HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-07-88 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF A rll 7, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 14 SUBJECT DATE ESTABLISH MAY 5, 1988, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION 98 AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL Jll]ENCY FORMATION COMMISSION March 30, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION SET HEARING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: LAFCO has added properties to several of the parcels which are a part of the above-referenced District annexation. A public hearing must be held before this District can order the annexation of these amended parcels. BACKGROUND: The above-referenced annexation was sent to LAFCO as required for the formal annexation process. LAFCO has amended the boundaries of several of the parcels as submitted by the District. The amended parcels are designated as D.A. 98, Parcels B, C, E, and F. As required by law, staff will notify all affected property owners 15 days prior to the public hearing. RECOMME~DATION: Set a public hearing date on May 5, 1988, for the annexation of the above-referenced territories as amended by LAFCO. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB Ill{ 1/# INITIATING DEPT./DIV. . Centr," _ Contra Costa Sanita~ District " BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. April 7, 1988 IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 15 SUBJECT APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF BHUPINDER S. DHALIWAL, LABORATORY SUPERINTENDENT, AT THE ASTM SYMPOSIUM ON AQUATIC TOXICOLOOY AND HAZARD ASSESSMENT DATE April 1, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY William E. Brennan Plant Operations Division Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIv"l t 0 ti De tm t r an pera ons par en Operations Division ISSUE: The Board of Directors must approve attendance at an out-of-state conference in Sparks, Nevada. aACKGROUND: In August 1987 the Regional Water Qual ity Control Board (RWQCB) mandated an eff1 uent characterization and toxicity reduction eva1 uation program for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and other major dischargers. The effluent characterizati on program invo1 ves sensitive 1 ife stage bi oassays of several aq uati c species using recently developed protocols. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is required to develop a program plan for these special studies by July 1988. The plan must describe species selection, qual ity assurance/control, sampl ing sites, sampl ing procedures, ambient water collection, and testing procedures and techniques. Sensitive life-stage bioassays are relatively new techniques in the water pollution control field. The procedures are still evolving. Several authorities in this field, including researchers and regulators from the Environmental Protection Agency, are presenting new and improved techniques in aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment at the ASTM Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment in Sparks, Nevada, April 24 - 26, 1988. The topics range from recent regulations in toxicity control to laboratory and field techniques in conducting sensitive life-stage tests on several aq uati c speci es. Since the program for the symposium was not available last May in time for the 1987 - 1988 training budget, no funds were budgeted to cover it. However, $450 was budgeted for Mr. Dhaliwal to attend the California Water Pollution Control Association (CWPCA) annual conference in Sacramento. Approval is requested for attendance by Bhupinder S. Dhal iwal at the ASTM symposium instead of the QlPCA annual conference. This will not adversely impact the Plant Operations Department Technical Training Conferences and Meetings Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the attendance of Bhupinder S. Dhaliwal at the ASTM symposium on Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment in Sparks, Nevada. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IrTfT~ VuC 130211.9/65 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 7, 1988 NO. V. ENGINEERING 1 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN OF THE MARTINEZ EARLY START SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, DP 4429 DATE April 1, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMEJF~~~ W. Swanson Principal Engineer INITI~TING DEPT./QIV. ~nglneerlng Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement and/or amendment to a consulting engineering agreement when it is greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The concept of "early start" sewer improvements is described under the Martinez Sewer Improvement Facilities Plan Project on page CS-49 of the 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget. The early start improvements will correct the more critical sewer capacity and structural problems that were identified during the first phase of the Martinez Facilities Plan. Sewer improvements under the Early. Start Project include installation of 2,200 feet of 33-inch sewer and 900 feet of 8-inch sewer along lower Berrellesa Street, 600 feet of 8-inch sewer along Brown and Arreba streets, and 900 feet of new 8-inch sewer along Marina Vista and Estudillo streets. Following a formal request for proposals, John Carollo Engineers (JCE) was selected to design the early start sewer improvements. John Carollo Engineers has extensive experience in designing small and large diameter sewer systems, including the District's 1-680 trunk sewer relocations and portions of the Walnut Creek bypass sewer. A cost reimbursement agreement has been negotiated with JCE with a cost ceiling of $83,800. There are a number of projects of this type which will need to be completed in the future. The Engineering Division Personnel Budget Request for Fiscal Year 1988-1989 provides for additional staff to be added in late fall of 1988 with the intent being to complete many of the small sewer design projects in-house. Since the Martinez Early Start Projects are scheduled for construction in 1988, it was necessary to involve an outside consultant. Because of its length and nature, this project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. A Notice of Categorical Exemption will be filed later during project design. Funding for the early start sewer improvements was authorized in the 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget as part of the Martinez Sewer Improvement Facilities Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the agreement with John Carollo Improvements Project. General Engineers Manager-C"J, i (>f Engineer to b" the ~lartinez Early execute the Starl Sewer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 CWS DRW RAB A7~ 7J;1$ . Centr-.... Contra Costa Sanlta.7 District - BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 0 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 7, 1988 SUB-MOPT A NEW a.ASS DESCRIPTION FOR INSPECTION moRDINATOR RANGE G-67 (S2792/~.-S3380/Jl).); REQASSIFY ONE POSITION OF ENGINEERING ASSISTANT IN THE mllECTION SYSTEM INSPECT- TION SECTION TO INSPECTION COORDINATOR; ADOPT A REVISED QASS DESaUPTION FOR ENGINEERING ASSISTANT RANGE G-69 CS2931/MO. TO S3543/~.) NO. VI I. PERSONNEL 1 DATE March 29 1988 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Ja , Construction Division r. Construction Division ISSUE: Board action is required to adopt a new class description, revise an existing class description and establish a salary range for a new position. BACKGROUND: Edward Bokinskie retired in late January, 1988. Mr. Bokinskie was an Engineering Assistant and worked in the Collection System Inspection Section of the Construction Division. Upon his retirement the duties of his position and similar duties in other sections of the Construction Division were reviewed. Certain duties which are now a part of the permit and plan review functions are directly rel ated to contractors and i nspecti on. These duti es and other i nspecti on duti es have been combined into a new class description entitled Inspection Coordinator. (See Attachment A) The performance of these duties by one person will result in efficiencies in the inspection area. The creation of the new class description requires two concurrent actions. First, a new class description of Inspection Coordinator must be adopted. Second, the now vacant position of Engineering Assistant in the Collection System Inspection Section must be reclassified to Inspection Coordinator. A third associated action is also desirable at this time which is the revising of the exi sti ng Engi neeri ng Assi stant cl ass descri pti on to del ete i nspecti on rel ated duti es that were sol ely rel ated to Mr. Boki nski e. In November, 1987, the Board adopted a rev i sed cl ass descri pti on for Engi neeri ng Assi stant. Duti es whi ch were performed by Mr. Bokinskie were added to the class description at that time. Those duties will no longer be needed in the Engineering Assistant description when the Inspection Coordinator position is adopted. A revised class description for Engineering Assistant with those duties deleted has been prepared (See Attachment B). This revised class description is proposed for adoption by the Board. The Personnel Committee reviewed the proposed actions on March 28, 1988 and concurs with staff's recommendati on. Pursuant to Member Boney steel e' s suggesti on, a 1 ine has been added to each of the attached descri pti ons regardi ng the abil ity to use computers. Staff also reviewed the requirement for an A.S. degree for the Inspection Coordinator and recommends that it be retained. RECOtIENDATION: Adopt a new class description for Inspection Coordinator, Range G-67 ($2792/Mo. to $3380/Mo.); reclassify one position of Engineering Assistant in the Collection System Inspection Section to Inspection Coordinator; adopt a revised class description for Engineering Assistant, Range G-69 ($2931/Mo. to $3543/Mo.) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CRF RAB . Centa 1.1. Contra Costa Sanltat' District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 7~ 1988 SU81'BOPT A NEW Q.ASS DESaUPTlON FOR INSPECTION moRDINATOR RANGE &-67 (S2792/tI>.-$3380/tI>.); REQASSIFY ONE POSITION OF ENGINEERING ASSISTANT IN lHE mLLECTI<W SYSTEM INS~CT- TION SECTION TO INSPECTION moRDINATOR; ADOPT A REVISED a.ASS DESCRIPTION FOR ENGINEERING ASSISTANT RANGE &-69 (S2931/tI>. TO S3543/tI>.) PAGE 1 OF 1 0 NO. VII. PERSONNEL 1 DATE M rch 29 1988 TYPE or: ACTION PERSONNa SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. , Construction Division r. Construction Division ~: Board action is required to adopt a new class description, revise an existing class description and establish a salary range for a new position. BACKGROUND: Edward Bok1nsk1e retired in late January, 1988. Mr. Bok1nsk1e was an Engineering Assistant and worked in the Collection System Inspection Section of the Construction Division. Upon his retirement the duties of his position and similar duties in other sections of the Construction Division were reviewed. Certain duties which are now a part of the permit and plan review funct1on!i are directly related to contractors and inspection. These duties and other inspection duties have been combined into a new class description entitled Inspection Coordinator. (See Attachment A) The performance of these duties by one person wlll result in efficiencies in the inspection area. The creation of the new class description requires two concurrent actions. First, a new class description of Inspection Coordinator must be adopted. Second, the now vacant position of Engineering Assistant in the Collection System Inspection Section must be reclassified to Inspection Coordinator. A third associated action is also desirable at this time which is the ~ev1s1ng of the existing Engineering Assistant class description to delete inspection related duties that were solely related to Mr. Bokinsk1e. In November, 1987, the Board adopted a revised class description for Engineering Assistant. Duties which were performed by Mr. Bok1nsk1e were added to the class description at that time. Those duties will no longer be needed in the Engineering Assistant description when the Inspection Coordinator position is adopted. A revised class description for _ Engineering Assistant with those duties deleted has been prepared (See Attachment B). This revised class description is proposed for adoption by the Board. The Personnel Committee reviewed the proposed actions on March 28, 1988 and concurs with staff's recommendation. Pursuant to Member Boneysteele's suggestion, a line has been added to each of the attached descr1 pt1 ons regard1 ng the ab1l1ty to use computers. Staff also reviewed the requirement for an A.S. degree for the Inspection Coordinator and recommends that it be retained. RECXMENDATIOH: Adopt a new class description for Inspection Coordinator, Range G-67 (S2792/Mo. to $3380/Mo.); reclassify one position of Engineering Assistant in the Collection System Inspection Section to Inspection Coordinator; adopt a revised class description for Engineering Ass1stant~ Range G-69 (S2991/Mo. to S3543/Mo.) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. -.~ ~....~~-- -------- - -----~- ------~._"-----_._----- -.-- ".~. Page 2 of 10 ATTAOiMENT A CENTRAl.. CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DRAFT: 3/14/88 Range: G-67 INSPECTION (X)()R()INATOR DEFIN ITION Perform speci alized technical office work rel ated to the inspection of construction projects; coordinate the work of the Inspection Section with other sections, diviSions, departments, and the public; perform research, analysis, and compile technical reports. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general supervision from higher level professional or supervisory personnel. May exercise technical or functional supervision over less experienced personnel. EXAMPLES OF DUT.lES Duties may inclUde, but are not limited to, the following: Coordinate television inspections and sewer taps with the Collection System Operations Department; perform review of closed circuit television tapes, make decisions regarding acceptability of work. Work closely with and make recommendations to inspection staff, plan review staff, right-of-way personnel and management personnel in resolving field design and safety problems as they arise. Contact other agencies and utilities to confirm the completion and acceptance of new sewers. Contact developers and contractors regarding the completion of construction projects; identify work needed to complete; expedite the completion of the work; prepare correspondence regarding construction problems and/or violations. Process and route plans submitted by engineers for the construction and modification of facilities; participate in the review and. processing of AS-built sewer drawings. Process owner's sewer improvement agreements and bonds, release project securities. May provide guidance to inspection personnel as assigned. Page 3 of 10 Assist in the scheduling of inspectors for private sewer projects. Maintain and process records of contract work on behalf of the District as assigned. Coordinate inspection activities with the Pennit and Plan Review Sections; eval uate construction problems and recommend changes to procedures and improvements to plans. Research, compfl e and rel ay infonnation regarding inspection activities to outside contractors and other District staff. May conduct inspections of new public and private sewer construction and repairs made by contractors or other agencies as assigned. Perfonn a variety of special projects as assigned; collect and organize data and back-up material s in conj unction with inspection studies and reports; prepare clear and concise studies and reports. Assist in the preparation and administration of the opera,tion and maintenance budget. Respond to a variety of technical and routine inquiries and requests from the general public including outside contractors regarding construction plans, specifications and inspection requirements. Research and resolve problems related to missing sewer laterals. Mai ntai n records and enforce requi rements for contractor insurance and security deposits. Perfonn related duties as required. QUAI.. IFlCATIONS Knowledae of: General construction inspection practices, procedures, and methods. Principles and practices of engineering and surveying as they apply to area of assignment. Practices, methods, materials, and equipment used in the construction of sewer collection facilities. Pol icies, regul ations, specifications, and requi rements governing the .. construction, extension, and maintenance of sewer systems and facn ities. Mathematics as it applies to assigned area of work. Methods and techniques of engineering, drafting, and estimating. Page 4 of 10 Research and data collection methods and applications to assigned duties. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Ability to: Read and interpret engineering plans, specifications,. survey notes, and related materials. Maintain a variety of records, files, and engineering records. Analyze, interpret, apply, and explain complex and technical policies, procedures, codes, statutes, descriptions, and documents; make recommendations. Resolve problems and implement policies and procedures. Accurately perform computations including those involving algebra, geometry, and trigonometry as related to inspection matters., Use computers to compile and retrieve data. Prepare clear and concise technical correspondence, and other documents. records, mElTloranda, Establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of the work. Perform technical research and recommend sol utions to inspection problElTls. Enforce District regul ati ons. Prepare maps, sketches, graphs, and charts. policies, procedures, specifications, and Perform assigned duties with a significant degree of independence and make effective judgments regarding compliance to District standards. Respond effectively to a variety of questions, inquiries, and complaints. Provide trai ni ng and 1 ead gui dance to less experienced technical engineering staff as assigned. Learn and observe all appropri ate safety preca uti ons as requi red by the District including, but not limited to, Ca1/0SHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Page 5 of 10 Exoerience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the requi red knowledge and abil ities woul d be qual ifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Four years of experience in technical engineering work including construction inspection. Education: Equivalent to possession of an A.S. degree in engineering or closely related field. Courses in mathematics, drafting, materials and surveying are desirable. licenses and Certificates: Possession of a valid California Driver's License. -----------,-"--,~ .,_..._-,-~._--_.,---,.._.._---_._-_._._..~_.,~-,_._---..._....__..~,-_.~._._._____.____,_.___.._.~_~~,_,_w,_______.___'.._~>.M <'__,.__ Attachment B Page 6 of 10 CENTRAL OONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DRAFT 3/10/88 Range: G-69 EJ.UNEERI~ ASSISTANT DEFINITION Perform speci a1 fzed, technical fie1 d, and/or office engineering work which may, as assigned, involve reviewing plans using established review criteria, performing moderately complex design work, monitoring and achinistering outsi de eng1 neeri ng or construction contracts, and conducti ng a variety of special engi neeri ng and/or pl ann1 ng studi es; 1 nspect constructi on work performed on District structures, materials, instruments, and appurtenances as assi gned. DISTI~UISHING OtARACTERIsncs This is a specialized, advanced engineering class which recognizes work requiring significant technical skills and knowledge. Positions assigned to the c1 ass of Engi neeri ng Assi stant work with a mi n1mum degree of super- vision, using established procedures, guidelines, and Distriq policies. Work may involve moderately complex design work, research on a variety of 01 stri ct proj ects, contract achi ni strati on, and/or development p1 an review and comment, using established review criteria. SUPERV ISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive direction from higher level professional or management staff. May exercise technical or functional supervision over less experienced engineering personnel as assigned. EXAM=\.ES OF DUTIES - Duti es may inc1 ude, but are not 1 imited to, the foll ow ing: As assigned, conduct routi ne and compl ex i nspecti ons of new pub1 ic sewer mains and private sewer lateral construction and repairs made by contractors or other agencies; perform civil, structural, mechanical, and e1 ectrica1 inspections on a variety of facn ities and construction projects; perform safety 1nspectfons as required. Assist in short'and long range facilities and financial planning. Review p1 ans and specificati ons submitted by engi neers for constructi on or modification of facn ities; determine if pl ans and specifications are in compliance with District requirements and policies. Perform a variety of special projects as assigned. t~t7~_f~~//~v'f1f~g ;;jltl~"/~.;;rjl Gather data for watershed capacity studies and local capacity studies. -_._____._____~...__~__~ _-,0'_'_..--- '_'_'_"~_'.__~"_",__~,__~,_~_,~,~,___,_,,,__,,~__,____..___._._~ Page 7 of 10 CENlRAL CONlRA CX>STA SANITARY DISlRICT Engineering Assistant (Continued) EXAMR. ES OF OOTIES Prepare, assembl e, and correl ate TJJlstf#:t/ 1~cNr/~, pl ans and specifica- tions for District projects with project engineering staff, ~~(/rJr#. 'IJ1IJ111JlJlfUtll,rltrtff/lrm.1ff1mfllll'JilllflllttJm! 1_f.tJ;; 1 1:/P~f>/ Afl Prepare clear and concise data summaries and written reports. May provide lead guidance to less experienced technical engineering personnel as assigned. Contact other utilities and agencies regarding growth in the service area. hcttI 1-'_1 1 /Jtl lasi st the project engi neer in the areas of cost tracki ng and control, preparation of correspondence, monitoring schedules, project status, and completion of as-built drawings, "'a~tt.t~/toritf.ttltM.ri~sl.A~ fllfV,YrJ,lr/;rIrJf.v;.r/:'(.fJv;( may serve in contract review and monitoring,capacity as assi gned. assist in ion; May ,rtfiY1_; proj ect engi neeri ng and/or -.t'/.I/IN contract achli ni strat,st ,s,r -';'77_, / A1/s1rJ'ftttr/ l;vfJ!rjthj( / t>aftAtAt>aU/ IW /tt4.1 /JAWAI::/rJ/sI 1t1lIrfrfVrlg /,r~tess' provide attorneys and depar'bnent heads with pertinent contract documents. Maintain records of contract work performed on behalf of the District as assigned; ensure that progress payments are made and that work percentages are in accordance with contractsi..;.1~;.1~/;./~;.;1;t.YI;flr;1;.t;_lff1;jl Cata 109' rev i ew and route contract propose 1 s, subm i tta 1 s, draw i ngs, and plans for review, changes, and subsequent approval. Perform a variety of data collection and research requiring office and field 1 nvest1 gati ons. Review and identify defects in sewer construction, assist in the determina- ti on of Di stri ct course of acti on. Respond to 1nqui ries and requests, prepare letters and other forms of cor respondence. Perform related duties as required. ~~~nla~~AQri.Alt6/~~/lri.~ttAPri./~IIAt~i '1'1#Jt.t./ l;.rlrJ / fN4./J/ IfV;.rjj 1 /5I#nA~/J/ IW / JJNt.~Mt./ /ffJrI / Mt/J/ Ir/tIrj~rll/f/tIffJrI / MA In/:JIJA I A~ bit! bI 1 JA/:J. ~ Air/. /3Ji/. ~~~~t~;/~/;'rJrJlt~J~;/~~~/rI.g~~glfrJ'Pfr/:'(.f;rJl-.tttvftt~_/~ /Jptt.A/JIJI/:PMlA#.IJtt.IMA//Jt1IMllJAlstfAtt/IstUlt - "..-.-------.-.---~-_. .."'-_..._....~.~-.._~---,....._-._-._.----...-._._._----,..__._....__..____~.__,__,._"4,._,, .__..~..._.__._._....,,~...."_..._..___._,_.._."_.._...._,~...._....,_..,_~.___..__M__.._"_M_..__. Page 8 of 10 CENTRAl.. CONTRA OOSTA SAN IT MY DISTRICT" Engineering Assistant (Continued) EXAMPlES OF OOTIES (Continued) 'effhfM/A/wAfAeti/hf/tpetAAt/pfh4ett$/a$/'$$AQ"_~~/~11.tt/'"~/pta_"'t~/~_~_ a~~/~_t~f~p/~_t~t1_7~/1"/~~I~~tt1p"I_J~/1"~~ttfp~/~~~f_-Ij~~/t_~~t_1 FJ.,jP9r1r1 /1;p/ N Nj.rffrIW 1 pf 1 frN:/lltffrlj.y / /JIt/J/ fr/qt(r/fJrrtf /fr/ttIlYty,j 1 j~_1 t/JAIJ/J#M tt#V ~_I IrHrI,t;:y 1 /rftti1IW 1 ftftl;}IJfJftMl 1;~f.;.1_;1 I~t,qtfc/r/, 1 fNAAtIJl.Ni IP/J~n~_n1(J~ P'lN1~,1 ~pptf.fft#.t./tP/l~1 NtfJI ft~pp#JpN f/JAIJfttNtp/lt~~ ~1IPf6;ld_/~ldj"t_It611"_p;ttt6"I;;t_6"";71._/j__tG~;d' ~;f.j~/;t~;t/ji';~f;;.I/_;v;Y;;;t;./j;rI/;9_f.tj~9V;.lf;ij.t_f_il;9~~V~~r9~/r~ ~;/~;y1~;/j,;jl '~;_II1;I;rI_/~9V_fpj.f.;11p;.p;~f;rlI9f/;tt(;f.;/~;r/;r9!;~" V_ttlt1p_t~/ft~/~pt/J1fijtl~all~_~ttlp"/jtt1~1t1/J_/~J~/~~~rl"~rl~/~~ffl 'H'~"_'fI/ NtfJl A*'~ fr/flC:#1rN 191 1~""'~'f!I.I,prN PfI/ ~Jf! J9f! 111' /9tnvt91I" j.jjfirlfrll . '_flh~/~1ated/ddtfe$/j$/j_$IQ~;dl (lJAI.. IFI CATIONS Know 1 edge of: Construction practices, procedures, methods, materials, tools, equipment, and supplies, as applicable to the area of assignment. Principles and practices of engineering. Mathematics as it applies to assigned responsibilities. Methods and materials in the construction of sewer collection faci 1 iti es. Contract purposes and terminology as they apply to assigned administrative responsibilities. Polici es and regul ati ons governi ng the constructi on, extensi ons, and maintenance of District sewer systems and facilities. Methods and techniques of engineering, drafting, and estimating. Research and data collection methods and applications to assigned duties. Safety hazards and appropri ate precautions applicabl e to work assignments. .,_____,"~..~..__~..__ __,__,.,_'k_~'k'_."_~,_".",.__,_.~,,,~,~,.,___,_,________ Page 9 of 10 CENTRAL CONTRA roSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Engineering Assistant (Continued) Abi 1 ity to: Conduct detailed and accurate inspections of District construction proj ects. Perform technical research and provide reliable advice on engineering probl ems. Read and interpret engineering and construction plans, blueprints, and drawings. Perform a variety of contract monitoring and administration functions, as assi gned. Enforce District policies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Use a variety of graphics tools and materials. Perform engineering calculations with speed and accuracy. Maintain a variety of reports, files, and engineering records. Use and care for engineering and drafting instruments and equipment. Perform assigned duties with a significant degree of independence. Respond effectively to engineering questions and inquiries. Provide training and lead guidance to less experienced technical engineering staff as assigned. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District including, but not limited to, eal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Use computers to compile and retrieve data. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Five years of experience in technical engineering work. _._~"._..-._._-~-~_..._-..._~--_.._._--_.,.,._,_..._--~..-'-"---'.--"-'-'."".'..,..,"".--- Page 10 of 10 Education: Equivalent to possession of an A.S. degree in engineering or closely rel ated fiel d. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California Driver's License. ...._.".-_...,.~._,.__.___._._.__.._"''',_.~,_.,_._._'._m_m _._._"__._....~..~~".____.,.~_.~_~__..".._.___._._.____,.._..___..___.~.. . Centra:.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 7, 1988 NO. VI!. PERSONNEL 2 SUBJECT DATE March 23, 1988 AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EJFlOYEES TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNB. SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Cathryn Radin Freitas_ Personnel Officer Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal help in 1988. BAa<GROUND: Each year the District hires students during the summer months for vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects; and during the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Authorization was given for forty-one student posi ti ons 1 ast year. Approval is requested for th i rty-ei ght seasonal positions in Fiscal Year 1988-89. A summary of the requests for seasonal employees is attached. The hourly wages for seasonal employees will remain the same as in 1987. It is recommended that the hourly rate for seasonal employees be as follows: Student Positions* Proposed Salary No experience necessary, i.e., clerical, laborers, grounds $ 6.50 Technical, i.e., drafting, survey $ 8.00 $10.00 Professional, i.e., chemist, engineer * For €Nery year a student returns, add $1.00 per hour to a maximum of three additi onal summers. For exampl e, a student 1 aborer who has worked here for the past two summers would receive $8.50 per hour this summer. The extra dollar would recognize experience and serve as an incentive for returning students. The approximate cost of this action will be $199,819 from departmental 0 & M budgets. The Board Personnel Committee has reviewed this request. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the hiring of 38 persons for seasonal employment. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A..9/85 +> l:: OJ E .s:::. u ttl +> +> ct: ~ F= CI) ~ is !~ I ~ Ll'l1""\Ll'l"'" ...... ..... ..... ..... ~ \O('/"\('/"\Ll'l ..... co ..... ..... ('/"\ 0\0\ CO 0\ ('/"\ co ..... 1""\ Ll'l..... 1""\ ..... . ..... ..... . ..... ..... N . 1""\ ..... ~ . NN...... Ll'l . ..... ..... N . ...... ('/"\ ~ . ......N ('/"\ . .....COI""\ N ..... . NN ..... Ll'l . Q.. 0 0) III 0) SSg ~ ,.. >~- lG _1Il~ '0 ~ ~ ~ IU 01 IU en L. c: L. 0)- >. ~.Q..L. ~t t toO) - 0) ~- .. III c:0)~c: 0) L. ~ ..-~c:..- b~ t; > -e~IUC> o ~ c: 0)- .. <(.)o...UJ (1)0 Cl ~ ,,>- - ,... oCt;a) t:lG~ <-' ,.. ilG ~~ CIIl ~.c ~~ a?i Q Cl ~ .-. 8 ..... ..... .-. 8 Q r-l .-. e i; >- ~8 ~~ e U"I co .... 8 a) .... e U"I L:; Q U"I ~ ~ ~! lG" Q.. 8i5 ~ -_.,._--~.-._._---_._------,.,-_..._-_.._-,..,-------~-----_._-~-,-----._--,-- . Centr~. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF A r il 7, 1988 NO. V I I. PERSONNa. 3 SUBJECT DATE RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNa. BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAl YEAR 1988-89 March 25, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE BUDGET SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Cathryn Freitas. Personnel Officer A~inistrative/Personnel ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fi scal Year 1988-89 and is submitting its requests for Board review prior to final Board consideration and approval at the April 21st Board meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1988-89. The Personnel Budget includes memoranda from each department (Attachments I, II, III, IV, V & VI) with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes. The attached summary sheet (Attachment I) highl ights each department's staffing requests and summarizes their effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized positions in the District would increase by eight (8) over last year; the number of requested new positions (9) is partially offset by a position recommended for deletion (1). In addition to the increased number of positions, the salaries and wages in the 1988-89 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year due to the following: o Any salary adjustment subject to the current meet and confer negotiations; o Merit increases scheduled in 1988-1989; o Filling authorized positions which were vacant in 1987-1988; and o Positions authorized in 1987-1988 which were budgeted for a partial year because of the time required to fill positions. On Monday, March 28, 1988, the Personnel Committee met to review the proposed budget. The following Board authorizations and modifications to the District staffing charts were discussed and are presented below for your consideration: Administrative Department 1.) Add one Personnel Assistant, 5-52, $1966-$2375. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE PERSa.NB... BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 April 7, 1988 Collection System Operations Department 2.) Delete one Collection System Superintendent, S-77, $3560-$4312. 3.) Add one Associate Engineer, S-77, $3560-$4312. 4.) Add one Collection System Technician, salary and class description to be reviewed and adopted by the Board at a later date. Plant Operations Department 5.) Add one Plant Operator III, G-65, $2660-$3224. Engineering Department 6.) Add one Secretary 1/11, G-45, $1661-$2003. 7.) Add one Administrative Analyst, G-68, $2860-$3461. 8.) Add one Engineering Assistant, G-69, $2931-$3541. 9.) Add two entry-level engineers, salary and class description to be reviewed and adopted by the Board at a later date. Co-op Progru 10.) Authorize the hiring of students to fill nine positions in the Co-op Program. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the Personnel Budget for Fiscal Year 1988-1989 herein identified by items one through ten. The budget will be submitted for fi nal approval at the April 21, 1988 Board Meeting. L_______.. 13028-9/85 ...... -+-> s::: Q) E .r::. u ttj -+-> -+-> c::( t;:; LIJ ~ i ~ t;:; ~ CD 0 ClO N <ot "'l (\"\ <ot 0 r- .... .... 0\ r- .... 0\ I N <ot 0 \0 III .... . .... 0 0 rn \0 0 0 0 N \0 0 CD CD +> +> III N N >.IG <ot lB .... .... >.IG r- .... .... .c "0 N \0 <ot .c "0 rq ~ ~ N ~ <ot III "01.. rn rn rn "01.. 4oo't 4oo't 4o't CD CD 4o't 4oo't 4oo't 4oo't CD CD g I I I c:+> I I I I c:+> \0 0 0 ....IG 0 .... 0 .... ....IG ~ \0 \0 Er- \0 \0 :8 ~ Er- III III ~ \0 0 III .... rn rn CD IG .... N N CD IG 4o't 4oo't 4oo't +> 4o't 4o't 4oo't 4o't +> CD+> CD+> .. .. .. "OIG .. .. .. .. "OIG N r- r- III III ClO 0\ III r- r- CD "0 \0 <ot \0 \0 CD "0 I I I .cl.. J, I I J, .cl.. CIl CIl CIl III c.!l c.!l IG o 0 00 +>cc +>cc . ~ +> +> u III +> III c: CD * >. c: I.. IG I- ';;; t CD t: I.. ...... CD CD II ...... c: c: .... CD ...... < .... 0, III c: t: III III 0, I.. ...... CD III c: III < >. 0 ...... > < UJ 8 c: CIl +> ...... :;:; r- UJ III ...... Ol r- .... CD c: I.. IG c: CD 0 +> c: CD 0 CD t- I.. .... ~ .... c: +> .... Q. t: I.. III 0 IG t) 0 IG CD r- ~ III .... +> .... CD I I.. U CD +> CD c: c: t- CD 0 r- c: I.. .... .... a.. III r- IG U -8 Ol +> III 0 r- CD c: c: .... < C,) a.. CIl < UJ UJ .... .... .... .... .... .... N . t. :::J CIl II . t: III >. c CIl 0 .... 0 c: 0 0 0 +> 0 ... .... III t ~ CD r- r- 0 C,) .... l+- t: Ol 0 c: ~ .... t'+> c\, CD I.. CD IG U ....> 0 CD +>.... ~ c:.... +> c: CD I.. ....+> en c: .... bt: 8 -8~ IG Ol c.5 Ii: c CD.... <+> UJ CIlC -g OI~ NCOI ~E~ ~1Il~ ~~.... < 1 OI~ NCO\ ........ .... '-I+- 01+-,... ~ III 00 +101 CIl.... < 01 ~. A~ +I i; .as; enOl .... ~ III r- III en a:: I r- III C o .... +I ... "0 ~ "0 ~ :! "'l LIl LIl N III . r- <ot N 0\ ClO . C 0 .... +> .... III 8. CD ~ .... IG I.. +> CD C 0 '0 c: 0 .... +> - I.. +> +> IG 0\ CD ;i C .... +> r- :::J III .. f 0\ ClO 0\ r- .... r- I .... ClO . ClO 0\ ...... .... ...... .. ...... 00"0 ClO CD I.. ~t: 0 +> I CD IG r- :::J I.. .... ~i" CD Q. ....0:: 0 Ol Ol +> C c C III ....- IG c: I+- I+- r- .. 0 I+- I+- a.. ill_ IG IG c:+> +>+> IG ..0..- CIl CIl 111....111 I+- c+>o "0 "0 0 0.... a.. CD CD I.... III N N C +100. -- 0 ....a..o I.. I.. - CIl:gr-8 00 +> ~~ :g a.. IG +>+> t"08+> :::J :::J "0 << IG ...CD....C '- +> +> CD r- r- CD 1;;CD...."O IG IG ~ r-"O:::J ~~ I- i5~~~ * . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 11 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 7, 1988 NO. VII 1. SOLI D WASTE SUBJECT DATE FURlHER REV IEW OF lHE RETURN ON EQUITY MElHOD FOR DETERMINING REFUSE COLLECTORS' ALLOWABLE PROFIT April 1, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER RATE- SETTING PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Further rev iew and consi derati on of the use of the Return on Equity method in determining the refuse collectors' allowable profit was continued to the April 7, 1988 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors received a written description of the Return on Equity method at the March 17, 1988 Board Meeting. The report was submitted for initial review, with further consideration and discussion to occur at the April 7, 1988 Board Meeting. A copy of the report is provided as Attachment I. Under the Return on Equity method, the Board of Directors would discretionarily establish the rate of return on stockholders' equity to be used whenever collection rates are to be set. The rate of return woul d be set by the Board of Di rectors based on prevailing rates of return within the waste industry and general industry, riskless rates of return, and profit levels produced by other measures of allowable profit, such as the Operating Ratio and Return on Net Fixed Assets methods. A range of rates of return which would typically be provided for use in establishing the rate of return on stockholders' equity is presented on Attachment II. As the result of the review of alternative methods of determining allowable profit, Di strict staff recommends use of the Return on Equity method as the primary basi s for setting refuse collection rates. RECOMMENDATION: Consider use of the Return on Equity method as the primary method of determining the refuse collectors' allowable profit, supplemented by the Operating Ratio and Return on Net Fixed Assets methods. /. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. \l(\; e:~~~j 1302A-9/85 ATTACHMENT I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 15, 1988 TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: THE HONORABLE MEM3ERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTO~ . ROGER J. DOLAN, GENERAL MAN~ER-a-t~t-GINEER PAUL MORSEN, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGE WAL TER N. FUNASAKI, FINANCE OFFICER tifdt. ~~.....-I~ RETURN ON EQUITY METHOD FOR DETERMINING REFUSE COLLECTORS' ALL~ABLE PROFIT c A recommendation made by Price Waterhouse in its February 7, 1983 report, based on a review of the District's refuse collection rate-s~tting procedures, was to include Return on Equity as a method of calculating allowable profit, in addition to the customary Operating Ratio cal cul ation. The recommendation was impl emented, and the Return on Equity calculation has been included in the staff analyses of all subsequent rate increase applications; however, the Operating Ratio calculation continues to be the primary method used by the District. Price Waterhouse suggested that the District consider using the Return on Equity method in determining the refuse collectors' revenue requirement, and use of the Operati ng Rati 0 method, as well as other methods, as supplemental measures. The attached report describes the three methods covered in the Price Waterhouse report, with a particular focus on the Return on Equity method. The stimulus for preparing this report originated from two sources, i.e. recent suggestions by refuse collectors that the Board considers rate-setting methodologies which do not encourage inefficiency; and interest expressed by some Board Members for a change from a method which is viewed as being based on a "cost plus" concept. As the March 17, 1988 Board Meeting is anticipated to be lengthy, it is proposed that general comments to staff indicati ng the 1 evel of Board interest be received, but that more extensive discussion of this matter be deferred to the April 7, 1988 Board Meeting. At the April 7, 1988 Board Meeting, staff will be prepared to provide the Board with a range of rates of return for use in establishing the return on equity rate to be used initially in the forthcoming staff analyses of refuse collection rate increase applications. WF/hb Attachment RElURN ON EOlJIlY MElHOO FOR DETERMINIt<<2 REFUSE COlLECTORS' ALLOfABLE PROFIT This report provides a general description of three methods of calcul ati n9 the profit to be allowed the refuse collector, contrasts between the Operati ng Rati 0 and Return on Equity methods, and a more specific review of the Return on Equity method. ALLOfABLE PROFIT DETERMINATION ME1HOOOl.OGY The following sllllmarizes the methods of determining allowable profit for refuse coll ectors described by Price Waterhouse in its February 7, 1983 report. The equation which is basic to all of the profit determination methods is: Allowable Profit + Cost of Service = Revenue Requirement. The determination of the Cost of Service component involves the review and analysis of the refuse collector's operating expenses for reasonableness. The Allowable Profit component is commonly established on the basis of one of the following profit determination methods: Operating Ratio; Return on Equity; and Return on Net Fixed Assets. ( Operating Ratio (OR) The OR method expresses operati ng income as a percentage of operating revenues. It measures the return on revenues. The operating income is to provide for the refuse collector's interest expense, income taxes and profit. OR = Operating Expenses Operating Revenues To determine the revenue requirement under this method, allowable profit (Operating Income) is added to approved operating expenses. The District has used as its primary profit determination method a 95 percent Operating Ratio, which provides a 5 percent operating income. ( Return on Equity (ROE) The ROE method expresses net income, after allowing for reasonable interest expense and income taxes, as a percentage of stockholders' equity. It measures the return on the owner's investment in the business. Stockholders' equity is comprised of the amount received by the company for its issued capital stock, and accumulated earnings retained in the business. The stockholders' equity of Valley Disposal Service, Inc. and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. reported on their balance sheets as of December 31, 1986 are shown on Attachments I and II, respectively, to this report. ROE = Income After Taxes Stockholders' Equity 1 To determine the revenue requirement under this method, allowable profit (Income After Taxes) is incremented to a before-tax basis and added to approved operating expen~es. Return on Net Fixed Assets (RONFA) The RONFA method expresses net income, after allowing for reasonable interest expense and income taxes, as a percentage of net fixed assets employed by the refuse collector. It measures the return on fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation, used in the business. RONFA = Income After Taxes Fixed Assets - Accumulated Depreciation To determine the revenue requirement under this method, allowable profit (Income After Taxes) is incremented to a before-tax basis and added to approved operating expenses. OONTRASTS BElWEEN THE RElURN ON EQUITY AtI) OPERATIt<<3 RATIO METHODS . The following table contrasts the two methods: RElURN ON EQUITY ( The ROE Method is a more complex rate-setting calculation, and will require the additional review of non-operating revenues and expenses in determining net income after taxes. The ROE method provides a return to the refuse collector based upon his investment in the business and the risks associated with that business. The ROE method provides the ability to compare the refuse collector's return to risk1ess rates of return, such as Treasury 8i11 interest rates, and to industry measures. The ROE method provides the refuse collector with the opportunity to reduce expenses to the benefit of the rate payer while maintaining a reasonable return. OPERATIt<<3 RATIO The OR method is a simpler rate- setting calculation, as it is based only on the ratio of operating revenues and operating expenses. No consideration is given to non-operating revenues and expenses, including interest income and interest expense. The OR method provides the refuse collector with a profit margin before interest and income taxes that may not be consistent with his investment in the business and the associated risks. The OR method does not provide a ready means for comparison to risk1ess rates of return or industry measures. The OR method is regarded by the refuse collectors as one which provides a disincentive for expense reductions. 2 ( EXNFLE OF RETURN ON EQUITY CALaLATION The following example of the Return on Equity calculation is based on Valley Disposal Service, Inc. whose operations are equally distributed within the District and outside of the District. Therefore, a 50 percent apportionment of the refuse collector's stockholders' equity is made. The 20 percent rate of return on stockholders' equity used in the example is illustrative. The District's Board of Directors would discretionarily establish the rate of return whenever rates are set, based on prevailing riskless rates of return, and return on equity rates within the industry. VALLEY DISPOSAL SERVICE. INC. Return on Equity (000 OIIitted) Stockholders' Equity as of December 31, 1986: Capital Stock Retained Earnings Tota 1 Apportionment to District's zone based on revenues for the year ended December 31, 1986 S 10 2.,444 2,454 ( Rate of Return Computed Net Income After Income Taxes Add Back Estimated Income Taxes Allowable Income Before Income Taxes SOJ 1,227 20J 245 105 $ 350 Forecasted Operating Expenses for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1988 Add: Forecasted Franchise Fee $26 Forecasted Interest Expense 82 S 6,749 Deduct: Forecasted Other Income Add: Allowable Income Before Income Taxes 108 6,857 < 16> 350 Forecasted Revenue Required Forecasted Revenue at Current Rates Increase in Revenue Required Percent Increase in Forecasted Revenue Required 7,191 6,373 S 818 12.84~ 3 EFFECT OF EXCESSIVE LABOR AtI) EQUIPMENT EXPENSES Utt>ER lHE RETURN ON EQUITY AN> OPERATItG RATIO METHODS ( The Return on Equity method calculates allowable profit on the basis of the owners' equity in the business. The Operating Ratio method determines profit based on a stipulated percentage relationship between revenues and expenses. The following illustrates the effect of excessive labor and equipment expenses, which develop in the second year of the illustration, on the computation of the increase in revenue required under the two methods: BAS E YEAR <000 Omitted> Stockholders' Equity Rate of Return Net Income Add Back Income Taxes Net Income Before Taxes ROE $ 1,500 151 225 91 $ 316 951 OR Forecasted Operating Expenses $ 6,000 Add: Net Income Before Taxes 316 $ 6,000 l Forecasted Revenue Required $ 6,316 Forecasted Revenue Required to Produce 951 OR <$6,000 ~ .95> 6,316 Forecasted Revenue At Current Rates 5,910 5,910 Increase in Revenue Required $ 406 $ 406 In the base year, the increase in revenue requi red of $406,000 is the same under both methods as the allowabl e profit under the ROE method has been establ ished at an amount equal to the 5 percent return under the OR method. 4 YEAR 2 <000 Omitted> ROE 951 OR Stockholders' Equity $ 1,725 Rate of Return 131 Net Income 225 Add Back Income Taxes 91 Net Income Before Taxes $ 316 Forecasted Operating Expenses $ 6,000 Excessive Labor $100 Excessive Equipment (Depreciation Expense) 150 250 Total Forecasted Operating Expenses 6,250 $ 6,250 Add: Net Income Before Taxes 316 Forecasted Revenue Required 6,566 Forecasted Revenue Required to Produce 951 OR <$6,250 ~ .95> 6,$79 Forecasted Revenue At Current Rates 6,316 6,316 Increase in Revenue Requi red $ 250 $ 263 \ '- In Year 2, excessive labor and equipment expenses of $250,000 were incurred. Assuming that forecasted operating expenses and net income before taxes remain unchanged, the increase in revenue required under the ROE method is $250,000. Under the OR method, the increase is $13,000 higher, as a 5 percent margin on the $250,000 is produced. EFFECT OF MElHOOOL.OGIES ON COST SAY ItI;S Neither the ROE method nor the other profit determination methods will produce cost savings as an inherent feature of the methodology used. However, the ROE and RONFA methods may foster a climate in which the refuse collector is encouraged to seek expense reductions, when the basis for determining allowable profit is not tied directly to the level of operating expenses. The key sources for identifying opportunities for cost savings programs are the franchising agency, management audits, and the refuse collector. The franchising agency may initiate a cost savings program by directing reductive changes in the level or type of service. Management audits may discover operational inefficiencies or identify less expensive alternative operational procedures. As there is little incentive for the refuse collector to initiate cost savings programs, an incentive plan, where the cost savings are shared with the refuse collector in the form of additional profit over a specified time period, was recommended by Price Waterhouse. 5 CONa..USION Consideration should be given to changing the method of setting refuse collection rates from one which is based on the Operating Ratio method as the primary measure of allowable profit to one which uses the Return on Equi ty method, suppl emented by the Operati ng Rati 0 and Return on Net Fixed Assets methods. As one measure of profitability may not provide the proper perspective of the refuse collector's financial results due to changes in its financial or operati ng envi ronment, the suppl ementary methods would be used to obtain a clearer perspective. An application of this procedure would be the determination of the ROE rate of return based on industry statistics, rates of return on riskless investments, and the profit levels indicated by the Operating Ratio and Return on Net Fixed Assets methods. The Return on Equity calculations can readily be prepared for Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. However, as Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal is a sole proprietorship whose proportional share of net worth attributable to operations in the District is not available, the Operating Ratio would continue to be the primary method of determining allowable profit for this refuse coll~tor. c 6 ....... +..l J:: Q) E .r::. U ~ +..l +..l <C <..~ to> !i JI,J u ;: I- ~ ct JI,J ~ JI,J !l! . III 11I;;\ ...I JI,J < U .. 8 z J Cl, < E III ...I V 25 ~ ~ > JI,J ...I ...I < > - '" '" . ~ .. ~ > t: ;:) 11.I iiI ct ~ 6 :r:: ~ g Iii o z < III JI,J E ...I ;a < :i ~ '" . i ~ ~i~ 1'\ 11\ 00 N ~~ ~ .1:i -8 E !i .:0 j J .. . .. .~ i5. 3 i ~ :::a ~ 1! "0 !I ~ ::~ G .!! I a 11- 0:1 Ai_ ;= ' "to i E- :t- ~v ... :i"i is 51 ~~o ~o B~ au~ u~ << N N '" .- .. " ~~~;::~~ N."l"';.--:'~ 11\0011\1'\1'\ ""I'\NN O\-......N ~ ~I - 11\ V o ~ N' '" :a v 0 III o '" > .. "8 ~"O9 II =..8 .. il! W li S.!!~ ~ ;;~.. -; ~~A ;; _Ii ! c Ev-o _"0 .2= ..:a~ -~ 10.. !!=... !l9::2v .!.-u8 ~"'2&,E a~~iS""!&'!';~ ;i".g::="S.- :I "CI :: ~ .0";: .. v '" "2 "i~"<I)2v:2t.. .. 0 c E !,.x " ijij vevls'" ~u< .5.5Q:;'~ u i 0 i 0 -t 11\ 'i ~!' J- i! >.. -:I .. ~B I ~"CI ..Ii .. ~ 8:; . I 0", '" 1 .. ;)..!l I .:ti !' 1! I ~j ;: . '" "''''I - Sg " 1 0 I- Eq,o - ~ S~Ht ; ct III N~ 1'\ N " .-~ - .. ~ ~ _ N II ., i 11 E .. c v ~ .! i j i ~ j ; 'Ii -8 0 :::I E_ I- ~ ~: B .:00 I &~ r ..a ..a ;;\ - . ~ N ~ " .. 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I:UO..... .. ..J : 3 .~o;" Cll.ll.ll.O .... ..JIDWC 0 ..J .... ... ,,~ II.... C ~ 0 J:1lI III C I- ATTACHMENT II RANGE OF RATES OF RETURN FOR USE IN ESTABLISHING lHE RATE OF RETURN ON STOC<HOLDERS' EQUITY Risk-Free Yield: Twenty Year Treasury Bond 1987 1986 ...2..:Q 1 O. 2 Waste Industry Return on Equity: Waste Management, Inc. 20.7 32.6 Browning Ferris Industries Laidlaw Transportation Limited 23.0 24.9 <A> 18.7 General Industry Return on Equity: Transportation <A> 26.4 Note: <A> 1987 financial information to determine Return on Equity not available at this date, 4/4/88; will be obtained for use in rate-setting process.