HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-05-84 c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 7 5 84 DATE JUNE 26, 1984 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 84-10 (DANVILLE) and 84-11 (MARTINEZ) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY DENNIS HALL Parcel No. Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Area 84-10 Danvi11e Tri Smith P . O. Box 4730 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 193-190-017 (66.55Ac.) 84-11 Martinez Muir Station Associates % D&M Development Co. 670 Gregory Lane Walnut Creek, CA 162-262-007 (3.77) ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Remarks Lead Agenc Subject parcel is the common area of Sub. 6188. It is not dedicated to the general publ ic.Environ- mental approval by Contra Costa County. County Parcel is going to be a mini storage develop- men t. Nega t i ve Declaration by the City of Martinez on November 30, 1983. City of Martinez RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 84-10 and 84-11 to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION mi DH JMc RAB ROKR' eO.11 AC ..-.., DA.Y~LLE I 101.T "E.TUIlE .... .. AC ''''01. 41..'I'C ') ~-\- l ... ~ \ _"UI' leo. 0 AC tUtUSI II 01 AC ;~1~;;:~'::::;,;ijll~... MUMItMftl Y 40 _ 0 AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION PAt 84-/0 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL p A. 84 - / / -:.;::......::::::::::::::::::::;::~.:.:........ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 7 5 84 6/27/84 DATE SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $3,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF TWO SERVICE AREA MAPS AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY John A. Larson, Engineering Div. Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division ISSUE: Board authorization of Sewer Construction Funds is required. BACKGROUND: The District staff produced two service area maps: one map for the Board Meeting Room and a similar map for use in the Headquarters Office Building. An authorization of $3,000 in Sewer Construction Funds is needed to cover the District's costs on this project. This work was completed under a $3,000 preliminary authorization by the General Manager-Chief Engineer. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $3,000 from Sewer Construction Funds for the production of two service area maps. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. t/6 lJJfJ JAL RAB <C<SD Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS District POSITION II"IIlAPER I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN r"''''' General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 10 7/5/84 DATE AUTHORIZE CAPITAL FUNDS TO INSTALL HEATERS IN THE CENTER VEHICLE BAY AND OFFICE AREA OF THE VEHICLE SHOP IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,862.00 June 27, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson, Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: Thi s request is to i nsta 11 a heater in the center vehi c 1 e bay and office area of the Collection System Operations vehicle shop. BACKGROUND: This is one of the CSO Vehicle and Equipment section's 1984-85 goals. Existing heaters in each end of the shop area do not adequately supply heat in the center vehicle bay where most of the work is done. The vehicle shop office has no provision for heat. Since it is necessary to close the doorway to the work area to control noise and fumes, it is a very cold area to conduct office functions. A small wall heater will solve this problem. The cost to install both heaters is $1,862.00. RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for capital fund authorization to install heaters in the center vehicle bay and office area in the vehicle shop at a cost of $1,862.00. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ $;!;&: INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Q.Ll. ~'- RHH RJD ((sD Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS District POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 27, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION REQUEST CAPITAL FUND AUTHORIZATION TO INSTALL AN EXHAUST CONSENT CALENDAR SYSTEM IN THE VEHICLE SHOP IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,294.00 TO COMPLY WITH OSHA REQUIREMENTS SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson, Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: This request is to install an exhaust eliminating system in the Collection System Operations vehicle shop and welding area to comply with OSHA regulations. BACKGROUND: One of the CSO Vehicle and Equipment section's 1984-85 goals is to install an exhaust system in the vehicle shop. The shop requires a system to exhaust fumes from the vehicle work bays and the welding area as set forth in OSHA specifications (Title 8 - General Industry Safety Orders, Article #35143). The cost to completely install an adequate exhaust system is $3,294.00. RECOMMENDATION: Approve request for capital fund authorization to install an exhaust system in the vehicle shop in the amount of $3,294.00. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RHH Q~I*S~G [~./DIV. ((sD Central Cont BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 2 7 5 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE REQUEST CAPITAL FUND AUTHORIZATION OF $4,900.00 TO CONSTRUCT THE MARINA VISTA SEWER EXTENSION June 27, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Robert H. Hinkson, Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: This request is for capital funding of $4,900.00 which includes $4,500.00 for construction costs and $400.00 for survey costs. BACKGROUND: We have a block on Marina Vista in Martinez where the building laterals enter into the street and parallel each other in uncertain locations toward the manhole in Berrellesa Street. We propose to extend about 200 feet of 8-inch sewer main from the existing manhole in Berrellesa Street in order to connect the building laterals according to District Standards. This project would eliminate the perplexing maintenance responsibilities which we currently assume. RECOMMENDATION: Approve capital fund authorization to construct the ~rina Vista Sewer Extension in the amount of $4,900.00. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RHH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. / i " ..\1 / 5 · V) ~ L/1 E-j ,~z F ~"''-''''-7~. I ...1. f " ~ ..... "'"' \\ )\ '\....~< S:~ \iJ f '\ .r "- ", "X" () "j / \ '"';'~".. ~'.' " \ ,-, . J~"""" /... . 'oJ , . '. . .. ~"\ . - ~ ,': ..('~.. \ ".. (; /. . , ' , (/ ?;'" ;. A \........ ",!' ~ ~v/ c ,,' .. ,,/~ .j/). ,,,.-""'/- . \ r" / 'j ..." .;- ~ f:/v'i" , '\. " ./ ~~~~0 " 152 S 1527 F San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. ENGINEERING 2 7 5 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 26, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $12,500 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE STUDY AND DESIGN OF THE CHLORINE EXCLUSION PROJECT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Joye Lynn Kurasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Division ISSUE: Board approval is required to authorize sewer construction funds for the study and design of the Chlorine Exclusion Project. BACKGROUND: The District uses chlorine for disinfection and odor control. The chlorine tank car storage area and chlorination room are adjacent to the Plant Operations Building (POB). Due to the close proximity of these facilities, the potential exists for chlorine gas to enter the POB. The District retained Kennedy/Jenks Engineers to review the existing facilities and assess the safety risks associated with the use of chlorine. They recommended the continued use of chlorine and that the tank car storage area and chlorination room remain in their current location. Kennedy/Jenks also identified the need for the District to modify the POB ventilation systems in order to minimize the hazards to personnel associated with chlorine entering the building. The study and design of corrective action was undertaken by District staff. In the event of a chlorine emergency, the proposed Chlorine Exclusion Project will automatically shutdown all 46 supply and exhaust fans and prevent the chlorine from entering the POB. The new Headquarters Office Building and the Board Meeting Room are already equipped with this type of protection. The design will be done by District staff. The cost for the study and design of the Chlorine Exclusion Project will be $12,500. The details of the cost are shown on the attachment to this position paper. The preliminary cost estimate for construction cost is $30,000. This project is relatively engineering cost intensive for two reasons. First, the alternative analysis for excluding chlorine gas from the building is fairly complex, involving building pressure zones, wind patterns, chlorine detectors, etc. Second, the design interfaces with numerous and diverse pieces of mechanical and electrical equipment. The construction work will be relatively straightforward, involving switchgear and conduit runs. This work is included in the 5-year Capital Expenditure Plan as part of the Stage 5A Completion Project. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $12,500 in Sewer Construction Funds for the study and design of the Chlorine Exclusion Project by District Force Account. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. \I~ lfJP JAL RAG ATTACHMENT CHLORINE EXCLUSION STUDY AND DESIGN PROJECT NO. 20006 FORCE ACCOUNT COST ESTIMATE 1. Project Management 2. Design and Review 3. Printing 4. Bid Advertise 5. Bid Evaluation $ 700.00 10,300.00 700.00 400.00 400.00 $12,500 * * Includes initial General Manager-Chief authorization of $5,000. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. ENGINEERING 3 7/5/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 28, 1984 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $190,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS; AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXECUTE CONSULTANT AGREEMENT WITH BROWN & VENCE ASSOCIATES TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS APPROVE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. James M. Kelly, Planning Division Manager Engineering Department ISSUE: Funds are required to conduct the District Solid Waste Management Project. Authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a consul- tant agreement to provide technical and project management services related to the Solid Waste Management Project. BACKGROUND: On February 16, 1984, the Board directed staff to II . . . pursue, with diligence, the potential of the District operating or contracting a solid waste landfill for the public benefit. . . II In addition, on April 11, 1984, the Board authorized $38,900 in Sewer Construction Funds to conduct preliminary planning for the District Landfill Project. As part of the preliminary planning phase, staff developed a scope of work for a planning study to develop alternative landfill sites and has conferred with central county officials about the solid waste problem. One of the first conclusions to come out of the preliminary planning effort was that a broad based approach was required to adequately address the long-term central county solid waste problem. Accordingly, the Board approved an approach to the CCCSD Solid Waste Management Project that added tasks to evaluate waste-to-energy, recycling, and composting on May 24, 1984. The estimate to conduct Phase I of the study presented at that meeting was $190,000. No funds were authorized at that time; it was noted that the next major decision point in the project was after the June 19, 1984, Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors' meeting. Board Member Boneysteele and General Manager-Chief Engineer Dolan presented the District's Solid Waste Management Project approach to the Board of Supervisors at the June 19, 1984 meeting. The Supervisors approved the District's project in concept, and requested County staff to recommend to the Supervisors the appropriate level for County staff involvement in the project by July 10, 1984. District staff is currently preparing a plan of study for the project. The plan of study will finalize the scope and schedule of the study and will define the scopes of work for the technical consultants. Brown and Vence Associates has been selected to perform a project management role in the project. Technical consultants for the various subtasks of the study will be directed by Brown and Vence. Emcon Associates has been selected to perform the landfill site identification subtask. (Landfill site evaluation will be performed by Brown and Vence). Wegman-Carollo have been selected to evaluate waste-to-energy. Consultants to perform evaluations of financial and institutional arrangements and recycling/composting have not yet been selected. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMK RAB INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. J;f/t ~ ?({! '- The contract with Brown and Vence will be on an hourly basis with a cost ceiling. The other consultants for the Solid Waste Management Project will sub-contract to Brown and Vence. Contract negotiations with Brown and Vence have not yet been completed. Because of the short time frame for completion of the study, it is requested that the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to execute a consultant agreement with Brown and Vence when contract negotiations are completed. In addition, it is reques- ted that the estimated cost of this project, $190,000, be authorized at this time. The General Manager-Chief Engineer will inform the Board of contract amounts as they are negotiated. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $190,000 in Sewer Construction Funds for Phase I of the Solid Waste Management Project. Authorize the General Manager to execute an agree- ment with Brown and Vence Associates on an hourly basis with a not-to-exceed cost. REVIEWED AHD RECOIlAMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. -~~ .._"-------~--_._~_.._---_..._....._._-~~~-~~..~_._--"--"'__'--_'_-"'_-~--""_---~---,-.."..,-_.-----~ .._.._---_.__.~_.._--_.._-_.__._---- .'.--.--.--.-..,---.---."-.---.--,.----..----- <SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V I. BUDGET & 1 7/5/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE JUNE 15, 1984 SUBJECT CLOSE OUT UNDER EXPENDED CAPITAL PROJECTS RETURNING $106,143 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND AND CLOSE OUT OVEREXPENDED CAPITAL PROJECTS, AUTHORIZING $53,577 IN TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS JAY M ISSUE: Supplemental funding is necessary to close out certain overexpended capital projects. BACKGROUND: The work on 21 capital projects has been completed, and these projects can be closed out. Twelve of these projects have surplus funds totaling $106,143. The projects with overruns in excess of $1,500 are explained below: o PROJECT 2553. The Flushkleen Pumping Station Capacity Improvement project overran $29,684 because of the need to replace extensive electrical wiring which was found to be defective near the end of the project and extra District labor charges which were incurred because the original contract time was extended to complete the extra electrical work. o PROJECT 3775. The Security Fence project overran $1,925 because the security con- sultant recommended that additional work be done which was unknown at the time the original funds were authorized for the project. o PROJECT 3811. The City of Walnut Creek installed a large storm drain in Walnut Boulevard. The new storm drain conflicted with existing sanitary sewers. The District was required to bear the cost of the relocation of the existing sewers because the area of the relocations were within the city street right of way. The original storm drain plans included three relocations of sanitary sewers. The design elevation of the storm drain was lowered after the project work commenced which necessitated the relocation of three additional sewer pipelines. The overrun of $14,500 was due to the cost of the three additional relocations. o PROJECT 3903. The Caucus Room Expansion project overran $4,142 due to the addition of a structural support and fire sprinkler system during the project and the need to expend more effort in the construction management area than was originally estimated RECOMMENDATION: Close out 12 underexpended capital projects, returning $106,143 to the sewer construction fund and authorize $53,577 to close out 9 overexpended capital projects. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMc bJ6 cI(.. RAB RJD CAP ITAL PROJECT SUMMARY PROJECT DEPART- BOARD REMAINING BALANCE NUMBER DESCRIPTION MENT AUTH. SURPLUS DEF I C IT 2553 Flushkleen Pumping Station Eng. $ 339,416 $29,684 Improvements 3000 New Office Building Eng. 5,644,749 800 3349 Crow Canyon Structure Eng. 2,800 $ 2,800 3438 Tassajara Structure Eng. 4,600 4,600 3586 Corrosion Protection M6 Eng. 80 , 71 2 18,575 3623 Electric Blower Eng. 336,967 15,845 3639 Landfill Gas Utilization Eng. 227,400 15,758 3757 Lab Gas Cylinder Relocation PO 4,973 1 ,808 3759 AT & SF Upgrade Eng. 2,000 796 3774 Martinez Structures CSO 28,613 1 ,051 3775 Security Fence at T.P. PO 22,000 1,925 3778 H.O.B. B 1 i nd s Adm. 3,800 270 3779 H.O.B. Interior Finishings Adm. 13,500 21 3811 Walnut Blvd. Repair Eng. 25,480 14,500 3812 Service Air Compressor Eng. 134,303 16,604 3813 Tri-District Water Conservation Eng. 25,000 3,114 3817 Contract Office Group Adm. 134,603 447 3824 Outfa 11 Protection Eng. 232,639 23,141 3868 Holding Basin Embankment Rep. Eng. 5,000* 1,007 3903 Caucus Room Extension Eng. 13,914 4,142 3914 Walnut Blvd. Relief Sewer CSO 10,578 2,832 $106,143 $53,577 Net Returned to Sewer Construction Fund $52,566 * Prel iminary Authorization by GM-CE