HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-26-88 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary. ...,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 26, 1988 NO. III. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 SUBJECT DATE RECEIVE THE 1988-1989 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FOR REVIEW May 18, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION BUDGET REV IEW SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The 1988-1989 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Budget and the Sel f- Insurance Fund Budget are being submitted for review at the May 26, 1988 Board Meeting, and are scheduled for approval at the June 2, 1988 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: The 1988-1989 O&M Budget expenses total $21,489,616 which exceed the 1987-1988 budgeted expenses of $19,817,842 by $1,671,774 or 8.4 percent, and the 1987-1988 projected actual expenses of $19,810,925 by $1,678,691 or 8.5 percent. Expl anations of depar'bnental expense increases or decreases between 1988-1989 budgeted expenses and 1987-1988 projected actual expenses are provided following each depar'bnental expense summary within the attached budget document. The 1988-1989 O&M Budget revenues of $20,197,900 are composed of Sewer Service Charge revenues of $14,850,100, City of Concord service charge revenues of $3,834,300, and other revenues of $1,513 ,500. The budgeted revenues exceed 1987-1988 proj ected actual revenues of $19,591,797 by $606,103, or 3.1 percent. The budgeted Sewer Service Charge revenues are based on the present annual rate of $116, and projected increases in residential connections and usage volumes for commercial and industrial users during 1988-1989. A summary of actual, projected actual and budgeted expenses, revenues, and reserves for the six fiscal years 1983-1984 through 1988-1989 is shown on Attachment I, with a presentation of the related Sewer Service Charge rate and Sewer Service Charge equivalent units for each fiscal year. A graph which shows the major expense categories of labor, chemicals and utilities in relation to total budgeted expenses for each of the six fiscal years is presented as Attachment II. District labor charges budgeted to be expended on capital projects and capitalized during the 1988-1989 fiscal year are summarized on Attachment III. Any revisions to the 1988-1989 O&M Budget which may be determined at the May 26, 1988 Board Meeting will be incorporated in the budget to be submitted for approval at the June 2, 1988 Board Meeting, at which the following actions are scheduled: o Conduct a publ ic hearing for theestabl ishment of the 1988-1989 Sewer Service Charge rate. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. /. . . ~'<<"'--'-<--.J 1302A-9/85 WF SUBJECT POSITION PAPER RECEIVE THE 1988-1989 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FOR REVIEW PAGE 2 OF 7 DATE May 18, 1988 o Establish the 1988-1989 Sewer Service Charge rate. o Conduct a public hearing for the collection of the 1988-1989 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax rolls. o Approve the 1988-1989 O&M Budget, incorporating the establ ished Sewer Service Charge rate. At the May 5, 1988 Board Meeting, a five-year financial projection of the Sel f-Insurance Fund revenues, expenses, and reserves was reviewed, and the Board approved a $500,000 sel f-insurance expense charge in the 1988-1989 fiscal year against the O&M Budget. The Self-Insurance Fund Budget for 1988-1989 which is presented on Attachment IV is incorporated in the five-year projection shown on Attachment V. RECOMMENDATION: Review the 1988-1989 O&M Budget and Sel f-Insurance Fund Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance in preparing the budgets for approval and to establish the 1988-1989 Sewer Service Charge rate and the level of O&M and Self-Insurance Fund reserves on June 2, 1988. "--------- 13028-9/85 ^ -0 000 0 IOM'<:tLOtO 10 10 I' ~ 10 CO e: 0\ 000 0 O\'<:t'<:t'<:ttO r-l ~ I' 10 ~ r-l ,., to.f-l r-lMLO 0\ O\M'<:tO\CO 10 I' '<:t I" r-l 0 0\Q) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I/) ~ O'<:tM I" MO\N'<:ttO 0\ ~ 10 '<:t to .f-l ..... I "'0 LO M ..-I 0\ LO NOLO '<t" to 0\ U"l 10 N ...... CO:::J COtOLO ..-I NO'<:tIO..-I '<:t N I" '<:t ~ .... .f-l tOea .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 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I/) ,., s- s- s- I/) a.. a> Q) Q) s- Q) Q) a> a> ~ ~ I/) a::: I- I/) ~ ~ .f-l Q) a> a> 0 (/) a::: a::: a::: (/) (/) z (/) Attachment II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES SIX FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 C/) 14 a: <{ 13 -J -J o 12 o (; 11 C/) 10 Z o 9 -J -J 8 :2: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL Budget 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 ACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGET ACTUAL Attachment III CENTRAL OONlRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1988-1989 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET CAPITALIZED SALARIES AND WAGES Department/Division Construction Division Planning Division Engineering Division Engineering Depart.ent Total Amount $ 475,906 284,494 414,546 1,174,946 146,300 206,292 1,527,538 709,089 469,718 21,300 Budgeted Salaries and Wages Capitalized to Treatment Collection General Plant System Improvement 156,767 314,934 113,117 167,379 156,668 174,748 426,552 657,061 50,400 95,900 179,863 20,556 656,815 773,517 4,205 3,998 83 , 130 91,333 Collection System Operations Department Total Plant Operations Department Total Distr1ct Totals - Salaries and Wages Capitalized Capitalized Employee Benefits Capitalized Administrative Overhead Printing Charge-outs Total Contra Accounts Per 1988-1989 O&M Budget SSS/Pos.Paper2/*Cap Sal Wag 30 $2,727,645 5,873 97,206 Attachment IV CENTRAL. Q)NTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SElF- INSURANCE FUND BlJ)GET FISCAl.. YEAR 1988-1989 Variance proj ected $ I Budget Actua 1 Increase Increase 1988-1989 1987-1988 <Decrease> <Decrease> Revenues: Self-Insurance Expense Charge Against OlM Fund $500,000 500,000 Interest Income 288,000 297,000 < 9,000> <3.0> Total Revenues 788,000 797,000 < 9,000> <1.1> Expenses: Cl aims Adj usti ng 9,000 8,500 500 5.9 Insurance Consulting Fees 2,000 500 1,500 300.0 Paid Losses 80,000 139,000 <59,000> <42.4> Legal Services 60,000 55,000 5,000 9.1 Commercial Insurance Expense 78,000 54,000 24,000 44.4 Technical Services 15,000 10,000 5,000 50.0 Total Expenses 244,000 267,000 <23 ,000> < 8.6> Revenues Over Expenses $544,000 530,000 14,000 2.6 Reserves: Beginning Balance $4, 118,650 Revenues Over Expenses 544,000 3,588,650 530,000 Ending Balance $4,662,650 4,1l8,650 SSSlPos. Paperl2/S-I Fund Bud 34 Expenses Cl aims Adj usti ng 9,922 8,500 9,000 9,000 9,000 Insurance Consulting 1,000 500 2,000 2,000 2,000 Loss Payments 32,280 139,000 80 ,000 85,000 90,000 Legal Services 116,296 55,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 Insurance Premiums 5,812 54,000 78,000 80,000 82,000 Technical Services 9,273 10,000 15,000 18,000 20,000 Total Expenses $ 174,583 267,000 244,000 259,000 273,000 Revenue OVer Expenses $1,588,650 530,000 544,000 567,000 593 ,000 Rese rv es Revenue Over Expenses $1,588,650 530,000 544,000 567,000 593 ,000 Rese rv es 2,000,000 3,588,650 4,118,650 4,662,650 5,229,650 Total Reserves $3,588,650 4,118,650 4,662,650 5,229,650 5,822,650 SSS/Pos.Paperl2/Sel fIns Fnd 30 . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETI~?F 26, 1988 NO. IV. PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT ADOPT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (M. O. U.) WITH THE MANAGEMENT GROUP, EFFECTIVE MAY I, 1988 THROUGH MAY 31, 1991 DATE Ma 19, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT M.O.U. SUBMITTED BY Joyce E. McMillan Secretary of the District INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: Board representatives and representatives of the Management Group have agreed to the attached Memorandum of Understandi ng. Members of the Management Group have ratified the agreement; accordingly, presentation to the Board of Directors for final adoption is now appropriate. BACKGROUND: For the past two weeks, Board representatives and representatives of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Management Group have met and conferred in an effort to agree upon a Memorandum of Understanding covering those positions designated as Management positions. The District's current M.O.U. with the Management Group expired on April 30, 1988. Negotiations with the Management Group were held in abeyance until bargaining with the other representation groups was concluded. For that reason, it is proposed that the attached M.O.U. be made effective May I, 1988. The M.O.U. parallels the Memoranda of Understanding previously adopted by the Board for Local #1 and the Management Support/Confidential Group. Highlights of the M.O.U. are as follows: o This agreement will be effective for thirty-seven months commencing May I, 1988. o Members of the Management Group will receive a 4.5 percent general increase, effective May I, 1988; an increase of between 3 percent and 8 percent, depending upon the Consumer Price Index published by the U.S. Depar1ment of Labor for February, 1988 through February, 1989 (San Francisco/Oakland All Urban Consumers), effective May I, 1989; the increase for the final year of the contract, effective May I, 1990, will be based on the same terms as the second year using the Consumer Price Index for February, 1989 through February, 1990. o Longevity increases of 2 1/2 percent will be granted after 10 years of service. o The two-tier benefit system currently in effect at the District remains unchanged. o The $10.90 offset to the District's monthly Deferred Compensation Plan contribution to participants' accounts, which was established at the inception of the Plan, will be el iminated. This will have the effect of increasing the monthly contribution by the District to each participant's account by the like amount. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 ~ SUBJECT ADOPT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (M.O.U.) WITH THE MANAGEMENT GROUP, EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1988 THROUGH MAY 31, 1991 POSITION PAPER PAGE? OF? DATE Mav 1Q. 1QAA o Members of the Management Group will receive 2 days of paid administrative 1 eave each year as prev i ously granted to the Management Support/Confidenti al Group. One side letter to the new Memorandum of Understanding will be prepared. The side letter will address the number, quality, and policies for use of the District vehicle pool. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Memorandum of Understandi ng between the Di strict and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Management Group, covering all positions designated as Management, effective May 1, 1988 through May 31, 1991. L..________ 13028-9/85 MANAGEMENT GROUP MEMORANDUK OF UNDERSTANDING I RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE The Management Group is the formally recognized exclusive employee representative for all Management Employees, excluding Executive Management, of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. The Management Group shall represent: Classification * Salary Range Deputy General Manager** Deputy Chief Engineer Plant Operations Department Manager Collection System Operations Department Manager Administrative Operations Manager Construction Division Manager Engineering Division Manager Planning Division Manager Plant Operations Division Manager Finance Officer Purchasing and Materials Officer Personnel Officer M-20 M-20 M-22 M-24 M-26 M-26 M-26 M-26 M-26 M-29 M-35 M-39 * See Attachment I for the list of salary ranges. ** The incumbent Deputy General Manager has chosen to represent himself individually pursuant to Government Code Section 3502. II RIGHTS The Board of Directors' Representatives and the duly appointed Representatives of the Management Group will meet and confer in good faith. The Board of Directors, or any agent thereof, agrees that there will be no interference, restraint or coercion against the Management Group or any employee because of his/her group membership or group activity. All employees of this bargaining unit, Management Group, in addition to being governed by this Agreement, shall also be subject to the District's rules, regulations, and policies having general applicability to employees of the District and any subsequent rules, regulations, and policies that may be promulgated in the future, so long as they do not conflict with this Agreement, past practices, or the law. Issues effecting employment which arise from members of the Management Group concerning the interpretation or application of the District's rules, regulations, or policies shall be discussed between the Manager, Manager's Supervisor, and the General Manager-Chief Engineer in a good faith attempt to resolve the issue. If they cannot reach a solution, the Board of Directors will hear the issue and make the final decision. III TERM This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in full force and effect from May 1, 1988 through May 31, 1991. IV GENERAL AND MERIT INCREASES Effective May 1, 1988 all covered positions shall receive an increase of 4-1/2%. Effective May 1, 1989, the salary adjustment shall be based on changes in the Consumers Price Index (CPI) for all Urban Consumers (San Francisco/Oakland) during the February 1988 to February 1989 base period. Depending on the CPI, the salary adjustment shall be at least three percent (3%), but no more than eight percent (8%) . Effective May 1, 1990, the salary adjustment shall be based on changes in the Consumers Price Index (CPI) for all Urban Consumers (San Francisco/Oakland) during the February 1989 to February 1990 base periOd. Depending on the CPI, the salary adjustment shall be at least three percent (3%), but no more than eight percent (8%). Employees normally receive a salary step increase upon satisfactory completion of their Probationary period and a merit increase of one salary step every twelve (12) months from the date they achieve permanent status until they reach the top of their range. V VACATION Hired prior Hired after Annual Maximum to Mav 1. 1985 Mav 1. 1985 Allowance Accrual 0-3 Years 10 Days 20 Days 0-5 Years 3-5 15 30 5-10 5-10 16 32 10-15 10-15 17 34 15-20 15-20 20 40 20-25 20-25 25 50 25-30 25+ 30 60 30+ 35 70 2 If an employee leaves the District for any reason he/she will be paid for any earned vacation time not used. VI SICK LEAVE Employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, earn fifteen (15) days of sick leave per year. Employees hired after May 1, 1985, earn twelve (12) days of sick leave per year. Sick leave may be used up to five (5) days annually to attend to the health needs of an immediate family member. Also, in the event of a death in the employee's immediate family, the employee may be absent up to a maximum of five (5) days and have the time off charged to his/her sick leave account. Unused sick leave accumulates from one year to the next. There is no maximum limitation. The balance of unused accumulated sick leave is credited as longevity upon retirement. For employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, the District shall augment the above sick leave policy with an incentive benefit using a formula crediting eighty-five percent (85%) of the employee's yearly unused sick leave to an accumulating account for that employee. For employees hired after May 1, 1985, the following schedule shall apply: Years of Service Pay-Off Credit at Termination Pay-Off Credit at Retirement 0-5 5-10 10-25 25+ 0% 25 25 25 0% 25 35 40 VII MEDICAL INSURANCE VIII The District pays the cost of either Kaiser or Prudential medical insurance for employees hired prior to May 1, 1985. Employees hired after May 1, 1985 have a choice between Kaiser and Prudential medical insurance. However, employees choosing Prudential must pay the cost difference between the two plans. Employees with dual health insurance coverage may withdraw from the District's health insurance plan and receive $90 per month additional salary in lieu of enrollment in the medical plan. RETIREMENT PROGRAM Retirement employee's is based upon age, salary, which incudes of service. a formula and years the The 3 District's contribution is half of the amount of the Employee's basic contribution in addition to the District's normal contribution. District employees who were members of the Retirement Association on or prior to March 1, 1973, and who have vested thirty (30) years service in the Retirement Plan are not required to make any further contributions to the Retirement Plan. Those District employees so qualifying shall be entitled to receive a cash supplement to their salary equivalent to and in lieu of any District paYment as may be granted and made as a portion of employee retirement contributions to the retirement program. IX CONTINUANCE OF BENEFIT PLAN The program for retired employees hired prior to May 1, 1985, and their dependents shall provide for the continuance of medical, dental, and reduced life insurance plans in force at the time of retirement (1/2 of life insurance at time of retirement). The program for retired employees hired after May 1, 1985, and their dependents shall provide for the continuation of medical and dental and reduced life insurance plans ($10,000 policy) in force at the time of retirement with the exception that the District shall continue to pay for the full cost of a retired employee's medical and dental coverage until the employee's 65th birthday. At age 65, employee shall pay the District 50 percent of the cost to the District for the employee's medical and dental coverage. The medical coverage after age 65 will be integrated with Medicare. The program for dependents of a deceased employee shall provide for the continuance of health and dental benefits for the length of that employee's total service wi th the District (in other than temporary status), or until such time that the spouse remarries, or until such time that the dependents no longer qualify for benefits as stated by the District's pOlicy. X DENTAL PLAN The District shall provide a dental care program fully paid by the District. XI DISABILITY INSURANCE The District provides a Long Term Standard Insurance Company, which provides 2/3 of salary, reduced sources, reviewed after 24 months. Disability Program with begins after 60 days, by income from other 4 XII LIFE INSURANCE XIII The District provides term life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment coverage as follows: The lesser of (a) an amount equal to two times the employee's annual earnings, the result rounded to the next higher multiple of $1,000 if not an exact multiple thereof, and (b) $150,000. Dependents term life insurance equals $1,500 for employee's spouse and $100 for employee's children according to attained age of 14 days or over but less than six months, and $1,000 for children six months or over until age nineteen, unless a full-time student less than 23 years of age and dependent upon the employee for support. OTHER LEAVES If an employee is called for jury duty, he/she may either take time off with pay and turn over to the District any monies received (not including mileage allowance or meal expense) as a juror, or he/she may take vacation leave or leave wi thout pay and keep all the monies paid to the employee. Mileage allowance shall be kept by the employee under any circumstance. Employees who are assigned to military duty are entitled to military leave in accordance with the provisions of applicable state laws (California Military and Veterans Code, Section 395 et seg.). For the purposes of State Disability Insurance, Pregnancy Disability Leave is effective the first date the employee is disabled. The District will require verification from the employee's physician. Eg. If an employee's last day of work is 9/1, and the baby is delivered on 10/1, then the effective date of Pregnancy Disability Leave will be 9/1. Upon termination of the disability, (generally six weeks following a regular delivery; eight weeks following a Caesarean Section, or the length of the disability), the employee will no longer be able to use sick leave, but will be allowed to use any accrued vacation, earned overtime or leave without pay. The combination of time off for approved Pregnancy Disability Leave and Leave without Pay may extend up to a maximum of six months from the birthdate of the child, subject to Board of Director approval. Effective May 1, 1988 all Management Group employees will receive two (2) days per year administrative leave. 5 XIV HOLIDAYS There are thirteen (13) paid holidays. xv BENEFIT OPTION PLAN All employees shall be provided $150 per month for use on the Benefit Option Plan during the term of this Agreement. XVIEDUCATION INCENTIVE/REIMBURSEMENT The District will allow up to $450 per year for tuition reimbursement for jOb-related classes. However, the course books may be retained by the District. REGISTRATION DIFFERENTIAL XVII The District grants a five percent (5%) salary increase to employees who achieve registration or license as a Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Certified Public Accountant while employed by the District in a position not requiring such registration or license. XVIII LONGEVITY COMPENSATION Employees who have 10 District will receive increase. years or more of an additional 21 service percent in the salary XIX DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM In lieu of Social Security, the District offers a Deferred Compensation Plan. The District's contribution is an amount equal to that which normally would have been contributed to Social Security. To participate, the employee must contribute a minimum of $5 per month to the Deferred Compensation Plan. XX SALARY CONTINUANCE It shall be the general policy of the District to continue pay to an employee under the Salary Continuance Plan when an employee incurs a work-related injury or illness. This plan commences if the employee qualifies for Worker's Compensation for the disability and, if in the opinion of the District, the disability is work-related. If the injury or illness is determined legitimate, all of the employee's regular benefits will continue during the time this plan is in effect. 6 The salary continuance will be equivalent to seventy percent (70%) of gross salary less any Worker's Compensation payments. The maximum period for which this plan could be used by an employee will be six (6) months or until a stable level of disability is reached, whichever occurs first. The Salary Continuance Plan will commence on the fourth day after the disabled employee leaves work as a result of the injury or illness after a three-day waiting period. However, if the injury or illness causes disability of more than twenty-one (21) days or necessitates hospitalization, the Plan will become effective from the first day the injured employee leaves work as a result of the injury or illness. The employee may use vacation or sick leave accrual during this waiting period. XXI VEHICLES XXII Home garage assignments and use of District vehicles for District business shall continue on a case by case basis. Those employees driving their personal vehicle on District business shall be reimbursed by the District at the rate of 22.5<:: per mile. SAFETY EQUIPMENT Personal safety equipment required by the employee to perform their job duties will be provided by the District. The employee will be entitled to safety shoes and safety glasses in accordance with the applicable District policies and standards. XXIII SAVINGS If any provision of this Memorandum of Understanding should be held invalid or outside the scope of bargaining by operation of law or by the final judgment of any court of 7 XXIV competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. SIGNATURES TO AGREEMENT Signed and entered into this day of June 1988 subject to the adoption by the Board of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT MANAGEMENT GROUP JOYCE E. McMILLAN GERALD R. LUCEY 8 ATTACHMENT I C.C.C.S.D. l1.n.gement SALARY TABLE Effective 5/1/ee SALARY. . . . STEP A STEP E MOl 1102 "03 M04 "05 M06 M07 MOe M09 MI0 Mil "12 M13 "14 1115 "16 "17 1118 1119 1120 M21 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 "28 r129 M30 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 r136 M37 M38 1139 1140 1141 '142 "43 1144 1145 '146 M47 M48 -flS41 ---ff!lR;- 9308 9081 8861 8643 8433 8227 8026 7830 7640 7455 7272 7096 6920 6751 6588 6425 6270 6118 5969 5824 5680 5545 5409 5279 5150 5023 4902 4783 4668 4552 4440 4334 4227 4124 4024 3925 3830 3736 3647 3557 3471 3387 3303 3224 3145 3068 2993 11314 11039 10769 10506 10251 10001 9756 9518 9286 9061 8841 8624 8409 8205 8006 7811 7622 - '--7435 . 7256 7078 6903 6741 6575 6415 6260 6105 5959 5812 5673 --5533 5395 5266 --5138 _h. ---------.--. -. --- -- --- --- 5014 4891 ...----------- -_.- ..-- 4771 4654 4542 4430 4321 4218 4113 4013 3915 3818 3726 3635 --- .-....----... - --- .- - --.-.. -.._- ..... --...--.- ". ----_.- -....--. .. ___n___. -.--.-- -_.. --_. ----- - .--.------.-. --_. -. _..- -_. .--.____. _W.__..___ ___ . Centra' -:ontra Costa Sanitarv,. ,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OFMay 26~ 1988 NO. IV. PERSONNEL 2 SUBJECT ESTABLISH COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR THE INCUMBENT DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER, EFFECTIVE MAY I, 1988 THROUGH MAY 31~ 1991 DATE May 19~ 1988 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER SUI3.MITTED ~ McM'll Joyce t.. 1 an Secretary of the District INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Adm i ni strati ve ISSUE: Paul Morsen, the Deputy General Manager~ whose classification is covered under the Management Group has exercised his right to represent himself individually in the meet and confer process pursuant to Government Code Section 3502. Board representatives and Mr. Morsen have agreed to compensation adjustments; accordingly, presentation to the Board of Directors for final adoption is now appropriate. BACKGROUND: Board representatives and the Deputy General Manager have agreed upon the details of salaries, wages, and working conditions. The agreement reflects the compensation levels and benefits set forth in the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) with the Management Group, effective May I, 1988 through May 31, 1991. The agreement with the incumbent Deputy General Manager is consistent with and parallels all provisions of the Management M.O.U. Highlights of the agreement are as follows: o The agreement will be effective for thirty-seven months commencing May 1, 1988. o The incumbent Deputy General Manager will receive a 4.5 percent general increase~ effective May 1, 1988; an increase of between 3 percent and 8 percent, depending upon the Consumer Price Index published by the U.S. Department of Labor for February~ 1988 through February~ 1989 (San Francisco/Oakland All Urban Consumers), effective May 1, 1989; the increase for the final year of the agreement, effective May 1~ 1990, will be based on the same terms as the second year using the Consumer Price Index for February~ 1989 through February~ 1990. o Longevity increases of 2 1/2 percent will be granted after 10 years of service. o The $10.90 offset to the District's monthly Deferred Compensation Plan contribution to participants' accounts, which was established at the inception of the Pl an~ will be eliminated. This will have the effect of increasing the monthly contribution by the District to the participant's account by the like amount. o The incumbent Deputy General Manager will receive 2 days of paid administrative leave each year as previously granted to the Management Support/Confidential Group. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. fflL SUBJECT ESTABLISH COMPENSATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR THE INCUMBENT DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER, EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1988 THROUGH MAY 31, 1991 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE May 19, 1988 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt salary and benefit adjustments as set forth in the Management Group Memorandum of Understanding for the incumbent Deputy General Manager, effective May 1, 1988 th rough May 3 1 , 1991. --------- 13028.9/85 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF MaY 26, 1988 NO. v. SOLID WASTE 1 SUBJECT DATE May 23, 1988 RECEIVE STAFF ANAlYSES OF APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY ORINDA- MORAGA DISPOSAl SERV ICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL. TYPE OF ACTION REFUSE COLLECTION RATE REV IEW SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Applications for refuse collection rate increases effective July 1, 1988 have been submitted by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal. BACKGROUND: The rate applicati ons for Ori nda-Moraga Disposal Serv ice and Pl easant Hill Bay Shore Disposal were received on April 7, 1988, the date to which the March 31, 1988 due date was extended upon request of the refuse collectors. Substantial increases in collection rates are being requested by the refuse coll ectors based primarily upon the effect of the differenti al between the higher landfill disposal fees incurred and the disposal fees allowed by the Board of Directors in setting collection rates last year. The significant rate increases requested also reflect use of a 90% operating ratio, instead of the 95% operating ratio customarily used by the District. Orinda-Moraga Disposal is applying for a 22.76% increase in residential, commercial, and apartment rates, and a 39.65% increase in drop box rates. Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal is requesting a 51.62% increase in residential and commercial revenues, and substantial increases in drop box revenues. In setting refuse collection rates last year, the significant effects of a 118% increase in -landfill disposal fees imposed by Acme Fill Corporation (Acme) on July 1, 1987 was a focal issue. The magnitude of the effect of the disposal fee increase on the refuse coll ecti on rates prompted authorizati on by the Board for a review of the supportabil ity of the fee increase by Price Waterhouse, Certified Public Accountants. Based upon the findings of the Price Waterhouse review, the Board allowed a di sposal fee of $3.69 per cubi c yard. The $3.69 rate excl uded the cost of pl anned capital outl ays for a transfer station and transfer vans from the $5.84 per cubic yard rate implemented by Acme. Both refuse collectors have incurred disposal fees at the $5.84 rate since July 1, 1987. The rate applications currently under review include disposal fees computed at the $5.84 rate. A recommendation by Price Waterhouse called for a second review, after a one year interval, of the closure and post-closure cost projections used by Acme as the basis for the July 1, 1987 disposal fee increase. Acme has refused the District's recent request to permit Price Waterhouse to perform the second review. The District, as INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~-<<J ..~/ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 WNF PM SUBJECT POSITION PAPER RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSES OF APPlICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SLBMITTED BY ORINDA- MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE May 23, 1988 permitted under the terms of the franchise agreements, has requested that financial and other i nformati on to permit rev iew of the basi s for the di sposal fees be obtained by the refuse collectors from Acme, their affiliated company, and provided to the District. The staff analyses have been prepared on the basis of the $3.69 disposal fee rate allowed by the Board. The effect on collection rates of the higher disposal fee rate is shown in an attachment to the staff analyses. The staff analysis of the Orinda-Moraga Disposal rate application will be forwarded to the City of Orinda and the Town of Moraga for review and comment. A publ ic heari ng to receive comments from the public, the affected ci ty and town, and the refuse collectors should be set for July 7, 1988. A pilot recycling project is being developed for the mobile home parks served by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, under the direction of the Regional Recycling Committee. The pilot project is scheduled to be submitted to the Board for approval during June 1988, and the incremental expense of the recycling project included in the public hearing process for establishing this refuse collector's collection rate schedul e. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the staff analyses of the applications for rate increase submi tted by Ori nda-Moraga Di sposa 1 Serv ice, Inc. and Pl easant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, and set a public heari ng date of July 7, 1988 to receive public comment. --------- 13028.9/85