HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-04-86 . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar} District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 2 1986 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 SUBJECT APPROVE JlGREE~NT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH RUBEN LOPEZ, ET UX, JOO 2546, MARTINEZ DATE Au ust 26, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREE~NT SUB~ITTED BY uennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: adj oi ni ng pool and map). The property owner has proposed to install a sw imming pool the Di stri ct sewer easement on the QII ner' s property. A porti on of the concrete decki ng w ill encroach into the sewer easement (see attached BACKGROUND: The long si de of the pool w ill be about two feet into the sewer easement and w ill be about th ree feet cl ear of the publ ic sewer mai n. Staff has determ i ned that the improvements w 111 not interfere with the present use of our sewers. HQllever, if the need should arise, the proposed agreement provides that the property Qllner is responsible for all costs involved in relocating the sewer away from the proposed improvements, incl udi ng granti ng a requi red new sewer easement. The property Qllner has cooperated with District staff by providing construction draw ings of the proposed improvements and maki ng requested rev isi ons, and has pai d the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. RECOM~NDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with Ruben Lopez, et ux, Job 2546, authorize the President of the Board and the Secretary of the Di stri ct to execute sai d agreement and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. IJ~ \J~ )1)p 130211.9/85 DH JSM JL RAB SUB L' ~10tl -r' ER~A #/4/5 \ 17 \ Lor /6 POOL. SPA LOr /5 OEweR EA. 6e... M. EN... '.. 7. ......---..................~~ - ~ ~...---.... ...... ex .a"-Z54G G ---- 13.NCROPICHMIENT -0 Page 2 of 2 G CE 02 L.o r 14- VICINITY MAP AI,7.5, Real Property Agreement Job 2546 Martinez Area . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 2 1986 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT APPROVE JlGREEM:NT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH C. M. CISSON, ET UX, Jill 1710, PARCEL 5, CONCORD AREA DATE August 26, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEM:NT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The property owner has proposed to construct a sw imming pool adjoining the District sewer easement on the OtIner's property. A portion of the concrete pool deck w i1 1 encroach into the sewer easement (see attached map). BACKGROUND: Staff has determined that the improvanents w ill not interfere with the present use of our sewers. However, if the need shoul d ari se, the proposed agreement provides that the property owner is responsible for all costs involved in removing the proposed improvanents if requested to do 50 by the District. The property owner has cooperated with District staff by providing construction draw ings of the proposed improvanents and maki ng requested rev isi ons, and has paid the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. RECOMM:NDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with C. M. Cisson, et ux, Job 1710, Parcel 5, authorize the President of the Board and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement and authorize the agreanent to be recor de d. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 DH JSM JL RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. .eV V& t11fJ '-lE^,~ -------- G c.,.. ------ SUB 4// ~ L..OT .3 I..OTZ L..Or / PASO NOG,.ql... Q SIT~ Q It ~ ~ -.J U 1l. -.J () ~ v/e/AI/TY MAP .r . Real Property Agreement Job 1710, Parcel 5 Pacheco Area . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 4, 1986 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 86-22 (MARTINEZ) TO BE INQUDED IN A fUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO lHE DISTR ICT DATE August 26, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCES SING SU~~Tri~~:YHall, Associate Engineer INLJIATLNG DEPJ./DIV . tng1neerlng Dept./Constructlon Div. Parcel No. Area I Ow ne r Address Parcel No. & 'Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 86-22 Marti nez ( 44 CO ) I Peters & Hull 946 Ri sa Road Lafayette CA 94546 A.P.N. 365-160-011 53 Acres I Proposed "Saddl ehorn Ranch" subdivision, having 27 single family residential units. An E.I.R. has been prepared and was approved by the County I Contra I Costa County RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 86-22 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JSM RAB ~ 1!rff3 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A.9/85 ~A/V#EX~. TOWNIINO II." AC. PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 86-22 (MARTINEZ) IUIIT 10404AC (44 elf) .-..----------------....--.........~,-----------,--------.,"'-"-~....,..-.--...--...._._--.---.-...~--..-.-..--,.......-"-._-,'.. .....-.._. ...__._..'~.~m'~.__..~ ....-. ... .-.._,._._~,.~~_._.."__.__ -..----t . Centr&. Contra Costa Sanitar') District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 4 1986 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT ACCEPT lHE CONlRACT WORK FOR CONSlRUCTION OF THE SAN RA~N CREEK BYPASS a-tANNEL SEWER RELOCATION PROJ ECT IN WM..NUT CREEK (DP 4046) AND AUTHORIZE THE FIL ING OF THE NonCE OF COMPL ETION DATE ACCE PT CON lRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Thomas Trice, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept/Construction Div. ISSUE: Work has been compl eted on the San Ramon Creek ByPass Channel Sewer Relocation Project in Walnut Creek and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood Control), in conjunction with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), will be constructing a flood control channel in the abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way between Arroyo Way and Rudgear Road in Walnut Creek. The channel's construction requires the relocation of sanitary sewers in four areas (Holcomb Court, Creeksi de Drive, Carmel Court, and Newell Avenue). Sani ta ry sewer work included the permanent relocation of over 1,530 lineal feet of pipe ranging in size from 6-inch to 10-inch dianeter and the installation of a new 30-foot deep twin barrel 8- inchsi phon, various manhole and roddi ng structures and appurtenances, as well as a temporary pump station. Abandonment of the temporary pump stati on and install ati on of a permanent channel crossi ng w ill be compl eted under a separate construction contract after the channel work is completed. Mountai n Cascade, Inc. of San Ramon was issued a Noti ce to Proceed on April 30, 1986, for Areas 1 (Holcomb Court), 3 (Creekside Drive), and 4 (Carmel Court). The Notice to Proceed for Area 2 (Newell Avenue) was not issued until May 27, 1986 after the del ivery date of the Di stri ct- furni shed speci al si phon sewer pi pe was fixed. The contract completion dates were July 31, 1986 for Area 3; August 7, 1986 for Area 2; August 21, 1986 for Area 1, and August 29, 1986 for Area 4. All contract work was substanti ally compl eted on or before the specif ic contract compl eti on dates. It is appropri ate to accept the contract work at th is time. A detailed accounting of the project cost will be provided to the Board at the time of proj ect closeout. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the San Ramon Creek ByPass Channel Sewer Relocation Project in Walnut Creek <District Project 4046) and authorize the fil ing of the Noti ce of Compl eti on. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION --rA ( 1302.A.9/85 TAT Rg,K INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ . Centrh. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 4, 1986 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $8,300 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR NEW MANHOLES IN THE DISTRICT'S COLLECTION SYSTEM DATE September 1, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION Authorize Funds SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jim Coe, Senior Engineer Collection System Operations ISSUE: Capital funds are needed to construct four new manholes. BAa<GROUND: Four high maintenance sewer lines are currently maintained using hand-powered equipment because there are no manholes to allow the use of power operated equipment. The new manholes would allow the use of more efficient power operated maintenance equipment. The new manholes would be located: PROPOSED NEW DISTRICT MANHOLES 10 El Toyonal, Orinda 37 Via Farallon, Orinda 22 El Toyonal, Orinda 107 Gil Blas Rd., Danville The total cost of the District labor and materials to construct the manholes would be $8,300. The labor cost savings will payback this investment in six years at current interest rates. RECOIENDATION: Authorize $8,300 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the construction of four new manholes by the District forces. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION \/.(...- JAL ~-'---""~'-'-'-'~--'--~-----~'-"-._'.'..""-'"'-''--''...,.__..._.._~-_.~---,---_.._,...__.~---_._~- .'.,-.-,.,...--.,.---..--.---..---.,-- _.~,.."".,_....------ . Centra.. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 4, 1986 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 SUBJECT DATE August 22, 1986 AUTHORIZATION FOR BETTY GALE TO ATTEND A SEMINAR ENTITLED "CONTROLLING TRAVEL AND EXPENSE" TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY Betty Gale, Executive Secretary INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: Board authorization is required for staff attendance at seminars when the cost exceeds $500. BACKGROUND: With the ever increasing issues which affect the District and the inherent increase in travel and expenses to attend to them, the need for controlling these costs has become apparent. There is presently no central point within the District for obtaining information regarding the most efficient and economical method of making travel arrangements. Inasmuch as the Executive Secretary makes travel arrangements for the General Manager- Chief Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer, Deputy General Manager, and members of the Board of Directors, it would be appropriate that this position be the resource center for District travel information. The proposed seminar is designed for travel managers of companies whose employees travel frequently and covers some of the following key topics: o Travel policy: the key to managing and controlling travel expense o Today's travel industry - deregulation...ARC...travel industry vendors o Reducing airfares -- corporate plan...traveler commitment...frequent flyer programs o Travel industry automation -- reservation systems...accounting systems... STP...reports...on-line access o Travel agents -- types...selection...reports...consolidation...control o In-house control of travel expenses o Negotiating hotel and car rental rates o Payment methods o Travel publications o Current issues and problems in the travel industry Although funds were not specified in the 1986-87 Central Services budget, there are currently sufficient funds in the Administrative Department budget to cover this expense. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Betty Gale to attend the seminar entitled "Controlling Travel and Expense" on November 6 and 7, 1986, in San Francisco at a cost of $595. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~1~7:. 1302/1.-9/85 . Centr&. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 4, 1986 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 AUTHORIZE A THREE MONTH MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MICHAEL PARKINSON, MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 7, 1986 DATE August 29, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE LEAV E SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson, Manager Collection System Operations ISSUE: Board Authorization is required for a medical leave of absence. BACKGROUND: Michael Parkinson has been off work since September 18, 1985 due to a medical condition. During this time, he has exhausted his accumulated sick, vacation, and earned overtime leave. Mr. Parkinson has recently appl ied for retirement, but requires a medical leave of absence until his retirement application is processed. A medical leave of absence is requested for three months effective September 7, 1986. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a three month medical leave of absence for Michael Parkinson, Maintenance Crew Leader, effective September 7, 1986. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION EPT./DIV. CF . Centrc..Contra Costa Sanitar) District -BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 4. 1986 NO. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 SUBJECT RECEIVE THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1985-1986 DATE August 26. 1986 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE ANNUAL REPORT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki. Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The Di strict's Deferred Compensati on Pl an Advisory Committee has prepared its annual report to the Board of Directors and District participants. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Committee in January 1982. The scope of activities of the Committee includes the submission of an annual report to the Board of Directors and District participants. The annual report of the Committee for 1985-1986 is submitted herewith. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the 1985-1986 annual report of the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ..PM ~~. 1302,0.9/85 WN F Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DEFERRED COMPENSATION PlAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1985-1986 Introduction The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Board of Directors to facilitate the District's Deferred Compensation Plan. activities encompass the following: Committee was established by the internal administration of the The scope of the Committee's o Establish internal District administrative procedures within the provisions of the Deferred Compensation Plan document. o Educate participants regarding the Plan provisions by issuing a handbook which summarizes the Deferred Compensation Plan, and responding to queries from participants. o Review accountability by the Plan Administrator and respond to participants' queries regarding accuracy or propriety of account balances. o Review participants' requests for emergency withdrawal of funds. o Review investment performance of the Deferred Compensation Plan on an annual basis. Committee Accomplishments The following activities were completed by the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee during April 1985 through June 1986. o Internal District Administrative Procedures The Committee completed its review of other deferred compensation plans in order to evaluate the competitive standing of the existing plan administered by Hartford Variable Annuities Life Insurance Company. The review encompassed twelve proposed plans, and an alternative to the existing plan proposed by Hartford. A report on the results of the review was presented to the Board of Directors in May 1986, with the Committee's recommendation to retain the present Hartford program and to add Great Western Savings as a companion program. The Board approved the Committee's recommendati on, and the Great Western program was integrated as a companion program in June 1986. Internal administrative procedures were revised to accommodate the add iti on of the compan i on program. Procedu res were estab 1 i shed to effect the transfer of accounts from one program to the other. o Educati on of Parti ci pants - Group presentati ons by Hartford and Great Western representatives were completed in June 1986 to inform participants of the features and fee structure of the new Great Western program, as well as those of the existing Hartford program. Participants were permitted to change from one program to the other 1 in the month of June, and henceforth, during the quarterly enrollment months. Hartford and Great Western representatives will be available on a designated day each month to assist participants by providing information and responding to questions. o Review accountability by Hartford Variable Annuities Life Insurance Company - There were several participant queries regarding account accuracy which were promptly and satisfactorily resolved. o Review requests for emergency withdrawals Three qualifying emergency withdrawal requests were reviewed by the Committee and submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. o Review investment performance - A summary which presents the investment performance of the Hartford program for the calendar year 1985 and the first six months of 1986 is provided on Attachment I. Current Committee Activities The Committee is currently involved in the following major activities: o The Committee is closely monitoring the conversion to the companion program environment to ensure that participants are provided sufficient information to enable selecting between the two programs, and that participants' decisions on program selection and investment options are accurately executed. o A new Deferred Compensati on Pl an handbook is bei ng prepared for future distribution to each participant. The handbook explains the Deferred Compensation Plan and summarizes the features and fee structure of the Hartford and Great Western programs. An attachment will be provided showing: the interest rates being paid on the Fixed Interest Account for the Hartford and Great Western programs; the current Social Security wage limit and rate that are used to determine the District's contribution to the plan; and the current Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee Members. Conclusion During the period April 1985 through June 1986, the Committee has addressed all of the activities included in its scope of responsibilities. This has been achieved through the conscientious efforts of all of the Committee members. The performance of Hartford in administering the Deferred Compensation Plan during this period is considered to be satisfactory. The investment performance of the Hartford program during the calendar year ended December 31, 1985 for stocks and bonds exceeded the general market, as measured by the Dow Jones indexes; however, as measured by the 2 Standard and Poor's 500 stock index and the Shearson Lehman bond index. the investments sl ightly underperformed the general market. Interest earned on fixed interest accounts was higher than prevail ing short-term rates. as measured by the average yields on gO-Day Treasury Bills. Committee Members: ~ 'fu '2;:;..~' Walter unasaki Ken Harrison ~1 a-_~__, ~~ Maria I 0 Ben Netto Harriette Stahl 3 x x ... 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"" ~ \0 N ~ ,.. ~I .. .. .. ,.. ~I .. .. .. .., ~ 0 0\ .., ..,. ~ \0 N > ~ ~ > ~ 0 "" ,... ~ 0 ..,. \0 N .... N .. .. .. .. .. ..,. .... .... .... \0 l~ ,.. l~ ,.. .., .., '- 8 '- oX ! "0 ! 8 "0 C C CD +> cB CD +> cB (!J en (!J en 18 0\ .... III ~ ~ .. .... C I'f'l UI .... "0 j "0 J:: 0 '- 0 +>> .. - .! - C 0 '- CD '- :i"01'f'l CD >"0 B l. a.. .~ X -8 ! ~&5! -C::J cnw., . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF NO. VI!. ENGINEERING 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT AUTHORIZE l1-IE GENERAL MAN~ER-Q-fIEF ENGINEER TO EXEaJTE AN ~REEMENT WITH J(}fN CAROllO ENGINEERS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; AN AMENDMENT WITH TRC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR ODOR CONTROL EVALUATIONS; AND AUTHORIZE $329,546 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND DATE AUTHORIZE ~REE~NT AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT AUTHORIZE FUNDS Bert Michalcz k, Senior En ineer SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Approval is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an Agreement with John Carollo Engineers for the Design of the Dewatering System Improvements Proj ect, as well as an amendment with TRC Env i ronmental Consul tants, Inc. for odor control evaluations in conjunction with the dewatering project. Sewer construction funds are required for the design phase of the project. BACKGROJND: The Treatment Plant requires facilities capable of dewatering sludge produced by 45 mi 11 ion gallons per day average dry weather flow. To do th is, new horizontal dewatering centrifuges will be installed to increase capacity and to replace the existing vertical units. This work, together with modifications to various support systems, is described in detail in Attachment A and is the subject of the Dewatering System Improvements Project. John Carollo Engineers, in conjunction with District staff, have completed the predesi gn of the Dew ateri ng System Improvements Proj ect and f i na 1 desi gn efforts can now be started. John Carollo Engineers is recommended as the firm to undertake the final design based on their familiarity with the project and their satisfactory performance during predesign. As part of the final design, John Carollo Engineers will participate in odor control evaluations, prepare plans and specifications, and eval uate bi ds. The final design effort will include a full scale confirmation of the capacity of the existing odor control unit serving the dewatering facilities coupled with pilot scale testing of an odor control unit using newer technology as described in Attachment A. In order to properly conduct odor removal testing, the services of TRC Environmental Consultants, Inc. will be utilized to quantify odor removal. The work on thi s aspect of the proj ect w ill be coordi nated with the overall odor study being undertaken by TRC under the direction of the Plant Operations Department. An agreement has been negoti ated with John Caroll 0 Engi neers for desi gn serv ices with a cost cei 1 i ng of $605,000 and an amendment has been negoti ated with TRC Environmental Consultants, Inc. for services related to odor control evaluations for $28,000. Both documents are structured on an hourly rate times a multipl ier ba s is. This project was once part of the Stage 5B Project but was subsequently deferred because of grant funding compl ications and the need to address other higher priority work, such as the Incinerator Repairs and Modifications Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DRW RAB .~~. R GER J. DOLAN INI0tffYYl7D1V. 1302A.9/85 BlM ()~tJ SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAl MANPGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEQJTE AN AGREEMENT WITH J(}lN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; AN AMENDMENT WITH TRC ENV IRON MEN TAl CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR ODOR CONTROL EVAlUATIONS; AND AUTHORIZE $329,546 FROM E SE E T TI POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE OF The total estimated cost through compl et1 on of detail ed des1 gn 1 s $1,064,000. After subtract1 ng prev 10usly authorized expenses of $734,454, an authorization of $329,546 is required as shOtln in Attachment B. The predes1gn level estimate for the overall project cost is $9,769,000 as presented in Attachment C. Future Board authorizations will be required to award bids for prepurchase of centrifuges and to award bids for the construction contract. In addition, staff may recommend field testing of centrifuges prior to the prepurchase as discussed in Attachment A under "Centrifuges." Field testing of centrifuges would be an increase in project scope and would require an additional authorization of funds. The project is included in the 1986 Capital Improvement Plan under the title "Sludge Dewatering Fac1l1t1es." RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an Agreement with John Carollo Engineers for the design of the Dewatering System Improvements Project and an amendment with TRC Environmental Consultants, Inc., for odor control evaluations. Authorize $329,546 from the Sewer Construction Fund. 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 7 ATTAOiMENT A Proj ect Descr i pt ion The goal of the Dewatering System Improvements Project is to provide facilities capable of dewatering sludge produced by 45 million gallons per day average dry weather flOt/. The heart of the system will be four new horizontal solid bowl dewatering centrifuges. Modifications will also be required to ancillary facilities such as the odor control, polymer feed, and sludge blending. Provisions for emergency sludge storage will be incorporated into the blending system. In addition, facilities will be provided to convey dewatered sludge cake to the multiple hearth furnaces. Figure 1 of this attachment shOt/s the proposed layout of the centrifuges. The next several sections describe each of the component systems. CEN TR I FUG ES Sludge dewatering is required before incineration because excessively wet sludge will not burn properly. Four horizontal solid bowl centrifuges will be used to dewater the sludge produced by the primary clarifiers and the new Dissolved Air Flotation Thickeners. This sludge will be fed to the centrifuges with a solids content of approximately 3.5 percent. The centrifuge will capture 95 percent of the solids and in the process produce a dry sludge cake with a solids content of 22 percent. The dewatered sludge cake will then be conveyed to the multiple hearth furnaces. The units will be located in the southeast bay of the Furnace Building on the third floor. The centrifuges will be prepurchased by the District after a formal prequalification phase. In this phase detailed technical information will be solicited from the centrifuge manufacturers. The information will be evaluated by District staff together with John Carollo Engineers to determine that the equipment meets the criteria established by the District. If so, a machine will be considered to be prequalified. The next step may be field testing of the prequalified units to ascertain their ability to dewater the District's sludge. The deci si on as to whether or not to fiel d test w ill be predi cated upon the information gathered during prequalification related to the manufacturer's experience at other facilities. If field testing is undertaken, additional funding will be requested. The final phase of centrifuge procurement will be a formal bid among the prequal ified suppliers with award being made to the lOt/est bidder. Due to the long lead time for fabrication, the units will be prepurchased by the District. POLYMER FEED A new polymer feed system will be designed. Polymer is fed to the sl udge to make it dewater better. The system will be capable of providing both liquid and dry polymer conditioning of sludge fed to the centrifuges at doses of up to 20 pounds/ton; operati ng dosages are expected to be approximately 8 pounds/ton. An evaluation of the components of the existing polymer system was made to determine which could be used in the new system. Several components can be incorporated into the new facilities. Most notably, the presently used dry polymer feeders will be incorporated into the new system. The facilities will be located on the third floor of the Solids Conditioning Building in the west wing. Page 4 of 7 ODOR CONTROL Existing Odor Control Unit No.3 (OQJ 3) located west of the sea will not be capable of adequately treating the 18,200 scfm of foul air containing up to 130 parts per million of hydrogen sulfide generated by the systems associated with dewatering. The exhaust from OQJ 3 must be essentially odor free. The requirements will be more precisely defined as part of the upcoming odor control study bei ng undertaken by the Pl ant. In addi ti on, the exact capaci ty of OaJ 3 is unknown at the present time. A technology now exi sts which competes with "packed bed" scrubbers such as OQJ 3. The new tech nol ogy is categori zed as a "spray tower." The ability of the new technology to meet the applicable requirements as well as the capacity of OaJ 3 will be determined during field testing conducted at the start of the design phase in conjunction with TRC Environmental, Incol John Carollo Engineers, and District staff. If either technology is unable to achieve the required performance, then a two-stage scrubbing system util izing the most economic of the two scrubber types tested at the first stage unit will be used. Because of the present uncertainty, it is conservatively pl anned that two new two-stage scrubbers will be designed and installed. SLUOOE BLENDING Sludge blending, or equalization, is the process of "smoothing out" the characteristics of a sludge stream that has a varying flow rate and composition. This process is required to ensure consistent operation of the dewatering centrifuges so that the incinerators will operate efficiently with optimal air pollution performance. Blending and equal ization is accompl ished by providing a tank with a 1 arge enough vol ume to dampen the fl uctuati ng sl udge feed rates and composi ti ons. The tank will be equipped with a pumped mixing system to physically blend the two sl udge streams. The present centrate thickener will be converted to the primary blending tank. The present blending tank will be modified slightly to serve as an emergency sludge storage tank. The modifications to the present blending tank will consist of the removal of the existing thickener mechanism, the installation of interconnecting piping, and minor structural improvements. The various improvements represent Phase 2 of the modi fi cati on to the bl endi ng equi pment started under the Stage 5B proj ect. CAKE CONVEYANCE The dewatered sl udge cake produced by the centrifuges must be transported to the furnaces. Presently thi s is done usi ng short 1 engths of screw conveyors from the existing vertical centrifuges. Because of the different configuration of the new horizontal units, they cannot be located immedi ately adj acent to the furnaces. Considering the distance to be conveyed, the dewatered cake will be pumped from the location of the centrifuges to the furnaces with a hydraul ically-driven reciprocating piston pump. These pumps are similar to units used to pump concrete. These types of pumps can efficiently and economically convey the dewatered cake. Four such units will be required, one serving each centrifuge. Page 5 of 7 i -~----- " -~._---_._-_..- 1'-- , "/ I ",,~/ il "/ ~~-+:-:-'- ~-t-~ "~I --'~r /~ ! ! " ' " i! ...~ -.--u------6'l- [J C ,I SYSTEM . C::J 0 :J - -r-r- -- Oc- ! - · FUTURE CENTRIFUGES 11 i I -.J :1 ' . I, di" ~ ~ I! ."2 'I II --QI, t '~ I!II- MUL T1PLE - HEA-RTH FURNACES ELEV A TION AT 3RD FLOOR SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING CENTRIFUGE (TYP) CENTRIFUGE SUPPORT PLATFORM ~ i 19'6" __ 1 - ~ FIGURE 1 Page 6 of 7 ATTADUENT B COST SUtl4ARY FOR lHE DESIGN OF lHE DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROYEJENTS PROJ ECT 1. Consultant Expenditures During Design a. John Carollo Engineers $ 605,000 b. TRC Environmental Consultants, Inc. 28,000 c. Total Consultant Expenditures $ 633,000 2. District Expenditures During Design a. Proj ect Management $ 38,900 b. Engineering 64,600 c. Printing/Advertising 9,500 d. Total District Expenditures $ 113,000 3. Conti ngency 56,000 (a) 4. Prior Expenditures a. Predesign $ 147,000 b. Centrifuge Manufacturer Prequal ification 115,000 c. Total Prior Expenditures $ 262,000 5. Total Estimated Expenditures $1,064,000 6. Less Funds Previously Authorized 734,454) 7. Total Additional Authorization Requested $ 329,546 (a) If necessary, District staff will use this contingency to issue contract change orders to John Carollo Engineers or TRe Environmental Consultants, Inc. to expand their Scopes of Work or to fund additional force account work. Page 7 of 7 ATTADlMENT C TOTAL PROJ ECT COST ESTIMATE Predesign Level (a) Total Estimated Proj ect Cost $ 147,000 115,000 802,000 (b) 602,000 (c) 1,850,000 5,516,000 737,000 $9,769,000 1. Predesign Phase 2. Centrifuge Manufacturer Prequalification 3. Design Phase 4. Construction Management 5. Field Testing of Centrifuges 6. Prepurchase of Centrifuges 7. Construction Cost 8. Construction Contingency (10% of Lines Nos. 6 and 7) (a) Plus or minus 20 percent accuracy (b) Sum of lines 1, 2, and 3 on Attachment B (c) Not proposed at this time; if a decision is made to recommend field testing, an authorization will be requested. The best estimate for this work is approximately $100,000. . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 4 1986 NO. VIII. TREATMENT PLANT 1 SUBJECT DATE NJTHORIZE $32,400 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE DESIGN OF THE REPLACEMENT OF ODOR CONTRa.. UNIT NO. 1 - DISTRICT FROJECT NO. 10015 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY William E. Brennan, Plant 0 erations Division Mana er INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Operati ons/ Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: Approval is requested fran the Board of Di rectors to authorize sewer construction funds for the preparation of design documents for a replacement for Odor Control Unit No.1. BACKGROUND: The barscreen roan ventil ati on system is exhausted through an odor control unit provided as part of the SA project. This unit has reached the end of its useful life and must be replaced. It is req uested that the Board of Di rectors authorize funds for preparati on of contract documents for the prepurchase of an odor control uni t and eq ui pment installation contract. Further funds will be requested at the award of these contracts. The project is described in detail in Attachment A, and a cost estimate for the design is included as Attachment B. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $32,400 fran the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the preparation of design documents for the replacement for Odor Control Unit No.1. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 2'G 1302A.9/85 WEB CWB ATTAa;MENT A PROJECT DESCRIPTION At present, all the exhaust air fram the barscreen roam is treated by Odor Control Unit No.1. This piece of equipment was provided as part of the SA plant expansion. This unit is subject to a corrosive environment and thus has reached the end of its useful life and must be replaced. In addi ti on to the eq ui pment repl acement, Pl ant Operati ons Depar1ment staff plans to modify the supply and exhaust air distribution system within the barscreen roam. This will improve the circulation of air through the roam, provide a better working environment, and decrease the volume of foul air to be treated by the odor control unit. The major part of the design for this project will be performed by Di stri ct staff with the structural desi gn to be done by an outsi de consultant. A pil ot test of a modern odor control uni t for th is proj ect has al ready been conducted on an authorization of the General Manager-Chief Engineer. This will assist in the preparation of the prepurchase specifications. The preliminary cost estimate for this project is $390,000. ATTAa-lMENT B DESIGN COST ESTIMATE Descri pti on Consultant Associated Industrial Designers Odor Control Unit Testing Force Account Total Funds Required Prey ious GM-CE Authorization Total Funds Requested Cost $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 27,400 $ 42,400 $ 10,000 $ 32,400 . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. SUBJECT AUTI-lORIZE GENERAL MANJlGER-a-IIEF ENGINEER TO EXEaJTE A CX>N- TRACT WITH REALOOIC AND AUTI-lORIZE $35,000 FROM TI-lE SEWER CX>NSTRUCTION FUND TO PLAN AND ESTIMATE TI-lE CX>NVERSION OF TI-lE TREATMENT PLANT'S MODCX>MP CX>NTROL SYSTEM SOFTWARE TO UTILIZE TI-lE LATEST MODCX>MP OPERATING SYSTEM TYPE OF ACTION AUTI-lORIZE GM-CE TO EXECUTE JlGREEMENT, AND JlJJTI-lORIZE FUNDS i neer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department/ o erations ISSUE: Board approval is requested for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract with ReaLogic (a canputer software consultant specializing in ModComp systems) and to authorize $35,000 from sewer construction funds to plan and estimate the conversion of the Treatment Plant's ModComp computer operating system. BACKGROUND: The Pl ant's process control computer system, a ModComp computer system with custom software, was supplied as part of the 5A Pl ant expansion in 1972. The "Operator-Machine" interface is unique and still superior in spite of computer advances si nce its i ncepti on. The exi sti ng operati ng system is not supported by ModComp. Revisions to this system will be needed as part of a project to expand the capacity of the muliplexor control units. An overall approach to the updati ng of the pl ant process control computer was developed in 1984 and built upon the earlier work of pl ant staff and outsi de consul tants. The al ternatives were either to pl an a total repl acement of hardware and software or to gradually upgrade subsystems of the exi sti ng process control system. Since the subsystem upgrade approach afforded better control of changes in a very sensitive area of plant operation and was estimated to be more economical, it was decided to proceed with a detailed study. The first major changes in hardware have al ready occurred with the upgrading of the central processing units with modern ModComp Classic lIs which are more reliable and have the capacity for one million words of memory. This change required modest revisions in our operating system software. Other hardware upgrades have included the operator CRTs, the offline user CRTs, the two graphic printer/plotters, and 10 megabyte di sks. The system has reached an operati ng stage where it has become necessary to begin implementing major changes in software. The first three phases of this project have been identified thus far. Phase I is the conversion study for which funds are now requested. This study includes planning the conversions and a manpower and cost estimate for the actual conversion. A more detailed description of Phase I is included as Attachment A. Phase II is the actual conversion of the operating system and all Plant programs. Phase III is the study for the tel emetry control hardware repl acement, i. e., the repl acement of the multiplexor control units. Phase III is a long-term project. REVIEWED AND ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WEB CWB ./CHIEF ENG. ~ tv.- ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. AJ ,/ 1302A.9/85 GW W€~ SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEaJTE A OON- TRACT WITH REJ\L.OOIC AND AUlHORIZE $35,000 FROM lHE SEWER OONSTRUCTION FUND FOR A STUDY TO PLAN AND ESTIMATE lHE OONVERSION OF THE lREATMENT PLANT'S MODOOMP OONlROL SYSTEM SOFTWARE TO UTILIZE THE LATEST tvDDCOMP OPERATING SYSTEM POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 August 29, 1986 Neither a schedule, technology, or cost can be determined at present. This project is not delineated in the Capital Improvement Plan as it is an emerging project. ReaLogic has been selected to perform the Phase I work. The personnel of ReaLogic have the necessary famili arity with ModComp operati ng systems and have al ready provided several days of training to the Plant Operations Department Computer Section staff. ReaLogic's offices are in Sacramento, and their staff is currently working with the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant on a ModComp computer system. ReaLogic will provide services for the Phase I conversion study via a lump sum contract for $26,000. REOOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract for professional services with ReaLogic Software Consultants and authorize $35,000 from sewer construction funds for planning and estimating conversion of Plant control software to utilize the current ModComp operating system. --------. 13028-9/85 ATTAa-tMENT A MAX IV CONVERSION STUDY - PHASE I PROJECT DESCRIPTION The current operati ng system used for the Pl ant process control computer system is known as MAX III. This software was developed in the mid-1970's by ModComp and is limited to 64,000 words of memory. ModComp ceased upgrading this system in 1981 and superseded it with MAX IV. The lack of factory support, the need for the eventual conversion of the Plant multiplexor units to a new technology, and the replacement of the multiplexor control units with software utilizing the larger central processing unit memory, creates the need for updating the ModComp operating system with MAX IV. Si nce there are a 1 arge nlll1ber of custan programs for the Pl ant's uniq ue process control system (over 200), the conversion to MAX IV requires more than just obtaining the MAX IV system. The use of MAX IV will require an intensive effort to make all Plant programs compatible with the new operating system. The MAX IV operating system was acquired from ReaLogic as part of a training course given to introduce the differences between MAX III and MAX IV. The purpose of this authorization is to make funds available for the Phase I study. Once the conversion project is defined, the Plant Computer Secti on staff can pl an Phase II. At th i s time it is estimated that it will req ui re approximately two man-years of work to make the conversi on compl ete usi ng both in-house staff and outsi de consul tants for software assistance. ATTACHMENT B MAX IV CONVERSION STUDY - PHASE I August 29, 1986 Cost Summary Description Funds Requested Consultant REALOOIC Protostar Contingencies at 10 percent $26,000 2,000 2,800 Di str i ct Forces Process Management Process Control 200 4,000 Total Authorization $35,000 . Centrc.._ Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 4, 1986 NO. VII 1. TREATMENT PLANT 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION OF $10,400 FROM THE SEWER CONSlRUCTION FUND FOR THE INSTALLATION CONlRACT, FORCE ACCOUNT LPBOR, AND CONTINGENCY FOR DSP 10017 - FURNACE ID FAN VARIABLE FREQUENCY [RIVES DATE TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY David Reindl, Assistant En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department/ Maintenance En ineerin ISSUE: The Board of Directors must approve expenditures from the Sewer Construction Fund for capi tal proj ects. BACKGROUND: On July 3, 1986, the Board of Di rectors authorized the purchase of two 200 hp variable frequency drives for the furnace induced draft fans. The equipment is scheduled for delivery in mid-October. District staff has received proposals from two electrical contractors for the installation of the units. The lowest bid is from Beard Electric Company for $8,002. In order to be eligible for a P.G.& E. energy savings rebate of approximately $17,000, the installation of both units must be completed by December 1, 1986. Additional funds are requested at this time to complete the project. The requested funds will cover installation costs, District force account labor, and testing the equipment. A breakdown of costs is shown on Attachment 1. Authorizati on of $10,400 increases the total proj ect budget to $72,218. The original engineer's estimate for the project was $81,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $10,400 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the installation contract, force account labor, and contingency. 130211.9/85 DR J,~. /I-&- JB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~ ATTAa-lMENT I FURNACE ID FAN VARIABLE FR81UENCY DRIVE INSTALLATION Installation Contract (Beard Electric) $ 8,002 District Forces (Electrical/Instrument Shops) $ 1,000 Photo-Electric Tachometer $ 450 $ 9,452 Contingency 948 TOTAL $10,400 ATTAa-tMENT II V JlSUABLE FREQUENCY [RIVE BUDGET Total Proj ect Estimated Cost Previous Authorization (July 3, 1986) Funds Requested At This Time $72,218 $61,818 $10,400 . Centrh. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 4, 1986 NO. IX. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 SUBJECT DENIAL OF $2,460 CLAIM FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE FROM DON YOUNG FORD DATE August 27, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIM SUS.r[tRD ~~ Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIAIlt)lG .DEfT.tlDIV. t. / "om' n s ra we Risk Management and Safety ISSUE: The District has received a claim for $2,460 from Don Young Ford for alleged damage to underground telephone cables as a result of the installation of a new sewer line by CCCSD. BACKGROUND: Underground telephone cables, located on Car1back Avenue in Walnut Creek, were severed on May 20, 1986, during a District sewer line project. Prior to starting work the District had notified Underground Services Alert and obtained an Encroachment Permit from the City of Walnut Creek. Notices of the intended construction were hand delivered to Don Young Ford on May 9. Pacific Bell, as a member of Underground Services Alert, marks the location of all of its facilities to prevent accidental damage. However, they did not mark the location of an underground conduit in this case because their records showed this conduit to be abandoned. Don Young Ford apparently has been using it for a private telephone line unbeknownst to any of the public agencies or utility companies. The City of Walnut Creek has no record of issuing a permit for this private telephone line to be placed in the public street. Both the District and Pacific Bell incurred costs as the result of this incident. Pacific Bell, not knowing who was responsible, made the initial repairs to put the telephone system back in service immediately after the incident. The District incurred additional costs totaling $1,000 while awaiting the initial repairs and providing access to the trench for final repairs by Don Young Ford's contractor. Don Young Ford was informed of the nature and extent of the District's proposed underground constructi on pri or to the i niti ati on of the proj ect, but di d not disclose that they had a private telephone line crossing the street, nor did they mark its location in a way that would prevent its accidental excavation. The correct Di strict procedures were followed in thi s case. Accordi ng1 y, the c1 aim should be denied. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the Don Young Ford claim for $2,460 against the District and refer to staff for further action as necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INIT!~TING eT.lDIV JEC PM