HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-06-87 . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 22 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Au ust 6, 1987 NO. <:nIDUCl' A PUBLIC HFARn;x; AND <:xNSIDER AOOPl'ING POLICY REVISlrns 'lO 'llIE DIS'IRICl' WASTE HAULER PERMIT AND ADMINIS'IRATlrn PR.OORAM IV. HEARINGS 1 DATE August 3, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION Conduct Public Hearing~ Consider Adopting Policy Revisions SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Barton L. Brandenburg Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Planning Division ISSUE: Several policy modifications to the alrrent waste hauler permit and administration program are recamnended. The policy modifications involve geographic limits for acceptance of trucked-in waste and implementing waste hauler vehicle insurance and bonding requirements. Pecause of the impact to the waste haulers with District permits, a IUblic hearing is reccmnended before Board consideration and adoption. BACI<GroUND: The District currently accepts trucked-in waste for treatment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant from septage and other waste haulers. It is extremely important that this trucked-in waste be non-hazardous to protect the District employees and facilities, to protect the receiving waters, and for the District to remain in canpliancewith Federal and state regulations. In addition, septage and other trucked-in waste tends to be highly odorous and difficult to process. Consequently, staff proposes a series of policy and procedural modifications to improve the alrrent District waste hauler permitting and administration program. The number of treatment facilities in the Bay Area and statewide which accept trucked-in waste is declining, especially for waste received from sources outside the service area of the agency or city. This has neant an increasing volume of waste discharged to the facilities which are still accepting trucked-in waste. There has been more than a five-fold increase in the trucked waste volume at the District in the last two years (60,000 gallons in January 1985 to 300,000 gallons in January 1987). Although Pioneer Liquid Transport (recent Board action revoked their permit) represented some of the recent increase, many other haulers still bring in waste from outside the county and it is expected that new haulers will continue to seek out the District as a place to dispose of their liquid waste. The alrrent waste hauler adninistrative program consists of the following elements: o An annual permit. o A Waste Hauler Receipt Form which is completed before a truck enters the plant and which describes the waste source and volume. o A periodic spot checking and chemical analysis program. BLB J4 JMK .~ 1302....9/85 RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. tfk 15 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER mroucr A roBLIC HEARThl; AND <DNSIDER AOOPl'Thl; POLICY REVISlrnS '10 '!HE DIS'lRlcr WASTE HAULER PERMIT AND ADMINISTRATION PROORAM 2 OF 22 PAGE DATE August 3, 1987 o Rates and charges, revised yearly, which set the cost of program administration and treatment of trucked-in waste. Rates will be reconsidered this Fall. In order to protect the District fran receIVIng hazardous waste and to rmninuze the volume of trucked-in waste which the District RUst process, staff recamnends a program to improve the District's mrrent procedures. For Board consideration, staff presents Attachment I with reccmnendations for policy revisions to the mrrent waste hauler program. staff recomnendations for policy and administrative changes are summarized as follows: o Lind t acceptance of residential septic tank and portable toilet waste to Contra Costa County. The COlmty Health Services Department has asked the District to continue this service for Contra Costa County. o Limit acceptance of restaurant grease interceptor waste to the District's sphere of influence, inCluding the City of Concord. 'Ibis waste is a source of odor, difficult to handle, and it is difficult to document waste origin for restaurants located outside the District's service area. o Linlit acceptance of other non-danestic, non-hazardous waste to sources within Contra Costa COlmty. This would minimize staff time devoted to verification and still provide a service for businesses not having sewer service. o Require a $500,000 combined single limit vehicle insurance coverage and a $1,000 cash bond. In addi tion, for Board information, administrative procedures which staff procedures are summarized as follows: Attachment is currently II describes implementing. revised These o Issue waste hauler permit, manifest, receipt, and special discharge forms (See Attachment V) . o Change the nethod of waste volume determination. o Increase sampling, testing and source identification. o Establish procedures for waste load rejection. Attachment III summarizes the findings fran a waste hauler survey conducted last year. This survey, along with codes and regulations received fran other agencies, helped define some of the recanmendations presented in Attachment I and administrative changes shown in Attachment II. ....-------. 13028.9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER cnuucr A PUBLIC HFARlll3 AND <n:ISIDER ADOPl'ING POLICY REVISICNS ID '!HE DIS'lRICl' WASTE HAULER PERMIT AND ADMINISTRATlrn ffiOORAM PAGE 3 OF 22 DATE August 3, 1987 Attachment IV smnmarizes a neeting with waste haulers. The plrpose of this meeting was to receive cxmnents fran the waste haulers while program changes were being developed. staff response to their cx:mnents is also presented. Each waste hauler with a District permit has received the staff reccmnendations contained in this position paper. Carments received prior to the Public Hearing will be transmi tted to the Board. REC()l\It1ENJ)ATlrn: Conduct a Public Hearing and consider adopting the following policy modifications to the District Waste Hauler Permit and Administration Program. 1. Geographic limits for acceptance of trucked-in waste. 2. Inq:>lementation of vehicle insurance and bonding requirements. --------- 13026-9/85 4 of 22 ATTACHMENT I RECOMMENDED POLICY REVISIONS TO THE CURRENT WASTE HAULER PROGRAM 5 of 22 ATTACHMENT I RECOMMENDED POL ICY REVISIONS TO 'THE QJRRENT WASTE H,tJJLER PROORAM 1. GEOORAPHIC lIMITS The District has historically received trucked waste without limiting the source from a specific geographical area or political jurisdiction. Because a decl ining number of trea'bnent facilities still accept trucked waste, especially restaurant grease interceptor waste (see Summary of Waste Hauler Survey - Attachment III), the District has been receiving an increasing amount of waste from sources outside of the County. Between January 1986 and April 1987 the District received 537 truck loads (21 percent of the total> from sources reported to be outside the county. Requests have been received for di scharge of waste materi al from waste haulers who have had loads from sources as far away as Merced and Fresno. Although these loads were not discharged to the District, the District has received substantial quantities of trucked waste from Santa Clara, Alameda, and Solano Counties as well as from eastern and western portions of Contra Costa County. Staff believes a specific policy on whether or not to accept waste from a specific geographic area is needed at this time. Staff recommends that the Board adopt the following pol icy, 1 imiting acceptance of trucked waste to the following areas: Domestic Waste (Residential Septic Tanks and Portable Toilets) Contra Costa County Restaurant Grease Interceptor Waste District's Sphere of Influence, including City of Concord Other Non-Domestic Waste which are non- hazardous Contra Costa County Domestic Waste Receiving residenti al septic tank and portabl e toil et waste even though it may be from outside the District's sphere of influence or the City of Concord, offers a service which the County Health Services Department has asked the District to continue. This waste would not require advance inspection at the source, but would be manifested and spot-checked through source verification and sampling. - .. --- Restaurant Grease Interceptor Waste The District has been receiving grease interceptor waste from a variety of commercial activities such as bakeries and restaurants. Waste haulers have been commonly calling sources with oily waste a grease interceptor 6 of 22 waste. These fnterceptors or tanks are requf red by local sanftary agencies to prevent excessive grease fran entering their sewer systems. Because cities and agencies such as San Jose, East Bay Municipal Utility District, Rfchmond and Delta Diablo and many others do not accept trucked grease interceptor waste, much of the waste which was generated in other service areas has been coming to the Distrfct. This waste is a source of odor, it is difffcult to convey through the treatment system, and it is fran sources which are difficult to verify due to their distance from the Distrfct service area. Staff bel feves there fs no compell fng reason to continue accepting thfs waste from outsfde the Distrfct's sphere of influence, including the City of Concord. However, the servfce should conti nue to be offered for Of stri ct and Concord customers due to the strict requi rements for grease interceptors and the staff faml1i arity with these sources. District restaurants would be inspected periodically through the restaurant inspection program. In addition, the waste would be manifested and spot-checked through source verification and sampling. . .. . -,- - Other Non-Domestic..Waste Receipt of other non-domestic waste has not been restricted geographically. These wastes can be from a variety of sources such as holding tank sludge from commercial activities and slightly contaminated groundwater from leaking underground tanks. The District must be very cautious with acceptance of this waste to ensure that it meets discharge standards. A Special Discharge Permit would be fssued prior to acceptance of the waste. Staff woul d conduct an on-site fnspection and require appropriate analyses of the waste. The District's cost related to these activities would be charged to the permittee through a Special Discharge Permit Fee. Staff does not receive many requests for discharge of this waste and believes limiting the source to tire County would sufficiently minimize staff time devoted to this activity and also provide a service to commerci al busi nesses which may not have sewer service. 2. INSURANCE AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS District staff recommends that each waste hauling company permitted by the District be required to maintain vehicle insurance coverage which would insure the hauler and the District and its employees against claims of personal inj ury and property damage. Recommended insurance woul d be $500,000 combined single limit coverage. This coverage is somewhat higher than currently required for sewer contractors. Staff also recommends that a cash bond of $1,000 be maintained in full force by each waste hauling company. The bond would not be the exclusive remedy available to the District. However, the full bond would be surrendered to the District if the following actions by the waste hauler occur: o Providing false information on any permit or manifest form. o Discharging a non-danestic waste which does not comply with the District's Source Control Ordinance, including the provisions of local limits, and general and specific prohibitions. 7 of 22 o Disposing of waste in an unlawful manner within the service area. o Delinquency in paying for charges and fees. o Otherwise failing to comply with the provision of the District Code. Following Board approval of staff recommendations an ordinance revision will be drafted to implement the program. This ordinance would include adninistrative procedures and enforcement actions and would also reference the Source Control Ordinance provisions. It is anticipated that this ordinance would be drafted by Fall 1987. 3 . FEES The fee structure and charges will be reviewed this summer in advance of the setting of rates and charges. It is anticipated that fees w111 increase because of the increased level of monitoring. laboratory testing. and administration. Also a Special Discharge Permit Fee will be requested prior to setting the rates and charges. ATTACHMENT II ADMINISTRATIVE REVISIONS TO THE DISTRICT WASTE HAULER PROGRAM BEING IMPLEMENTED BY STAFF 8 of 22 9 of 22 ATTACHMENT II AD4INISlRATIVE REVISIONS 10 lHE DISlRICT WASTE HAULER PROORAM BEING IMPLEMENTED BY STAFF 1. FORMS (See Attachment V) New waste hauler manifest forms have been drafted which fully describe the waste source whil e requi ri ng the waste haul er to decl are under penalty of perjury the accuracy of the information supplied. New Waste Haul er Recei pt forms have al so been prepared which will be compl eted by District personnel and will standardize acceptance procedures. New Special Di scharge Permits for wastes from non-domestic sources have also been drafted. Non-domestic waste will receive special attention in advance of being delivered to the plant. Staff will inspect each facility where the waste is produced and require analyses to ensure compliance with source control limits. The cost of thi s effort will be paid by the user. Also, new waste hauler annual permit forms are being developed which will be more comprehensive than the current permit forms. 2 . TI~ OF ENlRY The time of entry to the plant will be from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Fri day so that pl ant personnel are avail abl e to ensure proper completion of forms and testing of the waste load. Current practice does not limit time of entry unless the load is over 2,000 gal. These loads must be received during the laboratory work hours noted above. 3. VOlU~ The full tank capacity must be clearly marked on the truck. For billing purposes the full volume less 20 percent will be used. Using a partial tank vol ume for billing purposes addresses waste haul ers' concern that many loads are partially full and because of bottom sediment, not all of the load is discharged. Other methods of volume determination were consi dered such as a site gl ass which wou1 d show tank water level and weight scales but the above described method was determined to be the easiest to implement and would impact waste haulers the least. 4. SAMPL ING AND TESTING One day each month every waste hauler truck entering the treatment plant will have its waste sampled and tested for pollutants, such as BOD, TSS, pH, oil and grease, heavy metals, and toxicity as measured by the Soda 300 test. In addition, one of these sampl es will be analyzed for all organic priority pollutants. Also, every day, toxicity, pH and visual tests will be run on each truck load from a non-domestic source along with trucks from domestic sources where the truck capacity is 2,000 gallons or more. 10 of 22 5. WASTE lOAD REJ ECTION If a waste hauler brings in a load which is rejected by the District, the hauler must identify the ultimate disposal location before the waste hauling company will be allowed to bring any other trucks to the District. 11 of 22 ATTACHMENT II I WASTE HAULER SURVEY - SUMMARY OF FINDINGS en i .... Cl Z .... "- "- o >- a: < I m t >- &oJ ~ m ffi -J i ~ ~ :2 a -J' (5:cn ....:! iE',:S ~.~ 8~ ~.... ~i :20 at: ~.~ ~< Cl: &&.I g ~en en &&.I ~i So ...~.. ::: ::: . 4 CI'" 4 . ~'CD 0) r- ....11\ +... IIll coo IIll CD .011\ Cl8 CD~'~ "0 0",.....01/1.... ~+...a.n...o =,...~~~~fo Cl: .....O...C!J UJ ~ ~ .... '1 ;Ie o o ... .. i ....en >:Cl: ....'a ~f% &lot: Cl:i ~:! ~'I= 8(5 .... ."- ~.... a~ >-~ t=1d !UJ .~ ~t: <&&.I en >- 4 "0 ..... . tII L. .&: . N >- &> C ~ '<<D~ III L.L.Gl .!~~~!~ +"~"-"~:lI tIIL.L.GlOL. UJ...."OE>.... . . ... .... 4 4 CI CI o o 0 o 0 o .. "00 It'l....P"O ..:! 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Q ! t:.;~~~i ... :~:5J:uffi ~ 000000 14 of 22 15 of 22 ATTACHMENT IV SUMMARY OF WASTE HAULER COMMENTS :- -- 16 of 22 ATT AatMENT IV SUM'1ARY OF WASTE HAULER COM'1ENTS Last fall a letter was sent to all waste haulers with District permits asking them to attend a meeting to discuss possible changes to the waste hauler program. This meeting was requested so that the District could obtain the haulers' perspective during the development of program changes. The following comments were offered by the waste haulers during the meeting last fall: 1. Mr. Bristol (Roto Rooter) believed that he should be able to sign an affidavit which states all waste sources are septage. This would mean a manifest form would not be needed. Staff believes the manifest is the best way to ensure that the source is described accurately. It will also provide the necessary information for verification. 2. Obtaining a signature on the manifest would be impossible in some cases because respons i b 1 e persons 1 n restaurants and homeowners are not avail abl e. Mr. Bausfiel d (Diablo Sanitati on) mentioned that stati ng addresses and obtai ni ng signatures woul d be impossibl e for the portabl e toilet businesses. Staff agrees that it woul d be impractical to obtain signatures for portable toilet waste. Also, occasionally it would be impractical to obtain signatures for residential home septic tank waste. Signatures will not be required for these wastes, but the name of the responsible person shall be indicated. For restaurants and spec1 al di scharges, signatures can and should be obtained. 3. Mr. Bausfiel d stated that the County Health Department does not al low septage to be stored. His business (portabl e toil et cl eaning) requires weekend cleaning and a place to dump. Mr. Bristol also stated that he has to clean septic tanks on weekends and would not have a place to dump. Staff recognizes it may requi re reschedul ing by the waste haul er or discharging the waste at another facility, but it would not be practical for the District to provide the staff on weekends to check the few loads which may be received. The County Heal th Service Department does not prevent storage of waste as long as the storage vessel does not leak. 4. Mr. Bausfield mentioned he favors a higher yearly permit fee to cover administrative costs instead of higher cost per gallon. Staff will consider this in the next fee adjustment. 5. A long discussion ensued on the disadvantages of several options to verify vol ume. 17 of 22 Site gl ass - Needs frequent cl eaning and al so many different tank dimensi ons. Depth gauge- Requires top access which is-difficult with a-vacuum tank truck. Seal es - Contents under pressure and need to be certffied. Takes time. Full Truck - Many loads are partially ff1led. Both haul ers requested a simpl e procedure. They suggested the District require all trucks to have their full tank capacity identfffed on the trucks and then use 15 or 80 percent of the full tank volume. Using a partfal tank volume for billing would address the concern that many loads are partially full and because of bottan sedfment, not all of the load 15 discharged. staff agrees and fs implementing this procedure. ATTACHMENT V REVISED WASTE"HAUlER FORMS ,. 18 of 22 . . 19 of 22 NC! 0001 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT WASTE HAULER MANIFEST FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY WASTE HAULER 6EFORE ENTRY TO ceese TREATMENT PLANT PLEASE PRINT. INCOMPlETE OR IUEOI81E FOAMS W1U NOT BE ACCEPTED. Waste Hauling Company Name: Address: Arrival Date: Time: A.M. P.M. Complete name, address, type, and quantity of waste source(s) below. A signature shall be obtained from a representative from eKh source, verifying the type and quantity stated. If more than four sources'n the wa.te load; a<<ach additional 'orms. Aando~ verification will be made by CCCSD. 1. Name: Address: Quantity: 3. Name: Address: Phone No.: ( gal. Type: Signature: A.M. P.M. Date: 4. Name: Address: Phone No.: ( gal. Type: Signature: A.M. P.M. Date: Phone No. : ( Type: Signature: Date: Quantity: gal. Time: Time: A.M. P.M. 2. Name: Address: ... Phone No.: ( Type: Signature: Date: Quantity: Quantity: gal. Time: Time: A.M. P.M. Allowable Waste Type: Place applicable number in space provided above. 1. Residential Septic Tank * 3. Restaurant Grease Interceptor 2. Portable Toilet * 4. Special Discharge ** * Signatures will not be required, but location and responsible person shall be indicated. .. An approved Special Discharge Permit must be shown before entry to plaht is allowed. I, the below named waste hauler. declare under penalty 0' perjury, that to the best 0' my knowledge I have accurately described the type, quantity, and source of all wastes which I now request to dispose 0' at the CCCSD Treatment Plant. I 'urther declare. under penalty of perjury, that I was personally informed by the owner. owner's agent. or occupants 0' the property where this waste was received or have personal knowledge. that thIS waste contains only domestic septage or grease. or in the case of a special discharge is not hazardous and meets the requirementc; 0' the CCCSD Pretreatment/Source Control Ordinance. I also declare. under penalty of perjury, that the truck(s) used to transport this waste was free of all materials characterized by law as a hazardous waste or substance at the time 0' said use. I am aware of the conditions and requirements 0' the Waste Haule.. Permit. Further, I understand that failure to accurately describe the above information or failure to comply with my Waste Hauler Permit and/or any applicable CCCSD regulation, may result in the immediate suspension of my Waste Hauler Permit and/or other penalties as may be allowed by law. Signed : WASTE HAUlER WHITE: ACCOUNTING. ACCEPTED LOAD WHITE GAT( G.....AO . REJECTED LOAD ~LLOW SOURCE CONTROl PINK WASTE HAUlER 2711-6187 20 of 22 # . CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT WASTE HAULER RECEIPT FORM ATTACH THIS FORM TO COMPLETED WASTE HAULER MANIFEST FORM Waste Hauler Manifest Form Number: Arrival Date: Vehicle License Number: Posted Truck Volume: Time: CCCSD Sticker No.:' gal. Approved For Plant Entry: GATE GUARD INITIALS TO BE COMPLETED BY PRIMARY OPERATOR: Laboratory Sample Number: Remarks: TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY ANAL YST: pH Soda 300 Toxicity Visual Observation(s) or Other Test(s) (Specify): units Approved For Discharge: 0 Ye~ ANALYST INITIALS. O .' No ANALYST INITIALS Person Notified: Reason(s) For Rejection: Time Of Notification: A.M. P.M. .Notify Source Control. Stamp Forms "Rejected". COMPlETE ONLY IF lOAD IS REJECTED BY CCCSD AS NOTED ABOVE. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPlETED AND RETU'RNED TO CCCSD BEFORE ANY TRUCKS FROM THE W"STE HAULING COMPANY ARE AllOWED ENTRY. Location of ultimate disposal of rejected load: Facility Name: Address: Contact Person: Phone No.: ( TO BE COMPLETED BY BILLING CLERK: Billing: : $ + $ per gal. x 0.80 x : $ POSTED TRUCK VOL. WHITE: ACCOUNTING. ACCEPTED LOAD WHITE: GATE GUI<RD. REJECTED LOAD YElLow: SOURCE CONTROl PINK: WASTE HAUlER 2712-6'87 21 of 22 Cb-.lTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SPECIAL DISCHARGE PERMIT This permit is issued by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and gives special approval to the responsible party indicated below to discharge the below listed waste(s) to the District's facilities on a one-time basis or for a specified period of time. The Permittee must reapply for a new special discharge permit for any subsequent discharges. TO BE COMPLETED BY PERMITTEE AND APPROVED BY CCCSD PRIOR TO DISCHARGE: PLEASE PRINT Discharge Source: Name: Site Address: City: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: State: Zip Code: Responsible Party: Name: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone No. ( Proposed Discharge: Type of waste: Discharge Location: Discharge Date: Quantity to be Discharged: . gal. Duration of Discharge: TO BE COMPLETED BY CCCSD AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Permit Fee: Sewer Service Charge: Total: Date Analysis Recieved: . Analysis Accepted: 0 Yes Flow Meter Required: 0 Yes Pretreatment or other Requirements: o No o No Maximum Rate of Flow: Authorized Discharge Period: gpm Approved By: CCCSD PlANNING DIVISION MANAGER I. the responsible party indicated above, declare under penalty of perjury, that to the best of my knowledge I have accurately described the type, quantity, and source of all wastes which I now request to discharge to CCCSD. I further declare, under penalty of perjury, that I have personal knowledge or have had a qualified professional undertake such investigations as required to determine that this waste is not hazardous and meets the requirements of the CeCSD Pretreatment/Source Control . Ordinance. I am aware of the conditions and requirements of CeeSD Pretreatment/Source Control Ordinance and other requirements stated in this Special Discharge Permit. Further, I understand that failure to accurately describe the above Information or failure to comply with the permit and/or any applicable CCCSD regulation, may result in the immediate suspension of this Special Discharge Permit and/or other penalties as may be allowed by law. Acknowledged By: RESPONSIBlE PARTY WHITE: SOURCE CONTROl YEllOW PERMIT COUNTER PINK: PERMITTEE 2710-6/87 22 of 22 CENlRAl CONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISlRICT WASTE HN.JlER PERMIT This permft is issued by the Central Contra Co~ta Sanitary District and gfves approval to the Waste Haul fng Canpanf 1ndfcated below to dfscharge resfdential septfc tank, restaurant grease interceptor, and/or portable toflet waste to the Distrfct's facil itfes for a perfod of one year fran the date the permft is fssued. Dfscharge of any other waste to the District's facn ities shall require a special discharge permit. The permittee must reapply annually to renew this pennft. TO BE OOMPl.ETED BY QoINER: Please print or type WASTE HAULER OOMPANY NAME: BUSINESS ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: COOTACT PERSON CIf different fran above) OfNER: CITY: CITY: PHONE: CITY: ZIP OODE: ZIP OODE: MAILING ADDRESS: ZIP OODE: CClflRA OOSTA OOUNTY PUBLIC HEAllH LICENSE NO.: (Attach copy of Current license) t<<>TE: PERMIT WILL t<<>T BE ISSUED WIlHOOT A OOPY OF lHE CURRENT LICENSE. PlEASE LIST llfE BUSINESS NAME(S) OF WASTE HAULING OOWANIES YOU HAVE Of NED OR BEEN OTHERWISE ASSOCIATED WIlli IN llfE LAST TEN YEARS. .'. . IN lHE LAST TEN YEARS HAVE YOU EVER Q(NED OR BEEN OTlfERWISE ASSOCIATED WIlli A WASTE HAULING COMPANY WHIOi HAS BEEN FINED OR HAD ITS WASTE HAULER PERMIT SUSPENDED OR REVOKED OR HAD ANY OlllER CIVIL OR aUMINAl 'CTION TAKEN BY ANY FEDERAl, STATE, COUNTY, OR LOCAl GOVERNMENT OR IGENC'Y7 ( ] YES ( ] NO IF YES, PlEASE EXPlAIN: LIST LICENSE NUMBERS OF VEHIClES WHIOi WILL BE USING CCCSD FACILITIES: I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of IllY knowledge I have accurately described the above information. I have received a copy of the CCCSD Pretrea1ment/Source Control Ordinance and understood its provisions. Further, I have CQllIIIunfcated the CCCSD requfrements for dfscharge of waste to the drivers and other appropriate employees of IllY ccmpany. I understand that failure to accurately descrfbe the above fnformation or faflure to comply wfth any applicable OCCSD regulatfon may result in the immediate suspension of IllY Waste Hauler Permit and/or other penaltfes as may be allowed by law. SIGNED: DATE: QoINER TO BE OOMPLETED BY a:csD: DATE PERMIT ISSUED: PERMIT FEE: PERMIT NO.: DATE PERMIT EXPIRES: APPROVED BY: CCCSD Planning Divisfon Manager . Centr".. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Au ust 6, 1987 NO. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO PACIFIC ENGINEERING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4091, CONCORD INDUSTRIAL/BATES AVENUE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS V. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 DATE August 3, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Dougl as J. Crai g Associate Engineer INITIA TING DEPT./DIIlO Engineering epartment Engineering Division ISSUE: On July 9, 1987, sealed bids for the construction of District Project No. 4091, Concord Industrial/Bates Avenue Pump Station Improvements were received and opened. The Board must award the contract or rej ect the bi ds withi n 60 days of opening the proposals. BACKGROUND: Plans and specifications for the project were completed, and the project was advertised on June 24 and 30, 1987. Four bids ranging from $140,000 to $192,000 were received on July 9, 1987. A tabulation of the bids is shown in Attachment 1. The Engi neeri ng Department conducted a techni cal and commerci al evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Pacific Engineering of Santa Clara, California with a bid price of $140,000. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $148,000. The budget to complete this project is $178,900. The total project cost is anticipated to be $229,200. A description of this project is provided in the Capital Improvement Budget on page CS-71. This project has been funded via the Capital Improvement Budget. CEQA has been complied with as part of the Watershed 44 Project facility planning process. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract for construction of District Project No. 4091 to Pacific Engineering, the lowest responsible bidder. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION /111 OtJu,) f/J1f3 INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. DRW RAB " ATTACHMENT 1 " Centra~ ":ontra Costa Sani"-....4ry District SUMMARY DF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4091 Concord Industrial & Bates Avenue DATE July 9. 1987 Pump Stations Upgrades ENGR. EST. $ 148,000 LOCATION I: \i> BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRICE Pacific Engineering (408) 970-0301 $ 1 3000 Scott Blvd. #105, Santa Clara, CA 95050 140,000.00 Albay Construction ( ) 228-5400 $ 2 P.O. Box 2569, Martinez, CA 94553 148,510.00 Dazell Corp. (415 ) 835-0732 $ 3 P.O. Box 8284; Emeryv ill e, CA . 94662 168,000.00 MGM (415 ) 685-8812 $ 4 P.O. Box 5757, Concord, CA 94524 192,000.00 ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ - ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ . ~ ( ) $ PREPARED BY nOlJg era i 9 DATE July 16, 1987 SHEET NO. 2 OF 3 '1'< ^1 "".0,". ATTAa-tMENT 2 POST-BID-PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR CONCORD INDUSTRIAL/BATES AVENUE PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS Item Amount Total % Constr. Contract Item Description 1. 2. 3. 4. Construction contract (as bid) $140,000 Water service by Contra Costa Water District 3,200 Estimated construction contingencies* $ 17,000 $160,200 100% Total construction cost 5. Estimated construction incidentals to project completion 6. Survey Contract Administration Contract Inspection $ 500 2,100 8,000 Engineering During Construction District Force Telstar Instruments Inc. Lega 1 1,000 4,000 200 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals 15,800 9.9% Total estimate required to complete project $176,000 109.9% 7. Prebid Expenditures 8. 9. 10. 11. o Prepurchase Pumps o Engineering, Printing, Advertising o Telstar Instruments Inc. $10,900 36,600 3,200 Total Preconstruction incidentals $50,700 31.6% 1.6% Operation and training manual 2,500 Total estimated project cost $229,200 143.1% Less funds previously authorized (50,300) $178,900 Total additional funds required to complete project <Item 8 minus Item 9) * Contingency will be used for change orders, force accounts, or engineering assistance as necessary. Page 3 of 3 . Centra~ ":ontra Costa Sanitar) Justrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 6, 1987 N~I. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-26 (DANVILLE AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE July 28, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Constr . Parcel No. Owner Address Area Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 87-26 Danville R & F Crisman 305 Bonanza \~ay Danville CA 94526 208-073-004 (0.52Ac) wner intends to install wimming pool and remove eptic tank system and onnect existing house to he public sewer CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 87-26 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB 13021'.9/85 DH . -flit) W'AT'NG DEPTp'H 1"'i':~~~Y..'. ....~ ~ ".0\..... '@:. .. . ~ 'if ii1l 0 i:VD ~/O~~ ~.p ~, tp... '0 ~ , , \ ... 46 I ~ c. -:r. .0 '" Q.... / / / / / / / SAN RAMON UNION HIGH SCHOOL 10.00 AC oJ' ~ tr '" .,. ~ .t ..p ~ It ~'" ,/ ~~ <'~C' .to ~ "'", , '\: :\, "'o/'. ~~~ /..\ ff' /~ ~ 1 I a~ '" 4 ~ Csu ~ 9.67 " ~ ~ 25 ...:::>.---" 1 " , : s 2 d':.:l ','''1:0'1' I ~. ;;>. ',' ,C'. >~~ r ~ ~(("e -t /:~, .,..~ & ........./ ~. <<\.:;;:,lA.... .... ." L . '..i:i..J~ ............. ':":'.~'t'k~ .'99r;i' .~\ '~'73'C ~ ~ 3~~CrL ~~T~ "\ ~. 1iJ. ~ " <9' <'(, 6 4.38 AC ,0' Ii .~ .... "'<Ii 2.09 AC .. + t",. 3' MONTAIR SCHOOL ..% ,\0 8 55 AC . -+ .~ IC 150AC ~ o " 1.50AC I. 1.5 \/ I.50AC" it. 1.62 AC 1.88Ar yl-i!~. A!"....lf.:t 9AC 2.50 AC AC " " II lr5AC 1.67AC 3.66 AC 2.24 AC .. 1.55AC 1.47AC 1.50AC 1.50AC " .' " " "<'., 6'tr / "<,*:;ta~,, 58 s ::':::,>.:::::>" :::::::::,<' ; ,6' 6'> ..~.:.~ ~., ~~If) "'10' ~ " ry;;.'" , /0 10 . .0"':'. .... ~4..ii'!. ~~,',;'j. ,..~'I& L' · :ff' .., :.J"'~'I'.'<W ~.. ~.-4 _:~: '. ?c 7\1 70 \ ~\ ~'" .. ...... ~ '. .. .... 'Y.,. ~ ... 37:............,....,......,.........::.:.1...39\, .<..,....,...".,..".:",...I'...,.i1;l....,....,."'~:,..,.',...:.,.~....~...:n..:!.;.}~....:................'....~.........7A...........~...:.'K..................... 81ft 0 " '!!;i,,~~ill'~-A~i' ~ . _-'" !~!M, L J ", .111 r---- - ~ 14_... .~It'ltj"ll l4;~\SlllX~,. " ""~~"" UBASHL8EY:tiOl w'" . .......... ;JP.;'~ ( · ~ l~lI5:.~53~152 151 ~O'~:. I~ 0 I~~/~Z ~ IZ~~/3 163 ;5~;;0 ~~ L ~ ; CIR 3. ~ 14 (.j /~ c-- 162 ~.,v ~~~ ~t \~ . ~n -i.0 6 u Z ~. ~ 'f58/Pf!~u s-z/45. J; ~ q; . 4 ~ "T.' ! 1 161' ~4" ;;' .~ n" "rl,~ ~,..' - ~: . \\=:'UNt ~.. L 0 ::;4 T R j,: r 2~ -- lln\ZCO ~ PROPOSED ANNEXATION ~. ~~o 6.2<JW3 7 ~ \~\ 4\3 Z~~19 Z PA, 81 - 26 ~~.II ~ ~ ~ ~ {- .::;9;':.. "1 ~ .~:;. 59 9 1.60AC 60 '" -- ." 5 & _'d' 14 18 46 ) 81 ~: 37 38 82 WIL LOW ,,\ 40.39 92 l~ I 4~'~~ :j tl DR 67 68 I 88 87 86 I '~4.. ~ ,~ ~ , '21~ 17~ ~~~ZI';~~J · l~.~: ~ LAU IElI ~~I \~ 14 \ ~ 1 \ \ \ ~ '~'- . Centrt\. Contra Costa Sanitar~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 12 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A RELEASE OF SEWER RESTRICTION TO KARL FASBENDER, ET UX, JOB 3547, LAFAYETTE AREA July 28, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE RELEASE OF SEWER RESTRICTION Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fasbender, have requested this District to release the sewer restriction on their property. BACKGROUND: The District staff required the subject restriction as a condition for building plan approval of a second "in-law" residence on the owner's property. The agreement required that a separate side sewer be installed for the "in-law" residence. The "in-law" residence has been constructed and the required side sewer has been installed. Therefore, the conditions of the Sewer Restriction document have been satisfied. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the "Release of Sewer Restriction," authorize the President of the District Board of Directors, and the Secretary of the District to execute said document and authorize its recording. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 DH JSM RAB UJf;)NG DEPVDri. ~ ~ ( I to _, IN -- e ! I I I I I , I , I I I / I I I I I I f I I I I I I I / /. /' // I I I / / I{ ~I /,/ I I , / I I '" I / /-1 (', / /"'/J.-/, / // // I /,/ /' I ;./ ,/ I I ~'/ ,,/' I . / I ! / I I / I I ,// / / '" / / I / / , / II il I / / / '" / / / / '" / / s I':U"5F ,,40""IH ,."'615R RELEASE OF SEWER RESTRICTION JOB 3547 LAFAYETTE AREA <8 Centr.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 15 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 13 SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX 10 SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 DATE J ul 31, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION INITIATE ANNEXATION D. A. 97 SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: This District must initiate the annexation proceedings with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) before the annexation process can be officially completed. BACKGROUND: The LAFCO has requested that the District submit no more than 10 separate areas under anyone proceeding to avoid overloading their schedule. The subject areas are generally located in Concord, Danville, Martinez, and Walnut Creek and are shown on the attachments to this Position Paper. A consulting firm, Santina and Thompson, prepared the annexation maps and descriptions to expedite the processing of these annexations. The District will thereby receive a maximum of future taxes in accordance with the District's tax sharing agreement with Contra Costa County. LAFCO has indicated that they may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas we submit to eliminate islands or straighten boundary lines. The District will have to hold a public hearing to consider the annexation of any parcel added by LAFCO. RECOMMENDATION: Pass a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District under District Annexation 97. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 DH JSM RAB ~ f)1fjJ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~'___"~_~'_"'A____~', ._"_________.____,__._.~,._~_,_.^'_.~__,___,._.~'"~...,,..'"..._~._,._._.~._.,___....___,____"______,__ DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 97 Tabulation of Parcels Parcel P.A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Lead No. & Area Parcel No. & Acreaae Board and Remarks Aaencv 1 83-12 American S&L Approved 8/18/83 Cfty of Concord 540 E. Mafn Street Concord Stockton CA 95202 159-050-34 (1.0 Ac) Jetal Assocfates c/o Jt Economfc Dev Inv. 31 Panoramfc Way Walnut Creek CA 87-2 A. D. Seeno Constructfon Co Approved 2/5/87 Cfty of and North State Dev. Co. Concord 4300 Raflroad Avenue Pfttsburg CA 94565 159-050-028 (6.73 Ac) No Allfed Investments Connected Cfty of Petftion 1033 Detroft Avenue , Concord Concord CA 94518 159-050-037 (2.87 Ac) I No Club House Area Connected Petitfon Concord Golf Course City of Concord Parksfde Drfve Concord CA _.. . 2 86-22 Peters & Hull Approved 9/4/86 Contra Martinez 946 Risa Road Costa -" Lafayette CA 94546 County 365-160-011 (53.0 Ac) ..... 3 86-10 James E. Cox Approved 4/17/86 Cfty of Walnut Box III Proposed SubD. 4992 Walnut Creek Martfnez CA 94553 "Negatfve Creek 139-040-004 (10.79 Ac) Declaratfon" " , '" ""' 4 184-10 Trf Smfth Approved 7/5/84 I Contra Danvfll e POBox 4730 Common A rea r Costa I Walnut Creek CA 94597 SubD. 6188 County 193-190-017 (66.55 Ac) I Parcel No. 5 6 7 8 9 P.A. No. & Area 87-8 86-7 85-1 Danville 85-5 Danville 84-3 Danville 87-6 87-14 86-3 Danville 86-6 Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreaae Seal Beach Business Ctr,Inc c/o Richland Development Co 3050 Citrus Circle, #203 Walnut Creek CA 94598 193-190-019 (160 Ac) Maximilian Mfg. Co. 460 Roland Way Oakland CA 94621 197-170-016 (37.04 Ac) Frank E. Kuhn 21 Bolla Avenue Alamo CA 94507 196-010-004 (7.25 Ac) George A. Magruder 2681 Stone Valley Road Danvill e CA 196-010-006 (2.00 Ac) D. M. Moody, etux 309 Cross Road Danville CA 94526 196-110-034 (0.48 Ac) Karen Q. Brown 305 Cross Road Danville CA 94526 196-110-023 (1.08 Ac) R. R. Lehto III POBox 770 #180 Burlingame CA 94010 196-110-035 (4.23 Ac) Champlin & Cotton Dev. Co. 401 S. Hartz Avenue Danville CA 94526 216-102-005 (0.45 Ac) Dennis Casagrande 409 Front Street Danville CA 94526 216-102-006 (0.45 acres) -2- Date Approved by Board and Remarks Approved 3/19/87 SubD. 6703 - includes 115 acres dedicated to East Bay Park Dist "Negative Declaration" Approved 2/20/86 "Notice of Exemption" Approved 1/3/85 SubD. 6456 "Negative Declaration" Approved 3/7/85 "Notice of Exemption" Approved 1/19/84 "Notice of Exemption" Approved 2/24/87 "Notice of Exemption" Approved 4/16/87 "Negative Declaration" Approved 2/16/86 'Negative Declaration" Approved 2/20/86 'Negative Declaration" Lead Aaencv Contra Costa County CCCSD Contra Costa County CCCSD CCCSD CCCSD Contra Costa County Town of Danv ille Town of Danville Parcel P.A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Lead No. ~ Area Parcel No. & Acreaae Board and Remarks Aaencv 10 86-21 Habitat Development Corp. Approved 8/21/86 Town of Danville 2610 San Ramon Valley Blvd. "Negative Danv 111 e San Ramon CA 94583 I Decl arati on" 199-080-001 (23.80 Ac) 199-080-004 (15.98 Ac) -3- . :r.:''\,;. If :/o"'"\. "' " ., ' ....... . ' " . ;. , . -~ ---- / i , /' \ \ / < ./ " ,./ . \ /.~ '\\ . / \:\-. ,. ' ~r/'/ ~/~ c / f I f:! :----=- --r: . ''"', 1- \ \ \ , ~, r....,~" \ ~ -~, r'~ \ '" ~pl rn~ ~." . I '"'--- OISTRICT ANNeXATION I NQ 97 \,- v I Si"J I L \. ~S'.~.~ "" ,,", '\\ ~ I ,)i. 7 .,--, ~ ~~ ~., '. . Spring~ · (~"~ (~ (>..(. ~ \() \l)) '? I I"~ ~. , '. '. ......... - *--~._,._..._+-_._-_.,-_. . \ " ~; I } .\ ... " C:: .... ..... -- ~ , "" .... :-;prJ: 1<..' U\ ...-.-____..___ ___-L.___......_..___________... ,. -~. fJATE :5 AVE BEARING DISTANCE I N '2I00S'30"W 150.00' '2 N "19030' E 20.s5' '3 N 2IOQ5'3Q"W SO.68' 4. N 'Zlo05'"30"W 300.00' 5 N 69005'38"E 60.00' G N '-<300S'38"E. 60.00' 7 NG9.05'SS"E ISS.59' 8 NS4OICD'IS"W ISS.59' POINT OF BEGINNING l'A 12 19(,7 ~ 1:) o ~ CITV OF CONCORD 448'3 Q.R. ':>39 8 STANOARO PbC\~1C GA.S LI"-IES 81 I O.R. 32. :r: G' i ~ CENTRAL COt-JTRA C.OSTA ,.- TRANsrf' AUTHORITY P.A He.t::.L B 10566 OR 95"2\ 9 PiYl 2 9 t i y . . . ARNe}, ~I tt g I:t r-~ V) ~/NOUSTFflAL-::.' JVAY::.~a"':'''''' >;"~' HIGHWAY 4 DISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 1 &~ ~ N 20.0I'OO"W IIZ.OO'~ ~ ~ A' _/ 'T'r~.r.\c.~'r "30; F:r....t r;:: .:~.f3 :-S~::=: "."':11 ~.~ R" 525.00' / L= 153.75' 6DJ '& N "25.01'30"1.1I _/' Z"22.BI' (1'\ (.'J a- U> :'::;(:.: F~ f"-"1. j";.:: :: f3 I; I I- a:: o Z PETERS ~ HULL J'2"7e3 O.R. "7G6 EA'5T "2591.8'2' ~ ~POINT OF BEGINNING DISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 2 ~,"...............::.....>,'-"......~.:.;...:.,~.;.~.....:.;.,;..~.....;;;~,_... . .,. '.,.,. '"' :","l.;...z.:..:~..u..:.~~-,1..U..:~~~"---"~'_."~"-'~'~" -..-----..-'" @ TRACT 41?8 tfu) ~ 20 LsM .3 \II ~ ~ :n r ~ (t\ ~ ERe' COUR' 81 PM 47 B. ~OO'5'W 5.45'__ J "'G3~39' - 196 ~30-.... . '0' ry COX 119780.R.4e3 ~ - N 77030'w '-- 77fO.47' Po'Nr 01= BEGINNING 81 LSM 20 ";.t. G k 0\' m III w o m . ~ ~ TIISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 3 -\ '" ' t// ' -\ ~_ ~ ,It] ~ ~ " ~~ 0)" " / -\ ~/ -\ ,\ ,'0 ~ r'<J roro ~~ 1~ ~ ~'l,.~ r>,"" " - gfJ ~ 1 c.,-\ "" '.: ' I>' ~v ,~7 -\~I ~~' .,,< ~~ ~' <<- " A",((J ~~ ~? . ~0 t)<flJ -s:-' _,"f> '<-' '(To /-~ " ,(p , ?'v 0~ -, ! ~tv) ~ ~~-(\ ~It] ,~)'\ O~ ?;' ~, ~~ i 0,' ! -<..' @ '<it) .'" '006 ',' ' .9~ ~/ '~~., ..l~ .~~ "~ '\ ~~ '. ~ 1 'Q <Q ~~ "!JO / ~~ OPeO ,"/ ~ ~ t:l ,(9 Il)'v~ ~ 0"'\ ~ , -<- v A",O' i>.V~?; o~ '( t'^~ ~<? ...) DISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 4 " MARTEN _". SO\'3 OR ICO?> ~ ~ TRACT ..3780 147 iYl 3.5 -eJ u_. _______ -.- I rRAcT 2830 A 'j' {('..3 PAl 33 :... rRAcT .5048 218 1'y144 @ @ \'36 B TRACT .5.980 2.54 A110 -. EAST BAY RE.GIONAL PAR~ DISTRICT 111'27 OR 543 c TRACT .5899 ~ ~ ~ ~ DISTRICT ANNEXATION 9l PARCEL NO. 5 j'"" @ ~:~"{./E3[': .\ ,-. ..-.;: .':':~:.~:):....';: ,::...:"/:..; i.,-~. .'J.:::.:.: ,-- if.:. .-; u Ln :'..~~': ".: !::. , , , ....~ .", " (1: to- ":,,,,, .~, -H- ,-- ..{::. .. r.~" ~ ~ OISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 6 & 7 _..._..__.__..._--~--------~-~ --~ - ~ -------~-_._-"._-_.:.__...-'_--.>.,*--~._~- --,--.' i I pr',.1 (;, - c::" .s5o'" .~ @ i:j.~? ~:: ..."1 i:~;:':': MORRIS "7'3"71 OR G1"7 -S" w ~ :g · cO t\I 0 POINT OF BEGINNING~ (\J . . . ;:~ ~ _.-c,:. . .,.,.~ ~ '. - :.-"~ ".-; "', t. -.... @ DISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 8 ~ 1910 - R= '20' HARTZ A\IE. MIDDEN L="3\.4'Z' PROPERTIES ASSOC. }' 123860.R.ClClZ IZe&40.R.(X,8 PA.8Gc3 PA.8<O-G. .51 SO N 8~. 35'W 'Z80.00' POINT OF BEGINNING :'r: ~ 1 .52 49 .Ik:: \0-' '8 . . , @ I'3GQ tV ~. ;'N i'I- ,0:: ;4 tp: .53 48 ~ .. ,. 47 i ~ BISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 9 )INT OF BEGINNING-/ Ej\.~~.;'T' E~.I:.~'-/ F,,:E:(:.; ~ (~.:r'..l.l::'.L. f:~l~.F~ i.{ [) 1:':) -r'. (.:;C".:(",::? ::.:.:r;:.. ;":':-:':':'C':: ~ N 68036'34"W 1'361 Z-Z I. SB' . \.. ;.' ;'.1. ,':i..:~. :::.'-:;:. ",.: ~ 974 'TF:v~',C:'T' ~::':()~':i.~:::. "4" "5" UJ TRACT GG80 (3Ob M J7) "6" 0~ , ",.0 roo. ,.,.,o~ :1.'l-' "'-' ~ ~ .... t::::~ {:.., ~ \@J DISTRICT ANNEXATION 97 PARCEL NO. 10 . Centr~~ Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 6, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 14 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSEOUT OF THE WALNUT CREEK OFFICE BUILDING REMODELING PROJECTS COP 3836 & 20047) DATE July 29, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION I NF ORMA TI ONAl SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ~: All work has been completed on the two Walnut Creek Office Building RemOdeling Projects and the projects can now be closed out. ~~: During January 1983, the District's general offices were relocated rom the Springbrook Road office building in Walnut Creek to 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Cal Hornia. The District decided to remodel the lower level of the Springbrook Road building for use of the CSO Department and to lease the upper level of the building. The architectural firm of Perry Haviland Associates, Oakland, California, was selected to prepare plans and technical specifications for the remodeling work of both levels for construction under two separate con- tracts. The first remodel contract, DP 3836, was for the complete renovation of the lower level necessary for CSO Department operations. The second remodel contract, necessary for the leasing of the upper portion, DP 20047, also included construction work for personnel stairs, security fencing, and air chiller installation purposely delayed during the first project because of the possibility of having to rework the new construction due to tenant requirements. The Contractor, Malpass Construction Co. of Pleasant Hill, was the lowest res- ponsible bidder on both contracts and was awarded the two contracts. The first contract for remodel of the lower level was awarded on August 2, 1984, and the Notice of Completion was filed on July 23, 1985. The second contract for remodel ing the upper 1 evel was awarded on January 23, 1987, and was substan- tially completed for tenant occupancy on April 1, 1987, as scheduled. The Notice of Completion was filed on May 13, 1987. There were several routine change orders issued for both of the contracts. The major change orders were in the second contract, and consisted of upgrading the 400-amp electrical panel to 800 amps, and installation of a new transformer pad and additional electrical wiring. The change orders for this additional work totaled $10,250 and were the result of unforeseen PG&E requirements for commercial buildings. The total budget for the two projects was $570,887. The total completed cost was $570,559, resulting in a return to the Sewer Construction Fund of $328. ~~~I~~: This matter is presented as an informational item, and no Board action is required. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM . Centr~_ Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 1 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 15 DATE July 29, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSEOUT OF THE SONY WORD PROCESSING SYSTEM PROJECT COP 20059) INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Ken F. Laverty Purchasing & Materials Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/ Purchasing & Materials Control ISSUE: All work has been completed for the Sony Word Processing System project and the project can now be closed out. BAa<GROUND: In February 1987, the Di strict had an opportunity to purchase a used Model 3400 Sony Word Processi ng System val ued at $8,100 for $2,500. The Board authorized the purchase of this system pl us accessory equipment at the February 17, 1987 Board meeting. All items have been purchased and this project can now be closed out. The total budget for the project was $3,350. The total compl eted cost was $3,024, resulting in.a return to the Sewer Construction Fund of $327. RECOMMENDATION: This matter is presented as an informational item, and no Board action is requi red. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A..9/85 KFL PM . Centr",.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Au ust 6, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR DATE July 28, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION 16 SUBJECT ADVISE ltfE BOARD OF THE QOSE OUT OF THE STAGE SA PHASE I AND II PROJ ECTS <DP 3760 AND 3761> AND RETURN $1,391,499 TO lHE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson Principal Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Stage SA Phase I and Phase II Projects at the treatment plant, and these projects can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The majority of the facilities that comprise the District's present day wastewater treatment and reclamation plant were constructed under the Stage SA Phase I and II proj ects. Pl anni ng and desi gn of the mul ti-milli on doll ar treatment pl ant upgradi ng and expansi on began in 1969. Constructi on of the advanced wastewater treatment facilities under the Stage sA-I Project began in mid-1973 as one of the first projects funded under the 1972 Clean Water Act. Construction of the Stage SA-II water recl amation facility began in mid-1974. Although incomplete, the District began operating the Stage 5A-I facilities in 1978. The Stage SA-II facility was completed and became operational in 1977; however, because of a change in waste discharge requirements, the filtration facility has not been operated at design capacity. Design and construction problems on both the Stage 5A-I and SA-II Projects resulted in construction claims being filed with the District. A $20 million claim was filed by the contractor on the Stage sA-I Project in 1979. This claim was resolved in 1985 with a five-way settlement between the District, contractor, desi gn engi neer, EPA, and SWRCB. In thi s settl ement the Di stri ct received a net payment of $335,000 in funds and services. The contractor for the Stage SA-II Project filed a $3.8 million claim against the District in 1977. This claim was settled in 1981 resulting in a $1.6 million payment to the contractor. Of this amount, approximately $1 million was retention on the original contract amount. Since both projects were funded in part by State and Federal grants, an audit of the proj ect costs was requi red before the proj ects coul d be closed out. In addition, the satisfactory outcome of the State and Federal audit was a condition of the Stage 5A-I claims settlement. The audit was initiated in June 1986, and completed in November 1986. The total project cost for the Stage sA-I Project was $65,696,361. The District received $54,215,594 in Federal and State grant funds for the project. The District share of the project costs was $11,481,037 which represents 17.5 percent of the total project cost. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302;0,.9/85 CWS DRW RAB .oA.~) rKS SUBJECT ADVISE WE BOARD OF WE ClOSE OUT OF WE STAGE SA PHASE I AND II PRoo ECTS <DP 3760 AND 3761> AND REIURN S1 ,391 ,499 TO lHE SEWER OONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE July 28, 1987 The total project cost for the Stage SA-II Project was $17,578,426. Federal and State grants funded $14,396,188 and the District share was $3,182,238 or 18.1 percent of the total project cost. The total project costs for the Stage 5A-I and SA-II Projects were less than the total authorized budget by $1,372,428 and $19,040 respectively. Staff is closing out the two projects which will result in $1,391,468 being returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. REOOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action is necessary. -------.. 13028-9/85 ..._-----_._""--~.,--~--~-_.__._-,---".~-~-,_.__.__._-.'__'_--"_~-_.__.__._...._,----~-._",,"-".,--"-,-~._-'_._-_._-,.~_..._._......_..._-~._._--,,----------_._-- ., Cenlrb.. Conlra Cosla San liar) Olslriel BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 6, 1987 NO. VII. ENGINEERING DATE July 31, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE STAFF TO APPROVE A LEGAL SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE LEGAL FIRM OF REMY AND THOMAS APPROVE RETENTION OF LAW FIRM SUBMITTED BY David R. Williams Engineering Division Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDI'L Engineering uepartment Engineering Division ISSUE: Board of 01 rector's approval 1 s needed to retain a new 1 aw f1 rm to represent the District on legal issues which have arisen on the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Proj ect. BACKGROUND: On June 12, 1987, the District filed a lawsuit against the Town of Danv1lle for attaching unreasonable conditions to encroachment permits issued by the Town of Danv1lle in conjunction with the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Project. The legal firm of Remy and Thomas was selected to assist the District in filing the lawsuit based on their expertise in property issues and their previous exper1 ence on the Env 1 ronmenta 1 Impact Report for the proj ect. Staff now proposes to retain Remy and Thomas to act on behalf of the District in prosecuting the lawsuit. Funds for the legal services will be allocated from the Collection System Program of the Capital Improvement Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to approve a legal services agreement with Remy & Thomas. INITIATING DEPTJDIV. f()tB~) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302....9/85 DRW JEC RAB . Centrla... Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Au ust 6, 1987 NO. VII. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE GM-CE TO EXECUTE AMEN().1ENT NO. 1 TO lHE AGREEMENT WITH THE JOINT VENTURE OF JAMES M. MONTGOMERY AND CAMP DRESSER & MCKEE AND AN AGREEMENT WITH WOODWARD- a. YDE OONSUL TANTS FOR OUTFALL PROJ ECT PHASE II, DP NO. 20056 DATE July 31, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Cheryl F. Creson Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorizati on by the Board of Di rectors is requi red for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement and/or an amendment to a consulting engineering agreement when it is greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: A description of this project is provided in the Capital Improvement Budget on page TP-1. As noted in the description, the project has been phased due to its complexity. Proposed Phase II work will include background and design work in preparation for a 1988 construction project to rehabilitate the outfall. A prel iminary inspection using a remotely operated vehicle equipped with camera is included in Phase II. In addition, an evaluation of alternatives for increasing discharge capacity through the outfall will be completed. The joint venture of James M. Montgomery and Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. was chosen to perform the Outfall Project Phase 1 work by a formal sel ecti on process. The joint venture will perform the Phase II work as an extension of Phase I. Woodward-Clyde Consultants has been selected to provide geotechnical consulting work which is also an extension of their Phase I work. A cost reimbursement agreement amendment with the joint venture has been negotiated with a cost ceiling of $300,552. A cost reimbursement agreement with Woodward-Clyde has been negotiated with an upper 1 imit of $62,400. Funding for Phase II of the Outfall Project was authorized in the 1987-1988 Capital Improvement Budget as part of the Outfall Project (page TP-1). The proposed rehabilitation project will require documentation for compliance with the Cal iforni a Envi ronmental Qual ity Act. The documentati on w ill be prepared duri ng Phase II. REOOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an amendment with the j oi nt venture of James M. Montgomery Consul ti ng Engi neers Inc. and Camp Dresser & McKee, and an agreement with Woodward-Clyde Consultants for work on the Outfall Proj ect Phase II. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON (IWS -"1-t'Fc:. /l fu'lZZ) 1302A..9/85 CFC CWS DRW RAB . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 6, 1987 NO. VII. ENGINEERING 3 DATE July 31, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBJECT CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH PETER AND KIRSTEN BEDFORD SUB~ITTED BY Jay S. McCoy, Construction Div. Manager INIT~ TIN~ DEPT.lDIV. tng1neering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Peter and Kirsten Bedford (Bedford) have requested sewer service fran Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) for property in North Concord (see Attachment 1) which is outside of the District boundary. BACKGROUND: Bedford previously applied to the city of Concord (City), the District, and the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for annexation of the property to the City and the Di strict. A boundary reorganization was formul ated with Concord being the lead agency. The reorganization was approved by LAFCO and a Certificate of Completion was filed by the City in connection with the reorganization on November 26, 1986. The reorganization, as so approved, was challenged by certain individuals and entities in an action in Contra Costa County Superior Court entitled Preserve the Industrial Community in North Concord. v. Concord City Council, on the grounds that the annexation to the City fail ed to canply with certain procedural requirements. The City, Bedford, and the Plaintiff agreed to a stipul ated judgment and the issuance of a writ of mandamus which requires the City to rescind its approval of the reorganization. The writ of mandamus was issued on June 22, 1987. The City by resolution No. 87-110 on June 29, 1987, resci nded its approval of the reorganization. It is the intention of the City and Bedford to immedi atel y commence the process of reannexing the property to the City and the City has canmenced the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report in connection with such reannexation. Bedford, in a separate action, has also applied to the District for reannexation of the property to the District. The annexation process may take sane time. Bedford needs sewer service for its property now so that planned development can occur. Bedford has three options, two short term and one long term, to obtain sewer service for the North Concord property: o Holding tanks for the short term o Service agreement for the short term o Annexation to the District for the long term The first option is to use holding tanks on site which would be emptied by a private septage trucking firm and the waste hauled to the District's treatment plant. This type of hauling is allowed for waste which is generated within Contra Costa County but outside of District boundaries. The second option is to use the REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 JSM RAB ~ SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH PETER AND KIRSTEN BEDFORD PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 July 31, 1987 existing sewer system pursuant to a short term agreement with the District prior to annexation. This agreement would be needed because the property is no longer within the boundaries of the District. The third option is to deny service until the property is annexed to the District. Of the two short term service options, the use of holding tanks or through an agreement to use the sewers, staff prefers entering into an agreement with Bedford to use the existing District facilities due to the potential environmental hazards associated with the use of holding tanks and hauling. In the long term, the District continues to support annexation to the District. Since Bedford can now apply directly to Contra Costa County for building permits for improvements on the property and since Bedford has already invested considerable sums in providing improvements on the property to connect to the District's disposal system, staff recommends that sanitary sewer and other relevant services to the property be provided through a contractual arrangement until such time as the annexation to the District and the City are complete. In this way, development of the property will not be delayed by the annexation process. It is proposed that Bedford and the District enter into an agreement for providing sanitary sewer service which is the second option mentioned above. The proposed agreement outlines Bedford's responsibilities and requirements as a discharger and the District's conditional limited obligation to accept the wastewater originating on the property. The following identifies the major components of the proposed agreement. The proposed term of the agreement would be three years or until the property is annexed to the District, whichever comes first. Bedford will be bound by all provisions of the District Code and other applicable District regulations as would generally be required by any owner of property within the District boundaries. The agreement between the District and Bedford would be binding on tenants and/or purchasers of the property. The agreement identifies several fees which Bedford would pay to the District to offset District costs. These fees include: o All connection fees to cover the capital cost of the District's facilities for collecting and treating wastewater generated from Bedford's property including fixture fees, watershed fees, and other applicable fees. o An extra jurisdictional fee which will compensate the District for revenues it will lose. o Normally applicable annexation fees to be paid at the time of permanent annexation. o The costs incurred by the District for the preparation of a Negative Declaration. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH PETER AND KIRSTEN BEDFORD PAGE 3 DATE OF 4 July 31, 1987 Further technical conditions for Bedford's discharge to the District's collection and treatment system include the following: Bedford Properties will not permit the use of any portion of the property by any tenant or entity which may produce hazardous wastes as defined in Title 22 of the California Administrative Code which would be disposed of into the District sewer system, whether or not it is proposed that said waste shall be pretreated. Bedford Properties will not allow the use of the property by any entity which would be required under Title 9 of the District Code to receive an Industrial User Permit, unless the prospective purchaser or tenant has entered into an Industrial User Permit Contract with the District. The District's CEOA guidelines require the Board to consider the Initial Study prepared for the agreement and any public comments received on the Negative Decl aration prior to approving the Negative Decl aration for the contract. The Initial Study for the project was prepared by Earth Metrics, Inc., an environmental and pl anning consulting firm. District staff concl udes that the Initi al Study for the contract adequatel y, accurately, and objectively eval uates the environmental impact of the proposed agreement. Based on the Initial Study, Earth Metrics, Inc. determined that a Negative Decl aration is the appropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. The Negative Declaration finds that the proposed agreement will not have a significant effect on the environment, and that no mitigation measures are needed beyond those already incorporated into the agreement. In compliance with the CEOA requirements, District staff has arranged for a legal notice to be published which solicited comments and has provided notice of the District's intent to adopt the Negative Declaration for the proposed contract. Any comments which are received will be given to the Board at its August 6, 1987, meeting. If the Board adopts the Negative Declaration, approval of the agreement will be required to complete the CEOA requirements and allow staff to file a Notice of Determination in the County Clerk's office. RECOt.tENDATION: Adopt the Negative Decl aration and authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the agreement with Bedford. . 13028-9'85 OIL CO. Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMI:.~T 1 ~ PROPERTIES TO BE SERVED Q UNDER AGREEMENT ~"t:" ~"t:"~ eo\.\.""" ..\...,,~ ... ~'<;(;.;::. LtO" OIL CO, . Centria. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Au ust 6, 1987 NO. x. PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR-IN- TRAINING POSITION AND APPROVE TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEE FOR REHABILITATION DATE July 31, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH POSITION; APPROVE TRANSFER SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: Board approval is requi red for changes to the Di strict staffing pl an and Personnel Budget. BACKGROUND: Rodger Smith, a Maintenance Technician III (G-65 $3,224/month), has been a District employee since November IS, 1978, working in the Treatment Plant. He has recently filed a Workers' Compensation claim for a work-related back injury. A medical report from his personal physician indicates that he is susceptible to recurrent lumbar strains due to his job requirements for heavy lifting and twisting motions. The prognosis is that his condition is not expected to improve, and his physician recommends that Mr. Smith avoid lifting more than 35 pounds and using heavy tools requiring torquing movements. Because of these limitations Mr. Smith cannot meet the requi rements of. his position as a Maintenance Technician III. Additionally, if he were to continue working in the Maintenance Division, the employee and the District would be at risk for potentially exacerbating this back condition, which could result in a major workers' compensation claim. Various job possibilities have been reviewed with Mr. Smith and the Workers' Compensation carrier; a rehabilitation alternative has been developed which places Mr. Smith in another District position where his physical limitations would not be a probl em. The proposed positi on is that of Constructi on Inspector. The physical requirements for this position have been reviewed by the State Compensation Insurance Fund (the District's Workers' Compensation carrier), and it has determined that the requi rements are compati bl e with Mr. Smith's physical abil ities. State Fund has classified Mr. Smith as a qual ified injured worker, and assuming final approval by their Board, the Fund will provide 75 percent of his salary for the first four months of the retraining program, 50 percent for the second four months, and 25 percent for the balance of the program. This retraining program is scheduled to last a year with a 12-month probationary period to follow. The Board has approved two new permanent inspector positions in the 1987-88 Personnel Budget and the retention of another one to three on a consultant basis as needed for the capital projects' work load which will occur over the next 10 years. The proposed Inspector-in-Training position for Mr. Smith would come from one of the consultant authorizations. If the training is successful, the position would transition to a permanent Constructi on Inspector in the 1988-89 budget year (G-67 $2,792-$3,380/ month). Mr. Smith would be compensated in his current salary range during the training period and the 12-month probationary period. Should the capital project work REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ F ENG. PM RAB SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR-IN- TRAINING POSITION AND APPROVE TRANSFER OF EMPLOYEE FOR REHABILITATION POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE July 31, 1987 load decrease in the future, an effort would be made to transfer any excess inspectors to other District positions as available. The impacts of this transfer and rehabilitation to the District are as follows: o The open Maintenance Technician position resulting fran by Mr. Smith's transfer would be immediately filled with a permanent hire. o Should Mr. Smith not successfully complete the training, he would have to apply through Workers' Compensation for another rehabilitation program which would suit his physical abil ity and skills - at the District, if possible, or with another employer. There would not necessarily be another appropriate District position available for Mr. Smith if this rehabilitation attempt should fail. o If rehabi 1 itati on is successful, the Di strict woul d have th ree new permanent Construction Inspector positions in 1988-89 rather than the two authorized by the 1987-88 budget. This would, however, reduce the future need for consultant inspectors as District capital projects are initiated. A full-time consultant is estimated to cost approximately $9,240 per month; this compares to a cost of $4,390 for a staff inspector, including employee benefits. o The State Compensation Insurance Fund would offset a portion of the retraining/ rehabilitation costs incurred by the District. The portion of salary paid by the Fund during the training year would average approximately 50 percent. o The potenti al ri sk for a maj or expensive Workers' Compensati on loss of as much as six figures would be reduced. o A District employee with physical limitations in his current position would be rehabilitated into a job where he would have the opportunity for full productivity, and the District would gain an inspector with a thorough knowledge of the Treatment Plant facility and operation. RECOtI4ENDATION: 1. Authorize one position in the Engineering Department for a Construction Inspector-in-Training (G-65) to be effective August 10, 1987, for the remainder of this fiscal year and becoming a Construction Inspector (G-67) in 1988-89. 2. Approve the rehabil itation transfer of Rodger Smith fran Maintenance Technician III (G-65) to Construction Inspector-in-Training (G-65). --------- 13028-9/85 . CentrL_ Contra Costa Sanitar IT District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF GRANTS OF EASEMENT AND QUITCLAIM DEEDS WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AND CONTRA COSTA REDEVEL- OPMENT AGENCY FOR PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE ABANDONED SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY TO FORMALLY DOCUMENT THE FINAL SEWER PIPE ALIGNMENT COP 3733) PAGE 1 OF 1 NO. XI. REAL PROPERTY 1 DATE Jul 4 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF EASEMENTS AND DEEDS SUBMITT~D BYF L rt I\en . ave y Purchasing & Materials Officer INITA~"M~ ~SF.E"r'Slf' 1 v e/ Purchasing & Materials Control ~: Board approval is required for execution of Grants of Easement and Quitclaim Deeds. ~~eQY~: The Board of Directors approved the purchase of property rights and execution of the applicable Grants of Easement in the Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way CSPRRW) at the Board Meetings of December 5, 1985, and October 2, 1986. These Grants of Easement covered Parcels No.8, 9A, 9B, 11 through 19, 22, 25, 27 through 41, 44 through 47, 49 through 55, 57, 59, 59A, and 61 through 66, between Contra Costa County or Contra Costa County Redevelopment Agency and the Di strict. At the time the Grants of Easement were executed and recorded, the 1 egal descriptions were defined as specifically as possible based on the best technical al ignment. However, the parties realized that the actual sewer pipe alignment would change in some parcels because of on-site construction conditions. Therefore, a provision to the Grant of Easement was incorporated which states, "The description of the easements contained herein are based on the best available information. When a more precise location of either existing or proposed pipelines have been determined by either field surveying or detailed engineering data the Grantor and the Grantee shall affect an adjustment C increase and/or decrease) to the easements provided for herein in order to produce the final easement as intended by this conveyance." Since the finalization of the legal easement descriptions and applicable documentation would be considered a routine function, and that there may be numerous such description changes, the staff recommends that the Board authorize the Board President and Secretary of the District to execute all such Grants of Easement and Quitclaim Deeds as required to produce the final easements for all parcels as indicated above. ~: Authorize the Board President and the Secretary of the District ~nts of Easement and Quitclaim Deeds between Contra Costa County or Contra Costa County Redevelopment Agency and the District for Parcels No.8, 9A, 9B, 11 through 19, 22, 25, 27 through 41, 44 through 47, 49 through 55, 57, 59, 59A, and 61 through 66 located in the SPRRW and adopt a resolution to that effect. IN'71i7 13021\.9/85 KFL PM cs JH