HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-19-86 . Centrt Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 12 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 19, 1986 NO. V . HEARII~GS 1 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER THE APPlICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES BY VALLEY DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC., ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL SERVICE DATE June 10, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Public hearings are scheduled for June 19, 1986 to consider the applications for refuse collection rate increases submitted by the three refuse collectors franchised by the District. BACKGROUND: Applications for refuse collection rate increases have been submitted by Valley Disposal Service, Inc., Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service Inc., and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service, franchise holders for Zones 2, 4 and 5, Zones 1 and lA, and Zone 3, respectively. Valley Disposal Service has requested a 4.11% across-the-board rate increase to be effective July 1, 1986. Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, has requested a 6.13% across-the-board rate increase, using a 94% operating ratio, to be effective July 1, 1986. Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service requests major rate increases in residential service and commercial can service for customers in the original Zone 3, and minor adjustments to commercial and drop box rates in areas which were subsequently annexed to the original Zone 3, effective July 1, 1986. District staff has reviewed the rate increase applications and prepared its staff analyses. The staff analyses and the related rate increase applications of Valley Di sposal Service and Ori nda-Moraga Di sposal Service were forwarded to the Board on May 6, 1986, and to the affected cities of Danville, Lafayette and Orinda, and the Town of Moraga on May 8, 1986. The staff analysis and the rate increase application of Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service were delivered to the Board on June 13, 1986. Written comments from affected cities were requested by June 9, 1986. Comments and suggestions received from the cities of Lafayette and Orinda and the Town of Moraga are appended to this Position Paper. A letter written by P. Morsen to Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service which seeks to obtain information necessary for consideration of areas of interest raised by the City of Orinda in its letter is provided. Written comments, if any, received from the public are also appended. Notices of the public hearings were published in the Contra Costa Times on two separate days, and in the Contra Costa Sun and the Valley Pioneer on single days. Individual notices of the public hearing were sent to residential and commercial can customers in the original Zone 3 by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~~.0. 1302,4.9/85 WNF PM SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES BY VALLEY DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC., ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL SERVICE POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 1'2 DATE June 10, 1986 RECOMMENDATIONS: Conduct public hearings on June 19, 1986 to receive public comment on the applications by Valley Disposal Service, Inc., Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Incol and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Service for refuse collection rate increases, and establish such rates as are considered appropriate. --------.. 13028-9/85 LAFA1~ETTE 81:1TLt:D 1848==-IMDlPOKATED..... CITY COUNCIL Richard F. Holmes, Mayor Oonald L. latzin, Vice Mayor Ernest W. Parti Gayle B. Uilkema Avon M. Wilson June 2, 1986 Mr. Paul Morsen Deputy General Manager Centra Costa County Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez. CA 94553 Dear Mr. Morsen: The City of Lafayette has reviewed the application from Valley Disposal Services tor a refuse collection rate increase, together with the District's analysis of this application. Based on the material submitted, the proposed rate increase seems reasonable. A major portion of the proposed rate increase appears to be the result of an increase in the premiums for property and liab,lity insurance. The City is willing to accept an across- the-board rate increase of 4.11%. However, the City requests that any substantial decrease in future insurance premiums be reflected in future refuse collection rates. ~~ Robert G. Paul City Manager RGP:sj \ '- -- ----..-..-----..-------- ~~__._= u______.________________ 251 LAFAYETTE CIRCLE. LAFAYETTE. CA 94549 TELEPHONE: (415) 284-1968 26 orinda wav . orinda . california 94563. 415.254-3900 ~ ;1~ ~ ~ j' fl/! ~ !i\[)\ I~ _ '.....~ "_ IJ " ~, i JUiJ 4 1986 June 3, 1986 eeem S!:~F1E:TARY OF 'THE O'~'""teT Mr. Nels Carlson, ~resident Central Contra Costa Sanitary 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 District Dear Mr. Carlson: Thank you for your May 8, 1986 correspondence inviting comment on the application for a rate increase submitted by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service Inc. The Orinda City Council appointed Councilmembers Aldo Guidotti and Bobbie Landers to discuss the proposal with the franchisee. In meeting with Mr. Navone, the committee expressed interest in the implementation of a senior citizen discount, intended to provide a twenty five percent discount for seniors with limited income. The program would not be based upon an income test; rather, interested seniors would be asked to sign an application stating their understanding that the program is designed to apply only to individuals whose income limitations warrant the discount. Mr. Navone agreed to prepare a draft application for this purpose. Second, the committee requested that the company provide trucks, drivers, hauling and disposal for an annual clean-up of the business, highway and byway areas. Finally, the committee expressed interest in a two-tier billing system which would allow brush collection to be optional for all residents. It was understood that this would require significant modification to the billing and collection systems, but with the implementation of the new computerized billing system, the committee believed that this is a practical long term goal. With regard to the rate increase request, no independent analysis was conducted, and the committee offers no opinion on the reasonableness of the proposed rates. Thank you again for the opportunity to submit these comments. ~y, ~Chardtj H~ Mayor RGH:nh -2- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place. Martinez. CA 94553-4392 (415)689-3890 June 9, 1986 Mr. George Navone Or1nda-Moraga Disposal 1 Northwood Drive Or1nda, CA 94563 Service Dear Mr. Navone: ( Mayor Hegg1 e of Or1 nda has sent a 1 etter to Pres 1 dent Carl son of the Central San Board recommending three changes in the level of service for your Or1nda customers. These recommendations will be considered by the District Board on June 19, 1986, when they consider your rate increase request. The recommendations do, however, raise questions. Prior to District staff making any recommendations regarding these changes in level of service, we would appreciate your providing information requested as follows: 1. "In meeting with Mr. Navone the committee expressed interest in the implementation of a senior citizen discount, intended to provide a twenty-five percent discount for seniors with limited income. The program would not be based upon an income test; rather, interested seniors would be asked to sign an application stating their understanding that the program is designed to apply only to individual s whose income limitations warrant the d1 scount. Mr. Navone agreed to prepare a draft application for this purpose." o How many senior citizen customers do you estimate would take advantage of the discount if the Central San Board made it available? o At what age would customers be eligible for the senior discount program? o To what extent, if any, would other Orinda customers' rates be affected by implementing this program? ROGER J. DOU\N General Manqr Chirf Engineer JlWES L ~ C~ for thr DIstrict (415)938-1430 JOYCE E. McMIllAN ~ of thr DIstrict Mr. George Navone Page 2 June 9, 1986 2. "Second, the committee requested that the company provide trucks, drivers, hauling, and disposal for an annual cleanup of the business, highway, and byway areas." o Could you provide a more complete description of this program? o Exactly what areas are to be included in this annual cleanup? o To what extent, if any, would Orinda customers' rates be affected if this annual cleanup were implemented by the Board? ( 3. "Finally, the committee expressed interest in a two-tier billing system which would allow brush collection to be optional for all residents. It was understood that this would require significant modification to the billing and collection systems, but with the implementation of the new computerized billing system, the committee believed that this is a practical long term goal." o Is it possible at this time to describe your new computerized billing system and how it woul d accommodate the two-tier billing system? o Would the rates paid by all Orinda customers be affected by this option? Thank you for your attention to this request for information. Your reply would be appreciated by June 17, 1986, to allow for inclusion in the agenda packet for the June 19, 1986 meeting. 51:: ~ Paul Morsen Deputy General Manager PM/hb cc: Board of Directors R. Dolan /' W. Funasaki ",. S. Skaggs T. Sinclair, Orinda City Manager --- DISPOSJ.\i,. SERVICE# I~h:\ ~ P.O. Box 659 . Orlnda, California 94563 . Phone (415) 254-2844 ~~ " <( ~ o ~ ~ , <C Q ... ~. ..., ~ o HAND DELIVERED June 17, 1986 Mr. Walter Funasaki central Contra Costa 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 sanitary District Dear Mr. Funasaki: This letter is in response to your letter dated June 9, 1986. 1. Senior Citizen Rate. We have no estimate of the number of senior citizen customers who would take advantage of the discount. We suggest that the age of eligibility be 65. We do not know the extent to which the rates of other customers would be affected by this program. We are willing to implement the program providing that our rate application is approved as requested at a 94 percent operating ratio. We believe that would provide revenues sufficient for us to absorb the costs of this program in its first year. 2. Annual Community Cleanup. The community proposes an annual cleanup of litter, etc., and beautification of downtown Orinda. Our role would be to assist participating community groups by providing 1 driver and packer truck for 1 day. The area included is only downtown Orinda. If this community group cleaned up litter in adjacent areas they would be required to bring the litter to our truck in the downtown area. We expect a marginal cost of approximately $325 which would not affect rates. 3. Two-Tier Service. The computer billing system would easily accommodate a two-tier billing system. Mr. Walter Funasaki June 17, 1986 Page Two The rates paid by other Orinda customers would surely be affected by implementation of this option. At present each customer pays approximately $1.65 per month for the trimming service. Obviously, some residents make less use of the service than others. The cost of the service has been averaged among all customers regardless of use. If a service option without trimming service was available, the lowest usage customers presumably would decide to eliminate the service. The cost of the service then would be transferred to the remaining customers whose rates would increase. We believe the increase would be relatively proportional; that is, if 50 percent of the customers were to eliminate brush collection the rate for the remaining customers would approximately double - to $3.30 per month. We remind you that a postcard survey of Orinda residents was conducted less than three years ago and, as a result, the trimming service was instituted two years ago. We do not believe that this is an appropriate time to again change service level. We note that the Council Committee stated that this should be considered as a wlong term goal.w We agree that the service level should not be changed effective July 1. We are willing to consider changes in service level and to work with the City and the District to provide the appropriate service level. If the present trimming service is eliminated, we believe the best option would be to charge for collection on a per can basis. Sincerely, J~-~7~ George Navone Vice president {;own of OJoraga 350 RHEEM BOULEVARD, SUITE 2 P.O. BOX 188 MORAGA, CA 94556 ( 415) 376-5200 COUNCIL M. Margaret DePriester. Ma.yor Graig W. Crossley, Vice Ma.yor A G. Dessa.yer Belinda Laird Kendall John F. Connors Gary C. Chase, Town M~er June 6, 1986 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Attention: Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager The Town Council of the Town of Moraga, at its regular meeting of May 28, 1986, did review the Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service's application before you for a rate in- crease. After some discussion and review the Town Council requests that you approve the Central Sanitary District's staff recommendation of 4.4% rate increase for Orinda- Moraga Disposal Service. The Council believes that your staff has properly analyzed the factors involved in ap- proving a rate increase and encourages you to act accordingly. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service's rate increase request. Sincerely, d.~L .' Gary C. Chase L Town Manager GCC:cjw J//~ oj-UuCA)' ' ~ t<~ i t!-<P-v ~ ~,dJ ~- -. "0 ~if:- . JJ. ~~E- <tL/XttMj) ~/;.~ '-/iI~J . If' dL. cU.. .~~-;tJ;J ~~.:ehJ ~ · ~.]tW ~ .' ~, dJ-- /u;aa-~ ~.Jv 'd, /~~ 07tM-f-t:k ~<--?~' c!2{, ~r '8Ho- ~ ~ '-?f~ ~ !b:i~ c/~ '-ti b_tJtrj;~ # <-J~ ;::;fJj~ ~~ff~ %Lfiv~:I..'/?'~ /~'1"'~ #;;, ~ aft'~ t/~ ~ (ffi ~Jt:P;UJ' d.L- ~ ~U'-W~,. ~ Jd~ cLJAcp1P ,~1v ~tV>>~ # ~ ~ "r. _ _, ,,)'1 v/.L-~ _;,-,.\ ~~ e.e~~' _./d.4'-'- ,O/::;!' ~ '414>> {;1J glV-" I .' ': f[~ ~' ~ ~J ~~ciJ ~ tV ~- ~f~ ~'JJ ~.,Y~~ --1lH1" tyV..PV~ #",IJ~~~ ~Lff<b-.-Ji ~pcV'''~. a;~~ ck ,,:;ttpj;~~'- · .[)-'" .v-A< ~ 11 j,Iffi<~ a:4/ ~ r;-~->p.v h ~ ~ i1?~P~ (~) ~tY~ --- y-d~ ~.~~ 7<Q "f'I'- - fZ ~ ,(Jd- u/d~~ ~ !?~..J~ ______ f( .-.. }~ lid lt1f0 ~ d?o.?'v ~ / - #f1 :.. ;y ~ {.. F ~ ~~, ~~ .~dyj~r~ ~~~ ;P~M~~~tb ~~ ~~/_~&. ~ ~~L~W4~ ~ ~ a..luJ ~ ~. ~~ ~ ivi'f.. );;;J ~~~~~ ~M~ ~ ~ ~ w-u.. ~ ~~O::!- ~,~ -CdP ~~~~~; a-J ~ ~ t\~~Jt'J~. l-rl- b r \ t ~I--~O.~ o..-u... rn :A~8- ~p a. ~ ~ .~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~~i~A:iZU ~~ ~ ~'t~ 4'" ~ cf-44 r rTk ~~ty k~ ~ ~"A.v7:L..~~~ ~ A~~ -:u... ~~. ~,):/, Ib<lld~~ ~~ 7(l-t~~. ed/?WY?" dt1. c:S I'U1'lop 354 Q! ia Q! alE-Mia rPaahE-C!.o, Cd! 94553 June 18, 1986 CEI~a~ CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 IEHOFF PLACE L:ARTIlJEX. CA 9455 J TO llHO IT FLAY CONCERN: This is in refereance to a letter l'le received from Pleasant Hill Bay shore Disposal Co., filing for a raise in their fees. Although I might agree that some raise is due I certainly feel that a $10.00 a month raise from a 2/65 is Hay out of line. fhe very fact that they haven't asked for an increase in 15 years is their Oim fault and not one of the people in Pacheco that they are serving, an I feel that it is an imposition and a hardship to asked people that are living on a fixed income to come up 11ith this kind of increase, l'lhen the rate of inflation is about J lb. ''Ie i10Uld appreciate your consider- ation in the matter iihen it comes up Thursday nite. "\/L~ HELEN D. BOLLING 52 Barbara Road Orinda, California 94563 T/!I..: ..}.')<.{-o,";;1../ 0 . 19 July 1986 CCSD Board President and Members, and CCSD Administrative Staff 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Dear Sir: Unfortunately, I did not receive the information from the CCSD Administrative staff in time to do anything more than write you my objections to your granting Orinda/Moraga's Disposal Company rate increase request. In reviewing your own data, again, I see that this company's basic service rate is the very highests in the bay area...... .barr none. Dublin, I see since it decided to go it alone has one of the very lowest, if not the lowest on your listing, Attachment- VIII . Additionally, as far as I can tell you are using the same criteria in judging the effiCiency of operation, which is essentially a Ct1st plus method. To quote from the Price Waterhouse stu2Y that the CCSD requested, 7 February 1983, Review of Refuse Collection Rates S etting Procedures~ a. "Currently the District ClIlculates the franchise operator1s revenue requirement using the operating ratio method. Essentially, this method results in a cost plus contract with the franchise operator. .. ... 'We believe the District should c onsider using the Return on Equity method. The return on equity method puts the District in the pOsition where they can more readily monitor the franchisor's profit.... b. "Survey of Refuse Rates: We noted for the service areas most similar to the District, it appears the District's residential I-can rates are higher than the average, the the District's 2-can rates are about average. In both cases, these rates are above the median. .. Waterhouse's remarks above refer to the District rates..... .All three carriers were found to have high rates. That means Orinda/Moraga Disposal's rates were far more out of line than the other two because historically Orinda has been charged the highest. While I realize this rate increase is not a burning issue for you, the Board, the CCSD staff, or even the public at large, I do believe by granting this increase you encourage inefficient operations that allow this company to justify their unreasonable rates. .. I ask that you deny the i~~~a~. I again ask that you look for ways to encourage efflcelnt operations and ~le, comparative sat", to the general publlc. Sincerely, HELE~~ING . Centre. Contra Costa Sanitar ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 19, 1986 NO. VI. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD TO PURCHASE CHLORINE LIQUID FROM OCCIDENTAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1986 THROUGH JUNE 1987 June 11, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD OF PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY Ken F. Laverty Purchasing & Materials Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/ Purchasing & Materials Control ISSUE: The District has advertised and received bids (Bid Request T0008C) for chlorine liquid to be used by the treatment plant in the 1986/1987 fiscal year. BACKGROUND: The Bid Request was publicly advertised and issued to six separate companies. There were four responses received as follows: COMPANY TOTAL DELIVERED UNIT PRICE PER TON $155.81 $162.64 $175.09 $194.13 Occidental Chemical Pennwalt Corporation Western States Stauffer Analysis by Purchasing staff indicated that the lowest responsible bidder was Occidental Chemical. This firm is the District's current supplier of chlorine liquid, at a per ton delivered cost of $139.08. Occidental IS new price of $155.81 per ton delivered is 12% over the present rate due to quoting a firm price over the next twelve month period, while allowing for increases in transportation costs, liability insurance, potential costs of hazardous waste requirements, and production costs. On the basis of an annual usage of 730 tons, the anticipated value of the proposed blanket purchase order for the period July 1986, through June 1987, is $113,741.30. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award to purchase chlorine liquid from Occidental Chemical Corporation for the period July 1986, through June 1987, at a per ton delivered cost of $155.81. 130211.9/85 CCA KFL CB PM REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION (~ /JJ E/J INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ,..-, \:J .~ u ex:> o o o I- I 2 i ~ I I ~ <tl ~ ~IE el.;:=J~ s- ~(1) o:::l t; I.C ~ ~ Iv -1..- t~..- i~~,~ u~~ uc;iI.c .~ 2: f u s- .... ~~~ I+- . /l..... ~I~ ~ ~ I s:: I.C j -0 p ZCl '- I~ I.... ~ r.:: e IIJ: .,.... ::l C"' ;.: ..;u (1) e .,.... S- O r- ..c u = . ! !I ! ! i II: i ... w 8 g >. 0 a. ~ .. r- a ttl ;; .~ ... E o~ Z U or- t: <tl j ~ ::2 (1) . ~ :! ~ :;. u u o I~ I ~ I I ~s. ~ '':-c ~ r- t lo..... +>~ tt:(1) IC:X I"l:: I~I~ ~ I....' tt c:;: Vs!<..cv:,... s:.~ ~ ~'O: 1,-] ~ It; I _ I~ I..... Ie..... 1'-' 1~.9.... ~ I..... c: I a. ~ 12 ]~~ u ~ I; } 12 ul~ Cl ~w ..~ oa: ..... ..... ill ::af o ID I"-.. o I.D o 91 N ~ it!.;. :::af N ~ -Vl- ~w ..!./ ef o:::t o 1.0 I.D I"-.. -Vl- o ex:> o:::t o ~ -Vl- 0) o:::t N o ~ -Vl- o o:::t ...w f!./ 0 :::af o:::t ~ ~... ..ll ef ...w i~ :::a.. ~i ex:> o:::t ex:> 1.0 ex:> -Vl- o ..w ~ III :::a f :::::; ,~ ~w e! ~!! ~ Ii I ! 5 B i :~ ~ g ; = ~ .. a '- '- z u . l r~ t; cz : lOL- l I E ~ 1.0 0) 0) . -0 .,.... " ~ o I ~ .,.... ::: ~ ~ B ~ +> t~ 0 ii= M I"-.. !i ~ I.D o:::t M 0) N o N o o:::t I.D I.D N N M o N o:::t o:::t LO 1.0 N M o I.D o:::t o:::t N o M I"-.. N o o:::t I"-.. M r- N .,.... (1) ttl e s- ,.... -ot ~~ -0 <tl " of- e~ .sf!- oft O)~ .~ +> -g~ .,....0 (1)~ s-. 4-0 +> .,.... s- ttlttl e::::u +> o ...J N ~ I"-.. 0) ~ ~ N I o I I o I I o I o ~ 1.0 I I.D 0) I ...J 0... =tI:: -0 e ::l 4- s- ~ ::l V') +> o ...J M o ~ ~ 0) ~ I"-.. o ~ -0 -.....: o M ex:> M ~ I"-.. 0) o:::t ~ ex:> ~ <tl -0 ........ o 1.0 I.D cr; o:::t I.D I.D I.D M ~ ~ ttl -0 ........ o 1.0 0) 1 ,.... ~ o ex:> 1.0 1.0 o:::t o:::t I.D ~ -0 ........ o 1.0 I"-.. -0 <5 r-- -.... (1) s- ..c ~ 1- ~ 1.0 s- <tl (1) U U ttl ~ 5 <tl s- ~ --0 Vl (1) 0 E I.D ttl s- ..c (1) u .t e <tl o :; 2: e .... (1) v: +> ~ ~ I.D ........ X ttl +> Vl <JJ r- ttl V') +> o ...J +> o ...J o:::t 1.0 0) I"-.. ON . ~ 1.0 -Vl- 1"-..- ~ ~ ,o:::t I"-.. ~ .(Y), ~. ;:: u1~ ~ \g M ~ ~ o:::t . ~ ~~ ~ o M :'1 .......... . o:::t ~ I.D ~ .~ N I.D ~ e o +> ........ (1) ........ u . .,.... o:::t s- o.. -0 e +> ttl .,.... e " ::l . -0 (1) " s- . (1) N > .,.... " r- . .(1) ~ -0 Vl ~. ffi +> +> 0..... 1-- ~ o ...J I.D o I"-.. 1.0 ~ , ex:> " o z ,M Vl (1) >- i o:::t r-1 I"-.. Vl (1) >- ::.::i o z M +> (1) (1) ..c V') <tl +> <tl Cl ~ (1) 4- <tl V') -0 r- .0 <tl .,.... e s- .,.... (1) +> -0 ttl (1) ::: -0 ::l c:x:: r- :c u V') e 0.,.... I"-.. .,.... I ex:> ex:> z2) ....M ~........ cl.D o e+> 1~ 1::::t 0:;::::- ~ - 0:: e o +> ........ 0) o 0) M 1.0 I"-.. ~ -Vl- ex:> en ~ -0 co o z e o +> ........ ~ ex:> 1.0 1.0 ~ -Vl- -0 e o +> ........ M ~ N ~........ I~ U +> <..!J .,.... e -oE (1)C1) +> -0 +> e .,.... ..... E........ o .,.... ~ o z o:::t 0) ~ -Vl- -0 co o z e o +> ........ o:::t I.D N I.D ~ -Vl- E o s- 4- e oe .,.... 0 ~+> (1)s-. +><JJ x 0.. L1J Vl e o .,.... +> 0.. <JJ U X L1J en . Centra ~ontra Costa Sanitar~ .listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 19, 1986 NO. VI!. CONSENT CALENDAR 10 SUBJECT DATE June ll, 1986 AUTHORIZATION FOR JACK CAMPBELL TO ATTEND THE AMSA SUMMER TECHNICAL CONFERENCE TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SU~~tkE~Y Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITI~1l~1 R~'STt~~t i vel Risk Management and Safety ISSUE: The Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA) is holding a summer technical conference in July at Lake Tahoe devoted entirely to the issue of insurance and risk management for wastewater treatment agencies. This meeting was not i ncl uded in the 1986-87 O&M budget and requi res Board approval for staff attendance. BACKGROUND: The drastic changes in the insurance marketpl ace which have led to increased premiums and reduced coverage for public agencies' commerci al policies have created opportunities and interest in developing alternative ways of risk financing as well as concerted efforts to improve loss control functions. Because risks tend to be specific for particul ar operations and activities, some of the best control efforts, both in identification and quantification, occur when similar agencies can work together on the common issues. In the past year there have been efforts by several state and national wastewater organizations to address the problem of risk financing as it pertains to wastewater collection and treatment. AMSA's approach has been to explore the formation of a national captive insurance program for li ability and property ri sks. The conference to be hel d at the Hi gh Sierra Hotel, Stateline, Nevada, July 15-18, will address the status of this as well as other alternatives such as self-insurance, intrastate insurance pools, and "working the market" for cost-effective commercial insurance coverage. CCCSD has developed a Self-Insurance Program for the 1986-87 year but this program does retain the District options should other risk financing mechanisms become desirable in the future. It is important that the District keep abreast of insurance and risk management developments pertinent to wastewater agencies and Jack Campbell's attendance at the AMSA conference would be worthwhile because of the subject matter. Mr. Campbell will be one of those discussing the self-insurance risk financing alternative at the August CASA meeting and information from the AMSA conference will be incorporated into this presentation. Because of the late development of the specific insurance topic for this program, the $650 cost of this conference has not been included in the 1986-87 O&M budget being adopted this evening. Also, the new fiscal year is not underway yet so it is not known at this time if budgetary savings will accrue to cover this expense. I TIATING DEPT./DIV. CL REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302....9/85 JEC PM SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUlHORIZATION FOR JACK CAMPBELL TO ATTEND lHE AMSA SUMMER TECHNICAL CONFERENCE PAGE DATE 2 OF 2 June 11, 1986 Therefore, the Risk Management and Safety budget for travel and conference could be overrun by $650. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Jack Campbell, Administrative Operations Manager, to attend the AMSA Technical Conference on July 15-18 at Lake Tahoe at a cost not to exceed $650. --------.. 13028-9/85 . Centri. Contra Costa Sanitar ~ L>istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 19, 1986 NO. VIII. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AN ADDITIONAl... $85 ,646 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE EMERGENCY CREEK BANK AND SEWER RESTORATION PROJ ECT AT 12 EVERGREEN DRIVE, ORINDA <DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4000) DATE June 16, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Ron Klimczak, Senior Engineer Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Evergreen Drive Slide Repair Project. Additional funds are required to cover the total actual project costs. BACKGROUND: A landslide caused by creek erosion during the 1982-83 winter damaged a District 6-inch sewer main behind No. 12 Evergreen Drive in Orinda and threatened the property owner's residence. Also, a trestle bent at the sewer line creek crossing downstream from the slide was damaged by the high flow, causing the pipe to sag and creating the potential for raw sewage discharge to the creek. A temporary sewer line was installed by the District to maintain sewer service for a number of homes in the area. At the August 22, 1985 Board Meeting, an emergency condition was declared to exist at No. 12 Evergreen Drive, Ori nda because of the possi bility of maj or damage to the private residence as well as disruption of District sewer service. The General Manager-Chief Engineer was authorized to execute an agreement with SAFECO (the property owner's insurance company) and Mr. Robert Wootten (the property owner) for renovation work at No. 12 Evergreen Drive, Orinda. The work consisted of repair to the creek bank and sewer crossing, and replacement of the District's temporary sewer line with a permanent sewer line. On September 5, 1985, the Board of Director's authorized $80,000 in funding for the emergency repair work based on a total constructi on cost estimate of $160,000. SAFECO contri buted the other $80,000 on October 28, 1985, in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The District selectively contacted contractors for lump sum quotations to do the emergency work. One quotati on was received and was unacceptabl e because of the high estimated cost of the work. Staff then contacted numerous contractors for the purpose of sel ecti ng one to do the work on a time and materi al s basi s. W&W Constructi on of Marti nez was sel ected as the contractor whi ch had the necessary experience and capabilities to mobilize immediately to begin the project. Additionally, W&W was well recommended and could meet the insurance requirements. They began work on October 2, 1985, and completed the work on December 20, 1985. A Notice of Campl eti on was fil ed January 17, 1986 after the Board accepted the proj ect on January 16, 1986. The engineer's construction cost estimate of $160,000 was based on an advertised bid type project. Since negotiations with SAFECO were not completed until late summer, the District had to fast track the design as well as perform the REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 RSK JSM RAB ENG. INI~./DIV. 0/ If@ SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AN ADDITIONAL $85,646 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE EMERGENCY CREEK BANK AND SEWER RESTORATION PROJECT AT 12 EVERGREEN DRIVE, ORINDA (DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4000) POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 DATE OF 4 June 16, 1986 construction work on a time and materials basis due to the compressed construction period remaining. The final cost for the slide repair and sewer replacement was $212,695. The final cost for the repai r of the trestl e bent was $32,95l. Attachment 1 provides a breakdown of the costs incurred as well as a more detailed descri pti on of the scope of work performed. The additional cost of constructi on above the ori gi nal estimate can be attri buted to the additi onal cost to perform substanti al work on an overtime basi s as well as changed or unanti ci pated si te conditions (see Attachment 2 for a more detailed explanation of these factors). The Board was kept informed of the necessi ty for exceedi ng the authorized budget on this project during General Manager-Chief Engineer reports. The construction work was completed successfully before the onset of winter rains, thereby preventi ng further damage to the Di strict's sewer system as well as preventi ng damage to the adj acent private resi dence. Two maj or factors contributing to the timely completion of the project were the selection of an experi enced contractor and the Di stri ct' s di recti on that the contractor work substantial overtime to fully util ize favorabl e weather conditi ons. Therefore, the time and materi al contract approach permitted the Distri ct to compl ete the work in the shortest time possible; however, extra costs were incurred as outlined above. In retrospect, the decision to expedite the project was valid, as the severe rain in February, 1986 would have destabilized the land slide. District staff is not recommending project close out at this time since the contractor is currently involved with litigation between the State Department of Industri al Rel ati ons as well as at 1 east one of the vendors w hi ch suppl i ed material on this project. The District (per state direction) is currently holding $6,225 from the contractor to cover potenti al penal ti es that may be assessed by the state for fail ure to pay prevai 1 ing wages to workers on the proj ect. Consequently, project close out cannot proceed until the pending litigation issues have been resolved on this project. When these remaining issues are resolved, District staff will advise the Board of staff's intent to proceed with project close out. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an additional $85,646 fram the sewer construction fund to cover the total project costs for the repair and restoration of the creek bank, sewer, and sewer crossi ng at No. 12 Evergreen Drive, Ori nda <Oi stri ct Proj ect No. 4000) . -------. 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 4 Pages ATTAalENT 1 WOOTTEN PROPERTY SL IDE REPAIR PROJ ECT EVERGREEN DRIVE, ORINDA Final Project Expenditure Report Expenses Final Costs Slide Repair $174,789 7,656 Trestl e Bent o Construction Contract (T&M) o Prepurchased Materials (Gabions, tree, etc.) o Consultant Services (Woodward-Glyde) o District Forces o Legal o Miscellaneous Costs $30,000 2,951 9,979 17,500 2,500 .271 $212,695 = $245,646 = -160,000 $32,951 TOTAL PROJ ECT COST TOTAL AV AILJlBLE BUOOET ADDITIONAL FUNDS NEEDED = $ 85 ,646 SCOPE OF CONSTRUCTION. WORK: Totals $204,789 7,656 9,979 20,451 2,500 271 $245,646 The slide repair involved the construction of an access road, a concrete foundation, a 101 gabion basket la-foot high retaining wall, an engineered fill consisting of approximately 1,100 tons of imported material, 70 feet of 6-inch replacement sewer, removal of an access road and hydroseeding of the entire work area. The damaged sewer stream crossing restoration included the construction of a new trestle bent, placement of 1,000 sacks of concrete rip-rap for slope protection, installation of a new 20-foot long section of 6-inch diameter cement lined sewer pipe as well as a 12-inch diameter area drainage system. Page 4 of 4 Pages ATTACtDENT 2 FACTORS OONTRIBUTING TO THE ADDITIONAL $85 ,646 IN PROJ ECT OOSTS 1) The depth of the gabion wall was increased three feet due to poor soil conditions encountered during excavation. This required a considerable amount of additional excavating and off site disposal as well as unanticipated concrete work for the 65 feet long x 13 feet wide wall foundation. 2) The contractor worked diligently to ensure comp1 etion before the winter season. This required working ten-hour days and weekends. Substanti a1 overtime pay was i nvo1 ved for both the contractor and District personnel. 3) The inspection and contract administration costs of a time and materi a1 contract are greater than a bi d contract si nce the Di stri ct di rects the contractor and has to be on the job full-time. 4) The timing of the project (late in construction season) resulted in a competition for equipment and material resources with numerous other projects thereby requiring the payment of higher costs and contributing to some construction delays. . Centrc._ Contra Costa Sanitar.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER NO. VIII. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $11,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR FINAL DESIGN OF THE K>RAGA 1A SLIDE REPAIR DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4223 DATE June 16, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Robert A. Simmons, Associate En ineer ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the expenditure of sewer construction funds. BACKGRCllND: In the fall of 1983 the Di stri ct performed emergency repai rs on two sl ides along Las Trampas Creek that threatened the 27-inch trunk sewer which serves the Town of Moraga. The repair of one of these slides, Moraga lA, was only parti ally compl eted due to schedul e constrai nts. The recommended repai r scheme for this slide consisted of the removal of the loose slide material, the installation of a rock buttress at the base of the slide, and the installation of an engi neered earth fill buttress. Ouri ng constructi on of the adj acent Moraga 1 slide repair project, the rock buttress portion of the Slide 1A repair scheme was installed. The remaining slope above the rock buttress was protected temporarily with plastic sheeting. Work which will be performed under this authorization will be the final design of the earth fill buttress. Design work will be performed by a project team consisting of District staff and personnel from Woodward-Clyde Consultants (WCC). The work by WCC will be performed under a purchase order agreement. District staff will be responsible for proj ect management and pl ans and speci ficati on preparati on. WCC will desi gn the earth fill buttress and the associated subsurface drainage system. A breakdown of the estimated costs associated with the authorization is presented in Attachment 1 to this position paper. The total authorization being requested is $11,000. On the previous project approximately $70,000 was expended to design and construct the rock buttress portion of the Moraga 1A repair scheme. Funds for construction of the earth fill buttress will be requested at the time of award of the construction contract. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $11,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund to design the completion of the Moraga 1A slide repair. 1302/1.9/85 RAS DRW NJ RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~4~ ~tU ATTACHMENT 1 MORJlGA lA SLIDE REPAIR Di stri ct Proj ect No. 4223 ESTIMATED COST TO COMPLETE DESIGN District Forces: o Proj ect Management o Engineering Design/Drafting Consultant: o Woodward-Clyde Consultants o Contingencies at 10 percent Total Authorization Requested $ 500 3,500 6,000 1,000 $11 ,000 Page 2 of 2 . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF June 19, 1986 NO. VIII. ENGINEERING 3 AUTHORIZE $12,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR FINAL DESIGN OF THE SOUTH TRAIL CREEK CROSSING REPAIR, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4120 DATE June 16, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBJECT Robert A. Simmons, Associate EnQineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Engineering Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the expenditure of sewer construction funds. BACKGROUND: The original creek crossing at South Trail, Orinda, was constructed in 1949. It consi sted of a 90-foot span of 6-inch steel pi pe secured by two trestle bent supports. During the winter of 1983, high storm flQ1s caused the creek bank to erode resulting in a shallQ1 slide which undermined one of the trestle bent supports. This in turn caused the pipeline to deflect and become permanently deformed. As an emergency acti on, the trestl e bent was cut and removed to prevent further damage to the pi peline. Work which will be performed under this authorization will consist of designing a permanent creek crossing replacement. Design work will be performed by District staff. A so11 testing laboratory will be contacted to perform subsurface investigations and laboratory testing in order to establish soil strength parameters on which the engineering analysis will be ba se d. A breakdown of the estimated costs associated with the authorization is presented in Attachment 1 to this position paper. The total authorization being requested is $12,000. Funds for construction will be requested at the time of the award of a construction contract. The project is included in the Capital Improvement Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $12,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund to design the South Trail Creek Crossing repair, District Project No. 4120. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION /l L. I.LR.I ~'EF ENG. ~~ ~V ""~ J ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~ fJM IJ1r!3 1302....9/85 RAS DRW RAe A IT Aa-t fEN T 1 CREEK CROSSING REPAIR AT SOUTH TRAIL, ORINDA Di strict Proj ect No. 4120 Breakdown of Costs District Forces: o Proj ect Management o Engineering Design Drafting/Printing o Outside Laboratory: o Subsurface Investigation Total Authorization Requested Page 2 of 2 $ 500 8,300 1,000 2,200 $12,000 . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 19, 1986 NO. VII 1. ENGINEERING 4 SUBJECT EST.ABLISH A THE AND LOCATION AND DESIGNATE AN INDIVIDUAL TO CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE DRAFT ENVIRON~NTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE SAN RAMON VALLEY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DATE June 17, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson, Principal Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Planning Division ISSUE: The Board of Directors must set the time and location and designate an individual to conduct a public hearing for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR). BACKGROUND: District planning studies have identified a need for a new trunk sewer to accommodate known and potenti al future growth in the San Ramon Valley. The new trunk sewer woul d extend approximately 12 mil es from the Larw in Pump Station in San Ramon to Rudgear Road in Walnut Creek. Construction of the trunk sewer would begin in 1987. More information about the project is included in Attachment 1. As part of the planning process, the District has prepared a Draft EIR to comply with the Cal ifornia Environmental Qual ity Act (CEQA) and District environmental review regulations. A notice of completion of the Draft EIR has been filed with the appropri ate agenci es and the Draft EIR is bei ng ci rcul ated to government agencies and local community groups for comment. A formal public hearing on the Draft EIR is encouraged by CEQA, but not required. For 1 arge proj ects 1 i ke the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Proj ect, the District has traditionally conducted a publ ic hearing. Because of the size and potential impacts of the San Ramon Valley trunk sewer project, staff recommends that a hearing be conducted in the San Ramon Valley for the convenience of the residents who would be affected by the project. Staff recommends that the hearing be held on Wednesday, July 23, 1986, at 7:30 p.m., at the San Ramon Valley Unified School District offices in Danville. Publ ic hearings for projects have traditionally been conducted by the Board of Directors. For this project, staff recommends that the Board designate an individual to conduct the public hearing. The Board members attending the hearing could be seated in the audience or at the front of the hearing room. Staff suggests that the Board members be seated in the audience as this approach will create a less formal and intimidating atmosphere that is more conducive to public input. Notice of the publ ic hearing will be publ ished in the local newspapers as well as mailed to residents adjacent to the proposed sewer alignment and interested community groups. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION :T M k:::... JMK 1302A.9/85 SUBJECT ESTABLISH A TI~ AND LOCATION AND DESIGNATE AN INDIVIDUAl 10 CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING 10 CONSIDER THE DRAFT ENVIRON~NTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE SAN RAKlN VAL LEY SEW ER IMPROV EMENT PROJ ECT POSITION PAPER PAGE ? OF 4 DATE June 17, 1986 RECOMMENDATiON: Set a date of July 23, 1986, at 7:30 p.m., a location of the San Ramon Valley Unified School District offices, and designate an individual to conduct a publ ic heari ng to receive comments on the Draft ErR for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project. "--------- 13028-9/85 je 3 of 4 ATT ACHtoENT 1 SAN RAMON VAlLEY SEWER IMPROVEtENT PROJ ECT PROJ ECT DESCRIPTION The San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project consists of the installation of approximately ten miles of large diameter gravity trunk sewer and two miles of force main (see following page, Figure 1). The trunk sewer and force main will be constructed from Larwin Pump Station north to a point near the intersection of Danvi11e Boulevard and Rudgear Road in southern Walnut Creek. At the northern point, the proposed trunk sewer will connect with both the existing 36-inch diameter trunk sewer that now serves the San Ramon Valley and the proposed 60-inch diameter downtown Walnut Creek bypass sewer. The preferred sewer alignment is the Southern Pacific right-of-way. This alignment will cause the least disruption to traffic, commercial, and other activities in the valley communities. The District entered into an agreement in December 1985 with Contra Costa County to purchase a 20-foot-wide surface easement and a 12-foot-wide subsurface easement within the rail road right-of-way. The cost for the San Ramon Valley portion of the sewer easements was $2,959,900. Because of the size of the proj ect, the trunk sewer is p1 anned for constructi on in three phases. The first phase is a five-mil e secti on from La Serena Avenue in A1 amo to Greenbrook Drive in Danvil1 e. The second phase is approximately three miles long from La Serena Avenue north to a point near Rudgear Road where the sewer will connect with the new Wa1 nut Creek downtown trunk sewer. The third phase will extend four miles from Greenbrook Drive south to the Larwin Pump Station. The third phase includes two miles of force main. The first phase of construction will take care of the secti ons of exi sti ng sewer with the most severe capacity prob1 ems. Construction of the first phase sewer will be during 1987. The second and third phases of the sewer are currently scheduled for 1988 and 1989. As these two phases are not needed as soon as the first phase, constructi on may be deferred for two to three years if effort must be devoted to other higher pri ority Di strict proj ects. The current planning-level project cost estimate for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project is $28.5 million <1985 cost basis). This cost estimate is based on a 54-inch diameter sewer. It includes engineering and constructi on management costs, but exc1 udes the $2,959,000 a1 ready committed for easement acquisition. Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1, FIGURE 1 CEN'.nAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRh.. SAN RAMON VALLEY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT , ij .. - ., :- ~, ..,.--.....;;. .. - ..- .'e..,.. ....~.. .. ....oo ., ~ .." . " . : :: . \. ....: '.. .... ~ '~&~.. : ........, : "" . .. .. . ........ r.. -r-::." - .. . . .......... .. ." .....0 . - . ~ \ 1IO .' . . .. ... ,...... ~ ......... ...., -........ ttfts , . .. I,: ~..--- -. <# , ~ '\ r. II I. ~ A ..~c- PROPOSED SEWER STUDY AREA BOUNDARY ------ CCCSD BOUNDARY . Centr~. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 19, 1986 NO. IX. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 SUBJECT DATE June 9, 1986 ADOPT THE 1986-1987 PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, AND OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGETS TYPE OF ACTION BUDGET ADOPTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The 1986-1987 Personnel, Equipment, and Operations and Maintenance Budgets are submitted for adoption by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1986-1987 Operations and Maintenance Budget was approved by the Board of Directors on June 5, 1986. In its approval action, the Board establ ished the basic resi denti al Sewer Service Charge rate for 1986-1987 at $116, which resulted in an $8, or 6.5%, reduction from the 1985-1986 Sewer Service Charge rate of $124. The Board also approved an additional $2 million of funding by the Operations and Maintenance (Running Expense) Fund to the District's Self-Insurance Fund in 1986-1987. As a result, the Self-Insurance Fund will receive payments in 1986-1987 from the Operati ons and Mai ntenance Fund and the Sewer Constructi on Fund, as follows: Operations and Maintenance Fund Sewer Construction Fund $2,567,124 1,000,000 $3,567,124 A revised summary of revenues, expenses and reserves of the Operations and Maintenance Fund, which reflects the 1986-1987 Sewer Service Charge revenues produced by the $116 rate, is attached. A rev i sed Operati ons and Ma i ntenance revenue budget page, which supports the Sewer Service Charge revenues on the summary report, is also provided. The 1986-1987 Personnel and Equipment Budgets were approved at the May 1, 1986 and May 15, 1986 Board Meetings, respectively. A copy of the Board resolution adopting the 1986-1987 Personnel, Equipment and Operations and Maintenance Budgets, and establishing the amounts to be paid to the Self-Insurance Fund, is attached. RECotlENDATION: Adopt the 1986-1987 Personnel, Equi pment, and Operations and Maintenance Budgets, and the amounts to be paid to the Sel f-Insurance Fund in 1986-1987. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~ 130211.9/85 WN F PM lB oo:t ^ ^ 01 ~~ COOLO a r-lCOoo:tNI' N 01 co 0 ;1 10 (V) "0 ....... '+- 0001 NOI(V)COO oo:t (V) LO 0 ....... 10 c: 0 010) 01 o (V) (V) 10 LOCO 0101 01 10 oo:t 0 r-l 10 10 .. r-l .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 N 1"0 OLO~ N ~~m~~ co 10 ....... 0 01 III ....... ~~ co N 0 LO LO oo:t 0 r-l oj..,) 0) COIOLO r-l 01 LOOI 1'0 N r-l (V) 0 ....... ..... 0) 0) 01 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '+- c: 10 ....... 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Q) 0"Q) Q) C tU.... a..~~~~~a..CI)CI)Ooa..CI)(/)<OI-llJ....>W~~I-IU~ Page 4 of 4 RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOlUTION ADOPTING THE 1986-1987 CENTRAL CCJnRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BUDGET The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby resolve as follows: "THAT, the 1986-1987 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget, consisting of the Operations and Maintenance Budget, Equipment Budget, and Personnel Budget, be adopted, and "THAT, the payments by the Running Expense Fund and the Sewer Construction Fund to the District's Self-Insurance Fund for 1986-1987 be $2,567,124 and $1,000,000, respectively. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June 1986 by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Hazard Counsel for the District . CentrA. Contra Costa Sanitar~ .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 19, 1986 NO. X. ITEMS LATE 1 SUBJECT ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF LOT 12, BLOCK E, ORINDA OAKS PROPERTY, ASSESSOR'S NO. 264-075-015 DATE June 18, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: Resolution No. 85-009, which declared Lot 12 property surplus and authorized its sale, requires that the District Board approves the sale by adoption of a resolution. BACKGR<lJND: The Board adopted Resol uti on No. 85-009 (Attachment 1) on February 7, 1985. This resolution contained three major conditions: 1. The property shall be initially offered at $75,000 and a commission not to exceed ten percent (1~) would be payable at close of escrow. 2. All existing easements be reviewed and reserved, if needed. 3. Board would have to approve final sale and conditions thereof. Pursuant to the purchase agreement, the negotiated selling price is $62,000. This is above the minimum limit given to the Board's negotiator. The commission was negoti ated a.t 8%, and all other conditi ons have been reviewed by the Di strict Property Team. A public easement has been reserved and is stated in the resolution. REC<MENDATION: Approve the sale of Lot 12, Block E, Orinda Oaks property, Assessor's No. 264-075-015, to Darrell G. Clow and Don Brown pursuant to the purchase agreement, authorize the Deputy General Manager to execute documents of sale, and adopt the attached resolution approving the sale and conditions thereof. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IV- tJ~ ee- 1302Aj185 PM KFL WG JEC ATTACHMENT 1 , RESOLUTION NO. 85-009~ A RESOLUTION DEQARING ll-IE SURPLUS NATURE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AND JIlJll-IORIZ ING lHE SAL E ll-IROUGH A REAL EST ATE BROKER .. RESCl. VED BY lliE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT 1l-IAT WHEREAS.. the Board of 1)1 rectors finds that i:hai:ceri:ai n real property hereinafter described and situated within the boundaries of said District is not necessary for the exercise of its power.. duties, and functions; NOW, ll-IEREFORE, IT IS FURll-IER DETERMINED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That all that certai n real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, more particularly described as foll ows: .. lot 12, Block E as said lot and block are shown and delineated upon that certain map entitled "ORINDA OAKS" is not necessary for the purposes of the District and is therefore decl ared as surpl us. 2. That the property be offered at fair market value to the public agencies for a period of sixty (60) calendar days; and if no expressed interest is received within the stated time period, the sale through the real estate broker will proceed. 3. That the Administrative Department Manager is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents in connection with executing a contract with a real estate broker to serve as the District's real estate broker in the marketing and sale of this property, including but not limited to the following terms and conditions: (a) The property shall be offered at $75,000 and a commission nottoexceed.10 percent computed on the eventual selling price is authorized to be paid to the real estate broker at the close. of escrow. (b). All existing easements on the property will be reviewed by the District to ascertain if any such easements need to be reserved. Any easement so reserved will be specified in the resolution approving the sale of the property. . .. (c) The Di strict Board must approve, by resol uti on, the sal e and the conditions thereof, and the Board retains the right to reject any J offer. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 7th day of February , 1985 by the Di strict Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict, by the ~ following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Dalton, Clausen, Boneysteele NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Stanl ey COU NTERS IG NED: Approved as to Form: . .- , , .. "._'"'-~""'-"'---'~""---'~'-----'--------,-,--",,~~,.~---'-'-'^-'-'-~--'-'~-----.....----_. RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOlUTION APPROVING lHE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERlY AND 1HE CONDITIONS lHEREOF RESOLVED BY THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT THAT WHEREAS, The Board of Directors found that the certain real property hereinafter described and situated within the boundaries of said District was not necessary for the exercise of its powers, duties, and functions; and was not necessary for the purposes of the District and was therefore declared as surplus. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FURTHER DETERMINED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That all that certain real property situated in the County of Contra Costa, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Lot 12, Block E as said lot and block are shown and delineated upon the map entitled "Orinda Oaks," filed December 16, 1924, in Book 19 of Maps, Page 466, in the office of the County Recorder of Contra Costa County is hereby ordered to be sold. 2. That the Deputy General Manager is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents in connection with executing the final sale of this property including but not limited to the following terms and conditions: (a) The property shall be sold to Darrell G. Clow and Don Brown at $62,000.00 cash and a 8 percent commission computed on the eventual selling price is authorized to be paid to Mason-McDuffie at the close of escrow. (b) The District does hereby reserve easement for publiC sanitary sewer purposes: A public easement, 10 feet in width, for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the purposes of constructing, 1 aying, maintaining and operati ng sewer pi pes therei n and thereupon, and appu rtenances and appliances together with the reasonable right of access to such easement for said purposes over said Lot 12, the centerline of said 10 feet in width easement is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northeast line of said lot 12, distant thereon north 30001' west, 39.71 feet from the most eastern corner of said lot 12; thence from said point of beginning north 85049'47" west 55.58 feet to a point on the southwest line of said lot 12, distant thereon north 26<>34' west 66.01 from the most southern corner of said lot 12. The sidelines of said 10 feet in width easement shall extend entirely across said lot 12. (c) That the Grant Deed and Resolution be duly recorded. PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s th day of June, 1986, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to ~I n r '/ I .' _/~ I ) /',-r I" Form:' ~ (" J ames Hazard 4--'f1rDi strict Counsel