HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 10-28-86 . Centr,- Contra Costa Sanitar. JJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF86 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 28, 1986 NO. IV. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT DATE October 24, 1986 APPROVE PROJ ECT AI.. TERNATIVE AND ADOPT FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE SAN RAMON VALLEY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 4224 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT FINDINGS AND RESOLUTIONS S~UMr!tTfg~. Swanson Principal Engineer \bIITI,6.TING D~PT.!D~. tm t cnglneerlng uepar en Engineering Division ISSUE: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the District Code, it is appropriate for the Board of Directors to approve the project alternative and adopt findings of fact and a statement of overriding consi derati ons for the San Ramon Vall ey Sewer Improvement Proj ect. BACKGROOND: The existing trunk sewer serving the San Ramon Valley is nearing capacity as a resul t of commerc1 al and resi denti al grQlith, as well as i ncreasi ng infiltration during wet weather. The District initiated planning studies in 1984 for a new trunk sewer to supplement the existing sewer which varies in size fran 15 to 36 inches. The principal objectives of the studies were to determine the alignment and size of a new trunk sewer. The results of the studies have been reviewed with the Board on several occasions, the most recent being October 16, 1986. Based on direction fran the Board at the October 16 meeting, District staff recommends that a new trunk sewer, rangi ng in size fran 54 to 60 inches, be constructed along the former Southern Pacific Rail road ri ght-of-way fran Larw in Pump Station in San Ramon to north of Rudgear Road in Walnut Creek to connect with the Walnut Creek Bypass Sewer. This is the naninal size of the sewer; actual sizes w ill be determined duri ng the desi gn phase of the proj ect. The trunk sewer will be sized according to new wet weather infiltration criteria developed as part of the Di stri ct 1986 Coll ecti on System Master Pl an and a proj ected ul timate population of 142,000 in the San Ramon Valley (GrQlith Scenario 4 in the EIR)' A summary of the project alternative is listed in Attachment 1. At the October 16 meeting, the Board certified the Final Environmental Impact Report as legally adequate and provided direction to staff for the project alternative and environmental impact mitigation measures to be implemented as part of the proj ect. Before the proj ect can be constructed, the Board must take these remaining two actions: 1. Approve the San Ramon Vall ey Sewer Improvement Proj ect al ternative. 2. Adopt findings of fact and statement of overriding considerations for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project alternative. Fi ndi ngs of fact and a statement of overri di ng consi derati ons have in accordance with the direction of the Board (Attachment 2). approving the project alternative is attached for the Board's (Attachment 3) . been prepared A resolution consi derati on 1302/1.9/85 cws JMK RAB JLH INI IA~GbT.!DIV. ~MK M> SUBJECT APPROVE PROJ ECT Pi.. TERNATIVE JlND ADOPT FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR lHE SAN RA~N VALLEY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT, DISTRICT PROJ ECT 4224 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 86 DATE October 24, 1986 RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proJ ect al ternative and adopt the findi ngs of fact and statement of overriding consideration for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Proj ect. 1.-..______.. 13026-9/85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District October 24, 1986 FROM: ROBERT A. BAKER TO: VIA: ROOER J. DOLAN SUBJECT: RESTORATION OF RECREATIONAL TRAIL AL(}.lG SAN RAMON VALLEY TRUNK SEWER AI.. IGNMENT At the October 16 meeting, the Board considered the issue of restoration and upgrading of the recreational trail along the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer alignment (Southern Pacific right-of-way>' FollCAo/ing the meeting, based on discussions with Member Boneysteele and Bickford Hooper, President of ROWTA, there was some confusion regarding the motion approved by the Board, specifically the length of trail to be restored as pa rt of the proj ect and the enti re cost of trail restorati on i ncl udi ng the $200,000 pledge for future up~rading. Staff proposes to bring this matter up for reconsideration at the November 6 Board meeting when there will be ample time for discussion. The findings for the project to be consi dered on October 28 will refl ect the actual moti on approved by the Board on October 16. This motion provides the most conservative position for approval of the EIR. Any changes made by the Board on November 6 would only increase District participation in trail restoration and upgradi ng. The Southern Pacific right-of-way was abandoned in the late 1970's and is now bei ng purchased by Contra Costa County. The Di stri ct is purchasi ng approximately 12 miles of sewer easement along the right-of-way from the County. One of the long-term plans for this right-of-way is a recreational trail. Although all 12 miles of right-Of-way is now used as a trail, onl y 2.8 mil es between Las Trarnpas Road, A 1 arno, and Prospect Avenue, Danville, is a formal trail. The 2.8 miles of formal trail was constructed in part by EBfvlJD and is now maintained by East Bay Regional Park Di stri ct. The formal trail consi sts mostly of an oil and gravel road, approximately 12 feet wide, with barriers and bridges as needed. The remaining 9.2 miles of informal trail consist of old railroad ballast, a gravel service road related to the railroad, or in some cases, just dirt. This 9.2 miles of trail is not maintained by any agency. In devel opi ng al ternatives, staff has onl y consi dered trai 1 restorati on or upgrading in Phases 1 and 2 of the trunk sewer project (Trails I, II, and III on the attached map). Trail restorati on along Phase 3 of the sewer <Trail IV) was not presented to the Board at this time because this phase of the sewer will not be constructed for several years. Staff feel s it woul d be more appropri ate to deal with the trail for Phase 3 shortly before construction. If a formal trail were to be installed before construction of Phase 3 by some other agency, the District would Board of Directors Page 2 October 24, 1986 be obl igated to pay for restoration under the terms of the easement agreement with Contra Costa County. The District's standard procedure is to restore areas to pre-existing or sl i ghtl Y better conditi ons after construct i on. The easement agreement between the Di stri ct and Contra Costa County sti pul ates that the ground surface be restored to its prior condition. At a minimum, the District must restore the 2.8 mil es of oil and gravel trail i nsta 11 ed by EBtvUD in 1985 <Trail !). HC7tIever, for trail restorati on along the ranai ni ng 1 ength of the ri ght-of-way, the Boa rd shoul d consi der several factors. The existing informal trail (Trails II, III and IV) consists primarily of old railroad bed ballast. The ballast has been scattered as a result of track ranoval operati ons. In many areas the ball ast has been ranoved or is overgrC7tln with weeds. The size of the ballast rock makes walking or running difficult. Replacing the informal trail with a new gravel trail, let alone an oil and gravel trail, will represent upgrading over surface conditions. HC7tIever, it may be in the District's benefit to consider a gravel trail a replacement in kind. A gravel trail will facilitate maintenance of the sewer and will avoid disagreements over CCCSD obl igations. Another consideration is future water main construction by EBtvUD along portions of the right-of-way in late 1987 and 1989 (Trail II and portion of Trail II!). Any trail restoration or upgrading by the District in these areas will have to be ranoved and replaced by EBtvUD. Delaying trail restoration until utility construction is complete, and consolidating funds for restoration or upgrading is a more prudent use of public funds. EBtvUD has indicated a willingness to consider a cost shari ng a rrangement for trail restorati on. Contra Costa County has indicated that delay of trail restoration makes sense. Staff will have to discuss this issue with trail advocates to see if they are willing to del ay trail constructi on in exchange for upgradi ng and w ill have to negotiate an agreement with EBtvUD over cost sharing. 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I C>l OJ m '" ~ 3 ~ I m !i - ATTAQ-lMENT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SAN RAMON VALLEY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Introduction Based on the various planning studies conducted during the past two years, i ncl udi ng the proj ect EIR and the comments received on the EIR, staff has developed a recommended proj ect to prov ide rel i abl e, long-term collection of wastewater from the San Ramon Valley. The San Ramon Vall ey Sewer Improvement Proj ect consi sts of the installation of approximately ten miles of large diameter gravity trunk sewer and two mil es of force mai n. The trunk sewer and force mai n will be constructed from Larwin Pump Station north to a point near the intersection of Danvflle Boulevard and Rudgear Road in southern Walnut Creek. At the northern point, the proposed trunk sewer will connect with both the existing 36-inch diameter trunk sewer that now serves the San Ramon Vall ey and the proposed 60- inch di ameter downtONn Wal nut Creek bypass sewer. As part of the San Ramon Vall ey Proj ect, a short connecting sewer, approximately 70 feet, will be constructed between the northern end of the Wal nut Creek Bypass sewer to the exi sti ng 60- inch sewer near Ygnacio Valley Road. This connecting sewer will allow temporary operation of the bypass sewer. Sew er A 1 i anment The recommended sewer al ignment is the Southern Pacific right-of-way for the entire length of the project. This alignment will cause the least disruption to traffic, commercial, and other activities in the valley communities. The District entered into an agreement in December 1985 with Contra Costa County to purchase a 20-foot-wide surface easement and a 12-foot-wide subsurface easement within the railroad right-of-way. The cost for the San Ramon Valley portion of the sewer easements was $2,959,000. At the former railroad station site in Danvflle, the District does not have the surface and subsurface easements that it has in the rest of the right-of-way. The District does have the right to use an easement acquired by Contra Costa County for transit and underground util ity purposes in this 1,500-foot-long section. The County's easement is 30 feet wide. Di stri ct' s ri ghts woul d be second to the County's ri ghts in this section, and the sewer would be under County's planned transit system whether that be alight rail system or a dedicated busway. Staff evaluated three alignment options around the former station site. Two of the three had significantly higher construction costs and more impacts on the commun i ty th an the County easement. The th i rd a 1 i gnment opt ion, Railroad Avenue, has higher construction costs than the County easement. The City of Danville prefers the Railroad Avenue alignment option and has suggested ways to reduce the costs of constructing along this al ignment. Staff will study the cost savi ngs suggested by the City of Danvill e. Sel ecti on of the al ignment around the former rail road stati on w 11 1 be made during project design based on lowest construction cost, construction constraints, and minimizing community impacts. Sewer Size Staff proposes to design the sewer based on the ultimate buildout population of the San Ramon Valley and the infl1tration/inflow criteria developed as part of the Coll ecti on System Master Pl an prepared for the District by Camp, Dresser & McKee. The design 1 ife of the sewer is 50 yea rs. Four grOtlth scenarios are presented in the project EIR. The Board of Directors previously decided to use grOtlth scenario No.4 for designing the sewer. GrOtlth scenari 0 No. 4 assumes an ul timate popul ati on of 142,000 and development of the Dougherty Valley subarea of the San Ramon Valley. Based on this population estimate, the gravity sewer will have a nominal size of 54 inches in diameter from Norris Canyon Road to Sycamore Valley Road. From Sycamore Valley Road north to Danv1l1e and Rudgear Roads, the sewer w1l1 be 60 inches. The force main from Larwin Pump Station to Norris Canyon Road w1l1 nominally be 16 inches in diameter. Actual sizes of the gravity sewer and force main w1l1 be determined during the design phase of the project. The actual sizes may vary up and down a pipe size because of utility and other constraints. Schedule Because of the size of the project, the trunk sewer is pl anned for construction in three phases. The first phase is a five-ml1e section from La Serena Avenue in Alamo to St. James Court in Danville. The second phase is approximately three mil es long from La Serena Avenue north to a point near Rudgear Road where the sewer will connect with the new Wal nut Creek downtown trunk sewer. The thi rd phase wll 1 extend four mlles from St. James Court south to the Larwin Pump Station. The third phase includes two miles of force main. The first phase of construction will take care of the sections of existing sewer with the most severe capacity probl ems. Construction of the first phase sewer will be during 1987. The second and third phases of the sewer are currently scheduled for 1988 and 1989. The third phase is not needed as soon as the first and second phases. Constructi on of Phase III may be deferred for two to three years if effort must be devoted to other higher priority District projects. During design, staff will evaluate combining Phases I and II into a si ngl e construction. If there are significant construction cost savings resulting from a single construction contract, Phases I and II w111 be constructed in 1987. - 2 - Proiect Cost The estimated project cost is $31.0 mill ion. This estimate consists of: Construction including Contingency Construction Management Design $29,000,000 1,300,000 700,000 Total $31,000,000 The estimated cost of the three phases of the trunk sewer project are: Phase I Phase II Phase III $14,000,000 7,500,000 9,500.000 Total $31,000,000 - 3 - ATTACHMENT 2 OCTOPER 28, 1986 BEFORE THE BOARD OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT RE: APPROVAL OF SAN RAMON VALLEY TRUNK SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT } ) ) ) ) ) } ) ) ) ) ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS {Pub. Res. Code Section 21081 California Admin. Code Tit. 14, Section 15091 and 15093 I. General Information and Description of San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project A. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (hereinafter "the District") The District's total service area encompasses approximately 120 square miles, serving the cities of Walnut Creek, Pleasant Hill, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, Danville and portions of Martinez and San Ramon in addition to communi ties \'Ii thin the unincorporated area of Contra Costa County. The Cities of Clayton and Concord are served by the District pursuant to a contract between the parties. -1- B. Proceedings Before the CCCSD Board (hereinafter "Board") On October 16, 1986, the Board of the District held a duly noticed public hearing. A_ true and correct copy of that notice is attached hereto as Attachment A. After closing the public hearing the Board certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (hereinafter FEIR) as legally adequate and adopted a resolution of intent to approve the proposed project. A true and correct copy of that resolution is attached hereto as Attachment B. The Board referred the preparation of draft findings to Legal Counsel and provided specific instructions ~vith regard to the following project alternatives and project mitigation measures: 1. After hearing testimony from the City of Danville, the Board determined that both the Railroad Avenue alternative and the County Transit easement alternative are acceptable alignment alternatives around the former railroad station site in downtown Danville. The Board further determined that the ErR adequately addressed both alternatives and that the impacts of both alternatives were similar and that neither alternative is superior. 2. The Board selected growth scenario 4 as analyzed in the EIR as the population basis for sizing the entire sewer line. 3. The Board agreed to employ tunnelling construction at Sycamore Valley Road and San Ramon Valley Road. However, the -2- REVISED 10/28/86 District will continue to monitor al! other street crossings and will use objective traffic engineering standards to determine whether or not ~unnelling or jacking is required instead of open cut trenching. After hearing the testimony from the City of Danville and the City of San Ramon, the Board determined to work with the various jurisdictions on resolving which method of construction should be employed. However, the Board determined that in order to complete the project construction in an economical manner, it will exercise its rights under Health and Safety Code Section 6518 and Public Contracts Code Section 20802. The Board also determined that bid documents disclose to potential contractors preliminary encroachment permit conditions where encroachment permits are required and that tunnelling or jacking streets other than Sycamore Valley Road and San Ramon Valley Road is possible. 4 . The Board to budget $200,000 determined ^ to return 2.8 miles of recreational trail in the ROW between Las Trampas Road, Alamo, to with Prospect Avenue, Danville, to its preconstruction conditionlll~~k all remaining funds FI'I>Nrfl 1 N1#<I>1 ;qitMfrriinkJi 1 tl::J lciMjdilld I(,blfd I oW 1 lWtfJ 1 /JrI 1 Wd.j~t/ IJ./;/JdJ.AIc to be designated for upgrading the surface of the ROW rather than returning the remaining length of the recreation trail in the P.O~'l to its preconstruction condition. This determination was made in recognition of future construction that will or may occur in the remaining funds, ROW. The ~~aatblid/ when coupled with other public funds, including those from other agencies with projects in the ROW, may allow for upgrading of the recreational trail. The Board adopted -3- this mitigation measure ln recognition of the disruption to the public that will be created as a result of the construction of the project. 5. The Board directed that the trunk sewer line be designed to include manholes and pipe stub-outs for potential service connections for those property owners who are not currently served by the District and who have septic tanks. The District will receive a rebate to recover additional costs to install the additional manholes and pipe stub-outs when connections to the trunk line occur. The District will notify in writing all known households on septic tanks. 6. The Board program determined during construction phases is program. necessary that an extensive public the project's design and and allocated $40,000 for that participation C. Project Description The District proposes to construct a new sewer trunk line in the San Ramon Valley. The proposed pipeline would be constructed within an approximately twelve (12) mile long project area extending from the District's existing Larwin Pump Station on Ensenada Drive in the City of San Ramon, to a point north of Rudgear Road in the City of Walnut Creek. The new sewer trunk line will roughly parallel the District's existing 36 inch sewer -4- trunk line. The new sewer trunk line is proposed for construction because portions of the existing trunk line will soon reach capacity. Specifically, the Draft Collection System Master Plan (May 1986) indicates that approximately 16,000 feet of trunk sewer line currently has a capacity deficiency. Sewer segments with insufficient capacity to meet existing demand include 3,000 feet from El Capitan Drive to Saint James Court; 11,400 feet from La Serena Avenue to Hartz Avenue/Downtown Danville; 1,100 feet from Cedar Lane to Entrada Verde Place and 400 feet just south of Hillgrade Avenue. A major storm, similar to that experienced by the region in February 1986, could result in sewage overflows and create public health and environmental hazards. The new trunk sewer will supplement the capacity of the existing trunk sewer. Connecting sewers between the new and existing trunk sewer will be constructed at several locations. A connecting sewer, approximately 100 feet in length, will be constructed along La Serena Avenue, Alamo, between the new sewer in the ROWand existing sewer in Danville Boulevard. The remaining connecting sewers will be constructed entirely wi thin the ROW. At the northern end of the project, the new sewer will be connected to the Walnut Creek Bypass sewer. As part of this project, the Walnut Creek Bypass sewer will be made operational by construction of a connecting sewer, approximately 100 feet, between the Walnut Creek Bypass sewer and the District's existing 60 inch trunk sewer. This connecting ~ewer will be constructed entirely within the ROW between Ygnacio Valley Road and Arroyo Way, Walnut Creek. -5- 1. Project Alignment. Except for a 1500 section in downtown Danville, the project would place construction entirely within the existing Southern Pacific Transportation Company Railroad Right of Way (hereinafter "SPTCRR ROW"). The Section through downtown Danville will either be constructed on the county transit easement or along Railroad Avenue. 2. Project Phasing. The District proposes to construct the new sewer line in three phases over a three-year period from 1987-1989 as follows: Phase I: between St. James Court, Danville to La Serena Avenue, in the unincorporated community of Alamo. Phase II: between La Serena Avenue, Alamo, and immediately connect to the ~lalnut north of Rudgear Road, Walnut Creek, to Creek Bypass Sewer. Phase III: between the Saint James Court, Danville to the Larwin Pump Station, San Ramon. The insufficient capacity discussed above has primarily determined the phasing schedule that the Board has selected. Phase I and most of Phase II require immediate attention; the timing of the remainder of Phase II and Phase III construction is more flexible. Additionally, this phasing schedule was selected by the Board because of construction efficiency and economy. -6- Specifically, in Phase I through Danville, sewer footage at both ends of this segment has immediate improvement needs with 1.0 to 1.5 miles in between these over-capacity segments. Rather than completing construction of 14,000 feet and returning in just a few years to construct another one to two miles and disrupting central Danville again, the Board has elected to construct the 4.5 mile stretch at one time. Implementing two separate construction programs in downtown Danville would also significantly increase costs. One reason for the increased cost would be the need for additional construction to make interim lateral connection via cross streets between the new sewer in the ROWand the existing one in Danville Boulevard. The construction phasing as proposed by the Board involves only one short lateral connection. 3. Related Projects. The capacity of the Larwin Pump Station may need to be increased because of population increases within the study area. However, the expansion of the Larwin Pump Station would serve only to accommodate the flmvs within the trunk lines (new and existing) and would not alter the analysis of impacts contained within this ErR. Should the District determine to expand the Larwin Pump Station, subsequent environmental documentation will be completed in accordance with existing law. The Board determined requiring compliance with that CEQA subsequent trunk line will analyze growth projects inducing impacts on a cumulative basis. -7- 4. Pipeline Size. The Board has determined to size the pipeline based on growth scenario 4 as described in the EIR. The District has determined that this pipeline size is necessary to accommodate future growth in the study area and to avoid subsequent expansion of the trunk line capacity for a period of at least 50 years. The Board determined that the potential for densification and annexation to the study area can reasonably be expected to increase population projections. Additionally, the Board determined that historically growth projections in the San Ramon Valley have been underestimated to the detriment of the infrastructure providers. D. EIR Assumption The EIR bases its analysis of construction impacts on a maximum pipe size (84 inch diameter) and provides a worst case analysis of project construction effects. The assumed maximum subsurface trench width is approximately 12 feet. The EIR does not analyze the direct and indirect impacts of a merger between Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority (hereinafter "TWA") and CCCSD. The Board has recently received a Notice of Preparation from the Tri-Valley Waste Water Authority. TWA 1S a recently organized joint powers agency of Alameda County, the City of Pleasanton and the Dublin San Ramon Services District. The purpose of the agency is design construction and to provide the necessary planning for financing of incremental waste water -8- capacity in excess of the existing disposal capacity provided by Livermore Amador Valley Waste Management Agency (hereinafter "LAVWMA") . This NOP notes that one of the alternatives for achieving this goal is coordination with CCCSD. The Board determines that this potential for coordination is mere speculation and does not constitute a reasonably foreseeable future project as defined by CEQA, the Guidelines or relevant case law. At this time a merger between TWA and CCCSD is nothing more than mere speculation. Environmental review would be meaningless at this point. Should a merger of TWA and CCCSD be seriously considered by all affected agencies, CEQA review will be commenced to analyze all potential impacts, alternatives and mitigation measures associated with that project. II. The Record For purposes of CEQA and the findings identified herein, the record of the proceedings before this Board is comprised of the following: 1. San Ramon Valley Sewer Master Plan, Lowry and Associates, December 1984. 2. Watershed 33 Trunk Sewer Pipeline Predesign Report, John Carollo Engineers, June 1985. -9- 3. Collection System Master Plan, Camp, Dresser and McKee, September 1986. 4. Selected Flow Monitoring Studies in Study Area, CCCSD, 1985-1986. 5. Wastewater Flow Analysis CH2M Hill, Inc., April 1986. 6. General Plan of County of Contra Costa. 7. San Ramon General Plan Working Paper Analysis of Alternative Sketch Plans, February 1986. Number 3 : 8. Draft EIR, San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project, June 1986. 9. Final EIR, San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project, September 1986. 10. The Notice of Preparation and all other environmental documents prepared by the District in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act. 11. All staff reports, memoranda, maps, letters, minutes of meetings and other planning documents prepared by district staff relating to the project. -10- 12. All testimony, documents and other evidence received by the District during the scoping session on December 11, 1986, and the mid-project meeting on March 12, 1986. 13. The proceedings before the District relating to the project, including testimony and documentary evidence introduced at the public hearing on October 16, 1986. 14. Matters of knowledge to the Board, including but. not limited to: a. the District's Guidelines for the Implementation of CEQA; b. formally adopted policies and ordinances; c. collective experience of the Board as follows: Parke L. Boneysteele Elected to CCCSD Board on November 7, 1967. Mr. Boneysteele has been a Contra Costa County resident for 34 years and worked for the California Public Utilities Commission for 32 years. Occupation: Mechanical Engineer Nels E. Carlson, Jr. Appointed to CCCSD Board on June 2, 1977. Mr. Carlson has been a resident of Central Contra Costa County for 25 years. -11- EVISED 10/28/86 (President, N. E. Carlson Occupation: Bus iness Execut i 'Ie (Ytm-l?tf'ljt-~/4tt1 I f2/1jif..1 #if..Nvtrft Construction, Inc.) qi I ttIrr/.rIi~t/;:/tJ.1../ II/rI.c)-W/tIJ/ 111M /f1 Ifr/i/f/i-rfJN Ifif>t/ lei / rf;/Jjtf/f/-tNitt i-rfJN fcIif>r/Jfjcfrj.y 1 /. Susan H. McNulty Elected to CCCSD Board on November,S, 1985. Ms. McNulty has been active in local government the past 15 years including: Past director for the Moraga Community Association Served on Moraga Town Council twice, including one year as mayor Current member of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) Occupation: Investment Sales William C. Dalton Elected to CCCSD Board on November 6, 1979. Mr. Dalton was Deputy General Manager-Chief Engineer of CCCSD and worked at CCCSD 19 years. Occupation: Civil Engineer John B. Clausen Appointed to CCCSD Board on February 11, 1984. Mr. Clausen has been a resident of Central Contra Costa County for 34 years and was the first County Counsel of Contra Costa County. Occupation: Attorney -12- III. Significant Impacts, Mitigation Measures The final Environmental Impact Report for the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement project, certified by this Board, identifies the following significant impacts related to the project. The Board adopts the following mitigation measures to reduce those impacts below a level of significance: Impact: Recreational use of the ROW will be temporarily halted during construction. Mitigation: The District has agreed in its easement contract with the County to return the ROW to its original condition after construction. The ROW will, to the extent possible, be restored to original ground contours and drainage patterns. The Board determined to return 2.8 miles of recreational trail in the ROW between Las Trampas Road, Alamo, to Prospect Avenue, Danville, to its preconstruction condition. The Board also determined to deposit $200,000 into an escrow account to be designated for upgrading the surface of the ROW, rather than returning the remaining length of t.he recreational trail in the ROW to its preconstruction condition. This determination was made in recognition of ~uture construction that will or may Occur in the ROW. The $200,000, when coupled with other public funds including those from other agencies with projects in the ROW, may allow for upgrading of the recreational trail. The Board adopted this mitigation measure in recognition of the disruption to the -13- public that will be created as a resul t of the construction of the project. The ROW will be revegetated after construction. Trees and shrubs removed will be replaced by young plants of the same kind or a different kind agreed upon by the District and the respective property owner or the County. Vegetation clearing within the ROW will be limited to the immediate trench excavation area. Open trenches will be limited to 400 feet in length at any one location. Impact: Some utility lines may require relocation to enable installation of the District's trunk sewer line. There is some potential for disturbance to existing utilities during construction and for temporary service outages. Mitigation: The District will notify all relevant utility agencies of construction plans and will request information including maps locating existing utili ties. During design, t.he District will circulate final construction plans to all appropriate utility agencies and will discuss with them final arrangements for relocation or construction around existing lines. The District will be responsible for notifying local customers if any utilities are planned to be temporarily shut off during construction. To reduce the chance of accidental shut offs, the District will conduct field exploration to locate specific utilities. The District will also be responsible should any damage to existing utility lines result from construction of -14- the trunk sewer. Final construction plans, techniques, and alignments will be reviewed by the public works departments of the appropriate jurisdictions. Impact: Construction in the ROW may require temporary or permanent removal of fences, driveways, or ROW. any existing "unofficial" uses sheds which may have encroached such as into the Mitigation: The District will carefully survey the approved pipeline and construction easement and will, where necessary, notify any property owners of potential use conflicts in writing well in advance of any construction activity. Impact: adjacent Construction activity will temporarily disrupt land uses to and near the ROW. The land uses most affected include residential areas, schools, and businesses. Mitigation: All legally required and necessary encroachment permits will be obtained. These encroachment permits will specify conditions that the District must meet with regard to traffic, nOlse, dust, etc. (See Attachment C.) Detailed traffic control plans will be prepared for each phase of construction. The Board agrees that Sycamore Valley Road and San Ramon Valley Boulevard will be jacked or tunnelled under to substantially minimize any traffic disruptions. However, the District will continue to monitor all other street crossings and -15- will use objective traffic engineering standards to determine whether or not tunnelling or jacking is required. After hearing the testimony from the City of Danville and the City of San Ramon, the Board determined to work with the various jurisdictions on resolving which method of construction should be employed. However, the Board determined that in order to complete the project construction in an economical manner it will exercise its rights under Health and Safety Code Section 6518 and Public Contracts Code Section 20802. CCCSD will assign inspectors to the construction site to ensure compliance with permit conditions. As part of an extensive public participation program, residents, businesses, shop owners, and property owners will be notified in writing by the District in advance of construction. Local emergency response agencies will be notified in writing of construction schedules and locations. Construction near residential neighborhoods will commence no earlier than 7:30 a.m. to reduce the chances of interrupting the sleep of most residents living near the ROW. The District will circulate final construction plans to all appropriate utility agencies and discuss with them final arrangements for relocation or construction around existing lines. The District will be responsible for notifying local utilities are construction. planned to be customers in writing temporarily shut off if any during -16- Impact: Large diameter longitudinal utility lines in the ROW impose restrictions on future potential development of the ROW corridor. At present, applicable land use plans support little development of structures and private uses in the ROW, but future surface development potential will be limited by allowing this subsurface use. Mitigation: No mitigation is necessary consistent with plan designations and jurisdictions at this time. since the project is goals of relevant Impact: Placement of a trunk sewer line through downtown Danville on either Railroad Avenue or the County transit easement will have traffic impacts. While the trunk sewer will be compatible in the long term with traffic use and circulation of these streets, periodic maintenance or repair work on the sewer line will temporarily disrupt traffic flows and restrict access. During construction along anyone of these alternatives, access will be restricted and traffic congestion will increase temporarily. Mitigation: All legally required and necessary encroachment permits will be obtained. Detailed traffic control plans will be prepared by the District for each street crossing in each phase of construction. The District will consult with local jurisdictions regarding possible scheduling of night or weekend work in commercial areas or busy streets. The District will -17- require that the contractor provide adequate off-street parking for employees at all times and arrange ridesharing where possible to reduce worker auto trips. Transport of heavy construction equipment will normally be limited to off-peak periods, with maximum use of on-site storage and staging areas. The District will use construction techniques that maintain access on affected local streets and require the contractor to use specific methods for maintaining access. Techniques to maintain access include: (1) Use of flaggers to maintain al ternating one-way traffic; (2) placement of steel plates over the open trench during non-working hours; (3) paving a temporary addi tional travel lane when sufficient width exists; (4) use of advance construction signs and other public notices to alert drivers of activity in the area; and (5) use of "positive guidance" detour signing on alternate access streets. Work on street crossings, except when boring pits are used, will be limited to one location at a time. Scheduling of work will be such that alternate access routes to be used by affected traffic are not blocked by concurrent construction. Impact: on local Construction activities will cause a short-term impact visual aesthetics. Heavy construction equipment will remain within the ROW in many areas during non-work hours; excavated and fill material will be stockpiled on the ROW; pipe segments will be stored on the ROW; barricades, signs, steel plates, etc., will cover or mark open trenches. Some existing vegetation will have to be removed during trench excavation. -18- Mi tigation: The construction site will be kept as orderly as practical and free of litter. Storage areas for equipment and materials will be reasonably required. A tree specialist (arborist) will be hired to develop site specific mitigation to preserve and protect any mature trees and significant vegetation along or near the construction route if reasonably possible. Areas cleared of vegetation will be revegetated after construction. Impact: Excavation and filling of project trenches may result in alteration of the slope and elevation of the ground surface. Mitigation: To prevent permanent changes in topography as a resul t of the project, the ground surface will be reasonably restored to its existing slope and elevation after project construction. All stockpiles of soil, fill, and other material will be removed from the ROW after construction is complete. Maximum use will be made of excavated material for backfilling of trenches. AJ.J materials not used for refilling trenches will be disposed of at proper sites. Impact: Export of excavated material and import of fill to the project construction area \-Till occur during construction. Hauling trucks carrying soil, sand, gravel, and fill to and from the site may transport material attached to truck tires onto local streets. Additionally, spilt and windblown material from trucks could be deposited on local streets. This soil on local -19- streets could storm drains, streams. present nuisances or hazards to motorists, and cause siltation of drainage ditches clog and Mi tigation: To avoid deposition of material on streets, haul trucks will not be overfilled and will be covered to prevent spills, particularly if freeway travel is necessary. If necessary, hauling trucks will be encouraged to maintain safe, slow speeds. Hauling trucks will either be driven over mechanical grates when exiting the project construction site to clean truck tires or truck tires will be cleaned off (hosed off) before trucks enter public streets. Any accidental spill of material will be cleaned up within a reasonable period of time. Impact: Seismic activity on the Calaveras, San Andreas, Hayward, Pleasanton, Antioch, or Concord faults may interfere with project construction and damage the trunk sewer line. Mitigation: To reduce potential seismic hazards to the project, the sewer line and associated facilities will be designed and constructed to withstand maximum ground accelerations expected along the alignment without substantial damage. The project will be designed to withstand liquefaction of the alluvial fill along the proposed alignment without cracking or structural damage. A geological study including subsurface investigations will be conducted to determine areas of greatest liquefaction hazard for special design of the sewer line in these areas. -20- The District will incorporate specific design features into the project to reduce damage from seismic events. Impact: Construction-related activities may generate substantial amounts of particulate (dust) matter which will adversely affect the air quality along and near the ROW during the three six-month construction phases. Taking into account the particulate emissions generated by ground clearance, excavation, soil materials storage, truck hauling, and construction equipment, the construction of the proposed pipeline may generate from 2.0 tons/day to 2.7 tons/day of particulates. Mitigation: The District will require the contractor to perform watering of all disturbed portions of the ROW that have been cleared of vegetation and all piles of excavated and bedding material as necessary. Project hauling trucks will not be overfilled. Hauling trucks will be cleaned off before entering public streets if necessary. Any accidental spill of material will be cleaned up within a reasonable period of time. Maximum use will be made of excavated material for backfilling trenches. As part of the public participation program, residents living along the ROW will be notified in writing as to when they can expect project construction activities in their vicinity, especially for the benefit of those persons with respiratory ailments. -21- Impact: Other pollutants will be generated during construction of the proposed pipeline through operation of construction equipment and haul trucks. Carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, ni trogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide, in addition to particulate matter, will be emitted due to combustion of diesel fuel. Mitigation: The contractor will operate construction equipment in exhaust emissions; for example, possible, be kept to a minimum. be required to such a way as truck idling maintain and to minimize will, where Impact: During construction of the proposed pipeline, an increase in motor vehicle emissions will result from construction workers driving to and from the construction site and from disruption of the normal traffic flow. Traffic disruption will occur especially when laying pipeline across paved roadways, but also more regularly as a result of truck movements. Slower motor vehicle speeds generally result in greater vehicle emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons, but slightly lower emissions of nitrogen oxides. In downtown Danville, construction of the proposed pipeline through city streets will cause more traffic disruption and, subsequently, greater motor vehicle emissions. The heavy traffic volumes on Hartz Avenue will proceed at a reduced speed and may be diverted through residential neighborhoods which will be sensitive to a local increase in carbon monoxide concentrations. -22- Mitigation: As part of the encroachment permit process, the District will prepare detailed transportation plans which will be submitted to the appropriate jurisdictions. In order to alleviate the disruption of traffic flow and therefore reduce emissions, the District may schedule night or weekend work. Impact: Reconstruction of paved roadway surfaces will require the use of asphalts which emit hydrocarbons, criteria pollutant precursors of ozone. Mitigation: The District will adhere to Regulation 8, Rule 15 of BAAQMD's Rules and Regulations, which prohibits the use of rapid-cure cutback asphalt and regulates the use of other asphalts. Impact: Project construction will substantially increase ambient noise levels on a temporary basis for those living and working in proximity to the ROW. Mitigation: As part of the public participation program, advance wri tten notice of construction will be provided to residents, schools, offices, and commercial/retail establishments located within two hundred feet of the ROW. Construction will be scheduled where possible during summer vacation months (June to August) in areas where construction is adjacent to schools. The District will restrict the construction -23- season to the dry months (April to October) to avoid the regular school sessions where feasible. Construction in residential neighborhoods will be delayed until 7:30 a.m. to reduce interruption of the sleep patterns of most residents living near the ROW. The District will strictly conform to all legally required and necessary conditions imposed by local jurisdictions in the encroachment permits granted to the District in accordance with Attachment C. The .District will require the contractor to reduce the speed of hauling trucks as they travel on the ROWand away from the construction site on local streets to reduce the widespread noise impacts from this source. Construction equipment will be required by the District to be fitted wi th the best available noise suppression devices. Impact: Construction in the ROW will require clearing existing vegetation along the p~pe alignment and may cause damage or removal of other vegetation as a result of equipment movement and materials storage within the ROW. Mitigation: Vegetation clearing within the ROW will, where reasonable, be limited to the immediate trench excavation area. Equipment and material storage sites will, to the extent possible, be chosen to minimize the need for removal of significant vegetation (e.g., vegetated areas). The ROW large shrubs, small trees, densely will be revegetated as soon as -24- practical after construction, taking into consideration other public projects which may take place wi thin the ROW. Trees and shrubs removed will be replaced by young plants of the same kind or a different kind agreed upon by the District and the affected property owner or in consultation with the County. Impact: removed Mature trees along or to enable construction. near the ROW may have to be Construction activities and equipment movement along the ROW may damage limbs or roots of trees along the ROW border. Mi tigation: Removal of mature trees will be avoided wherever possible. An arborist will be retained by the District to survey the entire construction alignment, including equipment access locations, identify the means of minimizing damage to trees, including: pruning overhanging 1 imbs that could be damaged by crane operation or equipment movement; minimizing potential for compacting soil around major root zones by restricting heavy equipment movement; and, where reasonable, hand excavating trench segments past major root zones. As part of the public participation process, all properties will be notified in writing in advance if any trees on their property or overhanging their property must be removed or pruned. Any tree removed will be replaced by young plants of the same kind or a different kind agreed upon by the District and the affected property owner. -25- Impact: The ROW alignment crosses three creeks: La Serena Creek in Alamo, Rutherford Creek in Alamo, and San Ramon Creek in Danville and San Ramon. In the case of La Serena and Rutherford Creeks, riparian vegetation was recently cleared by EBMUD during installation of its 66-inch water main. While some vegetation (e.g. , before groundcover, vines) may reestablish on these creek banks the District's sewer construction scheduled for 1988 or 1989, no removal of significant stream vegetation will be required. Construction activities may damage or remove some of the dense riparian vegetation to either side of the ROW; but the impact will be minimal and the Board deems the impact insignificant. Direct trenching or construction of the siphon structure across the creeks rather than a pipe bridge may cause greater disruption to the creeks I banks and will disrupt the creeks I beds. This disturbance will further delay the reestablishment of riparian vegetation and may temporarily increase erosion and turbidity in creek waters. Increased erosion and turbidity will degrade water quality and, in turn, adversely affect aquatic life and wildlife using the creeks, in the short-term. Denuded creek banks may cause ongoing erosion potential until banks revegetate. Construction of pipe bridges vlOuld also disrupt the creek banks and cause potential short-term and ongoing erosion until banks are revegetated. Mitigation: The California Department of Fish and Game must review any proposal to alter a stream channel and issue a Stream -26- Alteration Agreement. The District must notify the Department of its final construction plans for the creek crossing. The agreement will stipulate mitigation measures required o~ the District. Construction in creeks will be restricted to the dry season when creek flows are low. Creek banks will be revegetated after construction with plant species common to the surrounding riparian corridors. Impact: Two pre-historic archaeological sites have been recorded in the immediate vicinity of the project area and may extend into the construction area. A historic archaeological site is located immediately north of the project area. Mitigation: A qualified archaeologist will be District to develop a mitigation plan if archaeological site is uncovered. retained by the a pre-historic Impact: Construction of the proposed pipeline will entail the commitment of non-renewable sources of energy. Ground clearance, trench excavation, hauling operation, pipeline installation, backfilling, and compaction will result in a one-time expenditure of gasoline and diesel fuel. The estimated consumption of diesel fuel by construction equipment for all four phases of construction would amount to roughly 385,000 gallons, or 62 GBtu. -27- Mitigation: Construction equipment and haul trucks will, to the extent possible, be turned off when not in use. When planning haul routes, consideration will be given to minimizing the length of those routes to conserve diesel fuel. Impact: Station Increasing the will increase pumping capacity of the Larwin demand for electrical energy by Pump the electrical pumps. The increase in electrical energy demand will be roughly proportional to the increase in pumping capacity. Mitigation: Pumping energy requirements may be reduced by using larger diameter force-mains to minimize pipe friction losses. Impact: Project construction will generate additional traffic by workers commuting to and from the site and construction vehicles travelling around the project vicinity during the course of the work day. Construction activity may cause diversion of traffic to alternate roadways as drivers attempt to avoid delays. The project will also generate a need for parking locations for construction workers. Mitigation: The District will require the contractor to provide adequate off-street parking locations for workers t vehicles and construction equipment at all times. -28- Impact: excavated Construction activities such as the transport site would also of add and new fill to and from the heavy-equipment vehicles to the traffic flow. Mi tigation: Transportation of construction equipment will normally be limited to off-peak periods, with maximum use of on-site storage and staging areas. Maximum use will be made of excavated material for backfilling of trenches. Impact: Project construction will require crossing a number of roadways, ranging from maJor arterials to local residential streets. Mitigation: The District will tunnel or bore under Sycamore Valley Road and San Ramon Valley Boulevard. However, the District will continue to monitor all other street crossings and will use objective engineering standards to determine whether or not tunnelling or jacking is required. After hearing the testimony from the City of Danville and the City of San Ramon, the Board determined to work with the various jurisdictions on resolving which method of construction should be employed. However, the Board determined that, in order to complete the project construction in an economical manner, it will exercise its rights under Health and Safety Code Section 6518 and Public Contracts Code Section 20802. Construction techniques that maintain access on other local streets will be used. The District will prepare traffic control -29- plans to show specific methods for maintaining access during each phase of construction. These traffic control plans will be reviewed bv .J the local jurisdictions during the encroachment permit process. The District will consult with local jurisdictions regarding possible scheduling of night or weekend work in commercial areas and busy streets. As part of the public participation process, the District will provide written notice to all property owners within two hundred feet of construction activity, including any applicable detour routing. Impact: In addition to street crossings as described in the above Impact, there will be pipe installation along local streets to a limited extent. since the project is to be constructed in three phases, the ends of each phase must be tied into an existing working system. The only lateral pipe installation for this purpose that would impact traffic would be on La Serena Avenue. Mitigation: Two-way traffic will normally be maintained by the use of flaggers during working hours, and placement of steel plates or temporary backfill and paving during non-working hours. Through traffic will also be detoured around the construction zone via alternate streets. Reasonable access to driveways will be maintained. -30- Impact: The SPTCRR ROW travel, especially in shopping areas. is used by local residents for pedestrian the segments that link residences to Mi tigation: As part of the public participation process, the public will be notified in writing of construction schedules. Fencing and signs will be employed during non-working hours to limit or prohibit access to the construction. Impact: Construction in the SPTCRR ROW, where other utili ties already exist, longitudinally or laterally, creates the potential for damaging or severing one of the existing utility lines during trench excavation or pipe installation. Mitigation: The District has already identified all existing longitudinal utility lines on the ROWand key lateral lines. The District will notify each appropriate utility agency to inform them of construction plans, proposed treatment plans for utility lines encountered (e.g., relocation, jacking under, or over) and to gather more detailed information about existing pipe locations. The District will also consult with each of the appropriate public works departments during construction design phase. In the case of any planned temporary service outage, CCCSD will notify the appropriate utility and be responsible for notifying local residents and businesses in writing affected by service loss. To reduce the chance of accidental shut-offs, the -31- District will conduct field exploration to loca~e specific facilities. Impact: The District's trunk sewer vlill be constructed along side the existing, recently-installed 66-inch water main (EBMUD) which extends from Las Trampas Road, Alamo, to Linda Mesa Avenue, Danville. The District pipe will be installed deeper than the existing water main. Any damage to this water main may disrupt distribution of potable water and/or temporarily contaminate the water supply. Mitigation: The District will employ special construction techniques in the area where the trunk sewer would parallel the 66-inch water main. Trench restraints such as sheet piling may be installed to provide necessary trench wall support to guard against trench wall failure and possible resulting loss of structural support for the water main. The District has and will continue to consult with EBMUD regarding the proposed trunk sewer construction. The District will observe California Department of Health standards. Impact: During project construction, the public, particularly children, may be temporarily exposed to potential hazards posed by open excavated trenches of varying depth and by the transport and use of heavy operating equipment (backhoe, crane, etc.). -32- Mitigation: The District will limit the amount of trench open at anyone time to 400 linear feet in anyone location. At the end of each work day, all open trenches in streets will be covered with steel plates or backfilled to street grade level. The District will require signing of all streets from both directions wi th signs that are visible day and night to indicate that the street is under construction. Within the ROW, trenches will be barr icaded at both ends and along the sides. The ROW would temporarily be closed to the public during construction and signed as such, giving approximate closure and reopen dates when recreational use would be allowed to resume. To reduce exposure of school children to the potential following construction hazards, the measures: District will adopt Construction will be scheduled past school sites during summer vacation months (June-August) where reasonable. During these months, most schools are not in session and a few have a much reduced enrollment and half-day session program. The District will hire private security to patrol construction site during the day near schools where reasonably necessary. Hauling truck trips and movement of big equipment will normally be restricted to off-peak traffic hours. Truck drivers will be required to maintain safe, slow speeds on local streets. Hauling trucks will not be overfilled and will be covered. Any spills will be cleaned up wi thin a reasonable period of time. -33- All equipment stored on site or nearby will be securely parked and locked where reasonably necessary. As part of the public participation process, neighborhoods and schools will be notified in writing by CCCSD in advance of upcoming construction in the immediate area and signs will be posted in public areas along the construction route. Impact: The project will cause temporary disruption of traffic flows and increased congestion due to construction activities at street crossings, creation of rough road conditions (torn up asphalt, steel plate covers on trenches), and movement of big, slow equipment. This will increase potential driving hazards. Mi tiga tion: As part of the District will prepare traffic the appropriate jurisdictions. The District will provide a detailed construction activities and location to encroachment permit plans which will be process, the s ubmi t ted to schedule of police/sheriff departments. All road construction in street crossings will be clearly signed. Open trenches will be covered with steel plates or backfilled to street grade level each night and any open trenches or jacking pits in the ROW should be barricaded and clearly signed. The District will notify in writing appropriate emergency service agencies of construction locations and schedules. -34- Impact: Some of Alamo have only the one small residential streets in Danville and outlet onto Danville Boulevard. Project construction will temporarily restrict access at street crossings and will generally slow traffic and increase congestion. Mitigation: Prior to construction, CCCSD will consult with appropriate emergency service agencies (e.g., police, fire) regarding construction plans and will provide these agencies with a construction timetable keyed to specific locations and street crossings along the ROW. Access adequate for passage of emergency vehicles will be maintained on all roads at all times. Impact: Additional protection and emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) may be required during project construction as a result of the increase in potential public hazards and risk exposure. Mitigation: The appropriate emergency service agencies will be notified in writing of the project in advance, and provided with time and location schedules for each construction phase. Sheriff/police departments will be consulted regarding any needed traffic control supervision necessary during construction. -35- IV. Growth Inducing Impacts The Board finds and determines that the implementation of the three-phased trunk sewer line project will, under applicable law, have a significant growth inducing impact in that the project will remove a major obstacle to growth by increasing sewage transmission capacity. The EIR discusses the potential for growth inducing impacts at pp. 116-134. Because most general plans forecast growth for only 10 years, the District has developed growth scenarios that examine growth potential for fifty (50) years or the useful life of the project. The Board finds that planning for a 50-year project is necessary for several reasons. First, the abandoned SPTCRR ROW provides an excellent utili ty corridor. However, construction of the proposed sewer line and other planned public uses will effectively exhaust that corridor. If the District was to plan for only 10 years, there is a high likelihood that a third trunk line project would be required. As noted in the District's Predesign Engineering Report, alternative rights-of-way for such facilities could entail expensive and disruptive construction through key commercial districts or through environmentally sensitive areas. Second, the Board finds that it would be imprudent to plan for only 10 years and subject the ratepayers to the expense of millions of dollars for construction of a subsequent trunk line. The incremental cost of constructing a 60 inch line as opposed to a 48 inch line is five million dollars. Comparatively, the -36- construction cost of an additional sewer line to provide the same capacity as a 60 inch sewer line would be approximately 23 million (1986 dollars). Although the provision of facilities for sewage transmission may, under applicable legal standards, be found in fact to be growth inducing, the Board finds that provision of sewer facilities is only one factor which contributes to growth. In addition to sewer facilities, growth must be preceeded by approvals of various political jurisdictions with concurrent environmental review and analysis; availability of other utilities; availability of municipal services including but not limi ted to fire and police protection; flood control; schools; public works and parks; availability of arterial and other street improvements; and the market for developed land. Therefore, the Board finds and determines that the EIR has fully disclosed the potential impacts of growth as related to the project and that these secondary impacts are impacts that must be analyzed and mitigated in accordance with CEQA by other jurisdictions in the course of granting development approvals. By exercising its judgment to supply sewer capacity for further growth, this Board does not advocate or encourage any particular rate or location for growth. The District is not a local land use planning agency and does not have the power to make such development approvals. In sizing the sewer pipe, the Board has examined four potential growth scenarios. These potential growth scenarios were developed with input from District staff, County staff, City -37- of Danville staff, City of San Based on written and oral comments Ramon staff, and developers. as well as information within the personal knowledge of the Board, the Board determines that growth scenario 4 is the most likely scenario for development within the next 50 years and therefore sizes the pipe to accommodate that growth. The Board finds that the potential for densification and annexation to the study area can reasonably be expected to increase population projections. Additionally, the Board determined that, historically, growth projections in the San Ramon Valley have been underestimated to the detriment of infrastructure providers. V. Project Alternatives The Board has examined the al ternati ves se't forth in the ErR, including the no project alternative, and determines that the pipe alignment which follows the ROW exclusively from Larwin Pump Station to the Walnut Creek Bypass project, with the possible exception of the use of Railroad Avenue through downtown Danville, is the most effective way to implement the project. A. Rejection of Alternative 4A Alternative 4A is rejected for the following reasons: -38- 1. Construction of the trunk 1 ine would occur wi thin the Valley's major north-south surface roadway (Danville Boulevard). This construction would severely disrupt the downtown commercial districts of Danville and Alamo. Additionally, because Danville Boulevard forms a continuous north-south route to 1-680 and bounds numerous residential neighborhoods, access residential neighborhoods would be severely impaired. to those 2. Impacts on public transit facilities would be much greater under this alternative than under the approved alternative because both the BART feeder and the County Connection bus lines use Danville Boulevard. 3. Greater potential for public hazards exists because this alternative proposes construction within a major public road (Danville Boulevard). 4. Except for the negative impacts of traffic and public safety, alternative 4A would not vary significantly from the approved alternative in its other impacts (drainage, geology, seismicity, cultural resources, vegetation, wildlife, energy, and public services). B. Rejection of Alternative 4B Alternative 4B is rejected for the following reasons: -39- Alternative 4B is essentially a hybrid between the approved alternative and alternative 4A. Consequently, the impacts of al ternative 4B are greater than the approved alternative, yet less than alternative 4A. The Board therefore rejects alternative 4B for the same reasons that 4A was rejected. C. Rejection of the No Project Alternative The no project alternative is specifically rejected for the following reasons: 1. Segments of the existing pipeline are at or near capaci ty. Because segments of the existing pipeline are at or near capacity, service to existing users may have to be restricted or suspended in the event of an overflow. 2. If an overflow occurred, the District and ultimately the ratepayers might be subject to extensive daily fines. Daily fines of up to $10,000 may be imposed under existing state law for overflows of untreated wastewater. 3. A moratorium on sewer hookups be a realistic approach to is not considered by the the existing capacity Board to deficiencies. -40- D. Rejection of Growth Scenarios 1, 2, and 3 The Board has fully reviewed and pipe sizes and rejects Scenarios 1, ?, sizing the pipe. Growth scenarios 1, 2, rejected because: analyzed the alternative and 3 as the basis for and 3 are specifically 1. A significant likelihood exists that growth in the region will exceed the growth potential discussed in Scenarios 1, 2, and 3. 2. Construction of a third pipeline would result in significant costs to the ratepayers. The lack of availability of a utility easement in which to construct the trunk line would result in significant costs to the taxpayer. 3. The lack of availability of a utility easement could resul t in disruption of downtown businesses, residential areas and sensitive environmental resources if a third pipeline were to be constructed. 4. The potential for study area can reasonably projections. densificaion and annexation to the be expected to increase population 5. Valley Historically, growth projections in the San Ramon have been underestimated to the detriment of infrastructure providers. -41- -,...,-.---....---"------.-"-~----.-.-,---,-"..~.--.------____,___,~_____.._"',.__..~.___.M_.._.__...._,.___.__ VI. Significant Impacts Which Cannot be Avoided Should the Project be Constructed. The Environmental Impact Report identifies several impacts which cannot be avoided despite the Board's adoption of all feasible mitigation measures analyzed in the EIR. In addition, the Board finds that the alternative alignments and alternative pipe sizes discussed in the EIR are infeasible as discussed in Section V of these findings. The significant unavoidable adverse impacts are both short- term construction impacts and long-term secondary environmental effects. SHORT-TERM IMPACTS Restriction of access to homes and businesses during the workday while construction proceeds within street crossings or adjacent to existing uses in the ROW; Disruption of ROW surface use) during construction resurfaced; Slower traffic and detours along street crossing of the trunk sewer alignment during construction; Increased noise levels in areas adjacent to the construction site and along haul routes for excavated material requiring off-site disposal; use (e. g., no public trail and until the trail is -42- Generation of dust from the construction area and along haul routes for excavated material requiring off-site disposal; Potential interruption of other utility services during construction; Increased public safety hazards; Replacement of any large, mature trees with smaller ones of similar variety; Alteration of topographic features (slope and elevation) ; Reduced underground capacity for any subsequent utility projects and possible restrictions on future use of surface directly above the sewer trunk line. LONG-TERM - SECONDARY IMPACTS Substantial traffic congestion along major arterials and the 1-680 freeway, requiring major expansion of the roadway network and transportation system; Increased air pollution emissions, hampering efforts to attain and maintain state and federal ozone and carbon monoxide standards; Increased noise levels typically associated with urban development; Increased surface runoff and addition of urban pollutants to waterways and drainages; -43- Greater erosion of soils and exposure of additional development to the geologic hazards of hillside construction; Increased demand for services such as fire and police protection, public schools, parks and recreational facilities, and water distribution and supply; Loss of open space and the visual attributes of surrounding rural and semi-rural lands; Reduction in wildlife and aquatic habitat values; Displacement of agriculture. VII. Statement of Overriding Considerations After considering evidence received, the the final EIR Board finds and and all testimony and determines that it has adopted all feasible mitigation measures. (See Section III.) The Board also finds and determines that it has thoroughly considered all project alternatives, chosen the superior alternative and rejected all other alternatives, including the no project al ternati ve, as infeasible for either environmental or economic reasons. (See Section IV.) Notwithstanding the disclosure of the significant short-term and long-term impacts described in Section VI, the District has determined pursuant to Section 15093 of the Guidelines for the Implementation of CEQA that the benefits of the proposed project outweigh the adverse impacts and the project should be approved. -44- The District specifically finds and determines that there are special social, economic, and other reasons for approving this project notwithstanding the disclosure of substantial adverse impacts disclosed in the Final ErR for the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project. The reasons taken into account by the District in performing the requisite balancing are as follows: 1. The project is necessary to provide adequate sewer service now and in the future. 2. In an analysis of the San Ramon Valley Sewer System, approximately 15,900 linear feet of existing trunk sewer line was identified as deficient based on existing wet weather flows. The report further determined that approximately 23,800 feet of sewer line would become deficient by 1990 given existing population trends. Finally, approximately 13,600 and 6,200 feet of existing sewer service line would become deficient during the periods of 1990-1995 and 1995-2000, respectively. 3. The project will result in certain segments of the existing trunk sewer line reaching capacity in 1987. Overflows could occur causing potential environmental degradation and potentially subjecting the District and ultimately the ratepayers to a fine of $10,000 per day by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. -45- 4. Recognizing the 50-year lifespan of the project and the high cost of construction, the District seeks to approve the most cost-effective alternative. 5. The project has been designed and sized to avoid future disruptions to key commercial and residential areas and to sensitive environmental areas for at least fifty years. Passed and adopted by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 28th day of October by the following vote: Ayes: Members: Noes: Members: Absent: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Countersigned: Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: James L. Hazard District Counsel -46- PROOF CJF PUBLIC. '. "ION This sp . - is for County Clerk's filing Stomp (2015.5 C.C.P.) STATE Of CALIfORNIA County of Contra Costa I om a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I om over the age of eighteen years, and not 0 party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. Proof of Publication of I am the Principal legal Clerk of the Contra Costa Times. Noti~ of Putlic Hearinq CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING The Board of DirectOfS of the Centra.' Contra Costa Sanitary Dis- trict WIll conduct a public hearing on the certifICation of the final En- vironmental Impact Report (EIR), and for the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Impl"O\lement Pro- ject at 7:30 p.m_ on Thursday October 16, 1986, at the Disttrict offices, S0191mhoff Place, Marti. nez, California. Interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and make comments. The final EIR for the project may be reviewed at the District Offices, 50 19 Imhoff Place, Martinez, Califomia. For information about the project or the public hearing, please contact Jackie Zayac at (415) 689.3890. DATED: October 2, 1986 Is! Joyce E. McMillan legal CCT 7166 Publish October 6, 14, 1986 A newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub- lished at 2640 Shadelands Drive in the City of Walnut Creek, County of Contra Costa, 94598 And which newspaper has been adjudged 0 newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the Coun- ty of Contra Costa, State of California, under the dote of October 22, 1934. Case Number 19764. The notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published in eoch regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: Oct _ 6. 14 011 in the year af 1986-. I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Walnut Creek, California. X On this~dayof October ,19-86 ~ . ;Q~ Signature Lesher Communications, Inc. Contra Costa Times P.O. Box 5088 Walnut Creek, Ca. 94596 (415) 935-2525 107166 ATTACHMENT A . . RESQUTION NO. 86-136 RESOlUTION OF INTENT TO APPROVE lliE SAN RAKlN VAlLEY lRUNK SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors have certified the Final EIR for the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project as being legally adequate; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors have provided direction to staff on selection of the project alternative and preparation of the findings of fact regarding the project; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict does hereby intend to approve the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project subject to the adoption of project findings on October 28, 1986. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 16th of October, 1986, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: N3 SENT: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Clausen, rk;~ulty, Carlson Members: None Members: None I .- / // .' ",/ / ( j.~~ti-~ President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: .. . i ,~ . 1 '-, 1..7. I c'' ,'- I J ..1;' ~ : ! i j '. . l,A.,..-...... ..... '-" . . '-'1\.,...-'-4... ...-\..;. ..... ~ecretary of the Central Contra Costa ~anitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California ATTACHMENT B PUBLIC -'\'ORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL Ti tie I 0 PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL Division 1002 Encroachments Chapter 1002-2 General Provisions Sections: 1002-2.002 Definitions. 1002-2.004 Right of lawful use. 1002-2.006 Exception-County officers. 1002-2.008 Act requiring permit. 1002-2.0 I 0 Nonacceptable permit applications. 1002-2.012 Emergency work authorization. 1002-2.014 Appeal to board of adjustment. 1002-2.016 Conditions for granting permit. 1002-2.018 Removal of encroachments. Chapter 1002-4 Permits Sections: 1002-4.002 Issuance. 1002-4.004 Application-Exhibits required. 1002-4.006 Application-Consent of public bodies. 1002-4.008 Special permit required to move certain objects. 1002-4.010 Term-Beginning of work or use. 1002-4.012 Term-Completion of work. 1002-4.014 Nontransferable. 1002-4.016 Display requirements. 1002-4.018 Encroachment or use change. 1002-4.020 Fees. Chapter 1002-6 Security Sections: 1002-6.002 Cash deposit. 1002-6.004 Bond in lieu of cash deposit. 1002-6.006 Annual bond. 1002-6.008 Additional bond or cash deposit. 1002-6.010 Condition of bond or cash deposit. 1002-6.012 Payable to county-Release. 1002-6.014 Certificate of insurance in lieu of cash deposit of bond. 1002-6.016 Certificate of liability insurance. Chapter 1002-8 Requiremen 15 Sections: 1002-8.002 Safeguards required. 1002-8.004 Start of work. 1002-8.006 Completion of work. 1002 -8.008 Drai nage. 1002-8.010 Interference with travel of public. 455 (Contra Costa County ).15-18) ATTACHMENT C PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL 1002-8.012 Restora tion of righ t-of-way. 1002-8.014 Relocation or removal of installations. 1002-8.0 I 6 Repair work supervision and inspection. 1002-8.018 Storage of ma terial. 1002-8.020 Pipes and conduits-Generally. 1002-8.022 Pipes and conduits-Minimum cover. 1002-8.024 Backfilling. 1002-8.0'L6 Poles and transmission line carriers. 1002-8.028 Aids to visibility. 1002-8.030 Movement of vehicles. 1002-8.032 Mailbox placement. 1002-8.034 Tree-Planting and maintenance. I 002-8.036 Tree-Trimming or removal. 1002-8.038 Hedge and fence-Permit required. 1002-8.040 Hedge and fence-Maintenance. 1002-8.042 Lawns. 1002-8.044 Marking of streets, curbs and sidewalks. 1002-8.046 Monuments. Division 1004 Franchises in County Roads (Reserved) Chapter 1004-2 Pipeline Franchises (Reserved) Division 1006 Road Dedications and Setbacks Chapter 1006-2 Road Dedication and Improvement Article 1006-2.2 Intent and Objectives Sections: I 006-2.202 Findin~s-General. 1006- 2.204 Findings-Cost. I006-~.206 Intention. 1006-2.208 Objectives. Article 1006-2.4 Requirements and Exceptions Sections: 1006-2.402 Requirements generally. 1006-2.404 Applicable zoning districts. 1006-2.406 Maximum dedication. 1006-2.408 Existing improvements iI' right-of-way. 1006-2.410 No building in dedicated area. 1006-2.4 12 Construction-Exceptions. Article 1006-2.6 Procedure Sections: 1006-2.602 Procedure-Generally. 1006-2.604 Procedure- Dedication assurance. 1006-2.606 Procedure-Improvement bond. 100b-2.608 Improvement default. 1006-2.610 Procedure-Bond term and completion. 1006-2.612 Procedure-Improvement assurance-Notice. 1006-2.614 Procedure-Building permit issuance. ((\IOlra Cmla County ).1 S.7tl) 456 --_._--~-"-.--_._- -----.---------..--.--------..------------ PUBLIC WORKS AND rLOOD CONTROL Article I 006- 2. 8 Fees Sections: 1006-2.802 Fees-None reqUIred. Article 1006-2.10 Road Standards Sections: I 006- 2. 1002 1006-2.1004 Article 1 006- 2. 1 2 Sections: 1006- 2.1 202 1006- 2.1204 I 006- 2. I 206 1006- 2. I 208 1006-2.1210 1006-2.1212 1006-2.1214 1006-2.1216 Article 1 006- 2. 14 Sections: 1006-2.1402 Appeal-Applicability. 1006-2.1404 Appeal-To commission. I 006-2.1406 Appeal-To board. 1006-2. I 408 Appeal-Modifications. Chapter 1006-4 Setback Requirements Article 1006-4.2 Policy Sections: 1006-4.202 Policy -Deciaration. Article 1006-4.4 Requirements Sections: 1006-4.402 1 006- 2. I 006 1006-2.1008 1006-2.1010 I 006- 2. I 0 I 2 1006-2.1014 1006-2.1016 1006- 2. I 0 I 8 I 006-4.404 1006-4.406 1006-4.408 Road standards-Improvements. Road standards-Principal thoroughfares-.Type A. Road standards-Principal thoroughfares-Type B. Road standards-General thoroughfares. Road standards-General arterials. Road standards-Industrial arterials. Road standards--Property line returns. Road standards-Improvement agreement. Road standards-Improvement placement and construction. Deviations and Special Requirements Devia tions. Road width review and findings. Road access. Notice to building pennit applicant. Acceptance of building permit. County participation. Director determines road alignment. Lots affected by road widening. Appeal Adopted section of streets and highways plan-Filing required. Effect of plan on building pennit issuance. Chapter administration. Building permit issuance after appeal-Conditions required. 457 PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL Article 1006-4.6 Exemptions Sei:tions: 1006-4.602 Exemptions-Eminent domain, declaratory relief, zoning. Exemptions-Preexisting structures. 1006-4.604 Division 1008 U till ties Chapter 1008-2 Underground Utility Districts Sei:tions: 1008- 2.002 1008- 2. 004 1008-2.006 1008-2.008 1008-2.0 I 0 1008-2.012 1008-2.014 1008-2.016 1008-2.018 Deftnitions. Public hearing by board-Notice. Designation by board resolution. Unlawful acts. Exception-Emergency . Exception-Certain facilities. Notices to affected persons. Responsibility of utility companies. Responsibility of property owners-Notice issuance. Responsibility of county. Time extension. Violation-Penalty . 1008-2.020 1008-2.022 1008-2.024 Division 1010 Drainage Oupter 1010-2 General Sections: 1010-2.002 Acts requiring permits. 1010-2.004 Violations-Notice-Abatement. 10 I 0-2.006 Emergency work authorization. 1010-2.008 Appeal to board of adjustment. J 0 I 0-2.010 Conditions required for pennit granting. 10 I 0-2.0 12 Administration. Chapter 1010-4 Permits Sections: 10 I 0-4.002 Issuance. 1010-4.004 Application - Form. 1010-4.006 Application-Exhibits. 1010-4.008 Consent of persons affected. 1010-4.010 Types designated. 1010-4.012 Term-Beginning of work. 1010-4.014 Term-Completion of work. 1010-4.016 Unsatisfactory work-Correction by county-Costs. 10 I 0-4.0 18 Changes in character of au thorned work. 1010-4.020 Transfer. 10 I 0-4.022 Fees. Chapter 10 I 0-6 Security Sections: 1010-6.002 Cash deposit or bond required. 458 PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL ( ~ Division 1012 County Service Area Service Charges Chapter 1012-2 General Provisions Article 1012-2.2 General Sections: 1012-2.202 1012-2.204 Article 1012-2.4 Sections: 1012-2.402 10 12-2.404 1012-2.406 1012-2.408 Article 1012-2.6 Sections: 1012-2.602 Tentative report. 1012-2.604 Contents. 101 2-~.606 Computation of service charge. 1012-2.608 Notice of hearing. 1012-2.610 He:lfing. 1011-1.612 Final report and levy. 1012-2.614 Collection of charge. 1012-2.616 Applicable laws. 1012-2.618 Deadlines do not invalidate. 01apter 1012-4 Street Lighting Service Olarge Imposeo Sections: 1012-4.002 1012-4.004 General. Use of revenue. Defini tions , General. County service area. Miscellaneous extended service. Service charge. Procedures :- Charge imposed -Operative date. Computation of street lighting service charge. ~ I 4 58-1 (CuntI) C"qa ('"lIntr 9-15.79) GENERAL PRO' 'ONS 1002-2.002-1002-2.004 Division 1002 ENCROACHMENTS Chapters: 1002-2 1002-4 1002-6 1002-8 General Provisions Permi ts Secu ri ty Requirements Chapter 1002-2 GENERAL PROVlSIONS* Sections: 1002-2.002 Defmitions. 1002-2.004 Right of lawful use. l002-2.006 Exception-County officers. 1002-2.008 Act requiring permit. 1002-2.010 Nonacceptable permit applications. 1002-2.012 Emergency work authorization. 1002-2.014 Appeal to board of adjustmen t. 1002-2.016 Conditions for granting permit. 1002-2.018 Removal of encroachments. 1002- 2.002 Definitions. As used in this title the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given in this section: (1) "Public highway" means the full width of the surfaced or traveled portion, including shoulders, of any road, street, path, lane, or alley dedicated to, reserved for, or used by or for the general public when those roads, streets, paths, lanes, and alleys have been accepted as and declared to be part of the county system of public highways, except highways fonning a part of the state highway system or of an incorporated city street system. (2) "Right-of-way" means all land or interest therein which by deed, conveyance, agreement, easement, dedication, usage, or process of law is reserved for or dedicated to the use of the general public for road or highway purposes. -For the statutory provisions regarding encroachments on county roads, see Str. &. H. C. ~ 1450 ff. For the authority to require and grant permits. see Sir. &. H. C. ~ 1460 ff. For the provisions regarding obstructions and injuries to county highways, see Str. &. H. C. ~ 1480 ff. (3) "Encroach" includes going on, over, or under, or using any right-of-way so as to prevent, obstruct, or interfere with the normal use of that way, including the performance of any of the following acts: (A) Excavating or disturbing the right-of-way; (B) Erecting or maintaining any post, sign, pole, fence, on, over, or under the right-of-way; (C) Planting any tree, shrub, grass, or other growing thing within the right-of-way; (D) Placing or leaving on th.e right-of-way any rubbish, brush, earth, or any material; (E) Constructing, placing, or mamtaining on, over, under, or within the right-of-way any pathway, sidewalk, driveway, or other surfacing, any culvert or other surface drainage or subsurface drainage facility; or any pipe, conduit, or cable; (F) Traveling on the right-of-way by any vehicle or combination of vehicles or object of dimension, weight, or other characteristic prohibited by law without a permit; (G) Lighting or building a fIre within the right-of-way; (In Constructing, placing, planting, or maintaining any structure, embankment, excavation, tree, or other object adjacent to the right-of-way which causes or will cause an encroachment. (5) "Director" means the director of public works, who is charged with the responsibility of road commissioner and surveyor. * (6) "Permittee" means any person, fIrm, company, corporation, association, public agency, or organization that proposes to do work or encroach on a right-of-way as defIned in this section and has been issued a permit for encroachment by the director. All obligations, responsibilities, and other requirements of the permittee as described in this title shall be . binding on subsequent owners of the encroachment. (Prior code ~ 7500: Ord. 1121: Ord. 1000). 1002-2.004 Right of lawful use. Any permit granted under this title shall not annul the right of the county or any person, firm, corporation, district, or association entitled to use that part of the public right-of-way for any purpose for which it may be lawfully used. and no part of the public highway shall be unduly obstructed at -For director of public works as statutory office, see Section 24-22.002, this code. 459 (Contra Costa County 3-25.'75) 1002-2.006-1002-2.018 PUB........: WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL any time. (Prior code ~ 750 I: Ord. 1000). 1002-2.006 Exception - County officers. Th.is title shall not apply to any officer or employee of this county in the discharge of his official duties. (Prior code ~ 7502: Ord. 1000). 1002-2.008 Act requiring permit. No person, firm, corporation, or association, without first obtaining a written permit, shan: ( I) Encroach or make any encroachmen t within, on, over, or under the limits of any righ t-of-way; (2) Make any alteration within, on, over, or under right-of-way; (3) Construct, put on, maintain, or leave on a right-of-way any obstruction or impediment; (4) Cut, or trim trees or set a fire on a righ t-of-way; (5) Place on, over or under a right-of-way any pipeline, conduit, or other fixture: (6) Move over the surface of any right-of-way or over any bridge, viaduct, or other structure maintained by this county any vehicle or combination of vehicles or other object of dimension or weight prohibited by law or having other characteristics capable of damaging the right-of-way; or (7) Place any structure, wall, culvert, or similiar encroachment, or make any excavation or embankment so as to endanger the normal usage of the right-of-way. (Prior code ~ 7503: Ord. 1000). 1002-2.010 Nonacceptable permit applications. No application will be accepted, nor any permit issued for constructing or maintaining a loading platform within or on the right-of-way; or for erecting, using or maintaining a post, pole, column, or structure for the support of advertising signs within or on the right-of-way; or for erecting, using, or maintaining advertising signs which overhang the right-of-way. Any such encroachment is illegal. (Ord. 1669: prior code ~ 7504: Ord. 1000). 1002-2.012 Emergency work authorization. Th.is title shall not prevent any person from performing emergency maintenance on any pipe or conduit lawfully on or under any righ t-of-way, or from making an emergency use or encroachment necessary to preserve life or property when an urgent necessity arises, except that the person making an emergency use or (Conta Costa County ).25.75) encroachment of a rig.ht-of-way shall apply for a written permit within ten calendar days, beginning with the first business day the county offices open. Any person requiring an emergency use or encroachment shall first notify the director's office. During the hours the county offices are closed, notice shall be given the sheriffs office. (Prior code S 7505: Ord. 1121: Ord. 1000). 1002-2.014 Appeal to board of adjustment. Any person aggrieved by the refusal of a permit required by this title may appeal to the board of adjustment. Administration of this title is referred to the board of adjustment under Chapter 26-2. (Prior code ~ 7506: Ord. 1000). 1002-2.016 Conditions for granting permit. If, in addition to the requirements of Chapter 26- 2, the board of adjustment finds all of the following to be true, the permit shall be granted: (1) 111at the applicant will be substantially damaged by the refusal to grant the permit as requested; (2) That no other reasonable method of obtaining the desired results is available except as proposed by applicant; (3) That the granting of the permit will not be materially detrimental to the public interest, safety, health, and welfare or injurious to other property. (Prior code S 7507: Ord. 1000). 1002-2.018 Removal of encroachments. (a) Removal. The dir>:ctor m::!y immediately remove an encroachment \vhi.~h is an advertising sign or device of any description, except a notice posted as provided by law or court order. (b) Disposition. He may sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of such an encroachment if it is unclaimed for ten days after its removal. (c) Claims. Any person signing a verified claim of ownership may claim such an encroachment from the director for ten days after its removal, by paying 3n amount sufficient to reimburse the county for the costs of removal as established by board resolution. (Ord. 74-74: S.&H. C. S 1480.5). 460 .. -~---------~~-~-_._-----~-_.__.--..._"------".",-"-,-,,,.~._._,_.,-,--",-.-".--~_.,.,..~.."..,_........".~.,".,,' '~'-"-'"._"-"'"----"--"'-"--'~ Chapter 1002-4 PERMITS. Sections: 1002-4.002 Issuance. 1002-4.004 Application-Exhibits req uired. 1002-4.006 Application-Consent of public bodies. 1002-4.008 Special permit required to move certain objects. 1002-4.010 Term- Beginning of work or use. 1002-4.012 Term-Completion of work. 1002-4.014 Nontransferable. 1002-4.016 Display requirements. 1002-4.018 Encroachment or use change. 1002-4.020 Fees. "'- 1002-4.002 Issuance. The written permits required by this title shall be issued by the director for any lawful use, subject to conditions set forth in this title and required by law. The director shall prescribe and provide a regular form of application for a permit required by this title. The application form shall contain space for the applicant's name and address and the contractor's name, license number, and primary place of business, if the applicant proposes to employ a contractor, together with the detail that in the judgment of the director is necessary to establish the purpose and use, location, dimension, and estimated dates of commencement and completion of the encroachment. The application form shall be completed and signed by the applicant and filed with the director. (prior code S 7520: Ord. 1000) . 1002-4.004 Application Exhibits required. The applicant shall enclose with, attach or add to the application for a permit, a map, plat, sketch, diagram, or similar exhibit, when required by the director, of a size and in the quantity that he may prescribe, on which shall be plainly shown all information necessary to locate, delineate, illustrate, or identify the proposed use or encroachment and the right and necessity of the applicant to cause such en croachmen t. If necessary, changes, -For the statutory provisions regarding the authority of the county to require permits for encroachment to county roads. see Str. & H. C. ~ 1460 ff. RMITS 1002-4.002-1002-4.010 corrections, and notes will be made on the map, plat, sketch, diagram, or similar exhibit and these items will become an integral part of the permit. (Prior code S 7521: Ord. 1000). 1002-4.006 Application Consen t of public bodies. The applicant shall also enclose with, attach to, or add to the application copies of the written order or consent to any work under the permit, required by law, of the Public Utilities Commission, sanitary districts, water districts, or any other public body having jurisdiction. A permit shall not be issued until the order or consent, if required, is first obtained and evidence of it filed with the director. The permittee shall keep himself adequately informed of all state and federal laws and local ordinances and regulations which affect the permit. The applicant at all times shall comply with and shall cause all his agents and employees to comply with all such laws, ordinances, regulations, decisions, and court and similar authoritative orders, and shall protect and indemnify the county and all of its officers, agents, and employees against any claims or liability proximately caused by the violations of such law, ordinance, regulation, or order issued under police power and in accordance wi th law, whether by himself or his agents or employees. (prior code S 7522: Ord. 1000). 1002-4.008 Special permit required to move certain objects. Before a velucle or combination of vehicles or objects of weight, dimension, or characteristic prohibited by law without a permit, is moved on a public right-of-way, a permit shall first be granted by the director as set forth in specifications adopted by resolution of the board of supervisors. (Prior code S 7523: Ord. 1000). 1002-4.010 Term - Beginning of work or use. The permittee shall begin the work or use authorized by a permit issued under this title within ninety days from date of issuance, unless a different period is stated in the permit. If the work or use is not begun within ninety days, or within the time SLated in the permit, then the permit shall become void, unless before its expiration the time for beginning has been extended in writing by the directnr. A permit for temporary encroachments, as determined by the director, for continuing a use or maintaining a temporary encroachment previously 461 (Contra Costa County 3-15.78) 1002-4.012-1002-6.002 LlC WORKS AND FLOOD CONT~ authorized, shall be valid for a term of one year from date of issuance, unless the permit specifics othenvise, or unless sooner terminated by discontinuance of the use, removal of the encroachment, or termination of the permit by written order of the director mailed thirty days before the date of termination. (Prior code S 7524: Ord. 1000). 1002-4.012 Term - Completion of work. The permittee shall complete the work or use authorized by a permit within the time specified in the permit. If at any time the director finds that delay in beginning, prosecuting, or completing the work or use is due to lack of diligence by the permittee, he may cancel the permit and restore the right-of-way to its former condition. The permittee shall reimburse the county for all expenses incurred by the director in restoring the right-of-way, plus fifteen percent as administrative costs. (prior code ~ 7525: Ord. 1000). 1002-4.014 Nontransferable. No permit issued under this title is transferable. The person, public agency, firm, or corporation actually making or maintaining the encroachment shall obtain the permit and furnish the bond. (prior code ~ 7526: Ord. 1000). 1002-4.016 Display requiremen ts. The permittee shall keep any permit issued under this title at the site of work, or in the cab of a vehicie when its movement on a public highway is involved, and the permit must be shown to any authorized representative of the director or law enforcement officer on demand. A permit issued for continuing use or maintenance of an encroachment may be kept at the place of business of the permittee or otherwise safeguarded during the term of validity but shall be made available to an :luthorized representative of the director or law enforcement officer within a reasonable time after demand. (Prior code ~ 7527: Ord. 1000). 1002-4.018 Encroachment or use change. No changes shall be made in the location, dimensions, character, or duration of the encroachment or use granted by the permit except on written authorization by the director, but no permit shall be required for the continuing use or maintenance of (Contra Costa County ).t 5.78) encroachments installed by public utilities or for changes to them where the changes or additions require no excavation of the right-of-way. (Prior code S 7528: Ord. 1000). 1002-4.020 Fees. The schedule of fees will be those recommended by the director and established and adopted by the board of supervisors from time to time by resolution. Before a permit is issued the applicant shall deposit with the director for payment to the treasurer of the county cash or check in a sufficient sum to cover the fee for issuance of the permit, charges for field investigation, and the fee for necessary inspection, all in accordance with schedules established and adopted by the board of supervisors. Public utilities and political subdivisions, at the director's option, may make payment for the above chat\ges as billed by the county instead of advance deposit as required above. (Prior code S 7529: Ord. 1000). Chapter 1002-6 SECURITY* Sections: 1002-6.002 Cash deposit. 1002-6.004 Bond in lieu of cash deposit. 1002-6.006 Annual bond. 1002-6.008 Additional bond or cash deposit. 1002-6.010 Condition of bond or cash deposit. 1002-6.012 Payable to county-Release. 1002-6.014 Certificate of insurance in lieu of cash deposit or bond. 1002-6.016 Certificate of liability insurance. 1002-6.002 Cash deposit. Unless this section is waived in the permit and before a permit is effective, an applicant shall deposit with the director or an agent authorized by resolution of the board of supervisors cash or a certified or cashier's check in a sum to be fixed by the director as sufficient to reimburse the county for costs of restoring the right-of-way to .For the statutory provisions authorizing the county to require a bond in such amount as deemed sufficient, see SUo &. H. C. 0 1467. ( ., 46~ its former condition, based on the schedules. if any, adopted by resolution of the board of supervisors; but an applicant may file a cash deposit on an annual basis in a sum estimated by the director as sufficient to cover his activities during any twelve-month period. (Prior code S 7540: Ord. 1000). 1002-6.004 Bond in lieu of cash deposit. Instead of the cash deposit prescribed by Section 1002-6.002, the applicant on approval by the director may file a cash deposit in the minimum sum established by the schedules, if any, adopted for that purpose by the board of supervisors and in effect at the time of application for a permit. The balance of the sum fixed by the director as sufficient to reimburse the county for expenses incurred in restoring the right-of-way to its former condition may be filed in the form of an approved surety bond issued by a company authorized to do a general surety business in the state. (Prior code S 7541: Ord. 1000). 1002-6.006 Annual bond. Instead of a cash deposit, the applicant, on approval by the director, may annually file with the director an approved surety bond issued by a company authorized to do a general surety business in the state, in a sum fixed by the director as sufficient to reimburse the county for expense:; to be incurred in restoring the right-of-way to its former condition, subject to the schedules. if any, adopted by resolution of the board of supervisors. (prior code S 7542: Ord. 1000). 1002-6.008 Additional bond or cash deposit. The director may require an additional bond or cash deposit at any time that evidence indicates that the amount of the bond or cash deposit previously made is insufficient to cover the cost of restoring the right-of-way to its former condition, subject to the schedules, if any, adopted by resolution of the board of supervisors. (Prior code S 7543: Ord. 1000). 1002-6.010 Condition of bond or cash deposit. The condition of any bond or cash deposit made under this title shall be that the permittee comply diligently and in good faith with this title and the terms and conditions of the permit. (Prior code S 7544: Ord.lOOO). 1002-6.012 Payable to county - Release. REQUIRE~ENTS 1002 -6.004-1002-6.016 Any bond or cash deposit required by the director under this title shall be payable to the coun ty and shall be filed with the director, who shall release it ninety days after satisfactory completion of all work authorized in the permit and fulfillment of all conditions of the permit. (Ord. 75-51). 1002-6.014 Certificate of insurance in lieu of cash deposit or bond. The public works director may waive the provisions of this chapter relating to cash deposit or surety bond for permits required under Section 1002-4.008, except where permits are also required under Chapters 714-2 through 714-6, upon satisfactory proof by certificate of insurance that the permittee is adequately insured to assure reimbursement to the county for repair of any damage caused to county property. (Ord. 1697: prior code S 7546). 1002-6.016 Certificate of liability insurance. In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, the director may require satisfactory proof by certificate of insurance that the permittee has in force a valid public liability insurance policy which includes the county, its officers, employees and agents as additional insureds. When so required, the insurance coverage shall be in an amount the director deems sufficient to adequately protect the additional insureds from liability for damages to person(s) or property(s) arising from the activities related to the permit. (Ord. 77-103). Chapter 1002-8 REQUIREMENTS &::tions: 1002-8.002 Safeguards required. 1002-8.004 Start of work. 1002-8.006 Completion of work. 1002 -8.008 Drainage. 1002-8.010 Interference with travel of public. 1002-8.012 Restoration of right-of-way. 1002 -8.014 Relocation or removal of installations. 1002-8.016 Repair work supervision and inspection. 1002-8.018 Storage of material. 463 (Contra Costa County 3-1 So, 1002-8.002-1002-8.010 PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL 1002-8.020 Pipes and conduits- Generally. 1002-8.022 Pipes and conduits-Minimum cover. 1002-8.024 Backfilling. 1002-8.026 Poles and transmission line carners. 1002-8.028 Aids to visibility. 1002-8.030 Movemen t of vehicles. 1002-8.032 Mailbox placement. 1002-8.034 Tree-Planting and maintenance. 1002-8.036 Tree-Trimming and removal. 1002-8.038 Hedge and fence-Permit req uired. 1002-8.040 Hedge and fence-Maintenance. 1002-8.042 Lawns. 1002-8.044 Marking of streets, curbs and sidewalks. 1002-8.046 Monuments. 1002-8.002 Safeguards required. The permittee, in the conduct of the work, use, or maintenance of an encroachment authorized by a permit issued under this title, shall provide, erect, or maintain the lights, barriers, warning signs, patrols, watchmen, and other safeguards necessary to protect the traveling public. Any omission on the part of the director to specify in the permit what lights, baniers, or other protecti ve measures or devices shall be provid ed, erected, or maintained by the permittee, or the fact that the director may not specify sufficient lights, barriers, or other protective measures or devices, shall not excuse the permittee from complying with all requirements of law and appropriate regulations and ordinances for adequately protecting the safety of the traveling public. If at any time the director finds that suitable safeguards are not being provided, the county may provide, erect, maintain, relocate, or remove the safeguards deemed necessary or may cancel the permit and restore the right-of-way to its former condition, all at the expense of the permittee. A permittee making any excavation or leaving any obstruction within, under, or on the right-of-way, or causing the same to be made, erected, or left, shall place and maintain lights at each end of thp. excavation or obstruction, at not more than fifty-foot intervals along the excavation or obstruction, from one-half hour before sunset of each day to one-half hour after sunrise of the next day, until the excavation is entirely refilled or the obstruction removed and (Conlra Costa County 3-15-78) the right-of-way made safe for use. In addition reflectorized warning signs conforming to th~ requirements of the California Division of Highways shall be placed two hundred and four hundred feet from each excavation or obstruction, in a position adequately to warn public traffic. The warning signs, lights, and other safety devices shall conform to the requirements of Section :2 1406 of the Vehicle Code of the state and of any sign manual issued by the Department of Public Works of the state. (Prior code S 7560: Ord. 1121: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.004 Start of work. Unless otherwise exempt in the permit, the permittee shall notify the director of the time of beginning work before beginning any work which includes: (1) Excavation; or (2) Construction of concrete sidewalks, curbs, gutters, or driveway approaches; or (3) Planting, trimming, or removing trees; or (4) Making, placing, or causing an obstruction in the right~f-way. (Prior code S 7561: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.006 Completion of work. Unless this section is waived in the permit, the permittee shall notify the director of the completion of all work. No work shall be deemed completed until notice of completion is gi ven under this section. (prior code S 7562: Ord.lOOO). 1002-8.008 Drainage_ If the work, use, or encroachment authorized in a permit issued under this title interferes with the established drainage, the permittee shall provide for proper drainage as approved by the director and shall comply with the requirements of Division 1010. (Prior code @ 7563: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.0 I 0 Interference with travel of public. All work or use shall be planned and executed to cause least interference with the safe and convenient travel of the general public at the place where the work or use is authorized. At no time shall a public highway be closed or its use denied to the general public without the written permission of the director, nor shall use of private property be interfered with unreasonably without the consent of the owner. (Prior code ~ 7564: Ord. 1000). 464 ___."_..,_.,_._.."___._~,~.."~_.._,_.__..<__..~__".____..~.,.h_'____""""_~_"_'_'>__'+__~"___'____~_"____.,._..~.._.~_~._~_.,__._.~__~._______" '._---"'4'---- 1002-8.012 Restoration of right-of-way. On completion of the work, acts, or things for which a maintenance or encroaclunent permit was issued, or when required by the director, the permittee shall replace, repair, or restore the right-of-way as provided in this title and adopted specifications, or as directed by the director within the limits of the specification. The permittee shall remove all obstructions, impediments, material, or rubbish caused or placed on the right-of-way and shall do any other work or perform any act necessary to restore the right-of-way to a safe and usable condition, as directed by the director. After completion of all work, the permittee shall exercise reasonable care in inspecting and maintaining the area affected by the encroachment. On notice from the director the permittee shall immediately repair any injury, damage, or nuisance in any portion of the right-of-way resulting from the work done under the permit. If the permittee fails to act promptly or if the exigencies of the injury or damage require repairs or replacement to be made before the permittee can be notified or can respond to notice, the county at its option may make the necessary repairs or replacements or perform the necessary work and the permi ttee shall be charged the actual costs of labor and materials, plus fifteen percent as administrative costs. By acceptance of the permit, the permittee agrees to comply with this section. (Prior code ~ 7565: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.014 Relocation or removal of REQUIR 464-1 ~NTS :- 1002-8.012-1002-8.014 (Contra Costa County ).15.78) installations. If any future construction, reconstruction, or maintenance work on a public right-of-way requires the relocation or removal of installations or encroachments in, on or under the public right-of-way, the permittee owning, controlling, or maintaining the installations or encroachments shall relocate or remove them at . his sole expense; but this provision shall remain in effect only so long as the right-of-way on which the installations or structures are located is used for usual highway purposes and not as a freeway, and this provision shall cease to apply when the highway becomes a freeway. When removal or relocation is required, the director shall give the permittee a written demand specifying the place of relocation, or that the installations or encroaclunent must be removed from the right-of-way, and specifying in the demand a reasonable time within which the encroachment must be removed or relocated. If the permittee fails to comply with instructions. the county may cause the removal or relocation of the encroachment at the expense of the permittee. (Prior code ~ 7566: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.016 Repair work supervision and inspection. All encroachment repair work done under a permit issued under this title shall conform to specifications established by the director or, in the absence of established specifications, to recognized standards of construction and approved practices in connection with such work. All encroachment repair work s..~all be done subject to approval of the director. Unless otherwise noted on the permit all encroachment repair work performed on any public highway or right-of-way under the jurisdiction of the county shall conform to the construction specifications contained in the current edition of the Standard Specifications of the state of California, issued by the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, as may be amended by special provisions adopted by the board of supervisors. (Prior code ~ 7567: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.018 Storage of material. No material shall be stored within five feet of a public highway. Excess earth materials from trenching or other operations shall be removed from the pavement, traveled way, or shoulder as the trench is backfilled or other work carried forward unless otherwise approved by the REQUIREMENTS 1002-8.016-1002-8.026 Jirct.:tor. (Pnor code 9 7568: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.020 Pipes and conduits - Generally. Utility, service, and other small diameter pipes or rigid conduits shall be jacked. bored, or driven, or otherwise forced underneath a paved surface. The paved surface of a road shall not be cut, trenched, or otherwise disturbed unless specifically authorized in the permit. No tunneling will be permitted except as specifically set forth in the permit. (Prior code ~ 7569: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.022 Pipes and conduits - Minimum cover. The minimum cover over all pipes or conduits larger than two and one-half inches installed within the right-of-way shall be three feet of earth or imported material, unless otherwise specified in the permit. Within the public highway, the minimum cover of three feet shall be measured from the surface, existing or planned. The director is authorized to permit installation of pipes or conduits where three feet of cover cannot be provided because of topography, structures, or other engineering necessity. (Prior code ~ 7570: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.024 Backfilling. Backf1lling and compaction of an excavation shall accord with specification established by the director and adopted by resolution of the board 0f supervisors, both as to material and method. (Prior code ~ 7571: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.026 Poles and transmission line carriers. Oearances and types in the construction of poles and transmission line carriers shan a~cord with rules, regulations. and orders of the Public Utility Commission and other public agencies having jurisdiction. No guy wires shall be attached to trees without specific authorization in the permit. and in no event shall guy wires be attached to girdle the tree or interfere with its growth. Guy wires shall not be below the minimum elevation above the ground prescribed in the rules, orders, and regulations of the Public Utilities Commission. The permittee shall remove and keep clear all vegetation on the right-of-way within a radius of at least five feet of poles when ordered by the director. When a pole, guy, stub, or similar timber is removed and not replaced. the entire length shall be removed from the ground and the hole 465 1002-"'.021.<- t 00:-8.036 PUBLIC WORKS. AND FLOOD CONTROL backfilled ,Jno I.:ompacted. (Prior code ~ 7572: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.028 Aids to visibility. When the location or position of a pole or other obstruction makes accentuation of its visibility to vehicular traffic necessary, the director may require that the pole or other obstruction be painted or equipped with reflectors or other aids to visibility prescribed or authorized by the Public Utilities Commission or the Department of Public Works of the state of California, at the expense of the pennittee. (Prior code ~ 7573: Ord. 1000). I 002-8.030 ~'Iovement of vehicles. (a) When authorized, by a pennit issued under Section 1002-4.008. to move a vehicle or combination of vehicles or load of dimension, weight, or other characteristic generally prohibited by law. the permittee, unless exempt by SJ'(:cial permit, shall comply with the general law regulating travel over a road or highway, including: (I \ Posted signs or notices which limit speed or di.-ection of travel; (2) Weight which may be placed on a structure; (3) The width or height that may be moved; or (4) Other restrictions or control of travel on a road or highway. (b) The pcnnittee at all times shall conform to and abide by the practice and piOcedure necessary to make safe and convenient the travel of the general public and to keep safe and preserve the road or highway over and on which movemen t is being made. Any violation of this section shall automatically cancel the permit issued to the permittee. (Prior code ~ 7574: Ord. 11 ~ I . Ord. 1000). l002-8.0JZ Mail box placement. All mail boxes shall be placed in accordance ",ith tI,e rules and regulations of the United States Post Office Department. but no box shall be so placed ",ithin the road right-of-way as to endanger the life or safety of the traveling public. A permit is not required for the placing of mail boxes. (Prior code ~ 7575: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.034 Tree Planting and maintenance. ApplicJtions for permits to plant trees in thl.: right-of-way shall be made on a form prescribed by the director. The form shall include, in addition to the other requirements, an agreement by the applicant to maintain the trees in a neat, healthy, and safe condition to the satisfaction of the director, and an agreement to remove the trees as directed by the director and to pay the cost of remo.val on the permittee's failure promptly to remove the trees on direction of the director. The application shall show the exact location and kind of trees to be planted, and no change shall be made either in the location or kind of trees without the written approval of the director. All trees placed in the right-of-way shall be maintained by the permittee or his successor in interest or by some other interested p~' in a neat, healthy, and safe condition to the satisfaction of the director and at no expense to the county. If the encroachment is not located or maintained as specified in this section, the director may direct the permittee to remove the encroachment and restore the right-of-way to its former condition at the expense of the permittee. If the permittee fails promptly to remove the encroachment as directed, the director shall have the right to remove it and collect the cost of Iemoval from the permittee, together with all of the county's costs and expenses in enforcing collection. The director shall refuse to issue a permit authorizing the planting of trees in the right-of-way when ill his judgment the location as described in the application or the nature of the growth above or below ground of the kind of tree proposed will impede or inconvenience public travel, unduly disturb the right-of-way. interfere with the construction or maintenance of necessary facilities. or interfere with existing pipe lines, utility installations, or other facilities lawfully placed within the right-of-way. (Prior code ~ 7576: Ord. 1121). 1002-8.036 Tree - Trimming or removal. Trimming of trees will be permitted only when and in the manner authorized by a permit issued under this title so that the shapeliness of the tree may be preserved. All application for removal of a tree will be approved and permit issued only when a necessity for removal exists. When a tree is removed under authority of a permit, the entire stump shall be taken out for a distance of at least two feet below the ground surface unless otherwise specified in the permit, and the hole shall be backfilled and tamped. All debris from 466 PIP-tUNE. F~ANCHlSES 1002-H.038 t 002"-8:046 trimming or removal shall be removed from the site and the nght-<>f-way restored to its former condition. (Prior code ~ 7577: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.038 Hedge and fence - Permit required. No hedge, shrub, or other planting whatever, or fence or similar structure, except as provided in Section 1002-8.042, shall be planted, erected, or maintained in a right-of-way without a pennit. No hedge, shrub, or other planting whatever or fence or similar structure shall be main tained across any existing walkway in a sidewalk area or shoulder. "The intent of this restriction is to keep a walkway free for pedestrian or other lawful public travel without interference by or with vehicular travel. No encroachment will be permitted or maintained which impedes. obstructs, or denies pedestrian or other lawful travel within the limits of the right-of-way of a public highway or impairs adequate sight distance for safe pedestrian or vehicular traffic. (Prior code ~ 7578: Ord. 1000). 1002-8.040 Hedge and fence Maintenance. The pennittee or property owner shall maintain the hedges, shrubs, or other planting, or fence or similar structure, used for landscaping purposes in a nea t and orderly condition at all times. If the encroachment is not maintained as specified in this section, or is located in violation of Section 1002-8.038, the director may direct the permittee or property owner to remove the encroachment and restore the right-of-way to its former condition at the expense of the permittee or property owner. (Prior code 97579: Ord. 1000). '002-8.042 Lawns. Other provisions of this title notwithstanding, it is lawful for a person, fInn, or corporation or other body of persons to plant and maintain a lawn or similar ground cover of any grass or type not otherwise prohibited by law within the right-of-way without a written pennit. However, the lawn or similar ground cover shall not extend into the traveled way nor into the drainage ditches, gutter, or other drainage facilities. The general public shall not be denied the use of a planted area for pedestrian travel or other lawful use. The county may use the planted area for any purpose and may issue a permit to any applicant to go on the planted area to perform work or otherwise encroach under this title. If the lawn or Similar ground cover IS damaged or distrubed 10 the course of an authOrIzed encroachment. the permittee will be held responsible for the replacement unless the permit specifically states otherwise. (Prior code 9 7580: Ord. I 12\ : Ord. 1000). 1002-8.044 Marking of streets, curbs and sidewalks. No person, without first obtaining a permit, shall solicit on a commercial or donation basis to place or maintain any number, figure. letter, carving, drawing, design, or other marking on any street, sidewalk, or curb. Temporary markings to identify surveyor construction locations shall not be subject to this section. (Prior code 9 7581: Oid. 1000). 1 002.~.046 Monuments. Any monument or granite. concrete, iron. or other lasting material set for the purpose of locating or preserving the lines or elevation of any public highway or right-of-way, property subdivision, or a precise survey point or reference point shall not be removed or disturbed without fIrst obtaining permission from the director. Permission shall be granted in conformance with requirements set forth in specifications adopted by resolution of the board of supervisors. Replacement of removed or disturbed monuments shall be at the expense of the permittee. (Prior code 9 7582: Ord. 1000). Division 1004 FRANCHISES IN COUNTY ROADS (Reserved for future legislationl Chapters: 1004-2 Pipeline Franchises Chapter 1004-2 PIPELINE FRANCHISES (Reserved for fu ture legisla tion l 467 1006- 2.202 PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL Division 1006 ROAD DEDICATIONS AND. SETBACKS. Olapters: 1006-2 Road DedIcation and Improvement 1006-4 Setback Requirements Olapter 1006-2 ROAD DEDICATION AND lMPROVEMENT Article 1006-2.2 Intent and Objectives Sections: 1006- 2.202 Findings -General 1006- 2.204 Findings-Cost. 1006-2.206 Intention. 1006- 2.208 Objectives. Article 1006-2.4 Requirements and Exceptions Secdons: 1006-2.402 Requirements generally. 1006-2.404 Applicable zoning districts. 1006-2.406 Maximum dedication. 1006-2.408 Existing improvements in right-of-way. 1006-2.410 No building in dedicated area. 1006-2.412 Construction-Exceptions. Article 1006-2.6 Procedure Sections: 1006-2.602 Procedure-Generally. 1006-2.604 Procedure-Dedication assurance. 1006-2.606 Pro\:edure-Improvement bond. 1006- 2.608 Improvement default. 1006-2.610 Procedure-Bond term and completion. 1006-2.612 Procedure-Improvement assurance-Notice. 1006-2.614 Procedure-Building permit issuance. Article 1006- 2. 8 Fees Sections: 1006-2.802 Fees-None required. -For the SUtulOry prOVISions rquding irrevocable otTen to dedicate land for public PUlpOR" ICe Gov. C. f 1050. For buildinc permit proviSions. see Chapter 1~. this code. Article 1006-2.10 Section.: 1006-2.1002 1006-2.1004 Road Standards Road standards-Improvemen ts. Road standards-Principal thoroughfares- Type A- 1006- 2.1006 Road standards-Principal thorough fares- TYpe B. 1006- 2.1 008 Road standards-General thoroughfares. 1006- 2. 1 010 Road standards-General arterials. 1006- 2.101 2 Road standards-Industrial arterials. 1006-2.1014 Road standards-Property line returns. 1006-2.1016 Road standards-Improvement agreemen t. 1006-2.1018 Road standards-Improvement placement and construction. Article 1006-2.12 Deviadons and Special RequirementD Sections: 1006-2.1202 1006-2.1204 1006-2.1206 1006- 2.1 208 1006-2.1210 1 006-2.1 21 2 I 006-2. 1 214 1 006-2. 1 2 16 Article 1006-2.14 Sections: 1006-2.1402 1006-2.1404 1006- 2. 1406 I 006-2. 1408 Deviations. Road width review and findings. Road access. Notice to building pennit applicant. Acceptance of building permi t. County participation. Director determines road alignmen t. Lots affected by road widening. Appeal Appeal-Applicability . Appeal- To commission. Appeal- To board. Appeal-Modifications. Article 1006-2.2 Intent and Objectives 1006-2.202 Findings - General. In enacting this chapter the board of supervisors fmds that the county has experienced explosive increases in population and motor vehicle operation, and extensive changes from the fonner predominently agricultural uses to land development for high-activity purp<>ges other than agricultural with attendant building construction, which factors directly result in 468 ROAD DEDICATION AND IMPROVEMENT rapIdly rendering the present Internal road system inadequate In width and development to provide minimum acceptable sel"lIce capacity to the lands being developed, which inadequacy is growing at an increasing rate. TIle indirect result of these factors of change and growth is to increasingly tend to deny to the public the use of roads of minimum standards for safe and convenien t vehicular and pedestrian access and travel between many points inSIde and outside the county. (Ord. 71-20 S I (part), 1971). 1006-2.204 Findings - Cost. This board further finds that the total cost of correcting county road system deficiencies substantially exceeds the total funds available to the county for this purpose, ::.nd that unless measures are taken to provide for ~h~ orderly and systematic increase in width, capacity and improve~~nt of the county roads when and as the develop:nent of land as aforesa:ti :akes place, the citizens of this county will early suffer a condition of blight with pernicious effect upon the economic welfare, public convenience and general prosperity of the county. (Ord. 71-20 S 1 (part), 1971 ). 1006-2.206 Intention. Therefore, the provisions of this chapt~r are intended to C:et!:1e the requirements ana procedures fo. the dedication of right-of-way and the improvement of those roads shown on the county major roads plan, a portion of the circulation element of the general plan of Contra Costa County, (approved by the board and in the public works department) in COi1nection with the issuance 0f building permits 0:- I::.nd use permits in certain land use districts in order to accomplish the objectives set forth in Section 1006-2.208. (Ord. 71-20 S 1 (part), 1971). 1006-2.208 Objectives. The objects of these provisions are: (I) To insure conformity to the Subdivision Map Act and to Title 9, and to extend the application of the basic requirements thereof to land development in which no subdivision is involved; (2) To spread the costs of required public improvements upon the abutting properties as contemplated by law: (3) To cause the installation of those improvements necessary to properly serve the property developed. at the time of its 1006-2.204-1006-2.406 development. so that the benefited rmperty may enjoy the use of such Improvclllt'llb throughout the normal life thereof. and so that such improvements are not indefinitely deferred to the detriment of the public interest. safety and welfare; (4) To protect the public's vested Interest III the pre-existing capacity of this county's streets and highways. and to provide a policy for public participation in the widening and improvement of streets and highways when necessita tcd by development of abutting property; (5) To prevent the dissipation or Ilnprorer use of the county's general operating Jnd maintenance funds in providing these improvements or in maintaining faulty or substandard installations; and (6) To protect the public health. sJ.fety. living standards and common welfare of the general public. (Ord. 71-20 S I (part), 1971). Article 1006-2.4 Requirements and Exceptions 1006-2.402 Requirements generally. No building or structure shall be erectcd or enlarged, and no building permit shall bc issued therefor. on any lot in any district se~ forth In Section 1006-2.404 or on any lot where J variance or land use permit is conditioned on compliance with this chapter, if such lot ahuts J principal thoroughfare or arterial as shown on "The County Major Roads Plan," unless the one-half of the planned road which is located on the same side of the road's center (as shown Oil the plan) as such lot has been dedicated and improved for the full frontage width of the lot, or such dedication and improvement has been assured. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006-2.404 Applicable zoning districts. 'This chapter shall be applicable to the following zoning districts: F-R, F-I, \1-1, M-2, M-3, M-4, T-I. P-I. 1"1-8. planned N-B. R-B, special R-B, G-l, C, 0-1, A-G, C-M, W-3, L-I and H-l. (Ord. 72-44 S 2, I (J72 Ord. 71-20 S 1 (part), 1971). 1006-2.406 :\laximum dedication. (a) The maximum area of land required to be dedicated in accordance with this chapter shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the area of any such Int which was of record in the county re:::ordcf'c office. as of April I, 1971. 469 1006-1.408.. 1006-2.610 PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL (b) Unl~ss a vanance IS granted, no dedication ~hall be required by this chapter which reduces the lot below: ( I) The minimum for the zoning district involved or for Section 82-10.004: or (2) A width of fifty feet; or (3) An area of five thousand square feet. (c) No dedication shall be required of any land under a building (as derIDed in Section 82-4.210) which existed on April I. 1971. (Ord. n-20 ~ I (part), 1971). I 006- 2. 408 Existing improvemen t3 In right-of-way. No additional improvements shall be required on a lot where complete roadway, curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements exist within the present road right-of-way contiguous thereto: bu t addi tional right-of-way may be required to be dedicated to conform to future road widths. (Ord. 71-20 s I (part), 1971). 1006-2.410 No building in dedicated area. After March 31, 1971. no person shall erect any building or structure within the area(s) required to be dedicated by this chapter. (Ord. 71- 20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006-2.412 Construction Exceptions. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the following construction: (I) One single family dwelling (with customary accessory buildings) when erected on a vacant lot. (2) Additions, and accessory buildings incidental. to a residential building legally existing on J lot. if no additional dwelling units are created; or (3) Addi tiolls. and accessory buildings incidental. to J nonresidential building existing on April I. 11)71. if their total cumulative floor area is n'J! o"'~r two hundred square feet. (Ord. 71- 20 ~ I (parr). I 971 ). Article 1006-2.6 Procedure 1006-2.601 Proce'dure - Generally. Any person req llired to dedicate land by the provisions of this chapter shall deliver an offer to dedkate. properly executed by aU parties owning an interest. inCluding beneficiaries and trustees in deeds of trust. as shown by a current title report, furnished by the applicant, and acceptable to the public works department. The offer shall: ( I) Be on a fonn approved by the county counsel and the public works director; (2) Be in such terms as to be binding on the owner, his heirs, assigns or successors in interest; and (3) Continue until the board of supervisors accepts or reject it. The applicant Shall rue the offer with the public works department, which (if it finds it to be in order) shall present it to the board. Within twenty days, the board shall accept or reject the offer for recordation. If it is accepted, its clerk shall notify the building inspection department and promptly record the offer with the county recorder. (Ord. 71- 20 ~ I (part),1971). 1006-2.604 Procedure Dedication assurance. Dedication(s) hereunder shall be considered as satisfactorily assured when the board accepts for recordation the offer to dedicate. (Ord. 71-20 S I (part), 1971). 1006-2.606 Procedure Improvement bond. Any person required by this chapter to make improvements sha.ll rue with the public works director a bO'1d in such an amount as the director determines to be necessarf to complete all of the improvments required. Such bond may be either a cash bond. or a bond executed by the lot owner as principal and a company authorized to act as a surety in this state. The bond shaH be payable to the county and be conditioned upon the faithful performance of all required work; :Jnd :t shall provide that if such work is not completed within the time specified, the county may have it completed. and the parties executing the bond shall be firmly bound under a continuing obligation for the payment of all necessary costs and expenses incurred in the construction thereof. (Ord. 71-20 9 I (part), 1971 ). 1006-2.608 Improvement default. On any default or failure on the part of the owner (principal) to fully, faithfully and properly do or complete any of the required improvements, the county may have part of all of the work done, and may collect the costs caused thereby from the cash deposit (refunding any remainder) or enforce collection thereof under the surety bond. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006- 2.6 10 Procedure - Bond term and completion. The term of the (cash and/or 470 ROAD DEDICATION ANI.) IMPROVEMENT surety) bond required hy this charter ~;h;J" hq~ln when the cash IS depsoitetJ or the surety hond IS filed, and shall end when the public works director aCl,;cpts in writing the required improvements as completed to his satisfaction, after which the deposit and/or surety bond shall be refunded and/or exonerated as appropriate. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006-2.6 t 2 Procedure Improvement assurance - Notice. Improvements hereunder shall be considered as satisfactorily assured when the public works director accepts the cash or surety bond hereunder or accepts the required improvements as completed to his satisfaction; and he shall notify the building inspection department when improvements have been assured. (Ord. 71-:W ~ I (part), 1971). 1006-2.614 Procedure - Building permit issuance. When all dedication(s) and improvement(s) required by this chapter have been satisfactorily assured, a building pennit may be issued. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). Article 1006-2.8 Fees 1006-2.802 Fees None required. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code, no fees shall be charged for any service by the county in connection with any dedication or improvement required by this chapter and not a part of a subdivision or conditional use pelJllit proceeding. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). Article 1006-2.10 Road Standards 1006-2.1002 Road standards Improvements. For the purposes of this chapter, all principal thoroughfares and arterials shall be constructed, improved. and dedications made therefor in accordance with the following standards (insofar as this is practicable and will not create an undue hardship) and with the county major roads plan, a portion of the circulation element of the general plan of Contra Costa County. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006- 2.1004 Road standards - Principal thoroughfares Type A. Principal thoroughfares, type A. shall be dedicated to a width of one hundred ten feet, with seventy two I 006- 2. 6 I 2 - 1 006- 2. I 0 I 4 feet of roadway, twenty feet of Sidewalk are;1 and eighteen feet dividing strip. Each one-half of the road shall consist of nine feet of dividing strip, thirty-six feet of paved roadway, curbs and gutters, and ten feet of sidewalk area with at least four and five-tenths feet thereof paved. (Ord. 71-20~ I (part). 1971). 1006-2.1006 Road standards - Principal thoroughfares Type B. Principal thoroughfares, type B, shalt be dedicated to a width of one hundred feet, with sixty-four feet of roadway, twenty feet of sidewalk area and sixteen feet of dividing strip. Each one-half of the road shall consist of eight feet of dividing strip, thirty-two feet of paved roadway, curbs and gutters, ten feet of sidewalk area with at least four and five tenths feet thereof paved. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006-2.1008 Road standards - Genernl thoroughfares. General thoroughfares shall he dedicated to a width of eighty-four feet, with sixty-four feet of roadway, and twenty feet of sidewalk area. Each one-half of the road shall consist of thirty-two feet of paved roadway. curbs, and gutters, and ten feet of sidewalk area with at least four and five-tenths feet thereof paved. (Ord. 71-20 ~ 1 (part), 1971). 1006-2.1010 Road standards - General arterials. General arterials shall be dedicated to a width of sixty feet, with forty feet of roadway. and twenty feet of sidewalk area. Each one-half of the road shall consist of twenty feet of paved roadway, curbs, and gutters, and ten feet of sidewalk area with at least four and five-tenths feet thereof paved. (Ord. 71-20 S I (part), 1971 ). 1006- 2.) 012 Road standards - Industrial arterials. Industrial arterials shall be dedicated to a width of sixty-{;ight feet, with forty~ight fee! of roadway, and twenty feet of sidewalk area. Each one-half of the road shall consist of twenty-four feet of paved roadway, curbs, and gutters, and ten feet of sidewalk area with at least four and five-tenths feet thereof paved. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006- 2.1014 Road sundards - Property line returns. Each intersection involving either a thoroughfare or arterial road shall be dedicated so as to provide a thirty foot curved comer 471 100(1-.' 101 fJ I 006- ~.I ~ I 2 PUBLIC WORKS ANO FLOOO CONTROL r;.:dlU:> ~It the intersectIon 01 such roads. which ~hdll b~ Improved in accordance with the standards for such road ser forth in rhis chapter. (Ord. 71-20 g I (part), /971). 1006-2.1016 Road standards Improvemenr agreement. The property owner shall make an agreement with the county on the road improvements to be constructed by him, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, and the necessary structural pavement section as thick as required by Chapter 98-R and to a maximum width of twenty feet from curb face for each side of the roadway. Necessary longitudinal sronn drainage shall be I:Onsidered as a part of the improvements. Str~t lighting where reasonably necessary shaH be considered as a parr of the improvements. (Ord. 71-20 S I (part), 1971 ). 1006-2.1018 Road standards Improvement placement and construction. All improvements required by this chapter shall be placed and constructed in accordance wi th Section 1002-8.016 and the ordinance specifications adopted by the board. Paved sidewalk installations shall comply also with Sections 96-8.206 - 96-8.408. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). Article 1006- 2.1 2 Deviations and Special Requirements 1006-2. 1202 Deviations.' TIle rublic works dire,:tor may approve and allow such variatJons and deVlations from the requirements of thiS chapter. J5 he determines are made necessary by the conditions of the terrain and the existing unprovements In the immediate vicinity of the property and lot :nvolved. (Ord. 71-20 S I (part). 1071 ). 1006- 2. I 204 Road width review and findings. 'n.e ;:':.lblic works director shall review the road widths shown on the county major roads rl.:1n at the time of application, to determme theIr adequacy to serve the traffic generated by the ;->roposed land use, adjacent land uses. and Jny other changes to the general plan made by the adoptIon of the county major roads plan: and hiS findings thereon shall become tl1l' requirements for dedication of f1 g h [- 0 f- W;lY and the construction of improvcme:1ts. lOrd. 71-~0 9 I (part), 1971). 1006-2. J 206 Road access. The public works director shall control access to roads, as to location, size, type, and number of driveways, so as to safely pennit ingress and egress and so as to comply with standards and pOlicy of the public works department and Division 1002. (Ord. 71-20~ I (part), 1971). 1006-2.1208 Notice to building pennit applicant. When the public works director detennines that this chapter is applicable to any building pennit application, he shall inform the pennit applicant of his detennination and fmdings as to the specific requirements of this chapter applicable thereto and of the avail :~Ility and procedure for appeal of his detennination to the planning commission. (Ord. 71-20 g I (part), 197] ) 1006- 2. 1210 Acceptance of building permit. Acceptance of a building pennit by an applicant after detennination by the public works director that the provisions of thIS chapter are applicable shall constitute an agreement on behalf of the applicant and owner, rhelr heirs, successors and assigns, to comply with all the tenns and conditions imposed by the public works director's fmdings, this chapter, and all other applicable ordinances and statutes. (Ord. 71-20 g I (part), 1971). 1006-2.1212 County partIcIpation. (a) Costs. Upon proper written application to the board 2nd investigation and recommendation to the board by the rubl1c works director, the county may contnbute to the costs of making any imrrovemencs required by this chapter, if the public works director detennines that they are excessive due to topography or other natural causes or will greatly exceed the costs of other property owners in the immediate vicinity who are required to make im:>rovements hereunder. (b) Plans. The public works departmen t shall provide plans showing line and grade, and shall place one set of construction stakes. If the public works department cannot provide plans or survey stakes in time to coordinate with the applicant's schedule, the applicant will furnish construction plans for review and approval by the publ1c works department before construl:tlOn starts. The construction plans shall be prepared by a California ucensed Civil Engweer and shall be In accordance with public works department policy and applicable sections 472 1006-2.1214-1006-2.1408 SETBACK REQUIREMENTS of Division 716 and Title 9 of this code. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1 006- 2.1 214 Director detennines road alignment. Whenever uncertainty exists as to the proper application of this chapter in the matter of street alignment, the public works director shall determine its application in conformity with the spirit and intent of this chapter. (Ord. 71-20 ~ 1 (part). 1971). 1006-2.1216 Lots affected by road widening. On a lot which is affected by road widening required by the provisions of this chapter, all required yards. setbacks, parking area, loading space, and building locations for new buildings or structures or additions to buildings or structures, shall be measured and calculated from the new lot lines being created by the widening; but. for the purpose of establishing the required front yard depth on a frontage where the ultimate curb line has been determined under the provisions of this chapter, the depths of all existing front yards may be measured from such ultimate curb line instead of the front lot line. In applying all other provisions of this code, the area of such lot shall be considered as that which existed immediately before to such required road widening. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). Article 1006-2.14 Appeal 1006-2.1402 Appeal - Applicability. These provisions on appeals do not apply to appeals from actions or decisions of the building inspection or planning departments not involving this chapter. (Ord. 71-20 9 I (part), 1971 ). 1006-2.1404 Appeal - To commission. Any person required to dedicate land or make improvements under this chapter may appeal any determination made by the public works director hereunder to the planning commission. His written appeal Shall clearly and concisely state the grounds therefor. The planning commission shall render its decision within forty-fIVe calendar days after an appeal is property flIed with it. (Ord. 71-20 9 I (part). 1971 ). I 006- 2.1406 Appeal - To board. (J) 111t~ applicant or an affected county official may appeal the commlssion's decision to the board of supervisors. ThiS written appeal shall clearly Jnd concisely state the grounds therefor, and shall be filed with the commISSion within ten calendar days after the commission's action which is appealed from. (b) Within twen ty calendar days after filing, the commission shall transmit the appeal. and its reports and recommendation thereon, to the board. The board shall render its decision within ninty calendar days after the commission's transmittal. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part). 1971). 1006-2.1408 Appeal - Modifications. The commission and the board may make such modifications in the requirements of this chapter or may grant such WaIvers or modifications of the determinations which are appealed to them. as they determine are required to prevent unreasonable hardship under the facts of each case, but each such modification or waiver shall conform with the general spirit and intent of the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). Otapter 1006-4 SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Article 1006-4.2 Sections: 1006-4.202 Article 1006-4.4 Sections: 1006-4.402 Policy Policy -Declaration. Requirements 1006-4.404 Adopted section of streets and highways rlan-Filing required. Effect of plan on building permit issuance. Chapter administration. Building permit issuance after appeal-Conditions required. Exemptions 1 006-4.406 1006-4.408 Article 1006-4.6 Sections: 1006-4.602 Exemptions-Eminent domalO. declaratory relief. zoning. Exemptions- Pre~xisting structures. 1006-4.604 . 473 1006-4.202---1000-4.602 PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL Article 1006-4.2 Policy 1006-4.202 Policy Declaration. This county is developing a master plan of streets and hJghways (and precise sections thereof) for the purpose of assuring ample transportation facilities for the present and future. The magnitude of this undertaking precludes these plans being completed in their entirety in time to fully guide the rapid development occurring witilin the county; and the surveys, hearings, map preparation, and requirements of law governing these matters necessitate that detailed plans be developed progressively. To conserve the public mterest and to assure economies and public safety and welfare, it is imperative that necessary rights-of-way for streets and highways WIthin the county be protected against encroachment by permanent physical improvements, the existence of which would make unnecessarily difficult or make impractical the retention or creation of thoroughfares, adequate in alignment, dimensions and vision clearance to serve the public needs, safety and welfare. Consequently, to deal effectively with the practical problem thus presented. it is necessary to establish certain minimum building line setbacks on a county-wide basis. (Ord. 71-20 S 1 (part). 1971). Article 1006-4.4 Requirements 1006-4.402 Adopted section of streets and high ways plan - Filing required. Whenever the board adopts a precise section of the streets and highways plan, the public works department shalf prepare a map of the highway, sufficient to show the location of the highway on parcels of land to he traversed or otherwise occupied by the highway when constructed. and me the map in the recorder's office and delIver a copy to the bUildIng inspector. (Ord. 71-20 9 1 (part), 1971 ). 1006-4.404 Effect of plan on building permit issuance. Before issuing .1 building permit, the chief building inspector or his authorized deputy shaH examine the precise plan. If he finds that the building or structure proposed to be erected will lie within the boundaries of the precise section of the streets and highways plan, or WIthin the setback lines of the existmg zonmg regulations affecting the land as measured from the boundaries of the precise section. he shall grant the permit only if the cost of the proposed building or structure is five hundred doUars or less. otherwise, he shall refuse the permit and notify the applicant for the permit of the reason for refusal. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006-4.406 Chapter administrntion. Any person aggrieved by the refusal of a bUilding permit may appeal to the planning commission, Administration of this chapter and of Streets and Highways Code Sec. 741.2 is referred to the planning commission under Section 26-V...;8 of this code. (Ord. 71-20 ~ I (part), 1971). 1006-4.408 Building permit issuance after appeal - Conditions required. The board of adjustment shall grant the permit only if all the foUowing are true: ( I) There are special circumstances or conditions relating to the property upon which the proposed building, structure, or other improvement is sought to be placed; (2) Granting the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights; and (3) Balancing the interests of the public in preserving the integrity of the master plan of streets and high ways against the interest of the owner of the land in using his property. the granting of the pennit is required by considerations of justice and equity. (Ord. 71-20 S I (part), 1971). ./' Article 1006-4.6 Exemptions 1006-4.602 Exemptions Eminent domain, declaratory relief. zoning. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed a condition precedent to the acquisition of rights-of-way by purchase or by proceedings in eminent domain. (b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to restrict the right of any person to seek declaratory relief under Code of Civil Procedure Section 1060. or to avail himself of any other legal or equitable remedy applicable to his particular case. (c) No zoning regulations are to be construed as pennitting a building line setback or any building within the boundaries of the precise 474 UNOERCROUND UTILITY DISTRICTS section. except as proVIded in this chapter. (Ord. 71-20 ~ 1 (part), 1971). 1 006-4.604 Exemptions Pre-existing structures. No building, structure. well. excavation. or subsurface structure existing on December 22. 1957, shall be deemed to be in violation of this chapter. (Ord. 71-20 ~ 1 (part). 1971 ). Division 1 008 UTI L1TI ES Chapters: 1008-2 Underground Utility Districts UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICTS. Cltapter 1008- 2 Sections: 1008- 2.002 1008-2.004 1008-2.006 1 008- 2. 008 1008-2.010 1008-2.012 1008-2.014 1008-2.016 1008-2.018 1008-2.020 1008-2.022 1008- 2.024 DefInitions. Public hearing by board- Notice. Designation by hoard resolution. Unlawful acts. Exception _. Emergency. Exception-Certain facilities. Notices to affected persons. Responsibility of utility companies. Responsibility of property owners-Notice issuance. Responsibility of county. Time extension. Violation-Penalty . 1008-2.002 Definitions. Whenever 111 this chapter the words or phases defined in this section are used. they shall have the respective -For the statutory provisions r~atding l;onverSlQn of existing o-..:rheacS wiring to underground localion_. >ee SIr. .l H. C. ~ 5896.1 cr. . ror unc:lerpound "tiUties in subdivisions. >ee Ch. 96-10. Ihis l."Ode. I ()()h-4.ClO4 1008-2.004 meanmgs assIgned to them as follows: ( I) "Commission" means the Public UtIlities CommIssIon of the state of Califorma. (2) "Underground utility district" or "district" means that area in the county within which poles. overhead wires. and associated overhead structures are prohibited as such area IS described in a resolution adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 1008-2.006. (3) "Person" means and includes individuals. fIrms. corporations. partnerships. and their agents and employees. (4) "Poles. overhead wires and associated overhead structures" means poles. towers. supports. wIres. conductors. guys. stubs. platforms. cross.anns. braces. transformers. insulators. cutouts. SWItches. communication circuits. appliances. attachments and appurtenances located above ground Within a district and used or useful in supplying electric. communication or similar or associated service. "Poles. overhead wires and associated structures" does not include a modified underground system where the installation of such system in a district has been specifically ordered pursuant to Section 1008-2.006. (5) "Modified underground system" means an electrical distribution system consisting of metal poles supporting high voltage wires. switches. transformers and street lights, with all other facilities and wires for the supplying and distribution of electrical energy and service placed underground. including occasional poles supporting only street lights If a light is required at a location where a metal electric dIstribution pole is not SUItable. (6) "County" means the county of Contra Costa. a political subdivision of the state of California. (7) "Board" means the board of supervisors of Contra Costa County. (8) "Utility" includes all persons or entities supplying electric. communication or similar or associated service by means of electrical materials or devices. (Ord. 68-10 g 2 (part). 1968: prior code g 780 I ). 1008-2.004 Public hearing by board - Notice. The board may from time to time call public hearings to ascertain whether the public necessity, health. safety or welfare ,equlres the removal of poles. overhead Wlfes and associated overhead structures within deSIgnated unincorporated areas of the county and the 475 loox-~.no/) IOO~-2.0l ~ PUBLIC WORKS ANO FLOOO CONTROL uOlkrgr,'u'1J lO~t;!lbtlOn of wires and facll1tlc:> for :,upr1ying clectnc. communication, or slmtlar or associat~d Scn'ICC or the Installation of a modIfied underground system. The clerk of the board shall notify iill affected property owners as shown on the last equalized assessment roll and utllities concerned by mail of the time and place of such hearings at least ten days prior to the date thereof. Each such hearing shall be open to the public and may be continued from time to time. At each such hearing all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard. The decision of the board shall be fmal and conclusive. At the conclusion of the hearing, the board may make changes in. to or from the boundanes of the designated district area but the boanl shall 110t change the boundaries to include any taritury which was not described in the notice for th~ aforesaid public hearing. (Ord. 68-1032 (part), 1968: prior code 37802). 1008-2.006 Designation by board resolution. If, after any such public hearing the board finds that the public necessity. health, safety or welfare requires such removal and such underground installation or the installation of a modtfied underground system within a designated area. the board shall, by resolution. declare such designated area an underground utility district and order such removal and underground installation or the installatIon of a modified underground system. Such resolu tion shall mc1ude a description of the area comprismg such district and shall fix the time within which stich removal Jl1d underground installatIOn or the lost:1llJ.tlOI1 of a modified underground system shall be accomplished and within which affel.:ted property owners must be ready to receive underground service. A reasonable time shall be allowed for such removal and undergrour.d Il1stallation or the installation of a modified underground system, having due regard for the availability of labor, materials and equipment necessary for such removal and for the installation of such underground facilities as may be occasioned thereby. (Ord. 68-10 g 2 (part). 1908: pnor code g 7803). 1008-2.008 Unlawful acts. Whenever the hoard CreJles an underground utility district and ord~rs the removal or" poles. overhead wires and associated overh~:1J structures therein as provided 111 S~ction 1008-2.006, it is unlawful for any person or utility to erect, construct, place. keep. mamtain, continue, employ or operate poles, overhead w!tes and assOCIated overhead structures 10 the district after the date when the overhead facilities are required to be removed by such resolution, except as the overhead facilities may be required. to furnish service to an owner or occupant of property prior to the performance by such owner or occupant of the underground work necessary for such owner or occupant to continue to receive utility service as provided in Section 1008-2.018, and for such reasonable time required to remove facilities after the work has been performed, and except as otherwise provided in this chapter. (Ord. 68-10 g 2 (;art), 1968: prior codl:' 9 7804). 1008-2.010 Exception Emergency. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter; overhead facilities may be installed and maintained for a penod, not to exceed ten days, without authority of the board in order to provide emergency service. The board may grant special permission, on such terms. as the board may deem appropriate, in cases of unusUal circumstances, without discrimination as to any person or utility, to erect, construct, install, maintain. use or operate poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures. (Ord. 68-10 g 2 (part). 1968: prior code g 7805). 1 008-2.0 12 Exception - Certain facilities. This chapter and any resolution adopted pursuant to Section 1008-2.006 shall, unless otherwise provided in such resolution, not apply to the following types of facilities: ( 1) Any county or municipal facilities or equipment installed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the county's public works director; (2) Poles or electroliers used exclusively for street lighting; (3) Overhead wires (exclusive of supporting structures) crossing any portion of a district within which overhead wires have been prohibited, or connecting to buildings on the perimeter of a district, when such wires originate in an area from which poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures are not prohibited; (4) Poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures used for the transmIssion of electric energy at nominal voltages in excess of thirty-four thousand five hundred volts; 476 UNOERGROUNIJ UTILITY. DISTRICrS 1008-2.014-1008-2.018 (5) Ovcrhead wires attached to thc cxterior surface of a building by means of a bracket or other fiXture and extcnding from one location on the building to another location on the same building or to an adjacent building without crossing any public street; (6) Antennae, associated equipment and supporting structures, used by a utility for furnishing communication services; (7) Equipment appurtenant to underground facilities, such as surface mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets, and concealed ducts; (8) Temporary poles, overhead wires and associated overhead structures used or to be used in conjunction wi th construction projects. (Ord. 68-10 g 2 (part), 1968: prior code g 7806). 1008-2.014 Notices to affected persons. Within ten days after the effective date of a resolution adopted pursuant to Section 1008-2.006, the clerk of the board shall notify all affected utilities and all persons cwning real property within the district created by the resolution of the adoption thereof. The clerk shall further notify such affected property owners of the necessity that, if they or any person occupying such property desiJ.-e to continue to receive electric, communication, or similar or associated service, they or such occupant shall provide all necessary facility changes on their premise~ so as to receivc SUC1. service from the tines of the supplying utilit:,' ;::r utilities at a new iocation. subject to applicable rules, regulations and tariffs of the rcspective utility or utilities on file witil the commission. Notification by the clerk of the board shall be made by mailing a copy of the resolution adopted pursuant to Section 1008-2.006, together with a copy of this chapter, to affected property owners as such are shown on the last equalized assessment roll and to the affected utilities. (Ord_ 68-10 g 2 (part), 1968: prior code ~ 7807). 1008-2.016 Responsibility of utility companies. If underground construction is necessary to provide utility service within a district created by any resolution adopted pursuant to Section 1008-2.006. the supplying utility shall furnish that portion of the conduits. conductors and associatcd equipment required to be furnished by it undcr its :lpplicablc rules. r~gulations and tariffs on file with the Commission. (Ord. 68-10 9 2 (part), 1968: pnor code g 780~). 1008-2.018 Responsibility of property owners - Notice issuance. (a) Every person owning, operating, leasing, occupying or renting a building or structure within a district shall perform construction and provide that portion of the service connection on his property between the facilities referred to in Section 1008-2.016 and the termination facility on or within the building or structure being served, all in accordance with applicable rules, regulations and tariffs of the respective utility or utilities on file with the Commission. (b) In the event any person owning, operating, lcasing, occupying or renting the property does not comply with the provisions of subsection (a) within the time provided for in the resoll! tion enacted pursuant to Scction 1008-2.006, the public works director shall post written notice on the property being served and thirty days thereaftcr shall hav~ the authority to order the disconnection and removal of any and all overhead service wires and associated facilities supplying utility service to the property. (c) If the action required in subsection (a) is not accomplished by any person within the time provided for in the resolution enacted pursuant to Section 1008-2.006, the public works director, as an alternative to subsection (b), m~IY give notice in writing to the person in possessIon of such premises, and a notice in writing to the owner thereof as shown on the last equalized assessment roll, to provide the required underground facilities within ten days after receipt of such notice. (I) The notice to provide the required undcrground facilities may be given either by personal service or by mail. In case of service by mail on either of such persons, the notice must be deposited in thc. United States mail in a sealed envelope with postage prcpaid, Jddressed to the person in possession of such premises at such premises, and the notice must be addressed to the owner thereof as such owner's name Jppears, and must be addressed to sudlowner's last known Jddress as the same :lppears on the last equalized assessment roll, and when no Jddress JppCJrs, to General Delivery, city or town of . . . . . . ... If notice is given by Ill:lil, such notice shall be decmcd to h:lvC been 477 1008-2.020-1008-2.024 PUBLIC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL received by the person to whom it has been sent within forty-clgl1t hours aftcr the mailing thcreof. If notIce is given hy mail to either the owner or OCt:llp.1Ilt of such premises; the public works director shall. within forty-cight hours after the mailing thereof. cause a copy thereof. printed on a card not less than eight inches.by ten inches in size, to be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. (2) The notice given by the public works director to provide the required underground facilities shall particularly specify what work is required to be done, and shall state that if the work is not completed within thirty days after receipt of such notice, the public works director will provide such required underground facilities, in which case the cost and expense thereof will be assessed against the property benefited and become a lien upon such property. (3) If upon the expiration of the thirty day period, the required underground facilities have not been provided, the public works director shall forthwith proceed to do the work. Upon completion of the work by the public works director, he shall file a written report with the board setting forth the fact that the required underground facilities have been provided and the cost thereof, together with a legal description of the property against which such cost is to be assessed. The board shall thereupon ftx a time and place for hearing protests against the assessment of the cost of such work upon such premises, which the time shall not be less than ten days thereafter. (4) The public works director shall forthwith, upon the tinle for hearing such protests having been fixed, give a notice in writing to the person in possession of such premises, and a notice in writing thereof to the owner thereof in the manner hereinabove provided for the giving of the notice to provide the required underground facilities, of the time and place that the board will pass upon such report and will hear protests against such assessment. Such notice shall also set forth the amount of the proposed assessment. (5) Upon the date and hour set for the hearing of protests, the board shall hear and consider the report Jnd J!l protests. if there be any, and then proceed to afflffil, modify or reject the assessment. (6) If any assessment is not paid within five days after its COnflI111:ltion by the board, the alllount of tl.le as.sessmcnt shall become a lien upon the property against which the assessment is made by the publit: works director, anti 'he public works director is dm:ctcd to turn over to the assessor and tax collector a noticc of licn on each of the propcrties 011 which the assessmcnt has. not been paid, and the assessor and tax collector shall add the amount of the assessment to the next regular bill for taxes levied. against the premises upon which the assessment was not paid. TIle assessment shall be due and payable at the same time as the property taxes are due and payable, and if not paid when due and payable, shall bear interest at the rate of six percent per year. (Ord. 68-10 S 2 (part), 1968: pri<,r code 9 7809). 1008-2.020 Responsibility of county. The county shall remove at its own expense all county owned equipment from all poles required to be removed hereunder in ample time to enable the owner or user of such poles to remove the same within the time specified in the resolu tion enacted pursu:mt to Section 1008-2.006. (Ord. 68-1 0 ~ 2 (part), 1968: prior code 9 7810). 1008-2.022 Time extension. In the' event that any act required by this chapter or by a resolution adopted pursuant to Section 1008-2.006 cannot be performed within the time provided on account of shortage of materials, war, restraint by public author'ies. strikes, labor disturbances, civil disobedience, or any other circumstances beyond the control of the actor, then the time within which such act will be accomplished shaii be extended for a period equivalent to the time of such limitation. (Ord. 68-10 g 2 (part). 1968: prior code ~ 78 I I). 1008-2.024 Violation Penalty. Any violation of this chapter by any person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, or any combination of these acting together shall be a misdemeanor punishable pursuant to the provisions of Section 14-8.004. (Ord. 68-10 9 2 (part), 1968: prior code 9 7812). 478 Division 1010 DRAINAGE* Olapters: 1010-2 1010-4 101().6 General Pemli ts Sccu ri ty Otapter 1010-2 GENERAL ** Sections: 1010-2.002 1010-2.004 Acts requiring permits. Violations- Notice-Aba te- ment. Emergency work authorizatior.. Appeal to board of adjustment. Conditions required for permit granting. Administration. 1010-2.006 1010-2.008 1010-2.010 1010-2.0' 2 1010-2.002 Acts requiring pennits. No person, fmn, corporation, municipality, or public district shall commit or cause to be committed any of the acts hereinafter described, unless a written permit :13S fIrst been obtain~d from the enforcing officer or his duly appointed representative: (1) Impair or impede th". natural flow of storm waters, or other water running in a defined channel, na tural or man-made, or cause or permit the obstruction of such channel; (2) Deposit any material in such channel; (3) Alter the surface of land so as to reduce the capacity of such channel; (4) Construct, alter, or repair any storm water drainage structure, f2cility, or channel without fIrst obtaining a permit therefor, as herein provided; (5) Conunit any act, within any easement dedicated for drainage purposes, that will impair the use of such easement for such purposes. (Prior code ~ 7600: Ord. 1447). -For subdivision provisions, see Ch. 914-2, this code. For other dr:lill3ge provisions. see Sections 716.8.602 _ 716-8.614. thiscode. uFoe board of :Idju~lmenl. see Ch. 26-2. this code. For (nding provisions. see Div. 716. this rode. GENERAL 10 I 0-2.002-1 0 I 0-2.008 1010-2.004 Violations Notice Abatement (a) Notice of violation: In the evcnt of a violation of this division, and in addition to other penalties provided in this code, the enforcing officer may send a written notice to the owner of the property on which the violation occurred at the address of the owner as it appears on the assessment roll of this county. The notice shall state the nature of the violation, that the owner is required to abate the condition constituting the violation within ten days after the notice is received, and that if the owner fails to abate the condition within that period, the condition may be abated by the enforcing officer and the owner shall be liable to the county for the cost thereof. (b) Abatement by county: If the condition is not abated by the owner in accordance with the notice, the enforcing officer may abate the condition and shall charge the owner for the cost thereof. If this charge is not paid within sixty days, the amount of the charge, plus accrued interest at the rate of six percent per year from the date of the charge, shall be added to the next regular tax bill sent to the owner by this county and shall be collected in the manner fixed by law for the collection of taxes, or in the alternative, recovery therefor may be had through civil action. (c) Emergency abatement: If the enforcing officer finds that a violation has created an emergency condition endangering th~ public heJJth or safety, he may abate the condition in accordance with subsection (b) without giving the notice required by subsection (a). (Prior code g 7601: Ord. 1447). 1010-2.006 Emergency work authorization. This division shall not prevent any person from performing emergency maintenance or work within, on, over, under, or through any water-course, channel, ditch, conduit, or natural drainageway, as necessary and proper for the preservation of life or property when an urgen t necessity arises. The person pcrforming thc emergency work shall apply for a written permit within ten calendar days of the beginning of work. (Prior codc g 7602: Ord. 1447). 1010-2.008 Appeal to board of adjustmen t. Any person aggrieved by the refusal or the terms of a permit required by this division may appcal to the board of adjustment. Administration of this section is referred to the board of 479 IOI(}'2.010-1010-4.008 PUbdC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTROL adjustment under Olapter 26-2. (Prior code g 7603: Ord. 1447). 101 (}2.010 Conditions required for pemlit granting. If, in addition to the requirements of the Chapter 26-2, the board of adjustment finds all of the following to be true, the permit shall be granted: (I) That the applicant will be substantiaUy damaged by the refusal to grant the pennit; (2) That no other reasonable method of obtaining the desired results is available except as proposed by the applicant; (3) That the granting of the permit will not be materially detrimental to the public interest, safety, health, and welfare, or injurious to other property. (Prior code g 7604: Ord. 1447). 101(}2.012 Administration. The Contra Costa County flood control and water conservation district is charged with the responsibility for the adrninistmtion of the provisions of this division, and shall appoint or delegate any or aU of its authority to qualified persons for the purpose of the administration of this division. (Prior code g 7605: Ord. 1447). Chap ter 101 (}.4 PERMITS. Sections: 1010-4.002 1010-4.004 1010-4.006 10104.008 1010-4.010 10104.012 1010-4.014 1010-4.016 Issuance. Application-Form. Application - Exhibi ts. Consent of persons affected. Types designated. Term-Beginning of work. Term -Completion of work. Unsatisfactory work- Correction by county- Costs- Changes in character of authorized work. Transfer. Fees. 1010-4.018 1010-4.020 10104.022 10104.002 Issuance. The written permits required by this division shaU be issued by the enforcing officer or his lawful appointee, for any lawful use, subject to conditions set forth in this -For security provisions, Jee Section 101~.002. thu code. division and as required by law. The issuance of a pemlit shall in no manner whatsoever imply or impute a responsibility or liability to the county. the Contra Costa County flood control and water conservation district, or their employees, for injuries resulting from any act or condition regulated by this division. (Prior code ~ 7620: Ord. 1447). - 10 I 0-4.0P4 Application Foml. The enforcing officer shall prescribe and provide a standard form of application for a permit required by this division and such application, when duly executed and signed by the enforcing officer, shall become the permit. The application form shall state the property owner's name, together with such details as in the opinion of the enforcing officer are necessary to establish the purpose of the act or work to be performed, the location, dimensions, estimated total cost, and the dates for commencement and for completion of the act or work, except that the enforcing officer at his discretion may establish the date for completion. TIle application shall be executed by the property owner or his duly appointed agent and deposited with the enforcing officer. (Prior code g 7621: Ord. 1447). 1010-4.006 Application - Exhibits. The applicant shall enclose with, include, attach, or add to the application for a permit a map, plat, sketch. diagram, or similar exhibit of a size and in such quantity as the enforcing officer may prescribe, on which exhibit shall be plainly shown any and all information of a technical or engineering nature necessary to locate, delineate, illustrate, identify, justify, and substantiate the proposed act or work, and the right and necessity of the applicant to perform the act or work. The enforcing officer may require to be submitted such soil investigation, tests of materials, engineering plans and investigations, and technical reports as he may deem necessary and proper. If necessary, changes, correction, and notes may be made on any such exhibit and these items shall become an integral part of the permit when attested to by the enforcing officer. (Prior code g 7622: Ord. 1447). 10 I 0-4.008 Consen t of persons affected. The applicant shall enclose with, attach, or add to the application for a permit the written consent and waiver of liability given by any and 480 all persons or bodies politic having jurisdiction, who of themselves or their property would be affected in any manner by the acts or works to be performed. (Prior code ~ 7623: Ord. 1447). 1010-4.0] 0 Types designated. Written permits required by this division shall be one of the following types, depending on the decision of the enforcing officer: (I) "Regular permits" to do work under the provisions of this division shall be issued for the performance of those acts or works permitted by this division. (2) "Conditional permits" shall be issued when such conditions or circumstances exist or will foreseeably occur which could in any manner be adverse to the performance of the acts or works or be adverse to the purpose for which the acts or works are to be performed. Such conrlitions or circumstances shall be ~pecifically set forth upon the application for permit or shall be attached thereto and shall be considered incorporated in the permit. (3) "Emergency permits" shall be issued for rea~ons nece<,sitating emergency action as ~ct out in Srction 1010-2.006. (Prior code S 7624: Ord. 1447). 1010-4.012 Term - Beginning of work. The permittee shall begin the act or work authorized by a permit issued pursuant to this division within thirty calendar days from date of issuance, unless another date is specifically indicated in the permit, and the permittee shall notify the enforcing officer at least forty-eight hours prior to beginning work. Should the act or work not be commenced on or before the date indicated in the permit, then the permit shall become void unless, prior to the date of expirJtion, the permittee presents good and sufficient reJson for an extension of time and the date is extended by the enforcing officer in writing. A permit which has become void by reason of noncommenccment of work prior to the stipulated date may be renewed at the di~cretion of the enforcing officer and upon payment of a renewal fee as provided for in the schedule of fees adopted by the board of supervisors. (Prior code S 76'2.5: Ord. 1447). \ 1010...LOI4 Term - Completion of work. The permittee shall complete the act or work authorized by a permit issued pursuant to this division within the time and before the date PERr.dTS 1010-4.010- 1010-4.020 stipulated in the permit. The permittee shall notify the enforcing officer in writing upon completion of any act or work, and no work shall be deemed to have been completed until such written notification has been received. A final inspection of the work shall be made by a representative of the enforcing 'officer, unless such inspection is wai'ved by the enforcing officer, and no permittee shall be deemed to have complied with this division until such inspection has been performed. (Prior code ~ 7626: Ord. ]447). ] 01 0-4.0] 6 Unsatisfactory work Correction by county - Costs. Should the work. described in a permit be performed in such a' manner as to be deemed unsatisfactory and/or unacceptable by the enforcing officer, then the work shall be reconstructed by the permittee to the satisf(lction of the enforcing officer. Should the enforcing officer deem that delay in pursuit or completion of the act or work be due to lack of diligence or willful act on the part of the permittee, or should the v.ork performed be dC(:ll1ed unsJtisfactory :JI1d/or unacceptable; then, if essential to the he(llth, safety, or welfare of the general public, the enforcing officer shall request the board of supervisors for authorization to contract with any licensed general contractor to complete, erect, install, reconstruct, or alter all structures or work in conformance with approved plans and specifications, or to remove all structures and obliterate all work not completed. The costs incurred thereby shall be repaid to the county by the deduction of such costs from the cash or surety bond deposited by the permittee with the county for the performance of the work; provided, further, that should such costs exceed the total of the cash deposit or surety bond of the permittee, then any and all additional costs shall become a lien against the permittee's property, real and otherwise. (Prior code ~ 7627: Ord. 1447). ] 01 0-4.018 O1:lnges in ch:lT:lcter of authoriz.ed work. No changes shall be made in the location, dimensions, materials, or character of the work authorized in a permit, except upon written authorization to do so by the enforcing officer. (Prior code ~ 7628: Ord. 1447). 101 0-4.020 Tr~lnsfer. A permit issued pursuant to this division shall not be transferable 481 (Contra Costa Count)' 9-15.79) 1010-4.0'22-1010-6.002 PL. .JC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTR by, for, or on behalf of the person, his heirs, assigns, or successors, to whom the permit issued. (Prior code S 7629: Ord. 1447). J OJ 0-4.022 Fees. The fees for permits for the performance of acts or works under this division shall be those recommended by the enforcing officer and established and adopted by the board of supervisors from time to time by resolution. Before a permit is issued, the applicant shall deposit with the enforcing officer, for payment to the county treasurer, cash or check in sufficient sum to cover the fee for issuance of the permit, in accordance with schedules established and adopted by the board of supervisors. No fee shall be required for municipalities or public districts. (Prior code ~ 7630: Grd. 1447). Chapter 1010-6 SECURITY Sections: 1010-6.002 Cash deposit or bond required. 1010-6.002 Cash deposit or bond required. Prior to the issuance of a permit the applicant shall deposit with the enforcing officer cash or check for payment to the county treasurer in an amount deemed adequate by the enforcing officer but not exceeding the estimated total cost, including all labor and materials, of the work to be performed; except that such deposit may be waived by the enforcing of!1cer. In lieu of a cash deposit, the applicant may me an approved surety bond issued by a company or corporation authorized to engage in general surety business in the state of California. The conditions of any cash neposit or surety bond made pursuant to this section shall be that the permittee will diligently an.d in good faith comply with all provisions of this division, with all terms and conditions contained in the permit issued him, and will pursue the work to completion without undue delay except for reasonable cause. IT!,on satisfactory and acceptable comp 1ction of the work as set forth in Section 1010-4.016, the cash deposit sh:J1I be refunded to the permittee or the permittee shall be exonerated from his surety bond by the enforcing officer in writing upon the expiration ({'<,nlra Costa Counly 9.15-79) of ninety days. The enforcing officer shall not be responsible to ascertain whether there exist unsatisfied liens against the premises upon which the work was performed. (Prior code ~ 7631: Grd. 1447). Division 1012 COUNTY SERVICE AREA CHARGES Chapters: 1012-2 General provisions 1012-4 Street Lighting service charge imposed OlJpter 10 12-2 GENERAL PROVISIONS . Article 1012-2.2 General Sections: 1012-2.202 Purpose. 1012-2.204 Use of revenue. Article 1012-2.4 Definitions. Sections: 1012-2.402 General. 1012-2.404 County service area. 1012-2.406 Miscellaneous extended service. 1012-2.408 Service charge. Article 1012-2.6 Procedures. Sections: 1012-2.602 Tentative r~port. 1012-2.604 Contents. 1012-2.606 Computation of service charge. 1012-2.608 l\:otice of hearing. 1012-2.610 Hearing. 1012-2.612 Final r<:port :.lOd kvy. 1012-2.614 Collection of ch:Jfge. 1012-2.616 Applicable laws. 1012-2.618 Deadlines do not invalidate. 482 ]012-2.614-10] 2-4.004 PUHLlC WORKS AND FLOOD CONTk0L t~ntative report to conform to the official assessment roll for the fiscal year in which the service charge is to be col1ected. and such revised (or unrevised, if no revision is necessary) report is the final report. Any change to an estimated oasic service charge or estimated service charge may be based only on changes of ownership, I.:hanges of address. the subdivision of an existing par~el, and changes in the class of use of a J1ar~el. Within thirty days after the assessment roll is delivered to the auditor, but no later than July 15th the final report shall be presented to the board. which may, by resolution, confirm s:1id report as presented or modified; the resolu- tion constitutes the levy of the service charge for the fiscal year referred to in the final report. The rl'solution shall be adopted no later than August 10th, of the fiscal year in which the s~rvice charge is to be collected. The clerk shall IInmediately file certified copies of the final rl.'port and confirming resolution with the ; uditor. (Ord. 7942). 1012-2.614 Collection of ch:Jrge. The service charge for each parcel set forth in the final report shall appear as a separate item on the tax bill. The service charge may be collected ~ t the same time and in the same manner as ordinary county ad valorem property taxes are \, ol1ected, and shall be subject to the same J'enalties and the same procedure and sale in lase of delinquency as provided for such taxes. <Ord.79-42). 1012-2.616 Applicable laws. All laws :Ipplicable to the levy, collection and enforce- ment of county ad valorem propertj' taxes shall he applicable to such service charge, except that ii the real property to which the service charge Iclates has been transferred or conveyed to a hona fide purchaser for value, or if a lien of a bona fide encumbr~ncer for value has been created and attaches thereon, before the date on which the first installmcnt of such taxes would become delinquent, then the service charge con- firmed pursuant to this division shall not result in a lien against such real prop.:rty but instead shall be transferred to the unsecured roll for collection. (Ord. 79-42) 1012-2.618 OC3dlines do not il1\'alid3te. F:..tilure to meet the time limits set forth in Sections 1012-2.610 or 1012-2.612, beC:lUse of dlanges in state law which affect the procedures (("unlr. ("u<U (""unty 9-15.79) for equalizing the assessment roll. shall not invalidate any service charge imposed under this division. (Ord. 79-42). Chapter 1012.4 STREET LIGHTING SERVICE CHARGE IMPOSED Sections: 1012-4.002 Charge imposed-Operative date. Computation of street lighting service charge. 1012-4.004 1012-4.002 Charge imposed - Opcr3tive date. Street lighting service charges are hereby assessed and Ie....ied upon all parcels located within every county s.:rvice arl..'a providing street lighting services on July 1, 1979, :lnd thereafta for each succeeding fiscal year. Said service charges shall be adopted pursuant to Chapter 1012.2. (Ord. 79-42). 10124.004 Compu ration of street ligh tillg service charge. In computing the street lighting service charge pursuant to Section 1012-2.010, the public works director may consider the class of use being made of the parcel, the intensity of lighting use, and the need for lighting as an anticrime measure. Card. 79-42). 482-2 ATTACHtwENT 3 RESOL UTTON NO. RESOlUTION APPROVING THE SAN RAMON VALLEY TRUNK SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors, on October 16, 1986, has certified the Final EIR for the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Proj ect as be1 ng 1 egal ly adequate; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has considered all available 1 nformat1 on regard1 ng the San Ramon Vall ey Sewer Improvement Proj ect, 1 ncl ud1 ng 1 nformat1 on conta 1 ned 1 n the Proj ect Draft EIR and F1 na 1 EIR and testimony from government offici al s and the public made at public hearings on July 23 and October 16, 1986; WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors have provided direction to staff on selection of the project alternative and preparation of the findings of fact regarding the project; WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has reviewed and considered the proposed Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project, District Project 4224; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary D1 strict does hereby approve the San Ramon Vall ey Trunk Sewer Improvement Project and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project, District Project 4224. FURTHERK>RE, the Boa rd of D1 rectors d1 rects the General Manager-Ch 1 ef Engineer to prepare a Notice of Determination for the project and submit the notice to the appropriate government agencies. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 28th of October, 1986, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: M SENT: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California /~ rict Counsel - 2 -