HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 11-19-87 . CentrQ.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 19, 1987 NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADDING A CHAPTER TO THE DISTRICT CODE ENTITLED "ABANDONING OF SEWERS" DATE November 13, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT HEARING SUBMITTED BY J ay McCoy Construction Division Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department Construction Division ISSUE: A public hearing is required when additions are made to the District Code. BACKGROUND: A new lateral plug fee was adopted by the Board on October 29, 1987. Proper abandoning of laterals is needed to eliminate potential infiltration from unused sewer laterals and to protect the District's sewer system from damage. The new approach to abandoni ng of sewers i ncl udes the payment of a fee and the completion of the abandonment work by District forces. At the request of the Board, cities and Contra Costa County are being notified of the new lateral abandonment fee. A new chapter of the Code has been prepared which contains provisions to collect the fee and to admi ni ster the new approach for abandoni ng sewers. The chapter establishes requirements and responsibilities for obtaining abandonment permits, paying fees and doing abandonment work. A draft of the proposed chapter is attached for the Board's use. A hearing is required to amend the District Code; therefore a hearing has been schedul ed. Legal notice of the public heari ng on the proposed addition to the Code was published on November 9, 1987, in the Contra Costa Times. No comments have been received to date. If any subsequent comments are received, they will be presented at the Board meeting. The adoption of an ordinance which will add provisions to the District Code related to abandoning of sewers is not a project and, hence, is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. RECOMMENDATION: Consider adoption of an ordinance which will add a chapter to the District Code entitled "Abandoning of Sewers." REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB JH .(;:G. ROGER J. DOLAN f!IW Sections: 9.20.010 9.20.020 9.20.030 9.20.040 9.20.050 CHAPTER 9.20 ABANDONING OF SEWERS Permit required. Payment of fee. Construction. Responsible parties. Responsible parties - special circumstances. 9.20.010 Permit required. A permit must be obtained before a sanitary sewer or facility which is connected to the District collection system is abandoned, including the aban- donment of a side sewer, lateral sewer, or house sewer. 9.20.020 Payment of fee. The District Board shall from time to time set fees for the issuance of the abandon- ment permit, inspections of an abandoned line, and/or the plugging and sealing of the abandoned line or facility. 9. 20. 030 Construction. The abandoning of sewers shall be done in accordance with the District's Standard Specifications and other District procedures as may be devel- oped. - 1 - 9.20.040 ResDonsible Darties. The property owner at the time of the abandonment is primarily responsible for payment of the sewer abandonment fee and such other costs as may be associated with abandoning sewers in a manner which complies with District standard Specifications and Proce- dures. In the event a property is redeveloped and 'the sewer abandonment permit has not been obtained and/or the applica- ble sewer abandonment fees have not been paid, then the owner proposing redevelopment shall be responsible for obtaining an abandonment permit and paYment of applicable fees and charg- es, at such time as the redeveloping owner first submits plans for review by the District, or connects to a District facility, whichever comes first. If an abandonment of a sewer facility without a permit is first discovered by the District at a time subsequent to the plan review process and connection to the sewer system, then the owner of the proper- ty at the time of abandonment and/or the owner at the time of redevelopment will be responsible for payment of the appropri- ate abandonment fees and charges. Such fees and charges will be due and payable at such time after discovery of abandon- ment as notice of the fees and charges is provided to the responsible owner. For the purposes of this chapter, a property shall be defined as being redeveloped when existing buildings or outbuildings are removed or modified so as to abandon a sewer or lateral which is directly or indirectly connected to the District - 2 - system, and thereafter new structures are constructed on the property. 9.20.050 ResDonsib1e Parties - Special Circumstances. When, due to development taking place, whether it be new development or redevelopment, a public sewer or public sewage facility is to be abandoned, the developer, person, or entity seeking approval of the sewer plan incorporating such abandon- ment shall be responsible for all costs and fees associated with the abandonment authorized by this Chapter and such fees shall be due at the time of plan review. If any development causes or requires that an existing side sewer, lateral sewer or house sewer, which services a property not owned by the person or entity undertaking the development to be abandoned, the person or entity undertaking the development shall be responsible for the costs and fees authorized by this Chapter associated with that abandonment. - 3 - . Centr&.. Contra Costa Sanitar, District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. November 19, 1987 v. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 DATE November 12, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO PlANT INSULATION FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10034, DRY SCRUBBER INSULATION AND ClADDING, AND AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF $10,000 FROM THE TREATMENT PlANT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY James L. Bel cher Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: On November 4, 1987, sealed bids for District Sewer Project No. 10034, Dry Scrubber Insulation and Cladding, were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award a contract or reject proposals within 60 days of the opening of sealed bids. BACKGROUND: This project will repair and protect the 12-inch thick insulation on the multiple hearth furnace dry scrubbers. Sealed bids were received and opened on November 4, 1987. The bid tabulation is attached. The lowest responsive and only bidder is Plant Insulation with a bid of $55,323. The engineer's estimate, prepared by District staff, was $47,000. A post-bid/preconstruction cost estimate is attached. The total project cost is estimated at $60,000. The single bid made by Plant Insulation is a collaboration between Plant Insulation, mainly an insulation applier, and Contra Costa Metal Fabrication, Inc., who specialize in sheet metal application. The unique circumstances of this project, applying sheet metal over existing insulation with minimal new insulation, apparently limited the number of insulation contractors qualified to do the work. The need to work on the furnaces one at a time with one furnace runni ng and the coordination requirements with Plant Operations Department personnel were reasons cited by Plant Insulation for their bid price. The project is incl uded in the Capital Improvement Budget, page TP-42. District staff has determined that this project is categorically exempt under the District's CECA guidelines. The additional allocation of $10,000 from the program contingency fund of the Capital Improvement Budget is requi red to suppl ement the ori gi nal authorized allocation of $50,000. Board approval of additional allocation of funds is required when the project cost exceeds the original Budget allocation by 15 percent. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract to Plant Insulation, the lowest responsive bidder, for $55,323 for District Sewer Project No. 10034, Installation of Dry Scrubber Insulation and Cladding, and authorize allocation of $10,000 from the Treatment Plant Contingency Account. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DISlRICT PROJ ECT NO. 10034 DRY SCRUBBER INSULATION AND ClADDING Expenses Incurred to Date $ 1,581 Installation Contract 55,323 Project Management and Inspection 1,000 Contingency 2,096 Total $60,000 Previous Capital Budget Allocation $50,000 Additional Authorization from the Program Contingency Fund $10,000 ~,-- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District November 6, 1987 TO: JIM BELCHER FROM: PAT O'CONNOR ~II'-{, SUBJECT: BID REQUEST T0228P, DUST COLLECTOR INSULATION AND CLADDING Formal bidding commenced with publication of Notice to Contractors on October 15 and 21, 1987. Eight contractors completed the mandatory site inspection and were given their formal bid package at that time. Bids were publicly opened and read on Tuesday, November 4, 1987. Bidders were asked to bid on both aluminum and stainless steel cladding, with the selection of cladding to be the District's option. Contractor Bid Amount Exceptions PLANT INSULATION CO. Aluminum Cladding $56,265.00 Stainless Stee 1 Cladding $55,323 .00 NONE One contractor returned the bid package with a "No Bid." Six contractors did not respond. A technical and commercial evaluation was conducted by the Plant Operations Department Associate Engineer and Purchasing (see Attachment I) which shows that Plant Insulation Company is responsive to the Bid Request and therefore the lowest responsible bidder. Since 1967 Plant Insulation Company has successfully performed contract work for the District. Purchasing, therefore, recommends that you prepare the Position Paper to the Board of Directors recommending the award to Plant Insulation Company for providing all labor, equipment and material to install mineral wool insulation and Stainless Steel Cladding on the District's two dust collectors for a total lump sum of $55,323.00. POC: pj r cc: C. Batts K. Laverty Attachment -'w ... u >-- Oa: .... ..W Z~ ;)a: .. -'w .cu ~f 0- t co .. N 0 ..w N ZY 0 ;)a: I- .. S . :E -,w :;) t ~~ ...... Z ~ w f!f % . a z:: ,I .j....l ex:: -J ..w s:: ~ z!:! a! Vl :;)11: E z:: .. ..s:: ...... ' I~ u -J co -J W [.r;. . +-' ow I;: .j....l. o I- -,w ex:: 3: Vl lit I c::l ;!~ 011: I'" '- .. .. '..:..J, en L ' ex:: Vl ~ 0:: W V ~ W-J z:: z: ..w ............ Vl ~ zY ::E ex:: 0:: ~ :;){ 1-'0 ..- l.J... Vll- " 0 U .--.. W 0 v 2 ZN-J a . 0 , -J .....; C a: ...... 0:: 0 ~.~ g ..... I-'OU c:r: co ~ ex:: ~<..... .~ j!: X +-' -J ::E l- V.f-; l:..;: Vl -J~Vl ....~~ ex::z~ ;: ~. ~ Ii 1-...... 0 . Vl ::E ~~~ -i:.,.... 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V) a! co a-c 0 ~ 'r-:l ..... .0 .C1j ..-- E +-' C1j Q a c .,...., .. c ..... a! s... +-' V) "0 a! r- '.... s:: '. +-' a! +-' ,C1j C1j 4- s... ::E ~ r- t s... C1j a .x +-' , a! +-' <u a! > u E 0 ro V) ..0 s... ..... +-' C1j +-' ..s:: a! s:: Q) V) a, a ..s:: ex:: U +-' en I- ie 0 W -J I- 0 .-I Z , .-I N . . '- ,. "-"_.__._-~.,-._._--.'-_.__._. .-------....--.----.. . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 19, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE-OUT OF THE SYCAMORE VALLEY ROAD TRUNK SEWER DESIGN PROJECT (DP 3466) AND RETURN $242 TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM BUDGET DATE November 16, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY C Thomas . Cheng Assistant Ertgineer INITlA:rING. DEPT./QIV. ~nglneerlng Department Engineering Division ISSUE: All design work has been completed on the Sycamore Valley Road Trunk Sewer (DP 3466), and the project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: This project was created to design a parallel trunk sewer in Sycamore Valley Road between Old Orchard Road and Camino Ramon commonly known as the "Missing Link." The design was completed and later incorporated into the Town of Danville's Sycamore Valley Assessment District as Segment 1. The majority of the trunk sewer construction has been completed, and this design project can be closed out. The design was funded by Blackhawk. The construction of the trunk sewer is a part of a Sycamore Valley Assessment District project which is being administered by Danville. The Sanitary District has contributed $100,000 towards the cost of the "Missing Link" for sizing the trunk sewer for areas outside of the Assessment District. The Board will receive a report in the future on the close-out of the construction work after the work is completed and accepted. The total budget for this design project was $25,929. The total completed project cost is $25,687. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $242 being returned to the Collection System Program Budget. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board for information only. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 Tce Tee l/Af' A!J/M JSM DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. . Centr&..._ Contra Costa Sanitar * District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 19, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 ADVISE -mE BOARD OF THE CLOSEOUT OF THE STORM DAMAGE REPAIR PROJECT (KARP SLIDE) AT 3717 HAPPY VAlLEY ROAD, LAFAYETTE (DP 4209) AND RETURN $6,520 TO -mE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM BUDGET DATE November 13, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY James R. Coe Associate Engineer INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Storm Damage Repair (Karp Slide) Project at 3717 Happy Valley Road in Lafayette and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The project was required to repair a landslide which occurred in February, 1986, on and adjacent to the property owned by Robert B. and Lucille Karp at 3717 Happy Valley Road, Lafayette. A District 8-inch sewer pipe traversed the slide area, but was not damaged since it is located deeper than the slip plane of the sl ide. In order to prevent imminent damage to the sewer 1 ine, the landsl ide was repaired by the District pursuant to an agreement between the Di strict and the Karps. As part of that agreement, the Karps contracted the installation of a retain.ing wall at the top of the slide. The District monitored the retaining wall installation work administered by Mr. Karp prior to proceeding with the District's project. The work performed by the Di strict's contractor consi sted of excavati ng approximately 1060 cubic yards of material from the existing slope, placing 510 cubic yards of 1/2 ton rock in a keyway near the existing creek, installing subdrains and placing approximately 700 cubic yards of compacted select fill material on the slope. The project area was hydroseeded and trees and shrubs were planted to replace the trees removed during construction. The contractor, Tyson and Sons of El Sobrante, commenced work on August 1, 1987, and f i ni shed the work ahead of schedul e on September 18, 1987. The contract comp 1 eti on date was October 15, 1987. The proj ect was accepted by the Boa rd on October 1, 1987. The Engineer's estimate for the construction phase of the project was $152,000. Tyson and Sons original construction contract was for $120,000. The total contract amount paid to Tyson and Sons was $123,672. There was one change order for $3,672 which was issued to finish essential excavation and drainage work not completed by the Karps' retaining wall contractor according to the Karps' agreement with the District. This cost will be backcharged to the Karps. The total budget for the project was $210,000. The total completed project cost was $203,480, which is $6,520 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $6,520 being returned to the Collection System REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RSK JSM RAB ~ INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARQ OF THE CLOSEOUT OF THE STORM DAMAGE REPAIR PROJECT (KARP SLIDE) AT 3717 HAPPY VALLEY ROAD, LAFAYETTE (DP 4209) AND RETURN $6,520 TO THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM BUDGET POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE November 10, 1987 Program Budget. The $3,672 to be recovered f rom the Karps for the change order work will also be returned to the Program Budget upon receipt. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. 13028-9/85 . Centra:.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 19, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT DATE October 28, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $2,225 FOR REPLACEMENT OF THE MILLIPORE WATER DEIONIZATION SYSTEM AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Bhup1nder S. Dhaliwal Laborator Su er1ntendent INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Plant Operations Department Operations Division ISSUE: The replacement of the M1ll1pore Water De1on1zat1on System with a Barnstead Nanopure II Water Purification System. BACKGROUND: The District purchased a M1ll1pore Water De1on1zat1on System in early 1978. The system has aged to an extent that it no longer produces ASTM, Type I water quality needed for atomic absorption spectrophotometric and other wet chemistry analyses. The M1ll1pore Corporation has discontinued the manufacturing of the subject unit and recommendeds its replacement with an upgraded one at a cost of $3,759. The laboratory staff has reviewed literature on the equivalent water purification system from other manufacturers. The Barnstead Nanopure II Water Purification System meets the ASTM water quality requirement, and the cost of $2,225 is approximately 40 percent less than that of the M1ll1pore new replacement. RECOMMENDATION: The laboratory requests authorization for purchase of a Barnstead Nanopure II Water Purification System at a cost of $2,225. Funds authorized for this purchase will be drawn from the Capital Improvement Budget's General Program Contingency Account. REVIEWED AND COMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A..9/85 ~J) BSD /)J~ WEB . Centra. Cc)ntra Costa Sanitar~ ':>istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS r PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER I BOARD M~~~~~g~r 19, 1987 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-35 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 DATE November 12, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division SUBMITTED BY : Parcel No. Area Remarks Lead Agency 87-35 Alamo (77E5) Frank Volz 2695 Danville Boulevard Alamo CA 94507 198-120-017,-0184-019 ( 1. 6 Ac) One single family home to be built on each of the three sites. Contra Costa County RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 87-35 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130~" .9'85 D H JSM RAB \. ~j ~pR.I~IEF ENG. ~ J/J~~^- I ROGER J DOLAN INITIATING .fEPT.lDIV. ~~ ~4 ~,r3 ~ ,,:0.',':". .:.:..::" . 'j~~&A JOMES 60.03 AC BARNES 7.~OAC UY %1.4. ole co .OU.OY ZOI.I:OAC ~ " 6..01 AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION F! A. 87- 35 eOflDUIIOY o 97 . Centrc... Contra Costa Sanitar, District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 10 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 19, 1987 NO. VIr. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT ADOPT FINDINGS UNDER CEQA. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER - CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEaJTE AN AGREEMENT WITH SHAPELL INDUSTRIES. DATE November 13, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT FINDINGS AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy Construction Division Manager INlJlATING DEPT./DIV tngineerlng Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Shapell Industries has requested that the District provide sewer service to their West Branch development. BACKGROUND: West Branch is a proposed development of 668 houses on 400 acres of 1 and adj acent to the i ntersecti on of Crow Canyon Road Extensi on and Dougherty Road. The sewers proposed for West Branch are at an elevation which is lower than the nearby exi sti ng Di stri ct sewer system. Hence, the sewage from West Branch must be pumped if this District is to serve the development. This pumping requirement as well as the fact that the West Branch area must be annexed to be served was brought to the attenti on of the Board of Di rectors in August, 1985. Based upon input from the Board, the Planning Division responded to Shape" stating that the following conditions would be required by the District for a future West Branch annexation: 1. "In accordance with normal Di stri ct procedure, the developer must desi gn and build to District specifications the sewers and, if required, a pump station at the developer's cost. All plans must be reviewed and approved by the District prior to construction. If any sewers are placed in a hillside area, plans must be reviewed prior to design. 2. If a pump station is required, either a county service area, maintenance district, or similar entity would have to be established to provide a mechani sm to pay for the annual O&M costs associ ated with pumpi ng. It would be understood that CCCSD personnel would operate and maintain the pump station with the District being reimbursed for all associated costs. 3. The developer must pay all appropriate District fees and connection charges. 4. The incremental cost of providing watershed trunk capacity for the West Branch development would be an additional cost that would be paid by the developers of West Branch. Once the method of serving West Branch is decided, the watershed fees applicable to West Branch can be determined." These conditions have been formulated into an agreement which, when fully executed, will bind Shapell to the conditions. Relative to condition 4 above, it has been determined that West Branch will be served by a pump station and force REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ;Z::G ROGER J. DOLAN . Centr....lI Contra Costa San Ita. , District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 10 POSITION P APE R BOARD MEETING OF November 19, 1987 NO. VI!. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT ADOPT FINDINGS UNDER CEaA. AUll-lORIZE ll-lE GENERAL MANAGER - CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEaJTE AN AGREEtENT WIll-l SHAPELL INOOSTRIES. DATE November 13, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT FINDINGS AUll-lORIZE AGREEtENT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy Construction Division Manager INlJlATlNG DEPT./DIV Engineerlng Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Shapell Industries has requested that the District provide sewer service to their West Branch development. BACKGROUND: West Branch is a proposed development of 668 houses on 400 acres of 1 and adj acent to the i ntersecti on of Crow Canyon Road Extensi on and Dougherty Road. The sewers proposed for West Branch are at an elevation which is lower than the nearby exi sti ng Di stri ct sewer system. Hence, the sewage fran West Branch must be pumped if thi s Di stri ct is to serve the development. Thi s plll'lpi ng requirement as well as the fact that the West Branch area must be annexed to be served was brought to the attention of the Board of Directors in August, 1985. Based upon input fran the Board, the Planning Division responded to Shapell stati ng that the following conditions woul d be requi red by the Di stri ct for a future West Branch annexation: 1. "In accordance with normal Di stri ct procedure, the developer must desi gn and build to District specifications the sewers and, if required, a plll'lp station at the developer's cost. All plans must be reviewed and approved by the District prior to construction. If any sewers are placed in a hillside area, plans must be reviewed prior to design. 2. If a pump station is required, either a county service area, maintenance district, or similar entity would have to be established to provide a mechani sm to pay for the annual O&M costs associated with plll'lping. It would be understood that OCCSD personnel would operate and maintain the pump station with the District being reimbursed for all associated costs. _ 3. The developer must pay all appropriate District fees and connection charges. 4. The incremental cost of providing watershed trunk capacity for the West Branch development would be an additional cost that would be paid by the developers of West Branch. Once the method of serving West Branch is decided, the watershed fees applicable to West Branch can be determined." These conditions have been formulated into an agreement which, when fully executed, will bind Shapell to the conditions. Relative to condition 4 above, it has been determined that West Branch will be served by a plll'lp station and force REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION - I ;Z::Go ROGER J. DOLAN SUBJECT ADOPT FINDINGS UNDER CEaA. 1!JTHORIZE THE GENERAL. MANAGER - ()fIEF ENGINEER TO EXEQJTE AN AGREEfENT WIlli SHAPELL INIlJSTRIES POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 10 DATE November 13, 1987 main. The force main will discharge into Watershed 35 South. It is therefore appropriate for the watershed fees for West Branch to be based on Watershed 35 South. Such a requirement is contained in the proposed agreement with Shapell. The annexation of West Branch to CCCSD and other agencies is in process. The city of San Ramon has applied to the Local Agency Formation Canm1ss1on (LAFCO) for the annexation of West Branch to the city. Shapell has requested that San Ramon's request be amended to include the annexation of West Branch to this District. The action by LAFCO which is proposed for their November 18th meeting is: 1) the approval of a boundary reorganization which wlll result in the annexation of West Branch to San Ramon and CCCSD and 2) the concurrent approval of the change of the spheres of influence of CCCSD and East Bay Municipal Utility 01 str1 ct (EBMJD). EBMJD has approved the annexation of West Branch and 1 s processing a separate annexation request to LAFCO. San Ramon wlll become the conducting authority in the finalization of the annexation of West Branch to San Ramon and CCCSD. The agreement with Shapell will be in effect before the annexation process is final. West Branch is one of the developments in the Tassajara Valley which is the subject of a suit by Tassajara Now and Tomorrow (TNT). TNT is an association of residents of the San Ramon Valley area who are concerned about development in the valley. TNT states that it is organized for the purpose of "ensuring the orderly development of the San Ramon Valley area and particularly the Tassajara Valley in conformance with the goal s and pol icies of the county-wi de and area general plans." The suit by TNT challenges the approval by the county of the West Branch development and the adequacy of the EIR. Shapell and TNT appear to have successfully negotiated a settlement of the issues in the suit and it is anticipated that, upon finalization of the settlement, the suit will be di sm1 ssed. CCCSD is not required to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) with respect to the annexation of West Branch because CCCSD is not the conducting authority and does not need to take any discretionary action with regard to the annexation process. However the agreement with Shapell is considered a project and CCCSD must comply with CEQA in approving the agreement. Shapell has completed the processing of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for West Branch through Contra Costa County. The EIR identified Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as the appropriate provider of sewer service for West Branch. CCCSD is complying with CEQA as follows: o Section 15231 of the CEQA Guidelines states "A final EIR prepared by a Lead Agency" (Contra Costa County) "shall be concl us1vely presumed to comply with CEQA for purposes of use by Responsible Agencies. ." (Sanitary District). 13028- 9/85 SUBJECT AOOPT FINDINGS UNDER ~QA. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER - CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEaJTE AN AGREE~NT WITH SHAPELL INIlJSTRIES. POSITION PAPER 3 OF 10 PAGE DATE November 13, 1987 o Section 15096f of the CEQA Guidelines states "Prior to reaching a decision on the project, the Responsible Agency must consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the EIR . . ." In the case of approval of the agreement, the District is the Responsible Agency. The decision being reached by the Board in this position paper is whether or not to enter into an agreement to provide sewer service to the West Branch development. The Board must consi der the env i ronmental effects of the proj ect (West Branch) as shown in the EIR which has been distributed to the Board. The significant environmental impacts which were identified in the EIR and mitigation measures therefore are shown on Attachment A. To complete its consideration of the environmental effects, the Board must make findings regarding each significant impact identified in the EIR and whether each significant impact has been eliminated, substantially lessened, or properly mitigated. The following are proposed findings which staff recommends based on review of the final EIR prepared by Contra Costa County as the lead agency, review of Resolution No. 45-1984 of the San Ramon Valley Area Planning Commission, and review of Resolution No. 84/695 of the County Board of Supervisors: o Envi ronmental effects of the proj ect have been consi dered. The Board finds that each significant impact identified in the EIR and as shown in Attachment A has been eliminated, substantially lessened, or properly mitigated. The Board has used discretion in determinina that all significant effects on the env ironment have been eliminated or substanti ally lessened where feasible. The impacts and mitigations in Attachment A have been modified to include additional findings regarding the provision of sewer service in accordance with the agreement with Shapell and annexation of West Branch to CCCSD by a LAFCO reorganization. With the exception of sanitary service being provided by CCCSD, mitigation measures as shown in Attachment A are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency (Contra Costa County) and not the Sanitary District. o Contra Costa County has requi red adequate miti gation of all si gnificant environmental impacts as identified in Attachment A. o Filing of a Notice of Determination as a Responsible Agency stating that the District considered the EIR as prepared by Contra Costa County is required. REOO~NDATION: 1. Adopt the findings regarding consideration of the environmental effects of the agreement with Shapell and direct the General Manager - Chief Engineer to file a Notice of Determination as a Responsible Agency. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT ADOPT FINDINGS UNDER CEOA. AUlHORIZE lHE GENERAL MANAGER - (}fIEF ENGINEER TO EXEaJTE AN ~REEtJf:NT WIlli SHAPELL INDUSTRIES. POSITION PAPER 4 PAGE DATE November 13, 1987 OF 2. Authorize the General Manager - Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Shapell Industries for sewer service to West Branch. 10 13028-9/85 . 5 of 10 . . , I . , '.i:::i~i:i:i:~~l:l~lf:~:lililil~l:iil!:::!i:::::i:i:i:iil!:!~1:i!i:i:i:::::::::j1~~:i::~:::::::::5 ,.::::::::::::;:::::;:::::::::::::;:.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:::::::::::::= - . '~i:::ii~iii::~i!i!:!~i!~i!i!i!i!i:T,,:!i~~1:!~:~:::~!i!i!!!!!!! '::::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:::;:::::::;=::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 ::t:i:::::ii:i:::::::::::l:ilii:::::ii::::::l:::::::i:i:::i:iii!1!i!11:1:iiiii::ii:iil~iilllll:1:1:li~ i ;;!I~I~~.!1!.!;.:~!~~..1~~~IIII':.i:l~il!:I':lii;::::i::i::::::llll~II:.;::::::::::r ~ :.::::::::::::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::::::::::: ,.,:::;:::::::;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:::;:;:::;:;:;:::::;:::::::;:::;:::;:::::::::;:;:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;. 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CCCSO Sewer 11II1II1I1II1I1II1II1II1n CCCSD ANNEXED BOUNDARY Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~ West Branch Agreement Novem ber 19, 1987 """ -~ '~y ';:"---- 11Im 111111I1111I11I11I FIG. 1 2523-1/87 6 of 10 ATTAOfM::NT A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES* LAND USE AND PLANNING Impacts o The project is outside the area intended for urban expansion by the General Pl an. o The project would conform to the General Plan's objectives of prov i di ng a portion of the pl anned Crow Canyon Road extensi on, providing a range of residential densities, and expanding employment opportuniti es. o The proj ect woul d resul tin the permanent loss of 400 acres of productive grazing land. o The project's proposed land uses along the northwestern and western project site boundaries would be incompatible with adjacent pending and approved development. o The proposed plan amendment could conflict with the potential need to widen Dougherty Road in the future. o The project would extend urban services and increase economic incentives to convert additional agricultural lands south and east of the site to urban use. MitiQations o To resolve potential land use conflicts, proposed land uses within the plan amendment is rearranged to correspond more closely to those of adjacent approved development. o Upper elevations of the site are proposed to be retained as permanent open space. o Approvals of development projects could be delayed until properties to the west and northwest are developed. o The plan amendment's allowable density considerations is reduced to approximately 960 units. * Attachment A is a verbatim copy of the pertinent sections of Resolution No. 45-1984 of the San Ramon Valley Area Planning Commission. 7 of 10 o Open space buffer zones are incorporated into the proposed land use plan amendment to reduce land use conflicts and pressure for urban development to the east of the plan site. o Internal land uses proposed by the applicant are adjusted to conform with the physical constraints of the property as well as policies of the General Plan. WATER SERVICE Impact o If the plan amendment area is annexed to EBMUD, a major supply line and additional storage and pump1 ng fac1l1t1es woul d be requ1 red. This area is adjacent to, but not within, East Bay Municipal Utility District's (EBMUD's) sphere of influence. EBMUD is reviewing possible extension of water service into the plan amendment area. Mit1 Qat1 on o Decision on annexation and sphere of influence modification are those of LAFOO and EBMUD. SANITARY SERVICE Impacts o The pl an area 1 s not w1th1 n the service area of any sanitary district. The area immediately to the north of the project site is served by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD). o If the pl an area 1 s annexed to the CCCSD, a pump station woul d be needed to 11ft sewage to an existing trunk sewer on Camino Tassaj ara. However, pump station fac1l1t1 es are d1 scouraged when the use of the facilities wlll result in an extension of CCCSD's service area. M1tiQations o The plan area should be annexed to the CCCSD. o LAFOO, at its meeting of November 18, is considering: 1) the approval of a boundary reorganization which w1l1 result in the annexati on of West Branch to San Ramon and CCCSD, and 2) the concurrent approval of the change of the spheres of infl uence of CCCSD and East Bay Municipal Utility District. o The agreement between CCCSD and Shapell prov i des for the installation of a temporary pump station by Shapell and the payment of future operation and maintenance pump station costs by the users of the pump station. 8 of 10 POL ICE SERV ICES Impact o The plan area would increase demand on the Sheriff's Department for public safety services. MitiQation o The Sheriff's Department would need an additional substation and additional personnel to serve the site. Specific social or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measure for this development alone. Area developments may participate in a substation collectively. FIRE SERV ICES Impact o The plan area is contiguous to, but not within, the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District. If the plan area was annexed to the District and the Crow Canyon Road extension was completed through the site, the first-due response would be from Station 14. MitiQation o No additional capital improvements woul d be necessary to serve the site, so no mitigation is needed. ruL TURAL RESOORCES Impact o There is a potential for prehistoric or historic deposits of significance to be encountered during grading and excavation of the site. MitiQation o Any construction would be halted if a deposit was encountered, until the deposit could be inspected and appropriate additional measures taken. VISUAL AND AESTHETIC ISSUES Impact o The proj ect woul d change the character of the site from rural to urban, extending urban elements farther east and south into the existing rural landscape. o Development is proposed for areas designated as scenic ridges on the General Plan. 9 of 10 o The project may, depending on its design, degrade the scenic quality of the Dougherty and Crow Canyon Roads view corri dors where they pass through the site. o The project would be highly visible in regional vistas extending south from Mt. Diablo. o The cumulative effect of the project and other approved. and proposed development in southeastern Contra Costa County may conflict with County policy to preserve scenic open space areas for the enjoyment of County resi dents. MitiQation o The visual impact of the project was partly mitigated by redesignating the upper slopes and ridges to General Open Space in the proposed Plan Amendment, by designating Dougherty and Crow Canyon Roads as scenic routes. Any subsequent development would be subjected to detailed design review. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Impact o The project would generate about 23,400 daily vehicle trips. Project traffic would require improvement of Dougherty Road. o Cumulative anticipated development in the project area would generate about 174,000 vehicle trips/day. This level of development woul d requi re improvements to Crow Canyon Road, Sycamore Vall ey Road, Bolli nger Canyon Road, Cami no Tassaj ara, and woul d req ui re construction of a new interchange with 1-680 at Bollinger Canyon Road. o Construction truck traffic would be expected to have a deleterious effect on the older, two-lane roadways in the project area (e.g., Dougherty Road). o The plan area's internal circulation plan lacks secondary access to the eastern and northwestern portions of the site until adj acent properti es are developed. Thi s access may be necessary duri ng an emergency. MitiQation o Any subsequent development would be required to post bond to repair/replace pavement on County roadways affected by project construction traffic. o Any subsequent development would be required to contribute a proportionate share towards regional roadway improvements. 10 of 10 o. Require appropriate dedication of right-of-way along Dougherty Road through property owned by applicant. o Require preparation of a site-specific traffic analysis. o Density consideration allowed by the plan area is reduced to approximately 960 units to further diminish traffic impacts. OlliER IMPACTS Impacts o Those impacts mentioned in the Final EIR dealing with solid waste; parks and recreation; hydrology and water quality; biotic resources; geology, soils and seismicity; and energy can only be mitigated upon review and decision of subsequent development applications. Mitigation o The appropriate mitigation measures can only be mitigated upon review and decision of subsequent development applicants. . Centra:.. Contra Costa Sanitar7 District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION P APE R BOARD MEETING OF November 19, 1987 NO. VII!. TREATMENT PLANT 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER/CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR $50,000 WITH HARRISON-FOX FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO CAPITAL PROJECT NO. TP-88, THE DESIGN OF THE TREATMENT PLANT REMODEL. DATE November 12, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreements greater than $50,000. BAa<GROUND: Capital Project No. TP-88, The Treatment Pl ant Remodel, project description outlines current deficiencies in the treatment plant area and proposes specific corrective actions to be accomplished in three phases. Phase I will address the acute, immediate requirement for a women's locker room and includes facilities for the new gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer CGC/MS). The scope of Phases II and III includes improvements to the Primary Building area for the Plant Operations Department Maintenance Division, as well as general building improvements. A study was undertaken in response to the anticipated facility improvements needed by the Plant Operations Department. The study was started in March 1987 to develop costs and confirm the necessity for the project in time for its inclusion in the Capital Improvement Budget. The study is now complete with specific prel iminary desi gns and associ ated construction cost estimates. The total project cost, as indicated in the Capital Improvement Budget, is $550,000. A breakdown is shown on Attachment A. The contract with Harrison-Fox is a fixed lump sum contract. Harrison-Fox, an architectural and space planning consultant firm, was retained to perform this feasibility, evaluation, and cost study. Harrison-Fox will be used on the final design project because of their familiarity with the District and this proj ect and thei r sati sf actory performance on past Di stri ct proj ects. Prev i ousl y, Harrison-Fox successfully completed the plans and specifications for the Training Room Remodeling Project and the reroofing at the Lower Orinda Pumping Station. Harrison-Fox will use Max Horn for the cost estimating, and ESI for mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering services. Both of these firms have considerable commercial and industrial construction experience and are highly respected in this field. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement for $50,000 with Harrison-Fox for professional services related to Capital Project No. TP-88, The Design of the Treatment Plant Remodel. REWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ATTAOiM:NT A TREATMENT PLANT REMODEL PROJECT COST BREAKDOWN Activity Cost Desi gn Study Design - Phase I, II, III Construction Phase I Phase II Phase III Di stri ct Force Account Contingency Totals $17,000 $50,000 $129,000 240,000 75,000 $444,000 $ 39,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST Total Cost Authorized by this Board Action *The next Board Action required will be to award a contract for construction of Phase I ..~-------,--~... ..~--~._-,._-_.~-~-,.~-^_.._.._----.'"._~_.._,--_.----- $ 67,000 $444,000 $15,000 24,000 $ 39,000 $550,000 $ 67,000 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 19. 1987 NO. XI. SOLID WASTE 1 SUBJECT CONSIDER THE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH VALLEY DISPOSAL SERVICE. INC. TO SAWDCO. A SUBSIDIARY OF WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. DATE November 12. 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ASSIGNMENT OF FRANCHISE AGREEMENT SU~YtgflYN. Funasaki Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Finance and Accounting/Administrative ISSUE: Valley Disposal Service. Inc. has requested approval of the assignment of its franchise agreement with the District to another company. BACKGROUND: Vall ey Di sposal Serv ice requested the approval of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to the assignment of its refuse collection franchise agreement to SAWDCO. a subsidiary of Waste Management. Inc. Valley Disposal Service and SAWDCO have entered into an "Agreement and Plan of Reorganization" under which SAWDCO intends to acquire certain assets of Valley Disposal Service. subject to the District's approval of the assignment of the franchise agreement. To enable a review of the requested assignment by the District's Board of Directors. information on SAWDCO and its intended acquisition of the assets of Valley Disposal Service was requested.. On November 10. 1987. documents comprising the responses by SAWDCO to the information request were received. These documents are being transmitted to the Board at this time without staff review. A review by staff is now in progress. and a report of its results will be provided at the December 3. 1987 Boa rd meeti ng. RECOMMENDATION: Receive additional information provided by SAWDCO in response to the District's request. and provide staff with comments and guidance. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA T1NG DEPT.lDIV. ./ .., : .?~-~ 1302A-9/85 WF PM . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 19, 1987 NO. XII. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 SUBJECT DATE DENY ClAIM FROM LOUISA CAMEZON IN THE AMOUNT OF $216,763 ALLEGING INJURIES SUSTAINED IN A FALL ON A JOB SITE AT A PROJ ECT BEING CONSTRUCTED BY WESTCON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY November 10, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIM SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Jack E. Campbell Administrative Operations Manager ISSUE: A cl aim in the amount of $216,763 has been received from Louisa Camezon alleging injuries sustained in a fall at the San Ramon Valley Project, Phase A, construction site. Denia'j of a claim requires Board action. BACKGROUND: The Westcon Construction Company was installing the new San Ramon Valley Inteceptor "line on the Southern Pacific right-of-way through Alamo. On July 28,1987, Ms. Camezon, who was jogging with another person, entered the construction site closed secti on between La Serena and Hemme Road. She di sregarded the warni ng and danger- signs which had been posted, and then, apparently, she fell near where the equipment was working, breaking her ankle. Because the claimant entered a posted construction site and the District is indemnified under its contrct with Westcon Construction Company, the staff recommends that this claim be denied. RECOMMENDATION: Deny claim from Louisa Camezon in the amount of $216,763 aneging injuries sustained in a fall on July 28, 1987, and refer to staff for further action. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A- JEC PM INI IAf~PT./DIV. '~ -.-.-..-----.-.-..-.,----. - "- ~.........._'---.--'--_.._,_._---_._--,--~--,------,._.,"-_..---~-".,---~-----