HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-17-87 . Cenb"c.. Contra Costa Sanital District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF De ember 17, 1987 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO ICR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FOR THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION OF NO. 3 WATER HIGH PRESSURE PUMP, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10025 December 11, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AW ARD CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY David J. Reindl INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant 0 erations Department ISSUE: On December 1, 1987, sealed bids for the installation of the No.3 Water High Pressure Pump Project were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award a contract or reject proposals within 60 days of the opening of sealed bids. BACKGROUND: At the November 20, 1986, and May 7, 1987, meeti ngs, the Board of Di rectors authorized the purchase of an adj ustabl e frequency drive and the 200 horsepower pumpi ng unit, respectivel y, for the No. 3 Water Hi gh Pressure Pump Project, Capital Project No. 10025. District staff indicated that the installation contract for the electrical and mechanical work would be awarded separately at that time. Both equi pment items have been del ivered to the Treatment Pl ant, and the installation design drawings have been completed. Sealed bids for the installation contract of the District-furnished adjustable frequency drive and pump control system were received and opened on December 1, 1987. The bid tabulation is attached. The apparent low bidder is ICR Electrical Contractors of Antioch, California, wit~a bid of $27,780. The engineer's estimate, prepared by Di stri ct staff, was $40,000. A post-bi d/preconstructi on cost estimate is attached. The total project cost is estimated at $103,780. This project is incl uded in the Capital Improvement Budget, page TP-96, with an estimated cost of $150,000. District staff has concluded that the proposed project will have no significant environmental impact and has filed a Notice of Exception. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the award of contract to ICR Electrical Contractors, the lowest responsible bidder for $27,780, for the electrical installation for the No.3 water high pressure pump. ROGER J. DOLAN DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 10025 No.3 Water High Pressure Pump Proj ect Budget Expenses Incurred to Date: Engineering and Design $ 12,000 Adjustable Frequency Drive 21,000 Pump and Motor 17,000 Instrumentation and Controls 4,500 $ 54,500 Installation Expenses: Installation Contract (Electrical) $ 27,780 Mechanical Installation (Dalzell - Time and Material) 5,500 Project Management Force Account 5,000 Computer Hardware (Interface for Programmable Logic Controller - Gould M84) Contingency - 10 percent 6,000 5,000 $ 49,280 Total Project Budget Page 2 of 4 $ 54,500 $ 49,280 $103,780 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District December 9, 1987 FROM: DAVE REINDL ~ . 12-1 PAT O'CONNOR TO: SUBJECT: BID REQUEST T0298P, INSTALLATION OF DISTRICT FURNISHED ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE Formal bidding commenced with publ ication of Notice to Contractors on November 16 and 21, 1987. Eight contractors requested bid packages and they were either picked up in person or mailed to them. Bids were publicly opened and read on Tuesday, December 1, 1987. Four bids were received, as follows: CONTRACTOR BID At.f>UNT ICR Electrical Contractors Classic Electric & Data Custom Controls & Electric Todacheeny Electric, Inc. $27,780.00 28,157.00 31,000.00 46,607.00 A technical and commercial evaluation was conducted by the Plant Operations Department Assistant Engineer and Purchasing (see Attachment I) which shows that ICR Electrical Contractors is responsive to the Bid Request and therefore the lowest responsible bidder. Purchasing, therefore, recommends that you prepare the Position Paper to the Board of Directors recommending the award to ICR Electrical Contractors for providing all materials, labor and services to install one District furnished adjustable frequency drive for a total lump sum of $27,780.00. POC:pj r cc: C.W. Batts K.F. Laverty Attachments . i ...... ..... z: I.J.J ::E: :I: U c( ..... ..... c( 4.... .=~ ~, ~1J - ~~ 1 '~I . .~, ~.. - o-V 0<< .... o-W n -y ~f .- n - -- - n 11 JW C> 11<l ~y C> 0<< . '- 0-" ,..... ~ ~ ~~ ~ ... 01 X ~ 0 i ~ roo I''''' ~I~ a... ~ l~ t- co II: en w as N ;::: ::E C> c::l C> :> t; 0: JW Z ..... {... ;!~ C> ~ !~ 0'" . T o-a. C> ,.... ~ Q :a ,... I.... ~ .-I ~ I r~ .:.I~ i M .-:g v.,... I ~ ~,~ C ltl"'C 1(;..; Iz al s....J:: ~1Il It- JW C> .,.... It I~ .U C> ltlC 0-- . 0'" .-s... w: .. a. ,..... ::s f U") I ~4- .-I III :: ~ .--~ g .... co ltlU ~ I ~~ Ii N ,.... .,.... ,.... s...s... <l ~ ~ ,~~ al~ - ~ ~1Il ct)e,- al EO > .,.... JW C> .--als... :: :c:x o(u C> .--c"'C 0-- . 0'" ltlO e I.... 1 .... C> ~ co ~::: u .<.... - ~ ,..... c .,.... ltl al w: 12 ~ g ,..... >~ ::s 't1i I N o III 0- I~ I'" I roo .;.. s...c al 11:1~ :g a....,.... s... ,'- I~ 2 :z: 4- I:: 0 0 ~ ~al .- II: III .0 H alltl Z ~ ~ u~ ~ Q .,.... III 0 i ~w.: ~ 9 ! 0- > ::s << z ~ :5 0 ~ :i s....,...., 8 .. 0 = iii .. ~ u.. ~ al"'C z o :> g 0 d 0( a: g III ltl. ... ~ 0 o ..:: s .. .> 0 t- . . V> .. a:: .. . C> 0 ..... s... u ~ c( ~ a:: 4n ..... ~ a z: .L.l Gi C> z U al ~ . ... ;; 0 -I .L.l I- - it c( ,.... H z U III .. t- '.. 0 ...... s:: .- Q al - a:: ~ o~ > ... ..... ~ 0 ~ u ~ .0 ... I.J.J al - Itl :;) -I s... ~I co I.J.J III :! +-> c( a:: III u al ...... ~ . f-=- - t fi . . 45 -' .-I 3 ~ Z 2 I 2 ... ! i = Ii !i .-I . .. S t: ......;;,....- . ,.,,', $.. .. . Centril. Contra Costa Sanitat 6 District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF December 17, 1987 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE QUITQAIM OF SEWER EASEMENTS; JOB 449, PARCEL 1 AND JOB 1586, PARCEL 2, SUBDIVISION 6793, JULIAN WOODS, PLEASANT HILL AREA DATE December 14, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITQAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ~: Morrison Homes, owner-developer of Subdivision 6793, has requested the District to quitclaim the sewer easements which lie within Lots 10, 28, 38, 43, and 44 of Subdivision 6793. BACKGROUND: The subject easements were granted to this District in 1953 and 1957. At that time the easements crossed an open f1el d. The easements shoul d be quitclaimed to provide for the most efficient development of the site. The owner is rerouting the sewer system which is located in the subject easements and will abandon the unused system after the repl acement system has been accepted by th 1 s District. Replacement easements have been created for the relocated sewer system as part of the requirements for Job No. 4349. The subject easements are no longer needed. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Qu1tcl aim Deed to Morr1 son Homes Corporation, Job Nos. 449 and 1586. Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim, and authorize the Quitclaim to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~~ jI/J1 m frf/J;;EF ENG. 1302A.9/85 DH JS~1 RAB ROGER J. DOLAN ~, ~ ,,/ "'0 -. 4- ~~ QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 449 and JOB 1586 PLEASANT HILL AREA . Central Contra Costa Sanltall District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 17, 1987 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT APPROVAL AND EXEQJTION OF STATE UTILITY AGREEMENT NO. 106.28.1 CONCERNING ADJUSTMENT OF CERTAIN DISTRICT FACILITIES AT "THE ALHAMBRA AVENUE INTERa-tANGE ON STATE ROUTE 4 IN MARTINEZ DATE December 14, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE STATE UTILITY AGREEMENT ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY J ay McCoy Construction Division Manager INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Construction Division ISSUE: The subject Agreement is necessary to formal ize the State's recognized liability for costs to adjust publiCly-owned sewer facilities located within its freeway right-of-way. BACKGROUND: On November 16, 1987, the State of Cal iforni a, Department of Transportation, issued to the District a "Notice to Owner" ordering that certain sewer facilities be adjusted to accommodate the State's proposed channelization of the Alhambra Avenue Interchange on Highway 4 in Martinez. Two sewer manholes located in Alhambra Avenue at the intersection of the Alhambra Avenue Interchange northbound off-ramp will be adj usted as part of the State's construction contract. The cost of the adjustment work has been estimated by the State to be $300. The actual cost of the work will be at State's expense pursuant to Section 703 of the Streets and Highways Code. The proposed Utility Agreement provides for the State contracting for the manhole adjustments and paying the cost of the adjustments. The work is being documented under District Project 4442. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the State Util ity Agreement, No. 106.28.1, and adopt a resolution authorizing the President and Secretary to execute the Agreement. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I ITIATI~T.lDIV. ;( '/ 1302A..9/85 JSM RAB GE~CHIEF ENG. ROGER J. DOLAN (8 Centra. Contra Costa Sanitall District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 17, 1987 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 97-B DATE December 14, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION INITIATE ANNEXATION OF DA 97-B SUBMITTED BY uenni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: A resolution by the District's Board of Director's must be adopted to fTnaiize District Annexation 97-B. BACKGROUND: The District previously made application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the annexation of ten parcels of land designated as District Annexation 97. LAFCO has considered this request and has recommended that Parcels 3, 6, and 7 as shown on the attachments be processed as submitted. LAFCO has designated these parcels to be District Annexation No. 97-B. No public heari ng is requi red and the annexati on of these parcel s can be campl eted. The LAFCO Executive Officer has expedited the processing of this annexation so that the parcels will be annexed before December 31, 1987. As a result, the District will receive its share of future taxes starting in fiscal year 1988-89. LAFCO has adopted a Negative Declaration for District Annexation No. 97-B. District staff has reviewed this Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution adopting the Negative Declaration and ordering the completion of District Annexation No. 97-B. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. A2~ /J4 1302A.9/85 DH JSM RAB @ TRACT 4/? -6 ~ ~ 20 I ::::-M ~ .3 ;, .....3 Ul ~ o ~ r ~ It1 NO-/S'W 5.45' _____ ) - ---- ----0----- cox "978 O.R.423 wALNut '--= N ? PO, 7-30' /\IT 01'= BEG . INNING 6/ I ~M -0 20 e ERe COUR" ----- CflGt,K. B/PM 47 ,~..;..:P,i';; ;.l!!,', TIISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO . 3 i":~ @ . '.': ,':.::~"':":'"~: :":;.; ....... ..j.:.... 11::. .-: ;('.1 U :.1' .,': :..~..: .c( .;:~ ,.' ii \..- ~ ill ~ (0 Q ..~ l\I ~ It: 0 0:: r'- ., 0 8 ".~'"" Z !() ,'2. ~.! II ~.) . r~. @ OISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 6 & 7 . Centrc.._ Contra Costa Sanital District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF December 17, 1987 SUBJECT I PAGE 1 OF 3 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 DATE December 4, 1987 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-36 (DANVILLE) AND P.A. 87-37 (PLEASANT HILL) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer : Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Parcel No. Area 87 -36 Danvi 11 e (98C3) Louanne Weber 309 W. Prospect Avenue Danville CA 94526 208-072-003 (0.36 Ac.) 87-37 Pleasant Hi 11 John Lyle, et ux 570 Little Lane Pleasant Hill CA 94523 152-070-025 (0.27 Ac.) TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Remarks Lead Agency Existing house on septic CCCSD system. Addition to house will be over septic tank, which must be abandoned. District to prepare IINotice of Exemptionll Existing house with CCCSD failing septic system. District to prepare IINotice of Exemptionll RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 87-36 and 87-37 to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IJV ~4 flIfJ 130211 .9.'85 DH JSM RAB GEm;EF ENG. ROGER J. DOLAN ~<'" ~ '-,,- "- \. ~ ',,-,:'-,,- " "" " "',", " " PROPOSED ANNEXATION ~ A. &7~JI:J ',~. ,I' ~~~\ ~l , ,~, 1- ~ ~ :} ,~1 " 90 S J~" \' 0.: ,OJ, 130 I" r '0 k:: ~ ~ .--1,----1 r.~ \ ,\ '8 ?O ~ : ~~~;~" ~~~ ~ CON~RA COSTA K 5 U B ~ CANAL !5 7 I 3 . f. , TAYlOR. / --- ,:.:,"'!!::! \ 8-/~h7 RAZETO ....... . ;':;-ANIVEX ~ 'T """~"" .,1." t, .',:1 ::..... ,." -. H~ :;~r ..~: J:1 ~ ~~ /,V. '~" ':;:"1 '" ~ ~ ;1 i :~ ~ ~\~' :.\~ i 1 ~o ..... . '.~ -n - ~ '0 . \ c ~ 2~ o " \53' ~ . "1\" 'f.; I2lruc.}~ .~ Bi~ ,~' ,\ 'i> "",00. .. " -~ ~87 ("l. ~19\Si,^~"..- 10 ,'U, ~ ,J :"<.' . <> "" .., Nt ~ . ~,.g, gO "A ~ ""- ~f " A"'O.., . I._'d.~ ~~ '. 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ADMINISTRATIVE 1 SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A RECORDS RETENTION PROGRAM AND APPROVING THE RECORDS RETENTION AND DESTRUCTION SCHEDULE DATE TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH RECORDS RETENTION PROGRAM AND APPROVE SCHED E SUBMITTED BY Joyce E. McMillan Secretar of the District INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. s ISSUE: Board approval of the Records Retention and Destruction Schedule is required for implementation of the District Records Retention Program. BACKGROUND: Development and implementation of a systematic Records Retention Program is an important management tool for maintaining control of records and information and for reducing unnecessary legal exposure. A physical records inventory was conducted to identify all of the District's records by record series (groups of identical or related records), to determine the physical location of the records, and to identify the degree of reference activity for each record series. An analysis of this data formed the basis for development of the District's Records Retention Schedule. A retention and destruction schedule identifies and preserves records of value and historical interest, reduces the time spent going through unused records when looking for needed information, restricts use of filing equipment and space, and destroys records that have served thei r useful ness. In setting the retention periods, the applicable laws, audit and grant requirements, historical val ue, and user needs were all considered and incorporated into the Records Retention and Destruction Schedule. This schedule was then submitted to District Counsel for review and approval prior to submission to the Board of Directors for final adoption. Upon Board approval of the Records Retention Program and Schedule, implementation will begin. The established and approved retention periods will be applied to the inventory of District records. Records no longer necessary for the operation of the District or required for legal, fiscal, or historical reasons will be destroyed. Records that have not exceeded the designated retention periods but are no longer active, will be cataloged and transferred to inactive storage. Finally, steps will be taken to preserve records of vital or historical value. The Records Retention and Destruction Schedule will be reviewed and updated annually to incorporate changes in the law or administrative changes at the District. Implementing a Records Retention Program is the first component of a District-wide Records Management Program. Additional elements which are being developed include a District-wide uniform filing system, District archives, District library system, automation of the records management and retrieval system, a micrographics program, and documentation of all phases of the District's Records Management Program. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resol ution establ ishing a Records Retention Program and approving the Records Retention and Destruction Schedule. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 tflC, JM JH INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. RESOLUTION NO. 87- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RECORDS RETENTION PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that a Records Retention Program be established as follows: 1. PURPOSE To establish a Record Retention Program to apply efficient and economical management methods to the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposal of all District records used in the internal operations of the District's business. Nothing herein is intended to waive the exemption of those particular records excl uded from the California Publ ic Records Act as set forth in Section 6254 of the Government Code. 2. SCOPE The Records Retention Program covers all District records, stocks of publications, and processed documents. 3. AUTHORITIES 3.1 Government Code Section 34090. Records may be destroyed with approval of the legislative body by resolution and written consent of Counsel, except those records affecti ng tit1 e to real property or liens thereon; court records; records required to be kept by statute; records less than two years 01 d; the minutes, ordinances, or resolutions of the legislative body. 3.2 Government Code Section 34090.5. Records may be destroyed without the approval of the legislative body or written consent of the Counsel if they have been microfilmed in archival quality and are kept in a safe and secure place, if a device is used to reproduce such record as accurately and legibly as the original, and is as accessible to the public as the original. 3.3 Government Code Section 34090.7. The legislative body may prescribe a procedure under which duplicate records may be destroyed. 3.4 Government Code Section 6200. Every officer having custody of any record, map, book, or paper filed in a public office who is guilty of willfully destroying or removing the whole or any part of such item is punishable by imprisonment not exceeding one yea r, or by a fine not exceed i ng one thousand do 11 a rs ($1,000), or by both such fine and imprisonment. 4. DEFINITIONS 4.1 Official Records - are those derived from actions of the District Board of Directors and are the custody of the Secretary of the District. 4.2 Public Records - include any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the publ ic's business prepared, used, or retained by the District regardless of physical form or characteristic. (This item appl ies to the "right to inspect" rather than to "retention".) (Government Code Section 6252d) 4.3 Record Copy - is an original or a copy that substitutes for the original. 4.4 Nonrecord Copy - is an original or a copy. These records may include rough drafts, notes, working papers, punch cards, printouts, indexes, letters of transmittal, referral, acknowledgment, appointment, courtesy; inquiries and complaints and their replies; department copies of budgets, purchase orders; receipts, budget transfers, schedules, progress reports, subscriptions, travel and lodging arrangements, correspondence when action completed; obsolete codes; publications; meeting notices, except those of special meetings of the District Board; professional and personal material. 4.5 Archival (Vital) Records - are those with historical or research value. 4.6 Active Records - are those with a retention period of less than two years. 4.7 Inactive Records - are those with a retention period of more than two years. 5. RESPONSIBILITY 5.1 The Records Retention Program shall be administered by the Office of the Secretary of the District. 5.2 Each Department Head shall appoint a Records Representative to work with the Office of the Secretary of the District in the implementation of the Records Retention Program. 5.3 The District Board of Directors and Counsel shall review and approve the Records Retention and Destruction Schedule. 6. RECORDS RETENTION PROGRAM 6.1 Active Records (less than two years old) shall remain in the department files unless the volume of a given record, such as warrants, is beyond reasonable allocations of office space. Exceptions must be within the limitations of inactive storage space. Each department shall destroy nonrecord documents in accordance with this Policy. - 2 - 6.2 Inactive Records shall be transferred to the Records Center, where they will be protected from unauthorized removal, perusal, or destruction. Storage, destruction, and retrieval services will be provided. 6.3 On-the-Job TraininQ will be an ongoing feature of the Records Retention Program. 6.4 Audits will be made periodically to assure compliance with the retention schedules and to evaluate the program. 7. POLICY 7.1 Duplicate and other nonrecord documents shall be destroyed by the Department Head and not sent to inactive storage. 7.2 The Records Retention and Destruction Schedule (Exhibit A) shall be used for appraising and establishing retention periods, and for scheduling storage and destruction of records. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th Day of December, 1987, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Hazard District Counsel - 3 - CENTRAL OONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REOORDS RETENTION AtI) DESTRUCTION SCHEDULE NOTES The retention period of all records that have a specific time when they are considered completed, obsolete, or settled, begins after that time is reached. For example, the retention period for personnel records is calculated after the employee's termination. The retention period for all other records begins after the current year has expired. The retention period is shown in years. If a record is not 1 isted on a schedule, the creator recipient should make a notation on the document as to the length of time it should be kept, such as "Destroy - after Completion" or "Keep - 3 months." SHORT TERM RECORDS The following may be considered nonrecord material and may be destroyed as soon as they have served their intended purpose. Advertising Literature, circulars, 3rd class mail. Announcements, bulletin-board notices. Directory and mailing list changes. Telephone messages, pencil notations. Extra copies of documents of any type. Notes of appreciation and congratulations. Notices of charity drives, holidays, etc. Memos quoting documents retained elsewhere in complete form. Letters of transmittal or form letters which require no follow-up action. Shorthand notes, stenotype tapes, and other temporary mechanical recordings. Seasonal publications, progress reports. Stock of superseded or outdated publications, forms, directories, etc. Prel iminary drafts, worksheets, and internal notes not necessary as verification on the completed document. LEGEND AA - After Audit AC - After Completion, Disposal, Expiration, or Settlement AT - After Termination C - Current P - Permanent WU - While Useful, Until Superseded or Obsoleted Record Retention A<D>UNTING Accounts Payable Invoices 5 Accounts Payable Ledger P Accounts Receivable Invoices 5 5 Accounts Receivable Ledger Audit Reports P Authorizations of Approval 5 5 Bank Deposit Books/Slips Bank Statements/Reconciliations 5 Budgets 5 Capital Asset Records 5 AC Cash Receipts Ledger Check Register 5 - 10 P Cost Accounting Records: Cost Center Rpts, Statements & Distribution 5 Labor Distribution Records 5 Financial Statements: Au d fted P Periodic 5 General Ledger P Grant Records 5 AA Inventory Reports 5 AC Investments p Journals 5 - 10 Payroll Register P Reports 5 - 10 Worksheets WU -2- BOARD OF DIRECTORS Agenda P Certificates of Election/Appointment P Closed Session Agenda/Memoranda P Conflict of Interest 7 Election Records P Minutes (Board of Directors) P Oath of Office P Order of Formation P Ordinances P Seal 15 P P Position Papers Resolutions COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS Claims P Historical Project Files P Maintenance Files P Maps P Permits P Pipeline Reports P TV Inspection P Vehicles & Equipment: Operations/Maintenance 5 Gas/Mileage Reports WU Accident Files 6 AC Ledger (Cost/Expense) 5 Transfer/Sale 5 AC COtIIJNICATIONS Ma 11i ng Lists WU 2 Postal Records (Meter records, Registered & Insured logs) Telephone Summary (Charges) 2 AA -3- Et<<;I NEERlt<<; Annexations Bills of Material/Substitutions Calibration (Equipment/Instrument) EIRs Engineering Records: Notebooks Draw i ngs Forms Control (Masters & Files) Inspection Records Maps Master Plans Operating Reports: Annual Monthly Permits Planning Summaries Pretreatment Program Plant Design Records Production/Work Status Reports Proj ect Fll es Quality Control Reports Reports, Studies Specifications Supplier Quality Data Technical Manuals/Instructions Work Orders (Job/Production) -4- P 15 15 20 AC 20 - P 20 - P 6 AC 15 P 20 AC P C + 2 10 AC 2 20 AC 20 - P 2 - 3 P 2 - 3 20 AC 20 - P 15 20 - P 2 - 3 GENERAl Audit Reports P Correspondence Franchise 2 - 3 P Garbage Analysis 5 Organization Charts P Records Mgmt/Dispostion Records (Depending upon type and use) 6 AC - P IN~ Claims (Against District): Group (Life/Hospital) Vehicle Accident Workers' Compensation 6 AC 2 - AC 6 AC Claims (Against others): Loss/Damage in Transit Injury Frequency Charts 2 - 6 AC 10 Insurance Records (Employee) 11 Insurance Policies (Expired) P LEGAL Copyrights P Deeds/Abstracts/Titles P Easements/Rights of Way P Franchise Agreement/License Lawsuits/Claims p P Leases (Plant & Equipment) 5 AC MISCELLANEOUS Annual Reports/Statements p (Certified, Published) Conflict of Interest Statements 7 Deferred Compensation Plan (Employees) P Election Records p -5- MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) Franchise Garbage Analysis General Cashbook General Ledger Licenses (Federal, State, & Local) Order of Formation Minutes (Board of Directors) Seal OFfICE SlFPLIES - SERVICES Inventories (Supplies) Requisitions (Supplies) Requisitions (Services) PERSONNEL - PAYROLL Accident Reports Affirmative Action Program Applications: Non-employees Employees Attendance Records (Time Cards) Benefit Option Plan Statements/Reports Conflict of Interest Counseling Records Deduction Authorizations Deferred Compensation Statements/Reports Disability & Sick Benefits Discrimination Charges Earnings Register (Employee) Education/Training Records -6- P 5 P P 6 AC P P P C + 2 C + 2 C + 2 6 AC 4 3 7 AT 3 7 AC 7 7 AT 3 AC 7 AC 7 AC 4 AC P 10 AT PERSONNEL - PAYROLL (Continued) Equal Opportunity Records Employee Official Personnel File Garnishments/Attachments Grievances Job Descriptions Medical History (Employee) Payroll Register (Gross/Net) Performance Reviews (Employee) Retirement/Pension Records (After death of payee) Salary Rates/Changes Union Contracts/Agreements Withholding Statements (Employee) PLANT Calibration (Equipment/Instrument) Laboratory Test Records Permits Pretreatment Programs Reports, Studies Training Programs PRINTING - DUPLICATING Drawings/Artwork Drawings/Plans & Specifications Negatives/Plates Photographs/Construction Photographs/Layouts Printing Orders/Project Files -7- 3 AC 7 AT 3 AC 4 AC 3 AC p P 7 AT P 6 3 AT 10 AC 7 AT 15 20 - p 10 AC 10 AC 20 AC 10 AT 5 P 5 P 5 2 AC PROPERTY IPLANT Appraisals/Surveys As-buflts Building Permits Blueprints/Maps (Masters) Construction Contracts Damage Reports Deeds/Abstracts/Titles Easements/Rights of Way Insurance (Property) Inventory (Plant & Equipment) Lease (Plant & Equipment) (Renewed annually) Maintenance/Repairs: Building Machinery Maps Plans Purchase Orders (Capital Expense) PURaiASING - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Authorizations for Expenditures Bids Contracts Debit Memos/Purchase Copies Purchase Orders File Price Lists/Catalogues Quotations Receiving Reports -8- 50 - P P 10 AC 50 - P 5 AC , 5 AC P P 10 AC P 5 AC C + 2 10 AC 5 AC P P 10 AC 5 AC 5 5 AC WU 5 AC WU C + 5 5 AC SAFETY - SECURITY Accident Reports, Injury Claims Cleared Employee File/ Lists Employee Badge/Key Records Employee Case File Facilities Check File (Guards) Hazardous Materials/Waste Health/Safety Bulletins Inspections/Surveys Medical Programs Procedures Safety Committee Meetings/Reports Safety Directives/Manual Safety Investigation Reports Subcontractor Clearances Visitor Clearance/List Visitor Logs/Registers TAX Quarterly Tax Reports Tax Bills/Statements/Rulings Tax Returns (All) Social Security Tax Records Unemployment Tax Records ~.._...._...'.-.._,._-~--,-,---~ .,----'-'-------,---,---_.._.._,.._-----_._~-_.- -9- 30 AC WU 5 AT 5 AT 2 P WU P P P 3 P 3 2 2 2 P P P P P . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) ..listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 17, 1987 NO. IX. PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT DISTRICT POLICY CONCERNING REIMBURSEMENT OF TOASTMASTERS DUES DATE December 9, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION Authorize Reimbursement SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Robert Baker, De uty Chief Engineer Engineering ISSUE: Board concurrence is requested for the District to continue to reimburse employees for Toastmasters dues. BACKGROUND: In order to improve presentations at District meetings, Board meetings, and public hearings, the Deputy Chief Engineer suggested to Engineering Department personnel some nine months ago that speaking training via a local Toastmasters program would be a good career development idea. This advice was enthusiastically taken up by Lynne Bunker, an Associate Engineer in the Planning Divisidn. Ms. Bunker contacted the local Toastmasters organization and arranged for a series of 10 "Speechcrafters" seminars to be conducted at the District offices during lunch hours on Wednesdays. "Speechcrafters" seminars provide introductory public speaking training and provide training and structure to allow for the creation of a new Toastmasters Club. At the close of the "Speechcrafters" seminar series the participants decided to form a local open membership Toastmasters Club that would meet at the CCCSD Board Room on Wednesdays at noon. The officers are as follows: o President: Lynne Bunker, Associate Engineer, Planning Division o Educational Vice-President: Division Joye Kurasaki, Associate Engineer, Planning o Administrative Vice-President: Division Jackie Zayac, Planning Assistant, Planning o Secretary-Treasurer: Safety Section Nadine Sweeney, Secretary III, Risk Management and o Sergeant-at-Arms: Derhyl Houck, Maintenance Technician III, Plant Maintenance Division Currently there are 28 members of the CCCSD Toastmasters Club, of whom 27 are District employees. All four District Departments are represented in the cl ub. When the club was formed in September, initial dues of $32.12 per person were assessed and a one-time club initiation fee of $2.78 per person was assessed. The club members requested that the District consider dues as a reimburseable REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. 1302A-9/85 RAB SUBJECT POSITION PAPER DISTRICT POLICY CONCERNING REIMBURSEMENT OF TOASTMASTERS DUES PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE December 9, 1987 educational expense. District management considered the request, and after consultation with President Clausen, decided to allow reimbursement of the $32.12 club dues as an education expense under Budget Line Item 090, Technical Training, Conferences, and Meetings. The Toastmasters Club assesses dues on a six month basis. The next dues assessment will be $20.00. Before making a determination on how to handle Toastmasters dues on a continuing basis, staff requests Board concurrence in the matter. Participation by CCCSD employees in the Toastmasters program is clearly a benefit to the District. The public speaking training provided in the program is useful to improve both external and internal communication at the District and provides a leadership skill which is of benefit to present and future supervisors. However, there may be public policy questions about the appropriateness of continued full reimbursement by the District for this expense which could be considered as separate and distinct from formal training programs and college coursework reimbursement programs which have traditionally been supported by the District. In deliberating how to handle Toastmasters dues in the future, it is necessary to weigh the clear benefits to the District from the Toastmasters training on one hand versus possible publ ic sensitivity to the expenditure of publ ic funds on club activities on the other hand. The staff decision to support the initial dues expense of the club was based on a desire to help get the Toastmasters activity started. Now we are faced with the question of whether or not it is appropriate to support the Toastmasters Club on a continuing basis. One approach to this pol icy question is to limit District participation in the Toastmasters activity to the achievement of a specific objective which is of clear benefit to the District. The first major objective of a person who is participating in the Toastmasters program is the completion of a "Competent Toastmasters" certificate. To receive a "Competent Toastmasters" certificate a person must complete a specified program of work, including the delivery of ten speeches in specified categories which are eval uated by other Toastmasters Cl ub members. With due diligence, a person should be able to complete the required work for a "Competent Toastmaster" certificate within two years. This approach will support employee involvement and establish a limit for District financial participation. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to reimburse employees for Toastmasters dues expense, limited to 24 months per employee. ~------_.. 13028-9/85