HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-03-86 . Centr", Contra Costa Sanital District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. VI. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE PilARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR SAN RAMON CREEK BYPASS (}JANNEl SEWER RELOCATIONS, AND AUTHORIZE $329,609 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4046 DATE March 26, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE PiI ARD AUTHORIZE FUNDS Steve McDonald, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: On March 20, 1986, sealed proposals for the San Ramon Bypass Channel Sewer Relocations, District Project No. 4046, were received and opened. The Board of Di rectors must either award a contract or rej ect bi ds withi n 60 days of the opening of proposals. BACKGROUND: The Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood Control>, in conjunction with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers <COE), is constructi ng a flood control channel in the abandoned Southern Paci fi c Rail road right-of-way between Arroyo Way and Rudgear Road, Walnut Creek. The channel's constructi on requi res the rel ocati on of sanitary sewers and other utilities prior to bid .award for construction, which is scheduled for late June, 1986. Sanitary sewer work required includes the permanent relocation of over 1,530 lineal feet of pipeline ranging fran 6-inch to 10-inch diameter, a new 30-foot deep two-barrel si phon as well as vari ous manhol e and roddi ng structures and appurtenances, and a temporary pump station which is necessary to accommodate the flood control channel's preferred construction sequence. The temporary pump station abandorunent and installation of a permanent channel crossing will be completed under a separate construction contract in the future. Pl ans and Speci f i cati ons for the rel ocati on proj ect were compl eted and advertisements were placed on March 11 and 17, 1986. Two bids, at $137,618 and $408,595, were received and are presented in Attachment 1. The apparent low bidder is Mountain Cascade, Inc., San Ramon, California. The Engineer's estimate for constructi on is $228,450. An eval uati on of the bi ds by the Engi neeri ng Department concludes that the apparent low bid is reasonable and favorable to this District and to Flood Control which has obligated itself to reimburse the District all desi gn, constructi on, and constructi on management costs under our September 10, 1985, agreement. The District will be reimbursed for all project costs by Flood Control within 90 days following project completion and acceptance by the District Board. A "Post-Bi d/PrErConstructi on Cost Estimate" is presented in Attachment 2. $329,609 is required to complete the project, including a construction contingency of 10 percent, construction incidentals, and an operations and maintenance budget for up to one year's duration for the temporary pump station. This also includes an additional $7,600 to complete design of a permanent channel crossing to replace REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 51~ ~ORt{) DRW 111M- t !0jJ? RAB 130211.-9/85 SM SUBJECT AUTHORIZE It4ARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR SAN RAMON CREEK BYPASS OiANNEL SEWER RELOCATIONS, AND AUTIiORIZE $329,609 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4046 POSITION PAPER PAGE OF DATE the temporary pump station upon completion of the channel construction. This project is included in the Five-Year Campital Improvement Plan. RECOMtENDATION: Authorize award of the constructi on contract for the San Ramon Bypass Channel Sewer Relocations, District Project No. 4046, to Mountain Cascade, Inc. per its bi d received March 20, 1986, and authorize $329,609 fran the Sewer Construction Fund for project completion. 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 4 Centra'--~ontra Costa Sanit-'ry District 8UMMARV elF .IDS PROJECT NO. x4046 San qamon BVDass Sewer Relocation DATE Marrh ?O, '9Rh LOCATION Four areas in DowntOvm Walnut Creek ENGR. EST. $ 228,450 a: \!> _IDDER (Name, telephone & address) I BID PRICE Mt. Cascade ( ) 837-1101 $ 237,618 1 P.O. Box 11 6 , San Ramnn, r.A 94583 - MGM r.nnc;tnlrt inn ( ) 685-8812 $ 2 408,595 P.O. Box 5757, Concord, CA 945?4 - ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ - ( ) $ ~ ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ PREPARED BY DATE SHEET NO. OF 2503-9/84 Page ,. of 4 POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 40lt6 % CONST. ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL CONTRACT 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) . .$2P ~61.8 } . $ 268,618 District-Furnished Materials 31 ,000 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies . $ 26,282 Total Construction Cost $ 294,900 100% 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . $ 5,500 Inspection . $ 10,500 ~~ Engineering (I S:C 1._ !,-s:-b4 i l.ts) 11,400 . $ o & M - Pump Station S 5,000 Consultant - Compaction Test $ 1,000 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals . $ 11.400 $ 33,400 11% 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat . $ 0 0 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project . $ 328,300 111 % 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Survey, Engineering, Printing, Advertising . $ 1 1 4, 1 00 Specia I Services . $ Right-of-Way Acquisition. . $ 7. Total Preconstruction Incidentals (as of 3/21/86 ) . . $ 1 1 4, 100 $ 11 4, 100 39% 8. Total Estimated Project Cost . $ 442,400 150% (Items 5 & 7) 9. Funds Previously Authorized . $ 112.791 10_ Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. . $ 329,609 (Item 8 minus Item 9) Includes $7,600 to complete design of a permanent channel crossing to be instal led following completion of the channel construction. 2505-8/78 . Centr, Contra Costa Sanita~.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF A r i 1 3, 1986 .NO. vIr. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 SUBJECT ClOSE OUT lHE BARSCREEN INSTAlLATION PROO ECT (DISTRICT PROO ECT 20000) AND RETURN $17,021 TO lHE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND DATE March 24, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Munawar Husain, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Barscreen Installation Project and this proj ect can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The ba rscreens are located in the Primary Process area and screen coarse debris fran the incoming plant flC7fl. Two of the four existing barscreens were replaced under this project. These two barscreens were installed in 1957. One barscreen was a manually cleaned unit and the other was a mechanically cleaned unit (high maintenance costs). The work included demolition and removal of the two existing barscreens, modification of two influent channels to accommodate the new barscreens, and the installation of two new District-furnished barscreens. Piping and electrical work associated with the new barscreens was also performed and an existing screenings grinder was incorporated in the new installation. The contractor, Dalzell Corporation, commenced work on August 13, 1985. Timely performance of the contract work was crucial, as the contract was awarded late in the year and work had to be compl eted before the onset of wet weather fl C7f1S. Dalzell performed its work diligently, and as a result, the work was substantially completed on October 7, 1985, the required completion date. The project was accepted by the Board on November 7, 1985. These units performed well duri ng the recent severe storms enabl i ng the treatment pl ant to process peak fl C7fI s of over 200 t-GD. The Engineer's estimate for the construction contract was $85,100. Dalzell Corporation's construction contract was for $93,000. There were two Change Orders issued on the project totaling $2,455, resulting in a total payment of $95,455 to Dalzell Corporation. The two District-furnished barscreens were prepurchased separately fran the Jeffrey Manufacturing Division of Dresser Industries for $75,775. The total budget for the proj ect was $253,119. The total compl eted project cost is $236,104, which is $17,021 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project which will result in $17,021 being returned to the Sewer Construction Fund. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board for information. No action is necessary. ~k- JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A.9/85 MH RSK . Centr, Contra Costa Sanital District .. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 3, 1986 ~rI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE $1,200 FROM lHE EQUIPMENT CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR lHE PUROiASE OF lWO HAND HELD lWo-WAY RADIOS FOR USE BY lHE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT DATE March 26, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Jim Coe, Senior Engineer Collection System Operations ISSUE: Equi pment Conti ngency Account funds are needed for the purchase of two hand held two-way radios to be used in the field by Collection System Operati ons Department personnel. Board approval is requi red for Equipment Contingency Account purchases in excess of $1,000. BACKGROUND: A reliable, high quality communication system at the work site is requi red for both safety and productiv ity. Currentl y, the CCTV crew uses a 1,000-linear foot cable system which frequently malfunctions, and the cleaning and repair crews use inexpensive hand held radios which have proven to be unreliable. During the CCTV operation, the camera may have to be removed at a remote location up to 1,000 feet away from operator controls. The cleaning tool for hydroflush and rodding machine may also have to be controlled at a distance up to 1,000 feet from the operator. Close coordination between flagmen in controlling traffic at bl ind intersections and curves is required. Since reliable communication is vital for safety and productivity, a more dependable and efficient two-way radio system is needed to augment the existing Collection System Operations field communication system. In order to satisfy an immediate requirement, this request is made as a conti ngency item. A more comprehensive request to meet long range communication requirements will be proposed within the 1986/87 Equipment Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $1,200 from the Equipment Contingency Account for the purchase of two hand hel d two-way radios. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I 02A.9/85 JC JL INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~ vi- . Centr.. Contra Costa Sanita~ ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 3, 1986 NO. VII 1. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $59,600 FROM "THE SEWER OONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN ACTIVITIES FOR "THE SAN RAMON VALLEY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT, DISTRICT PROJ ECT 3733 DATE March 29, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson, Principal Engineer IIILI.TlA TING DEPT.lDI\L. tngineering uept./P1anning Division ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required to expend $59,600 from the Sewer Construction Fund for preliminary design activities for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project. BACKGROUND: Major trunk sewer improvements will be needed over the next five years to accommodate residential and commercial growth in the San Ramon Valley. Approximately 12 mil es of 1 arge di ameter trunk sewer will be constructed between Rudgear Road in Walnut Creek to Larwin Pump Station in San Ramon (see Project Description, Attachment 1). Construction is scheduled to begin in 1987. The District began planning for the new trunk sewer in late 1983. A wastewater flow analysis, sewer alignment study, and acquisition of sewer easements in the Southern Pacific right-of-way have been completed. The project EIR process was initiated in November 1985 and is anticipated to be completed in July 1986. Design of the trunk sewer will be accomplished in two steps: preliminary design for the entire 12-ml1e sewer and final design for each phase of trunk sewer. To meet the 1987 constructi on schedul e for the fi rst phase of the sewer, pre1imi nary design is scheduled for June through September 1986 followed by final design of the fi rst phase from September 1986 to March 1987. Staff has initi ated the procurement process for an engineering consultant to perform preliminary and final design of the trunk sewer. Staff p1 ans to request approval of the consultant agreement and sewer construction funds for these services from the Board of Directors in the near future. Staff proposes to accelerate the first portion of the preliminary sewer design now to provide information to complete the project EIR and to expedite design of the fi rst phase of the trunk sewer proj ect. The accel erated activ iti es descri bed in Attachment 2 are typically done at the beginning of preliminary design and therefore control the design schedule. Authorization of $59,600 is requested to conduct the first portion of preliminary design. The work will be accomplished by District engineering staff, an aerial survey service, and engineering consultants. The aerial survey service is already under contract from a previous authorization, and the additional work will be covered by change order. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $59,600 from the Sewer Construction Fund for preliminary design activities for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CWS p1LL f!!J3 JMK 130211.9/85 'age 2 of 4 ATTACHtJENT 1 SAN RAMON VALLEY SEWER IMPROVaENT PROJ ECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION The San Ramon Vall ey Sewer Improvement Proj act consi sts of the install ati on of approximately ten mil es of 1 arge diameter gravity trunk sewer and two mil es of force main. The trunk sewer and force main will be constructed from Larwin Pump Station north to a point near the intersection of Danvi11e Boulevard and Rudgear Road in southern Wa1 nut Creek. At the northern poi nt, the proposed trunk sewer will connect with both the existing 36-inch diameter trunk sewer that now serves the San Ramon Valley and the proposed 60-inch diameter downtown Walnut Creek bypass sewer. The preferred sewer alignment is the Southern Pacific right-of-way. This alignment will cause the least disruption to traffic, commercial, and other activities in the valley communities. The District entered into an agreement in December 1985 with Contra Costa County to purchase a 20-foot-wide surface easement and a 12-foot-wide subsurface easement within the railroad right-of-way. The cost for the San Ramon Valley portion of the sewer easements was $2,959,900. Because of the size of the project, the trunk sewer is planned for construction in three phases. The first phase is a five-mile section from La Serena Avenue in A1 amo to Greenbrook Drive in Danvi11 e. The second phase is approximately three miles long from La Serena Avenue north to a point near Rudgear Road where the sewer will connect with the new Walnut Creek downtown trunk sewer. The third phase will extend four mil es from Greenbrook Drive south to the Larwin Pump Station. The third phase includes two miles of force main. The first phase of construction will take care of the sections of existing sewer with the most severe capacity problems. Constructi on of the fi rst phase sewer will be duri ng 1987. The second and th i rd phases of the sewer are currently schedu1 ed for 1988 and 1989. As these two phases are not needed as soon as the first phase, construction may be deferred for two to three years if effort must be devoted to other higher priority District proj ects. The current planning-level project cost estimate for the San Ramon Valley Sewer Improvement Project is $28.5 million <1985 cost basis). This cost estimate is based on a 54-inch diameter sewer. It includes engineering and construction management costs, but excl udes the $2,959,000 al ready committed for easement acquisition. Staff has previously advised the Board of Directors that the project cost estimate was $18 to $20 mill ion. This estimate was based on a 39-inch sewer and was used to evaluate the relative differences between sewer alignment alternatives. Based on recent information from the Collection System Master Plan Study bei ng prepared by Camp, Dresser and McKee, staff has increased the sewage design flows from the San Ramon Valley area. Consequently, the size of the proposed trunk sewer has a1 so increased. Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 CbHRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTkH,T SAN RAMON VALLEY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ..- ItA' ZION '" if ~Dc,,, O~'''' " EI 'W' wttCHfU OOC' -f - , ~ '''Ul' c ~ l_-, ";....r "- ~~ (ACoLE PfAI( ...4,: It~ ___.J:> y~ - ~"'OUH1 STAff ,-".......""5. GAME 17 . l, , :fEFUGE 3-F , ..' , 01' .~ cu.-.. C"f(O ..... "\ "A~rc 0/' ftJ'" WIND., ~'NT '" BLACK Co ~ - --- " ~ ~ L, LAS TRAAlPA$ . REGIONAL PARK, 1t_'O IWYftCWWf.',, . .F~IVT. A~D ./ "" CANrO", .t........ ^ _..- ..~.- PROPOSED SEWER STUDY AREA BOUNDARY CCCSD BOUNDARY :ge 4 of 4 ATT ACHr-ENT 2 SAN RAMON VALLEY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT PRElJMINARY. .PESIG N..)\CIIY HY WORKl?ERIQR~D_. BY EUNDS . .REQUESTED Preparation of additional aerial topographic maps and aerial map/photo indexes Airplot (1) $ 6,000 Surveying to correlate ground control points to aerial topographic maps Draw ground control points and other information onto aerial topographic maps District Staff 11,000 District Staff 8,000 Evaluation of alternatives for sewer construction under or across major streets in the San Ramon Vall ey Evaluation of hydraulic profiles and characteristics of San Ramon, Rutherford, and La Serena Creeks to provide criteria for designing sewer crossings John Carol 1 0 Engineers (2) 10,000 Engineering consultants to be sel ected (2) 15,000 Determination of sewer sizes for EIR population scenarios based on collection system computer model Camp, Dresser and McKee (2) 5,000 Addtional flow monitoring during winter of 1986 CH2M Hill (2) 3,600 Total Funds Requested: $59,600 (1) Airplot is already under contract under an authorization made by the Board of Directors on December 5, 1985. The proposed services will be covered under a change order to the existing contract. (2) These engineering services will be procured by District staff through consultant agreements. . Centr..... Contra Costa Sanitar I District BOARD OF DIRECTORS A rl1 1 SUBJEclAUlHORIZE lHE GENERAL MANPGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE PGREEM:NTS WITH COUNTY FLOOD CONTROl DISTRIcr AND JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR CONSTRUcrION AND SERVICES RELATED TO OONSTRUcrION OF THE WALNUT CREEK DOWNTOWN TRUNK SEWER - A-lASE 1, AND AUlHORIZE $3,405,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUcrION FUND FOR DISTRIcr PROJEcr NO. 1997 PAPER PAGE 1 OF POSITION NO. VIII. ENGINEERING 2 DATE SUBMITTED BY Steve McDonald Senior En ineer AUTHORIZE Gt+-CE TO EXECUTE PGREEM:NTS; AUTHORIZE FUNDS ISSUE: An agreement with the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District {Flood Control> is required to incorporate a new 60-inch trunk sewer with construction of Flood Control's San Ramon Creek Bypass Channel Project, and funds must be authorized for construction of the sewer. BACKGROUND: Flood Control, in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE), is constructing a flood control channel in the abandoned Southern Pacific Ral1 road ri ght-of-way between Arroyo Way and Rudgear Road, Wal nut Creek. The Board approved a Negative Decl arati on for the install ati on of a 6o-inch trunk sewer in conj uncti on with the Flood Control Proj ect on March 21, 1985, and approved the installation of the 60-inch trunk sewer at its meeting on April 18, 1985. (A project description of the trunk sewer installation is presented in Attachment 1.) The approximately 8,400 linear feet of 60-inch trunk sewer will be designed and constructed in two phases. The construction of both sections will be incorporated with the construction of Flood Control's Channel. Design of the first phase of trunk sewer is nearly complete and will be incorporated into the plans of the Flood Control's Channel Project for bidding in late June, 1986. The total Phase 1 trunk sewer cost, including design, construction, and construction management, is estimated at approximately $3,579,000 and is presented in Attachment 2. As shown, the construction cost estimate for the install ati on of the 60-inch sewer under Phase 1 is estimated at approximately $3,015,000 (plus or minus 15 percent). It is not possible to make a firm construction cost estimate at this time because the final design review is not compl ete. A final engi neer' s constructi on cost estimate will be prepared pri or to bi d. The Phase 2 sewer work will al so be a part of Flood Control's project will be the subject of a future position paper. A cost reimbursement contract with a cost ceil ing of $32,000 has been negotiated with the engineering firm of John Carollo Engineers of Walnut Creek to provide office engineering support during construction. This finn was selected because this is a follow-on task to the earlier design services performed by Carollo, and they are familiar with the project. A total of $3,405,000 is being requested from the Board at this time which includes funds to complete design and provide construction management for the first phase of sewer. Flood Control and the Di stri ct have prepared a cost-shari ng J oi nt Exerci se of Powers Agreement wherein the District will reimburse Flood Control for all REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 SM iJ&/ DRW J1ffiJ .51Lt SUBJEC1jwTHORIZE lHE GENERAL MANPGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEQJTE PGREEM:NTS WITH CX>UNTY FLOOD CX>NTROL DISTRICT AND J (}IN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR CX>NSTRUCTION AND SERVICES RELATED TO CX>NSTRUCTION OF THE WALNUT CREEK DOWNTOWN TRUNK SEWER - PHASE 1, AND AUTHORIZE $3,405,000 FROM THE SEWER POSITION PAPER PAGE OF DATE constructi on and constructi on management costs to construct the above-menti oned 60-inch sewer line. The agreement covers all of the sewer work which will be designed and constructed in Phase 1 as well as in Phase 2. In accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, the plans and specifications for the 60-inch sewer will be incorporated with Flood Control's channel project. The estimated construction and construction management costs for the 60-inch sewer constructed in each phase will be advanced by the District to Flood Control at least ten days pri or to the CX>E adverti sement for bi ds, whi ch for Phase 1 is tentativel y scheduled for mid-May 1986. This project is included in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. RECX>MMENDATION : Authorize the General Manager-Chi ef Engi neer to execute an agreement with County Flood Control District for construction of the Walnut Creek Downtown Trunk Sewer, authorize the General Manager-Chi ef Engi neer to execute a contract with John Carollo Engineers, and authorize $3,405,000 fran the Sewer Construction Fund for District Project No. 1997. 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 5 Attachment 1 Wal nut Creek Downtown Trunk Sewer CD . P. 1997> March 28, 1986 Proj ect Descri pti on The Walnut Creek Downtown Parallel Project consists of construction of approximately 8,400 linear feet of 60-inch diameter pipeline and two siphons totaling approximately 670 linear feet, a portion of which will be parallel to the new San Ramon Creek Bypass Channel to be constructed mostly withi n the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way in the City of Walnut Creek, California, (see Exhibit A to this Attachment 1). The pipeline will begin north of the existing Walnut Creek Channel at the southern edge of Arroyo Way and will end just south of San Ramon Valley Creek. Neither end of the pipeline will be connected to the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District sewage collection system in the project area until a later date. This project is proposed for construction now based on a unique, one time opportunity for the Di stri ct to incorporate the project with the construction of the already approved San Ramon Creek Bypass Flood Control Channel Project. Approximately 5,400 linear feet of the District's 60-inch trunk sewer will be installed under Phase 1, and approximately 3,000 linear feet will be installed under Phase 2 in conjunction with the Flood Control Channel Proj ect. The overall preliminary cost estimate for the design, construction, and construction management of the Wal nut Creek Downtown Trunk Sewer is as follows: Phase 1 Design Construction Construction Management Subtotal Phase 1 $ 200,000 3,015,000 364,000 $3,579,000 Phase 2 Design Constructi on Construction Management Subtotal Phase 2 Total Estimated Cost(l) $ 120,000 2,453 ,000 260,000 2,833,000 $6,412,000 The Wal nut Creek Downtown Trunk Sewer project will ultimately join the new San Ramon Valley trunk sewer which will be required south of Rudgear Road to meet future demands for District sewer services in the San Ramon Valley and outlying areas. (1) Does not include $885,000 for pipeline right-of-way acquisition which has al ready been expended. Page 4 of 5 Exhibit A to Attachment 1 (f) ~ It:I ~ ~ u ~ . ~ . . ~ -' III )..,. ... ... c z: z r- z: P- h ~ -' C III ... X C. a. u ""'" '\ L P- o .L: W U c ... ...J \.0 ~ z: II) u c( 00 0 0 c U I ... .. Vl 00 Z II) 0 I N LLI K c 0 0 I a. \.0 :z: CV'\ (!) w LLI I ~ -.J 0 0 ~ 0 ~ I 0 <> 0 ~ I 0 ~ 0 ~ Page 5 of 5 Attachment 2 Walnut Creek Downtown Trunk Sewer CO.P. 1997> to be Installed with San Ramon Creek Bypass Channel - Phase 1 Preliminary Cost Estimate March 28, 1986 DesiQn o District $ 135,000 o John Carollo Engineers 65,000 Subtotal Desi gn $ 200,000 Constructi on 3,015,000 Construction ManaQement 0 District $ 66,000 0 John Carollo Engineers 32,000 0 u. S. Army Corps of Engineers 256,000 0 Construction Management Contingency(1) 10,000 Subtotal Construction Management 364,000 Total Estimated Phase 1 Sewer Cost $3,579,000 ~: Funds Previously Authorized 175,369 Total Authorization Requested $3,403,631 SAY $3,405,000 (1) If necessary, District staff will use this contingency to issue contract change orders to John Carollo Engineers to expand its Scope of Work or to fund additional force account work. . Centr ~ Contra Costa Sanita. District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 3~ 1986 NO. IX. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 SUBJECT DATE March 28~ 1986 REQUEST TO INCREASE THE AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE LEVEL FOR THE DISTRICT LEGAL SERVICES TYPE OF ACTION INCREASE EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION LEVEL INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Risk Mana ement & Safet ISSUE: Boa rd app rova 1 is necessa ry to increase the amount authori zed for the District's claims and litigation services. BACKGROUND: The District Board monitors the District's claims and litigation activity through a process of authorizing an expenditure level for the overall District case load. The cases are reviewed by the Board periodically as to their current status along with the action plan which is being recommended for the immediate future. The plan is translated into a new estimated expenditure level~ approval from the Board is requested, and the District staff uses this as the authorization to obtain the required legal and consultant services. The last request for an increased authorization level was made and approved on October 17, 1985, in the amount of $171~400; the one before that was on July 11, 1985, for $269,273. The expenditures through May 31, 1986, are estimated to require increasing the authorized expenditure level by $90~280 combined in Capital Projects and O&M funds. The staff will meet with the Board in closed session to provide further information concerning the District's open cases. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an increase to the expenditure level for legal services for O&M and Project-related cases in the amount of $90~280. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON PM . Centr\. Contra Costa Sanitsi District .. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 2 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Aprll 3, 1986 NO. X. PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT DATE March 26, 1986 AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEAS<JfH.. EMPlOYEES TYPE OF ACTION PERS(JmB. SUBMITTED BY Cathryn Freitas. Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal help in 1986. BACKGROUND: Each year the District hires college students during the summer months for vacati on rel ief, cl eanup, and speci al proj ects; and duri ng the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Memorandums identifying the goals to be accomplished with seasonal hel p by each department have been sent to the Personnel Committee for review. A summary of the requests for seasonal employees is depicted below: NUteER OF PERS<JfS NEEDED Auth'd Depart. I Persons 1986 last Yr Division 861 hr 86.50/hr 17 .50/hr I9/hr '111 hr Months Total 1985 Adm in. 3 2 15 5 3 C. S. O. 6 3 1 40 10 8 P.O.D. 6 3 2 1 2 60 14 15 Engi n. 2 3 2 19 7 11 District Total 17 8 5 3 3 134 36 37 It is recommended that the hourly rate for seasonal employees remain the same as in 1985, as foll ows: Laborers/Clerical (Entry level) $6.00 Laborers/Clerical (Returning) $6.50 Drafters $7.50 Engineering Undergraduates $9.00 Engineering Undergrads.(Returning) $10.00 Engineering Graduate Students $11.00 Last year the Di strict received authorization to hi re 37 seasonal employees and 40 the previous year. This year the request has been reduced to 36 seasonal employees; however, the Engi neeri ng and Constructi on Departments and the Pl ant Operati ons Department will be requesting an additional four positions for students through the un iversity Engi neeri ng Cooperative Work-Study Program. The request for Co-op students will be made as Dart of the Personnel 8udaet~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOAff(D AlJrlON 1302....9/85 SUBJECT NJllIOUZATION 10 HIRE SEAS(JfAl BA...OYEES POSITION PAPER 2 2 PAGE OF DATE March 26, 1986 The approximate cost of this action will be $162,200 fran depar'bnental 0 & M budgets. REOOtIENOATION: Approve the hiring of 36 persons for seasonal employment. .....-------. 13028-9/85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 20, 1986 FROM: CATHRYN FREITAS oiJ'L JOYCE MCMILLAN'U SUMMER STUDENT EMPLOYMENT REQUEST TO: SUBJECT: I have reviewed my requirements for summer temporary help and have identified the need for one summer temporary employee. This person will be needed until approximately September 1986 to complete the inventory of District records, the first phase of the records management program. In addition, this employee will provide vacation relief for the Administrative Aide. Page 4 of 20 REQUEST FOR SUMMER HELP 1986 - 1987 Due to Personnel by March 21, 1986 ANTICIPATED DEPARTMENT SUMMER POSITION NUMBER OF HOURS/WEEK HOURLY SALARY Administrative Records Inventory/ 40 Hrs/Week $6.00 Clerical - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 24, 1986 TO: FROM: CATHRYN FREITAS HELEN BAUMGARTNER~ , SUBJECT: SUMMER HELP I have reviewed my requirements for summer temporary help and have identified the need for one summer temporary employee. I would like this person from approximately June 1 through August 31, 1 986 . Some of the summer help's duties/areas of work would be: o Assist in updating/reorganizing files and records o Act as vacation relief o May work for other sections on the third floor o Numberous other related duties [R1~~~D,\#~[Q) MAR 21 1986 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District CCCSD Dt:'CC!'''..,.._, March 21, 1986 TO: CATHRYN FREITAS VIA: JACK CA~E~ FROM: BONNIE ALLEN ~-- SUBJECT: SUMMER HELP REQUEST FOR 1986 After reviewing the Risk Management and Safety Section's requirement for summer help we have determined the need for one (1) summer help employee part-time three (3) eight-hour days per week. This person woul d be utilized Tuesday through Thursday each week for three (3) months, June 1 through August 31, 1986. The major duties/areas of work will be: Schedule and follow-up on Vehicle and Driver Safety Program. Research current safety and health issues and their application at the District, ie Employee Right-to-Know Law. Reorganization and cleanup of safety and health files. Assist with special projects such as the Safety Cookbook development and the Safety Picnic planning. Numerous other related duties. BA/ J EC/l s REQUEST FOR SUMMER HELP 1986 - 1987 lRl~CC~llW~[t)) MAR 1 7 1986 CCCSD P"'R<:/'"\~I"C=' Due to Personnel by March 21, 1986 NUMBER OF HOURS/WEEK ANTICIPATED DEPARTMENT SUMMER POSITION HOURLY SALARY Administrative/Risk Safety Intern 24 Hrs/Hk $6.00 Management & Safety I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 20, 1986 TO: CATHRYN FREITAS, PERSONNEL OFFICER I~ j(fif KEN F. LAVERTY, PURCHASING & MATERIALS OFFICE~ FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMER HELP REQUEST FOR 1986 I have reviewed the Section's requirements for summer help and have identified a need for one (1) summer help employee. This person will be needed for three (3) months, June 1 through August 31, 1986. It is hopeful that Darnell Turner will again return this year to help us out during the summer months. The major duties/areas of work will be: o Preparation for the physical inventory o Reorganizing and cleanup of the historical purchase order fll es o Act as vacation relief o Numerous other related duties KFL/bbm Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 20, 1986 TO: FROM: CATHRYN FREITAS, PERSONNEL OFFICER II!'.! BOB ROBERTSON, BUILDING MAINTENANCE TECHNICIA~ SUBJECT: SUMMER HELP REQUEST FOR 1986 I have reviewed the requirement for summer help for the Building Maintenance Technician and have identified a need for one (1) summer help employee. This person will be needed for three (3) months, June 1 through August 31, 1986. The major duties/areas of work will be: o Preventive maintenance of doors, carpeting, etc. o Various painting and touch-up projects o Act as vacation relief o Numerous other related duties BR/bbm Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1R1[g~[gDW'~[D MAR 1 3 1986 t't:~~~2R", March 12, 1986 TO: CATHRYN FREITAS FROM: J()fN LARS~ \/.(... SUBJ ECT: SUMMER STUDENT EMPlOYMENT REQUEST I have attached a request for ten summer students to work at Collection System Operations Department during this summer. Three of the laborers would be assigned to Field Operations to supplement existing field crews. Five of the laborers would work in Operations Support. The second group would complete some seasonal projects, they would provide a vacation reli ef pool for Fi el d Operati ons and they woul d act as traff i c fl aggers as needed. The clerical position would assist with routine office work to allow Collection System Operations' acininistrative staff to complete their end of year activities. The graduate engineer would assist in the implementation of Collection System Operations' computer scheduling application as well as supporting sewer replacement projects. J L/ gg Attachment REQUEST FOR SUMMER HELP 1986 - 1987 Due to Personnel by March 21, 1986 ANTICIPATED DEPARTMENT SUMMER POSITION NUMBER OF HOURS/WEEK HOURLY SALARY CSOD Laborer 40 $ 6.00 Laborer 40 6.00 Laborer 40 6.00 Laborer 40 6.00 Laborer 40 6.00 Laborer 40 6.50 Laborer 40 6.50 Laborer 40 6.50 Clerical 40 6.00 Graduate Engineer 40 11.00 [g1~(G~~~~[Q) MAR 2 G 1986 Central Contra Costa sanitary District CCCSD PERSONNFl March 26, 1986 - Corrected Copy TO: CATHRYN FREITAS FROM: CHMLES W. BATTS CMlSM-" SUBJECT: SEASONAL EMPLOYEE REQUEST Number of Persons Needed $9/Hour Person $ll/Hour Months 1986 Total - $6/ Hour $6.50/Hour $7.50/Hour 6 3 1 2 2 60 14 Authorized in 1982 - 15 Authorized in 1983 - 15 Authorized in 1984 - 15 Authorized in 1985 - 15 The Plant Operations Department's request for seasonal employees is for a total of 14 positions. Again this summer, there are some ambitious projects that we pl an to compl ete by utilizing these positions. The $6/hour, and $6.50/hour for returning students positions are to serve as aides for the Buildings and Grounds crew (6), the Pumping Stations (2), and the Laboratory (1). These positions will be used for summer-related activities such as weed control, landscape work, and outside painting. The Laboratory position will be for vacation relief and project work. The position listed for $7.50/hour will do shop drawings and simple fabrications. The position listed for $9/hour is to enter data and act as programmer for the new preventive mai ntenance program and to work in our control systems Engineering group. The positions listed at $ll/hour are to hire University of California, Berkeley graduate students or last-year engineering students to aid in the producti on of sl ide/tape trai ni ng programs and to act as ai des to pl ant engineering staff on various ongoing projects such as energy conservation, reclamation, commodity reduction, and odor control. The slide/tape program has been a highly successful training tool that will be expanded to further cover treatment pl ant furnace operation and the 5B expansion and to update existing training material. CWB: pdg cc: R. Dol an REQUEST FOR SUMMER HELP 1986 - 1987 PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Number of Anticipated Deoartment Summer Pos1ti on Hours/Week Hourly Sal arv . Laboratory Relief position 40 $ 6 - 6.50/hr Operations Slide/Tape 40* $11/ hour Division - Graphics 40 $ 91 hour Process Control Engi neeri ng 40 $ll/hour Maintenance Drafting 40 $7 .501 hour Staff Preventive Mai nt. 40 $9/ hour Bull di ngs and Laborer (6) 40 $6 - $6.50/ hour G roun ds Pumping Laborer (2) 40 $6 - $6.50/ hour Stations * Indicates period of employment will last past September 1, 1986 SUMMER HELP 1986 - 1987 PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Persons/Months Div i si on/ Number Ba 1 ance Aga i nst Sect i on Authorized 1985 - 1986 BudQet Laboratory 1/4 0 Process Control 1/6 + 1 Process Control 1/4 + 4 Process Control 1/4 0 Maintenance 1/4 0 Maintenance 1/5 0 Buildings and Grounds 6/24 - 5 Pumping Stations West 1/4 0 North 1/5 0 Total 14/60 0 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 26, 1986 TO: FROM: CATHRYN FREITAS,\tW DAVID R. WILLIAMS ~J SUBJECT: STUDENT EMPLOYMENT PROORAM - SUMt-ER HELP The Engineering Division's Student Employment Program request for summer help for fiscal year 86-87 is attached. Four engineering student positions, full time fran approximately June 1 through September 30, 1986, are being requested for authorization. The summer students will assist the Engineering Division staff on proj ects such as the thorough checki ng of the sewer quantity data with base maps, the creation of plan and profile as-buflts for the Martinez trunk sewers, and the re-labeling and filing of Treatment Plant as-builts and data, which have all been rescheduled for this year. DRW : n s Attachment cc: R. Baker J. Kelly J. McCoy ---_._----_._-~^_...__.,.._--~..._._-,.._~,...~_.__._-_._-----_.,.._--_.,--,....__.._.__.__.,---,_.__..__.~.-_._~._._--'.._._..,-----_.__._~. REQUEST FOR SUMMER HELP 1986 - 1987 Due to Personnel by March 21, 1986 ANTICIPATED DEPARTMENT SUMMER POS IT ION NUMBER OF HOURS/WEEK HOURLY SALARY Engineering - 1 . Engineering 1 @ 40, for 4 mos $9/ hr. Engineering Div. Students 2. Drafters 3 @ 40, for 4 mos $7 .50/ hr Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 26, 1986 TO: CATHRYN FREITAS FROM: JAY S McCOY ~;Jf SUBJECT: 1986-87 CLERICAL SUMtER HELP Transmitted herewith is my request for cl erical summer hel p for the coming fiscal year. The positions in Permit/Right of Way are justified because the use of summer students has proved to be an effici ent and effective way to reduce the backlog which exists in the microfilming of records, the updating of files, and the reconciliation of records. J SM/ gv Attachment cc: R. Baker w/attach. REQUEST FOR SU t+ER HEL P 1986 - 1987 Due to Personnel by March 21, 1986 DEPARTMENT I I I ANTICIPATED- SUt+1ER POS IrION NUM3 ER OF HRIWK. HOURLY. SALARY. Engi neeri ng/ I Cl erk Construction Div. 140 hours per week $6 .00 I 7/1/86 - 9/30/86 and 1 6/1/87 - 6/30/871 I I 140 hours per week, $6.00 7/1/86 - 9/30/86 Engi neeri ng/ I Cl erk Construction Div.1 I 1 I I , I I I I -'- , I I , 1 , , -. ---...,. .~....._....._... -- I , , , , I _ _.~ .__._ _'_~" .....1.___ _.._~.- ..... -.--~.,'- ._-...... - ~.'. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 26, 1986 TO: CATHRYN FREITAS Cl, tf\ l L----' FROM: JAMES M. KELLY v~ SUBJ ECT: STUDENT EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM The P1 anning Division's Student Employment Program request for FY 86-87 is attached. One engineering student is being requested for authorfzati on: o One student full time through September 30, 1986, then 16 hours/week until May 30, 1987, when the effort is increased to 40 hours/week. This expanded work schedule will allow the District to realize much greater productivity as the hours for training will not increase, but the productive hours will increase greatly by the extended schedule. The student wou1 d assist the P1 anning Divi sion staff on major projects such as local capacity studies, the Martinez Collection System Facilities Plan, and correction of deficient sewers. The student would assist in data gathering, reduction and analysis. J MK: bc Attachment cc: R. Baker J. McCoy J. Miyamoto-Mill s D. Williams J. Zayac REQUEST .fOELSU.MMER HELP 1986 - 1987 Due to Personnel by March 21, 1986 Td ..d I ............ I ANTICIPATED ... ..... DEPARTMENT. . .5UMK POSITION ......NUM3JRQE..HRtWK.._ .....HOURL.'(. SALARY Engineering - P1 anni ng Div. I Engi neeri ng I Student I I I I I HMO, I 1 @16 , I I I for 4 mos. I for 8 mos. I I I $9/ hr. $9/hr. ..~ ... ....--1 I I I I ..Ln___n ._.. .. - ....1_... .... . --. .... ~.