HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-03-87 ., Centr,,- Contra Costa Sanltar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 3, 1987 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 3227 - PARCEL 3, SAN RAMON AREA DATE Au ust 21, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: The property owner, Peter Cole Jensen, has requested this District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted to the District on August 7, 1979. District records indicate that this easement was never used for sewer purposes. The land which surrounds the subject easement is being developed as an apartment complex. New easements will be created (as necessary) to serve the improvements within the apartment project. The subject easement is no longer needed for District purposes. The owner-developer has paid the District's processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Peter Cole Jensen, etux, Job No. 3227. Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim, and authorize the Quitclaim to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A ..9/85 DH 11,1/ JSM RAB INITIA T1NJ1IDIV. .~~ ~~ ~Il\ (,) \" /~ . I , 'a '9'" q()O 11'1;1"/ P,d::?,p(?S'~ ,,:' ~":'iii-ii!" . ~ ':$!J6.A:.~f) PA.eC4""e;;G" \ P,,, ~7 I ""Zs: ~z. 78 . .;~. ,~~~?'!5" \ =-~.-. J, . ~ :.~J;.l:r;. . .\":":~ tJ'~?c;?,71 -~~~ I .d=P~'Z,: ',: ,F:" ~ J,,~ \ ..~ · '-"::-C~-~!- , f~;;ri9/)Q:~; otl!.f,C/. t,19 r 'f:::~.19 ~~ ~~. .~~ ~ . I .~ .~f ~"i C) QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 3227 PARCEL NO. 3 SAN RAMON AREA . Centra~ Contra Costa Sanltar) ~istrlct BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tembe r 3 1987 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 1552, WALNUT CREEK AREA DATE Au ust 21 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Tice Vall ey Investment Company, owner-developer of Byron Park Reti rement Development, has requested the District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: As part of the improvements for construction of LID 2, a sewer main was installed in Hillside Avenue in 1948-49. A portion of Hillside Avenue was abandoned in 1973 and an easement was reserved for the existing sewer. Properties on both sides of Hillside Avenue have now come under one ownership and are planned for development as a "senior citizens" housing project. Plans for the development include the abandonment of the sewer main in Hillside Avenue and routing a replacement sewer around the development. A new easement has been created for the relocation work. The existing sewer will be kept in service until the replacement sewer (Job 4351) is accepted by Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict. The developer has requested the processing of the Quitcl aim Deed to facilitate their financing the project. The Quitclaim Deed will not be recorded by staff until after the replacement sewer has been accepted. The developer has paid the District's processing fee. ~ECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to lice Valley Investment Company, Job No. 1552, . authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING;;rV. "'- ~ 1302".-9/85 DH JSM RAB JL .1.. I ,., . #. SITE QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 1552 (New Job 4351) WALNUT CREEK AREA . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 3, 1987 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE QUITCLAIM OF A SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 309, MISCELLANEOUS PARCEL, PLEASANT HILL BART STATION AREA DATE August 21, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATINQ DEPT./pIV. ~ng1neer1ng Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Treat Corners Partnership, owner-developer of an office building complex, has requested this District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was dedicated to the District on the final map for Subdivision 2147. District records indicate that this easement was never used for sewer purposes. The land which surrounds the subject easement is being developed as an office building complex. New easements are being created to serve the improvements within the project. The subject easement is no longer needed for District purposes. The owner-developer has paid the District's processing fee. RECOMMEND8TION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Treat Corners Partnership, Job No. 309. Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim, and authorize the Quitclaim to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. J ')/ 1302A.9/85 DH JSM RAB ; ; I I . , , , , I I , , , , I I I , , , ~fI$O ,.4"" H4H, . s lIl: G: XIWTI ., ::t .. N I o F"- ~ ... ...-~ "\ , ",1:' -,~~. . '. t~C SITe QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB NO. 309 P.H. BART STATION AREA <<8 Centra.. Contra Costa Sanltar) .llstrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 DATE AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-28 (MARTINEZ AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. Parcel No. Area Owner, Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Remarks Lead A enc 87-28 Martinez Norman McDonald 775 Shell Avenue Martinez, CA 94553 375-090-012 (2.06 Ac.) Existing house with failing septic system. Owner must connect to public sewer. District to prepare "Notice of EXE:)m tion" CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 87-28 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A..9/85 DH JSM RAB ARH VETERANS ADMINISTRATIOr HOSPITAL /' ," ....oJ:'!;i.:;.o:::.o .."<'",. ../. f /. / (!OA 3) . Centra.. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 5 1987 NO. V. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 DATE Au ust 24, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE ANNUAL REPORT SUBJECT RECEIVE THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PlAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1986-1987 SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The District's Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee has prepared its annual report to the Board of Directors and District participants. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Committee in January 1982. The scope of activities of the Committee includes the submission of an annual report to the Boa rd of Di rectors and Di stri ct pa rti ci pants. The annual report of the Committee for 1986-1987 is submitted herewith. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the annual report of the Deferred Compensation Pl an Advisory Committee for 1986-1987. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. #fc/~~ 1302A.9/85 WNF PM / Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DEFERRED COtFENSATION PLAN ADVISORY aM4ITlEE ANtIJAL REPORT FOR 1986-1981 Introduction The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Board of Di rectors to facilitate the District's Deferred Compensation Plan. activities encompass the following: o Establish internal District administrative procedures within the provisions of the Deferred Compensation Plan document. Committee was established by the internal administration of the The scope of the Committee's o Educate participants regarding the Plan provisions by issuing a handbook which summarizes the Deferred Compensation Plan, and responding to queries from participants. o Review accountability by the Pl an Admi ni strators and respond to participants' queries regarding accuracy or propriety of account balances. o Review participants' requests for emergency withdrawal of funds. o Review investment performance of the Deferred Compensation Pl an on an annual basis. eo..ittee AccOllpl1shlllents The following activities were completed by the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee during July 1986 through June 1987: o Internal District Administrative Procedures Upon Board of Di rectors approval of the Committee's recommendati on, the Great Western Bank program was integrated as a companion program in June 1986. The written administrative procedures of the Committee were revised to incorporate the Great Western program and to update the docllllent. The emergency withdrawal request procedures and application form were also revised because of the new program and to produce an improved application form. o Recommendations made by a former Committee member for modifications to administrative procedures of the Committee have been implemented as of June 30, 1987, or have been considered and acted upon since the report date. o Education of Participants - The Deferred Compensation Plan handbook was revised to incl ude information on the companion Great Western Bank program. At the same time, general revisions were made to the content, style, and appearance of the handbook to make it more informative and readable. The handbook explains the Deferred Compensation Plan and summarizes the features and fee structure of 1 the Hartford and Great Western programs. The Committee acknowledges with appreciation the efforts of Harriette Stahl and members of the Engineering Division in developing the Committee's revised document into an attractive and professional handbook. (A copy of the handbook is provided for perusal by Board Members.> Hartford Variable Annuities Life Insurance Company and Great Western Bank representatives are available on-site on a designated day each month to assist participants by providing information and. responding to questions. o Review Accountab1lity by Pl an Administrators - Monthly confi rmation statements and qua rterl y account statements have been subm i tted to the District by Hartford and Great Western as scheduled. Quarterly account statements are distributed to all participants. Notices of account errors have been satisfactorily resolved. o Review Requests for Emergency Withdrawals - No qualifying emergency withdrawal requests were submitted to the Committee. o Review Investment Performance - A summary which presents the investment performance of the Hartford and Great Western programs for the cal endar year 1986, and the fi rst six months of 1987 is provided on Attachment I. Current eo.m1ttee Activities The Committee is currently involved 1n the following major activity: o The District's Deferred Compensation Plan document is undergoing a careful review by the Committee to ensure conformance with the current governing tax codes and to improve accuracy and precision. Conclusion During the period July 1986 through June 1987, the Committee has addressed all of the activities included in its scope of responsibilities. This has been achieved through the conscientious efforts of all of the Committee members. The performance of Hartford and Great Western in administering the Deferred Compensation Plan during this period is considered to be satisfactory. The investment performance of the stock and bond accounts under the Hartford and Great Western programs under performed the general market indices in the calendar year 1986, and exceeded or were comparable to the market indices for the first six months of 1987. Interest earned on fixed interest accounts was higher than preva1l ing short-term rates, as measured by the average yields on 90-day Treasury 8ills. 2 ~~.I.~o. Wal ter unasaki ~~ Matt Mahoney ~ 'hc~~ Mari a Izz SSS/Def Compl Committee Members: 3 Ginnie Gerber C~J;/~ / Bonnie Allen x x ~ x GI ~ GI ~ ~ c C C .... .... .... UI UI UI UI L. ....0 ~ ....0 ~ ....0 ~ ....0 ~ 0 "'0 C "'0 C "'0 C "'0 C 1: In 0 -In 0 - In 0 - In 0 C"O a:l L. a:l L. a:l L. a:l _0 ",UI ",UI ",UI ",UI 0 "'- UlL. C UlL. C UlL. C UlL. C C (!JL. -68 '" -68 '" -68 '" -68 '" 0 GI .... E .... E .... 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CO .... 0 C\"I . 10 CO GI ~a~~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ . .... In .... .... . .... In .... .... II GI I ..- Q, E C - 0 UI - ... '" UI ,,~ 0: .... 0 0 . CO CO 0 .... 0: 0 0 10 .... 1\"1 0 . GI .A:l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 U - .... 0 CO 0 ~ . .... 8 0\ 1::1 ,... 8 0\ In In 8 I C L. ,... N 0 10 CO '" 1;: .... .... .... .... L. ..- 0) '" - 0 a:l 0 L. Q, ... 0\ . .... ~ fXt .... .... O\C\"I 10 ~ ~ ~ ,... g ~ .... .... C . In 10 \0 0\ 0\ 0,... .... In .... CO C ~ ... 10 N \0 U'I 0 .... . ~.... .... C\"I .... \0 0\ .... 0 0.... L. a C .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. GI ~ 8 0 . .... ~ co N 10 10 . 0\ ,... ~ 0\ ....C\"I t: U 0 In In .... In N N In 0 0 10 ~ 0 ,... < ~ .... .... . ,... .... N 0 . . co .... .... 0 GI .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. N :a ;l .... U'I .... .... . .... U'I .... ... ... ... ... '" ~ ~ ~ ,... ~ ~ < f !~ ..- ..- .... cp co ..- ..- .... cp u. (!J '" '" I cp 0\ '" '" I a:l L. ~ L. ~ ~ .... L. ~ L. ~ ~ I GI l! 8 "0 l! U $ "0 II ~ "0 l! ~ U "0 .8: 81- C a C .. C C 0 C l- II 0 GI 0 0 II ... 0 GI ... ... 0 < (!J U) a:l (!J U) U) a:l C\"I (!J U) a:l (!J U) U) a:l .. II .... C ::I ~ l8 C .., C L. L. 0\ GI "0 GI Z .... 1L.. -8 1;: L. II.... C "0 GI '" "0 :a UJ L. :a II L. ...:t 0 ~ 0 UI ~ ... .... "'0 .8: t '" L. L. IIZ ... II '" '" L. .... C '" L. "0 ::z: (!J i ::z: (!J C II X .... ~ - U) . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 3, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER - CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF DANVILLE, DP 4324 DATE August 28, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Bert L. Michalczyk Senior En ineer Department ISSUE: A Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JPA) with the Town of Danville is required for the El Portal Bridge Sewer Replacement Project. BACKGROUND: The Town of Danville is preparing to construct a new bridge which will replace an existing bridge over San Ramon Creek at El Portal Drive. The District has an 8-inch sewer line which is suspended from the existing bridge. The District is responsible for the design and construction of the new sewer line because the bridge was in place prior to the sewer crossing and as such the District's facilities must accommodate any changes made to the bridge. The District plans on using the new bridge to support the relocated sewer. As part of the project, the Town plans to repave the street approaching the bridge. It is, therefore, in the best interest of the Town of Danville to have the relocated sewer installed concurrently with construction of the bridge. It is also in the interest of the District to have the sewer installed as part of the bridge project, since it will be less costly for the District to combine the sewer relocation work with the new bridge construction rather than to relocate the sewer after the new bridge is completed. To facilitate a joint project, the District and Town staffs have negotiated a JPA which provides for installation of the relocated sewer in conjunction with the construction of the new bridge. The proposed agreement provides for protection of existing District faci li ties and stipulates the rights and responsibilities of each party. The total project cost estimate for relocation of the existing sewer is $38,000. A description of this project is provided in the Capital Improvement Budget on page CS-36. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with the Town of Danville for District Project 4324. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ;Zrm rr) //1 /, ,!j(/(Jj DRW JM1L/or/ RAB 1302A-9/8S BLM . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary .,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 3, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT APPROVE A $49,315 CHANGE ORDER FOR RECREATIONAL TRAIL RESTORATION AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF FOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH EAST BAY REGIONAL PARKS DISTRICT FOR TRAIL CONSTRUCTION ON THE SAN RAMON VALLEY INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT DATE August 31, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE EXPENDITURE PROVIDE DIRECTION SUBMITTED ~Y Curt1s W. Swanson Principal Engineer INITI~TING. DEPT.I[)IV. Eng1neer1ng Department/ Administrative Department ISSUE: Board concurrence is desired to expend sewer construction funds for recreational trail restoration along the former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Board direction is requested for negotiation of an agreement with the East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD) specifying the use of the CCCSD $200,000 contribution for recreational trail construction. BACKGROUND: The District is constructing the San Ramon Valley interceptor sewer within easements along the former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Within the easements is a trail. Part of the trail, approximately three miles, is officially recognized as a recreational trail and is being maintained. Other parts of the trail are not officially recognized but are used by residents for recreational purposes. Construction of the interceptor sewer will disturb the existing surface of the Southern Pacific right-of-way. In accordance with standard District practice, staff intended to return all areas of the right-of-way to their preconstruction condi t ion. The Board concurred wi th thi s approach, and thus, as part of the project, authorized the restoration of the three miles of the official recreational trail located along the right-of-way in Danville. The remaining length of the right-of-way contains an unofficial trail. This unofficial trail is primarily composed of leftover railroad ballast rock. Staff initially recommended that the unofficial trail areas not be restored after sewer construction for several reasons, one of which was the expectation that there would be utility construction by other agencies soon after the sewer project. In addition to restoring the three-mile segment as part of the construction project, the Board also authorized $200,000 as a mitigation measure to be appropriated for the benefit of all valley residents for constructing and improving trails along the entire right-of-way from Alamo to San Ramon. At the direction of the Board, the $200,000 in trail improvements were to be administered by an appropriate public agency other than the District. In accordance with the Board direction, District staff approached the EBRPD which has tentatively agreed in concept to administer the $200,000 in trail funds. Staff will soon begin negotiating a formal agreement with EBRPD to administer the trail mitigation funds. These negotiations will be based on Board direction contained in the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the San Ramon Valley Interceptor Sewer Project adopted by the Board on October 28, 1986 (excerpt attached). At this time, the Board is requested to provide any REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION f // t:v / G(--.-- 1302A-9/85 CWS DRW SUBJECT APPROVE A $49,315 CHANGE ORDER FOR RECREATIONAL TRAIL RESTORATION AND PROVIDE DIRECTION TO STAFF FOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH EAST BAY REGIONAL PARKS DISTRICT FOR TRAIL CONSTRUCTION ON THE SAN RAMON VALLEY INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE August 31, 1987 further direction to staff for the negotiations with EBRPD. EBRPD has prepared a comprehensive plan for upgrading the trail along the right-of-way, including financing the improvements. The plan was developed through the creation of the Iron Horse Trail Ad Hoc Committee with considerable input from Alamo, Danville, and San Ramon residents and local governmental officials. The initial phase of the EBRPD plan calls for using the majority of the District's $200,000 contribution to improve the trail in southern Alamo and Danville (Stone Valley Road to Fostoria Way). Approximately $172,000 of the money will be spent for paving, with the balance for bollards and fencing. The EBRPD strongly prefers to initially construct and maintain a trail in one contiguous section. Expansions to the trail are preferred by EBRPD to be done as extensions of the original section. In discussions with the EBRPD and the Iron Horse Trail Ad Hoc Committee, District staff has been amenable to the EBRPD plans because of a broad based community support for them. The EBRPD expects to receive additional funding from the State of California for trail construction next year. Since Board approval of the sewer project, residents of northern Alamo have expressed concerns about the District not replacing the railroad ballast rock in the right-of-way between Rudgear Road and Stone Valley Road. Residents have stated that the right-of-way is used extensively, especially by children as a safe route to and from school. If the District does not take additional measures to restore the right-of-way, the surface will probably become muddy and impassible during wet weather. Since it now appears that future utility construction has been delayed for at least four years, and since EBRPD does not intend to improve the Alamo area with CCCSD funds, the Alamo trail area wi 11 like ly remain in a worse-than-preconstruction condition for some time unless the District takes some action. Installation of a 3-inch deep by 10-foot wide gravel surface would alleviate the concerns of the Alamo residents and represent the most cost-effective way to restore the trail to a pre-existing or slightly better condition. Discussions with the San Ramon Valley Sewer Project contractor indicate that recovery and replacement of the existing rock ballast is impractical. The estimated cost of this improvement is $49,315. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a $49,315 change order for trail restoration in the Alamo area, and provide direction to staff for negotiation of an agreement with the EBRPD for administering trail construction on the San Ramon Valley Interceptor Sewer Project. -------. 1302B-9/85 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SAN RAMON VALLEY INTERCEPTOR SEWER PROJECT 4224 Excerpt from the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the San Ramon Valley Interceptor Sewer Project that was adopted by the District Board of Directors on October 28, 1986: 4. The Board determined to return 2.8 miles of recreational trail in the ROW between Las Trampas Road, Alamo, to Prospect Avenue, Danville, to its preconstruction condition. The remaining length of the recreation trail in the ROW may not be immediately returned to its preconstruction condition. This determination was made in recognition of future construction that will or may occur in the ROW. The Board also determined to budget $200,000 to be designated for upgrading the surface of the ROW at such time as an appropriate public agency has agreed to perform the work and assume maintenance responsibility. The $200,000, when coupled with other public or private funds, including those from other agencies with projects in the ROW, may allow for upgrading more of the recreational trail. The Board adopted this mitigation measure in recognition of the disruption to the public that will be created as a result of the construction of the project. . Central .,ontra Costa Sanitary Jstrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 3 1987 NO. VI. DATE ENGINEERING 3 SUBJECT CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DEO-ARATION AND AUl1-IORIZE ll-lE GENERAl MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO PROCEED WIlli l1-IE ACQUISITION OF llIE LAGISS PROPERTY Au ust 28, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT NEGATIVE DEO-ARATION AND N.Jl1-IORIZE PUROiASE SUBMITTED BY Lynne I. Bunker Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Plannin Division ISSUE: A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact is required in order for the Di stri ct to acqui re the property owned and managed by Anthony Lagi ss for a treatment plant buffer zone. BACKGROUND: The District has identified the need to provide a buffer zone around the perimeter of the wastewater treatment pl ant. The treatment pl ant is an industrial type facility subject to changing regulatory requirements. In order to minimize environmental conflicts and to protect neighboring land uses, the District has purchased property surrounding the treatment plant to provide an adequate buffer zone. On August 20, 1987 the Board authorized $49,500 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the acqui sition costs for Parcel 42, Assessor's Map Book 159, page 14, al so known as the Lagiss property. The Lagiss property, a 48.96 acre parcel at the north end of Blum Road in Martinez, is proposed to be acquired for the purpose of providing a buffer zone between the treatment plant's wet weather holding basins and development to the west (See Exhibit A attached). The basins are utilized during wet weather events. Odors are associated with sewage storage in the basins and are also produced when the basins are drained. The immediate public need for the acquisition of the Lagiss property is to prevent future development of the parcel that would limit the District's ability to fully utilize the wet weather capacity of the treatment plant which includes the wet weather holding basins. Since there are no alternative locations available for wet weather basins at this time, and treatment pl ant improvements to accommodate all wet weather f1 ows are prohibitively expensive, the buffer zone is requi red to 1 imit the impact of potential nuisance on adjacent property owners and tenants. The District's CEQA guidelines require the Board to consider the Initial Study prepared for the acqui siti on and any public comments received on the Negative Declaration prior to approving the Negative Declaration. The Initial Study for the project was prepared by Earth Metrics, Inc., and environmental and planning consulting firm. District staff has concluded that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively eval uates the envi ronmental impact of the proposed project. Based on the Initial Study, Earth Metrics, Inc. determined that a Negative Declaration is the appropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. The Negative Declaration finds that the proposed acquisition will not have a significant effect on the environment, and that no mitigation measures are needed. INITIA TlNG DEPT./DIV. LIB JMK 13o:!...-9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-OHEF ENGINEER TO PROCEED WITH THE ACXlUISITION OF THE LAGISS PROPERTY PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE August 28, 1987 In compliance with the CEaA requirements, District staff has arranged for a legal notice to be published which solicited comments and has provided notice of the Di strict's intent to adopt the Negative Decl aration for the proposed purchase. Any comments which are received will be given to the Board at its September 3, 1987 meeting. If the Board adopts the Negative Declaration, acquisition of the property will be required to complete the CEaA requirements and allow staff to file a Notice of Determination in the County Clerk's Office. RECXlMMENDATION: Adopt the Negative Declaration and authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to proceed with the acquisition of the lagiss parcel. -------- 13028-9/85 .,:.~:~ ;i. <2: !:: In - :J: >< W CI) III CI) J: III _ J: ~.9 .... ... ... 0 ~.~ :s ~ e is 0.. '0 ..... '0 CD '0 CD i CI) ~ CI) ~ 0; ~Q) ;;p - 0- o >-- (5 _ -;0 >- o - - CD .- III CD c.... ... >'0 ~ "" C;; '-Ill Olll ~iii ;r . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARDMEETINGOFSeptember 3, 1987 NO. VII. COLLECTION SYSTEM 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXEQJTE AN J'GREEMENT WITH RODDING-ClEANING SERVICE FOR $128,100 FOR A PIPE BURSTING DEMONSTRATION PROJ ECT DATE September 1, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE JlGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY John Larson, Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations Department ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the GM-CE to execute a contract with ~ng-Cleaning Service. BACKGROUND: There are portions of the District's collection system that have deteriorated to the point where replacement is required to prevent failure and subsequent overflows. As part of an on-goi ng repl acement program, sixteen pi pe segments were budgeted for replacement during 1987-88. Six pipe segments, all located in backyard and sideyard easements in Alamo, Orinda, and Walnut Creek (shown on Attachment 1), would be excellent demonstration sites for replacement using an experimental and proprietary process called the Pipeline Insertion Method (PIM). PIM consists of a specialized machine that is inserted into an existing pipeline through minimal excavation. As the machine travels through the pipe it applies a bursting force causi ng the pi pe materi al to fracture and all ow i ng a pl asti c li ner of equivalent or greater inside diameter to be inserted in its place. By reducing the excavation requirements by 90 percent of that required for conventional "open cut" methods, PIM shoul d substanti ally reduce the magnitude damage to established landscaping. The six pipe segments, totaling 3,120 feet in length, were selected to demonstrate PIM under a variety of field conditions. Four of the six segments (Hillcrest Dr., Meadows Park ct., Parkl ane Dr., and Summit Rd.), were approved by the Board as part of the 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget (page CS-57). Two additional pipe segments (Calle Arroyo and El Toyonal) were added as examples of differing field conditions. Board approval of this position paper would result in the addition of Calle Arroyo and El Toyonal pipe segments to the approved Deficient Sewer Facilities Project. The total project cost would be $171,000 for the Pipe Bursting Demonstration Project. A total of $293,000 is budgeted for Replacement of Deficient Sewer Facilities for this fiscal year in the Capital Improvement Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION / '/ R./CHIEF ENG, o(~ JLH ROGER J. DOLAN " '__'~~_____o_"._.._~~.,_.~__...__.__"",.,_._..__ __.._..._u.......__....__.......... __..._...__.,_~'__.._____.____________ SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXEOJTE AN PGREEMENT WITH RODDING-ClEANING SERVICE FOR $128,100 FOR A PIPE BURSTING DEMONSTRATION PROJECT POSITION PAPER 2 2 PAGE OF DATESeptember 1, 1987 Rodding-Cleaning Service (RCS) of San Leandro is the sole contractor with access to PIM who is licensed to work in California. An agreement has been negotiated with RCS for the replacement of 3,120 feet of sewer on a unit price basis. During the process, the existing six inch diameter clay sewers would be upsized to eight-inch diameter high density polyethylene. The total contract cost with RCS is $128,100. Competitive bids were not solicited for this experimental work because this process is only available through RCS. This project will be the first sewer replacement using the PIM pipe bursting technology in the United States. CSOD construction crews will support the contractor's field forces by providing access to the construction sites, preparing and backfill ing all excavations, reconnecting all laterals, and repairing or replacing all affected collection system structures. The CSOD level of effort is estimated to be $42,900. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance for the four pipe segments i ncl uded in the Capi tal Improvement Budget has been compl eted. The repl acement of the 1 ine segments at Calle Arroyo and El Toyonal have been evaluated by staff and determined to be categorically exempt under Section 18.3 of the District's guidelines for the implementation of CEQA. RECO~ENDATION: Authorize the GM-CE to execute an agreement with Rodding-Cleaning Service for $128,100 for a pipe bursting demonstration project. Attachment .....------. 13028-9/85 ( ., !vTR;r El.'I' ';"~.,..o&J' O-t:.r- -t.-.t- ., S?..,)':~ ... .. ~ 1.5 u -" NAVAL q, ~\ '/;j~~ McHARRl WAI.{ ~ Q'" -f ~ OQ(<' C<N 5 , ) t BRIONES ~\ ~\ >" ~A~IA P, NCH RD 4.5 REGIONAL F-cs.c:'..... S. ~ PARK . t.4,c: 4y" TT" e, Re 15 f:L '827 LAS lRAMPAS- PfAK !" ,.1.2., ". - ~ ' 8 o nt '. ~/..\ , <';1 MAI'fY".'; C{)l.If(if tUGENf O'NEIll. N"" I()NAl HISTORICAL t.ANV~AHK 1'....0 HUUSf) , \:I':>':> /PVTj . / l~~~ (' Yo "," ~r Danvill -9(<'~ LAS TRAMPAS Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . Sites for demonstrating Pipe Bursting Technology Attachment 1 2523-1/87