HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-01-84 Costa Sanitary District 80ARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER 3/1/84 VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Februar 22 1984 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AWARD A PURCHASE ORDER FOR TWO MECHANICALLY CLEANED BAR SCREENS AND AUTHORIZE $91,150 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS Award Purchase Order, Authorize Funds Jo e L nn Kurasaki SUBMITTED BY ISSUE Sealed bids for purchasing mechanically cleaned bar screens for the treatment plant were received on February 15, 1984. The Board must award a purchase order or reject all bids by March 30, 1984. BACKGROUND The bar screens are a critical part of the treatment plant. They provide the first level of treatment of all wastewater flows. During peak wet weather flows, (flows in excess of 120 MGD) three bar screen units are required for proper operation. The treatment plant has three mechanically cleaned bar screen units and one manually cleaned screen as a st~ndby in case of equipment failure. One of the three mechanical units was installed in 1957 and the other two units were installed in 1975. The 27 year old unit's maintenance requirements have increased significally in the past few years. Orne of the new bar screens would replace the 27 year old unit and the other would take the place of the manually cleaned screen to minimize operating demands during periods of peak flow. With a recent reduction in the size of the operating staff, it is important that attention to basic equipment operations ~uch as the bar screen) be minimized in order to allow the staff to handle emergency problems which develop during a peak flow condition. The District received four bids to furnish two mechanically cleaned bar screens. The lowest, responsive bidder was Jeffrey Manufacturing Division of Dresser Industries at $71,150. This bid is 13 percent lower than the engineer's estimate of $81,845 reflecting the competitiveness of the bidding process. District's staff has evaluated the bids and their evaluation is summarized in Attachment No.1. The total installed cost of the two bar screens is estimated to be $240,000 (including purchasing the screens). This preliminary estimate is based on the current method of handling screenings. District staff will evaluate alternative methods of screenings handling that may improve plant operation prior to installation of the new screens in mid-1985. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JLK JAL RAB CWB IN~PT./DIV. VL jJz}(l The requested authorizatilon of $91,150 from sewer construction funds includes the purchase cost of two screens, staff 1 abor to admi ni ster the purchase order, and design cost to prepare a bid package for the installation. Authorization for an alternative screenings handling demonstration will be requested at a later date. This project is included in the 5-year Capital Expenditure Plan as part of the Stage 5A completion project. this work has been determined ineligible for clean water grant funding. RECOMMENDATION Award a purchase order to. Jeffrey Manufacturi ng Di vi s i on of Dresser Industri es for two mechanically cleaned bar screens. Authorize $91,150 in sewer construction funds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT./OIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. t; = I- U) i5 li < I- ~ U) < t; o u < ~ z o U ..J .~ ~ U I U) Z o ~ ..J ill < I- o as ~ ~ ...... () ~ ,...: 00 lI) 'l- .~ Oi t::. ~ ~ ~ ~ '0 ~ ~ I- , '1 a 0 1'(\ l' .... II) ~ ~ ti C\ ~ l/) a. '> ?; ~ ..GI ~ .- u C.- ::>d: <::) :::: C ~ liJ II) . Ul N C f! " ~ r-:. ~ 8 {!. 0 II<:> .. ..tI <) ~.... , I1S ~ r(, C\ ~ l' f' ~ ..r " ~ i3 ..GI 0 .c.~ '.J ::>et rf) a II) C> (\ ~ s VI ~ " q f! 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Laverty, Purchasing and Materials Officer SUBJECT: BAR SCREEN BID NO. 20789, EVALUATION Purchasing issued eight Bid Requests, three to the same bidders at different locations, on February 2, 1984 to coincide with the public advertisement. On February 15, 1984 four bids were received and publ icly opened and read aloud. Purchasing has revie~ed the four bids and found that no commercial exceptions were takeh by any bidder; however, Envirex and T. W. Associate did not include the requested OSHA statement. All bidders appear to have met all experience and financial requirements. Based upon the assumption that one or two units including housings and at least one dimensibnal change will be made, I recommend that the award be made to Jeffery Manufacturing, who is the lowest responsible bidder. If you have any auestions or comments, please contact me. $~' Ken F~~~ Purchasing and Materials Officer KFL:gv Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 3/1/84 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 22, 1984 TYPE OF ACT ION SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 84-6 (MARTINEZ) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Wi 11 iam Gregory INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division Parcel No. Area Owner Ad<liress Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 84-6 Mtz Leon L. Sawyer, Jr. 3051 Hampton Road Martimez, CA 162-0~O-003 1.15 Ac. One single family home Septic system is fail ing-- District to prepare "Not ice of Exempt i onll CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 84-6 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ll)~ PROPOSED ANNEXATION I?A. 8~.. , Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BQARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 /1/84 POSITION PAPER VIi'>.: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 22, 1984 SUBJECT EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELAT I NG TO REAL PROPERTY WITH C I V I C PARTNERSHIP: JOB 3878 - WALNWT CREEK AREA TYPE OF ACT ION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Wi 11 iam Gregory INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction and Services Division ISSUE: The property owner h~s requested permission to construct a three-story office building with underground parking over a District easement which contains an 8-inch sewer main. BACKGROUND: The initial District staff position was to have the sewer relocated into the street and around the new building. The existing utilities in the street make the relocation impracti~al and would create future maintenance problems. The final solution to the problem is shown on the attached drawing. The existing sewer pipe will be replaced with ductile iron pipe to be installed in a concrete pipe chase in the! floor of the parking area (see detail on attached drawing). Access to the pipe will be from a steel cover bolted to the top of the I pipe chase. In this configuration, the sewer pipe will be directly accessible for maintenance purposes. The proposed real property a reement guarantees access to the piping system and protects the District's futu e interest. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and execute the subject agreement and authorize its recording. Attachments. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION u)b f)(j(J INITIATING DEPT./DIV. WG JSM RAB RJD / I ~~ ~ / J~x ' II ..::- - - IT ! YGN4C/{) IIIILLl Y f'f)/ --- .. PttlJ'Ef)-/N-?~4(:~ CONCReie /3LOCI':S ORA/IV HolEs ---- (WITIi TEMfrP-Ipl' I'n- ~1I?)f;.,f?7':~~ lJ~?; '/L C N.r~ ;' s€er/elL;' ;-~. . Pipe CHASE iDf/1/l)JE1I 7i J'J. I'/?E & CIlIf'}lf'_j I 3/ " ---' JLAB 7€ cK~. PVlTC r..,# )'6-.,/(',~,)rt:'M(}l/AJ7.~ /- (St:E " {/~ T-II.. ;,,-I1;r 5 J' i-.d ~ , r;r '1-.11/, I" - Tr;,- ,,: "'!. .. / (p" . ?/fJE ClIlIlJlE @ 9'OC 't.lli/l ;fEMtJfl48L€ TO,PJ) ~" CL?Alt! M4LLJ' A (SEE J'TlltlCTtlIIIL IJETIl/LJ') g"{J.!. -5Z (SHT ...'V8 -l'A!.7Ali 12!11 Real Property Agreement Job 3878 Walnut Creek Area Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 POSITION PAPER ViA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 22, 1984 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT EXECUTE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH DANIEL C. McCAUGHLIN, ET UX, JOB 365, SUBDIVISION 2152, LOT 16 MORAGA AREA APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction & Services Division ISSUE: The property owner has requested permission to construct a concrete pool deck within a District ease~ent. BACKGROUND: The District1s ,sewer easement crosses the middle of the subject property. In order to make the fullest use of their property, it was necessary for the owners to put the eqge of the pool on the edge of our easement. As a result, the concrete pool d~cking will be over the easement along the southwest edge of the pool. Staff has determined that the improvements do not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if it should become an interference, the agreement requires the property owner to remove the structure within 30 days of notice to do so. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and execute the subject agreement and authorize its recording. REf VIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION u~ 'fM (IN)> INITIATING DEPT./DIV. WG JSM RAB RJD ~ ~I"" ~~~ 1-\A. \ ~~~ I / / 92.5' PGttE e'45"t'hrt!nt I o >- ~.. 0, ~~o ~L/<' ~e ~("< / I C\ '" ,,- ~'\ r<) / / )1 I I I / I / ./ / / / / ,.~ "fc,. 27.41AC ~ REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 365 MORAGA AREA Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. ENGINEERING POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE February 23, 1984 SUBJECT ACCEPT GRANT DEED FRlDM DOUGLAS L. McLEOD, ET UX, FOR PURCHASE OF LAND FOR PROJECT 3642 IN THE LAFAYETTE AREA AT A COST OF $9,042.25 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANT DEED SUij~I,TTED BX Wl III am l:iregory INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Construction & Services Division ISSUE: The District must pass a Resolution accepting the subject Grant Deed before the deed can be recorded. BACKGROUND: In 1983 the Board of Directors authorized funds for an emergency repair of a landslide which occurred on Las Trampas Creek. The repair project undertaken by staff was titled Moraga No.1. Plans were prepared by Woodward-Clyde consultants in conjunction with the Engineering Division. The majority of the repair work had to be done on property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McLeod. Because of the location of the work and future liabilities associated with the landslide and its repair, it was determined that it would be in the best interests of the District to purchase a portion of the McLeod1s property v/here the repair work was to take place. The area proposed f~r purchase is shown on the attached map. The outer boundary of this area reflects the limit of the repair work. The work has been completed and the acceptance of this Grant Deed will fulfill the District1s obligation to the McLeods. RECOMMENDATION: Approval, pass Resolution accepting Grant Deed and authorize its recording. R~VIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION uJ WG frJj, RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. RJD CENTRAL CONTRA COST" ..ANITARY DISTRICT NVMac~EO I. .s6!Jo~'59';: Z. SlooSI'48"w .3. S !rstJ:&16" E 4. B62044:S4"W 5. N 60o.34'/4"W COURSES 25.46 t31.43 5/. Z 1 22.12 5/.26 r '-' D -{OJ rr0 ~ '\. o o. o It = FEE TO C.C.C.5.0. (74C~) 237-480-002 PClrfion) SCALI I " = 60' DATI L.5. /2-29-83 JOI .3642 DRAWN IT W. G. . ~.D. C. CKlCKID 'ARCIL I RESOLUTION NO. 84- A R~SOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT DEED FROM DOUGLAS L. McLEOd AND DOLORES F. McLEOD AT A COST OF $9,042.25 RROJECT 3642, LAFAYETTE AREA BE IT RESOLVED !by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District a~ follows: THAT, there is :authorized to be accepted a certain grant deed dated January 25, 1984, a~ a cost of $9,042.25 from DOUGLAS L. McLEOD and DOLORES F. McLEOD, his wife, TRUSTEES UNDER THE McLEOD FAMILY TRUST dated January 15, 1976, and that ~he President and Secretary of the District are hereby authorized and directed to accept said grant deed for and on behalf of the Central Contra Costa "Sanitary District. PASSED AND ADO~TED this 1st day of March, 1984, by the District Board of the Central Contrla Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Membens: NOES: Membens: ABSENT: Membens: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal ifornia COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Cenltral Contra Costa Sanitary Dist~ict, County of Contra Costa, Sta~e of Cal ifornia Approved as to Form: ---..'------.......--..-.--------__.1...._"' .~-'-""_.._._."__~.__.,,.,__.~__~'''"_._, ""_"_h._" <<<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer N~ VI I. PLANT OPERATION 1 /1/84 DATE February 23, 1984 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $14,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS TO PURCHASE AND INSTALL A 35 hp SUBMERSIBLE PUMP FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT TYPE OF ACTION Capital Expenditure SUBMITTED BY .. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. James Belcher, Ass,oclate Engineer Plant Operations Department/Maintenance Issue: The existing Treatment Plant south sump submersible pump has failed, and a replacement pump is required. Background: The south and northwest sumps are designed to drain the Treatment Plant's final and seconda~y clarifiers. Clarifier drainage is required every summer for preventive maintenance and occasionally during the rest of the year. Each sump has one 75 hp Mldland sump pump that was installed during construction. Since that time there hav~ been numerous problems with these units, some of which were outl ined by Metcalf and Eddy as a Table "8" plant deficiency. The repairs included multiple motor rewinding and seal replacement. The sump pumps have again failed. The damage to the south sump pump precluded economical repair; the northwest sump pump motor was repaired. It is recommended that a new high-efficiency, 35 hp sump pump and mounting hardware be installed in the south sump. The smaller, 1 ighter pump installed in a quick-disconnect arrange~nt will allow safer installation and removal. The increased pump-out time is acceptable. Recommendation: Authorize $14,000 in Sewer Construction Funds to purchase and install a 35 hp submersibl:e pump for the south sump. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CWB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ,._------"~'---~~_.---j-------,-,.".__.._---_...__._--,_.---~-,,- . -_.,_.~---_..~_..__._-_._--_._.,-_.,..,----,--~,------,-_._----,."..__._-_._-~-