HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-28-87 . Centr&.-. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 8 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF May 28, 1987 NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT HOlD A HEARING, AOOPT A RESOlUTION OF NECESSITY, AND AUlHORIZE $50,100 FROM lHE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING AOlUISITION OF PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENTS BY EMINENT OOMAIN FOR THE SAN RAMON V ALLEY INTERCEPTOR, PROJ ECT 4224 DATE May 22, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION CON DU CT HEAR ING AOOPT RESOLUTION NJTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson Principal Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIVO Engineering epartment Engineering Division ISSUE: A hearing must be conducted and a resolution of necessity must be adopted prior to initiating acquisition of a public sewer easement by eminent domain. Board authorization is required to expend sewer construction funds. BACKGROJND: The District will begin construction of approximately 7.5 miles of the San Ramon Valley Interceptor in June 1987. The proposed interceptor, ranging in size from 42 to 60 inches, w111 be located in easements within the former Southern Pacific Rail road right-of-way. Permanent sewer and temporary constructi on easements were acqui red from Contra Costa County under a master purchase agreement executed in December 1985. The Oi strict has acqui red permanent and temporary constructi on easements for the enti re proj ect except for a temporary construction easement through the former Danv 111 e Rail road Stati on site and permanent and temporary easements through a 2,357-foot section between Danvi11e Boulevard at Rudgear Road and Woodland Drive. Negotiations with Southern Pacific and their lessee for the railroad station easement are underway. The latter parcel, the subject of this position paper, is not Qtned by Southern Pacific. Ownership reverted to the heirs of the original Qtners (approximately 80 in number) upon abandonment of rail operations by Southern Paci fico The County has been negoti ati ng with the Qtners over the past 1-1/2 years, but has been unab1 e to reach agreement on a sa1 es price. In March 1987 the County informed the Di stri ct that negoti ati ons were stalemated and advi sed the Oi stri ct to condemn the sewer easement to meet the proj ect construction schedule. The County is unable to initiate condemnation at this time due to the lack of an approved project for the right-of-way. The District will need a permanent 20-foot wide surface and subsurface easement for the sewer interceptor. To allow constructi on of the sewer, a temporary construction easement encompassing the entire property 000 feet wide by 2,357 feet long) will be required for a period of one year. The District performed an appraisal of the enti re property, permanent easement, and temporary easement. The apprai sed val ue of the temporary and permanent easement is $50,100. The appraised value of the entire property is $265,160. The Oi strict has made an offer of $50,100 to the property owners of record for the purchase of a permanent 20-foot easement and temporary construction easement over the entire property. This offer was declined. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI~IOIV J)A) ffl3 {tA 1302A..9/85 CWS DRW RAB JLH 7j~yi;:ENG. ROGER J. DOLAN SU!3.J.f,CT HULD A HEARING, ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY, AND AUTHORIZE $50,100 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING AOlUISITION OF PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENTS BY EMINENT OOMAIN FOR THE SAN RAMON V ALLEY INTERCEPTOR, PROJ ECT 4224 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 8 DATE May 22, 1987 Prior to initiating condemnation, the District must conduct a hearing to receive input from the property owners and other affected interests. Property owners and other interests must be notified at least 15 days in advance of the hearing. Notices of the hearing were mailed May 8, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a hearing to receive input from property owners and other affected interests. After the concl usi on of the heari ng, adopt the attached resol uti on of necessity to acqui re permanent and temporary sewer easements by eminent domain. Authorize $50,100 from the Sewer Construction Fund. 1...________.. 1302B-9/85 RESCl.UTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF NECl;SSITY AUlHORIZING lHE AOOUISITION OF A PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT FOR SEWER LINE PURPOSES WHEREAS, Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 6512 and 6514, and Part 3 Titl e 7, of the Code of Civ 11 Procedure, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is empowered to acquire sewer easements for public use, to wit, sewer line purposes. WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has identified the need to acqui re permanent and temporary public sewer easements more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto for said purposes. Said easements are located within an unincorporated area of the County of Contra Costa. WHEREAS, on the 8th day of May, 1987, the Secretary of the District gave notice required by law of the hearing on this Resolution. WHEREAS, written requests to appear and be heard were received fram: WHEREAS, due consideration of all oral and documentary evidence has been taken. NON, lHEREFORE, the Board of Di rectors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, by a vote of at least two-thirds of its members, does FIND AND RESOLVE as follOtis: 1. The public interest and necessity requi re the project for which said public sewer easements are to be acquired. 2. The proposed project is planned and located in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and 3. Said publ ic sewer easements are necessary for the proposed proj ect. BE IT FURTHER RESCl.VED THAT: The Counsel for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, James L. Hazard, and Special Counsel, Gary R. Rinehart, Robert N. DeJohn, Elizabeth P. Philips are hereby authorized and empowered: To acquire in the District's name public sewer easements by condemnation; To prepare and prosecute in the District's name such proceedings in the proper court as are necessary for such acquisition; and To deposit the probable amount of compensation, based on an appraisal, and to apply to said court for an order permitting the District to take immediate possession and use said sewer easements for said public uses and purposes. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of May, 1987, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to fonn: Di stri ct Counsel _._.'._",-'-_._--_.~,-,-,-,----,_."--..".-.-"..,.~_...._-----_.,-~,---,-_._--"._",._,.~_.,~,."---_.,---_..----..---.---.---- EXJiIBIT "A" PROPERTY AND EASEMENT DESCRIPTIONS PARCEL 32 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION That real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, described as follows: The real property described in the deed from Laura M. Harlan and Mary H. Llewellyn to Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a California corporation, recorded June 10, 1891, in Book 60 of Deeds, page 139, described as follows: A strip or tract of land 100 feet wide lying equally on each side of the located line of the San Ramon Branch of the Southern Pacific Campany's railroad where the same is located in said County of Contra Costa and commencing at a point on the center line of the said railroad where said center line intersects the easterly boundary line of land of the said party of the fi rst part at or near Survey Stati on 603+90 of sai d center line, being the westerly line of county road leading to Walnut Creek and running thence southerly along said center line of said Southern Pacific Rail road following the curvature thereof, embracing a strip of land 50 feet wide on each side of said center line to the southerly boundary line of land of said party of the first part at or near Survey Station 626+97 of said center line, a distance of 2,357 feet, more or less. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: The interest conveyed to the State of California, by instrument recorded April 23, 1953, Book 2110, Official Records, page 170. PERMANENT SEWER EASEMENT DESCRIPTION Portion of the 100 feet in width strip of land described in the deed from Laura M. Harlan, Mary H. Llewellyn to Southern Pacific Railroad Campany, a Cal iforni a Corporati on, recorded June 10, 1981, in Book 60 of Deeds, page 139, described as follows: A strip of land 20.00 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the west line of Danville Boulevard and a line that is parallel to and 45.00 feet westerly of the center line of said Southern Pacific Railroad Company parcel (60 D 139); thence leaving sa i d po i nt of commencement S13 0 13 '3 O"W 80.00 feet, more or 1 ess, to a point which is parallel with and 8.00 feet westerly, measured at right angles from the centerline of said Southern Pacific Railroad Company 100 feet in width parcel (60 D 139); thence, along a 1 ine which is parallel and concentric with and 8.00 feet westerly, measured at right angles and radially from said Southern Pacific Railroad Company 100 feet in width parcel (60 D 139) to a point on the southern terminus line of said Southern Pacific Railroad Company 100 feet in width parcel (60 D 139). TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEt.ENT DESCRIPTION The enti re 100 feet in width parcel descri bed in the deed from Laura M. Har1 an and Mary H. Llewellyn to Southern Pacific Rail road Company, a California Corporation, recorded June 10, 1891, in Book 60 of Deeds, page 139, for the period until August 1, 1988. RICHARD E. BLUMBERG SEYMOUR FARBER DAVID M. MADWAY MICHAEL G. SMITH LAW OFFICES MADWAY BLUMBERG FARBER & SMITH 1950 ADDISON STREET BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94704 (415) 548-9400 COUNSEL FRANCES E. WERNER May 12, 1987 ,. -e,r? t 1p r fD) MAY 1 3 1987 . CC<lit. atlC"I'""'\RY ("IF" ~~ l'!1~ Joyce E. McMillan, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Ms. McMillan: This firm represents Laura Lorraine Llewellyn Stidger. I am writing to advise you that I wish to be heard before the Dis- trict's Board of Directors in connection with its proposal to adopt a resolution of necessity to acquire a public sewer ease- ment across my client's property. From the Notice of Hearing dated May 8, 1987, I understand that the Board will meet on May 28, 1987. Please advise me as to the place at which the meeting will be held and the time at which this agenda item is likely to be reached. Thank you for your courtesy. Sincerely, i!fJ!j) ay DMM/re .. CentraP--:ontra Costa Sanitar~--,,)istrict SOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOAJ;lD MEETING OF May 28~ 1987 NO. V. BIDS AND AWARDS DATE May 22~ 1987 TYPE OF ACTION 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY TO FURNISH AND INSTALL IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZE $75,300 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND AUTHORIZE CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson~ Manager Collection System Operations ISSUE: Bids for Improvements to the Mobile Radio System were received and opened on March 27, 1987. A contract must be awarded or the bids must be rejected by June 1, 1987. BACKGROUND: The efficiency of the District's day-to-day operations is dependent on the effectiveness of its four radio networks. The radio networks are used to coordinate and control the activities of the District's field forces. The four networks include the primary and secondary low band frequencies used by Collection System Operations Department (CSOD), Inspection, and Pump Station operations, the UHF frequency used by Treatment Pl ant Operati ons, and the UHF frequency used by CSOD and Survey. In addition, individual pagers are rented from several services for key personnel. Only minimal radio equipment has been purchased since 1978. Over the years the mobile radio system has been allowed to age to the point where its reliability is decreasing. At this time repair parts are no longer available for 75% of the mobile radio units. The District's service area boundaries have been expanding, consequently the current mobile radio system does not provide adequate coverage in portions of Martinez, Orinda/Moraga, and San Ramon. The current mobil e radi 0 system consi sts of 43 mobil e un its, 3 control stati ons, and 1 repeater. The repl acement val ue is over $225,000. The proposed work includes the following improvements: o Remote receivers would be installed in Orinda and San Ramon to improve local reception. A receiver voting system would select the receiver with the best reception. o New antennas and lead wires would be installed at all transmitter locations to increase radiated power. The antenna at the Treatment Plant would be a high gain downtilt type to improve radio communications within the tunnels. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION V0 JL JH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A.9/85 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO GENERAl ELECTRIC COMPANY TO FURNISH AND INSTAlL IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZE $75,300 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER 2 4 PAGE DATE OF May 22, 1987 o A control station would be added at Springbrook Road to provide communications with the field forces during power outages or PACTEL problems which occur monthly. o Ten new mobile radio units would be purchased to start a three year replacement program for the 30 obsolete mobile radios. o Sixteen individual pagers and a paging encoder would be added to the mobile radio system in place of the current rental units. Two bi ds were received and opened on March 27, 1987. The low bi d was received from General El ectric at $49,346.10. The Engi neer' s estimate was $55,500. A summary of the bids are shown on Attachment I to this position paper. Commercial and technical evaluation of the bids have been completed. There are only minor variances in the General Electric bid, and the bid price is in line with the engi neer' s estimate. The Motorol a bi d contai ned numerous commerci al variances. The staff recommends that the contract be awarded to General Electric. A detailed cost estimate is included as Attachment II to this position paper. The total authorization of $73,500 includes additional equipment: o Eight portable transceivers which will be purchased from one manufacturer to provide interchangeability with existing equipment, o Eight individual paging units that were not anticipated at the time the bid package was prepared, and o One control station for use on the San Ramon Valley Pipeline Proj ect. RECOtIENDATION: Authorize award of contract to General Electric Company to furnish and install improvements to the Mobile Radio System and authorize $73,500 from the Sewer Construction Fund. Attachments L_______.. 13028-9/85 MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM Comparison of Bids Attachment I May 22, 1987 Page 3 of 4 General Electric Motorola Furnish and Install Radio System Improvements $46,641.00 $62,316.00 Sales Tax 2,705.10 Included Contract Total 49,346 .10 62,316.00 Compliance with Commercial Requirements: Shipping Insurance yes no yes no yes no yes no yes* yes yes no Delivery Time Payment Warranty General Conditions * Clarified 4/16/87 Compliance with Technical Requirements: Dash Mounted Radios yes** yes** All Other Requirements yes yes ** Did not meet specification for spurious and harmonic emmissions and FM noise; however, units will perform satisfactorily at reduced specifications. MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM Cost Estimate Attachment II May 22, 1987 Page 4 of 4 I. Contract Equipment and Installation Costs General Electric Company $49,346 Contingency @ 7.5% 3,654 Subtotal $53,000 Antenna Mfsts and Conduit for Remote Receivers 4,000 Inspection and Acceptance Test 2,000 Item I Total $59,000 II. Additional Equipment One control station, antenna, and lead wire for San Ramon Valley Pipeline Project Eight2Portable transceivers for CSOD Field Crews Eight additional individual pagers3 $ 6,000 6,000 2,500 Item II Total $14,500 Total Authorization $73,500 NOTES: 1. Not included in bid price to avoid the cost of preparing design drawings for inclusion in the bid package. 2. Not included in bid price so that interchangeable equipment could be purchased. 3. Need not identified at the time the bid documents were prepared. . CentrA. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 28, 1987 NO. SUBJECT VI. CONSENT CALENDAR DATE May 19, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION 1 REPORT OF SEmEMENT FOR A SEWER OVERFLOtI DAMAGE ClAIM REPORT OF ClAIM SEmEMENT SY~~'kTt,Pa~Ypbe 11 Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Risk Management ~: This is to report a claim settlement of $7,391.23 for a sewer overflow. BAa<GROOND: District policy is that the Risk Management Committee can authorize claim settlements of $5,000 or less, and the General Manager-Chief Engineer can authorize settlements which do not exceed $10,000. Settlements of over $5,000 are to be reported to the Board on the consent agenda. There was a District sewer line in Yorkshire Court, Lafayette, which was the cause of a series of seven sewage overflows between 1977 and 1981 in the home of Frank and Helen Bru, of 969 Yorkshire Court. The line was replaced in 1982 which fixed the overflow probl em. However, even though the CSO crews had done a cl eanup after each overfl ow, thElre was deteri orati on of floors, wall s, carpets, drapes, and electrical fixtures which the Brus wanted replaced because of the chronic damage. CSO made several attempts subsequent to 1981 to obtai n suffici ent information from the Brus to enable a damage assessment to be made. Unfortunately, Mr. Bru developed a serious health problem, and there was a death in the family which diverted the Brus from working with the District to get this matter resolved. In mid-1986 the staff assigned the case to the District's claim adjuster, and in late 1986 progress was made in determining the extent of sewage damage to the Brus' home. After a series of negotiations over several months, the claims adjuster was able to obtain a settlement at a figure of $7,391.23. The Ri sk Management Committee rev iewed the case and recommended acceptance. The General Manager-Chief Engineer has approved it, payment has been made, and a release has been obtained from Mr. & Mrs. Bru. RECOMMENDATION: This is an informational item; no action is required by the Board of Di rectors. INITIA INZ['/DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ./t:G. ROGER J. DOLAN 130:!A.9/85 JEC . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS r PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF May 28, 1987 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $7500 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE REPlACEMENT OF 522 FEET OF SEWER IN OAK KNOlL LOOP IN WALNUT CREEK NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 DATE May 22, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson, Manager Collection System Operations ISSUE: Sewer Construction Funds are needed to replace a segment of the Public Sewer. BACKGROUND: The sewer that serves the residents of Oak Knoll Loop in Walnut Creek is in very poor condition. The majority of the pipe joints are open. In its current condition this pipe segment requires frequent maintenance and the potential for stoppages is high. Replacement is recommended at this time. The cost of repl acement to be capital ized is $7500, which incl udes $5300 for direct labor plus overhead, and $2200 for final paving. RECOtIENDATION: Authori ze $7500 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the replacement of 522 feet of sewer in Oak Knoll Loop in Walnut Creek. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ , ~e~ ~1~ 'NG ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. t/,G.., 130211.9/85 JL . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 28, 1987 NO. VI I. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $52,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR A COMPUTER-AIDED MAPPING AND DRAFTING SYSTEM FEASIBILITY STUDY AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. DATE May 22, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS AUTHORIZE PGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Simmons Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the expenditure of sewer construction funds and executi on of a professional serv ices agreement with BSI Consul tants, Inc. BACKGROUND: Currently, there are approximately eight hundred and fifty 100' and 600'-scale maps that detail the District's sewerage system and facilities location. To provide District users and the publ ic with the most current information, collection system maps require constant updating. As new information is received and new development occurs within the District service area, all new information is added to the maps. The Engineering Department now devotes approximately 500 work hours per month on manually updating sewerage system maps. In addition, 225 drafting hours per month are spent in support of new capital improvement work. These hours eq uate to approximately $15,000 per month or $180,000 in annual costs. A computer-aided mapping and drafting (CAD) system will increase the productivity of the Engi neeri ng Support staff. Increasi ng product iv ity is important si nce it is anti ci pated that capi tal proj ect drafti ng demands will increase in the future as work proceeds on planned improvements to the District's sewage collection system. Increase productivity via the implementation of a CAD system will help meet the demands of additional workload. Since 1984 District staff has monitored developments in computer-aided mapping and drafting with the expectation that a CAD system would ultimately provide a cost- effective, more efficient method of recording and disseminating mapping information at the District. A CAD system offers the following advantages: o More consistant and up-to-date map information o Increased mapping efficiency and faster drawing production, thereby allowing staff to accompl ish more work, reduce the as-built backlog, and increase turnaround time o Ability to perform complex modeling operations on mapped data o Rapid access to mapped data o Possibility of sharing data with other public agencies o Ability to change map scale thereby eliminating redundant work associated with maintaining 100' and 600' scale maps REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211...9/85 RAS BLM DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~AJ ~1fl11 ()i4J /P1P1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $52,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR A COMPUTER-AIDED MAPPING AND DRAFTING SYSTEM FEASIBILITY STUDY AND NJTI-lORIZE lHE GENERAL MANJlGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEQJTE A PROFESSIONAL SERV ICES JlGREEMENT WITH BSI CON SUL TANTS, INC. POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 5 DATE May 22, 1987 Other publ ic agenci es have recognized the benefits of CAD. East Bay Muni ci pal Utilities District, Contra Costa County, and Alameda County are among the agencies in the Bay Area who currently have systems or are planning to implement them. Introduction of a CAD system at the District may ultimately include the following appl kati ons: o Computer-Aided Mapping - to organize all land-based records, including District boundary revisions, service expansion to additional lots, and posting of permit information. o Facility Management - to track utility system inventory and provide geographic locations of system structures. o Computer-Ai ded Desi gn and Drafti ng - to assi st engi neeri ng desi gn, drafti ng, and updating collection system as-built drawings and treatment plant electrical, instrumentation, and process control diagrams. The decision whether to purchase and install a CAD system is important because of the complexity and initial cost of CAD. Prel iminary cost estimates for the project range fran $500,000 to $1 mill ion depending on the type of system chosen and the extent of applications desired. The cost of the CAD hardware and software is expected to be approximately 40 percent of the total project amount. Compiling and converti ng the exi sti ng sewer map data to el ectroni cally stored or "di gitized" data will account for approximately 30 percent of the total cost. <The estimate for digitizing existing maps is based on an assumption that an agreement can be reached with Contra Costa County whereby the County and CCCSD would share the cost to digitize those maps common to each agency. The cost of digitizing is significant and prediction of the District's share of the cost is difficult at this time). The remaining 30 percent of the project cost will involve programming, consultant assistance, training, and District force account. While the initial cost of the CAD System is high, staff expects that the CAD System will pay for itself within five to seven years of installation due to the increase in productivity and efficiency in mapping and drafting. The increase in productivity that CAD offers over manual drafti ng is conservativel y estimated to be approximately 2-1/2 - 3-1/2 to 1 once staff is fully trained in the use of CAD. Even higher productivity ratios can be real ized when changes are needed to a drawing; a situation that often occurs during alternatives evaluation in the pl anni ng and desi gn phases of a proj ect. The exact payback peri od w ill be determined by a feasibility study. The scope of the study is presented in Attachment 1. 1-._______ 13026-9/85 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $52,000 FROM THE SEWER CX>NSTRUCTION FUND FOR A CX>MPUTER-AIDED MAPPING AND DRAFTING SYSTEM FEASIBILITY STUDY AND AUl1-IORIZE l1-IE GENERAl MANAGER-OiIEF ENGINEER TO EXEQJTE A PROFESSIONAL SERV ICES IlGREEt-ENT WITH BSI CX>N SUL TANTS, INC. POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 5 DATE May 22, 1987 Di strict staff has conducted a formal sel ecti on process to find a qual ified consul tant to assi st in the CAD study. A req uest for proposals was sent to si x firms who specialize in planning and designing CAD systems for public and private organizations. Staff screened the proposal s, interviewed the consultants and sel ected BSI Consul tants, Inc., of Oakl and, Cal iforni a, based on the experi ence and capabilities of their proposed project team and their proven track record on successfully undertaki ng other proj ects of simil ar nature. The work w ill be billed on an hourly rate basis with a cost ceiling of $32,000. The estimated cost of the study is $52,000. A breakdown of this total is provided in Attachment 2. RECX>MtENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engi neer to execute an agreement for technical service with BSI Consultants, Inc., and authorize $52,000 for the CAD feasibility study. "--------- 13028-9/85 Page 4 of 5 ATTAOft.t:NT 1 COMPUTER-AIDED MAPPING AND DRAFTING FEASIBILITY STUDY SUMMARY OF TASKS The Engineering Department proposes to undertake a study to determine whether or not a computer-aided mapping and drafting system would facilitate the District's mapping and drafting efforts and identify the cost and benefit of such a system with respect to current manual practices. The scope of the feasibility study is presented below: o To review and eval uate intradepartmental and interdepartmental data work flow, mapping and drafting procedures, the quality and condition of existing map information, existing and planned computer hardware and software for possible use as part of the CAD System and the potential use of other public agency data bases to serve as part of the District's data base. o To determine short-term and long-term CAD System applications, volume of usage and degree of sophistication with respect to multidepartmental entry, updates, and reporting of information, and the necessary computer capacity to satisfy existing and future needs. o To eval uate current technol ogi es and exi sti ng vendor products to identify the capabilities and characteristics of the various systems that might be suitable for the District's CAD System. o To examine both the qualitative and quantitative benefits of a CAD System, identify costs, and prepare a cost/benefit analysis to determine the feasibility of the project. o Assumi ng a favorabl e cost/benefit anal ysi s; to prepare a detailed CAD impl ementati on pl an, budget, and schedul e for advanci ng the project to completion; identifying needed changes to the existing mapping workflow; and changes to current staffing to support the CAD system. (Note: This task is optional). Page 5 of 5 ATTAOtMENT 2 BREAKDOWN OF COST TO UNDERTAKE A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF CAD AT CCCSD DP 20058 May 18, 1987 District Force Account: $22,000 BSI Consultants, Inc. 32,000 *Contingencies @ 15% 8,000 Total 62,000 Less Previous GM-CE Authorization (10,000) Total Authorization Requested: 52,000 * If necessary, District staff will use this contingency to fund additional force account work or to expand the consultant's Scope of Work. . Centr. Contra Costa Sanitar') .District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 9 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 28, 1987 NO. VIII. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 SUBJECT DATE May 22, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE THE 1987-1988 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FOR REVIEW BUDGET REV IEW SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The 1987-1988 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Budget and the Sel f- Insurance Fund Budget are being submitted for review at the May 28, 1987 Board Meeting, and are scheduled for approval at the June 4, 1987 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: The 1987-1988 O&M Budget expenses total $19,817,842 which exceed the 1986-1987 budgeted expenses of $19,258,942 by $558,900, or 2.9 percent, and are higher than the 1986-1987 projected actual expenses of $18,379,382 by $1,438,460 or 7.8 percent. Expl anati ons of depa rtmental expense increases, or decreases, between 1987-1988 budgeted expenses and 1986-1987 proj ected actual expenses are provided following each departmental expense summary within the attached budget document. The 1987-1988 O&M Budget revenues of $19,716,035 are composed of Sewer Service Charge revenues of $14,553,335, City of Concord service charge revenues of $3,650,000, and other revenues of $1,512,700. The budgeted revenues exceed 1986-1987 projected actual revenues of $18,990,582 by $725,453, or 3.8 percent. The budgeted Sewer Service Charge revenues are based on the present annual rate of $116, and projected increases in residential connections and increased usage volumes for commercial and industrial users during 1987-1988. In order to be in conformance with Revenue Program Amendments requi red by the State Water Resources Control Board as a condition of obtaining the Stage 5B construction grant, revisions to the Sewer Service Charge rates of certain nonresidential users are necessary. A description of the Revenue Program Amendment and the rate revisions is provided in Attachments IV and V. A summary of actual, projected actual and budgeted expenses, revenues, and reserves for the six fiscal years 1982-1983 through 1987-1988 is shown on Attachment I, with a presentati on of the rel ated Sewer Serv ice Charge rate and Sewer Service Charge equivalent units for each fiscal year. Attachment II is a graph which shows the major expense categories of labor, chemicals and util ities in relation to total budgeted expenses for each of the six fiscal years. District labor charges budgeted to be expended on capital projects and capitalized during the 1987-1988 fiscal year are summarized on Attachment III. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. C~....6'J . 1302A.9/85 WN F REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT RECEIVE THE 1987-1988 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FOR REVIEW POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 9 DATE May 22. 1987 Any adjustments to the 1987-1988 O&M Budget which may be determined at the May 28, 1987 Board Meeting will be incorporated in the budget to be submitted for approval at the June 4, 1987 Board Meeting, at which the following actions are scheduled: o Conduct a publ ic hearing for the establishment of the 1987-1988 Sewer Service Charge rate. o Establish the 1987-1988 Sewer Service Charge rate. o Conduct a publ ic hearing for the collection of the 1987-1988 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax rolls. o Approve the 1987-1988 O&M Budget, incorporati ng the establi shed Sewer Service Charge rate. At the May 7, 1987 Board Meeting, a five-year financial projection of the Sel f-Insurance Fund revenues, expenses, and reserves was reviewed. The Board approved a $500,000 sel f-insurance expense charge in the 1987-1988 fiscal year against the O&M Budget. The Self-Insurance Fund Budget for 1987-1988 is presented on Attachment VI; the 1987-1988 budget is incorporated in the five-year projection shown on Attachment VII. RECOMMENDATION: Review the 1987-1988 O&M Budget and Sel f-Insurance Fund Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance in preparing the budgets for approval, and consider establ ishment of the 1987-1988 Sewer Service Charge rate and the level of O&M and Self-Insurance Fund reserves to be maintained. -..------.. 1302B-9/85 ^ "0 ~~ U')OO U') CO~r-COCO N ^ ~ ~ co \0 ~ C ('t')00 ('t') O\oq-O\q-U') q- r- ~ r- ~ /U ('t')0r- 0 \OO\O\('t')CO CO 0 0\ U') \0 ~ Ul O\Q) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CO .. .. .. ..... ('t')ON \0 ('t')r-('t')~r- r- .. 0\ ..... \0 ~ 1"0 U')U')..... ..... r-..... ('t')CO 0 r-I r-I \0 ~ N .... r-::J U')\OU') r- OCOOr-~ CO 0 CO U') N ...... ........ COCO .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. V .. Q) 0\ oq-('t')~ 0\ ('t')N('t')O\~ 0\ V \0 \0 c I- ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) z: ..0 l.J.J Q) :E: :::c ..... ^ Q) U r-/U r-IO~ ~ NOr-O\oq- N 0 ~ 0 \0 \0 ~ >. c1: CO::J oq-NN 0\0\00..... CO 0 0 0\ r-I 0 I- O\~ CO 0\ CO U') U')r-oq-\OO ('t') N f' 0 0\ ~ ..... I- .....0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0. c1: 1< ~O\CO 0 U')~U')r-IN 0\ ~ CO 0 0\ E \0 \o\oU') 0\ o oq-Nr-I 0\ r- r-I U') 0 \0 Q) CO . O\oq-U') 0\ O\U')O\OO\ ('t') \0 N 0 CO 0\...., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. "0 .....0 ('t')('t')r-I CO NNNO\ CO CO N \0 Q) L. ~ ~ r-I V +J a.. /U ..... Q) L. ~..... ~O\N U') m\O~('t')o m N oq- ~ ~ r-I COCO 0\ \0 O\\OU')~~ r- N N ('t') .. O\/U CO~N ('t') \OU')('t')oq-r- r- U') N r- ~ 0 Ul r-I::J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Q) I ~ ('t')\OCO CO CO\Or-NO U') N ~ CO U') 0) U')O \0\00 ('t') O\~O\O\O r- \0 U') ~l /U t)CI)! 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Q) ~ .... ......... C 0. Q) UlO .....[:......00 Ul Q) Q) ........ . Q) ~~.l: E 0)..... Itl E > Q) .... U U Ul I- I- Q) (J) (J) Ul J Q) ..... +J "OcO.....::J Q) i:t Q) C [: 0 C (J)uo <UJua..a.. 0:: Ul Itl L. L. Ul a.. Q) Q) Q) L. Q) Q) Q) $ ~ > Ul 0::1- Ul ~ ~ Q) Q) Q) Q) 0 (J) a:: 0:: a:: (J) (J) z: (J) ". -____.__._____.___.._.___._~_~_'M_'_.'..,._."._.._~,.._.____....~'~_"_.~._.~.,.."~"...__"_,_".,,'__,___,,.__~__",.__....__"'~.,__~__.~....._.__,______~..,..__~__.__,. 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 CJ) a: 13 <( ...J 12 ...J 0 11 0 u. 0 10 CJ) z 9 0 ...J 8 ...J ~ 7 6 5 4 3 2 ATTACHMENT II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES SIX FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30 ,1982-1983 1983-1984i 1984 - 1985 1985 - 1986 1986 - 1987 1987 - 1988 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGET ACTUAL ATTAa-tMENT III CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1987-1988 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET CAPITALIZED SALARIES AND WAGES Department/Division Amount Budgeted Salaries and WaQes Capitalized to Treatment Collection General Plant System Improvement Construction Division Planning Division Engineering Division $414,853 221,455 431 , 184 162,000 76,475 182,293 250,853 144,980 218,853 2,000 30,038 Engineering Department Total 1,067,492 420,768 614,686 32,038 Collection Syst. Operations Department Total 125 ,000 125 ,000 Plant Operations Departllent Total 152,996 132,996 12,000 8,000 District Totals - Salaries and Wages Capitalized 1,345,488 553,764 751,686 40,038 Capitalized Employee Benefits 578,022 Capitalized Administrative Overhead 413,738 Printing Charge-outs 20,664 Total Contra Accounts Per 1987-1988 O&M Budget $2,357,912 PP2/Sal/Wag Cap 1 ATTACHMENT IV CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1986 REVENUE PROORAM AfJENDMENT The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) placed conditions on the Stage 5B construction grant to ensure that the sewer use charge is equitabl e for all users and that adequate funds would be available to operate and maintain the District's facilities. Pursuant to this requirement, in May 1986, the District and the City of Concord submitted Revenue Program Amendments to the SWRCB which revised the current user charge system. These programs were approved on July 31, 1986. The SWRCB approval stipulated that the user charge system recommended in the Revenue Program Amendments be implemented upon completion of the Stage 5B project. The revised sewer use charge updates the existing system, which was based on the 1976 revenue program. The revised system reflects current methods of operati on, costs, operati ng experi ence, and pl ant 1 oadi ngs. It is based on the Di stri ct' s current cost for treati ng unit quantiti es of flow, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS). Current user wastewater characteri stics (flow, BOD, and TSS) were based on actual data where avail abl e (industries, Naval Weapons Station, City of Concord, etc.) and SWRCB standard strength characteristics when actual data were not avail abl e for different user cl asses. Unit costs for each user class were determined by multiplying the cost of treatment by the BOD and TSS for the cl ass of user. Impl ementati on of the amended revenue program w 111 mean carta in user rates will be impacted more than others (see Attachment V). This attachment shows that the 1 argest rate impact w 111 be on supermarkets with disposals (84.4 percent increase) and mortuaries 020.2 percent increase) . The reason for the adj ustment in rates for these users (and to other users to a lesser degree) is because the 1976 rate study had a lower portion of the treatment cost allocated to BOD and TSS and the 1976 study assumed that wastewater strengths (BOD and TSS) for supermarkets with garbage disposals and mortuaries were about one-half the standard strengths determined by the revenue program. Since the adjusted rates for supermarkets with disposals and mortuaries will be substantially higher than current rates, Attachment V also shows a staff proposal for Board consideration which would increase the rates for the above users by one-hal f the rates determined by the revenue program. The revenue shown for this proposal is used in the 1987-88 Operation and Maintenance budget and represents only a $12,415 reduction in total revenue from that which woul d be coll ected if the full revenue program rates were adopted thi s year. If the Board adopts the phased approach, staff would sample the wastewater discharge from the above two user cl asses to confi rm actual strengths. The rates would be adjusted for fiscal year 1988-89 according to the wastewater strengths determined. The Board will consider adoption of the revenue pr9gram at its June 4, 1987, meeti ng. BLB : bc 5/21/87 ^ ^ "0 'o:t N \0 r-l cY'I \0 00 r-l > . . . . . . . . . I- ....-I N ....-I 0 \0 ....-IN\O'o:t 'o:t r-l \0 cY'I\ON Z V V I.Ll === 0 0 m 00 0 0\ 0 00 ~~~~r I ~~ U'l < \0 \0 0 I""- U'l N 0\ OcY'lr-l cY'I l- e +l I""- 00 N U'l 00 U'l 0\ cY'IcY'Il""-r-l \0\0 cY'I I- (I) e .. .. .. ... ... ... ... ... IIIiI ... .. .. ... ... ... < ~ ;j 0 cY'I 'o:t 'o:t cY'I 00 \0 cY'INcY'I\O cY'I'o:t 00 0 00 'o:t N r-l \0 ....-I ....-I r-l N 'o:t\O 0 ~ cY'I U'l ....-I r-l O'IcY'1 cY'I ... ... ... ... r-l N cY'I 'lit r-l r-l r-l .... .... "0 .... e (I) 0111.- < +l ~ L.I.. L.I.. L.I.. L.I.. U'l'o:tr-l0\ .- .- .,... U U U U O'Ir-lcY'lOO "0 .-.,... e :z: :z: :z: :z: :I: . . . . (l)0.a ~I ;j ....... ....... ....... ....... (::J 1""-\01""-..... +le::: I ....... U'l 0\ N I""- O\'o:tl""-N 0 +l \0 ....-I ....-I 0\ 0 0 \0 O\Nr-lU'l (I) X 0 ....-I . . . . . ....-I ... .-1tSQ) r-l N N N N ....-I r-l 0 .- I-l... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... I""- 0 .,... ---------------------------- U 0 Q) +l ^ ^ C)se 'o:t 'o:t \0 N cY'I \000....-1 e (I) . . . . . . . . . ItS l... l... ....-I 'o:t r-l 0 \0 r-lN\O'o:t ..cL.l..l... 00 r-l N cY'I\ON U ;j V ....-I V ~en U ~ ~~ 0 m ....-I 0 r-l 0 00 l""-~cY'Ir-l I""- 0 ~~ !8+l \0 I""- 0 'o:t U'l N 0\ OcY'l r-l U'l I""- 00 'o:t U'l 0 U'l 0\ cY'IcY'Il""-r-l \0 I""- en en l...e +l .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ~~ C)(I) e 0 cY'I r-l 'o:t 0\ 00 \0 cY'INcY'I\O U'l 0 ~; ~e ;j 00 'o:t cY'I r-l \0 r-l ....-1....-1 N U'l N 0 cY'I U'l r-l ....-I cY'I u..0 ~ ... ... ... e~ .,... r-l N 'o:t Q)+l r-l r-l ;jl... .... .... ~~ e 0 (I) > enl.Ll Q)< +l L.I.. L.I.. L.I.. L.I.. L.I.. U'l'o:tr-l0\ ~~ e::: .,... u u u u U O\r-lcY'lOO e :z: :z: :z: :z: :z: . . . . ~I ;j ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 1""-\01""-1""- en 25 ....... U'l 'o:t N 'o:t N O\'o:tl""-N 8 \0 r-l 00 0\ 00 0 \0 O\Nr-lU'l r-l . . . . . r-l ... Ii r-l N N N N r-l r-l 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 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(I) +l Q) .,... ;j ~ U III III 0.0 ..lie: l... ..c e "0 Q) Q) ;j ItS 0 +l .,... e (I) e::: a::: (I) CO === 0 ::E 1-1 (I) -----.--.- ...._~--_.,_._-_.__._----".,"---~--,------_.~-_.~-_...-"._---~-_..._._-_. '" .'. .~._ __.u___.~._,___. ATTAa-tMENT V I CEN1RAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT SElF- INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FISCAl YEAR 1987-1988 Variance Proj ected $ % Budget Actual Increase Increase 1987-1988 1986-1987 <Decrease> <Decrease> Revenues: Self-Insurance Expense Charge Against O&M Fund $500,000 567,000 <67,000> 11.8 Ad Valorem Taxes 1,000,000 <1,000,000> <100.0> Interest Income 268,000 190,000 78,000 41.1 Total Revenues 768,000 1,757,000 <989,000> <56.3 > Expenses: Cl aims Adj usti ng 10,000 10,500 <500> <4.8> Insurance Consulting Fees 3,000 2,000 1,000 50.0 Paid Losses 31,000 28,500 2,500 8.8 Legal Services 176,000 102,000 74,000 72.5 Commerci al Insurance Expense 6,000 6,000 Technical Services 60,000 15,000 45,000 300.0 Total Expenses 286,000 164,000 122,000 74.4 Revenues Over Expenses $482,000 1,593 ,000 <1,111,000> <69.7> Reserves: Beginning Balance $3,593,000 Revenues Over Expenses 482,000 1,593,000 Transfers From Running Expense 2,000,000 Ending Balance $4,075,000 3,593 ,000 SSSlPos. Paper#2/S-r Fund Bud ATTACHMENT VII CENTRAl. CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF-INSURANCE FUND FINANCIAL PROJECTION Five Years Ending June 30, 1991 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 Revenues Self-Insurance Expense Charged Against O&M Fund $ 567,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Ad Valorem Tax Revenue 1,000,000 Interest Income 190,000 268,000 259,000 292,000 330,000 T ota 1 Revenues 1,757,000 768,000 759,000 792,000 830,000 EXDenses Cl aims Adj usti ng 10,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Insurance Consulting Fees 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Paid Losses 28,500 31,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 Legal Services 102,000 176,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 Commercial Insurance Expense 6,000 6,000 12,000 9,000 9,000 Technical Services 15,000 60,000 63,000 10,000 12,000 Total Expenses 164,000 286,000 273,000 172,000 179,000 Revenues Over Expenses $1,593,000 482,000 486,000 620,000 651,000 Reserves Beginning Balance 3,593,000 4,075,000 4,561,000 5,181,000 Revenues Over Expenses $1,593,000 482,000 486 ,000 620,000 651,000 Transfer from Running Expense 2,000,000 Ending Balance $3,593,000 4,075,000 4,561,000 5,181,000 5,832,000 "' SSS/Pos. Paper #2/ Sel f Ins Fnd . Centr" Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 28, 1987 NO. VIII. BUDGET AND FINANCE 2 SUBJECT APPROVE THE FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR INQUSION IN THE 1987-88 DISTRICT BUDGET AND APPROVE THE 1987 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEtENT PlAN DATE May 20, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND Pl AN SYS~'tl~'W ~'iyamoto-Mil1 s, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Planning ISSUE: Approval of the District's Fiscal Year 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget and 1987 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan is requested. BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvement Budget and Capital Improvement P1 an were submitted to the Board of Directors for review on May 19, 1987. The Board's Capital Projects Committee reviewed the Capital Improvement Budget and Capital Improvement Plan with District staff prior to submission of the documents to the full Board. Approval of the Fi sca1 Year 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget will authorize staff to schedule it for adoption on June 18, 1987, along with the 1987-88 Personnel, Operations and Maintenance, and Equipment Budgets. Approval of the Capital Improvement P1 an w ill authorize staff to use the P1 an's project priorities and cash flow assumptions in the capital fee system analysis which is scheduled for summer/fall 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Fiscal Year 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget for inclusion in the 1987-88 District Budget to be adopted on June 18, 1987, and approve the 1987 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan for use in capital fee system analysis. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 2, j NI--