The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a special
meeting at its regular place of business, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra
Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 29, 2009.
President Nejedly called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members: Hockett, Lucey, McGill, Menesini, Nejedly
ABSENT: Members: None
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
There were no public comments.
General Manager James Kelly provided an overview of the workshop, which will cover the
State of the District, rate-setting approach, items that impact rates, and proposed rates and
alternatives. He stated that staff recommends publishing a Proposition 218 notice for up to
$15 per year sewer service charge increase for two years. This increase will support the
District goals of excellent customer service, regulatory compliance, responsible rates, and
being ahigh-performance organization. It will also support the GASB 45 costs. The
increase can be reduced if conditions change.
Mr. Kelly stated that staff proposes that the 2009-10 sewer service charge rate increase be
between $13 to $15. He stated that budget policy issues to be addressed include how to
address unfunded liabilities and the role of bond funding for the District's Capital program.
He stated that a $1 increase in the sewer service charge results in an additional $170,000
revenue. A one per cent increase in employee salaries would require a $2 increase in the
sewer service charge. Loss of the ad valorem tax would equate to a $73 increase in the
sewer service charge.
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Threats facing the District include the possible reduction of property tax, income reduction
from connection fees, decreased revenues and increased costs due to the drought, a much
larger current unfunded liability for retirement, and poor economy. Opportunities include a
great bidding and hiring climate, and lower natural gas prices.
He stated that the District is in a strong financial position, with cash reserves of $60 million
as of June 30, 2008. Expenses have increased over the Consumer Price Index, largely due
to increased benefit costs, but are expected to be on budget. Revenue sources are
generally stable, although expected to be less than budgeted this year. The District's
Capital program is generally "pay-as-you-go."
Mr. Kelly described the rate-setting approach used since 2000, which uses a financial cash
flow model to analyze policy issues and predict future rates. The approach uses aten-year
planning horizon. No short-term borrowing is planned to meet cash flow needs, and the
plan assumes the use of District reserves to allow modest annual sewer service charge
increases. The approach also assumed that bonds will only be used for future major capital
projects, and that the sewer service charge and other fees and charges for services should
include full cost recovery.
Mr. Kelly described the model assumptions, which include the funding of the GASB 45 trust
each year, and no new positions over the next ten years. A vacancy factor of 3 percent for
salary and 4 percent for benefits has been factored in. Salary increases are calculated at
4.33 percent per year.
He showed charts illustrating the history of sewer service charge rates and available funds,
and temporary investment balances. He stated that items that impact rates include
revenues and expenses, liabilities, regulatory compliance, reserves, and the prior year's
rates. The sewer service charge currently makes up 49 percent of District revenue. He
displayed additional charts showing historical revenue and reserves; sewer service charge,
property tax and capacity fee trends; ten-year expenses; and the history of capital
Current liabilities for GASB 45 are estimated to be $48-$68 million. Unfunded Actuarial
Accrued Liability (UAAL) is estimated to be $36.5 -$105 million, compared with $43 million
the prior year. Total estimated liability is $118.7-$207.20 million.
Future regulatory compliance and District initiative may include continuing to address
mercury control, further reduction of sanitary sewer overflows, greenhouse gas reduction,
nutrient removal, emerging contaminants, and water recycling costs. These efforts are not
in the capital plan or the rate model.
Mr. Kelly stated that the District's cash reserves have allowed for rate stabilization for year-
to-year variations in the Capital program, and have been drawn down to subsidize and
smooth rates. He showed a chart of historical reserve levels.
With regard to rates, modest annual rate increases have been adopted since 2004.
Forecasts show needed projects can be funded and the current level of service maintained
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with continued moderate increases in the future. In 2007, the public notice announced a
two-year rate increase of up to $13 per year. An increase of $11 was approved in 2007-08,
which increased the rate from $289 per year to $300 per year. The two-year rate increase
ordinance is completed this year with a current sewer service charge of $311, and staff
recommends the publishing of a Proposition 218 notice for future increases.
Mr. Kelly stated that staff recommends publishing a Proposition 218 notice for up to a $15
per year increase for 2009-10 (increasing rates from $311 to $326 per year), and a $15 per
year increase for 2010-11 (increasing rates from $326 to $341 per year). Staff also
recommends adopting annual increases to fees, rates and charges, and administrative
overhead, at full cost pricing. Options and liability for UAAL should be further analyzed this
Mr. Kelly presented various rate scenarios that addressed the economic conditions, possible
tax take-aways, and natural gas prices. He explained the reasons for his recommendation
to raise the Sewer Service Charge and the impact that no rate increase would have on the
Member Menesini stated that he would support continuing with the existing scenario but
would like to see it in the context of what is happening nationwide.
Member Lucey stated that he will not vote for the Proposition 218 notice because of the
current economic conditions and will not support a rate increase this year. He noted they
are not rate payers; they are neighbors.
Member McGill asked what effect natural gas prices may have on the budget. He stated
that he would support an increase but would like to see it lower than proposed if a low
natural gas purchase price can be locked in. He added that a loss of property tax revenue
could have a serious impact on the District.
City of Concord Director of Public Works Qamar Khan responded to a question from
President Nejedly, stating that the City of Concord intends to increase its sewer service
charge by $35.
President Nejedly stated that approving the Proposition 218 notice does not commit the
District to a specific increase at this point and that he is inclined to support the mailing of the
notice. He stated that he would like to see no rate increase this year, and felt that the good
bidding climate may result in large savings on projects. He stated that if the District loses its
ad valorem tax, then he would definitely support a rate increase.
Member Hockett stated that the District must not lose sight of its purpose which is to serve
its customers and protect the environment and public health. The District does not have the
ability to cut back on its services, and stated that smoothing out the rates is preferable to
irregular rate increases.
Member Lucey concurred with Member Hockett's comments but felt that the District's goal
can be accomplished without a rate increase for this year.
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Member Menesini stated that he would not want the District to take a step backward with
regard to its financial situation and observed that, if that occurs, it is hard to catch up later.
He recommended waiting a month or two to see what happens to economic conditions and
if there might be federal funding for some of our projects. He added that he is not prepared
to make a decision regarding a rate increase at this time.
Board Members thanked Mr. Kelly for his presentation and thanked staff for their work in
putting the information together.
Mr. Kelly stated that he will provide the Board with additional information regarding the
timeline for Proposition 218 noticing, capital projects financing options, and an update on
operations and maintenance and capital expenses and revenues for the year to date, further
analysis of scenarios with updated information, and to develop atax-take response.
a. City of Walnut Creek to consider approving Pharmaceutical Collection Pilot Study.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Nejedly adjourned the
meeting at 3:12 p.m.
es A. Nejedly
President of the Board of Directors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme
Secretary of the Central Contra Costa
Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa,
State of California
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