HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-21-88 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary, .iistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J ul 21, 1988 NO. III. PAGE 1 OF 2 CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH TRANSITION PROPERTIES 00. (ROBERT FERREIRA), SIDNEY FRANK ET UX, AND MICHAEL S. PEISER, JOB 1590, PARCEL 36, IN THE DANVILLE AREA DATE J ul y 13, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: The property owners have requested permi ssi on to install a concrete sidewalk and a six foot high concrete block wall trash enclosure with wooden gate over a portion of a District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The subject improvements are requi rements of the city of Danville pursuant to issuing a building permit. The property owner has paid the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. Staff -has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need shoul d arise, the agreement requi res the property owner to remove the improvements at the owner's expense within 30 days of notice to do so or bear the District's extraordinary costs. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with Transition Properties Co., et al, Job 1590, Parcel 36, authorize the Presi dent of the Board of Di rectors and the Secretary of the Di strict to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1J({y f/;tJ JSM f/) o~ JL INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 DH R B ~\~ ~ ,,~ if- ~~ ~ VI (f' 'v\~ <Sy '< ~ 't/ G:' ~ >-% ~-s:: ~~ y ~<) <:: ~~ C?o --z.- ~ ~.>- ~ ~ <:'"", '\ ~ "'Y< < REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT Job 1590 Parcel 36 Danville Area ~ "'Y~A ~ ~ ~ . . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF July 21, 1988 NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE WET WEATHER HYDRAULIC CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 20042) AND RETURN $213,760 TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM BUDGET DATE July 15, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMIUED BX Ken L;lark Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the construction of the Wet Weather Hydraulic Capacity Improvements Project and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: In February, 1986, severe rainstorms generated more wastewater flow than the treatment pl ant system coul d adequatel y accommodate. Duri ng peak flow times, untreated wastewater, which could not be processed in a timely manner th rough the primary cl ar1fiers, was di scharged to overflow hol di ng basi ns along with primary treated wastewater. On two occasi ons thi speak flow conditi on necessitated partial throttling of the influent gates to the plant which contrib- uted to the upstream backup of sewage in the collection system of Pleasant Hill. The recently completed wet weather hydraulic capacity improvements allow for a quicker and more efficient flow circulation within the treatment plant during peak flow times. The improvements are al so expected to mi nimize the potenti al for upstream collection system backups. The project is described in the 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget starting on Page TP-29~ Stacy and Witbeck, Inc., was issued a Notice to Proceed on May 6, 1987. The original contract completion date was December 2, 1987. All work was substanti all y compl ete by January 22, 1988. Appropri ate time extensi ons were negotiated with the Contractor as a result of extra work and related issues. The project was accepted by the Board on February 18, 1988. The Contractor's original construction contract was for $1,273,100. The total contract amount pai d to the Contractor was $1,282,435.61. There were 14 change orders totaling $9,335.61 issued for extra work associated with interferences of unrecorded utilities, upsizing the capacity of the drainback pumps, and providing additional concrete for erosion protection. The total budget for this project was $1,885,949. The total completed project cost is $1,672,189, which is $213,760 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $213,760 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program Budget. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. !IJfJ HIEF ENG. .2:; ~Ul1 1el fl/ A1 L 1302A-9/85 KC MH RSK JSM RAB . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF July 21, 1988 NO. V. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT DATE July 18, 1988 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH CH2M HILL FOR THE DESIGN OF THE HALL DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, DP 4331 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMllJao S~ Pilecki Associate Engineer INITIt;Tr't'g1.R.'lfJt'ilr'{g Depar tmen t Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement and/or amendment to a consulting engineering agreement when it is greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The existing Hall Drive sewer was installed in 1952 along a creekbank. Subsequent to its installation, decks, riprap, pools, miscellaneous improvements, and in one case an existing home were constructed over the pipeline alignment. The Collection System Operations Department has identified that the Hall .Drive sewer between Queensbrook Place and Moraga Way is in extremely poor structural condition. Extensive root intrusion has compounded the problem. In 1986, the sewer experienced an overflow to the creek which resulted in a resident filing a complaint with the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The improvement project has been divided into two phases. The first phase will divert the majority of the flow in the existing 6-inch sewer into a new 3,000-foot long main in Hall Drive. The second phase will involve developing an improvement project to service approximately 20 homes that cannot be served by the new main due to their physical location. The Hall Drive Sewer Improvements Project is described in detail starting on page CS-51 of the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget. Following a formal request for proposals, CH2M Hill was selected to design Phase I and complete the facilities planning and preliminary design for Phase II. CH2M Hill has extensive experience in sewer rehabilitation technology and in designing small diameter sewer systems. A cost reimbursement agreement has been negotiated with CH2M Hill with a cost ceiling of $76,547. The total project cost is estimated at $920,000 to $1,526,000. The range in cost is due to the uncertainty as to the recommended alternative for serving the 20 homes previously mentioned. The project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) since it involves the alteration of existing utility facilities with negligible or no expansion of capacity (District CEQA Guidelines Section l8.2(b)). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the agreement with CH2M Hill for the Hall Drive Sewer Improvements Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 CWS DRW RAB J)~ . Centra.. ~ontra Costa Sanitar\ ')istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETI~tJfy 21, 1988 SUBJECT ADOPTION OF LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS FOR SETTING OF REFUSE COLLECTION RATES; AND ADOPT RESOLUTIONS ESTABLISHING THE REFUSE COLLECTION RATES FOR V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT; ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC.; AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL PAGE 1 OF NO. V II. SOL 10 WASTE 1 DATE July 14,1988 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT FINDINGS SUBMITTED BY James L. Haz ard INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: On July 7, 1988, the Board set refuse collection rates and directed 1egis"lative findings consistent with its determinations be prepared. Legi sl ative findi ngs have been prepared and are presented for Board adopti on. Resolutions establishing the rates have been prepared and are presented for Board adopti on. BACKGROOND: As a result of a pub1 ic hearing held on July 6, 1988, the District on July 7, 1988, set rates for refuse collection by Valley Waste Management, Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal. Board direction was given to staff to prepare legislative findings in accord with Board comments. Such legislative findings along with the Resolutions establishing the co"11ection rates have been prepared and are presented to the Board for review and adoption. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt .iegis"tative findings and direct said findings be filed by the Secretary of the District with the administrative record of the 1988 refuse collection rate-setting process and adopt Resolutions establishing the refuse collection rates for Valley Waste Management; Orinda-Moraga Disposal, Inc.; and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 JLH NG ~./DIV. . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar\ Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF July 21, 1988 NO. VI!. SOLID WASTE 2 SUBJECT RECEIV E A REPORT ON THE SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT PROORAM FOR REDUCED REFUSE COLLECTION RATES IN THE CITY OF ORINDA, AND ESTABLISH THE PROGRAM ON A CONTINUING BAS IS DATE July 15, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION RECE IV E REPORT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The Board of Directors requested a report on the Senior Citizens Discount Program in the City of Orinda after one year of operation. BACKGROUND: On May 19, 1987, the Board of Directors approved the requests of the City of Ori nda and Ori nda-Moraga Di sposal Serv ice, Inc. to impl ement a reduced senior citizens rate for refuse collection in the City of Orinda (Zone 1). The Senior Citizens Discount Program was approved by the Board for implementation on a test basis for one year to determine the number of participants and any administrative problems which may be encountered. The senior citizens discount is $3 per month for the first can for full service custaners and $1.50 per month for the first can for custaners receiving less than full service (no trimmings and three-times-a-year cleanup service). Based on the new monthly refuse collection rates for single can service set by the Board effective July 1,1988 of $13.95 for full service and $11.75 for less than full service, the discounted rates for senior citizen participants are $10.95 and $10.25, respectively. Orinda custaners who are 65 years of age or 01 der and have a gross annual income fran all sources of less than $25,000 qualify to participate in the program. To participate, senior citizens are required to file an appl ication with the refuse collector on which the applicant certifies to satisfying the income requirement and submits proof of age. After one year of operati on, 77 seni or citizen househol ds are enroll ed in the di scount program, 73 of which are full serv ice custaners and 4 which receive 1 ess than full service. The current annual discount real ized by these participants is $2,700. No administrative probl ems have been experienced by the City of Orinda or the refuse collector. The City Manager of the City of Orinda has advised District staff by a letter, which is appended as Attachment I, that the City Council supports establishment of the program on a continuing basis. A copy of the report on the status of the program by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. is appended as Attachment II. RECOMMENDATION: Receive a report on the Senior Citizens Discount Program in Zone 1 after a one-year test period, and approve establ ishment of the program on a continuing basis. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /7 ~0~~---.-/ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION G. G'rG. ROGER J. DOLAN 1302A-9/85 WF PM ATTACHMENT I 26 orinda way . orinda . california 94563 . 415.254-3900 July 1, 1988 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Attn: Walter Funasaki Dear Walt, This is to confirm our conversation today regarding the senior citizen's discount rate for refuse collection in Orinda. You have asked whether the Orinda City Council supports continuation of the program. Unfortunately, the City Council will not meet prior to your Board's consideration of this matter. I have, however, discussed it with the committee members who initially proposed the program. Councilmembers Bobbie Landers and Aldo Guidotti have asked me to convey to you that the program appears to be successful, with participation of seventy seven households, and that they support its continuation. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, ?;~ J;",~,1/L. Tom Sinclair City Manager TS:nh cc: City Council George Navone DISPOSJ.\l ~ERVICE~ I~IC\ <C ~ <C .~ o ~ ~ f <C Q ..., ~ ~ ~ o l' ATTACHMENT II P.o. Box 659 . Orlnda. California 94563 . Phone (415) 254-2844 June 13, 1988 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca. 94553 Attn: Walter Funasaki Dear Mr. Funasaki, In July 1987, this company, at the request of the City of Orinda and with the concurrence of CCCSD, instituted a Senior Citizens discount rate for refuse removal. This service was offered to our Orinda Service area only. The Town of Moraga elected not to participate. An insert was placed in our billings for the months of July, August and September, (see inclosure #1). Also, notification of all customers was accomplished by adding a line on our bill in our policy section on the reverse side (see inclosure #2). Customer candidates were asked to come to our office and fill out an application (see inclosure #3). As of this writing, we have 77 participants in the senior rate, 73 are full service customers and 4 are limited service. If you require any further information please call. Yours Truly, ~~C '/1~ George tNavone .' .....- ~I ATTENTION ORINDA"SENIOR gITIZENS: The Central Contra Costa S: lry District, at the request of the City of Orinda. has authorized the OrilllJalMoraga Disposal Service to initiate a senior citizen discount on refuse collection rates for Orinda customers who are 65 years of age or older and have a gross annual income from all sources of less than $25,000. The discount would be $3 per month for customers receiving full service and $1 .50 per month for customers receiving limited service. The discount program was initiated by the Orinda City Council to assist senior citizens in Orinda who are in need of the reduced rate. To participate in the program, senior citizens will need to file an application with OrindalMoraga Disposal Service on which the applicant certifies to satisfying the income requirement and submits proof of age. The discounted refuse collection rates will begin in July, 1987. This program will be on a trial basis and will be re-evaluated by the CCCSD in the Spring of 1988. Applications available any afternoon after.June 10, 1987 at our offices k>cated at #1 Northwood Drive, Suite #4. Thank you, Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service _. ;._~...-.,;.-:- -- \-.1:; -,.i" -- PREE ElTlllATEI-' ~. .. ~~- ~ . MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 659 ORINDA, CAlIF. 94563 PHONE: 254-2844 OFFICE 1 NORTHWOOD DR. SUITE 4 0RlNDA. CALIF. e.5Il3 I ORINDA/MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. ; Sening lite 0rindD. RJwm J'GlIe)r IIIfIl MDrrlg'tl AIIIl2 PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN ORIGINAL COPY WITH REMITTANCE 1ft i- t I ~. i ~ .::;17"2- .<~d) '. Motor oil. paint, or liquid chlorine not to be put into garbage cans. c:aam ftJDL t. .,...: ....:. :r NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYT+iING IN OR AROUND GARBAGE CANS. IF YOUR REFUSE REMOVAL IS NOT REGULAR OR SATISFACTORY, PLEAsE NOTIFY US BY PHONE OR CARD. MORE RESIDENTIAL SERVICE INFORMATION ON REVERSE SlOE. HolifICltioo !IqlltIICllrilhin N houIs lor FORGOTTEN gotlIIge, ..... wi bt.~ pidred up AtNlgewillbe_lor~picI<up\llelllller. . riij;f'I;li 'f~;iJ~ii i1.i!j)'ljd.)::: .Hln.J~ !JU11~,;'i; ~l ~j ~1I1!; 'I~',';" .';1, - 'I;; \HI "I i~'IUit,t!;LII;::::j:~llf.:t;:'h;;; ~i~( ,! :'1" . .' . ; . -.# ::J.( Ja.c,-~> I RESIDENTIAL SERVICE INFORMATION ... '" -'.. .... ! 1. 1:I0USEHOLI},TfjASH includes cans, bottles;new$Jlipers anctWet garb8ge.>bul does not.include furniture or'heavy . ! ,. and bulky material classified as junk. Please no dirt, rock, or cemenlin the container. Your househOld trash container may be placed in your yard as long as the container is accessible to our men.".. . . 2. '~r BASIC SERVICE is one - 32 gallon can of household trash - 50 lb weight, which may be placed in your yard. and one 32 gallon can - 50 ib. wei~hl or <bag of trimmings at ihe curb EXCEPT CERTAIN EXEMPT AREAS. Your rate is based on .the tlumber' of household .garbage cans,' so please do not rnix household trash arid trim.millgs'T:!O or !!lore can service is available on order.' . o. 3. TRIMMINGS are picked up on your regular 1erviteday EXCEPT CERTAIN EXEMPT AREAS. One - 32 gallon can or' . , heavy-duty trash bag of garden refuse will be collected tram the curb. Please place them.at the curb the night before. I' Please confine these cans 10 just garden refuse, such as lawn cuttings,1Wigs. .yes and branches; no dirt or rock . 4. Any ADDITIONAL REFUSE will be taken on an extra charge basis as. long as you notify the office. Routemen are NOT AUTHORIZED to accept payment for services. You will be rendered an ffwoice for all services provided. Fluores- cent tubes -stlouldbe put at side. of can. Alla~hes Sh.ould be in bags: If yOll ha~ a large job to be picked up call the office for scheduling. 5. We recommend a heavy-duty galvanized steel can with lid for durability. We will not be held responsible for damage to cans '. 6. HOliDAYS not worked are Christmas and New Years. Service on these holidays will be one day later." 7. CLEAN-UP DAY - there are three genfrBl"c1ean-ups" per year EXCEPT IN CERTAIN EXEMPT AREAS. You wiH-be notified of the dates of these pickups by seperate mailings. 8. We will make every e!fort to provide good service 10 you. We welcome any comments or criticisms. 9. Mini-packer Service is offered where special conditions exist. The condiljo~ include condition of roadway. degree of incline. condition of driveway or the distance to the area where the container is kept from the street. The clipping or brush service is OPTIONAL FOR MINI-PACKER..CU5TOMERS. Mini-packer customers desiring to exercise this option should call and inquire as to specific information required in their partiCular circumstance: . .' .' 10. ~nior&,~n ~atet are Bva.ilahlp. PIP~~.p ~~II fnr infnrm::ltinn ~,- ... OFF E H U .8.00 05:00..' .-,:...... - ." " ~ ~ '{ ",. #3 - I FILING DATE: APPLICATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS REWCTION ON GARBIGE RATES (ORINDA SERVICE AREA) .I Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service w111 allow a reduced rate for garbage collection to qualified senior citizens who are in need of this program. The reduction is $3.00 per lIonth and applies only to basic residential services. Senior citizens al ready receiving less than basic residential services and rates w111 receive a $1.50 reduction per lIonth. Senior citizens who wish to apply for the garbage rate reduction may complete this application and lIai1 it to: Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service P.O. Box 659 Orinda. CA 94563 Telephone: (415) 254-2844 NAME: LAST FIRST INITIAL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SERVICE: ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP nAif OF uFURll-f TELEPHONE e QUALIFYING SENIOR CITIZENS Applicant must: (a) be a customer in good standing of this company and be the head of the household receiving garbage service (b) be 65 years of age or 01 del". (e) receive an annual gross inca.e f~ all sources of less than $25.000. PROOF OF 1GE A copy of any of the following doc&IIIents w111 generally be accepted as satisfactory proof of age and .un be sut.i'tted with this fol'll: (a) A copy of your Medicare Card; (b) Hospital Birth Record; (c) Church Bapti smal Record. established during the first few years of life. showing the date of birth; Cd) Document issued by the Social Security Administration clearly showing eligibility for benefits as of age 65 or older; Ce) Any other doc&lllent proving you to be 65 years of age or older. ATTEST I hereby declare. under penalty of perjury. that I am the ....d of the household receiving garbage service at the above address, that I am 65 years of age or 01 del" aDd ..at the inca.e li.itation indicated above. and that all the above information is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. DATE SIGNAlURE ~_.. ~__ _ ..__~h ___ .._~___~_~~__.._~__ _~_~..~.. ...._.. _____ ~___..__~..~~.._____u~_~ _ ~~~.._~__u_______