HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-16-87 . Centr~, Contra Costa Sanitar;..~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER IBOARDMEETINGO~ ADrll 16, 1987 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE PilARD OF A CONTRACT TO STACY AND WITBECK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 20042, TREATtJfNT PLNH WET WEATHER HYDR,AJJLIC IMPROVEt-ENTS, ,AJJTHORIZE THE GENERAL MAN,oGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE AN AMENI)ofENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS, AND AUTHORIZE $1,689,800 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 DATE April 10, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ,AJJTHORIZE AA ARD ,AJJTHORIZE CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Dougl as J. Crai g Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department EnQineering Division ISSUE: On April 2, 1987, sealed bids for the construction of District Project No. 20042, Treatment Pl ant Wet Weather Hydraul fc Improvements, were received and opened. The Board must award the contract or reject the bids within 60 days of opening the proposals. BACKGROUND: The design of the Treatment Plant Wet Weather Hydraulic Improvements Project was authorized by the Board on May 9, 1986. A description of the project is provided in Attachment 1. These improvements are necessary to effectively divert excess wet weather flows to the holding ponds. Plans and specifications for the project were completed, and the project was advertised on March 5. and 16, 1987. Five bids ranging from $1,273,100 to $1,764,000 were received on April 2, 1987. A tabulation of the bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Stacy and W ftbeck of San Franci sco, CA. The Engi neer' s Estimate for constructi on is $1,820,000. A Post-Bid Preconstruction Cost Estimate is presented in Attachment 3. A total of $1,689,800 is required to complete the project, including construction, construction management, and consultant services during construction. John Carollo Engineers (JCE), who completed the design, will also provide specialty services during construction, including submittal review, plans and specifications clarification, and change order review. The work by JCE will be provided through an amendment to thei r exi sti ng agreement. The cost for J CE' s serv ices is reflected in the Post-Bid Preconstruction Cost Estimate. As a part of the contract amendment with J CE, staff recommends that J CE develop an operati on and training manual for the new wet weather hydraulic improvement facilities. Development of the manual is estimated to cost $15,600. During design, the scope of the project was expanded to include several major modifications not previously identified. These modifications were necessary to accommodate a peak wet weather flow of approximately 210 mgd and provide a well-defi ned control stategy. The additi onal desi gn cost by the consul tant to complete this effort was $38,000. This cost was not included in the previous proj ect authorizati on. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /)-1/ e B11Jt jl f;~ 7ff/ 113 1302A.9/85 DJC BLM DRW RAB ~ ft./'rIEF ENG. 7/IAV ~//k..- ROGER J. DOLAN SUBJECT NJTHORIZE f"iiARD OF A CDNTRACT TO STACY AND WITBECK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 20042, TREATMENT PLANT WET WEATHER HYDRNJLIC IMPROVEMENTS, NJTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEClJTE AN AMENDMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS, AND AUTHORIZE $1,689,800 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE April 10, 1987 5 This project is identified as "Treatment Plant Hydraulic Improvements" in the Pri ority A L1 st of the Capital Improvement Pl an. A negative decl arati on was previously adopted for the project. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the contract for constructi on of Di strict Project 20042 to Stacy and Witbeck, the lowest responsible bidder. Authorize the General Manager-Chi ef Engi neer to execute Contract Amendment No. 1 with John Carollo Engineers for additional design services, preparation of an operation and training manual, and engineering services during construction. Authorize $1,689,800 fram the Sewer Construction Fund. .....------. 13028-9/85 ATTA(}lMENT 1 PROJ Eel DESCRIPTION In February 1986 severe rainstorms generated more wastewater flON than the Treatment Pl ant system coul d adequately accommodate. Duri ng peak flON times, untreated wastewater, which could not be processed in a timely manner through the primary clarifiers, was discharged to overflON holding basins along with primary-treated wastewater. On two occasions this peak flON condition necessitated partial throttling of the influent gates to the plant and caused upstream backup in the collection system in Pl easant Hill. This project involves the follONing improvements: o The addi ti on of four sets of overflON 1 aunders in the primary cl ar1fiers. o Installation of four isolation slide gates in the preaeration distribution channel. o Installation of approximately 100 feet of 60-inch pipe to divert primary effl uent around the primary effl uent control gate, which is a hydraulic bottleneck at high flONS. o Install ati on of approximately 1,000 feet of 60-inch pi pe to bypass primary effluent from the aeration basins to a new connection structure located in Basin "A" south. o Construction of two control structures to di rect untreated wastewater either to Basi n "A" or to Basi ns "B" and "C." o Repl acement of two exi sti ng drai nback pumps at Basi ns "B" and "c" with high capacity pumps to quickly drain untreated wastewater from Basins "B" and "c" to the plant for treatment. o Installation of flON monitoring equipment and motorized slide gates for flow control. o Addition of chlorination faciities for odor control. The improvements will allON for a quicker and more efficient flON circulation within the treatment plant boundary during peak flON times. The proposed improvements al so shoul d resul tin the reducti on of odors during peak flows and would minimize the potential for upstream collection system backups. .....'~-------,------.,--_._-_..._"._.__.,--_._...---_._~.^~'---'---~-"--~------ ATTACHMENT 2 Central ';ontra Costa Sanit...._1"y District SUMMARY DF BIDS PROJECT NO. 20042 Wet Weather Hvdraulic Capacity DATE April 2. 1987 Improvement LOCATION 5019 Imhoff Place. Martinez. CA 94553 ENGR. EST. $ 1.820.000 l[ \V BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRICE Stacy & Witbeck ( 415 ) 285-7570 $ 1 San Francisco, CA 94101 1. 273 .100 MGM Construction ( 415 ) 685-8812 $ 2 Concord, CA 94524 1,322,950 - Homer J. 01 sen ( 415 ) 489-1661 $ 3 . 1,528,000 Union City, CA 94587 C. W. Roen ( 415 ) 837-5501 $ 4 Danville, CA 94526 1,762,000 5 Monterey Mechanical ( 415 ) 632-3173 $ Oakland, CA 94621 1,764,000 - ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ , ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ , ( ) $ '-- PREPARED BY DATE SHEET NO. OF ,cn~.Q 'Roe ATTAOiMENT 3 POSl BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Of COSTS FOR TREATMENT PlNH WET WEATHER HYDRAULIC IMPROVEMENTS (DP 20042) Item Description Item Amount T ota 1 %Const. Contract 1 Construction Contract (As Bid) $1,273,100 2 Estimated Construction Contingencies* 191,000 3 Total Construction Cost 1,464,100 100 4 Estimated Construction Incidentals to Proj ect Compl eti on Contract Management Survey Construction Inspection Engineering During Construction District Force John Carollo Engineers Testing Services L ega 1 As-Built Drawings Cl erical ** Total Estimated Construction Incidentals $ 55,500 2,000 36,500 5,100 40,000 4,000 1,000 2,000 7,000 U5::S ,100 153 ,100 5 Total Estimate Required to Complete Proj ect 1,617,200 110 6 Prebid Expenditures Survey, Engineering, Printing Adverti si ng John Carollo Engineers 87,000 108,000 Total Preconstruction Incidentals 195,000 $15,600 195,000 15,600 7 Operation and Training Manual for Wet Weather Facilities (John Carollo Engineers) 8 Total Estimated Proj ect Cost 1,827,800 124 9 Less Funds Previously Authorized ( 138,000) 10 Total Additional Funds Required to Com p 1 ete Proj ect (Item 8 minus Item 9) $1,689,SOO * Conti ngency will be used for change orders, force accounts, or engi neeri ng assistance as necessary. Temporary cl eri ca 1 hel p to be used for cl eri ca 1 assi stance duri ng construct ion ** . Centr." Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF Apri 1 16, 1987 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT DATE April 7, 1987 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-13 (Alamo), P.A. 87-14 (Danville), TYPE OF ACTION P.A. 87-15 (Lafayette) AND P.A. 87-16 (Danville) TO BE ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./Construction D'v. Owner Pa rce 1 Address Lead No. Area Pa rce 1 No. & Acreage Remarks Agency P.A.87..13 Alamo Sharon Thie Existing house, failing CCCSD (77D1) 1420 Livorna Road septic system, must Alamo, CA 94507 connect to the public 187-130-012 (1.03 acres) sewer system. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" P.A.87-14 Danville R.R. Lehto III Proposed Subdivision 6852 C.C. (7806 ) P.O. Box 770 #180 consisting of 5 single County Burlingame, CA 94010 family homes. County has 196-110-035 (4.23 ac.) approved this subdivision and a negative declaration has been approved. P.A.87-15 La fayette F.J. Hill New construction - one CCCSD (46B4) 3676 Echo Spring Road single family residence. La fayette ,CA 94549 District to prepare 167-170-005 (2.55 ac.) "Notice of Exemption". P.A.87-16 Danville A.G. Morgan, trustee Proposed Subdivision 6829, C. C. 251 Kuss Road consisting of 101 single County Danville, CA 94526 family homes and 112 condo- 206-014-004 &-005 (55 ac. ) miniums. Development is covered by an existing master C.C. County E.I.R. Parcel is currently being annexed to Town of Danville RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 87-13, P.A. 87-14, P.A. 87-15 and P.A. 87-16 to be included in a future fo rma 1 ~~p,~~~&: jfJB f'fECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~\:- m J~ R./rIEF ENG. ~l?t\ . ~.... ~\M... <- ~ :~.. J A. 19-1 HI A 13021\.9/85 I ROGER J. DOLAN DH JSM RAB ~J 1'-.) I;; CORTESE 'AND CO O~\ I L Y WI NN 9 ~~ to:::' yo JONES to.OOAC RA . 87- /.3 ...~ CJ " . "\:..; ~i\ h~L.. JONES ('a { j II ~. 13 7 , :ao 14 ~ ~ ~ ,~ S ~B__ ~, 4 99 ..... :---..~~ ili 5 6 ""-'I , ~ e_~~~1 ~~ ~ ~~ [~.. ~' , ,,~ . r): r;' ~;j~ ~ "i l:a CD ~ ,.~/1) ~a\ ./ 3738AC 94AC , ~... .90AC , O"~ : . ". 4~ 115AC;05AC 124AC i It... ~"7':~- I!!!!!!!!! AN~E.J( i?%1'fJ;:=-i-0 ~ ~b ,t' j><< i " :--' \ 204 ACi' I!!!!!!!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ......< .... ~ (> 81 17 ~.. ,,& ~ \ ~ ~",,;<.O ,"~"" I f3. 90 ..\ ~OO:' I{ ~{~/~ ~ J VI f,,;;~ 9~ &!) Il. I> ~ C~ 76 f)\A/V'" ",,~ \1~\ ~~'~, 75 'I"" - 90 ~ II ", -O~ _\t'\ \ \" 'to\.. L~ At' I'POIl" '- ~ '6 S BI 12 ~ toO!) \~ !) ~.. .c;~ "'_",IN! " i8 7lI 93 ~ 99 "..'" flfl ~ I~~ I~~ ~ ~ -.. ~ 9' ~~ fl . '~ ~,~O -~\3:2 7 !)o ~ ~ 143 ........ ....... I 3 I 7 ~ 67r--:::::: "'Oi""..-... 82 '\ T 1"- ...' 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I " o ~ .\ ........ :~mt .:.:.:.: ;....... PROPOSED ANNEXATION P. A. 87 - J 6 r- llJ 8 .... . Centrl. Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 16. 1987 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT DATE ESTABLISH THE FIELD OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT POSITION TO BE A M::~ER OF THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP REPRESENTATION UNIT April 10. 1987 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. CATHRYN RADIN FREITAS PERSONNEL OFFICER ISSUE: Classifications within the Management Support/Confidential Group must be adopted by Board resolution per District Code 4.24.030 - Representation Uni t. BACKGROUND: On February 19. 1987. the Board reclassified James Coe. Senior Engineer. to Field Operations Superintendent. The Senior Engineer position is represented by the Management Support/Confi denti al Group as are all Superi ntendent posi ti ons. Inadvertentl y. the Fi el d Operati ons Superi ntendent position was not allocated to a representation unit at that time. The attached resolution rectifies this oversight and allocates the Field Operations Superintendent to the Management Support/Confidential Group. RECOMMENDATION: Allocate the posi ti on of Fi el d Operati ons Superi ntendent to the Management Support/Confidential Group and adopt the attached resolution. . REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. U2;J 1302/1-9/85 CRF PM RESOlUTION NO. 87- A RESOlUTION ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIONAL POSITION TO BE A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP REPRESENTATION UNIT WHEREAS, in accordance with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di stri ct Code, those staff positi ons to be i ncl uded in the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District shall be so designated by resolution of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that in addition to those employees holding positions currently designated as members of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit, as listed in Resolution Nos. 82-031,85-017,85-094 and 86-034, the employee holding the position under the following 1 isted "Additional Member Position Classification", should also be a member of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit: Additional Member Position Classification: Field Operations Superintendent NOlI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Di rectors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does, by this resol ution, establish that the employee holding the position under the hereinabove listed Additional Member Position Classification shall from February 19, 1987 become a member of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of April, 1987 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Haza rd District Counsel . Centra... Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 16, 1987 NO. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 CONSIDER PROPOSAL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM WORK PLAN DATE April 7, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT APPOINT COMMITTEE SUBMITTED BY Joyce E. McMillan Secretary of the District INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative ISSUE: The Board of Directors requested that the issue of centralization of the public information activities at the District be calendared for the April 16, 1987 Board meeting for further consideration. BACKGROUND: A staff proposal and report by Ralph Andersen and Associates relative to centralization of public information activities in the Office of the Secretary of the District was presented to the Personnel Committee with the Personnel Budget. The Personnel Committee requested that the proposal be removed from the Personnel Budget and considered separately by the full Board of Directors because of the policy implications of such a reorganization. In an effort to describe more fully the scope of the public information program at the District and to ensure that the needs of the District are met, it is proposed that an Ad Hoc Board Committee be formed to work with staff to develop a public information program work plan. The Committee would address and define such areas as the current level of public information activities at the District, the effort required to meet the public information needs associated with the increasing capital improvement program, and the problems and opportunities related to public information which face the District in the coming months and years. The work plan would then form the basis for Board discussion and decision concerning the appropriate way of organizing the public information activities at the District. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint an Ad Hoc Board Committee to work with staff in developing the work plan for a public information program at the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION tIJt. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A.9/85 . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF 6 1987 SUBJECT APPROVE lHE PROJ ECT AND AUlHORIZE $20,000 FROM lHE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DESIGN OF SLOPE STABILIZATION REPAIRS AT 3717 HAPPY VALLEY ROAD, LAFAYETTE, AND AUTHORIZE lHE GENERAL MAN~ER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE AN AGREEMENT WITH ROBERT B. AND LUCILLE KARP SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Simmons NO. VII. ENGINEERING 1 DATE A rll 13, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE FUNDS AUlHORIZE ~REE~NT APPROV E PROJ ECT ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the expenditure of Sewer Construction Funds, the executi on of an agreement with Robert B. and L ucill e Karp, and the filing of a Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk. BACKGROUND: On February 5, 1987, the Board received a briefing in closed session on technical and legal issues associated with a landslide which occurred on the property of Robert B. and Lucille Karp at 3717 Happy Valley Road, Lafayette. Available repair alternatives were discussed, and a recommendation was made to stabilize the lower porti on of the slope up to the 1 evel of the Di stri ct' s sewer facilities. This recommendation was predicated on obtaining a commitment from the Karps to construct an adequate retai ni ng wall to stabilize the upper porti on of the slope. On March 18,1987, the District received the proposed retaining wall design drawings from the Karps' insurance company. Staff is satisfied that the retaining wall will perform adequately if built to the specifications outlined and if otherwise constructed in conformance with good engineering practice. Pursuant to prior review with the Board, legal counsel for the District entered into negotiations with the Karps' attorney and obtained an agreement whereby all outstandi ng cl aims between the Di stri ct and the Karps have been resol ved. The agreement provides for the Karps to be responsible for the full cost of the retaining wall and site improvements for preventing surface water runoff from entering the landslide area. The District will have the right to observe construction of the retaining wall and site improvements. The District is obligated to construct the slope stabilization repai rs. Staff recommends the Board authorize the agreement. Design work will be performed by a project team consisting of District staff and personnel from Woodward-Clyde Consultants. The work by Woodward-Clyde will be performed under an engineering services agreement. District staff will be responsible for proj ect management, survey and topograph ic drafti ng work, and pl ans and specification preparation. Woodward-Clyde will be responsible for the slide repai r design. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 18.3. In order to file a Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk, the Board must first approve the project. Staff recommends that the Board approve the project now so that the Notice of Exemption can be filed at the County Clerk's office. INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. BtfJL .~ ROGER J. DOLAN ;(A~ 1302A.9/85 RAS BLM SUBJECT Z 0, 0 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DESIGN OF SLOPE STABIL IZATION REPAIRS AT 3717 HAPPY V ALLEY ROAD, LAFAYETTE, AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MAN.4GER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH ROOERT B. AND LUCILLE KARP POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE April 13, 1987 Attachment 1 to thi s position paper presents a breakdown of the estimated costs associated with the authorization. The total authorization requested is $20,000. Funds for construction will be requested at a later date. This work is included in the Capital Improvement Plan as "Storm Damage Repairs." The total estimated cost of the project is in the range of $160,000 to $190,000. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the project and authorize $20,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for design of slope stabilization repairs at 3717 Happy Valley Road, Lafayette. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engi neer to execute an agreement with Robert B. and Lucille Karp. 13028-9/85 ATTAOiMENT 1 BREAKDOWN OF COSTS TO COMPLETE DESIGN OF SLOPE STABILIZATION REPAIRS AT 3717 HAPPY VALLEY ROAD, LAFAYETTE APRIL 16, 1987 Preliminary Investigative Study Force Account Consultant $7,000 7,500 Predesign Study Force Account 8,000 Design Force Account Consultants Printing and Bidding Construction Observation (1) Design Contingencies @10% (2) T ota 1 13 ,200 7,800 1,000 3,000 2,500 50,000 Less Funds Previously Authorized (30,000) Total Funds Requested $20,000 Notes: (1) Retaining wall and site improvement work only (2) If necessary, District staff will use this contingency to fund additional force account work or to expand the consultant's scope of work. . Centr". Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 16, 1987 NO. VI!. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANK1ER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE AN K1REEMENT WITH WOODWARD-ClYDE FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES FOR THE CX>NTRA CX>STA BOUL EV ARD AND "A" LINE FACIL ITIES PlAN DATE April 8, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Joye L. Kurasak1, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./Plann1ng Division ISSUE: Board of D1 rectors' authorization 1 s requ1 red for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a professional services Agreement for geotechnical services as part of the Contra Costa Boul evard and "A" Line Facil1t1 es Pl an. BACKGROUND: The Contra Costa Boul evard and "A" Line interceptor sewers transport 94 percent of the D1 strict's wastewater to the treatment pl ant. Last winter, several overflows occurred along the upstream sections of the Contra Costa Boulevard interceptor line. The experience gained during last year's winter storms has been confirmed by the computerized hydraulic analysis in the Collection System Master Pl an. The Master Pl an has identified critical hydraulic deficiencies along major sections of the Contra Costa Boulevard and "A" line interceptor sewers. The Facilities Plan is the first phase in this project to alleviate the capacity 1 imitation in sections of the Contra Costa Boul evard and "A" Line interceptor sewers. In October, 1986, the Board of D1 rectors authorized $1,057,000 in Sewer Construction Funds for D1 strict staff to prepare the Contra Costa Boul evard and "A" Line Facilities Plan. The Facilities Plan budget had included funds for conducting a preliminary geotechnical soils investigation in selected areas of concern. Staff had anticipated that there was a potential for bad soils conditions to ex1 st in the study area. Staff has now concl uded that poor soil s condition may exist north of Willow Pass Road along the relief routes for both the "A" Line and Contra Costa Boul evard based on conversations with contractors who have done recent pipeline work in the area, review of District construction 1 nspect10n reports for the ex1 st1 ng "A" Line and Contra Costa Boul evard sewers, Buchanan Air Field soils reports and Contra Costa Flood Control information. Thus some geotechnical information 1 s requ1 red to assess the soil s and groundwater conditions in sel ected areas such as creek crossings and potent1 al tunneling locations. District staff is now requesting specific authorization to conduct a preliminary geotechnical soils investigation in selected areas of concern. The soils investigation will provide geotechnical information to assess the viability and constructab111ty of the project along a particular relief route and thereby affect REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING OEPT.lOIV. ~ Iff! SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANPGER-CHIEF ENGINEER 10 EXEa..JTE AN PGREEMENT WITH WOO[)lARD-CL YDE FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES FOR THE roNTRA roSTA BOULEV ARD AND "A" LINE FACIL ITIES PlAN POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE ? OF ? An...'" A. 1 QR7 the selection of the preferred route. It will also define a range of construction techniques to be utilized in areas of concern. The associated construction mitigation measures wou1 d then be addressed in the EIR. Finally, the soils investigation will provide information to refine the planning level construction cost estimate. Di strict staff recommends that Woodward-Clyde conduct the geotechnical soil s investigation because of their experience in this type of work, their work experience in this area, and their competitive proposal. Woodward-Clyde will conduct a review of existing geologic information for the area, perform soils borings and providerecommendat10ns for methods of shoring and construction in the areas of concern. The Agreement will be a Direct labor Plus a Multiplier type with a cost ceiling of $15,000. Funds for the pre1 iminary geotechnical soils investigation were included in the previous authorization by the Board. No additional funds are being requested as part of this Position Paper. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chi ef Engi neer to execute the Direct labor Plus a Multiplier Agreement with Woodward-Clyde for geotechnical services for the Contra Costa Boulevard and "A" line Facilities Plan. 13028-9/85 . Centrb. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. VII. ENGINEERING 3 SUBJECT DATE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. SAN RAMON REDEV EL OPMENT PROJ ECT n ~: Staff requests guidance from the Board of Directors on issues concerning til'eSan Ramon Redevelopment Proj ect. BACKGROUND: The City of San Ramon has proposed a redevelopment proj ect pursuant to the community redevelopment law. Attachment 1 presents the area proposed to be in the redevelopment project which affects CCCSD. Attachment 2 presents a 1 ist of proj ects proposed by the redevelopment agency to be constructed usi ng redevelopment bonds that would be paid back by allocations of ad valorem taxes within the redevelopment area during the life of the project. As part of the process of developing a redevelopment agency, a Fiscal Review Committee has been formed to determine if the redevelopment project will have a detrimental fiscal effect on the publ ic agencies that receive taxes from the area considered for redevelopment. Staff will present the potential fiscal impact on the District if the proposed San Ramon Redevelopment Project is approved as proposed. The two most notable fiscal impacts known to date are a loss of the tax increment portion of future ad valorem taxes and a potenti al increase in the rate of accrual of connection fees because of more rapid development that might occur due to the redevelopment agency's formation. The Fiscal Review Committee will consider fiscal impacts of the San Ramon Redevelopment Agency on CCCSD on April 21, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Provide pol icy guidance to staff on the question "Does the San Ramon Redevelopment Agency proj ect cause fi scal detriment to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District?" REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 JMK JSM RM JH ENG. INITIA T1NG DEPT.lDIV. SMK- 'W Jfdf? (1]- en > Z ::IJ > 3: o Z "'0 o r- CA) > ...... z o z CA) - ...... z CO Ci) 0) C m "'0 > ::IJ -i 3: m z -i o > "0 "0 :D o )( - i CD co > (I) 0 -I _ m _ 0 en () > r- m .... ex> o o "'~ :0 ~.~ r-.:1}-~- I - ." ...6:"0.- :;:~~~~::;.~~ "::--~~: I -0 JJ o -0 o en m c o JJ o ~ o )> z .,:-< == 0 z en c: JJ < m -< )> JJ m )> m X :I: - OJ - -I :l> -I :-I p n :c 3: rrl :z -I ....... "'0 PJ 1.0 ro N o ~ ~ .O~~ ASSOC~TES Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT 2 SAN RAMON REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ATTACHMENT A REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Crow Canyon Area A. Deerwood Widening. Widen, restripe two to four lanes. 1992-93. Redev: $1,317,500 Private: $3,952,500 B. Fostoria Parkway. Marcotte/Jensen - Phase I: Construct two lanes plus widen median. 1987-88. Redev: $2,380,000 Private: $2,380,000 C. Fostoria Parkway. Jensen/Old Crow Canyon: Obtain right of way for four lanes. 1987-88 Redev: . $86,000 D. Fostoria Overcrossing. 1992-94. Redev: $15,000,000 E. Deerwood Extension. Old Mill/Twin Creeks: Construct four lanes. 1992-93. Redev: $1,702,500 Private: $567,500 F. Deerwood Extension. Twin Creeks/Fostoria: Construct four lanes. 1992-93. Redev: $2,362,500 Private: $787,500 G. Deerwood Extension. Fostoria/Purdue: Construction four lanes. 1992-93. Redev: $2,025,000 $2,025,00 H. Widening of Hooper. 1992-93 Redev: $100,000. I. San Ramon Valley Blvd. Median Improvement. 1989-90. Redev: $400,000 J. Twin Creeks Extension. Four lane bridge. 1992-93. Redev: $2,750,000 K. Bollinger Canyon Road Median Improvements. 1988-89. Redev: $143,000 L. Bollinger/San Ramon Creek Improvements. 1988-89. Redev: $1,,200,000 42 I . . I D PIEDMONT ASSOCIATES Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 2 SAN RAMON REDEVELOPMENT PLAN Alcosta Area M. Village Parkway Reconstruction. 1989-90. Redev: $2,033,000 N. Alcosta Blvd. Improvements. 1989-90. Redev: $2,000,000 TOTAL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS COSTS: $33,299,500 43 . CentrA.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF A ril 16, 1987 NO. VIII. TREATMENT PLANT 1 AUlHORIZE EXEOJTION OF GAS SALES JlGREEMENT BElWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITAAY DISTRICT AND GSF ENERGY, INCORPORATED AND LETTER OF INTENT FOR ELECTRICITY PURa-t AS E DATE A ril 9, 1987 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE JlGREEMENT AU lH OR IZ E L ETTER OF INTENT SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts Plant Operations Department Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department Issue: Board authorization is requested for the execution of a Gas Sales Agreement between GSF Energy, Inc. and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, as well as a Letter of Intent to purchase electricity at a discount. ~ac.kQround; In 1981, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and Getty Synthetic Fuels, Inc. entered into an agreement to util ize a medium BlU fuel, landfill gas, as a fuel for the District's auxiliary boilers and multiple hearth furnaces. In the years 1982 through 1986, the District saved a total of approximately $1,250,000 through the use of 1 andfill gas, exceedi ng the proj ected savings anti ci pated w hen the proj ect was i ni ti ated. Since the 1982 contract, there have been several changes in the major factors that affect the econanics of the project and the sale of landfill gas to the District. Several of these factors are as follows: o Getty Synthetic Fuels, Inc., a subsidiary of the Getty Oil Canpany, has recently become GSF Energy, Inc., a wholly owned unaffiliated subsidiary of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., resulting in an independent marketing and sales requirement. o Since the initiation of the contract, declining energy costs have led to lower gas prices and loss of revenues for GSF Energy, Inc. As an example, the cost to the District of landfill gas has gone fran a high of $4.40/MM3lU in 1983 to the present cost of $1.80/MMBTU in 1986. GSF Energy, Inc. has cl aimed that they cannot meet thei r fixed cost of generating landfill gas at the current discounted price to the District. o The new management of the landfill gas operation has been deeply concerned about the risk of the environmental and legal liability of their operation at Acme Landfill. Expensive environmental controls geared toward pollution control, by limiting both the off-gases and by-product condensate emissions within the landfill, have been instituted or are pl anned. The results of these actions and concerns led to the proposal by GSF Energy, Inc. that the District enter into a long-term contract of ten (10) years for future landfill gas, and that historical use govern the number set for del iverable REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON 130211.9/85 SUBJECT AUll-IORIZE EXEaJTION OF GAS SALES JlGREEMENT BElWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA S~ITARY DISTRICT ~D GSF ENERGY, INCORPORATED AND LETTER OF INTENT FOR ELECTRICITY PURatASE POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DAP:=pril 9, 1987 quantities. The District would then allow GSF Energy, Inc. to sell any excess gas to third parties. The District's discounted price on processed landfill gas would be a 10% discount fran the Pacific Gas and Electric Canpany's appl icable rate schedule. The District would also agree to allow an engineering project to better utilize landfill gas through a blending system on peak periods, at the District's facilities, and issue a contract to GSF Energy, Inc. for the environmentally safe disposal of treated condensate fran their landfill gas operations. After negotiations between GSF Energy, Inc. and the District, the following issues were resolved: o The term of the contract will commence on the date of execution of this letter and continue for five (5) years, with a renewable option. o Quantities in excess of the District's normal landfill gas demand shall be available to GSF Energy, Inc. for third-party sales. o The cost of landfill gas to the District shall be billed to the District as shown on the "sliding scale" in Attachment 1. The concept of the sliding scale is to protect the fixed cost of GSF Energy, Inc. 's operation, and to shield the District fran escalating energy prices. o The District and GSF Energy, Inc. further resolved to rewrite the language of the existing contract and sign the agreement within 120 days of the date of Board authorizati on. The Di stri ct al so agreed to work with GSF Energy, Inc. on engi neering proj ects to bl end 1 andfill gas during peak usage periods, and work on the sewering of treated condensate fran their landfill gas operation. Presently, the discussions on developing such a sewering contract are ongoing between the District's Engineering Department's Source Control Section and GSF Energy, Inc. As part of the negotiations with GSF Energy, Inc., the District has agreed to sign a nonbinding Letter of Intent for the long-term purchase discounted electricity generated fran landfill gas by GSF Energy, Inc. that would allow Getty to utilize the amount of landfill gas available from their operation and aid in its economic viability, while providing the District with discounted electrical power and an emergency power source during electrical shutdowns. As of this date, the uncertain nature of this project has led to no projected start date, and contract negotiations are not anticipated for sane time. ~ecomlJlendati on: Authorize executi on of the Gas Sal es Agreement between Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di stri ct and GSF Energy, Inc. and authorize a Letter of Intent for possible electricity purchase. ---------.. 13026-9/85 ATTAOiMENT 1 LANDFILL GAS SALES PGREEMENT April 8, 1987 pri~e Range-$lM~l"U Discount percentage o - $1.50 1.51 - 1.70 1.71 - 1.90 1.91 - 2.10 2.11 - 2.30 2.31 - 2.50 (present rate) 2.51 - 2.75 2.76 - 3.00 3.01 - 3.50 3.51 - 4.00 4.01 - 4.50 4.51 - 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 14% 15% 16% 18% The di scount referenced above shall be from Pacific Gas and El ectri c Company's Schedule G-50, or if applicable, the lowest rate schedule developed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company to replace Schedule G-50. (~ . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Aprl1 16, 1987 PERSCWNEl 1 NO. XI. SUBJECT DATE Aprl1 7. 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE PERSatNEl BUJGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAl YEAR 1987-88 PERSOtNEl SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.IOIV. Cathryn Freitas. Personnel Officer ~fn1stratfyelPersonnel ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for F1 scal Year 1987-88 and is submitting its requests for final Board consideration and approval at the Apr11 16th meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1987-88. The Personnel Budget includes memoranda fram each department (Attachments JI, JII, IV, V, and VI) with deta11 ed explanations on the affect of these recommended staffing changes. The attached sunnary sheet (Attachment 1) highlights each department's staffing recommendations and summarizes thei r effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District. As shown in the sunrnary, the total number of authorized positions in the District w111 increase by nine (9) over last year; the number of requested new positions US) 15 partially offset by positions recommended to be deleted (6). In addition to the increased number of positions, the salary and wages in the 1987-88 0 & M Departmental Budgets w111 fncrease fran the previous year due to the following: o An anticipated three percent cost-of-l1ving acUustment, effective May 1, 1987, per the current Memoranda of Understanding with the employee associations; o Merit increases scheduled in 1987-1988; o Filling authorized positions which were vacant in 1986-1987; and o Positions authorized in 1986-1987 which were not budgeted for the full year because of anticipated recruitment efforts and time required to fill positions. Throughout the Personnel Budget. you w111 note requests for an entry level Engineer position from the CSO. Plant. and Engineering Departments. Current practice has been to f111 entry level engineering positions at the Assistant Engineer level. and we have been successful in attracti ng very qualified and speci altzed applicants. However, staff believes the Di strict woul d benefit if entry level engi neers were given an opportunity to understand the overall interaction and functions of the design. collection. and treatment phases of processing wastewater. Consequently. an INITIATING DEPT.IO.V. , ") -- (-'R~,r REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1m," .I/Ili SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE PERSOtNEl BlJ)GET REQUESTS fOR fISCAl YEAR 1987-88 PAGE DATE 2 OF 5 Aprll 7, 1987 Engi neer Rotati on Program is bei ng proposed to fl1 1 thi s need. The program woul d hire at the Junior Engineer level. The incumbent would spend eight months in each of the three departments. At the end of the twenty-four month rotation, the Junior Engi neers woul d become Assi stant Engi neers and woul d be ass i gned to rotate as Assistant Engineers. Time spent as an Assistant Engineer in a functional area may vary depending upon the needs of the Department or Division. A Junior Engineer must possess the equivalent of a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering, and it is desired that they obtain an Engineering-In-Training Certificate prior to advancing to the Assistant Engineer class. Similar rotation programs can be found at other large sanitation agencies. On Wednesday, March 25, 1987, the Personnel Cammittee met to review the proposed budget. The follow i ng Boa rd authoriz ati ons and modi f i cati ons to the 01 stri ct staffing charts were discussed and are presented below for your consideration: Administrative DepartDent 1) Adjust sal ary range of Purchasi ng & Material s Officer from M-39, $3471-$4219, to M-35, $3831-$4658. Delete present class description for Purchasing & Materials Officer M-39, $3471-$4219, and adopt new cl ass descri pt1 on for Purchasing & Materials Officer M-35, $3831-$4658. 2) Adjust salary range of Finance Officer from M-33, $4026-$4892, to M-29, $4444-$5400. Del ete present class descri pti on for Fi nance Officer M-33, $4026-$4892, and adopt new class description for Finance Officer M-29, $4444-$5400. 3) Del ete present class descri pti on for Materi al s Coordi nator III, <<r59, $2242-$2711, and adopt new class description for Senior Materials Coordinator, &-65, $2583-$3130, and recl assify Donald McKenery from Materials Coordinator III, to Senior Materials Coordinator, G-65, $2583-$3130. 4) Delete one Buyer lIII &-59, $2242-$2711, and add one Senior Buyer <<r68, $2777-$3360, effective Aprll 17, 1987 (incumbent to take pranoti onal examination) . _ __.._'_'_.u ...___......__..... ......_..._h. _..................................... . Collection Syst. Operations Depart.ent 5) Delete one Maintenance Crew Member G-53, $1945-$2350. 6) Add two Maintenance Crew leaders G-65, $2583-$3130. 7) Delete one Assistant Engineer G-72, $3056-$3700, and replace with one Junior Engineer G-67, $2711-$3282 (after a 2 y~ar rotation program, the position will transition to an Assistant Engineer G-72, $3056-$3700). 13029-8/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE PERS~NEL BlDGET REQUESTS fOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 PAGE DATE 3 OF 5 April 7, 1987 .... -.... - Pl ant Operations Department 8) Add one Junior Engineer G-67, $2711-$3282, and adopt class descriptions of Junior Engineer (Rotation) G-67, $2711-$3282 (after a 2 year rotation program, the positi on w111 transiti on to an Assistant Engi neer G-72, $3056-$3700) and Assistant Engineer (Rotation) G-72, $3056-$3700. ( Enaineerfna Department 9) Delete position for Planning & Grants Technician G-64, $2525-$3056, and adopt class description for Planning Assistant G-68, $2777-$3360, and add one Planning Ass 1 stant G-68, $2777-$3360, and recl assify Jacqueline Zayac fran Pl anni ng & Grants Technic1 an to Pl anning Assi stant G-68, $2777-$3360, effective April 17, 1987. 10) Add one Senior Engineer S-82, $3898-$4712. 11) Delete one Assistant Engineer G-72, $3056-$3700, 'and replace with one Junior Engi neer G-67, $2711-$3282 (after a 2 year rotaton program, the posi ti on w 11 1 transition to an Assistant Engineer G-72, $3056-$3700). 12) Add one Secretary 1/11 G-45, $1613-$1945. 13) Add two Assistant Engineers G-72, $3056-$3700. 14) Add two' Construction Inspectors G-67, $2711-$3282. Co-op Proar. 15) Authorize the hiring of students to fill eight positions in the Co-op Program. Trafnee Proar. 16) Authorize the institution of the Trainee Program and hiring of trainees as outlined in the attachments. RECOMENDATI~: Receive, consider, and approve the Personnel Budget for Fiscal Year 1987-1988 herein identified by items one through sixteen. 13028-1/85 ( i I i I . 0\ ,.. .... 0\ '" CD N ... 0 \0 . .... .... ~ \0 g N '" 0 ... \0 . .... .... 0 0 N \0 0 0 0 ... "" 0 ....0....0 OONO &t \O:g~g&f"'8&f ....~....\O "'~~~ N ~"""''''N~'''N ~""~~ lQ"""""" "" """"...""""...."""" i- .-..-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-. 8 I . . I . . I I . I II~IIIII ~ta~:::: "'\0...."" .... "',.. \0....""\0.... J: ~"'''''CD .... N,..~"'........"'.... ~lQ~~ ....~~lQ ~ lQ~""~~~~~ i- .-..-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-. I ...... .. . .. .. - .............. 8 O\"'O\CD ""N,..", X ...CDNN,..",N,.. &~j~ j:L&& ;L&:;:&~1:L~ . CD .-. ....111 . i- i~ 'a .... . :i~eft "a III i- N'" ~ 81 ~c 8 N N ~o'E i-i- . -III i-33 i- Ui- i- C .fj.... I I.... III.... Ii: ~ .. 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'- lD "'-"0 '" C C 0. .z .., ~ +is.B&li ...... .. :! lD -m. o....ti"''i'''::a - 'N pof' 8 .... ): .... ..pofO\ C .. c:ti~ - -0 8:P"CD · a-.... iU .0 :g.......c.... "O"O_-_~ ... ... C "0 c:::: "0 ::al- lD ~.8.""=c- f"\ .. ."0 "'''015 ... ....- coo.., .c-.....'-:. og,c $ ."'lDB.... lD. ~ .t..... ~.... g, ."08- lD_ .i.e-g, c: ~ "0 "0 _ ~ ! ..c:c: ~.'-..~ '-cO\i "'15 g::a.- E U .zlD 6i5'<4 ~-i".-"'f= ... 0. ti > "0 -f-I C:. ....... 1"0 )( ~ .'- ."''-'''....lD lD 0;:.... lD o ~lD lD ~ ~ '-- "0_ lD .... .... ... '-lDlD_.... '- > . '" 0. "0 l.z:l:::c:~ 0.0. lD..._"O ::a _ '" I&..... CD c: 0. c! '" '- - :I c .!:;'-....!i 00- lD"O lD o "'....OlD < -..... lD - - ..... - pof N f"\ ... .. i . Centraa. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 7 1987 NO. XII. SOLID WASTE 1 SUBJECT CONSIDER REQUEST BY ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. TO IMPLEMENT A REDUCED SENIOR CITIZENS RATE FOR REFUSE COLLECTION IN ZONE 1 (ORINDA SERVICE AREA) DATE April 7, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER RATE OiANGE SUBMITTED BY Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance & Accounting ~: Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. has requested the Board of Directors to authorize the implementation of reduced senior citizens rates in Zone 1. BACKGROUND: During the last rate-setting determination which established the refuse collection rates effective July 1, 1986 for the Orinda and Moraga service areas, the City of Orinda advised the Board of its interest in pursuing with Orinda-Moraga Di sposal Service the impl ementati on of reduced senior citizens rates. The City proposed a program under whi ch a twenty-five percent di scount woul d be offered to senior citizens with limited income. The program, however, would not be based on an income test, but on submission of signed applications by interested senior citizens who would understand that the program was designed to apply to individuals who are 65 years of age or older, and whose income limitations warranted the discount. The Board of Directors requested that the City and the refuse collector develop a firm proposal, including an estimate of the number of participants and the expense effect on the community-at-large. The refuse collector has since worked with the City of Orinda in developing the senior citizens discount program, and the application form to be used to enroll in the program (Attachment I). Board authorizati on to impl ement the senior citizens discount program has been requested by a letter from Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service dated February 25, 1987 (Attachment II). The City of Orinda has advised the Board of its support for implementing the discount program by letter dated March 25, 1987 (Attachment III). In the opinion of the City Attorney, the senior citizens discount program is within the bounds of legality. The Town of Moraga advised the Board by a letter dated March 5, 1987 (Attachment IV) that it does not wish to participate in the program. The refuse collector wishes to proceed with implementation of the discount program immedi ately upon authorizati on by the Board. Because of the time necessary in publicizing the program through the media and billing inserts, and in processing applications received, the initial month in which discounts will be reflected in senior citizens' bills will be July 1987, coincident with the scheduled month for establ ishment of new refuse collection rates. The discounts realized by senior citizen participants will be apportioned to nonparticipant rate payers in the present rate-setting process which was initiated by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service by INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. 1302A.9/85 WNF PM SUBJECT CONSIDER REQUEST BY ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. TO IMPLEMENT A REDUCED SENIOR CITIZENS RATE FOR REFUSE COLLECTION IN ZONE 1 (ORINDA SERVICE AREA) POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 DATE OF 7 Aorll 7, 1987 submission of a rate application on March 31, 1987. A summary of the estimated annual effect of the discount program, based on present collection rates and on the refuse collector's projection of participants in the City of Orinda, is shown in Attachment V. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the requests of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. and the City of Orinda to authorize the implementation of the senior citizens discount program in Zone 1, effective July 1, 1987. --------. 13026-9/85 ATTACHMENT I FIJ..ING DATE: APPLICATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS REDUCTION ON GARBAGE RATES (ORINnA SERVICE AREA) Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service will allow a reduced rate for garbage cqllection to qualified senior citizens who are in need of this program. The reduction is $~.OO per month and applies oaly to basic residential services. Senior citizens already receiving leRs tha~ basic residential services and rates will receive a $1.50 reduction per mOLth. Senior citizens wpo wish to apply for the garbage rate reduction may complete this application and mail it to: , Oricda/Moraga Disposal Service P. O. Box 659 Orinda, Ca. 94563 Telephone: (415) 254-2844 NAME: LAST INITIAL FIRST SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SERVICE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP DATE OF BIRTH TELEPHONE QUALIFYING SENIOR CITIZENS Applicant must be: (a) a customer in good standing of this company and the sole user of the garbage service (other than legal dependents), and (b) sixty-five years of age or older. PROOF OF AGE A copy of any of the following documents will generally be accepted as satisfactory proof of age: (a) A copy of your Medicare Card; (b) Hospital Birth Record; (c) Church Baptismal Record, established during the first few years of life, showing the date of birth; (d) Document issued by the Social Security Administration clearly showing eligibility for benefits as of age 65 or older: (e) Any other document proving you to be over 65. It is intended that this rate would be used by Seniors who are in need of the reduced rate. Please remember the differential cost or the amount of discount will be borne by non- seniors. Please do no~ use this service unless necessary. I, the undersigned, do certify that I am the sole user of garbage service at the above address (except for my legal depeddents), that I am over the age of 65 a~d that all the above i~fo~mation is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. DATE SIGNATURE I: 01 SPOSJ.\l SERVtCE~ '''IC, (J < P.O. Box 659 · Orlnda. California 94563 · Phone (415) 254-2844 C) ,< , ~ o ~ ~ , <( Q .... ~. .... ~ o ( ( ATTACHMENT II Feb. 25. 1987 Honorable Nels Carlson. President Members of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez. Ca. 94553 Dear Members. When our 1986 rate study was initiated. a senior citizens rate program was requested by the Cities of Orinda and Moraga. Over the last several months. we have been meeting with Orinda and Moraga representatives and we have reached an agreement as to a senior's rate structure. This company has proposed to the City of Orinda a senior's discount rate of $3.00 per month for our full service customers and $1.50 per month for less than full service. In Moraga the rate of discount would be $2.50 and $1.00. Both Orinda and Moraga have agreed to our proposal. Therefore. we respectfully request that this company be authorized to implement this program as soon as possible. The impact on our general rate structure is not know at this time. Discussion with representatives of Orinda and Moraga indicate that the impact will be negligible. Assuming that we are authorized to start this service. we will begin immediately. First. notification will be by newspaper publication. Second. we will put an insert in our quarterly billings so that the entire program will be operative by June 1st. Your consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated. Sincerely. Jt-"7Jh~ Geo/ge Navone Vice-President f \ , ( A TT ACH~1ENT I I I 26 orinda wav . orinda . california 94563. 415.254-3900 March 25, 1987 Mr. Paul Morsen Deputy General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 Dear Mr. Morsen: The Orinda City Council correspondence requesting a for the proposed senior refuse collection rates. its support, and requested Board. received and discussed your formal expression of support citizen discount program for The City Council did express that this be conveyed to your On the issue of legality, the City Attorney indicated that it was his opinion that this proposed program is indeed legal, and that he would be pleased to provide further comments to the District's attorney if requested. Thank you for your continued consideration of this program. TS/mw cc: Mr. George Navone ~~harles Williams, Esq. Sincerely, ~"v; blc.~ "fA-- Tom Sinclair City Manager -~own of rooraga ATTACH~1ENT IV 350 RHEEM BOULEVARD, SUITE 2 P.O. BOX 188 MORAGA, CA 94556 ( 415) 376-5200 \ , March 5, 1987 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Attention: Paul Morsen The Town Council of the Town of Moraga, at its regularly scheduled meeting of March 4, 1987, considered a request for a Senior Citizen Reduction on Garbage Rates as outlined by Orinda- Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. The Town Council, after due deli- beration, was unable to support this proposal and desires to have its action considered by your Board. GCC:cjw > I- z UJ ::E is ~ cC I ~ .a ~1-4 I-4Q ..en ~z 1-4~ >1-4 Q::1- ~t3 ~~ ~z en~ 1-4 Q~ Ii J:UJ iUJ t-li !~ ~ ~ 1-4 t; L&J Q) 1Il 10 (I) S- 1Il U S- C S- (I) I-l ~S-S~~ >-Q)~~C .c1ll1UQ) ....~;:'O::U ....OU S- ;:, \0 (I) I.L.C....COQ.. 0100\ If- .... ...... 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