HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-01-88 ., Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary _Istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 1, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 SUBJECT QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT TO EDWIN w. WOLSKE, JOB 3672 - PARCEL 1 AND JOB 3589 - PORTION OF PARCEL 6, LAFAYETTE AREA DATE November 23, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION Approve Quitclaim of Easement SU'\r~hTri~ ~Y Ha 11 Associate Engineer INI,IIATING DEPT./DIV'D tm t/ cng1neer1ng epar en Construction Division ISSUE: Mr. Edwin W. Wolske, owner of property at 1152 Brown Avenue in Lafayette, has requested the District to quitclaim the subject easements. BACKGROUND: The subject easements were granted to the District in 1983. They were intended to be used for the future extens i on of sewer serv i ce to adj oi n i ng properties located north and west of the Wolske property. It has been determined that the adjoining properties will be served by a sewer to be extended from the south and east, generally along Brown Avenue. The subject easements are no longer needed.for District purposes and they can now be quitclaimed. The property owner has paid our quitclaim processing fee. This project has been eval uated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Edwin W. Wolske, Job 3672 and Job 3589, authorize the Presi dent of the Di strict Board of Di rectors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 ~.r{ DH ~ JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Page 2 of 2 or dIG 1Z- 5/3. 'JY --- IUITT . WHITE .U..Eft CO. 1...7AC . POSITION SUBJECT CentrL Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 1, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 DATE November 21, 1988 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 88-23 (MARTINEZ AREA) AND P.A. 88-24 (WALNUT CREEK AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer Parcel No. Area 88-23 Martinez (44C1) 88-24 Walnut Creek (76B1 ) TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency Desmond Fergus 675 Vine Hill Way Martinez CA 94553 162-030-004 & 005 (2.35 AC) Proposed four lot minor subdivision (MS88-2). Negative Declaration by the City of Martinez. City of Martinez Victoria & Paul Chang 3228 Inverness Drive Walnut Creek CA 94598 139-040-005 (1.2 AC) Owner plans to build one single family home. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 88-23 and 88-24 to be included in a future formal annexation. 1302" .9'85 DH REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION f//i JSM . PA. 88- 23 -0- _ -~ c'J!!.( V~I :HI>. \ ,4~"- . ~ -do)r..l \ m::-~ ~~,rcn 31714 I 2311 TT 'li!fJ "- .,"-~..,. ";~.Y j.. r J "111!~~.lli; ~.. ~Jt:\\\~ ~7,>",~ mZ'.I<"r' C~: ~o: ..~:. ~' I I r:"-~'-:'.f;;l~.ll . .......a.J.<.\1tf...1 'l:;~ ~.. )5; ~l1i~................. :...........~.................... 't;$7.9.;R ::-;A\....~!~~B... · ,. " BI~ "'f. ~ 3 ., ~~ ! w- I ~ ....~.~~;.fl~ Ir... . ..... ..~::o I I~ i '~s.s ~r 1!t~~/~a~~~~l..:f.'.:. 75, 0 ~ 'tf:. /! c?, .... ---,..,. ...1.1.1- I.........'., ~~~'-.JSTCNE~AVE 165/. 0 ~ t' -:1 ~1t 100AC 9:& .4;'.\ I~ 15 -'. .~.." /' I ' '49 !II ~. .tto S iii ff ~ 17;' I" ~ ...-: "- ~" 47((:.. 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I \ I '~ ,,( - --.: 4 -N:. .":::;.. ....;~. .... ..:':::::iii: ( "- l;~ "it', S.05 AC .zfI:;;~.,. ~::~?:m\\\~ HENKER .09 ? . 2.31 180..e AC TYLER 54. '" AC 1 ALLEN 11 ., Z.OIAC 4.18 AC ---t:j ". . PROPOSED ANNEXATION RA. 88- 24 ". ". . .:.-.... f-...... I . Centrc._ Contra Costa Sanitar) ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEET/r&c~ber 1, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 DATENovember 23, 1988 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC NOTICE TO INDICATE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSITION 4 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE PUBLIC NOTICE SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is required to establ ish its appropriations limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. BAO<GRWNl : General Requiranents: Proposition 4 was approved on November 6, 1979, and was incorporated in the California Constitution as Article XIII B. Article XIII B, as implanented by Senate Bill 1352, limits appropriations of state and local governments to the appropri ati ons of the 1978-1979 base year adj usted in each subsequent year for changes in the Consumer Price Index or California per capita personal income, whichever is lower, and popul ati on. SB 1352 requires government agencies to establish their appropriations limit by resolution each year at a regularly scheduled meeting or a noticed special meeting beginning with the 1980-1981 fiscal year. Notice to the public of the availability of documentation in support of the appropriations limit must be given fifteen days prior to adoption. For 1980-1981, the appropriations limit was open to challenge within 60 days of the effective date of the resolution; for 1981-1982, and each fiscal year thereafter, the period in which a challenge can be commenced is 45 days of the effective date of the resolution. Key Considerations: The following key considerations have been used in applying the provisions of Article XIII B: o The District accounts for its activities in four separate funds: Expense Fund (General Fund); Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Self-Insurance Fund; and Debt Service Fund. Running Fund); The Running Expense Fund and Self-Insurance Fund are considered to be enterprise funds and are not subj ect to 1 imitation under Proposition 4. Enterprise funds are generally used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner simil ar to private business enterprises where it is intended that costs of providing goods or services to the public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Bond proceeds used for debt service are not subject to the appropriations 1 i m i t. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~~. 1302A-9/85 WN F REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .ICHIEF ENG. L PM SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUlHORIZE A PUBLIC NOTICE TO INDICATE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSITION 4 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE November 23, 1988 The District's appropriations limit is required to be established for the Sewer Construction Fund. The appropriations limit is determined for yearly appropriations into the Sewer Construction Fund. o Article XIII B defines "proceeds of taxes" as including, but not restricted to, all tax revenues, income from investment of tax proceeds, and the proceeds of regulatory licenses, user charges and fees to the extent that such proceeds exceed the reasonable cost of providing the regulation, product or serv ice. "Proceeds of taxes" also i ncl ude state subventi ons, other than those for mandated programs for which the state reimburses the local agency. SB 1352 further defined state subventions to include only money received by a local agency from the state, the use of which is unrestricted by the statute providing the subvention. Grant funds received from the state for capital projects are restricted to specific uses and are, therefore, not "proceeds of taxes." o Fund balances carried over into fiscal year 1980-1981 are generally subject to limitation unless they were appropriated into a reserve account prior to July 1, 1980; however, as the Sewer Construction Fund is a single purpose fund, the fund bal ance at June 30, 1981 has been construed as hav ing been appropriated into reserves and, therefore, not subject to limitation. Computation of Appropriations Limit: The District appropriations limit is computed on the following attachment: Attachment A - Appropriations Limit: 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1982-1983,1983-1984,1984-1985,1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, and 1988-1989. REC(M4EtI)ATION: Authorize placement of a Public Notice advising that documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit shall be available fifteen days prior to the Board Meeting to be held on January 5, 1989, at which the appropriations limit for the Sewer Construction Fund for the fiscal year 1988-1989 will be adopted. ....------.. 13028-9/85 Attachment A Page 3 of 3 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Fund) Appropriations limit 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986, 1986-1987, 1987-1988, and 1988-1989 1978-1979 Appropriations Subject to Limitation $4,697,644 1979-1980 Appropriations Limit: 1980-1981 Appropriations Limit: $5,285,789 $6,062,800 1981-1982 Appropriations Limit: $6,746 ,078 1982-1983 Appropriations Limit: 1983-1984 Appropriations Limit: $7,266,875 $7,548,830 1984-1985 Appropriations Limit: $8,010,818 1985-1986 Appropriations Limit: 1986-1987 Appropriations Limit: $8,416,165 $8,823,507 1987-1988 Appropriations Limit: $9,264,682 1988-1989 Appropriations Limit: CPI Change Population Change Compound Effect: 1.0393 1.0233 1.0393 x 1.0233 = 1.0635 $9,264,682 x 1.0635 = $9,852,989 SSS'Pos. PaperslllProp 4, p3 . Centrla_ Contra Costa Sanitar') District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 1, 1988 NO. v. TREATMENT PLANT 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE AN ADDITIONAL $95,000 FROM THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR MODIFICATION OF THE MAIN GAS ENGINES AND ENGINATORS TO DUAL FUEL SYSTEMS DATE November 23, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Ba T. Than Junior En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Di rectors is requi red for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to make allocations from the Treatment Plant Program Contingency Account for amounts greater than $25,000. BACKGROUND: This project has been deemed critical due to the interruptible nature of our recent gas contract with PG&E. The th ree mai n gas engi nes/pumps and the three enginators in the Primary area are fueled only by natural gas with no backup fuel supply. The only electric-driven influent pump is available to pump the entire flow during any natural gas outage. There was a pl anned PG&E interruption of the Di stri ct' s natural gas suppl y in November 1988. During the prev ious natural gas interruption, the electric-driven pump was barely able to handle the influent flow. Future natural gas interruptions are anticipated to be more frequent than in the past. It is prudent for the District to provide an alternative fuel system to prov ide fi rm plmlpi ng capacity and emergency el ectrical power duri ng natural gas outages. The original fuel backup desi gned for this system was liquified petrol ellll gas (LPG or propane). The existing LPG standby fuel system was renovated in 1975 as part of the Stage 5A contract, but difficulties resulted in the system never coming into operation. The LPG system renovation has been considered as part of the Treatment Pl ant Master Pl an but is now being accel erated to accommodate the natural gas outages. This project will reactivate the LPG standby fuel system to provide fuel to these gas engines for future natural gas shutdowns. In the first phase of this project, $25,000 was allocated from the Treatment Plant Program Contingency Account to eval uate the major components of the existing LPG system and to convert Main Engine No. 1 to a dual fuel (natural gas and LPG) system. (See Attachment 1.) The existi ng vaporizer and pi pi ng systems were repa i red and tested. Main Engine No.1 was successfully tested and operated using both fuels verifying the appl ication. The second phase of this project will convert the two remaining main gas engines and the three enginators to a similar dual fuel system. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate an additional $95,000 from the Treatment Pl ant Program Contingency Account for the modification of the main gas engines and enginators to dual fuel systems. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ROGER J. DOLAN <BlT 1302A..9/85 BTT Pa~e 2 of 2 ATTA<HENT 1 LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS STANDBY SYSTEM District Project No. 10049 District Force Account Maintenance Engineering Section $ 10,000 Plant Maintenance Division 30,000 Subtota 1 $ 40.000 Equipment Purchases Phase I $ 10,000 Phase II 60,000 Subtotal $ 70.000 Contingency (9.1 percent) $ 10,000 Total $120.000 Initial Authorization by General Manager-Chief Engineer ($ 25,000) $ 95.000 REQUESTED FUtI>S . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 1, 1988 NO. XI I. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT DATE CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLOWING, THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOv'EMBER3, 1988 November 28. 1988 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Adm ini strative ISSUE: At the conclusion of a publ ic hearing on November 3, 1988 to consider the recycl ing plan proposed by Valley Waste Management, the Board of Directors continued the publ ic hearing to December 1, 1988 to receive additional information from District staff and further public comments. BACKGROUN>: A pub I ic hearing was hel d on November 3, 1988 to consider the recycl ing plan proposed by Valley Waste Management, the franchise-holder for refuse collection in Zones 2. 4 and 5. The proposed recycl ing pi an was submitted to the Board of Directors pursuant to a provision in the franchise agreement between the District and the refuse collector which requi res submission of a recycl ing p'l an upon request of the District. The implementation of recycling programs in all cities in the County is necessitated by the Contra Costa County Sol id Waste Management PI an which requi res the rendering of recycl ing reports to the So'l id Waste Commission. The preparation of recycl ing plans by the District-franchised refuse collectors under the direction of the Regional Recycling Advisory Committee in response to the Plan requirements, and the recycling plan proposed by Valley Waste Management were described in the November 3. 1988 Position Paper. This Position Paper responds to the Board's request that publ ic comments received at the publ ic hearing be summarized, additional information requested by the Board be obtained, and further staff recommendations be provided. Pub 1 ic comments received for the publ ic hearing on November 3, 1988 are summarized by major categories of issues on Attachment I. Written comments by the publ ic which were received since the November 3, 1988 pub"l ic hearing are individually summarized on Attachment II, and appended thereto; these comments were generally consistent with the publ ic comments made on November 3, 1988, and conform to the major categories of issues summarized in Attachment 1. All written comments received since preparation of this Position Paper are copied on blue paper and appended to Attachment II, but not summarized thereon. As a component of its recycl ing pi an. Valley Waste Management proposed the conversion of the present backyard refuse collection service to an automated curbside cOllection system. Pilot programs were proposed to include a number of households which would receive automated refuse collection. Due to opposition registered by some residents of the City of Lafayette, Marshall Grodin, General Manager of Vall ey Waste Management. notif ied the Board of Di rectors that the proposed recycling plan is being amended to exclude automated refuse collection from REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. ROGER J" DOLAN SUBJECT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLOWING, THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOJ Etvf3 ER 3, 1988. POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 6 DATE November 28, 1988 the pilot program in the City of Lafayette. As a result, the proposed pilot program in the City of Lafayette would comprise 1,200 households which would receive weekly curbside recycl ing only. A copy of Mr. Grodin's letter is provided as Attachment III. The Board of Directors requested information on curbside recycling programs in other cities. A description of such programs in cities in the Bay Area and the West Coast is provided in Attachment IV. Analysis of Primary Issues Valley Waste Management submitted a recycling plan in response to the Board's request, as required under the terms of its franchise agreement. The recycl ing plan has been reviewed by District staff, and was considered during the public hearing on November 3, 1988. The primary issues identified through the staff review and publ ic hearing process fall into two categories: issues which pertain to the pilot programs; and issues that relate to full-scale implementation of the programs. These issues are described in the following sections. Issues Which Pertain to the Pilot Programs Should the District solicit and evaluate other recycling proposals? Section 24, Recycl ing, of the current franchise agreement between the District and Valley Waste Management provides that: "Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, at any time during the term of this Agreement the District may requi re the Contractor to prepare and submit a plan to provide refuse recycling in the Zone. The Contractor shall provide such a recycling plan with in 180 days of receiv ing the written notice requi ring preparation of a recovery pl an. The District shall rev iaw and comment upon the proposed recycl ing pl an within Sixty (60) days. The Contractor shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of District's comments to modify the Contractor's proposed plan in order to make said proposed plan acceptable to the District. If the plan is approved by the District Board of Directors, the Contractor shall implement the plan within ninety (90) days unless that is impracticable under the circumstances. " It is the District staff position that the contract provides to the franchised refuse collector the obligation to implement a recycling program if so directed. In the context of the entire franchise agreement, it is -..------. 13028-9/85 ""' SUBJECT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLOWING, THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NO/EMBER 3, 1988. POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 6 DATE November 28, 1988 also staff's conclusion that the franchised refuse collector has the contract right to attempt to impl ement an acceptable recycl ing program. Based on the successful operation of similar curbside recycl ing programs in the cities of San Jose and Santa Rosa by other Waste Management subsidiaries, the recycling program proposed by Valley Waste Management is considered to be capab1 e of successful imp1 ementation. An assessment of the collector's performance in implementing and maintaining the recycling program should be made annually during the rate-setting process. Should the proposed scope of the recycling program be expanded? During the publ ic hearing on November 3, 1988, recommendations for including compostab1e material and used motor oil in the recycling program were made. Whil e vegetative waste is estimated to represent 10 to 15 percent of the waste-stream in the County, only a rel atively small amount is bei ng recyc1 ed. Vegetative waste currently recyc1 ed th rough shredding/chipping machines is used as mulch or fuel for WOOd-burning power p1 ants. However, a standing commercial market which exists for other recyc1ables is not currently available for compost material. New landfills in the County are requi red by the County Sol id Waste Management Pl an to conduct pilot composting programs using vegetative wastes to determine if the compost w ill serve a useful purpose. Because of the del ay in the County's landfill siting efforts and the uncertainties regarding the end use of the compost, consideration of the inclusion of vegetative waste in the Valley Waste Management recycling plan should be deferred to a later date. Used motor oil is specifically excluded from the definition of refuse in the District's franchise agreement because it is classified as a hazardous waste. Presently, its market val ue has deteriorated to the poi nt where commercial recl aimers are charging recyclers to take the oil. Therefore, at the present time, used motor oil shoul d better be 1 eft to recycl ing companies that can safely handl e and store the used oil in special tankage and impoundment facilities. Should the pilot program 1n the City of Lafayette include automated refuse collection? Publ ic comments received indicate a low level of support for automated refuse collection in the City of Lafayette. Until the impact of this serv ice and its acceptabi 1 ity can be better understood, th is issue shoul d be deferred for reconsideration for the 1989-1990 rate-setting year. ....-------.. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLOWING, THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOI Et-BER 3, 1988. POSITION PAPER PAGE 4 OF 6 DATE November 28, 1988 Issues That Relate to Full-Scale Imple.entation of the Programs Determine whether the present rate-setting procedures should be changed. In the recycling plan submitted by Valley Waste Management, it is proposed that future rate-setting be based on changes in the Consumer Price Index, except that increases in transfer station and disposal fees would be separately recovered in full, and that detailed financial statements no longer be required to be submitted as part of the rate-setting procedures. During the publ ic hearing on November 3, 1988, District staff proposed a multi-year program for rate-setting. Based on the public comments received and the Board's direction, it is considered appropriate that the District's conventional rate-setting procedures be followed. Cost analyses of the automated refuse collection and curbside recycling programs will be prepared separately, and used for establ ishing adjustments to collection rates based on expense reductions to be realized from automated refuse collection and expense increases from curbside recycl ing. These analyses will be compl eted by the end of the pil ot program for use by the Board together with the pilot program results in assessing whether full-scale impl ementation shoul d proceed. In performing the cost analyses, actual results of Valley Waste Management's automated refuse collection in the City of San Ramon, and the curbside recycl ing program in the City of San Jose would be used, in addition to financial analyses of the operating results of the three-month pilot programs. The effect on projected operating results of full-scale implementation of automated refuse collection and of curbside recycl ing will be provided separately to the Board for the next rate-setting process which begins concurrently with the end of the pilot programs. Determine whether full-scale implementation of curbside recycling should occu r . Based on the results of the three-month pilot programs, the Board of Directors should determine if curbside recycling should be implemented on a full-scale basis. Determine whether full-scale implementation of automated refuse collection should occur. Based on the resul ts of the th ree-month pi 1 ot program, the Board of Directors should determine if automated refuse collection should be implemented on a full-scale basis in the entire Valley Waste Management serv ice area, or a more restricted area because of terrain and publ ic acceptability. Because of concerns raised regarding the pilot programs, ~--_...._-_.. 13028- 9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLOWING, THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOJEfleER3, 1988. POSITION PAPER PAGE 5 OF 6 DATE November 28, 1988 contact should be maintained with the City Council of Lafayette and concerned citizens to determine whether autanated refuse collection has appl icabil ity to the City of Lafayette. Staff Recommendat1on The following recommended course of action is provided for consideration by the Board of Directors: o Proceed with pilot recycling programs comprised of 1,200 households each in the Town of Danville, the City of Lafayette, and the community of Alamo which are to receive curbside recycl ing; 150 of the 1,200 households in Danville and Alamo will receive autanated refuse collection in addition to curbside recycl ing; 150 households outside of the 1,200 pilot recycl ing participants in Danville and Alamo will receive autanated refuse collection only. The pilot recycl ing program households in the City of Lafayette should not receive autanated refuse collection. o Require that a detailed report be presented upon completion of the three-month pilot program, which will include: 1. a financial analysis of revenues and expenses of the curbside recycl ing and automated refuse collection pilot programs 2. The result of a custaner survey regarding the curbside recycling program and the autanated refuse collection program 3. a statistical analysis of: - participation level in curbside recycling - tonnage by type of recyclables collected - revenues by type of recyclables sold o Receive the cost analyses of automated refuse collection based on actual operations in the City of San Ramon, and curbside recycling in the City of San Jose. The cost analyses will be used in conjunction with the financial analysis produced from the pilot program to determine the adjustments to collection rates resulting from curbside recycl ing and autanated refuse collection. This information will be available for use in the next rate-setting process. o Based on the results of the pilot programs, decide whether full-scale implementation of either, or both, autanated refuse collection and/or curbside recycl ing should be implemented during the next rate-setting period. At that time, specific decisions would be made relative to rates and the scope of the changes to be implemented. 1...________.. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLOWING, THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOJ EMBER 3, 1988. POSITION PAPER PAGE 6 OF 6 DATE November 28, 1988 RECOMMEN>ATION Conduct a continued publ ic hearing on December 1, 1988 to receive additional information from District staff and public comments on the recycl ing plan proposed by Valley Waste Management for Zones 2,4 and S. Provide staff with comments and guidance regarding the proposed recycling plan and implementation of the pilot programs for a three-month test period; if the pilot programs are to be implemented, implementation should conform to the course of action outlined above. ~------_. 13028-9/85 Attachment I Page 1 of 2 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED Consider The Recycling Plan Proposed By Valley Waste Manage.ent Separately From Its Proposed Automated Refuse Collection - Councilmember Avon Wilson and a number of citizens of the City of Lafayette and a citizen of Round Hill provided oral, or written, comments recommending that the effects on collection rates and anticipated hardships for certain customers by conversion to the proposed automated refuse collection be considered separately from the effects of the proposed recycl ing pl an. Obtain Proposals FrOll Other Recycl ing Fil"lls - The Lafayette City Counci 1 recommended that, if legally allowable, proposals by other recycl ing firms be considered. A number of citizens of the City of Lafayette provided oral, or written, comments recommending that recycl ing proposals from other firms be solicited. Representatives of Circo Recycl ers/Pacific Rim Recycl ing, a recycl ing firm, urged the Board to permit it to submit a recycling proposal. Rate Increases Should Not Be Automatically Set By A Price Index - The Danville Town Council advised the Board that any recommendation to change the District's present financial statement-based rate-setting procedures would require further information and study. The Lafayette City Council recommended that the District continue its financial statement-based rate-setting procedures. A number of citizens of the City of Lafayette prov ided oral, or written, comments recommendi ng that rate-setti ng be financia'lly based, and not tied to an automatic price escalator. CoIIIpostable Matter Should Not Be CoIIIingled With Refuse - The Lafayette City Council recommended that the Board pursue development of composting vegetative waste material. A number of citizens of the City of Lafayette provided oral, or written, comments recommending that plant material not be comingled with refuse, as required under the proposed automated refuse collection, but continue to be segregated to permit ready conversion to composting. Automated Refuse Collection Results In A Decrease In Solid Waste Volume Allowed Customers - A number of citizens of the City of Lafayette provided oral, or written, comments advising the Board that a single can customer woul d experience a decrease in total waste vol ume under the proposed automated refuse collection. The perceived decrease is based on a comparison of the volume provided by the present 32-gallon trash can and the availability of two 32-gallon containers of yard waste with the vol ume of the 64-ga-llon whee-I ed container under the proposed automated refuse collection and recycling plan, without including three ll-gallon recyclable containers. Provide For Recycling Used Motor Oil - A citizen of the City of Lafayette provided oral comments recommending that used motor oil be added to the list of recyclables in the proposed recycling plan. Attachment I Page 2 of 2 SUMMARY OF PUBLIC COMMENTS RECEIVED Other Public Comments - The Danville Town Council and a representative of the Al amo Improvement Associ ati on prov ided oral, or written, comments supporting implementation of the proposed recycl ing and automated refuse collection program on a pilot project basis. Attachment II Page 1 of 2 WRITTEN COMMENTS RECEIVED FOR THE CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING Received FrOlll Anna Marie Lininger 3960 Cowan Road Lafayette, CA 94549 Richard Morrison 1414 Eagle Point Court Lafayette, CA 94549 A 1 ice Johnson 859 Birdhaven Court Lafayette, CA 94549 Citizen's Committee for Sound Recycl ing and Garbage Disposal 691 Glenside Drive Lafayette, CA 94549 Summary of Comments Presently is charged special service (hilly) rates, and curbside recycl ing and automated collection would not be pract i cabl e for th is homeOt/ ner and neighbors because of hilly terrain. Would prefer to have present refuse collection service continued, and a separate recycl ing service at her residence at no charge. Strongly favors recycl ing, and if curbside recycl ing is a necessary component, it should be implemented. The economics of recycling should be separated from that of refuse collection. Recycling should be covered by a sepa rate contract and prov ided to Va "11 ey Waste Management only if it provides the most effective program. The Board should not give up its right to inspect the books of the refuse collector. Other competi ng recycl ing proposal s shoul d be considered. The recycl ing programs should be separated from refuse collection. Th e Comm i ttee, com po sed of L af ay ette residents Herman Sil verman, Chai rman, Stanford White, Richard Trudeau and Robert Kahn, provided the following suggestions and information: o important meeting notices or change of rate information should be disseminated in the refuse collector's bi 1"1; o more specific Board directions should be provided to staff; o the serv ices of the Committee are offered to the Board and staff; o the Committee requests that the recommendations of the staff be provided atl east 10 days prior to the December 1, 1988 publ ic hearing; o the Committee requests a copy of the District Counsel's opinion on obtaining proposals from other recycling companies. Page 2 of 2 Received From Summary of Comments Jean Sk ill in Lafayette, CA 94549 Refuse collection and recycling should be separately considered. Physically unabl e to pl ace refuse or recycl ing containers at the curb due to h illy terrain. Regul arly recycl es at the collector's buy-back recycl ing center in Walnut Creek. Favors continuing the present service level. Stephen A. Mi nton Jr. 3471 Blackhawk Road Lafayette, CA 94549 Automated refuse collection and curbside recycl ing should be considered separately as to costs and effects. Automated refuse collection should be considered if consi derab 1 e rate reducti ons are achieved; separate containers should be provided for refuse and clippings without reduction in volume, unless rates are reduced. Recycling shou.ld be voluntary; closed containers should be used, as open containers would attract insects and anima I s. Rates shoul d be based on verified expenses plus a reasonable profit. Proposals from other recycling firms should be considered. MCCUTCHEN, DOYLE, BROWN & ENERSEN COUNSELORS AT LAW AIICIEMEID r~ov 2 8 1988 SAN JOSE POST OF'F'ICE BOX V ccoeD .fo~~"'~-"""'. TELEX 34-0817 "ACSIMILE GI. II AND 111 (415) e30-23eO CABLE ADDRESS MACPAG SAN FRANCISCO lass OLYMPIC BOULEVARD. THIRD FLOOR WASHINGTON. D.C. SHANGHAI WALNUT CREEK. CALIF'ORNIA &145&18-1270 TELEPHONE (415) 937-8000 November 28, 1988 Ms. Sue Rainey, President and Members of the Board central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff place Martinez, CA 94553 Curbside Recycling in Zone 2 Our File 72622.004 Dear Members: We represent Valley Waste Management which provides solid waste collection services to the portion of your District known as Zone 2, pursuant to an exclusive franchise agreement between CCCSD and Valley dated July 1, 1986. We understand that you are considering the establishment of a curbside recycling program and that you have required Valley to present a proposal to provide this service pursuant to paragraph 24 of the franchise agreement. We further understand that in the course of hearings on this subject some persons have suggested that the District should, or is required to, open the recycling operation to competitive bidding. The franchise agreement grants to Valley the exclusive right to conduct curbside recycling operations within Zone 2 until February 28, 1996. Thus, the District may not allow any other entity to conduct a curbside recycling program in the Zone during the term of the franchise. Below we explain the bases for this conclusion. When interpreting a to the document itself. The Valley the exclusive rivile e Zone. (para. In exc ange Valley agrees to regulation by the District including control of its rates. By its own terms, the agreement is for Wthe collection, removal, recycling and disposal of garbagew. (Para.l.(a).) .Customers. are defined as those who have contracted with Valley Wfor the collection, removal, rec1cling or disposal of garbagew. (para.l.(c).) (Emphasis added. Ms. Sue Rainey, President and Members of the Board November 28, 1988 Page 2 Curbside recycling is a form of collection of garbage. Such a program merely encourages the customer to separate that which is being left for disposal. The separation at the source facilitates the sale and eventual reuse of the separated items (e.g. newsprint, glass and aluminum) which is socially desirable, in part because it reduces the need for landfill capacity. Source-separated items placed at the curb for pickup as part of a curbside recycling program are -garbage- as that term is defined in the franchise agreement. Section l.(e) of the agreement defines garbage as -anything thrown away as worthless.- Items placed at the curb for collection, without payment to the customer, are clearly -thrown away as worthless.- The items are worthless to the customer even though such may have value to someone else at some other time and place. The agreement provides a procedure by which the District can require Valley to implement a recycling program. (para.24.) Failure of Valley to submit or implement an approved recycling plan in a timely manner constitutes a breach of the agreement and may give the District the right to terminate the exclusive franchise. The reciprocal of this obligation is valley's exclusive right to operate such a program. This right is recognized in other portions of the agreement. For example, paragraph 13, which reserves to the District the right of salvage, expressly recognizes -the rights to recycle set forth in paragraph 24.- Read together, paragraphs 13 and 24 grant to Valley the right to recyle and reserve to the District the right to salvage. paragraph 5 of the agreement makes clear that the customer has the right to sell any valuable commodity to any third party. This does not limit the exclusive right to collect items -thrown away as worthless- including source-separated materials placed at the curb for collection as part of a recycling program. In that case, the customer pays for collection and does not sell the separated materials. If an agreement is ambiguous or unclear, one looks to the intent of the parties to determine its meaning. If the parties had intended to exclude source-separated materials or curbside recyclinq programs from the exclusive franchise, they could have done so easily: for example, paragraph 5 easily Ms. Sue Rainey, President and Members of the Board November 28, 1988 Page 3 could have been written to express such an intent. That they did not do so is evidence of their intent to include such in the exclusive franchise and to provide that Valley has both the obligation and the exclusive right to conduct any such recyling program. The other provisons, referenced above, also evidence an intent to include recycling. Furthermore, the undersigned negotiated the franchise agreement on behalf of Valley and can attest to the intent of valley to include such within the franchise and to the fact that the District's negotiators expressed the same intent. In summary, the express terms of the clear and unambiguous agreement grant to Valley the exclusive right to conduct any curbside recycling program involving payment to the collector rather than to the customer. If there is any ambiguity or doubt concerning the express terms of the agreement, the language of the agreement and the discussions of the negotiators evidence the intent of the parties to grant that exclusive right to Valley. There is no contrary evidence. Thus, the District may not contract with third parties to provide such services in Zone 3. Very truly yours, SMS:ksc6:1S cmzms · i1iSC ~ ~ I ,,- '011 E ~ I;) <XMf.ITTEE FOR SOUND RECYCLING AND WASTE DI~" 8 1988 "Sf) November 26, 1988 Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Martinez, CA. Dear Directors: Thank you for permitting the district staff to let us review the draft of their position paper and recommendations dated November 23, 1988. Permission was in answer to our request that we, as well as members of the board, should have such information at least ten days before a public hearing. Needless to say, most people in Lafayette whom we know were delighted to hear that Valley Waste Management has withdrawn its proposal for automated curbside pickup of garbage. Lafayette terrain is such that most residents, regardless of age, do not want to push or pull a 60 to 100 gallon (up to 200 or 300 pounds) garbage container to the fronts of their homes. But we were certainly confused and dismayed to read your staff's comment: "Until the impact of this service and its acceptability can be better understood, this issue should be deferred for reconsideration for the 1989-1990 rate-setting year." Does this mean that the staff now proposes simply to delay action on this issue until next year as part of the rate-setting procedure despite withdrawal of the proposal by Valley Waste? Staff acknowledges that Lafayette will not be tested for curbside garbage in this initial period. We want Lafayette excluded permanently (or as far as possible) from curbside (we have few curbs) garbage pickup. We are concerned that Valley Waste Management's original proposal is a way of opening a future door to substantial rate increases as requested in Walnut Creek. At the conclusion of the November 3rd board hearing, two or three of the the four directors present requested additional information from "other providers who may be interested in providing recycling services" among other things. Your staff's position paper and recommendations contains no such information, despite the fact that this has also been requested by the City of Lafayette, an editorial in the Contra Costa Sun, the Citizens' Committee for Sound Recycling and Garbage Disposal, and numerous other residents. Page 2 of the draft states, "...it is also staff's conclusion that the franchised refuse collector has a contract right to implement an acceptable recycling program." The need for legal opinion by the district's attorney \~as discussed at great length at the November 3rd meeting. (2) It is almost December 1st and we still do not have an op1n10n from Jim Haz2ard, your attorney. Earlier the staff said the district could not put recycling out for b~d: Meanwhile, Jim Haz\ard reiterated that he has not been asked to render an op1n10n. Charles Williams, city attorney for Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda and Pittsburg, as well as former city attorney of other cities, read your franchise agreement and emphatically stated, "Putting recycling out for bid is strictly discretionary with the District. The District can do whatever it wishes and you can quote me." Other experts will be cited at the December 1st meeting. The concensus: that the franchise agreement under Paragraph 24 and/or other parts does not prohibit solicitation of bids from others. Such solicitation would certainly be to the advantage of the residents for whom you are acting and would offer the best possile recycling program available. In addition the staff had the opportunity to provide the board with actual costs of recycling as experienced by several cities and failed to do so. We should like to point out that the District's staff refers in several places to the curbside recycling programs in San Jose and Santa Rosa and talks about cost analysis of automated refuse collection in San Ramon. These cities are not topographically comparable to Lafayette. The staff does not have to travel far to see what is considered to be one of the most successful recycling operations in California now in progress in Walnut Creek. We consider it superior to that being offered by Valley Waste Management. {.Je are told that this information has been given to your staff by the City Manager of Walnut Creek. Please let us correct a statement in the draft of the minutes of the November 3rd meeting: "If the Board wished to consider other recyclers, that would require legal analysis. Before rendering such an opinion, Mr. Hazzard indicated he would like to give Waste Management an opportunity to provide legal authorities support- ing their positionK~R. That is not what Mr. Hazzard said. He said he would like opinions from .d~ ~ potential recycling companies, not just from Valley Waste Management. How many recycling companies has the staff contacted? We have a list of five. Lastly, we respectfully call your attention to an apr.arent typographical error in the draft on page 5, line 18, which should read, '...City of Lafayette should not receive automated refuse collection." At the December 1 meeting, our speakers, who have spent many hours researching, will cover various subjects and we ask leeway on the 5 minute rule. (3) Best wishes. ~ M~~ L:~den 6~nL:: Palos Dr~v~ Lafayette, CA 94549 ~c.~ /9" c/ --s:Vv.-/ ~l Zion r/ 3252 Judy l!.ane Lafayette, CA 94549 Richard C. Trudeau 633 Los Palos Drive Lafayette, CA 94549 b~~~ 691 Glenside Drive Lafayette, CA 94549 ::=~~~~.~-~/{ /~i!? Sta ora Wh~te 55 Silverado Lafayette, CA 94549 ~~ Robert Kahn P. O. Box 249 Lafayette, CA 94549 DRAFT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYClING PlAN PROPOSED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COM~NTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLOWING, THE PUBLIC HEARING ON NOI Et-eER 3, 1988 November 23, 1988 CONDUCT CONTINUED PUBL IC HEARING Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Adm ini strative ISSUE: At the concl usion of a public hearing on November 3, 1988 to consider the recycl ing plan proposed by Valley Waste Management, the Board of Directors continued the public hearing to December 1, 1988 to receive additional information from District staff and further public comments. BACkGROUND: A public hearing was held on November 3,1988 to consider the recycling plan proposed by Valley Waste Management, the franchise-holder for refuse collection in Zones 2, 4 and 5. The proposed recycling plan was submitted to the Board of Di rectors pursuant to a prov ision in the franch ise agreanent between the District and the refuse ~ollector which requires submission of a recycl ing plan upon request of the District. The implementation of recycling programs in all cities in the County is necessitated by the Contra Costa County Solid Waste Management Plan which requires the rendering of recycling reports to the Solid Waste Commission. The preparation of recycling pl ans by the District-franchised refuse collectors under the di rection of the Regional Recycl ing Advisory Committee in response to the Plan requirements, and the recycling plan proposed by Valley Waste Management were described in the November 3, 1988 Position Paper. This Position Paper responds to the Board's request that publ ic comments received at the public hearing be summarized, additional information requested by the Board be obtained, and further staff recommendations be provided. Public comments received for the public hearing on November 3, 1988 are sunmarized by major categories of issues on Attachment I. Written comments by the publiC which were received since the November 3, 1988 public hearing are individually sllllmarized on Attachment I I, and appended thereto; these comments were generally consistent with the publ ic comments made on November 3, 1988, and conform to the major categories of issues summarized in Attachment I. . As a component of its recycling plan, Valley Waste Management proposed the conversion of the present backyard refuse collection service to an autanated curbside collection system. Pilot programs were proposed to include a number of househol ds which woul d receive autanated refuse collection. Due to opposition registered by sane residents of the City of Lafayette, Marshall Grodin, General Manager of Valley Waste Management, notified the Board of Directors that the proposed recycl ing plan is being amended to exclude autanated refuse collection from . . DRAFT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIV ED DURING, AND FOLLCliING, lHE PUBLIC HEARING 2 ON NOI EfoB ER 3, 1988. November 23, 1988 ~he pilo~ program in ~he City of Lafayette. As a result, the proposed pilot program in the City of Lafayette would comprise 1,200 households which would receive weekly curbside recycling only. A copy of Mr. GrOdin's let~er is provided as A~tachmen~ ill. The Board of Directors requested information on curbside recycling programs in other cities. A description of such programs in cities in ~he Bay Area and the West Coas~ is provided in A~tachmen~ IV. Analysis of Prf.arv Issues Valley Waste Management submitted a l"eCycling plan in response to the Board's request, as required under ~he ~erms of its franchise agreement. The recycl ing plan has been reviewed by District staff, and was considered during the public hearing on November 3, 1988. The primary issues identified through the staff review and public hearing process fall into two categories: issues which pertain to the pilot program; and issues that relate to full-scale implementation of the programs. These issues are described in the following sections. Issues Whfch Pertafn to the Pflo~ prograas Should ~he Dfs~rf~ 5Ol1cf~ and evaluate other recyclfng proposals? "< Section 24, Recycling, of the current franchise agreEment between the District and Valley Waste Management provides that: ttNotwi~hstanding anythfng in this AgreEment to the contrary, at any time during the term of this AgreEment the Of strict may requf re the Contractor to prepare and subm it a plan to prov ide refuse recycling 1 n the Zone. The Contractor shall rovide such a rec n Ian w n days of receiv fn the written not ce r: uiring preparation of a recove n. e s r c shall rev ew an comme proposed recycl ing plan within sixty (60) days. The Contractor shall have ~hirty (30) days from receipt of Distrfct's comments to modify the Contractor's proposed plan in order ~o make said proposed plan acceptable to ~he District. If the plan is approved by the D1s~r1ct Board of Directors, the Contractor shall implement the plan within ninety (90) days unless that is impracticable under the ci rcumstances. It v' \)Y' l e9t,ol ~ DRAFT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYClING PLAN PROPOSED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLQ<lING, THE PUBLIC HEARING 3 ON NOr' Et-aER 3, 1988. Nov embe r 23, 1988 Based on the successful operation of similar curbside recycling programs in the cities of San Jose and Santa Rosa by other Waste Management sUbsidiaries, the recycling program proposed by Valley Waste Management is considered to be capabl e of successful 1mpl ementat1on. An assessment of the cOllector's performance in implementing and maintaining the recycling program should be made annually during the rate-setting process. Should 'the proposed scope of 'the recycling progr_ be expanded? During the public hearing on November 3, 1988, recommendations for including compostable material and used motor oil in the recycling program were made. While vegetative waste 15 estimated to represent 10 to 15 percent of the waste-stream in the County, only a rel ative1y small amount is being recycl ed. Vegetative waste currently recycl ed through ~ shredding/chipping ma~nes is used as mulch or fuel for wood-burning .f."I ~"'^ c.i^-l'~ burning power pl ants. ~owever, a standing commercial market which exists \J( ~t\'\e... for other recyclables is not currently available for compost material. ~"'~ /l.eft New landfills in the County are required by the County Solid Waste (f{'~ Management Plan to conduct pilot composting programs using vegetative wastes to determine if the compost will serve a useful purpose. Because of the delay in the County's landfill siting efforts and the uncertainties regarding the end use of the compost, consideration of the inclusion of vegetative waste in the V all ey Waste Management recycli ng plan shoul d be deferred to a later date. Used motor oil is specifically excluded fran the definition of refuse in the District's franchise agreement because it is classified as a hazardous , waste. Presently, its market val ue has deteriorated to the point where commerci al recl aimers are chargi ng recycl ers to take the oi 1. Therefore, at the present time, used motor oil should better be left to recycling companies that can safely handle and store the used oil in special tankage and impoundment facilities. Should 'the p1lo~ progr_ in 'the City of Lafayette include au~o.a~ refuse collec~1on? Publ ic comments received indicate a low level of support for autcmated refuse collection in the City of Lafayette. Until the impact of this service and its acceptabil ity can be better understood, this issue should be deferred for reconsideration for the 1989-1990 rate-setting year. DRAFT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PlAN PROPOSED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIV ED DURING. AND FOLL()# ING. THE PUBLIC HEARING 4 ON N~ EH3ER 3. 1988. Nav embe r 23. 1988 Issues That Relate 'to Full-Scale I.pl_entation of the ProgrMs Deten.1ne whether the present rate-setting procedures should be changed. In the recycling plan submitted by Valley Waste Management. it is proposed that future rate-setting be based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. except that increases in transfer station and disposal fees would be separately recovered in full. and that detailed financial statements no longer be required to be submitted as part of the rate-setting procedures. During the publ ic hearing on November 3. 1988. District staff proposed a multi-year program for rate-setting. Based on the public comments received and the Board's direction. it is considered appropriate that the District's ~ conventional rate-setting procedures be followed. Cost analyses of the uJ(;~I. autanated refuse collection and curbside recycling programs will be ""J.A^- prepared separately. and used for establ ish1ng adjustments to collection rates based o~expense reductions to be realized from automated refuse collection andU.expense increases from curbside recycling. These analyses w 111 be compl eted by the end of the pl1 ot program for use by the Board ,r.ufb~ together with the pilot program results in assessing whether full-scale (9 cJ.~ ~&i"" impl ementati on shoul d proceedCi) In performing the cost ana lyses. actual lie, results of Valley Waste Management's automated refuse collection in the (!--~ JeJ 1 City of San Ramon, and the curbside recycl ing program in the Cfty of San c){. .L.!.' Jose would be used, in addition to financial analyses of the operating tt-. JtJV'u ..r results of the three-month pilot programs. The effect on projected prO VII'" operating results of full-scale implementation of autanated refuse bob(t.( collection and of curbside recycling w11l be provided separately to the ~1~rD ~(~~ (I Board for the next rate-setting process which begins concurrently with the 0' vD'IJ _",V'" end of the pi 1 ot programs. fl' b(lt.Y o..f tt~. .KJvf Deten.ine whether full-scale f.pl_entation of curbside recyc11ng should ~ ~~ tI ~ (JJ""" occu r . C. lti t\ ()t Based on the resul ts of the three-month pi 1 ot programs, the Board of Directors should determine if curbside recycl ing should be implemented on a full-scale basis. Deten.fne whether full-scale i.pl_entation of au'toala'ted refuse col Jectfon should occur. ~ Based on the resul ts of the th ree-month pl1 ot program. the Board of v~lt''-- Di rectors shoul d determine if automated refuse collection shoul d be p { implemented on a full-scale basis in the entire Valley Waste Management /'3' d..~ ~e..t r serv ires area. or a more restri~ted area because of terrain and ~ l;:Y' ~ ~ vJ-()o, a~tabil i'ty. Because of concerns raised regarding tile pllo't programs. ~CJI I.J J. 1>,1.f"t -\1\ \ S -t ~fAt DRAFT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS THEREON RECEIVED DURING, AND FOLLQtlING, THE PUBLIC HEARING 5 ON NOt' EM3ER 3, 1988. Nav embe r 23, 1988 contact should be maintained with the City Council of Lafayette, and concerned citizens to determine whether autanated refuse collection has appl icabi1ity to the City of Lafayette. Staff Reco.mendat10n The following recommended course of action is provided for consideration by the Board of Directors: Proceed with pilot programs comprised of 1,200 households each in the Town of Danville, ~he City of Lafayette, and the community of AlamClwhich are to receive curbside recyclin~; 150 of the 1,200 househol ds in Danv ille and Alamo will recelve autanated refuse collection in addition to curbside recycl ing; 150 households outside of the 1,200 pilot recycling partici~nts in Danville and Alamo will receive autanated refuse collection onlyWThe r;'\ JAd r~O% pilot ro ram households in the City of Lafa ette should receive autanated \.JI \)...T"....... v-e.-- fv!-l. refuse collectio~ 11 t '( (, €- I ..l r ~ /iJ/4"I d:> . ('t-- t I/O ~ ^ ~ ~ 00 Require that a detailed report be presented upon completion of the o.~~ tfl'),.I.P thre&-month pilot program, which will include: c>o-\Jl"l~ .t"tJ cr ll.t e",f () ~~ ~ o 1. a financial analysis of revenues and expenses of the curbside recycl ing and autanated refuse collection pilot programs 2. The result of a custaner survey regarding the curbside recycling program and the autanated refuse collection program 3. a statistical analysis of: - participation level in curbside recycling - tonage by type of recyclables collected - revenues by type of recyclables sold c.<"l ~ Receive the cost anal ses of autanated refuse '\a "" ~at-..b 0 erations in the Cit 0 San Ramon, ur s de rec cl in in the Ci f ffDIt,,)V1.S ~~ San ose. e cost analyses will be used in conjunction w th the financial ~tl Ie . analysls produced fran the pilot program to determine the adjustments to ~. flttJ collection rates resulting from curbside recycling and automated refuse ,nO- collection. This information will be available for use in the next OJJAV rat&-setti ng process. o Plan to decide whether full-scale implementation of either, or both, automated refuse collection and/or curbside recycling should be implemented during the next rat~settin9 periOd. At that time, specific decisions woul d be made rel ative to rates and the scope of the changes to be implemented. DRAFT CONDUCT A CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE RECYCLING PLAN PROPOSED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS lHEREON RECEIVED DURING. AND FOLL~ING. THE PUBLIC HEARING 6 ON NO,' EMBER 3. 1988. November 23, 1988 {D RECCM4ENlATIOH Conduct a continued publ ic hearin on Decemb 1, 1988 to receive additional information from District staff and public comments on the rec clin plan proposed by Valley Waste Management for Zones 2. 4 and 5. Provide staff w comments and guidance regarding the proposed recycl ing pl an and implementation of the pilot programs for a thre~month test period; if the pllot programs are to be implemented. implementation should conform to the course of action outlined above. ,{\ - f~. -+0 f'e.- 4<..t ~ I ~.., \Y Q"Y\~ V'~, '. Soroptimist International of Diablo Valley P. O. Box 3124 Walnut Creek, California 94598 November 25, 1988 IFii!ClEUVlilO tlOV 2 8 1988 CCCSD el""'''~~'''I''''r ,...~ .._'''* Board of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Board Members: As an organization, Soroptimist International is very concerned about our environment. It is one of the five primary areas in which we focus our service efforts. Our region has chosen recycling as the primary target of our efforts and concern for the next two years. We feel that recycling is an effective and necessary way to reduce the excessive demands on communities to provide landfill sites as well as the rapid depletion of our resources. We are totally in favor of any efforts to increase recycling in our communities. Curbside recycling projects have been proven to involve more residents in recycling and should be encouraged if not required wherever possible. We can no longer afford to be lazy and self serving where the protection of our most valuable resource--our planet earth--is involved. Very truly, I ,k' ,~J(;; ~~--d~{A7 Sally Bradbury v Member, Regional Environment Committee "'-~-'--_.'~'-.."---"-~.""-'--"-""---'----"-""-"--'-'---'_._"'--'-~~-----____".,_,___,_._~~,~_,____'_~~"_"_"_M__",__,,,______,~.__,__,,____,, November 2), 1988 f.j[C~p.~~mm NOV 2 8 j98rJ Central Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 ccc~:; /J.D:';' i i ~ ,;',,:rf::)\ TION Gentlemen I This is in reference to the.' recently announced plans for revisions in the garbage pickup program in Lafayette. "Curbside" pickup at my home would be absolutely impossible for us to handle, and I truly do not know what I would do it it were imposed on me. I have a typical Lafayette lot. There is no clear, level pathway that I could use to move garbage to the "curb", and my driveway is too steep to use a cart even if I could get it that far. I'm not elderly, but I do have a back problem, and I couldn't do it. Nor could my wife. I find it hard to believe that such a program could even be considered for the streets and terrain of Lafayette. We must have new owners at the garbage firm who have never seen this town. We already have one neighbor who leaves his garbage cans at the street most of the time, and it is the eyesore of the neighborhood. I hate to think of the entire city looking this way. I already bring my newspapers and aluminum cans to available recycling locations, and it certainly isn't a big effort. But I do realize that most people don't do that. My concerns here are the same--getting it to the street, and knowing that those empty bins will just sit there for days in many cases. We could probably live with the recycling program, but the so-called "curbside" garbage pickup (in a town that has few curbs) is not acceptable. It cannot work in this locale, and it will force physical hardships on many people. Please do not try to force it on us. Sinv1'e~y r /1 S'J<MA-'" ~ Ronald T. ~~;i~ )285 Beechwood Drive Lafayette 94549 CCI Lafayette City Council Lafaye tte Su'n GEORGE FINLAY, President GREG ESTEP. Vice President FRANK LYNCH, Secretary RON FERGUSON, Treasurer MARVER GLEN, Audit Committee MARK JONAH, Architectural Control Committee JOHN McMULLEN, Financial Secretary MARTHA MILLER, Beautification Committee ROBERT RANDOLPH, Mutual Rights Committee LOU RENAUD, Executive Director ROUND HILL PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. P,O, BOX 253 ALAMO, CALIFORNIA 94507 (415) 838-0437 ru~@[~P.wmlID NOV 2 8 1988 AD' eeeS)) i.11f\1t;:,TPA nON Waste Management & Recycling November 23, 1988 The Round Hill Property Owners Association has studied the proposal for curbside recycling and automated garbage pick-up. This proposal is different than the proposal we endorsed from Andrew Young's letter on March 4, 1988. That letter dealt strictly with a recycling program test. We continue to support a recycling program and a test with variables of place, difficulty, convenience, etc. However, we do not endorse a automated pick-up for garbage. The Round Hill area is not level in all locations and to require a curbside pick-up would place a strain on some of the families in the association. Often the weight of the garbage is a problem for people and this program does not address this issue. Addi tionall y we are concerned about the cost of the automated system and how that wi 11 affect the rates. We feel that a full analysis of the impact of that separate program must be provided. We are also opposed to rate setting by CPI or other formula. There is no indication that the waste management industry's cost are influenced solely by CPI or any formula. Very truly yours, ? Greg Estep cc: Andrew Young Marshall Grodin 'Pool crech!NC ". ~. - ~. November 23, 1988 Board of Directors Central C.C. Sanitary Dist. 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Directors: RECfEME~ t.OV 2 8 1988 eCOID -""'~.1II."" f1.J~ ,........,.... I recently learned that Valley Waste Management is willing using wheeled containers for garbage. to pilot projects for curbside recycling and automated services 1 know others who have successfully done this in other areas and the customers are most happy with the results. Recycling in our area is a MUST now which will only help our ugly landfill situation. I urge you to pass affirmately on this important matter. ~,e'fy sincerely, I . /)t;~~k ~nice C. Sp{g~ ~ 3471 MT. DIABLO BLVD. · LAFAYETTE. CA 94549 · (415) 284-1400 . STATE L1C NO. 196253 CITY OF SAN ...aSE. CALIFORNIA a01 NGIITH PIUT aTaUT SAIl ~ CA '.110 (401) 177.1141 ~~CC~U~~[Q) NOV 2 8 1988 PATRICIA E. SAUSEDO Councilmember November 22, 1988 CCCSO t"~"'f'II,...... tj;v n~ .,....,e ,,",.~-"'I""- Susan McNulty Rainy Central Contra Costa 5019 Imhoff Drive Martinez, CA 94523 Sanitary District Dear Ms. Rainy: It is my understanding that Waste Management, Inc. is in the process of obtaining contracts in Contra Costa County. They have been the refuse collector for San Jose since 1984. Since that time, they have become an integral part of our community. They are a contributor to our "San Jose Beautiful" campaign as well as many worthwhile community activities such as the San Jose Repertory Theater, Evergreen Hometown Celebration and the Mayor's Youth Conference. Waste Management, Inc. is truly a good corporate citizen; willing to give back to the community a share of what it receives from the community. Please feel free to contact me to answer any questions or provide additional information. Sincerely, ( j r: ~.t " --~' . ."-" ,- -IS, .~ , i . (;1 t'c!--e! 0 b >l $. t.L1f.P ..I~ Patr~c~~ E~ Sause~~ Councilmember PES:ss rn~&rncwrnoo NOV 2 2 1988 CCCSD ~ OiAIf\!rC:;Tt:,!\ TlON 3486 Springhill Court Lafayette CA 94549 November 21, 1988 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place ,;Lartinez CA 94553-4392 I nave been to two meetin~s where Valley haste Mana~ement nas presen- ted tneir proposed recycling and curbsiae pickup service in lieu of the present back yard pickup. If one did not know any better, their hard-sell apDroach plus tne video show makes for a ~ood program. I find it hard to believe that they can accomplish what they say in an brea such as Lafayette, and ~ore specifically Sprin~hill area. Their promise to improve service at no additional co~t is Questionable. ~ince Valley vJaste has taken over the former Valley DisDosal, my ser- vice has deteriorated as follows: Even thou~h all household garba~e is placed in bags before placement in the large garbage can, my house- hold can is rarely ever completely empty after dumning as some trash remains in the bottom of the can. Tne reason is too much rush, with no concern for quality control. I live at the end of a court so the trUCK backs down to make the pick up. Three neighbors at tne end of the court place their yard containers to the edge of their driveways, bIld after pickup tne containers are not returned to their respective places, cut thrown or dropped in one place--usually in front of my driveway with part of the contents dumped or spilled on the ~round for cleanup, after they leave. At this point I would love to have the rormer Valley Disposal seI~ice back instead of this new so-called better service as I shudder to think of what I can look forward to in the near future. I can only imagine wh~t ~y nei~htorhood would look like if their new proposal were adopted with an ugly pO gallon container plus three tote containers dropped helter skelter at the end of my court. I would welcolle a representative from V8lley VV8f:te Mana~ement to con- tact me and show me how they propose to handle this new pickup ser- vice. Also, I am not in favor of dumping all my yard clippings in the same container as my household g;arbage. Nhy? Are you aware of the problem with ~rass clippin~s in a closed container in your 7ara~e When the weather is warm? Also, I am led to believe that at a later date we may be required to separate the yard clip-ings tack for com- posting althou~h we now are required to separate them. I tnink there is too mucn rush and high pres8ure at thiE time to con- sider any change until tne;5! prove th&t they can adequately handle the job tney are paid to do now--and then you stlould consider recycling separ~tely fromcontainer piCKUp. I alEo heard a presentation from Pacific Rim which I feel is a much better pro~ram than Valley Vvaste rJ.lana:sement. - '110 sum up, I would SUg;S€8t city council members and Central can. members take time to look over these areas as to the ea8e at which tnis new service can be incorporated, and you will find that Lafayette has very few areas where thic can be cone witnout undue hardship on the re8idents, and the eventual overall appearance of our city. For myself, the quality of the present service has deteriorated in the laEt t~o months. What more can I say! Sincerely, '--;:kw I' J ~ John P. 'I'ulley i..---- J (iC2?V ~vd~~P tt~ i/~ wrtd -<<~ ~ -4 ~J.L cud Ai &a-ud ~~ .;1.i1,vU~ f~' ~= My kid :hool buketh iJllone in Elo: le Atlanta HI -Kay Morell, ~= No. The 3, went to hij ~rsburg, Va. f. ,g hoops at 8l lW I was genu me, then 6-6, gned with the igb school ana 1$ now on ms ~venth team. After basketball, falone plans to retire: "My lain thing is to be set for life." led to Leslie Caron, the dancer A. America ill lViI? rim McConnell, Covinll; Calif. ;ed socialite lives in Paris i works in the USA, and has a :Mon, 57, hopes to direct a ,Wring her daughter Jennifer. tor Brian Dennehy.' . - Elaint White, Detroit iI. a~or. (Fx.. ;iheradoJ :w tIC- Who~ .u~.ttht. q <~.' Q: I'.e been watching Gene Autry's old Westerns :s,\e :ne:::: L.~~ New ", ~""paid~.. ~ tIlt",'~t on TV. Whea did be marry his first wife IDa Mae ~ Jennifer Anne Arnott., a CO$- f" '. . !.f No ODe beJiple ~~. :.0. ::. eB"~. : Spi.ey? What is he doing in his retirement? 50 a.k . laY - peop......, Ill. - Faye Freeman. Asheboro, N.C. . I ~ es a. ca~eo re~ m :..r.',;, Willie J:1iJtner hI A: On their fourth date on April!, 1932, the Sing- 1 now 1$ filming m Munich. r '~rI;"" tr Kennedy? Is she liring ill a ."fi;st ~r1~iOi~... ' :~ ~~~'9~a:~ ~~e=: ~n n~~~ ~:try e? .' .. "earned $1 m.iJliOn..iplul,i' Western Heritage Museum in L.A. Autry's second Ruby ~ bopuses,~,oPtl~ The wife, banker Jacqueline EUain, is handling its opening Wash. top five and their millionS; this week. Autry, 81,'made a fortune from his 95 fca- tri- according to BusinessWeek mag: ture films and 40 million records and keeps busy with ,n , Charles Lazarus, Toys R Us his numeroUl properties, including four radio stations, her chairman, $60; Jim P. Manzi, Lotus computers a hotel and baseball's California Angels. By the way, ~ 98 chairman, $26.3; Lee Iacocca, Cbrysler chairman,. the holiday season wouldn't be the same without him: by an - $t7'~l ~.u1.' Fireman....R. eebo. .K~~.. ..... "~,. ,.$IS'~i~. '. '. Autry introduced the tune "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Jd~) til~ne.r.. ~~.~~~!~~lf!:::Reindeer and co-wrote Here Comes Santa Claus. IS Inedy augh- Ken- 070 ited) achu- air- AllmE O'TOOlE: Plays lose II TY had by Gannett Co. Inc. :;opyrlghl1988 USA WEEKEND H.Neuharth,Chamman Curley, President & ceo ~tShington. D.C. 20044. (703) 2J6.6445 Artist, newest song: 1. Slew Wlnwood, Don't You Know MJat The NwlJt Om Do 2. Oli?ia Newtua-Joba, The Rumour 3. EltOD JoIm, 1 Don't M.ana Go On W'ltb You lih That 4. Rod Stewut, Forever YOUDg First hit: A. The Jeff Bed Group's TlUth. 1968 B. Spencer Davis Group's Gimme Some Lov.iD: 1966 C.lfNot for You, 1973 D. .l.eYorJ, 1971 ANSWEltSr V-. 'o-c '3-z '8-J irS II filE: .....1IIt of n INI'Iigllt sellSltien," II.,. loIIert 'allier, .... .... ~ II, .." II", ~ ~ , ~ ~ And.. . Nov. 2D eo Derek, 32 Mark Gastineau, 32 AlIstair Cooke, 80 Nov. 21 Goldie Hawn, 43 Nov. 22 Borls Becker, 21 Jamie Lee ClI1ls, 30 BIllie Jean King, 45 ~ Nov. 24 WIiam F. Buckley Jr.. 63 Nov.2S BernIe Kosar, 25 John F. Kennedy Jr., 28 Joe DiMaggio, 14 NoV. 2S Charles Schulz, 66 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO . . . John Larroquette, 41 ~. . . The outrageous Night Court lawyer, born Nov. 25, 1947, says his best birthday was his 18th: "I could actua1Iy walk into a liquor store and buy a bottle. .. The four-time Emmy winner, who wants a signed copy of Thomas Pynchon's book Gravi- ty's Rainbow, says it's "impossible" to SU{prise him and that., as an actor, he doesn't wouy about aging: "King Lear is still out there." . I!ucutIue EdftDr: Ron MarlIn 8enIar Editor: John W. WIlIer Jr. Managing EdIor: Marcia BulI8rd ...... MIn8gIng EdIIDr: Arrrt Eisman ActIng Art DInlctIlr. M8rianne Hamed Photo EcItor. Dixie D. Vereen PNIIdInt Ray Gaulke PuIIIIIber: PIIi1cta Haegele AdwIItIIna ~ 535 Madison Ave.. New \'Qrt(, ~.Y. 10022 ~ SeIes OpenItion EAST: Joan McCraW, VICe President/Assoc:iate Ad- WIrtIsIng DInlc:Ior (212) 715-2137; Alllll1ta 0lIIce (404) 233-9466. MI)WEST: lIny MarlImer. VIce Plvsldent/Aao- c:Ial8 AdvertilIi1aDlnlctcr (312)467.0510; DetroItOf- Ice (313) 357.1ll9O; Loa Angeles 0l6ce (213) 444- ' 21<10; SIn Franc:isco OlIIce (415) 956-4862, CIrraIIIIIan 0IIceI: (212) 715-2116 PladucIIon/VIce PreIIdent: John S. Garvey ProductIon 0IIcea: (703) 284-e262 n " 0 p, r, nn ? IJU :..s ti." ~ U Vi 8 ill R. JEROME RAUCH, M.D. 3561 O'CONNOR DRIVE LAFAYETTE, CALIFORNIA 94549 NOV 2 1 1983 ~.~ti;j S2S.~. :;, ,;o;.j tJ oV. l' I , 'iB W"" tl1t \ ~~~,~t'1 f),'~Tr,(.,.-t- 5""O(~ ~ k~ff f 111 ~t(.. ~M;Vt.1-) c,1t- 9L-t..r~3 H V\t\t fNUJ .' J:- 11M VVf;+~~ +l~~ l\l,~ 'tV ~ fJ "t: ,'pJrlvf~4 '/ Ov -\-0 Vo-k 4\ j .. h,.(+ ~ ",~r: '1 wr L nk. ~ 'If'" ~ 'I' ( f 1'L-tv~ ~~ f~flt Ilk ~ ~vl L~,,\;: r.-LIt"J \.A.,.'Lt: ~.( MA\ k. \Jkl~~ ("wt (,(~"',Iy OItf1 111 },,,rl"'r< c."kJ ~ Ovr wr\s~,lt.. f\ ,("':'1.&/OvJ ~~"'<I +0 ~.:r~ ~ .w"; C'II! I :I:- "'1\, '" t- ~ -<. " h k -}D ~ -f\,.. \ > ~ f- tv'o+ f:o~ fk <;. r,..f -rt4- "t ~"1 -j.. ~ c..A 1 ~ vj 5 dH'J -tlt UtU$ k..,.) ~ Of -r.,vr $ff.-(J """,,, ~i'lL;l,\.;':1 tlt. ~kJ ./-AJ ~~l 5.Jt{5 v\~vl,. v.v\.\. t.J(. .. 'l'ISk. "1", ~ct "5 :1- VJ(;-k R~ -r f;v.l. 'M,/St If- \NO>,vJu.,'1 ~., ftn...J l",c.v(f\'j 'I \.""c.k i~jvf1 ; 11\ t\-fJ W"l,/ \1./Ov'\~ .. \1- ~ vt " ~ u,t \ ~ 14/ tAl( "'-1 0\ I '^ f t- .fk. ~..l k r '/. oo\\~in'ct- C;; ( rtr .),(:'1 I't- L tv'o, ~ ol.o,V<P +- ~ w Y\-.l S -to I.. ~ '\ ~ ~ fJ . I w....- ~, --:l ...... v, ~ ~~~K ~+ ~\.~ \yJ ~v-tt'lD~-t'; ,'V\it~S+- ,f Y\~ ...J~ -hf'-./ l.vt'w s~k j " ( ~ t. f \ 'vlcvf ~ J , '^ rf-,'t vTeJ l",,\.-l L-\... ~ ~ I ,'j l\ ~:~ v/ 'I r 1"\ u'h b..) -tu "1 t \~S+ fro V\'k 1-tt o~ ~~ w 0 t- (,g,.mtv~ \, 0\ t.k:: t;~ f ,~J:vf Vv~ t-l #t II-. ,,).,1 rI-lo", ~ t~ f D WI. ~ If') · --r \.. w\:... '10 \I ~r 'It"" r.o,,- ~ ~ kr--t -NOlI . c~.L..f.r~tk u-l-t G..v...t.i I ....t... -t. · ~ .~:> ,",,-0. o ) 7!,MP, / r} / r cfJ ~&rvuL~~~ il~ :z:k ~e .~--6u./~7V J 4t-o-wLd ~ k /'P~ d! f-UJ- g,-yvV'n'l~_ {)WL ~uty ~~ ~~ '~:f~~:-0e~ ~ ~ -~0U2- .J24.1tLb1b..-aj..u;L .VI& &/~. VjD Iir a.- evn:OvL tJ-1u d~'Vc.4/Ju a.-.v -<-t ,U/ Mu /J1':) ~ 7;, LA.x- JJu."w~ 7J~, ~ J ~ ~, ~fl0, ~ y- ~, -J' Cd Ci.- ~ U~ r ~ ,~. J)jO~ ~~ ~~,~.e/~."o~~ d1..tJuj1<_ iJ7u >my ~.€k.J... J j itl 7.;J"" (~t:U.e- ~ ~ d _~ JfIl dM- ~ .:2~ ~ 'I- ~ ~ /..~ ; .Jl fdt Vl:- ~1-(L?'kfJ~. .JtWL~Z6~~ <U~ ~~. J M1VaJ -<1Indt~. , _ J~~~~I0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .'dUZ-- ~~ o.I? xI~ di4~ . J ~ .l /1/ . vb..e~/ ~-Vuu 7, d< (0 z;!U- Cf//:kL i<<. ~ /YrLU ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~//1/ (J ~A /1 . ~ /_ . d ~(t ~ <:M ~t/ or ahe;i~. 'fll-t. tUb U..ey a-w t/p -4. -h~ 1Z ~ /f1~ I .. 1 . We tte.0 .~ ~ /L !JdA.htj€- ?W<f. 1" V ev~~~. ~ ~~ ~ 0<) /JUJ ~ fv~ fn-',,;2 ~ ~ ~f ~ WJr~~~;toAd:~~~, , ~ ~ pv /;?tv--&) J.fo ~ fl./ ~ !IV OlA r ~ ~ ()}V t&~, JL. ~ 4 ..' z:b. ~ ,~ M-&uV 'l? ~ .afJJ;u.. J:t:. ".r;:: ..' ~1dJ~~~, J/hJtg( ~u fiji-Jf<<itj~)u~~~.: In.~ ~ eMu.ltld ~ d-i; ~&A ~ ~< ~ ~ U'IlJ ~ ~ I,fu. ~~ fLt ~ ~ oJ..- ~ ~ C ~lJa-rtJ Ll Rd.. ~~) ~ ~ / i~ @~ ~0vfod'lM-~, ~~~.~~ ~~..-d~~k~~~ ~ ~&]d{L(~, . ~~1Ko- ~ .J~'dPy~ ./iJ1.4. t1.. ;rov-L duQ '/UJ711/ t>vA-- r j A-Mh.d..~&v~.wai... :de. ~ f~ ~ ~.uk ~ r ~1-<' ~ t0JL /){rUY' 4... Lf,/-, d-,8 tU ~ ~ r / ~ ~, J ~ [ r tIuo ~ Y-1V10~) z:L.:t 4. ~ ~>M_ .J: eu_'?, Pra-i.de.' wuf I14.tt '/'.voueJ.- ..eN! ~ 1M LMJ Ju..1i. of aAnJ.. ~4-'oo r j.~4-' ~I 07feldL 31Y1~~) J2 _~ J Cb-€.eedZv... Lieu.; ~ .~ ~ . D~ ~ a1- ttlh:nd- c:Jif.o 0 (~an..- 4 ~ l<0 '3111<41<-.@ 6, IL~~) ~~-ilu.a~~ -d\l-(f~w,~'~ 31.60 ~~ _ ~ - d..4-,60 ~~ r ~ f}1rt f ~glo ('; Ihj~~I~~~~rdAU~ ~~A~~1L~~ ~1rL.dM~, c9~~ f"- &..h 1 ~~ cLdQ. d: 16 1:<; ~ , . tZeQ .... oJ32 d..e.u .-t^o ~ if ~ ~ 07fiX~ ~ ~~, ~ ~ L<.'t1.,j .hvltp~ ~ i:D~ ~ - >tuv- fa I J'f .wid CL ~ ~Yl~ ~ ~) ~<-<nuJ! ~fAl4 eJuJ,,/J T' ~ F~ \\ U . . - - r r J ~ CCo ~/fY~ tko ~ {L. I&:t: ~~ 44r. t,;M" H ~ ~ 7:/17Xt ~~' . ~~/~~a..~~ ~ ~.~tLl~ ~ t0t..L0 ~~ ~cd~~/J<1~. '~~~~:t( ~ 4 r .'dlwrx. Zk ~ ~ J4J ~~. v~~~~ ~~7,(}.~J:i-~ (3L ~ I J~~Aili- ~~~~ ~JJ; 4.. L F a1vclUO h)UL. 't- fLr. 4 ~ ~ 7W-d- /tYLed'O: ~ ~ ~ u.. n:au'JL dLd'~. . ~~ ~.~ 7AL ~~, ar fnUv, <'!t?M11LUW1'J ~~ ~ ~ &lJ ~~ I ~ ~tv~ tLQfL . ~ - ~/ ~ hLcuu JflOO ~ ~,Wj- . if-SlIf ~ ;tj. ~l ~ ~J~ I ~ /a//Io-/ i " . cRiaha'l.d dWo't'ti~on iRl~~~aW1!lLY r~ov 2 1 1988 1414 Ea91~ Point COLl.'I.t CCCSO ~--r"'-...~,!" or .,.....~ fIIto................. .Lafa!Jdt~, Califo'l.nia 94549 November 18, 1988 Boa~d of Directors Central Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Gentlemen: A recent editorial in the Contra Costa Sun has moved me to express my opinion on the issue of recycling. I want to say that I am very strongly in favor of any program that would cause residents of Contra Costa County to segregate their garbage and enable recycling. It would be a terrible mistake if other issues, such as curbside pickup, were allowed to undermine achievement of this goal. On the issue of curbside pickup, it would certainly be an inconvenience to many people and the Board would have to clearly understand why it would be an overall benefit to the community. If recycling cannot be achieved without curbside pickup, then that would be sufficient reason to do it. Under no conditions should the Board give up its right to inspect the books of Valley Waste Management or any other company under contract to it. In so far as possible, the economics of recycling should be separated from general garbage collection. Ideally, it should be a separate contract and given to Valley Waste Management only if they provide the most effective and efficient solution for the community. Sincerely, cc: Lafayette City Council 251 Lafayette Circle Lafayette, CA 94549 - Editor Contra Costa Sun 3678 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549 :AliCe johnJ", J, &59 2/rdhavt'n (l,urt, 1AftJl'tt~. tAlrfornr8 945"9 (~JS) U'-OJ99 Novfmb~ 15, 1988 Ce.rvtJta1 ContJr.a CO.6:ta SarU.taJr..y V.i6tJUct BOafld 06 Vbz.e.ctOM 5019 Imh066 Place. I~ne.z, CA 94553 ~~gCj?nt\fC'-' ""'Ii 11!' LSII~/ NOV 1 . 1988 cccso ,.. ~":--'''v t)F T...... .... .~--......;. Ve.aJt. MembeJL6 06 the. BOafld: I ~e.nde.d the. Novemb~ 3, 1988 public h~ng ~e.gaflding the. P~ot P~og4am.6 in Valle.y Wa.ote. Manageme.nt'.6 Re.cycting Plan. I-t wal.> un&o~una.-te. -tha.-t orr1..!:! one. plan wa..6 p~e..6e.n-te.d 6o~ -the. bOafld'l.> co n.oide.tt.a.tio n . I 6 th~e. w~e. compe.:Ung plan.o the. advan:tag e. could be. CO.6-t I.>aving -to the. cu.otom~ and ~og4am inova-tion and imp~ove.d .6~vice. by the. colle.cto~(I.>). I would hope. that competition would be. e.n:co~ge.d and that futJUct would .6 e.paJLa.te. the. I.> ~vice..o, gaflbag e. colle.ctio nand colle.cUo n 06 ~e.u.oable./~e.cyclable. mat~ and that bidding be. done. by competing ve.ndoM. P!e.a.oe. notice. me. 06 any 6WLth~ public h~ng.6. YOU!t.6 ~u1..Ij, ~~ ALLce. John.oon (~Vt.6. Ric~d A. CITIZm'S <XM1ITTEE FUR SOUND RECYCLING AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL ,;... 1;' ~ rg f! ,\WU:: "" ~ f\\~~~~~ W~~f\\ no" ~ \1 '~aa 691 Glenside Drive Lafayette, Ca 94549 November 14, 1983 cccso" ",,'~",_'''_ c:,,"f)CTARYOf~'. " Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 I~'off Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Directors: First let us thank you for the opportunity of attending the most interesting board meeting November 3rd. May we compliment you on permitting "people" to be heard and also your keen insight grasping the new issues. There would have been more people attending if your constituents had known about the meeting. Much of this is not your fault. The newspapers did not do a good job of news coverage. tIe would like to suggest you consider Stan t.Jhi te' s suggestion: Insert important meeting notices or change of rate information in the bills of the garbage companies. As you know, P.T.& T. and P.G.& E. are both required by the P.U.C. to do this. IJe hope you will do this for the December 1, 7:30 meetin~ (changed from December 15 without much notice--because of "staff vacations") which means moving fast by your staff in getting the notice printed. Note also that E.B. MUD does send out a notice of hearing to virtually everybody in their district. 'iJe \vish also to compliment you for directing the staff to re-exariline the whole issue -- or three parts of it. We do respectfully suggest that you be more specific in your direction: (1) Examine and come up w~th ideas on a recycling program, excluding garbage pickup or rates. (2) Study a curbside garbage pickup program, exclusive of recycling and rates. ~ ,. (3) Recomr~end rate programs. This is our understanding of the conclusions at the meeting. If this is not correct, we hope you will notify us. We think you will agree that there was so much confusion that the staff may not have clear directions. May \ve offer the services of a capable, experienced, small citizens committee \,'hich we have formed. The long name is "Citizen's Committee for Sound Recycling and Garbage Disposal." The members are four of the undersigned, whose residence in this area each exceeds 30 years. Robert Kahn, one of the nation's leading business and financial consultants as \'lell as a leading citizen in community affairs, will be of great service to you and your staff. Stanford White, a prominent C.P.A. in this area 8:ld a p::'ofessor (If acc.)unting at St. T1Rry's College, will contribute much. The third committee contributor is Herman Silverman, former editor and publisller of the four Sun newspapers in central county, who is retained by newspapErs throughout California and the nation as one of the country's leading consultants. TI1e capable experienced fourth member is Richard Trudeau, long-time general manager of the East Bay Regional Park District, now retired. Other knowledgeable committee members will be added. Please feel free to call us for any help, analysis or opinions. We refer to your staff as well as the board. We formally request that this committee be given the opportunity to review the staff's recommendations on their position paper at least 10 days before any hearing, so that we can be of real help to you members of the board. Please advise. Please don't hesitate to call on us in any ''lay. vJe will help publicize the next meeting, in addition to notices in the mail, legal notices in the local newspapers, etc. We do not understand the change in the scheduled date for the next public hearing. At the November 3 meeting we learned the public hearing would be on December 15th as did the reporter for the Contra Costa Sun and reporters from other publications. Later \ve learned the date had been set, apparently by the staff, for December 1, 1988, with the recommendations of the staff not available until noon on November 29th. .--. Mr. Mor!son advised Mr. Kahn that his understanding was that December 15th was discussed but not set because of a conflict on that date with some staff vacations scheduled long in advance, hearing was brought forward to December 1. Mr. Moreson has been asked by Mr. Kahn to try to arrange that staff material will be available at least 10 days prior to any scheduled meeting and we support that request. '" .. (2) You directors are performing a marvelous, even though thankless service for the community. Ue salute you. Best wishes, ;;'2'j::;Z:::~7:~67 S tan{ord Hhi te 555 Sil verado Lafayette, Ca. 94549 /J.L~~~1 .i'/~rJ ~t/V>"--ft --'-'" Herman Silverman, Chairman 691 G1enside Dr. Lafayette, Ca 94549 {2~~ C - ~~/~ Richard C. Trudeau 633 Los Palos Dr. Lafayette, Ca 94549 ~~~ Robert Kahn P.O. Box 249 Lafayette, Ca. 94549 P.S. We hereby formally request you furnish us with a copy of your attorney's legal opinion relative to asking for bids from various recycling companies, at the earliest possible time. Also your staff's letter of "notice of hearing" did not address the separate issues of future rate increases. ~ f< (3) ;....~ ~~~~:.", ~.~. . ;.:'~ I ;~.~~.~ \.LI m.:o ~ ,'~ " .~ !", .'- . _- :;w,~,~ ~~;:: -- >. ..~ Q) ell F'.f R Vi ~~. k'c ~...,-' ....;.-,~ ~~ j,jl> ~:' ;:::~ ~';J Ef ~~~.: il ~~ i .,1 '. 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YOU GAVE INSTRUCTIONS TO SEPARATE THE ISSUES ETC SEE LETTER FROM OUR COMMITTEE TO YOU. ~. I . CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Herman S~ Chairman Citizens Committee The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District will hold a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. on December 1, 1988, at the District Offices, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, to receive additional comments from the public on the proposed Valley Waste Management recycling plan for the Alamo, Danville, Lafayette area. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Valley Waste Management proposes a recycling plan which provides for curbside collection of aluminum cans, glass bottles, piastic soft drink bottles, and newspapers. Conjunctively, the plan proposes that the present backyard refuse collection service be converted to an automated curbside collection service. The expense reductions produced by conversion of refuse collection to an automated system are proposed to be applied to the net expense of the curbside recycling program so that monthly refuse collection rates be unchanged. A public hearing on this matter was held on November 3, 1988, at which further information was requested by the Board of Directors. Such information will be presented on December 1, 1988, and additional public comments will be considered during the public hearing. Interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and make comments. Please contact Paul Morsen at the District's offices, 689-3890, for additional information. f' ,. 1 J: T M~Mi /:~: >j,U d; '- Sectetary of the District ..-_/ ()' &d: d )Q'1U~]' }) Ld- - ~ ~~<t~c 4' ;t;f"'-~!L h .ti~..,iL'ULL ~ _L~ (ru .M.{; }t!o/l1: r -fi. . .~ZlUJL;... )_M.ft.k a.,v.,biw. eLi..r _.;/. (\ {-l. -u tiu~<. t'''Iv1d--- e.i1-.:zt;. LJ.j~.J-il!f- Ff.'l y./Gi~vr t a.k-, NCAJ$ JLn'V-tL""A'U~~ 'Yf~~_ lUvw-uluwL ~1 HAM. . &...- .~U.:t ..v".;J'<- ~.1rrJt /;U. G'^- ~ ~r ~J..- 0) /~M/1/1jfu qJt:\.M~.c...~.' " ~I 1L'y ~ <:d) dt- /vtA;-t .~ "i:/~ 0 -.. ~{j J :t . . 7J rc: {) .t-1j,~l>>-. ! .LvJ.A.-. a~ - UJ-. /-4. "v\.~ ..",. LLJ.~ .~v;j O-WWW._C-UJ-..1"::.~A-..I1. u . ;t;, 1J~ ~ -W- Jj~t ~ ~ ;t ~:::~ (iWM"~Z,- )ttl' ~. '. t .~ .11u- 1JZllU>. .,fA/1M-} . \ (J., ~ p-v.... · ~ ~~~ bY A~: WL N ~(~ ~ttJ~ .1U-- b~'-v.-. . . . ~ J..A,0C-L t2/Ut1~ )-tV _~tL '. !J/J- .-U/1UU.JA-M :Ii ~'L<'-' .-j-;;-' . ."( I jJ fJ l!t. . ;'{JUt',;V'nU1-"i. {'~1..LlIult. ~\,...{.. lfU--L Pu- /~ur-.(l-U~ i. ^ q-v R~ AU-/: tilL ~, ~ty{IJI -- .3PUhvJ!,.!( "7 <-J /J f- .h.luJ ~\:~ ~.0.,1u., ~ . 1 Q.'.- >>JL -1g~ ~~ ..uv a.f-U- 4 U--vC ,-:iif~.t-LfJtt1L:..ttd f~. i/(/()/~/Y yo,?YCC-dtz ~ " , ',:/ 6tep~en 3t. minton 3r. 3471 ~Iackbawk 9?oab f,afa\)ette, ~a. 94549 REClEBYI~ NOV 8 1988 CCCSD ~~"""'~,~T'" T~~ "'~I- November 6, 1988 Mr. Parke L. Boneysteele Member, Board of Director Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 Dear Mr. Boneysteele, Again, my apologies for leaving early at the hearing. As discussed, here are my written comments- please convey them to the full board. The package as submitted by Valley Waste Management unfortunately combines several complex matters which obfuscates changes in costs and services. It is my view that these should be considered separately as to costs and effects. AUTOMATED CURBSIDE PICIUP: This portion of the proposal should be considered only if it results in considerable rate savings agreeable to the majority of customers. Separate containers should be provided for garbage and for clippings and without reduction in volume unless, again, reductions are made in rates. (It does seem unlikely that labor savings of one man per truck will pay the capital costs of the equipment required as outlined by VWH representatives at the hearing plus reduce rates to make the service reduction attractive.) RECYCLING:It is my view that this should be a voluntary activity undertaken by the customer independantly of CCCSD. If mandated, the system employed should make it easy on the customer to encourage participation. Open containers are not acceptable from the standpoint of odor and attraction of insects, raccoons, etc. and could well constitute a health hazard. It really is not practical to expect the customer to rinse cans and bottles and it would conflict with EBMUD objectives and Idroughtl rates. I would suggest consideraton of placing newspapers at the curb, tied or in paper sacks, and accumulaton of bottles and cans in closed containers or in tough plastic bags for placement at curbside. (Pickup alongside garbage can placement preferred.) Analysis of our garbage indicates that this recycled volume would be amall...most of it is paper and plastic food packaging and Junk mail. RATE SETTING:It is my view that rates should be based on verified and audited costs plus a reasonable profit. Contractors should not be indemnified against Judgement errors nor loose and sloppy cost controls. (VWH's comments to the effect that rates tied to CPI would encourage them to more effective cost control leads one to believe that they are a poor contractor for the District!) I do not have a closed mind to the possibility of CPI (or other more appropriate index) adjusted rates for a relatively short period of time followed by retroactive audit and adjustment; the fact that it has been proposed by the contractor leads one to believe that the scheme should be reviewed most carefully! In conclusion. the thought had not occu~~ed to me that the ~ecycling action could be put out to bid...! completely a~ee with suggestions that the Board follow this cou~se. I feel the~e is conside~able and undue ~isk in tying all the waste collection and the landfill operations with one contracto~. I enjoyed the opportunity to talk to you during the intermission. Again, don;t feel that lack of public participation in rate hearings reflects disinterest in the rates- it is just that we laymen feel that we can not cont~ibute to the delibe~ations of the Staff and Board who have the expertise and charte~ to p~otect the custome~s against undue inc~eases. Sincerely, Attachment I II ~ ~ HAND-DELIVERED ....)/ - t i i, -- Lc,r November 18, 1988 Ri!ClEDVlErc t40V 2 1 1988 I;. ! , fJ' \ k, Honorable Susan McNulty Rainey, President and Members of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 r~..,..~. CCCSO "~ 'Jr n~:- '"' ..."'. / " . ' "- I~ , ,', : (" Dear Members: Valley Waste Management is hereby amending its September 16, 1988 action plan for recycling as it relates to the pilot program for automated service in the City of Lafayette. We had hoped that the approach of providing trash containers on wheels alongside the curbside recycling program would be both a convenience for the customer and a way of stabilizing garbage rates through increased efficiency. However, significant public opposition has created a perception of us "forcing" an unwanted service on the city. Frankly, we were quite surprised that some people would not even be willing to give it a fair trial. Nevertheless, it is not our intention to force this service on anyone, or to antagonize our customers. We may have the backing of a large corporation behind us, but we still operate like a family run business. We live in this community and we are sensitive to its needs. We therefore withdraw that portion of the program from our proposal. Very truly yours, '1?1 (.1 ~ -:7 A:~. -c r , </V-:"'C:r,-~ Marshall Grodin General Manager cc: Lafayette City Council Gino Scopesi ~ ~ III 01 >- III ... ~ >.~ ....~ 0-- 0 %OU ~ C "'-11I- a ~ _ . L:;:; I oi..... 0.01 ~ ~~... ::: III ~ ~~a~ ~~Q1>.~~Q1 ~----"'O"'~ o.~ ~~~~;~~~fo~~Q1O~$~ ~.UQlUCU ...iu~~IIl"'IIl"'Q1ocu ~O-~CO-C~&__~_~~~~~~C ~"'~oeo.~....o..lIl<m~"'~~u__ ..... G; ..... .-~ I I ~ I -- ~ ~ I >'1Il~~ 0...... 0 _ ~ c ~ I Q) ~..... _ _ 0 ~o 0~0 .C:;1Il0:;::l8~Q1~ :p III i.! ~ 1Il~~~~.! ~o >>....~~Q1...IIlC ~~... Q1Q1ClU.U--~~C>~ >>:_0(11 -..f-l.c,.........-O"C 001'" 01"'11I ~...~ ~t o.g>l) o.~g~ .llii:~ ~ .Q1I1l--e'" ~1Il 0101 ~m ~~ Cl~~~Ot:~::: gJ~ :i 'S :0 Ui -= ~o -u; ~ 8 ~~ ~ ~ M~ ll'I -- ... . C X 01 O~ ...-- 0.11I 0.01 <... " 11I0. co ~a.. /'I'l 00 ON ~ . N~ ... CO Ill!... ~~o :PQl~>'~~~ S ~ -; ~ ~~ ~ ...>... ...... 1Il0CC"'C'" ~...0~000 oo.UUUU'" . . C ... -- . ~I- ! ';ij ~u)~....~ 1Il1ll!i! . !~~.,!.~ %(!)<ma.. 8'1. ~~ ~;:: a:B >. Cl o o U UJ ~ ~... 01 01 ~... ... 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