HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-04-86 . Centrt~- Contra Costa Sanitar District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. IV. DATE HEARINGS 1 CONSIDER APPEAL BY MLM CONCEPTS REGARDING THE PAYMENT FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF AN EXISTING SEWER MAIN IN PLEASANT HILL TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER APPEAL SUBMITTED BY INITtA TlNG DEPT.lDIV. Jay S. McCoy, Construction Div. Manager Engineering Department Cons uc i n D ISSUE: MLM Concepts has appealed a staff decision and has requested reimbursement by the District for sewer replacement costs. BACKGROUND: MLM Concepts is building 24 apartment units in Pleasant Hill south of Chilpancingo Parkway east of the Contra Costa Canal. District staff required the replacement of an existing 8-inch asbestos cement sewer main with ductile iron as a condition of connecting the proposed units to the publ ic sewer system. The requirement was made for two reasons. First, the site grading would decrease the amount of cover over the sewer main. Second, the site improvements would greatly restrict future access for mai ntenance. MLM Concepts proceeded to have the existing sewer replaced. This work has now been completed. In September, after the replacement was done, MLM Concepts wrote a letter to the Di strict expressi ng a desi re "to appeal to the District Board to reimburse" them for the $19,000 in costs to install the new sewer. A letter was sent to MLM in October stating the staff position and the reasons for it. MLM responded and requested a meeting with staff to discuss the issues. This meeting was held on October 29', 1986. MLM has decided to appeal the staff decision. Copies of correspondence and maps are attached which provide more detail regarding this matter. The MLM position as stated to staff is that the existing sewer main was improperly installed originally and, therefore, the District is obligated to pay the cost for repl acement. District staff sees no justification for the expenditure of publ ic funds for the replacement of the sewer. The staff position is presented in the attached letter to MLM Concepts, dated October 10, 1986. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the appeal by MLM Concepts. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB L( (-r t6 ---- Page 2 of 7 Pages September 23, 1986 Mr. Dennis R. Hall Associate Engineer Construction & Services Division Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Dear Mr. Hall: I~l[i ~ m 0 \!1lt ill SEP 24 1986 ~J&,ON We are writing to register our strong objection to paying for the improvement to a main sewer line installed across our property located on Chilpancingo Parkway, Pleasant Hill A.P. Number 153-020-002. Recently, in order to improve the property by building 24 apart- ment units, we applied for a sanitary sewer permit, forcing us to correct the existing sewer main problems as well as install the feeder links to our units. The existing main that we were to replace was found to be inade- quate by Central Sanitary District's own design and specification standards. The cover over the main in the easement varied from 2'6" to 6'10" with over half of it less than the required minimum of 5'. In addition, the existing slope was .0051, considerably less than the minimum required slope of .0077. We believe that the district allowed a sanitary sewer design that did not meet their specifications and has subsequently penalized the current owner by requiring complete replacement of the existing, approximately 200LN Ft. of 8" main with 8" ductile iron including 2 manholes at property lines. We wish to appeal to the district board to reimburse the owner! developer for the cost incurred in replacing a sewer line that was improperly installed originally. We have incurred a cost of $19,000 to complete this project. We feel justified in our appeal and hope that this matter can be settled expediently so as not to require further legal action. Sincerely, WRM: sk Mi#OJ: l!tam R. MC~ 'J3(, DE\\i>.( J ,\\! "I i ,r, ;\!.\ ':TITE, C\LlFORNL-\ ')-j)'jlj (-~l 'i) 2Hj.",Q:l Page 3 of 7 Pages Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place. Martinez. CA 94553-4392 (415)689-3890 ROGER J. IXXAN General Manager ~E~ Jl'MES L ~ Cour=1 to( !he District 1~IS/'138-1430 JOYCE E. McM1lV\N ~f~a'Y of !he District October 10, 1986 MLM Concepts 936 Dewing Avenue, Suite 1 Lafayette CA 94549 Gentl emen: SEWER REA...ACEt-ENT CCCSD NO. 4198 This letter is in response to your letter dated September 23, 1986 regarding the District's requirement to replace an existing publ ic sewer mai n crossi ng your proj ect on Ch il panci ngo Parkway in Pl easant Hill (APN 153-010-002). The subject sewer line was constructed in 1973 as part of Local Improvement District #54. The portion of line crossing your property was installed with high strength pipe (A.C.-3300) because of the lack of normal cover over a portion of the al ignment. Upstream and downstream design constraints required that the pipe be placed at lE:sS than norma-: depth in this area. Your project required a replacement of the existing sewer (approximately 200 feet) because of the following reasons. 1. Your proj ect' s site gradi ng resul ted in reduced cover along approximately 170 feet of the sewer al ignment thereby increasing the potent i al for damage duri ng construct i on operati ons. Si xty feet of the regraded area had cover less than that permitted by the District's Standard Specifications for A.C.-3300 sewer pipe. 2. Increased density of the site has permitted considerably more structures to be placed on this parcel than originally allOl'/ed under R-I0 zoning. Project buildings (2) are constructed directly adjacent to the existing sanitary sewer epsement with building overhangs and decks actually encroaching. into the easement. Structure 1 ocati ons and encroachments of: th is type make it impractical and inefficient for maintenance crews to do necessary work. To mi nim ize future mai ntenance requi ranents, it is standard practice to require the replacement of existing sewers. Page 4 of 7 Pages M.. M Concepts Page 2 October 10, 1986 Your statement referring to the existing system as inadequate by CCCSD standards is incorrect. As previously stated, the system was designed with high strength pipe because of less than normal cover. This condition is totally acceptable and meets District design criteria. Based on the removal of cover by your site grading and the need to mi nimize future mai ntenance because of bu i1 di ng 1 ocati ons, the Di stri ct required a rep1 acement sewer. To put it another way, the original pipe was adequate until the site was modified to meet your project design. In conclusion, there is ample justification to require the pipe replacement because site condition changes negatively impacted the original system. Furthermore, no reimbursement of cost is warranted. You may st ill appea 1 th ; s matter to the Boa rd of Director s. If you choose to do so, staff will strongly recommend aga; nst any reimbursement. S~~/t~^- Denn; 5 Hall Associate Engineer --..... DH:bbc bee: J. McCoy c//78 rn~@llgW(nID OCT 241986 cccso CONSTRUCTION Page 5 of 7 Pages October 23, 1986 Mr. Dennis Hall Construction & Services Division CCC Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Hall: We are in receipt of your letter of 10/10/86 pertaining to our earlier letter of 9/23/86 regarding sewer re- placement in our Chilpancingo apartment project A.P.N. 153 010 002. We believe, after reading your response to our appeal and consulting with our engineers, that we are in fact justified in making our request. We, therefore, wish to appeal your decision to the Board of Directors. We understand that staff will recommend against reimburse- ment, but ask that you meet with us prior to our appear- ance before the Board to discuss the matter. Please schedule us for a Board meeting at the earliest possible date. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Respectfully, /ff \. I' . ," II ' "'-------- ! i,.' ~. William R. McCleary General Partner . '~d : c j j q-){J L1E\\ 1',,1,; ;^\\; ",' i.: L\i\YFTTL, C \UF<)f,l\I:\ (),'j')..') 1-1)')1 ~K-i-)q~] -~TTACHMENT ~ SITE PLAN - NO SCALE - ~... ....... ........... r::::::::J PIWE-D RReA EJUIU>/AJGS \ EXI.jTl~ .qc. 3~O SewER. RE.PtAG6meur DUCrIl"B IROAJ SeweR --- , , NOTES \'l 1. PREVIOUS COVER LESS THAN THAT REQUIRED FOR AC 3300 PIPE. REPLACEMENT REQUIRED BECAUSE OF RESTRICTED ACCESS. 2. PREVIOUS COVER ADEQUATE FOR AC 3300 PIPE. REPLACEMENT REQUIRED BECAUSE FUTURE COVER WILL BE LESS THAN THAT REQUIRED FOR AC 3300 PIPE. 3. PREVIOUS AND FUTURE COVER ADEQUATE FOR AC 3300 PIPE. REPLACEMENT REQUIRED BE- CAUSE OF THE POTENTIAL DAMAGE FROM GRADING OPERATIONS AND RESTRICTED ACCESS. ArrACHMENT Page 7 of 7 Pages 2.'-0" I 10'_0" 0" ouc..TlLE Itl!.DAJ PIPE- "-0" ELEVATION B-B SCALE: ~4... /'-0" &t.-O~. 8eYo~D 10'-0" I ELEVATION A-A SCALE: v..... ,'- 0" e" Duc.nl.2 IRDAJ PIPE:. . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 4, 1986 NO. v. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR $24,092.43 TO PLS INTERNATIONAL FOR ONE PORTABLE, SELF-CONTAINED, CLOSED CIRCUIT, BLACK AND WHITE TELEVISION SYSTEM December 1, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Ken F. Laverty Purchasing & Materials Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Purchasing and Materials Control ISSUE: One closed ci rcuit, portabl e, sel f-contained, bl ack and white tel evision system for the inspection of small diameter sewer 1 ines was authorized in the Collection System Operations Department's 1986-1987 Equipment Budget. Authorization to award a purchase order to the lowest responsible bidder is requested. BACKGROUND: The Bid Request was publicly advertised on September 23, 1986. Three bids were received on October 14, 1986. The bids were: Flexible Systems, Inc. . . . . $21,589.28 Telespector Corporation . . . $22,098.75 PLS International ...... $24,092.43 A commercial evaluation of the bids by Purchasing found all three bidders commer- cially responsive to the Bid Request. A technical evaluation of the bids was conducted by the Collection System Operations Department, which concluded that only PLS International is responsive to the technical and performance specifications requi red in the Bid Request. Staff finds that PLS International is the only responsive bidder and, therefore, the lowest responsible bidder. The PLS International bid price is $24,092.43. The Board authorized budget for this equipment in the 1986-1987 Collection System Operations Department's Equipment Budget is $24,000.00; however, there are sufficient funds in the total Collection System Operations Equipment Budget to cover the $92.43. A bid tabulation which summarizes the results of the technical evaluation is presented on Attachment I. Whil e the requi red equipment and performance specifi- cations were detailed and extensive, only those specifications which were not met by any of the three bidders are shown on the tabulation. The Flexible Systems' bid submittal listed equipment which failed to comply with the District's technical specifications. The District specified that the television system shall be able to inspect up to 300 feet of 4, 6, and 8-inch sewer pipes. Flexible Systems' camera and cable assembly is only capable of televising up to 150 feet of sewer pipe. In addition, the District's technical specifications required that the camera body be adaptabl e for use with a sel f-propel led camera carriage. The camera carriage propels the camera up the pipeline when it is beyond the range of pulling the camera. Flexible Systems' bid was based on a camera carriage which ;s KFL v~ JL 130211.9/85 JH PM i':7 , )L J. DOLAN /DIV. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR $24,092.43 TO PLS INTERNATIONAL FOR ONE PORTABLE, SELF-CONTAINED, CLOSED CIRCUIT, BLACK AND WHITE TELEVISION SYSTEM POSITION PAPER PAGE ? OF ":l DATE . 26. , QAA not des i gned to adapt to thei r small diameter camera. Systems' bid is nonresponsive to the Bid Request. Therefore, the Fl exi b 1 e The Telespector Corporation's bid submittal appeared to comply with the District's technical specifications and they were requested, in accordance with Special Condition C, Performance Demonstrations, to satisfactorily demonstrate their equipment. The Telespector equipment was submitted for performance demonstration and failed to perform satisfactorily on two separate dates. The District specifi- cations require that the system be rugged and shall be designed to withstand shock, vibration, and rigorous field use. On the first test, the power controls failed completely and the system was sent back to Telespector for replacement. Telespector stated that the probable cause was that the power control was damaged during transportation. The Di str1ct' s speci f1cations requi re that the camera shall be capable of being remote controlled and/or pushed or pulled through the sewer. Upon testi ng the repl acement system, the camera carriage control di d not work. The manual push rods were tested and both connectors broke. Based on the frequency and type of failures encountered during these two demonstrations, it was concluded that the Telespector Corporation equipment would not be able to perform as required under normal field conditions and is therefore nonresponsive to the District's Bid Request. PLS International was requested to demonstrate their equipment. A demonstration was hel d on November 14, 1986. The PLS system produced a cl ear picture with no mechanical problems encountered. Therefore, it is concluded that the PLS International bid meets all the District's technical specifications. RECOMtENDATION: Authorize award of purchase order to PLS International for a portabl e, sel f-contai ned, closed ci rcuit, bl ack and white tel evi si on system for a total cost of $24,092.43. --------- 13028-9/85 ~ (.) ! en 0 ~ e ~ i en e ~ en ..-l 0 (.) I-- e z es L.1.J ! ::E :c (.) u ~ c::( I-- I-- ~ c::( !i (.) I en ! ~ e i e ~ Q iii III (11 ..... s.. ii ~ +> III ~ ~ a: "1:l C :i .... s.. (11 e _CD >, .- u '0 C.- Q. =>ct III U .... C ~ 0 ~ s.. +> 0 a: u ~ (11 :i r- LLl III C. 0 _CD r- .- U U C._ CJ =>ct ~ Lt) '9.(11 ,-... Lt) (1Ir- ,.... +> .0 I ..... ,.... c. . +> ro - ~ s.. III ~ CO .... U III ~ III III CO en 0 ~ q- e.... (11 0 (11 (11 C7I II: U r; ~~ ~ z: ... ~ 0 ~ I&.l s.. ~ ..... N Q 0 roro N +> ~ - Q u - (11 ..... C. ID III _CD ..+> (11 .- u (11~ r- c.- +> .0 (11 =>ct ~ ~ u ~ C \0 CO .... \0 N . . ~ - ~ ,.... C7I rn III r- III III CO is M (11 ~ (11 g 0 Lt) +> ~ . ~ ~ z: ~ III ~ .... ..... ~ N - (11 r- oO .... _ CD X .- U c._ (11 =>ct .... ..... ~ M M .... q- q- ro C ii ~ 0 N 0 is ,.... en ~ III III III C7I ..... ~ ~ (11 (11 (11 (11 0 +> ~ ~ ... ~ ~ ro E ..... q- C N s.. - (11 +> C .... _CD .- u en C._ ...J . => ct a.. -. .... 5 .0 ro . ~ ~~ +> g j :il c. .. .. ro .... +> :;:; III . "1:l . I 0(11 E III ro :.... (11 " e u ill ai (11.... ii (11 (11 a r- :! (11 .... +> ::: ~ .... .0 s..1Il .0 0 .~ e ro 0 9 0 ~ (11 .... .s:; ~ .... +-(11 M en +> ro .... III .... +> ro c III .... ro ItJ g~ UItJ . .2 .... ~ u U III :; .s::. s.. :> \0 ~ .2- u s.. .... ..... III C(1I (11(11 co ] (11 C III . 0> s.. .0 e ~ ....... l;) . ~ .s:; III ~ ~ ... (11 ro q- fII :> u ro . 1Il"1:l III .... U (11 ..... CD 0 (11 .s:; s . 0 ~:; ~ .... :0 ....... Q Q ~ u ~ U .0 g 1tJ0> , 0 is C .s:; C ro ..... 'u (11 .s:; .s:; ro ~.~ ro ~ Ill.... +> +> +> +> s.. s.. = .... ~ s.. li .... .... .... (11 c+> ~ ~~ ~ .... 0 ,OJ .s:; ~ ~ ~ e 0>1tJ (11 (11 a: Q. > ~ Lt) ro ~1i ro c. ro c. .; . (11 (11 u u co ..... 0 "1:l \0 U U (11.... 3~ s.. s.. s.. - ~ C C C (11 c> (11 c. s..c. ro x ro ro .s:; .;C ro CIl ro .... .... ~ ~ u .= :; ~ e 9 0 .., Q 5 e 0 ! ...... N U U ~ .;, I I III >, ro "1:l C (11 +> C .... .s:; +> .... ~ (11 u .... ~ +> +> III (11 +> (11 u C E o .... s.. (11 C. "1:l (11 ro ..... ,-... ..... - . Centr'~ Contra Costa Sanitar'.. District BOARD OF DIRECTOR~ PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 4, 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 16 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR PROJECT 20029, WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM - PHASE I, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE November 10, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMJTTED BY . Munawar Husaln, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Work has been completed on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Cathodic Protection System - Phase I Project and this work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The contract work included the installation of anode systems, pipeline isolation flange kits, electrical bonding of pipelines, and installation of test ports and test stations at various locations inside the Treatment Plant. Harco Corporation was issued a Notice to Proceed on July 22, 1986. The contract completion date was November 20, 1986. All work has been substantially completed by the Contractor. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for Project 20029, Wastewater Treatment Plant Cathodic Protection System - Phase I, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 13:l~" .9.'65 ~JjJt MH .~ f/!f(jJ RSK JSM RAB INITIA TING DEPT/DIV. ((0) Centr: Contra Costa Sanitar District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Decembe r 4. 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 17 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR PROJECT 20014. SEISMIC STRENGTHENING OF SELECTED BUILDINGS. AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE November 25. 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Munawar Husain. Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Seismic Strengthening of Selected Buildings Project and this work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The contract work included seismic bracing of selected equipment and building e.lements in the Solids Conditioning Building. seismic strengthening of roof connections and building elements in the Plant Operations Building. installation of new concrete walls in Substation 82. and seismic strengthening of roof to wall connection in the Inlet Building. S. J. Amoroso Construction Company, Inc., was issued a Notice to Proceed on January 15, 1986. The contract completion date was October 13, 1986. All work has been substantially completed by the Contractor. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for Project 20014, Seismic Strengthening of Selected Buildings, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 13:12"9/65 MH RSK /~ G~MGR/~IEF ENG. ROG J. DOLAN INITIA TlNji.lD1V. ~ RAB . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar~ )istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER I ee~~~~5~1!N~?F1986 SUBJECT I PAGE 1 OF 3 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 18 DATE November 24, 1986 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 86-30 (PLEASANT HILL) AND P.A. 86-31 (DANVILLE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage 86-30 P.H. (47A6) M. K. Mehta 580 Little Road Pleasant Hill CA 94523 152-070-24 (0.6e Ac.) 86-31 Danville (78D5) H. Timmons 2717 Stone Valley Road Danville CA 94526 196-020-005 (4.22 Ac.) TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Remarks Lead Agency Existing house, owner wants CCCSD to annex so that he can con- nect to the public sewer ~hich is going to be con- ~tructed soon. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption' xisting house on property. CCCSD ; here is a potential to plit property into four ites. No plans to develop t present. Owner wants to ock in the $l,OOO/acre nnexation rate. District o prepare "Notice of xemption" RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 86-30 and P.A. 86-31 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /11# fl GPJiI;;;:' 'NG ~ ROGEl7.J DOLAN 1302,4 .9.'85 DH JSM RAB ~~ ,.~'''~~. ~ W'~::- L- i--1~') \:\ ~ 'oL--- '~ ~.. 1:::. \" I~k 00 ...-~, ':. ----;'1 L- \ '\-:""", 2"LY 2--\ , ~'40 _ ., ,~~~'>-:;;; 0 j w,. ... L- ,c-_ 'L- " " '" ~ 4 ~ l_lL '4 ~ I ~ ,".~~'~''''h' ~. I ~;'j1';~L-~~~ I. ~~~~,.,' /" ~\....\...:i. .... IJ I.. ~('12. ..... :::.: 1 .... 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"i;.it ; ~~'lj r Ji \.-~O~~III' 'RUN r '[ ~ ~ '0 I!\ m, ~ . ~ 1 E1izo . I \- z, 10100"' 't I', om'" ~I~( J-.l.>.Ii! L - ,,;, " .. ", = .." L._ f"', ,n~ ~t r-' 1: PROPOSED AN~EXATION AA. 86 -30 ~ 1 A '( LO~ T \ 1..18-'~b7 I ~.. I 455AC 42AC 4...... HUMPHPEY I ;"O_7~ AC ~ti- ~~ 8!SCHOF"~ t 2 90 AC 74 OSBOR~; 32 20 AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION ~:,.~.:~: :1;~...~I1n 43.30 At ..-. 19.15 15 OAe \ ~....i/\... .. ......... ::-' .::......:'/......:.....:: . Centri Contra Costa Sanitar- District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Decembe NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 19 SUBJECT DATE ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE SAN RAMON CREEK BYPASS CHANNEL SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT IN WALNUT CREEK CDP 4046) AND RETURN $4,959 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND November 24, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Ron Klimczak, Senior En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the San Ramon Creek Bypass Channel Sewer Relocation Project in Walnut Creek, and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood Control), in conjunction with the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers (COE), is now constructing a flood control channel in the abandoned Southern Pacific Rail road right-of-way between Arroyo Way and Rudgear Road in Walnut Creek. The construction of this channel required relocation of sanitary sewer lines in four areas (Holcomb Court, Creekside Drive, Carmel Court and Newell Avenue). The sanitary sewer work included the permanent relocation of 1,530 lineal feet of pipe ranging in size from 6-inch to lO-inch diameter and the installation of a new 30-foot deep twin barrel 8-inch siphon, various manholes and rodding inlet structures and appurtenances, as well as a temporary pump station. The Contractor, Mountain Cascade, Inc. of San Ramon, commenced work on May 14, 1986. The contract completion dates were July 31, 1986 for the Creekside Drive work; August 7, 1986 for the work at Newell Avenue; August 21, 1986 for the Holcomb Court work; and August 29, 1986 for the Carmel Court site. All contract work was substantially completed on or before the specified contract completion dates. The project was accepted by the Board on September 4, 1986. The engineer's estimate for the construction cost was $228,450. Mountain Cascade's origi nal construction contract was for $237,618. The total contract amount paid to Mountain Cascade, Inc. was $240,706. There were three change orders issued on the project totaling $2,158 for relatively minor additional work items. The contract amount was further increased by an additional $930 because of increases in field measured quantities of bid items paid at contract unit prices. In addition, a purchase order was issued to Pacific Bell in the amount of $20,348 for the relocation of a major telephone duct that was in confl ict with the new sewer al ignment on Creekside Drive. Pacific Bell did not advise the District of the location of the telephone duct at the time inquiries were made during design. There was no feasible alternative alignment possible; consequently, the extra cost was unavoidable. The total budget for the Project was $429,800. The total completed project cost was $424,841, which is $4,959 less than budget. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $4,959 being returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA T1NG DEPTlDIV. ~ 1#1 1302. .9!~5 RSK JSM RAB SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE SAN RAMON CREEK BYPASS CHANNEL SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT IN WALNUT CREEK (DP 4046) AND RETURN $4,959 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER 2 OF 2 PAGE DATE November 24, 1986 Under the terms of a September 10, 1985 agreement between our District and Flood Control, we will be reimbursed for all design, construction, and contract administration costs associated with this project. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board for information only. No action is necessary. ~-----_. 13028-9/85 . Centre... Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Decembe r 4. 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 20 DATE November 25. 1986 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSEOUT OF THE DISTRICT MEETING ROOM LETTERING PROJECT (DISTRICT PROJECT 20048) TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL S~e~T"~? ~averty Purchasing & Materials Officer INITLATING CEPt:T.lDIY.. /P h . & ~amlnlS ra~lve urc aSlng Materials Control ISSUE: All work has been completed on the District meeting room lettering project. and this project can now be closed. BACKGROUND: The project was requested by the Board and funding was approved at the August 7,1986, Board meeting. Staff was authorized to have installed six inch aluminum case letters with appropriate spot lighting on the north meeting room wall. The contractor. Descriptive Signage. Inc. (DSI). commenced work on August II. 1986. and finished the work as scheduled on October 14. 1986. The project was completed for the budgeted cost of $1.917. Staff is closing out the project. which will result in no increase or decrease to the Sewer Construction Fund. . RECOMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION . Centri.. Contra Costa Sanitar. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Decembe r 4. 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 21 SUBJECT SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 18. 1986 TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE REVISING SECTION 2.04.030 OF THE DISTRICT CODE. COMPENSATION OF BOARD MEMBERS DATE December 1. 1986 TYPE OF ACTION SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING S~cTeD~~ McMillan Secretary of the District INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: Revisions to Section 2.04.030 of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code are required to conform to amendments to the California Health and Safety Code effective January 1. 1987. BACKGROUND: The District Code provides for compensation of Board Members in accordance with the provisions of Section 6489 of the California Health and Safety Code. At the November 20, 1986 Board Meeting, the Personnel Committee was asked to review the section of the District Code dealing with Board Members' compensation and to make a recommendation concerning amendment in accordance with revisions to Section 6489 of the California Health and Safety Code. Following their review, the Personnel Committee recommends that the Board of Di rectors set a public hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance to reflect amendments to state law. The proposed revisions to Section 2.04.030 of the District Code are attached. RECOMMENDATION: Schedule a public hearing on December 18, 1986 to consider adoption of an ordinance revising Section 2.04.030 of the District Code. R VIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 Efl\.- INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JEM JLH 2.04.030 Compensation of Board Members. Each Board Member shall receive compensation in an amount not to exceed 3oveR~Y fivo one hundred doll ars per day for each day's attendance at meeti ngs of the Board or for each day's service rendered as a Director by request of the Board, not exceeding a total of ~ six days in any calendar month together with any expenses incident thereto, except as otherwise provided by state law. W~QrQ 4 MQmbQr ~ ~ BOard ~ rQcQivei ~ ~ ~ ~ principal iource ~ income 4 ialary .fo.I: ier\ling .a. ~ full-time elected official .()Q ..:t.h.e governing ~ ~ anotl:ler local agency, ..:t.h.e Melllber'i cOlllpeniation sl:lall J:l.O.t exceed fifty dollari ~ .d.a.:Y .fo.I: .e.a.ch day's attendance .a:t meeti ngi ~ ..:t.h.e Board ~ .fo.I: .e.a.ch day'i ier\l1ce rendered .a. ~ Director ~ req'l~it ~ ..:t.h.e Board, J:l.O.t exceeding ~ .total .of .:f.ou.I: ~ ~ ~ calendar mOr::ltl:l, together ~ ~ expenses incident tl:lereto COrd. 145, 1981: Ord. 130 (part), 1978: Ord. 126 (part), 1977: prior code ~2-103) . Centrb. Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 22 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AN EXTENDED THREE MONTH tJEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MICHAEL PARKINSON, MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER, EFFECTIVE TYPE OF ACTION DECE~ER 7, 1986 AUTHORIZE LEAVE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson, Mana er ISSUE: Board Authorization is required for a medical leave of absence. BACKGROUN>: Michael Parki nson has been off work si nce September 18, 1985 due to a medical condition. He has exhausted his accumulated sick, vacation, and earned overtime leave. Mr. Parkinson has applied for retirement, but requires a medical leave of absence until a determination is made by the county on his reti rement application. An extended medical leave of absence is requested for three months effective December 7, 1986. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an extended three month medical leave of absence for Michael Parkinson, Maintenance Crew Leader, effective December 7, 1986. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION LM7 . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanita. District .. BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 18 POSITION PAPER I BOARDMEED~~~~ber 4, 1986 SUBJECT NO. VII. ENGINEERING 1 CONSIDERATION OF FIXTURE FEES FOR ROSSMOOR DATE December 1, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION RATES AND CHARGES SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ROGER J. DOLAN GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER ISSUE: Consideration of fixture fees for Rossmoor was continued to December 4, 1986. BACKGROUND: On August 21, 1986, the Board of Directors conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed 1986-1987 Schedule of Fees. The decision concerning the proposed fixture fees for Rossmoor was continued to September 4, 1986, to allow the representative of the Rossmoor developer, UDC Homes, to submit their comments in writing. At the September 4, 1986 meeting, the Board of Directors granted the petition of UDC Homes to defer action on this matter pending further negotiation between the developer and the District. At the October 16, 1986 meeting, it was found that two members of the Board had potential conflicts that could prevent them from acting on this matter. Counsel for the District was authorized to obtain a written opinion from the Fair Political Practices Commission concerning the potential conflicts and the procedure to be used in the event either or both Board Members were precluded from voting. Excerpts from the August 21, 1986 position paper concerning Rossmoor fixture fees and related correspondence are attached hereto. RECOMMENDATION: Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) to consider an appropriate course of action. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. l)f;f;iJL ROGE~J. DOLAN 130211.9/85 (UDC) / 1717 Rossmoor Parkwoy PO. Box 2220 Walnut Creek, California 94595 (415) 932.3900 lJDe Homes Limited Partnership September 2, 1986 Board of Directors Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 Re: Proposed Rossmoor Fixture Fees Dear Board Members: At its August 21 meeting, The Board deferred action on the proposed Rossmoor fee increase until September 4. UDC Homes was thereby given an opportunity to present background and facts which, in our opinion, strongly support our position of opposition to the proposed fee increase. Attached to this letter is a letter from our attorney, Allan Berland, which outlines the history of the 1963 Agreement between Rossmoor Corporation and The District, the 1965 Supplemental Agreement, and several subsequent events. Since Mr. Berland's letter is in some detail, I will not repeat its points. However, it strongly underscores our position that the proposed fee increase is not consistent with the 1963 Agreement and that the Agreement is enforceable. Although we believe our position would be supported in any legal action, we recognize that there is a wide and long-standing disagreement between the parties. We believe, therefore, that it is in both our interests to resolve this through negotiation rather than the courts. Specifically, we propose that UDC Homes and The District enter into negotiations as follows: 1. The Board defer action on the proposed fee increase for a minimum of 90 days. Although we want this resolved quickly, we be 1 ieve at leas t 90 days are needed. Further, tha t the increase will not include our 72 unit Mutual 53 project which is now being graded. 2. The fee for Mutual 53 would be consistent with the 1963 Agreement. Since each unit in Mutual 53 will have two baths, we would .be agreeable, on this interim basis, to using the appropriate 1963 two bath rate, adjusted for Rossmoor's Listed on the New York Stock Exchange Board of Directors September 2, 1986 Page 2 current occupancy rate of approximately 1.49. UDC Homes is conunitted to resolving this issue through negotiation, and will make the time available to accomplish it. In addition, we are prepared to negotiate a new agreement if it provides long-term protection of any new agreed upon fee structure. We appreciate your support of this interim means to resolve our differences. ~ S. Comegys Manager LSC: jmb Enclosure cc: Allan Berland, Esq. James Hazard, Esq. Jim Kelley . , a '(l.. t'Lt.U((A &0 ~ _ ~ ( l ~1~ " J C.> "'~ V0 c,..b.'-"-'-" lA-J..-'-;V. LAW OFFICES OF ALLAN M. BERLAND INTERNATIONAL BUILDING 601 CALIFORNIA STREET TEL.EPHONE EXBROOK 7-6711 AREA CODE 415 SAN FRANCISCO 94108 August 29, 1986 Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94453-4392 Re: Rossmoor, Walnut Creek Dear Members of the Board: Larry Comegys has asked me to write to you on behalf of UDC Homes Limited Partnership in view of the feelings expressed by some Directors at the August 21, 1986 Board meeting concerning the Rossmoor Agreement. In order to understand the Rossmoor situation today, we believe that it would be helpful to review some of the history of the project and the District's Agreement with the Rossmoor community. I am familiar with the history of Rossmoor, having represented the Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek and the Mutual Corporations, the Rossmoor homeowners' associations, from 1965 to 1968, and Terra Cali- fornia, the developer, from 1968 to 1984. Since that time I have represented UDC Homes Limited Partnership. The Dollar Ranch was acquired by Rossmoor Corporation in 1963, and masterplanned as an adult retirement community of 10,000 moderate income dwelling units under Section 213 of the National Housing Act, as amended. In order to Board of Directors Page Two August 29, 1986 satisfy the project's lenders and the Federal Housing Administration (now the Department of Housing and Urban Development), which was to insure the mortgages, certain development requirements and costs had to be established prior to the initiation of development. Accordingly, Rossmoor Corporation entered into the 1963 Agreement for the purpose of establishing the District's development criteria to annex the Dollar Ranch into the District, and to fix the development costs for sewage services for the planned Rossmoor dwelling units. The Agreement provided for the Dollar Ranch to be annexed into the District, thereby increasing the District's rate base, and Rossmoor Corporation was to construct the major sewage facilities. All fees for connecting Rossmoor dwelling units into the District's sewage system were based upon a formula using the District's standard connection charge and the occupancy ratio for the Rossmoor units. The Agreement covers the entire development of the Dollar Ranch. Nowhere in the Agreement is any time frame set forth in connection with this development. e.g. see paragraphs 4(a) and 5(a) and (b). Indeed, the developer was given the discretion to determine when the components of the overall sewage system were to be completed in conjunction with its development of the Dollar Ranch. See paragraphs 2(b) Board of Directors Page Three August 29, 1986 and 6 ( a ) . Because the connection fees and other costs set forth in the agreement ultimately impacted upon the entire Rossmoor community, the Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek and all the Mutual Corporations were expressly made third party beneficiaries of the District's Agreement with Rossmoor. See paragraph 10(a)(iii). In 1965, the District and Rossmoor executed a "Supplemental Agreement Establishing the Time at Which Connection Rates Shall be Determined." This Supplemental Agreement clarified the intention of the parties under the 1963 Agreement concerning whether connection rates for future Rossmoor dwelling units were subject to change. The parties provided as follows: "The connections charges provided for in the agreement between the District and Rossmoor of September 5, 1963, referred to herein, shall be computed on the basis of the rate schedule for connection charges in effect at the time of the execution of said agree- ment, namely September 5, 1963, and any changes in said rate schedule subsequent to that time shall have no effect on the amount of the connection charges made pursuant to the agreement of September 5, 1963." The purpose of the 1963 Agreement and 1965 Supplemental Agreement, which were both drafted by the District, was to establish the development requirements and costs for sewage services for the planned 10,000 to 12,000 Rossmoor dwelling units. Board of Directors Page Four August 29, 1986 In 1980, the District affirmed the Rossmoor Agreement in a Contra Costa Superior Court Action involving the District and Terra California (Higby vs. Terra California, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District et al., and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District vs. Terra California et ale (No. 210228). We realize that the District's costs have increased since the Agreement was entered into, but a bargain was struck between the District and Rossmoor to annex the Dollar Ranch into the District and to have Rossmoor construct the major sewage facilities to enable Rossmoor to pin down its sewage costs for the dwelling units over the development period. Utility districts have much the same situation when they are faced with a need to pin down their supply costs, such as for oil and gas. Sometimes, the shoe is on the other foot. You may recall several years ago, the situation involving a number of utilities who had entered into long-term supply contracts with Westinghouse Electric Corporation for uranium to be used for their power plants. The price of uranium sky- rocketed in the 1970's, and Westinghouse found itself unable to supply the uranium at the prices fixed by the agreements without disastrous economic consequences. Accordingly, it failed to fulfill the agreements. In spite of the extraordinary and unexpected price increases, the agreements were upheld and Board of Directors Page Five August 29, 1986 Westinghouse was obliged to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to the utility companies and to deliver uranium at favorable prices. Our situation is more similar to a 1980 case (Robinson v. Nevada Irrigation District, (1980) 101 CA3d 760) which involved a water District that had entered into an agreement in 1918 to supply water from a certain water source to a user at $6 per acre. In 1972, 54 years later, the District refused to supply the water at the $6 per acre rates and instead supplied it at $30, its then current water rate for other users in the District. In upholding the requirements of the 1918 agreement, the District Court of Appeals stated: "It will no doubt be felt by some (certainly including the District) that the result of this case is inequitable. The short answer is that we are dealing with the solemn and formal obligations of contract law. The contract involved in this case is an excellent illustration of the economic and legal hazards of binding oneself, and especially one's heirs and assigns, to a long-term binding agreement involving the delivery of goods or services without inserting provisions for adjustments due to inflationary or deflationary economic cycles." Page 773. The connection fees for Rossmoor units 5000-5999, using the formula set forth in the Agreement, and the then existing occupancy ratio of 1.49 occupants per unit,is $38.31 per unit. See attached letter of David B. Wood. As of August 4, 1986 there were 5,598 occupied units with 7,862 occupants, for an occupancy ratio of 1.40. Based upon this trend, it is antici- pated that the connection fees for units 6000-6999 will be Board of Directors Page Six August 29, 1986 $32-33 per dwelling unit. The approximate 1000% increase proposed by the District would have a substantial impact on the development of the Rossmoor community. Under the California Environmental Quality Act and case law, an environmental impact report is required to address the potential adverse effects of the proposed fee increase upon the construction and sale of affordable housing, in particular the regional housing needs of the elderly (Rossmoor is the major retirement community in the Bay Area), and the substantial public controversy involving the 7,862 residents of the Rossmoor community. Although I represent the developer of Rossmoor, I am also representing the interests of the Rossmoor community, the Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek, and the Mutual Corpo- rations, who were specifically made third party beneficiaries under the Rossmoor Agreement because of their substantial interest. The Rossmoor residents are solely dependent upon the sales of new units: (1) To retire the multi-million debt for existing community facilities; (2) To provide funds for the necessary additional com- munity facilities; Board of Directors Page Seven August 29, 1986 (3) To increase the resident base to share the substantial fixed costs of operating the community. Subjecting Rossmoor to an approximate 1000% increase in connection fees would have a substantial adverse effect upon the sales of new units in Rossmoor and, therefore, the pocketbooks of the 7,862 Rossmoor residents. In such event, we would be obliged to seek the enforcement of the District's Agreement with the Rossmoor community along with the ~olden Rain Foundation of Walnut creek, under the joint defense provisions of a 1973 Agreement between Terra California and Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek, which provides for the initiation and maintenance of appropriate legal action, with both the developer and Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek as parties, whenever any action of a governmental authority or utility company adversely effects the planned development of Rossmoor. We believe that it would not be in the interests of either the District or UDC to become embroiled in a prolonged battle between the District and the Rossmoor community. The District has consistently regarded the Rossmoor development as unique because of its planning and scope and, on behalf of the Rossmooor developer, the Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek, the Walnut Creek Mutual Corporations and Board of Directors Page Eight August 29, 1986 the 7,862 Rossmoor residents, we urge the Board to stand by the Agreement it made with the Rossmoor community. Very truly yours, AMB/js cc: Roger Dolan James Kelly James Hazard, Esq. rr' '-) -r-) 1-") D C>:lll' -PC)ry) l' D, ~ c.. c:\" C \"_ J _ . Cl $.itI.JO..CA. ~ Building America's Finest Adult Communities October 30, 1980 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P.O. Box 5266 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Re: CCCSD Agreement for Rossmoor, Walnut Creek Gentlemen: This is to confirm the prior convers~tions between our attorneys advising the District that the actual average tenancy ratio of the Rossmoor, Walnut Creek project ("Dollar Ranch"), commencing with unit number 5000 is 1.49. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7(b) of the Agreement for the project, any and all charges relating to the addition or connection of a Rossmoor unit to the District's sewage system, excluding the inspection and per acre annexa- tion charges provided by the Agreement, should be computed as follows: $90 $38.31 3 . 5 - 1. 49 $38.31 = connection charge We would ask that you notify your billing department of the proper charges immediately to expedite the processing for the addition of new units in the project. In addition, we would appreciate your responding to our request for a rebate of the prior excess charges the District made in connection with the development of the Rossmoor, Walnut Creek project. . Sincerely, TEwF~ ad B. Wood President DBW: la cc: Allan Ber;1.'and, Esq. / Please respond to: o P.o. BOX 2220, WALNUT CREEK, CALIF. 94595 (415) 932-3900 02500 VILLAGES PARKWAY, SAN JOSE, CALIF. 95135 (408) 274-2871 Golden Rain Foundation RD~A~~9gr !f\ ;~:t r~ \~ 1 ,,~,. ~~::! TJJ AUG 2 :J 1986 ecx,:>/l SlOt';fooo/jRY OF THE r,:r::'!\,,. August 29, 1986 Board of Directors Contra Costa County Central Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553-4392 Mr. President and Members of the Board: We have been advised that the District has proposed a substantial increase in the fixture fee charged for new homes in Rossmoor. We believe that this level of increase, approximately five times those fees now paid, is unwarranted, and potentially will have an impact on the sales rate of new homes. Rossmoor's 7,800 residents rely on funds from new home sales to 1.) retire a several million dollar debt on existing community facilities, 2.) provide funds for essential new facilities, and 3.) increase the resident base that shares fixed operating costs. We must be assured that our responsibility to Rossmoor's residents will not be imperiled by the fee increase. We support the position of UDC Homes, and believe the provisions of the 1963 Agreement between the District and Rossmoor Corporation are enforce- able. The Golden Rain Foundation would be obligated, under joint defense provisions outlined in an existing agreement between the Foundation and UDC, to support any legal action on this issue. We hope no such action will be necessary. We recommend that the Board defer action on the increase in the Rossmoor fixture fees. We recommend that the Board establish a six-month period in which the District and UDC Homes negotiate a permanent solution to the long- standing impasse on fees. We would support the negotiation of a new agree- ment if it protected Rossmoor's interests and provided an agreed fee structure for the approximately 1,200 units that remain to be built. In the interim, we believe strongly that the existing fee structure should remain in place. Since it is our understanding that only one project, the 72-unit Mutual 53, will need permits in that period, we believe that to be a fair request. RRM:ea cc: General Manager Bell, Rosenberg and Hughes UDC Homes Limited Partnership P. o. BOX 2070, DOLLAR RANCH STATION, WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94595 - 415 - 939- 1211 EXCERPTS FROM THE AUGUST 21,1986 POSITION PAPER CONCERNING ROSSMOOR DEVELOPMENT ARE ATTACHED 9. At this time, no change is being recommended in the septage disposal fees. As part of the currAnt work to revise septage disposal procedures, new fees w 111 be developed. Recommendations are anticipated in October. 10. New residential living units within the Rossmoor development have been paying a reduced fixture fee based upon a lower than Di strict-wide occupancy rate and fixture fees established in 1965. It is proposed to raise these fees by basing them on the current District-wide fixture fees and current occupancy rates. A-2 Activitv Current 1985-1986 Fees Recommended 1986-1987 fe.e~ (H) FI~RE FEES FOR ROSSKJOR (H-l> l1v i n9 Units* - 1 Bath Unit - 2 Bath Unit - 2-1/2 Bath Unit $66.34 $88.43 $99.49 $281.25 $375.00 $412.50 *Assumes kitchen and laundry facilities A-6 PART VIII ROSSMOOR FIXTURE FEES (1) A. DEFINITION A fixture fee is the a.ount that a new user of the District's sewerage facilities ~st pay for the privilege of using the available treatment and disposal facilities owned an operated by the District. The a.ount charged represents a prorated share of the average cost of the capacity replac8llent. Plullbing fixtures are used to detenaine their fee because each fixture represents a potential flow and load on the sewerage facilities. B. DISCUSSION District-wide fixture fees were last revised in 1974. prior to the startup of the Stage 5A project. Fixture fees ..st be based on future Plant expansion costs. A prel i.inary analysis of current fixture fee revenue and the cost of the future Stage 6 expansion i nd i cates a 451 fee 1 ncrease would be requ 1 red to recover the cost of the expansion (see calculation below). Stage 6 U5 tG) expansion) = $43,450,000 . Cost per gallon per day = $43.450,000/IS,000,000 ga1./day = $2.90 Typ1cal s1ng1e f..ily residence contributes 225 gal/day F1xture fee required = $2.90 per gal/day x 225 gal/day = $652.50 Current Fixture fee for 2 bath un1ts = $450.00 Fee increase required = $652.50 - $450.00 (100) = 451 $450.00 · Does not 1nc1ude any outfall work Further analysis of District-wide fixture fees is beyond the scope of th1s rates and charges study but w111 be included in a forthcoming analysis. The scope of this part is to adjust RosSllOOr's fixture fees to current D1strict-wide fees (prorated based on occupancy factors). New residential 1 iving units within the Rossmoor development have been paying a reduced fixture fee based on lower than District-wide occupancy rates and fixture fees first established in a 1963 contract. It is proposed to raise these fees by basing them on the current District-wide fixture fees and current occupancy rates. (1) Bold face 'type indicates revision to August 4, 1986, report of 1986-87 Rates and Charges. C-23 B. RECOMMENDATION The following fixture fees are recommended for Rossmoor. - Fixtures Kitchen Toil ets lavatories Bathtubs & Showers Laundry Outl ets Wet Bar, laundry Tray L fvi ng Unit** 1 Bath Un it 2 Bath Unit 2-112 Bath Unit TABLE 9 ROSSMOOR FIXTURE FEES Occupancy Factor* Current District-Wide Fee Recomend. Rossmoor Fee Current Rossmoor Fee 1.5/1.8 x $112.50 = $ 93.75 $21.62 1.5/1.8 x $ 22.50 = $ 18.75 $ 5.53 1.5/1.8 x S 22.50 = S 18.75 S 5.53 1.5/1.8 x $ 67.50 = $ 56 . 25 $ 11 .03 1.5/1.8 x $112.50 = $ 93.75 $22.63 1.5/1.8 x S 22.50 = S 18.75 S 3.69 C-24 $66.34 $88.43 $99.49 * Current Rossmoor occupancy/District-wide occupancy for similar living units ** Assumes kitchen and laundry facilities 1.5/1.8 x $337.50 1.5/1.8 x $450.00 1.5/1.8 x $495.00 = $281.25 = $375.00 = $412.50