HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP (PERSONNEL) 1984 <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer N~ VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 12 20/84 DATE DECEMBER 12, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION REQUEST FOR SIX-MONTH LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MOLLY MULLIN APPROVAL OF LEAVE OF ABSENCE SUBMITTED BY JAY McCOY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT/CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Issue: Molly Mullin, Permit and Services Technician, is requesting a maternity leave of absence beginning December 6, 1984. Background: Molly Mullin had intended to request a maternity leave of absence at a later date but due to prenatal complications, she has already entered the hospital and has requested a leave of absence to begin December 6, 1984. Molly anticipates needing up to six months of leave. Recommendation: Approve a six-month maternity leave of absence for Molly Mullin. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB CR ~ ~. BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~VII. PERSONNEL 1 12 6 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE November 28, 1984 SUBJECTDELETE QASS DESCRIPTION FOR TEOiNICAL MAIN N SU - TYPE OF ACTION VISOR; ADOPT QASS DESCRIPTION FOR MAa-tINE SHOP SUPERV ISO; PERSONNEL AND APPOINT WAYNE MINER TO THE REQASSIFIED POSITION, RAN E S71C 2 990 EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 6, 1984. SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. s Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: The Plant Operations Department proposes to make certain organizational changes in the Plant Maintenance Division's Machine Shop Section in order to evaluate changing work requirements and long-term Di stri ct needs. BACKGROUND: The work load and assignments of the Machine Shop Section have changed somewhat as a resul t of the changi ng nature of Treatment Plant operation. The retirement of John Walter has reduced the staff of the Machine Shop Section staff to two individuals and has caused the Plant Maintenance Division to evaluate the duties and responsibilities now required under conventional, routine operation. The position of Technical Maintenance Supervisor, Range S73, was initiated due to John Walter's unique mechanical ability and the critical maintenance tasks he performed with the start-up of the District's Treatment Plant. Now this position should be reclassified to Machine Shop Supervisor, Range S71, which woul d be a more appropri ate cl ass, si nce the scope of responsi- bilities has been reduced with routine operation. Since John Walter's accident in January of this year, Wayne Miner, Mach i ni st, has been superv i si ng the operati on of the Treatment Pl ant's Machine Shop. During this eleven month period, Mr. Miner has demon- strated outstanding performance in his current duties as outlined in the attached new class description. The reclassification of Wayne Miner to Machine Shop Supervisor best fits the needs and future interest of the Plant Operations Department. Further, an evaluation of the staffing needs of the Machine Shop Section will be made by the Plant Maintenance Division Superintendent as more is known about the workload of this Section due to furnace operation and scheduled maintenance. The Machine Shop Section has been reorganized to fulfill its function with the existing staff; however, during the proposed evaluation period there are certain classification impacts that need to be addressed in 1 i ght of j ob-rel ated dut i es. Accordi ngl y, the Pl ant Operati ons Depa rt- ment makes the following recommendations: 1. Delete class description for "Technical Maintenance Supervisor," Range S73 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION V2 CWB CR 2. Adopt class description for "Machine Shop Supervisor," Range S71, to reflect reduction in job responsibilities 3. Reclassify Wayne Miner to the new "Machine Shop Supervisor" classification. (Mr. Miner is presently performing in this position and has the necessary qualifications.) 4. Maintain existing "Machinist" classification and incumbent at the Maintenance Technician III level salary range 5. Evaluate need for the vacant position of Maintenance Technician III, Machinist The Pl ant Operati ons Department proposes that the eval uati on be done before the 1985-86 Personnel Budget and that any request for staffing or eliminating the Maintenance Technician III, Machinist position be justified at that time; until that process is completed, the position will remai n vacant. Management considers this reclassification to be a unique case and recognizes that the usual District practice would be to fill such positions with a competitive examination. In this particular case, it is recommended that a reclassification procedure be followed because of the following reasons: o This is a new position based on the reduction of duties of "Technical Maintenance Supervisor." o Outside recruitment would be counter to the goal of possible staff reduction in the Machine Shop Section. o Wayne Miner has demonstrated his ability to perform in the "Machine Shop Supervisor" position. o The reclassification is consistent with the goal of "promoting from within when appropriate." The immediate financial impact of the proposed reorganization is a cost savings of $3,105/mo; however, the eval uati on to be done bef"ore the 1985-86 personnel budget will affect future cost savings. The proposed new and the old organization chart of the Machine Shop Section are presented in Attachment I; the new class description for Machine Shop Supervisor is presented in Attachment II. RECX>MMENDATION: Delete the class description for Technical Maintenance Supervisor, Range S73, and adopt the class description for Machine Shop Supervisor, Range S71. Reclassify Wayne Miner to the position of Machine Shop Supervisor, Range S71C, $2,990, effective December 6, 1984. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Attachment I MACHINE SHOP SECTION Present Proposed I Maintenance Technical I Superv i sor I John Wal ter I I ~ - S73 I I I I I S71- - I I I Machine Shop Supervisor Wayne Miner I I I I I Maintenance Tech. III, ~ _ _ G65 _ _ _ I Maintenance Tech. III, ~ I Machinist I Machinist I Wayne Mi ner I I I Dan McCown I I ~ I I L, I I Dan McCown I V aca nt I ._-------'_.__.._,.,--_._--,._-_._--~_._-_._._---_._--------_.,-~-_._._~_._--_._-~-"-_.__.._- CENTRAL CX>NTRA OOST A SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Representation Unit: twliINE SHOP SUPERVISM DEFINITION Plan, organize, direct, and review Machine Shop activities; participate as necessary in Machine Shop work. SUPERVISION. RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives direction from the Plant Maintenance Superintendent. Exercises general supervision over lower level maintenance positions. EXNA..ES OF DUTIES Duties may include but are not limited to the following: Supervises Machine Shop crew in performance of a variety of machinist tasks on machinery, structures, and related equipment. Assigns and schedules work; locates parts and materials. Participates in a variety of skilled machinist tasks, including the fabrication of machine parts and modification of plant equipment. Performs a variety of types of welding and trains subordinates in all types of welding operations. Conducts and superv 1 ses preventi ve mai ntenance program for shop equipment; maintains measurement standards and quality control. Maintains first aid room; is prepared to administer advanced first aid. Assists with preparation and administration of Machine Shop budget. Assists with and performs a variety of personnel performance eval uations, selections, dismissal s, disciplinary actions. actions including transfers, and Consul ts with supervi sors and manufacturer's representatives regardi ng equipment purchases, placement, maintenance, and difficult repairs. Monitors and reports on work done by contractors. Performs related duties as required. OlJAL IFlCATIONS KnowledQe of: Methods, practices, and materials used in the maintenance machinist trade. Purpose and operation of machine tools. Metal fabrication principles, techniques, and procedures. The use and operation of welding and gas cutting equipment. Mathematics as required to perform the responsibilities of the pos1ti on. Principles, practices, and techniques of supervision. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Abil ity to: Plan, direct, and personally perform skilled maintenance and repair work on equipment. Establish and administer preventive maintenance procedures, schedules, and standards. Diagnose eq ui pment probl ems and determi ne proper mai ntenance and repair procedures. Develop sound recommendations and courses of action regarding equipment purchases and specifications, equipment placement, and maintenance and repair programs. Train and supervise assigned personnel. Maintain work records, prepare clear and concise reports. Understand and carry out oral and written directions. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District, including but not limited to Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qual ifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abil ities woul d be: Experience: At least five years of progressively responsible experience as a journey level machinist and mechanic, at least two of which preferably were involved with equipment used for wastewater coll ecti on and treatment operati ons, and some experi ence in a lead or supervisory capacity. Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade, supplemented by substantial training in machinist, welding, and other skills such as completion of an apprenticeship program. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California driver's license. Central Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IX. PERSONNEL 1 11/15/84 I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT November 13, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AN ASSOCIATE ENGINEER POSITION IN THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SUBMITT5RtvVEs M. KELLY IINITIAT~NGGINrE(tIING/PLANNING ISSUE: The Planning Division needs to supplement its staff due to the increased workload from the Solid Waste Management Project. It is requested that the Board create an Associate Engineer position for this purpose. BACKGROUND: At Board direction, the Engineering Department has initi ated a Solid Waste Management Study. In the course of this study, CCCSD involvement in County solid waste issues has escalated from a relatively minor level a few months ago to a significant and growing level today. It appears that it will be difficult for the District to reduce its activity to the previous level of involvement in solid waste management after the conclusion of the Solid Waste Management Project. The following is a sampling of issues that CCCSD is likely to be drawn into as a result of our activity in the solid waste arena. o Development of a County or District solid waste management plan. o Participation in landfill siting, regulation, or franchising issues. o Participation in transfer station siting, regulation, or franchising issues. o Evaluation of a West County Agency waste-to-energy proposal. o Evaluation and development of a pilot recycling program. o Working with regulatory agencies concerning the classification of incinerator ash. o Negotiation of ash disposal arrangements including ash recycling alternatives. o Evaluation of future waste-to-energy alternatives. The present Engineering Department staffing for the Sol id Waste Management Project is being allocated from other District work. Important activities are being delayed because of this allocation of resources to solid waste matters. Activities which are being delayed or deferred include the rates and charges update, watershed planning, San Ramon Valley trunk line construction, Martinez sewer system rehabilitation, financial planning for future capital needs, and grants management. Because of this backlog, the Engineering Department cannot REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION :r #I K.. t!(3 l GE2 ~ ft7i..NG. VI -v - INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JMK RAB RJD continue to support the present level of solid waste activity after February 1985 without serious impacts on our ability to prudently manage the District's wastewater activities. The Engineering Department proposes to create an Associate Engineer position (S-77, $3,134/mo. to $3,797/mo.) to deal with solid waste management issues wh i ch have emanated from the Soli d Waste Management Project as we 11 as the baseload of solid waste matters such as ash classification. We would intend to hire an individual experienced in solid waste engineering for the position. At a later date, should the Board of Directors decide to make a final commitment to develop a landfill, there would be additional staffing requirements at that time. Funds are not budgeted in the 1984-85 Engineering Department budget for this position. However, the Engineering Department is currently capitalizing a higher level of salaries than expected. Consequently, there should be no net budgetary O&M impact from the additi ona 1 Associ ate Engineer pos ition thi s fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an additional Associate Engineer position in the Planning Division (S-77, $3,134/mo. to $3,797/mo.). REVIEWED AHD RECOMMEHDED FOR SOARD ACTIOH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. X. ITEMS LATE 1 11 1 5 84 DATE November 14, 1984 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AN ADDITIONAL MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR FELIX ESPINOSA, UTILITY WORKER TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department/Maintenance Issue: It is requested that Felix Espinosa, Utility Worker in the Plant Operations Department receive an additional three-month medical leave of absence. Background: Felix Espinosa is being treated for a medical problem and has exhausted all of his sick and vacati on 1 eave. Hi s doctor has issued orders for restricted work for a duration of three months; the Board of Directors approved a three-month medical leave of absence in August, 1984. The District has been informed that Mr. Espinosa's condition will now require surgery and that an additional medical leave of absence will be required. The class description of Utility Worker primarily involves manual labor and routine maintenance duties involving cleaning and maintaining buildings, grounds, landscaping, and equipment. There are no specific tasks available that Mr. Espinosa can perform that will meet the restraints of the medical restrictions issued by his doctor. When Mr. Espinosa has recovered from his operation and obtains a doctor's release to return to work, he will be taken off of the medical leave of absence. Recommendation: Authorize an additional three-month leave of absence for Felix Espinosa, Utility Worker. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ CWB PM RJD V. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 10/18/84 October 11, 1984 TO: PAUL MORSEN FROM: CURT SWANSON ~ SUBJECT: CHANGE IN MS/CG OFFICERS John Walter has recently resigned as President of the Management Support/Confidential Group. As a result of John's resignation, I have assumed the post of President. Steve Elsberry and Margie Griffin continue to serve as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively, of MS/CG. The now vacant post of Vice President will be filled by a special election. I will notify you of the results of this election after it takes place. CS:bc cc : C. Rad i n R. Smith cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. x. PERSONNEL 1 10 4 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT Se tember 26 1984 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION HONORING EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENTS ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY Cathr n Radin Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: A resolution would be appropriate to honor employees who are celebrating their service anniversaries with the District. BACKGROUND: Last year as part of its efforts to recognize employee contributions to the District, the District instituted an Employee Service Award Program. The intent of the program was to provide service awards on an annual basis to employees who have worked 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years with the District. This year's service awards will be presented at a luncheon on Wednesday, October 17, 1984. Accordingly, attached is a resolution honoring the employees who will receive service awards at the Second Annual Employee Service Award Luncheon. The resolution will be included as part of the awards program. The employees and their years of service are as follows: 1 0 YEARS Name Department Eugene Williams Rey Limjoco Randy Covey Robert Brown Bob Mowers Ken Roan Jane Parker Plant Operations Engineering Plant Operations Collection System Operations Collection System Operations Collection System Operations Plant Operations Department 15 YEARS Richard Austin J ames Boyd Collection System Operations Collection System Operations 20 YEARS Clarence Covey Glen Descans Eugene Peyrucain Pumping Stations Engineering Construction Pumping Stations RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the resolution honoring employee service award recipients. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION M--- (@ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. CR PM RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION HONORING EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENTS CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT The Board ot Directors ot the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby resolve as tollows: WHEREAS, it is the policy ot the District to specially honor those employees who have served the District for ten, titteen, twenty, twenty-tive, thirty, and thirty-tive years, and WHEREAS, Richard Austin, James Boyd, Robert Brown, Clarence Covey, Randy Covey, Glen Descans, Rey Limjoco, Bob Mowers, Jane Parker, Eugene Peyrucain, Ken Roan, and Eugene Williams are deserving ot recognition tor long and meritorious service to the District, and WHEREAS. they have assisted the District through a period ot great population growth, increasing environmental demands and numerous technological advances in the collection, processing and treatment ot wastewater, and WHEREAS. because ot their dedication, talent, and leadership, the District has met the challenges ot providing high-quality sanitation services to the citizens ot Central Contra Costa County. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the Board ot Directors ot the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that employee service awards be gratetully bestowed upon Richard Austin, James Boyd, Robert Brown, Clarence Covey, Randy Covey, Glen Descans, Rey Limjoco, Bob Mowers, Jane Parker, Eugene Peyrucain, Ken Roan, and Eugene Williams. <C<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 9 20 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 14, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE A MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR JOHN WALTER, TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Authorize Leave SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department/Maintenance Issue: It is requested that John Walter, Technical Maintenance Supervisor in the Plant Operations Department Maintenance Division be granted a medical leave of absence. Background: John Walter suffered a work-related disabl ing back injury on January 19, 1984, and he has since been unable to perform the duties of his position. The District's physician has confirmed this prognosis and accordingly, Mr. Walter has appl ied for a disabil ity retirement. This medical leave of absence wi I I al low sufficient time to process the disabi I ity retirement, up to a maximum of six months, since Mr. Walter has exhausted his sick leave and vacation. Recommendation: Authorize a medical leave of absence for John Walter, Technical Maintenance Supervisor, up to the six-month maximum. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~..~ CWB CR BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ III. PERSONNEL 1 9 6 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 30, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION II (RANGE G-49) IN THE PLANT OPERATIONS DEPT. AND AUTHORIZE ONE POSITION OF SECRETARY III (RANGE G-52) IN THE ENGINEERING PERSONNEL DEPT. SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. James M. Kelly, Planning Division Manager Engineering Department ISSUE: Organizational changes in the Plant Operations Department and the Planning Division are proposed to reflect changing work requirements. The proposed changes are to delete one Maintenance Office Coordinator II position now existing in the Plant Operations Department and create a new Secretary III position in the Planning Division. BACKGROUND: Through implementation of the FMIS System, redistribution of workload and other administrative improvements, the Plant Operations Department no longer has a need to fill a vacant Maintenance Office Coordinator II position. The Planning Division has a need for a Secretary III position to handle the routine and project administrative workload generated by Division staff. The Planning Division is responsible for important ongoing District programs such as the EQC Program, Pretreatment Program, and Watershed Planning. The Division is also under- taking several large engineering studies including the Solid Waste Management Study and Grants Administration for the Stage 5A and 5B Projects. The Solid Waste Management Project alone requires a half-time secretary now. Other future planning projects include the Rates and Charges Study and the Reclamation Study. The complexity of the current and future workload of the Planning Division requires a position at the Secretary III level. The net long-term financial impact to the District of the proposed organizational changes is a cost of $143/per month. The effect of these proposed personnel changes will be no change in authorized personnel for the District. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Delete one Maintenance Office Coordinator II position, Range G-49 ($1,606/mo. to $1,939/mo.), from the Plant Operations Department. 2. Authorize a Secretary III position, Range G-52 ($1,723/mo. to $2,082/mo.), in the Planning Division. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JMK f~ RAB <<<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 8 23 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 13, 1984 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE A MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR FELIX ESPINOSA, UTILITY WORKER TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts erations De artment/Maintenance Issue: It is requested that Fel ix Espinosa, Uti I ity Worker in the Plant Operations Department receive up to a gO-calendar-day medical leave of absence. Background: Fel ix Espinosa is being treated for a medical problem and has exhausted al I of his sick and vacation leave. His doctor has issued orders for restricted work from August 8, 1984 for a duration of three months. The class description of Uti I ity Worker primari Iy involves manual labor and routine maintenance duties involving cleaning and maintaining bui Idings, grounds, landscaping, and equipment. There are no specific tasks avai ~able that Mr. Espinosa can perform that wil I meet the restraints of the medical restrictions issued by his doctor. When Mr. Espinosa has recovered from his illness and obtains a doctor's release to return to work, he wi I I be taken off of the medical leave of absence. Recommendation: Authorize a three-month leave of absence for Fel ix Espinosa, Uti I ity Worker. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. PM , i2_JD PM RJD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. PERSONNEL 1 8 23 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Au ust 13 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPOINT CATHRYN E. RADIN, PERSONNEL OFFICER, AS THE DISTRICT'S AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE OFFICER AND PERSONNEL ADOPT THE ATT ACHED RESOLUTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Adm in istrat i ve/Personne I ISSUE: Upon the termination of Gail Koff, the District is left without an Affirmative Action Compliance Officer. BACKGROUND: As stated in Chapter 4-20 I of the District Code (Affirmative Action), the District maintains an Affirmative Action program which, among other things, includes the development of policies and procedures for communication of the District's Equal Employ- ment Opportunity policy, identification of areas of under-utilization of minorities by organizational units in job categories, establishment of goals and objectives by organization units and job category, and development and execution of action-oriented programs desired to eliminate under-utilization and further designed to attain established goals and objectives in our hiring procedures. In order for such a program to be effective, an individual should be appointed to that responsibility. It is the past practice of the District to appoint the Personnel Officer to head this activity and that the responsibility be formally delegated by the Board of Directors by the adoption of an appropriate resolution (see attached). It is recommended that the Board formally delegate this responsibility to the new Personnel Officer by adopting the attached resolution. RECOMMe.DATION: Adopt attached resolution appointing Cathryn E. Radin, Personnel Officer as the agency's Affirmative Action Compliance Officer. IN REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 78-152 AND APPOINTING CATHRYN E. RADIN COMPLIANCE OFFICER, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT, Resolution No. 78-152 appointing Gail B. Koff to the position of Compliance Office for the Affirmative Action Program be rescinded; and THAT, CATHRYN E. RADIN, Personnel Officer, be appointed to act as Compliance Officer for the Affirmative Action Program for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District effective August 23, 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 23rd day of August, 1984 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: John J. Carniato District Counsel Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIII. PERSONNEL POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 27, 1984 SUBJECT APPOINT CATHRYN E. RADIN TO THE MANAGEMENT POSITION OF PERSONNEL OFFICER, EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20, 1984, AT A SALARY OF $3,149/MO. M-39 $3,149-$3,827 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Administrative De artment ISSUE: The District has completed the recruitment activity for the vacant Personnel Officer position. The candidate who ranked #1 in the selection process has accepted the position and it is, therefore, appropriate for the Board to make the appointment as required in Chapter 4 of the District Code. BACKGROUND: The Executive Recruiting Firm of Thomas N. Williams and Assocs. was engaged by the District to seek applicants for the Personnel Officer position. The firm conducted an extensive search for qualified candidates. The top candidates were interviewed by the Administrative Department Manager, the General Manager-Chief Engineer, and other management staff. The top ranking candidate was Ms. Cathryn Radin who has been chosen to fill the vacant position. Ms. Radin is presently the Administrative Services Officer for the City of Antioch and has an extensive back- ground in Personnel Administration, Labor Relations, Workers Compensation, and other personnel-related functions. Moreover, Ms. Radin has held positions with the National League of Cities, the City of Monterey, California, and the County of Fairfax, Virginia; in all of these positions, she exercised management direction over public agency personnel programs. Ms. Radin is a graduate of University of California at Davis (with honors) in Political Science and, as well, has a Masters of Public Administration from George Washing University, Washington D.C. It is felt that Ms. Radin will be an excellent complement to the District's management group. This position paper recommends that the Board delegate the authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer to appoint Ms. Radin to the position of Personnel Officer, contingent upon successful completion of a physical examination. Ms. Radin is scheduled to begin her duties on August 20, 1984. It is recommended that the starting salary be set at $3,149/Mo.; the beginning point of the M-39 salary range ($3,149-$3,827/Mo.) RECOMMENDATION: Delegate to the General Manager-Chief Engineer authority to appoint Ms. Cathryn Radin to the Personnel Officer position at the M-39 salary range with a beginning salary of $3,149/mo. and adopt the attached resolution appointing Ms. Radin. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM RJD RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CATHRYN E. RADIN TO THE POSITION OF PERSONNEL OFFICER BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT CATHRYN E. RADIN be appointed to the position of PERSONNEL OFFICER at a beginning salary of THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY NINE DOLLARS ($3,149) per month (M-39 Range), and shall be entitled to benefits normally accorded to the management group. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of August, 1984, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: John J. Carniato District Counsel Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIII. PERSONNEL 2 8 2 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE July 27, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE CERTAIN ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES IN THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Department Reorganization SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Baker, Engr. Dept. Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering ISSUE: The Engineering Department proposes to make organizational changes in the Survey Section and the Engineering Support Section in order to eliminate an unnecessary position and adjust the organization of the department to changing work requirements. BACKGROUND: Survey Section Changes in the growth patterns and sewering needs of the District have reduced the workload and modified the role of the Survey Section. The assignments and duties of the Survey Section members have evolved in response to these changes. The retirement of Wendle Whipple (the Supervising Surveyor) has reduced the staff of the Survey Section from five to four and has caused management to re-evaluate the organization of the survey function. The Survey Section has been reorganized to fulfill its mission with a staff of four. This reorganization has proven to be successful over the past two months, thus, it is not necessary to recruit a fifth member of the section. However, the redistribution of job duties has caused classification impacts which need to be addressed. Accordingly, Ralph Anderson Associates has been retained to update job classifications for the Survey Section personnel and to recommend appropriate salary adjustments to reflect changes in classification. The Ralph Anderson report has been received and makes the following recommendations: I. Supervising Surveyor a. Retitle and revise class description to "Survey Supervisor" to reflect a reduction in job responsibi Iities. b. Set salary of this class to a minimum of 10% above the Survey Party Chief class. c. Reclassify Larry Shirkey (presently Senior Survey Technician) to the new Survey Supervisor classification. (Mr. Shirkey is presently performing in this class and has the nessary qualifications including a Land Surveyors License.). 2. Survey Party Chief a. Change class description to reflect change in supervision, no change in incumbent. b. Set salary range a minimum of 10% above the Senior Survey Technician class. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. RJD 3. Senior Survey Technician a. Revise class description to reflect recent changes in job responsibilities due to the reorganization. b. Reclassify James Ruetenik to Senior Survey Technician. (Mr. Ruetenik is presently performing in this class and has the necessary qualifications.). c. Set salary range a minimum of 10% above the Survey Technician class. 4. Survey Technician a. No change to class description or incumbent b. Retain present salary range The Engineering Department proposes that the recommendations of the Ralph Anderson survey classification update be implemented and that salaries be set as follows: I. Survey Supervisor - Lower salary range from S-77 ($3,134/Mo. to $3,797/Mo.) to S-76 ($3,062/Mo. to $3,706/Mo.). . 2. Survey Party Chief - Leave salary range at G-72 ($2,771 /Mo. to $3,3S6/Mo.). 3. Senior Survey Technician - Lower salary range from G-69 ($2,581 /Mo. to $3,120/Mo.). to G-68 ($2,SI9/Mo. to $3,048/Mo.). 4. Survey Technician - Leave salary range at G-64 ($2,290/Mo. to $2,771 /Mo.). It should be noted that usual District practice would be to fill the Survey Supervisor position with a competitive examination. In this particular case, it is recommended that a reclassification procedure be followed because of the following reasons: o Only one District employee in the Survey Section has the required Land Surveyor's License for the position. o Outside recruitment wOl,Jld be counter to the goal of reducing unnecessary staff in the Survey Section. o The reorganization and redistribution of job duties in the Survey Section justifies a reclassification. o Larry Shirkey has demonstrated his ability to perform in the Supervising Surveyor position. o The reclassification is consistent with the goal of "promoting from within." Management considers this reclassification recommendation to be a unique special case unlikely to be often recommended in the future. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. The long range financial impact of the proposed reorganization is a cost savings of $2,934/Mo. The old and a proposed new organization chart of the Survey Section are presented in A ttachment I. New class descriptions for Survey Supervisor, Survey Party Chief, and Senior Survey Technician are presented in Attachments 2-4. Engineering Support Section The Engineering Support Supervisor position has become vacant. The job is presently being performed by David Baldi on a provisional appointment. Additional responsibilities have been assigned to the class for overseeing and supervising the compilation and revision of maps for the collection system and as-built drawings of the plant. Ralph Anderson was retained to recommend a salary range for the Engineering Support Supervisor class so that the salary could be fixed before recruitment begins. (The standard recruitment activity will first provide an opportunity for employees to apply for the position). Ralph Anderson has recommended that the salary range for Engineering Support Supervisor be revised upward to permit a minimum differential of 10% above the Engineering Technician III class. The Engineering Department proposes that this recommendation be implemented by increasing the salary level for Engineering Support Supervisor from G-66 ($2,401-$2,907 /Mo.) to G-68 ($2,519-$3,048/Mo.). The long term financial impact of this action wi II be a cost to the District of $1 55/Mo. The net long term financial impact to the District for the proposed organizational changes in the Survey Section and the Engineering Support Section is a savings of $2,793/Mo. RECOMMENDATIONS: I. J\dopt the new class description of Survey Supervisor and set the salary range at S 76 ($3,062/Mo. to $3,706/Mo.). Delete the class description for Supervising Surveyor. 2. Adopt the new class description for Survey Party Chief with no change in salary range. Delete the old class description for Survey Party Chief. 3. Adopt the new class description for Senior Survey Technician and set the salary range at G-68 ($2,519 /Mo. to $3,048/Mo.). Delete the old class description for Senior Survey Technician. 4. Increase the salary range for Engineering Support Supervisor from G-66 ($2,401- $2,907/Mo.) to G-68 ($2,5 19/Mo.-$3,048/Mo.). 5. Reclassify Larry Shirkey to Survey Supervisor S76-C at a salary of $3,370/Mo., effective August 3, 1984. 6. Reclassify James Ruetenik to Senior Survey Technician G68-D at a salary of $2,907/Mo., effective August 3, 1984. REVIEWED "NO RECOMMENDED FOR 80""0 ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Attachment 1 SURVEY SECTION ORGANIZATION Old (fiscal year 1983-84) Proposed Supervising Surveyor Survey Supervisor 1 S-77 1 1 S-76 1 w. Whipple L. Shirkey Survey Party Chief Survey Party Chief 1 G-72 1 1 G72 1 R. Galloway R. Galloway I Senior Survey Technician Senior Survey Technician 1 G-69 1 G-68 1 L. Shirkey J. Reutenik Survey Technician Survey Technician 2 G-64 2 1 G-64 D. Neufel d J. Reutenik D. Neufel d CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Code: Eff ecti ve: Representation Unit: SURVEY PARTY CHIEF DEFINITION Perf onn superv i sory and advanced techni ca 1 survey ing work and be res pons i b 1 e for p1 anning, organizing, and directing the operation of a field party making land and engineering surveys. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Work of this class fnvo1ves responsibility for perfonning complex technical and supervisory work and responsibility for the conduct of a field survey party. Work involves the application of precise surveying know1edges and techniques. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives direction from the Survey Supervisor. Exercises technical and functional supervision for technical subordinates. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Direct a survey party in making a variety of surveys including land surveys to determine locations of property lines, boundaries, easements, and right-of- ways; topographic surveys to detennine locations and elevations of existing improvements, structures, and topographic features; construction surveys for improvement projects; and surveys to establish and adjust benchmarks. Keep accurate field notes of work perfonned showing lines, angles, distances, benchmarks, mathematical calculations, and other data pertinent to the field survey. Compute and adjust angles, distances, bearings, traverses, and elevations. Operate survey instruments and instruct other party members in their operation. Perfonn a vari ety of office surveying duti es inc 1uding researching exi sti ng records and comp i1 ing data requ ired for current survey projects and computing data to be shown on maps. Train and assist others in the survey crew, in the perfonnance of their duties. Perfonn re1 ated duti es as required. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Survey Party Chief (Continued) QUALIFICATIONS Knowl edge of: Surveying methods, practices, and techniques. Legal aspects of surveying. Algebra, gecmetry, and trigoncmetry. Technical principles and practices of engineering as related to sur- veying. Sources of information concerning previous land surveys. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assign- ments. Ab 11 ity to: Understand and interpret legal descriptions and record survey maps. Understand and interpret engineering plans, diagrams, and notes. Use and care for surveying instruments and equipment. Make accurate and legible field survey notes. Perfonm complex mathematical calculations with speed and accuracy. Pl an and organize the work of a fiel d survey party to achi eve optimum efficiency. Train others in the proper practices, equipment use, and techniques applied to field survey work. Learn and observe all appropri ate safety precauti ons as requ ired by the District, including but not limited to Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Two years of experience comparable to that of a Senior Survey Technician in the District. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Survey Party Chief (Continued) Education: Equ iva lent to completion of two years of college ,in an engineering-related field. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California Driver's License. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Code: Effecti ve: Representative Unit: SENIOR SURVEY TECHNICIAN DEFINITION Perform a variety of advanced technical field and office work in the operation of the District's survey services. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is the advanced level class in the Survey Technician series. Positions assigned to this class would typically be responsible for operating various survey instruments and field computers, analyzing field information developed by a survey crew, and interpreting survey results. As assigned, an incumbent of this class may also perform advanced duties on a survey party, including serving as the Survey Party Chief in his absence. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general supervision from the Survey Party Chief. May exercise indirect supervision for survey crew members in the field as assi gned . EXAMPLES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Act as instrument person in a field survey crew operating distance measuring devices, theodolites, transits, levels, computers, and other survey instru- ments. Perform a vari ety of office-ori ented work in the interpretati on and ana lysi s of survey results. Check right-of-way easements for accuracy; determine if encroachments exist. Ca 1 cu 1 ate ri ghts-of-way boundari es and prepare plats. Serve as the Survey Party Chief in his/her absence or as assigned. Take field note for distances, elevations, and topography. Perform difficult computati on, drafting, and mapping work as assi gned. Perform rel ated duti es as requ ired. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Senior Survey Technician (Continued) QUALIFICATIONS Know1 edge of: Surveying methods, practices, and techniques. Surveying equipment and instruments, and their proper use and app 1i ca- tion. Calculations including algebra, gecmetry, and tri goncmetry mathemati cs as it applies to surveying and engineering. Tools, equipment, and methods of drafting and mapping. Property deeds and legal descriptions of property. Safety hazards and . appropriate precautions application to work assign- ments. Abi 1 ity to: Perform difficult survey-related office and field work. Operate various survey instruments and equipment. Serve as Survey Party Chief in his/her absence or as assigned. Read and interpret maps and p1 ans. Perform difficult calculations and computations related to survey work and the preparati on of p1 ats and p1 ans. Perform a variety of property-related research and analysis. Perform physical work as required by assigned activities. Learn and observe all appropri ate safety precautions as requ ired by the District, including but not limited to Ca1/0SHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provi de the requ ired know1 edge and ab i 1 i ti es wou1 d be qual ifyi ng. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Three years of experience in field survey and engineering work. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Senior Survey Technician (Continued) Education: Equ iva lent to completion of the twel fth grade, supplemented by college level courses in engineering or surveying. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California Driver's License. ---~------------,--"-___.___.._~____~.___.____.._~~_..'_"___""__"~_'____'_"'___.M_'._ _".~"_.___._,._.__.~_.._.___..._..'< ~___'__""__'_'_'_'_'__'__'_'_~_'__"___'"__~_'___"____,___.'______. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Code: Effecti ve: Representation Unit: SURVEY SUPERVISOR DEFINITION Plan, direct, organize, coordinate and supervise surveying work; coordinate the establishing and maintenance of survey records and maps; and provide tech- nical assistance to other members of staff. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives direction from higher level professional or management personnel. Exercises direct and indirect supervision over lower level surveying personnel. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Assign, train, and supervise survey personnel in accordance with District requ irenents . Rev iew and check vari ous survey maps and descri pti ons for accuracy and con- fonnance with established engineering principles and practices and applicable surveying laws, rules, and regulations and make various recommendations for imp rovement . Receive, evaluate and recommend solutions to survey related problems. Discuss survey regul ations, requirements, procedures, maps and rel ated data with engineers and other surveyors. Enforce District policies and appropriate State and Federal laws, codes, and regul ati ons. Assist in the preparation of the Division budget and monitor certain operation and maintenance accounts. Coordinate survey-rel ated acti vities with other Di stri ct departments and divi- sions, and with outside agencies. Perfonn professional surveying work on an as-needed basis. Perfonn rel ated duties as required. QUALIFICATIONS Knowl edge of: Principles, practices, equipment, and techniques of engineering survey- ing. Subdivision map standards. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Survey Supervisor (Continued) Know' edge of: Surveying equipment and instruments, and their proper use and applica- ti on . Mathematics as it applies to surveying and engineering calculations, includ,ing algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Grant deeds, easements, and legal descriptions of property. Federal, state, and local laws, rules, and policies relating to monu- ment perpetuation, subdivision maps, legal descriptions, and other sur- veyi ng related acti viti es. Principles, practices, and techniques of supervision. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assign- me nt s . Ability to: Oversee the performance of technical surveying work. Review maps, pl ans, and documents for conformance to appropri ate regu- 1 ations. Schedule surveying activities on an ongoing basis. Interpret 1 aws, regul ations and policies properly and make decisions accordingly. Enforce District policies and appropriate State and Federal laws, codes, and ordinances. Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Communicate clearly and concisely, orally and in writing. Train and supervise assigned staff. Learn and observe all appropri ate safety precauti ons as requ ired by the District, including but not limited to Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Order 5144 and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualify- ing. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Survey Supervisor (Continued) Experience: Five years of progressively responsible professional land sur- veying experience, including some supervisory experience or training. Education: Equ iva lent to completion of two- years of college in an engineering-related field; Licenses and Certificates Possession of a California State Land Surveyor's License. Possession of a valid California Driver's License. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I I. PERSONNEL 1 7/19/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE J u I y 13, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE 1984 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REPORT Receive Report SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Gall Koff, Personnel Officer Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: It Is the practice of the Affirmative Action Compliance Officer to annually apprise the Board of Directors on the status of the District's Affirmative Action Program. RACKG~I~O: In March 1976, the Board of Directors adopted Ordinance No. 114, which addresses the District's posture on Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. In summary, the ordinance ensures that al I District personnel activities wll I be consistent pursuant to Executive Order 11246 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. From 1976 through 1982, the committee's ma In obJectl ve was to mon Itor compliance with statutory regulations regarding Affirmative Actlon/EEO Issues. In late 1982, with the District's work force statistics showing a need for Improvement In relationship with the County's ethnic work force stat I st I cs, a dec I s I on by the comm I ttee was reached that more emphas I s wou I d be req u I red I f a sign I f I cant I mpact I n our work force composition were to be achieved. It was also agreed that the committee shou I d channe I I ts act I v I ties and energ I es I n areas where rea I Improvement cou I d be rea II zed. Membersh I p with I n the comm I ttee opened and those prev lous comm I ttee members no longer I nterested In participating resigned and employees committed to affirmative action requested to become part of the Affirmative Action Committee. Over the past two years, the following activities and achievements have been realized: o The D I str I ct became a member of the Ca II forn I a Assoc I at I on of Affirmative Action Officers, a resource training and networking organization. Three of the six member committee have attended the annual conference sponsored by this organization. o A line Item has been In Operations and Maintenance Budget since 1983-1984 for affirmative action activities. o All Affirmative Action Committee members attended a workshop where Affirmative Action Committee responsibilities and duties were discussed at length. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION o Affirmative Action Committee members developed a pol Icy addressing sexual harassment which was approved by the Board of Directors In March 1984. o Affirmative Actlon/EEO Laws and Regulations and the avoidance of sexua I harassment were the two top I cs of attent I on at the twice-yearly Management Educational Series Program. o . Recru I tment for the 1983 Student Summer Project Program was Intensified to attract qualified minority and women applicants. As a resu I t of th I s actl v Ity, over 40 percent of all summer hires during 1983 were minority or women. o The 1984 Student Summer Work Program was even more successful than 1983. Over 45 percent of a II students emp I oyed were minority and women and many women and men were hired In non-traditional occupations. o With permanent employment opportunities at their highest peak since 1979, Affirmative -Action Committee members are actively Informing qualified Individuals within their own communities of the vacancies. This "word of mouth" recruitment by employees Is one of the most effective means to attract minority app I I cants. o Funds for approved. scheduled aval I abl e an EEO/Afflrmatlve Action Reference Library have been Appropriate literature and audio-visual aids for purchase In fiscal year 1984-1985 wll I be for use throughout the District. o The Affirmative Action Committee with assistance from department managers, Is reviewing various classifications for educational requirements at the District. This wll I provide an opportunity for present and future employees to determine required courses of study prior to announcements of position vacancies to Improve minority employees chances for qualifying for positions when vacancies occur. These accomp I I shments over the past two years are I nd I cat I ve of the present commitment of the Affirmative Action Committee. It Is also recognized that a continued aggressive recruitment effort towards attracting more minority and female applicants Is absolutely essential If the District's responsibility of achieving parity with the Contra Costa County's work force statistics Is to be realized. REVIEWED AHD RECOMMENDED FOR 80ARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. Much has been accomp I I shed, but there Is st I II much to do. WIth a dedIcated group of IndIvIduals workIng together wIth Management and the Board of Dlrectors--al I commItted to achIevIng thIs same goal--much more can be accomplIshed. ~~~nATlnN: ReceIve 1984 AffIrmatIve ActIon CommIttee Report. REVIEWED MID RECOMMENDED FOR 80~RD ~CTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. ------------ .------------------------------- .t::==== ------------ ------------------------------- III \.. III .j.I 0 ~ 0 III .D III en 0 III C en u -oJ cu- l"'\ -.0 '" l"'\ -.0 Lt\ '" -.0 .:r u I 0 0 III >- 0 en '" '" l"'\ 0 '" N \.. .j.I CUCO '" N Lt\ .:r .j.I c u en c :::l \..- 0 0 0 U U I.L. ============================================== ---- ;1 l"'\ Lt\ 0 N '" 0 0 0 ...... .:r LJ-. l"'\ 0 0 N -.0 .:r CO CO N N ;1 ...... ..0. Lt\ N l"'\ l"'\ '" -.0 .:r Lt\ l"'\ 0 0 l"'\ -.0 l"'\ en CO CO N ~I -.0 0 CO -.0 .::r 0 0 0 0 0 CO .:r .:r N 0 0 -.0 .:r CO CO CO N N ---------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------------- ~ ~ U III \.. III C .j.I 0 :::l 0 a; 0 III .D III CO ~ 0 III C en (/) .j.I U -oJ CU- 0 Lt\ l"'\ N 0 -- en u I 0 0 C III .-.. III >- 0 l"'\ -.0 CO N '" Lt\ .:r 0 III \.. .j.I CU '" CO -.0 l"'\ > a. CU .j.I C u en a::: E 01 C ~ \..- < 0 III 0 0 0 r---^- ~ u .j.I u U I.L. C Z CU CU ============================================== ---- < U U (/) \.. \.. 0 CU ;1 .:r -.0 N CO -.0 CO N < I.L. a. I- -.0 Lt\ LJ-. N 0 0 l"'\ -.0 l"'\ l"'\ (/) ~ C CO CO 0 \.. N U 0 - < :.: l"'\ a::: 4- 00 ~I ~ 0 en l"'\ 00 en 0 '" '" l"'\ Z 0 0 0 III I Lt\ Lt\ '-0 N 0 0 .:r 00 .:r u '-0 00 00 0 III '" N -oJ >- en c( a; III ~ c ~I z <C 00 ...... N '" -.0 N N 00 LLI 0 U LJ-. Lt\ '-0 0 .:r en 0 -.0 00 00 '" ~I LI'\ -.0 00 en N 00 0 . o. '" Lt\ Lt\ 0 0 N 0 en l"'\ 00 en -.0 ~I -.0 en en 00 00 .:r 00 N 0 0 . 0 0 l"'\ l"'\ 0 en en 0 00 en 00 N C 0 III .j.I C Q) III III ~ .j.I ~ U "tJ a. C \.. 0 a; 0 Q.. .~ C C C (/) LLI (/) III U C III >- 'O~ LLI Ill~ X .j.I LLI III C U III LLI . ~ > III ~ III C .- III \.. \.. -oJ -oJ I 0 U U a. III \..- CU 0 LLI < c(-oJ -oJ ~ III III CU< .L: C -oJ X ~-oJ Q.. III III ~.., .j.I c( LLI o ::) x u CC :J: c( 0 X X I.L. ~I.L. LLI <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. v Ill. PERSONNEL 1 5/17/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer OATE May 9, 1984 SUBJECT DELETE CLASS DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASING AND MATERIALS OFFICER, SALARY RANGE S76 ($3062-$3706) & ADOPT NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASING & MAT~RIALS OFFIC~R AT A MANAGEMENT DESIGNATED SALARY RANGE OF M39 ($3149-$3827) SUBMITTEO BY INITIATING OEPT.iOIV. Paul Morsen, Administrative Dept. Manager Administrative TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL Department ISSUE: The District recommends that the Purchasing & Materials Officer position be placed within the Management Group effective July 1, 1984. BACKGROUND: In June 1979, Mr. Ken Laverty was hired to perform the duties of Purchasing & Materials Supervisor for the Plant Operations Department. The responsi- bil ities of the position at that time were to plan, assign, supervise, and participate in the Plant Operations Department's purchasing and warehousing activities. In July, 1981, the District reorganized all of its administrative service functions into one department. The impact of this reorganization affected Mr. Laverty's position and section more so than any other service functions in that the Purchasing area and Mr. Laverty, in particular, were required to expand Purchasingls scope of responsibil ity District wide to serve all departments. Mr. Laverty's salary range has been unchanged since his initial position in which he had purchasing responsibil ities for only the Plant Operations Department. Central izing the Purchasing Section required the development of systems to accommodate and yet provide control to al I District departments. Some of the more major systems controls developed include: o The development of a Purchasing & Materials Standards/Procedure manual, o a direct invoice receipt system, o a furniture and equipment inventory tagging system, o development of both a purchasing and inventory control FMIS computerized system, and o formal ized service and construction contracts for the nonpubl ic bid requirements. It has also become apparent that Mr. Laverty is managing at a level comparable to other management positions at the District. He manages the largest section within the Administrative Department; his authorized signature limit for purchase orders/contracts is exceeded only by the General Manager-Chief Engineer, Administrative Department Manager, and Plant Operations Department Manager; and he performs a significant role in conferring with and advising other managers in his area of expertise. Mr. Laverty's recommended reclassification will have I imited, if any, cost imp1 ications. It is recommended that he laterally move into the management designation. On the one hand, as a manager, Mr. Laverty would receive $65.00 more per month on the Benefit Option Plan and an increased Long-Term Disability Program; while on the other hand, Mr. Laverty would lose two days of Administrative leave and overtime pay on those occasions where working beyond normal hours is required. Accordingly, the Management Range recommended (the closest management range to his present range) will provide the possibi1 ity of a 3.25 percent increase one year from July as a result of his annual performance review. This modest increase will offset the loss of leave and overtime pay which will result. The provisions of Chapter 4 require an agreement with the Management Support/ Confidential Group (MS/CG) when designating a position from their representation unit to another. A letter from MS/CG is attached indicating their agreement with the staff recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: (1) Delete present class description of Purchasing and Materials Officer, salary range S76 ($3062 - $3706); (2) adopt new class description of Purchasing and Materials Officer, salary range M39 ($3149 - $3827); (3) designate the Purchasing and Materials Officer position as management; and (4) adopt a resolution reclassifying Mr. Ken Laverty into the management 1eye1 position of Purchasing and Materials Officer at his present salary of $3,706 effective July 1, 1984. REVIEWED AHD RECOMMEHDED FOR SOARD ACTIOH INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. CENTRAL CONTRA COS. SANITARY DISTRICT C,,- .~: Effective: Representation Unit: PURCHASING AND MATERIALS OFFICER DEFINITION To plan, organize, and direct the administration of the centralized purchasing and materials control systems; contracts; review all District purchases; perform special duties as required. District's administer manageri a 1 SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general direction from the Administrative Department Manager. Exercises direct and general supervision over professional and technical personnel in the purchasing and materials control sections. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Plan, organize, manage, and review the operation of the District's centralized purchasing and materials control systems; develop and implement goals, objectives, policies, and priorities. Assume responsibility for preparation and administration of budget; review section budget requirements and monitor expenditures. Provide general supervlslon over subordinate personnel including the training and development of section employees. section monthly Review all District purchase requisitions; approve requisitions in conformity with established procedures. Assume responsibility for contracts and purchase orders including the resolution of any problems. Provide information and advice to management regarding the areas of purchasing and materials control including legal considerations relating to current and proposed contracts. Prepare and conduct special projects as assigned. Perform related duties as required. CENTRAL CONTRA COSI.. SANITARY DISTRICT Purchasing and Materials Officer (Continued) QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles and practices of purchasing and contracts. Principles and techniques of organization, management administration, personnel administration, budgeting, and cost control, including and understanding the importance of authority, responsibility, accountability, motivation, and delegation. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Governmental purchasing laws and procedures including the Uniform Commercial Code. Budget and accounting procedures and practices. Storekeeping and warehousing methods and practices including inventory control procedures. Types of supplies, materials, and equipment commonly used by sanitation districts including terminology and nomenclature. Abil ity to: Plan, organize, and direct the work of a comprehensive and complex major area of responsibility. Perceive and analyze problems correctly and take effective corrective action. Communicate clearly and concisely, orally, and in writing. Analyze, evaluate and modify purchasing methods and procedures; compile and analyze statistical data. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships in the department with other departments and divisions of the District and with persons and organizations dealing with the District. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: CENTRAL CONTRA COSln SANITARY DISTRICT Purchasing and Materials Officer (Continued) Experience: Five years of experience in large scale governmental or commercial purchasing including familiarity with constructiont contract administrationt warehousingt and inventory control procedures with two years supervisory experience. Education: Equivalent to a bachelor1s degree from an accredited college or university with major study in purchasingt business administrationt public administrationt marketing or a related field. RESOLUTION NO. 84- 059 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING KEN F. LAVERTY TO THE POSITION OF PURCHASING AND MATERIALS OFFICER BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that a new class description be adopted for the position of Purchasing and Materials Officer, Range M39 ($3149- $3827), and that this position be placed within the Management Group in the Administrative Department effective July 1, 1984; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that KEN F. LAVERTY be reclassified into the management level position of PURCHASING AND MATERIALS OFFICER at his present salary of THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND SIX DOLLARS ($3706) per month (M39) effective July 1, 1984, and that he be entitled to all the benefits normally accorded the management group. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 1984, by the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Boneysteele, Clausen, Dalton NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Stanley ~L ~)t.5\).,Jf:2=:~. Presl~ent of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia COUNTERSIGNED: S C of F--- Approved as to Form: MEMORANDUM TO: May 8, 1984 FROM: PAUL MORSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT MANAGER John Walter, President, Management Support/ Confidential Group SUBJECT: PROPOSED CONFIDENTIAL DESIGNATED POSITION In response to the request to reclassify Mr. Ken Laverty, Purchasing and Materials Officer to Management, the Management Support/Confidential Group is in agreement with Ken F. Laverty, Purchasing and Materials Officer, being designated Manag~ )\;~ P- cc: G. Koff K. Laverty John Walter President Management Support/ Confidential Group c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer No.VI I. PERSONNEL 1 4 1 84 DATE March 27, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT ADDITION OF TWO OPTIONS TO THE BENEFIT OPTION PLAN FOR THE PLAN YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 1984 BENEFIT OPTION PLAN SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: Two new options are proposed for inclusion in the District's Benefit Option Plan without increasing Plan expense. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the District's Benefit Option Plan for management and management support/ confidential personnel as of November 1, 1981. Benefit amounts which are credited to each participant's account were establ ished for both personnel groups for each of the three compensation years covered by the present agreements. The following options are now available to participants to allocate the fixed monthly credits: o Individual Term Life Insurance Program o Deferred Compensation Plan Program o Annual Physical Examination o Increased Dental Orthodontic Reimbursement o Family Visual Eye Care Reimbursement o Medical Deductible Reimbursement o Physical Fitness Program o Purchase Prior Military and Public Service Time The two options which are proposed to be added as of May 1, 1984, the start of the next Benefit Option Plan year, are described below: Tuition Reimbursement in Pursuit of a College Degree The District seeks to encourage employees to further their training and education for the purpose of improving their on- the-job performance through its present tuition refund policy. The present policy provides a maximum tuition refund of $300 per fiscal year to all District employees for coursework and textbooks within the scope of the employee's employment field and job responsibilities. Under this proposed benefit option, participants would be able to allocate all, or a portion, of their benefit amount for reimbursement of tuition for coursework in pursuit of an associate, bachelor, master, or doctorate degree from an REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIJJrTING DEPT.!DIV. dc/L-- ~J. WNF PM accredited college or university. It is intended that this proposed option could be used in conjunction with the present tuition refund pol icy, if the requirements under that pol icy of job relatedness are met. This benefit option would promote improved employee development and performance, and enhance recruitment efforts. Hearing Aids Reimbursement The majority of the options within the District's Benefit Option Plan is provided to promote the health and well-being of participants; i.e. annual physical examination, increased dental orthodontics, family visual care, medical deductible reimburse- ment, and physical fitness program. This proposed option would include reimbursement for the cost of hearing aids and related app1 iances. While charges by physicians for examination and diagnosis of hearing difficulties are covered by the District's medical and health plans, the cost of hearing aids is not. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the addition of the following two options to the District's Benefit Option Plan at no additional expense: (1) Tuition Reimbursement in Pursuit of a College Degree; (2) Hearing Aids Reimbursement. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED ,.OR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. I San BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. V II. PERSONNEL 2 4/1 /84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 10, 1984 SUBJECT DESIGNA TE YVONNE BROWN, ADMINISTRA TIVE ASSISTANT, TO CONFIDENTIAL STATUS UNDER THE JOB TITLE OF ADMINIS- STRATIVE SECRETARY, EFFECTIVE 5/1/84 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: In accordance with Chapter 4 of the District Code, District Management requests that the Board designate Yvonne Brown as a confidential Administrative Secretary. BACKGROUND: During the past year, since the majority of our employees moved from our Walnut Creek location to Martinez, a problem has been identified within our Collection Systems Operations Department: there is no confidentially designated position within that department. Due to the physical separation of the Collection Systems Operations Department from the rest of the District, and because of the number of employees that work in that department, it is necessary to have one secretarial employee designated confidential in order to process grievances, meet and confer material, discussion records, and other documents related to employer/employee relations. Obviously, such work requires access, in the course of the involved secretary's duties, to confidential information on employer/employee relations. The person so designated would, therefore, be appropriately designated Management Support/Confi- dential in keeping with the definition contained in the District Code, Chapter 4, Section 702d. Chapter 4 of the District Code, which was the subject of meet and confer between both representation groups and management in January and February of 1982, outlines the steps necessary to solve this problem: "The Administrative Department Manager, using the criteria set forth in this ordinance, shall make the initial determination of all questions that may arise as to whether classifications or employees included in a representation unit are in fact Management, Professional, Management Support/Confidential Employees, or General Employees. Any action of the Administrative Department Manager in determining issues contained in this section which are not satisfactory to the employee organization(s), shall be resolved in the meet and confer process, and where that process fails, to the State Conciliation Service as described in Section 3507.1 of the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act." In keeping with the responsibilities outlined above, I have determined that it is in the best interests of the District to designate Yvonne Brown confidential. I have, furthermore, contacted both the Public Employees Union Local No.1 and the Management Support/Confiden- tial Group. Both representation groups have replied that they have no problems with this proposal (see attached letters). Accordingly, it is now appropriate for the Board to act on the matter. RECOMMENDATION: Designate Yvonne Brown a confidential employee by reclassifying her to Administrative Secretary (Range S 60-0, $2,411), effective May 1, 1984, and delete her present classification of Administrative Assistant (Range G 60-0, $2,401). Note: salary figures quoted are those to be in effect May 1, 1984, the beginning of the last year of the three-year labor agreement. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION March 13, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: PAUL MORSEN, ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT MANAGER FROM: John Walter, President, Management Support/ Confidential Group SUBJECT: PROPOSED CONFIDENTIAL DESIGNATED POSITION In response to your letter dated February 28, 1984, the Management Support/ Confidential Group is in agreement with Yvonne Brown, Administrative Assistant, being designated Confidential. John Walter President Management Support/ Confidential Group cc: G. Koff Y. Brown R. Hinkson f AFFILIATED WITH C.C.C.E.A. March 26, 1984 Mr. Paul Morsen Administrative Department Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Subject: Reclassification of Yvonne Brown Dear Sir: The Employees Association, Local No.1, with the consent of Yvonne Brown, does not take exception to the reclassi- fication of her position to Confidential. Sincerely, PUBL IC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL NO. 1 CZJ~ zj ~ David V. Platt Assistant General Manager DVP/aw opeu/fl29 cc: Yvonne Brown Rodger Smith, Unit President THE UNION FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ORGANIZED 1941 ~53 c((5() C(:nt~al Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~VI I. PERSONNEL POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN Gener.1 Men.ger-Chief Engineer DATE March 20, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985 PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING OEPT./OIV. Administrati ve/Personnel 1SSl..E: The District has analyzed its personnel staffing needs for 1984-1985 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration and approval. BACKGRCll..tIID: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for 1984-1985. The Personnel Budget includes a memorandum from each department (Attachments II, III, and IV) with detailed explanation as to how these recommended staffing changes will affect the department's organization. ( The attached summary sheet (Attachment I) highlights each department's staffing recommenda- tions and summarizes their effect on total authorized positions in the District. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized positions in the District will not change as a result of implementing the recommended 1984-1985 Personnel Budget in that the number of requested new positions (eight) is offset by the same number of positions recommended to be deleted (eight). It cannot be assumed that there will be no increase in salaries and wages for the forthcoming year. It is anticipated that the 1984-1985 Operations & Maintenance Budget of affected departments will be greater than actual salaries and wages in 1983-1984 because of the net effect of the following: o The third year salary increases provided for in the District's labor agreements will be effective May 1,1984. o Step raises occurring in 1984-1985. o The filling in 1984-1985 of authorized positions left vacant in 1983-1984. o Positions recommended for deletion in 1984-1985 may have been left vacant and lrIbudgeted in 1983-1984. o Positions authorized in 1983-1984 may not have been budgeted for the full year due to anticipated recruitment efforts and time required to fill position. The Personnel Budget, if approved, requires the following Board actions: EnQineerinQ and Construction Department 1. Authorize one additional position of Senior Engineer, S-82, $3,535 - $4,274. 2. Authorize one additional position of Assistant Engineer, G-72, $2,771 - $3,356. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 3. Authorize one additional position of Permit and Services Technician, Range G-64, $2,290 -$2,771. 4. Authorize one position of Planning/Grants Technician, adopt class description, and set salary at Range G-64, $2,290 - $2,771. 5. Authorize one position of Collection System Inspection Supervisor, adopt class description and set salary level at Range 5-74, $2,918 - $3,535. 6. Delete one authorized position of Engineering Assistant, Range G-69, $2,581-$3,120. 7. Delete two authorized positions of Senior Engineering Assistant, Range G-72, $2,771~ $3,356. 8. Delete one authorized position of Senior Construction Inspector, Range .G-72, $2,771- $3,356, effective September 1, 1984. 9. Delete the authorized position and class description of Supervising Construction Inspector, S-77, $3,134-$3,797. Administrative Department ( 10. Authorize one position of Accountant, adopt class description, and set salary level at Range G-60, $2,082-$2,519. 11. Authorize one position of Safety and Loss Control Specialist, adopt class description, salary to be commensurate with qualifications and experience, but not to exceed Range S-71, $2,715-$3,287. 12. Delete the position and class description of Safety Coordinator 1/11, Range 5-55-62, $1,855-$2,653. 13. Delete one authorized position of Secretary III, Range G-52, $1,723-$2,082. Collection System Operations Department 14. Authorize one position. of Collection System Technician, adopt class description, and set salary level at Range G-59, $2,033-$2,459. 15. Delete one authorized position of Crew Member I/II, Range G-53-59, $1,764-$2,459. The schedule for Board consideration and approval of the Personnel Budget includes Board receipt of the budget on April 5, 1984, for review and comment which will be followed by the calendaring of the Personnel Budget for Board approval on April 19, 1984. ..V,,,,.,, A"" UCO....""." "011 'OAItO ACTIO" INITIATING DEPT./DIV. .EN. MO"./CHIEP: ENO. RECOMME~ATION: 1. Receive Personnel Budget for 1984-1985 on April 5, 1984. Approve Personnel Budget as identified by items No. I to No. 15 above on April 19, 1984. 2. 3. Authorize commencement of Safety and Loss Control Specialist recruitment with salary to be established upon review. ( . ..v,nE" AN" .ECO,...N"." ~". aOAlt" ACT'ON INITIATING DI~T ./DIV. GIN. IIGR./CHII' ING. _.'-"-~-"'"---'--'---'-"-----'--"---'._----"-'~'-_..,._-"----"._.__.~_.~-,-~--_..__.._-~--------_._-_.--'~-------- ce(5l) CE':nt~a~ Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V I. PERSONNEL POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief EnginE1er DATE March 20, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985 PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrati ve /Personnel lSSLE: The District has analyzed its personnel staffing needs for 1984-1985 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration and approval. BACKGROlND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for 1984-1985. The Personnel Budget includes a memorandum from each department (Attachments II, III, and IV) with detailed explanation as to how these recommended staffing changes will affect the department's organization. ( The attached summary sheet (Attachment I) highlights each department's staffing recommenda- tions and summarizes their effect on total authorized positions in the District. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized positions in the District will not change as a result of implementing the recommended 1984-1985 Personnel Budget in that the number of requested new positions (eight) is offset by the same number of positions recommended to be deleted (eight). It cannot be assumed that there will be no increase in salaries and wages for the forthcoming year. It is anticipated that the 1984-1985 Operations &: Maintenance Budget of affected departments will be greater than actual salaries and wages in 1983-1984 because of the net effect of the following: o The third year salary increases provided for in the District's labor agreements will be effective May 1,1984. o Step raises occurring in 1984-1985. o The filling in 1984-1985 of authorized positions left vacant in 1983-1984. o Positions recommended for deletion in 1984-1985 may have been left vacant and unbudgeted in 1983-1984. o Positions authorized in 1983-1984 may not have been budgeted for the full year due to anticipated recruitment efforts and time required to fill position. The Personnel Budget, if approved, requires the following Board actions: EnQineerinQ and Construction Department 1. Authorize one additional position of Senior Engineer, S-82, $3,535 - $4,274. 2. Authorize one additional position of Assistant Engineer, G-72, $2,771 - $3,356. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION 3. Authorize one additional position of Permit and Services Technician, Range G-64, $2,290 -$2,771. 4. Authorize one position of Planning/Grants Technician, adopt class description, and set salary at Range G-64, $2,290 - $2,771. 5. Authorize one position of Collection System Inspection Supervisor, adopt class description and set salary level at Range S-74, $2,918 - $3,535. 6. Delete one authorized position of Engineering Assistant, Range G-69, $2,581-$3,120. 7. Delete two authorized positions of Senior Engineering Assistant, Range G-72, $2,771- $3,356. 8. Delete one authorized position of Senior Construction Inspector, Range. G-72, $2,771- $3,356, effective September 1, 1984. 9. Delete the authorized position and class description of Supervising Construction Inspector, S-77, $3,134-$3,797. Administrati ve Department ( 10. Authorize one position of Accountant, adopt class description, and set salary level at Range G-60, $2,082-$2,519. 11. Authorize one position of Safety and Loss Control Specialist, adopt class description, salary to be commensurate with qualifications and experience, but not to exceed Range S-71, $2,715-$3,287. 12. Delete the position and class description of Safety Coordinator UH, Range S-55-62, $1,855-$2,653. 13. Delete one authorized position of Secretary III, Range G-52, $1,723-$2,082. Collection System Operations Department 14. Authorize one position. of Collection System Technician, adopt class description, and set salary level at Range G-59, $2,033-$2,459. 15. Delete one authorized position of Crew Member UH, Range G-53-59, $1,764-$2,459. The schedule for Board consideration and approval of the Personnel Budget includes Board receipt of the budget on April 5, 1984, for review and comment which will be followed by the calendaring of the Personnel Budget for Board approval on April 19, 1984. ~. .,V'IW,O ANO .,COMMlNOIO ~o. 10A.0 ACTION INITIATING DE~T./DIV. GEN. MG"./CHIE" ENG. { RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive Personnel Budget for 1984-1985 on April 5, 1984. 2. Approve Personnel Budget as identified by items No. I to No. 15 above on April 19, 1984. J. Authorize commencement of Safety and Loss Control Specialist recruitment with salary to be established upon review. ItEV'IWED IoND RECOMMENDED I'Oft 10loRD IoCT,ON INITIATING DE~T ./DIV. GEN. MG",/eHIE' ENG. February 27, 1984 MH10 TO: PAUL ~10RSEN FROM: Curt Swanson SUBJECT: ELECTION OF MS/CG OFFICERS On February 22, the ~1anagement Support/Confi~ential Group elected officers for the period February, 1984 to February, 1985. All of the following incumbents were reelected: President John Walter Vice President - Curt Swanson Secretary ~1argie Griffin Treasurer Steve Elsberry Curt W. SV.Janson Vice President Management Support/Confidential Group CWS:mc cc: Gail Koff Ma rch 12, 1 984 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Board of Directors VIA: Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Manager Roger Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT: EMPLOYEES. ASSOCIATION/LOCAL No.1 ELECTION RESULTS An election was held to fill the position of Vice-President; Treasurer; and Member of the Board of Directors, Local No.1, which resulted in the following staff of officers: Rodger Smith, President Wayne Miner, Vice-President Nadine Sweeney, Secretary Grace Christopherson, Treasurer Molly Mull in Member Board of Directors, Local No.1. ~ Ins cc: J. McM i 11 an Rodger mith President CCCSDEA - Local No. i~ ~ t it BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~ N~ VI I. PERSONNEL 1 1 84 POSITION PAPER V A: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE _ Ma rch 6, 1 984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE PERSONS FOR SUMMER SEASONAL EMPLOYMENT PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Gail B. Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for summer help in 1984. BACKGROUND: Each year the District hires students during the summer months for vacation reI ief, cleanup, and special projects. Memorandums identifying the goals to be accomplished by each department, if approval is received, are attached ond a summary of the total temporary personnel requested follows: NUMBER OF PERSONS NEEDED 1 6 3 3 Author i zed Person 1984 Last Year Months Total 1983 15 5 3 30 10 10 65 15 15 42 10 4 152 ~ 32 Department/ Division Administrative Coll.Sys.Oper. Plant Operations Eng. & Const. @5/hr . 3 3 6 @6/h r . 1 7 5 1 @9/hr . 1 @ll /h r . The increase in total requested positions is primarily attributable to the Engineering & Construction Department request. As described in the attachment, it is anticipated that the hiring of temporary draftspersons will assist in greatly reducing the department1s mapping backlog. It is recommended that the hourly rate for seasonal help (persons not having special qual ifications or prior experience at the District) be maintained at $5 per hour and the rate for persons having special qualifications and/or prior experience with the District be maintained at $6 per hour. The $9/hour and $ll/hour categories are also recommended to be maintained for those persons who are about to graduate from college or who are graduate students and would offer specialized experience to the District. Last year we received authorization to hire 32 persons for our summer program and 30 the previous year. The approximate cost of this action will be $190,000 to be drawn from departmental o & M budgets. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the hiring of 40 persons for seasonal summer employment. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM RJD March 7, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: GAIL KOFF, PERSONNEL OFFICER FROM: Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Manager SUBJECT: 1984 REQUEST FOR SEASONAL HELP Number of Persons Needed $6/hr. $9/hr. $ll/hr. Person Months 1984 Total 1983 Total $5 /hr. 3 1 1 15 5 3 The Administrative Department's request for the seasonal employees during the summer of 1984 is: 1. Three seasonal employees at $5/hr. for three (3) months (9 person months). One position will assist the personnel section in personnel file reorganization project, microfilming, vacation relief, and other special assignments. One position will assist the secretarial support section in typing, mail delivery, receptionist tasks, vacation relief, phone coverage, and other related duties. One position will assist the Building Maintenance Technician in various cleaning and painting assignments connected with the maintenance of the Headquarters Office Building. 2. One returning seasonal help employee at $6/hr. for three (3) months (3 person months) in the Purchasing and Materials Section. The major duties/areas of work will be preparation for physical inventory; purchase order file reorganization project; acting as vacation relief and other special projects. 3. One seasonal help employee at $9/hr. for three (3) months (3 person months) to assist the Secretary of the District in indexing and microfilming Board records, inputting Board records into the Record Retrieval System, and microfilming Board records. pa~ Administrative Department Manager February 24, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: GAIL KOFF, PERSONNEL OFFICER FROM: Robert H. Hinkson, Manager, Collection System Operations SUBJECT: 1984 REQUEST FOR SEASONAL HELP The C.S.O. department requests 10 persons for vacation fill in; to augment maintenance programs; and for special projects undertaken during the summer months. The workers will be used in the following manner: 1 . Vaca t ion Re 1 i e f ...............4 2. Building and Grounds..... ......1 3. Monitoring and Testing.........2 4. Con s t r uc t ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5. Adm in i s t ra t i ve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The break down of hourly rate is as follows: 7 persons at $6.00 3 persons at $5.00 Employment will be from June through August. !0,w,~ Ro~ert H. Hinkson Manager, Collection System Operations RHH:yb February 24, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: Wendy Lucido, Personnel Analyst I I FROM: Charles W. Batts, Plant Operations Department Manager SUBJECT: SEASONAL EMPLOYEE REQUEST Number of Persons Needed 5 $ 9/Hr. $11 /Hr. Person Months 3 65 Authorized in 1981 19 Authorized in 1982 15 Authorized in 1983 15 1984 Total $5/Hr. $6/Hr. 6 15 The Plant Operations Department's request for seasonal employees is at the same level as 1983 with a total of 15 positions. Again this summer, there are some ambitious projects that we plan to complete by utilizing these positions. The $5/hour and $6/hour positions are to serve as aides for the Buildings and Grounds crew (6), the Pumping Stations (2), Maintenance (2), and the Laboratory (1). These positions will be used for summer- related activities such as weed control, landscape work, and outside painting. The Laboratory position will be for vacation relief. The position listed for $ 9/hour is to enter data and act as a programmer for the new preventive maintenance program. The positions listed at $lljhour are to hire University of California Berkeley graduate students or last-year engineering students to aid in the production of sl ide/tape training programs and to act as aides to plant engineering staff on various ongoing projects such as energy conservation, commodity reduction, and odor control. The ~1 ide/tape program has been a highly successful training tool that will be expanded to further cover treatment plant furnace operation; anticipated furnace start-up will require data gathering and evaluation. One student will work on an evaluation and implementation of a preventive (2a. ...e.~:.nc e.. and sp/are"""p arts J nventQry program. ~/~,// ~!//( LAtj/~1 , ii, tt/\l '//~~~'- Cha 1es W. Sa tV" Plant Operations Department Manager CWB:bc cc: R. Dolan G. Ko ff R. Baker February 27, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: WENDY LUCIDO, PERSONNEL ANALYST II FROM: Robert A. Baker, Engineering and Construction Vf&~ Department Manager ~ John A. Larson, Engineering Division Manager \I~ VIA: SUBJECT: SEASONAL EMPLOYEE REQUEST Number of Persons Needed $6/Hr. 1 $9/Hr. 5 $ll/Hr. 3 Person Months 1984 Total 36 11 The Engineering Divisionis request for seasonal employees during the summer of 1984 is: 1. Three summer engineer positions at $ll/hour for 4 months (12 person months). Two of these positions would provide suoport for the planned completion of the collection system facilities planning effort. One position would support the planned centrifuge test and the EQC water consumption estimate updates. These positions would be filled by graduate students or senior level students or senior level students in engineering. The salary would be offered commensurate with ability/experience. 2. Five summer drafter positions at $9/hour for 4 months (20 person months). Four of these positions would work on the collection system mapping program to ellminate the current backlog of work. Thls would be similar to the summer programs in 1975-79. One of these positions would relieve a permanent employee for work on pilot scale evaluation of computer aided mapping as part of the Divisionis objective to increase productivity. These positions would be filled by junior college trained employees. The salary would be offered commensurate with ability/experience. 3. One clerical position at $6/hour for 4 months (4 person months). This position would assist the Division secretary in consolidating the Divisionis satellite project filing system. JAL:rms February 28, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: WENDY LUCIDO, PERSONNEL ANALYST I I VIA: FROM: ROBERT A. BAKER, ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT MANAGER Jay ~~Oy. Construction & Services ~ivision Manager SEASONAL EMPLOYEE REQUEST SUBJECT: Number of Persons Needed $9/Hr. Person Months 1984 Total 6 Authorized in 1981 1 Authorized in 1982 2 Authorized in 1983 0 The Construction and Services Divisionis request for seasonal employees is for one experienced person to augment the survey crew because of the reduc- tion in staff of the Survey Section. It is planned to have this person work mainly during the summer to provide reI ief for vacations. It is also intended to util ize this person at various times throughout the year when an additional crew member is needed for safety considerations. Reviewed by: ihr7//j (,( I Ct 4 is {Ie "- Robert A. Baker Engineering and Construction Department Manager JSM/dh Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V II. PERSONNEL 2 1 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 13, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION DELEGA TE THE AUTHORITY TO THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO APPOINT JAMES KELLY TO THE PLANNING PERSONNEL DIVISION MANAGER POSITION, SALARY $4,534/MO. (M-26 RANGE) SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Baker, Engr. & Const. Dept. M r. artment ISSLE: The Board of Directors created the Planning Division Manager position on January 19, 1984. The Engineering and Construction Department is now ready to recommend that the position be filled. BACKGROl.J\ID: Upon the Board of Directors' creation of the Planning Division Manager position, the District hired an executive recruiting firm (Thomas N. Williams & Associates) to seek qualified candidates. The firm conducted an extensive state-wide search for the position. A list of five top applicants was created and the top candidates were interviewed by staff. James Kelly has been chosen as the top candidate for the position. Mr. Kelly is presently a Principal Engineer with the James M. Montgomery Engineering firm located in Walnut Creek, California. Mr. Kelly has a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering and 12 years of experience in the sanitary engineering field. He has worked with the Los Angeles Co. Sanitation Districts and the CHZM Hill consulting engineering firm. He also worked on the San Francisco Bay Region Wastewater Solids Study, which recommended solids disposal alternatives for CCCSD. Mr. Kelly is extremely capable in the areas of planning, project management, and design, and will be an excellent complement to the management group. This position paper recommends that the Board delegate the authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer to appoint Mr. Kelly to the position of Planing Division Manager, contingent on successful completion of a physical examination. Mr. Kelly has indicated that he will be available to start work in mid-April. It is recommended that the starting salary be set at $4,534/Mo., the mid-point of the M-26 salary range ($4,093/Mo.-$4,976/Mo.). RECOMMENDATION: Delegate to the General Manager-Chief Engineer authority to appoint James Kelly to the Planning Division Manager position at the M-26 salary range with the starting salary of $4,534/Mo. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JAMES KELLY TO THE POSITION OF PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT JAMES KELLY be appointed to the position of PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER at a beginning salary of FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR DOLLARS ($4,534) per month (M-26 Range), and shall be entitled to benefits normally accorded to the management group. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of March, 1984, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia Approved as to Form: John J. Carniato District Counsel Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. PERSONNEL I 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 12, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL REQUEST EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL REQUEST SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: Board approval is required for emergency withdrawals from the Deferred Compensation Plan. BACKGROUND: L. Shepardson, Materials Coordinator I I, has requested a $1,200 emergency withdrawal from the Deferred Compensation Plan based on extreme financial hardship caused by a personal illness. The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee has considered the request and believes it meets the requirements for emergency withdrawal; the committee, therefore, recommends approval of the request. Additional information which may be required by the Board can be provided in closed session. RECOMMENDATION: Approve L. Shepardson's emergency withdrawal request for $1,200 to be withdrawn from the Deferred Compensation Plan. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI:lING DEPT./DIV. . ~~~~ WNF RJD aJfllINTlAL Ma rc h 1 2, 1 984 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Walter Funasaki, Chairm~ ~eferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee ~~ SUBJECT: DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL REQUEST Board approval is required for emergency withdrawals from the Deferred Compensation Plan. Larry Shepardson, Materials Coordinator II, was granted a four-month medical leave of absence by the Board of Directors effective February 21,1984. He had exhausted all sick leave and vacation balances before the start of his leave of absence. He underwent surgery for his medical condition on March 7, 1984 and is recuperating. As he is required to vacate his present dwelling because it is being razed, Larry Shepardson has requested an emergency withdrawal of $1,200 from his deferred compensation plan account to be used to relocate to new quarters. The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee has reviewed this emergency withdrawal request and recommends its approval. A position paper for this emergency withdrawal request has been prepared for the March 15, 1984 Board agenda. This document is being submitted under separate cover to preserve the confidentiality of information submitted in the application for emergency withdrawal. WF /hb CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DEFERRED COMPENSATION APPLICATION FOR EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL - EXTREME FINANCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES I. Employee's Name L J:.\('r~. '5 ke p~5b y\ 2. 3. Department \)..)0 f..I? ~ l }5J:L.., 4. 5. Social Securit; Numbe;SLP 7 - 3. ~-d.3lo9 6. 7. Marital Status ~(/~Q_ 9. Current Monthly Deferred Compensation Deduction 10. I wish to reduce the mo~t Iy deduction to $5 0 lJnd II. Total Deferred To Dat lOp O{JO .() 0 Date VVtPrc..h I,)Q 8 '-I Work Telephone Amount Requested IdOO.()~ C1:/tt~ (not to exceed 90% of Item II ---or~S 8. Dependents d? 5.00 12. Please briefly explain the extreme financial circumstances which require an emergency withdrawal from the District Deferred Compensation Plan. (Attach additional information if necessary.) ~ 'to &t~ ~ ~~ w ~ ~ fY\.O-V;'n.~ CO~-ff., ~ r~ -tu'-Z- d ~f\ d -J2 Y\ 0 u<:; " 'L0pCki l.o W 13. Is your current financial emergency the result of a voluntary decision or is it due to circumstances beyond your control? Ja.( J ond rY'-^i" (Ion-vw-.o 14. Describe financial hardship if this application is ~ep.,ied. (\J\O~ " f\ W,~ ,'{;CtvvWLLA 15. Please list your monthly net income from all sources {include spouse's and dependent chi Idren's incomes}: SOURCE MONTHL Y AMOUNT 7d6, DC I . 2. 3. 4. D~ I~' I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. TOTAL IdS ~oo I of 3 ---_.._-^~-""._----~-~"..._,'- -.-...---..--,,---.-.,-.--.---....--..-------.--"'-..--.---~~..._-~---_.._,._--_..."-,,_._-----_....__.__.- - . ..._-_._---,._---~ 16. List all amounts of money you have in checking accounts, savings accounts, safety deposit boxes, Oco~~~!v. ~ p~e'l D~ . 0 0 5AV;/}(f - 5,00 17. List all major monthly payments you are currently making: SOURCE MONTHL Y PAYMENT BALANCE OWED MARKET VALUE Home . )~O -00 ~lo~, 00 ~ ~f\:f Automobiles Furniture ~ S$""'OO (800.t- ~r+h) d 5 'W ~c;;(./L<) ~OO ,DO lq&~L~L) 18. I declare that the foregoing is true and correct. I declare that J request early withdrawal of deferred compensation funds based on extreme financial circumstances which were beyond my control. J understand that any false or omitted information may disqualify my application for early withdrawal. Medical Other TOTAL DATED ~ -1 - g L/ , at -D'tctr+r NI?.; , California ~~~ . 'G?t:;(. "-/ I . ignature 0 . p~licant 2 of 3 ?-- FOR COMM ITTEE USE ONLY Committee Recommendation: y Approve application in the amount of (c9-0o.00 Allow reduction in monthly contribution to the $5 minimum. (not to exceed 90% of Item II). Yes No' Deny application for the following reasons: Committee Signatures: ~ k~?.... -~. -ignafure ~// /~te) I'~~~ ~<{41CJi~ s~z/?y (Date) 3- /;}.-~'l (Date) ~e~ kM~~fJ,~ 3-J3-K4 (Date) 3~ /3- 81- (Date) DISTRICT BOARD ACTION Date: EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL REDUCTION IN CONTRIBUTION Approve Approve Deny Deny ----_.__.._._-,_.,-,--_.._---,....,...,'---_..."'-_.~- --,.. <C!SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. CONSENT CALENDAR POSIITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer OATE February 21, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT APPROVE A MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE, NOT TO EXCEED FOUR (4) MONTHS, FOR LARRY SHEPARDSON EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 21, 1984 APPROVE LEAVE SUBMITTEO BY Ga i lB. Koff INITIATING OEPT.iOIV. Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: There is a need to approve a medical leave of absence for Larry Shepardson, Materials Coordinator II, effective February 21, 1984. BACKGROUND: Mr. Larry Shepardson, Materials Coordinator I I, has been ill and off work since February 15, 1984. He has been able to use accumulative vacation and sick leave accruals to offset his absence; however, these accruals will run out on February 20, 1984. The District recommends that Mr. Shepardson be granted a maximum four (4) month medical leave of absence, effective February 21, 1984. It is hoped that Mr. Shepardson will be able to return to work prior to the leave expiration date. RECOMMENDATION: Approve medical leave of absence, not to exceed four months, for Larry Shepardson, effective February 21, 1984. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RJD BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V I I I. PERSONNEL POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Februar 24, 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION REGARDING SEXUAL HARASSMENT Adopt Resolution SUBMITTED BY Gail Koff, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: A District policy addressing sexual harassment is appropriate. BACKGROUND: Within the past three months the Affirmative Action Committee has attended seminars where the topic of discussion was sexual harassment in the work place. Corbett, Kane, Berk & Barton, our labor attorneys, have also advised their clients that it is in their best interest to have a sexual harassment policy. Copies of appropriate policy statements were provided, and it was recommended that every organization have a formal document addressing the matter of sexual harassment in the work place. The Affirmative Action Committee recognizes that besides being unlawful, sexual harassment debilitates morale and interferes in the work productivity of its victims and their co-workers. All District employees must be allowed to work in an environment free from solicited and unwelcomed sexual overtures. The committee, using much resource material recommended by the District's attorneys and provided at the above-mentioned seminars, developed a policy which addresses all of the areas identified by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as being sexual harassment, as well as providing a procedure to be utilized by an employee if such conduct cannot be immediately remedied. This policy will be communicated to the District's supervisors in the upcoming March 1984 Management Educational Series Program and will be communicated to the employees immediately thereafter. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. , A Resolution Adopting a Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment in the Work Environment. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RJD RESOLUTION NO. 84- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY PROHIBITING SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District bel ieves that sexual harassment has no place in the work environment; and WHEREAS, under federal and state law, sexual harassment of employees i sill ega 1 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is against the District's pol icy "- for any employee or other person to subject another employee or other person to sexual harassment. Acts of sexual harassment, which are prohibited by this pol icy, include but are not 1 imited to: unwelcome sexual activity of another employee; and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature (e.g., lewd comments, or gestures; unwanted intentional physical contact of a sexual nature; the display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures) when: a) submission to such conduct is made either expl icitly or impl icitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; b) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; c) such conduct is offered in order to receive special treatment or in exchange for or in consideration of any personnel action; d) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that retal iation against any employee for refusing a sexual advance, for refusing a request, demand, or subtle pressure for sexual favors or activity, or for reporting an incident of possible sexual harassment to the District is also prohibited; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if anyone engages in such conduct, that offending person should be told immediately and firmly by the employee that the conduct is considered offensive. Any continued acts of sexual harassment should be immediately reported to a Supervisor, Department Manager, or Personnel Officer. After investigation, appropriate discipl inary and/or corrective action will be instituted against anyone found to have violated this pol icy. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 1st day of March, 1984, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia Approved as to Form: John J. Carniato District Counsel 2 District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V III. Personnel 1 2 2 84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT REQUEST THE DELETION OF ONE SECRETARY I I I POSITION (RANGE G52, $1610-1946); ADOPT A CLASS DESCRIPTION OF A ECEPTIONIST~ AND ESTA~LISH A NEW POSITION OF RECEPTIONIS RANGE G43 ~1305-1574) SUBMITTED BY January 10, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL Helen Baum artner Secretar INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Clerical Support ISSUE: There are 2 vacancies in the Clerical Support Section. It is proposed that one Secretary I I I position be deleted and a new position of Receptionist be estab1 ished. BACKGROUND: As a result of the recent retirement of Julie (Vernon) Thompson, Secretary I I I, and the lateral transfer of Ruth Sasaki, Secretary I I I, from the Clerical Support Section to the Engineering and Construction Department, there exist5two vacant Secretary I I I positions within the Administrative Department. These vacancies provided an opportunity to review and evaluate the organizational structure of the Clerical Support Section. The results of this evaluation indicated that the main receptionist duties do not entail the scope or knowledge required of our present classification of Secretary I, I I, or I I I. Therefore, it appears appropriate to develop a new classification to accurately describe the duties and responsibilities associated with the main receptionist desk. After conducting an outside salary survey of receptionist salaries, Range G43 ($1305-1574) is an appropriate salary range for this position. A Job Description covering the receptionist duties is Attachment A. This proposed staffing change would delete one Secretary I I I position and establish one Receptionist position. Because of the salary differential between Secretary I I I and the Receptionist positions, the District should anticipate an annual savings of approximately $7500, and realize a more efficient clerical operation for the District. (See Attachment B) The second Secretary I I I position vacant within the Clerical Support Section is being left unfilled at the present time as the staffing of this position is being reviewed within the Administrative Department. It is intended that a recommendation regarding this position would be included in the 1984-1985 personnel budget. RECOMMENDATION: Delete one authorized position of Secretary III (Range G52, $1610-1946); adopt the class description of Receptionist (Range G43, $1305-1574); and establ ish one authorized position of Receptionist. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION HB PM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ ATTACHMENT A CENTRAL CONTRA C~. A SANITARY DISTRICT Code: Effective: Representation Uni t: RECEPTIONIST DEFINITION Performs telephone/receptionist duties including following established procedures to operate telephone console and related equipment; directs visitors to the appropriate office; performs basic and routine clerical tasks. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general supervision from the Supervising Secretary and may receive functional supervision from managers and other clerical personnel. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Answers incoming calls, determines the nature of the calls, and makes appropriate connections to in-house systems. Operates standard multi-extension telephone system, receives and screens calls, obtains and provides factual information, and directs calls or notifies appropriate personnel as necessary. Refers inquiries to the appropriate personnel. Acts as a receptionist and directs visitors to the appropriate office. Performs a wide variety of clerical duties including filing, typing, editing, and/or proofreading documents including reports, memoranda, and letters. Maintains and updates a variety of records and logs. Tabulates data, prepares, and types basic reports from information provided. Acts as a relief person for Clerical Support Section for unusual or emergency situations. Performs related work as required. QUALIFICA TIONS Knowledqe of: The operation of a multi-extension telephone console. English usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Ability to: Perform general clerical duties, understand and carry out oral and written directions. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Receptionist (Continued) Communicate verbally, clearly, and effectively, in English, with a variety of District personnel and the public. Project a courteous, patient, positive, and helpful attitude when dealing with the public. Work under pressure in emergency situations and with a widely varying workload. Memorize and retain a large variety of telephone numbers, names, and locations. Type from handwritten copy at a speed necessary for adequate job performance. Learn District's organization functions and procedures. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Six months of experience in a receptionist or clerical capacity. Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California driver's license. c 01> c l'Cl (,/) 4- 4- ~ l'Cl tIl ~ 0 (,/) U "'0 <ll"'O ~ Q) tIl N Q) .- ::l ~ C"O Q).c O::~ ::l <( tIl .c ., Attachment +-' B c 0 cO E ........ ........ .- ~g .- ~ N ..:T o ..:T CT'I CT'I M~ ~ r-- -v>- -v>- -v>- ~ N N ~ ~Ir--II >- ~ tIl l'Cl "'0 C +-' Q) 0 Q) +-' ~ tIl ~ U Q) Q) Q) ::l~ (,/) C"Q) Q)O 0:: tIl Q) ~ 01 tIl C l'Cl tIl C .c c 0 u 0 ~ 4- +-' C. 4- .- Q) l'Cl"'O U +-' "'0 Q) (,/) <( 0:: >- ~ l'Cl ~ Q) ~ u c Q) 0 (,/) ~ +-' 01- tIl l'Cl C U >->->-c ..c .- tIl ~ ~ ~ 0 04- l'Cl l'Cl l'Cl.- ..., .- > ~~~~ tIl ~ Q) Q) Q) C. tIl Q) ~ ~ ~ Q) l'Cl c.u U u U ::l Q) Q) Q) Q) U (,/)(,/)(,/)(,/)0:: 01 +-' C C .- Q)4- ~4- ~ l'Cl ::l+-' U(,/) "'0 Q) C N 0.- .- ~ ~ 0 .- .c tIl~ o ::l Cl..<( ~C"'"IN~ Ir--II ~C"'"IN~ Ir--II cc<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V II. Personnel 2 1/19/84 January 13, 1984 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION CREATE THE MANAGEMENT POSITION OF ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS MANAGER, MAKE APPOINTMENT THERETO, AND PROVIDE FOR INCREASE Personnel IN RESPONSIBiliTY FOR ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT MANAGER SUBMITTED BY Roger J. Do an INITIATING DEPT./DIV. General Mana er-Chief En ineer Administrative ISSUE: With the January 13, 1984 retirement of Dave Niles, Deputy General Manager, a vacancy exists in the District's risk and 1 itigation management efforts. BACKGROUND: Since being advised of Mr. Niles' pending retirement, District management has pursued several alternative means of staffing the District's risk and 1 itigation management functions which were the Deputy General Manager's primary responsibil ity. This has entailed evaluating potential incumbents with legal backgrounds, insurance backgrounds, and backgrounds in claims administration. Among candidates whose qual ifications and background were reviewed with regard to the assumption of the duties was Mr. Jack E. Campbell. Mr. Campbell has experience in working with attorneys in his present position, in managing risk, insurance and claims activities, and moreover due to his long years of service as a Director of the District, has an intimate famil iarity with the District's complex and often tangled 1 itigation caseload. Due to Mr. Campbell's skill and experience as a manager, the positional responsibil ities have been broadened under the job title of Administrative Operations Manager. This position paper then recommends that the Board appoint Jack E. Campbell to the position of Administrative Operations Manager and adopt the attached job description which outl ines the expected duties in detail. A resolution is necessary for the appointment of an individual within the Management Group and an appropriate one is attached for the Board's consideration. As well, considerable thought has been given to the appropriate placement of the individual within the District's organizational structure. While this position entails a good deal of coordinative efforts with and between other departments and outside entities, it is in large part an administrative function. It is therefore proposed that the risk and 1 itigation management function remain in the Administrative Department, as was the case when it was in Mr. Niles' charge. A proposed change with a new incumbent is that the position would report to the Administrative Department Manager for better coordination of responsibil ity. Due to the increase in responsibil ity that will fall upon the Administrative Department Manager, it is further recommended that Mr. Morsenls salary be adjusted upwards by 10% and be set within Management Range Number 20 (Present salary M-26 $4818/New salary M-20 $5300). A new job description for the Administrative Department Manager showing the increased responsibil ity is attached. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. RJD The steps necessary to accompl ish the foregoing are del ineated below in the recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: (1) Delete the old job descriptions of Deputy General Manager and Administrative Department Manager; (2) Adopt new job descriptions of Adminis- trative Department Manager and Administrative Operations Manager; (3) Authorize the upward adjustment of the Administrative Department Manager's salary to $5300 (M-20); and (4) Adopt Resolution No. appointing Jack E. Campbell to the position of Administrative Operations Manager, affixing the salary at $4333 per month in Management Range Number 26. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Central Contra Cot~ Sanitary District Code: Effective: Representation Unit: ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTtvENT MANAGER DEFINITION To manage the Administrati ve Department of the District; to assist the General Manager-Chief Engineer in the overall formulation and administration of District programs and activities; perform special managerial duties as required. SlPERVISI~ RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives Administrative direction from the General Manager-Chief Engineer. Exercises direct and general supervision over professional and technical personnel in the Adminis- trati ve Department. EXAtvPlES OF DUTES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Manages the Administrative Department of the District which includes labor Relations, Personnel, Finance and Accounting, Purchasing, Headquarters Building Maintenance Safety, Litigation, Risk Management/loss Control, Public Information and Secretary of the District sections, making independent decisions as necessary. Takes an active part in the establishment of District policies, standards and procedures and assists in long-range planning. Attends to departmental personnel management matters including safety and training programs, evaluations, promotions, transfers and disciplinary actions. Holds departmental staff meetings delegating responsibilities and authority to various personnel and sections of the department. Coordinates and directs, through subordinate supervisors, all investigations, studies, research, analyses, programs, projects, and operations assigned to or being a responsi- bility of the department. Coordinates work of the department with that of other departments. Confers with the public and representatives of other agencies. Represents the District at public and professional meetings and conferences in regard to present and future projects and various District matters. Prepares reports and position papers and submits appropriate materials to the General Manager-Chief Engineer and/or the Board of Directors for necessary action. Oversees the administration of the fiscal affairs of the District including the control of expenditures. Acts as spokesperson for the District. Other duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS KnowledQe of: Prine iples and techniques of organization, management, labor relations, personnel administration, budgeting, cost control, staff development, including and under- standing the importance of authority responsibility, accountability and delegation. Principles and practices of District's safety operations and processes including plant protection equipment and fire alarm systems. Principles, practices and procedures of purchasing and warehousing. Princ iples, methods and trends of public personnel administration. Principles and practices of public agency fund accounting and financial reporting systems. Principles, practices and trends of public utility management including planning, budgeting and capital improvements. Principles, practices and trends of Litigation and Risk Management and Loss Control programs. Ability to: Manage the work activities of a large and diversified group of professional, technical and non-technical employees. Prepare clear and concise reports. Perceive and analyze problems and accurately take effective action. Prepare budgets and control expenditures Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships in the department and with other departments and divisions of the District and with persons and organizations dealing with the District. Apply management principles and techniques to the solution of various problems. Communicate effectively with all organizational levels and the public. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: At least 10 years of progressively responsible professional administrative experience including at least six years public agency experience in a manage- ment capacity in fiscal and personnel/labor relations. Education: Equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university, with major work in public or business administration, finance, industrial relations, engineer- ing or a related field. A Masters Degree in business or public administration or related field is desirable. UCENSES Possession of an appropriate California operator's license issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. Central Contra Costa S...itary District Code: Effective: Representation Unit: ADMINISTRATIVE CPERA nONS MANAGER DEFINITION To plan, organize, and direct the administration of the litigation case load of the District, the risk management and loss control functions, claims administration, central safety program, special projects, and other work as required. SlPERVISION RECEIVED AN) EXERCISED Receives general direction from the Administrative Department Manager. Exercises direct and general supervision over professional and technical personnel in the Risk Management Section. EXAtvPLES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Coordinates, administers, and directs the litigation case load for District Counsel and outside attorneys regarding the various litigation activities of the District; coordinates with attorneys to provide research and recommendations for legal issues concerned with the operation of the District. Administers the District's Risk Management/Loss Control program by identifying major areas of risk, evaluating alternative methods of risk financing, recommending appropriate levels of insurance coverage, marketing the District insurance program, and assigning and monitoring claims handled by independent adjusters. Attends meetings of the District Board, District staff and such additional committee meetings, conferences and hearings as may from time to time be required. Gathers, reviews, and evaluates data and prepares a variety of periodic and special reports. Reviews and coodinates the preparation of legal documents including contracts, convey- ances, resolutions, and ordinances, as required. Confers with the public and representatives of other agencies. Informs District management on legal discussions, opinions and trends that may have possible District ramifications. Supervises, coordinates, and interfaces the District Central Safety Program and inte- grates that with risk management activities. Prepares and recommends budget for area of responsibility. May act as District real property agent. Perform duties as required. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Property, liability, and employee benefits insurance coverages. Principles, practices and techniques of establishing, maintaining and modifying a comprehensive risk management program, including loss prevention evaluation and financing and of the methods of investigating and determining the disposition of various types of insurance claims. Principles and techniques of organization, management, administration, budget- ing, and cost control, including and understanding the importance of authority, responsibility, accountability, motivation, and delegation. The records and reports necessary in the insurance and claims field of California property damage, personal injury, public liability, worker's compensation, and employee benefits laws, and records and procedures relating to court actions on insurance and other legal matters. and Ability to: Plan, organize, and direct the work of a comprehensive and complex major area of responsib ili ty. Prepare clear and concise reports. Negotiate the coverage and provisions of insurance policies. Perceive and analyze problems correctly and take effective corrective action. Prepare budgets and control expenditures Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with District manage- ment and employees, with legal and insurance personnel, with representatives of other agencies, and with the public often in situations where relations may be strained and where the exercise of tact, patience, and discretion is required. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: At least six (6) years of comprehensive and increasingly responsible experience in the management of a major activity with emphasis on risk management, insurance and benefits and/or claims administration, prefer- ably for a single or multi-purpose government organization. Education: Completion of four (4) years of college resulting in graduation with major work in business or public administration, accounting, or related field. UCENSES OR CERTIFICATE Possession of a valid California Driver's License issued by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. <CCSD Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V I I. Personne 1 ~ 1I1q/84 I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT January 12, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION EST ABLlSH PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER POSITION IN THE ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ACTION SU~MITTED BY 1<.obert A. Baker INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department ISSUE: The Engineering and Construction Department intends to enhance its capability in the planning area by establishing a Planning Division. It is requested that the Board create the new position of Planning Division Manager to head the Planning Division. BACKGROUND: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is entering a critical time in its history. The District will face many challenging problems concerning growth, financing, and increasingly restrictive State and Federal regulations over the next decade. Following is a partial list of critical issues which must be addressed in the future: o The increasing rate of light industrial and office development in the District. o The increasing residential development that will be caused by light industrial develop- ment, the economic upswing, further suburban development, and increasing housing density. o The planned phase-out of Federal funding for "Clean Water" projects. o The rapidly multiplying Federal and State regulations and enforcement activity concerning waste disposal, pretreatment of industrial wastes, and effluent quality. o The resolution of current District grant funding issues and future audit issues. o The county landfill capacity problem. o The increasing public and State emphasis on protecting the health of San Francisco Bay. o The needed expansion of plant and collection system facilities. o The need to address collection system rainfall infiltration/inflow and treatment plant wet weather flow handling capacity. o The resolution of water reclamation issues. It is the intention of the Engineering and Construction Department to create a specialized division to deal with these planning issues. In the recent past, the District has successfully merged design and planning responsibilities in the Engineering Design group. This allowed for the efficient interchange of staff between design and planning projects. However, because of REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. the high rate of growth in the District, the importance of providing facilities to accommodate this growth and increasing regulations, we believe that it is necessary, at this time, to organize a specialized group within the Engineering and Construction Department to deal with these issues. One of the major goals of the Planning Division will be to provide the Board of Directors with information for policy-making on long term planning issues. In order to provide adequate direction for the Planning Division and to properly address the importance of the planning function, it is recommended that a Division Manager position be created to head the Planning Division. The Planning Division Manager would initially have a staff of six to eight persons, who would be reassigned from other divisions of the Engineering and Construction Department. The salary range for the Planning Division Manager is recommended to be between the M30 level ($3710-$4510/month) and the M26 level ($4093-$4976/month) depending upon qualifica- tions. (The Engineering Division Manager and Construction and Services Division Manager positions are currently at the M26 salary level.) Funds are not budgeted in the 1983-84 Engineering and Construction Department personnel budget for this position. Since the position would be filled late in the fiscal year, the fiscal year 1983-84 budgetary impact would be minimal. A class description for Planning Division Manager is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Create the position of Planning Division Manager in the Engineering and Construction Department. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to set the salary level between M30 ($3710-$4510/month) and the M26 level ($4,093-$4976/month) depending on the qualifications of the successful applicant. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION RAB CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CODE: Effective: PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER DEFINITION Manage the Planning Division of the Engineering Department; manage the District's grants administration and capital planning activities; perform speCial managerial duties as required. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general direction from the Engineering and Construction Department Manager. Exercises direct and general supervision over professional and technical personnel in the Planning Division. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Plan, organize, direct, staff and control the Planning Division, develop and implement goals, objectives, policies, and priorities. Manage the District grants administration program; Manage the source control program; Manage the financing of District capital projects; Manage the facilities planning activities of the District. Manage engineering-related litigation cases as assigned. Assume responsibility for preparation and administration of Division budget; review Division budget requirements and monitor monthly expenditures. Provide general supervision over subordinate personnel including the training and development of Division employees. QUALI FICATIONS Knowledge of: Engineering principles and practices as related and applied to the design, construction, and operation of wastewater collection, treatment and disposal systems and facilities. Principles and techniques of organization, management, administration, personnel administration budgeting, and cost control, including and understanding the importance of authority, responsibility, accountability, motivation and delegation. Principles of municipal capital financing. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER (2 ) Principles and practices of project management. Municipal planning issues and techniques including population and growth projection and facilities planning. Governmental regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency, the California State Water Resources Control Board, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. General accounting principles and practices as they relate to capital, financing, budgeting, and grants management. Environmental matters as related to wastewater treatment and disposal sewage sludge disposal, receiving water ecology, and environmental impact assessment. Abil Hy to: Plan, organize, and direct the work of a comprehensive and complex major area of responsibility. Make articulate and effective presentations to the Board of Directors, public meetings, or other groups as required. Write letters, memoranda, and reports using effective english, appropri- ate style, and logical organization. Conceptualize long term planning needs of the District and translate these needs into practical action plans. Effectively participate in the management of litigation as appropriate. Perceive and analyze problems correctly and take effective corrective action. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships in the depart- ment, with other departments and divisions of the District, and with persons and organizations dealing with the District. Learn and observe all appropriate safety regulations as required by the District, including but not limited to, Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Experience and Education Any combination of equivalent experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: --'-~--"-~--'--'--'----'"-'---._----,-,-~"--,--,-,--,.._-_._---_._.,_...,._~,._._--_._~_.~,~~."---------_.---..--... PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER (3) Experience: Ten years of progressively responsible professional engineering experience, including four years of experience in supervising pro- fessional and technical personnel, and two years of experience in grants administration. Education: Equivalent to possession of a Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university with major work in an engineering discipline related to the area of assignment. License or Certificate Possession of a valid California Driver's license. Possession of a Certificate of Registration as a professional Engineer in the State of California. This requirement may be waived for candidates with extraordinary and compensating experience and education. -'---------.-.-.-,-~---.-~--.-..,.-----~---,.--...^---._-_...._-~_..,.._~-_..._._..,._..._"__._____,__..,._..__.__.______._~_..,...._L..._,___.,,_"_____..__._..,~_.__._.,._~,._,..______~._.__.._,_ PAUL MORSEN Administrative Department Manager CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT To the President and Members of the Board: The Employees Association Local No.1 and the Management Support Confidential Group have asked me to forward the attached petitions to the Board for consideration. I request that the Board provide instructions to me during closed session at your January 5, 1984 meeting so I may represent your feelings to the two representative groups. Thank ~ cc: R. Dolan J. Carniato January 3, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIA: Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Manager Roger J. Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT: COMMEMORATION OF THE BIRTH OF REVEREND MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. To honor the memory of the late Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., the federal government recently elected to set aside the third Monday of January in commemmoration of his birthday. The state of Cal ifornia has also seen fit to honor Reverend King's memory. Other agencies such as East Bay Municipal Uti I ity District have also elected to honor the memory of Reverend King. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors is respectfully requested to honor this great American in the same manner as other local, state, and federal agencies. MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP JW:mg ~.fv~ ~ John Walter r~' Pres i dent _,_.~.",_-"""-w_......._~._-.....~.,........"",,-,..~.._< , -i,.-: .' '(- - , ~I'. . .~. ; t .~ ~.. I 4D~ I , );'-.-- ,.-.': -- -~, C') . co 0) ,..... > _.,~ ..' ..... .' L. Cl) :D ....,.E . 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U') CJ a:) OJ t..~.Cj 0 1-. ~ s:: ;':::. ~ 0 b 0 ~c:~ _>m EC)~ -E~"" '""0 -~ 1:;'- ~._~ ~O~ ~~ 0 ~~ .'~~ ~~. -~ Janua ry 3, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Board of Directors VIA: Paul Morsen, Administrative Department Manager Roger Dolan, General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT: MARTIN LUTHER KING'S BIRTHDAY Whereas the Federal Government has declared Martin Luther King's birthday to be a federal ho1 iday, and Whereas the State of Ca1 ifornia has declared Martin Luther King1s birthday to be a state ho1 iday, and Whereas the pub1 ic school children have been commemorating Martin Luther King's birthday for several years, and Whereas the East Bay Municipal Uti1 ity District Board of Directors has granted their employees a ho1 iday to join in this commemoration, We, the members of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association - Local No.1 hereby petition the Board of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sani- tary District to declare the anniversary of the martyred civil rights leader's birth a District ho1 iday so that we may join in this observance on the third Monday in January until our contract comes up for renegotiation again in 1985. ~. cc: J. McMi 11an Rodger Smith President CCCSDEA - Local No. l ~", 't I I, I ,~ I ' .r ~ Q) .- ..; - ~ ~ I t i ~ .,....': ~ Q;) ,~ ~ca ~~ ~..8 ~~t ~ b) ~~ ~ bJ:) li'! >. c }Il :>-''tl'tl - ~ 0:: tloO Q 41 fila! I" ''tl ~fIl 5 =:>-. ,~ 41 tlIl (J 41 C lIS .. C il:i -;... ... -; CIl -"'c C'tlCll ~ .. -.. 41 ~'tl ::: 'tl .... !II 'tl '" 41 ... tloO tloO :>-. -0. 'tl C ... ~~~ ~CIl: "~c a:>-.c~ illS lIS4I !o _ U ~ c e. f...c: .:; 41 .c'c c. ~.!! .;; "tl .c ,lIl 41 u-~ - ~ .c CIlS >. - ...41 o.o.c: -_. CIl'tl41 _fIl__ k!l- lIS" -0" --- -"" ~ - CIl..c fIl ~.c~ t~~ tgs~~~I~ II~~I~ =~. 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