HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-22-87 . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar~ ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEEJ'~~S~ry 22~ 1987 SUBJECT NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 D~TE January 15~ 1987 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR REMODELING OF THE WALNUT CREEK OFFICE FACILITY (DP 20047) AND AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUt-D TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AW ARD AUTHORIZE FUNDS s~r~.o 'lYaverty Purchasing & Materials Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Purchasing ISSUE: On December 30~ 1986~ sealed bids for District Project 20047~ remodeling of ~pper portion of the Walnut Creek facility~ were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject the bids within forty-five days of the public opening. BACKGROUND: During January 1983~ the District's general offices were relocated from the Walnut Creek facility to Martinez. At that time~ it was decided to remodel the lower portion of the facility for use by the Collection System Operations Department (CSO) and eventually lease the upper portion of the facil ity. The lower portion remodeling was completed~ and CSO occupied it in February 1985. In October 1984, the Board authorized the leasing of the upper portion of the Walnut Creek facility. Due to the soft commercial rental market in the Walnut Creek area, a tenant was not found for nearly two years. At the October 16, 1986 Board meeting, the Board authorized staff to execute a lease with the American Cancer Society for leasing of the upper portion of the facil ity. At that meeting, $23,000 was authorized for architectural design work by Perry Haviland Associates and HVAC/electrical work by Lars Fagerstrom Consulting Engineers, Inc. The two firms were to prepare plans and technical specifications for the remodeling work necessary to accommodate the tenant improvements and required District work on the HVAC/electrical systems. Upon completion of the plans and technical specifications by Haviland and Fagerstrom, the Notice to Contractors inviting bids was published on December 16 and 21, 1986. Sealed bids were publicly opened on December 30, 1986. The tabulation of all bids received appears on Attachment I. The lowest responsible bidder is Malpass Constructi on Company of Pl easant Hill, Cal iforni a, which bi d a 1 ump sum amount of $218~500. This project will include $20,000 for personnel stairs and security fencing in the north parking area, and installation of one new air chiller. This work was originally identified in the lower portion (CSO) remodeling work project and $21,057 of these funds still remain in this project for completion of this work. The work was not included in the lower portion remodeling project plans and specifications because of the possibility of having to rework this new construction due to future tenant requested improvements. This work was included in the Bid Request and will be part of this contract award. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR REMODELING OF THE WAlNUT CREEK OFFICE FACILITY (DP 20047) AND AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE? OF DATE A .1;0 n 1I::Ii rv 1". 1 QA7 The post design estimate of the work was $156,000 which is $62,500 less than the actual bid price of $218,500. Staff initiated a discussion with the District's architect and the potential contractor to determine in which areas of the scope of work the major cost differences could be found. One area ($28,000 difference) is the electrical work needed to change the 400 amp to a 600 amp service. The service work requires replacing of all wiring fran the transformer located on the street, installing new service conduits, and installing a new service entrance panel in the mechanical roan. Contractor stated that there are trenching problems, installation probl ems associ ated with the mechani ca 1 room and, because hi s el ectrical subcon- tractor's work is a major portion of the total job, he would have a full time supervisor on hand to monitor their work. Another cost area ($17,000 difference) is the work requi red to remove the enti re hall way and two roan cei 1 i ngs to allow for the removal, then reinstallation of the duct systems and suspended ceilings. Another cost ($15,500 difference) is in the combined areas of wood refinishing, painting, and carpeting. It is hoped that a reduction in the finishing costs could be worked out with the successful contractor based on a value engineering analysis. A summary of the funds required for this project is shown on Attachment II. The total additional funds required to complete Project 20047 is $199,976. The District will be able to recover the cost of this project within a 3 year 10 month period of time. Even though about 50 percent of the total cost of this project is attributabl e to work on the facil ity to meet the basic el ectrical and mechanical requirements of the District's CSO facility, the lease income of $64,860 per year from our tenant will cover the total remodeling costs. In fact, over the probable length of the lease of ten years, the District's lease income will be at least $648,000 with a potential of a higher return based upon a contractual inflation rate adjustment in April 1992. This project is exempt from CEQA under Section 18.2 of the District's guidel ines, and the Notice of Exemption was filed in October 1986. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the contract for construction of District Project 20047 to Malpass Construction Company in the amount of $218,500 and authorize $199,976 from the Sewer Construction Fund. --------- 13028-9/85 ........ I- z '\ L.l.J . --- :c u e::( l- I- e::( ,.-, ~~ \:J ~ r--. .-4 Q) o;;j'" o ~ e::( a: w III 1: ~ 2: ~ .-4.j.. it t ~ ~L <.!:l :z: ........ Cl ..J ........ ::::> CO L.l.J U ......... l.L l.L o L.l.J ::c I- l.L o ~ 'r- ~ ~r- ~ {~I~ ~ V~I). 22 ~~: ~ ;v: a:: ~ ,~-~ ~ z & 5 .~Io: .- 0::::> I- ~ .::::> a:::.....J ~ M L.l.J ..J Q Cl e::( ...0 _ :s::E: It a: L.l.J I- s:! ~ a:: e::( % i - .~ c. c; .~ Iii :;- ... o z o t: '4 ... ::>> CD <Ill: ... L ~ ~ r;; ~a z .. 11 11 o H .. ,~ c CV' ~ ..... :t .... ... 0 :i ! e ~ ~ cc ... ~ . L Q g g ~ !i1 00": ~ I~ ;;: Q ::c ..... ~ ~ ~ t ~~ i- ........ '" u ...- oil: ...... ... ... zY ~ a: ... ........ '" u ... - oct ...... ...... - U 2:- ~ Il: ... ..--1 ~ I~I"" 1'-' I" ,~I" ........ ~ Y oil: ...... ...... ~~ ... ..... g~ ...... ..... zY ~:: ...... "0 .. - oct ..... ~ c ~~ t" ..... z!,! ~ct ... ~ g ~ ~ 152 ~~~ >= 0 ::> :5 u a .. ~ w .. '" o z ~ f-- i i~ ~ \ ~ Q ~ '~l ~ tli ~ ~ 0" "''' .. z ~"'.: ~o & ~ ~ 2 r-- N .-4 r--. N .vl- o o o .. r--. o .vl- ~ ...... r- u ra 4- 4- o C o ...... -lJ ~ 8- ~ ~ 0: :::l r- Q) "'0 o E Q) a:: -lJ o ..J .-4 .-4 ~ eX ~ .v r-- r-- Q) .. r--. (V) N .vl- ~ u :: .v d Cl LO .. co .-4 C'\J'-- v:r ..:, ! ~ r- ;:: ~. c , oj I.J ~ .~ :2 1 - .... C' . ~ g . I ! 1 ci ~ 0:: I I I , ~ '\ I ~ 1. 2. 3. 4. ATTADlM:NT II POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 20047 DESCRIPTION Construction Contract (As Bid) Estimated Construction Contingencies Architect/Consultant Support Total Estimate Required to Complete Proj ect 5. Pre Bid Expenditures: 6. Force Account, Printing, Advertising Architect/Consultant Costs Asbestos Removal Total Estimated Project Cost <Items 4 & 5) 7. Funds Previously Authorized: 8. DP 20047, Upper Remodel Work (Design and Pre-Bid Costs) DP 3836, Lower Remodel Work (Balance Remaining) Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project (Item 6 minus Item 7) ITEM AMOU NT $ 632 $14,576 $ 2,925 <$23 ,000> <$21,057> TOTAL $218,500 $ 2,000 $ 5,400 $225,900 $ 18,133 244,033 <$ 44,057> $199,976 _..~--~----~_..__.._._..__.._------_...~----_.__.---_.,-"~--~--'-'..'---'_.'-~'----'-"""~.- --_..._---_._-~._,.._--'-_...__._..-.,'_._------_._- . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF January 22, 1987 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD PURCHASE ORDER FOR $50,257.35 TO 3T EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING A HIGH VELOCITY SEWER ClEANING UNIT DATE January 13, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION Authorization to Award a Purchase Order SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. John Larson, Manager Collection System Opera~lons ISSUE: Bids were received and opened on January 8, 1987, for furnishing and installing a high velocity sewer cleaning unit. Board authorization is needed to award the purchase order. BACKGROUND: The Board authorized the purchase of a trucK-mounted high velocity sewer cleaner as part of the 1986-87 Equipment Budget. The trucK cab ana chassis has been purchased by the Distrlct to take advantage of price concessions offer~d by the manufacturers. The purchase ana ins~al1at10n of the high veloci"ty sewer cleaning unit will complete the work. The estimated cost of the unit was $52,000. The request for bids was pUOlicly advertised on December 17, 1986 and bids were publ icly opened on January 8, 1987. The three bi ds that were received are summarized: COMPANY TOTAL INSTALLED PRICE Arata Equipment Company 3T Equipment Company Flexible Systems $46,835.98 50,257.35 53,309.64 The technical portions of the bid were evaluated by the Collection System Operations Department and the commercial portions were evaluated by the Purchasing and Materials Control Section. A summary of the commercial evaluation is included as Attachment 1. The bid received from Arata Equipment Company is not responsive to the technical specifications in three major areas. It can only carry 800 feet of hose while 1,000 feet were specified to meet actual field conditions. The hose reel is located on the ri ght si de of the trucK requi ri ng greater traffiC control whil e working. Hinged doors require more room while working in traffic. The smaller hose reel would reduce productivity while tne reel location and door configuratlOn would adversely aftect employee safety. Commercially, Arata Equipment Company has taken exception to the 60-day de11very requirement. They state their delivery time as 60 to 120 days. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD PURCHASE ORDER FOR $50,257.35 TO 3T EQUIPMENT COMPANY FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING A HIGH VELOCITY SEWER CLEANING UNIT PAGE DATE ? OF '=l J anuarv B. 1 9R7 There are no major technical or commercial problems with the bid received from 3T Equipmen~ Company. The line item buaget amoun~ for the high velocity sewer cleaner and trucK chassis is $75,000. The actual cos't will be $80,200. The additional cost is due to the purchase of a heavy duty high pressure water pump tha't was iden'tlfled during prepara~ion of the technical speciflca~ions. This pump will signiflcan'tly reduce future opera'ti on and mal ntenance cos'ts. There are adequate funas avail ab I e to cover the increased cos~. RECOMMENDATION: Reject the bid received from Ara~a Equipment Company on the basis that it is nonresponsive to the Bid Reques~ and authorize the award of a purchase order for $50,257.35 to 3T Equipment Company for furnishing and ins~alling a high velocity sewer cleaning unit. Attachmen~ --------- 13028-9/85 ... () ~ en is ~ c ... i en c ... en o (.) c ~ ! () ~ ... i5 (.) I en Z o ;: C ..J i c ... Q iii I .~ 0 ... _CD .- U C._ :Jet - l!l c ~ _CD .- U C._ :Jet V') LO > M ~ - . III ...... V') V') LO en ~ ~ LO UJ UJ 0 M a: :z: N > > M I&J UJ .. ...... ~ 0 ~ LO Q ~a.. LO UJ N M..... -- :z: .. Q ::::> 0 - 0- LO ID UJ -- _ CD .- u c ._ :Jet V') V') CO > > 0'\ ...... c:c c:c - Cl Cl III LO ....... V') "0 M 0 UJ 0 CO ~ CO 0 N > M 0'\ :z: ~ .. :z: - <UJ \0 I ~ LO ~::e:: 0:1" 0 UJ M c:ca.. -- \0 :z: CO c::: ..... ....... .. c:c::::> \0 0- 0:1" UJ - CD -- .- U C._ :Jo: ...... V') V') 0:1" > > \0 ...... ~ c:c - - Cl III 0'\ ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0:1" .. UJ ~ M 0 0'\ :z: M \0 ...J V') .. :z: I '. CO::E: M 0 ~ 0'\ ..... UJ LO \0 UJ 0 X~ -- ....... :z: M UJ V') .. ...J> M I..L.. V') LO _ CD -- .- (.J C ._ :Jet .. V') ~ UJ ..... ~ UJ III :z: :r::: j ::::> UJ ~ c::: ...... t!:l V') Cl CO :z: "" Cl c::: " ...... 0'\ ..... V') ..... UJ \0 - :z: ::e:: c:l > iii 0:1" c:c c::: ..... 0 UJ UJ > ...J U CO ...J ~ .. CO UJ c u Cl Cl . > ...J UJ Cl 0 c::: c c::: c:c t!:l UJ ~ c::: z c:c .; UJ ..... Cl c::: U UJ en Co ::> ! ... 3 u UJ ..... ..... ..... ~ :z: u UJ c::: ...J S c::: ...J V') < ~ CIl V') UJ 3 ~ a.. UJ FJ CD ::e:: 0 UJ V') a.. ~ Q Q ...J ~ :z: c::: ..... ::::> ii5 ...J 0 ~ Cl V') UJ c:c U U UJ c::: ~ < ~ c::: 0 'i V') :r::: ..... UJ ~ Cl :z: ~ - .. ~ ~ ..... .~ ..... ..... V') I..L.. V') CO CD 3 ::e:: > < ..... al Cl .. 0 c::: c::: V') :z: UJ V') :z: UJ UJ V') V') a: < u :z: ~ > > < S :z: 0 ::e:: ..... < :r::: .i::i :r::: c:c ..... ::::> ~ ...J Cl U C III V') ..... ~ Cl :z: UJ ., 0 ..... ...J ..... :z: UJ Cl 0 ~ :z: a.. Cl UJ ::e:: \0 U 0 c::: ~ :z: Cl > ...... ::> Z ::::> 0 0 Cl c:c ~ V') c::: I..L.. U U c:c a.. ..... ~ ~ ,;, I ~ . Centrr - Contra Costa Sanitar - District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 22_ 1987 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 SUBJECT APPROVE AND EXECUTE LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH GSF ENERGY_ INC. FOR PIPELINES CROSSING DISTRICT OUTFALL SEWER LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF THE ACME FILL CORPORATIONS LANDFILL SITE IN MARTINEZ DATE January 12_ 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE AND EXECUTE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall_ Associate Engineer INITIA TlNG DEPT.lDlV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: GSF Energy_ Inc. (GSF) has requested permission to install four pipelines over the District's outfall sewer and across land owned by the District. Board approval is required for the execution of license agreements. BACKGROUND: The proposed pipelines will become a part of the GSF landfill gas recovery operation at the Acme Fill site. The landfill gas has been used by the District since Aprll_ 1982 to provide supplemental fuel for the multiple hearth furnaces and to fire the auxiliary boilers. GSF proposes to install four polyethylene pipes (1"_ 2"_ 6" and 16" in diameter) which will cross the District's property and the outfall at right angles. The location of the crossing is presented on Attachment 1 to this Position Paper. The legal arrangement with GSF for the pipeline crossing will take the form of a license agreement. The agreement requires construction procedures to protect the structural integrity of the District's outfall. The proposed pipel ines will be installed over the outfall with a minimum 12-inch clearance between the top of the outfall and the bottom of the pipelines. Surface markers will be installed to designate the precise location of the pipes. Isolation valves to take the proposed pipelines out of service will be installed on the pipelines on each side of the outfall. Equipment will not be permitted over the outfall pipeline during construction. All construction work will be observed by District personnel. GSF will reimburse the District for observation costs involved. The term of the license is an initial five year period and automatically extends for additional five year periods unless either party cancels the license. GSF is required to pay $100 per year in advance for this license. District Counsel has reviewed the license and approved it as to form. The entering into the license agreement is not a project as defined in Section 20.29 of the local guidel ines established for the California Environmental Quality Act. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the License Agreement and authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Agreement and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302".9/85 At DH JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ---...-....--___.______.___~~,_._.~_._._.~__o_~_~_." .. ..,-*..,..----'-...._~._.______..._,_,_..__.___'.._.M..._.__..____~_,.____...________.__,________._ ...10 ..C ~ P~ge 2 of 2 Pages \ \ \ '" \ "'0 -::. "- "" "- "- \ \ \ \ \ \ ... \ "'oc:. " '" \ "So "- "- '\ '\ "- '\ "\ "" "- '" '- '- PHILLIP. PETIIOUUM CO". 1.I.n..c.~, + ACME FILLCO_". I...'. ..c. . Centre Contra Costa Sanitar'. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J anuar 22, 1986 NO. v. DATE Januar 12, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR 12 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE STORM DAMAGE REPAIR PROJECT AT RAINTREE PLACE, LAFAYETTE (DP 4060) AND RETURN $9,515 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Tom Trice, Engineering Assistant INITtA TtNG DEPT.lDIV. Construction Division/ Engineering Department ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Storm Damage Repair Project at Raintree Place, Lafayette, and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: This project was needed to repair an 8-inch sewer pipe crossing Rel iez Cre~k behind 926 Raintree Place, Lafayette that was damaged during the winter storms of 1982-1983. This creek crossing serves approximately 90 properties. The contract work included the replacement of 90 lineal feet of buried 8-inch clay pipe on each side of the creek crossing and the installation of 100 lineal feet of box girder and 8-inch cement-lined steel pipe hung from the box girder to cross the creek. Two new manhol es and box gi rder supports were constructed and the abandoned creek crossing pipe and structures were removed. The contractor, Pacific Mechanical Corporation of Concord, commenced work on October 1, 1986, and was substantially complete with the work by the November 1, 1986 contract completion date. The project was accepted by the Board on November 20, 1986. The engineer's estimate for the construction project was $66,600. Pacific Mechanical Corporation's original construction contract was for $57,630. There were no change orders issued for the project. The total budget for the project was $83,955. The total completed project cost was $74,439, which is $9,515 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $9,515 being returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. RECOMMENDATION: is necessary. This item is presented to the Board for information. No action TAT RSK JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. -;JTr ~ 1J:l:!" .9.'65 ~---~'-'~'-'---"---~-"'~"'--'~--'~--'-'~-~----------_'_~'"-_"'_'."_~___'''__''''__"'_''_~_''_''~.^,m''__.'_,,____.._..___ ___",.______,.~_ _._._.~_.,,______._.___ ATTACHMENT 1 DP 4060 - RAlNTREE PLACE, LAFAl'~ I I ~ PROJECT PLOT PIAN 6 U B 7\) .5 0/6 \ ~ /8 - / ~AJA.lecr ro ~)(Et.' .57 A..3+ 75.4-5 i IAlE A 20 19 I I~ 1Cl'\ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ - r-- f"" 1\1 ~ ~ JACKSOtJ MZ _ - srI/- 3 t15-:t5 ~ 14~ ,,/ I? . Centre Contra Costa Sanitar - District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J anuar 22 1987 NO. v. DATE CONSENT CALENDAR 13 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE STORM DAMAGE REPAIR PROJECTS AT HILLCREST DRIVE, ORINDA (DP 3886) AND MORAGA SLIDE I-A, MORAGA (DP 4223) AND RETURN $15,510 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND J TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL Sl"HJMITTED BY 10m Trice, Engineering Assistant ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Storm Damage Repair Projects at Hillcrest Drive, Orinda, and Moraga Slide I-A, Moraga, and these projects can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: This project consisted of slide damage repairs at two locations within the District. (See Attachment Nos. 1 and 2.) The Hillcrest Drive, Orinda, sl ide repair work was needed to repair a hillside that was damaged by the heavy rains during the 1982-1983 winter. The work consisted of excavating approximately 1,000 cubic yards of loose material from the slope and reusing it as engineered fill. A subdrain system was installed to take ground water to the street and 90 lineal feet of an existing 6-inch clay pipe sewer in the sl ide area was replaced with 6-inch ductile iron pipe and a new rodding inlet structure was installed. Two existing side sewers were reconnected and the entire work area was hydroseeded. The two property owners affected by the slide repair contributed money to the repair and have signed release forms approved by District Counsel. The Moraga I-A slide repair work was the completion of a project which began in 1985 to repair the damaged slope near the District's 27-inch trunk sewer located along Las Trampas creek in Moraga. The work consisted of excavating and grading approximately 300 cubic yards of material on the existing slope and installing 66 gabion mattresses (6'x9'x9") filled with rock on the graded slope to protect it from erosion. Various other drainage improvements were made to direct the surface run-off water away from the slope. The contractor, Fanfa, Inc., of San Lorenzo, commenced work on September 22, 1986, and finished the work on both projects ahead of schedule on October 29, 1986. This was two weeks before the November 11, 1986 contract completion date. The projects were accepted by the Board on November 20, 1986. The Engineer's Estimate for the two projects was $141,700. Fanfa's original construction contract was for $126,395. The total contract amount paid to Fanfa, Inc. was $136,405. There were two change orders totaling $6,230 issued for extra work at the Hillcrest Drive site. The contract amount was further increased by an additional $3,780 because of an increase in the quantity of import soil paid at contract unit prices. No change orders were issued on the Moraga Slide I-A portion of the contract. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA TING DEPT/DIV. liP .77/1 ~t:- 13:J~" .9/65 TAT RSK JSM RAB SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE STORM DAMAGE REPAIR PROJECTS AT HILLCREST DRIVE, ORINDA (DP 3886) AND MORAGA SLIDE I-A, MORAGA (DP 4223) AND RETURN $15,510 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 January 12, 1987 The total budget for the two projects was $198,375; including $15,000 which was contributed by the two affected property owners on Hillcrest Drive. The total completed project cost was $182,865, which is $15,510 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $15,510 being returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. 10..______. 13028.9/85 / ATTACHMENT 1 STORM DAMAGE REPAIR HILLCREST DR., ORINDA JOB NO. X3886 " A TT A'CHMENT 2. ~ + G T JOBSITE ACCESS " I -I STORM DAMAGE 1 A MORAGA TRUNK SEWER ST. MARY'S RP RD., LAFA YETTE JOB NO. X4223 !. . POSITION SUBJECT Centra_ ~ontra Costa Sanitar~ .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. v. 14 CONSENT CALENDAR January 22, 1987 AUlliORIZE $9,900 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR lliE CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR NEW MANHOLES IN lliE DISTRICT'S COLLECTION SYSTEM DATE January 12, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY Authorize Funes INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Jim Coe, Senior Engineer Collection System Opera~lons ISSUE: system. Four new manholes are needed to eftlciently malntaln the collection Capital funds are needed for cons~ruction by Distrlct forces. BACKGROUND: The locations and detalls of each of the four new manholes are: Fi rst Manhol e Location: Purpose: Second Manhole Location: Purpose: Th i rd Manhol e Location: Purpose: Fourth Manhole Location: Purpose: 3455 Freeman Road, Walnut Creek To allow use of power opera~ed equipmen~ maintenance. for preven~a1;l ve 1314 Highland Avenue, Martinez Same as above. 930 Estuail 10 Street, Martinez To provide access for malntenance in the middle of a 740-too~ sewer. Equipment used on th1S type of 1 ine can only cleall 500-600 feet. It woul d al so connect the sewer in Masonlc Stree~ to the sewer in EstUdillo Stree~ providing improved malntellc1nce access for both sewers. 1919 Bonanza Street, Walnut Creek To provide a transition pOint between a 6-inch diameter sewer and an 8-inch diameter sewer. These four manholes will be cons~ructed by District forces. This action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act unaer Section 18-3 of the District Guidel ines for implementa~'on of the California Env'ronmen~al Qual ity Act. RECOI4ENDATION: Authorize $9,900 from the Sewer Cons~ruction Fund for the construction of four new manholes. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. t/0 JL . Centrh.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 22, 1987 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 15 SUBJECT APPROVE ATTENDANCE BY THE FINANCE OFFICER AT A CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED FINANCIAL REPORTING FOR GOVERNMENTS DATE January 12, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Di rectors for attendance at an out-of-state conference is requested. BAa<GROUtI>: The Government Finance Officers Associ ation (GFOA) has organized a conference titl ed "Advanced Fi nanci al Reporti ng for Governments" which will be hel d on February 9-11, 1987 in Reno, Nevada. The conference is designed for finance officers, accountants, and independent auditors who are involved in the preparation of annual financial reports. The primary objective of this 2 lI2-day course is to provide participants with an in-depth review of annual financial reporting, with an emphasis on encouraging government financial report preparers to creatively improve their reports within the existing framework of generally accepted accounting principles. Each component section of a model Comprehensive Annual Financial Report will be revi ewed duri ng the conference. The Comprehensive Annual Fi nanci al Report format, which has been developed by GFOA and recommended for general use by public entities, includes financial summaries and other data to supplement the basic audited financial statements. The information obtained at this conference will be useful in the development of a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the District. The course fee is $260. The total conference expense, which is estimated to be $700 for the course fee, transportation, lodging and meals, is included within the Finance and Accounting travel and conference budget; however, the conference location was not known and, therefore, not specified in the budget. RECXJI4EtI>ATION: Approve attendance by the Fi nance Officer at the GFOA Conference titled "Advanced Financial Reporting For Governments" on February 9-11, 1987 in Reno, Nevada. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~U~~' REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 W N F ~___~__... .__~...._____.~___.^d..."__~_._.___..,_____.__,____._,___._______.~~_.._"__.__~_,._________._.._._.__~__.__ . _"__"~""~_______"___'___~'__"_~_"_____~'________ . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar~ ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 22, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT AUll-IORIZE ll-IE GENERAl MAN~ER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEClJTE AN ~REEMENT WIll-I MACKAY & SOMPS AND AUll-IORIZE $27,000 FROM ll-IE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DESIGN OF DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4326, NORll-I CONCORD/CLYDE SEWER IMPROVEMENT, PHASE II DATE January 16, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUll-IORIZE ~REEMENT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SlJaMIT1f.D BY Ian l,;neng Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorization is requi red for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with MacKay & Sanps for the desi gn of North Concord/Cl yde Sewer Improvement, Phase II. Sewer construction funds are required for the design phase of the proj ect. BACKGROUND: The Watershed 44 faciliti es pl an demonstrates that improvements are required at four existing sewage pump stations and that new trunk sewers are needed to meet existing and future demands. Project 4326 is a part of the improvements which are incl uded in the Watershed 44 facil ities pl an. Approxfmately 1,700 linear feet of IS-inch gravity trunk sewer will be constructed and Port Chicago pump station will be abandoned as part of this project, as described and shown in Attachment 1. The District considered two consulting firms to provide predesign and final design services for the project. MacKay & Sanps, a Concord-based consulting firm, was selected because of their familiarity with the site, the existing utilities in the area and the District's standards, and their ability to meet the project schedule. The consultant will evaluate alternative pipeline alignments, provide detailed trunk sewer design, and furnish the District with complete project drawings and technical specifications. District staff will oversee the consultant's work, provide surveys, prepare integrated "front-end" specifications of the contract documents, and solicit bids. To undertake and complete the design phase of the project, $27,000 is required as detailed in Attachment 2. The prel iminary estimate of the total project cost is $244,000, excluding any cost of easement acquisition. This project is identified as "Clyde Area Sewer Improvements" in the Priority A List of the Capital Improvement Plan. Completion of the project is scheduled for the 1987 construction season. A Negative Decl aration for the proposed North Concord/Clyde Sewage Collection System Improvements Project was adopted in August 1985. The District concluded that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DRW RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302,0.9/85 TC TC fJA,u _'--'""~-~---_._~'_'_--_""_'_.,_....,_.._^--.-~,,_..-.-.-....- -~----_..."._----,._-+,.,---~"._-__________w~___.~"___~___,___ SUBJECT AUTIiORIZE TIiE GENERAL MAN~ER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN ~REEMENT WITH MACKAY & SOMPS AND AUTHORIZE $27,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DESIGN OF DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4326, NORTIi CONCORD/CLYDE SEWER IMPROVEMENT, PHASE II POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 6 DATE January 16, 1987 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an hourly rate times multiplier type agreement with a cost ceiling for professional engineering services with MacKay & Somps, and authorize $27,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for design of District Project 4326, North Concord/Clyde Sewer Improvements, Phase II. --------- 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 6 .- ATTAOiMENT 1 . . NORm CONCORD/CL YOE SEWER IMPROVE~NTS PHASE II - WATERSHED 44 DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4326 PROJ ECT DESCRIPTION The project is located in Watershed 44 which includes a portion of North Concord, the Town of Clyde, a portion of the U.S. Naval Weapons Station, and unincorporated 1 and east and south of the Mall ard Reservoi r. Rapi d growth consi sti ng of commercial and light industrial development is occurring in the area. The Watershed 44 Facilities Plan calls for consolidation of four pump stations by fi rst upgradi ng the Concord Industri al Pump Stati on and the Bates Avenue PlUIlp Station, and then abandoning the Port Chicago Pump Station and the Clyde PlUIlp Stati on. The proposed improvements are shown di agramati cally on the next page. This project consists of the installation of approximately 1,700 linear feet of IS-inch gravity trunk sewer and the abandonment of the Port Chicago Pump Station. The current wastewater flow to the Port Chicago Pump Station will be redirected through this new trunk sewer to the Concord Industrial Pump Station. Existing pumps to be upgraded D.P. 4091 TO CCCSD Via Exlstlnq Sewer TO CCCSD Via Existing Sewer Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dlstrld . ...- Page 4 of 6 Gravity Town of Clyde Concord Industrial P.S. Invert EI.=-D.71 ~~~~ .... .... .... ~:: ..... -:.: :-:: ,... ~:: ex> .... I .... -0 ~:: ex> ~'. 0- ~" - o:::~ 1~~~ :::: ~:. :::: ~:~ ~"""""""""""""""""" .......".....................t .... .... Bates :.:. P.S. u.s. Naval Weapon Station Parcel Adjacent to Port Chicago Hwy. This Position Paper Gravity Invert EI.=26.5 Existing pumps to be upgraded D.P. 4091 Existing Sewer ...... Future Gravity Sewer tc:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Existing Force Main or Pump Station To Be Abandoned Attachment SYSTEM SCHEMATIC PG20F3 Page 5 of 6 G PORT CHICAGO PUMP STATION (TO BE ABANDONED) SCALE: NTS 7 7 8 ONCORD INDUSTRIAL PUMP STATIO Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . Attachment TRUNK SEWER DESIGN PG30F3 ATTAOUENT 2 DISTRICT PRoo ECT NO. 4326 NORTH CONCORD/ClYDE SEWER IMPROVEM:NT - PHASE II WATERSHED 44 ESTIMATED COSTS FOR PRoo ECT DESIGN January 13. 1987 Consultant Services Design Geotechnical Investigation Di strict Forces Proj ect Management Desi gn Rev iaw Contract Document Preparation Printing and Advertising Survey Field Verification of Utilities Right-of-l'lay Acquisition Total Design Cost Previous GM-CE Authorization Requested Authorization $13 .000 4.500 6.000 2.500 2.000 2.000 3.000 2.000 2.000 $37.000 10.000 $27.000 Page 6 of 6 . Centr~_ Contra Costa Sanitar') ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J anua ry 22, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE lHE GENERAL MANIGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE AGREEMENTS WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS AND WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSUL TANTS AND AUlHORIZE $397,000 FROM lHE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DESIGN AND EASEMENT AOlUISITION FOR WALNUT CREEK DOWNTOWN BYPASS PROJ ECT, <DP 4257> DATE January 16, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE IGREEt-ENTS AUlHORIZE FUNDS SU~ldTJD. BYPi 1 eck i Associate Engineer I IlUTI A TJNG DEPT.lDIV tnglneering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute agreements with John Carollo Engineers and Woodward-Clyde Consultants and to authorize $397,000 fran the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the desi gn of the Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass Project, Phase 2. BACKGRCllND: The Wal nut Creek Downtown Bypass ("Bypass") Project consists of construction of 10,400 feet of 66- and 72-inch trunk sewer within the Southern Pacific Rail road right-of-way in the City of Wal nut Creek, between Arroyo Way and Rudgear Road. The design and construction of the trunk sewer has been split into two phases to coi nci de with the Army Corp of Engi neers' work on the San Ramon Creek Bypass Flood Control Channel. Constructi on of Phase 1 has begun and is scheduled for completion in fall of 1988. Phase 2 is the last segment of the "Bypass" design and construction necessary to connect the future San Ramon Valley flows to the District's collection system. The connection of these two important projects will solve capacity problems in both the San Ramon Valley and Walnut Creek areas. Phase 2 is scheduled for construction in the spring of 1988, which requires design completion by October 1987. The planning level estimated total project cost for Phase 2 of this District project is $4,836,000 based on 1986 costs. (Attachment 1 provides a project description and a sllllmary of project costs. ) Cost reimbursement contracts with cost ceilings of $164,000 and $10,000 have been negotiated with the engineering firm of John Carollo Engineers (JCE) of Walnut Creek and the soils firm of Woodward-Clyde Consultants of Walnut Creek, respectively. JCE was selected because of their experience in the design of large diameter sewers involving multibarrel siphons and familiarity with the project resulting fran their earlier work on Phase 1. JCE will evaluate alternative inverted siphon configurations and recommend and design the selected siphon configuration. JCE will also evaluate alternative configurations for the flow control/junction structure at the northern terminus of the project and recommend and design the selected flow control/junction structure configuration. JCE's work will include detailed hydraulic calculations and cost estimating. Woodward-Clyde Consultants was selected because of their extensive experience with soils investigation in the project area. Woodward-Clyde will provide five borings, boring logs, and a recommendation report. District forces will provide REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 TJP CWS DRW RAB INITI'@:)PT./DIV. /Jm.; JItJP AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANPUER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WITH J(}tN CAROLLO ENGINEERS AND WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS AND AUTHORIZE $397,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DESIGN AND EASEMENT AOlUISITION FOR WALNUT CREEK DOWNTOWN BYPASS PROJ ECT, COP 4257> POSITION PAPER SUBJECT PAGE 2 OF 6 DATE January 16, 1987 pipeline design, technical drafting, right-of-way support/acquisition, surveying, potholing, printing, and prepare technical specifications for the pipeline design as well as directing the consultant's work. A Negative Declaration for the installation of a trunk sewer in conjunction with the Flood Control Project has been adopted by the Board. The San Ramon Valley Project EIR defined the design flOtls for the "Bypass" Project and its connection to the District's existing collection system. The estimated cost to design the project is $407,000. A breakdown of this total is provided in Attachment 2. This project is included in the Capital Improvement Plan as the Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute contracts for professional engineering services with John Carollo Engineers and Woodward-Cl yde Consul tants, and authorize $397,000 fran the Sewer Constructi on Fund for design of District Project No. 4257. --------- 13026- 9/85 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 6 WALNUT CREEK DOWNTOWN BYPASS TRUNK SEWER CD.P. 4257) J anua ry 22, 1987 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass ("Bypass") Project consists of construction of approximately 9,730 linear feet of 66 and 72-inch diameter pipeline, two siphons totaling approximately 670 linear feet, and a major flOll control/junction structure. A portion of the project will be parallel to the new San Ramon Creek Bypass Channel which will be constructed mostly within the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way in the City of Walnut Creek, California, (see Exhibit A to this Attachment 1). The pipeline will begin north of the existing Walnut Creek Channel at the southern edge of Arroyo Way and will end at Rudgear Road. This project is proposed for construction nOlI based on a unique, one-time opportunity for the District to incorporate the project with the construction of the already approved San Ramon Creek Bypass Flood Control Channel Project. Approximately 5,800 linear feet of the District's 66-inch trunk sewer is currently being installed under Phase 1, and approximately 4,600 linear feet of 66 and 72-inch trunk sewer and a flOll control/junction structure will be installed under Phase 2 in conjunction with the Flood Control Channel Project. Phasing is required to coincide with the Flood Control Channel project phasing. At the April 3, 1986 Board meeting a presentation was made on the total preliminary project costs associated with the San Ramon Valley and Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass projects. Table 1 sllJlmarizes the cost figures presented. Constructi on phasi ng, which will all 011 the Di stri ct to buil d the "Bypass" in conj uncti on with the flood control channel has necessitated the addition of a flOll control/junction structure and 2,000 feet of pipeline to the project. Both these items were originally scheduled to be constructed as a part of the San Ramon Valley Trunk Proj ect. Incorporati on of these facil iti es into the "Bypass" proj ect has increased its total prel iminary project costs by $2,000,000 with an associated $2,000,000 decrease in the San Ramon Valley Project costs. As Table 1 indicates, the total prel iminary project costs for both projects combined has not changed. Attachment 1 Page 4 of 6 Table 1 SAN RAMON V ALLEY AND WALNUT CREEK DOWNTOWN BYPASSPROJ ECTS (Cost Summary) April 3, 1986 January 22, 1987 Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass - pi pe 6.4M 8.4M - R1W acquisition O.9M O.9M Subtotal 7.3M 9.3M San Ramon Valley Trunk - pi pe 28.5M 26 .5 M - R1W acquisition 3.0M 3.0M Subtota 1 31.5M 29 .5 M Total Proj ect Cost 38.8M 38.8M - -_._-------,.~~---~"----~'-_._-_..._--'~..._._-~-,._-_.-----^"-_.,._.._-,._.~-_..,. ~.,-----------_._.__.~.__._- YGNACIO ~ ~ ,-- O' ~ . !Xl I 4: h, zn ~ ,~ :::; 10 4: cD u, .. z 'in z < ::!: ( lJ.... a r.c-'?-,," .c:,r.c-~ 'lJ;;' ~ ,," ." " :>... f-..... <:3 ) f' ) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . ROAD C'J lJJ CI) ~ Q... G ~, ~ ~ f-..... ~ <: ,..." ....J ~ lJJ CI) --' w ~ w Z Z z ::i 4: w :r: ll. u W w Q... ii: 0 z z w t:) w ::i ::i --' U"l w w 4: Z 0 ll. ll. U i= ll. ii: ii: U"l U"l 0 0 0 X a: io N w ll. cD .... I- Z I- 0 W z <.9 I . * I I . * . w . * . --.J . * . I . * . * . I . * . . * . . * . I . * . . * . * WALNUT CREEK EXHIBIT DOWNTOWN PARALLEL "A" PROJECT (DP 4257) Page 5 of 6 January. 1987 Attachment 2 Page 6 of 6 WALNUT CREEK DOWNTOWN BYPASS PROJ ECT COP 4257) ESTIMATED COST TO DESIGN (PRELIMINARY - JANUARY 1987) John Carollo Engineers $164,000 Woodward-Clyde Consultants 10,000 District Forces (1) 135,800 R/W Acquisition Subtota 1 29,000 338,800 Conti ngency (2) 68,200 Total Cost 407,000 Previous Authorization by General Manager-Chief Engineer 10,000 Requested Authorization $397,000 (1) District forces will direct the consultants' drafting, pipel ine design, surveying, specifications for the pipeline design, and the future Lamorinda interceptor. work, provide technical potholing, technical a prel imi nary desi gn of (2) If necessary, District staff will use this contingency to issue contract change orders to John Carollo Engineers and Woodward-Clyde Consultants to expand their scope of work or to fund additional force account work. . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J anuar 22, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE TI-lE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER m EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CH2M-HILL FOR FLOW MONITORING SERVICES FOR TI-lE CX>NTRA CX>STA BOULEVARD AND "A" LINE FACILITIES PLAN DATE January 15, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Jo e L. Kurasaki, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./Planning Division ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a professional services agreement covering flow monitori ng services as part of the Contra Costa Boul evard and "A" Line Faciliti es Pl an. BACKGROUND: The Contra Costa Boul evard and "A" Line trunk sewers transport 94 percent of the District's wastewater to the treatment plant. Last winter, several overflows occurred along the upstream sections of the Contra Costa Boulevard trunk line. The experience gained during last year's winter storms has been confirmed by the computerized hydraul ic analysis in the Collection System Master Plan. The Master Plan has identified critical hydraulic deficiencies along major sections of the Contra Costa Bou1 evard and "A" Line trunk sewer. The Facilities Plan is the first phase in this project to alleviate the capacity limitation in sections of the Contra Costa Boul evard and "A" Line trunk lines. In October, 1986, the Board of Directors authorized $1,057,000 in Sewer Construction Funds for Di strict staff to prepare the Contra Costa Bou1 evard and "A" Line Facilities Plan. The Facilities Plan tasks include wet weather flow monitoring to obtain data to be used as a basis to compute the design flows, a TV inspection of selected sections of the existing trunk lines to establish their current conditi on, a routi ng study to identify the vi abl e a1 ternative routes, a preliminary soils investigation in selected areas of concern, an aerial survey to produce a map for planning and design activities, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, and a citizen participation program. District staff is now requesting specific authorization for the wet weather flow monitoring to occur during February, which has generally been one of the wettest months of the year. Di strict staff recommends that CH2M Hill conduct the wet weather flow monitoring program because of their experience in this type of work, their ability to provide the needed flow monitors, and their competitive proposal to perform the work. CH2M Hill will provide engineering field assistance during selection of the flow monitoring sites, install up to 24 flow monitoring units, monitor and maintain them, process and analyze all the data, and summarize the information in a report which will then be used to develop the design flows for the Facilities Pl an. The CH2M Hill agreement will be on a Unit Cost Per Flow Monitoring Site Basis with a Cost Ceiling of $50,000. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211..9/85 JK , ;r~/~tL JMK INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 4ft- SUBJECT AUTIlORIZE TIlE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER m EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CH2M-HIll FOR FLOW MONITORING SERVICES FOR THE mN1RA mSTA BCUlEV ARD AND "A" lINE FACIl IlIES PlAN POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 DATE January 15, 1987 OF 2 Funds for the flow monitoring program were included in the previous authorization by the Board. No additional funds are being requested as part of this Position Paper. RECX>MMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the Unit Cost with a Cost Ceiling Agreement with CH2M-Hl11 for flow monitoring services for the Contra Costa Boul evard and "A" line Facilities Pl an. L.-_______ 13026-9'85 . Centrl. Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE , OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J anuar 22, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 4 AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JAMES M. MONTGOMERY ENGINEERS; AUTHORIZE $815,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO PREPARE THE MARTINEZ SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT FACIL ITIES PLAN DATE J anuar 16, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Assoc. Engineer Engineering Department/Planning Div. ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a consulting engineering agreement and to expend sewer construction funds. BACKGROUND: The collection system in the city of Martinez is old and in need of renovation and expansion. Sewage overflows occur in Martinez when combined sewage flow and rainfall-based infiltration/inflow <III) exceed the capacity of the system. A major sewer rehabilitation and replacement project is required to reduce future sewage overflows. Without rehabilitation and repair, overflows will become more frequent as flows increase due to growth and further decay of the existing sewer system. The Engineering Department proposes that a facilities plan be prepared to defi ne what must be done to renovate and expand the Marti nez collection system. The facilities plan tasks are summarized in Attachment 1. The project team for the Martinez Sewer Improvement Project Facilities Plan will consist of District staff and James M. Montgomery Engineers of Walnut Creek in association with Camp Dresser & McKee Engineers (JMM/CDM). JMWCDM was selected in a written and oral proposal process which considered six firms. This selection was based on their special expertise, experience, and competence in collection system facilities planning work, as demonstrated by the project team in the project approach proposed and excellent references. This project will serve as a model for other areas of the collection system where the District will consider the cost effectiveness of removing III versus building larger facilities to convey and treat the III. The III analysis will add a level of complexity and sophistication to the facilities planning effort since it requires that the integrity of the entire collection system, including laterals, be eval uated, and the associ ated cost to rehabil itate or repl ace any defi ci ent facl1iti es be establ i shed. Sewer renovati on costs w 11 1 then be compared to the cost of providing downstream capacity, assuming no III removal. Downstream costs include those related to sewer, pump station, and treatment plant construction, operation, and maintenance. In similar situations, this approach has demonstrated that the cost of some rehabilitation is less than the cost of providing additional capacity. Capital improvement programs for renovation and upgradi ng of sewer systems with service areas and number of connections simil ar to Martinez have taken up to ten tl~ 1302A.9/85 J MM 5M~ JMK REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. SUBJECT AUll-lORIZE ll-lE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER m EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JAMES M. MONTGOMERY ENGINEERS. AUTHORIZE $815,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO PREPARE ll-lE MARTINEZ SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT FACIL ITIES PLAN POSITION PAPER PAGE2 OF 4 DATE January 16, 1987 years to compl ete and have cost up to $20,000,000. About hal f of these costs are estimated to be for publ ic sewers and the remainder for private sewer lateral repair. The Capital Improvement Plan currently includes an allowance of $9,000,000 for Martinez sewer system improvements during the next ten years. The estimated cost of the facilities plan, excluding the EIR and public participation program, is $815,000. A breakdown of these costs, which includes engineering services and related force account effort, is summarized in Attachment 2. A contract with JMM has been negotiated and is recommended to be a "Cost Reimbursement Pl us a Fixed Fee with a Cost Ceil ing" type agreement. The Facilities Plan will require an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Citizens Participation Program. A Citizens Participation Program will be needed since this project has a potential for considerable business and residential impacts. The scope of work, cost estimate, and consultant selection for the EIR and Citizen Partici pati on Program wll 1 be determi ned follow ing compl eti on of initi al investigati ons identify ing key proj ect el ements. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with James M. Montgomery Engineers. Authorize $815,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund to prepare the Marti nez Sewer Improvement Proj ect Facil iti es Pl an. '-------- 13028-9/85 Page )f 4 ATTACH~NT 1 MARTINEZ SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT FACILITIES PLAN SUMMARY OF TASKS The Engineering Department is proceeding to address the renovation of the Martinez collection system. The first step has been to develop as-built drawings of the sewer system and coordinate the preparation of easement maps and descriptions with City of Martinez staff. While Martinez is completing this work, District staff proposes to prepare a Facilities Plan for the Martinez Sewer Improvement Project. The facilities planning effort will: o evaluate the condition, capacity, and reliability of the existing collection system, including pump stations and force mains; o identify and quantify the sources of 1/1 into the system; o determi ne the cost effectiveness of rehabilitati ng the coll ecti on system (including private laterals) versus building, operating, and maintaining larger relief sewers, pump stations, equalization storage, and treatment facilities to handl e the III rel ated wet weather fl ows; o prepare a detailed project schedule, cost estimates, and financial plan defining and prioritizing projects and activities required for upgrading sewers in Martinez; o prepare an Environmental Impact Report and conduct a Citizens Participation Program for the Marti nez Sewer Improvement proj ect. District staff will collect sewer pipeline/land-use data, participate in field work, prepare speci al maps and as-bu il t draw i ngs, provi de survey ing, perform the project management role, provide quality control, direct design criteria and capital improvement plan development, and print the final report. The District's Collection System Operations Department will have significant responsibilities in the project's field work tasks. Their effort will include: T.V. inspection of sewer lines and laterals, smoke testing, and dye tracing; manhole inspection; and 1/1 isolation during storm events. JMM/CDM will be responsible for flow and rainfall data analysis, direction of fiel d work, data reduction and entry, sewer capacity and cost effectiveness analysis using computer modeling techniques, pump station evaluation, design criteria, capital improvement program recommendations, and preparation of interim, draft, and fi nal reports. Page f 4 ATTACH~NT 2 MARTI NEZ SEW ER IMPROV EtJENT PROJ ECT FACIl ITIES Pl AN COST B REAKDOW N JANUARY 22, 1986 DESCRIPTION FUNDS REQUESTED A. Consultant Contracts 1. James M. Montgomery Engineers $517 ,000 2. EIR Consultant (to be selected) (1) 3. Citizen Participation Program (1) Subtotal $517 ,000 B. Other Costs 1. Ma i1 Serv i ce $ 5,000 2. Newspaper 2,000 3. Associated Public Not i ce Costs 4,000(3) 4. Computer Hardware 5,000 5. Legal 15,000 Subtotal $ 31,000 C. Force Account 1 . Planning Division $ 75,000 2. Engineering Division - Mapping 25,000 3. Construction Div. - surveying 25,000 4. Collection System Opere Dept.(2) 65,000 5. Pump Station Section 5,000 6. Printing 40.009 Subtotal 215,000 D. Contingency @10% of consultant contracts $ 52.000(4) E. Total Funds Req uested $~l5.000 (1) Authorization for funding and execution of these contracts will be requested when the scope of work for the EIR and Citizen Participation Program has been fully defined. (2) The Collection System Operations Department will provide T.V. inspection of sewer lines, smoke testing, manhole inspection, and III isolation during storm events; this will be done under direction of District and JMM staff. (3) These costs are associated with providing the citizens and businesses in Martinez with advanced notice of field work activities. (4) If necessary, staff will use thi s conti ngency for additi onal force account effort or to issue contract change orders to the consultants to expand their scope of work. . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J anuar 22, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 5 SUBJECT CONSIDER ADOPTION OF NEGATIVE DEClARATION AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE TREATMENT PLANT WET WEATHER HYDRAULIC IMPROVEM:NTS PROJ ECT DATE J anua r 16, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT NEGATIVE DEClARATION AND APPROV E PROJ ECT SUBMITTED BY Jacqueline L. Zayac Planning Grants Technician INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Planning Division ISSUE: To comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a negative declaration has been prepared for the proposed Treatment Plant Wet Weather Hydraul ic Improvements Project, hereinafter called "the project." The Board is bei ng asked to consi der adopting the Negative Decl arati on. If the Negative Declaration is adopted, approval of the project is required. BACKGROUND: In February 1986, severe rainstorms generated more wastewater flow than the treatment pl ant system coul d adequately accommodate. Duri ng peak flow times, untreated wastewater, which exceeded the capacity of the primary sedimentation tanks, was discharged to holding basins along with primary treated wastewater. District staff has identified improvements to the present hydraul ic system of the treatmentpl ant to better accommodate peak wet weather flows. All of the proposed improvements are located within the boundaries of the treatment plant property. The improvements which would be constructed this year consist of the addition of four sets of wet weather overflow launders to the primary sedimentation tanks, modifications to the primary effluent channel of the primary sedimentation tank, installation of approximately 1,000 linear feet of 60-inch pipe, construction of two control channels, and upgrading drainback pumps at Basins Band C at an estimated cost of $2,400,000. Additional work which consists of installing pumps on the influent line, installing a flow measuring device at the Inlet Building, upgrading the flow metering devices at Basins Band C, and upgrading the closing mechanism for the inlet gates may be constructed in 1988 or 1989. This project will reduce the potential for overflows in the Pleasant Hill area. In additi on, it w 11 1 reduce the amount of untreated wastewater diverted to the ponds, thereby reducing the potential for odor. The District CEQA guidel ines require the Board to consider the Initial Study prepared for the project and any public comments received on the Negative Declaration prior to approving the Negative Declaration for the project. The Initial Study for the project was prepared by Earth Metrics, Inc., an environmental and planning consulting firm. District staff concluded that the Initi al Study for the proj ect adequately, accurately, and obj ectively eval uated the proposed project's effect on the environment. Based on the Initial Study, REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211-.9/65 JMK INITIATING DEPT./DIV. :rM~ SUBJECT CONSIDER ADOPTION OF NEGATIVE DEClARATION AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE "ffiEATMENT PLANT WET WEATHER HYDRAULIC IMPROVEP-f:NTS PROJ ECT POSITION PAPER PAGE ? OF 4 DATE Januarv 16, 1987 Earth Metrics, Inc. determined that a Negative Declaration is the app.ropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. In compl iance with the CEQA requirements, District staff arranged for a legal notice to be publ ished which sol icited comments and provided notice of the District's intent to adopt the Negative Declaration for the proposed project. Any comments which are received will be given to the Board at its January 22, 1987, meeti ng. If the Boa rd adopts the Negative Decl arati on, approval of the project will be required to complete the CEQA requirements and allow staff to file a Notice of Determination in the County Clerk's office. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the project Negative Declaration and approve the project. -------- 13028-9185 Page 3 of 4 Resolution No. 87- A Resolution Adopting a Negative Declaration for the Treatment Plant Wet Weather Hydraulic Improvements Project WHEREAS, the project upon which this determination is made is described as foll ows: The proposed project includes the addition of four sets of overflow launders to the primary sedimentation tanks, modifications to the primary effl uent channel, install ation of approximately 1,000 lineal feet of 60-inch pipe, construction of two control channels, upgrading two pumps at Basins Band C, installing pumps on the influent line, installing a flow measuring device at the Inlet Building, upgrading the flow metering devices at Basins Band C, and upgrading the closing mechani sm for the inl et gates. The nominal pipe size indicated is based on a planning-level estimate and will be finalized in design based on District design standards and proj act site slopes. WHEREAS, an initial study of the proposed project has been conducted by Earth Metrics, Inc., an environmental and planning consulting firm. WHEREAS, Di strict staff fi nds that the initi al study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the proposed effect on the environment. WHEREAS, adequate public notice was given to receive comments on the project. WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has reviewed the results of the initial study and determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the envi ronment. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby adopt the Negative Declaration for the Treatment Plant Wet Weather Hydraulic Improvements Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict Board of Directors this 22nd day of January, 1987, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: N3 SENT: Member s: Members: Members: ~dent of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COU NTERS IG NED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California James l. Hazard, District Counsel Page .~ of 4 Resolution No. 87- A Resolution Approving the Treatment P1 ant Wet Weather Hydraul ic Improvements Project WHEREAS, the project upon which this determination is made is described as fo1 lows: The proposed project inc1 udes the addition of four sets of overflow launders to the primary sedimentation tanks, modifications to the primary effl uent channel, install ation of approximately 1,000 lineal feet of 60-inch pipe, construction of two control channels, upgrading two pumps at Basins Band C, installing pumps on the influent line, install ing a flow measuring device at the inlet building, upgrading the flow metering devices at Basins Band C, and upgrading the closing mechanism for the inlet gates. The nominal pipe size indicated is based on a planning-level estimate and will be finalized in design based on District design standards and proj ect site slopes. WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has adopted the Negative Declaration for the proj ect. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby approve the Treatment P1 ant Wet Weather Hydraulic Improvements Project. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 22nd day of January, 1987, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: PB SENT: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California James L. Hazard, District Counsel <8 Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J anuar 22, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 6 SUBJECT ADOPT DISTRICT POSITION ON INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY (I. T.) CORPORATION' S ~DERN IZATION PROJ ECT DATE January 16, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT POS ITION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. James M. Kelly, Planning Div. Manager Engineering Dept./Planning Division I~SUE: Staff recommends that the Board of Directors adopt a position on possible discharge of treated hazardous waste from I.T. to CCCSD. BACKGROUND: On December 15, 1986, the County issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed I. T. Corporation's Vine Hill Treatment Pl ant Modernizati on Proj ect (short titl e: I. T. Modernizati on Proj ect). Currently, I. T. treats 1 iquid hazardous waste by cl assification, separation, chemical treatment where appropriate, and then evaporation of the liquid at the Baker site ponds (see map, Attachment I). The 1. T. Modernizati on Proj ect is proposed because the I. T. Corporati on and other hazardous/toxic waste disposal facilities must cease using evaporation ponds for treatment and disposal by July 1, 1988, according to County pol icy, and by January 1, 1989, to comply with Cal ifornia statutes. The proposed I. T. Modernization Project would replace existing treatment processes and provide additional treatment of incoming liquid hazardous wastes to insure that the facility's effluent could be acceptably discharged to a sewage treatment plant. The NOP lists CCCSD and Mountain View Sanitary District as the sewage treatment plants which the EIR would consider as possible discharge sites. Di stri ct staff has prepared a comprehensive response to the NOP. In the course of developing the response, staff concluded that it would be beneficial if the District had a formal, Board-adopted position on the I. T. Modernization Project. Accordingly, staff has prepared and recommends the Board of Directors adopt the following position: "The District is concerned about the environmental and community impacts that would result from the acceptance of treated hazardous waste from I.T. Corporati on. The Di strict must determi ne whether the acceptance of treated hazardous waste is compatible with the purpose, function, and capacity of the District's waste treatment facilities and consistent with the long-term plans and programs of the District. However, the District will fully consider the results of the technical, environmental, public acceptance, and regulatory impacts disclosed by the EIR and also the mitigation measures approved during the EIR process to guide its decision on whether or not to accept treated hazardous waste from the I. T Corporati on. " RECOMMENDATION: Adopt District position on the proposed I. T. Modernization Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. f Page 2 of 2 ~ -~i ... ...... \ \ :..: ~~~ " N /; -J \ ---:'c:fi (~A . ..... . ...... -.. :. -.- .... V'77:l VINE HILL TREATMENT PLANT ~ SCALE (-- I o 2000 4000 FEET 7.5' Us.Cos. TCPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGlES OF VINE HLL AND WALNUT CREEK. CALIFORNIAl CIA TEO: I'S', SCALEs Is24,GOO, PHOT~VISED: 1700 * From Applicant's Comprehensive Project Description . Centre Contra Costa Sanitar District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Januar 22, 1987 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 7 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY AND TO THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, AND OPERATION OF A PRIVATE SEWAGE PUMPING STATION WITH RICHARD A. STUBBS, ET AL, JOB 3482, LAFAYETTE AREA DATE Januar 13, 1987 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: District staff has required the subject agreement as a prerequisite to providing sewer service to the property owners' three building sites. BACKGROUND: The location of the existing public sewer main and the topography of the subject property requires that sewer service be provided by a private onsite pumping system. The system was completed in November, 1984. The proposed agreement establishes that the ownership, operation, and maintenance of the pumping system shall be the sole responsibil ity of the property owners. The agreement holds the District free and harmless from all claims which could arise from any damage to the property owners' real or personal property. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with Richard A. Stubbs, et al, Job 3482, authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 13021'.9!65 DH RAB INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. .()t( U OOo1lC '74 .. AC I I ~.l ...... -::: --r --" ~UCA$ 10.OAC ".11 AC REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT Private Sewer Pumping Station Job 3482 - Lafayette Area , I II II / / . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 22, 1987 NO. VII 1. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 DATE January 9, 1987 SUBJECT RECEIVE THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE INVESTMENT POLICY SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administratlve/Finance & Accountlng ISSUE: Assembly Bill No. 1073, which was enacted in 1984, amended the Government Code to require the treasurer or chief fiscal officer of a local agency to "annually render to the legislative body of the local agency a statement of investment policy." BACKGROUND: The California legislature amended Government Code Section 53646 to require that: a. The treasurer or chief fiscal officer annually renaer to the legislative body of the local agency a statement of investment policy. b. The treasurer or chief fiscal officer render a monthlY report to the chief executive officer and legislative body of the local agency showing the type of investment,. institution, date of maturity, amount of deposit, current market val ue for all securities with a maturity of more than 12 montns, rate of interest, and such data as may be required by the local agency. c. Section 53646 shall remain in effect only until January 1, 1991, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, which is enacted before January 1, 1991, deletes or extenas that date. An investment report is submitted with the District's monthly financial statements to the General Manager-Chief Engineer and the Board of Directors which complies with all requirements of amended Section 53646. The Contra Costa County Treasurer's Office is required to adhere to the District's investment policy in investing District's funds. While the Treasurer's Office heretofore assessed no fee for its services, a fee was initiated for the 1986-1987 fiscal year. The fee is charged quarterly and is based on a flat charge of $20 for each investment purchase or sale, plus an assessment of 1/3 of one percent of the interest earned. The full-year effect of the new fee, which will be netted against the District's interest income from temporary investments, is estimated to be $20,000 for the 1986-1987 fiscal year. The District's present investment policy is submitted for review and comment by the Board of Directors. REC<JI4ENDATION: Receive the annual rendering of the District's investment policy, in compliance with Government Code Section 53646, and modify, as appropriate. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~~~ 1302....9/85 WNF PM <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District NO. POLICY & PROCEDURE EFFECTIVE July 17, 1986 SUBJECT SECTION INVESTMENT POLICY ESTABLISHED BY: The Board of Directors REFERRING TO: The investment policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is embodied in the following eleven sections: I. Statement of Objectives The temporary investment portfol io of the District shall be designed to attain a market-average rate of return, taking into account the District's investment risk constraint and prudent investment principles. II. Permissible Investments Within the constraints prescribed by the Government Code of the State of California for permissible investments, the District's investment portfolio will only be invested in the following instruments: o United States Treasury Bills and Notes, and obligations of government agencies for which the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged. o Bankers Acceptances, drawn on bank, which are eligible Reserve System. and accepted for purchase by a commercial by the Federal o Certificates of Deposit issued chartered bank or a Federal or loan association. by a Federal or State State chartered savings and o Commercial Paper of prime quality limited to corporations with assets over $500,000,000. o Repurchase agreements for a period less than 30 days. o Local Agency Investment Fund of the State of California. I SHEET 1 OF 3 <CCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District POLICY & PROCEDURE SUBJECT INVESTMENT POLICY III. Banks and Dealers The District will use the services of the Treasurer's Office of the County of Contra Costa which will transact the District's investment decisions in compliance with the requirements described in this investment policy. The County Treasurer's Office will execute the District's investments through such brokers, dealers, and financial institutions as are approved by the County Treasurer, and through the State Treasurer's Office for investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund. IV. Maturities The maximum maturity for investments of the District is one year. Prior approval of the Board of Directors must be obtained to acquire investments with maturities beyond one year. However, investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund would not be subject to the one year maximum maturity. V. Diversification To minimize the risk of loss through default, the total amount invested in a single issuer will not be greater than 15% of the District's investment portfolio value, except that the 15% limitation will not apply to United States Treasury Bills and Notes and investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund. VI. Ri sk Credit and market risks will be minimized through adherence to the list of permi ssi bl e investments, a limit on maximum maturiti es and the 1 imitati on on the total investment in a single issuer. VII. Delegation and Authority The District Finance Officer will be responsible for investment transactions which should be made in accordance with this investment policy and within the internal controls described in the following section. VIII. Prudence Prudent judgment must be exercised by the District Finance Officer responsible for investment transactions undertaken in accordance with this investment policy. I SHEET 2 OF 3 <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District POLICY & PROCEDURE SUBJECT INVESTMENT POLICY IX. Controls The District Finance Officer will establ ish subsidiary accounting records of each investment which will enable the determination of income earned monthly and through maturity, and the balancing of the principal amounts to a control account in the general ledger. Internal control procedures will require the countersignature of the Deputy General Manager for all transactions which are initiated by the Finance Officer. The dollar limit of the Deputy General Manager will be $5 million. Investment transactions which exceed $5 mill ion will requi re the additional approval of the General Manager-Chief Engineer. Such internal controls are to be reviewed by the District's independent auditors annually. X. Reporting The District Finance Officer will annually render a statement of investment policy to the Board of Directors. The Finance Officer will submit a monthly report to the District's General Manager-Chief Engineer and Board of Di rectors show i ng the type of investment, issuer, dates of issue and maturity, amount of deposit, current market value of all securities with a maturity of more than 12 months, and rate of interest. XI. Performance Evaluation A performance eval uati on wi 11 be campl eted by the Di strict's independent auditors every four years, commencing with the 1984-1985 fiscal year, to determine whether the investment objective of achieving a market-average rate of return is being real ized. In determining the market-average rate of return, the average return of three month U. S. Treasury bi lls, or the average rate of Federal funds, whichever is higher, will be used. I SHEET 3 OF 3