HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-08-87 . Centr&. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 8, 1987 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR REMODELING UPPER PORTION OF THE WALNUT CREEK OFFICE FACILITY (DP 20047) AND AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE FRQ\1 THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND DATE January 5, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AW ARD AUTHORIZE FUtI>S S\&flTJ.Cl' 'lYaverty Purchasing & Materials Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Purchasing ISSUE: On December 30, 1986, sealed bids for District Project 20047, remodeling of the upper portion of the Walnut Creek facility, were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject the bids within forty-five (45) days of the public opening. BACKGROUND: During January 1983, the District's general offices were relocated from the Wal nut Creek facil ity to the new facil ity in Martinez. At that time, it was decided to remodel the lower portion of the facility for use by the Collection System Operations Department (CSO) and eventually lease the upper portion of the facility. The lower portion remodeling was completed, and CSO occupied it in February 1985. In October 1984, the Board authorized the leasing of the upper portion of the Walnut Creek facility. Due to the soft commercial rental market in the Walnut Creek area, a tenant was not found for nearly two years. At the October 16, 1986 Board meeting, the Board authorized staff to execute a lease with the American Cancer Society for leasing of the upper portion of the facil ity. At that meeting, $23,000 was authorized for architectural design work by Perry Haviland Associates and HVAC/electrical work by Lars Fagerstrom Consulting Engineers, Inc. The two firms were to prepare plans and technical specifications for the remodeling work necessary to accommodate the tenant improvements and required District work on the HVAC/electrical systems. Upon completion of the plans and technical specifications by Haviland and Fagerstrom, the Notice to Contractors inviting bids was published on December 16 and 21, 1986. Sealed bids were publicly opened on December 30, 1986. The tabulation of all bids received appears on Attachment I. The lowest responsible bidder is Malpass Construction Company of Pleasant Hill, California, at a lump sum amount of $218,500. This project will include $20,000 for personnel stairs and security fencing in the north parking area, and installation of one new air chiller. This work was originally identified in the lower portion (CSO) remodeling work project and $21,445 of these funds still remain in this project for completion of this work. The work was not included in the lower portion remodeling project plans and specifications because of the possibility of having to rework this new construction due to future tenant requested improvements. This work was incl uded in the Bid Request and will INITIATING D PT.lDIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Ah 13O:!A.9/85 KFL PM SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR REMODELING UPPER PORTION OF THE WALNUT CREEK OFFICE FACILITY (DP 20047) AND AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE FR~ THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 January 5, 1987 be part of this contract award. The $21,445 remaining in the lower portion remodeling project will be transferred to this project by a position paper when the lower remodeling project is closed out. The post design estimate of the work was $156,000 which is $62,500 less than the actual bid price of $218,500. Staff initiated a discussion with the District's architect and the potential contractor to determine in which areas of the scope of work the major cost differences could be found. One area ($28,000 difference) is the electrical work needed to change the 400 amp to a 600 amp service. The service work requires replacing of all wiring from the transformer located on the street, installing new service conduits, and installing a new service entrance panel in the mechanical roam. Contractor stated that there are trenching problems, installation probl ems associ ated with the mechanical roam, and because his electrical subcontractor's work is a major portion of the total job he would have a full time supervisor on hand to monitor their work. Another cost area ($17,000 difference) is the work required to remove the entire hallway and two roam ceilings to allow for the removal, then reinstallation of the duct systems and suspended ceilings. Another cost ($15,500 difference) is in the combined areas of wood refinishing, painting, and carpeting. It is hoped that a value engineering agreement could be worked out with the successful contractor to reduce these finishing costs. A summary of the funds required for this project is shown on Attachment II. The total additional funds required to complete Project 20047 is $199,976. The District will be able to recover the cost of this project within a 3 year 10 month period of time. Even though about 50 percent of the total cost of this project is attributable to work on the facility to meet the basic electrical and mechanical requi rements of the Di strict's CSO facil ity, the income of $64,860 per year from our tenant will cover the total remodel ing costs. In fact, over the probable length of the lease of ten years, the District's lease income will be at least $648,000 with a potential of a higher return based upon the inflation rate adjustments in April 1992. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the contract for construction of District Project 20047 to Malpass Construction Company in the amount of $218,500 and authorize $199,976 from the Sewer Construction Fund. L-_______ 13028-9/85 ...... t- Z \I.LJ . ....- :c u c:( t- t- c:( r~ ~11 ~ - k -'w .u .. - 0/1( .... ..W -y ~f -'w ~ ~i ,....., .-t 0"1 q- . 0 ~ c:( ..w zll ;)/1( .. 5 .-t I... III ~ :I ~ ,....., ,....., ;) t ~ -'w N ,....., z ~l.! ~ ~ lit: I~ ~f .-t 0"1 I~ .. ~ .. ,....., ,....., c ...! ('t) , ;; ~ N N <.!) : ~I~ otA- -tl' otA- Z I t:W ...... tie' ZU 0 C .... ;)i .. ....J .,.. , ...... 1_-16. , => co I.LJ -'w U ~~ ....... u.. u.. 0 LaJ t:W :i:: z!.! t- ;)f . u.. 0 t :::. 5 0 0 :z :4W 0 0 0 ~ ':J: Ii~ 0 LO g ...... .. .. t- '-of I~ .... ,....., :: co ...... ,..~ 0 .-t a::: ~ i! 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Pre Bid Expenditures: Force Account, Printing, Advertising Architect/Consultant Costs Asbestos Removal Total Preconstruction Incidentals 6. Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 4 & 5) 7. Funds Previously Authorized: 8. DP 20047, Upper Remodel Work (Design and Pre-Bid Costs) DP 3836, Lower Remodel Work (Balance Remaining) Total Previously Authorized Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project (Item 6 minus Item 7) ITEM AMOlJ NT $ 320 $14,576 $ 2,925 <$23,000> <$21,445> TOTAL $218,500 $ 2,000 $ 6, 100 $226,600 $ 17 ,821 244,421 <$ 44,445> <$199,976> . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $43,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSlRUCTION FUND AND AUTHORIZE AWARD OF PURa-tASE ORDER TO JBI ASSOCIATES FOR ONE BARSCREEN SCREENINGS GRINDER DATE Januar 5, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION JVJTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY James L. Bel cher Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Maintenance Engineering Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: The Board of Directors authorization is required for expenditure of the Sewer Construction Fund for capital projects. BACKGROUND: In July, 1985, the Board of Directors authorized the installation of two barscreens on i nfl uent channel Nos. 1 and 2. The new barscreen on channel No. 2 replaced a manual rake system and does not currently have a screenings handling system. The screenings handling system installation was delayed pending the results of a screenings removal study. The preliminary results of this study indicate that installing a grinder on No.2 channel would provide additional flow handling capacity and operational reliability for this wet weather season. The screenings and sludge grinders currently used by the Plant Operations Department are inefficient and require high maintenance. A survey of the grinder equipment market has revealed that a new grinder is now available that encompasses some unique and novel features in its design. It is believed that this newer style of grinder will greatly improve grinding efficiency, while significantly reducing labor and material costs for repair. There is currently only one known manufacturer of this unique style of grinder. The purchase of this new style of grinder will allow the District the opportunity to field test the equipment to determine its suitability for future use. The major portion of the installation of this equipment will be done by District forces. This purchase is in accordance with the Publ ic Contract Code, Section 3400(b). This equipment replaces an existing manual system and does not constitute a project as defined by CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a purchase order to JBI Associates and authorize $43,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for purchase and installation. R VIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION --'-~------_._----~---'----'--~_.__._~.__.--L___.______~___._ Prepurchase Items Grinder Tax Force Account Engineering Installation Total SCREENINGS GRINDER $ 23,000 1,500 $ 24,500 2,500 16,000 $ 43,000 M_._'._________.____.._~__.,______.__,..._.._.,._..,_._..,_._.____..,_.__.___'__"_______.___.__._~,_.__.___._._ . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar~ .listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 8, 1987 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 87-1 (MARTINEZ AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE December 30, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Division Pa rce 1 No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 87-1 Martinez (I OA5 ) R. Vanderkous POBox 2086 Martinez, CA 94553 376-200-001 (4.35 Acres) Parcel is being split by a minor subdivision map into four lots. Land division and map has been approved by the city of Martinez. Martinez RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 87-1 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302" .9.'65 DH JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./OIV. ~ -/ RA. 87-1 . Centra... Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEEJ'~~&~ry 8, 1987 NO. VII. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 DATE. uecember 30, 1986 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC NOTICE TO INDICATE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSITION 4 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE PUBLIC Non CE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is requi red to establish its appropriations limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. BAa<GROON:> : General Requirements: Proposition 4 was approved on November 6, 1979, and was incorporated in the Cal ifornia Constitution as Article XIII B. Article XIII B, as impl emented by Senate Bill 1352, 1 imits appropri ati ons of state and local governments to the appropriations of the 1978-1979 base year adjusted in each subsequent year for changes in the Consumer Price Index or California per capita personal income, whichever is lower, and population. SB 1352 requires government agencies to establish their appropriations limit by resolution each year at a regularly scheduled meeting or a noticed special meeting beginning with the 1980-1981 fiscal year. Notice to the publiC of the availability of documentation in support of the appropriations limit must be given fifteen days prior to adoption. For 1980-1981, the appropriations limit was open to challenge within 60 days of the effective date of the resolution; for 1981-1982, and each fiscal year thereafter, the period in which a challenge can be commenced is 45 days of the effective date of the resolution. Key Assumptions: The following key assumptions have been used in interpreting the provisions of Article XIII B: o The District accounts for its activities in four separate funds: Expense Fund (General Fund); Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Self-Insurance Fund; and Debt Service Fund. Running Fund); The Running Expense Fund and Self-Insurance Fund are considered to be enterprise funds and are not subject to limitation under Proposition 4. Enterprise funds are generally used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner simil ar to private business enterprises where it is intended that costs of providing goods or services to the publiC on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Bond proceeds used for debt serv ice are not subj ect to the appropri ati ons limit. INITIA T1NG DEPT.lDIV. ~~ 1302A.9/85 WF REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC NOTICE TO INDICATE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION IN SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSITION 4 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT PAGE? OF ~ DATE Decembe r ~ n . , QAA The District's appropriations limit is required to be established for the Sewer Construction Fund. The appropriations 1 imit is determined for yearly appropriations into the Sewer Construction Fund. o Article XIII B defines "proceeds of taxes" as incl uding, but not restricted to, all tax revenues, income from investment of tax proceeds, and the proceeds of regulatory licenses, user charges and fees to the extent that such proceeds exceed the reasonable cost of providing the regulation, product or service. "Proceeds of taxes" also include state subventions, other than those for mandated programs for which the state reimburses the local agency. SB 1352 further defined state subventions to include only money received by a local agency from the state, the use of which is unrestricted by the statute providing the subvention. Grant funds received from the state for capital projects are restricted to specific uses and are, therefore, not "proceeds of taxes." o Fund bal ances carried over into fiscal year 1980-1981 are generally subject to limitation unless they were appropriated into a reserve account prior to July 1, 1980; however, as the Sewer Construction Fund is a single purpose fund, the fund balance at June 30, 1981, has been construed as having been appropriated into reserves and, therefore, not subject to limitation. Computation of Appropriations Limit: The District appropriations limits are computed on the following attachment: Attachment A - Appropriations Limit: 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986, and 1986-1987. RECOMMEN>ATION: Authorize pl acement of a Public Notice advising that documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit shall be available fifteen days prior to the Board Meeting to be held on February 5, 1987, at which the appropriations limit for the Sewer Construction Fund for the fiscal year 1986-1987 will be adopted. ---------- 1302B- 9/85 CENTRAl CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Fund) Appropriations Limit Attachment-A Page 3 of 4 1979-1980, 1980-1981, 1981-1982, 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986 and 1986-1987 1978-1979 Appropriations Subject to Limitation 1979-1980 Appropriations Limit: CPI Change State Per Capita Personal Income Population Change Compound Effect: $4,697,644 x 1.1252 = 1980-1981 Appropriations Limit: CPI Change Per Capita Income Change Population Change Compound Effect: $5,285,789 x 1.1470 = 1981-1982 Appropriations Limit: Per Capita Income Change Population Change Compound Effect: $6,062,800 x 1.1127 = 1982-1983 Appropriations Limit: CPI Change Population Change Compound Effect: $6,746,078 x 1.0772 = 1.1017 1.1500 1.0214 1.1017 x 1.0214 = 1.1252 $5,285,789 1.1468 1.1211 1.0231 1.1211 x 1.0231 = 1.1470 $6,062,800 1.0912 1.0197 1.0912 x 1.0197 = 1.1127 $6,746,078 1.0679 1.0087 1.0679 x 1.0087 = 1.0772 $7,266,875 $4,697,644 --~---'---"'-"-'-"-~'~"~-"""-'~"-"'--------'~---~--------__.....~_____.__..__""~.______._">O.____..__._.____~___..___._..._~.~_.. 1983-1984 Appropriations Limit: Per Capita Income Change Population Change Compound Effect: $7,266,875 x 1.0388 = 1984-1985 Appropriations Limit: CPI Change Population Change Compound Effect: $7,548,830 x 1.0612 = 1985-1986 Appropriations Limit: CPI Change Population Change Compound Effect: $8,010,818 x 1.0506 = 1986-1987 Appropriations Limit: CPI Change Population Change Compound Effect: $8,416,165 x 1.0484 = Page 4 of 4 1. 0235 1.0149 1.0235 x 1.0149 = 1.0388 $7,548,830 1.0474 1.0132 1.0474 x 1.0132 = 1.0612 $8,010,818 1.0374 1.0127 1.0374 x 1.0127 = 1.0506 $8,416,165 1.0230 1.0248 1.0230 x 1.0248 = 1.0484 $8,823,507