HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-17-87 . Cent:~. Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 17, 1987 NO. III. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95B, 95C, 95D, and 95E AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) DATE September 14, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION Hold Hearing D.A. 95 B Th rough 95 E SUBMITDe~Rl s Hall Associate Engineer INITIA,rING.DEPT./DJV. D tm t ~nglneerlng epar en Construction Division ISSUE: LAFCO has amended the boundaries of several of the parcels included within Di stri ct Annexati on 95, a proposed uni nhabi ted annexati on. The Di stri ct must hold the subject hearing and consider testimony by affected property owners before acting on the proposed amended annexations. BACKGROUND: The above-referenced annexation was sent to LAFCO as required for the formal annexation process. Part of the annexation, consisting of four parcels, was not changed and is submitted for Board action on the consent cal endar as Di stri ct Annexation 95-A. Si nce DA-95-A was not amended by LAFCO, a Publ i c Hearing is not requi red. LAFCO amended the boundaries of several of the parcel s during its approval process. These amendments were made to improve the continuity of the resul ti ng Di stri ct bounda ry. The amended annexati ons are desi gnated as D. A. 95-B th ru 95-E. Maps are attached show i ng the amended annexati ons. A Negative Declaration has been prepared by LAFCO for all of these amended annexations. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. Legal notice was published, and the affected property owners were notified of this hearing as required by law. The amended annexations are uninhabited. Possible actions the Board of Directors may take include: 1. Order the annexation of those parcels where no protests are filed. 2. If no majority land value protest is received (assessed value of the land of the property is 50 percent or less of the total assessed value of land in the annexation), the Board shall order the annexation. 3. If a majority land value protest is received (assessed value of land is greater than 50 percent), the Board shall disapprove the particular annexation. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open hearing, receive any testimony, and close public hearing. 2. Adopt Resolutions concurring with the Negative Declaration and order annexation of all parcels as amended which have no protests. 3. Take appropriate action as outlined above for any protested annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 4Jr tAt) 1302....9/85 DH JSM RAB INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. . ~ - ~. _ n<,1 / - \ '", - \ \ \, ~ c'",,- ,,/"n.. ) . .. r 'tJ/ST!</CT ANNEXArlON H.e ~ .95 ~ "~'-'-' -' . '7 ~ ~~'" ('~ \ '\ I '-, \, v I"~' ,) \ \ Lr---' I I I I .. " ' \,,-, .... ",." ~,,,,, I 1j.. ,,~... - ----.. ......... E ~": ~_ ~::l ~ W ('?>Ia 'ere aVLII) . S3IU!3cQ:jd 'l;fldW^~ tfJ I~ d) Ii d <t(\J n:'l:t ~~ ~= 6 \000, A7MIV (€EI~OOSog) NeXt V'i '\ (EEl '~'O 0508) NOXtW \ (Sp€ . \ Cl02 A,s':"'1..01) 't.../ / CIS) \ (1m &h $ . 10- \ \ w .~ '" o ',.. .~ ~ '0 ~~1- 'b~. ~~. "J.O ~\ ~~~ .~ DISTRICT' ANNEXATION 95-6 PAR. 4, 9 & 10 AMENDED (e.~o '~:fO e2LOl) NN'I1W30lgM @ UJ- - I"- ~'<t bcr' Z ~ 21 22 "-----?~ N 88030'Z6"E 2645."79' N8'lo.35'.3O"W 81.56' : 8 ) ~ ~ N '/4 CORNER SECTION 2'7 22 2J 27 26 I"- o ~ SYCAMoRE FARM * ~- INVESTMENT CO. (4G03 OR 352) "A" N 4oze'35"E 215.94" S"740'30"I/" E 109.03' N34D09"3E>"E 216.56' <t... 1,380:t. ........ DC, WOOD ( (04./4- O.R. q~ ) 0- ICl <<i @ ~ 0 en u NEWBURY ~ uJ * (3981 O.R. 46.9 ) " 2:) 2 0 ;:: 0 ~ Z :)( IfJ @) 83 ~ fOOO'1 SOUTH LINE SECTION 2'7 S "4 CORNER seCTION 2"7 (TI5RIW ) ~ \!Sl ESTATE OF GM. WILLIAMS EX "A' ITEM 5 (70ZI QR. ~6 ) @. .PRmOO8~ .. · DI8T1NQ. CCC8D ..ou..w.v · - -. · 'PROPOIID Ml'1IXA11ON *' '. IIGNED PlJhlUJll DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95-B I PAR. 4, 9 & 10 AMENDED I f;. r- c -z ~ C) ~ ,.. (Jl"'O ~~ 9~!:. Jl\t\'I . -z. 8~ -' ~ \WI r;u r /1 II II "::0 r:n I u)N .!. "" / I 9!'l ~:... ~_-I I / oiD . ~ -~... Ul~ 9CJl ~ ..- -Ul -~ UI iP ~ N ~ ~ )> :;~lSl (JI111'U _~::o 1.ll00Z O!(G" ~:~ o * ~ :;u n rn r - o liB ~ .I. Pf\1 r-) 1;,.. Ol .. ~ ';'0 co * r N 640~-!o. * * '. ~ i'ln -1m p0 ;on :.-:r. S CAMPBELL (l04'700.R.43S) CRAVENS (3((9 O.R. 385) AGEE (49(~O.R'28'3) CiID DISTRICT ANNEXATION PARo 5 AMENDED 95- c. (1)- ..,j -IN -I..,j tID\ ~ Cl)1Jl \D11I ../' u; . -t{. ~ r.JlU1 . ylJ1 " ~ ~ ~ ~ NUl We:: Cl>Q:J Jt~ ~cn Q:J ,'" t ~ :t Q:J (") * @'" "', :\11 * ..,j 0 "tl ~ ..,j * ~. i\; II> :b ~ Ql ~ ~ ~ )J () ~ \II fl)' * . DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95.0 PAR. 6 AMENDED " ~ ~' @ 19 III S::t . " 1010 .'" ~..z., ~ <"'<: ~ " ,.- "'AOc"'JI' . 'E BLVD. . ," ~"=:.< .."'_._,~:~'" ~_,'~r'::'''~ ...~_. .,,~ '~ ..".-.1....- I ~*. \ 'l!,,; r- ~~ 3 DISTRICT'ANNEXATION 95.e PAR.7 AMENDED ... ,,- ~ - .. - ~ . CentrL. Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 17, 1987 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95-A DATE September 11, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION COMPLETE ANNEXATION OF DA 95-A SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: A resolution by the District's Board of Director's must be adopted to finalize District Annexation 95-A. BACKGROUND: The District previously made application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the annexation of ten parcels of land designated as District Annexation 95. LAFCO has considered this request and has recommended that Parcels 1, 2, 3 and 8 as shown on the attachments be processed as submitted. LAFCO has designated this parcel to be District Annexation No. 95-A. No publ ic hearing is required and the annexation of this parcel can be completed. LAFCO has adopted a Negative Declaration for District Annexation No. 95-A. District staff has reviewed this Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution concurring with the Negative Declaration and ordering the completion of District Annexation No. 95-A. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .,( 1302A..9/85 D H 4# JSM GR./CHIEF ENG. L INITIATING DEPT./DIV. . NOllNT blABLO EsTATe PA"'k: 5 ( I~ M :301 ) LJBb. UNIT No , ., w . 10 TONEY :.- C3S46 O.R.0Z9)t I ------------1 LA CAIJENA ---- MoRGAN (9427 O.R. 322) I=- o $~ ~ l~ ~ -\@J '- ~/EL5 \47<AS O.R. 373) !A5t @j D4NV/LLE QISTRICT ANNEXATION 9S-A PARCEL NO. 1 vooov (TI5"7 O.R 4.5"7) d) u.J ~" ::J- a~ z. -0: ...J 0 l\1 ...J d) ':' ~100 c( d) (C) :r C) . (l) '-J \9 ~ ~ A PARC.[L 'A' 1'\ P.M.? ~ ~ :.:.:.:.: CONTAA COST1>- COUNT'l ::::::::: ("7630 QR.3B4) i,*,1&tw~1!.%~!i!!"'!!!"!!Il!l!!lt:_-= '''i~HR~~ OF SECTION ~I = .~ ........ {':l r r. M 3 " -:I ;::::::: ,,..1UV I I ,: ___ P.O B I ~ e 1 . . . ~::::;;; 0 C\ :::;;;:: z :;::::::: :.:.:.:.: ......... :.:.:.:. '" " @ .?>o?-"~ -, -----.,./ '....... 1915 (::5. O~. ~G:.: -__ ~.~150:- 0- ___ -..;' \,f.-Cv \ \_ ,.t DlSTRlCT ANNEXATION 9S.A PARCEL NO. 2 o~~~ #~~ Gc,; - ~ ~ . $ (J/>.... ~~fD . ~(dJ ~ 0;.">.... )~:O~. \.\O\ftJ ~ ~ rP' .~ 'l9 . 116.'\ . ~ ,;\0 DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95-A PARCEL NO. 3 ~ ~ @ I~ DISTRICT ANNEXATION PARCEL NO . 8 95-A . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitar~ J~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF September 17. 1987 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-29 (MARTINEZ AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT Seotember 8. 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Pa rce 1 No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency PA 87-29 Martinez (13C4 ) Southern Pacific Pipelines, Inc. 888 So. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 Existing Office Facility failing septic system. Owner will extend public sewer 600+. District to prepare "Noti ce of Exemp- tion." CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 87-29 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ fll1 .ft1E 130211.9/85 DH JSM RAB ( /~7;R~NG. ROGER J. DOLAN \ CCCSD XDM HDLDIN(; 8A$/N e LION PROPOSED ANNEXATION RA. 2.9 -",~__....___:_U~_~_.12-!.~",-,-,-- .~ , , ,.~_.._-~~----- . Centro. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 SUBJECT APPROVE REGISTRATION DIFFERENTIAL FOR LAURA GEE DATE Se tember 11, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. ld Senior En ineer Division ISSUE: Laura Gee has passed the Civil Engineering Registration examination. It is requested that the District grant her registration differential. BACKGROUND: The current Memorandum of Understandi ng (MOU) coveri ng General employees includes the following provision regarding registration differential: "The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District shall grant salary merit increases to permanent employees who achieve registration or license as Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Certified Public Accountant while employed by the District in a position not requiring such registration or license. Such merit increase shall be subject to the employee's demonstration of ability to assist in the accomplishment of District activities requiring a level of skills and importance normally expected from a person with such certification. The salary merit increase shall be in the amount of a one step increase of the employee's basic salary." In accordance with the MOU, the Board of Directors shall consider each request for registration differential. Laura Gee is an Assistant Engineer in the Planning Division of the Engineering Department. Although her classification does not require registration as a professional engi neer, Laura Gee meets all the requi rements under the MOU. Mrs. Gee was notified of her successful completion of registration requirements by the California Board of Registration for Professional Engineers on August 21, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a one-step salary increase for Laura Gee in accordance with the Regi strati on Differenti al Policy and Procedure effective September 1, 1987. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A..9/85 HSM :JM~ JMK ~ RAB CF R.lZ:. ROGER J. DOLAN INITIA T1NG DEPT.lDIV. l:l-\ . Centra.. ':ontra Costa Sanitar'l Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 17, 1987 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 SUBJECT AUnlORIZE AN EXTENDED SIX-MONnI M:DICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MICHAEL PARKINSON, MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 7, 1987 DATE September 4, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY John Larson, Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: Board Authorization is required for a medical leave of absence. BACKGROUtI>: Michael Parki nson has been off work si nce September 18, 1985 due to a medical condition. He has exhausted his accumulated sick, vacation, and earned overtime leave. Mr. Parkinson has applied for retirement, but requires a medical leave of absence until a determination is made by the County on his retirement application. An extended medical leave of absence is requested for up to six months effective September 7, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an extended six-month medical leave of absence for Michael Parkinson, Maintenance Crew Leader, effective September 7, 1987. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CF ~ . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 17, 1987 NO. v. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX THE SHADOW CREEK DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 99 DATE September 10, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION INITIATE FORMAL ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy Construction Division Manager INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department, Construction Division ISSUE: Dame' Construction Company has petitioned this District for annexation of Shadow Creek (Subdivision 6737). BACKGROUND: Shadow Creek is a 425 unit subdivision located near Blackhawk as shown on the attached map. The subdivision will be served entirely by gravity sewer systems. Existing sewer mains will be paralleled as a part of the sewer installation for this subdivision at the expense of the developer, Dame' Construction Company. The final tentative map was approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 16, 1987. The final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for this subdivision under the title of the Hansen Lane General Plan Amendment was approved also on that date. The developer is in the process of applying for annexation to East Bay Municipal Util ities District. A petition for annexation of this subdivision to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) was submitted in August, 1987. Since the developer has completed the planning process through Contra Costa County, it is appropriate to act on the petition. CCCSD's sphere ofinfl uence must be changed as a part of the annexing of Shadow Creek. The Resol ution of Appl ication for the annexation to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) includes a request to change the sphere of influence. A statement of services has been prepared and is attached for information. The statement will be sent to LAFCO with the application for annexation and change in the sphere of influence. Shadow Creek is one of the developments in the Tassajara Valley which is the subject of a suit by Tassajara Now and Tomorrow (TNT). TNT is an association of residents of the San Ramon Valley Area who are concerned about development in the valley. TNT states that is is organized for the purpose of "ensuring the orderly development of the San Ramon Valley Area and particularly the Tassajara Valley in conformance with the goal s and pol icies of the County Wide and Area General Plans." The suit by TNT challenges the approval by the county of the Shadow Creek development and the adequacy of the EIR. The developer is in the process of resolving the TNT suit. This suit does not preclude CCCSD from proceeding with the annexation of Shadow Creek. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX THE SHADOW CREEK DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 99 POSITION PAPER 2 OF 3 PAGE DATE September 10, 1987 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request for annexation and pass a Resol ution of Appl ication for the annexation of Shadow Creek to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District under District Annexation 99. 13028-9/85 PLAN FOR SERVICES DISTRICT ANNEXATION 99 The following pl an for providing sewer service for the area within the Shadow Creek development is presented pursuant to Section 56653 of the Government Code. Public sanitary sewer facilities exist in Hansen Lane and Camino Tassajara. It is the responsibility of the owners or developers of Shadow Creek to extend a public sewer main into or adjacent to each property to be served and to install a private side sewer to each existing and proposed building. It is also the responsibility of the owners or developers to establish and coordinate the timing of such sewer construction. The owner or developer is responsible for all costs associated with the provision of the sanitary sewer service to the annexed territory. ) T8.83AC 40.0AC " ..I .. I I I '...... I I I , I I I I I I :t 74.20 "C' .r " , , I , 'e-x.~4-&~ ' .' I I CAMINO '/:<t.~ ~ . ~"-K/J4R~ AC. IE". 4e. 77 ,..C. PROPOSED ANNEXATION ~ A I O.A. 99 ..._.__---1...____.._..0-....1___..____.._ .._... . ..... ._.....L~..__...