HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 09-07-06 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE DISTRICT BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HELD ON SEPTEMBER 7,2006 The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 7,2006. President Menesini called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll. 1. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Members: Boneysteele, Hockett, Lucey, Nejedly, Menesini ABSENT: Members: None a. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. b. INTRODUCTIONS Board Members welcomed newly-hired Staff Engineer David Heffiefinger, newly-hired Engineering Assistant I Daphne Reese, newly-hired Source Control Inspector I's John Ortega and Zahra Sedaghatpour, newly-hired Utility Worker Bernard Martinez, newly- hired Senior Household Hazardous Waste Technician Winston Ingram, and newly-hired Maintenance Crew Member I's Kevin Kirby and Salvadore Maciel. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Executive Director of the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority Sharon Maves addressed the Board and discussed some of the Solid Waste Authority's plans for the future. 3. AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS a. RECEIVE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF SANITATION AGENCIES (CASA) 2006 TECHNOLOGICAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FOR SEWER TV INSPECTION VIEWING VIA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM General Manager James Kelly stated that Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) was named the winner of CASA's 2006 Technological Achievement Award at its annual conference on August 11, 2006. The award honors innovative technologies that have broad application in the wastewater industry. CCCSD was recognized for its intranet-based digital mapping system, known as GDI for Geographic Data Interface. This technology has helped create efficiencies for cleaning crews, maintenance planning, and construction planning, and ultimately should lead to better maintenance of the collection system and reduced overflows. Engineering Support Supervisor Bill Clement, on behalf of himself and Associate Engineer Tom Godsey, presented the award to the Board. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Lucey to approve the Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a. through j., to adopt resolutions, and to authorize recordings. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. Book 55 - Page 1 Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 a. Adopt Resolution 2006-059, accepting public sewer improvements and offer of dedication from Kenneth K. Nazari, Tre, Walnut Creek, Job No. 5648, Parcel No. 2, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. b. Adopt Resolutions 2006-060.2006-061 and 2006-062, accepting public sewer improvements and offers of dedication and rejecting previous offers of dedication from Lafayette-King Drive Association and Barton W. Bennett and Shirley Bennett in the Walnut Creek area, District Project No. 5673, Parcels No.1, 2, and 3, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. .. c. Adopt Resolution 2006-063, accepting a grant of easement from Maureen Kyer, District Project No. 420, Parcel No.1, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. . d. Adopt Resolution 2006-064, accepting a grant of easement from Michael G. Lucas and Catherine M. Lucas, District Project No. 5919, Parcel No. 16, and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. e. Adopt Resolutions 2006-065 and 2006-066, accepting a grant of easement, District Project No. 5646, Parcel No.1, authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed to the Manis Trust, as created by the Armen H. and Betty Ruth Manis Trust Agreement (3141 Diablo View Road, Lafayette, District Project No. 1593, Parcel No.8, Portion), and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. f. Adopt Resolutions 2006-067 and 2006-068, accepting a grant of easement, District Project No. 5646, Parcel No. 11, authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed to Richard D. Davis and Stephanie P. Davis (2125 Hoover Court, Pleasant Hill, District Project No. 1551, Parcel No. 44, Portion, and District Project No. 933, Parcel 1 , Portion), and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. g. Adopt Resolutions 2006-069 and 2006-070, accepting a grant of easement, District Project No. 5646, Parcel No. 10, authorizing execution of a quitclaim deed to William F. Maxfield and Barbara L. Maxfield (2121 Hoover Court, Pleasant Hill, District Project No. 1551, Parcel No. 44, Portion, and District Project No. 933, Parcel 1 , Portion), and authorize staff to record documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. h. Authorize replacement of damaged vehicle, at an approximate cost of $23,000, under the current 2006-2007 Equipment Budget and Self-Insurance Fund. i. Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for Steve Cavin, Household Hazardous Waste Technician II, through September 15,2006. j. Authorize medical leave of absence without pay for Harry Wyles, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, through November 1, 2006. 5. CALL FOR REQUESTS TO CONSIDER ITEMS OUT OF ORDER None. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $62.369 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LOWER ORINDA ACCESS ROAD STABILIZATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5944. TO HILLSIDE DRILLING. INC.. THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER. AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Book 55 - Page 2 r Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 General Manager James Kelly stated that the Lower Orinda Access Road Stabilization Project will repair storm damage that occurred last year in the creek bank adjacent to the existing backside access'road to the Lower Orinda Pumping Station. Six sealed bids were received for the project. The engineer's estimate was $50,000. The bids ranged from $62,369 to $110,472. The lowest responsive bidder is Hillside Drilling, Inc. Staff has researched Hillside Drilling, Inc. and has determined that they are a responsible contractor with a good safety record. Therefore, staff recommends that the Board award a construction contract to Hillside Drilling, Inc. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Boneysteele to award the construction contract in the amount of $62,369 for the construction of the Lower Orinda Access Road Stabilization Project, District Project No. 5944, to Hillside Drilling, Inc., the lowest responsive bidder, and authorize the General Manager to execute the contract documents. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 7. REPORTS a. GENERAL MANAGER 1 ) Conco Update General Manager Jim Kelly stated that on July 20, 2006, the Board authorized the General Manager to complete and execute an agreement for the purchase and exchange of property rights with Gonsalves and Santucci, Inc. (better known as CONCO Cement Company) of Concord. In exchange for the sale of the easements, the District will receive a combination of property rights and cash. Mr. Swanson reported on the status of easement negotiations. Con co is developing an industrial site for their use to the north of the District treatment plant. Access to the Conco property is from Imhoff Drive by way of an easement across District property that was originally granted in the 1960's. Conco needs a wider road easement as well as an underground utility easement to serve their development. The Board has authorized the General Manager to complete negotiations and sign a master property rights agreement. CCCSD and Conco have agreed on valuation of property rights exchange. The master agreement is close to being signed by both parties, and will establish the basis for District staff to prepare the agreements and easement documents which will be brought to the Board in the next few months. The following easements are being acquired by Conco 1) "overburden" of existing road easement; 2) additional road easement (extending width from 24 to 34 feet); 3) 20-foot underground easements for water and sewer pipelines and; 4) relocating CCCSD access easements on Conco property, The total value of these easements is $231,280. In return for these easements property rights, exchanges from Con co include 1) the upgrading of outfall easement to fee title; 2) the outfall fee title width will be increased from 80 to 100 feet; 3) more restrictions have been added to the M-2 Forcemain easement and; 4) obtaining a discharge easement through an existing drainage easement which goes through the Conco property out to Pacheco Slough. 2) Report on Water Environment Federation Sanitary Sewer Overflow Conference General Manager James Kelly reported that the National Collection Systems Conference was held from August 6 to 9,2006, in Detroit, Michigan. Collection System Operations Division Manager Bill Brennan and Associate Engineer Gail Chesler attended. Bill Brennan presented a report on the conference. Book 55 - Page 3 Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 Mr. Brennan reported that the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Capacity, Management, Operations and Maintenance (CMOM) plans were put on hold in the year 2000, and now the EPA is now reopening discussions to issue CMOM regulations. In the eastern part of the country the EPA is using consent decrees to force improvements of collections systems. CCCSD already functions in the equivalent of a CMOM environment with the Sewer System Management Plan. Based on information presented at the conference, CCCSD is meeting or exceeding trends elsewhere in the nation. 3) Self-Insurance Retention Review General Manager James Kelly reported that at a previous Board meeting, staff was asked by Member Lucey to review the impacts to the District of a $1,000,000 self-insured retention versus the current $500,000 self-insurance retention. Director of Administration Randall Musgraves reported that the District has a $500,000 self-insured retention. After the District pays this amount on a claim, the balance up to $10,500,000 is paid by the District's insurance carrier AIG. Any amount past this is paid by the District. The District has paid $542,513 over the self-insurance retention in the past eight years on three claims. If the self-insured retention was increased from a $500,000 limit to a $1,000,000 limit allowing the Board more control over settlement of claims, this would yield a 25 percent reduction in premium rates to the District or an annual savings of approximately $66,000 per year. Because of increasing costs, future claims to the District could also exceed the $500,000 retention. The savings from annual premiums in changing to a $1,000,000 retention, using the Districts history for calculations, would break even at about eight years. Issues for the Board to consider are: 1) the very expensive homes in District boundaries, therefore, there is a potential for significant loss; 2) cost of clean-up continues to increase; and 3) mold concerns cleanup costs are rapidly increasing. Inverse condemnation costs are also a consideration. The District does not have a standing lateral connection point-of-sale inspection program. The District does not have a strong enforcement of our mandatory overflow device program although the number of overflows and the extent of overflows have been reduced through increased maintenance. Mr. Musgraves stated that there are three components to this issue: 1) claims administration; 2) prevention; and 3) legal. After Board discussion it was determined that staff, with input from District Counsel, will return to the Board at a future meeting to discuss this issue further and receive Board direction. 4) General Manager James Kelly updated the Board on Natural Gas and Landfill Gas noting that District Counsel Kent Aim and Doug Craig have been involved in negotiations with Bulldog. Bulldog indicated that they are considering withdrawing their termination letter and extending the contract for another year. The landfill gas continues to be out of service as they work to remove the excessive condensate in their landfill gas. Bulldog hopes to be able to deliver landfill gas by the end of September 2006. In the absence of landfill gas District staff has purchased the additional natural gas necessary to operate the incinerator and auxiliary boilers (400 decatherms per day through September 2006). Due to favorable market conditions staff was able to purchase the gas for $6.62 per decatherm. Staff will update the Board on any progress regarding contract issues and changes to Bulldog's schedule. Book 55 - Page 4 Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 After discussion the Board requested that this issue be brought back to the Board at the next Board meeting at which time the Board will be able to take action. 5) General Manager James Kelly announced that California State law requires that LAFCO complete a Municipal Service Review and update of Sphere of Influence by January 1, 2008. This review of municipal services is intended to identify opportunities for cost reduction. The Municipal Service Review for water and wastewater services in Contra Costa County was initiated on August 22, 2006. Director of Engineering Ann Farrell represented the District at that meeting. The first step is for the District to submit the answers to a detailed questionnaire and provide copies of required documents. A draft response has been prepared and is one of the handouts for this meeting. Staff has requested that any Board comments on the draft response be sent directly to General Manager James Kelly before the next Board Meeting on September 23, 2006. Following analysis of this information, LAFCO and its consultant will develop draft findings that will be made available for review to all the affected parties. The District is very proactive in forming partnerships to more efficiently provide optimal municipal services. The District's efforts in this area should serve the Distict well during the municipal service review process. The Board will be kept informed of the findings as they are made available to staff. 6) General Manager James Kelly reviewed the anticipated impacts .of the Caltrans proposed Highways 680 and 4 Interchange Project, stating that on August 22, 2006 Caltrans held an Open House for its proposed 1680/State Route 4 Interchange Improvement Project. The project's purpose is to eliminate the existing dangerous traffic crossovers by installing direct connect f1yovers. Several of the District's existing sewer lines will be affected by the project, including approximately 1400 feet of the 84-inch A-Line Interceptor in Berry Drive. It has been Caltrans's past practice to enter into an agreement with the District to have the District relocate impacted facilities at Caltrans's expense. Design of the Interchange improvements is expected to start in 2010 with construction starting on the first two of five phases in 2013. All five phases should be completed by 2020 at an estimated cost of approximately $200 million. Board President Mario Menesini requested Kent Aim to confirm that Caltrans past reimbursement policy is unchanged. Kent stated that he would confirm Caltrans current practice. 7) General Manager James Kelly announced results of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Inspection of Treatment Plant conducted in January 2006 stating that the primary purpose of the inspection was to determine the accuracy and reliability of the self-monitoring and reporting program. The District received satisfactory ratings in all categories included in the inspection, and the report notes that the facility appears to be well maintained and efficiently operated. 8) General Manager James Kelly announced the Pollution Prevention Awards Reception that will take place at 1 :30 p.m. before the September 21,2006, Board Meeting. The District's annual Pollution Prevention Awards will be presented directly following the reception at the Board meeting. 9) General Manager James Kelly announced Alhambra Valley Creek Coalition will hold a community meeting on Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. at the Contra Costa County Public Works offices. CCCSD staff members will be in attendance. Book 55 - Page 5 11 ) 12) 13) Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 10) General Manager James Kelly announce the election of Member Hockett to the California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Executive Board as Member-at-Large for a one-year term. This recognizes Board member Hockett's contributions as a conference attendee. Her election will help assure that CASA continues to focus on issues that are important to CCCSD, such as collection system overflow regulations, air regulations, and water quality regulations. At a future board meeting, as part of the District's review of compliance with AB 1234, a resolution establishing procedures for compensation of Board committees will be updated to ensure it complies with AB 1234. At that time it would be appropriate to consider if the current list of approved committees and organizations should be updated to include additional committees and organizations that are necessary for the efficient operation of the District. One of the issues to be considered is whether attendance at committee or director's meetings for organizations such as CASA or California Special Districts Association should be included on the list of non-Board meetings for which the District provides compensation. This issue will be brought back to the Board in the near future. General Manager James Kelly announced staff attendance at California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Northern Regional Training Conference in Sparks, Nevada, September 17-19, 2006. A total of ten staff members will attend. The conference includes excellent sessions on safety and plant operations topics, plus a session on mercury speciation and mercury Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). In addition, four District staff members are either presenting papers, participating on panels, or moderating sessions. Funds were included in the Training and Conference budget. General Manager James Kelly announced that Environmental Services Division Manager Curt Swanson is attending the Plastic Pipes Conference in Washington D.C. from October 2 through 4, 2006. This conference is about advances in design, construction, and use of plastic pipes for utilities. The cost of attending this conference will be covered by Mr. Swanson's Professional Expense Reimbursement Allowance. General Manager James Kelly announce that Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic Nick Wright will travel to Hammond, Indiana, for factory training on OK Champion rodder maintenance on September 27,2006. This is the first time that a CCCSD maintenance technician will receive formal factory training on rodder maintenance equipment. The training is sponsored by the company; funds for this travel are included in the Train'ing and Conference budget. Member Menesini requested that the Board receive a report on this training as well as on the CWEA Conference. 14) General Manager James Kelly announced that California Senate Bill 1205, which would have increased penalties for air pollution violations, was defeated in the Assembly last week. It was opposed by a wide range of agricultural and industrial groups, as well as the California Chamber of Commerce and CASA. 15) General Manager James Kelly announced the resignation of Kim Greer, Safety and Risk Management Administrator who has accepted the position of Risk Manager with Solano County. Her last day of work will be September 13, 2006. Book 55 - Page 6 Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 16) General Manager James Kelly announced the retirement of Communication Services Manager Harriette Heibel. She will retire from the District on October 27,2006. Plans for filling both positions will be discussed soon with the Personnel Committee and the full Board. b. Counsel for the District 1) District Counsel Kenton L. Aim proposed December 14, 2006 as the date for AB 1234 Ethics Training. Secretary of the District Elaine Boehme will confirm this date with Board Members. President Menesini requested that the Board receive copies of the documents to be used in this training prior to the training date. District Counsel stated that AB1234 requires that there be a written policy stating what events Board Members are paid for. AB 1234 also requires the adoption of a reimbursement policy. These two issues will be brought to the Board for consideration in the near future. c. Secretary of the District None. d. Board Members 1) Member Hockett, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, reported that the Committee reviewed the Expenditures and recommends approval. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Lucey to approve the Expenditure list dated September 7,2006, including Self Insurance Fund Check Nos. 102348 to 102356, Running Expense Check Nos. 161934 to 162305, and Sewer Construction Fund Check Nos. 28856 to 28949, Manual Payroll Check Nos. 49104 to 49106, and Regular Payroll Check Nos. 55874 to 55920. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 2) President Menesini reported on the August 24, 2006 Outreach Committee Meeting, stating that items discussed at the meeting included the Pollution Prevention Awards recipients and direction of the award event, 60th Anniversary Event Plans, permitting process for industrial waste, .. mandatory amalgam separator program outreach, and the May-June Community Outreach Report. 3) Member Hockett presented a report of the August 9-12,2006 California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA) Conference, including presentations on public relations, biosolids research, ethics training, lateral inspection programs, and composting facilities. 4) President Menesini requested direction from fellow Board members regarding the District's vote for representative to California Special Districts Association Board for Region Three. It was moved by President Menesini and seconded by Member Boneysteele that Margaret Shirrel, PhD be the District's vote for the California Special Districts Association representative for the Region Three Board of Directors in the 2006 Election. Member Nejedly stated that he would abstain as he was not familiar with the candidates. Motion passed by the following vote of the Board: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members: Members: Members: Members: Boneysteele, Hockett, Lucey, Menesini None None Nejedly Book 55 - Page 7 Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 8. ENGINEERING a. AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT TO EXECUTE A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT. AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $60.000. WITH MT. VIEW SANITARY DISTRICT FOR THE M4-A FORCEMAIN RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5410 General Manager James Kelly stated that on May 4, 2006 the Board awarded a construction contract for the M4-A Forcemain Reconstruction Project to McGuire and Hester. Recent potholing for the project alignment revealed high levels of groundwater entering the excavation. This higher quantity of groundwater may be a direct result of the protracted rains this spring and tidal influence on the Mt. View Sanitary District wetlands area. Mr. Kelly introduced Assistant Engineer Wesley Adams who reported on the status of the M-4 Forcemain Project. Mr. Adams stated that this project consists of the construction of approximately 4,000 lineal feet of 24-inch forcemain as well as improvements at the Fairview Pumping Station. To minimize the impacts of the groundwater on the forcemain construction, staff proposes to continue utilizing a pump owned by Mt. View Sanitary District located at the tide gate to Peyton Slough. Mt. View Sanitary District has the regulatory approvals to operate the pump. Additionally, staff has worked out an agreement with Mt. View Sanitary District to lease a construction staging area. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Nejedly to authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute a joint powers agreement, at an estimated cost of $60,000, with the Mt. View Sanitary District for the M4-A Forcemain Reconstruction Project, District Project No. 5410. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. r 9. HUMAN RESOURCES a. ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JAMES M. KELLY TO THE POSITION OF GENERAL MANAGER (M-05. $15.580-$18,938). APPROVE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT. AND ADOPT MODIFICATIONS TO THE JOB CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION FOR THE POSITION OF GENERAL MANAGER It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Lucey to adopt Resolution 2006-071 appointing James M. Kelly to the position of General Manager (M-05, $15,580-$18,938), approve the employment contract, and adopt modifications to the job classification description for the position of General Manager. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. MINUTES OF JULY 20. 2006 AND AUGUST 3. 2006 It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Boneysteele to approve the minutes of July 20, 2006 and August 3, 2006. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 11. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. RECEIVE JUNE 2006 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS General Manager James Kelly reported that the Board has received the final pre-audit financial statements for the 2005-2006 fiscal year. These financial statements have been given to the external auditors. The final audit results will be presented to the Board at the October 19, 2006 Board Meeting. Book 55 - Page 8 Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 Debbie Ratcliff, Controller presented a brief report of the finat year-end results for both the O&M Fund and the Self Insurance Fund. b. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET YEAR END REPORT Director of Engineering Ann Farrell summarized capital expenditures and revenues and reviewed major project expenditures in the treatment plant, collection system, general improvements, and recycled water programs. She stated that the actual District Capital Expenditures of $27,671 ,700 were within approximately $33,000 of the Capital Expenditure Budget of $27,705,500. The budget for Capital Revenues was $20.82 million and actual Capital Revenue was close to $25 million, primarily because of the capacity fees from the Dougherty Valley that were about $2 million higher than budgeted. Ms. Farrell reviewed the major projected expenditures in each of the Capital Programs. The largest variance from budget in the Treatment Plant Program was the UV Disinfection Project that was delayed because of patent issues which have since been resolved. Ms. Farrell noted that the largest variance in the Collection System Program was the addition of scope to the Vessing Sewer Renovation Project. She also noted that there is an outstanding claim on the Lower Orinda Pumping Station Project which staff in negotiating with the contractor. Staff will be briefing the Board on this issue in the next several months. The General Improvements Program was under budget on equipment because several vehicles were not delivered on time. The Collection System Operations Division Facilities were also under budget due to project delays. The Sewer Construction Fund balance was reduced by approximately $2.9 million to $55.8 million as a result of planned expenditures exceeding revenues. c. REVIEW AND APPROVE THE DISTRICT'S STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY General Manager James Kelly stated that the District's Investment Policy is reviewed by the Board on an annual basis. There are no changes recommended by staff this year. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Boneysteele that the District's Investment Polity be approved. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. d. ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $65.891.846 FOR THE 2006-2007 FISCAL YEAR, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE XIII B OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION AND SELECT THE CALIFORNIA PER CAPITA PERSONAL INCOME PERCENTAGE CHANGE FOR USE IN COMPUTING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT General Manager James Kelly stated that the District is required to establish its appropriations limit each year in accordance with the California Constitution. The appropriations limit is increased each year by a factor comprised of the change in population, combined with either the change in California per capita personal income or the percentage change in the local assessment roll from the preceding year due to local nonresidential construction. The Board must select between the per capita personal income, or the change in the local assessment roll due to local nonresidential construction, by a recorded vote. Staff recommended selection of the per capita personal income percentage change for use in computing the appropriations limit this year as it is the greater of the two. It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett that the Board adopt Resolution 2006-072, establishing the Sewer Construction Fund appropriations Book 55 - Page 9 Board Minutes of September 7, 2006 limit in the amount of $65,891 ,846 for the 2006-2007 fiscal year, in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution and select the California per capita personal income percentage change for use in computing the appropriations limit. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. e. ADOPT A RESOLUTION REVISING SECTION 457(B) GOVERNMENTAL PART-TIME. SEASONAL AND TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES (PST) DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN DOCUMENT Ms. Debbie Ratcliff Controller, stated that the Federal Government requires a deferred compensation plan be provided to part-time, seasonal and temporary employees since these employees are not putting money into the Social Security system. Monies deposited into this plan are withheld from the employee's paycheck and placed in deferred compensation in lieu of Social Security. It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Boneysteele to adopt Resolution 2006-073, revising Section 457(b) Governmental Part-Time Seasonal and Temporary Employees (PST) Deferred Compensation Plan Document. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. 12. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION None." 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS/SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Member Nejedly requested a report on the Faria Reserve development in San Ramon and the impacts it will have on the District. 14. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Menesini adjourned the meeting at 4:39 p.m. JhfM0;' 4~~ President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: ~~ 12--- Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Book 55 - Page 10