HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-01-86 . Centr,-- Contra Costa Sanitall District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF S POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF May 1, 1986 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 86-14 (ALAMO) AND P.A. 86-15 TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 DATE Apri 1 25, 1986 (ALAMO) TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. : Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency Parcel No. Area 86-14 Alamo Jerry L. Bi ggs 4209 IIBII Street Sacramento, CA 95819 196-050-011 (0.92 Acres) New construction - One CCCSD single family home. District to prepare IINotice of Exemption.1I 86-15 Alamo Garry Delange 2617 Danville Blvd. Alamo, CA 188-370-014 (0.64 Acres) Existing House - failing CCCSO septic system. District to prepare IINotice of Exemption.1I RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 86-14 and P.A. 86-15 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION M RAB ~fJ!h 7~./C.HIEF ENG. \. -rli'( d; Jfv{;l/h..... ROGER J DOLAN 1302~ -9/85 J,lt DH ~)1 JSM ~~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. l MlUI"l-4PI!V / D/5'fRIC r 1 1;(0. 7~ At o. lour DF PROPOSED ANNEXATION ... PAw 86-/4 C\I f'- \{) O'l W If) . .'i.-~ 7:~_"~.~- PROPOSED ANNEXATION J'~"4 ,., ". ll! ....~~_..:~~~__'--'::.x.,~~.::.~~::~~:~~-J,~'~ PAl 86 - /5 . Cenb _ . Contra Costa Sanita. ~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 1, 1986 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT APPROV E JlGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH AHMAD ENFERADI, JCB 3220, PARCEL 6, ALAMO AREA DATE A ril 22, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION APPROV E REAl.. PROPERTY ,4GREE~NT SUBb!lITTED BY uennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: Improvements are proposed for construction over an existing sanitary sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The property <*ner of the vacant lot at 195 Stone Vall ey Way has proposed to construct a residence adjoining the District sewer easement within the <*ner's property. A portion of a concrete sl ab patio with a wooden "trell is" roof and other paved 1 andscape areas adj acent to the new resi dence w ill encroach into the sewer easement. At Di strict staff's request, the col umns supporti ng the overhead trell is will rest on a "spread"-type footing, rather than concrete piers as ori gi nally desi gned. The proposed real property agreement prov i des that the property C7ttner is responsible for all additional maintenance costs which may result from the improvements encroaching into the easement area. The property <*ner has cooperated with District staff by modifying the construction drawings of the proposed improvements and has paid the District's fee for processi ng the subj ect agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; h<*ever, if the need shoul d ari se, the agreement requi res the property C7ttner to remove the improvements at the C7ttner's expense within 30 days of notice. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Rel ati ng to Real Property with Ahmad Enferadi, Job 3220, Parcel 6, authorize the President of the Board and the Secretary of the District to execute said Agreement and authorize the Agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302,A..9/85 DH JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. If)( W5J r1 ~ I I ~ ~ I:: 11\ l'\ I~ /0 /5.5:c. . 15 ...;" ....'. PROPERTY AGREEMENT REAL 6 3220 PARCEL JOB ALAMO AREA . Cenb I Contra Costa Sanita." District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 May 1, 1986 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF AUTHORIZE $9,100 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE REPLACEtJENT OF APPROXIMATELY 408 FEET OF PIPELINE IN CARLBACK AVENUE IN WALNUT GREEK BY DISTRICT FORCES DATE April 23, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jim Coe, Senior Engineer Collection System Operations ISSUE: Sewer construction funds are needed to replace a section of public sewer in order to prevent sewage overflows. BAa<GROUND: The public sewer that serves the businesses on Carlback Avenue in Walnut Creek is currently in very poor condition. The sewer is one of Walnut Creek's original sewer lines and consists of asphaltic pipe material. The sewer has begun to fail and problems with maintenance have been increasing. In 1978 and 1979 this pipe plugged causing overflows. In order to prevent a recurrence of the overflows this pipeline is currently cleaned every 6 months. Replacement of this old 6-inch pipe with 8-inch ,4BS pipe is recommended at this time because it is cost effective in terms of savings in future preventative maintenance costs. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $9,100 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the replacement of approximately 408 feet of pipeline in Carlback Avenue in Walnut Creek by District forces. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JIv/ 1302"..9/85 ROGER J. DOLAN JL . Cent. _ .. Contra Costa Sanita~" District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE lHE ATTENDANCE OF ROBERT Sn",K>NS AT A FIVE-DAY COURSE ENTITLED "SLOPE STABILITY AND LANDSL IDES" IN MADISON, WISCON SIN, MAY 12 - 16, 1986 DATE AUlHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY David R. Will iams, Engineerin Division Mana er ISSUE: Authorizati on of attendance of a Di stri ct amployee at an out-of-state course . BACKGROOND: Duri ng the past four years the Engi neeri ng Div i si on has been call ed upon to study and recommend solutions to over forty landsl ides which have disrupted or threatened to disrupt sewer service to District customers. Hillside and creek bank stability issues will continue to assume a significant role in the Division's future work. Although considerable in-house experience has been gained over the past four years in the techniques used in stabil izing slopes, for the most part, the detailed geotechnical engineering analysis has been performed by outside consultants. An opportunity exists for sending a District staff member to an intensive five-day semi nar on slope stabil ity and 1 andsl i des. The course, which is being offered by the University of Wisconsin, will teach current geotechnical engineering practice for stability analysis of slopes and hQtl to prevent, control, and correct 1 andsl i des. The 1 ecturers are recognized authori ti es in the fiel d of geotechni cal engi neeri ng and i ncl ude several experts from the Bay Area. The District would benefit from developing its Qtln in-house capability for analyzing situations involving slope stability. This will not preclude the future use of outside geotechnical services, but it will enhance the Department's ability to assess the appropriateness of recommendations. The cost of the course is $1,400 and will be charged to the Engineering Division's Employee Educati on and Trai ni ng Budget. The course was not budgeted for fiscal year 1985-86 since the Associate Engineer, James Hill, who previously was in charge of landsl ide projects had al ready taken the course. Mr. Hill left the District in November 1985 and was replaced by Robert Simmons. Authorizing Robert Simmons to attend this course will result in the Engineering Division's Employee Education and Training budget being over-expended by $1,400. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Robert Simmons at a five-day course entitled "Slope Stability and Landslides" in Madison, Wisconsin, May 12 - 16, 1986 . REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 DRW RAB iJRtJ DEPT./DIV. fJ1$ . Cenb ~ Contra Costa Sanita." District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 17 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 1, 1986 NO. VI. ADMINISTRATION 1 AUTHORIZE THE IMPLEMENTATION AND FINANCING OF A SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DATE April 25, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION REVIEW, ADOPT, AND AUTHORIZE DISTRICT SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Jack E. Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/ Risk Management and Safety ISSUE: The staff is presenting a proposal for the District Sel f-Insurance Program to begin on July 1, 1986. Board approval is necessary prior to implementation. BACKGROUND: At the March 4, 1986 Board meeting, David Warren, CPCU, presented the results of his insurance and risk management study. This study recommended that because of the District's financial position, loss experience, and insurance marketpl ace, the ri sks shoul d be sel f-insured rather than to util ize commerci al insurance as has been done in the past. The Board directed staff to develop such a program. The attached exhibit is the program to self-fund the District's liability and property losses and is designed to replace the commercial policies by providing the coverages the District needs for its risks. The program proposal is in two parts; the fi rst is the program operati on, and the second descri bes the accounti ng system which would be used to establish and operate the Self-Insurance Fund. . There is considerable discretion as to the amounts allocated from the O&M and Sewer Constructi on Funds to provi de the i niti al fi nanci ng for the Sel f-Insurance Fund. The staff is suggesting one approach which could be used this year with the understanding that there would be an annual review of the reserves and any additions required. A Board resolution implementing this action is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed Self-Insurance Program and provide comments. Adopt resolution to initiate the self-insurance program and authorize the financing for it to be included in the District's 1986-87 budget plan. ~ 1302 WNF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM Developed and Submitted By: Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Jack Campbell, Administrative Operations Manager Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Ken Laverty, Purchasing and Materials Officer Reviewed By: Jim Hazard, Counsel for the District Mollie Marshall, Hood and Strong David Warren, Risk Management Consultant April 25, 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE BACKGROUND . .... .... .... .... PROGRAM OBJECTIVES . .......... PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PART 1. PART II. ............. PROGRAM OPERATION ........ Li ab 11 i ty Losses . . . . . . . . . . . Types .. . . Fundi ng . . Types of Expenditures. Administration and Reporting Major Liability Claims . . . . Property Losses . . . . Types . . . Funding. . . . . . . . . Types of Expenditures . Administration and Reporting Major Property Losses . . . . . . ...... ACCOUNTING FOR A DISTRICT ADMINISTERED SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM . . . . . . Introduction. ..... Chart of Accounts Asset, Liabilities and Reserves. Revenues and Expenditures . Self-Insurance Fund Revenues. L i abl1 ity Losses . . . . Property Losses . . . . . Self-Insurance Fund Expenditures. Self-Insurance Fund Cash and Temporary Investments. Representative Accounting Entries Consolidation of Self-Insurance Fund. Conclusion. . . .......... Page 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 April 25, 1986 CCCSD SElF- INSU~ PROGRAM Background - The District's premiums for liability and property insurance increased more than 500 percent for the 1985-86 fiscal year, the coverages obtained had lower maximum levels with more restrictions and this trend will continue in the near future. As a result of this, the District Board requested the staff to undertake a study to determine alternatives which could be implemented for the 1986-87 fiscal year. As part of this David Warren, CPCU, was retained to perform an insurance and risk analysis of the District which would provide sufficient data for loss financing decisions to be made. The conclusion of his study was that, given the District's financial position, loss experience, and state of the insurance marketpl ace, it woul d be practical for the Di strict to self-insure its risks. He recommended the establishment of an internal loss-funding procedure and the development of a District risk management policy. The District Board has directed the staff to implement this recommendation. Scope - This initial self-insurance program is confined to the funding of liability and property losses including associated external expenses and is intended to replace the commercial insurance which traditionally has been purchased as the risk transfer mechanism for the District. Market conditions do change and certain types of commercial pol icies may be obtai ned in the future when the economics of loss probability versus premium costs make it practical to do so. The District may also purchase speci al coverages from time to time. In such situations thi s program will apply to losses within the self-insured retention limits, loss amounts above policy maximums, and for losses occurri ng outsi de of the commercial coverages. Progra. Objectives 1. To establish CCCSD operational and financial policies which will provide for the funding of claims against the District and property losses incurred by the District. 2. To combine the risks formerly insured through commercial coverages and the District's self-retained risks into a comprehensive loss financing program. 3. To have a structured self-insurance program which anticipates various types of losses and is prepared to pay those which occur or to develop special financing strategies for major losses when they arise. Progra. Description Thi s presentati on is in two parts. The fi rst descri bes the program operation and the second the accounti ng system which woul d be used to implement the program's finances. -1- PART I - PROGRAM OPERATION The program woul d be under the day-to-day management of the Administrative Operations Manager with overall direction and expenditure approval authority from the Deputy General Manager. The program funds would pay for: (a) Attorney, legal services, and consultant costs associated with cl aim defense and al so the prosecution of cl aims when the District is claiming from someone else. (b) Claim adjusting and investigation services when an external fi rm is used. (c) Payment of claims and settlements. (d) Payment of property losses. (e) Insurance premiums, if any. The current authorization approval limits for claims payment or recovery are: Board of Directors $1 - $1,000 $1,001 - $5,000 $5,001 - $10,000 (reported to the Board on the Consent Agenda) $10,001 + Department Managers Chairman of the Risk Management Committee General Manager-Chief Engineer These limits would continue under the self-insurance program. The Ri sk Management Committee is chai red by the Deputy General Manager with the Administrative Operations Manager, Counsel for the District, and rinance Officer as members. other District staff participate for specific agenda matters in which they are invol ved. The committee will meet to review loss incidents, develop strategy for loss control and evaluate proposed settlements. L iabil ity Losses Types Land Movement and Related Inverse Condemnation Sewage Overflows and Spills Auto BI and PO Slips and Falls (Premises) Errors and Omissions Dam Failure and Cave-ins Air and Ground Pollution -2- Toxic Gas Releases Contractual 81 and PO Inverse Condemnation, General Public Official Liability Fundina Payment of claims for liability losses is considered to be an operati on and mai ntenance expense and is funded from that category of District finances. At present, claims funding is provided by a Claims Account (Obj. No. 098) which was established at a level of $18,300 at the beginning of the 1985-86 fiscal year and augmented as needed during the year from the O&M Contingency Account. There are four other O&M accounts with expenditures rel ated to District 1 iabil ity insurance and cl aims: Liability Insurance Premiums (Obj. No. 052), Legal Services-District (Obj. No. 073), and Claims Adjusting Services <Obj. No. 086) and Contingency (Obj. No. 190). The 1986-87 proposed budgeted amounts for the five accounts would be: Account No. 052 Liability Insurance $344,824 Account No. 073 Legal Services-District 100,000 Account No. 086 Claims Adjusting Services 4,000 Account No. 098 Cl aims 18,300 Account No. 190 Contingency 100,000 Total $567,124 These accounts except for the contingency account portion related to salary increases will be removed from the O&M chart of accounts and the appropri ate amount transferred from the O&M Budget to the new Self-Insurance Fund through one new O&M account entitled Sel f-Insurance Expense. The fund bal ance will carry-over each year and be augmented each fiscal year from earned interest on the fund balance plus annual additions necessary 'to fund it at a level adequate to protect the District from major claims should they occur. Other fundi ng will be provi ded from the ad valorem tax revenue as explained under the property loss section. The fund bal ance will be re-eval uated each year as to its adequacy and the need for increased funding. Types of Expenditures Internal operational expenses related to claims will not be charged to the fund but, instead, covered by the regul ar O&M budget. Excepti ons may be made for speci alone-time items unique to the fund's operation. District Counsel's charges would be charged to the fund when he is working on a specific claims matter. Specific procedures will be developed governing the charging of District 1 abor costs to the Sel f-Insurance Fund which woul d be based on generally-used criteria developed for administering insurance cl ai ms. -3- The fund does not extend coverage into District activities associated with investigation, analysis, and repairs of problems which have or will occur with the collection system and treatment plant. Loss identification, prevention, and control functions would continue to be regularly budgeted items by the Administrative, CSO, Engineering, and Plant Operations departments. The concept of this fund is that it is the equivalent of a comprehensive general liability insurance policy written in a broad form with few exclusions. Some examples paralleling insurance policies are: Covered by the Fund: o Approved claims and settlements o Attorney fees and consultants working for an attorney on a specific case matter o Claims adjusting and investigation when performed by an outside consultant Not Covered by the Fund: o Property repl acements which are not part of a cl aim or settlement (example: repair of someone's driveway, fencing, or landscaping after the property has been entered for construction or maintenance work) o Consultants retained for work which is not part of a speci fic cl aim defense or prosecuti on (exampl e: a consultant reviewing District hazardous waste disposal or a geotechnical engi neer assessi ng storm damage and 1 andsl ides) o District staff time invol ved with cl aims' investigation and negotiation of settlements (example: CSO resolving a sewage overflow or the Administrative Operations Manager presenting a District claim against a person who has damaged District property) Administration and ReportinQ There has only been one insurance carrier paid cl aim in the past several years (vehicle accident/injury); all the other claims payments have either been within the sel f-insured retention amount of the District's commercial policies or have been for losses outside of the commercial insurance coverage. For this reason major changes in the way the claims themselves are administered are not anticipated. There will be changes, however, in the way claims are recorded and in the reports which will be produced. Beginning on July 1, 1986, all claims and incidents which potentially could lead to a claim will be recorded on a claim and incident log. For the time being -4- this will be done using a word processor until a computerized system can be brought on 1 ine as suggested by David Warren's report. The current report which is provided by the George Hill's insurance adjusting firm will be continued since it has the six-year historical record of District claims, many of which are still open. A new report structure will be developed which operates similarly to what insurance underwriters use. There will be a comp1 ete 1 i st of reported claims grouped by type with categories for each as follows: claims reserve, expense reserve, losses paid or recovered, expenses paid, and total cost to date. This will provide a running financial status report on all reported c1 aims and will rep1 ace the "Litigation Report" and "Request to Increase Authorized Expenditure Level" mechanisms currently used to establish case budgets and monitor expenditures. Major Liability Claims Although the District's recent loss history is excellent it is to be expected that someday there will be a major claim against the Di stri ct. A maj or c1 aim is defi ned as a c1 ai m or i nci dent the payment of which wou1 d exceed one-thi rd of the unob1 igated reserve in the liability claim fund. The unobligated reserve is defined as the balance remaining after the total claim and expense reserves for all the listed cases is subtracted from the liability claim fund total. As an example, if the fund had a total of $1.5 million and $300,000 was reserved for reported cases then any new c1 aim or claims from a single occurrence with a potential loss of more than $400,000 would be a major claim. A major claim would initiate a review process by the Risk Management Committee worki ng with the Di strict Fi nance Officer to p1 an and present recommendati ons for the method by which the Di strict wou1 d fund the loss assuming the District was eventually required to pay. These methods could include increased allocations to the liability reserve from other funds, installment payments to cl aimant, i ncreasi ng the sewer service charge to provi de additi ona1 fundi ng, or issuance of bonds. Property Losses Types Earthquake Flood Fire and Explosion Vehicle Damage Theft Aircraft Impact Boiler and Machinery Data Processing Employee Dishonesty -5- Funding Unlike the O&M funds which have specific annual expenditure categories which can be transferred to the Self-Insurance Fund there is no such equivalent in the District's Capital Fund. Property losses and replacements have been paid through the regular equipment purchase mechanisms or specific construction projects. However, there needs to be a sufficient amount in the Self-Insurance Fund to cover insurance type property losses when they occur. The staff recommends that a $1 million portion of the ad valorem tax revenues be added each July 1 through July 1, 1991, to the Self-Insurance Fund as an increment to establish a fund balance for property losses in the amount of $6 mill ion. This is a purely discretionary amount and woul d be much less than the property insurance 1 imit which the District has been carrying ($20 million). The current replacement value of the District insured assets for insurance purposes has been carried at $161,700,000 including foundations and $155,200,000 without. The greatest part of this is the Wastewater Treatment Pl ant (89%); the bal ance being the HOO (4%), Walnut Creek Office (0.6%), 17 pump stations (6%), and the vehicles <0.4%). The 1,200 miles of collection system piping has not previously been included in the covered property schedule nor have the new facilities under construction. The David Warren report estimates annual ized property losses at $140,000 and a single occurrence maximum possible loss of $20 million. This is a very wide range for a reserve but it would be reasonab 1 e to target a fi gu re of between $5 and $10 mi 11 i on for an eventual fund balance for the property risk. Six million on an individual loss basis represents 30 percent of the estimated maximum possible loss to the District for an earthquake, 60 percent of the estimated maximum fi re and expl osi on loss, 85 percent of the HOO value, and 100 percent of the value for at least two of the Di strict facil ities located away from the Imhoff Pl ace site. Adequacy of the reserve can be evaluated each year as part of the District's budgeting process and refunding recommendations submitted if needed. Types of Expenditures Except for employee dishonesty and theft, property losses have sudden occurrences and the damage assessment can be made relatively rapidly. Also the loss is an internal District matter and under a self-insurance program, third parties are not usually involved. The District has considerable flexibil ity in deal ing with a property loss ranging from non-replacement through replacement-in-kind to the obtainment of a completely different functional item or facil ity. Except for land, all property items are considered to have a finite useful 1 ife and thei r eventual repl acement shoul d be part of the District's long-range planning. -6- Most minor property losses have been covered by existing District and departmental funds and this would be expected to continue. The Self-Insurance Fund would be used for replacements when the loss ci rcumstances are equival ent to those of a commerci al insurance pol1cy. Naninal repairs to the collection system or the placement of temporary bypass sewer lines woul d not be covered. Al so, any costs attributable to providing an improvement or betterment to the original or for future loss prevention would not be covered. . Sane examples of fund use are: Covered by the Fund: o Losses to buildings and contents resulting from a sudden occurrence such as fire, flood, earthquake, explosion, etc. o Damage from vehicular collisions o Thefts of items from District facilities o Damage to collection system facilities attributable to fi re, flood, earthquake, expl osi on, or other sudden occurrences. This would include District labor directly involved with restoring damaged facilities. Not Covered by the Fund: o Property deterioration or aging o Underground piping leaks o Damage fran routine liquid or gas leaks which are not the result of a specific sudden occurrence o Electrical equipment burnouts (if a motor started a fire which burned other facilities, then there would be coverage) o Loss due to erosion or corrosion o Mysterious disappearance of equipment or other missing items disclosed by inventory activities. o Any portion of a replacement which constitutes a betterment condition (restoring a sewer line destroyed by a landslide would be covered; rebuilding an entire hillside or creek bank to prevent future occurrences would not be covered) o Temporary repairs or replacements -7- The issue of what coverage the Di strict may provide for Di strict property under construction will be reviewed. At this time it would not be a coverage included under the Self-Insurance Fund. Administration and ReportinQ As menti oned above, property losses are sudden occurrences and, if affecting essential operations, require immediate action. This action can be of a comprehensive nature invol ving much more than just the eventual issuance of a check such as is done with liability claims. For this reason minor losses of equipment and facilities of a non-critical nature will be investigated and reviewed by the Risk Management Committee as part of the loss preventi on program. The Committee will make recommendati ons on a case-by-case basi s as to the appropriateness of loss replacement from the property loss fund. When a major loss occurs which requi res immedi ate comprehensive acti on and expenditures, the Ri sk Management Committee will meet with the appropriate department representatives to plan and initiate the District action. In this way complete coordination and documentation of the District's response can be done from the beginning of an incident and any changes communicated to those i nvol ved. Expenditures rel ati ng to and necessary for the recovery operation will be approved for payment from the property loss fund. This will not include regular operational expenses previously included in the District budget. Major Property Losses A catastrophic loss is always possible and could exceed or deplete the amount available in the property loss fund. In the event of such an occurrence the Risk Management Committee would join with other District staff in planning the loss recovery strategy. The mechanisms used include obtainment of federal and/or state disaster funds or loans, reprogramming the District's capital project plan, issuance of bonds, or use of other District reserves. -8- PART II - ACCOUNTING FOR A DISTRICT ADMINISlERED SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM Introduction A formalized accounting system for the District's self-insurance program is required to enable reporting of claim expenditures and available reserves for future claims on a scheduled basis each month. The accounting system will be based on the establishment of a separate sel f-insurance fund which will be operated as a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. The Self-Insurance Fund's financial position and results of financial operations will be reported using the accounts established within a Chart of Accounts. Chart of Accounts The accounts which will be establ ished in the Sel f-Insurance Fund are presented in the following Chart of Accounts. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Self-Insurance Fund Chart of Accounts Asset, Liabilities and Reserves Assets: Cash Temporary Investments Accrued Interest Receivable Subrogation Recovery Receivable Due From Other Funds L iabl1 ities: Accounts Payable Claims Payable Unearned Interest Due To Other Funds Rese rves: Committed Reserves for Losses Uncommitted Reserves for Future Losses Revenues and Expenditures Revenues: Property Insurance Premium Revenue Liability Insurance Premium Revenue Ad Valorem Tax Revenue Subrogation Recoveries Interest Income Expenditures: Legal Services Claims Adjusting Services -9- .. -'~"'-----"---'--"-----'---------'-'._~~-~,_",_.",~,~.,-^. -""'~-"-"-''''''._'"'--'-~^^-'''-''_. " .._._-_.,--,~..,-,........,._-,._-_._-_. ...-..-.---.-..----..-...---- Insurance Consulting Services Property Losses L i abil ity Losses Self-Insurance Fund Revenues The following are revenue sources for the Self-Insurance Fund to accumul ate appropri ate level s of reserves to meet actual and future District liability and property losses: Liability Losses A discretionarily established amount will be paid annually by the Running Expense Fund to the Sel f-Insurance Fund and recorded as liability insurance expense in the former fund, and as liability insurance revenue in the latter fund. The amount to be paid will be based on an estimate of an annual premium, so that the 1 iabil ity insurance expense recorded in the Running Expense Fund can be maintained within a reasonably stable range over a seven to ten-year peri od. Property Losses A portion of the ad valorem taxes recorded in the Sewer Construction Fund may be designated annually as a revenue source to provide reserves for property losses. Such taxes would be recorded in the Self-Insurance Fund as ad valorem tax revenue, and as a reduction of ad valorem tax revenue in the Sewer Construction Fund. Supplemental fundi ng for property losses may al so be provi ded by the Runni ng Expense Fund. The amounts contributed to the Self-Insurance Fund will be discretionarily established annually to produce a predetermined reserve level in a seven to ten-year period. In addition to the revenue sources described above, investment income and subrogation recoveries are appropriate revenue sources of the Self-Insurance Fund. Self-Insurance Fund Expenditures The Self-Insurance Fund expenditures will include: o liability losses of the type defined in Part I of this document o property losses of the type defined in Part I of this document o legal services for claim settlement and subrogation against others o claims adjusting and reporting services o insurance consulting services -10- The above expenditures will be budgeted within the Self-Insurance Fund. All other operating expenses, including management and clerical salaries, will continue to be budgeted in the Running Expense Fund. Self-Insurance Fund Cash and Temporary Investments The Self-Insurance Fund will have monies received from its revenue sources deposited into a separate cash account, and expenditures withdrawn from such cash account. Any cash balances which are in excess of immedi ate requi rements will be temporarily invested in short-term securities of the type authorized in the District's Investment Policy. Investment income produced by such temporary investments will be retained as a revenue source of the Self-Insurance Fund. Representative Accounting Entries Sample entries and resultant financial statements which illustrate the recording of the Self-Insurance Fund revenues, loss and claims settlement expenditures and adjustments to reserves are shown on Attachment I. Consolidation of Self-Insurance Fund The Sel f-Insurance Fund will be the fourth fund establ ished within the Di strict. The other funds are the Runni ng Expense Fund, Sewer Service Fund and the Debt Service Fund. In the consolidation of these funds to produce the District's combined statement of financial position and results of financial operations, interfund revenue and expense transactions are el iminated. Thus, on a combined basis, the insurance cl aims costs and cl aims settlement expenditures and restricted reserves of the Self-Insured Fund will be reported. Conclusion A self-insured insurance program does not compel establishment of a separate fund with a self-balancing set of accounts. A system of paying cu rrent and futu re losses from exi st i ng funds as they occu r, and the restriction of a portion of general reserves to provide for future losses is an acceptable accounting alternative. However, the formalized system described in the foregoing sections is recommended to ensure a fiscal structure for the sel f-insurance program which will facil itate administration of the program and provide for systematic accumulation of reserve levels to meet unknown future losses. -11- -N ... C.... rO .c_ U "'ClI ... '" ...'" <0. c: o ;; U ". ~ ... '" C o u ~ t ClI II> II> .... CO a: z: .... :::>z: ....... ....t:> uz: z: - <.... a: z: :::>:::> 11>0 ZU -u 1< ~~I II> 0. I II> c: - c: c: ". a: ~ c: ". " ...~ CO ClI U C '" ~ ". '" c: - I .... Qj '" o ~ ~ ~ o o o. 8 q - ClI ". C ClI > III a: .. '" ~ i ~ o.c .... '" "'''' >u ~ C .: .. 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SELF-INSURANCE FUND SAMPLE BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1987 Assets: Cash Temporary Investments Total Assets Liabilities and Reserves: Claims Payable Reserves: Committed Reserves for Losses Uncommitted Reserves for Future Losses Total Liabilities and Reserves $ 206,124 1,500,000 $1,706,124 $ 5,000 Attachment I Page 2 of 2 100,000 1,601,124 1,701,124 $1,706,124 SELF-INSURANCE FUND SAMPLE STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1987 Revenues: Liability Insurance Premium Revenue Ad Valorem Tax Revenue Interest Income Total Revenues Expenditures: Property Losses Liability Losses Lega 1 Serv ices Claims Adjusting Services Total Expenses Net Addition to Reserves $ 567,124-- 1,000,000 200,000 $1,767,124 30,000 -- 30,000 5,000 1,000 66,000 $1,701,124 (1) On consolidation, netted against Sel f-Insurance Expense in Running Expense Fund (2) On consolidation, netted against reimbursement from Self-Insurance Fund Account in Sewer Construction Fund David Warren, CPCU RISK MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT ~~~~UW~/Q) APR 241986 CCCSD RISK MGMT April 23, 1986 Jack E.Carnpbell Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Dear Jack: I have read the 4/22/86 SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM prepared by you and others. It seems to me a fine job of putting into practice the recommendations made in my recent report. I have no further recommendations. Sincerely, ~ David Warren 58 DIABLO VIEW DRIVE · ORINDA, CALIFORNIA 94563 · (415) 254-9472 . Centr,- Contra Costa Sanitar", District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 1, 1986 NO. VI I. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION ELECTING TO RECEIVE AN ALLOCATION OF TAX REVENUES FROM THE DANVILLE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA DATE April 25, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy, Construction Div. Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The Board of Directors must pass a resolution to receive future ad valorem tax revenues from the area included within the boundaries of the project area of the City of Danville's Downtown Redevelopment Plan. BACKGROUND: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) is authorized, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33676, to elect to receive an all ocati on of property tax revenues from redevelopment pl an proj ect areas. The City of Danv1l1e has proposed a redevelopment project pursuant to the community redevelopment law. It is in the best interests of CCCSD to elect to receive its allocated share of tax revenues from the Danville redevelopment project by passing a resolution to that effect. By so doing, the District will receive its share of increased property tax revenues due to the annual 2 percent increase in assessed valuations provided by the Revenue and Taxation Code. The District will also conti nue to receive property tax revenues based on the assessed val ue of all taxable properties for fiscal year 1985-86 (base year). Increases in tax revenues due to other increases in assessed valuations will accrue to the redevelopment age ncy . RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resol uti on el ecti ng to receive an all ocati on of tax revenues from the Danville Redevelopment Project Area. Iff] ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302/1.9/85 JSM RAB RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION ELECTING TO RECEIVE AN ALLOCATION OF TAX REVENUES PURSUANT TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW WHEREAS Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict (CCCSD) is authorized, pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33676, to elect to receive an allocation of tax revenues attributable to (1) increases in the rate of tax imposed on taxable property in a redevelopment project area, and (2) increases in the assessed val ue of taxabl e property in a redevelopment project area; and WHEREAS the Community Development Agency for the City of Danville has proposed a prel iminary redevelopment pl an pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.), identified as the "Danville Downtown Redevelopment Plan No.1"; and WHEREAS sai d redevelopment pl an may be fi nanced from property tax revenues derived from taxable property located in the redevelopment project area, a provision which entitles CCCSD to elect to receive a proportionate share of these property tax revenues pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33676; and WHEREAS it would be of benefit to and in the best interest of CCCSD to elect to receive its allocated share tax revenues attributable to increases in the tax rate and in the assessed value of taxable property in the redevelopment project area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Di rectors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby elect to receive an allocation of tax revenues pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 33676, in addition to tax revenues allocated to CCCSD pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 33670 of the Health & Safety Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution, as adopted, be transmitted to the City of Danville, the Community Development Agency for the City of Danville, and the County Auditor-Controller for Contra Costa County, as prescribed in subdivision (b) of Section 33676 of the Health & Safety Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1986 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Hazard District Counsel . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanita~.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 3 NO. VII. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE lHE GENERAl MANPGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEQJTE A CONTRACT WITH LOWRY & ASSOCIATES AND AUlHORIZE $55,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE DESIGN OF SCREENINGS HANrLING IMPROVEfJENTS PROJECT, DP 20010 DATE A ril 28, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE CONTRACT AUlHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Steve McDonald, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Board approval is requested for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract with Lowry & Associates and to authorize $55,000 for the design of the Screenings Handling Improvements Project. BACKGROUND: There are a total of four mechanically-cleaned barscreens in the Inlet Building which function to remove rags and debris from the influent flow. Three barscreens are equipped with grinders which grind the screenings and return them to the wastewater flow. Two of the mechani cally-cl eaned barscreens were installed new in September 1985 under the first phase of a two-phase approach to the overall improvements in the Inlet Building to expedite the installation of the new barscreens before the arrival of wet weather. The second phase is the provision of new screenings handling equipment for all four barscreens. The desi gn intent of the screeni ngs handl i ng improvements proj ect is to elimi nate the return of ground screenings to the wastewater flow. The practice of returning ground screenings to the flow has resulted in plugging and excessive wear of plant equipment. The elimination of this practice will reduce future operation and maintenance costs. Several alternatives will be evaluated during design, incl udi ng the use of conveyors or hydraulic presses to transport the screeni ngs out of the Inlet Building into a dump box. A cost reimbursement contract with a cost ceili ng of $42,000 has been negoti ated with the engineering firm of Lowry & Associates of Pleasanton to provide design services. Lowry & Associates was selected because of their experience and staff availability. The est imated cost to compl ete desi gn of the Screeni ngs Improvements Proj ect 1 s $55,000 as presented in Attachment 1 to this position paper. This includes a previous General Manager-Chief Engineer authorization to initiate the work and District force account costs for project management, technical support, and preparation of contract documents. The planning level project cost estimate is approximately $390,000, including all design, construction, and construction management costs. This project is included in the Capital Improvement Plan. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 HSM 1J4J DRW ({((? RAB INITIATING DEPT/DIV. H;~ SUBJECT AUl1-IORIZE l1-IE GENERAL MANPGER-CH IEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE A CX>NTRACT WITH LCl'IRY & ASSOCIATES AND AUl1-IORIZE $55,000 FROM THE SEWER CX>NSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE DESIGN OF SCREENINGS HANDlING IMPROVEt-ENTS PROJECT, DP 20010 POSITION PAPER 2 OF 3 PAGE DATE April 28, 1986 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract for professional eng1 neer1 ng serv ices with Lo<< ry & Associates, and authorize $55,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for des1 gn of the Screen1 ngs Handl1 ng Improvements Proj ect <DP 20010) . --------- 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1 SCREENINGS HANlLING IMPROVEtENTS <DP 20010) April 28, 1986 Prel iminarv Cost Estimate for Desi Qn Oi stri ct Forces $ 8,000 Low ry & Associ ates 42,000 Initial General Manager-Chief Engineer Authorization 5,000 Total Authorization Requested $ 55,000 . Centr" Contra Costa Sanital.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 1. 1 986 NO. III. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 SUBJECT DATE April 24. 1986 RECEIVE 1986-1987 EQUIPMENT BUDGET FOR REVIEW TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE EQUIPMENT BUDGET SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Nels E. Carlson. Chairman Capital Projects Committee ISSUE: The District's 1986-1987 Equipment Budget is submitted for review. BACKGROUND: The 1986-1987 Equipment Budget is transmitted herewith. The Equip- ment Budget is summarized by department for 1986-1987 and each of the four prior fiscal years. A list of all equipment items requested by department. categorized by functional classification. and a descriptive sheet which describes and justifies each item are provided. On April 23. 1986. the Capital Projects Committee met to review the proposed Equipment Budget requests and to inspect certain pieces of equipment scheduled for replacement. The Equipment Budget is submitted for initial review by the full Board at this time and is scheduled for approval at the next Board Meeting on May 15. 1986. The Capital Projects Committee endorses the Equipment Budget and would recommend approval by the Board of Directors on May 15. 1986. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 1986-1987 Equipment Budget for review and provide District staff with comments and guidance. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON T'&1- '1).&. Ctt~. N. E. Carl . Centr ...-'1 Contra Costa Sanitar District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 11 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May I, 1986 NO. IX. PERSONNEL 1 DAT~ Apr 11 28, 1986 SUBJECT CONSIDER BA..OYEE INITIATED REQ.ASSIFICATION REQUEST MD APPROVE REaMENDATION AS SUBMITTED BY RAlPH MDERSEN & ASSOCIATES TYPE OF ACTION PERS~Na SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen. Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPTJDIV. A~1n1strat1ve/Personnel ISSUE: In a March 19, 1986, memorandum to the Deputy General Manager, Betty Gale, Secretary I, requested an upward reclassification under the provision of Article III, Section 7.1 of the District's current Memorandum of Understanding. The petition was considered to have merit; however, the position was seen as one that did not fit neatly into the District's classification Plan. Accordingly, Ralph Andersen & Associates (who prepared the District's current classification plan) was retai ned to make a recommendati on regardi ng the all ocation of Ms. Gal e' s position within the District's secretarial series. The resul ts of the Andersen work is attached for information. The Personnel Committee was advised of this matter at the time of their review. The Committee members were furthermore advised of the Andersen report prior to the calendaring of th i s item. A summary of their recommendation follows: o The position was found to be unique when compared to those positions within the secretarial job series and should be classified above Secretary III (Range 52), and below Administrative Secretary (Range 60). Andersen has recommended that the position be titled Executive Secretary and compensated at range 56. o The posi ti on shoul d be taken out of the secretari al pool and woul d more appropriately report directly to the General Manager-Chief Engineer. o Due to the type of documents that pass across Ms. Gal es desk, the position should be designated a Confidential position and, therefore, be allocated to the Management Support/Confidential Group. Staff has reviewed the Andersen classification work and concurs in their recanmendati on. Taki ng the acti on outlined below woul d impl ement the Andersen recommendation and respond to Ms. Gale's request for reclassification. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT POSITION PAPER OONSIDER EJA..OYEE INITIATED REa.ASSIFICATION REQUEST 1140 APPROVE REOOMMENDATION AS SUBMITTED BY R1l.PH ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES PAGE DATE 2 OF 11 April 28, 1986 REaMENDATION: 1. Recl assify Ms. Betty Gal e to the positi on of Executive Secretary (sal ary range S-56) and adopt the position description of Executive Secretary. 2. Allocate the position of Executive Secretary to the Management Support/Confidential Group and adopt appropriate resolution. 13028-9/85 (~ Ralph Andersen & Associates 1446 Ethan Way Suite 101 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 929-5575 3880 West Northwest Highway Suite 230 Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 956-7097 L"-u I.;; (~ , "J ;1 '.. I;:;;; i; i) U ~:..::...- APR 28 1986 April 25, 1986 CCC~'J ',.......r.,.!~(~~-~ l'!<""'1~! TO: Mr. Paul Morsen Deputy General Manager Suzanne Bragdon Ralph Andersen & Associates Findings and Recommendations Relative to the Classifica- tion and Compensation Analysis of One Position FROM: SUBJECT: This memo presents our findings and recommendations relative to a classification and compensation analysis of one position, currently held by Betty Gale, within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. For your review, our findings and recommendations are presented in four sections, as follow: . Study Overvi ew . Classification Findings and Recommendations . Compensation Recommendations . Administrative Recommendations. Attachment A to this memo presents a newly drafted class specifica- tion for the position. STUDY OVERVIEW Ralph Andersen & Associates was retained by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to conduct a classification and compensation analysis of one position. Recommendations were likewise requested regarding appropriate reporting relationships and determination of whether or not the position should be designated as confidential. The objectives of this study and analysis are to: . Allocate the position to an appropriate classification based upon the duties and responsibilities assigned . Create a new class, as appropriate, and draft resulting class specification or update the existing class specification (~ Mr. Paul Morsen Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page Two . Recommend an appropriate salary level for the position . Recommend appropriate reporting relationships and confidential status of position. These end-products are the resul t of the compl eti on of a number of different work tasks including the following: . Review and finalization of the study work program with the Deputy General Manager . Completion of a position description questionnaire by the incumbent . Review and analysis of completed position description question- naire and existing classification plan . Conduct of interviews with supervisory staff and the employee . Analysis of audit findings in order to allocate position to an appropriate class, draft a class specification, recOJrmend an appropriate salary level, identify realistic reporting rela- tionships, and designate position as either confidential or not confidential. Our findings from this analysis are presented throughout the remainder of this memo. CLASSIFICATION FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Betty Gale is currently allocated to the class of Secretary 1/11, and reports to the Supervising Secretary in charge of the secretarial pool. Betty Gale has been in this position for approximately 1 year and 3 months. When Betty Gale first assumed the position of Secretary 1/11, it was intended that she would perform general support tasks comparable to those assumed by other posi ti ons withi n the secretari al pool, and that these assi gnments woul d be recei ved from and revi ewed by the Supervising Secretary. As the position evolved, Betty Gale's posi- ti on began to serve as the personal secretary to the Deputy Chi ef Engineer. Work assignments are now received directly from both the Deputy Chief Engineer and the General Manager. Due to the work .' (~ Mr. Paul Morsen Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page Three generated from the Deputy Chi ef Engi neer and the General Manager, Betty Gale rarely provides any support to the secretarial pool. The role of the Supervising Secretary is currently to maintain time records and monitor absences and leaves. Due to the change in focus of the position over the last year, con- cern has been raised regarding the appropriate classification and compensation level of this position. An analysis of the position description questionnaire and informa- tion gathered during the audit interview of this position indicates that the incumbent is serving as the personal secretary to both the General Manager and the Deputy Chief Engineer, with a greater amount of time spent in support to the Deputy Chief Engineer. Specific responsibilities include the following: . Maintains calendars and appointment schedules . Screens calls, visitors and mail . Independently prepares correspondence for the signature of management staff . Serves as Secretary to a variety of internal and external groups and cOl1ll1ittees inCluding taking and transcribing minutes, preparing agendas, and coordinating meetings . Makes travel arrangements and prepares expense sheets . Compiles information and data from internal records and outside sources . Provides administrative staff support including assistance in budget development through the compilation of past expenditure figures. Based upon the nature of the secretari al and admi ni strative support provided by this position to the General Manager and the Deputy Chief Engineer, it is reconrnended that this position be allocated to a newly created cl ass of Executi ve Secretary. A copy of a cl ass specification for this class is presented in Attachment A. (~ Mr. Paul Morsen Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page Four SALARY RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon an analysis of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position, as summarized in the previous section of this memo and outlined in the attached class specification, it is recommended that the cl ass of Executive Secretary be compensated at Range S56, with a top step salary of $2535. This places the class of Executive Secretary approximately 10% below the class of Administrative Secretary and 10.5% above the class of Secretary III. Supporting documentation of this recommendation is presented below through a brief synopsis of the main distinctions between the three classes. . ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY--The class of Administrative Secretary recognizes those positions that provide secretarial and admin- istrative support to a department head. In addition to the secretarial duties assigned, incumbents assume significant office management responsibi lities i ncl udi ng supervi sing both permanent and temporary staff, participating and assi sti ng in the administration of departmental activities such as handling general personnel matters, payrOll, purchasing and budget dut- ies for the entire department, and managing the clerical sup- port function of the department. . EXECUTIVE SECRETARY--This class recognizes those positions that provide secretarial and administrative support to upper manage- ment staff. Support activities include maintaining calendars, screening calls, visitors and mail, taking and transcribing minutes at meetings, and preparing agenda packets. Responsibi- lities require significant contact with a variety of outside organizations and with high level management staff externally and internally. Incumbents at this level do not supervise other staff on an on-goi ng basi s, nor are si gnificant office management responsibilities assumed. . SECRETARY III--The class of Secretary III recognizes those positions that provide support to a division or single position office. Duties include typing, filing, receptionist activi- ties, as well as maintaining administrative records and files of the division or office to which assigned. Such records include payroll, personnel files, and purchasing documents. Emphasis of the position is on the processing of documents and records as opposed to providing strong secretarial and admin- istrative support to high level management staff. (~ Mr. Paul Morsen Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page Five ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS In addition to the classification and compensation recommendations presented in the previ ous secti ons of thi s memo, it was requested that recommendations be made regarding appropriate reporting rela- tionships of this position, as well as whether or not this position should be designated as confidential. Each of these areas of con- cern are addressed below. . REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS--As previously indicated, the position held by Betty Gale currently reports to the Supervising Secre- tary. The nature of the supervision exercised is limited to the maintenance of time records and monitoring of absences. Work is not assigned or reviewed by the Supervising Secretary. Performance evaluations are prepared with the direct input from both the General Manager and the Deputy Chief Engineer. In that work assignments are delegated to Betty Gale from both the General Manager and the Deputy Chi ef Engi neer, and that these positions assume responsibility for reviewing the work completed by the position, it is recommended that the position held by Betty Gale report directly to the General Manager. Performance evaluations should be completed jointly by the General Manager and the Deputy Chief Engineer. . CONFIDENTIALITY--The position held by Betty Gale currently has access to information on disCiplinary actions and performance evaluations of District employees. This information is received indirectly through the position's responsibility for processing and filing confidential documents in order to ensure that each document is appropriately authorized. In that this position is currently not designated as confiden- tial, both the General Manager and Deputy Chief Engineer have their confidential papers typed by Personnel. Recognizing the inconvenience and inefficiency incurred in coordinating certain work assignments through personnel, and that thi s posi ti on currently has i ndi rect access to confi den- tial materials, it is recommended that the position held by Betty Gale be designated as confidential. This recommendation will eliminate the need to coordinate the processing of cer- tain documents through personnel. (~ ATTACHMENT A--CLASS SPECIFICATION " CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Code: Effective: Representati on Unit: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY DEFINITION Perform a variety of compl ex and confi denti al secretarial and administrati ve duties for the General Manager or a department manager including maintaining calendars, scheduling appointments, screening calls, visitors and mail, com- ~osing correspondence and taking dictation; serve as secretary to a variety of 1nternal and external groups and committees including taking and transcribing minutes and preparing agenda packets; compile information and data from exter- nal contacts and internal records. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This class is distinguished from the Administrative Secretary class in that the focus of the class is on providing responsible secretarial and administra- tive support to high level management staff as opposed to managing and super- vising a complex office setting. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives direction from the General Manager. May exercise functional supervision over clerical positions within the cleri- cal support system as appropriate. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Perform a variety of complex and confidential secretarial and administrative duties for the General Manager and a department manager. Serve as a liaison between the General Manager and assigned Department Mana- ger, and other District management staff, boards, committees and the general public; screen calls, visitors and mail. Make travel arrangements, maintain appointment schedules and calendars, and arrange meetings and conferences. Compose correspondence for signature of management staff. Take and transcribe shorthand. Serve as Secretary to both internal and external groups and conmittees; take and transcribe minutes; prepare agenda and agenda packets as appropriate. Act as a receptionist; screen calls and visitors and refer inqu1r1es as appro- priate; respond to complaints and requests for information based upon District policies and procedures. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Executive Secretary (Continued) EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Type and/or transcribe a variety of confi denti al and non-confi denti al written materi al from handwri tten copy and/or di ctaphone; operate word process ing equi pment. Set-up and maintain complex filing and record keeping systems. Maintain a variety of records and files. Research, compile and analyze data for special projects and various reports. Compile historical data for budget preparation; prepare budget estimates and projections for assigned area of responsibility. Perform related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: English usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Modern office methods, procedures and equipment including word process- ing equi pment. Ab i 1 i ty to: Understand the organization and operation of the District and of out- side agencies as necessary to assume assigned responsibilities. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing. Work cooperatively with other departments, outside agencies, and the public; interpret and apply departmental policies, procedures, and rul es . Type and/or transcribe from handwritten copy and/or di ctaphone at a speed necessary for adequate job performance. Take shorthand at a speed necessary for adequate job performance. Compile and maintain complex and extensive records and files. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualify- ing. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: . CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Executive Secretary (Continued) Experience: Four years of di rectly rel ated and increasingly responsibl e secretari al experience, including some experience serving as the personal secretary to high level management personnel. Education: Equivalent to the completion of two years of business college. . Centr 10. Contra Costa Sanita~. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. Ma 1, 1986 I x. PERS(J4NB. 2 SUBJECT AUlHOOIZE A RAISE IN OOtFENSATION RANGE FOR PlANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT MANAGER AND FOR lHE COlLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT MANf6ER.. EFFECTIVE JLL Y 1.. 1986 DATE April 25, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION PERS(J4NB. SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Roger J. Dol an.. General Mgr.-Chfef Engr. Adlllfnfstratfve ISSUE: The General Manager-Chief Engineer recommends upward compensation adjust- ments of five percent for Charles Batts, Plant Operations Department Manager and for John larson, Collection Systems Operations Department Manager. BACKGROOND : atar1 es Batts.. P1 ant OPEtriltf ons Depa.....ent Manager Mr. Batts was promoted to the Plant Operations Department Manager position in 1983, and hi s sal ary was set at Management range 24 ($5025-$6109); a sal ary increase of five percent at this time woul d el evate his sal ary range to that of the prev ious Plant Operations Department Manager. The Plant Operations Department is the largest District work unit in both numbers of employees and size of budget. During the last three years, this department has been able to maintain approximately the same yearly budget while reducing the total staffing needs. These accompl ishments were maintained during a period where the sludge incineration process was started as well as other plant projects. The treatment plant compliance record has been outstanding with no major violations despite major storms, the shutdown of the outfall for repai rs, and the tie-in of the 5B Project. Furthermore, the Pl ant Operations Department manager has assisted overall District efforts in such projects as the Reclamation Study, FMIS Procurement, and the modification, testing, and startup of the multiple hearth furnaces, to name but a few. Plant Operations staff, under Mr. Batts' gui dance, have undertaken small proj ects over the 1 ast several years to improve pl ant and pllnp stati on performance; exampl es of such proj ects are the grit facfl ity, security work, process control improvements, and repair of 5A deficiencies. The treatment plant moreover, has had an excellent safety record and developed a strong trai ni ng program. These attri butes have been recognized as treatment plant personnel have been recognized as Operator of the Year (1983), and laboratory Person of the Year (1986). These achievments that have occurred at the treatment plant under Mr. Batts' direction compel the recommendation that Mr. Batts be provided a five percent increase and elevated to Management range M-22 ($5277-$6414) . ;. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. .:tc ROGER J. DOLAN 1302,0..9/85 _____.__.._.___. ..M",',.__. ,..._"._._...,_.____~._..___. _...._~_,--.____~_'. SUBJECT IIJ1HORIZE A RAISE IN ro~NSATION RNlGE FOR PlANT OPERATIONS DEPARllENT MAN1tiER AND FOR THE OOlL ECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARll'ENT MANH;ER, EFFECTIVE JlL Y 1. 1986 POSITION PAPER 2 OF 4 PAGE DATE April 25, 1986 John A. larson, Coll action Syst_ Operations Department Mana~r Mr. Larson was appointed to the position of Collection System Operations Department Manager in March, 1985 with no change in sal ary over what he was provided in his past position of Engineering Division Manager; Management range 26 ($4784-$5816). In the following 14 months, he has effectively appl ied his experience in both professi onal engi neering and publ ic adm ini stration to improve the overall performance of this critical department. The C.S.O. productivity (unit of work per labor hour) has increased overall by 30% over the same 14-month period. Individual work units have demonstrated productivity increases of 20%-100%. During Fiscal Year 1986-1987, this productivity increase has been used to offset the need for five additional staff positions to meet increasing work load at a cost savings of over $220,000 per year. other accompl ishments incl ude improved department adminis- tration, investigation of new technology, and appl ication of the District's experience to new construction projects. Sick leave usage has been significantly reduced and employee morale has been improved as the result of a foreman program to manage the cases of sick, injured, and disabled employees. The appl ication of new technology and methods is currently being evaluated. Many hold great promise with possible repair cost savings in the neighborhood of 10%-20% combined with the significant reduction in disruption of private property. Finally, Mr. Larson, working with the Engineering Department, has developed a guidel ine for design engineers that will reduce the maintenance costs to furnish future Collection System facil ities. For the above reasons, it is strongly recommended that Mr. Larson receive a five percent upwards adjustment in compensation to range M-24 ($5025-$6109). The actions recommended in this position paper will recognize the positive achi evements made by these managers in thei r tenure on thei r jobs. Both Mr. Batts and Mr. Larson are important members of the District's senior management team, and have demonstrated their abil ity to work with other District managers in implementing necessary projects for the District's betterment and benefit. The changes in the recommendations below woul d be effective with the 1986-1987 Personnel Budget on July 1, 1986. The Personnel Committee reviewed and concurred with this recommendation. REaMENDATIONS: 1. Adopt a sal ary range of M-22 ($5277-$6414), which represents approximatel y a five percent (5%) adjustment for Charles Batts, Plant Operations Department Manager, and adopt appropriate resolution. Action to be effective J ul y 1, 1986. 2. Adopt a salary range of M-24, ($5025-$6109), which represents approximately a five percent (5%) adjustment for John Larson, Collection System Operations Manager, and adopt appropriate resolution. Action to be effective J ul y 1, 1986. --------. 1302B-9/85 RESOLUTION NO. 86- RESOLUTION ADJUSTING THE COMPENSATION LEVEL FOR THE POSITION OF PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT MANAGER BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT, effective July 1, 1986, the position of Plant Operations Department Manager shall be compenstated at Range M-22 ($5,277-$6,414). PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1986, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES. Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Hazard District Counsel RESOLUTION NO. 86- RESOLUTION ADJUSTING THE COMPENSATION LEVEL FOR THE POSITION OF COLLECTION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT MANAGER BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT, effective July 1,1986, the position of Collection Systems Operations Department Manager be compensated at Range M-24 ($5,025-$6,109). PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1986, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Hazard District Counsel . Centr- Contra Costa Sanitar District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. May 1, 1986 IX. PERSCliNB... 3 SUBJECT DATE Aprll 23, 1986 APPROVE PERS<JtNB... BUDGET RmUESlS FOR FISCAl... YEAR 1986-87 TYPE OF ACTION PERSCJiNB. SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Cathryn Freftas. Personnel Offfcer A~fnfstratfvelPersonnel ISSUE: Staff has anal yzed its personnel needs for Fi scal Year 1986-87 and is submitting its requests for final Board approval of the Personnel Budget. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1986-87. The Personnel Budget includes memoranda from each department (Attachments II, III, IV, V, and VI) with detailed explanations on the affect of these recommended staffing changes. The attached summary sheet (Attachment 1) highl ights each department's staffing recommendations and summarizes thei r effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized positions in the District will increase by ten over last year; the number of requested new positions (15) is partially offset by positions recommended to be del eted (5). In addition to the increased number of positions, the sal ary and wages in the 1986-87 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year due to the foll owing: o A five percent cost-of-l iving adjustment, effective May 1, 1986, per the current Memoranda of Understanding with the employee associations; o Merit increases scheduled in 1986-1987; o Filling authorized positions which were vacant in 1985-1986; and o Positions authorized in 1985-1986 which were not budgeted for the full year because of anticipated recruitment efforts and time required to fill positions The Personnel Budget, if approved, requires the following Board authorizations and modifications to the District staffing charts. Admfnistratfve Department 1) Delete one Building Maintenance Technician position, G-59, $2135-$2582 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I (!7ll/EPT.lDIV 13~2"9 85 CRF PM SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE PERS<*NB.. BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAl YEAR 1986-87 PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 April 22, 1986 2) Add one Seni or Buil di ng Mai ntenance Techni ci an positi on, G-65, $2460-$2981, reclassify Donald "Bob" Robertson to Senior Building Maintenance Technician and adopt class description 3) Add one Materials Coordinator 1/11 position, G-49, $1686-$2036 4) Delete one Personnel Analyst 1/11, S-65, $2472-$2994 5) Add one Publ ic Information Coordinator position, 5-68, $2786-$3215, reel assify Harri ette Stahl to Publ ic Information Coordi nator and adopt cl ass description 6) Add one secretarial position, (salary per reclassification.) The specific title and salary of this position will be brought to the Board at the completion of the reclassification analysis. Coll actfon Syst_ Operatfons Oepartllent 7) Delete one Collection System Technician position, G-59, $2135-$2582 8) Delete one Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 position G-53, $1852-$2238 9) Add one Assistant Engineer position, G-72, $2910-$3524 10) Add one Construction Equipment Operator, G-62, $2294-$2775 P1 ant Operatf ons 11) Add one Chemist 1/11, G-62, $2294-$2775 EnQfneerfnQ Department 12) Delete present class description for Wastewater Control Technician G-64, $2405-$2910, and adopt class description for Wastewater Control Technician, G-60, $2186-$2645 13) Add one Source Control Speci al ist, G-69, $2710-$3276, recl assify Wastewater Control Technici an Kurt Darner to Source Control Speci al ist and adopt cl ass descri pt i on 14) Add three Associate Engineers, S-77, $3291-$3987 15) Add one Assistant Engineer, G-72, $2910-$3524 16) Add one Engineering Applications Technician, G-52, $1809-$2186, and adopt class descri pti on 17> Add one Graphics Technician If II, I = G-52, $1809-$2186, and II = G-60, $2186-$2645, and adopt cl ass descri pti on ~op PrOQr_ 18) Authorize the hiring of students from the University of California Engineering Cooperative Work Study Program (Co-op) to fill four positions The Board Personnel Committee has met on this matter. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Personnel Budget for Fiscal Year 1986-1987 herein identified by items one through eighteen. --------" 13028-9/85 'ic:J) N c: -- I-\too O\too ~~ ~en < ~ Q)c:J) N c: -- I-\too O\too ~~ ~en is- !A en ~ w i i i ~ ~ CD cd ! :g ~ ~ 10 'ii en -- ~ -- i 1 0 N Ul g) ~ . i 0 \0 ..... ..... 0\ .... i 0\ .... Ul I ~ ~ 0\ Ul . 16 0\ Ul ..... 0\ .... . S * * ..... ('f') I- Q. - ,...,.",...,.... ,...,. ..... ..... ..... ,......,.....,....,..,.,...,. ,.... U"l ......\0 'OQ'U"l U"l Ul\O.....'OQ'lBlB .....IGCO('f') N,.... ,.... q-~CON NUO\~ ~~ ~ ~ O\Ul.......... ('f')-N ('f')('f')('f')NN .,. 'I- .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. ! I-~' I I I 1~..!.6~~ ~~~lB ~~ ~ lB.....0\.....22 ~/G \0 O\N N ~~~g)......... /CI ,....N.... NN N a: .,. u.,..... .... .... .... .,. .... .... .... .... .... Q) .. I- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. co Ul 0\ NN N OO\,....NNN \OI-\O'OQ' ,....\0 \0 \O\O,....,....UlUl J, ~ch ch chch ch chchJ,chchch "'"'.......,......., ........ ..... ..... ..... .............,......,............ ...... - ~ . I- .... t: 0 .... I- ~ ...... 0 ,.... .... 10 .c:. .... ~ * 10 .... e U 10 * - I/) ...... - eQ) . 1-1- U l- I- .... .... "Oo~e Q) Q) . Q) Q) Q) .... 1-_ - Q)c. .c:. c. Q) Q) . ...... O~ ."0 cO uenee.c:..... 8-Q)1- - Q) --u III \l)UO 0) . ~,.... 0) 0) Q) .c:. 8 o &.~ 8 ec. .... I-ee~u w_ .... ,....~I.LII.LI Q) - I+- ~ ...... o e .~ 0 +' e ~ . III ~C'" .... 1-8Q)~C. - .... 0),.... ew ~ ~ec.1/) III .:l~/G 10 ~ e /G/G<U e. U ,....- ~ . I/) 8Q)-~ - -Q)ml- \I)~ - UUI/) ..c:. ,....1- Q) _I/) &I I- 0 _ I- C. .ou .~ I/) c: ~~1/)1/)0)1G ~Q)I-/G .'28 .c:. ......0.'2.'2c:1- Q. (1)(1) ::E 0 3: en W~ ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... .......... ('f')............... .c:. .... e .c:. .... U .... 10 u.... ~ ...... - Q)...... .... U ~.... - a ~ e ~ ; \I) .c:. I- >. u ~.o ~ ,.... ~ ~l e III /G 8 8 ~ . - Q) 51 I- ~ ,.... U 0 Q) 0 - Q) ~ -I- ~ III e to 10 e. e I 0 . Q) . I/) 0) ,....Q) t: I- "0 ,....u Q) ,.... O~ /G Q. m O::E 3: ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ~ 0) Q) c: fi Q) III - I ~ Q) C. L. +' 0 Q) 'l-U -> Q) 0- e_ ~ c: L. -~ - >.~ c:! -8~ 0 10 0) ~~ (I) ,.... e <~ 0 Q. w (1)0 ......- ,... /CI 8 - +' - "a ~ < ~ ! ,... c! -3- e 0 ..... ~ Ul /G . U co ..... ro 'I- - U CD Q. I/) I/) III Ul /G . r- co U N N e 10 ..... U - e .c:. * U 'OQ' ~ a I- ~ c: 8 I- $ 10 ! t: /G 3: CD .c:. ~ .. e 0 - ~ - \I) 0 . Q. 0) c: ~ - I/) 'I- - 'I- ,.... Ul 10 10 ..... ~ - I/) u Q) "0 Q. Q) (I) N - a L. 0 I- .c:. ~ ~ e ~ -8 10 ~ e CD 0\ - U ..... l- I "0 ~ ~ Q) 0 "0 en 0\ ~ ..... ,.... Q) u fi ~~ c: ..... O\+' I+- ....1/) ~ 0 I Q) 0 U"l~ c: e Ul ~g- 0 I/) - . .....a:: +J ~"O e .....Q) 0) 0) Q) "0 - e e "0 "0 'I- I/) ..... ..... ~ 10..... e 'I- I+- ~ "0 0 1+-1+- I/) CD 0 \1)- /G1G .c:.E e~ ~+J ~ ~ 0..... (I) (I) e \I) _ I/) 10 o Q) c: ~ 0 "0 "0 I- ~.8 O_Q. CD Q) 0 10 _I/) N N C. CD I +J0a. -- ID ~ \I) -0..0 L.L. a IV ~""'8 o 0 ~ en .c:. .c:. Q./G +J~ * t c: ~ ~ * * "OO~ << - Q) _ e I- ~~CD ,.... ,.... 1;; CD....."O IV IG Q) ,...."O~ ~~ ~ - Q)"O+J ~~ Q 0<(1) z ..,._---_.~._-----_._----_._--+ . Centr ~ _ Contra Costa Sanita~" District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 or 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 1, 1986 NO. IX. PERSONNEL 4 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EARLY FILLING OF ONE ASSOCIATE ENGINEER PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS DATE April 25, 1986 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. James M. Kelly, Planning Division Mgr. Engineering/Planning ISSUE: The Planning Division requests authority for early filling of one newly authorized Associate Engineer position prior to July 1, 1986. B~CKGBOUNP: The Board of Directors considered the Personnel Budget in a preceding Positi on Paper. If the Personnel Budget was approved as proposed, the Board authorized one new Associate Engineer in the Planning Division for fiscal year 1986/87. The Planning Division has a current eligibility list for Associate Engineer, which would enable the District to fill the position immediately. The Associ ate Engi neer woul d start the short-term treatment pl ant hydraul ics improvement project, which is urgently needed to correct deficiencies in the wastewater treatment pl ant wet weather hydraul ic capacity that became apparent during the severe rainstorms in February of this year. This action would have only a sl ight fiscal impact on the fiscal year 1985-86 budget and would not cause the Engineering Department to exceed budget. In addition, hiring now from the existing list will insure that the District will not have to recruit for this position. Recruitment cost for an Associate Engineer averages $7,000 per recruitment. The early filling of this position was endorsed by the Personnel Committee and was discussed with the Board of Directors at its regular meeting of April 17, 1985. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize early filling of one newly authorized Associate Engineer position in the Planning Division, 5-77, $3,291-$3,987, effective May 2, 1986 . REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDE Jlllt' ~ 130211.9/85 J MI< r!f~). CF OARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /lJfl RAB ----"----~-".__._---,._."-_._---_._.~-._._~-_._.._,,_.----_..._.__.,._.._..._,-_...-~._,.,_.._,...'----_._-~----