HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-18-86 . Cefth _. Jntra Costa Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS trict PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. V. DATE BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ~ARD OF CONTRACT TO BILLINGS A...UM3ING, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4236, ESCOBAR STREET COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZE $61,345 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND S ,auTHORIZE ~ARD AUTHORIZE FUNDS Robert A. Simmons, Associate En ineer SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: On September 11, 1986, sealed bids for the construction of District Project No. 4236, Escobar Street Collection System Improvements, were received and opened. The Board must award the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: A raw sewage siphon crosses beneath Alhambra Creek at Escobar Street in Marti nez. The si phon is inconstant need of mai ntenance because it receives insufficient flows to adequately flush the piping. In addition, area residents have reported that during high tide sewage occasionally overflows from a manhole upstream of the siphon. The City of Martinez is currently involved in a downtown beautification program. This program consists of relocating overhead utilities underground, replacing existing curb, gutter and sidewalks, replacing deteriorating road bridges and paving downtown streets. An opportunity exists to remedy the mai ntenance prone sewer si phon concurrent with the beautificati on project. Engineering Department staff studied and developed alternatives under a General Manager-Chief Engineer authorization to redirect flows to nearby gravity flow systems with the intent of abandoning the siphon. Whenever possible it is beneficial to eliminate siphons. Plans and specifications were prepared which call for the installation of approximately 210 lineal feet of 8-inch and 14-inch diameter sewer main, 240 lineal feet of 4-inch and 6-inch diameter sewer laterals, and a shallow manhole. Attachment 1 shows a plot plan of the project area and the existing and proposed sewer alignment. The project was advertised on September 2 and 8, 1986. Five bids, ranging from $36,345 to $54,330 were received on September 11, 1986. A tabulation of the bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Billings Plumbing, Inc. of Martinez, CA. The Engineer's Estimate for construction is $45,000. A Post Bid/Pre-Construction Cost Estimate is presented in Attachment 3. An amount of $61,345 from the Sewer Constructi on Fund is needed for the constructi on contract, District Force account, and construction contingencies. A $10,900 contingency allowance is included in the Post Bid/Pre-Construction Cost Estimate because of the 1 ack of Marti nez system as-bui 1 t data and because of the potenti al for conflicts with underground utilities currently being installed by Pacific Gas and Electric Co. and others as part of the City of Martinez Downtown Beautifica- ti on program. The total estimated proj ect cost for Escobar Street Coll ecti on REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION /?I~ 1302A.9/85 RAS BLM DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 51ff/L EJM ----,._-_.~---"-"'-"~--,+-"-',~....._-,._._.,.__..._-.-_.__.~._. ,.-".---.--'-.,,--."-.---,---.--, -- --.....-..,--- SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ~ARD OF CONTRACT TO BILLINGS PlUfJBING, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4236, ESCOBAR SlREET COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS, AND AUlHORIZE $61,345 FROM THE SEWER CONSlRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 5 September 15, 1986 System Improvanents is $71,345. This project is included in the Capital Improvanent Plan as part of the Martinez Sewer Improvanents. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract for the construction of Escoba r Street Coll ecti on System Improvanents, Di stri ct Proj ect No. 4236, to Billings Pl umbi ng, Inc. as the lCfNest responsive bi dder. Authorize $61,345 from the Sewer Construction Fund. --------- 13026-9/85 PAGE 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT" 1 ESCOBAR STREET SElNER REPLACEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT 4236 CITY OF MARTINEZ G RA'LROAO SYSTEM MAP N.T.S. LEGEND --- EXISTING SEWER - NEW SEWER -.-.- ABANDONED SEWER o NEW MANHOLE C EXISTING MANHOLE c . Central Contra cgs1~E%anitary' District Page 4 of 5 SUMMARV OF BID& PROJECT NO. 4236 ESCOBAR STREET SEWER DATE SEPTEMBER 11. 1986 ENGR. EST. $ 45.000 LOCATION ESCOBAR STREET. MARTINEZ c ~ BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) I BID PRICE 1 Bill i n9s Plumbing ( ) 676-41f\1 $ 36,345.00 4095 P;:IC:hp.c:o Blvd. , Mrlrtinp.7, CA 9h553 ( , $ 2 Rota Rooter ) q~q-3100 1QS Mason Circle, Concord. CA Q4S87 42.260.00 - 3 Jardin Pipeline ( ) 581-6Q46 $ 'J714 .Jp.ffrp.y Crlstro Vrlllp.y, CA 94f\46 46,275.00 Ct. , I-- 4 Manuel C. Jardim, Inc. ( ) 487-0444 $ 34201 Zw i s s i 9 Way, Union City, CA 94587 47.029.00 10- 5 AlbrlY Constrllc:tion ( ) 228-1)400 $ 861) Howe ROrld, Martinez, CA q4SI)~ 54.110.00 - ( ) $ - ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ PREPARED BY dAS DATE CJjII I/~/' SHEET NO. I OF / 2503-9/84 Page 5 of 5 ATTAa-tMENT 3 ITEM POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR . DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4236 ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL % CON ST. CONlRACT DESCRIPTION 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) $ 36 345 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies $ 10,900 $ 47,245 100% 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey $ 1,250 Inspection $ 2,600 (including Contract Admin., Engineering Submittal Review) $ 2,750 CSO (TV Inspection) $ 1,000 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals $ $ 7,600 16 4. As-Built Drawings $ 1,000 2 5. Total Estimate Requi red to Campl ete Proj ect $ 55,845 118 6. Pre-Bid Expenditures District Survey, Engr., Print,Advt Cost Speci al Serv ices Total Preconstruction Cost (as of 9/11/86) $ 15,500 $ $ $ 15,500 33 7. 8. Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5 & 7) $ 71,345 151 9. Funds Prev iousl y Authorized $ 10,000 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project $ 61,345 (Item 8 minus Item 9) . Central _ .)ntra Costa Sanitary.. strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 oF2 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 22 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONlRACT WORK FOR REA...ACEfJENT OF EXISTING DEFICIENT SEWER FACILITIES IN MARTINEZ AND ORINDA <DISlRICT PROJECT NO. 4054) AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONlRACT WORK SUB,MITTED BY Ihomas Trice, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Replacement of Existing Deficient Sewer Facil ities in Martinez and Orinda and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: This project included the replacement or paralleling of existing deficient sewer facil ities at four sites in the District, described in more detail on Attachment 1. Gallagher & Burk of Oakland was issued a Notice to Proceed on June 3, 1986. The contract completion dates were July 25, 1986, for the Glorietta Boulevard site only, and September 5, 1986, for the remaining three sites. All contract work was substanti ally compl eted on or before the specff ic contract compl eti on dates. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. A detailed accounting of the proj ect cost w ill be prov i ded to the Boa rd at the time of proj ect closeout. RECOMt-ENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the Replacement of Existing Deficient Sewer Facilities in Martinez and Orinda <District Project No. 4054) and authorize the fil ing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB 771-r 1302A.9/85 TAT RSK INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ ATTAQ-l~NT 1 REA...ACE~NT OF EXISTING DEFICIENT SEWER FACIL ITIES PROJ ECT SCOPE OF WORK <DP 4054) SITE A: ULFINIAN WAY, MARTINEZ - An exi sti ng, damaged 6-inch sewer mai n located under an apar1ment bu il di ng in Marti nez was relocated usi ng 250 feet of 8-inch sewer pipe. Also included was the reconnection of three existing buildings to the new system. The restorati on of the area incl uded repl acement of 1,400 square feet of concrete drivetlay together with a minor ClT\ount of creek slope protection. SITE B: MORAGA WAY, ORINOA - An existing deficient section of 12-inch trunk sewer on Moraga Way in Orinda was paralleled with 72fJ feet of new 18-inch trunk sewer. SITE C: GLORIETTA BooLEY MO, ORINOA 10-inch sewer mai n was repl aced with addi ti on, four new manhol es were reconnected. - Several sections of deficient existing 800 feet of new 10- inch sewer pi pee In constructed and several 1 ateral s were SITE 0: L()IER CJUNOA RlMP STATION - A porti on of an exi sti ng 15- inch trunk sewer upstream of the Lower Ori nda pump stati on was repl aced with 190 feet of 18- inch ductile iron pipe. Also, an existing trunk manhole at the edge of a creek bank was supported and protected with approximately 1300 sacks of concrete rip-rap. . Central l intra Cc)sta Sanitary L ;trict BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER [BOARD MEETING OF September 18, 1986 NO. SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 86-23 (ALAMO) AND P.A. 86-24 (CONCORD) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 23 DATE September 10, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer : Owner Parcel Address No. Area Parcel No. & Acreage Engineering Dept./Construction Div. Remarks Lead Agency 86-23 Alamo (78A7) S. W. Lockett 909 Forest Lane Alamo, CA 94507 A.P. No. 201-082-016 0.7 Acres Existing house. Failing District septic system. District to prepare IINotice of Exemptionll 86-24 Concord (14A2) George Redding 2825 Concord Boulevard Concord, CA 94520 159-050-006 0.95 Acres Existing business is to be County connected to sewer constructed as part of the Bates Avenue improvement District. IINegative Declaration by Countyll RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 86-23 and P.A. 86-24 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /;'4 1!fiJ ~ ~lZEF ENG. jt -I, r/~~ 1302.4 .9.'85 DH JSM RAB J ROGER J. DOLAN PROPOSED ANNEXATION PA. 86 -23 ..,. 1- ~ ..EHT ,.. ST-.TE II"'''' 4- .........................., e~-"".r~ , I I PROPOSED ANNEXATION PA. 86-24 _.......- ' . Central _ ~ntra Costa Sanitary .. ~strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 18, 1986 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 24 SUBJECT AUlHORIZATION FOR JARRED MIYAK>To-MILLS TO ATTEND THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FEDERATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA DATE Se tember 5, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. James M. Kelly, Pl anning Division Mgr. Engineering Department/Planning Div. ISSUE: The Water Pollution Control Federal (WPCF) is holding its annual conference in October at Los Angeles. A paper coauthored by Jarred Miyamoto-Mills has been accepted for presentation at this conference. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills's attendance at this meeting was not included in the 1986-87 O&M budget. Board authorization is required for his participation in the conference. BACKGROUND: A paper entitl ed "Alternative and Innovative Design and Mai ntenance Improvements for Chl ori ne and Sul fur Di oxi de Systems at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District," prepared by Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Planning Division, James Belcher, Plant Operations Department, and Joe Peel, Kennedy/Jenks/Chilton Engineers, has been accepted for presentation at the WPCF annual conference in Los Angeles on October 6, 1986. The paper describes the District's experience during the Chlorine and Sulfur Dioxide Facilities Improvement Project. Because of the late acceptance of this paper, the $850 cost of this conference was not included in the 1986-87 O&M budget. Also, the fiscal year is just underway so it is not known at this time if budgetary savings will accrue to cover this expense. Therefore, the Planning Division budget for employee education and training could be overrun by $850. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Jarred Miyamoto-Mills to attend the WPCF conference in Los Angel es at a cost not to exceed $850. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ,)./11\. '<- 1302,4.9/85 J MK . Central .>ntra Costa Sanitary , .strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 18, 1986 NO. AUTHORIZE BOARD PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL SERVICE FRANCHISE FOR COLLECTION, REMOVAL, AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE. VI. CONSENT CALE DATE Sept. 8, 1986 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION EXECU TE AMENDMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative Department ISSUE: Execution of an Amendment to the Franchise Agreement with Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service is necessary to set forth within the agreement the special level of service granted for Mobile Home Parks in Pleasant Hill Bay Shore's service area. BACKGROUND: At the Board's July 17, 1986 meeting, a special level of service was granted, consisting of one cleanup per year, at Mobile Home Parks within the Pl easant Hill Bay Shore franchi se area. The franchi se agreement with Pleasant Hill Bay Shore requires..."Three all purpose pickups per year not to exceed two cubic yards per resi denti al custaner of the zone." An amendment to the agreement was prepared by District Counsel which added the following to the agreement: "Notwithstanding the above obl igation of the Contractor with regard to residential units, the Contractor shall only be required to make one yearly all purpose pickup not to exceed two cubic yards per unit in the mobil e home parks with i n the Zone. The date for said additional pickup may be set by the Contractor and the Contractor will provide notice to the Custaners of said pickup." The District's Garbage Ordinance has been reviewed by District Counsel and it was determined that no changes were necessary. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the Board of Directors to execute First Amendment to Agreement for Collection, Removal and Disposal of Garbage, Zone 3 and direct the Secretary of the District to attach the executed agreement to Pleasant Hill Bay Shore's Franchise Agreement in the District's offici al fi 1 es. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION l . Central '- ~ntra Costa Sanitary .. .strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 18, 1986 NO. . IX. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 DATE September 12, 1986 SUBJECT DENIAL OF $400,000 CLAIM FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE FROM ROBERT AND LUCILLE KARP TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIM SU~a1!RD~~ Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIAJ"ING~DEPT./DIV.ti / f\Cm.nlS"tra ve Risk Management and Safety ISSUE: A landslide occurred sometime around the first of March 1986 at 3717 Happy Valley Road, Lafayette, subsequent to the heavy February rains of this year. The property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Karp, are claiming that the slide was caused by District negligence relative to a CCCSD sewer line and easement which run along the northwest side of their property. BACKGROUND: The staff requests a closed session with the Board of Directors on this matter of potential litigation so as to present information leading to the recommendation that this claim be denied. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the cl aim for $400,000 submitted by Robert and Luci 11 e Karp against the District and refer to staff for further action as necessary. INI ATIC{ ~DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/ JEC PM . Central ~ntra Costa Sanitary '- ,strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 18, 1986 NO. x. REAL PROPERTY 1 SUBJECT DATE September 1~. 1986 ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF LOT 12, BLOCK E, ORINDA OAKS PROPERTY, ASSESSOR'S NO. 264-075-015 TO CRAIG AND BARBARA WOOLMINGTON-SMITH TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOlUTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: Resolution No. 85-009. which declared Lot 12 property surplus and authorized its sale, requires that the District Board approve the sale to Craig and Barbara Woo1mington-Smith by adoption of a resolution. BACKGROUN>: The Board adopted Resolution No. 85-009 on February 7, 1985. This resolution contained three major conditions: 1. The property shall be initially offered at $75,000 and a commission not to exceed ten percent (10%) would be payable at close of escrow. 2. All existing easements be reviewed and reserved, if needed. 3. Board would have to approve final sale and conditions thereof. On June 19, 1986, the Board adopted a Resolution authorizing the sale of this property to Darrell G. C10w and Don Brown. During the escrow period, the buyers requested and were granted a termination of the purchase agreement. The termination was based upon the buyers not receiving permit approvals within the escrow time peri ode The Property Team was aware of another offer from the Wool mington-Smiths, and determined that rather than continue negotiations with D.G. C10w and D. Brown, it was better to terminate the agreement with them and proceed to accept Mr. and Mrs. Woo1mington-Smith's offer. Pursuant to the purchase agreement, the negotiated selling price is $61,000. This is above the minimum limit given to the Board's negotiator. The commission was negotiated at 8%, and all other conditions have been reviewed by the District Property Team. A public easement has been reserved and is stated in the resolution. The sale of this surplus property is exempt from CEQA per local guide1 ine 18.12 (State Guideline Section 15312). RECOMMENDATION: Approve the sale of Lot 12, Block E, Orinda Oaks property, Assessor's No. 264-075-015. to Craig and Rarbara Woolmington-Smith pursuant to the purchase agreement, authorize the Deputy General Manager to execute documents of sale, and adopt the attached resolution approving the sale and conditions thereof. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211-9/85 PM r~ JEC RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AtI) THE CONDITIONS THEREOF RESOLVED BY THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT THAT WHEREAS, The Board of Directors found that the certain real property hereinafter described and situated within the boundaries of said District was not necessary for the exercise of its powers, duties, and functions; and was not necessary for the purposes of the District and that the sale of this surpl us property is exempt fran CEQA local guideline 18.12 of the District guidelines, Section 15312 State Resources Codes, and was therefore declared as surplus. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FURTHER DETERMINED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That all that certain real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Lot 12, Block E as said lot and block are shown and delineated upon the map entitled "Orinda Oaks," filed December 16, 1924, in Book 19 of Maps, Page 466, in the office of the County Recorder of Contra Costa County is hereby ordered to be sold. 2. That the Deputy General Manager is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents in connection with executing the final sale of this property including but not limited to the following terms and conditions: (a) The property shall be sold to Craig and Barbara Woolmington-Smith at $61,000.00 cash and a 8 percent commission computed on the eventual selling price is authorized to be paid to Mason-McDuffie at the close of escrow. (b) The District does hereby reserve easement for publiC sanitary sewer purposes: A public easement, 10 feet in width, for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict for the purposes of constructi ng, 1 aying, mai ntai ning and operati ng sewer pi pes therei n and thereupon. and appurtenances and appliances together with the reasonable right of access to such easement for said purposes over said Lot 12, the centerline of said 10 feet in width easement is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeast line of said Lot 12, distant thereon north 30001' west, 39.71 feet from the most eastern corner of said Lot 12; thence from said point of beginning north 8S049'47" west S5.58 feet to a point on the southwest line of said Lot 12, distant thereon north 26<>34' west 66.01 from the most southern corner of said Lot 12. The sidelines of said 10 feet in width easement shall extend entirely across said Lot 12. (c) That the Grant Deed and Resolution be duly recorded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this th day of September. 1986. by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Contra Costa County. California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa. State of California Approved as to Form: J ames Hazard District Counsel