HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-19-87 . Centr~_ Contra Costa Sanitar) Oistriet BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 8 POSITION PAPER BOARDMEETING~: 19, 1987 SUBJECT CONTINUE THE PROCESS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56 (LID 56): HOLD PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVE ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS, AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO V AND M CONSTRUCTION AND AUTHORIZE $256,900.00 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND NO. III. HEARINGS 1 DATE Ma 12, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION HOLD PUBLIC HEARING, ADOPT RESOLUTIONS, AWARD CONTRACT, AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMI,tTED B.Y uenn1S Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department Construction Division ISSUE: A public hearing must be held to consider testimony regarding the Resolution of Intention and engineer's report for LID 56 and any other comments from the public relating to LID 56. The Board may then approve, modify, or disapprove the engineer's report and assessments and, if approved, award a construction contract. Appropriate resolutions must be adopted for each action. BACKGROUND: Property owners in the La Casa Via/Brodia Way area of Walnut Creek, southeast of John Muir Hospital, petitioned this District in 1986 to form a LID for the purpose of financing and constructing a public sewer system which will benefit their properties. The sewer project consists of the installation of approximately 3,560 lineal feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer main which will provide service to 11 existing homes presently on septic systems. A total of 22 existing parcels and 7 future parcels, expected to be created from parcel splits, will also be provided direct service. The sewers will be installed within the private roads known as La Casa Via and Brodia Way and in paved private access easements. The project is located within an unincorporated area adjacent to the city of Walnut Creek. The attached map shows the assessment district boundary (Attachment 1). On March 6, 1986 the Board of Directors initiated assessment district proceedings by accepting property owner petitions within the proposed assessment district, approving the assessment boundary map, and requesting jurisdiction from the County Board of Supervisors. By Resol ution 86/246 dated April 29, 1986, the Board of Supervisors of Contra Costa County consented to the formation of the LID and assumption of jurisdiction by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Environmental effects of the project were studied by staff and the Board of Di rectors adopted a Negative Decl aration for the project on February 19, 1987. All previous actions which have been completed by the Board are shown on Attachment 2. On April 2, 1987 the Board of Directors prel iminarily adopted the engineer's report, called for construction bids and set a public hearing for May 19, 1987. The project was advertised on April 10 and 17, 1987. Eleven bids ranging from $166,760.00 to $495,172.80 were received on April 30, 1987. A tabulation of the bids is shown in Attachment 3. The Construction Division staff conducted an evaluation of the bids, met with the apparent low bidder, and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is V and M Construction of Pittsburg, Cal Hornia. The Engineer's Estimate by D.K. Associates for construction is $239,000.00. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 DH JSM ;{)dL<) ~RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. .W SUBJECT CONTINUE THE PROCESS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56 (LID 56): HOLD PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVE ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS, AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO V AND M CONSTRUCTION AND AUTHORIZE $256,900.00 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 8 DATE May 12, 1987 The Engineer of Work has filed an amended engineer's report to conform to the lowest responsible bid received. A Post-Bid Preconstruction Cost Estimate is presented in Attachment 4. A total of $256,900.00 is required to complete the project, including construction, construction management, and consultant services during construction. All costs incurred by the District for LID 56 appear in this cost estimate and will be reimbursed by assessment district funds. In order to continue the process for LID 56, the following actions are necessary: 1. Conduct a Public Hearing to consider public testimony on the Resolution of Intention and the engineer's report 2. If, at the close of the hearing, the Board finds that protests are insufficient, the following resolutions can be considered and passed: Subject of this Position Paper Subject of this Position Paper a. Resolution overruling protests b. Resolution approving amended engineer's report and assessments c. Resolution awarding contract to lowest responsible bidder d. Resolution authorizing approval of change orders 3. Authorize $256,900.00 for the project. Subject of this Position Paper Future Board Action 7/2//87 4. Authorize sale and issuance of bonds As part of the Board deliberations after the Public Hearing is closed, the Board must decide the manner in which assessments of property owners opposed to the LID are allocated. At the present time, only one of the 17 owners of the 22 parcels within the LID boundary has filed a written protest against the formation of LID 56. The District has three options in establishing the allocation of the assessments: 1. Owners of parcels opposed to the LID be included in the LID and all owners be required to pay their assessment. 13026-9/85 SUBJECT CONTINUE THE PROCESS FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56 (LID 56): HOLD PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVE ENGINEER'S REPORT AND ASSESSMENTS, AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO V AND M CONSTRUCTION AND AUTHORIZE $256,900.00 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 3 OF 8 May 12, 1987 2. The assessments of property owners opposed to the LID be spread over the parcels owned by those in favor of the LID. The owners opposed would pay a rebate at time of connection, with the proceeds distributed equally to all LID proponents who paid assessments. 3. The District can pay the assessment for all owners opposed to the LID. The District would collect an equalization fee at time of connection which would be retained by the Sanitary District. The most favorable option from the District's standpoint is option No. 1. All costs are borne by property owners benefiting from the LID and the burdensome procedures required to administer and distribute rebate monies would not be required. Staff recommends option No.1 and that option has been used to allocate the assessments which are shown in the engineer's report. The LID 56 bonds will not be sold until after the Board approves the sale which is scheduled for the July 2, 1987 Board meeting. This timing is required because of the statutory 30 day "cash payment period" for property owners who wish to pay their assessments in lump sum, rather than on a yearly basis over the life of the bonds. The actual funds will be received approximately two weeks after the Board approves the sale and issuance of the bonds. The Board may choose to delay the award of the construction contract to a later date. The contract documents dictate that the award must take place no later than 60 days after bid opening which was April 30, 1987. Therefore, if the Board wishes to delay the award, award must take place no later than the June 18, 1987 Board meeting which will be prior to the sale of the bonds. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Directors take the following action: o Open Public Hearing, take public testimony, close Public Hearing. o Adopt a resolution overruling protests. o Adopt resolutions approving the amended engineer's report and assessments. o Adopt a resolution awarding Construction Contract in the amount of $166,760.00 to V and M Construction. o Adopt a resolution authorizing approval of change orders. o Authorize $256,900.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund. 1302B-9/85 . . . . ( -'\ ~~~v f,tJ@ ~00~ t~~~~~ . - - - 1.... o -____ -.. /"R.O,POscO 1.-10 56 r---";-- ~ ~, \ .; : \ ~ \ ."---'..~ (0 - - - - NEW O:A~SE55ME~T SEWER PARCEL NUM 8fR PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 56 LA CASA VIA - BRODIA WAY WALNUT CREEK AREA COMPLElED BOARD ACTIONS LID 56 1. Adopt a Resolution accepting petitions. 2. Adopt a Resolution approving a proposed boundary map. 3. Adopt a Resolution requesting jurisdiction from the County Board of Supervisors. 4. Adopt a Resolution approvi~ a "Negative Declaration." 5. Adopt a Resolution directing filing of the boundary map with County Recorder. 6. Adopt a Resolution approving agreement for legal services with Sturgis, Ness, Brunsell and Sperry. 7. Adopt a Resolution approving agreement for engineering services with D.K. Associates. 8. Adopt a Resolution of Intention to order improvements. 9. Adopt a Resolution accepting the engineer's report for LID 56 and setting May 19, 1987 as the hearing date for receiving public testimony on LID 56. 10. Adopt a Resolution calling for construction bids. 11. Direct staff to give Notice of Improvements for bidding purposes. ATTACHMENT 2 Completed 3/6/86 Completed 3/6/86 Completed 3/6/86 Completed 2/19/87 Completed 4/2/87 Completed 4/2/87 Completed 4/2/87 Completed 4/2/87 Completed 4/2/87 Completed 4/2/87 Completed 4/2/87 ATTACHMENT 3 CentraJ--<:ontra Costa Sani~~ry District SUMMARV DF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4144 DATE 4/30/87 ENGR. EST. $ 239,000 LOCATION La Casa Via/Brodia Way, Walnut Creek, CA a:: ~ BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRICE - V & M Construction/Backhoe ( 415 ) 432-9624 $ 1. 2121B Piedmont Way, Pittsburg, CA 94565 166,760.00 - Pitts Plumbing & Mechanical Co.( 415) 837-2531 $ 2. 560 South Hartz Avenue, Ste. 204, Danville 94526 174,740.25 - Gallagher & Burk (415 ) 261-0466 $ 3. 344 High Street (PO Box 7227), Oakl and 94601 204,455.00 - Pfister Excavating ( 707 ) 643-7715 $ 4. POBox 4312, Vallejo, CA 94590 214,844.40 - Roto Rooter (415 ) 939-3100 $ 5. 195 Mason Circle, Concord, CA 94520 239,365.00 ~ Mountain Cascade (415 ) 837-1101 $ 6. POBox 116, San Ramon CA 94583 299,000.00 MGM Construction (415 ) 685-8812 $ 7 . 319,584.00 POBox 5757, Cnnr.nrn r.A 94524 J. Huizar & Sons ( 415 ) 682-3424 $ 8. 112 Center Avenue, Pacheco CA 94553 320,961.60 Manual C. Jardim (415 ) 487-0444 $ 9. 34201 Zwissy Way, Uni on City, CA 94587 326,488.00 Jardin Pipeline (415 ) 581-6946 $ 10 2774 Jeffrey Court, Castro Vall ey 94546 390,825.00 Antioch Paving (415 ) 757-0123 $ 11 POBox 1669, Antioch CA 94509 495,]72 80 - ( ) $ PREPARED BY Dennis Hall DATE 5/1/87 1 SHEET NO. OF 1 2501-9.'84 ATTACHMENT 4 POST BID - PRECONSTRUCT ION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR LID 56 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies 3. Total Construction Cost ITEM AMOUNT 4. Est. Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey Inspection Contract Administration Outside Testing Lega 1 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project 6. Pre Bid Expenditures (District) Survey, Plan Review, Printing Pre Bid Expenditures (Engineer of Work - D. K. Associates) Engineering and Assessment 7. Total Preconstruction Expenditures (as of 4/30/87> 8. Future Incidental Costs - Lid Proceedings Bond Counsel, Fiscal Agency Fees, Bond Printing, Misc. Cost of Proceedings, Bond Reserve Total Future Incidental Costs 9. Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5, 7 & 8) 10. Funds Previously Authorized 11. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project (Item 9 minus Item 10) TOTAL $166,760 25,24.0 $192,000 $ 3,800 8,000 4,000 2,000 . 200 $18,000 $.18,000 $210,000 $ 5,750 $ 5,000 $10,750 $ 10,750 $ 41,150 $261,900 $ 5,000 $256,900 % CONST CONTRACT 100% . 9.4% 109.4% 5.6% 21.4% 136.4% I TO e \t\\ ~ - Aai,XaG~"~~8~"'~tbwl AJ f: I FA R-1<s: f : ~~:J&::j,~. ~M ' J:~Jf~D~~c~~.q4Sq8 .~ ~~'t~y : - 0- 0 .; SUBJECT . . ~ 8 ~FaV1,. 4S 468 D NO EPl Y NECESSARY POL Y PAK (50 SETS) 4P468 D REPLY REQUESTED - USE REVERSE SIDE carbon'-_ . Centrl. Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 9 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 Ma 19, 1987 SUBJECTAUlHORIZE J1i4ARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO WESTERN UTILITY CONTRACTORS, INC., AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS WITH PSC ASSOCIATES, INC., AND SHAPIRO OKINO HOM AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, AND JAMES M. MONTGOMERY, AND AUTHORIZE $9,630,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PHASES 1A AND 2 OF THE SAN RAMON V ALLEY TRUNK SEWER, PROJ ECT 4224A DATE Ma 15, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE JliJARD AUTHORIZE FUNDS AU TH OR IZ E AG REEMEN TS SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Princi al ISSUE: On May 4,1987, sealed bids were opened for installing approximately 30,000 feet of 54 and 60-inch diameter sewer pipe for the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Proj ect. The Board of Di rectors must authorize award of the contract or reject all bids within 60 days of bid opening. Board authorization is also req ui red to expend sewer constructi on funds, execute amendments to engi neeri ng agreements, and execute agreements for testing and preconstruction survey serv ices. BACKGROUND: The District is planning to construct a new 11.s-mile trunk sewer and force main to serve the San Ramon Valley. Portions of the existing trunk sewer through Danville and Alamo are at or near capacity. The Board of Directors approved the trunk sewer project on October 28, 1986. Additional information regarding the project is included in Attachment 1. During 1987 approximately 7.5 m1les of trunk sewer out of the total 11.5 miles will be constructed. Construction of the 7.5 miles of sewer will be accomplished by the prepurchase of 6 mil es of sewer pi pe, a contract to install the 6 mil es of prepurchased sewer pipe (Phases 1A and 2), and a conventional furnish-and-install contract for the remai ni ng 1.5 mil es (Phase 1B). The pi pe prepurchase contract was awarded by the Board on March 5, 1987, and sewer pipe is now being manufactured. Award of the contract for Phase 1A and 2 is the subject of this position paper. The Phase 1B contract is scheduled for award during June 1987. The specifications and bid documents for the Phase 1A and 2 installation contract were adverti sed April 2 and 8, 1987. Ten bi ds rangi ng f ran $7,541,086 to $13,739,410 were received on May 4, 1987. A tabulation of the bids is shQlln in Attachment 2. The engineers' estimate for the installation of the sewer pipe is $15,205,682. Because of the size and complexity of this project, a second cost estimate was prepared by an independent cost engi neer. The independent construction cost estimate is $14,070,828. District staff, assisted by James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids received and have concluded that Western Utility Contractors, Inc. of Pleasant Grove, Utah, is the lQllest responsible bidder with a bid of $7,541,000. District Engineering staff will administer the construction contract. Engineering services during construction, including shop drawing rev ie<<, will be provided by James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers (JMM). As a subconsultant to Jt+1, Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCe) will provide geotechnical engineering services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211 .9/85 CWS DRW lJ;2uJ ?RAB <<Jew SUBJECTAUTHORIZE ~AAD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO WESTERN UTIL ITY CONTRACTORS, INC., AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS WITH PSC ASSOCIATES, INC., AND SHAPIRO OKINO HOM AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, AND JAMES M. MONTGOfJfRY, AND AUTHORIZE $9,630,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PHASES 1A AND 2 OF THE SAN RAMON V ALLEY TRUNK SEWER, PROJ ECT 4224A POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE May 15, 1987 9 during construction, including daily inspection during tunneling operations. These services will be provided under Amendment No.3 to the agreement with JMM for desi gn of the San Ramon Vall ey Trunk Sewer on a cost reimbursement basi s with a cost ceiling of $189,000. Testing Services will be required to verify soils compaction, concrete, pipe bedding material, etc.. during construction. Four testing laboratories were contacted for proposals and PSC Associates was selected by the District staff as the most competitive in all aspects. The testing service will be provided under an agreement with PSC on a cost reimbursement basi s with a cost ceil i ng of $48,000. A preconstruction survey will be required to investigate and record the conditions of the existing facilities and structures within the immediate vicinity of the construction work. Additional information on the need for and scope of the survey is presented in Attachment 3. Three consultants were contacted for proposals and Shapiro Okino Hom and Associates (SOHA) was selected by the District staff as the most competitive in all aspects. The service will be provided under an agreement with SOHA on a cost reimbursement basis with a cost ceiling of $100,000. Because of the level of secretarial activities associated with construction management and public relations on this large project, there is a need for one secretarial position to supplement the current clerical staff. Authorization is requested for one temporary secretari al positi on for a peri od of 14 months. An authorization of $200,000 is being requested for recreational trail improvements. The Board of Directors in approving this project last October determined that this level of trail improvements was appropriate mitigation for construction impacts of project on the communities in the San Ramon Valley. The funds for trail improvements will be administered by the East Bay Regional Park District. These funds are to be used for improvements to the recreational trail along the Southern Pacific right-Of-way from Rudgear Road, Wal nut Creek, to Ensenada Drive, San Ramon. A total authorization of $9,630,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund is requested for the construction contract, consultant services, administration of the construction contract and facility. A contingency of 7.5 percent of the construction contract price is requested as part of the authorization. This contingency is intended to cover the cost of any change orders. A summary of the funds being requested is included in Attachment 4. To comply with the Cal iforni a Environmental Qual ity Act, the District prepared an EIR for this project. The EIR was certified by the Board of Directors on October 16, 1986. --------- 13028.9/85 ~ SUBJECTAUTHORIZE JltlARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO WESTERN UTIL ITY CONTRACTORS, INC., AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AGREEMENTS WITH PSC ASSOCIATES, INC., AND SHAPIRO OKINO HOM AND ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS, AND JAMES M. MONTGOMERY, AND AUTHORIZE $9,630,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR FHASES 1A AND 2 OF THE SAN RAMON VALLEY TRUNK SEWER, PROJ ECT 4224A POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF DATE May 15, 1987 9 This project is included in the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan under the Pri or1ty A category <Titl e: San Ramon Vall ey Proj ect-Phases 1, 2, and 3). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the construction contract for Phases 1A and 2 of the San Ramon Vall ey Trunk Sewer, Proj ect 4224A, to Western Uti lity Contractors, Inc. as the lowest responsi bl e bi dder. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engi neer to execute Amendment No. 3 to the agreement with James M. Montgomery Consul ti ng Engi neers, and agreements with PSC Associ ates and Shapi ro Oki no Han and Associ ates Engi neers. Authorize a temporary secretari al positi on for thi s proj ect for a peri od of 14 months. Authorize $9,630,000 fran the Sewer Construction Fund for the construction and related costs. --------- 13028-9/85 ATTAa-ttlfNT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA S~ITARY DISTRICT S,6N ROON VAlLEY SEWER IMPROVEt-ENT PROJ ECT PROJ ECT reSCRIPTION Introduction The San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project consists of the installation of approximately nine and one-hal f miles of large diameter gravity trunk sewer and two miles of force main. The trunk sewer and force main will be constructed from Larwin Pump Station north to a point near the intersection of Danville Boulevard and Rudgear Road in southern Wal nut Creek. At the northern poi nt, the proposed trunk sewer will connect with both the existing 36-inch diameter trunk sewer that now serves the San Ramon Valley and the proposed 66-inch diameter downtown Walnut Creek bypass sewer. . Sewer AliQnment The sewer alignment is the Southern Pacific right-of-way for the enti re length of the project. This alignment will cause the least disruption to traffic, commercial, and other activities in the valley communities. The District entered into an agreement in December 1985 with Contra Costa County to purchase a 20-foot-wide surface easement and a 12-foot-wide subsurface easement within the railroad right-of-way. The cost for the San Ramon Valley portion of the sewer easements was $2,959,000. At the former rail road station site in Danville, the District does not have the surface and subsurface easements that it has in the rest of the right-of-way. The District does have the right to use an easement acqui red by Contra Costa County for transit and underground utility purposes in this 1,500-foot-long section. The County's easement is 30-feet wide. District's right would be second to the County's rights in this section, and the sewer would be under County's planned transit system whether that be a light rail system or a dedicated busway. Staff evaluated three alignment options around the former station site. Two of the options, Hartz Avenue and El Dorado Street, had significantly higher construction costs and more impacts on the commun i ty than the County easement. The th i rd ali gnment opti on, Rail road Avenue, has hi gher constructi on costs than the County easement. Staff has deci ded to use the County easement as the al ignment around the former railroad station based on lowest construction cost, fewer construction constraints, and minimizing community impacts. Sewer Size The desi gn of the sewer is based on the ul timate buil dout popul ati on of the San Ramon Valley and the infiltration/inflow criteria developed as part of the Collection System Master Plan prepared for the District by Camp, Dresser & McKee. The desi gn life of the sewer is 50 years. The Board of Di rectors prev iously deci ded to use Growth Scenari 0 No. 4 as presented in the project EIR for designing the sewer. Growth Scenario No.4 assumes an ultimate pipulation of 142,000 and development of the Dougherty Valley subarea of the San Ramon Valley. Based on this population estimate, the gravity sewer will have a nominal size of 42 inches in diameter from Norris Canyon Road to Sycamore Valley Road. From Sycamore Valley Road to San Ramon Valley Boulevard, the sewer has a diameter of 54 inches. From San Ramon Valley Boulevard north to Danville and Rudgear Roads, the sewer will be 60 inches. The force main from Larwin Pump Station to Norris Canyon Road will nominally be 16 inches in diameter. Schedul e Because of the size of the proj ect, the trunk sewer was i niti ally pl anned for construction in three phases. The first phase is a four and one-half mile section from La Serena Avenue in Alamo to St. James Court in Danville. The second phase is approximately three miles long from La Serena Avenue north to a point near Rudgear Road where the sewer will connect with the new Walnut Creek downtown trunk sewer. The third phase will extend four miles from St. James Court south to the Larwin Pump Station. The third phase includes two miles of force main. Constructi on of the fi rst and second phases of the sewer w ill be duri ng 1987. During prel iminary design, staff determined that the first and second phases had to be constructed during 1987 to provide adequate sewage capacity. Because of the amount of sewer bei ng install ed and to avoi d constructi on duri ng wet weather, prepurchase of a major portion of the sewer pipe is underway. Prepurchase of the pipe will allow installation to begin as soon as possible after award of the constructi on contract. The th i rd phase of the sewer is currentl y schedul ed for 1989. The third phase is not needed as soon as the first and second phases. Constructi on of Phase 3 may be deferred for two to three years if effort must be devoted to other higher priority District projects. Proj ect Cost Estimate The design-level estimated project cost is $24.9 mill ion. This estimate consists of: Construction, including Contingency Construction Management Design Total $21,800,000 1,900,000 1,200.000 $24,900,000 The estimated cost of the three phases of the trunk sewer project are: Phase 1 and 2 Phase 3 Total $18,500,000 6,400,000 $24,900,000 ATTAa-tMENT 2 PROJ ECT 4224, SAN RAMON V N.LEY INTERCEPTOR BID OPENING - 5/4/87 2 P.M. Total Bid Western Utility Contractors $ 7,541,086 Mountain Cascade 8,464,641 MGM & Ebert J.V. 10,544,939 Pestana & Pestana J.V. 11,636,249 MJB Pipel ine 11 ,653,770 Haner J. 01 son 12,426,952 Steve P. Rados 12,509,980 Tri-State (Washington) Constr. 13 ,070,700 Constructors Pamco/Dorfman J.V. 13 ,530,558 C.R. Fedrick 13,739,410 ATTA(}f~NT 3 SAN RAMON VALLEY TRUNK SEWER PRoo ECT CDP 4224A) PRECX>NSTRUCTION SURVEY PROORAM Work Scope BackQround: Project 4224A consists of six miles of trunk sewer line at a depth of up to 22 feet along the abandoned Southern Pacific Right-of-Way through mostly residential and some commercial areas. In addition, the project requi res sheet pil ing for about 2.S mil es of the sewer line and al so includes a pipe tunnel of 380 feet in length under an existing building and the San Ramon V all ey Boul ev ard. For a project of this size and scope and at a relatively short construction schedule, there is a high potential of damages to roads, curbs, and properties. Although the contractor is required to indemnify the District fran all cl aims, there might be cases when the Contractor will dispute the cl aims and the District may bebl amed by the cities or news media for the damages unless they can be resolved expeditiously. Reasons for the ProQram: 1. Protection of District - The program serves to protect the District in cases where the damage claims are disputed by the Contractor and coul d be easily resol ved if records of the preconstructi on conditions are available. The recorded information may also el imi nate some frivolous cl aims to prevent them fran turni ng into larger claims or creating a negative image for the District. 2. Protection of property owners - As evidence to the Contractor when the proper owners have 1 egitimate cl aims. 3. Common practice - It is common for most construction projects to record the preconstruction condition of the site or facilities prior to the construction work. The District usually performs such preconstructi on surveys with its own crew. However, due to the size and complicity of the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Project, it is advisable that a consultant who has the manpower and is experienced with preconstruction surveys be contracted to perform the work. Experience of Other AQencies: 1. San Franci sco Cl ean Water Program - Uses consul tants to perform surveys pri or to, and in some cases after, all maj or proj ects. Discussions with several project managers of the Clean Water Program indicated that the city of San Francisco values such survey programs highly; however, historical records or information on the costs of claims versus the survey programs are not readily available. 2. Sanitation District of Los Angeles County - Performs preconstruction surveys by thei r own survey crews. The survey usually consi sts of video, still photos, and notes; they usually do not go insi de of houses. Upon questioning of claims, a 5-mlle sewer construction proj ect (33-inch di ameter at 15 to 30 feet in depth) through a city was referenced. There were approximatel y 15 cl aims i ncl udi ng four on structural damages, and most of the cl aims were rej ected due to the records. 3. East Bay Municipal Utility District - Performs preconstruction surveys by their own survey crews. 4. Bay Area Rapi d Transit (BART> - Performed a survey by a consul tant prior to the construction. Scope of the Proposed Survey: 1. Danville Boulevard at M-l #3 to Sycamore Valley Road, inclusive, survey the entire width of the abandoned Southern Pacific Right-of-Way, including all creek crossings, cross roads, streets, pavement, gutters, curbi ng, street si gns, li ght pol es, structures, drainage ditches, and the fences along both sides of the ri ght-of-way. 2. From Stone Valley Road south to Interstate 680 at Willow Drive, survey the i nteri or and exteri or of all houses and structures, including swimming pools, within 60 feet of the center line of the trunk sewer. (Note: This is due to the possible impact from the sheet piling activities). Estimated Cost: $100,000 .illl1 (1) ( 2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ( 8) (9) ATTAOiMENT 4 SAN RAMON V ALLEY TRUNK SEWER PROJ ECT (D. P. - 4224A) SUMMARY OF FUNDS DESCRIPTION Construction Contract Contingency at 7.5 percent Staging Area Leases (2 sites) Water Main relocation by EBMUD (4 locations) Encroachment permit - related costs Temporary construction easements/ relocations Recreation trail improvement Sub-total Construction Management: * Administration/Inspection * Surveying * Public Information Program * Legal (including condemnation) * Secretari al * District Force account Sub-total Consultants/Contractors: * Pre-construction Survey * Engineering Services (JMM) (including geotechnical services) * Material Testing * Secretarial/Clerical Sub-total (10) Miscellaneous * Field office and expenses * Furniture and Equipment (11) TOTAL FUNDS REQUESTED Sub-total TO TAL $7,541,000 566,000 39,000 52,000 13 ,000 150,000 200,000 $8,561,000 426,000 65,000 55,000 50,000 9,000 35,000 $ 640,000 100,000 189,000 48,000 31,000 $ 368,000 35,000 26,000 $ 61,000 = $9,630,000 PERCEN T OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT COSTS 100.0 5.0 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.4 7.5 1.2 2.2 0.6 0.4 4.3 0.4 0.3 0.7 . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanital District - BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 16 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 2 SUBJECT DATE CONSIDER RESPONSIVENESS OF HU~QDT-WEDAG' S BID TO SUPPL Y CENTRIFUGES FOR DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 3791, DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSIDER AWARD OF CON TRACT RESPONSIVENESS HEARING; BID AWARD DETERMINATION SUBMITTED BY Bert L. Michalczyk Senior En ineer ISSUE: The Board must determine the responsiveness of Humboldt-Wedag's recent bid for centri fuge procuranent on the Dew ateri ng System Improvements Proj ect and, based on that fi ndi ng, award the contract to the lONest responsive bi dder or reject all bids. This must be done within 40 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: The District is currently designing facilities for the Dewatering System Improvanents Project. The project will provide facil ities capable of dewateri ng the sl udge produced by 45 mill ion gallons per day average dry weather flON. The heart of the systan will be four new horizontal sol id bowl dewatering centrifuges which will be prepurchased by the District to expedite del ivery and reduce cost. The District has completed a prequalification process to determine which suppliers can meet the minimum requisite standards set for this project and are, therefore, potenti al responsive bi dders. Humbol dt-Wedag and Sharpl es were previously determined to be prequalified suppliers. Specifications for the centrifuges were completed and sent to the prequal ified suppl iers. On April 21, 1987, bi ds were received from Humbol dt-Wedag in the amount of $1,504,374 and Sharples in the amount of $1,515,700. The Engineer's Estimate for the prepurchase contract is $1,850,000. Following the bid opening, the Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids. Humboldt-Wedag's bid contained an unsolicited 1 etter dated April 21, 1987, addressi ng a purported ambi gui ty between General Conditions 19 and 21 of the Specifications which are entitled Indemnity and Insurance, respectivel y. The 1 etter was the onl y item in Humbol dt-Wedag' s bi d which caused the Engineering Department to question the responsiveness of the bid. Sharples bid contained only one minor clerical deficiency; the bid appears to be responsive. On April 30, 1987, Di strict Counsel sent a letter to Humbol dt-Wedag requesting written clarification of the intent of the April 21, 1987 letter. Humboldt-Wedag then submitted a letter dated May 6, 1987, the intent of which was to clarify their earlier letter. Subsequently, Sharples submitted a letter dated May 7, 1987, stating Humboldt-Wedag's bid was nonresponsive. A final letter dated May 12, 1987, was received from Humboldt-Wedag stating that they wish to rescind their letters dated April 21, 1987, and May 6, 1987. Due to the importance and complexity of the Humboldt-Wedag responsiveness issue, the matter is being referred to the Board for consi deration. For reference, cop1 es of the various documents are attached as indicated belON: o Attachment A - Humboldt-Wedag's letter of April 21, 1987 - included in bid REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BARD ACT/ON DRW <J~ tpr RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302,A.9/85 n1 BLM fJ~ SUBJECT CONSIDER RESPONSIVENESS OF HUMBOlDT-WEDAG'S BID TO SUPPL Y CENTRIFUGES FOR DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 3791, DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AND CONSIDER PilARD OF CONTRACT POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 16 DATE May 15, 1987 o Attachment B - General Conditions 19 and 21 o Attachment C - District Counsel letter of April 30, 1987 o Attachment D - Humboldt-Wedag's letter of May 6, 1987 o Attachment E - Sharples' letter of May 7, 1987 o Attachment F - Humboldt-Wedag's letter of May 12, 1987 The issue before the Board is the responsiveness of Humboldt-Wedag's bid. Its resol ution must center on the April 21, 1987 correspondence fran Humbol dt-Wedag which was included in the bid. The Board must determine if the April 21, 1987 letter constitutes a clarification of an ambiguous section of the specification, or whether it constitutes a variance fran the specifications. If it is determined that the letter constitutes merely a clarification of the specifications, then it would be appropriate for the Board to award the contract to Humboldt-Wedag. If it is determined that the letter constitutes a variance, then the Board must determine if that variance is material or nonmaterial. The determination on the material vs nonmaterial nature of the variance is a question of fact and should be made in light of the language of the specifications. If the letter does, indeed, constitute a materi al vari ance, then the contract shoul d be awarded to Sharpl es. If, on the other hand, it is determined that the letter constitutes only a nonmateri al vari ance, then award shoul d be to Humbol dt-Wedag. The Boa rd, of course, always has the authority to reject all bids. In the case where the Board is unable to make a clear determination on the responsiveness of a bid, the rej ecti on of all bi ds may be consi dered. Board Determination Appropriate Action 1. April 21, 1987 letter constitutes a clarification 2. April 21, 1987 letter constitutes a nonmaterial variance 3. April 21, 1987 letter constitutes a material variance 4. Determination cannot be made Award to Humboldt-Wedag Award to Humboldt-Wedag Award to Sharples Rej ect All Bids If the Board decides to award the contract to either Humboldt-Wedag or Sharples, staff will prepare a position paper for consideration at the May 28, 1987 meeting to all C1ii the Board to authorize funds for the proj ect as well as to authorize an amendment to John Carollo Engineer's contract. If the Board decides to reject all bids, the specifications will be modified, and bids will again be solicited fran Humboldt-Wedag and Sharples. It is anticipated that the Board would then be asked to award a contract for centrifuge acquisition at the June 18, 1987 meeting. 1..-_______.. 13028-9/85 .., SUBJECT CX>NSIDER RESPONSIVENESS OF HUM3CllDT-WEDAG' S BID TO SUPPL Y CENTRIFUGES FOR DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO~ 3791, DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVE~NTS AND CX>NSIDER P-i/ARD OF CX>NTRACT POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 16 D~1y 15, 1987 RECX>MMENDATION: Detenmine if the letter included in Humboldt-Wedag's bid constitutes a clarification, a material variance, a nonmaterial variance, or conclude that a determination cannot be made. Based on the detenmination, authorize the appropriate course of action. --------- 13028-9/85 11 KHD HUMBOLDT WEDAG ATTACHMENT A April 21,1987 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Reference: Dewatering System Improvements Centrifuge Procurement District Project No. 3791 Bid Request No. E0727K Bid Opening Date and Time - April 21,1987 @ 2:00 PM Humboldt Wedag Proposal No. 173-018 Gentlemen: Humboldt Wedag Division of Deutz Corporation is pleased to submit its bid covering the supply of four (4) Horizontal Solid-Bowl Sludge Dewatering Centrifuges and appurtenances as specified. As regards the General Conditions of the Project, specifically General Condition 19 (Indemnity) on pages GCOO-7 and GCOO-8 of the Contract documents, Humboldt Wedag's indemnity is given with the understanding that the District will promptly notify Humboldt Wedag of any claim, demand, suit, or proceedings involving the District in which such performance by Humboldt Wedag is alleged, and the District will permit Humboldt Wedag to control completely the defense or compromise of any such allegation and the District will render such reasonable assistance in the defense thereof as Humboldt Wedag may reasonably require. Humboldt Wedag's total liability pursuant to General Conditions 19 of this Purchase Order shall in no event be greater than the aggregate sum of $ 5,000,000. The insurance requirements set forth in General Condition 21 of this Purchase Order are provided to satisfy the full extent of any and all Humboldt Wedag's liability for the occurrences covered by such insurance. The District hereby releases Humboldt Wedag from all liability for any loss or damage of the type covered by such insurance in excess of the applicable insurance deductible. Humboldt Wedag shall not be obligated to indemnify the District for any claim or demand first asserted more than two (2) years after the initial start-up of the centrifuges. Humboldt Wedag shall not be obligated to indemnify the District with respect to any litigation commenced by any third party more than three (3) years after the initial start-up of the centrifuges. HUMBOLDT WEDAG · DIVISION OF DEUTZ CORPORATION 3200 POINTE PARKWAY, ATLANTA (NORCROSS), GEORGIA 30092 - USA TELEPHONE 404/448-4748 TWX 810-766-4531 HUMDAG NRCS A KHD HUMBOLDT WEDAO - 2 - We trust you will find the above, which is made a part of our proposal, to be self-explanatory. Should you have any questions as regards either the contents of this letter or our proposal, please contact the undersigned as required. Very truly yours, HUMBOLDT WEDAG sd~~i<<e1.~ Genera 1 Manager Process Equipment Group SHS/iw Enclosure ATTACHMENT B CC.19 ImlEHNITY Seller hereby indemnifies and shall defend and hold harmless the District and its employees or authorized representatives from and against any and all suits, actions, legal or administrative proceedinKs, claims, demands, damages, liabilities, interest, attorney's fees, costs, and expenses of whatsoever kind or nature whether arising before or after completion of the work hereunder and in any matter directly or indirectly caused, occasioned, or contributed to in whole or in part, by reason of any act, omission, fault, or negligence whether active or passive of Seller or of anyone actinK under its direction or control or on its behalf in connection with or incident to the performance of this Purchase Order. Seller's aforesaid indemnity and hold harmless obliKations, or portions or applications thereof, shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law but will not exceed $5,000,000 and in no event shall they apply to liability caused by the active negligence or willful misconduct of the party indemnified or held harmless. GC.21 INSURANCE Seller shall, at its sole expense, maintain in effect at all times during the performance of its obligations hereunder insurance coverages with limits not less than those set forth below Ivi th Insurers and under forms of policies satisfactory to the District. COVERAGE MINIt1UM AMOUNTS ANT> LIMITS (I) Worker's Compensation Statutory requirements at location of work, but not less than $100,000 (2) Employer's Liability To extent included under Workmen's Compen- sation Insurance Policy (3) Comprehensive General Liability ( i) Bodily Injury (ii) Property Damage $5,000,000 each occurrence $5,000,000 each occurrence S5,OOO 000 81 & PD Combined (4) Comprehensive Automobile Liability (Owned, Hired, and Non-owned) ( i) Bodily Injury (ii) Property Damage $1,000,000 each occurrence SI,OOO,OOO each occurrence $1,000,000 Bl & PD Combined The coverage shall contain the following indorsements: (a) Liability coverage shall contain a standard cross-liability endorsement and, in addition, name as additional insureds the District, its Board, officers, employees, and agents. (b) All coverages shall cont "I in an endorsement prec luding cance llat ion or reduction in coverage before the expiration of thirty (30) days after the District shall have received written notification thereof from the insur~nce carrier. (c) Statin~ that such insurance, subject to all of its other terms and condi- tions, applies to the liability assumed by Seller as stated in GC.19 INDEMNITY. Seller shall deliver a copy of the Certificate of Insurance to the Oistrict within fifteen (15) calendar days after Notice of Award. A TT ACH~1ENT C .' . . ... ... .. o. . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District _ .._n . .5019..I~ff ~~~~._~_a~i~~.~ ~5~_3-4392 (4151689-3890 April 30, 1987 IIOGEIl J. CJC:XAN Gcnorll ~ CNaf Engorwet ~l tWNO Counsellor ltIr DlIrrlct 141519"")1) JO\'CE E. McMIUNI kaeul)' oIlt1r DisUla Mr. steven H. silverman General Manager Process Equipment Group KHD Humboldt Wedag 3200 point Parkway Atlanta (Norcross), GA 30092-USA Re: Dewatering System Improvements centrifuge Procurement District Project No. 3791 Bid Request No. E0727K Humboldt Wedig Proposal No. 173-018 Dear Mr. silverman: This letter is to inform you in writing that bids were opened on April 21, 1987, and that your company's submittal was the apparent low bid. Further, it is to inform you that your letter setting forth additional clarifications of your propos- al has been reviewed and raises several questions given the requirements of a public entity open bidding process. The District Board of Directors is required by law to accept the lowest "responsible" bid or in the alternative to rejedt all bids. To the extent the low bid is determined by the Board of Directors to be nonresponsive to the bid specifica- tions, then the Board of Directors has the discretion to reject the nonresponsive bid and may thereafter accept the next lowest "responsible" bid. The District Board of Direc- tors has the responsibility to determine whether any qualifi- cation to the bid proposal results in the proposal being nonresponsive. To the extent that a qualification amounts to a material -variation, rather than a clarification or a non-material variation, the Board may determine that bid to be nonresponsive. To the extent a variance from the specifi- cation exists, the Board may only waive the variance and accept the low bid with the variance if the Board determines the variance to be non-material. Your letter accompanying the proposal refers to several items which could,' in the discretion of the Board, be determined to be mere clarifications, non-material variances, or material variances. The contents of your letter appears to be intend- ed to address purported ambiguity in the interrelationc;hip between General Condition 19 and General Condition 21. Un for- ;tCJ.i::..' :J~" ~~~ ~~~a~;~r~~ . April 30, 1987 Page 2 H. Silverman System Improvements Centrifuge Procure~ent tunately, your letter does not provide the District with a clear understanding of what you are suggesting. Therefore I must request that you provide written clarification of the intent of your April 21, 1987 letter (hereinafter referred to as "the Letter"; copy attached). We request that you make specific reference to whether the Letter was offered as your interpretation of the existing bid specifications, or whether your proposal is offered as an alternative, condition or amplification to the existing specifications. In your writ- ten response to this inquiry, please. indicate whether the language contained in the Letter was intended as clarifica- tion, your interpretation, or a proposed alteration to or variance from the Equipment Prepurchase Specifications with regard to the following issues: o The'reciprocal responsibilities and duties of Humboldt Wedag and the District with regard to the indemnity provisions in General Condition 19, as set forth in the second paragraph of the Letter. o Your statement that "{T}he insurance requirements set forth in the General Condition 21 of this purchase order are provided to satiSfy the full extent of any and all Humboldt Wedag's liability for occurrences covered by such insurance. The District hereby releas- es Humboldt Wedag from all liability for loss or damage of the type covered by such insurance in excess of the applicable insurance deductible." o Your statement that "{H}umboldt Wedag shall not be obligated to indemnify the District for any claim or de~and first asserted r.ore than two (2) years after the ini tial start-up of the centrifuges. Humboldt Wedag shall not be obligated to indemnify the District with respect to any litigation commenced by any third party more than three (3) years after the initial start up of the centrifuges." A number of possible interpretations exist with regard to the above referenced statements in your proposal. The question arises as to whether your intent is to limit Humboldt Wedag's indemnity responsibility under Condition 19 to $1 million for occurrences arising under the automobile policy? Are you attempting to limit the responsibility of Humboldt Wedag under Special Condition 19 to loss or damage covered under insurance provided pursuant to' Special Condition No. 2l? Is Humboldt Wedag attempting to set up a period of limitations for claims which it shall be responsible for under General " To: Mr. steven H. Silverman Re: Dewatering System Improvements Centrifuge Procurement April 30, 1987 Page 3 Condition 19 other than the claims period set up by the appli- cable California statutes of limitation? These questions are not intended to be exhausti ve of the issues potentially raised by the Letter. Rather the above-noted questions are merely provided to point out thr nature of the District's uncertainty as to the intent of your April 21, 1987, letter. It will be necessary to receive your written response by May 7, 1987. Upon receipt of your communications, District staff will evaluate whether a hearing on the issue of responsi ve- ness of your bid will be necessary. It is our intention to schedule a responsiveness hearing, if needed, for the Dis- trict Board of Directors meeting on May 19, 1987, and 10 days notice to the effected parties is required. Due to te fact that Ken F. Laverty, the District Purchasing and Materials Officer, is unavailable due to medical leave, please address your correspondence to the District Secretary, Joyce McMillan, at the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District offic- es. The comments set forth above are without regard to adequacy and/or responsiveness of the bid proposal submitted by Sharples. Serious evaluation of the Sharples bid proposal for responsiveness need only be undertaken at such time as the matters outlined herein are resolved as to the low bid. Very truly yours, KENTON L. ALM Assistant District Counsel KIA: pr cc: David Hammond, Sharples-Stokes A ATTACHMENT D nEClt'EU MAY - 7 1987 cccso llf.l"'~:~~T.~~ KHD HUMBOLDT WEDAG r~ay 6, 1987 ~ l! t:,~ ~ ':I..I? ~ fQI MA':' 7 1987 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553-4392 COC;&,i gf...."r: ...t'1y (\~ y..e: .-"'~''f.(I~' Attn.: Ms. Joyce E. McMillan, Secretary of the District Reference: Dew~tering System Improvements Centrifuge Procurement Di strict Project No. 3791 Bid Request No. E0727 K Humboldt Wedag Proposal No. 173-018 Humboldt Wedag letter dated April 21, 1987 District letter dated April 30, 1987 Dear Hs. r'1cMillan: Humboldt Wedag Division of Deutz Corporation (hereinafter referred to as ~Humbo1dt") included with its bid for the referenced project a letter dated April 21,1987 (hereinafter referred to as "the Letter") which was made a part of that proposal. Under cover of its letter dated April 30, 1987 the District has requested that Humboldt provide written clarifi- cation as to the intent of the letter including "specific reference to whether the Letter was offered as your sole interpretation of the existing bid specifications, or whether your proposal is offered as an alternative, condition or amplification to the existing specifications." The following information is provided to clarify this subject: A. The letter - Paragraph Two (2) In its review of General Condition 19 (Indemnity) of the contract documents (pages GCOO-7 and GCOO-8) Humboldt found the general intent of that clause to be reasonably clear but likewise found the clause to be lacking in detail as to the course of actions to be followed by both the District and Seller in the event of a suit, action or claim, etc. of the type covered by the clause; such details being frequently found in other municipal contract documents of a similar nature. In the absence of such detail as summarized above, Hunboldt found the clause to be ambiguous and requiring amplification for the benefit of all concerned parties. HUMBOLDT WEDAG . DIVISION OF DEUTZ CORPORATION 3200 POINTE PARKWAY, ATLANTA (NORCROSS), GEORGIA 30092 - USA TELEPHONE 404/448-4748 TWX 810-766-4531 HUMDAG NRCS 11 KHD HUMBOLDT WEDAG - 2 - As a result of its review of General Condition 19 and the conclusions drawn by Humboldt therefrom, paragraph two (2) of the letter was submitted to provide Humboldt's understanding as it pertains to reasonable reciprocal responsibilities and duties of Humboldt and the District in connection with the indemnity provisions stipulated in General Condition 19. To the extent that the clause as originally written is vague specific to this subject, Humboldt's inclusion of paragraph two was intended as an amplification of the specifications based upon Humboldt's understanding of the subject from similar projects elsewhere; not as a proposed alteration to or material variance from the specifications. In connection with this general subject please know that Humboldt as a reputable supplier does not disavow its obligations to its customers but does require a reasonable approach to such matters. In the absence of clearly defined reciprocal responsibilities and duties of Humboldt and the District. Humboldt, or any supplier for that matter. could conceivably be required to indemnify or hold harmless the District against claims for which it had neither any prior knowledge or the opportunity to defend itself in advance of a judgement against the Supplier. Any denial of the basic right of Humboldt to conduct its own defense of such claims would be considered by Humboldt to represent an unreasonable requirement. B. The letter - Paragraph Three (3) I. In advance of bidding. Humboldt's review of potential liability exposure centered around five (5) clauses within the body of the contract documents. as follows: 1. GC.04 - liquidated Damages (Delay in Delivery) 2. Ge.07 - Warranties - Guarantees 3. GC.19 - Indemnity 4. GC.21 - Insurance 5. Special Requirements 0.6. - Liquidated Damages for Failure to Perform Insofar as the subjects of Liquidated Oamages (Delay in Delivery). \~arranties-Guarantees and Liquidated Oa;nages for Failure to Perfonn are each covered indivi~ua1ly elsewhere in the contract. Humboldt interpreted clause GC.19 (Inde~nity) as excluding the above- summarized matters and therefore. as limited to the subjects of personal injury. property damage and other matters which are covered by Humboldt's regularly maintained insurance programs. 11 KHD HUMBOLDT WEDAO - 3 - Further to this subject, clause GC.19 (Indemnity) stipulates in summary that the Seller's indemnity of the ~istrict will not exceed $ 5,000,000, corresponding to the insurance requirement for Comprehensive General Liability as stipulated in clause GC.2l (Insurance). Since the limit of indemnification and comprehensive general liability insurance coverage stipulated were identical, Humboldt logically and reasonably interpreted and concluded that the primary concern of the ~istrict was to limit its own potential liability exposure for personal injury and property damage arising out of the operation of equipment supplied under the contract; moreover that it 1S quite common for suppliers to maintain insurance coverage for this purpose, Humboldt included. We wish to point out that Hu~boldt has never had either a claim or judgement against our company for bodily injury or property damage as regards the sale of its centrifuges. Nevertheless, Humboldt maintains siginficant insurance coverage for this purpose; well in excess of the minimum amounts stipulated in the contract documents. In order to resolve any remaining questions which may exist on the part of the District relative to this matter, Humboldt offers, if required by the District, to provide insurance coverage for bodily injury and property damage in the su~ of Fifteen Million Dollars ($ 15,000,000) combined single limit and aggregate; such insurance to name the District, its Board, officers, employees and agents as additional insureds. II.The Letter - Paragraph III - Last Two Sentences In answer to a question raised in the District's letter of April 30, 1987, Humboldt's intention was not to set up a period of limitations for claims relative to General Condition 19 other than the claims period set up by the applicable California statutes of limitation. The last two sentences of paragraph 3 of the Letter were inserted because Humboldt inadvertently did not take proper note of GC.12 {Arplicable Law - Definitions). If California statutes are intended as applicable to this contract, Humboldt has no objection and hereby rescinds those sentences. 11 KHD HUMBOLDT WEDAG - 4 - We trust that information contained in this letter is sufficient to satisfy your inquiry and provides ample clarification as to pertinent subject matter. Please let us know at your earliest convenience should you require additional information. We look forward to your favorable reply. Very truly yours, HU!.\BOLOT WEOAG ~A~~ Stephen H. Silverman Genera 1 ~'anage r Process Equipment Group SH S / i w cc: J. Robbins MCCUTCHEN, DOYLE, BROWN & ENERSEN Attachment E ~.Cr! ,\ttffn r- .;. . "'H: 7 1987 FORMERL Y ~F/"b'" Cct:at I '" '.' a"v,,~ .,.,,-= f1"~\lC'~., VAN VOORHIS & SKAGGS COUNSELORS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO SAN .JOSE WASHINGTON. D.C. SHANGHAI 1655 OLYMPIC BOULEVARD. THIRD FLOOR WALNUT CREEK OFFICE POST OFFICE BOX V TELEX 34-0817 FACSIMILE GI. II AND III (4IS) Q37-8004 CABLE ADDRESS MACPAG WALNUT CREEK. CALIFORNIA 94596-1270 TELEPHONE (415) 937-6000 t1ay 7, 1987 HAND DELIVERED central Contra Costa sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 Attn: Joyce McMillan, District Secretary Dewatering System Improvements centrifuge Procurement CCCSD Project No. 3791 Bid Request No. E0727K Our Client Sharples-Stokes Division of Pennwalt corporation Our File No. 10305.03 Ladies and Gentlemen: We represent the Sharples-Stokes Division of Pennwalt Corporation which submitted a bid in response to the above-referenced bid request issued by central Contra Costa Sanitary District (nCCCSD"). We have reviewed a copy of the letter dated April 30, 1987 from your counsel addressed to KHD Humboldt Wedag, the apparent low bidder. We have also reviewed a copy of the letter dated April 21, 1987 addressed to CCCSD from Humboldt Wedag which expressly was made a part of its bid. The procedure established by your counsel's letter dated April 30, 1987 impermissibly gives to Humboldt Wedag an opportunity to modify its bid. We object to this procedure. The Humboldt Wedag letter does not seek clarification of the specifications. Instead, it attempts to unilaterally modify the general conditions and add certain provisions for the benefit of Humboldt Wedag. Under the circumstances, Humboldt Wedag's bid is clearly non-responsive and CCCSD should reject it on that basis. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District May 7, 1987 page 2 We note that all bidders were provided a formal opportunity to review and comment on the bid documents before bids were solicited. If Humboldt Wedag wished clarification of the bid documents, it had ample opportunity to obtain such during this preliminary review. If CCCSD is considering any action other than rejecting the Humboldt Wedag bid as nonresponsive, we request that a hearing on the issue of the responsiveness of that bid be set and that we be given notice and opportunity to appear and comment on these issues. Very truly yours, ~4d7~ ~;for~M. Skaggs cc: Kenton L. Alm, Asst. District Counsel (Hand delivered) Andrea utecht, Esq. SMS:ksclj18 Attach~ett ;,F 11 KHD HUMBOLDT WEDAG ~@e~ ~Y'rQ) MAY 13 1987 eot."1l. . Ii~DI'"' al'lV (\1'"" .~ '''t\~1 May 12, 1987 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 Attn.: Ms. Jocye E. McMillan, Secretary of the Discrict Re.: Dewatering System Improvements Centrifuge Procurement District Project No. 3791 Bid Request No. E0727 K Humboldt Wedag Proposal No. 173-018 Humboldt Wedag Letter dated April 21, 1987 Humboldt Wedag Letter dated May 6, 1987 Dear Ms. McMillan: This letter is to confirm our May 12, 1987 telephone conversation in which Humboldt Wedag Division of Deutz Corporation formally requested that Humboldt letters dated April 21, 1987 and May 6, 1987 be withdrawn from further consideration with respect to District Project No. 3791, Bid Request No. EO 727 K. Humboldt Wedag further requests that its bid be considered for contract award as if the aforementioned letters, intended to amplify our understanding of the contract documents, had not been submitted by us. Humboldt Wedag's right of withdrawal of such letters was confirmed by James L. Hazard, Counsel for the District. We wish to confirm that Jon Robbins, Humboldt Wedag Regional Manager, will be in attendance at the responsiveness hearing scheduled for the District Board of Directors' meeting at 7:30 P.M. on May 10, 1987. Very truly yours, HUMBOLDT WEDAG AfJpk.vid ./~ Stephen H. Silverman General Manager Process Equipment Group SHS/iw HUMBOLDT WEDAG · DIVISION OF DEUTZ CORPORATION 3200 POINTE PARKWAY, ATLANTA (NORCROSS), GEORGIA 30092 - USA TELEPHONE 404/448-4748 TWX 810-766-4531 HUMDAG NRCS . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER NO. VII. BUDGET AND FINANCE 2 DATE May 13, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT APPROVE ll-IE 1987-1988 EQUIPMENT BUDGET FOR INClUSION IN ll-IE 1987-1988 DISTRICT BUDGET APPROVE EQUIPMENT BUDG ET SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Approval of the District's 1987-1988 Equipment Budget is requested. BACKGROUND: The 1987-1988 Equipment Budget was submitted for review at the May 7, 1987 Board Meeting, and was calendared for approval by the Board on May 19, 1987. The Board's Capital Projects Committee reviewed the 1987-1988 Equipment Budget with District management prior to the submission of the budget on May 7. The approved 1987-1988 Equi pment Budget will be schedul ed for adopti on with the 1987-1988 Personnel, Operations and Maintenance, and Capital Improvement Budgets on June 18, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 1987-1988 Equipment Budget for incl usion in the 1987-1988 District Budget to be adopted on June 18, 1987. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~. 1302A..9/85 WNF PM . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 19, 1987 NO. VIr. BUDGET AND FINANCE 3 SUBJECT RECEIVE THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 CAPITAL IMPROVE~NT BUDGET AND THE DRAFT 1987 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVE~NT PLAN FOR REVIEW DATE May 1 1, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND PLAN SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mill s, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Planning Division ISSUE: The Di strict's draft Fi sca1 Year 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget and 1987 Capital Improvement P1 an have been prepared by staff and now requi re Board rev i ew. BACKGROUND: The draft Fi scal Year 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget and the 1987 Ten-Year Capital Improvement P1 an are presented in two separate documents. The Budget document is transmitted herewith, and the Plan will be submitted to the Board at the May 19, 1987, meeti ng. The fi rst annual Capital Improvement Budget is intended to present a broad, "bi g-pi cture" view of the costs and impacts of the District's Capital Improvement Program and to establish near-term project priorities. Detailed information for projects having activity and funding authorizations requested in Fiscal Year 1987-88 is presented in the Capital Improvement Budget document. This year's update of the Capital Improvement Plan includes more discussion of population, interest rate and inflation projections, the cash flow analysis, and the project planning process than last year's plan. Information for projects which are anticipated to commence or which will have funding authorizations requested beyond the next budget year is included in the Capital Improvement Plan. On May 5 and May 18, 1987, the Capital Projects Committee met to review the draft Capital Improvement Budget and Pl an with District staff. The two documents are submitted for initial review by the full Board at this time and are scheduled for approval at the May 28, 1987, Board meeting. To facilitate review, staff will make a presentati on descri bi ng the organizati on and content of each document at the May 19, 1987, meeting. Adoption of the Fiscal Year 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget will be considered by the Board on June 18, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the draft Fiscal Year 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget and draft 1987 Ten-Year Capit~1 Improvement Plan for review. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. AJRt<J j . Centr~_ Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 19, 1987 NO. VIII. SOLI D WASTE 1 CONSIDER THE REQUEST OF ORINDA-MORJli1A DISPOSAL SERV ICE, INC. TO IMPlEMENT A REDUCED SENIOR CITIZENS RATE FOR REFUSE COLLECTION IN ZONE 1 (ORINDA SERVICE AREA) DATE May H, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION REFUSE COLLECTION RATE OiANGE SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. has requested authorization by the Board of Di rectors to impl ement a reduced seni or citizens rate for resi denti al refuse collection services in Zone 1. BAa<GR<lJND: The refuse coll ector developed a senior citizens di scount program at the request of the City of Orinda and submitted it for consideration at the April 16, 1987 Board Meeti ng. The qualifyi ng requi rements of the di scount program and the amount of discount were as follows: o Senior citizens of the City of Orinda must be the heads of the household, .and be 65 years of age or older. o Participants must be in need of the reduced rate. o An application form must be submitted to the refuse collector in which the applicant will attest to meeti ng the head of househol d and age qualifications. A copy of the application form is shown as Attachment I. o The senior citizens discount will be $3.00 per month for the first can for full service customers, and $1.50 per month for the first can for customers receiving less than full service. During the April 16, 1987 Board Meeting two alternative methods of producing reduced rates for all customers which woul d benefit senior citizens were presented by District staff. The first method would reduce the rate for the first can by $3.00 and raise the rates of additional cans, and the second method would establish a lower uni form rate for all cans. Because the lower rates under these al ternative methods woul d be avail abl e to all customers, concerns of the Board regardi ng supportabil ity of reduced rates for a particul ar group of customers, which is not based on ability to pay, may be satisfied. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WNF PM JLH INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~. 130:!A..9/85 SUBJECT CONSIDER THE REQUEST OF ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAl SERVICE, -INC. TO IMPLEMENT A REDUCED SENIOR CITIZENS RATE FOR REFUSE COLLECTION IN ZONE 1 (ORINDA SERVICE AREA) POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 4 DATE May 11, 1987 The Board directed that a meeting be held with officials of the City of Orinda and the refuse collector to review the alternative methods for achieving lower rates for all single can customers, and its concerns regarding sustainability of the refuse collector proposed discount program if challenged on legal grounds. A meeting was held on May 6, 1987 at the offices of the City of Orinda between Board Member Sue McNulty, Paul Morsen, Walter Funasaki, Council Members Bobbie Landers and Aldo Guidotti, City Manager Tom Sinclair, and George Navone. The following revisions to the proposed program were determi ned, and are presented for consi derati on by the Boa rd : o The general requirement that the participant be in need of the reduced rate is replaced by a requirement that participants attest in the appl icati on form, under penal ty of perj ury, that thei r annual gross income from all sources is less than $25,000. o The discount program will be implemented on a test basis for one year to determine the number of participants and administrative problems which are identified. The refuse collector will report on the number of participants by service type, and the administration of the program to the Board at the end of the test year. o The refuse collector is willing to absorb the revenue reduction resulting from the senior citizen discount program for the initial year. District Counsel believes the inclusion of the maximum gross income qualification in the application form provides sufficient legal support for the discount program. A revised application form which incorporates the modifications described above is shown as Attachment II, with changes highlighted in bold-face type. The senior citizen discount program would require the balance of May and the month of June to promote customer awareness and to administer enrollments. The discounted rates would be effective July 1987, and be incorporated in the July 1,1987 comprehensive rate schedul es to be developed as a resul t of the current rev iew of the refuse collector's rate application which is in progress. REC(MENDATION: Consider the request of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. to implement a senior citizens discount program in Zone 1, effective July 1987, for a test period of one year. :......------. 13026-9/85 ATTACHMENT I FILING DATE: ( APPLICATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS REDUCTION ON GARBAGE RATES (ORINDA SERVICE AREA) Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service will allow a reduced rate for ga~bage collection to qualified senior citizens who are in need of this program. The reduction is $3.00 per month and applies oaly to basic residential services. Senior citizens already receiving leAs tha~ basic residential services and rates will receive a $1.50 reduction per mOLth. Senior citizens who wish to apply for ~he garbage rate reduction may complete this application and mail it to: Ori~da/Moraga Disposal Service P. O. Box 659 Orinda. Ca. 94563 Telephone: (415) 254-2844 NAME: LAST FIRST INITIAL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SERVICE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP DATE OF BIRTH TELEPHONE ( QUALIFYING SENIOR CITIZENS Applicant ~ust be: (a) a customer in good standing of this company and the sole user of the garbage service (other than legal dependents). and (b) sixty-five years of age or older. PROOF OF AGE A copy of any of the following documents will generally be accepted as satisfactory proof of age: <a) A coVy of your Medicare Card; (b) Hospital Birth Record; (c) Church Baptismal Record. established during the first few years of life. showing the date of birth; (d) Document issued by the Social Security Administration clearly showing eligibility for benefits as of age 65 or older: (e) Any other document proving you to be over 65. It is intended that this rate would be used by Seniors who are in need of the reduced rate. Please remember the differential cost or the amount of discount will be borl:e by non- seniors. Please do no~ use this service unless necessary. I. the undersigned. do certify that! am the sole user of garbage service at the above address (except for my legal depe~der.ts). that I am over the age of 65 aud that all the above information is accurate and true to the best of my k~owledge. DATE SIGNATURE ATTACHMENT II FILING DATE: APA..ICATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS REDUCTION ON GARBAGE RATES (ORINDA SERVICE AREA) Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service will allow a reduced rate for garbage collection to qualified senior citizens who are in need of this program. The reduction is $3.00 per month and applies only to basic residential services. Senior citizens al ready receiving less than basic residential services and rates will receive a $1.50 reduction per month. Senior citizens who wish to apply for the garbage rate reduction may complete this application and mail it to: Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service P.O. Box 659 Orinda, CA 94563 Telephone: (415) 254-2844 NAME: LAST FIRST INITIAL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER G I I SERVICE ADDRESS CITY L-I I STATE ZIP I I TEL EPHONE DATE OF BIRTH QUALIFYING SENIOR CITIZENS Appl icant must: (a) be a customer in good standing of this company and be the head of the household receiving garbage service (b) be 65 years of age or older. (c) receive an annual gross i~e f~ all sources of less than $25,000. PROOF OF AGE A copy of any of the following documents will generally be accepted as satisfactory proof of age and Ilust be subllitt8d with this fo...: (a) A copy of your Medicare Card; (b) Hospital Birth Record; (c) Church Baptismal Record, established during the first few years of life, showing the date of birth; (d) Document issued by the Social Security Administration clearly showing eligibility for benefits as of age 65 or older; (e) Any other document proving you to be 65 years of age or older. ATlEST I hereby declare, under penalty of perjury, that I am the bead of the household receiving garbage service at the above address, that I am 65 years of age or older and meet the i~e limitation indicated above, and that all the above information is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. DATE SIGNAlURE SSS/Pos Paper/o-M Sr Cit