HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-21-88 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary.. ~strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT OUITCLAIM A PORTION OF SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 4378, PARCEL 4, LAFAYETTE AREA DATE APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ lliY.S: Joseph Connery, a property ow ner whose property is subj ect to a Di stri ct sewer easement, has requested the District to quitclaim a portion of the subject easement. SACKGROUNP: The subject easement was granted to the District in 1984 by Mr. Connery. At that time it was believed the easement was necessary to provide future service to properti es located north of Connery's property. It has been determi ned that these properties will be sewered in a different direction. However, the southern 16 feet of the" subject easement is still required because a public sewer will be installed from Carol Lane to a point that is 10 feet within Mr. Connery's property. REGQMMENDAtlON: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Joseph S. Connery, et ux, Job No. 4378, Parcel 4, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~,o 1302A-9/85 D H JSM RAB R~NG. ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~ New SEweR J(RoES 55 .L.. 5.. JY}. 5 :5 89"11'30"e (CtW,fIc~y (9/02 aR. 573) (5 89.iz'oc)''C - MAP) 4 SYSTEM MAP -= ~ \.-.. .. r-) .D c CIJNNcl?Y (5698 al?.426) CO;Y;VER Y ~ S"'t ~ h:~ ,~ ~~ ~;,. ~ o 5 .L.. S.. JI.//. ( flll?CEL. (~363 o'R. O}/E 440) C.e.C,S,D. S~.k/C:.e cAScMeAlT (//87Z t}./? 2.4!i) /6' AI 89.0/3'OO"fI/ 170.00 (/1/89"21 '54"W-MAP) 10'5.S.e. c.c.c.s.o. (666fj O. R.432 ) ../j 0 /3 QUITCLAIM EASEMENT Job 4378 - Parcel 4 La fayette f..rea . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 21, 1988 NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 88-10 (DANVILLE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT A ril 13 1988 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Construction Division Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 88-10 Danville 78E7 98E1 100Al Divident Development Corp. 3600 Pruneridge Ave. #340 Santa Clara CA 95051 202-050-036 thru -040 310 Ac. + Proposed Sub 6886 "Rassier Ranch," plans call for construction of 226 single family homes. E.I.R. and Development Plan approved by the Town of Danville Danville RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 88-10 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./OIV. JSM m RAB JIf 1302.A .9'65 DH !1 r-\V \ .'FII'].... ...... iN:- I/~ t.. ryJ...,H '-4- I-C~ ,. l~ . . :::::2 ~~ ---.., .. ~!~iJ " " !if ;J : . <t J~ ..: ': ~ J ~ /:. ~ ~ , . ; : . . . . . ~.:' -...: -." , -' ~( .~~ ,di}. .. ~t. ~:;'.: .. ~' /" :....X;: ..-+. ~_ if ~~.\0 ~t-~ ~/LY ~ 'lJ ~ ~f... ~ .,-;. ~..~ .'.- ~u k~" "5) T" & W . & I I I I .+ 1 r'~ ,.~ i PROPOSED ANNEXATION RA.88-/0 7AE.7 'Bel '''0,4 , . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF A ril 21, 1988 NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 SUBJECT DATE ESTABLISH MAY 19, 1988, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION 99, "SHADOW CREEK ANNEXATION," AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION, DAME CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, DEVELOPER SET HEARING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ~: LAFCO has added four properti es to the above- referenced Di stri ct annexation. A public hearing must be held before this District can order the annexation of this parcel as amended. a.AOK~ROUNP: The above-referenced annexation was sent to LAFCO as required for the formal annexation process. LAFCO has amended the boundaries of the parcel as submitted by the District to include four additional properties. As required by law, staff will notify all affected property owners 15 days prior to the publ ic hearing. REOQMMENOATION: Set a public hearing date of May 19, 1988, for the annexation of the above-referenced territory as amended by LAFCO. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING ;;(IDIV. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB .__.._,_,_____,__.."....,.:..-_,_,__.____.,,..___._~__...____._..~___^__"._,_.,.M___.",_.~,~____._..~_~,..._.._...______....___..~_~.___.._._..~_..+ P.O.B. SUBD.5G45 255 M 21 e - 19 - 81 ) =- NG3055'55"W ~ 4<56.05' ~ ~ c-J 1 ~ ti~ ::Jt<) 8ce UJ ZQ ~ UJ_ ("i I-~ ~~ 0- (() t<) o o o Z- c 42 L.S.M. 33 '* B '* 6U60. COGI1 '2<=t<:1 M 8 2- 2i-c% o BCJOI2'34"W ~40G.Gr' I N 00 0 50 '5GO "e ~ '9~.50' . I No 8GooQ 'OG"E N 00(7'O'~5.E qG;41?/ I 1.IQ4-.'55 @ @w. @<t 7 ,1f) :~H" '0 to o~ () U> * PcL'H . : Ii SUBDG~ . 8 ZCl1 M 16 3 12 -23-85 A N 88059'5I"W 1314.+ CAMINO ~ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ~ - EXISr.TING CCCSD BOUNDARY !!E!! : PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETITION ~ = ADDED l!>Y LAFCo . PROPOSED ANNEXATION .aA. " . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 10 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT ADVISE l1-IE BOARD OF l1-IE QOSE OUT OF l1-IE MEOiANICAL MAINTENANCE AND MATERIALS CONTROL BUILDING PROJECT (DISTRICT PROJECT 20027) AND RETURN $36,028 TO l1-IE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM BUDGET DATE INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Munawar Husain, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Cons ruction Di ision ISSU.~: All work has been completed on the construction of the Mechanical Maintenance and Materials Control Building and this project can now be closed out. ~ACKGROUND: The new Mechanical Maintenance and Materials Control Building provides expanded and improved storage space for $500,000 worth of inventory and a centralized working area for maintenance functions which are needed for the greatly expanded and more complicated treatment facilities. The Board of Directors authorized a predesign 'of the building on October 3, 1985. The predesign identified the project requirements for a design/build approach. The Board awarded a contract to W.A. Thomas Co., Inc. and West Coast Contractors, Inc., A Joint Venture, on May 15, 1986, for the design and construction of the building. The contractor commenced work on May 30, 1986. The original contract completion date was February 27, 1987. Construction work was completed on May 15, 1987 and benefici al use of the new facil ity was taken by the Di strict on May 18, 1987. Appropriate time extensions were negotiated with the contractor for change order work and for late delivery of certain items. The project was accepted by the Board on July 1, 1987. The contractor's original construction contract was for $928,000. The total contract amount paid to the contractor was $985,400.82. There were 13 change orders totaling $57,400.82 issued for extra work associated with site improvements, increasi ng the hei ght of the buil di ng to accommodate the crane, painting, grading, changing doors, counters, and structural connectors. The total budget for this project was $1,202,700. The total completed project cost was $1,166,672, which is $36,028 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $36,028 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program Budget. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION MH RSK JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. J)jj "E\: w flfJ 1302A-9/85 . Centra~ Contra Costa Sanltar) Jlstrlct BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARDMEET'P:~rOf1 21, 1988 NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 APPROVE THE ATTENDANCE OF KEN F. LAVERTY, PURCHASING AND MATERIALS OFFICER, AT THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PURCHASING MANAGEMENT ANNUAL CONFERENCE DATE April 1~, 1988 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative/Purchasing ISSUE: The Board of Director's approval is required for attendance at an out-of-state conference in Nashville, Tennessee. BAa<GROUtI>: In January, 1988, Mr. Ken F. Laverty was elected President of the California Association of Public Purchasing Officers (CAPPO). One associated duty of being CAPPO President is traveling to the National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM) Annual Purchasing Conference, this year being held in Nashville, Tennessee, May 16-18, 1988. CAPPO is affiliated with NAPM and holds a voting membership on the Certification Committee. Besi des the necessary CAPPO rel ated busi ness meeti ng with the NAPM President and staff, the Conference will provide fifteen hours of classroom training in measuring purchasing productivity., the law of warranties, doing business with minority vendors, publ ic agency workshops, paperless purchasing, and many other beneficial purchasing topics. All of these topics are faced at the District, and the up-to-date discussions of these can only benefit the District. CAPPO will pay all expenses rel ated to attendance at the NAPM Annual Conference. REcotItEtI>ATION: . Approve the attendance of Ken F. Laverty at the NAPM Annual Purchasing Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION PM . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 21, 1988 NO. IV. TREATMENT PLANT 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXCEPTION TO THE DISTRICT STANDARD BIDDING PROCEDURE FOR THE RETROFIT WORK NECESSARY FOR THE WASTEWATER RECLAMATION DEMONSTRATION PROJECT DATE April 18, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE EXCEPTION SUBPjI~l. Belcher Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: Authorize excepti on to the Di strict standard bi ddi ng procedure for the retrofit work necessary for the Wastewater Reclamation Demonstration Project. BACKGROUND: Plant Operations Department staff is requesting an exception to the District standard bidding procedures in order to expedite the Filter Plant facilities retrofit for start-up of the demonstration reclamation project by May, 1988. Staff believes it is strongly in the District's interest to procure these construction services by negotiated contract rather than the formal public bid process. Only use of the negotiated contract process will allow the demonstration project to achieve start-up in May, 1988. In order to provide the reclaimed water to the Contra Costa Water District (CQ/D), retrofit of the filter plant facil ities is required in order to comply with the Capital Regional Water Quality Board and the Department of Health Services Title 22 Standards and to interface with the District Outfall Rehabil itation Project. The retrofit proj ect, which must be compl eted prior to the start-up of the Wastewater Recl amati on Demonstrati on proj ect and for wh ich costs exceed the $10,000 bi ddi ng limit, is the installation of the bypass rate control valve and appurtenances (approximate cost - $17,000). The low rainfall for the past two years is projected to result in near drought conditions for the summer of 1988. East Bay Municipal Utilities District (EBMUD) has already declared an emergency water shortage and will enact a rationing program or alternative conservation program this spring. EBMUD and. CQ/D have a water sharing agreement which requires that CCWD must take action reciprocal to EBMUD's rationing or conservation program. The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors has also requested that CCWD share its water with EBMUD during this drought period. Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict and CQ/D have undertaken to joi ntly pursue a demonstration industrial cooling water reclamation project to begin in May, 1988. Under th is proj ect, 3 to 5 t-GD of recl aimed water will repl ace the use of CCWD Contra Costa canal water which can be used as a source of drinking water for domestic northern central Contra Costa customers. This 3 to 5 t-GD of recl aimed water. can provide sufficient offset to supply up to 10,000 households with their normal allocation of water during this drought period. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 KA SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXCEPTION TO THE DISTRICT STANDARD BIDDING PROCEDURE FOR THE RETROFIT WORK NECESSARY FOR THE WASTEWATER RECLAMATION DEMONSTRATION PROJECT POSITION PAPER 2 OF 2 PAGE DATE Ap r i 1 18, 1988 Al though desi gn draw i ngs for these retrofit proj ects are now compl ete, the standard publ ic bi d timi ng and award process woul d prevent the contractor from starti ng these projects until mid to late May. The staff has al ready obtained informal bids and authorized a contractor to start work immediately upon authorization by the Board to grant an exception to the District's Standard Bidding Procedures. The negotiated bid process could allow completion of these projects in early May. This timing would fulfill the District's obligation to CQ/D and provide reclaimed water to ameliorate the drought conditions at the earliest possible time. District Counsel has informed staff that prevailing law allows a public entity under exceptional factual circumstances to forego the public bidding process, if such process works an "i ncongruity is unavai 1 i ng as affecti ng the fi nal resul t, or where the competitive bidding process does not produce any advantage." More simply put, in unusual ci rcumstances where the best interest of the Di strict cl early dictates that work should be undertaken without putting the project to public bid, the District can undertake such work without public bid. District Counsel has also informed staff that Section 20806 of the Public Contracts Code provides for the Board to waive the public bid requirements in emergencies when there is a "great public calamity." Although it can be argued that the drought constitutes such a cal amity, staff has concl uded that the above noted excepti on for unusua-I instances where publ ic bi ddi ng may serve a di sserv ice to the publ ic is more germane to these facts. Staff believes that it is in the best interest of the District to except this project from the Standard Bidding Procedures for the following reasons: A. The current drought conditions require that every available effort be made to conserve the county's water resources, including reclamation projects. B. The District has made a commitment to provide recl aimed water to CQ/D by May 1, 1988. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize exception to the District standard bidding procedures for the retrofit work on the Wastewater Reclamation Demonstration Project as being in the "public's best interest." --------- 13028-9/85 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ...Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF .?-I April ~ 1988 NO. V. COLLECTION SYSTEM 1 AUlHORIZE PUROlASE OF EQUIPMENT TO TRANSPORT WATER TO SUPPORT CSOD MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES AND AUlHORIZE $78,000 FROM lHE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR lHE GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT DATE April 15, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE EQUIPMENT PU ROl AS E, AUlHORIZE FUNDS SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson, Manager Collection System Operations Department ISSUE: Board authorization is needed to purchase equipment and to supplement the General Improvements Program Conti ngency Account from the Sewer Construction Fund. BACKGROUND: CSOD uses 20,000 to 30,000 gallons of water each working day to cl ean the coll ecti on system. The maj ority of the water comes from EBMJD. EBMJD has decl ared a drought emergency and thei r staff has recommended that water used for sewer fl ushi ng shoul d be elimi nated to conserve water. They have the ability to take this step under their regulations and their recommendation to ban the use of water is made with the understanding that lower quality water can be used for thi s purpose. The date of the ban is tentatively set at June 1, 1988. During the 1977-78 drought the District attempted to reclaim water from the sewers. The effort di d not work out because of mechani cal probl ems with the water treatment hardware. It is not recommended that this be attempted. CSOD can use effluent from the treatment plant to meet its needs, however, the sewer cleaning equipment must be suppl ied with the water at the jobsite. To do this the District would need the following equipment. 2 1 2 8,000 gallon tank trailers 10 wheel tractor Engine powered pumps Total Cost $42,000 30,000 6,000 $78,000 Purchase of the equipment is recommended over rental/lease because the cost after resale will be less to purchase. In addition, a temporary employee woul d be added to the CSOD staff to fill in for the water truck driver at a cost of approximately $12,000 (June through November). The temporary employee woul.d be terminated when EBMJD lifts the ban and the equipment would be sold when it is clear that the drought has ended. The proceeds from the sales of the equipment would be returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. It is not clear at this time what EBMJD's final position will be. No action will be taken by staff to commit the District to this course of action until after EBMJD has taken a formal action to prohibit sewer flushing. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON ROGER J. DOLAN SUBJECT AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT TO TRANSPORT WATER TO SUPPORT CSOD MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES AND AUTHORIZE $78,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE GENERAl IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 2 OF April 15, 1988 The increased cost of hauling effluent will be partially offset by a $10,000 per year savings in water bills and meter rentals. This purchase should be funded from the fiscal year 1987/88 Capital Improvement budget's General Improvements Program Contingency Account. However, the current balance in this account is less than $10,000. It is requested that the Board authorized $78,000 from the Sewer Constructi on Fund to suppl ement the General Improvements Program Contingency Account. REaltIENDATION: Authorize the purchase of equi pment to transport water to support CSOD mai ntenance activ iti es and authorize $78,000 from the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the General Improvements Program Conti ngency Account. ---------. 13028-9/85 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD M~p~~r O:h, 1988 NO. II. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 SUBJECT DATE April 13, 1988 APPOINTMENT OF DISTRICT AUDITOR TYPE OF ACTION APPOINT AUDITOR SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The Board of Directors is required to appoint an independent public accounting firm as the District's auditor to perform the examination of the financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988. BACKGROUND: The Board of Di rectors has followed the practice of rotati ng the District's auditor after four or five successive annual audits. Hood and Strong has served as the District auditor for the last five fiscal years 1983 through 1987. On Octobe.r 15, 1987, the Board authorized issuing a request for proposal to sel ect a successor auditing firm for the 1987-1988 fiscal year. Requests for proposals were sent to five public accounting firms. Three firms submitted proposals; the other two firms declined to submit proposals, citing an inability to provide staffing for the engagement. The firms submitting proposals were: Johnston, Gremaux & Rossi 500 Lennon Lane Walnut Creek Laventhol & Horwath 425 Market Street San Francisco Pannell Kerr Forster 425 California Street San Francisco The three proposals were reviewed by a selection committee composed of P. Morsen, W. Funasaki, and Board Members W. Dalton and P. Boneysteele. Client references were contacted by District staff. Representatives of the three firms were interviewed by the selection committee on March 22, 1988. A subsequent committee meeting was held on April 11, 1988 to consider additional information requested from two of the firms. After considering the results of the interview, the written proposals and cl ient references, the firm of Johnston, Gremaux & Rossi was selected by the committee for recommendation to the full Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Appoint Johnston, Gremaux & Rossi, Certified Public Accountants, as District auditor beginning the fiscal year ending June 30, 1988, as recommended by the se-I ection committee. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ c7aN'--t::--J 1302A-9/85 W F ~ PM . Centr,",-_ Contra Costa Sanltal" District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER NO. VII. BUDGET AND FINANCE 3 SUBJECT DATE RECEIVE 1l-IE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND 1l-IE DRAFT 1988 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR REVIEW TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE CIB & CIP INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ P Di ision SUBMITTED BY James R. Coe ISSUE: The District's draft Fiscal Year 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget and 1988 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan have been prepared by staff and are ready for Board review. BACKGROUND: The draft Fiscal Year 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget and the 1988 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an are presented in two separate documents. The annual Capital Improvement Budget establishes near-term project priorities and authorizes the 1988-89 Fiscal Year Capital Program Budgets. Detailed information for projects that are anticipated to be active in Fiscal Year 1988-89 is presented in the Capital Improvement Budget document. The Capital Improvement Pl an sets long-term capital improvement goal s for the District, provides the basis for staffing levels related to capital activity, and provides the basis and justification for capital rates and charges. Staff anticipates presenting the Board with a capital rate review package in November or December of this year. Board review of the Capital Improvement Plan will be requi red at the time of rate setti ng. In the future, staff recommends that Capital Improvement Pl an submission and approval and capital rate review activiti es occur annuall y in the fall. The rate rev iew package that will be submitted to the Board in November/December will include an analysis of rate scenarios and financing alternatives. On April 5 and April 12, 1988, the Capital Projects Committee met with District staff to review the draft Capital Improvement Budget and Plan. The Committee has approved the documents for submission to the full Board. The two documents are submitted for initial review by the full Board at this time. The Capita1 Improvement Budget and the Capital Improvement Pl an are currently schedul ed for approval on June 2, 1988, and for adoption on June 16, 1988, in conjunction with the O&M Budget. A workshop is schedul ed at the May 5, 1988, Board meeti ng to discuss the Capital Improvement Budget and Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the draft Fiscal Year 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget and draft 1988 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan for review. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB )"/Yl ~ JMK INITIATING DEPT./DIV. _._~"~_.*.___._,.______,___~_.__._____.~__,.._~_._.___......____.__..____~._._._,,_____M______~___ . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 21, 1988 NO. V I I I. PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT DATE APPROVE PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL. YEAR 1988-89 April 12, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE BUDGET SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Cathryn Freitas. Personnel Officer Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1988-89 and is submitting its requests for final Board consideration and approval at the April 21st Board meeti ng. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1988-89. The Personnel Budget includes memoranda from each department (Attachments I, II, III, IV, V & VI> with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes. The attached summary sheet (Attachment I) highlights each department's staffing requests and summarizes thei r effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized positions in the District would increase by eight (8) over last year; the number of requested new positions (9) is partially offset by a position recommended for deletion (1). In addition to the increased number of positions, the salaries and wages in the 1988-89 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year due to the following: o Any sal ary adj ustment if granted as a resul t of the current meet and confer activities with District bargaining groups; o Merit increases scheduled in 1988-1989; o Filling authorized positions which were vacant in 1987-1988; and o Positions authorized in 1987-1988 which were budgeted for a partial year because of the time required to fill positions. On Monday, March 28, 1988, the Personnel Committee met to review the proposed budget. The following Board authorizations and modifications to the District staffing charts were discussed at that meeting. They were received by the Board at the April 7, 1988 Board Meeting and are presented below for your final consideration: Administrative Department I.> Add one Personnel Assistant, $-52, $1966-$2375. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ -:: PM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A.9/85 CRF SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE PERSONNB. BUDGET REOUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 April 21, 1988 Collection System Operations Department 2.> Delete one Collection System Superintendent, S-77, $3560-$4312. 3.> Add one Associate Engineer, S-77, $3560-$4312. 4.> Add one Collection System Technician, salary and class description to be reviewed and adopted by the Board at a later date. Plant Operations Department 5.> Add one Plant Operator III, G-65, $2660-$3224. Engineering Department 6.> Add one Secretary 1/11, G-45, $1661-$2003. 7.> Add one Administrative Analyst, G-68, $2860-$3461. 8.> Add one Engineering Assistant, G-69, $2931-$3541. 9.> Add two entry-level engineers, salary and class description to be reviewed and adopted by the Board at a later date. Co-op Program 10.> Authorize the hiring of students to fill nine positions in the Co-op Program. RE<XMENDATION : Approve the Personnel Budget for Fiscal Year 1988-1989 herein identified by items one through ten. L-.______. 13028-9/85 -+J C QJ E ..r::: u ", -+J -+J c::( t' IIJ ti ,.. IIJ en LLI ~ >- i ~ ti ~ CD td .... IIJ Z C e 0 - ~ .... - ~ "g "g < " "g Gl t ~ " 0\ 0 CD N ..,. U'l l"l ..,. 0 ,..... . .... .... 0\ ,..... .... 0\ I N ..,. 0 \0 U"l .... . .... 0 0 l"l \0 0 0\ , IX; 0 0 N \0 0 0\ .... Gl Gl .... .... U'l N N >.IG ..,. S .... .... >.IIJ ,..... .... .... .J:l "g N \0 ..,. .J:l "g l!:l l:jl l:jl N ~ ..,. U'l "gl.. l"l l"l l"l "gl.. .... .... .... Gl Gl .... .... .... ~ Gl Gl g I I I c.... I I I I c.... \0 0 0 _IG 0 .... 0 .... _IG ~ \0 \0 f.... \0 \0 \0 ~ fr- U'l U'l ~ \0 CD 0 IIJ .... l"l l"l GlIG .... N N Gl IG 0:: .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Gl.... Gl.... .. .. .. "gIG .. .. .. .. "gIG N ,..... ,..... U'l U'l eo 0\ U'l ,..... ,..... Gl"g \0 ..,. \0 \0 Gl"g I I I .J:ll.. J, I I I .&>1.. (I) (I) (I) IG C!l C!l C!l IG 00 00 ....10 ....10 . .I:. .... .... 0 Ul .... Ul C Gl * >. c I.. IG I- r- :i Gl 1;: I.. ..... IG Gl Gl S ..... c Ul C - Gl ..... < .... - Ul C 1;: Ul 01 Ul - I.. .... Gl Ul C Ul < 01 >. 0 ..... > < UJ C C (I) .... ..... .... 0 r- UJ <0 ..... .... 01 ~ - Gl C I.. IG C 0 .... C Gl 0 Gl to I.. .... ~ - C .... .... D. .... L. Ul 0 IG t 0 <0 Ul Gl r- 0 Ul - .... .... Gl I Co. I.. 0 Gl .... Gl C C >. Gl 0 r- C I.. .... .... I.. 0.. Ul '0 IG 0 ~ 01 .... Ul .... Gl c C .... < c..> 0.. (I) < W UJ .... .... .... .... .... ...... N .... D. ::> (I) S - .... Ul Ul >. c (I) 0 .... 0 C 0 0 0 .... 0 - .... Ul .... 0 0 0.. Gl r- '0 c..> .... ..... .... 01 0 C C ~ .... to.... I I.. Ul Gl Gl <0 0 ....> 0 Gl ........ ~ c_ .... C Gl L. ........ en c .... b~ ~ ~~ <0 01 d n: c Gl.... <.... UJ (1)0 "g ~ g'~ __.-4 Llt-~ 0... .l:.1IJ ........0\ ~(I).... < -g Ol~ NCO\ __.-4 L'" 0...,..... ~IIJCD ....0\ en .... < 0\ CD g.~ 8.-4 ~ Gl "g ::> .... en U'l . U'l U'l N U'l . ,..... ..,. N 0\ CD . c: 0 ~ - Ul 8. Gl Gl c: .... <0 I.. .... Gl c 0 ..... 0 C 0 ~ - L. .... .... '" 0\ Gl .I:. .... C .... .- ::> Ul .. Gl 01 L. eo 01 .r- .... r- I .... CD ~ CD 01 ..... ...... ..... ..... eo "g CD Gl L. 01.... 0 .... Ul .... I Gl '" ,..... ::> L. ...... eo S" (l) 01 0.. .... a: 0 01 01 .... .. C C c: ell .... .... '" c: ..... ..... 0:: ..0 ..... ..... ell.... IG IG c.... ........ '" ..0- (I) (I) ell .... Ul ..... c: .... 0 "g"g 0 0_0.. Gl Gl <0.... Ul N N C I.... 0 D. .... .... 0 ....0..0 I.. I.. - en~""8 0 0 .... .I:. .I:. - 0.. .., t~ "0 t"O~.... "0 << '" ....CD-C L.... .... Gl .... .... Gl tGl...."g <0<0 ..r::. .-"g::> ........ I- -Gl"g.... 00 00<(1) 1-1- * . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 43 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 21, 1988 NO. IX. SOLID WASTE 1 SUBJECT DATE CONSIDER DISTRICT PARTICIPATION IN JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO DEAL WITH Sa.. 10 WASTE MA TIERS April 18, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER PARTICI- P A nON IN SOL. 10 WASTE JPA SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: The District, among other sol id waste franchisers in the Central County area, has commissioned a study to explore the feasibil ity of developing a joint powers agreement within Central Contra Costa County to deal with various solid waste issues. The study is complete and is being presented to the commissioning agencies. BACKGROUND: In addition to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, the franchising cities of Martinez, Pleasant Hill, Concord, Walnut Creek, and San Ramon commissioned Price Waterhouse to undertake a study to assess the feasibil ity of a joint -powers agency to deal with solid waste matters facing garbage franchisers. In June of 1987, Price Waterhouse submitted a proposal to the various jurisdictions to conduct this study. The jurisdictions proceeded to contract with Price Waterhouse to undertake the study and formed a joint powers agreement study group. A policy committee, comprised of elected officials from each of the jurisdictions, was formed. Senior staff members from each jurisdiction formed a management committee. These two committees, meeti ng together, provided di recti on to Price Waterhouse in pursuit of the consulting engagement. The study that finally emerged is attached. The feasibil ity study is one document and attached to that document is a draft joint powers agreement which illustrates the makeup and organization of the proposed joint powers agency. Mr. Bob Hilton, from Price Waterhouse, is the consultant who managed the engagement. Mr. Hilton will be present at the April 21, 1988 Board Meeting to make a presentation on his work and answer the Board's questions. After Mr. Hilton's presentation, the Board is encouraged to discuss this issue and make a decision on whether the District should take the next step in the development of a joint powers agency. If the Board wishes the Di strict to do so, it shoul d authorize Di strict Counsel to work with other franchising jurisdictions' counsels in reviewing and drafting a joint powers document that all agencies who wish to join could support. RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive presentation of Mr. Bob Hilton; 2) Discuss and decide whether the Di strict shoul d endorse the concept of a j oi nt powers agency and take the next step in the development of a joint powers agency to deal with solid waste issues; and 3) Authorize District Counsel to assist other franchising agency counsels in drafting a joint powers agreement, as appropriate. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~.. ] ] ] ] ] J 1 ] ] ] J ] ] ] ] ] ] 1 I . . CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY FEASIBILITY STUDY FINAL REPORT ] ] ] ] ] J J ] ] ] J J ] ] J J ] J J 150 Almaden Booolevard San Jose, CA --, Telephone 408 282 1200 Price JfUterhouse . April 14, 1988 Hr. Roger Dolan General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Drive Martinez, CA 94533 Dear Mr. Dolan: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the cities of Concord, Martinez, Pleasant Hill, San Ramon and Walnut Creek engaged Price Waterhouse to study the feasibility of the Development of a Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Joint Powers Authority. With the substantial assistance of both elected and appointed officials from these organizations, we have conducted this study and documented our findings in this report. While the Executive Summary of the report succinctly describes the results of the study, we are prepared to present our findings to your Board and respond to any questions they may have. Should you wish to arrange for such a presentation, please contact Robert Hilton (408) 282-1276 or myself at (415) 393-8500. An issue which was not resolved at the time the draft Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement was prepared related to the procedures used in exercising the powers defined in the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement. This issue was researched by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's counsel. I understand his opinion to be that the procedures to be followed by the JPA should be designated in the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement as being either those which govern cities or those which govern districts. Therefore, this issue should be resolved during the process of finalizing the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement. ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] J J ] ] J ] J ] . April 14, 1988 Mr. Roger Dolan Page 2 We have appreciated the opportunity to once again be of service to you and to the other participants in this study. Sincerely, ?~Jl~ Ernest J. Mortensen Partner Enclosures - As stated cc: Mr. Donald A. Blubaugh Mr. Jack Garner Mr. James Robinson Mr. Joe Tanner Mr. Michael Uberuaga ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] ] J ] J J J J J J J J CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY TABLE OF CONTENTS I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY II STATUS OF LANDFILL SITING AND DEVELOPMENT III HISTORICAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION IV POTENTIAL BENEFITS AND RISKS OF JOINT ACTION V EXISTING SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION VI STUDY METHOD VII MISSION OF THE JPA AREAS OF CONCERN AUTHORITY ORGANIZATION VIII PROPOSED JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (JPA) IX ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSED JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY APPENDIX 1 DRAFT JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT 1 3 4 6 8 10 12 12 15 19 22 24 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] J J ] J J ] J J I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The siting of a landfill disposal facility (and, as necessary, other related solid waste facilities) in Contra Costa County (county) is a critical need which must be fulfilled by the County of Contra Costa (County), cities and districts. Historically, the responsibility for achieving this objective has been disbursed among these public agencies as well as private companies. The sponsoring agencies of this feasibility study are considering whether an organization of the responsible public agencies into a JPA might facilitate the development and regulation of disposal facilities. (It is imDortant to note that the JPA under consideration would not be involved in solid waste collection or local recyclinq activities.) Some of the benefits which may result from such an organization are: o A single solid waste authority; o Shared costs of development; o Increased leverage in negotiations; o Development of a public alternative; and o The shared costs of regulation. At the same time, risks may also be present, such as the creation of delays in current siting activities and adding to the multiplicity of organizations involved in this siting issue. As a result of discussions with the Management Committee, the following tentative recommendations were formulated for con- sideration by the Policy Committee. 1) A JPA should focus on siting, constructing, operating (or causing to be operated) and regulating a landfill disposal site and, as necessary, transfer facilities. 2) The jurisdictions which form a JPA should provide it broad powers related to the development and operation of a landfill disposal and, as necessary, transfer facilities. 3) A JPA should commence with a membership which regulates a substantial portion of the wastestream, be governed by a board of elected officials and be provided flexibility in how it organizes itself. 1 _... ...".',.,,-. . -,..- '~"'.,~,> '::',..,.......,"""...-,~',.'v...."__~~"""'.,.,.......'~..-,~-<'_,.,_.." '.'""""," "_,_, "'" ,.-",.".,..,~ ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] After several meetings, the Policy Committee developed a consensus regarding the type of JPA which it believed could receive political support. The JPA is described below: o The purpose of the JPA is to assure residents cost effective solid waste disposal facilities. o The JPA could advise, and advocate the interests of, the agencies as well as participate in the planningldevelopmen~ operation and rate regulation of regional disposal facilities. o The JPA would be governed by a Policy Committee of elected officials and administered by a Management Committee of chief administrative officers. , ..J o The financing of any regional facilities or programs would be subject to separate agreement by the agencies. It is our opinion that the JPA developed by the study's Policy Committee could be effective in advancing the interests of the member agencies. This opinion is based upon the following conclusions: l'! o The activities of the JPA are well considered and reflect the common concerns of the agencies involved. o The agencies involved have the authority to effect their policies through their ability to determine the disposal site for solid waste collected in their jurisdictions and/or to set rates for solid waste collection. ft t" .. ... " o The member agencies have qualified staff to effectively advise the JPA and, where special expertise is required, the JPA has the ability to engage qualified experts. o The authority of the JPA is clearly defined and the powers of both the Policy and Management Committees are properly assigned with adequate controls over their activities. o The JPA can effectively adapt to the changes in the solid waste issues and can both support and monitor privately owned facilities as well as develop publicly owned facilities, as appropriate. }i .. J l ] J ] J ] 2 ] ] ] ] ] J J- J II. STATUS OF LANDFILL SITING AND DEVELOPMENT The county is facina a substantial crisis in the disposal of its solid waste. Within a few vears. currentlv Dermitted landfill capacity will be exhausted. Two aDDroaches (a Drivate apDroach and a ioint cublic/crivate accroach) are beina considered. ! .... The three existing landfill disposal sites are expected to reach capacity by 1991. The ACME landfill, which services the disposal needs of the central county, had been scheduled to close in June of 1989. However, ACME Fill Company recently announced that the landfill may close in January of 1989. This allows only ten months for making arrangements for disposal facilities. While expansion of the existing sites is physically possible, obtaining the necessary permits would take a considerable amount of lead time and permit approval may not be possible. The County is processing applications for two privately proposed landfill sites (Kirker Pass Waste Management Landfill and the East Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill). (These two privately pro- posed landfill sites have a capacity of at least 20 years.) The County is currently split over these landfill sites and whether to ask for an advisory vote. The County is also processing an application for a transfer station to be located at the current ACME Landfill site. (However, internal disputes in the ACME Fill Corporation have caused confusion over the plans for the transfer station. ) The County Board of Supervisors has also recently issued a "Request for Conceptual Proposals for Solid Waste Landfill Acqui- sition, Permitting and Development". The Request for Conceptual Proposals envisions a site with at least 20 years of capacity. J J J J J J J ] J ] 3 ] ] ] ] ] ] ]" ] ] ] ] J J ] J J J J J xxx. HXSTORXCAL SOLJ:D WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANXZATION Many factors outside the control of local aaencies have created this crisis. The historicallv diffused authority for solid waste manaaement may have made it difficult to anticioate this oroblem and imolement olans to orevent what has occurred. COUNTYWIDE The formal public manaqement of the solid waste system in the county beqan in 1971 with the County's inclusion of a Refuse Disposal Plan as part of the utilities Element of the General Plan. (Prior to this date, the cities and districts indepen- dently franchised solid waste collection and the County adopted ordinances to requlate disposal sites and collection practices.) Throuqhout the 1970's, the County Board of Supervisors appointed various committees to advise it in its State-mandated planning function. These various ad-hoc committees evolved into the current Solid Waste Commission which advises the Board of Super- visors on solid waste matters. Individual areas of the county have orqanized themselves to deal with solid waste issues. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA COUNTY In 1984, the County and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) jointly sponsored a study to identify po- tential solid waste disposal sites. This study was ini- tiated in response to the crisis facinq the county in the form of inadequate lonq-term landfill capacity. The County was involved in this study because of its responsibility for county-wide solid waste planninq and requlation. CCCSD was involved because it franchises 40' of the solid waste qen- erated in central contra costa county. The cities of Concord, Walnut Creek, Martinez and Pleasant Hill and the CCCSD jointly participated in a 1985 study of solid waste disposal rates at the ACME Landfill. A similar study sponsored by the same aqencies was conducted in 1987. These studies were initiated in response to increases in landfill tippinq fees instituted by ACME Landfill Corpora- tion. 4 '!!!_:__'''~.-lo_'''''''''''''''I1i~ ~~m .l'!rl~~ ] ] ] ] ] J J J J J J J J J J J ] J ] WEST CONTRA COSTA COUNTY The West Contra Costa Solid Waste Management Authority was created in 1985 by the cities of El Cerrito, Hercules, Pinole, Richmond, San Pablo and the West Contra Costa Sani- tary District. This Authority was established for two reasons: o Each of the member agencies was concerned about its ability to provide for adequate solid waste handling within its jurisdiction: and o Each of the member agencies believed that a combination of their separate powers and abilities would enable them to accomplish this responsibility. EAST CONTRA COSTA COUNTY The Delta Diablo Sanitary District, City of Antioch, City of Pittsburg and City of Brentwood joined together to study potential east county landfill disposal sites identified in the 1984 joint County and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District study described above. This study involved the further study of geotechnical and biological issues related to these sites. Currently, the east county jurisdictions have a proposal before the Board of Supervisors requesting their consent for the development of an east county landfill. This request is pending the Board's actions on the two private landfill sites discussed above. Historically, the County has been responsible for high-level solid waste planning and the regulation of the health aspects of solid waste management. The cities and districts have been responsible for franchising collection services. However, no one public agency has had the clear responsibility to help ensure that the solid waste system in the county is managed in a manner consistent with the public's best interest. 5 -'~'''''''''''<>'''''''~---'_.''''~I"'--'''''-~-''''-';''''''''''''''''''''''~-' ." "'_-'~',.,,,.'_"'._",,,,"'.,,.-..~ ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] J J ] J J ] ] J ] J ] IV. POTENTIAL BENEFITS AND RISKS OF JOINT ACTION The cities and district sponsoring this feasibility study did so to explore what benefits and risks may result from joint action regarding solid waste issues in the County. While it is difficult in a specific way to discuss these benefits and risks some general comments can be made. In all Drobability. each of the franchisina aaencies will be reauested to take action relative to solid waste disDosal. 1) The land use permits for new landfill or transfer station facilities will require approval by the appropriate land use permitting jurisdiction. 2) The County Solid Waste Plan amendment to incorporate these facilities into the Plan will require the approval of a majority of cities. 3) The financing of these facilities may necessitate the commitment of each franchisees' wastestream to the facility. In apDrovina any or all of these actions. the coordinated activity of the cities. districts and county could Drovide the followina benefits: A Single Solid Waste Authoritv: Should the jurisdictions deem it reasonable, they could establish a single solid waste disposal authority with broad powers to plan and act on solid waste disposal issues. Because of its broad base of participation, it could facilitate the resolution of such issues by providing a single forum for their consideration rather than the multiplicity of forums which currently exist. Shared Cost of Investiaation: To the extent that the proposals presented to the jurisdictions require analysis as to their environmental or economic impacts, the cost of this analysis can be shared, thereby reducing the cost to each jurisdiction. 6 ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] J J ] J J J J J ] J J Increased Leveraae in Neaotiations: Through their ability to control both the planning function and the wastestream, the joint action of the jurisdictions would represent a stronger negotiating position than that which could be pre- sented by any single jurisdiction. Further, to the extent desirable to the jurisdictions, efforts could more cost- effectively be expended on the development of the best available alternative to that which could be obtained through negotiations (reference Development of a Public Alternative below). Development of a Public Alternative: While private solid waste facilities have been proposed by developers and a joint private/public disposal facility is being investigated by the County, the joint action of the jurisdictions may make it feasible to consider a purely public disposal facility. It is unlikely that such a facility could be proposed by any single jurisdiction. Shared Cost of Administration: If rate regulation at the disposal site is a condition of its permit, the cost of the regulation can be shared, thereby reducing the cost to each jurisdiction. At the same time that benefits could result from joint action, certain risks may also be present. Creation of Delays in CUrrent sitina Activities: Obtaining the political consensus of the jurisdictions to agree upon the scope of their joint areas of concern and the limits of their joint actions will require time. This may make less timely the development of any disposal facility or transfer station. MUltiplicity of Oraanizations: CUrrently, Federal, State and numerous local organizations are involved in solid waste disposal facility siting. To the extent that the joint actions of the jurisdictions adds to this multiplicity rather than streamlines it, developing the necessary agreements among all parties for the facility may become more difficult. 7 ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] ] J ] J J J J J ] J J V. EXISTING SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION While numerous county. city. sDecia1 district. and private oraanizations are currentlv involved in the solid waste disDosal crisis. all are in some way deDendent UDon the others to effect their decisions. The planning, implementation and enforcement of solid waste man- agement practices are under the jurisdiction of Federal, State and local agencies. The role of the local organizations cur- rently involved in solid waste management are described below: County: The County Board of Supervisors is jointly responsible with the cities for preparation and implementation of the County Solid Waste Management Plan. To advise the Board on policy and technical matters, the Solid Waste Commission (Commission) was formed. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to the Commission has been appointed to provide technical recommendations and reports to the Commission. The Board does not presently franchise solid waste collec- tion in the unincorporated areas of the county. Therefore, it is dependent upon the cities and districts for the con- trol of the county's collection activities and wastestream. cities: City councils can negotiate rates, issue or revoke permits, enter into franchise collection agreements with waste haulers (and thereby maintain control of their portion of the wastestream) and collect a franchise fee. cities are jointly responsible with the County for prepara- tion and implementation of the county's Solid Waste Manage- ment Plan. However, the planning process requires a major- ity of cities to agree to amendments to and revisions of the County Solid Waste Management Plan. cities have wide powers to adopt and enforce ordinances related to solid waste practices and related land use deci- sions within their corporate limits. However, cities have no powers outside of their corporate limits and are depen- dent upon the County and other cities for the siting of facilities outside of their jurisdiction. 8 ] 1 ] ] ] J ] ] J J J J J J J J ] J ] Special Districts: There are eight special districts which franchise residen- tial waste collection in unincorporated areas (and in some cities). Each has its own ordinance and power to negotiate franchise agreements. The exercise of their authority and their dependence upon the cities and county is similar to that described above for cities. West Contra Costa Solid Waste Manaaement Authority (WCCSWMA): The WCCSWMA was established in 1985 as a JPA between the cities of Hercules, Pinole, San Pablo, Richmond, El Cerrito, and the West Contra Costa Sanitary District. The WCCSWMA conducts studies in the west county pertaining to solid waste disposal and collection rates, recycling and compost- ing, waste-to-energy, and other solid waste matters. Private Companies Involved in Solid Waste Manaaement Collection: Non-hazardous wastes are collected by 12 franchise holders (private collection companies) in accordance with franchise agreements with cities or special districts. Their costs are subject to regulation by the franchising agency. The health aspects of their operation are proscribed by the County. Disposal: There are three landfills in the County (West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill, ACME Fill and Contra Costa Waste Sanitary Landfill) and all of them are privately owned and operated. Unlike collection costs, landfill disposal costs are not regulated by any public agency. However, health regulations at the landfill are enforced by the County. These private owners and operators are responsible to the County and cities (as appropriate) for conformance with the conditions of their land use permits. 9 ] ] ] ] ] J J J J J J J J J J J ] J J VI. STUDY METHOD OBJECTIVE The objective of this feasibility study is to determine whether it is reasonable to believe that a JPA could be successful in planning, regulating, developing and/or operating solid waste activities and facilities. OVERVIEW The approach to this study is based on the exploration of the following issues using Price Waterhouse's (the consultant's) experience with comparable JPAs and the knowledge and experience of both staff and elected officials from each of the sponsoring agencies. The key issues for consideration were determined to be: o The areas of concern to the authority? o The powers of the authority? o The geographic area of the authority? o The organization and administration of the authority? o The authority's role in and the schedule for the development of disposal and transfer facilities? o The authority's role in the regulation of private solid waste disposal and transfer activities? o The benefits and risks to the jurisdictions resulting from the formation of the authority? o The relative merits of proceeding with the authority versus the current process? The study has been conducted in two phases: o Determining a mission (areas of concern, authority and organization) of the JPA with the Management Committee of the JPA Feasibility study. 10 ] ] ] ] ] J J J J J J J J J J J J J J o Confirming and/or modifying the mission of the JPA, and determining the role of the JPA with the Policy Committee of the JPA Feasibility study in: o planning and siting of disposal and transfer facilities; and o financing, ownership, construction and operation of disposal and transfer facilities. The results for the first phase of this project are presented in section VI, Mission of the JPA. This is followed by the results of the second phase of the project, which are presented in Section VII, Proposed Joint Powers Authority. 11 ] ] ] ] J J J J J J J J J J J J J J ] Vl:I. MISSION OF THE JPA PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS' ALTERNATIVES AREAS OF CONCERN POLICY OUESTION What should be the areas of concern to a solid waste JPA? FACTORS IN DETERMINING AREAS OF CONCERN TO THE JPA In determining the potential areas of concern to a JPA, the following factors were considered: o Common Interests: All jurisdictions should have a common interest in the achievement of a JPA's mission. o Efficiencies: There should be some cost and time efficien- cies gained from jointly pursuing a JPA's mission. o Additional Impact: The effect of applying the combined political and economic resources of the jurisdictions upon the JPA's mission should be greater than that which can be achieved through the efforts of any single jurisdiction. Some examples of the areas of concern to other JPA's include: o West Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority: Collection rates; Landfill expansion/conservation; Landfill development; Resource recovery; Transfer stations; Solid waste issues; and Educational forums. 12 ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] ] J ] J J J ] J ] J ] o South Bayside Transfer Station Authority: Transfer stations; Collection, transfer station and landfill rates; Resource recovery: and Recycling. o Solid Waste Management Authority (Alameda County): Solid waste management plan: and Hazardous waste management plan (this has recently been included in a draft of a revised joint powers agreement dated August 4, 1987). RANGE OF ALTERNATIVES The theoretical alternative areas of concern range from: o Restricting a JPA to the consideration of a landfill facil- ity; to o Authorizing a JPA to consider a range of solid waste dis- posal alternatives such as transfer stations, landfills, regional recycling and resource recovery. RECOMMENDATION The Price Waterhouse recommendation based on discussions with the Management Committee is that the JPA focus on landfills but that a JPA be authorized to consider related solid waste issues (such as transfer stations) as the need arises. (The JPA should not involve itself in solid waste collection or local recycling efforts.) The recommendation was based upon two primary considerations: o The critical current problem facing all of the jurisdictions is inadequate landfill capacity. In order to obtain this additional capacity, it may be necessary to also consider related issues (e.g. transfer stations) as a means to obtain the additional disposal capacity. 13 ] ] ] ] J J J J J J J J J J ] J J J J o The probability of aChieving this goal of obtaining addi- tional landfill capacity could be enhanced through the joint efforts of the jurisdictions by: Pledging their waste streams to the facilities in an amount which would make the facility economically feasible; Facilitating approval of the necessary solid waste plan revisions and amendments through a credible public pro- cess; and Sharing in the cost of studies, acquisition, siting and development costs of disposal facilities. 14 ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] J J J J J ] ] J ] J ] AUTHORITY POLICY OUESTION What should be the authority of a JPA? FACTORS IN DETERMINING THE AUTHORITY OF THE JPA In determining a JPA's authority, the following factors were considered: o Areas of Concern: The authority granted to a JPA should be sufficient to allow it to effectively act in issues related to solid waste disposal. o Legal Authority: Under the California Government Code, a JPA may by agreement be empowered to exercise any authority common to the contracting parties. o Independence: Generally, the more independent the authority granted a JPA, the greater the potential legal and financial exposure to the JPA. At the same time, the more independent the authority, the more insulated the member agencies may be from political, legal and financial exposure. Some examples of the authority of other JPA's include: o The West Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority is empowered to: Review the proposed solid waste collection rate increases for closure and post-closure care of the West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill (WCCSL): Explore the feasibility of: 1) Expanding the WCCSL facility: and 2) Developing methods which may increase the WCCSL life expectancy: 15 ] ] ] ] ] J ]- J J J J J J J ] J ] J ] Examine various resource recovery methods such as: 1) Recycling: 2) Composting: and 3) Waste-to-energy. Assess the need for a transfer station located in the West Contra Costa County area: Consider the development of a supplemental West Contra Costa County landfill site: Advise the party agencies on solid waste management issues: Coordinate the actions and responses of the party agen- cies with regard to solid waste issues: Formulate solid waste management policy statements: Sponsor educational forums, workshops, and discussions on solid waste matters: and Gather information necessary to carry out the foregoing purposes. o The South Bayside Transfer station Authority is empowered to: Enter into a long-term agreement relating to construc- tion and operation of a solid waste transfer station, after approving the design and financing plans: Enter into agreements to construct and operate, or con- tract to have constructed and operated, satellite transfer stations for public solid waste disposal, subject to the consent of the jurisdiction in which the station would be located: Enter into agreements, and arrange for any appropriate method of financing, to construct or acquire the transfer station and/or satellite transfer stations; Act on behalf of the agencies, as advisor to the City of San Carlos and the County of San Mateo in setting rates for the use of the San Carlos transfer station and the Ox Mountain disposal site: 16 ] ] ] ] ] J J J J J J J J J ] J ] J J ~i:'":1;~~.~ Advise any agency on collection and disposal rates to be charged within its jurisdiction, if the agency agrees to pay for the cost of any needed studies; study recovery, recycling, and other related problems and issues; and Contract for audits of its affairs by independent certified accountants. o The Solid Waste Management Authority (Alameda County) is em- powered to: Make and enter into contracts; _d1 Apply for and accept grants, advances, and contribu- tions; Employ or contract for the services of persons or firms as it deems necessary; Make plans and conduct studies; to review the Alameda County Solid Waste Management Plan and recommend or adopt revisions or amendments thereto; Acquire, construct, manage, maintain, operate, and control any buildings, works, or improvements; Acquire, hold or dispose of property; Sue and be sued in its own name; Incur debts, liabilities, or obligations, subject to limitations herein set forth; Levy and collect fees and charges; Adopt ordinances or resolutions necessary to carry out the purposes of the agreement; Issue bonds, subject to the provisions and limitations of the Government Code of the State of California; Adopt annually a budget setting forth all expenses for the Authority, together with the apportionment of such expenses by levy against each agency; Act by and on behalf of Alameda County for the purposes of Government Code section 66780.8 and Health and Safety Code sections 25135 through 25135.8; and 17 _~_-'I\':.....i'I...~ -- ...--"".,.,. ..---- ] ] ] ] ] J ]- J J J J J J J ] J ] J ] Recommend, adopt and amend the Alameda County Hazardous Waste Management Plan to the extent allowed by law. RANGE OF ALTERNATIVES The theoretical alternative authorities of a JPA range from: o Restricting the JPA to studying possible landfill disposal and transfer facilities and advising the member agencies; to o Authorizing the JPA to perform not only an advisory role but also a planning, development, operational, franchising, rate regulation and advocacy role within its areas of concern. RECOMMENDATION The Price Waterhouse recommendation based on discussions with the Management Committee is that the jurisdictions provide a JPA broad authority related to solid waste disposal and related issues. Such authority should include advising, planning, developing, operating, contracting for operations, regulating rates and legislative advocacy. However, the exercise of authority beyond the development of a landfill should be subject to a majority vote of the member agencies of the JPA prior to its being exercised. For example, prior to committing itself to the development of a landfill (and its related costs), a vote of the JPA member agencies should be taken to exercise this authority. The recommendation was based upon two primary considerations: o A JPA needs to have sufficient authority to affect the development of a landfill facility. To do so may require the exercise of broad powers to plan, develop, operate or franchise and regulate rates. o The immediate focus of a JPA needs to be on planning for the development of a landfill. The exercise of additional authority (such as regulating landfill rates) should only be done when and as appropriate as determined by a majority of the members of a JPA. 18 __ llil".~"" .-...._"''J<'C'._-OI.,-''"'"''.....-~.'.r- ----......"--- ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] ] ] ] J J ] ] J ] J ] ORGANIZATION POLICY QUESTION How should a JPA be organized? FACTORS IN DETERMINING THE ORGANIZATION OF THE JPA In determining the organization of a JPA, the following factors were considered: o Areas of Concern: Decisions made regarding the areas of concern and the authority of a JPA, to a large extent, determine the type of organization required. o critical Mass: Unless a JPA has the participation of those jurisdictions who must be involved to exercise the authority of the JPA in the areas of concern, it cannot be effective. o Permanence: The more comprehensive the areas of concern and authority, the more "institutionalized" a JPA may need to be. o Governance: The more policy oriented the activities of a JPA, the greater the need for elected officials' participa- tion. o Staffing: The more comprehensive the areas of concern and authority of a JPA, the greater the need for staff support. Some examples of the organization of other JPA's include: o West Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority: Participation by cities and the sanitary district in West Contra Costa County; Organization structure of the Authority includes: 1) A Board which exercises all powers on behalf of the Authority and is composed of elected officials appointed by the governing body of each jurisdic- tion. 2) A Chair and Vice Chair. Each of the jurisdictions provides the necessary staff support to the Board as necessary. 19 ] ] ] ] J J J J J J J J J J ] J ] J ] o South Bayside Transfer Station Authority: Participation by County, cities and sanitary district. Organization includes: 1) A Board composed of members appointed by the governing body of each jurisdiction. 2) A Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. o Solid Waste Management Authority (Alameda County): Participation by. County, cities and districts. Organization includes: 1) A Board composed of one member of the governing body of each of the member agencies. 2) Staff support from the County. RANGE OF ALTERNATIVES The theoretical alternative organizations of a JPA range from: o A JPA initially composed of a limited number of Central county jurisdictions, governed by a committee which receives staff support from the jurisdictions: to o A JPA which could involve the entire county. The JPA would be governed by a Policy Board of elected officials appointed by each of the jurisdictions. The Policy Board would be advised by a Technical Committee of representatives of each jurisdiction. An Executive Secretary (and other staff as appropriate) would be engaged to manage the day-to-day affairs of the JPA. 20 J ] ] ] ] J J- ] J J J J J ] ] J ] J ] RECOMMENDATION The Price Waterhouse recommendation based on discussions with the Management committee is that a JPA: o Commence with jurisdictions in central contra costa county (which control a substantial portion of the wastestream) while allowing for the participation of East and West county jurisdictions over time. o Be governed by a Board of elected officials representing each of the jurisdictions. o Establish a Management Committee to manage the non-policy activities of the JPA and provide technical advice to the Board on policy issues. o Be provided flexibility in its organization to ensure that the staffing of the JPA is performed in a cost effective manner. The recommendation was based upon six primary considerations: o The central contra costa county cities and districts have worked together successfully before in addressing solid waste issues. o The central contra costa county cities and districts share a common interest in obtaining a landfill and overseeing solid waste disposal activities and are large enough to financial- ly accomplish this task. o While the central contra costa county cities and districts are sufficient to form an effective JPA, their effectiveness in achieving their objectives would be enhanced by the additional support of East and West county cities and dis- tricts. o The nature of the issues to be addressed by the JPA, of necessity, will require public policy direction. This di- rection is best provided by elected officials of the member agencies. o The Policy Advisory Board would benefit from the review of technical data and the formulation of recommendation by a Management Advisory Committee composed of senior staff of the member agencies. o The staffing requirements of the JPA will vary with time, and an appropriate level of flexibility should be provided to the JPA to respond to these requirements. 21 -. ~_....._._--_.- .--.,..-----.-----.-.---- 1 ] ] ] J J J- J J J J J J J ] J ] J ] VIII. PROPOSED JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (JPA) Through a series of meetings with both the Policy and Management Committees of the JPA study, the mission and role of a JPA were discussed and a consensus reached on each of the elements. (While general agreement was reached, differences of opinion existed within the policy and management committees and one city was sUfficiently in opposition that they withdrew from the study. ) The results of this consensus are documented in Attachment 1 - Draft Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Contra Costa Solid Waste Management Authority - dated February 15, 1988. While this document should be read in its entirety to fully understand the conclusions of the Policy and Management committees, a summary of the major areas of agreement are presented below: Puroose The purpose of the JPA would be to assure cost effective solid waste disposal facilities to the residents of the participating agencies. Oraanization The JPA would be governed by a Policy Committee of elected officials of the agencies. A Management Committee composed of the chief administrative officer of each agency and responsible to the Policy Committee would be responsible for management of the JPA's affairs. Powers The JPA could advise and advocate the interests of the member agencies related to solid waste issues. It could also plan, develop, operate and regulate the rates of regional solid waste disposal facilities and progr~ms. In exercising these general powers, the Authority could perform certain specific activities necessary for the performance of the general powers. Terms of Aareement The JPA would become effective on the date of its execution. Withdrawal by an Agency from the JPA would occur in accordance with a specified schedule. 22 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] J J J J J J J ] J ] J J Pro;ect Financina Financing of any facility or programs would be subject to separate agreement and the JPA's debts shall not be those of the agencies. -~ 23 ] ] ] ] ] J J- J J J J J J J ] J J J J IX. ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSED JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY Introduction The purpose of an organization is to enable a number of groups to work together to achieve objectives which they could not have achieved, either as well, or at all, as individuals. There is no "mathematically correct" organization structure. The aim is to get the best workable compromise between a reasonable, straight-forward structure and the strengths and interests of the groups involved. The principal criteria to be considered in deciding on an organization's structure are: o What activities must be performed: o What agencies/personnel are involved: o How are the activities managed: and o How can the organization adapt to Changing conditions. In evaluating the principal criteria identified above, we have put forward a standard for the evaluation of an organization and then provided observations and findings with regard to the proposed JPA. Activities to be Performed Standard: ------- In developing an organization structure, it is important to consolidate related activities within one organization in order to facilitate coordination and communication regarding the organization's objectives. Observation/findings: o The powers of the JPA are sufficiently broad to address the common solid waste disposal issues faced by each of the agencies. This allows the JPA the ability to consider the various aspects of solid waste disposal as it develops solutions to the current solid waste disposal crisis. For example, should the securing of a solid waste landfill require a transfer station and related recycling activities, it is possible for the JPA to consider and plan for these activities and present a comprehensive solution to the aember agencies. 24 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] ] ] ] ] o By avoiding issues of solid waste collection and local recycling, the JPA avoids involving itself in issues which are limited to specific agencies. o The breadth of the JPA's activities, however, could result in losing focus on the current primary objective of securing landfill disposal capacity. Aaencies/Personnel Involved: standard: The organization must represent agencies with sufficient authority, and must be staffed by personnel with the knowledge and experience, to carry out the responsibilities assigned to the JPA. Observation/findings: o By limiting participation in the JPA to agencies with franchising authority, the JPA represents agencies which have sufficient authority to control the waste stream and/or to set rates in order to carry out their policies. o The JPA receives support from the staff of the member agencies. These agencies have staff with extensive knowledge of solid waste issues including, but not limited to, those of permitting, engineering and finance. This provides th~ JPA with expert knowledge of the issues with whien-they will become involved. o The.JPA may supplement the agency staff with individuals and consultants who provide a level of expertise not currently available on the staff of the member agencies. o However, the limitation of JPA membership to solid waste collection franchising agencies currently precludes the participation of the County whose authority to perform solid waste planning and to approve use permits in the County's unincorporated area could be of'benefit to the JPA in aChieving its objectives. 25 ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] J J ] J J ] ] J J J J Manaaement of the Activities standard: o Accountability of the JPA to the member agencies and of the Management Committee to the Policy Committee should be clear to avoid the problems of coordination and communication. o Decisions should be made by knowledgeable individuals who are informed of both the technical and policy issues involved. Observation/findings: o The authority of the JPA, the Policy Committee and the Management Committee is clearly set out in the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement. o The powers necessary to the exercise of the authority of the JPA, Policy and Management Committees are appropriately provided. o Adequate controls are in place which require the JPA to return for approval to the individual agencies on specific major undertakings. Further, within the JPA, the actions of the Management Committee are appropri- ately monitored and controlled by the Policy Committee which is composed of elected officials. o The management of the JPA is performed by the agencies' chief administrative officers who are qualified to make recommendations, as appropriate, to the POlicy Commit- tee. Organization's Abilitv to AdaDt to Chanae standard: Organizations have to be adaptable to deal with the changes faced in the environment in which they operate. 26 ] ] ]I ]1 J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Observation/findings: The JPA has sufficient flexibility to: o Address related issues such as landfills, transfer stations and recycling. This flexibility is necessary since, in many cases, the regulatory authorities which have approval over landfill permitting have required the implementation of recycling programs. This flexibility is also necessary since the site of an approved landfill may require the development of a transfer station in order to economically dispose of the solid waste at the site. o The membership of the organization can be expanded to include additional agencies who share common problems. o The JPA can function with either private or public ownership of the solid waste disposal facilities. In either case, rate setting authority would be maintained by the JPA. Therefore, residents could be assured of cost effective solid waste disposal facili~ies. Conclusion We believe that the proposed JPA can successfully represent the agencies' best interests. This opinion is based on the following conclusions: o The JPA's activities are well considered and organized to reflect the common concerns of the agencies involved. It is unlikely that any individual agency could as effectively deal with the issues of solid waste disposal. o Even with the exclusion of the County, the agencies involved in the JPA have the authority to implement its policy recommendations due to their ability to set solid waste collection rates and to direct the flow of solid waste to a specific disposal site. o The authority of the JPA is clearly defined and the powers of both the Policy and Management Committees are properly assigned with adequate controls over their activities. This clarity of authority (of the JPA and within the JPA) will help to ensure the proper focus of the JPA's activities and facilitate the coordination of and communication between the individual agencies participating in the JPA. o The JPA can adapt to the changes in the solid waste issues facing the county. It can support the private sector in its efforts to develop solutions and it can provide a public sector solution, if necessary. 27 ] ] ] ] ] ] ]- ] ] ] ] J ] ] ] J ] J J A. DRAFT Appendix 1 March 11, 1988 JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY ARTICLE 1: PURPOSE B. Purpose of Aareement: It is the purpose of this agreement to establish, pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, a public entity separate from each of the Agencies. This public entity is to be known as the Contra Costa Solid Waste Management Authority hereinafter referred to as the "Author- ity". Puroose of Authoritv: The purpose of the Authority shall be to exercise certain powers set forth below, in a manner which will assure the citizens of the Agencies that solid waste landfill(s), transfer station(s) and/or regional resource recovery facilities and related programs, hereinafter referred to as "Regional Facilities and Programs", will be operated in the most cost effective manner possible consistent with the proper concern for the environment. 1 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] j ] ] J ] ] J ] ] J A. DRAFT B. ARTICLE 2: POWERS OF THE AUTHORITY General Powers: The Authority shall have the powers common to its member Agencies and may: 1. Advise the member agencies on issues related to Regional Facilities and Programs; 2. Advocate the interests of the member agencies related to Regional Facilities and Programs with local, state and federal officials; 3. Plan for Regional Facilities and Programs; 4. Develop Regional Facilities and Programs; 5. Operate and/or contract for the operation of Regional Facilities and Programs; and 6. Regulate rates of Regional Facilities and Programs. 7. Advise on matters of solid waste rates and charges. SDecific Powers: In carrying out its general powers, the Authority is hereby authorized to perform all acts necessary for the exercise of said powers which may include but are not limited to the following: 1. To make and enter into contracts. 2. To apply for and accept grants, advances, and contribu- tions. 3. To employ or contract for the services of agents, employees, consultants and such other persons or firms as it deems necessary. 4. To conduct studies. 2 ] J ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] J J ] ] J ] ] ] DRAFT 5. To review the Contra Costa Solid Waste Management Plan and recommend revisions or amendments thereto. 6. To acquire, construct, manage, maintain, operate and control any buildings, works or improvements; if such have not or are not anticipated to be otherwise provided. 7. To acquire, hold or dispose of property. 8. To incur debts, liabilities or obligations subject to limitations herein set forth. 9. To levy and collect fees and charges, including ad- ministrative and operating costs, as provided in this Agreement or by law, against all entities to which the Agreement or law applies, both signatory and non- signatory to this agreement. 10. To issue bonds, subject to the provisions and limita- tions of the Government Code of the State of Califor- nia. 11. To adopt annually, by April 1 of each fiscal year, a budget setting forth all administrative, operational and capital expenses for the Authority, together with the apportionment of such expenses by levy against each Agency to the extent necessary. 3 .. _..._._"-------,-_._._._.~. ._,----...<".,---.~.__.._."_._._-'"'.,.._--~--~_.._"._-_.----.~._---,._----~,~-----_._--~_._.~.....-...._...__._.._,-~-- ] ] ] ] ] J ] ] J J ] J J ] ] J ] ] ] A. DRAFT ARTICLE 3: ORGANIZATION OF AUTHORITY policv Committee: The Authority shall be governed by the Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority Policy Committee, hereinafter called "Policy Committee", which ahall exercise all powers and authority on behalf of the Authority. 1. Duties of the policv Committee: The Policy Committee shall perform all acts necessary to carry out the purpose of this Agreement which may include but are not limited to: a) Consideration, modification and approval of the annual work program and budget submitted by the Management Committee. b) Levying fees and charges as provided in this agreement. c) Authorizing, reviewing and accepting reports and studies. d) Reviewing, recommending, approving and regulating rates for Regional Facilities and Programs which provide services to the Agencies. e) Recommending to the Agencies action on: 1) the Contra Costa County Solid Waste Manage- ment Plan and revisions or amendments thereto: and 2) the planning, financing, development and operation of Regional Facilities and Programs. 4 ] ] ] ] ] ] ]- ] ] ] ] J ] ] ] J ] J ] 2. 3. .""------....------ DRAFT f) Accepting Agencies as subsequent parties to the Agreement and the Authority and their representa- tives as Policy Committee members. Policy Committee Members: The Policy Committee shall consist of one member of the governing body of each of the Agencies which franchise solid waste collection and are party to this agreement. Upon execution of this Agreement, the governing body of each Agency shall by resolution appoint one of its members to serve as a member of the POlicy Committee and another of its members to serve as an alternate member of the Policy Committee to serve in the absence of the regular member. The Executive Director of the Management Committee shall serve as a non-voting member of the Policy Committee. Subseauent Policy Committee Members: Any Agency which franchises solid waste collection in Contra Costa County, including cities incorporated and districts formed after the effective date of this Agreement, may become members of the Authority and Policy Committee by presenting an adopted resolution to the Policy Committee which includes a request to become a member of the Authority and Policy Committee and upon a majority affirmative vote of the Policy Committee accepting the Agency and upon payment of any charges 5 ] 1 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] J ] J J ] ] ] ] ] ] 4. r'"'.........-. DRAFT 5. established by the Policy Committee as a prerequisite for membership. Policv Committee Officers: The POlicy Committee shall elect from its members a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson who shall preside over all meetings according to the Rules of Procedure adopted by the Policy Committee. The Policy Committee Chairperson shall represent the Authority and execute any contracts and other documents when required by the Rules of Procedure. Policv Committee Rules: The POlicy Committee is empowered to establish its own Rules of Procedure and may do any and all things necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. Meetings of the Policy Committee: a) Regular Meetinas: The Policy Committee shall hold at least four (4) regular meetings each year. b) SDecial Meetings: Special meetings of the Policy Committee may be called in accordance with the provision of Section 54956 of the California Government Code. c) Notice of Meetings: All meetings of the Policy Committee sball be held subject to the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, being Sections 54950 et. seg. of the California Government Code, and other applicable laws of the State of California 6. 6 "."- ':~':'" ::;';:;,'~i;'Ff''''''''~:,:~.,...!''',::-'t -:-''''''' '~i?,f::",,;"'.' y-'",,,,~~~~~ '~~r""~'-:-,':';:-:,>n~~""'Clt'l0~.F'l?'.""""_~'''''"'''~''''',. J J ] ] ] ] J 1 J J ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] DRAFT B. requiring notice be given of meetings of public bodies. d) Minutes: The Policy Committee Chairperson shall cause minutes of all meetings to be kept and shall, as soon as possible after each meeting, cause a copy of the minutes to be forwarded to each member of the Policy Committee, Management Committee and each Agency. Manaaement Committee: The Authority's affairs shall be managed by the Contra Costa Solid Waste Management Commit- tee, hereinafter called the "Management Committee". The Management Committee shall be composed of the appointed chief administrative officer of each Agency. The Management Committee shall be responsible to the Policy Committee for the administration and management of Authority affairs and for the provision of assistance and advice to the Policy Committee. 1. Duties of the Manaaement Committee: The Management Committee is responsible to the Policy Committee for the performance of its duties which shall include but not be limited to the following: a) Preparation and submission of an annual work program and budget. b) Conducting and reporting the results of studies, including rate studies. 7 ] ) ] ] ] J ]- ] ] ] ] J J J J ] ] J ] 2. DRAFT c) Managing the financial affairs of the Authority and not less than annually reporting the financial results of operations of the Authority. d) Procuring services, supplies, Regional Facilities and Programs on behalf of the Authority and subject to the general provision of the workplan and budget. Management Committee Officers: The Management Commit- tee shall elect from its members the following officers: a) Executive Director: There shall be an Executive Director who shall be the chief administrative officer of the Authority. He or she shall be responsible to the Policy Committee for the management and administration of all Authority affairs. b) Treasurer and Controller: There shall be a Treasurer and Controller to be the custodian of all Authority funds, to pay demands and to make or contract for an annual audit. c) Secretarv: There shall be a Secretary who shall be responsible for the noticinq and recordinq of minutes of meetings as required by the Act of the Rules of Procedure. Such Secretary shall perform these duties for both the Policy and Management Committees. 8 ] 1 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] J J ] ] J ) ] ] 3. 4. DRAFT Staffina: Each of the Agencies shall strive to provide staff to the Authority as may be necessary for the Authority to fulfill its duties. As necessary, the Authority may contract with or employ firms and/or individuals to perform such tasks or duties as deemed necessary by the Authority including those of the Executive Director of the Management Committee (in which case the Executive Director shall be a non-voting member of the Management Committee). Meetinas of Manaqement Committee: a) Reaular Meetinas: The Management Committee shall hold regular meetings. b) SDecial Meetinas: Special meetings of the Management Committee may be called by the Execu- tive Director, by a majority of the members of the Management Committee or at the direction of the Policy Committee. c) Minutes: The Executive Director shall cause minutes of all meetings to be kept and shall, as soon as possible after each meeting, cause a copy of the minutes to be forwarded to each member of the Management Committee and Policy Committee. 9 ] 1 1 1 ] ] ] ) ] ] ] J I ) J ] ] ] ] A. B. DRAFT C. ARTICLE 4: TERMS OF AGREEMENT Effective Date: This Agreement shall become effective on the date of its execution by all the Agencies composing the Authority. Amendments: This Agreement may be amended by the affirma- tive vote of the governing bodies of not less than two- thirds of all member agencies. Withdrawal: Any Agency upon one year's written notice given to the Chairperson of the Policy Committee and all other Agencies prior to April 1 of any year may withdraw from this agreement; provided, however, that the withdrawing Agency shall be liable for its share of any expenses incurred up to the effective date of its withdrawal which shall be July 1 of the year following the giving of notice. Division of PrODertv on Dissolution: Upon dissolution of the Authority as a legal entity, all debts of and advances to our Authority shall be paid, and the property of the Authority shall be divided in proportion to the most recent apportionment of expenses as described in Article 2 of this Agreement among all of the Agencies who are parties to this Agreement at the time of its dissolution. D. 10 I I I I I I J J J J J ] J ] ] ] ~r..,~. ""'",,-,.. ,'.' A. DRAFT B. ARTICLE 5: PROJECT FINANCING SeDarate Contracts: Financing of Regional Facilities and Programs related to the transfer, disposal or recovery of resources from solid waste shall be subject to separate contracts between the Authority and Agencies. ~: The Authority may issue or cause to be issued bond and other indebtedness, and pledge any property or revenues as security to the extent permitted by law. The Authority'S debts, liabilities, and obligations shall not be debts, liabilities and obligations of the Agencies. 11 "';"''''''''''''"-1il~''~''~~<'''''~''''__~'''~~'''''-!.''"~''''''IJ!W''.~''''''''''.'~;')''.,-<'~'''y;,>;\,.". <"~~""""',,",_,-,"':.."'lf-:'."'" ._"''''''!'':'''~_~~,,,,, ... " ,._ "'" ,,,...,..,....~~, . J, ,,;.-~.,~'.'.............., ""', ..'.." ....'~.~,~;.'>.."'.,~~..'I'..~...-.":>.."...."""lI7!G" ; ,..'1"'" . . Centra~;ontra Costa Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS istrict PAGE 1 OF NO. x. LEGAL/LITIGATION DATE 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT CONSIDER QAIMS AND LATE QAIM APPLICATIONS FROM ROOERT & BARBARA KIERSEY AND THOMAS & THERESE WARNE OF ST. JAMES COURT, DAN V IL L E TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER ClAIMS SUBMITTED BY Jack d er INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Admi ni strative/ isk ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required to accept late claims and to deny cl aims. BACKGROUND: The San Ramon Valley Project, Phase B, has been installing the new trunk sewer line in the old Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way which runs through south Danville. In the area south of Sycamore Valley Road there are several homeowners in "locations adjacent to the right-of-way who allege that the construc- tion activities by Mountain Cascade, the project's general contractor, have caused cracks' in thei r houses, pati os, sw immi ng pool s, and damage to other property improvements. These all egati ons have been reported to the contractor and to the contractor's insurance carrier, Wausau Insurance. The District has a right to indemnification by the Contractor and is named as an additional insured under the contractor's liability policy with Wausau Insurance. The staff anticipates that Wausau will accept a tender of defense from the District for the claims which arise. At this juncture applications for permission to present late claims for October and November 1987, and two claims for December through the present period amounting to $500,000 each, have been submitted by an attorney representi ng Robert & Barbara Ki ersey and Thomas and Therese Warne, both of St. James Court, Danville. The reason for the appl ication for pennission to present late claims is that the claimants' attorney believes that the 100 day claim filing period provided for by law may have been exceeded for the damages alleged to have occurred in October and November 1987. The staff requests to meet with the Board of Directors in closed session to review these claims and the late claim applications prior to Board action. RECOMMENDATION: Hold a closed session to consider the claims and application to present late claims which have been filed by Robert and Barbara Kiersey & Thomas and Therese Warne. After the closed sessi on, take acti on on these cl aims and applications. INITIJ.l.. TING DEPT./DIV. rL JEC JH ~Z:NG PM ROGER J. DOLAN . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 21, 1988 NO. X. LEGAL/LITIGATION 2 SUBJECT DATE Ap r il 13, 1988 DENY PROPERTY DAMAGE ClAIM RECEIVED FROM ROBERT J. & VICKIE MURGIA OF 326 WELLINGTON AVENUE, ClYDE TYPE OF ACTION DENY ClAIM SUB~'JtkD ~~ Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPTlDIV. Administrative/Risk Management ISSUE: A claim denial requires action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: Robert and Vickie Murgia own a home at 326 Wellington Avenue, Clyde. The lot extends up-hill and goes through to Park Road, the street behind. A house at 326 Park Road shares a common side sewer with the Murgias, and this connects to the District line down on Wellington Avenue. This side sewer is quite old and has a root problem. Its exact location is unknown, but it apparently passes under the Murgia house from the house on Park Road such that sewer back-ups occur into the Murgia. bathroom during high flows from the Park Road house and when roots have built-up in the downstream position of the side sewer. The two property owners have been unable to agree on a solution to the problem, and the Murgias now have fned a claim against the District alleging that there was a failure to properly hook-up and inspect sewer laterals following the annexation of Clyde in 1968 and when the sewer rehabilitation project was done in 1971. The amount of the claim is $2,673 for damage resulting from a sewage back-up on December 12, 1987. This claim involves a common side sewer on private property which was installed prior to District annexation of the area and which was not part of the 1971 sewer rehabil itation project. Therefore, the staff bel ieves that the District is not responsible for the problem and recommends that the claim be denied. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the cl aim of $2,673 from Robert and Vickie Murgia of 326 Wellington Avenue, Clyde, alleging District responsibility for a sewage overflow. PM JH . Centra. ;ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 7, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 SUBJECT ACCEPT EASEMENT AGREEMENT FROM SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY FOR SEWER CROSSING SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD PROPERTY IN DANVILLE AREA - JOB 4417, PARCEL 7 DATE March 30, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT AND EXECUTE EASEMENT AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ~: The subject easement agreement is required to provide sanitary sewer service to Subdivision 6806. BACKGROUND: The subdivision developer, Fostoria Associated, Ltd., negotiated the easement agreement with Southern Pacif i c Transportati on Company. Th i s easement agreement is similar to easements previously granted this District from Southern Pacific. The terms and conditions of the agreement are designed to protect Southern Pacific's interests. At staff request, a clause has been added that will protect the District from having to relocate the sewer in such a way that it would be unusable as a gravity system. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and accept Grant of Easement Agreement, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute sai d Grant of Easement, and authorize the recordi ng of sai d Grant of Easement. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB 1302A-9/85 AJ( DH t#PJ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ -A \ ~'1:. \ /' \ \ N. \ / 10./ \ ~~..n ~ \ \./ \\.V\ ~..... ~ ~ \ .; El9 ,<(,.,\ m L-~-\,"=~ ~ ~\. _C-_ r~~/ \~~cX~\ ~.\:, -Lc /,,1 <-,;; \\.,,) 0" / \' -t- ' ~ /' ., ~~\"'~\ 'z. ,). ..\'- __ -Y"/ <1.. 0,\",\. __ \"'.> _ _ -" ~ \ ~:./ \~~i> 0\\9 ~~/ ~ ......"\\.V ( '<t. '<' ," -11'0 ,,\ Y. ",1-, ~ \0' .~ __ ~ V.&,." " __ '., ~'" ' \: ,,' \ \~~\-("" /,>woU'\ %\ 'l:- \&. \- -:-\ .,." \~,\?'v" ); \ ,---- .</ I "$- \ 't.\ "" \"$- \ \lo '0\-/ ) ~ j ~ '" .....~ '%. I D..J- -7'\ ~ \~SL\.i\1...... \ ( ~ I t" f;)'z. I V'7 ~'(' Y: ~ /'. \ '~ / '- ~\ /\ -$~~'i\\'b /' \ \ . /.J ( ----'../..'. / ''J, <>-\vV 9 ./\ \ . ~ / ~1..j>~1i-5- ,,0 ..i r .~'t~~\ ,0 ) \. I ..... / \Cf )- - _ 1'.;,~~ "~V1-...\//"'1',..) \be I -'~ ~9 ~;.-W~ \'(''2\00 \\ I \\' ." \ .~ 0 \ Q I \ - L- .~~~:' o;:;J~\'l,. / ~I \V~g.\ '1 \ ;~ ~ v .~\ '\0 , \J'1~~ ~~\ I y~\) ~ 4 \~ \ I~ .~\ \ \\ ~~\ ~) ~~') :\()~ .~~ h 6~O 51J~' ~. Easement Accept Sewer Parcel 7 Job 4417 . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF A ril 7, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 10 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (JOB 4144 - PARCEL 1) (WALNUT CREEK AREA) DATE March 29, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CONSENT TO DEDICATION SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: A portion of minor James A. Rei ner, etux, for road known as La Casa Via. the dedicated area. Subdivision 6-84 is being dedicated to the County by public road purposes and the widening of the private An existing public sewer easement is located within BACKGROUND: The County requires a "Consent to Execution of Deed" whenever an area dedicated for publ ic road purposes encroaches upon an existing easement. A standard consent document will be used in which the District retains prior rights. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the "Consent to Dedi cati on to Contra Costa County, La Casa Via widening, minor Subdivision 6-84, Job No. 4144, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said document and authorize its recording by Contra Costa County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB r.P~ '0/ 1Jw./.' I fiIp INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ t~ ...,1 S61fJ tI'~I' ~~~~ -~;~~'\? \,.:.... ;....... '.<", '"'7:::. ~o tP \ G~~p. t)~~~P "~~Cotl "'10 Consent to Dedication Job 4144 Parcel 1 Walnut Creek Area '" <' .", ~~ . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 7, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 SUBJECT DATE March 30, 1988 QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB 4284, SUBDIVISION 6716, AlAMO AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Branagh, Inc., owner of Subdivision 6716, has requested the District to quitclaim the subject easement which lies within Lot 24 of Subdivision 6716. ~ACKGROUND: The subject easement was dedicated to this District when the subdivision map was filed on November 26, 1986. The easement was created to provide access to a manhole located within an adjoining easement. The adjoining sewer was constructed 75 feet short of the originally planned termination point to conform to the site terrain. A replacement easement is being dedicated on a Parcel Map (MS 66-87) in the proper location. Therefore, the existing easement is no longer required. The next effect is the elimination of the shaded easement area on the attached map. RECOMMENOAT10N: Approve Qu1tcl aim Deed to Branagh, Inc., Job No. 4284, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim, and authorize the Quitclaim to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION AP~ 1302A-9/85 D H RAB ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. '11/ JSM ~ ROGER J. DOLAN J / \ ~ \ '<1!5'~ o <:tl- ;7 rJ (00;1 , ~,,:T1 ~3 ~~ 11 ( QUdCt,AIM S7tJN'€ ",,ilL-LEY ,et7,40 QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 4284 ALAMO AREA . Centri. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS r PAGE , OF 2 POSITION P APE R I BOARD MEETING OF April 7, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 12 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 88-9 (WALNUT CREEK) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE March 30, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division : Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency Parcel No. Area 88-9 Walnut Creek (5086) J. Cavallero, etux 1083 Walnut Avenue Walnut Creek 94596 139-080-018 (1.70 Ac.) Failing septic system, owner must connect to public sewer. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption." CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 88-9 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION . JSM RAB d:;~fJf1ICH/ ENG. rr/ ~ (&)/~ (/ ROG~ 1. DOLAN 13::12,6 .9'65 ar( DH ;4~ JPl INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Ii! "2 AC eA. 88." 1 NT :5357 K:. ~. ~ CD CD It) . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 7, 1988 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 13 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-a-lIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH PETER AND KIRSTEN BEDFORD DATE March 30, 1988 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy Construction Division Manager INITI,6TING DEPT./,DIV. 0 tin t/ ~ng'neer'ng epar en Construction Division ISSUE: Peter and Kirsten Bedford have requested that the District provide sewer service to an additional property in North Concord which is outside of the District boundary. B.ACKGROUND: The Board of Di rectors authorized the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Peter and Kirsten Bedford in August, 1987, to provide sewer service to the property shown as Area 1 on Attachment 1. This agreement was necessary because the ori gi nal annexation of the property was invalidated by court action. The City of Concord is in the process of completing an Environmental Impact Report for a boundary reorganization which will result in the reannexation of the property to CCCSD. The City anticipates that this process will be completed in August, 1988. The property identified as Area 2 on Attachment 1 is al so owned by Peter and Kirsten Bedford. Area 2 was not included under the original sewer service agreement because the Californi a Envi ronmental Quality Act (CEnA) documentati on for site development was not complete. Since then, a Negative Declaration has been completed by Contra Costa County for two proposed light industrial type buildings to be built on Area 2. The Negative Declaration is attached (Attachment 2) and consists of a Notice of Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance and an Initial Study of Environmental Significance. It is now appropriate to amend the existing District agreement to include Area 2. The District must comply with CEQA in its action to approve the amendment. Since Contra Costa County was the Lead Agency for the Negative Declaration on the site development project, the District is a Responsible Agency and, as such, must follow these guidelines: o Section 15.2 of the District's CEQA Guidelines states, "...a Negative Declaration adopted by a Lead Agency" (Contra Costa County) "shall be conclusively presumed to comply with CEQA for purposes of use by Responsible Agencies....". o Section 7.17(f) of the District's CEQA Guidelines states, "Prior to reaching a decision on the project, the Responsible Agency must consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the ...Negative Declaration." ~ 1302A-9/85 JSM RAB KLA SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH PETER AND KIRSTEN BEDFORD POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 7 The aspect of the site development project relevant to the District is whether to amend the existing agreement to provide sewer service to the proposed project. The sewering of the proposed buildings will consist of the extension of either public or private sewers into Area 2 from the exi sti ng public sewer in Arnol d Industri al Way. Thi s extension will be at the expense of the property owners. The sewers which will be extended are sol el y for the use of Area 2 and no other properties. Therefore, the extension of the sewers will not induce growth in the vicinity of Area 2. Staff has considered the environmental effects of the project as shown in the Negative Declaration. No significant envirorvnental effects relative to areas of District responsibility are identified in the Negative Declaration. Staff recommends that the Board consider the environmental effects of the project set forth in the Negative Declaration and determine that any negative effects on the environment are adequately addressed therein. Staff recommends that the Board authorize the execution of the amendment and direct that a Notice of Determination be filed with the County Clerk certifying that the District considered the Negative Declaration as prepared by Contra Costa County (District's CEQA Guidelines Section 7.17(i)) adequate for its environmental review of the proposed project. RECOMMENDATlON: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute Amendment No.1 to the existing agreement with Peter and Kirsten Bedford and direct staff to file a Notice of Determination. 1302B-9/85 Page 3 of 7 ~ PROPERTY TO BE SERVED UNDER PROPOSED AMENDMENT BOLLMAN TAEATMENT PLANT Q ~ PROPERTY SERVED UNDER ORIGINAL AGREEMENT t. C. C. 'II. O. OIL CO, AREA 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~ ATTACHMENT 1 2523-1/87 . " r r Page 4 of 7 ATTACHMENT 2 California Environmental Qualit~ ~~~ 0 o/J ~ ~ NOTICE OF FE 8 S i988 o Completion of Environmental Impact Report CCCSD F~t-l~ING ~ Negative Declaration of Environmental Significance CONTRA COSTA COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 651 PINE STREET NORTH WING-4TH FLOOR MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA 94553-0095 Telephone: (415) ~ 646-2091 Contact Person Byron Turner Project Description and Location: PETER B. AND KIRSTEN N. BEDFORD (Applicants and Owners), Cpunty File 112084-87: The applicants request approval to construct two buildings on 5 acres for: (I) a Light Industrial/Commercial service use; and (2' a rehearsal and bingo hall for the Concord Blue Devils. Subject property is described as follows: Located on the north side of Arnold Industrial Way, approximately 2,000 feet east of Lowe Lane, in the Concord area. (L-I) (ZA: F IS) (CT 3150) (Parcel 11159-090-024) This proposal is consisten with the General Plan and the Light Industrial (L-I) zoning by land use permit. The Initial Study does not identify significant environmental impacts associated with the proposal. Improvements needed resulting from the traffic generation of this proposal should be provided, which may require a traffic study. This and any additional concerns can be considered with the application review process. D Justification for Negative Declaration is attached. D The Environmental Impact Report is available for review at the address below: Contra Costa County Community Development Department 4th Floor, North Wing, Administration Building 651 Pine Street " Martinez, California , /I" Review Period for Environmental Impact Repo~.~egative Declaration: . ~A' -- thru c( J.(' /1 { ~ / ; AP 9 R 5/87 ~ 'c, n1U i.w Development Department Representative '"--.- /2- /-g 7 1-/-<3b Page 5 of 7 Contra Costa County i) )mmunity Development Departn t Administration Building, North Wing. Pine &: Escobar Streets. Martinez, Califorma 94553.0095 Initial Study OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE File# 2025''-/-,87 , / Prepared By Reviewed By Concurrent Application G/ Il1Rfi);::P Date Date II- 2''/-.3 7 RECOMMENOA nONS: DCategorical Exemption (Class _) ~ative Declaration D Environmental Impact Report Required DConditional Negative Declaration (Owner/Applicant must agree to mitigation in writing). - -The project (may) ~have a significant effect on the environment. The recommendation is based on the following (List all items identified as significant): (J~5 / Or1? t..:.-i-:; tv ;z,.. / n-h." ~t;C/',?;'-Y /PSi h;/"J(.r ;'::-Yi?:::tl.c'...;.;. , U,S.G.S. Quad Sheet GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Zoning Atlas Sheet F"'/~ , / r-'- A'c,', 6,/ Parcel No. ., 7"'" u /CJ - .... . 2. . .' .".. .... .~/: ~ ~.' .~ " ., 3. Nature of request or proposed land use: 7L1..r1r- 11/<1' I CA)/d r:rs (/) 'VN:2~/~ ~/ A-/. ;:' /1///7'.1,.5 '''\A/ ,,", (? )-.!5LA/~n /!/VIJ ", -,M; ::jCu/:"~11 <:. " 4. ~"" ,.-) ;1..:'1'::::':":'5 79/2 Pe:-;:/;" 1":/ .' ;I/'/-I' /j 1//1 CAy-/ / . ~r;.t.4e' " ~' "';"'f~ .!' >f.A-'/ /:.Ji, 1--) .':.;7 / ~ 'L.. 5. Note any previous applications on the site (if EIRs recommended, listing EIRs prepared for nearby projects): //-iPY},,.J 6. Does it ~~ that any feature of the project will generate significant public concern? (Nature of concern): DYes ErNo OMaybe Will the project require approval or permits by other than a County agency? DYes ~ Agency name(s): 7. 8. Is the project within the Sphere of I nlluence of any city? (Name): i' / ,;.-.J "/ CC',tt:: l;) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAGi'S ANALYSIS: S=Significant N=Negligible C=Cumulative No=None U=Unl<nown 1. Water. Will the project result in: a) Is any portion of the projc~:. within :I Flood Hazard Area? b) Reduction of surface or groulld water quality or quantity? c) Increased runoff or alteration to drainage patterns and streams? d) Erosion of or sedimentation in a body of water? 2.. Earth. (Consider the Seismic Safety Element) Will the proposal result in or be subject to: a) Is any portion of the project within an Alquist-Priolo Act Special Studies Zone? (if yes, date County Geologist notified ) b) Potentially hazardous geologic or soils conditions on or immediately adjoining the site? (slides, springs, erosions, liqui- faction, earthquake faults; consider prime soils, slope, septic tank limitations). Cite any geologic or engineering reports. (County Geologist consulted?) c) Grading (consider height amount, steepness and visibility of proposed slopes; consider effect of grading on trees, creek channels and ridge tops)(Are there any grading plans?) 3. Plant/Animal Life. a) Will there be a reduction or disturbance to any habitat for plants and animals? (including removal or disturbance of .trees) b) Will the Project affect the habitat of any rare, endangered or . unique species located on or near the site? c) What vegetation (habitat) types exist on the site (give relative % or proportions if significant)? List habitat types. ( JP (/,r ;< Page 6 of 7 DYES dnW s N C ~8 D 0 D D D ~D D 0 0 0 ~ DYES ~~ S N C NO U D g--(j D D D [g/tJ D D DYES oNO S N C NO U D D g--o D D D D g--D 4. S N C NO U Air. Will the Project result in deterioration of existing air quality, including creation of Objectionable odors, or will future project r.esidents be subjected to significant pollution levels? 5. Noise. Will the project result in: a) Is any portions of the project within the 1990, 60 dBA Noise Contour? (check Noise Element at 1000 scale maps) b) Increases from existing noise levels? 6. EneI' /Natural ResourceslHazards (Consider General Plan, Safety and Seismic Safety Elements. Will the projects result in: a) b) Any additional consumption of energy? Affect the potential use, extraction, conservation or depletion of a natural resource? c) Increase risk of explosion, release of hazardous substances or other dangers to pu~lic health and safety? 7. Utilities and Public Service. Will the project: Il) Hequire ulteration or addition to Of' tile need for new utility systems (including sphere of influence or district boundary change; water, sewer, solid waste)? o 0 Q/o D C:rYEs oNO o 0 rn.--o o D D ~D D D D D if D D D D Ef/D DYES 040 b) Result in the need for new or expansion of the following services: fire and police protection, schools, parks and recreation, roads, flood control or other public works fac- ilities, public transit or governmental services (include changes to sphere of influence)? c) Page 7 of 7 s N C NO u D CJ.-'" D D D Affect recreational opportunities (consider General Plan Recreation Element-Trails Pions)? 0 0 0 rtv-D 8. Transportation/Circulation. (Consider the Major Roads Plan) Will the project result in: a) Additional traffic generation or increase in circulation pro- blems (consider road design, access, congestion, parking and V D accident potentia!)? 7.":::::':::;.'-}C b) Special transportation considerations (waterborne, rail, air or public transportation systems and parking facilities)? I cr-o D I'L.....l!1,., J..... i/ . I .... 10. Cultural Resources. a) Review by the Regional Clearinghouse? (their recommend- ation)? c) Increase in commuting to and from local community? D D tr'" D D 9. Housin!; and Community Development. (Consider Housing Ele- ment). Is the project: a) Located within a Neighborhood Preservation Area? DYES ci-No b) Is there an opportunity for construction of low and moderate income housing? DYES ~O DYES Date &rm b) Any nearby County Historic Sites (Consider Historical Resources Inventory) 1>/' 11. Aesthetics. (Consider the Scenic Routes Element) Will the project obstruct any public scenic vista or view, create an aesthetically offensive site open to public view, or produce new light or glare? 12. Is this project a growth-inducing action (encourage additional requests for similar uses) or set a precedent in the area? 13. Mandatory Findin!;s of Significance. (A "yes" answer on any of the following questions requires preparation of an EIR) Discussion: a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, or curtail the diversity in the environ- ment? b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantuge of long-tcrm, cnvironlllcntul gouls'! c) Does the project have impucts which urc individuully lim- ited, but cumulatively considerable? d) Does the project have environmentul impllcts which will cause substantial adverse effects on humlln beings, cither dircctly or indircctly? DYES ~o DYES awe DYES ~O DYES chro DYES [J:W:) [J YES I lJ1'm