HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-07-87 . Centrt Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 8 POSITION PAPER BOARD M'M~y~~F 1987 HEARING TO CONSIDER REVOCATION OF A PERMIT TO DUMP SEPTIC SEWAGE NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 Qe.TE May 4, 1987 TpER~ItCTION REVOCATION SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Barton L. Brandenburg, Assoc. Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Planning Division ISSUE: The GM-CE imposed a temporary suspension of Pioneer L iqui d Transport's Permit to Dump Septic Sewage. Pursuant to District Code 5.12.030 the temporary suspension is in effect pending a hearing by the Board to determine whether the permit shoul d be revoked. BACKGROUND: On April 3, 1987 the District notified Pioneer Liquid Transport that their Permit was suspended due to the repeated falsification of the sources of waste material reported on the Septic Tank Di sposal Forms (see attached 1 etter). Pioneer was also notified that a hearing to be held on May 7, 1987 had been scheduled before the Board of Directors to allow Pioneer to show cause why their permit should not be permanentl y revoked. Pioneer Liquid Transport began hauling waste to the District in February, 1986. They have almost exclusively reported their waste loads to be from restaurant grease interceptors in Contra Costa County. They have averaged hauling approximately 33 trucks per month representing a reported 67,000 gallons. From January through March 1987, Pioneer's waste loads represented 31% of the District's total trucked waste volume. In April 1986, the District checked the weight of two loads of waste brought to the treatment pl ant by Pioneer. These loads were reported to be about 1,000 gallons, while their actual volume, calculated by weight, was about 2,000 gallons. A letter was then sent to Pioneer stating that further reporting discrepancies may lead to revocation of their permit. In March 1987, the Source Control Section staff called each of the 26 sources reported in the loads of septage Pioneer brought to the treatment plant (all were reported to be restaurant grease interceptors). Seventeen of the 26 reported sources could not be verified as reported by Pioneer and are itemized as follows: o Ten of the sources contacted indicated that they had never dealt with Pioneer, di d not have a grease interceptor, or had cl ean i ng contracts with other septage haul ers. o One reported restaurant source had been closed for over one year. 1302,..9/85 BLB JMK RAB JH '-'A 5MlL 7,f) INITIATING DEPT./DIV. SUBJECT POSITION PAPER HEARING TO CONSIDER REVOCATION OF A PERMIT TO aJMP SEPTIC SEW,llGE PAGE 2 OF 8 DATE May 4, 1987 o One source was reported by Pioneer to be collected on March 7, 1987, while the District's inquiry indicated that this source did not open for business until March 24, 1987. o The address given on the form for another source was for a different business and no phone listing could be found. o One reported source indicated that they had not had their grease interceptor cleaned for some time. o In two other instances, forms received by the District showed that the same grease interceptor was pumped by two different Pioneer trucks on the same day. Each of these loads was reported to be 17S0 gallons or more. o One source indicated that their grease interceptor was not actually pumped until the day following the receipt of the load from Pioneer. In addition, since Pioneer began haul ing waste to the District in February 1986, they have consistently been 30-60 days late in payment of their monthly invoices from the District. Pioneer has been notified that immediate payment of their existing $4,073.24 outstanding balance is required. Staff also checked with the County Health Department to determine whether their requi rements were bei ng met by Pioneer. The Heal th Department requi res an annual permit, vehicle inspection, and copies of septage hauling receipts. Pioneer's County permit has not been renewed for 1987, and a review of .County files indicated that no receipts had been received. From conversations with Mr. James Watterson, who is representing Pioneer, and follow-up investigations, staff concludes the following: o Pioneer's administration, bookkeeping, and management unorganized, ineffective, and under staffed. has been o The repeated falsifications of sources was apparently done to take advantage of the lower inside District rate for restaurant grease interceptor disposal. The District charges $O.Ol/gallon for grease from sources inside the District and $O.OS/gallon for grease from sources outside the District. o Pioneer's primary business is apparently cleaning restaurant grease interceptors, mostly in the South Bay. There are very limited treatment facilities in the South Bay which accept grease. .....-------. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER HEARING TO CONSIDER REVOCATION OF A PERMIT TO [XJMP SEPTIC SEWAGE PAGE 3 OF 8 DATE May 4, 1987 Pioneer has not contested staff conclusions to date and has expressed a desire to change thei r procedures and management control s to meet Di stri ct requirements and to resume disposal at the District. The attached letters from Pioneer indicate a stated intent to cooperate with the District. The District relies heavily upon the truthfulness and accuracy of waste hauler reports. The District does have a monitoring system, but constraints of staff time and cost require that monitoring be done on a periodic basis. Consequently, cases of del iberate fal sification must be considered extremely serious violations of the District Code. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Pioneer's Permit to Dump Septic Sewage be revoked for the following reasons: o Repeated falsification of the Septic Tank Disposal forms after being warned in writing of the consequences. o Repeated failure to pay the District's billings within 30 days. As of May 4, 1987, the balance due is $4,073.24. o Failure to maintain a Contra Costa County Health Department Waste Hauler Permit and to comply with County regulations for reporting. ---------.. 13028-9/85 I s I i J ~ PIt.,I~EER LIQUID TRANSPOh I, INC. H AtlD 0 ELI V ERE 0 10 Apri 1 1987 Roger J. Dolan. General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez. CA 94553 o ear rl r. Dol 2. n : All required permit fees due the County Health Department have been paid to the County Treasurer and forms have been obtained froer: the County Health Departrrent to report pumping and disposition of grease and sewage monthly. The check for payment of the monthly bill will be issued no later than the h/enty-fifth of the month following thf2 month of service. I propose that suspension of dUIT'ping privileges be automatic and without notice to Pioneer if payment is not received on tirre. I also propose that payment be at the rate of five cents per gallon SUbject to review by you at some future date. I propose that Pioneer attach completed Pioneer v/aste manifest forms to your Septic Tan~ Disposal form. These Pioneer forms will provide complete inforf"C'tion on the source of all loads disposed of in your facility including approximate gallonage. the name and address of the source, thE:' nature of the m2.tE'rial. the date the septic or greasE: interceptor was purr-pod and the phone number of the source. Tre manifest will also be signed by a responsible employee of the source. I al so suggest that the gallonage of the trucks be determined by weighing them full at your facility and then charging for a full load each time the truck ccrres in to ycur facility. I hJve attacr.'2c a sc.mple comp~ d copy of the manifest form. Si,~ el '// . ~./(- Richard Cohen p.o. BOX 1530. MOUNTAIN VIEW. CA 94042 (415) 889-7652 ,- ~~'. ?,. I' i i :{, ,.;~)i. :h,~" t' ,',"", .-~......... 'i?'l ....:" '"..' .... .... r:\'~~~: i{; 0:'~'~.~: ).' :'~l~. . ..}: ;,.. _:'~ r~_t ~ : ... .,~ ."J.;'- .:-:; f ~, " ..,,, :~~, ,'<ft. <~/ ";:~! -'II .....e. .<i ;~.,: . .....:. , {~;::I" , ' ,'1,1 " .. '. ';'i~ ~. . ~~~ ,'~ :t~ .~t .~ f :l'" i:~ ;.f '(. ,j' '}~ PIONEER LIQUID TRANSPORT, INC. P.O. BOX 1530, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94042 (408) 293-4808 WASTE MANIFEST INVOICE N~ 12127 SERVICE FOR BILLING AOORESS TREET & NO, STATE ZIP CITY STATE IP Ouan, Septic Tank Grease Tank Car Wash Other Price FINANCE CHARGES will be Charged at a PERIODIC RATE OF l'h%. ThiS is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 0118%. If it becomes necessary to lile suit lor the collection 01 any amount. costs, Including reasonable attorney lees shall be paid by the buyer. .; - l ~. <. i , '1 ;, , :"( 1- ~ ~ ..~ , ......1; ';oj \". . '1" " 't~ \ .:~ '.jo~ '~ '" ' . :~ ~. :.f. 17 ,j ."-{ ";, .:;~ -, t ~. i" '.", .. , PIONEER UQUID TRANSPORT, INC. ,~ ':t .1 'j:" ..~ .~ ~ 't" +.~ ~ .~ ~ If~ ~j~ ,~ ~' \4 llANO DEL I VERED 14 April 1987 Borton L. Brandenburs Associate Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CP 94553 Dear Mr. Brandenburg: Enclosed are copies of the waste manifests for the first part of the month of r'~arch and copies of the waste manifests and the disposal slips for the carwashes for the same period. Pioneer is primarily in the business of pumping grease traps or interceptors. About two car\<,'ashes are pumped e3ch month. I estimate that 4% of the revenue corres from can/ashes; 5% of the revenue comes from seDtic tanks ane lift stations; and 91% of the revenue comes from grease int~rccptors. Driver Jack Tabares is no longer ~ith Pione~r. Mr. Watterson and I have met with both of our remaining drivers and hcve explained t~( critical importance of providing your district with co~plete and accurate informction on Vlaste disposec of at your facility. The arivers and ttlE: dispatcher have beE-n told that any discrepancies in reporting will result in aismissa1. Each of the people involvec r:lS also been given a copy of the lTIemorendum pro v " toy 0 u ~..; t 11 t his 1 e t t cr. S~:.:?{7:~'/ // #4//: ,)<i c he rd t6~ n Enclosures p.o. BOX 1530. MOUNTAIN VIEW. CA 94042 (415) 889-7652 :~ PIONEER UQUID TAANSPORf, INC. .~ ,i;! :~ ..o!: 't# j I ~Ji ~ lj .~ :~ .\t To: Dispatcher and Drivers From: Richard Cohen Su~ject: Dumping at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Under a new procedure being worked out with the management of the Sanitary District, it is extremely important that all p~per't/ork subrritted to the District be completely accurate. Once the clE:tails of the procE::Curc Clrc worked out, yet.: will be brief'.::d anc! given the opportunity to ask any questions about anything you don't understar.d or that you need clarification on. You will be r e qui red t 0 f 0 1 1 o~! the pro c e d u r e tot h e 1 e t t era n d f ail u r e t 0 d 0 sew i 11 res u 1 tin d i s Po: i s s a 1 . /-----, P.O. BOX 1530. MOUNTAIN VIEW. CA 94042 (415) 889-7652 PIO,~cEA LIQUID TAANSPOA'~, ~NC. HAND DELIVERED 21 April 1987 Barton L. Brandenburg Associate Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Brandenburg: The discrepancies in reporting referred to in /VIs. Kaduk's letter of 17 April 1987 came about because: 1. The gallonage shown on the \o/aste manifests is an estimate of the size of the customer's grease trap. Pioneer does not ctarge its customers by the gallon. 2. Grease pumped on a given day is not always disposed of on the same day. Pioneer has two pump trucks and one 5,300 gallon trailer and 2. set of doubles which hold 6,000 gallons. Sometimes the small trucks come directly to the Sanitary District and other times the sw.all trucks pump into one of the trailers. In addition, the trailers are not always dumped the same day the t r ail e r i s f ill e d . U n d € r the n e \oJ pro c e d u res being worked out, this problem should be eliminated. All of the lO:lds di sposed of at the Di strict have come from the grease traps as shown on the Pioneer manifests. I am sorry for the trouble that our failure to keep good records has caused. p.o. BOX 1530, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94042 (415) 889-7652 . Centrc..~ Contra Costa Sanltar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 7, 1987 SUBJECT NO. V. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 DATE AU IHORIZE $21,500 IN SEWER CONSlRUCTION FUNDS AND AUTHORIZE PURQ-lASE OF A 200 HP PUMP FROM MCl.EMORE PUMP, INC. AUTHORIZE FUNDS AUTHORIZE KJKQ-lASE SUBMITTED BY David Reindl INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Maintenance Engineering/ ISSUE: On April 23, 1987, sealed bids for the No.3 Water High Pressure Pump were opened. The Board of Di rectors must award a contract or rej ec~ proposals within 60 days of ~he bid opening. 6ACKGRQ.JND: At the November 20, 1986, meeti ng, the Board or Di rectors was informed of the need for an additional No. 3 Water High Pressure Pump to provide backup for the two existing 100 HP pumps and supply addit10nal fu~ure utility water req ui rements. At that time, the Board authori zed desi gn funds and tl'le prepurchase of a 200 HP variable frequency drive from Emerson Electric Company. The design has been completed and shipment of the Emerson dr1ve IS scheduled for the week of May 11. The District has advertised and received Lhree bids for the 200 HP pumping unit. A bid tabulation is provided un Attachment 1. The lowest responsive bidder is McLemore Pump of Burlingame wlth a Did of $15,717.27. The engineer's estimate for this equipment was $20,000. A complete projec~ estimate is provided in Attachment II. The installation contract W111 be awarded separately. The total cost of ~his project 1S estimated at $150,000. This project is identified in tl'le ten-year Capital Improvement Plan and is scheduled for the 1987-1988 construction season. District s~atf has concluded that the proposed project will have no significant environmental impact and has filed a notice of exemption. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize purchase of the pump and driver from McLemore Pump Company and authorize $21,500 from Sewer Construction Funds for purchase, administrative costs, and contingency. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ 0~ INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 130:!A..9/85 DR JB CWB ATTACHMENT II PROJ ECr ESTIMATE NO. 3 WATER HIGH PRES~URE PUMP Engineering and design $ 24,000 Variable Frequency Drive Prepurchase (200 HP) 21,000 Pump and Motor (2000 GPM at 270 TDH) 16,000* Programmable Pump Controller 3,500* Installation (Estimated) 73,000 Contingency - 10 percent T ota 1 u,-S.OQ $150,000 *Requested at this time Previously authorized funds $ 21,500 451..000 $ 66,500 . Centr&.._ Contra Costa Sanitar I District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR REMODELING OF THE WALNUT CREEK OFFICE BUILDING (DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20047) AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Henry B. Thom, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department Cons uc 0 D ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Wal nut Creek Office Building Remodeling Project and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The Wal nut Creek Office Buil ding Remodel ing Project incl uded the work to renovate the upper floor of the Walnut Creek Building for leasing to the American Cancer Society. The major improvements requested by the tenant included interior painting, carpeting, removal of certain built-in cabinets, and some minor new wall construction. Certain electrical modifications to the office building were necessary to increase the available electrical service. Additional HVAC ductwork was installed and District prepurchased HVAC units were mounted on the roof. In addition, miscellaneous site work was required involving both sidewalk and fence installation. On January 22, 1987, the Board authorized the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract with Malpass Construction Company to construct the project. The Notice to Proceed was issued on January 23, 1987. The contract compl etion date was March 30, 1987 for the interior work and April 30, 1987 for the exterior work. The tenant occupied the building on April 1, 1987. All remaining contract work was essentially completed by the contract completion dates. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. A detailed accounting of the project cost will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for remodel ing of the Wal nut Creek Office Building (District Project 20047) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. 13021\..9/85 HBT RSK JSM . Centr,' Contra Costa Sanital District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER I BOARD M~;;G7~F 1987 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-17 (DANVILLE AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-18 AND P.A. 87-19 TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE CONCURRENT ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF DANVILLE SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer' Parcel No. Area 87-17 Danville (8187) (lOOA7) 87-18 Danville (lOlB7) 87-19 Danville (lOlA7) INITIATING DEPT.fDIV. ~9 1302" .9'65 DH Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage M. H. Robertson 2016 Diablo Road Danvi11e CA 94526 215-010-006 (6.01 AC) C.M. Bloch & Bill Hayes c/o Live Oak Associates II One Market Plaza, Ste. 2210 SPEAK STREETTOWER San Francisco CA 94105 206-020-046 (133 AC) Tassajara Partners 100 Park Place, #250 San Ramon CA 94583 206-010-007 & 008 (223.7 AC) Tassajara Partners III 100 Park Place #250 San Ramon CA 94583 1206-020-056 (26.91 AC) PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 DATE Apri 1 29, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Remarks Lead Agency Proposed Subdivision 6834, Town of consisting of 10 single Danville family lots. Town of Danvi11e has prepared a "Negative Dec1aration." Proposed Subdivision 6736 Town of consisting of 210 single Danvi11e family homes. Development approved 4/6/87 by the Town of Danvi11e, covered in the Dougherty Road Area General Plan Amendment (E.I.R.) Portion of proposed Town of Subdivision 6878, consistinl Danvi11e of 279 single family units, 488 multiple family units, community shopping center, retail and offices. Development was approved 2/3/87 by the Town of Danvi11e, covered in the Dougherty Road Area General Plan Amendment (E.I.R.). Portion of proposed Subdivision 6878, consistin of 73 single family units. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION f/11 1tfj JSM RAB ~~J#'~IEF ENG. I,. L.A(" /J{ /11 A II/I /1 I 'ft"OGER J. DOLAN SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-17 (DANVILLE AREA} TO BE . INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-18 AND P.A. 87-19 TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE CONCURRENT ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF DANVILLE POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 4 DATE April 29, 1987 Pa rce 1 No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency I 206-020-057 (15.3 AC) Proposed development consisting of 35 to 50 single family units. Development has not yet been approved. Town of Danville 87-19 Danville Cont I d (lOlA?) (lOOE?) Estate of A. Haskins,Jr. Tassajara Partners III 100 Park Place, #250 San Ramon CA 94583 206-020-058 (21.45 AC) Portion of proposed Subdivision 6878, consisting of 50 single family units. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 87-17 to be included in a future formal annexation and _authorize P.A. 87-18 and 87-19 to be included in a future conc~rrent annexat~on to the Town of Danville. - 13026.; 65 7"HIItD / 5 '~/3 I / ;1/2. ATIIEHIAI 11.50 - / 6l , / ,~y),..c( \ ." r'-~.4 V + PROPOSED ANNEXATION PA. 87-/7 L..J "",..ce_, ........ ...,..e.. .- ......Co M.L'. ......c. ~l(1ST. eel: Sb 40UAJPAR.Y 65.D./. , - - . . ~A. 81-/8 DANV/LLE f!A. 87--/9 f!:ID p. suB/). ,,678 r ",0 . PROPOSED ANNEXATION PAt 87-/8 ~ /9 . CentrQ_ Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 17 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 7, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX TEN SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95 DATE May 1, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION INITIATE ANNEXATION D. A. 95 SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: This District must initiate the annexation proceedings with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) before the annexation process can be officially completed. BACKGROUND: The LAFCO has requested that the Di strict submit no more than 10 separate areas under anyone proceeding to avoid overloading their schedule. The subject areas are generally located in Alamo, Danville, and Diablo. LAFCO has indicated that they may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas we submit to eliminate islands or straighten boundary lines. The District will have to hold a public hearing to consider the annexation of any parcel added by LAFCO. RECOMMENDATION: Pass a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District under District Annexation 95. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A ..9/85 0I't DH j)fJfjJ INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. JSM RAB ,;~ ). 'AiF r."- '; ~'VF/;ifk"X/'~'\'-:.;J!;~:;,~:\:~\c.fJ~ ' . . \~ - " ',:, . 5 ~i- ~'il'" ~~~;~*;r~~~4ii~{,~~'\l' ", //ST~/CT ANNEXATION '~><;". ~'<..' r'~"':;\:0~t~;0":~~~';}i2;;\::,.;:.;~t\\F:'\t\;S~;:\';l,\\~ ", M!}'5 .', .:.. .. . . ,,,,"\',',::"~"'" "".. .,,\\~..,"j ...... () {~",:'~i\\;;~~~~'i;{,i1~\'\\~j\t \ .. .. '. - \\:?{~\Vj\\~~l~<"("\\:", .\\ . ',\\\{::\,,)'i{0\}"" . ..l" , .\...jt.:.....:\\.~:..~>:.\;{ ..' ;..~,'-::':3~S.;;.;\;;;ny:.;::".,y~.,\.,~.... _ "} '-'~,r. - I -~ ...:':;X\f\) .\,~~\;~ {,. " .. .@~\., """.' ,:.:,y;:X~ " .,' \'-- " -. ." :!~i:{,j\i~,.,\;;~:\;';:t';;i;j' .. ; ~ '1 '......... ~\;-<. 5 "\'~:' '.:',:" ..,',.:, .A v _ "", . y. · F" ,\1.. """",",""""''''''''''",,,,,,,..,...;',:;; ~~. . "" .'Wi;;;"" ',""""','I ~' I ..:; '. \, ~'\;\.'\V;/' .:. '. ....:.''':,:.::'.:>;:,:~'~u:::,..'.,{;,:...'.Y,/::l ~"\L>' .'\'\":;\\;;:;<''c''' ';:\'\'::"'.":,\\1 ',,- \\":', .... '::., . ";:';:""./' .' .(:.:.... '.;~\;~y\/,\\\, l~f .tiA,' \:};\//;<>,',. ;":":\":"/:<~\\ . . .... .,:;,!,,>""'. ~;,j\:j':>W ~&~;;-. \\\ :\\\\'\'0,\\,\\\\,,\,,\j,..\,\~~ ,.. .. ~i ...).~ ~."A~ {Ii '. ....... ..... ...... ','" ...,..,..~ :~..~. ,CD . ;:..". .,....,... . . ..;. ..".".. ~ ", - 11 ! .,.. , '\ , '-- "" --", '~~ - \ C-" /:-.>- - . ~ '\(~ /-,I':~" ..g.. c: 1lJ/ U' I ,,* " -'''' ~ I ....... ~ .. I, -/~.. I . " I~C l II ~ I' ..rl'?ll )i .._ \1 '/ ''''''" · / j --~ """""""J~J\lJ~~ ~ ~ I . .~~~: I J ~. ..oJ \... ~i ) ~. ...:~\\\: ~) ~\ ~ \ \ ..... , '-- \ . \\ ~~ '--, \_\ DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 95 Tabulation of Parcels Parcel P.A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Board Lead No. & Area Parcel No. & Acreaae and Remarks Anencv 1 85-11 G. C. Bewa11, et ux June 6, 1985 CCCSD Diablo 1965 Diablo Road "Notice of Exemption" Diablo, CA 94528 by District ( 1.39AC) R.E. Sawdon, et ux P.O. Box 350 Diablo, CA 94528 195-270-029 (O.53AC) 2 86-1 J. V. Do1sby, et ux January 16, 1986 City of Danvi11e 950 Diablo Road "Negative Declaration" Danvill e Danv 111 e, CA 94526 by City of Danvi11e 196-300-06 & -07 (5.05AC) 3 85-13 E. Lickiss J u 1 Y 11, 1985 CCCSD Danv11 1 e 360 Montair Drive "Notice of Exemption" Danv 111 e, CA 94526 by District 199-440-02 (2.80AC) 4 85-16 Shape11 Industries of August 1, 1985 City of Danv111 e N. Ca1Horni a E.I.R. by City of Danvi11e 100 N. Mi1pitas Blvd. D a nv ill e Mi1pitas, CA 95035 202-100-016 and 207-050-006 (248.52AC) 85-26 Shappell Industries of November 7, 1985 N. Cal Horni a 100 N. Mi1pitas Blvd. Mil pitas, CA 95035 202-100-016 (9.22AC) 86-5 Blackhawk Corp. February 6, 1986 3820 Blackhawk Road Danvi11e, CA 94526 202-100-022 (103.6AC) 207-050-007 (32.9AC) 5 85-22 Springbrook Assembly October 17, 1985 Contra Alamo of God "Negative Costa 25 H111croft Way Declaration" County Walnut Creek, CA 94596 by County 188-330-002 (6.56AC) Parcel P.A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Board Lead No. & Area Parcel No. & Acreaae and Remarks Aaencv 6 85-23 R. w. Peterson~ Trust November 7~ 1985 Contra Alamo 129 Wilshire Court "Negative Costa Danville~ CA 94526 Declaration" County 187-330-003 (4.38AC> by County 187-330-004 (ptn.) (0.75AC> 7 83-17 Arven R. Scott September 15~ 1983 CCCSD Alamo 938 Danville Blvd. "Notice of Alamo, CA 94507 Exemption" 197-090-008 by District (0.89AC) 8 86-8 Kingdom, Inc. March 6, 1986 CCCSD Danville 882 Diablo Road "Notice of Danville, CA 94526 Exemption" 196-290-020 (3.03AC) bv District 9 86-19 International Church August 21, 1986 City of Danville 34 Alamo Square "Negative Danville Alamo, CA 94507 Declaration" 215-090-015 (6.96AC> by City of Danville 87-3 U.S. Postal Service E. I. R. U.S.A. 850 Cherry Avenue by U.S.A. San Bruno, CA 94099 215-090-016 (4.30AC> . 10 84-21 S11 vio Queirolo November 1, 1984 CCCSD Danvill e 269 A West El Pintado "Notice of Danville, CA 94526 Exemption" 215-090-14 (4.09AC) by District 86-13 Olympia Properties, Inc. April 17, 1986 City of 6000 Stoneridge Mall Rd. Da nv ill e Room 260 Pleasanton, CA 94566 217-020-001 (144.06AC) -2- . "'O<.JNr "fABLo Esr",,, PA~k SUBo. UN" No , . ( 15 M 301 ) I _-.J ---- - LA CADENA UJ . 10 TONEY _ (35460.R.OZ3)t &i'\ ~ DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 1 MOODY (T757 O.R. 4.5'7) Ol ill 0:: tn---- :J- Q~ z. -0:: -l (j ('..! .J <.Il r:- ~100 <( <.I) ~ I & 0 (J') '-' ~ ~ ~ PARC.(L 'A' 11\ p.M.~ ~ ~ ......... CONTRA COSTA COUNT\( ("1630 OR.364) ::::::::: NORTH LINE OF SECTION 21 .\\i\\\:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~~[~:::::~\S.~:::~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::1 IS. R I W ~tttIIr "'-100' t../ N 69010' E 480' :t 2. .3 ........ \\\\\\t[ ~ :::::::: -c:t ff ~ ........ c. \~ .9~ 9-?~ '.4- o~ -:/ ~P.O.B. :::::::: W jjj~~~~~ ~ :::::::: 0 ?\~ z ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ 0, " "- "'- ...... ...... - --- ~ ' / ~-t6 ("p l:-.\ ----- '" .,",1 0'1 __ 1915 C:S?>~?- ~lO: t::.-'~O :../:-~... _ _ _ ..; I - ~.... _CV \ \ _ \-r DISTR~CT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 2 ~ ~ . ~ (011)">'1 d'liPo~. . 1$1) Q~.:~~ ~~~ ~~ jf..~ 0;.11)'1 )~~o. \..\O\CD ~ '@ ofP' .~"Zl ~~" . ~f).""'o DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 3 SHUMATE (Z-070 OR. 8 ) uJ. ~~ 013" Z~ 21 2'2. ~ 7 N aeo3Q'Z&"E 2645."1~' N 8'10 35'50' W 81. 5e, @ ~ a' U'I t: UI " -'f- SYCAMORE FARM INVESTME:NT CO. (4G03 Q.R. 95'2.) 'I ~~:;:l:~:~:;:;:~:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ ........ .., ( ~?~ ~'" ) ~ ~i ~ ~I 3=~~~ z ::j ~83 ~,~ ~tii ~~ @ NEWBUR'i (3'38\ O.R.4&~) ~ fOOO' ! SOUTH LINE SECTION 1.., S '/4 CORNER SECiION '21 CtI5R.IW ) DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 4 @\ ~ ~ \2\7' ...-.~ ~~ ~ r~ ~ l'~ < \" ~~ q~ '( 1- .~ &Q~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ "'^ "'; ....A~ ~ D~STRlCT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 5 @ 1985 5UGARLOAF DEX. CORP. E.TAL , PARCEL- TWO ( I021f O.R.5G) COOK 101910.R.485 ~ ~ I N 1io \?>' E. @ 1911 @ 19"11 DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 6 BAlOCCHI ~~~.:J;<'ik%'iM'~$l _(G'340R:~_\ \ ~ t ~......:::-...........-:::;..-- 7 z ~I '-'",,// ~j/ I I ; ~ i~ ~ riJ' ~~ scalT I I r-oq-. :~.@ @ ~R-'? ~~ (\Iq4e-4q"7) - ~ ~-<"'~~ N.wo9"W I I I ~-..~ ~~t": ~ ri~tF@ig4M I ~ (11'\48 oR. W ::::.:. ~ ~ I 4: 0:: I ~ 8~~~ i III~~ I ~~ I ~-, z ::::::: 0 I I ~ z N46020'W 179.94' mr C 'oJ :~ttttt~:~:~:~:}~:~{{{~~{{t.:8:~g~:~:~~:~:~~:~~LLE BLVD. @ 19"'74 @ 19 li~1 DlSTRICT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 7 ~ ~ @ 1%6 DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 8 01.. 'lMPIA pROPERTIES (II74~ O.R. 81G) DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 9 Iiii' ~/& f1i ~. 00' ~I\.. ~~ ^ '- ~ :6~. ~. o -t..)>~ ~:~ ~ ~S"I. ~. 00 1\9. /yO~ :A~ 7 . ~~ ~ :s'61 ~v <>- uJ " tff> ~. O. (1) t3> ~ ~ ~ t-J o .. 0- ::l 1> Q W,...O \\J :x: ::: Z ~~ -0: ~c5 '1.9 ~~ g~ $tff i~ eJ.....~ ~!/) .:::;'" ;):~ ~~ Cit.tfI o 1E90. "'!vi- Ctb &. . Y"V~ol<,ol) ~~ DISTRICT ANNEXATION 95 PARCEL NO. 10 RESOLUTION NO. 87- DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 95 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF PROPERTIES TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT WHEREAS, The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District desires to apply for the annexation of property under the appropriate provisions of the District Reorganization Act of 1965. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT that the following information and findings are hereby respectfully submitted in compliance with the requirements of said District Reorganization Act: A. This proposal and application is made pursuant to the aforementioned District Reorganization Act of 1965. B. This annexation consists of 10 "single areas" (as defined by the State Board of Equalization) generally adjacent to the existing District boundary, as shown and described on the attached maps and descriptions. Said annexation totals about 587.85 acres. C. The only affected County is Contra Costa County, in the areas generally known as Diablo, Alamo, and Danville. No other sanitary districts are involved. D. These properties are legally uninhabited and are planned or used for residential purposes. This Resolution of Application is for annexation with the request for approval under SECTION 56261 of the Government Code without further notice or hearinQ by the Board of Directors and without an election, for the reason that all of the owners of land within the territory proposed to be annexed have given their written consent to such annexation, in the form of a Petition for Annexation, or are connected to and served by the District sewer system after requesting such service and paying District fees and charges. E. This annexation is undertaken by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District pursuant to the provisions of the District Code. If annexation is approved, all of the provisions of said Code would become applicable to the properties annexed. Annexation fees shall be collected at the time of connection to the public sewer system. F. The reasons for this annexation are: 1. These properties are within the ultimate service area of the District, as previously approved by appropriate County agencies, and are or will be connected in the near future to the sanitary sewer system of the District. The District is assuming responsibility, upon annexation, for the continued maintenance and operation of the public sewage facilities. 2. It is the requirement of the District that all served properties annex to the District (Code Section 8-201, Refer to Sections 6511, 6522, and 6830 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California) . 3. Septic tank systems are inadequate for the area and will create a public health problem. 4. The property owners have petitioned for annexation to the District, or have requested and received sewer service subject to District regulations including annexation. 5. No other sewering agency can logically serve these areas. G. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District respectfully requests that proceedings be taken by the Local Agency Formation Commission for the proposed annexation under the terms and conditions set forth herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1987, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: MEMBERS: NOES: MEMBERS: ABSENT: MEMBERS: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: James L. Hazard District Counsel . Centra.... Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 SUBJECT NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF DATE AUTHORIZE THE QUITCLAIM OF A SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 3215, MISCELLANEOUS PARCEL, DANVILLE AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT Dennis Hall, Associate En ineer INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Divisio SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Kenneth L. Zillard, owner of Parcel B of Book 99 of Parcel Maps, page 50, has requested this District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was created in 1948 as a "5' Util ity Easement." District records indicate that this easement was never used for sewer purposes. All of the parcels of land in the vicinity of the subject easement are served by public sewers located in other public sewer easements. The subject easement is not needed for District purposes. The owner has paid the District's processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Kenneth L. Zillard, Job. No. 3215. Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. r(J .(J~ 1302A.9/8S D H RAB BlAe KHAWK ~I~- .O)w 0):10: rq'u, Q :::jVllnO rTl .Z o~cil~ :u rTl-l }> ITI ~Zr= 0 w -I::j () ITI III -< 00 ""-" (/'l: ~ () o c Z -I -< ............ c I\) .....',--._. "_. -10, E'; ~?;;! ~ ~-I VI'" ITI}> ~() rTl() ZrTl -I VI VI po Ex/ST/NCi JJ:.wele ?tl8l-IC S~ ~I~-ri -.- OJ '" .. - I ~: ~ANVILtE _~ SITe ~QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 3215 (misc.) DANVILLE AREA . Centrl..w Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF M NO. VI. DATE CONSENT CALENDAR 7 SUBJECT RECEIVE THE PUBLIC SEWER OVERHEAD CREEK CROSSING DESIGN PROCEDURE INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy, Construction Div. Manager ISSUE: A Creek Crossing Design Procedure for District public sewers has been prepared and is ready for implementation. BACKGROUND: An issue regarding a proposed creek crossing in Pleasant Hill came before the Board in early 1986. As a result of discussions on that issue, staff decided that it was desirable to create formal procedures and standards applicable to the design of creek crossings. The Design Procedure has been prepared and has been reviewed internally and by representatives of the Building Industry Association. Comments obtained during the reviews have been incorporated into the document. Copies of the Design Procedure will be available at the May 7 Board meeting. Highlights of the Desig.n Procedure are as follows: o Creek crossings are discouraged and the project engineer is required to evaluate other alternatives. o Project engineers are required to investigate and evaluate all practical gravity sewer routes and alignments which may incl ude siphons and pump stations. o In the case where creek crossings are unavoidable, the crossing must be designed in accordance with Contra Costa County Flood Control standards. o The banks of the creek under crossings must be protected from erosion. o Crossings must be designed to withstand external loads from logs or debris which may float down the creek. This Design Procedure is proposed to be adopted by the Engineering Department in its Department Procedures Manual. The Procedure will be used by developers' engineers for guidance and by District staff for evaluating sewer designs. RECOMMENDATION: This is an informational item. the Board. No formal action is required by REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 JSM RAB . Centria~ Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 7, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 SUBJECT SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 4, 1987 TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE UPDATING ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES DATE May 4, 1987 TYP'S8H~BDE~ PUBLIC HEARING SUBt,lITTED B1 H d .James . azar Counsel for the District INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative ISSUE: Revisions to the District's guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEM) are required to confonn to current provisions of state law and regulations. BACKGROUND: The District Code provides for adoption of local guidelines implementing the purposes and provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. It is appropriate that the guidelines be updated at this time to reflect changes in state law and regulations. RECOMMENDATION: Schedule a public hearing on June 4, 1987 to consider the adoption of an ordinance updating environmental guidelines. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION R./~NG. ROGER J. DOLAN 130211.9/8 JLH . Centr&..._ Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 7, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 SUBJECT SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 4, 1987 TO CONSIDER ESTABLISHMENT OF THE 1987-1988 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES, AND THE COLLECTION OF SUCH CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLLS DATE A ril 29, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The District Code and State law require holding public hearings for the establishment of the 1987-1988 Sewer Service Charge rates, and for placing such charges on the County tax rolls for collection. BACKGROUND: The 1987-1988 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Budget will be submitted for initial review by the Board of Directors at the special Board Meeting on May 28, 1987. Approval of the 1987-1988 O&M Budget is scheduled for the Board Meeting of June 4, 1987. It is customary to hold public hearings to receive public comment on establ ishing the Sewer Service Charge rates and collecting such charges on the County tax rolls during the Board Meeting at which the O&M Budget is presented for approval. Because the interval between the May 28, 1987 Board Meeting and the June 4, 1987 publ ic hearing date is insufficient for proper notice, it is necessary to set the public hearing at the May 7, 1987 Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Set a publ ic hearing on June 4, 1987 to receive publ ic comment on the establishment of the 1987-1988 Sewer Service Charge rates, and the collection of such charges on the County tax rolls. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~- 1302A.9/85 WNF PM . Centr... Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 7, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 10 SUBJECT SET A HEARING DATE OF MAY 28, 1987, FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING AOlUISITION OF PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENTS BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR THE SAN RAMON VALLEY INTERCEPTOR, PROJ ECT 4224 DATE May 4, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SET HEARING SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson Principal Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDI\L Engineering uepartment Engineering Division ISSUE: A hearing must be conducted prior to initiating acquisition of a public sewer easement by eminent domain. BACKGROUND: The District will begin construction of approximately 7.5 miles of the San Ramon Valley Interceptor in June 1987. The proposed interceptor, ranging in size from 42 to 60 inches, will be located in easements within the former Southern Pacific Rail road right-of-way. Permanent sewer and temporary construction easements were acqui red from Contra Costa County under a master purchase agreement executed in December 1985. To date, the County has prov i ded permanent and temporary constructi on easements for the entire project except for a 2,357-foot section between Danville Boulevard at Rudgear Road and Woodland Drive. This parcel is not owned by Southern Pacific. Ownership reverted to the heirs of the original owners (approximately 80) upon abandonment of rail operations by Southern Pacific. The County has been negoti ati ng with the owners over the past 1-112 years, but has been unabl e to reach agreement of a sal es pri ceo In March 1987 the County informed the Di stri ct that negotiations were stalemated and advised the District to condemn the sewer easement to meet the proj ect constructi on schedul e. The County is unabl e to i niti ate condemnati on at thi s time due to the 1 ack of an approved proj ect for the ri ght-of-way. The District will need a permanent 20-foot wide surface and subsurface easement for the sewer interceptor. To allow constructi on of the sewer, a temporary easement encompassi ng the enti re property ClOO feet wide by 2,357 feet long) will be req ui red for a peri od of one year. Prior to initiating condemnation, the District must conduct a hearing to receive input from the property owners and other affected interests. Property owners and other interests must be notified at least 15 days in advance of the hearing. After the hearing, the Board of Directors may consider adopting a resolution of necessity authorizing the acquisition of a public sewer easement by eminent domai n. REroMMENDATION: Set a hearing on May 28, 1987, for the purpose of initiating acquisition of the necessary public sewer easements by eminent domain for the San Ramon Vall ey Interceptor, Proj ect 4224. Di rect staff to noti fy property owners and other interests of the hearing. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INI ()~ f~ 130211.9/85 CWS DRW RAB NOTICE OF HEARING The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hereby gives notice of its intent to adopt a resolution of necessity to acquire by eminent domain a public sewer easement for sewer line purposes and a temporary construction easement on the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference. This proposed action will be heard on May 28, 198~ at an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors. You have a right to appear and be heard on the matters referred to in Code of Civil Procedure Section 1240.030. Section 1240.030 provides: The power of eminent domain may be exercised to acquire property for a proposed project only if all of the following are established: (a) The public interest and necessity require the project. (b) The project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and provide the least injury. (c) The property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. Your failure to file a written request with the Secretary of the Sanitary District: 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553, and be heard within fifteen (15) days after the date of mailing of this notice (May 8, 1987) will result in a waiver of your right to appear and be heard. Dated: May 8, 1987 Joyce E. McMillan Secretary of the District , , . . , . . ) ') EXHIBIT A r LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Total Property That real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, described as follows: The real property described in the deed from Laura M. Harlan and Mary H. Llewellyn to Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a California corporation, recorded June 10, 1891 in Book 60 of Deeds page 139, described as follows: A strip or tract of land 100 feet wide lying equally on each side of the located line of the San Ramon Branch of the Southern Pacific Company's railroad where the same is located through the Rancho x in said county of Contra ,Costa and commencing at a point on the center line of the said railroad where said center line intersects the Easterly boundary line of land of the said party of the first part at or near survey station 603+90 of said center line, being the westerly line of county road leading to Walnut Creek and running thence southerly along said center line of said Southern Pacific Railroad following the curvature thereof, embracing a strip of land 50 feet wide on each side of said center line to the Southerly boundary line of land of said party of the first part. at or near survey station 626+97 of said center line, a distance of 2357 feet, more or less. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: The interest conveyed to the State of California, by instrument recorded April 23, 1953, Book 2110, Official Records, page 170. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Easement t~ be acquired: For lack of a better legal. description at this time this appraiser describes the parcel easement to be acquired as: over A strip of land 20' in width, the center~line of which is the center line of the above described 100' wide parcel. - e - . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar'. ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 7, 1987 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 SUBJECT 1986 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT HIGHLIGHTS DATE A ril 29, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Barton L. Brandenburg, Assoc. Engi neer Div. ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Pretreatment Program Annual Report for 1986 has been prepared and submitted to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region (RWQCB). The highlights of this report are presented to the Board for its information. BACKGRQPNJ:>: RWQCB Order No. 84-60 requi res that all di schargers with NPDES permits which have approved pretreatment programs, submit an annual report summarizing all pretreatment program activities over the previous calendar year. The 1986 Pretreatment Program Annual Report summarizes the District's pretreatment program activities which occurred during that year. Program functions presented in the report include industrial compliance activities, sampling and inspections, enforcement actions, and treatment plant sampling and analysis. The report al so presents the pretreatment program activities conducted by the City of Concord during 1986. RWQCB requires a combined program report from the District since the District is the NPDES permit holder. (This should be the last year in which a combined report is provided based on the District's upcoming administrative assumption of the City's pretreatment program.) Below is a summary of the highlights of the 1986 Pretreatment Program Annual Report: o There are District's program. industries currently nine permitted industrial users subject to the pretreatment program and four within the City of Concord's A high degree of compliance was achieved by these permitted duri ng 1986. o ADL Ci rcuits, Inc., a pri nted ci rcuit board manufacturer withi n the City of Concord's juri sdicti on, was consi dered a si gnificant viol ator due to continued violations of Federal and District discharge limitations. The City has been working with this discharger since 1984 to bring them into compliance with these limitations. In early 1986, ADL Circuits, Inc. completed construction of a pretreatment package plant to reduce levels of heavy metals in their discharge. Fine tuning of their pretreatment system REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION - 130211.9/85 JMK RAe ENG. D b~6 BLB :J/^ LC /lHP SUBJECT POSITION PAPER 1986 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT HIGH. IGHTS PAGE ? DATE OF ':2 Anril ?O 10Rt was needed to ensure adequate removal. This industry is now approaching full compliance with applicable standards. There were only a few minor di scharge and reporti ng viol ati ons from other i ndustri al di schargers, which were subsequently corrected in a timely manner. o The District and the City of Concord started proceedings to assume the administration of the City's source control program. A draft memorandum of understanding which delineates specific areas of responsibility is in the final stages of negotiation. o The District began a comprehensive review of the existing source control ordi nance in order to strengthen enforcement procedures and rev i ew the adequacy of the local discharge limitations. The first draft of a revised ordinance has been developed. CA finalized revised ordinance is expected to be submitted for Board approval in May of 1987.) o The District's source control program was audited by the RWQCS, SWRCS and EPA in December of 1986. All initial recommendations to improve the program such as a review of the District's local limitations are being impl emented now or as soon as possibl e and shoul d be in pl ace by December, 1987. o The Di stri ct and the City of Concord worked together with the Contra Costa County Environmental Health Department to investigate a printed circuit board manufacturer CAME) who was suspected of illegally di schargi ng untreated waste to the sanitary and storm sewer systems. This manufacturer was immediately ordered to cease all wastewater discharges, and a short time later ceased all operations at the site. o The District's Source Control Section responded to a call from pump stati on personnel, who observed petrol eum odors and a hydrocarbon sheen in the Maltby pump station wet well in October of 1986. Source Control staff investigated this notification and traced the odors and hydrocarbon discharge to the Landsea Terminals in Martinez. This user was ordered to immedi ately cease all di scharges to the sanitary sewer system until the District could be satisfied that the cause of the discharge violations had been corrected. Foll ow ing an inspection by Source Control personnel of the Landsea site, it was determined that gasoline-contaminated groundwater was leaking into this user's private sewer system. Landsea subsequently repaired the leaking sewer system and is now following RWQCS orders to decontaminate the groundwater. Subsequent sampling and analysis of Landsea's discharge shows no further hydrocarbon violations. o The District conducted a total of ten unannounced industrial sampl ings and eight compliance inspections during 1986. -..------.. 13028- 9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER 1986 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ANNUAl REPORT HIG I-L IG HTS PAGE 3 OF 3 DATE April 29, 1987 o The District's trucked-in waste program, conducted jointly by the Source Control Section and the Plant Operations Department, provides for the testing of septage haulers with loads greater than 2,000 gallons before di scharge. Waste 1 cad sampl es are vi sually inspected for color, odor, and other unusual characteristics (hydrocarbon sheen, reactions, etc.> and are also tested for pH and toxicity. The toxicity analysis measures the effect of the septage load on the plant's biological population. In addition, a sample is taken once each month from a random septage load. A full priority pollutant analysis is conducted on this sample, in addition to the tests previously mentioned, to hel p ensure agai nst the possible receipt of toxic wastes. o The District purchased a zero head space extractor to measure the toxic leaching potential of the ash and sludge. Initial analysis results indicated that the District's ash and sludge is not hazardous. The 1986 Pretreatment Annual Report is a public document and available to the general public upon request. Envi ronmental organizati ons such as Citizens for a Better Envi ronment, Green peace, etc. typically request thi s report from the District for their information. This year the report was 46 pages long excl udi ng attachments representi ng the City of Concord's annual report, CCCSD Pretreatment/Source Control Ordinance, and Wastewater Discharge Permit Application Questionnai re. The report goes into extensive detail regarding industry compliance, sampling, and enforcement activities. REOOMME~DATION: This is an information item. --------.. 13028-9/85 . Centr... Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION P APE R BOARD MEETING OF May 7, 1987 NO. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 SUBJECT MODIFY AN EXISTING OPTION IN THE BENEFIT OPTION PlAN TO INClUDE REIMBURSEMENT OF DENTAL EXPENSES IN EXCESS OF THE ANNUAL MAXIMUM LIMIT OF THE DISTRICT'S DENTAL PLAN DATE April 29, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION REV ISE BENEFIT OPTION PlAN SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: Modification to an existing option in the District's Benefit Option Plan, without increasing Plan expense, is requested. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the District's Benefit Option Plan for Management and Management Support/Confidential personnel as of November 1, 1981. The following benefit options are currently available to Plan participants: o Individual Term Life Insurance Program o Deferred Compensation Plan Program o Annual Physical Examination o Increased Dental Orthodontic Reimbursement o Family Visual Eye Care Reimbursement o Medical Deductible Reimbursement o Physical Fitness Program o Purchase Prior Military and Public Service Time o Tuition Reimbursement in Pursuit of a College Degree o Hearing Aid Reimbursement Prudenti al Insurance Company is the Di stri ct' s dental pl an provi der. The dental plan limits orthodontic coverage to $1,500 per family member in a lifetime, and 1 imits coverage for regul ar dental services to $2,000 per employee and covered dependent per year. The current Increased Dental Orthodontic Reimbursement option provides reimbursement for actual expenses related to orthodontic care above the present Prudential limit of $1,500 for the participant and each dependent covered under the District's group dental plan. The modification requested would expand this option to include reimbursement for expenses for regul ar dental services which exceed the present annual maximum limit of $2,000. RECOMMENDATION: Approve modifying the Increased Dental Orthodontic Reimbursement opti on to incl ude reimbursement for expenses for regul ar dental services which exceed the annual 1 imit of $2,000, and retitl ing this option, Increased Dental Services and Orthodontic Reimbursement. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. #~. 1302....9/85 WNF . Centr~_ Contra Costa Sanitar~ ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 4 CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DEClARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANJlGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A WASTEWATER DISCHARGE CONTRACT WITH GSF ENERGY, INC. NO. VIII. ENGINEERING 1 DATE May 1, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT NEGATIV E DECLARATION AND AUTHORIZ E CONTRACT SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Barton L. Brandenburg, Assoc. Engineer Engineering Dept./Planning Division ISSUE: GSF Energy, Inc. (GSF) has appl ied for a permit to di scharge wastewater to District facilities. The Board is requested to adopt the Negative Decl arati on for a di scharge contract with GSF. If the Negative Declaration is adopted, the Board is further requested to authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the discharge contract. BACKGROUND: Since 1982 the District has been using landfill gas from GSF's gas recovery operation at the Acme landfill to fuel the treatment plant's incinerators and auxiliary boilers. Prior to conveying the gas to the District, it is chilled to remove water vapor. This forms a condensate which must be disposed. In order to reduce costs, and to provide for long-term disposal, GSF has been negotiating with the District to discharge the condensate to the District's sewer system. GSF proposes to discharge the condensate to the District's treatment plant at a rate not to exceed 6 gallons per minute via an existing 36-inch diameter sewer line which receives domestic wastewater from Martinez. (The current estimated dry weather flow rate in the 36-inch line is 750 gallons per minute.) Di strict staff has worked with GSF to insure that if the Di strict accepts the condensate for disposal, proper environmental controls will be implemented to enable the District to comply with all state and federal laws and regulations and to protect the District against potential future liability. The following controls and protection measures have been agreed upon by GSF. o A contract has been negoti ated (see Appendi x A of the attached Negative Declaration), which contains provisions for stringent administrative oversight and noncompliance penalties. o Since the contract provisions are discretionary, an initial study was performed to determine if a Negative Decl arati on or EIR was requi red by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). o Stringent discharge limits (see Exhibit A of the contract), particularly for toxic organics, will require GSF to construct a pretreatment facility. Ii! 2~ DEPT./DIV. 1302,0.9/85 BLB )"MJc JMI< SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DEQARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MAN,l'{JER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE A WASTEWATER DISCHARGE CONTRACT WITH r.:~F TNr.. PAGE? OF 4 DATE M;tv 1. 1 QR7 o The District requested that GSF submit analyses of their wastewater to the State Department of Heal th Serv ices for concurrence that it is nonhazardous. This concurrence has been received. A discharge contract is a unique approach for the District and may be used for other significant industries where due to the particular characteristics of their operation and/or discharge will potentially require a greater level of administrative oversight than could be achieved by permit. Some of the unique provisions of the GSF contract are as follows: o Monthly sampling and reporting of the discharge quality to include 129 toxic compounds. (The required monthly analyses typically cost about $2,000.) o Fees for noncompliance with the discharge limits may range up to $5,000 for each specified time period. Fees are also based on pounds of pollutants discharged above contract limits. o A 1 i st of 13 specif i c pretreatment facil ity des i gn and operati on requirements include requiring GSF personnel to be on site during pretreatment facility operational discharge and spill containment devices for all pretreatment systems. o GSF must obtain a $5,000,000 comprehensive general 1 iabil ity insurance policy with the District being co-insured. o GSF must indemnify the District against all claims or damage as a result of their discharge. o GSF will provide the District with $100,000 cash bond or other security. o The District has unilateral authority to suspend or terminate the contract if the wastewater becomes defined as a hazardous waste by state or federal regul ati ons. The District's CEQA guidelines require the Board to consider the Initial Study prepared for the contract and any publ ic comments received on the Negative Declaration prior to approving the Negative Declaration for the contract. The Initial Study for the project was prepared by Earth Metrics, Inc., an environmental and planning consulting firm. District staff concludes that the Initial Study for the contract adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the environmental impact of the GSF proposal. Based on the Initial Study, Earth Metrics, Inc. determined that a Negative Declaration is the appropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. The --------.. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DEClARATION AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANN3ER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE A WASTEWATER DISa-lARGE CONTRACT WITH GSF ENERGY, INC. PAGE 3 OF 4 DATE May 1, 1987 Negative Declaration finds that the proposed contract will not have a significant effect on the environment, and that no mitigation measures are needed beyond those already incorporated into the contract. In compliance with the GEQA requirements, District staff has arranged for a legal notice to be published which solicited comments and has provided notice of the District's intent to adopt the Negative Declaration for the proposed contract. Any comments which are received will be given to the Board at its May 7, 1987, meeting. If the Board adopts the Negative Declaration, approval of the contract will be requi red to compl ete the CEQA requi rements and all ChI staff to file a Notice of Determination in the County Clerk's office. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Negative Decl aration and authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the contract with GSF. .....-------. 13028-9/85 RESOlUTION NO. 87- A Resolution Adopting a Negative Declaration for the Wastewater Discharge Contract with GSF Energy, Inc. WHEREAS, the project upon which this determination is made is described as follows: The proposed proj ect consi sts of a contract between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and GSF Energy, Inc. to discharge landfill gas condensate to the District's treatment plant. WHEREAS, an initi al study of the proposed proj ect has been conducted by Earth Metrics, Inc., an environmental and planning consulting firm. WHEREAS, District staff finds that the initial study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluated the proposed effect on the environment. WHEREAS, adequate public notice was given to receive comments on the project. WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has reviewed the results of the initial study and determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resol ved that the Board of Di rectors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby adopt the Negative Decl aration for the wastewater discharge contract with GSF Energy, Inc. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict Board of Directors this 7th day of May, 1987, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: N3 SENT: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California James L. Hazard, District Counsel . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar District .. BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 2 SUBJECT lHORIZE $17,800 FROM lHE SEWER CONS1RUCTION FUND FOR E DESIGN OF PHASE I OF lliE DIS1RICT LANDSCAPING OJ ECT NO. IX. TREATMENT PLANT 1 DATE April 27, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION PUlHORIZE FUNDS INITIATING DEPT./DIV. De artment Manager Plant Operations Department ue: Board of Directors authorization is required to expend Sewer Construction Funds for the design of Phase I of the District's Landscaping Project, District Project No. 10031. Back o.od: On August 21, 1986, the Board of Directors authorized the execution of a consulting agreement with the firm of Royston Hanamoto Alley & Abey for the conceptual design of the Treatment Plant Landscape Master Plan. The scope of this agreement was to work in concert with the Di stri ct' s Landscape Committee to develop an idea for the landscape design of the Imhoff Place facil ities. The Landscape Master Plan is to incorporate the District's existing landscape, allow for future Plant expansion, present an aesthetic image, and use low-maintenance/ drought tolerant plants for additional landscaping. The installation of the Landscapi ng Master Pl an is to be done as capi tal proj ects to spread the cost of the total projected Master Plan design over a period of time, and to allow the Plant Operations Department to establish and maintain these new areas in economical increments. The firm of Royston Hanamoto Alley & Abey with input from the District's Landscape Committee has completed the Landscape Master Plan and the initial design concept for Phase I. The area chosen for this phase was the entry way to the facil ities off Imhoff Place, i.e., the main entry to the Trea1rnent Plant and the District's Headquarters Office Building. This area is the most visible to the public and creates the initial impression one has of the District. The Phase I design will incorporate appropriate signing and will use reclaimed water through the constructi on of a small pond as a theme of water trea1rnent. A pl an of the entrance area is attached as Attachment 1. The architect's estimate for the cost of this Phase I project is $250,000 including design and force account. The project is tentatively scheduled for late summer of 1987. The project is part of the 1987-1988 Capital Budget and, if approved, would not be before the Board until award of contract. Beco.mmendatiol): Authorize $17,800 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the design of Phase I of the District Landscape Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ./DIV. ILTTACHMENT I DISTRICl LANDSCAPE PROJECl ~~ Ul I .(\1 I I ; ~I J ~ I ~ Ci >- a: I 4( ~ ~ it ~ ~ ~ ~ : fi ~ o H U i i a U I 1 t I II fltf) Ifl' hI II . dh u. o (\I w ~ <t a. i i Ie 1 11 ~~ . Centr,.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 7, 1987 NO. XI. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 SUBJECT REVIEW A FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL PROJECTION FOR THE SELF- INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE INClUSION OF $500,000 FOR THE FUND IN THE 1987-1988 0 & M BUDGET DATE Ma 4, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION REV IEW FINANCIAL PROJ ECTION & APPROVE A BUDGET INClUSION SUBMITTED BY Jack Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative/Risk Management ISSUE: On May 1, 1986, the Board of Directors established the District's Self-Insurance Program and provided funding in the amount of $3,567,124 for the 1986-1987 fiscal year. It was understood that the staff wou1 d return to the Board each year with a re-funding recommendation. It is proposed that $500,000 be budgeted in the 0 & M fund to provide a portion of the 1987-1988 re-funding. BAa<GRaJND: The fi rst year of the Se1 f-Insurance Program operati on has a1 most conc1 uded and this is the time to consider re-funding for the 1987-1988 year. The staff has developed a financial projection designed to achieve a $6,000,000 se1f- insurance fund reserve by June 30, 1991, assuming that the District's loss experience conti nues to be favorab1 e. The $6,000,000 reserve is based on the 1 eve1 recommended by David Warren in his February 1986 Risk Management Study and also is the figure used in the staff's presentati on to the Board at the time the program was imp1 emented. Until now no speci f ic recommendati on has been made as to an appropri ate date for reaching this amount; this projection uses the five-year operational span from program inception on July 1, 1986, through June 30, 1991. The Board provided the initial funding for the Self-Insurance Program from three sources: a provision in the O&M fund for Self-Insurance Expense ($567,124), Ad Valorem Tax Revenue from the Sewer Constructi on Fund ($1,000,000), and a speci a1 allocation from the District's O&M reserves ($2,000,000). The Board also directed that these funds be invested with the interest earnings accruing to the Self-Insurance Fund, and this has become a fourth source of funding. For 1987-1988 the recommenda- tion is that a total of $1,000,000 in new funding be provided for the fund with $500,000 coming from the 0 & M fund and the remaining $500,000 either from the 0 & M reserves or the Ad Valorem Tax revenues. Interest accrual is anticipated to provide an additional $216,000 for a total 1987-1988 fund revenue of $1,216,000. Because the open case reserves are currently under $200,000 for c1 aims against the District, and there are no known major 1 iabil ity incidents invo1 ving the District, the staff is proposing to lower the level of re-funding for the 1987-1988 fiscal year based on the assumption that the Self-Insurance Fund's low experience will remain stable with no major losses occurring through 1991. The financial projection, along with the assumptions used to develop it, is detailed on Exhibit A. The projection proposes that $500,000 of 0 & M funding be provided in 1987-1988 with the amount from this source decreasing over time if the REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION A ~([PT.lDIV. 130:!A.9! J EC .I~. ROGER J. DOLAN SUBJECT REVIEW A FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL PROJECTION FOR THE SELF- INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE THE INCLUSION OF $500,000 FOR THE FUND IN THE 1987-1988 0 & M BUDGET POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE May 4, 1987 4 loss experience permits. The funding from the Ad Valorem taxes or District reserves could also decrease over time with a favorable loss experience. There is considerable flexibility as to how the Self-Insurance Program can be funded, especially since the loss experience is low and the District has adequate reserve funds. This plan represents one approach, and the staff is submitting a plan at this time in order to get preliminary approval for including $500,000 of re-funding in the 1987-1988 0 & M budget. The 0 & M increment is consi dered to be equival ent to an insurance premium which is paid from operating funds to the Self-Insurance Program instead of to a commercial insurance carrier. The additional $500,000 proposed for 1987-1988 by the financi al pl an coul d be provided from other sources such as the Ad Valorem taxes, 0 & M reserves, or by increasing the portion from the 0 & M operating fund. The Board will be making decisions regarding the overall District finances for 1987-1988 at the May 28 and June 4 meetings; the total funding for the Self-Insurance Program should be considered at that time. The staff recognizes that any plan for the Self-Insurance Fund will require an annual review or even more frequently should the loss experience deteriorate. The budget for the Self-Insurance Fund will be submitted with the 1987-1988 O&M Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Review the five-year financial projection for the Self-Insurance Fund and approve the inclusion of $500,000 for the fund in the 1987-1988 0 & M Budget. 1..-_______.. 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 4 Exhibit A CENTRAl CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF-INSURANCE FUND FINANCIAL PlAN PROJECTION Five-Years Endi ng June 30, 1991 proj ected 1986-87 1987 -88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 Revenue Self-Insurance Expense (fran O&M Fund) $ 567,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 100,000 Ad Valorem Tax Revenue or transfer fran 0 & M Reserves * 1,000,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 100,000 Interest Income 190,000 216,000 271,000 301,000 339,000 Total Revenue $1,757,000 1,216,000 771,000 801,000 539,000 Expenses Cl aims Adj usti ng $ 10,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Insurance Consulting 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Loss Payments 28,500 31,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 Legal Services 102,000 176,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 Insurance Premiums 6,000 6,000 12,000 9,000 9,000 Technical Services 15,000 60,000 63,000 10,000 12,000 Total Expenses $ 164,000 286,000 273,000 172,000 179,000 GAIN $1,593,000 930,000 498,000 629,000 360,000 ~ Reserves Gain $1,593,000 930,000 498,000 629,000 360,000 2,000,000 3,593,000 4,523,000 5,021,000 5,650,000 Reserve Total Reserve $3,593,000 4,523,000 5,021,000 5,650,000 6,010,000 * The Ad Valorem tax was used as a revenue source for 1986-1987; the O&M reserves could be substituted to provide sufficient re-funding for 1987-1988. 5/1187 Page 4 of 4 SELF-INSURANCE FUND FIVE-YEAR PROJECTION ASSUMPTIONS 1. The fund goal is to produce a $6.000.000 self-insurance reserve by June 30. 1991. 2. There will be no liability or property cases with a paid loss of $50.000 or more. 3. There will be no new cases involving major litigation expense. 4. The interest rate on District investments will be at least 6 percent during this period. 5. The District will continue to be self-insured for liability and property risks during this period and will not purchase catastrophic coverage or pay any risk pool expenses from the Self-Insurance Fund. 6. Fund usage will be limited to losses which could be insured through commercial policies and to external expenses directly related to loss control for specific cases. 4-29-87 . Centri._ Contra Costa Sanltar) Olstrlct BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 7, 1987 NO. XI. BUDGET AND FINANCE 2 SUBJECT RECEIVE THE 1987-1988 EQUIPMENT BUDGET FOR REVIEW DATE April 30, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE EQUIPMENT BUDGET SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Wal ter N. Funasaki, Fi nance Officer Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The District's 1987-1988 Equipment Budget is submitted for review. BACKGROUND: The 1987-1988 Equipment Budget is transmitted herewith. The Equipment Budget is summarized by department for 1987-1988 and each of the four prior fiscal years. A list of all equi pment items requested by department, categorized by functional classification, and a descriptive sheet which describes and justifies each item, are provided. On April 30, 1987, the Capital Projects Committee met with District staff to review the proposed Equipment Budget requests. The Equipment Budget is submitted for initial review by the full Board at this time and is scheduled for approval at the next Board Meeting on May 19, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 1987-1988 Equipment Budget for review, and provide District staff with comments and guidance. ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WNF PM 1302A..9/85 . CentrL_ Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 7, 1987 NO. XI I. DATE Ma 1, 1987 LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIM FROM PEGGY LEE BAXTER AND STEPHANIE BAXTER DENY CLAIM SUBMITTED BY Jack Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITtA TING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Risk Management ISSUE: A claim for $10,000 for vehicle property damage and personal injuries has been received from Peggy Lee Baxter and Stephanie Baxter alleging a January 13, 1987, vehicle accident at 31 Crestview Drive, Orinda, involving ice on the roadway. BAa<GRWNO: On February 5, 1987, the Board rej ected a cl aim from Davi d Hammond and Barbara Mitchell for damage resulting from their vehicle hitting a telephone pole allegedly because of ice on Crestview Drive supposedly originating from a water leak. This claim from the Baxters is from the same alleged occurrence at 7:30 a.m. on January 13, 1987, but involving their vehicle going into a ditch. The claim is being presented through the same attorney, Mr. Hammond. As reported to the Board on February 5, 1987, an initial investigation by staff does not indicate any CCCSD responsibility for any ice on the roadway; therefore, the recommendation is that this claim also be denied. REC<NENDATION: Deny cl aim from Peggy Lee Baxter and Stephanie Baxter for all eged damages and injuries resulting from a January 13, 1987, vehicle accident at 31 Crestview Drive, Orinda. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM Tr ~/DIV. JEC ~