on the 1984-1985 tax roll was duly given. It is recommended that three separate hearings be held to consider the matters described. Hearing to consider establishing the 1984-1985 EQC rates: Upon review of the 1984-1985 Operations and Maintenance Budget and consideration of appropriate levels of reserves, the Board is required to consider changes to the schedule of Environmental Quality Charges on an annual basis. Hearing to consider collection of 1984-1985 EQC on the County tax roll: The law requires that a Public Hearing be held each year before the EQC can be placed on the tax roll. The EQC has been collected on the County tax roll since inception of the charge in 1976. Collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and effective means for the District to collect the major portion of the 100,000 or so accounts. Effective 1982-1983, the Contra Costa County began assessing a fee for collecting the EQC on the tax roll. The annual fee of approximately $50,000 is still more economical than the alternative of billing by the District. Hearing to consider collection of delinquent sewer service charges: The District bills certain property owners directly. During the 1983-1984 fiscal year, two owners failed to pay charges which were billed directly to them. Information regarding the delinquent accounts is contained on the attached report. One of the delinquent accounts is for the past due installments of deferred fixture fees which were established in 1974 and provided for repayment over a ten year period. The installment payment of fixture fees was only permitted in 1974; all fixture fees thereafter were REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. d~~' \ID WF PM payable in full when incurred. It is proposed that these delinquent charges be collected on the 1984-1985 County tax roll, unless there are valid protests. The two delinquent property owners were notified of the June 7, 1984 Public Hearing by certified mail. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct three separate Public Hearings and upon their respective conclusions, adopt resolutions for the following actions: 1. Establish a 1984-1985 EQC rate schedule. 2. Authorize the collection of the 1984-1985 EQC on the County tax roll. 3. Consider protests and, if appropriate, adopt the attached report pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code, for collection of delinquent service charges on the County tax roll. It~VIEWED AND It~COMM~ND~D ,.Olt SOAItD ACTION INITIATING DEPT ./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. ~ 'r- Q) .c +> 0 ~ +J <:::t 0 r- C 4- ttl :::l Q) 1.0 +J0:::l (V) V'l OEO ....... Q) r- ct: - m ~ ttl .c U ~~ C Q) Q) U :::l+J or- O-r- ~ > Cttl 0 ~ or- C ....... Q) r-Q) V'l Q)o.. 0 ~ Q) ::: Q) V'l +J C -0 Q) Q) <:::t Q) :::lU o ro U o-c 0 I or- C to o (V) 0 or- r- <:::t ro r- > r- to C\J m U C Q)aJ ....... ....... - or- 0 _........ 0::: r- >, (/) r- - V'l 0 :::l 0 4- +J >- I.J.J (/) 'r- OC e::: C!) r- > :::l U ct: 0::: Z Q) Q)O cr r- ct: :::> ~ o..u I.J.J -:CO 0.. ~~ ZUU ct: U 4- (/)1.J.Jct: 0 U ct: - r- +> r->z C >, (/) 0::: I.J.J Q) +JV'l .......... o I.J.J :::> E ~V'l Q) U (/) cr >, Q)Q) E z to o..~ to ct:o:::- 0.. 0-0 (/) 0::: I.J.J -l ~-o ........ r- 3: I.J.J C o..ct: ZI.J.JO 'r- o (/) U +J C -l Q) -0 ct: :::l ttl 0::: 0- 0 r- C Q) e::: Z or- 01 ,...... I.J.J r- ~ .cO u Q) 0 UL!') -0 ~ V'l Q) C<:::t V'l C!) ttlm Q) ~ Q) 0::: ~ Q) ~ to V'l C-O V'lV'l0ct: Q) 6~ ~ 'r- E U V'l'r- ::Er-ttl ~+J :::l r- .. Q) ~ ~ oct: a C Q) V'l E :::0.. o+JOttl o 0 ~ ttl 1.0 r- ~ ::E~"""'ct: 4- 0.. 0 -0 +JQ) V'l+J V'l 'r- V'l r- or- ~ r- 0 Ul V'l m c>, V'l I 'r- r- Q) ....... :::Q) ell (V') o > V'l 0 r- 'r- ct:0 I r- +> Z 0 au >, m 4-Q) +J ....... 0.. C I Q) V'l :::l ,...... .c Q) a m r- ~ U ....... ~~CC~DW[g1Q) JUN 7 1984 CCCSO SECAETARV OF THE DISTRICT 1045 Springfield Drive Walnut Creek, Ca 94598 June 4, 1984 Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca Re: June 7 hearing on EQC CHARGE Gentlemen: It is my understanding that the Board of Directors is con- templating a $5 increase in the present EQC. As I am unable to attend the public hearing, I would like to take this opportunity to urge the Board to maintain the present {excessive} EQC. The fact that this fee has not needed to be increased for the past few years is due to the excessive 18 and 19% increases imposed previously. Unfortunately last years motion to reduce the fee by $2 was defeated by a vote of 3 to 21 .__Yery truly yours, \-:"~OI ?"""~ Ba~/... liViO P.S. May I inquire as to whether the Board has increased or propose~ any increase in connection fees. Have these fees been increased since 1973 and if so, by how much? Please reply in writing. Thank you. San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 6/7/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 4, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD PURCHASE ORDER FOR VISIBLE EMISSION MONITORING SYSTEM AUTHORIZE AWARD OF PURCHASE ORDER SUBMITTED BY Greg Slocum, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering ISSUE: Board authorization is required to award a purchase order. BACKGROUND: A two-month performance test was completed on the Multiple Hearth Furnace Incineration System in late 1983. During the test, several process upsets occurred which resulted in visible stack emissions (smoke). Operations personnel could have prevented or minimized the emissions if they had been aware that the furnace was smoking. An opacity monitoring system is needed to provide the informa- tion for operations personnel to be able to anticipate and, by quick action, minimize smoking events. A Request for Bids was publically advertised on May 23 and 28, 1984. The plans and specifications were written for a Lear Seigler System, or equal, based upon an extensive evaluation of the system requirements. In addition, a 90-day money back warranty was specified. One bid was received from Lear Seigler to provide an opacity monitoring system for $20,702.29. Other eligible manufacturers declined to bid. The Engineer's estimate for this equipment was $25,000. The technical and commercial evaluation of the Bid by District staff showed that the bid and the pricing is fair and reasonable. Funds for this work will come from the Multiple Hearth Furnace Project budget pre- viously authorized by the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the award of a purchase order to Lear Seigler, Inc. for a Visible Emission Monitoring System at a total cost of $20,702.29. No additional Sewer Construction Funds are requested as a part of this authorization. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JAL RAB ENG. GS ,//::5Il-1 HSM V~ ~ RJD BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 1, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY ADOPT ORDINANCE DISTRICT AMENDING SECTION 11-101 OF THE DISTRICT CODE ALLOWIN ADOPTION OF RATES AND CHARGES BY RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Joyce McMillan, Secretary of the District Administrative Department ISSUE: Staff recommends the Board modify the District's General Regulations to allow adoption of rates and charges by resolution. BACKGROUND: From time to time the Board of Directors changes the fees charged by the District based on rates and charges studies prepared by the Engineering Department. On these occasions it is necessary to amend our General Regulations (The District Code). This requires publication of the change in the County's newspaper of record at an average cost of $250 and a subsequent codification requiring administrative work and printing in order that the change is included in the District Code. It is not uncommon for public agencies to set their rates and charges by resolution as it avoids the publication, administrative, and codification expenses. District Counsel has prepared the necessary change of the language in our General Regulations and this material is attached for the Board's perusal. At the present time, the Engineering Department is working on a rates and charges study which will be presented for Board consideration in the next few weeks. By modifying our regulations now, it will be possible to adopt the newly recommended rates and charges by the simpler means of a resolution in the near future and in future years. If adopted, the changes recommended in this position paper will be published as required in Section 6490 of the California Health and Safety Code and after 30 days will become effective. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the General Regulation as attached to this position paper and direct the Secretary of the District to publish this change in the newspaper of record with effective date of change to be July 8, 1984. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM NG. ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V 1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 23, 1984 S~~~ORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH FRANK M. COHN ASSOCIATES FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MULTIPLE HEARTH FURNACE BOILER FEEDWATER SYSTEM TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Gregory Slocum INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Frank M. Cohn & Associates. BACKGROUND: During the two-month test of the Multiple Hearth Furnace Incineration System in late 1983, it was discovered that the waste heat boiler feedwater system suffered from several potentially critical deficiencies: inability to meet high-fire boiler feedwater demands; inability of feedwater controls to respond to rapid changes in furnace operation and poor system integration of the electrically driven backup feedwater pump. Improvements to the system are necessary to assure long-term reliable operation of the incineration process. Frank M. Cohn & Associates (FMCA), a well-qualified San Francisco based engineering firm which has provided engineering and design support for the District's Steam System, was authorized to prepare an engineering study and recommend the solutions to the feedwater problems. The study is now complete and the design costs have been identified for the recommended modifications. The total cost for the completed engineering study and the remaining design work is $21,000. The engineering design will be oerformed under a cost reimbursement contract with a ceiling, to take advantage of cost reduction allowed with scope changes. The construction of the recommended modifications will be implemented with in-house personnel and small contracts. Funds for this work will come from the Multiple Hearth Furnace Project budget previously authorized by the Board. No additional funds are requested at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Frank M. Cohn & Associates for professional engineering services in conjunction with the Multiple Hearth Furnace Project. No additional funds are requested as a part of this authorization. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GS HSM JL RAB j."'~ INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. ~ rBM VG )2fJg <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. I X. PLANT 1 6 June 1, 1984 84 POSITION PAPER DATE SUBJECT AUTHOR I ZE $1,050 FOR DALE OHDA TO ATTEND I'APPRA I SING MAINTENANCE EFFECTIVENESS11 SEMINAR TYPE OF ACT ION Training SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department Manager Issue: In order to properly manage and monitor maintenance productivity and improve- ment within the Plant Maintenance Division, the Maintenance Superintendent must be aware of comprehensive techniques to upgrade maintenance operations. Background: In establishing goals and objectives for the Plant Operations Maintenance Division, a program was defined to analyze, develop, and monitor maintenance perfor- mance. Dale Ohda is the Plant Operations Department Maintenance Superintendent, and his enthusiasm to implement this program and improve the maintenance function is an important part of achieving this goal. It is believed that this intensive two-day course will provide a concentrated and comprehensive appraisal system to be implemented in the Maintenance Division; such outside input and exchange of ideas should improve our maintenance function by the benefit of the experience of other maintenance managers. This type of subject is not offered at the college level and would not have the practical orientation of this course. A copy of the course outline is attached to this Position Paper. This course is presented by American Management Associations and is directed toward appraising maintenance effectiveness and upgrading the maintenance function. This course will be given June 14-15, 1984, in Los Angeles, and this is the closest location available. The two-day course provides 16 hours of instruction, training, and discussion. The cost for this course is $700 and includes training and practical appl ication materials which can be used in the Plant Maintenance operation. The total requested expenses are $1,050, and funds are available in the 1983-84 Plant Operations Department training budget. Recommendation: Authorization of $1,050 for Dale Ohda to attend 'IAppraising Maintenance Effectiveness'l seminar. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON ./DIV. CWB APPRAIS\I\ ~ MAIN1-ENANCE EFFECTIVENESS ncreoslng 1\;'bri1enoric"J ThroUC1' , tv o::d PrOCJUC1MTV =l c;' Meos'Jreme;y LOS ANGelES June 14-15, 1984 Amfac Hotel Meeting No. 4277CCK-67 This 2'12-day meeting starts Thursday, 9:00 am.; ends Friday, 4:30 p,m. Course Leader BORDEN COULTER Vice President The Emerson Consultants, Inc. San Diego, CA Future Sessions OCt. 18-19/Houston Mtg. # 4277CCK-68 Dec. 3-4/Atlanta Mtg. #4277CCK-69 Find out how a comprehensive appraisal system can improve your maintenance operations dramatically! This in-depth course is for the decision- maker who recognizes that a successful maintenance function depends on an effective appraisal system for support. In only 2 days. you'll learn proven, easy-to- implement methods for fine-tuning your maintenance programs so they run more smoothly every step of the way. Your Course Leader. an expert in the field of maintenance effectiveness. will show you how to- o reevaluate your own operation in terms of all plant inputs: personnel." work load... costs., .engineering", planning,.. PM o make on-torget estimates of improve- ment potential and develop an action plan to achieve that potential o get all levels of management commit- ted to an improvement program based on accurate performance measurement o gain greater plant capacity, increased productivity and reduced costs through maintenance improvement o develop measurement indexes to build and support maintenance effectiveness Who should attend: This course is designed for top decision- makers and support staff - Operational Vice Presidents, Directors, Operational Au- ditors, Function Managers, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Plant or Engineering Man- agers, Plant Engineers, Maintenance Pro- fessionals, and Corporate Staff Members. 1.5 CEU Awarded. Course Outline Appraisal- Needs, Uses, Indices o Ten keys to successful maintenance appraisal o Four basic steps in the appraisal process o Cost as a corollary to performance o Determining basic cost requirements o Appraisal detail directed toward tech- nical competence Indices to Improve Effectiveness of Planning and Scheduling...Coverage Atlained...Schedule Discipline...Work Measurement Skill o Labor [J Cost o Material [] SupeNision o Planning Small Group Session: Your On-the-Job Problems or Special Interests o Special Feature! Bring samples of your control format for self-critique and ex- change of information (optional) Appraising Maintenance Management o The role of environmental factors o Maintenance audit categories o Organizational control o Improving interdepartmental relationships o How to maintain engineering, person- nel. workload, cost and planning controls o Profiting from close control of tools and materials o Preventive maintenance: When, where, how often? o Productivity control o Relative control by maintenance managers Analyzing the Cost of Control About the Course Leader Prior to joining Emerson Consultants. Inc.. Mr. Coulter was Research Analyst for the Australian Railway; Industrial Engineer for Lockheed Aircraft Corporation; Industrial Engineer for U.S. Steel; Manager. Produc- tion and Material. Bakewell Products; Su- peNisor. Organization and Control for Norris Industries; and President and Gen- eral Manager of Roed Engineering Associates. In his present capacity. he. is Manage- ment Consultant or Contract Director for such clients as Phillips Petroleum; Allied Chemical Company; Atlantic Richfield Company; Crown Central Petroleum; Delta Refining Company; Marathon Oil; National Cooperative Refinery Associa- tion; Sunray DX Oil (Sun Oil); Aminoil. Kuwait. International Petroleum Corpora- tion. Peru; Creole Petroleum Corporation. Venezuela; Exxon Oil Company; Goodrich Chemical Company, Firestone Fibers, Monsanto Chemical Company; Petro- bras; Dow Chemical Company; Celanese Chemical Company; and other related industries. MEETiNGS OF RELATED INTEREST Maintenance Planning Scheduling Tech- niques & Control Systems June 27-29/NewYork/Mtg. #4230CCK-32 Sept. 12-14/Chicago/Mtg. #4230CCK-33 Nov.14-16/Atlanta/Mtg. #4230CCK-34 Course In Maintenance Management May 14-18/New York/Mtg. #4504CCK-66 June 11-15/Chicago/Mtg, #4504CCK-67 Organization & Management Of A Preventive Maintenance System Sept. 17-19/San Francisco/ Mtg. #4222CCK-112 Nov.12-14/Atlanta/Mtg. ~2CCK-114 / _~.~_______..__.____.______._,________~____~..,_,__._~.~__..._._~__,:"""-_~.__.".____"M__.._'___'__~m___'___',,___-C',____,~___:::.::."_.____.__.,.,~. _._..,_____.___.._..-'-'"---~,______________ Can'trag Contra Costa Saniitary Distr5ct BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I X. PLANT POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 17, 1984 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION OF $6~,500 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TREATMENT PLANT PIPE SUPPORTS TYPE OF ACTION CAP ITAL PROJECT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Dale Ohda, Plant Maintenance Superintendent Plant Operations/Maintenance Issue: Many of the pipe support structures within the District treatment plant are inadequately braced to resist lateral forces. Contra Costa County is designated as a Zone 4 seismic area by the Uniform Building Code; the plant piping should be adequately braced to resist such seis~ic forces. Background: The District's treatment plant piping systems were studied by Metcalf and Eddy under Amendment No.3 to Task I I I-A Agreement on 5 A Phase I project completion items. A design memorandum was written and plans and specifications were prepared to construct these additional pipe supports required for seismic bracing. The initial cost estimate prepared by Metcalf and Eddy in January, 1982, for construction of these pipe supports was $95,000. This project consists of fabricating and installing various pipe support structures comprised of steel struts, angle iron bracing, clamps, and ~nchors at 128 locations throughout the treatment plant. The most cost-effective way to complete this job is to utilize the Plant Operations Department's Maintenance Division forces along with outside contractors as necessary. The deficiency is not of an emergency or life endangering nature, so the work by the Mechanical Maintenance Section will progress as manpower becomes available within the normal maintenance schedule. The cost of the Plant Maintenance Division constructing the pipe supports as designed is estimated at $69,500. Recommendation: Authorize $69,500 in Sewer Construction Funds to construct pipe supports in the Treatment Plant. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION DAO CWB BUDGET SUMMARY 1. Maintenance Labor 2. Contract Services 3. Materials and Equipment 4. Clerical Total $38,600 4,000 26,300 600 $69,500 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. X. BUDGET & F I NANCE POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 4, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE THE 1984-1985 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVAL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki Finance ISSUE: The 1984-1985 Operations and Maintenance (0 & M) Budget is submitted for approval by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1984-1985 0 & M Budget was submitted to the Board of Directors for initial review at the May 31, 1984 Board Meeting and is scheduled for approval at the June 7, 1984 Board Meeting. A revised 1984-1985 0 & M Budget is enclosed; the sole revision consists of a reclassification of $20,000 from the Administrative Department's Membership expense account to the Plant Operations Department's Other Outside Services expense account. The $20,000 budgeted expense represents the District's allocated share of the 1984- 1985 operating expenses of the Bay Area Dischargers Association. The total District budgeted expense is unaffected by the reclassification. The attached summary of 0 & M expenses, revenues, and reserves incorporates the reclassification described in the foregoing. The 1984-1985 Personnel and Equipment budgets were approved by the Board of Directors on April 5, 1984 and May 3, 1984, respectively. Final adoption of the 1984-1985 Equipment, Personnel and 0 & M budgets is anticipated on June 21, 1984. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 1984-1985 Operations and Maintenance Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON WF ENG. <'J I-VI (,,) u.J ->In :=ffi~ VI VI- _ u.J..... cex-=t CXl >-Ca'l ex Z _ << I- I -VI ~~~ VI z: a'I u.J _ ~~;;;- VI ex ,.... 8 a~ VI <u.JVI exV'lex I-Z< :z u.J u.J Oel.>- (,,) >< u.J ...l ~z:~ l-eCl- z: ..... u.J0 (,,) In CXl a'I - I ~ a'I - -=t "l:I CXlCllp- a'I....'" -U~ ICIl.... M..-,U CXlO< a'ls.. _ 0.. M CXl P- a'I '" - ~ I .... N U CXl < a'I - N CXl a'I - I - CXl a'I - - ~ - I ~ a'I - ~ a'I - I a'I ,.... a'I - ~ -g a::J ,.... In P"" 0\ In~~ ~~~~~O\ ~.;r:~aJan ""'O\-=tIn-=tN 1n00-=tlnP"""'" .. .. .. .. ... N_NO\_""'" "<DO\ M_t~ In-=tMO\- -M<D<DlnM .. .. .. .. In_CO <Din MOONO\<D ~~<<"lr--;.O\cn N_NCXl ... In In co 0 <D~~ OMIQ,....CO<D ,....lnN<DON .. .. .. .. ::2~~~:D~ ~~"'":.~CX)o --NCXl It) P- '" ~ .... U < -=t In IQ In -=t~~ "'lnNa'I-=tM MID,...._M .. .. .. .. <DO-=tCXlOO In,....o\lnCXlIQ ~~~"lCX) ...........(\1 co ":.; ~ .... U < -=t IQ co lO CXl;~ NMCO-O"'" ..... ('f') N 0'\..... .. .. .. .. ~~~~~~ cn~~~O\ _N CXl - P- '" ~ .... U < o co co ... otij MN...O\,.... _MIn-=t-=ta'l .. .. .. .. NMa'I""''''''a'I ...lO,....MOo\ CQ c;. ~ '"":. '" -... ,.... - J en C co 0.... ... .... ....'" us.. c~ ....0 en en CE CIl 8:f~ ~ ~eCI~~en8. .... CI)+lC:)( ....0'1 "'0u.J "'ccs...... s.~OQ.J.....~ .... s...... 0- '" '" enCll....O........ ...CIlU VlO CCCIl.... 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O\CO,....<DIt)-=tMN M,.......lt)o\M,...._ MlOOMlOOM,.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CO\olnM"'OCXl<D O-NM-=tIt)In\O -NM-=tIt)<D,....CXl CIl en '" CIl-.. s.. U C - CO\O-=tN OCXl \0 It) . . . . . . . . _NM-=t-=tlnlD ...NM-=tIt)<D,....CXl 0'1 N .". ~ o Ql .... III ... u CI 10.1 '" CXl 0'1 I ..., CXl 0'1 CII C o ~ Ql III III a:a DRAFT May 29, 1984 Dear The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) is very concerned about the solid waste disposal problem in the central county. We franchise garbage collection and set collection rates for about 40 percent of the central county and feel responsible to our electorate for the cost and quality of their solid waste disposal services. Our concern for the present solid waste disposal situation has caused us to reevaluate our role in the central county solid waste management. CCCSD has long been involved in central county solid waste management. We have participated in the County Solid Waste Management Commission and the ad hoc Garbage-to-Energy Committee, but we have depended upon the county for overall leadership and private industry for execution of solid waste projects. We have provided technical expertise in the form of the Wegman- Carollo Solid Waste-to-Energy Report, but have always stopped short from infringing upon the responsibility of the county or the responsibility delegated by the county to private industry in solid waste disposal matters. However, the current state of the solid waste disposal situation in the central county makes us wonder if there isn't a productive and expanded role that CCCSD could play in central county solid waste management. One major advantage an agency like CCCSD has is an ability to compare objectively various landfill sites and select the best site based on economic impact to the public as well as environmental factors. Furthermore, CCCSD will be able to recommend optimal waste stream reduction of techniques such as -1- ---.----,...-.---~--~---.-~.-.-,.---.----~..-----~.-_"_______ - ..___......__e.___.____..___.....,...,...._._.....___..""...___._._____.___..~_^"._. composting, recycling, and waste to energy without having a vested interest in promoting one approach over another. CCCSD is also a large direct producer of solid waste. Our Wastewater Treatment Plant produces 180 tons per day of sewage sludge. This figure will be reduced to 22 tons per day of ash in the fall when our sewage sludge incinerators come on line. We have been very active in the state and federal solid waste regulatory process in the course of securing permits for ash disposal. We have come to appreciate the difficulties private industry has been facing in meeting the financial and environmental challenges caused by todays regulations. The fact is that the regulations concerning siting, constructing, operating, and closure of landfill sites have become very stringent. In addition, acceptable solutions to solid waste management are no longer as simple as sanitary landfilling alone. Recycling, waste to energy, composting and other alternative waste management practices have become essential to the establishment of a cost effective and environmentally sound solid waste management program. We believe that the increased complexity, cost, and environmental sensitivity of solid waste disposal may dictate a role for increased local governmental participation. We do not believe this rules out a major role for private industry in facility ownership or operation. It is clear, however, that a more active role by local government is required in solid waste disposal management. CCCSD is prepared to offer its services to the county in this regard. We are ready to perform a six month solid waste management study to accomplish the following tasks: -2- \ ._--_.._"---~----"-~--,--_._--..._~-.-~_..._..__._-_.,...,-,.._~,_.._--.~.~ ..__._--~'~-..,--,_.,-,_._..~-_._-+--,--_._---_.._,~. -'- "...-.-'-,.__..._---'-_.~~.__._-..,._----~--------,-,----_.,_._---~._._--_._-- o Develop criteria for selection of central county landfill site(s). o Identify 3 - 6 landfill sites. o Characterize the central county solid waste stream. o Evaluate the selected landfill sites. o Perform a preliminary evaluation of the role of waste to energy, recycling, and composting. o Evaluate cost and financing alternatives. o Develop and implement an effective public participation process. This study will cost $190,000 and will provide the basis for a viable long- term solid waste management plan for the central county. It is the intention of the CCCSD Board to finance this effort should the Board of Supervisors concur in the desirability of undertaking the study. CCCSD wants to he 1 pin the reso 1 ut i on of the central county soli d waste disposal problems, but knows that it cannot succeed without the support of the political leadership in the county. Accordingly, we have planned our activities around two milestones. Milestone 1 will occur on June 19 when we present the plan for our six-month study to the Board of Supervisors and ask for a commitment to receive and consider the study in January 1985. Milestone 2 will occur in January 1985 when we present the completed study to the Board of Supervisors with a plan for comprehensive solid waste management -3- --"--.._.~~-~..._"---_._-_._------,.._--_._.,-,.._-"-------- in the central county. It is presently CCCSD's intention that the plan will present a management alternative which would call for an increased role for CCCSD. Furthermore, regardless of the future solid waste management strategy, an amendment to the County Solid Waste Management Plan would probably be required. CCCSD will need a timely commitment from the Board of Supervisors to continue at that time. I would like to meet with you and discuss our proposal with you in detail prior to the June 19, 1984 Board of Supervisors' meeting. We can succeed and will proceed only with the support of county leadership. We will call you in the near future to propose a meeting time. Very truly yours, William C. Dalton, President Board of Directors WCD/RJD/lp -4- ~"--'------'-'----~_"'__~'.___"'__'_"'_'_'__"'A~_'_'_.___,_"_~,.., ._.._.______.._____.....~.N.._____.___,_,_,_____~"____ ADDRESSEES FOR ATTACHED LETTER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS District 1 Tom Powers 100 - 37th Street Richmond, CA 94805 231-3231 District 2 Nancy C. Fahden 805 Las Juntas Martinez, CA 94553 372-2080 District 3 Robert I. Schroder 315 Diablo Road, Suite Danville, CA 94526 820-8683 Clll Congressman George Miller 367 Civic Drive Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 687-3260 Senator Daniel E. Boatwright 1035 Detroit Avenue Concord, CA 94518 689-1973 Assemblyman Robert J. Campbell 604 Ferry Street Martinez, CA 94553 372-7990 Di s tri ct 4 Sunne W. McPeak 2301 Stanwell Drive Concord, CA 94520 687-8663 District 5 Tom Torlakson 45 Civic Avenue Pittsburg, CA 94565 439-4138 LEGISLATORS Congressman Ronald Dellums 3557 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549 283-8125 Assemblyman William P. Baker 1243 Alpine Road Walnut Creek, CA 94596 932-2537