HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-02-87 ere Centr~. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 2, 1987 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH LAUREL ANN RITTER, JOB 1663 AND JOB 1905, IN THE ALAMO AREA DATE March 23, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: The property owner has requested permission to install a wooden deck over a portion of a District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: At District's request, the deck has been redesigned into seven removable sections in the easement area. Each section in the area of the sewer manholes weighs less than two hundred pounds. This design will permit access for maintenance whl1e st 111 allow 1 ng the property ow ner the enj oyment of the wooden deck. The property owner has paid the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need shou1 d arise, the agreement requ1 res the property owner to remove the structure at the owner's expense within 30 days of notice. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Re1 at1ng to Real Property with Laurel Ann Ritter Job 1663 and Job 1905, authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. 1302A..9/85 JL RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH PH Jst1 u~ ~ \J 'tJ () 1- -- - ~ I) ~ ~- - - v I~V\ _10 '< oJ Oh lICIt:: ~~ I-~ -- -J---- I o \q \t) ~ ~ 4 AREA OF AGIGE e /V1 eN T REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 1663 AND JOB 1905 ALAMO AREA . Centr&.._ Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION SUBJECT PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 2, 1987 PAGE 1 OF 6 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-9 (WALNUT CREEK), P.A. 87-10 (DANVILLE), P.A. 87-11 (ORINDA) AND P.A. 87-12 (MARTINEZ) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE March 24,1987 TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Owner Parcel Address No. Area Parcel No. & Acreage 87-9 Walnut Creek (77D1 ) Fred J. Fi nke 2460 Lunada Lane Walnut Creek CA 94596 188-321-006 (0.47 acres) ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Remarks Lead Agency Existing house, septic CCCSD system failing, owner must connect to public sewer system. District to prepar IINotice of Exemptionll 87-10 Danville Stephen Powell Existing house, septic CCCSD (98C3) 116 Estates Drive system failing, owner must Danville CA 94526 connect to public sewer 208-043-015 (0.50 acres) system. District to prepar IINotice of Exemptionll 87-11 Orinda Raymond J. Hudachek Owner intends to build CCCSD (69C4) c/o 54 St. James Place one single family home on Piedmont CA 94611 th is site. District to 265-100-006 (0.47 acres) prepare IINotice of Exemptio II 87-12 Martinez (10A6) 87-13 Alamo (77D1 ) Raymond F. Harrington 3 Laurel Court Martinez CA 94553 162-190-005 (0.23 acres) Sharon Thie 1420 Livorna Road Alamo CA 94507 187-130-012 (1.03 acres) Existing house, failing CCCSD septic system, must connect to the public sewer system. District to prepare IINotice of Exemptionll Existing house, failing CCCSD septic system, must connect to the public sewer system. District to prepare IINotice of Exemptionll RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. Nos. 87-9 through 87-12 to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. lQi 1302,0..9/65 DH REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB :)JABlO VIEW PROPERTIES INC 168 52 AC -" WALNIlT CREEK. CONTESt ~AND CO OJ\ I L" 17 STATE 33.12AC 1886 ~ ~, .-- '\ '" \ \ PA 87-9 JO' 8 ~~ '5 ~'..'.'.....'.....".."'.'.' ~'" " .. .,........ ~<<) c' .0' . ..... '.~.'I';~ ' ,...- ...... '';><V~11~,'" .~o ..../~lo.~#~(J , / l~ \ I 'Vfl0 "~qf.9~~ '-. 0 ~ $- VI ) ...". .;,& 461 c.. ~ '" Q~ .~~ 366AC \ ,50 AC ) , 'i)~ .hJ ~. .. ........ . ' <t." ~". 1.50AC .~ I 150AC. '\'~' .',' \~ · 1.506.C . '" ., ~~. ...., II ... " _ ~ d ,+. .. -<: ," Z3 24 2.2 21 ..I 4. SO '0 PA. 87- /0 73 ~. LL. .. " . , ~ - I'll \) ~ L \ .. 65 ~~-- 10 o~ ~ .~ ., ~~ ''0->. . ;~ I 51 . \/1~~~;;i.'::: .8 .,. 50 " 'S.....,1f " \,...- 01 -i~ ~ .......t4/ 37 51 ., ~'- ~O 39 92-----' NS 91 i 42 41 89 stO 1 L 84 /J I DR - / ~-:;-;--~7 .. 03 05 "1\.jN Da~l~jlt !'PT.-} ~~..~:/'~ r~~~ ~c ~~~ ';~ '0/ ~ ID t ~~\~., ~ . 3 a5~ ~, , . I... J~- "'~ t-~..~~ · . . . . ~ I. I. 4.. J ~'~I' ~~ ~ T~ ~ I;~ 'i~ I' I II ~ ~r, I(, 2 ' ~ ~ \\~_" . -~'-- .~. :\7\ c::::I ~H / :~~ AC //:- ~- / -r.::;-- // SllENIICK "'c . I.TIAC 41.T4SAC .;J -- > JOHNSON 43. TAC ---------- '" "- , , ~ 'EAIORGE .1.4SAC ENSIIIIIIER 17." AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION RA. 87- / I ~ \J \Po.. \.11 c c C HOUSING AUTHORITY PROPOSED ANNEXATION Rd. 87-/2 \D ~ $? 75 I~ CORTESE LAN D CO 01\ Il y 51 AT E 33.12AC 17 575AC WI NN 9 3~"-:: JONES to.OOAC RA . 87- /.3 ...~ Q ~ ... "'I ~\:...) ". ,.. .,,\ . ~:"., JONES . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanitar) Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 2, 1987 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT DATE March 27, 1987 APPROVE ATTENDANCE OF DOUGLAS ffiAIG AT HYDRAULICS TRAINING SEMINAR CN JULY 7-9, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE ATTENDANCE SUaMlTTED BY uoug I as J. Crai g Associate Engineer '~"H~1j'~~lE~r~WBl\bepa rtment Engineering Division ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Di rectors for attendance at a conference in San Jose, California, is needed. BACKGROUND: The District is in the final design phase of the Dewatering System Improvements Proj ect which invol ves the install ati on of four horizontal centrifuges and associ ated appurtenances. Incl uded in th i s proj ect are hydraul ic backdrives for the centrifuges and hydraulically-driven sludge pumps which convey dewatered sl udge to the mul ti pl e hearth furnaces. A thorough understandi ng of these integral components by District engineering staff would be beneficial in design and would improve Engineering Division's involvement in subsequent installation and startup phases of the project. Additionally, this hydraul ic training will be valuable in future projects. The seminar provides both classroan and "hands-on" training to fully explore hydraulic principles and practices. The cost to attend the conference would be $645. There are sufficient funds in the Engineering Division's Education and Training budget to cover this expense. A copy of the seminar outline is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve attendance of Douglas Craig at Hydraulic Training Seminar in San Jose, California, on July 7-9,1987. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INI~TING DEPT.lDIV. U:/-e iJ/kJ {)/?W 1302A..9/85 DJC BLM DRW RAB N --I . I Sem inar Outline 1 PRINCIPLES AND LAWS You wiUreceive the broadest and deepest exposure possible during the three-day period. It is a stimulating and -enjoyable way of gaining a basic knowledge of hydraulic systems. -:Jl, . Force . Pressure . Work and Power . Pascals Law . Pressure/Flow Relationships . Pressure/Force Relationships 6 CYLINDERS . Types of Construction . Seals . Design Considerations . Regeneration . Decompression 2 PUMPS . Positive Displacement only - Gear - Piston - Vane . Principles of Operation . Comparison of - Efficiencies - Wear - Cost . Pressure Compensation . Symbols 7 MOTORS . 3 Major types . Principles of Operation . Basic Circuit Considerations 8 FLUIDS . Types/Characteristics . Filtration . Cavitation . Fluid Analysis 3 PRESSURE CONTROLS . Relief Valves - simple and compound . Sequence Valves . Pressure Reducing Valves . Unloading Valves . Counter Balance Valves . Principles of Operation . Symbols 9 AUXILIARY DEVICES . Accumulators . Heat x-changers . Reservoirs 1 0 TRANSMISSION LINES . Velocity and Sizing . Pipe . Tubing . Hose 4 ~~~~ROLS . Non-Pressure Compensated . Pressure Compensated . Meter In/Meter Out/Bleed Off . Temperature Compensation . Pressure Intensification . Typical Circuits . Symbols 11 BASIC CIRCUITS . Open Center . Closed Center . Series/Parallel . Pump Unloading . Sequencing 5 DIRECTIONAL _ CONTROLS _ 1 2 TROUBLESHOOTING . Basic Practices . Failure Symptoms -------_._~ ~..... - ~:l.<~a,~,...... .... 111__ ~ 4w~ SI!!!lIk'!lZ . Centrb.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 2, 1987 NO. V. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT APPROVE THE PROJ ECT AND AUTHORIZE $12,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PREDESIGN OF STORM DAMAGE REPAIRS AT 731 MINER ROAD, ORINDA COP 4293) DATE March 27, 1987 T'Allfif oWlzf FU NOS APPROVE PROJ ECT SU~6b~PfYA. Simmons Associate Engineer "tTngr1~~TPfn6IVDepa rtment Engineering Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the expenditure of sewer construction funds and for the filing of a Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk. BACKGROUND: An unnamed creek exi sts beh i nd the resi dence of Doug1 as and Sandra Ivey at 731 Miner Road, Orinda. The District owns and maintains a 6-inch diameter sewer which is located behind the residence in an easement paralleling the creek. Erosion of the streambed has caused a portion of the north bank of the creek to sl ide, resu1 ti ng in the di sp1 acement of approximate1 y 30 feet of the sewer pi pee Thi s occurred duri ng heavy rai ns in February 1986. Co11 ecti on System Operati ons Department installed and is currently maintaining a temporary plastic liner pipe to restore sewer service to the 65 properties presently connected to the upstream pipe. Figure 1 depicts the relative location of the landslide in relation to the sewer, the creek, and the residences in the area. At the request of the Ri sk Management Committee, Engi neeri ng Department staff, under a General Manager-Chief Engineer authorization, conducted a pre1 iminary investi gative study to assess the probab1 e cause of the storm damage and to provide technical information on which an appropriate course of action could be based. The site was surveyed, a topographic drawing of the landslide area was prepared, records of the District and other pub1 ic agencies were reviewed, and possible repair alternatives were identified. Based on the information available at this time, the study concluded that the sewer line did not cause the failure of the creek bank and that the most vi ab1 e a1 ternatives for restori ng permanent serv ice i nvo1 ve underpi nni ng the sewer, re1 ocati ng the sewer further upslope of the creek or restori ng the creek channel and reconstructi ng the sewer along its original alignment. Mr. Ivey represented to District staff that both he and a neighbor may be interested in participating in the cost of the latter alternative. The Risk Management Canmittee has requested that Engineering Department staff fully develop the repair alternatives and identify project costs in order to assess the relative merits of each and to assist in determining the most appropriate repair scheme. Predesign work will be performed by a project team consisting of District staff and personnel fran Woodward-Clyde Consultants. The work by Woodward-Clyde will be performed under a purchase order agreement. Di stri ct staff will be responsi bl e for developing the sewer relocation alternative. Woodward-Clyde will be responsible for the erosion control and the creek channel restoration study. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 RAS BLM DRW RAB M~ jJAJ f);?tJ Jt1J INITIATING DEPT./DIV. SUBJECT APPROVE lHE PROJ ECT AND AUTHORIZE $12,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PREDESIGN OF STORM DAMAGE REPAIRS AT 731 MINER ROAD, ORINDA (DP 4293) POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE March 27, 19B7 4 The project for restoring permanent sewer service has been well enough defined so that it can be considered by the Board of Directors for approval. Staff recommends that the project be approved. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Section 18.2 of the District's Guidelines. Upon approval of the project, staff will file a Notice of Exemption with the County Cl erk. Attachment 1 to thi s positi on paper presents a breakdown of the estimated costs associated with the authorization. The total authorization requested is $12,000. Funds for design work will be requested at a later date. This work is included in the Capital Improvement Pl an as "Storm Damage Repai rs." RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proj ect and authorize $12,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for predesign of storm damage repairs at 731 Miner Road, Orinda. .....-------. 1302B-9/85 / Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . SllUATlON MAP I I lvey landslide ! N.T.S.I Figure 1 ATTAOiMENT 1 STORM DAMAGE AT 731 MINER ROAD, ORINDA BREAKDOWN OF COSTS Preliminary Investigative Study Force Account $ 7,000 Predesi gn Study Force Account Woodward-Clyde Consultants 7,000 8,000 22,000 Prior GM-CE Authorization -10,000 Funds Requested $12,000 <8 Centre.. Contra Costa Sanitar:r District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 2, 1987 NO. V. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT CONTINUE THE PROCESS TO ESTABLISH LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56 AND SET A HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER PUBLIC TESTIMONY DATE March 25, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT VARIOUS RESOL- UTIONS AND ESTABLISH HEARING DATE SUBMlTTED 6Y uenn1S Hall, Associate Engineer INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: As part of the process to establish Local Improvement District (LID) 56, various resol utions must be adopted and a hearing date must be established to consider public testimony on the formation of the LID and the assessments to be placed on the affected properties. BACKGROUND: Property owners in the La Casa Via/Brodia Way area of Walnut Creek, southeast of John Muir Hospital petitioned this District in 1986 to form a LID for the purpose of financing and constructing a public sewer system which will benefit their properties. The sewer project consists of the installation of approximately 3,500 lineal feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer main (see attached map). The sewers will be installed within the private roads known as La Casa Via and Brodia Way and in paved private access easements. The project is located within an unincorporated area of the city of Walnut Creek. The attached map shows the assessment district boundary. On March 6, 1986 the Board of Directors initiated assessment district proceedings by accepting property owner petitions within the proposed assessment district, approving the assessment boundary map, and requesting jurisdiction from the County Board of Supervisors. By Resol ution 86/246 dated April 29, 1986, the Board of Supervisors of Contra Costa County consented to the formation of the LID and assumption of jurisdiction by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Environmental effects of the project were studied by staff and the Board of Directors adopted a Negative Declaration for the project on February 19, 1987. The preliminary costs for the LID improvements, including construction, engineering, District fees and charges, bond counsel, and bonding are estimated at $310,000. Final costs will be known after bids are received later this year. The spread of assessments between properties will occur after bids are received and just prior to the award of contract. Board actions necessary to complete the formation of the LID are: 1. Adopt a Resolution accepting petitions Completed 3/6/86 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JSM RAB ~Y INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A.9/85 SUBJECT CONTINUE THE PROCESS TO ESTABLISH LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56 AND SET A HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER PUBLIC TESTIMONY 2. Adopt a Resolution approving a proposed boundary map 3. Adopt a Resolution requesting jurisdiction from the County Board of Supervisors 4. Adopt a Resolution approving a "Negative Declaration" 5. Adopt a Resolution directing filing of the boundary map with County Recorder 6. Adopt a Resolution approving agreement for legal services with Sturgis, Ness, Brunsell and Sperry 7. Adopt a Resolution approving agreement for engineering services with D.K. Associates 8. Adopt a Resolution of Intention to order improvements 9. Adopt a Resolution accepting the engineer's report for LID 56 and setting May 19, 1987 as the hearing date for receiving public testimony on LID 56 10. Adopt a Resolution calling for construction bids 11. Direct staff to give Notice of Improvements for bidding purposes 12. Hold a Public Hearing, approve the engineer's report, assessment spread, and assessment district 13. Award construction contract POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 4 DATE March 25, 1987 Completed 3/6/86 Completed 3/6/86 Completed 2/19/87 Subject of this Position Paper Subject of this Position Paper Subject of this Position Paper Subject of this Position Paper Subject of this Position Paper Subject of this Position Paper Subject of this Position Paper Scheduled for 5/19/87 Scheduled for 5/19/87 The bond counsel for the LID is the law firm of Sturgis, Ness, Brunsell and Sperry. The District is engaging this firm on behal f of the LID to perform various legal services which are necessary to form and administer the LID. All legal costs incurred will be paid by the LID. 13026-9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONTINUE THE PROCESS TO ESTABLISH LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56 AND SET A HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER PUBLIC TESTIMONY PAGE 3 OF 4 DATE March 25, 1987 The public hearing which is scheduled for May 19 is required to consider testimony on the engineer's report and any other comments by those wishing to speak. Upon closing the hearing, the District must decide to formally approve or not approve this LID as proposed, approve the assessments or make modifications as deemed necessary. The Board at that time may also award the construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder, reject all bids, or hold the award over to a later date. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolutions for the following actions: 1. Direct the filing of the LID boundary map with the County Recorder. 2. Approve an agreement for legal services with Sturgis, Ness, Brunsell and Sperry. 3. Approve an agreement for engineering services with D. K. Associates. 4. Indicate an intent to order improvement in the LID area. 5. Accept the engineer's report for the LID and set May 19, 1987 as the hearing date for receiving public testimony on LID 56. 6. Call for construction bids. Direct staff to advertise for construction bids. 13028-9/85 plaO,PO .51!f/;> J. I C> 56 \-.-. . . . ~~, \ ~ \ ~ \ -.--..... ([) - - - · New O:::A~SE~SME~T 5EWER. PARCEL NUM 8ER PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 56 LA CASA VIA - BRODIA WAY WALNUT CREEK AREA . Centr&.._ Contra Costa Sanitar I District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. VI. TREATMENT PLANT SUBJECT AUTI-fORIZE GENERAL MANI'GER-a-tIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE I'GREEMENT WITI-f "IRC ENVIR~MENTAL, INC., AND AUTI-fORIZE $54,000 IN SEWER CONSlRUCTION FUNDS FOR PHASE II OF TI-fE ODOR CON"IRCl. SlUDY DATE March 20, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE JlGREEMENT AUTI-fORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY William E. Brennan Plant 0 erations Division Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department/ Operations l~su~: Board approval is requested for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract amendment with "IRC Env ironmental, Inc., and to authorize $54,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for Phase II of the Odor Control Study. Back.Q.r9ynd: At the Board meeting of August 21, 1986, the Board of Directors authorized $107,000 for "IRC Environmental, Inc. to act as consultant to the District and perform Phase I of an odor control study. A more detailed discussion of Phase I of the Odor Control Study is i ncl uded as part of Attachment A. An interim report and initial work have been completed. Recommendations have been received which meet the objectives of Phase I. The highlights of the Phase I work effort were the following: o Identification of the odor sources within the Treatment Plant site. o Quantificati on of the odor emi ssi ons from the vari ous Pl ant sources via a field data gathering program. o Preparation of a meteorological model of the Plant site. This model is programmed for use on both the Pl ant Operati ons Department and Engineering Department microcomputers. o Performance of multiple model ing simulations which prioritized the Pl ant odor sources in terms of impact on the adj acent community, particularly the Rancho Diablo Mobile Home Park which is immediately south of the Treatment Plant across Highway 4. o Trai ni ng of the Pl ant Operati ons Department and Engi neeri ng Department staff in the use of the meteorological computer model. o Training of the Plant Operations Department staff in "fenceline" and community odor monitoring techniques. The findings of the combined efforts of field odor monitoring program and the simulation runs with the meteorological model were that the primary process, i.e., the preaeration tanks, primary sedimentation tanks, and Odor Control Unit No. 1 (whi ch serves the the Barscreen Room and the Inl et Buil di ng) had the most INITIATING DEPT./DIV. WE.6 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ;6.N 1302,0..9/85 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANJlGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE AN AMENDMENT TO lHE PUREEMENT WITH lRC ENV IRON MENTAL, INC., AND AUTHORIZE $54,000 IN SEWER CONSlRUCTION FUNDS FOR A-1ASE II OF THE ODOR CONTROL STIJDY POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 6 DATE March 20, 1987 significant off-site impact. A further finding in this area was that the septage trucks dumping at the Treatment Plant had a significant transitory impact on the odors originating in the primary process. This led to the early identification of a predesign project within the Treatment Plant Master Plan for a separate septage treatment facility. The proposed Phase II of the Odor Control Study will have two maj or components. One component will be additional meteorological modeling to computer-simulate the impacts of the Treatment Pl ant's wet weather storage basi ns on the downwind community. The second component will be a field sampling program which will focus on the contribution of the new dissolved air flotation thickeners to off-site odor impacts. The proposed Phase II Odor Control Study is also discussed in detail in Attachment A. A summary of the funds bei ng req uested is presented in Attachment B. The total funding for this project is $161,000. The final outcome of this project will be: a comprehensive report prioritizing all Treatment Plant odor sources, a computer-generated meteorological model specific to the Treatment Plant site, and the wet weather storage basi ns to predi ct odor impact on the downward communi ty under various meteorol ogi cal scenari os, and recommendati ons for source treatment technol ogi es. RecQmmenclati OIl: Authorize the General Manager-Ch ief Engi neer to execute an amendment to the agreement with lRC Environmental, Inc., and authorize $54,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for Odor Control Study, Phase II. --------- 13028-9/85 ATTAa-JMENT A CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITAAY DISTRICT ODOR. CONTROl STUDY PROORAM PROJ ECT DESCRIPTION AND UPDATE INTRODUCTION Duri ng the development of the Odor Control Study, the consul tant' s work was logically divided into two segments. The first phase of this study consisted of an examination of the Plant odor sources in relatively warm weather. This work was canpleted during the 1986 dry weather season. This was the consultant's first revi ew of the Pl ant site to identify odor sources, recommend operati onal changes, and develop a fiel d program which woul d quantify the Pl ant odor sources and prov i de the data necessary for the Pl ant si te to be mathemati cally model ed. The product of this portion of the study is an interim report which prioritizes the Pl ant odor sources based upon the data gathered during the week of the fiel d program. The report used the mathemati cal meteorol ogi cal model to identify the impact of odor sources and to i niti ally assess odor control pri oriti es. Further modeling under more varied conditions is planned as part of the Phase II work. SUMMARY OF WORK COMPLETED IN A-1ASE I The exi sti ng odor sources in the Treatment Pl ant were i dentifi ed and a fiel d program of source testi ng was conducted to quantify the odor emi ssi ons fran various Plant sources using the technique of forced-choice triangle olfactaneter with an odor panel. The data fran the fiel d program was then used to prepare a meteorological model of the Plant site and estimate downwind impacts of the Treat- ment Pl ant sources. The meteorol ogi cal model was install ed on the Pl ant Opera- tions Department and Engineering Department micro canputers, and District Personnel were trained in using the model. Current odor control practices used in the operation of the Treatment Plant were reviewed, and one minor operational change was made. A series of computer simulation runs were performed to estimate the impact of the Plant odor sources on the downwind communities under worst case conditions. Members of the Plant Operations Department staff were trained in the techniques of fenceline and canmunity odor monitoring. A program of daily fenceline odor monitoring was then introduced using members of the District's Laboratory Section. This monitoring program canmits one member of the Laboratory staff to drive the Plant fenceline on a daily basis to identify and estimate the concentration of odor sources at the fenceline. This program provides real time data to aid in the validation of the computer model and the effectiveness of the overall program. An interim report was prepared by TRC Environmental, Inc. which summarized the findings, drew conclusions where appropriate, and made recommendations for operational modifications and the Phase II study. The final report is slated to be done to conclude the Phase II work. The findi ngs of the fiel d survey data and the computer simul ati ons of pl ant meteorological conditions were that the major downwind impacts were caused by the primary sedimentation tanks, the preaeration tanks, Odor Control Unit No.1, and septage truck dumping. The septage truck dumping was found to be the single most ATTAa-IMENT A Page 2 significant source in two ways. First, there was a major short-term downwind impact when certain trucks discharged to the existing dump point adjacent to the Inl et Buil di ng. Second, there was an impact on the odors generated frail the primary sedimentation tanks, preaeration tanks, and Odor Control Unit No.1; that is, the septage dumping odor was noticeable as it passed through the primary area of the Pl ant. Th is assessment has 1 ed to the i ncl usi on of a septage treatment facility as an early predesign project in the Treatment Plant Master Plan. The aeration tanks were found to have a significant downwind impact. That is, the characteristic musty aeration smell was noticeable long distances downwind. This is not considered an odor that is as objectionable as those generated elsewhere. The Solids Conditioning Building area, particularly Odor Control Unit No.3 was no~ found to be a significant source of off-site impacts. District Staff had anticipated that Odor Control Unit No.3 would be a significant contributor due to the strength of the odors being treated by this unit. However, the relatively low vol ume of treated foul ai r exhaust and the 1 ocati on of the uni t more than compensated for the relative strength of the odors. SUMMARY OF THE !=ROPOSED PHASE II WORK As discussed in the Position Paper of August 21, 1986, the second phase was to be a detailed study of the impact of the partially treated storm water retained in the Plant holding basins on the neighboring community. However, the situation has changed si nce the compl eti on of the Phase I work. Phase II of the Odor Control Study will incorporate pl anned process changes whi ch have been impl emented si nce the initial Phase II scope was developed. The District will construct new facilities as part of the wet weather hydraulic improvements project to direct excess storm water flows as far from the fenceline as possible in an effort to mitigate the impact of this stored, partially treated, water on off-site odors. A fiel d odor sampl ing program which woul d focus on the basins was planned. However, the program has been modified. The reasons for this are twofold. First, a field program should be performed to examine the new condi ti on of the basi ns in the wet weather season of 1987-88 after the basi n alterations are made, and second, this wet weather season there has been relatively little rain and did not constitute a good opportunity to gather data on the exi sti ng use of the hol di ng basi ns. The computer-generated meteorol ogi ca 1 modeling will examine the downwind impact of the basins without the expense of an extensive field program at this time. This modeling will simulate the impacts of this odor source using data frail other field studies, the Phase I program, and the District fenceline odor monitoring data. Since the first field study and interim report done during Phase I were completed, the dissolved air flotation thickeners have been put into service. Plant staff fencel ine odor monitoring has identified the operation of the thickeners as a significant new source of odors. Such observations have created the need for an additional field study whose focus will be the quantification of the odor emissions from the dissolved air flotation thickeners. This new field study will incl ude the use of the additional technique of GC/MS odorgrams to identify the chemical sources of these odors. It is already apparent that these odors are not predominantly hydrogen sulfide caused odors. ATTAa-tMENT A Page 3 A porti on of the proposed f i el d work in Phase II w 111 al so be expended on the evaluation of the use of a proprietary chemical in Odor Control Unit No.1 instead of sodium hypochlorite which is used currently. The Phase I work indicated that the existing Odor Control Unit No. 1 (manufactured by Virotrol> provided only a small amount of odor removal. There are other chemical s avail abl e which have successfully treated foul air streams at other Plant sites with this manu- facturer's scrubber. Therefore, if successful, use of this chemical may save the major expense of replacing the existing scrubber in its entirety, i.e., the Odor Control Unit No. 1 proj ect may be limited to a better c1 rcul ati on of fresh ai r through the Barscreen Roan and segregati on of the foul ai r stream with sane structural repairs to the existing FRP vessel of Odor Control Unit No.1. ATTA(}iMENT B ODOR CONlROl SlUDY - FliASE II MAR(}i 20, 1987 COST SUMMARY D~s~ript1on Amount Phase I lRC Environmental, Inc. $87,500 Force Account 14,500 Funds Previously Authorized Additional Funds Requested for Phase II 5,000 $107,000 Contingency 54,000 Proj ect Total Expenditures to Date $161,000 $ 70,287 . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar I District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. VILI. DATE SUBJECT APPROVE PERS~NEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 TYPE OF ACTION PERS~NEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Cath n Freitas, Personnel Officer Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1987-88 and is submitti ng its requests for Board consi derati on at the April 2nd meeti ng. Fi nal Board approval of the Personnel Budget is calendared for the April 16, 1987 Board meeting. BACKGROOND: Each department has reviewed its staffi ng requi rements for Fi scal Year 1987-88. The Personnel Budget i ncl udes memoranda from each department (Attachments II, III, IV, V, and VI) with detailed explanations on the affect of these recommended staffing changes. The attached summary sheet (Attachment I) highl ights each department's staffing recommendations and summarizes their effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized positions in the District will increase by nine (9) over last year; the number of requested new positions (15) is partially offset by positions recommended to be del eted (6). In addition to the increased number of positions, the salary and wages in the 1987-88 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year due to the following: o An anticipated three percent cost-of-living adjustment, effective May 1, 1987, per the current Memoranda of Understanding with the employee associations; o Merit increases scheduled in 1987-1988; o Filling authorized positions which were vacant in 1986-1987; and o Positions authorized in 1986-1987 which were not budgeted for the full year because of anticipated recruitment efforts and time required to fill positions. Throughout the Personnel Budget, you will note requests for Junior/Assistant Engineer from the CSO, Plant, and Engineering Departments. Current practice has been to fill entry level engineering positions at the Assistant Engineer level, and we have been successful in attracti ng very qual if ied and speci alized applicants. However, staff believes the District would benefit if entry level engineers were given an opportunity to understand the overall interaction and functions of the design, collection, and treatment phases of processing wastewater. Consequently, a REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION AN t(f;'~-, ,.:",,: INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A.9/85 CRF PM SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE PERS~NEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 PAGE DATE 2 OF 5 March 23, 1987 Junior/Assistant Engineer Rotational Program is being proposed to fill this need. The program woul d all ow each J un i or Engi neer to spend ei ght months in each of the three departments. At the end of the twenty-four month rotati on, the J uni or Engineers would become Assistant Engineers and would be assigned to a department at the discretion of the District. On Wednesday, March 25, 1987, the Personnel Committee met to review the proposed budget. The following Board authorizations and modifications to the District staffing charts were discussed and are presented below for your consideration: Administrative Department 1) Adjust salary range of Purchasing Officer from M-39, $3471-$4219, to M-35, $3831-$4658. 2) Adjust salary range of Finance Officer from M-33, $4026-$4892, to M-29, $4444-$5400. 3) Del ete present cl ass descri pton for Materi al s Coordi nator III, G-59, $2242-$2711, and adopt new class description for Senior Materials Coordinator, G-65, $2583-$3130, and reclassify Donald McKenery from Materials Coordinator III, to Senior Materials Coordinator, G-65, $2583-$3130. 4) Delete one Buyer I/I! G-59, $2242-$2711, and add one Senior Buyer G-68, $2777-$3360. Collection System Operations Department 5) Delete one Maintenance Crew Member G-53, $1945-$2350. 6) Add two Maintenance Crew Leaders G-65, $2583-$3130. 7) Delete one Assistant Engineer G-72, $3056-$3700, and repl ace with one Junior/Assistant Engineer G-67, $2711-$3282, and G-72, $3056-$3700. Plant Operations Department 8) Add one Junior/Assistant Engineer G-67, $2711-$3282, and G-72, $3056-$3700, and adopt class description of Junior/Assistant Engineer, G-67, $2711-$3282, and G-72, $3056-$3700. Eno1neer1no Department 9) Delete present class description for Planning & Grants Technician G-64, $2525-$3056, and adopt cl ass descri pti on for Pl anni ng Assi stant G-68, $2777-$3360, and add one Pl anni ng Assi stant G-68, $2777-$3360, and recl assi fy Jacqueline Zayac from Planning & Grants Technician to Planning Assistant G-68, $2777-$3360, effective April 17, 1987. --------.. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER 3 APPROVE PERS(JINEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 PAGE DATE OF 5 March 23, 1987 10) Add one Senior Engineer 5-82, $3898-$4712. 11> Del ete one Assi stant Engi neer G-72, $3056-$3700, and repl ace with one Junior/Assistant Engineer G-67, $2711-$3282, and G-72, $3056-$3700. 12) Add one Secretary 1/11 G-45, $1613-$1945. 13) Add two Assistant Engineers G-72, $3056-$3700. 14) Add two Construction Inspectors G-67, $2711-$3282. Go-OD Proar_ 15) Authorize the hiring of students to fill eight positions in the Co-op Program. Trainee Proar_ 16) Authorize the institution of the Trainee Program and hiring of trainees as outlined in the attachments. RECOtIENDATION : Receive and consider the Personnel Budget for Fiscal Year 1987-1988 herein identified by items one through sixteen, and provide guidance to staff. The Personnel Budget will be submitted for approval at the April 16, 1987 Board meeting. "--------. 13028-9/85 i Oli NCOI --P""l L.lf-I Olf-,.... 1:i~~ =enP""l < ~ ,.... Q) Q)ClI) NCOI --0-4 5:::1 .c1ll1O ~~~ = en 0-4 < ClI) ClI) 0.1 o~ A2: ~ c,.... Q)ClI) ~I ~I 0-4 !! III III en a: .... LlJ LlJ :c en I ::l en .... LlJ ~ co .... III III C C 00 ... ... ~~ -- ~1Il ~ce Lrl ! en 0:: ~ III I~ .... ... t!~ P""lOP""lO P""ll'f'lP""l1O ,....P""l""'l'f'l Nl'f'lNl'f'l .... .... .... .... I I I I ~lB~:::: ~Kl~~ .... .... .... .... .. Ill. .. Ill. O\LIl 01 to LIllO LIl 10 1 I I I (!)(!)(!)(!) o ~ L. o o U III r- III - L. L. Q) Ol ~ >. III ::J :E III o 0 L. L. en tI) P""l .... .... .... o ~ L. o o U III r- III - L. Ol ~ III :E .... .... ....... .... L. Ol >. ::J III P""l P""l I ~ Q) 01 0-4 I III Ol - > c_ -+> e III "L. <+> '--. 0\ N 0\ N o o P""l ,.... ~ 10 ~ o o OONO LIlOtOl'f'l enr--NP""l Nenenl'f'l .... .... .... .... I I I I LIlIOP""len ~LIlP""ltO ~~~Kl .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. enNr--LIl LIl r-- 10 10 thc1c1J, L.en OlL.L. Gl Ol Gl c~" _1lI1lI o)OlGl C-J-J UJ ~!! 1IlL.L. IIlUU < 0 0 .......GlGl 000 L.+>+> ..,:E:E P""l P""l P""l SoN Gl .oL. I~ !g> L.UJ U o 0 Gl+> o III +>1Il :E<: P""l P""l o tI) U ,...... ---_. N L. Ol Gl c .... 0) c UJ o +> III III < ........ o L. .., P""l o P""l +> c III a: --'----- -- P""l o P""l 8 P""l N P""l N to N en .... I P""l P""l ~ .... ... r-- 10 I (!) 0\ 10 N 10 10 l'f'l 100NONLIlON LIlIOP""lOtO~OtO oen,....r--NO\r--N l'f'len~l'f'll'f'lP""ll'f'len ................................ I I I I I I I I LIl,....tOlOP""ll'f'lIOP""l Nr--O\LIlP""lP""lLllP""l Kl~~~~~~~ ................................ .. .. .. .. .. .. 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Centr--1 Contra Costa Sanlta' -, District BOARD OF DIRECTOR5 PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF A rll 2 1987 NO. VII 1. PERSONNEL DATE March 26, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION 2 SUBJECT AU11i<RIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL BA.OYEES PERS(ltNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Cathryn Rad1 n Freitas, Personnel Officer A~1n1strat1velPersonnel ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal help in 1987. BACKGROUND: Each year the District hires students during the summer months for vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects; and during the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Authorization was given for thirty-six student posi ti ons 1 ast year. Approval is requested for forty seasonal posi ti ons in Fiscal Year 1987-1988. Memorandums identifying the goals to be accomplished with seasonal help by each department have been sent to the Personnel Committee for review. A summary of the requests for seasonal employees is depicted below: The attached summary sheets (attachment 1) hi ghl ights each department's seasonal staffing recommendations and summarizes their effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District. The hourly wage for seasonal employees has not been changed si nce 1985. Due to problems in attracting students last summer and feedback from prospective appl fcants that the wages were a consideration in rejecting positions, it is recommended that the hourly rate for seasonal employees be increased as follows: Salaries Student Positions. ProDOsed Salaries Last Year No experience necessary, i.e., clerical, laborers, grounds S 6.50 S 6.00 Technical, i.e., drafting, survey S 8.00 $10.00 S 7.50 $ 9.00 Professional, i.e., chemist, engineer · For every year a student returns, add $1.00 per hour, to a maximum of th ree additional summers. For example, a student laborer who has worked here for the past two summers woul d receive $8.50 per hour th i s summer. The extra dollar would recognize experience and serve as an incentive for returning students. In the past, the District offered $ .50 per hour for additional years of experience, except for "professionals" who received $1.00 per hour more. (!1;f REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302".9/85 CRF PM N INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AU1HCJUZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL BA..OYEES PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 March 23, 1987 The approximate ,~st of this action wlll be $201,227 fran departmental 0 & M budgets. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the hiring of 40 persons for seasonal employment. ....------. 13028-9 85 I ~ c! ! ~ LLI co en co ~~ IU- ,.... ~~ ....en LLI j ~ * ~- ~ -- .---- L. "0>- - \0 ~~co Ln 0 ~ r-- .-t \0 ~1Il0\ .-t .-t rw-, ~~.-t <..J -- -- 1---- --- ---- ~-- ,.... .- CO~ Ln rw-, Ln r- .-t 0 O\~ .-t .-t ~ ....~ -- ~-- --- -- C III ~:S \0 0\ N CO rw-, CO L..s .-t rw-, \0 N .., ~ .... -- -- 8 .., . ~ .... .... .,. 8 .., . N N 0 .... .,. 8 i . .-t .... 0\ .,. >- 0 l! lI\ N C'I"'I . lI\ a co .,. :z: 8 . .... .-t N "" co .,. 0 lI\ co . .... Ln .-t .... ,.... .,. 0 lI\ .-t Ln co .... lI\ . .... \0 .,. -- I--' . L. Q) III Q. C Q) 0 a r- > . .... ~ .... III ~ Q) ~ ~ ~ ~ 0) :Ii ~ L. C L. Q) .... ~~ 1;; . Q. L. ....~ t t 0 Q) au .... ! .... - C Q) .~ >.L. ~ ...- .... .- C .... tt: 1;: c.> .s .- ~ 0) ~Q a .- C Q).... .... < 0 a.. w (1)0 Q