HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-16-88 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary -Astrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION BOARD MEETING OF June 16, 1988 PAPER SUBJECT HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON UNINHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 99 (SHADOW CREEK, DAME CONSTRUCTION, DANVILLE) AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer PAGE 1 OF 11 NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 DATE June 10, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION Hold Public Hearing D.A. 99 Adopt Resolution INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Construction Division ISSUE: LAFCO has added property to and has, thus, amended the boundaries of the territory included within District Annexation 99, a proposed uninhabited annexation. LAFCO has designated the District to be the conducting authority for subsequent proceedings. The District must hold a public hearing concerning compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the appropriateness of the annexation. Testimony by affected property owners must be considered before action is taken on the proposed amended annexation. BACKGROUND: LAFCO amended the boundaries of the proposed annexation during its review process to improve the continuity of the resulting District boundary. A map is attached showing the amended annexation. CEQA REQUIREMENTS A Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) addressing the proposed annexation has been prepared by Contra Costa County (acti ng as Lead Agency) pursuant to CEQA. LAFCO has reviewed and considered the FEIR for this annexation (project) in making its determinations and approving this annexation. The District, under CEQA, is a Responsible Agency. A Responsible Agency is a public agency which proposes to carry out or approve a project, for which a Lead Agency has prepared an EIR. As a Responsible Agency, the District must consider the County's decision to prepare a FEIR as final unless the exceptions found in Section 4.1.{c), 4.3, and 11.3 of the District's CEQA Guidelines exist. These sections are attached as Exhibit A. District staff has evaluated the decision by the County to prepare a FEIR specifically with respect to District CEQA Guidelines Sections 4.1.{c.), 4.3 and 11.3 and has found that no exceptional circumstances exist. The Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the FEIR which has been distributed to the Board before approving the annexation. The si gnificant envi ronmental impacts whi ch were identified in the FEIR and mitigation measures are summarized in County Board of Supervisors' Resolution No. 87/702 including the San Ramon Valley Regional Planning Commission's Resolution No. 17-1987 which have also been distributed to the Boa rd. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~t' II1fJ 1302A-9/85 JSM RAB JLH DH SUBJECT HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON UNINHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 99 (SHADOW CREEK, DAME CONSTRUCTION, DANVILLE) AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 11 June 10, 1988 Ine District as a Responsible Agency has responsibility for mitigating or avoiding only direct and indirect environmental effects on those parts of the project which it approves in this annexation; they are, providing of sewer service and the sewer system for Shadow Creek. The District as a Responsible Agency shall not approve the project as proposed if the Di strict finds any feasible alternative or feasible mitigation measures within its powers that would substanti all y 1 essen or avoi d any si gnificant effect the proj ect woul d have on the environment. To complete its consideration of the environmental effects, the Board must make findings pursuant to District CEOA Guidelines Sections 7.12 and 7.14 regardi ng each si gnificant impact identified in the FEIR and whether each significant impact has been eliminated, substantially lessened, or properly mitigated. Staff's proposed CEQA findings are attached as Exhibit B. After adopting the proposed findings, the Board should order that the District Secretary file a Notice of Determination as a Responsible Agency stating that the District considered the EIR as prepared by Contra Costa County as required. ANNEXATION REQUIREMENTS As required by law, legal notice of this public hearing was published, and the affected property owners were notified of the publ ic heari ng. The amended annexation is uninhabited (fewer than 12 registered voters). Factors to be consi dered by the Board in deci di ng to approve or di sapprove the proposed annexation are set forth as Exhibit C. Following its review, the Board, not more than 30 days after the conclusion of the public hearing, shall adopt a resolution taking one of the following actions: 1. Disapprove the proposed annexation if, in considering the above factors, the Board finds the annexation is improper; or 2. Disapprove the annexation if the Board finds that written protests have been filed and not withdrawn prior to the conclusion of the public hearing representing landowners owning 50 percent or more of the assessed value of the land within the territory proposed to be annexed; or 3. Certify that the Board has reviewed and consi dered the FEIR and adopt findings pursuant to the District's CEOA guidelines and order the territory annexed. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open the public hearing, receive any written protests, and close the public heari ng. 2. Adopt a Resolution certifying that the Board has reviewed and considered the Final Environmental Impact Report prepared by the County, adopt the proposed findings of staff, order the District Secretary to file a Notice of Determination and order the territorv annexed. 13028-9/85 5UBD.5G45 255 M 21 5 - 19 - 81 ) PAGE 3 of rl PAGES ~~ J\Q 8~ IU ZQ ~-:- ~ I-~ (f 11J= t<) IX) 0 o o z. ! '\ ;:, 0 to II . ~ - .. W ...J ~ () (/) c N 8~!A'OO'W 42 L.S.M. 33 B 6U13o. COGll '2'9'1 M 8 2- 2"1-8(0 P.O.B. ~CJOI2' ~4"W .,40G.GI' I N ooo5o'5<O~e~9~.50' . '. r--l- 8Go~l'~ 'OG E N OooIO'~5.E. qG4:1!>' I J,IQ4.55 o @ @w. @Jet PeL' H' i~SUBD G5ffi fo- o 2CJl M 16 12 -23-85 A N 88059'5I"W 1314+ CAMINO @ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ~ . _ = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY L_ = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETITIO~ ~=ADO.ED BY L.A.F.C.G. II SHADOW CREEK ANNEXATION II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 99 PAGE 4 of 11 PAGES EXHIBIT A EXCEPTIONS IN DISTRICT'S CEOA GUIDELINES Section 4.1. Lead Agency Concept. (15050) (a) Where a proj ect is to be ca rri ed out or approved by more than one public agency, one publ ic agency shall be responsible for preparing an ErR or Negative Declaration for the project. This agency shall be called the Lead Agency. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c), the decision-making body of each Responsible Agency shall consider the Lead Agency's ErR or Negative Declaration prior to acting upon or approving the project. Each Responsible Agency shall certify that its decision-making body reviewed and considered the information contained in the ErR or Negative Declaration on the project. (c) The determination of the Lead Agency of whether to prepare an ErR or a Negative Declaration shall be final and conclusive for all persons, including Responsible Agencies, unless: (1) The decision is successfully challenged as provided in Section 21167 of the Public Resources Code, (2) Circumstances or conditions changed as provided in Section 11.3, or (3) A Responsible Agency becomes a Lead Agency under Section 4.3. Section 4.3. Shift in Lead Agency Designation. (15052 ) (a) Where a Responsible Agency is called on to grant an approval for a project subject to GEQA for which another public agency was the appropriate Lead Agency, the Responsible Agency shall assume the role of the Lead Agency when any of the following conditions occur: (1) The Lead Agency did not prepare any environmental documents for the project, and the statute of 1 imitations has expi red for a challenge to the action of the appropriate Lead Agency. (2) The Lead Agency prepared environmental documents for the project, but the following conditions occur: (A) A subsequent ErR is required pursuant to Section 11.3, (8) The Lead Agency has granted a final approval for the proj ect, and (C) The statute of limitations for challenging the Lead Agency's action under GEQA has expired. PAGE 5 of 11 PAGES (3) The Lead Agency prepared inadequate environmental documents without consulting with the Responsible Agency as required by Sections 6.3 or 7.3~ and the statute of limitations has expired for a challenge to the action of the appropriate Lead Agency. (b) When a Responsible Agency assumes the duties of a Lead Agency under this section~ the time limits applicable to a Lead Agency shall apply to the actions of the agency assuming the Lead Agency duties. Section 11.3. Subsequent EIR (15162) (a) Where an ErR or Negative Declaration has been prepared~ no additional ErR need be prepared unless: (1) Subsequent changes are proposed in the project which will require important revisions of the previous ErR or Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts not considered in a previous ErR or Negative Declaration on the project; (2) Substanti al changes occur with respect to the c1 rcumstances under which the project is undertaken~ such as a substantial deterioration in the air quality where the project will be located~ which will require important revisions in the previous ErR or Negative Declaration due to involvement of new significant environmental impacts not covered in a previous ErR or Negative Declaration; or (3) New information of substantial importance to the project becomes available~ and (A) The information was not known and could not have been known at the time the previous ErR was certified as complete or the Negative Declaration was adopted~ and (8) The new information shows any of the following: 1. The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed previously in the ErR; 2. Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the ErR; 3. Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substanti ally reduce one or more si gnificant effects of the project; and 4. Mitigation measures or alternatives which were not previously considered in the ErR would substantially lessen one or more significant effects on the environment. PAGE 6 of 11 PAGES (b) If the EIR or Negative Declaration has been completed but the project has not yet been approved, the Lead Agency shall prepare or cause to be prepared the subsequent EIR before approving the project. (c) If the project was approved prior to the occurrence of the conditions described in subsection (a), the subsequent EIR shall be prepared by the public agency which grants the next discretionary approval for the project. In this situation no other Responsible Agency shall grant an approval for the project until the subsequent EIR has been completed. PAGE 7 .9f 11 PAGES EXHIBIT B FINDINGS The following are proposed findings based on staff's review of the FEIR prepared and certified by Contra Costa County as the lead agency and review of Resolution No. 87/702 of the County Board of Supervisors (including Resolution No. 17-1987) regarding this project. o The District has reviewed and considered the FEIR as prepared by the County. o With the exception of sanitary service being provided by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in compliance with the mitigation measures that are within the District's responsibility and jurisdiction, mitigation measures as shown in County Board of Supervisors' Resolution No. 87/702 are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of other public agencies and not the Sanitary District. o Board of Supervisors' Resolution No. 87/702 and its enclosures/attachments are incorporated herein by reference and the Board of Supervisors' findings and determinations set forth in said Resolution, which are within District responsibility and jurisdiction, are adopted including statements of overriding considerations. o Each significant impact identified in the EIR and as shown in County Board of Supervisors' Resolution No. 87/702 has been eliminated, substantially lessened, properly mitigated, or deemed to be acceptable in view of the overriding benefits of the project. The Board has used discretion in determining that all significant effects on the environment have been eliminated or substantially lessened where feasible. o The determination of this proposal is in compl iance with the mitigation measures that are within the District's responsibility and jurisdiction. o There are no alternative or mitigation measures within the District's powers that would substantially lessen or avoid any significant effect, or mitigate or lessen the direct or indirect environmental effects of providing Sanitary District services to the property to be annexed. PAGE 8 of 11 PAGES EXHIBIT C FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED BY 1HE BOARD I. Whether the proposed annexation will be in the best interest of landowners or present or future inhabitants within the District and within the territory proposed to be annexed to the District. 2. LAFCO's Resolution (87-62) making the determination that the proposed annexation shoul d proceed forward to public hearing by this Board (see Attachment 1). 3. Factors required by Government Code Section 56841 which were taken into consideration by LAFCO in making its determination to refer the proposed annexation to our District as the conducting authority. These factors are listed in Attachment 2. 4. Any other matters which the Board deems material to the decision to approve or disapprove the proposed annexation. Except for findings regarding the val ue of written protest, the Board is not requi red to make any express findings concerning any of the factors considered by the conducting authority. ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 9 of 11 PAGES RESOLUTION OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING PROPOSED SHADOW CREEK ANNEXATION NO. 99 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (LAFC 87-62) AND CONCURRENT REVIEW AND UPDATE OF THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE (SOl) BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICT (CCCSD) AND OF EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT (EBMUD) The Local Agency Formation Commission finds: On October 26, 1987, Resolution No. 87-161 of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) was submitted to the Executive Officer of this Commission making application for proposed annexation of affected territory to said District; and Reasons for the proposal are set forth in said resolution of application; and At the times and in the form and manner provided by law, said Executive Officer gave notice of public hearing by this Commission upon said application. Said notice was sufficient for the Commission to concurrently review and update the SOl boundaries of CCCSD and EBMUD; and The Executive Officer reviewed said application and prepared the Executive Officer Report inclUding his recommendations therein; said application and report were presented to and considered by this Commission; and The public hearing by this Commission was held on January 13, 1988 at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing; and At said hearing, this Commission heard and considered all oral and written protests, objections and evidence presented or filed, and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard in respect to any matter relating to said application and report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED that: Section 1. It is hereby certified that the Commission has reviewed and considered the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) prepared by the County acting as Lead Agency, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, for environmental review of the subject project. Section 2. The Commission hereby finds that mitigation measures specified in the FEIR, other than those previously implemented or those implemented herein or those that cannot be implemented without necessary prior action by another agency, are within the responsibility and juriSdiction of agencies other than this commission. Section 3. The Commission hereby incorporates Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 87/702 and its enclosures/attachments herein by this reference and adopts the Board's findings and determinations set forth in said resolution, that are within Commis3ion responsibility and jurisdiction, including statements of overriding considerations. t Section 4. The Commission hereby finds that its determination of this proposal is in compliance with the mitigation measures that are within the Commission's responsibility and jurisdiction. Section 5. The Statement of Determinations, as set forth in attached Exhibit "B," with respect to factors specified by Government Code Section 56425 regarding SOl determinations is hereby adopted. .Resolution LAFC 87.~1 PAGE 10 of 11 PAGES Section 6. The 501 boundaries of CCCSD and EBMUD are hereby amended to include territory affected by this proposal. CCCSD and EBMUD 501 boundaries as herein amended are shown on the map attached as Exhibit "c." Section 7. The proposal is assigned the designation of "Shadow Creek Annexation No. 99 to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (LAFC 87-62)" and the affected territory is legally uninhabited. Section 8. The proposed annexation is hereby approved subject to conditions that 1) the boundary of affected territory shall be as amended and described in attached Exhibit "A", and 2) said territory shall be subject to CCCSD ordinances, rules, regulations, bonded indebtedness and contractual obligations. Section 9. Pursuant to Government Code Section 56029 (b), the Sanitary Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is hereby designated as the conducting authority; and pursuant to Government Code Section 57000, said Sanitary Board is hereby directed to initiate proceedings for the proposed annexation in compliance with this resolution. Section 10. The Executive Officer is hereby directed to mail certified copies of this resolution in the manner and as provided in Section 56853 of the Government Code. .: PASSED AND ADoPTED on January 13, 1988 by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Fahden, Longshore, Tor1akson, Uilkema and Rainey NOES: None ABSENT: None I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution passed and adopted by said Commission on the date afore- said. Dewey E. Mansfield Executive Officer t: ~. ~= Staff Analyst By: DEM:JJM:ap Attachment Distribution: Roger Dolan, General Manager; CCCSD Jay McCoy, Construction Division Manager; CCCSD Bill Gregory, Real Property Specialist; CCCSD Paula E. Malcom, Secretary of the District; EBMUD Roger Ranulo, New Business Manager; EBMUD Michael W. Ruprecht, Dame' Construction Co., Inc. ATTACHMENT 2 PAGE 11 of 11 PAGES FACTORS REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT CODE 56841 WHlOi WERE CX>NSlDERED BY LAFCO (a) Population" population density; land area and land use; per capita assessed valuation; topography" natural boundaries" and drainage basins; proximity to other populated areas; the likelihood of significant growth in the area, and in adjacent incorporated and unicorporated areas, during the next 10 years. (b) Need for organized community services; the present cost and adequacy of governmental services and control s in the area; probable future needs for those services and controls; probable effect of the proposed incorporation, formation, annexation, or exclusion and of alternative courses of action on the cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area and adjacent areas. "Services," as used in this subdivision, refers to goverrmental services whether or not the services are services which would be provided by local agencies subject to this division, and includes the public facilities necessary to provide those services. (c) The effect of the proposed action and of alternative actions, on adjacent areas, on mutual social and economic interests, and on the local governmental structure of the county. (d) The conformity of both the proposal and its anticipated effects with both the adopted commission policies on providing planned, orderly, efficient patterns of urban development, and the policies and priorities set forth in Goverrment Coce Section 56377. (e) The effect of the proposal on maintaining the physical and economic integrity of agricultural lands, as defined by Government Code Section 56016. (f) The definiteness and certainty of the boundaries of the territory, the nonconformance of proposed boundaries with lines of assessment or ownership" the creation of islands or corridors of unicorporated territory, and other similar matters affecting the proposed boundaries. (g) Consistency with city or county general and specific plans. (h) The sphere of influence of any local agency which may be applicable to the proposal being reviewed. (i) The comments of any affected local agency. . Centrl.. . Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 16, 1988 NO. V. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO WINTON JONES CONTRACTOR, INC. FOR REMOVING DIGESTER "C" ROOF STRUCTURE AND REMOV ING DIGESTED SLUOOE DATE June 10, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE AWARD Sl$MITTED BY J ames Bel cher Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: On June 8, 1988, sealed bids were opened for removal of a 62-foot diameter digester cover and removal of approximately 2,500 cubic yards of digested sl udge from Di gester "C". The Board of Di rectors must authorize award of contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: Di gester "c", 1 ocated at the Di stri ct Treatment Pl ant, was 1 ast operated in 1978. As the Pl ant expanded from a primary treatment process with anaerobi c di gesti on to an advanced wastewater treatment pl ant, Di gester "C" was removed from service. It is now prudent to remove the deteriorating roof structure and di gested sl udge. The di gested sl udge w ill be removed to an allln sl udge basi n for drying prior to disposal. The project was advertised on May 29 and June 3, 1988, inviting contractors to review the project and submit sealed bids by June 8, 1988. To encourage contractor participation, the bid request allowed the contractor to bid on the roof removal and/or the sludge removal. Three bids were received for the work, as listed on the bid opening sheet, Attachment I. An eval uati on of the bi ds, conducted by the Pl ant Operati ons Department staff, concluded that the lowest responsible bidder was Winton Jones, Inc. at $71,676. The Engi neer' s estimate for th i s work was $80,000. Other consi derati ons addressed in this project were the safe disposal of the sludge and the reduction of odors. The amount of $80,000 is budgeted for this project in the 1987-1988 Plant Operations Department Operations and Maintenance Budget under Outside Maintenance Services for digester cleaning. This project is exempt from CEQA, as it only involves the maintenance of an existing public facility (District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, Public Facilities). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract for providing all labor, equipment, and materi al to remove and relocate a 62-foot di ameter di gester cover and for the removal of digested sludge to Winton Jones, Inc. for the lllnp sum contract price of $71,676. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302....9/85 T0776P BID OPENING WEDNESDAY.. JUNE 8.. 1988 10:00 AM REMOVE AND RB.OCATE 62-FOOT DlNETER COVER AND REMOVE DIGESTED SLUDGE Page 2 of 2 ATTADUENT I I I TOTAL BID PRICE - I SUPPLIER I REMOVE COVER AND DIGESTED SLUDGE I 1. Bigge I I I 2. Dal zell I $84,660 I I I 3. Wi nton Jones 71..676 I I . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar~ ..listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 NO. v. BIDS AND AWARDS 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE AU1l-I0RIZE AWARD OF PURa-IASE ORDER TO KRATOS ANALYTICAL, INC. TO FURNISH AND INSTALL 1l-IE GAS OiROMATOORAPI-l/ MASS SPECTROMETER/DATA SYSTEM, DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 10041 o 1988 TYPE OF ACTION AU1l-I0RIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Bhupi nder S. Dhal iwal INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: On May 23, 1988, sealed bids for District Project No. 10041, Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer/Data System were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award a purchase order or reject proposals within 60 days of opening of seal ed bi ds. BACKGROUND: The Regional Water Qual ity Control Board (RWQCB) has mandated priority pollutants moni tori ng for i nfl uent, effl uent, sl udge, and ash. Under these moni tori ng programs, the District is required to monitor 112 organic priority pollutants in various process streams. In addi ti on to the above RWQCB mandated programs, the Di stri ct shoul d also moni tor septage haul ers and industri al /commerci al di schargers to verify compl iance with the District's Industrial Source Control Ordinance. Furthermore, the District plans to participate with the Aquatic Habitat Institute (AHI)-sponsored local effects and regional effects monitoring programs that also call for the monitoring of organic priority pollutants. The purchase and installation of the gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer/data system will enable the District to perform priority pollutant analyses with greater sensitivity, accuracy, and precision and will ensure timely data availability for appropriate control decisions and regulatory reporting. The request for bids was publ icly advertised on May 3 and 9, 1988, and publ icly opened on May 23, 1988. Four sealed bids were received and are summarized on Attachment No.1. The technical portions of the bids were evaluated by Plant Operations Department staff, and the commerci al porti ons were eval uated by the Purchasi ng and Materi al s Control Section. The lowest responsible bidder is Kratos Analytical, with a bid of $233,235. The bid estimate prepared by District staff was $250,000. The total project and start-up cost estimate is $311,000. (See Attachment 2 for details.) This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1987 - 1988 Capital Improvement Budget on page GI-10. District staff has concluded that this project is exempt from CEQA under the general rules that this project will have no significant effect on the environment. (District CEQA Guidelines, Section 5.2(b)(3), Review for,Exemption). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of purchase order to Kratos Analytical, the lowest responsible-i)i dder for $233,235, to furni sh and install the Gas Ch romatograph/Mass Spectrometer/Data System, District Pro ect No. 10041. REVIEWED AND COMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A9'85 BSD INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV ...... 0 0 z: (V) I- 4- z: 0 lJ.J :!:: N ::c U Q) ex: e.... 0) I- 00 lO l- I.!") e.... ex: I.!") 0 I- :s D :E ::J Z ~ ,.-, ~1J - ~ l' 1~ z ~ H Q ~ ~ JJ I ~.. ..Il 0" ..... .... -y ~f ":t: j.. ;!Y ~ I~ 0<< e ..... ...... c 1 ~ co lO ~ 'r- ~ ~ ~~ o~ ~ Q) .... c c -u 0 C ~ ~ z - z: ::J lie ...... r- r- .. W- I ,gl~ ~ j" 8 t; ;!y W 11] 011: ~ X .... OIl N VI ~ ::: :;> ~ ~ ~ ~ V) ..w Q)' I - U N C .~ I.;:: s: !-) z - 0 lO ;:)11: ~ Ir- ~ .. z: L~ I~~ "'- 8 I I 0 ~ or- or- jW +> u 4- :::s .u ~ o Q) ou ~ ~ ~ -c;: .. - ~ 011: c+> "0 .. ... .,.,~ ~ Q) ..cor- r- I ~ "0 ~ 0. Q) "0 :::s - !~ ~o~ ::> 9: ~ "00 s::l:;i ~ 3 <: Q) v, ..w >"0 r- .~ +> "0 ~~ b i~ .~ s: -u N ~ lO C ~ z- Q) lO U ~~ lO ;:)11: ~ i~ - .. t ~ Q) or- +> ~ ii .9i~ +>~ c u+> VI Lr tc::r; ~: c VI 0 VI C ~'-' jW or- I E 0 :!y 6- I E ~ 'r- ~g .,.,~ oil: ;;: VI 0 Q) +> .... Q) or- U +> or- r-.:. u Cl "0 ~~~ ~.~ ~ ~ Q) Q) lO 0 .... ~ +> or- U ~ ~~ .;: !-) -u ~ +>u u z- 0 r- ~ "0 ;:)11: 3 Q; ='- - ~ .. 0 o ~ Q) .c Q).....I ~~ l- +> +> E lO re....r "'- l/) Cl ........ ~ . l/) 'i ::E II: a ! ~ . ~ ........ 8 u .. II: 0 g II! J a z 0::> 0 W ~OO.: w . .> 0 ~i ~~~ 0:0;) :i~uS 5 = ~ . . l/) z: 0 ..... l- e.... lJ.J U >< lJ.J l/) .. Cl ...... ....... l/) lJ.J ::E I- , 0 U z: C!) ...... ~ o iii ... o z o t: j :g ~ ~ ~ :t2 ~ ~ ~ I~ .0 r- .. .. . 01 ~ ~ +-' ~ ..... , ~ ~ II: .: H . ~ Q Q~ I '" ~ ~ ~ . ;1~1~ ~ t;;;:r :.. - i lEi ...... 11 a a ~ ! . i Page 3 of 3 ATTAaitENT NO.2 District Project No. 10041 Gas Chr~atograph/Mass 5pectraneter/Data 5yst. Proj ect Budget Expended to Date: $ 6,700 Project Management and Inspection: 4,000 Furnish and Install GC/MS/DS: $233,300 Training Support Equipment Contingency (5%) 5,000 47,000 15,000 ------- Total Proj ect Budget $311,000 -------- . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary.."istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 15 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 16, 1988 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX 10 SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 104 DATE Ju TYPE OF ACTION INITIATE ANNEXATION D.A. 104 SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department, Construction Division ISSUE: The District has received petitions for annexation for 10 parcels as shown on the attached tabulation and maps. It is appropriate to initiate formal annexation proceedings with the Local Agency Formation Commission CLAFCO). BACKGROUND: LAFCO has requested that the District submit no more than 10 separate areas under anyone proceeding to avoid overloading their schedule. The subject areas are generally located in Danville, Lafayette, Martinez, and Walnut Creek. LAFCO has indicated that they may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas we submit to eliminate islands or straighten boundary lines. The District will have to hold a public hearing to consider annexation of any parcel added by LAFCO. RECOMMENDATION: Pass a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District under District Annexation 104. RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 ~r DH jI/if JSM p19jJ ~~~- '~A .~.-. ~o """ '" \ .-,y ~ -- - ,,\w\~ ,., ,"~ l? ii("ij::'1 '"~~ CENTRAL CONTr-' COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT <_. ~-,=.j 8-X~-~li~~1 !Y.--t~~~.~,.. .DISTRIC'~ ANNEXATION '104 . .' \."'- ' '-c~,~Z,11 : '-, 1/ '!=!~,,' """,:,, '\<\---:>1IG \,' I ~eserlJOlr,., ':'>,11 ......-\.,~-.<~ \ ' ~-r-.1-.....L___-r- ---1\ ,~\ \ ~ JiliUZ%\L\{:\f ,:~ . - \ ~_::_:_::':::\1;->}</::::::;~.-..- ..../ ."-., ~ i :rJ >-" ::~~~ Pac ~co / '-'''' '~:1"-'~, " 'x '>>~ 'I\~ \l~ I"'l \ ~ "n :Iv\'yi' " .-- -:"\ :K~-: ~ ' II ': ....:.> ::., " . I \ / -- ';-- .~'":~ '<. '("? ~:s\",,:,t,1..L;~...t ":: >b-,.< . }~L O' . i8~ :-. ".) - :.:: '.'~\~' -~ ......... . . '-.. "...~,.. ~'t~) I I" ! I ql..~_/,:~' :':::}). '- \ I~" <{,-" '," ,..~ r \. --:i k4 v-' ;,...../ }'. \ \ H, '-:' ' ,'"'__>:. I .:.\,.' 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CENTRAL CONTP-A COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRIC'~ ANNEXATION 104 ~ / Or ~. :;; " " .;; ) ,~ " "\ ,. "'. \spring . , . ,r ., . ~ I .. . ~. . '., ..... ;, "'. ..... - '\ I _." / '. '-.. . M) , ' ------',, . .....-... ",,--- . .~ ,~Eugene : Si'. " . '. ". ., ~.,- \!;:" t . / I "- --", / \ --- ~. .,' ~, .I ,.. ~."'. "'" , DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Tabulation of Parcels Parcel P.A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Board Lead No. & Area Parcel No. & Acreaae and Remarks Aqencv 1 87-1 R. Vanderkous Approved 1/15/87 I CCCSD Martinez I 116 Forest Way I I Martinez, CA 94553 I 376-200-01 & -05 \ (4.19 acres) 87-4 I Dirk Angell Lafayette I 2353 North rup Ave. I I \ I Approved F-1l8 2 2/19/87 1 I \ I CCSSD I Sacramento CA 95825 I I 365-240-011 (0.46 acre) 3 86-18 Paul E. Vi da Approved 7/17/86 CCCSD Lafayette 3575 Springhill Road Lafayette CA 94549 A.P. No. 231-070-10 (0.75 acre) 4 85-18 Rose C. Burger Approved 9/19/85 I CCCSD Lafayette 3498 Springhill Court I I Lafayette CA 94549 5 6 \230-110-013 (1.01 Ac.) I 84-9 I R. Cole-Doyle I Approved 5/17/84 Lafayette 227 Randall Street I San Francisco CA 94131 I 231-060-010 (0.98 acre) 87 - 27 Wal nut Creek I D.C. Sullivan, etux 121 Brodi a Way I Wal nut Creek CA 94596 1140-170-003 <3.07 Ac.) I I C.B. Teller, etux 1125 Brodi a Way I Wal nut Creek, CA 94596 1140-170-006 <1.14 Ac.) 1140-170-08 (3.25 Ac.) I Approved 8/20/87 I (Negative Declaration I on L.I.D. 56) I I I I I I I CCCSD I I CCCSD W.C. Claraty Jr., etux 127 Brodi a Way Walnut Creek, CA 94595 140-170-007 (1.49 Ac.) DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Tabulation of Parcels Parcel No. 6 (cont.) P.A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Board & Area Parcel No. & Acrea e and Remarks Lead A enc S.R. Rovanpera, et al 449 La Casa Via Walnut Creek CA 94596 140-190-001 (5.38 Ac) R.E. Kerley, etux I I 354 La Casa Via I Walnut Creek CA 94596 140-200-001 (9.04 Ac) H.R. Hammill, etux I 396 La Casa Via 140-200-003 (1.63 Ac) 140-200-005 (1.00 Ac) 7 I 85-27 Sabin Construction, Inc. Approved 11/21/85 CCCSD I Danv i 11 e B. J. Sabin I I 175 Bernal Road, #200 San Jose CA 95119 197-161-013 (2.55 Ac) 8 85-24 I Donald Hansen Approved 11/7/85 CCCSD Danvill e I 866 El Pintado I I Danvill e CA 94526 197-250-006 (2.35 Ac) I 9 85-15 Darla Stevens I Approved 8/1/85 CCCSD Danvill e 45 Spri n9 Lane I I I Danville CA 94526 200-220-016 (1.44 Ac) I 10 85-6 Jay Weymouth I Approved 5/2/85 Town of Danville 215 Marks Road Danv ill e Danvi 11 e CA 94526 I 196-070-011 n.l0 Ac) 2 flAl'lC\-lO ~ ~ Jul'l1 AS ~ ~ &P:\ ~ - PREVlOU . 5 ANNEXATION - EXISTING CCC _ PROPOSE SO BOUNDARY _ SlGNE D ANNEXATION o PETITION .:~~~t~~t{:r .__.~ * ~ DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 1 OA}(MONT lYlE/wOR/AL PAR}( ....... ....... ~. ~~~~~~ ~ ===:::= ~. liiiiil 2 N ::=:=== ~ (\J .:::::: ~ :t: fu :z :r: ..J ll: t-J61"31'30-E IrO':!: . t:: ~ l!ipttttt.::?:=:"~::::::::=:::::=:=:=:=:=:=:~:=:=:~::::=:::::::::::=:=:::::=:=:=:::::=:=:0::!=::!=%::!=:=:".:=:= im "r EX.ISTING CCCSD eoUNOA,RV ~ 4l~ ~ fi~~~~}' @ \% S 4,o50'W 5.00' GRA'(SON ROAD i PORJ RAfYcHO Rc36.40' Lc2Z.'35' CAfYADA DEL HAJ'Y.lBRE POI T OF BEGINNING RcZ1.2'3' L"~.83' * COLLIN . 12860 O.R.581 ~ ~ ~ ~ .tt?~~~r}:t .--- .. PREVIOUS ANNEXATION .. EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY .. PROPOSED ANNEXATION . SIGNED PETlnON * DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 2 s eoooo'oo..e 45.00' N 304S'OO"W lOG.lOG' CAfYADA .~ ~ @ 1972 DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v:w DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 4 ~ ~ PORJ RA1VCHO DEL pOINT OF BEGINNING * COLE I nee O.R. 209 ~ ~ tft~ttf. .--- = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY = PROPOSED ANNEXATION = SIGNED PETlT10N * CA1VADA PhVOLE B ~ ~ B A 17 Pjy} 13 DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 5 A @~'I .9..: 6' ~ ~ Gi:\ ~ tM1Wi. ---- " PREVIOUS ANNEXATION " EXISTING CCCSO BOUNDARY . " PROPOSED ANNEXATION - SIGNED PETITION * DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 6 ~ ~ "'ffj,W!;,~'lff!ifjJflli{ ..\~ * ~ 'OOJo1S> o~ \~c,. uc,\: ~ ~6'\:~ ~'Z..\ ~ c.O\'O e O~. sr>'P~ \'Z. 6.?) sue- poA- @ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION .................. ::::::::::::::::=: = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY = PROPOSED ANNEXATION = SIGNED PETITION kft+%WWi&Y<iiWliliWlllitt41iiHfK@i,nntWfn ~ \ \ ~ * DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 7 @ /982 ~ ~ N?IOO6'OO'W 82.40' GQ\ \eP :t:g:::r : PREVIOUS ANNEXATION : EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY : PROPOSED ANNEXATION : SIGNED PETlnON * DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 8 I RA/YCHO E'L RiO POR LOTS 85& 86 POINT OF BEGINNING ~ ~ ~\\1\j:{ r~ \@7 ':;9 LS/Y./ J A f9 EAST . 215'1. ~--------- (\J STEVENS * uJ 8410 OR '503 ~ ~ b z N 8'3029'3SUW ~ ::::::::::: IX! ::::::::::: ._---- (iJ :rr:: ~ iI:iI 8 ...... 8 :.:.:.:.:.: ~ ::~~I::~ '215.%' tt:~: ........... :.:.:.:.:.: E'L RiO POR LO 817 ........... ........... :iII~!!i!IIIr RAJYCH * = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY = PROPOSED ANNEXATION = SIGNED PETITION J09P1YJ24 A B SPRING LANE ,~ f-~~ B C ttH:fffffilNi$~t5t~mi:{{(a::t.$tf{~~81ffi:ffffffff\ii DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 9 . ~ \ ~.P "'~~ \ / ~'- Do ~~ 4v€,. ~ ~ :~~:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~r . --- = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION s EXISTING CCCSD B~UNDARY = PROPOSED ANNEXATION = SIGNED PETITION * DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 104 Parcel 10 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 16 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE SUBSTITUTION OF ATLAS GRADING AND PAVING, INC., THE LISTED SUBCONTRACTOR, WITH RANSOME COMPANY, A NEW SUBCONTRACTOR, FOR PAVING WORK ON THE DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT <D.P. 3791> DATE SUBMITTED BY Munawar Husain Associate Engineer AUTHORIZE SUBSTITUTION OF SUBCONTRACTOR ISSUE: Board authorization is required for a substitution of subcontractors on District projects. BACKGROUND: Dillingham Construction N.A., Inc. listed Atlas Grading and Paving, Inc. as the subcontractor for paving work on its bid proposal to the District for the Dewatering System Improvements project. This subcontractor will not provide a bond to Dillingham Construction N.A., Inc. Under these circumstances Dill ingham now seeks approval to use Ransome Company for the performance of the same' work. Under Public Contract Code Section 4107, substitution of a listed subcontractor is permitted only in certain situations; one of which is when the listed subcontractor fail s to provide a bond to the prime contractor. The awardi ng authority must consent to the substitution to effect the change. In the present instance, consent by the District is appropriate. The proposed substitution will not result in any additional cost to the District or result in a delay in the project completion. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the substitution of the listed subcontractor, Atlas Grading and Paving, Inc., with a new subcontractor, Ransome Company, for paving work on District Project 3791. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/B5 MH RSK JSM RAB INITIATIJiT.lDIV. ~ f!f4 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ,..Astrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 16, 1988 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE ClOSE OUT OF THE CONCORD INDUSTRIAL AND BATES AVENUE PUMP STATIONS UPGRADE PROJECT IN THE NORTH CONCORD AREA <DP 4091> DATE June 6, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Thomas Trice Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been compl eted on the Concord Industri al and Bates Avenue Pump Stations Upgrade Project in the North Concord area (DP 4091>, and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: This project is the first phase of the pump stations' upgrade plan for the North Concord/Clyde area (Watershed 44) that will eventually lead to the abandonment of two of the four existing pump stations in that area. The improvements at the Concord Industrial and Bates Avenue Pump Stations under this contract resul ted in an increased pumpi ng capacity together with a more energy efficient system. A more detailed description of this project is provided in the 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget on page CS-71. At the Concord Industrial Pump Station, the work consisted of installing two new 40 horsepower pumps together with vari able frequency drive units, new control panels, and other related site improvements. At the Bates Avenue Pump Station, the work consisted of installing a new control panel and associated electrical work. Also, the existing flows in the adjacent collection system were redirected by various manhole modifications to provide the most effective pumping capability for the area using the improved pump station facilities. The contractor, Pacific Engineering Construction of Santa Clara, commenced work on November 11, 1987, and substantially completed all work on March 4, 1988. The original project completion date of January 19, 1988, was extended by two change orders to March 4, 1988. The project was accepted by the Board of Directors on March 17, 1988. Pacific Engineering Construction's original construction contract was for $140,000.00. There were four change orders issued on the project for additional work associated with minor equipment modifications, providing additional control wiring, and the installation of sweep bends on the electrical conduits. The total amount for all change orders was $1,632.00. The total contract amount paid to Pacific Engineering Construction was $141,632.00. The total budget for the project was $229,200. The total completed project cost is $224,913, which is $4,287 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project account which will result in $4,287 being returned to the Collection System Program. RSK JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 774f TAT '~c j/~ /11\ J~// SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE CONCORD INDUSTRIAL AND BATES AVENUE PUMP STATIONS UPGRADE PROJECT IN THE NORTH CONCORD AREA (DP 4091) POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE 2 June 6, 1988 RECOMMENDATIONS: This item is presented to the Board for information. No action is necessary. 13028-9/85 ~.~~_"_""__"'__w_.__.________,...__,."_..____~...u__'~~'''__.__''_'____'__~___''''_'''''.'''_'''''_'''__"__.'_.._,,~.__ _,'. _,,,, ~,"_,.._____.__., . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARDM3~T~~G~6, 1988 SUBJECT APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT (C()ID) FOR THE DEMONSTRATION INDUSTRIAL WATER REQAMATION PROJECT NO. VII. ENGINEERING 1 DATE June 10, 1988 XpP~6V'tT~ SlJBMITTED. BYK 1 1 James M. e y Planning Division Manager 1~I'nff~'tffi'igolt;epa rtment/ ~anning Division ISSUE: Board of Understanding (MOU) Recl amati on Proj ect. Di rectors' approval of an interagency Memorandum of is needed to begin the Demonstration Industrial Water BAO<GROUND: The District and C()ID initiated a Joint Water Reclamation Study in November 1986. As discussed in the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget on page TP-88, the District and C()ID have developed a joi nt Demon strati on Industri al Water Reclamation Project. The Demonstration Industrial Water Reclamation Proj ect has received the necessary regul atory permits to proceed. C()ID is finalizing arrangements with TOSCO and Shell for them to receive the reclaimed water. Recl aimed water del iveri es are schedul ed to begi n in mi d-June to Shell and early July to TOSCO. Deliveries are scheduled to continue through October. A proposed MOU has been developed to establish the responsibilities and activities for the District and C()ID during the Demonstration Industrial Water Reclamation Project. The proposed MOU is attached. In summary, the MOU calls for: o CCCSD to produce a nitrified effluent. o C()ID to soften and meet Department of Health Services requirements. o C()ID to deliver and meter the reclaimed water to Shell and TOSCO. o C()ID to collect revenues from Shell and TOSCO based on the same cost as canal water. o CCCSD and C()ID to spl it the revenue and share the consul ti ng cost from the Demonstration Project on an equal basis. RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOU with CQolD for the Demonstrati on Industri al Water Recl amation Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 5/~1 tL 1302....9/85 (ENTRAl CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT tEJl>RANDUM OF UtllERSTANDING FOR WATER REUSE DEtDfSTRATION PROJECT THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING made and entered into this day of , 1988, by and between CENTRAl CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, a public corporati on, herei nafter call ed "CCCSD"; and CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT, a public corporation hereinafter called "COWD." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, CCCSD and ~D, hereinafter called "CCCSD/~D" when acting jointly, have conducted a water reuse study to identify viable water reuse proj ects; and WHEREAS, the goal s of this water reuse study, which began in October 1986, were to develop a cost effective water reuse project that would: 1) maximize use of existing facilities, 2) extend water supplies, 3) reduce water storage requi rements, and 4) improve system reliability during a drought; and WHEREAS, this water reuse study identified industrial water recl amation as a potentially cost-effective reuse project; and WHEREAS, in May 1987 the CCCSD/~D recognized the potential for a drought in 1988 and began an effort to implement industrial water reclamation by May 1988 as a Demonstration Project; and WHEREAS, CCCSD/COWD has met with Shell; TOSCO; the Regional Water Quality Control Board, hereinafter called RWQCB; Department of Health Services; and Contra Costa County Health Department several times to discuss implementation of the Industrial Water Reclamation Project; and WHEREAS, CCCSD/CCWD submitted an Engineering Report for the Water Recl arnati on Proj ect to the ~OCB in January 1988 (a copy attached as Exhibit A and said document incorporated by reference herein); the Engineering Report requested approval for a six-month to a year Demonstration Project that would deliver reclaimed water to Shell and TOSCO; Exhibit A described the proposed Demonstration Project, including recl amati on treatment and di stri buti on system, process reliability, monitoring program, and contingency pl an in compl iance with the wastewater reclamation criteria in Sections 60301 to 60335, inclusive, of the California Administrative Code, Title 22; the Demonstration Project would reclaim water during the 1987-88 drought while verifying the existing reclamation treatment system will comply with Title 22 Wastewater Recl amati on Criteri a, whil e assessing the impact of recl aimed water use on Shell and TOSCO, and while developing cost data for long-term recl amati on; and WHEREAS, the RWOCB accepted the Engineering Report for the Demonstration Project in a letter to CCCSD/CCWD dated March 16, 1988; acceptance of the Engineering Report allows the Demonstration Project to proceed after CCCSD/CCCWD demonstrate the reclamation process produces Title 22 quality water; WHEREAS, the purpose of the Demonstrati on Proj ect is to determi ne if recl aimed water is suitabl e for use as a repl acement for canal water by industries; NOlI, lHEREFORE, CCCSD and CCWD agree that th i s Memorandum Of Understanding intends to set forth, in general terms, responsibilities and activities to be undertaken by CCCSD and CCWD during the Demonstration Project only, all as set forth herein. A. For the purpose of thi s Memorandum of Understandi ng, all water reclamation facilities shall be operated in the manner described in the January 1988 Engineering Report (Exhibit "An). The exceptions to the procedure set forth in the January 1988 Engi neeri ng Report are as foll ows: 1. CCCSD agrees to use its best efforts to produce a nitrified effluent during the period of the Demonstration Project; and 2. C()ID agrees to use its best efforts to dech1 ori nate pri or to ion-exchange and rech10rinate to meet Title 22 standards after ion-exchange. 3. Additional reclaimed water uses identified during the Demonstrati on, not named in Exhibit "A," may be part of the Demonstration Project. The purpose of eva1 uating the additional reclaimed uses would be to determine if reclaimed water is suitable for use as a replacement for canal water for any additional use identified. B. C()ID will meter reclaimed water deliveries and collect revenues from Shell and TOSCO for reclaimed water delivered based on the same rate schedul e by whi ch C()ID furni shes canal water from the Contra Costa Canal to Shell and Tosco. This revenue will be split SO percent to CCCSD and SO percent to C()ID. In simil ar fashi on, any consul ti ng cost to CCCSD/CC)/D for the Demonstration Project jointly contracted by CCCSD and C()ID will be paid SO percent by CCCSD and SO percent by C()I D. C. Each District will pay for their own incremental O&M costs for the Demon strati on Proj ect. Capital and force account costs for the Demonstration Project will also be paid by each District; these costs will be compiled and used for the reimbursement calculations from future revenues from the sa1 e of recl aimed water if there is a long-term reuse project. In the event there is no long-term reuse project, each District shall be solely responsible for these costs incurred by each District. D. Each agency agrees to be responsible for its own acts in undertaking this Demonstration Project. E. Each agency agrees in good faith to perform as set forth herei n. Except for any failure to perform in good faith, each party knowingly waives its right to bring an action at law or in equity to compel performance of thi s contract or for damages as a resul t of the fail ure of either party to produce the qual ity and/or quantity of the nitrified effluent or reclaimed water as set forth herein. F. This Memorandum of Understanding is not an amendment to the original Water Reuse Contract between the parties. Neither party by signing this Memorandum of Understanding waives any right, claim, or defense relative to CO\'D v. CCCSD, Contra Costa Superior Court No. 258786. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe this Agreement in triplicate. CONTRA OOSTA WATER DISTRICT CENTRAL CONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT by Board President . Centra~ ':ontra Costa Sanitar'i Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 16, 1988 NO. IX. BUDGET AND FINANCE 2 SUBJECT DA TE June 8, 1988 APPROV E BOARD RESOl UTION TO ADOPT THE 1988-1989 PERSONNEL, TYPE OF ACTION EQUIPMENT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, AND SRF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGETS AS COMPRISING lHE 1988-1989 BUDGET ADOPTION DISTRICT BUDGET SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The 1988-1989 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets are submitted for adoption by the Board of Directors. BAa<GROUI'I>: The 1988-1989 Operations and Maintenance and Capital Improvement Budgets were approved by the Board of Directors on June 2, 1988. In its approval action, the Board continued the present 1987-1988 residential Sewer Service Charge rate for 1988-1989. The Board al so approved a $500,000 sel f-insurance expense charge in the Operations and Maintenance Budget for payment to the Sel f-Insurance Fund, and approved the 1988-1989 Self-Insurance Fund Budget. The 1988-1989 Personnel and Equipment Budgets were approved at the April 21, 1988 and May 19, 1988 Board Meetings, respectively. A copy of the Board resolution adopting the 1988-1989 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets, and establishing the amount to be paid to the Self-Insurance Fund, is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Board resolution to adopt the 1988-1989 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets, as comprising the 1988-1989 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. .Z--~--<.<--4~ 1302A-9/85 WNF RESOLUTION NO. 88- A RESOLUTION ADOPTI~ THE 1988-1989 CEN1RAL CONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BlIlGET The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby resolve as follows: lHAT, the 1988-1989 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget, consisting of the Operations and Maintenance Budget, Self-Insurance Fund Budget, Capital Improvement Budget, Equipment Budget, and Personnel Budget, be adopted, and lHAT, the payment by the Running Expense Fund to the District's Self-Insurance Fund for 1988-1989 be $500,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of June 1988 by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Presfdent of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Hazara Counsel for the District . Centra~ -:ontra Costa Sanitar\t .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 16, 1988 NO. x. SOLID WASTE 1 SUBJECT RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSIS OF AN APPLICATION FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SLBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT DATE June 10, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION REFUSE COLLECTION RA TE REV IEW SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Valley Waste Management has submitted an application for refuse collection rate increases effective July 1, 1988. BACKGROUND: The refuse collection rate application for Valley Waste Management was received on the designated due date of March 31, 1988. Valley Waste Management is applying for a 55.02 percent across-the-board increase in all collection rates. The substantial increases in collection rates requested by the refuse collector are based on the following three primary causes: Disposal Fees - The refuse collector's rates were set last year based on a lower di sposal fee allowed by the Board of Di rectors than was imposed by the 1 andfl1l. In the current applicati on, the refuse coll ector has forecasted di sposal expenses based on the higher fee, and al so seeks to recover the differential in disposal fees paid last year. Sale of Valley Disposal Service, Inc. - Certain assets and liabilities of Valley Disposal Service, Inc. were sold to SAWDCO, a subsidiary of Waste Management, Inc. on January I, 1988. Valley Disposal Service, Inc.'s ownership in Acme Fill Corporation was not acquired by SAWDCO. The successor entity operates as Valley Waste Management, an operating division of Waste Management, Inc. Substantial intercompany charges assessed by the parent company are included as operating expenses in the rate application submitted by the refuse collector; additionally, other acquisition-related expenses are included as operating expenses in the rate application. Operating Ratio - The 55.02 percent increase in rates applied for by the refuse collector was calculated using a 90 percent operating ratio, instead of the 95 percent operating ratio customarily used by the District. The di sposal fee differenti al, and the intercompany charges and other acqui siti on-rel ated expenses are described in the following secti ons in greater detail. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~'1Jv'~J 1302A-9/85 WN F SUBJECT RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSIS OF AN APPLICATION FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INffiEASES SUBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 June 10, 1988 Disposal Fee Differential On July 1, 1987, Acme Fill Corporation (Acme) increased its landfill disposal fee by 118 percent from $2.68 to $5.84 per cubic yard. Because of the severe impact on refuse conection rates which would result, the Board, in its rate-setting process last year, initiated a review of the supportability of the disposal fee increase by Price Waterhouse, Certified Publ ic Accountants. Based upon the findings of the review, the Board allowed a disposal fee of $3.69 per cubic yard. The $3.69 fee refl ected Price Waterhouse's reductive adj ustments to Acme's projections of closure and operating expenses, and excluded the cost of transfer stati on pl anni ng and transfer vans from the $5.84 fee impl emented by Acme. The refuse collector has incurred disposal fees charged at $5.84 per cubic yard from July 1, 1987 through April 30, 1988; as of May 1, 1988, Acme converted its fee structure to a weight basis, which is asserted by Acme to be equivalent to the $5.84 per cubic yard fee. The Price Waterhouse report contained a summary of Acme's projection of 1 andf ill closure, post-closure, and operati ng expenses for the two rema i ni ng years before closure. Acme projected that the $5.84 per cubic yard fee implemented July 1, 1987 would require adjustment to $6.70 per cubic yard on July 1, 1988. Valley Waste Management has submitted its current appl ication based on a $6.70 disposal fee. Intercompany Charges, and Expenses and Other Effects of Acquisition Intercompany Charges The following charges are assessed by the parent company to Valley Waste Management, and are claimed in the rate application as operating expenses in General and Administrative Expenses-Other: Management Fee - A charge of 2 percent of gross revenues is made for regional support services to operating divisions in the areas of purchasing, safety, maintenance, information systems, finance, legal, environmental management, governmental affairs, and employee relations. The Management Fee projected for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988 is $77,980; the fee forecasted for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989, based on the increased revenues applied for, is $215,631. Corporate Serv ices and Development Fee - A charge of 2 percent of gross revenues is made for corporate services to operating divisions in such areas as purchasing, risk management, human resources, vehicle/equipment maintenance programs, safety programs, governmental affairs, legal, finance and accounting, publ ic affairs, Enployee 1..._______ 13026-9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSIS OF AN APPLICATION FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 4 DATE June 10, 1988 rel ations, and internal audi t. The Corporate Services and Development Fee forecasted for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988 is $77,609; the fee forecasted for the fiscal year endi ng June 30, 1989, based on the increased revenues applied for, is $215,631. Interest - Interest at 7 percent per annum is assessed semi-annually on the daily net bal ance of cash advances received from, and cash deposi ts into, the corporate bank account. Additi ona lly, a charge based on 7 percent per annum of Net Tangible Assets is assessed twice per year; for the forecasted fiscal year ending June 30, 1989, this charge is $192,220. Expenses and Other Effects of Acquisition Expenses and other effects which are di rectly rel ated to the acquisition and claimed in the rate application are summarized below: Legal Fees - Legal fees incurred in connection with the sale of certain assets and 1 iabil ities of Valley Disposal Service, Inc. in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988 totaled $61,991, and are claimed in the rate appl ication in General and Administrative-Legal and Accounting Fees. Goodwill Amortization - Goodwill, in the amount of $3,857,965, representi ng the difference between the considerati on given and the net assets acquired, was recorded on the books of Valley Waste Management. The amortization of this amount over a 40 year period totaled $48,275 and $96,449 in the fiscal years ending June 30, 1988 and June 30, 1989, respectively. The Goodwill amortization expense is cl aimed in the rate appl icati on in General and Administrative-Depreciation. Stockholders' Equity - The Valley Disposal Service, Inc. stockhOlders' equity account balance as of December 31, 1987 was $1,153,533. The stockholders' equity of Valley Waste Management increased to $5,470,000 as of January 1, 1988 as a result of increasing the value of the net assets acquired to market value, and recording the consideration given for those net assets. The stockholders' equity is the base on which an alternative Return on Equity computation for rate-setting consideration is made. The rate-setting issues raised by the foregoing are addressed in the accompanying staff analysis of the Valley Waste Management rate application <see section titled "Staff Analysis and Recommendations">, which is being submitted for initial review 13028- 9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSIS OF AN APPLICATION FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INffiEASES SlBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 4 OF 4 June 10, 1988 on June 16, 1988. The staff analysis is being forwarded to the City of Lafayette and Town of Danville for review and comment. A public hearing to receive comments from the publ ic, the affected city and town, and the refuse collector has been set for July 6, 1988. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the staff analysi s of the appl icati on for rate increases submitted by Valley Waste Management, and provide staff with comments and guidance. 13028-9/85