HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 10-20-88 . Central Jontra Costa Sanitary.#~strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 SUBJECT DATE October 12, 1988 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 88-22 (ALAMO) TO BE INClUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall , Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division I I Parcel I No. I Area I 88-22 I Al amo I (7702) Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency R. E. Honsowetz 1455 Finley Lane Alamo, CA 94507 192-030-030 (0.50 Ac.) Existing home with a failing septic system. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" CCCSD Carole Martin 1460 Finley Lane Alamo, CA 94507 192-030-025 (0.50 Ac.) Existing home with a failing septic system District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 88-22 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING ~7. j#f ()J$ #; ~/;;: 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB ROGER J. DOLAN 75 I~ CORTESE LAN D CO O~\ Il y WINN 51 ~~, .:..- .,ONES IO.OOAC RA. .~ :.'::. ". ;: .,.....'1 ~,. JONES . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary .,,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 29 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 SUBJECT ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 105 "RASS IER RANa-t BOUNDARY REORGANIZATION (LAFC 88-27>" DATE October 14, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION COMPLETE ANNEXATION OF DA 105 SUB~ITTED BY uenni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: A resolution by the District's Board of Directors must be adopted to fTnaiize District Annexation 105. BACKGROUND: Warmi ngton Homes proposed a development for the Rassi er Ranch in Danville in 1985 consisting of 281 single family homes. The development was subseq uentl y transferred to the Divi dend Development Corporati on represented by Jeffrey E. McCl ung. Dividend previously made application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the annexation of a 310.00 acre parcel of land containing the proposed 281 homes. This annexation is designated as District Annexation 105 and is shown on the attached map. LAFCO has considered this request and has recommended that this annexation be processed as submitted. LAFCO has designated this parcel to be Rassier Ranch Boundary Reorganization (LAFC 88-27). No public hearing is required and the annexation of this parcel can be completed. A Final Environmental Report (FEIR) for Warmington Homes Planned Development addressing the proposed annexation has been prepared by the Town of Danville (acting as lead agency) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). LAFCO has reviewed and considered the FEIR for this annexation (project) in making its determinations and approving this annexation. For th i s proj ect, LAFCO has desi gnated the Di stri ct, under GEQA, to be the Responsible (Conducting) Agency. The Responsible Agency is the public agency which proposes to carry out or approve a project, for which a Lead Agency has prepared an EIR. As a Responsible Agency, the District must consider the Town of Danville's decision to prepare an FEIR as final unless the exceptions found in Section 4.1.(c), 4.3, and 11.3 of the District's CEQA Guidelines exist. These sections are attached as Exhibit A. District staff has evaluated the decision by the Town of Danville to prepare an FEIR specifically with respect to District CEQA Guidelines Sections 4.1.(c), 4.3, and 11.3 and has found that no exceptional circumstances exist. Before approving the annexation, the Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the FEIR, portions of which relating to sanitary sewer facilities are attached as Exhibit B. The entire FEIR has been made available to the Board and is on file at the District offices. The REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ;Jf MfJ INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM KA RAB SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 105, "RASSIER RANCH BOUNDARY REORGANIZATION (LAFC 88-27>" PAGE 2 OF 29 DATE October 14, 1988 significant environmental impacts which were identified in the FEIR and related mitigation measures are summarized in the Town of Danville's Resolution No. 109-86 which is attached as Exhibit C. The District as a Responsible Agency has responsibility for mitigating or avoiding direct and indirect environmental effects on those parts of the project which it approves in this annexation. The parts of this project which the District will approve are the design of the sewer system for the subdivision which is to be built within the property to be annexed and the connection of the sewer system to the District's system. The District as a Responsible Agency shall not approve the project as proposed if the District finds any feasible alternative or feasible mitigation measures within its powers that would substantially lessen or avoid any significant effect the project would have on the environment. To complete its consideration of the environmental effects, the Board must make findings pursuant to District CEQA Guidelines Sections 7.12 and 7.14 regarding each significant impact identified in the FEIR and whether each significant impact has been eliminated, substantially lessened, or properly mitigated. Staff's proposed CEQA findings are attached as Exhibit D. After adopting the proposed findings, the Board should order that the Secretary of the District file a Notice of Determination as a Responsible Agency stating that the District considered the FEIR as prepared by the Town of Danville as required. The Board is to consider factors in deciding to approve or disapprove the proposed annexation. These factors are set forth as Exhibit E. Following its review, the Board shall adopt a resolution reflecting the appropriate action taken: 1. Certify that the Board has reviewed and considered the FEIR. 2. Approve the proposed annexation based upon a favorable result from the consideration of the factors set forth in Exhibit C. 3. Order the annexati on if no protest is received from the sol e property ow ne r . RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution which 1) certifies that the Board has reviewed and considered the FEIR prepared by the Town of Danville, 2) adopts the proposed fi ndi ngs of staff, 3) orders the Secretary of the Di stri ct to fi 1 e a Noti ce of Determination and 4) orders the territory annexed. --------.. 13028- 9/85 ~d/ e .. .. .. .. c i: w u ... C 0- 0 ;: .; .. .. ~ : . ~z- u c .. .. . .. .. " !! a.1~ ~ ~ ..~I u 0 u 0 0 c ~ c ~ u ~ 0 0 ~ .. c ~ 0 w .. c 0 c c 0 0 :: ~ ~ 0 .. .. ~ 0 .. N C ... .. " U .. C .. 0 w !! . D.A. 105 ~~~-=-~-~~~--- 3 of 29 ".N I !:illlll!j .:.:.:.:. ::::::::: ::::::::: .........: .........- .......... u . > .. ~ ~ ~ ;; ~ 4 of 29 PAGE OF PAGES EXHIBIT A CENlRAl CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT'S CEOA GUIDELINES Section 4.1 Lead Agency Concept (c) The determination of the Lead Agency of whether to prepare an ErR or a Negative Decl arati on shall be fi nal and concl usive for all persons, including Responsible Agencies, unless: (1) The decision is successfully challenged as provided in Section 21167 of the Public Resources Code, (2) Circumstances or conditions changed as provided in Section 11.3, or (3) A Responsible Agency becomes a Lead Agency under Section 4.3. Section 4.3 Shift in Lead Agency Designation (a) Where a Responsible Agency is called on to grant an approval for a project subject to GEOA for which another public agency was the appropriate Lead Agency, the Responsible Agency shall assume the role of the Lead Agency when any of the following conditions occur: (1) The Lead Agency did not prepare any environmental documents for the proj ect, and the statute of 1 imitati ons has expi red for a challenge to the action of the appropriate Lead Agency. (2) The Lead Agency prepared environmental documents for the project, but the following conditions occur: (A) A subsequent ErR is required pursuant to Section 11.3, (B) The Lead Agency has granted a fi nal approval for the proj ect, and (C) The statute of limitations for challenging the Lead Agency's action under CEQA has expired. (3) The Lead Agency prepared inadequate environmental documents without consulting with the Responsible Agency as required by Section 6.3 or 7.3, and the statute of limitations has expired for a challenge to the action of the appropriate Lead Agency. (b) When a Responsible Agency assumes the duties of a Lead Agency under this section, the time limits applicable to a Lead Agency shall apply to the actions of the agency assuming the Lead Agency duties. 5 of 29 Section 11.3 Subsequent EIR (a) Where an EIR or Negative Declaration has been prepared, no additional EIR need be prepared unless: (1) Subseq uent changes a re proposed in the proj ect wh i ch will require important revisions of the previous EIR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts not considered in a previous EIR or Negative Declaration on the proj ect; (2) Substanti al changes occur with respect to the ci rcumstances under which the project is undertaken, such as a substantial deterioration in the air quality where the project will be located, which will require important revisions in the previous EIR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts not covered in a previous EIR or Negative Declaration; or (3) New information of substantial importance to the project becomes available, and (A) The information was not known and could not have been known at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the Negative Declaration was adopted, and (B) The new information shows any of the following: 1. The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed previously in the EIR; 2. Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the EIR; 3. Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasi bl e woul din fact be feasi bl e and woul d substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project; and 4. Mitigation measures or alternatives which were not previously considered in the EIR would substantially lessen one or more significant effects on the environment. (b) If the EIR or Negative Declaration has been completed but the project has not yet been approved, the Lead Agency shall prepare or cause to be prepared the subsequent EIR before approving the project. (c) If the proj ect was approved pri or to the occurrence of the conditions described in subsection (a), the subsequent EIR shall be prepared by the public agency which grants the next discretionary approval for the project. In this situation no other Responsible Agency shall grant an approval for the project until the subsequent EIR has been completed. 6 of 29 EXHIBIT B (Excerpts from Environmental Impact Report-Warmington Homes Planned Development) 65 lsa WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT Settinq. The site is in an area served by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Sewage treatment is provided by the Pacheco sewage treatment plant. The plant's present rated capacity is 38 million gallons per day (mgd). Average dry weather flow is 35.1 mgd and peak monthly flow is 62 mgd (Dennis Hall, Central Sanitary District, personal communication). Plant improvements presently under construction will provide an addition- al 10 mgd of treatment capacity and are scheduled to be completed in late 1985 or early 1986. The District is presently in the planning stages of deter- mining the improvements necessary in the Danville trunk systems to handle cumulative impacts of development in the area. Potential Impacts. Development of the project would result in the need for treating an additional 98,350 gpd of wastewater, based on the District's factors of 100 gallons per person per day with an average family size of 3.5 7 of 29 66 lsa persons per residence (Dennis Hall, Central Sanitary District, personal communication). This total is approximately .25 percent of the plant's present capacity. The project woul d most 1 i kely be served by one of two trunk sewers located in Diablo Road. The largest sewer is a 21-inch line and is located on the west side of Diablo Road. This line has adequate capacity to handle the sewage generated by the project. A smaller 12-inch line is located closest to the proposed project on the east side of Diablo Road. If this line were to be used, upsizing of certain sections of the line that would reach capacity due to additional sewage generated by the development would be required. Ex- pansion or improvements needed in the existing collection system, and ex- tension of sewer facilities within the site property, would be paid for and constructed by the project developer. MitiQation Measures. The following measures are recommended to offset potential adverse impacts. 1. Any off-road sewer al ignment proposed to serve the project would requi re a geotechn i ca 1 report to the Di stri ct coveri ng the fo 11 ow- ing: geological setting of proposed alignment including soil and bedrock conditions and recommended setbacks from slides and creeks; stability or instability of selected sewer alignment; potential groundwater problems; effect of trenching on slope stability; erosion potential of soils around sewer lines near water courses; special backfill, trenching, or support methods that may be requir- ed; and recommended corrections if an instability problem exists or develops. . 2. The Central Sanitary District should be notified of the number and type of units approved for the project so that decisions regarding the appropriate sewer extensions can be made. T I 8 of 29 38 Central Contra Costa Sanitary DistricT Martinez. California 94553 r~. . [i(ij1. ~ 5019 Imhoff Place (<: 15) 689.3890 ROGER J. DOLAN G"ntraJ MAna~r C~iei E:t<JIM'cr \i;"J ,~(lC:: "l'''''' ~",Q", JAMES L. HAZARD Counwllor Ine Oisrnct (<is) 938.1= JOYCE E. McMr~LAN SrtcTttary of tnc Q;srn.:t November 12, 1985 ': '- ;...~ City of Danville 542 San Ramon Valley Blvd. Danville, CA 94526 ATTENTION: MR. RONALD ERNY, ASSOCIATE PLANNER Gentl ernen: DEV EL OPMENT REV IEW DRAFr ENVIRONM:NTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR WARMINGTON HO~S PLANNED DEVELOPMENT THOMAS BROS. LOC: lOOAl The following comments should be addressed in the final EIR/EIS: 4 1. The area is not I Di stri ct. Approval Commission and the required before sewer within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary of annexati on by the Local Agency Formati on Central Contra Costa. Sanitary District is service can be provided. 2. The proj ect sewer system shall be desi gned to operate under ~H'avitv flO'<<. The use of sewage pumps for individual lots will not be permitted unless it is economic~lly impractical to construct a main sewer to provide gravity service. .5 3. There shall be inserted in the body of the EIR or EIS the following statement: b "The additional sewage generated within this development w ill-together with other current and future developments invol vi ng conversion of open land or densification of land uses in the general area-- requi re improvement of the trunk sewer system and expansi on of the sewage treatment facilities of this District and the attendant greater use of energy with i n our criti cal ai r basi n. Avail ability of energy for sewage treatment and the additional atmospheric di scharges from treatment pl ant operati ons servi ng th is deve' opment o 9 of 29 39 Mr. Ronald Erny, Associate Engineer Nover.'.ber 12, 1985 Page 2 or land use, are subject to future but undefined limitations wh~ch may restri ct ~h i s development or deve! opments 1 n other areas 1 n the CCCSD service area because of the critical shortages of certain fuels and because of the critical nature of the air basin, Sewer facil ity capaciti es cannot be expanded to prov1 de for each development as it occurs and such expansions, when constructed, will necessarily provide excess capacity periodically and will have a growth inducing. potential. Therefore, this development must be regarded as having a growth inducing impact." 4. The current capacity of the District's treatment facilities is 38 million gallons per day (mgd) based on a secondary level of treatment. It shoul d be noted that the f1 ows from the proposed project will add to the cumulative increase in plant flow contributed by all new development .in the District. Based on a 1985 average dry weather daily flow rate of close to 36 mgd, it is apparent that the pl ant is operati ng at near authori zed di scha rge capacity. Because of this fact, it is important to emphasize that state, regional, and federal regulatory agencies may, at any time, put limitations on the number of new connections which can be made to .the District sewer system. 1 Therefore, no guarantee can be given that a sewer 'connection will be available for any development proposed in the future until treatment plant expansion construction is completed. If the cumulative effect of new development threatens to exceed the current authorized treatment pl ant capacity, additional sewer connections will be permitted on a discretionary basis. 8 Additional treatment plant capacity is currently under construction. Hydraulic capacity expansion is scheduled for completion in December, 1;85. Dissolved. flotation thickener is scheduled for complet~on in October, 1<;'86. The treatment plant capacity will be 45 mgd based on a secondary level of treatment when construction is compl eted. The 45 mgd treatment pl ant capacity shoul d be adequate until approximately the year 2000 based upon the 1985 F-SN!, population growth projections for District's existing boundary and sphere of influence. 10 of 29 40 Mr. Ronald Erny, Associate Planner November 12, 1985 Page 3 5. Standard Distr1ct policy requires that an eight-inch publ ic sewer must be extended to serve each parcel (residential or commercial lot, townhouse unit, condominium building, or apar"bnent complex as appropriate) to provide aravity. service. A ten-foot exclusive publ ic sewer easement must be established over the al ignment of any publ ic main not located within a publ ic road to provide access for future maintenance. 4 The Sanitary District must review and approve any construction plans involving work on the public sewer system. 6. This development is in an area which .is subject to the District's Hillside Sewer Policy (copy attached). The requirements of this Policy shall be followed when construction p'lans are prepared. The new sewer system shall be designed .with the maximum amount of pipe in st:-eets or easily accessible areas. 7. Capacity of the 12-inch and 21-inch lines shoul d be considered together because they are parallel lines in Diablo Road. The Sanitary District w111 perform a capacity study to determine if off~s1te improvements are required for the collection system. 10 Sincerely, ~71~ Jack H. Case Associate Engineer JHC:lh Attachment ,"" it ~(' 11 of 29 2 lsa Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District Comment #4: The area is not within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District: Approval of annexation by the Local Agency Formation Commission and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is required before sewer service can be provided. Response: The following sentence should be added to the third paragraph of the Wastewater Collection and Treatment Section of the Draft ErR: liThe site is not within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and approval of annexation by the Local Agency Formation Commission and. the DJstrict is required before sewer service can be provided." Comment #5: The project's sewer system should operate under gravity flow as opposed to requiring pumps for individual lots. Response: The following sentence should be added to page 66, Potential Impacts in the Wastewater Section of the Draft DIR: II The project sewer system shall be designed to operate under gravity flow. The use of sewage pumps for individual lots will not be permitted by the Contra Costa County Sanitary District unless it is economically impracti- cal to construct a main sewer to provide gravity service." Comment #6: Expandi ng the sewage collection and treatment system woul d affect surrounding areas and create cumulative and growth inducing impacts. Response: The following paragraph should be added to the Cumulative Impacts section, page 74 of the Draft EIR: "Sewer facility capacities cannot be expanded to provide for each development as it occurs and such expansions, when constructed, will necessar- ily provide excess capacity periodically and will have a growth inducing potent i a 1 . Therefore, th is development must be regarded as hav i ng a growth inducing impact." 12 of 29 3 Lsa Comment #7: The current capacity of the District's treatment facilities is 38 million gallons per day (mgd) based on a secondary level of treatment. It shoul d be noted that the flows from the proposed project wi 11 add to the cumulative increase in plant flow contributed by all new development in the District. Based on a 1985 average dry weather daily flow rate of close to 36 mgd, it is apparent that the plant is operating at near authorized discharge capacity. Because of this fact, it is important to emphasize that state, regional, and federal regulatory agencies may, at any time, put limitations on the number of new connections which can be made to the District sewer system. Response: The comment is informational. The discussion of treatment capacity and current flow on page 65 of the Draft EIR reflects this informa- tion. Comment #8: Additional treatment plant capacity is currently under construction. The 45 mgd treatment plant capacity should be adequate until approximately the year 2000 based upon the 1985 ABAG population growth projections for District's existing boundary and sphere of influence. Response: The following information on additional treatment plant capacity should be added to the second paragraph in the Wastewater Section on page 65 of the Draft EIR: "Additional treatment plant capacity is currently under construction. Hydraulic capacity expansion is scheduled for completion in December, 1985. Dissolved flotation thickener is scheduled for completion in October, 1986. The treatment plant capacity will be 45 mgd based on a secondary level of treatment when construction is completed. The 45 mgd treatment plant capacity should be adequate until approximately the year 2000 based upon the 1985 ABAG population growth projections for District's existing boundary and sphere of influence." Comment #9: This development is in an area which is subject to the District's Hillside Sewer Policy. The requirements of this Policy shall be followed when construction plans are prepared. The new sewer system shall be designed with the maximum amount of pipe in streets or easily accessible areas. Response: The following mitigation measure should be added to page 66 of the Draft EIR: "3. The project sponsor should comply with the District's Hillside Sewer Policy, and with standard District policy requiring than an eight-inch public sewer line must be extended to serve each parcel to provide gravity service." 13 of 29 4 Lsa Comment #10: Capacity of the 12-inch and 21-inch lines should be considered together because they are parallel lines in Diablo Road. The Sanitary District will perform a capacity study to determine if off-site improvements are required for the collection system. Response: The first full paragraph on page 66 of the Draft EIR should be revised to read: "The project would most likely be served by two existing sewer lines in Diablo Road, a 21-inch line and a 12-inch line. The District would perform a capacity study to determine if off-site improvements are required for this collection system. Expansion of improvements needed in the existing collection systemt and extension of sewer facilities within the site propertYt would be paid for and constructed by the project sponsor." ~ ~^'-,'-_..-.~_.-. -,~~_._.,_._---_....-._..._-_.~_.~- ----~.._,-~._.._.-,.,~--,..,.._.,.- ,,' --- ,.~,--,._".,_.. _.._---_..__..,_.__.....--_._,-----"_.._.._._~-_.~.,_._-.-...-.---- EXHIBIT C 14 of 29 CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 109-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE DANVILLE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFYING REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, MAKING FINDINGS WITH RESPECT TO SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS, AND ESTABLISHING MITIGATION MEASURES FOR REZONING OF THE WARMINGTONjRASSIER SITE FROM THE A-2 TO THE P-l ZONE DISTRICT (POD 85-4) WHEREAS, an environmental impact report (the "EIR") for WarminqtonjRassier Project (the "Project") was prepared by the City of Danville (the "City") pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code sections 21000 e.t sea.. and the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (14 Cal. Adm. Code Sections 15000 et. sea.. hereafter the ("State EIR Guidelines"); and WHEREAS, on October 8, 1985, the City forwarded the Draft Environmental Impact Report to the State Clearinghouse for distribution to those agencies which have jurisdiction by law with respect to the Project, and other interested persons and agencies, and sought the comments of such persons and agencies; and WHEREAS, notice of the completion of the Draft EIR was mailed to all interested persons and agencies and was published in the Valley Times on October 15, 1985; and WHEREAS, the Draft Environmental Impact Report was thereafter reviewed and supplemented to adopt changes suggested, to incorporate comments received, and the city's response to said comments, and as so revised and supplemented, a Final Environmental Impact Report was submitted to the City Council of the City of Danville; and WHEREAS, the Planning commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the Draft EIR on November 12, 1985, and all persons expressing a desire to comment thereon or object thereto having been heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on January 13, 1986 and March 10, 1986 considered the Final EIR, which includes the Draft EIR and the Revised Responses to Comments document, and recommended to the City Council that the Final EIR be certified; and WHEREAS, the City Council on November 17, 1986 considered the Final EIR including all comments received and the response thereto. 15 of 29 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE that: A. The city hereby finds and certifies that the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended ("CEQA"), and the State EIR Guidelines, and that the City has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR prior to making a decision on the Project. B. In accordance with Section 15091 of the state EIR Guidelines, the City finds that the project will have the following significant impacts and makes findings regarding their mitigation to acceptable levels: 1. Geology and Topography a. Impacts i. Proposed grading on the southwest limb of the Tassajara syncline would increase the potential for slope instability in the area. ii. Grading of the site resulting in exposed soil and cut slopes would increase erosion hazards. iii. Proposed cut and fill operations in the four slide areas identified as sections A through D on page 16 of the DEIR would result in significant changes in the stability of the affected slopes. iv. Ground water saturation of geologic material would reduce stability of surface deposits in areas that receive fill, especially gullies, swales, and steep slopes. v. Settlement of fill due to consolidation of fill material could result in damage to foundations and structures. b. Mitigation measures: i. Mitigation measures contained on pages 19 and 20 of the Draft EIR are hereby incorporated as conditions of project approval except as modified below. ii. The City finds that changes in project design have addressed a portion of the mitigation measures cited above. These mitiqation measures are deemed to have been satisfied through adoption of this resolution, specifically referencing proposed mitigation measures 1,2, and 3. 16 of 29 iii. Mitigation measure # 5 contained on page 26 of the Revised Responses to Comments document (comment #86) is hereby incorporated as a condition at project approval. . 2 . Drainage a. Impacts i. Bank erosion could damage properties located too close to streams. ii. storm runoff could cause sediment related problems resulting in blockage of flood control works as well as cosmetic damage to residential areas. iii. Water quality may be adversely affected by suspended sediment caused by runoff. b. Mitigation measures: i. Mitigation measures contained on pages 23 and 24 of the Draft EIR and on page 1 of the Revised Response to Comments document (comment 1) are hereby incorporated as conditions of project approval except as modified below. ii. Mitigation measure #3 in page 23 of the Draft EIR is revised to state that grading operations should be completed prior to October 15 rather than prior to the start of the rainy season. iii. Mitigation measure #7 contained on page 24 of the Draft EIR is amended to include the additional lanquage contained in page 6 of the Revised Response to Comments document (comment #18). iv. The mitigation measure contained on page 27 of the Revised Response to Comments document (comment #88) is hereby incorporated as a condition at project approval. 3. Vegetating and wildlife a. Impacts: i. Removal of oak trees and snags within the development portion of the site would eliminate a source of food, perch sites and nest sites for species associated with oak savannah and riparian woodland. ii. The existing stream bed would be altered resulting in the loss of oak and willow trees within the natural channel. 17 of 29 iii. wildlife associated with the riparian habitat would be largely eliminated. iv. Trees to be preserved in open space areas may sustain damage form grading operations. b. Mitigation measures: i. Mitigation measures contained on pages 30 and 32 of the Draft EIR are hereby incorporated as conditions of project approval except as modified below: ii. The city finds that Mitigation measure # 9 stated a page 32 of the DEIR is not appropriate due to changes in project design that lessen or eliminate the potential impact for which mitigation was recommended. iii. Mitigation measure #5 on page 32 of the Draft EIR revised to read: "A buffer zone averaging 50 feet wide should be ... II iv. The mitigation measure contained on page 26 of the Revised Response to Comments document (comment #86) is hereby incorporated as a condition at project approval. 4. Climate and Air quality: a. Impacts i. Normal construction activities will result in an increase in dust and suspended particles in the project area. ii. Vehicle use in the development will add to ozone and carbon monoxide levels in the immediate area. b. Mitigation Measures: Mitigation measures contained on page 37 of the Draft EIR are hereby incorporated as conditions of project approval. -_.,._-,--,--_._-_._.~_._.....".."..~-_._"~.,--_."_.._.~_._,--"--,-- 18 of 29 , ' 5. Noise: a. Impacts: i. Traffic noise generated by the development on adjacent roads would not exceed standard acceptable levels. ii. Residences along El Cajon, McCauley Road and Redondo Way would be disturbed by increased noise levels due to construction activities and use of heavy equipment. b. Mitigation Measures: The mitigation measure contained on pages 40 of the Draft EIR is hereby incorporated as a condition of project approval. 6. Visual Quality: a. Impacts: i. views of the project site would change from undeveloped hillsides and valley bottom to a residential subdivision. ii. The predominant two story nature of the proposed homes would contrast with the predominately one story homes in the existing subdivision. iii. The project will appear more dense than the surrounding subdivision due to the majority of the homes having two stories, and due to the inclusion of the patio homes. b. Mitigation measures: Mitigation measures contained on pages 52 and 53 of the Draft EIR are hereby incorporated as conditions of project approval. 7. Traffic and Circulation a. Impacts: i. Project traffic would increase the need for signals at Diablo Road/Camino Tassajara, Diablo Road/Green Valley Road and Diablo Road/El Cerro Boulevard intersections. ii. The increase in traffic due to development would pose safety problems to elementary school students using El Cajon Drive, McCauley Road and Diablo Road. 19 of 29 iii. site distances from driveways on proposed lots #74-76 located on "A" Drive could be limited. iv. The large number of intersections along "A" Drive could pose safety hazards due to traffic conflicts between turning vehicles and through traffic. v. The proposed 40 foot width of "A" Drive would not be adequate if parking were allowed on both sides of the street. vi. The increase in traffic due to development would contribute to the deterioration of level of service on the following street seqments: o El Cerro Blvd. between 1-680 and Diablo Rd. o Diablo Road between Camino Tassajara and El Cerro Blvd. o Diablo Road between El Cerro Blvd. and Green Valley Rd. b. Mitigation measures: i. Mitigation measures contained on pages 61 through 63 of the Draft EIR are hereby incorporated as conditions of project approval except as modified or supplemented below. ii. The City finds that extension of El Cajon Drive to intersect with McCauley Road would be disruptive to the existing residential neighborhood and that preventing such disruption outweighs the advantage of extending the street. iii. As a result of El Cajon Drive not being extended to intersect with McCauley Road, McCauley Road should be improved as a full two way street including parking, pedestrian, bicycle and landscaping improvements as determined by the city. iv. The project sponsor should contribute their share as determined by the City toward capacity related improvements along the following roadway seqments: 20 of 29 . I o Diablo Road between Camino Tassajara and El Cerro Boulevard. o El Cerro Boulevard between I-680 and Diablo Road. v. The project sponsor should be required to post a bond with the City for street repair and maintenance during project development. vi. Mitigation measure #5 on page 62 of the Draft EIR is amended to read, "Bicycle lanes and sidewalks should be provided along McCauley Road through the site and extending to Diablo Road to minimize potential safety problems". vii. Mitigation measure #7 on page 62 of the Draft EIR is revised to read, "Orientation of driveways for proposed lots 74-76 should take into account limited sight distances created by the curve at 'A' Drive in that location. viii. The mitigation measure contained on page 27 of the Revised Response to Comments document (comment #89) is hereby incorporated as a condition of project approval. 8. Water Service a. Impacts: Development of the project would require service from the Danville Pressure Zone for lots below 450 feet elevation, and Diablo Pressure Zone for lots between 450 and 650 feet in elevation. Water service to lots in the Diablo Pressure Zone is contingent on expansion in capacity of the water storage and distribution system. b. Mitigation measures: Mitigation measures contained on page 65 of the Draft EIR are hereby incorporated as condition at project approval. 9. Wastewater Collection and Treatment: a. Impacts: i. Development of the project would necessitate the treatment of additional wastewater by the Pacheco Sewage Plant, totalling approximately .25 percent of its present capacity. 21 of 29 . ' ii. Depending on which of two adjacent trunk sewers is utilized by the project enlargement of certain sections may be required. b. Mitigation measures: Mitigation measures contained on page 66 of the Draft EIR and on page 3 of the Revised Response to Comments document (comment #9) are hereby incorporated as conditions at project approval. l See ) EX~; bit 10. Fire Service: a. Impacts i. Existing equipment and manpower levels are sufficient to service the proposed project. ii. Proposed project location in a dry grass area raised concern about fire danger. b. Mitigation measures: Mitigation measures contained on pages 68 and 69 of the Draft EIR and on page 27 of the Revised Response to Comments document (comment #87) are hereby incorporated as conditions at project approval. 11. Police Services a. Impacts: i. The project would not have a direct impact on police manpower or equipment requirements. ii. Increases in theft and vandalism is expected on the project site during the construction period. b. Mitigation measure: The mitigation measure contained on page 67 of the Draft EIR is hereby incorporated as a condition of project approval. 12. Schools: a. Impacts: The estimated increase in school age children will cause additional pressure on the adjacent schools which are near or over-capacity now. b. Mitigation measures: i. The City finds that adoption of the mitigation measure contained on page 70 of the Draft EIR is not appropriate due to the specific nature of the mitigation measure, and due to uncertainty which currently exists statewide with regard to financing of permanent school facilities. 22 of 29 " ii. In lieu of the mitigation measure recommended in the Draft EIR, the project sponsor should be required to pay impact fees to the San Ramon Valley Unified School District in an amount determined by the School District to offset the projects impact on existing school facilities and/or to fund the construction of additional schools if needed. 13. No significant environmental impacts were identified, and consequently no mitigation measures are recommended for Gas and Electric Service, Telephone Services, and Solid Waste Disposal. c. Due to potential impacts identified in the EIR and concerns expressed during the public hearings of the Planning commission with regard to the project design, certain changes have been made in the proposed project design. These changes serve to satisfy a portion of the mitigation measures specified in paragraph B of this resolution and to lessen environmental impacts identified in the EIR. The city finds as follows with regard to the various changes: 1. Visual quality of the project will be enhanced due to a reduction in the height and extent of graded slopes throughout the development. 2. The creek and its riparian area will be enhanced by removing proposed lots from close proximity to its banks through a larger portion of the creek. A greater portion of the creek will be left in its current alignment accompanied by creek enhancement improvements. 3. Areas identified in the EIR as geologically unstable have been avoided and others have been redesigned to better respond to the geologic conditions. 4. The patio home area has been removed from the front portion of the site adjacent to the creek and has been relocated to a portion of the site further removed from the existing residential subdivision. In order to create the necessary area for development of the patio home neighborhood, the grading plan was modified resulting in a significant cut and fill area in the north central portion of the site. Potential impacts associated with this grading are as follows: a. Modification of the existing land from through both cut and fill may result in geologic instability in the area. 23 of 29 , \ b. Creation of an area of development in the lower portion of a valley may result in drainage impacts associated with upstream drainage and runoff from the adjacent slopes. c. The extent of the cut slope proposed may result in visual quality impacts resulting from the height and engineered appearance of the graded area. Mitigation measures cited in previous paragraphs of this resolution apply to these impacts and will result in their reduction to acceptable levels. D. Pursuant to Section 15091 of the State EIR Guidelines, the City finds that implementation of the project will have the following significant impacts which are unavoidable: 1. Permanent loss of open space, wildlife habitat value and native vegetation. 2. Deterioration of traffic conditions due to cumulative increases in traffic volumes. 3. Cumulative degradation of air quality and increased noise levels in Danville due to cumulative traffic volumes. 4. Short term effects such as the generation of dust and increased noise levels due to construction activities. 5. Temporary increase in stream sediment loads and creation of a permanent source for urban pollutants in surface runoff. Pursuant to Section 15093 of the State EIR Guidelines, the City finds as follows regarding the significant unavoidable environmental impacts: 1. The permanent loss of open space, wildlife habitat value and native vegetation is allowed to occur due to the fact that only 66 acres of the site is proposed for development with the remaining 242 acres to be maintained in permanent open space. Included in the permanent open space is a major ridgeline which is a major geographic feature visible throughout the region. 2. CUmulative deterioration of traffic conditions in the region is allowed to occur due to satisfaction of a portion of the regions housing needs, and due to conditions of development approval which require improvement of streets which serve the project, located primarily off-site, extending to 1-680. 1\ \ D. 24 of 29 3. CUmulative and short term effects related to degradation of air quality, increased noise levels, generation of dust due to construction activity, and temporary increases of stream sediment loads are allowed to occur due to the designation of the property for development since prior to incorporation of the City, the existence of developed properties immediately adjacent to the project and due to beneficial impacts resulting from the project related to traffic improvements to be funded by the project sponsor, preservation of a substantial portion of the site in open space, and the provision of housing for the community. Upon approval of the Project by the City Council, the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk of Contra Costa County pursuant to the provisions of Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code and the State EIR Guidelines adopted pursuant thereto. PASSES AND ADOPTED this 17th day of November, 1986 by the following vote: AYES: Counci1members: Kennett, Lane, McNeely, Offenhartz, Schlendorf None NOES: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: Counci1members: None ABSTAIN: Counci1members: kl1a 71t..i;~ctH Mayor f ATTEST: tJ~.AetJ( 4~ Clerk ~ PAGE 25 OF 29 PAGES EXHmIT 0 FINDINGS The following are proposed findings based on staff's review of the FEIR prepared and certified by the Town of Danville as the Lead Agency and review of Resol ution No. 109-86 of the Town of Danville regarding this proj ect. o The District has reviewed and considered the FEIR as prepared by the Town of Danville. o With the exception of sanitary service being provided by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in campl iance with the mitigation measures that are within the District's responsibility and jurisdiction, mitigation measures as shown in the Town of Danville's Resolution 109-86 are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of other public agencies and not the Sanitary District. o The Town of Danville's Resolution No. 109-86 and its enclosures/ attachments are incorporated herei n by reference and the Town of Danville's findings and determinations set forth in said Resolution, which are within District responsibility and jurisdiction, are adopted including statements of overriding considerations. o Each significant impact identified in the EIR and as shown in the Town of Danville's Resolution No. 109-86 has been eliminated, substantially lessened, properly mitigated, or deemed to be acceptable in view of the overriding benefits of the project. The Board has used discretion in determining that all significant effects on the envi ronment have been el imi nated or substanti all y lessened where feasible. o The determination of this proposal is in compliance with the mitigation measures that are within the District's responsibility and jurisdiction. o There are no alternative or mitigation measures within the District's powers that would substantially lessen or avoid any significant effect, or mitigate or lessen the direct or indirect environmental effects of providing Sanitary District services to the property to be annexed. PAGE 26 OF 29 PAGES EXHIBIT E FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED BY lHE BOARD 1. Whether the proposed annexati on will be in The best interest of landowners or present or future inhabitants within the District and within the territory proposed to be annexed to the District. 2. LAFCO's Resolutions 88-27 making the determination that the proposed annexation should proceed forward without notice and hearing by this Board (see Attachment 1). 3. Factors required by Government Code Section 56841 which were taken into consideration by LAFCO in making its determination to refer the proposed annexati on to our Di stri ct as the conducti ng authori ty. These factors are listed in Attachment 2. 4. Any other matters which the Board deems material to the decision to approve or disapprove the proposed annexation. The Board is not required to make any express findings concerning any of the factors considered by the conducting authority. -,--,_._-_._-----..----_.,--"-------,._------~...~"._._---_.'._.~-_.._--,_._~-,._.__._._------,--,-----_._- PAGE 27 OF 29 PAGES ATTA .:NT 1 RESOLUTION OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING PROPOSED RASSIER RANCH BOUNDARY REORGANIZATION (LAFC 88-27) The Local Agency Formation Commission finds: On June 20, 1988, a landowner petition was submitted to the Executive Officer of this Commission, making application for annexation of affected territory to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) and East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD); and At the times and in the form and manner provided by law, said Executive Officer gave notice of public hearing by this Commission upon said application; and The Executive Officer reviewed said application and prepared the Executive Officer Report including his recommendations therein; said application and report were presented to and considered by this Commission, the Executive Officer noting that all of the owners of affected land have given their written consent to the proposal and; The public hearing by this Commission was held on September 14, 1988 at the time and place specified in the notice of pUblic hearing; and At said hearing, this Commission heard and considered all oral and written protests, objections and evidence presented or filed, and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard in respect to any matter relating to said application and report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED that: Section 1. It is hereby certified that the Commission has reviewed and considered the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) prepared by the Town of Danville acting as Lead Agency, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, for environmental review of the SUbject project. Section 2. The Commission hereby incorporates Danville City Council Resolution No. 109-86 herein by this reference and adopts the City Council's findings and determinations as set forth in said resolution, that are within Commission responsibility and juris- diction. This includes the statements of overriding considerations regarding the significant unavoidable environmental impacts. Section 3. The Commission hereby finds that mitigation measures specified by the FEIR are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of agencies other than this Commission. Section 4. The proposal is assigned the designation of "Rassier Ranch Boundary Reorganization (LAFC 88-27) and the affected territory is legally uninhabited. Section 5. The proposed reorganization is hereby approved SUbject to conditions that 1) the boundary of affected territory shall be as set forth in attached Exhibit "A", and 2) such territory shall be subject to ordinances, rules, regulations, bonded indebtedness and contractual obligations of CCCSD and EBMUD. Section 6. Pursuant to Government Code Section 56029(f), the Sanitary Board of CCCSD is hereby designated as the conducting authority; pursuant to Government Code Section 57000, said Sanitary Board is hereby directed to initiate proceedings for the proposed reorganization in compliance with this resolution; and pursuant to Government Code Section 56837, said Sanitary Board is hereby authorized to conduct such proceedings without notice and hearing. Section 7. The Executive Officer is hereby directed to mail certified copies of this resolution in the manner and as provided in Section 56853 of the Government Code. PAGE 28 OF 29 PAGES Resolution LAFC -27 PASSED AND ADOPTED on September 14, 1988 by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Longshore, Miladinovich, Torlakson, Uilkema and Fahden NOES: None I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and adopted by said Commission on the date afore- said. Dewey E. Mansfield Executive Officer ~) -Me~~ Staff Analyst By: DEM:JJM:ap Attachment Distribution: Roger Dolan, General Manager; CCCSD Jay MCCoy, Construction Division Manager; CCCSD Bill Gregory, Real Property Specialist; CCCSD Jerome B. Gilbert, General Manager; .EBMUD Paula E. Malcom, Secretary of the District; EBMUD Roger Ranuio, Manager of New Business; EBMUD George sipel, City Manager; Town of Danville Joseph Calabrigo, Danville Planning Director Bruce Kern, Deputy Executive Officer, Alameda LAFCO Jeffrey E. McClung, Dividend Development Corp. .PAGE 29 OF 29 PAGES .TT ACHMENT NO. 2 FACTORS REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT CODE 56841 WHIQ-f WERE CONSIDERED BY LAFCO (a) Population, population density; land area and land use; per capita assessed valuation; topography, natural boundaries, and drainage basins; proximity to other populated areas; the likelihood of significant growth in the area, and in adjacent incorporated and unicorporated areas, during the next 10 years. (b) Need for organized community services; the present cost and adequacy of governmental services and control s in the area; probable future needs for those services and controls; probable effect of the proposed incorporation, formation, annexation, or exclusion and of alternative courses of action on the cost and adequacy of services and control s in the area and adj acent areas. "Services," as used in this subdivision, refers to governmental services whether or not the services are services which woul d be provided by local agencies subject to this division, and includes the public facilities necessary to provide those services. (c) The effect of the proposed action and of alternative actions, on adjacent areas, on mutual social and economic interests, and on the local governmental structure of the county. (d) The conformity of both the proposal and its anticipated effects with both the adopted commission policies on providing planned, orderly, efficient patterns of urban development, and the pol icies and priorities set forth in Government Coae Section 56377. (e) The effect of the proposal on maintaining the physical and economic integrity of agricultural lands, as defined" by Government Code Secti on 56016. (f) The definiteness and certainty of the boundaries of the territory, the nonconformance of proposed boundaries with lines of assessment or ownership, the creation of islands or corridors of unicorporated territory, and other similar matters affecting the proposed boundaries. (g) Consistency with city or county general and specific plans. (h) The sphere of influence of any local agency which may be applicable to the proposal being reviewed. (i) The comments of any affected local agency. . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Astrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING DEFICIENT SEWER FACILITIES IN MARTINEZ, ORINDA, PLEASANT HILL, AND WALNUT CREEK, (DISTRICT PROJECT 4327) AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE October 12 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Replacement of Existing Deficient Sewer Facilities Project at sites in Martinez, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, and Walnut Creek and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: This project included the replacement of existing deficient sewer facilities at four sites in the District, described in more detail on Attachment 1 and in the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget on Page CS-48. V & M Backhoe of Pittsburg was issued a Notice to Proceed on July 25, 1988. Two change orders were issued on the project to delete three sewer reconnections at Warren Street, Martinez, and to relocate a drainage ditch at Sleepy Hollow Lane, Orinda. The original contract completion date of September 23, 1988, was extended to October 7, 1988, due to the extra time required for the District to resolve a surface drainage problem at the Sleepy Hollow Lane site and for the contractor to complete the extra work. All contract work was completed prior to the new completion date. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. A detailed accounting of the project cost will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the Replacement of Existing Deficient Sewer Facilities Project in Martinez, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, and Walnut Creek (District Project 4327) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION T,q-t 1302A-9/85 T AT RSK INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ta;k Page 2 of 2 ATTACH~NT 1 REPLACE~NT OF DEFICIENT SEWER FACILITIES DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4327 PROJECT DESCRIPTION SITE A - Warren Street, Martinez The work at this site consisted of the relocation of five 4-inch private side sewers to connect to an 8-inch public sewer in Warren Street, and the installation of approximately 100 feet of 8-inch publ ic sewer and a new manhole in Grandview Avenue. Six private side sewers were relocated so that they now connect to this new 1 ine. Extensive work was requi red on a number of private resi denti allots. SITE B - Sleepy Hollow, Orinda This work consisted of the installation of 166 feet of 6-inch public sewer and one manhole. The construction now provides an access point (manhole) in a public street where mechanical cleaning equipment can be used to clean several hundred feet of downstream line, thereby avoiding the need to enter private property with hand-operated equipment. SITE C - Sunset Road, Pleasant Hill The work consisted of the abandonment of the existing sewer line and the construction of approximately 265 feet of parallel 8-inch sewer main in the paved roadway. Five existing side sewers were reconnected to the new public main. SITE D - Arbutus Court, Walnut Creek The work consisted of the abandonment of an existing 4-inch lateral and the construction of approximately 240 feet of new 4-inch system which tied into a new manhole installed over an existing 6-inch sewer main. . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Octo be r 20, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 10 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE ClOSE OUT OF THE FURNACE CONTROL ROOM PHASE I AND II PROJECT (DP 3694.5) AND THE OVERALL INCINERATOR REPAIRS AND MODIFICATION PROJECT AND RETURN $8,300 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM BUDGET DATE October 14, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUI3.MITTED I;lY C k Kenneth 1 a r Assistant Engineer J,tIIITI,I\ TING DI;PT./DI.\I. cnglneerlng uepartment/ Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the construction of the Furnace Control ~Phase I and II Project and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The subject project is the last of a series of contracts within the overall Incinerator Repairs and Modifications Project authorized by the Board of Di rectors on August 1, 1984. The work on the control room proj ect was performed in two phases. Phase I i ncl uded the constructi on of a new control room and adjoining locker/shower room facll ity. Under Phase II a new graphics panel, control consol e, auxi li ary control panel s, and state-of-the-art programmabl e controllers were installed and existing furnace controls were relocated into the new control room. Pacific Mechanical Corporation was issued a Notice to Proceed on January 30, 1986. The original contract completion date was November 26, 1986. All work was substanti all y compl eted by the Contractor on J ul y 21, 1987. Appropri ate time extensions were negotiated with the Contractor as a result of changes in the contract scope, change orders, extra work, and rel ated issues. The project was accepted by the Board on August 20, 1987. Since that time the Contractor has developed and modified approximately 175 record drawings depicting the furnace control operations. The completion of these record drawings was the Contractor's last contractual obligation. The Furnace Control Room Phase I and II original construction contract was for $534,700. A total of 13 change orders, totaling $37,203, were issued for changes to the control room, control wi ri ng, furnace fuel switchi ng val ves, and programmabl e control 1 ers. The total contract amount pai d to the Contractor was $571,903. The project to repair and modify the District's two multiple hearth furnaces started with a facilities plan study in mid-1982 with final operational start-up in 1984. Soot ash system modifications, access modifications, fuel gas modifications, miscellaneous electrical/instrumentation work, bottom ash system modifications, and other alterations to make the furnace system operational were completed under various previous contracts in conjunction with work by District forces. This highly successful project gave the treatment process a cost effective and flexible solids handling system. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI~./DIV. Jljj ~ JAJ 1302A-9/85 KC MH RSK JSM RAB SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE ClOSE OUT OF THE FURNACE CONTROL ROOM PHASE I AND II PROJECT (DP 3694.5) AND THE OVERALL INCINERATOR REPAIRS AND MODIFICATION PROJECT AND RETURN $8,300 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM BUDGET POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE October 14, 1988 It is now appropriate to close out the overall project along with this final project. The total budget for the overall Incinerator Repairs and Modifications Project was $4,830,783; with a total cost for the project of $4,822,483. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $8,300 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program Budget. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. --------- 13028-9/85 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETI~ober 20, 1988 sUOfRECT STAFF TO SEWRE THE SERV ICES CF AN ARBIlRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTIa.E III. SECTION 3.3.B & 3.4.B CF THE tEMOfWI)UM OF UNDERSTANHtI; BElWEEN CENlRAL. CONlRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT AN:> THE EJR.OYEES' ASSOCIATION. PUBLIC EMPlOYEES' LOCAL. NO. 1 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 DPQCtober 5, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the i5'i5trict and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local No. One (Local 11), the Board must employ an arbitrator to render a recommendation when disciplinary actions are appealed to the Board 1 evel . BACKGROUND: Mr. Rob Ramsay, Maintenance Crew Leader, Collection System Operations Department, has refused to shave his beard and be fit tested for respirator use as requi red by Di strict Safety Di rective 7.1. The matter was handl ed under the discipline provisions of the current Memorandum of Understanding between the parties. Mr. Ramsay was dissatisfied with the Hearing Officer's decision and has exercised his appeal rights. Accordingly, he has appealed to the Board of Directors under Article III, Section 3.3.B and 3.4.B of the current M.O.U. which reads, in part, as follows: "B. Appeal to Board of D1rec'tors Permanent employees dissatisfied with the Hearing Officer's decision, only in matters rel ating to suspension, reduction in rank or payor dismissal, may appeal to the Board of Directors pursuant to the procedures set forth herein. 3 .4 APPEAl A. General An employee, except as provided in Sections 4-410, 4-411, 4-412, and 4-415 in Chapter 4 of the District Ordinance COde, may appeal the Hearing Officer's decision by appeal ing to the Board via fll ing a written request for hearing with the Secretary of the District within five (5) working days of receipt of the Hearing Officer's decision. The Secretary shall cal endar the matter at the next regul arly schedul ed Board Meeting in keeping with established guidelines for calendaring an agenda item. B. Board Shall Des1gna'te Represen'ta't1ve to Hear Appeal The Board shall employ a neutral third party to hear the appeal and to recommend action to the Board. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT DIRECT STAFF TO SECURE THE SERV ICES OF AN ARBIlRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTIQ.E III. SECTION 3.3.B & 3.4.B OF THE M:MORAN>UM OF UNlERSTANHt(2 BElWEEN CENlRAL CONlRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND THE EMPlOYEES' ASSOCIATION. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' LOCAL NO. 1 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE Octobe r 5, 1988 c. Adop't or Modify R8COIIIIIlenda'tion The Board may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of the Board-appointed neutral third party. The decision of the Board is the final action of the District." At the September 27, 1988 Board Personnel Committee Meeting, this situation was discussed. The Committee was briefed on the likelihood that this matter would be in adv i sory arb itrati on. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to secure the services of an arbitrator according to the M.O.U. process in the matter of the appeal of Mr. Rob Ramsay. 1.....-------.. 13026-9/85 to{tf/as ...12=>:' ~E "BoAK-b O~ hr(?E~dDf($ U 1 Ii .' \t\"6 S EC- KET 1\ ,~. 'f ,r.:;:;: Tl-!. € j) )'S-.re.I q :!: A M b rs St:.T\S f. ~nE:V Lv \T~ ~t: H E,~~'i~':_1 ,1.,)6 I I.. .~\C-EK5 l>SC\,;\()}J. '1: I~~\ APreALLoJ6 ..T~E- Nf~ARJNG DFffGEI $ b6CJS/OIV isy A/PEA Cl. /lJ G To TNE l~A~ V/~ n' /5 / J \;// I ....,.......-n-. / r> F;/.,) , ; J~~~''<: "'_ f-':,J("_ I.../t~;': A' ):'j 1...,6, ...v""'/f'...-~ I I r::/.",r~'-----rv"-"-' _ '-- '- ~ "t..r~F'" 't <;/N~<-t ~~JJ{d'~ J<.~13 l?-AJA5~Y 202'3 $>-:>clJ 1'./6 iUA <-r C/IJc./Ji!.fJ I' CA {}/,J t::7/\ I y..- ~ fRUeClEaVIED OCT 41988 CCCSD lR~~!:TARYOF1W: r::"1~!"'" ... , . Centra~ ":ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1988 NO. IV. DATE October 17, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION CONSENT CALENDAR 12 SUBJECT APPROVE ATTENDANCE OF RIOiARD BOYlAN, VEHIQE AND EQUIPMENT M:OiANIC AT AIR BRAKE TRAINING SCHOQ IN RENO, NEVADA, OCTOBER 24-28, 1988 APPROVE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Yvonne Brown, Administrative Secretary Collection System Operations Department ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for out-of-state travel. BACKGROUND: Ai r operated brakes are used on many of the Di strict's heavy vehicles. In-house maintenance expertise is needed to adequately service vehicles with air brake systems. Bendix Heavy Vehicle Systems has scheduled an "Air Brake Training School" to be held on October 24-28, 1988 in Reno, Nevada. This 5-day training school is designed to instruct mechanics in the maintenance and repair of air brakes in heavy trucks. The curriculum includes the fundamental s of compressed ai r, and the operati on and serv ice of maj or ai r brake components. Richard Boylan, Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic, in the Vehicle and Equipment Section has been scheduled to attend this class. The cost for this fiv~day training is estimated to be $475 (including transportation, lodging and meals). Funds are available in the Collection System Operations Department 1988-89 Account for Technical Training, Conferences and Meetings. REOOMtE~DATION: Approve attendance of Richard Boylan, Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic, at Air Brake Training School on October 24-28, 1988 in Reno, Nevada. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JL INITIATING DEPT./DIV ~ 8- 1302A-9/85 Y B d~ . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ...,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE OF 7 NO. VII. PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT DATE ADOPT A NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR ENGINEERING SUPPORT SUPERVISOR S-70 ($3,149-$3,812) AND DELETE THE OLD CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR ENGINEERING SUPPORT SUPERVISOR S-68 ($3,000-$3,633) Octob TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL Division Mana er Department Division ISSUE: Board approval is required for adopting a new class description for Engineering Support Supervisor. BACKGROUND: In June the Engineering Support Supervisor in the Engineering Division was promoted to Engineering Assistant in the Construction Division. With the position being vacated and new responsibilities being added to the position, i.e. the implementation of a $1.5 million automated mapping/computer-aided design (AM/CAD) system, a decision was made to re-examine the job classification and salary range for the position. The main responsibility of the Engineering Support Supervisor is the supervision of the staff that performs mapping, design drafting, and as-built preparation for the District. In addition, the supervisor also oversees the graphics and printing activities within the District. In order to successfully implement the new AM/CAD system, the Engineering Support Supervisor will also need a working knowledge of the hardware and software associated with the AM/CAD system. Because of the concern about the new AM/CAD duties and responsibilities for the position, Ralph Anderson and Associates was retained by the District to conduct a classification and compensation review of the Engineering Support Supervisor's position (see Attachment I). The Anderson review recommended that, due to the addition of an AM/CAD system and to ensure a 15 percent differential over subordinate classifications, the Engineering Support Supervisor classification be changed from range S-68 ($3,000-$3,633) to range S-70 ($3,149-$3,812) and the class description be modified (see Attachment II). The report also suggested that it may be difficult to fill the Engineering Support Supervisor position with an individual competent in not only the engineering aspects of the job, i.e. as-built preparation, mapping, drafting, AM/CAD, but also the graphics and printing aspects of the job. It was, therefore, suggested that consideration be given to transferring the graphics and printing functions to the Administrative Department since these functions are District-wide services, and it is not uncommon to find such services under an Administrative Department. After review of the Anderson report, staff concluded that the increase in the salary range from S-68 to S-70 is appropriate and that the transfer of the printing and graphics functions to the Administrative Department take place. This change was discussed with the Board Personnel Committee on September 27, 1988. The salary range and job responsibilities proposed to the Committee at that time are the same as presented herein; however, the education and experience required has been REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. :o~W f!/J$ SUBJECT ADOPT A NEW CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR ENGINEERING SUPPORT SUPERVISOR S-70 ($3,149-$3,812) AND DELETE THE OLD CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR ENGINEERING SUPPORT SUPERVISOR S-68 ($3,000-$3,633) POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 7 DATE October 17, 1988 refined based on discussion with other agencies. The Engineering and Administrative departments will transfer the printing and graphics functions upon Board approval of this item. RECOMMENDATIONS: Delete the class description for Engineering Support Supervisor Range S-68, and adopt the new class description for Engineering Support Supervisor with Range S-70. 13028- 9/ 85 ~ ., . (~ Ralph Andersen. & Associates 1446 Ethan Way Suite 101 Sacramento. CA 95825 (916) 929-5575 3860 West Northwest Highway Suite 230 Dallas. TX 75220 (214) 956.7097 September 16, 1988 TO: Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Nancy Nitt1er, Senior Consultant FROM: SUBJECT: Compensation Review of Engineering Support Supervisor This memo outlines our findings and recomendations after reviewing the classification of Engineering Support Supervisor. STUDY SCOPE AND PROCESS Ralph Andersen & Associates was retained by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to conduct a classification and compensation review of the Engineering Support Supervisor classification to determine whether there were any new duties or responsibilities which would necessitate a higher salary range for the position. The analysis included a review of current class specifications, back- ground documentation and an interview with Dave Williams. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Engineering Support Supervisor is currently responsible for engineering support services including drafting, as-built updates, graphics, mapping, and printing services. A concern was expressed that the future addition of a Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) system might require a higher salary for the classification. Because of the addition of this system and to ensure a 15% differential over subordinate classifications, it is recol1111ended that the Engineering Support Supervisor classification be moved to range S70. '. ....~ Mr. Pau'l Mor$en Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page Two Based upon our experience, it does not appear that the District will have any future recruitment problems with the position since most individuals filHng the position would probably have the capabili- ties to use CAD systems. A concern was also expressed regarding the organizational structure of the services under the position. In the past it has been diffi- cult to recruit individuals with the technical expertise to effi- ciently supervise the printing services. section and, to a lesser extent, the graphics section. It is difficult to recruit qualified individuals who are familiar with all five support services. The District might want to consider placing the printing services in another department or divisi'on. Based upon our experience with other public agencies, it is typical to find print shop sections under an administrative department, since they are an agency-wide service and are not specific to one department or division. The District also might want to consider adding another supervisory or senior level position to the support services section with the cur- rent position being responsible for mapping, drafting and as-built services and the new position being responsible for graphics and printing services. These lIspecializedll sections would enable the District to recruit more qualified individuals, since the organiza- tional structure would more closely resemble that of other agencies. I woul d happy to di scuss these recommendati ons wi th you at your earliest convenience. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: 10/6/88 Range: MSG-70 ENGINEERING SUPPORT SUPERVISOR DEFINITION Plan, supervise, coordinate, and administer the activities of subordinate staff responsible for providing technical support services to the Di stri ct' sengi neeri ng functi ons. (-9UCIr-as-rnef)f)1ftgJ-~~-rl'g)-1'1""r-M-tn9' a.n4-gr-a.p.A.i-Gs-w.or~). Support services incl ude drafting. pel"llanent records such as .apping and as-builts. and design drafting. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general superv i si on from hi gher 1 evel professi onal or management personnel. Exercise direct and indirect supervision over subordinate technical personnel. EXNA..ES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the foll ow i ng: Pl an, superv i se, and coordi nate engi neeri ng support work performed by subordinate staff including design drafting services. Receive and act on requests for services from various District departments and divisions. Assi gn pri oriti es and schedul e the work of subordi nates, based upon the nature of current projects and short-range timing needs. Confer with superv i sory and management personnel to di scuss work activities and priorities; prepare reports as required. Evaluate and recommend ways to improve productivity. Respond to technical and difficult questions from subordinates regarding HRa-p'~~~-aA-&) pennanent records drafti ng work. Work with representatives from outside publ ic agencies, such as County Public Works, County Planning, and County Assessor's Office, on ~~~~g) permanent record questions or issues. Initiate changes required to be made in District ("1ft81)9--6"tl--p'I"6'~"'ty- ~d6~~~~.r permanent records by use of Automated Mapping/Computer Aided Design. ~e~S&e-~-~~~~~-~p'r-~ts-~~~~e~Sr-S&~~Sr-e~Q-e~~t~~Sr~ Assist in budget preparation for engineering support function. CENlRAL CONlRA CX>STA SAN ITARY DISlRICT Engineering Support Supervisor (Continued) Maintain an inventory of appropriate supplies and materials. Train and develop subordinates in the principl es of engineering design drafting and the operation and maintenance of Auto.ated Mapping/Computer Aided Design equi~nt. Supervise ~1-ft)- and evaluate subordinate technical staff. Perform related duties as required. OUAlIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles, practices, methods, and techniques used in mapping, ~~~--~~~---~~---~pa~h4es---~pe~apa~~e~r) as-built preparation, engineering and drafting. Eq ui pment, tool s, materi al s, and suppli es used in assi gned engineering support functions. Mathemati cal trigonometry, drafti ng. Autanated Mapping/Computer Aided Design. principles and concepts of algebra, geometry, and their application to mapping and engineering (~1-M--5hop--eq-t.ti-pnteMr~-and-~~.-) Basic surveying, hydraulicsJI IleChanical and electrical principles and pract ices as they rel ate to the desi gnJl lIappi ngJl and as-buil t docu.entation of sewerage facilities. Principles, practices, and techniques of supervision. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assi gnments. Design drafting as it applies to sewerage facilities design. Ability to: Plan, supervise, coordinate, and review the work of technical engineering support personnel. Deal with complex and difficult mapping and drafting issues and probl ems. Interpret maps, bl uepri nts, constructi on pl ans, di agrams, sketches, and survey notes. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Support Supervisor (Continued) Trai n others in the proper appl icati on of f-drll:fttng--e.m:t--gra-piTi-es- eq-Ij'~) AutOllated Mapping/Computer Aided Design Syst.s. c.ov.e.r-see. -aM -a4'A- 'J..A. i-st-e-r- ..p.r- 'J..A.t- -snop. -S&P.'-"J.Ge.s. -and- ~ 'W- i-t-i-es-.-) Prepare and maintain a variety of reports, records, and related documents. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Develop, use, and train others in the c~plex Autc.ated Mapping/Computer Aided Design Computer programs and equipment. Learn and observe all appropri ate safety precauti ons as req ui red by the District including, but not limited to, Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the Di stri ct' s Respi ratory Protecti on Program. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qual ifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abil ities would be: Experience: '-lw-o. -~Qi ~.-.d - -expe.r-i..ence.. -e;:om.pa.J:a.b.l-Q. - to - tR .t-.d -..an.. -~ng:t..A9&.r-~ ~ i-G- 'J..a.A. - -1,,;[,,;[- - 4 -FI- -1;~e - .o.'J..6:t.f'I-i-Gt.,... - -f~ ~ -A.g- -selfle - -su.pe.r-y- i-sGr-:y- 6*p&r-1-eoo&.-).. Five years of experience co.parable to that of an Engineering Technician III including experience in sewerage facilities design and mapping, cOllputer-a1ded mapping and drafting, prograani ng and operation of N41CNl systMs. Two of the five years to be in a supervisory role. Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade supp19llented by college level courses in surveying, so11s IleChan1cs, and hydraulics. Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering or a closely related field is desirable. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California Driver's License.