HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-19-85 . Centr! Contra Costa Sanitai District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 19, 1985 NO. v. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT DATE December 11, 1985 CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT DRAFT TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: On November 19, 1985, the Board of Directors scheduled a Public Hearing on December 19, 1985 to receive public comment on the draft of the renegotiated refuse collection franchise agreement. BACKGROUND: The terms of the existing refuse collection franchise agreements between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and its franchised refuse collectors, Valley Disposal Service, Inc., Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., and Pl easant Hi 11 Bayshore Di sposal Service, requi red written noti ficati on to refuse col lectors prior to November 30, 1984, if the current agreements were not to be renewed for a ten-year option period beginning December 1, 1986. On October 18, 1984, the District's Board of Directors authorized transmitting written notification to the refuse collectors that the franchise agreements would terminate on November 30, 1986 by virtue of the non renewal of the ten-year option period, and that negotiations with the present refuse collectors should commence to produce a successor franchise agreement. During the intervening period since October 1984, the District staff negotiated with the refuse collectors' representative, Mr. Sanford M. Skaggs, to produce a draft franchise agreement for consideration by the Board. Prior to the commencement of negotiations, meetings were held with officials of San Ramon, Danville, Lafayette, Moraga, and Orinda to obtain their concerns and suggestions. Further expressions of interest and concerns have subsequently been received from city officials and residents through attendance at Council Meetings, correspondence and news articles. The i nformati on received thereby have been conveyed to the Board, and consi dered during the course of the negotiations. The initial submission of the draft of the renegotiated franchise agreement occurred at a workshop session at the November 19, 1985 Board Meeting to apprise the Board of the terms of the draft agreement, and to receive comment and di recti on. Such comment and di rection were incorporated in a draft franchise agreement which was submitted at a workshop session at the December 5, 1985 Board Meeting in order to produce a draft franchise agreement on which publ ic comment could be received on December 19, 1985. The renegotiated draft franchise agreement is being presented for public comment to provide a specific framework for discussion and review, and it is acknowledged that it is subject to modification and change as a result of the Publ ic Hearing process and that all options are available to the Board regarding refuse collection in the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302/1.9/85 PM WF JH SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE RENEGOTIATED REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT DRAFT PAGE DATE 2 OF 2 December 11, 1985 A copy of the draft of the refuse collection franchise agreement is appended as Attachment I. Unique provisions in Section 7 of the draft franchise agreement with Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal Service are shown in Attachment II. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a Public Hearing to receive public comment on the draft of the renegotiated refuse collection franchise agreement, and upon concluding the Public Hearing, provide District staff with direction and guidance. --------- 1302B- 9/85 AGREEMENT FOR COLLECTION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE ZONE December 9, 1985 ATTACHMENT I TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1. Definitions 2 2. Exclusive Privilege 4 3. Intent to Regulate All Garbage Collection, Removal or Disposal 4 4. Exceptions to Exclusive Privilege 5 5. Right to Sell Valuable Commodity 6 6. Rates 6 7. Duty of Contractor to Mai.ntain Records -- Right of District to Examine Contractors Records 7 8. Applications by Contractor for Rate Increase 9 9. 0peration By Contractor 10 10. Compliance with Federal, State and Local ordinances 10 11. Limitation of Time on Collection 11 12. District May Require Efficiencies in Operation 11 15. Insurance 12 12 13 13. Salvage 14. Faithful Performance Bond 16. Legal Liability 14 17. Attorneys' Fees 15 18. Miscellaneous Obligations of Contractor 15 19. Fee for Exclusive Privilege 16 20. Billing 17 -i- Section Page 21. Assignability of Agreement 18 22. Involuntary Assignment 18 23. Notice provisions 19 24. Recycling 19 25. Waste to Energy Program 21 26. Hazardous Waste 23 27. Disposal of Garbage (Alternative #1) 23 27. Disposal of Garbage (Alternative #2) 25 28. Annexation and Change of Zone Boundaries 26 29. Takeover of Franchise Rights by Other Public Entity 27 30. Affiliated Entities 28 31. Breach and Termination 29 32. Emergency 33 33. District Code 33 34. Term of the Agreement 34 35. Contest of Agreement's Term by the Parties 34 36. Severability 34 37. Terms of Agreement Bargained For 35 38. This Agreement Shall Supersede Prior Agreements 35 -ii- AGREEMENT FOR COLLECTION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE ZONE This Agreement made and entered into this ____ day of , 19__, by and between the District and the Contractor, WHEREAS the District and Contractor have entered into a Second Amended Agreement for Collection, Removal and Disposal of garbage dated the 1st day of July, 1976, (hereinafter referred to as "said agreement") granting to Contractor the exclusive priv- ilege to collect, remove and dispose of garbage in the Zone until November 30, 1986; and WHEREAS, said agreement provides that it may be extended on November 30, 1986 at the option of the Contractor, unless at least two years prior to the termination of said agreement the District has notified the Contractor in wri ting that it does not desire said agreement to be extended for an additional period; and WHEREAS, the Contractor exercised its option to extend said agreement; and WHEREAS, the District has notified the Contractor that it does not desire said agreement to be extended under the same terms and conditions. Nmll, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agree- ments of the parties hereto and the payment of certain fees as hereinafter set forth, it is mutually convenanted and agreed as follows: -1- 1. DEFINITIONS: As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: (a) "Agreement": This agreement for the collection, removal, recycling and disposal of garbage by and between the District and the Contractor entered into as of the date first written above. (b) "Contractor": of (c) "Customers": Those who have contracted with the Contractor for the collection, removal,. recycling or disposal of garbage as provided herein, or who may be required to accept and pay for said service by local ordinance. (d) "District": The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a public corporation. (e) "Garbage" : , dba (1) animal, fruit and vegetable refuse; (2) offal; (3) leaves and cuttings, trimmings from trees, shrubs and grass; (4) inorganic refuse and rubbish; (5) anything thrown away as worthless; provided, however, that garbage shall not be defined as or include Hazardous Waste, Septage or Industrial Waste. (f) "Hazardous Waste": A waste, or combination of wastes, which because of its quanti ty, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may either: -2- (1) cause, or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible, illness; or (2) pose a substantial present or potential haz- ard to human health or environment when improperly treated, stoxed, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed. This definition will include, but not be limited to, hazardous waste as defined by the State of California and its agencies, or the united States or its agencies. (g) "Septage": Non-sewered liquid or semi-liquid waste which may be trucked to the District or other treatment facility for disposal, to include, but not limited to, waste from residential septic tanks, commercial grease cleanouts, and indus- trial waste holding facilities. (h) "Industrial Waste": Non-sewered liquid waste and solid waste produced as by-products of industrial processes, or other refuse produced or accumulated as a result of industrial processes, including waste produced by the District and other public entities as a resul t of treatment or other processes undertaken in providing public utility services. (i) "Zone": The geographic area generally described in Exhibit A to this Agreement, which exhibit is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and more particularly as set forth in the six hundred (600) scale maps maintained and available for inspection at the office of the Secretary of the District, excepting therefrom any geographic area which is wi thin the -3- boundaries of another jurisdiction, including any military base, which is exercising its authority to regulate garbage collection. Said six hundred (600) scale maps shall reflect changes of bound- aries of the Zone in such a manner as to identify each alteration to the Zone and the effective date thereof. 2. EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE The District, by this Agreement, grants to the Contractor for the term as set forth in paragraph 34 of this Agreement, unless terminated in accordance with this Agreement,~ the exclusive pri- vilege and duty to collect, remove and dispose of all garbage as said term is defined in this Agreement within the Zone. This exclusive privilege to collect, remove, and dispose of garbage is only qualified as set forth in this Agreement. The Zone may be expanded or reduced in size (a) by mutual agreement of the parties; or (b) as provided in paragraphs 28 and 29 of this Agreement. 3. INTENT TO REGULATE ALL GARBAGE COLLECTION, REMOVAL OR DISPOSAL: The parties hereto agree that the District currently has jurisdiction to regulate the collection, removal and disposal of all garbage in the Zone. The parties further agree that by the terms of this Agreement the District has exercised its juris- diction and is regulating the collection, removal and disposal of all garbage in the Zone. This Agreement does not regulate the -4- collection, removal and disposal of industrial waste, hazardous waste or septage. Whether a particular garbage collection activity is regu- lated by this Agreement or not, is within the sole determination of the District. If there is any question as to whether the garbage collection activity is regulated or unregulated, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to inquire of the District and therafter provide such information as the District may require to enable the District to provide Contractor with a formal written opinion as to whether the garbage collection activi ty is regulated or unregulated. 4. EXCEPTIONS TO EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE: The exclusive privilege granted by this agreement shall not apply if: (a) The person or enti ty generating garbage personally collects, removes and disposes of such in a clean and sanitary manner in conformance wi th all applicable laws and regulations, or (b) The person or entity generating inorganic refuse or rubbish contacts the Contractor to arrange for the collection, removal and disposal of such and the Contractor declines to do so or is unable to do so in a timely manner, or (c) The person generating the garbage contracts with another to remove and dispose of (i) inorganic refuse or rubbish, or (ii) leaves, cuttings, trimmings from trees, shrubs or grass by truck or other vehicular means, when such removal is incidental to -5- other contract work being performed. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to eliminate or qualify the exclusive privilege of the Contractor to provide drop boxes and/or bulk collection containers for collection of garbage within the Zone. 5. RIGHT TO SELL VALUABLE COMMODITY: This Agreement is not intended to and does not affect or limi t the right of any person to sell any valuable commodity to the Contractor or to any other person lawfully doing business within the Zone at prices agreed upon by the parties to such transaction, provided that the valuable commodity is separated at the source by the generator and that the person purchasing the valuable com- modity does not collect and dispose of other garbage. 6. RATES: Contractor shall perform the responsibili ties and duties herein agreed in the Zone in accordance with and in consideration of the reasonable rates fixed by the District from time to time. The statement that the actions in paragraphs 12, 24, 25, and 27 may be directed "at no cost to the District" shall not be construed to mean that the Contractor is prohibited, subject to the District's approval, from passing on its costs of taking those actions to the Customers. It is the intent of the parties that the rates fixed shall be in conformity with applicable law. -6- 7 . DUTY OF CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN RECORDS -- RIGHT OF DISTRICT TO EXAMINE CONTRACTOR'S RECORDS: Contractor shall maintain a proper set of books and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, accurately reflecting the business done by it under this Agree- mente Contractor shall further maintain records as to its total number of Customers, said records to detail the types of Customers and such other operating statistics in such manner and with such detail as the District may require. The Contractor shall, by March 31 of each year submit to the District an audited financial statement for the most recent reporting year and shall further furnish to the District a report of its total number of Customers within the Zone by types of Customers and such other operating statistics in such manner and with such detail as the District may request. The District may, at its own expense, at any time during the term of this Agreement, examine the books and records of the Contractor, or have the books and records of the Contractor examined by a person appointed for that purpose by the District. District shall give thirty (30) days written notice to the Con- tractor in advance of such examination date. The information required by this paragraph shall pertain to the Contractor's operations in the Zone. Nothing contained herein shall require the Contractor to provide the District wi th informa- tion pertaining to the Contractor's operations which are not -7- regulated by the District; provided that the District's agent may examine the contractor's books, records and financial statements pertaining to operations not regulated by the District for the sole purpose of gathering information necessary to allow the agent to ascertain as to whether income, expenses, assets and liabilities are reasonably and consistently allocated among operations re- gulated by the District and operations not regulated by the District. As used in this paragraph "District Agent" shall mean an independent CPA, as agreed upon by the parties, or, failing agreement, appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Contra Costa County Superior Court. Notwithstanding this requirement to use an independent CPA as the "District Agent," the District may use District employees, or any other person designated by the Dis- trict, to examine records of the Contractor otherwise available to other public entities. Information gained from such examination of records pertaining to operations not regulated by the District shall be treated by the District and its agents as confidential information. However, nothing in this paragraph will prevent the District allowing public access to District records as provided for under the California Government Code, and in the event any dispute arises as to the public access to information provided by the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement, the District shall in its discretion provide public access to said information according to law or tender the defense of any claims made against the District concerning said information to the Contractor. -8- 8. APPLICATIONS BY CONTRACTOR FOR RATE INCREASE: Any and all requests for rate increases, excepting those provided for under paragraphs 12, 24, 25, and 27 of this Agreement, may be made no more frequently than on an annual basis. Any such request for rate increase by the Contractor, excepting those provided for in paragraphs 12, 24, 25, and 27 of this Agreement, shall be submitted together with the audited financial statement required under paragraph 7 of this Agreement by March 31 of that year. Approval of the rate increase, or other action by the Board on the application, shall occur only after the District has had sufficient time to review the application and financial statement, and in no event will a rate increase take effect before July 1 of the year in question. Rate increase applications submitted by Contractor will be prepared using such formats, including such operating statistics as the District may prescribe from time to time. Any rate increase application will be accompanied by audited financial statements for the most recent reporting year preceding the requested effec- tive date of rate increase. In the event the Contractor is required to make changes in its operation pursuant to the conditions set forth in paragraphs 12, 24, 25, and 27 of this Agreement, the Contractor may petition the Board using the format mentioned herein, at any time during the calendar year. The District staff shall calender the peti tion for rate increase within seventy-five (75) days of receipt of an -9- extraordinary petition presented pursuant to paragraphs 12, 24, 25, and 27 of this Agreement. 9. OPERATION BY CONTRACTOR: Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment for the operation of refuse collection service in the Zone and shall maintain such equipment in a sanitary condition at all times. Contractor shall furnish all necessary labor in connection with the operation of a refuse collection service in the Zone. The Contractor, in performance hereof, shall use covered (by tarpaulin or otherwise) water-tight bodied motor trucks wi th truck bodies constructed of sufficient strength to withstand a fire within, without endangering adjacent property. The trucks, drop boxes, bins, or similar types of equipment shall be kept neat and clean and in good repair. The Contractor shall paint its name, permit number and telephone number on the side of each truck (in letters at least four (4) inches high) and each drop box, bin or similar type equipment owned or leased by the Contractor. 10. COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL ORDINANCES: The Contractor shall comply with all applicable ordinances and rules and regulations that are now in effect or may be promulgated or amended from time to time by the Government of the United States, the State of California, the County of Contra Costa, the District and any other agency now authorized or which may be authorized in the future to regulate the services to be performed herein regarding the collection, removal and disposal of garbage. -10- 11. LIMITATION ON TIME OF COLLECTION: The Contractor shall make a systematic collection of garbage from each place where collection is made in a manner that the person receiving the service can predict the day on which collec- tion will be made. Contractor shall not collect garbage from an inhabited dwelling or dwelling unit between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. 12. DISTRICT MAY REQUIRE EFFICIENCIES IN OPERATION: The District may from time to time at its discretion and at its expense, examine the Contractor's operation in order to insure that the Contractor is operating at a satisfactory level of efficiency. The Contractor agrees to cooperate in any such examination and shall provide for inspection to the District or its designated representatives, at the Contractor's principal place of business, such information as the District may require, including but not limi ted to such things as collection routes and equipment records. In addition, the District may require the Contractor to evaluate alternative methods of garbage collection for the purpose of improved efficiencies and to develop and submi t a plan to implement the efficiencies within one hundred and eighty (180) days of notice to the Contractor. The District can require the Contractor to implement the efficiencies within one (1) year of approval of the Contractor's plan, unless the Contractor can demonstrate that one (1) year is unreasonable. Should the District -11- commence such a program as outlined in this paragraph, Contractor agrees to not only do those things specified herein, but also to act at the direction of the District on other matters that may be necessary for the success and efficiency of such a project(s). 13. SALVAGE: District shall be entitled to the right of salvage at the expense of the District from the garbage collected pursuant to this Agreement, but at its sole discretion may delegate this right to, or waive the same in favor of, the Contractor. District has temporarily waived its right of salvage and has delegated such to Contractor; and such waiver and delegation shall continue until notice in writing by the District to the contrary is given. In the event the District independently wishes to exercise its right to salvage, the District shall give in writing to the Contractor notice of its intent and said right shall commence and accrue to the District ninety (90) days from the date of said notice. The salvage rights set forth in this paragraph specifically are intended to refer to salvage operations once the garbage is in the waste stream. This paragraph should not be read to be in conflict with the rights to recycle set forth in paragraph 24. 14. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND: The Contractor shall submit to the District simultaneously wi th the execution of this Agreement a corporate surety bond in the -12- amount of $100,000.00 ($50,000.00 for Orinda-Moraga Disposal, Inc., and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal). The bond shall be executed by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of California and acceptable to the District. The bond shall be approved by the District and shall be payable to the District. The condition of the bond shall be that the Contractor will faithfully perform the duties imposed by ordinance, this Agreement and the rules and regulations of the District. Any action by the District to proceed against the Bond shall not limi t or affect the right of the District to use other remedies available to the District under the Agreement, or in courts of law or equi ty. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in lieu of the corporate surety bond, Contractor may provide to District a letter of credit or cash bond in a form satisfactory to the District. 15. INSURANCE: Contractor shall maintain continually in force during the term of this Agreement, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and worker's compensation insurance as follows: Public liability -- $5,000,000.00 per person / $10,000,000.00 per accident; Property damage -- $500,000.00 per anyone claim; Worker's compensation -- as required by state law. Such insurance shall be obtained from a company or companies licensed to do business in the State of California and acceptable to the District. The District shall be named as addi tional insured -13- and each such policy shall contain a clause providing that the insurer will not cancel or decrease the insurance coverage wi thout first giving thirty (30) days' notice in writing to the District. A Certificate of Insurance shall be provided to the District. Failure of Contractor to maintain insurance in the manner and amount stated above will constitute a breach of this Agreement. 16. LEGAL LIABILITY: All work and performance covered by this Agreement shall be at the risk of the Contractor. Contractor agrees to save, indemnify and keep harmless the District, its officers, employees, agents and assigns against any and all liability, claims, judgments, or demands, including de- mands arising from injuries or deaths of persons and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations here undertaken or out of the operations conducted by the Con- tractor, save and except claims or litigation arising through the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the District, and will make good to and reimburse District for any expenditures, includ- ing reasonable attorneys' fees, that the District may make by reason of such matters and, if requested by District shall defend any suit at the sole cost and expense of Contractor. Upon request by the District, the Contractor shall appear for and defend the District in any action which challenges the validi ty of this Agreement or the procedure by which this Agreement was -14- entered into, or the validity of any District ordinance which authorizes District to enter into this Agreement. Defense of the District shall be provided by counsel satisfactory to the Dis- trict. All costs of litigation including attorneys' fees, and, to the extent permitted by law, any money judgment entered against District, its Board members, officers or employees or agents, shall be borne by the Contractor. In each case the District shall have the sole and final authority to determine whether such costs and/or judgment be chargeable as an operating expense or charge- able against Contractor's profits. Should any party successfully challenge the validity of this Agreement or the procedure by which this Agreement was entered into or the validity of any District ordinance which authorizes the District to enter into this Agreement, then in such case the Contractor shall have no cause of action for damages or any other relief against the District as a result of such successful chal- lenge. 17. ATTORNEYS' FEES: In the event of litigation between the parties arising hereunder, the prevailing party shall recover its reasonable costs of litigation, including attorneys' fees and costs as determined by the Court. 18. MISCELLANEOUS OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR: The Contractor shall maintain an office with adequate tele- phone service within the District, and shall keep the office open -15- during usual business hours for the transaction of business with its Customers and the public. The Contractor shall supply occupants of premises utilizing his services with printed information cards containing informa- tion regarding amounts of refuse which will be collected, com- plaint procedures, rates, and days of collection. Such cards shall be distributed at least once every twenty-four (24) months, and every time a rate change takes place. The Contractor shall provide three additional all-purpose pickups per year not to exceed two cubic yards per residential uni t in the residential areas of the Zone. The dates for said addi- tional pickups may be set by the Contractor, however it is the intent of this Agreement that they shall be as evenly spaced throughout the year as is practicable and that the Contractor will provide notice to the Customers of said pickup dates. 19. FEE FOR EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE: The Contractor shall pay to the District for the privilege granted by this Agreement an annual fee fixed by the District which is reasonably calculated to reimburse the District for its direct costs in administering this Agreement, including, but not limited to outside professional fees incurred by the District, plus a reasonable allowance for overhead of the District as said overhead relates to garbage franchising; which sum shall be fixed by the District and paid annually in advance by the contractors, in proportion to the number of customers served by each franchised contractor. -16- Amounts due each year shall be paid in advance within thirty (30) days after July I of each fiscal year following the effective date of this Agreement. The fee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, is hereby fixed at $ , and has been paid. The last payment pursuant to this paragraph shall be prorated from the beginning of the fiscal year in which this Agreement ends to the date this Agreement ends. 20. BILLING: The Contractor may bill its Customers in advance or in arrears. Bills in advance shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after the beginning of the billing period. The billing periods for advance billing shall be at least quarterly unless the District approves a less frequent billing. Contractor agrees not to discontinue service to a Customer until a Customer's account billed in advance has been delinquent for a period of at least sixty (60) days, and notice of the termination is provided to the customer thirty (30) days prior to the termination. Where the Contractor bills in arrears, the bill shall be due and payable upon presentation and the Contractor agrees not to terminate service until the Customer's account billed in arrears has been delinquent for thirty (30) days. Full payment for debris boxes may be required by the Con- tractor prior to delivery of debris box to Customer. -17- 21. ASSIGNABILITY OF AGREEMENT: The Contractor shall not sell, assign, or transfer this Agreement or any part hereof, including probate proceedings, without the written consent of the District. Neither this Agreement nor any part hereof, nor any obliga- tion or service to be performed hereunder shall be assigned or subcontracted without written consent of District. The term assignment shall include any dissolution, merger, consolidation or other reorganization of the Contractor, which resul ts in change of control of the Contractor, or the sale or other transfer by probate proceeding or otherwise of a controlling percentage of the Contractor's capital stock to a person not a shareholder on the date of the execution (;f this Agreement. In the event the Contractor herein attempts to assign or subcontract this Agreement or any part hereof or any obligation hereunder, the District shall have the right to elect to terminate forthwith, without suit or other proceeding. The District may, following a properly noticed public hear- ing, assign or transfer this Agreement, or any part hereof, without the consent of the Contractor to any legally authorized public entity, including, but not limited to, the County of Contra Costa or any joint powers authori ty created pursuant to Chapter 5, Division 7, Title I of the California Government Code. 22. INVOLUNTARY ASSIGNMENT: No interest of Contractor in this agreement shall be assign- able by operation of law. Each or any of the following acts should -18- be considered an involuntary assignment providing the District with the right to elect to terminate the Agreement forthwith, without suit or other proceeding: (1) If the Contractor is or becomes bankrupt or insol- vent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or in- sti tutes a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Act in which the Contractor is the bankrupt, (2) If Writ of Attachment or Execution is levied on this Agreement, (3) If in any proceeding to which the Contractor is a party a Receiver is appointed wi th authori ty to take possession of the Contractor's property. (4) In the event of a probate proceeding where the rights of the Contractor under the Agreement would pass to another individual or other individuals. 23. NOTICE PROVISIONS: Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given if delivered personally or ten (10) days after posted by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed as appropriate, either to the Con- tractor at: , California, or to the Dis- trict at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553, Attention: General Manager and Chief Engineer. 24. RECYCLING: District is currently studying refuse recycling as a means to conserve resources, energy, money and to further enhance the -19- environment. The parties hereto recognize that refuse recycling, use of waste or garbage products and improvements in garbage collecting efficiencies are changing and developing technologies. Notwi thstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, at any time during the term of this Agreement the District may require the Contractor to prepare and submi t a plan to provide refuse recycl ing in the Zone. The Contractor shall provide such a recycling plan wi thin 180 days of receiving the wri tten notice requiring prepara- tion of a recovery plan. The District shall review and comment upon the proposed recycling plan within sixty (60) days. The Contractor shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of District's comments to modify the Contractor's proposed plan in order to make said proposed plan acceptable to the District. If the plan is approved by the District Board of Directors, the Contractor shall implement the plan within ninety (90) days unless that is im- practicable under the circumstances. Implementation of a refuse recycling plan will be at no cost to the District. The District may require, as an element of a program to recycle refuse among other things, that the contractor undertake curbside or home pickup of recyclable material and segregate the garbage into elements suitable for recycling and elements not so suited. The District may further require that the Contractor deliver the segregated recyclable refuse to locations or sites selected by the District. Contractor agrees to not only do those things specif ied herein, but also to act at the direction of the District on other -20- matters that may be necessary for the success and efficiency of a recycling project. The District shall give reasonable advance notice to Contractor of changes in the Contractor's operations which may, in the District's discretion, become necessary due to the implementation of a recycling program. In the event the Contractor fails to submit or implement a plan in a timely manner as set forth in this section of the Agreement, or fails to reasonably act at the direction of District on matters relating to recycling, any and all such failures will be treated as a breach of this Agreement and the District shall have the right to elect to terminate forthwith, without suit or other proceeding. 25. WASTE TO ENERGY PROGRAM: The District may evaluate the feasibili ty of a waste to energy project as a means to conserve resources, energy and further enhance the environment. The parties hereto recognize the tech- nologies in regard to production of energy from waste refuse are changing and developing. The District may, at any time during the term of this agreement, undertake a waste to energy project singularly or in conjunction wi th another enti ty. In the event the District undertakes such a waste to energy project, or determines that the waste stream under this Agreement should be diverted to another entity's waste to energy facility, the District shall give thirty-six (36) months' notice to the Contractor of its intent to commence or participate in such a program. At the expiration of -21- the thirty-six (36) months, the Contractor shall implement the changes in the contractor's operations which may become necessary due to the waste to energy project. The District may require, as an element of the waste to energy project, that the contractor deliver the garbage collected under this Agreement, or portion thereof, as directed by the District, to locations or si tes selected by the District for waste to energy production. The Contractor agrees also to act at the direction of the District on other matters that may be necessary for the success and efficiency of a waste to energy project. In this regard, the District shall give reasonable advance notice to the contractor of changes in the Contractor's operations which may, in the Dis- trict's discretion, become necessary due to the implementation of the waste to energy project. The Contractor shall have the right and duty to collect and dispose of nonhazardous waste or refuse produced as a result of operations of a District owned or controlled waste to energy facility, including, but not limited to, ash and other solid noncombustible material. The Contractor shall collect and dispose of a share of the refuse produced by the facility and said share shall be in proportion to the Contractor's share of the total garbage delivered to the facility. In the event that District directs the Contractor to deliver the garbage to a pUblicly-owned waste to energy facili ty, not con- trolled by the District, the District will make reasonable effort to secure for the Contractor the right to collect any waste or refuse produced, or at least a proportional share thereof. -22- The District may, in its discretion, undertake a waste to energy project in conjunction with a recycling program or other garbage program as set forth in paragraphs 13 and 24 of this Agreement. Nothing in this paragraph shall be read to be in conflict with the provisions set forth in paragraphs 13 and 24. 26. HAZARDOUS WASTE: The parties hereto recognize that federal, state and local agencies with responsibility for the defining of hazardous waste and for regulating the collection, hauling or disposing of such substances, are continually providing new definitions, tests and regulations concerning these substances. Under this Agreement, it is the Contractor's responsibility to keep current with the regulations and tests on such substances and to identify such substances and to comply wi th all federal, state and local regula- tions concerning such substances. Contractor agrees to provide to the District upon its request the Contractor's program for identifying hazardous waste and complying with all federal, state and local statutes and regula- tions dealing with hazardous waste. The Contractor shall make every reasonable effort to prohibi t the collection and the disposal of hazardous waste in any manner inconsistent with applicable law. 27. DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE: Throughout the term of this Agreement, unless District gives notice as provided for herein, it shall be the Contractor's sole -23- responsibility and duty to dispose of the garbage and waste and other material collected by virtue of this Agreement, including any extension granted by the Board, in a safe manner in compliance with all federal, state and local regulations. The District agrees in the event that the Contractor becomes owner of or interest holder in a privately owned disposal site, other than the current ACME Landfill Corporation disposal site in Martinez, and secondly, that the Contractor tenders to the Dis- trict all rights and legal authori ty to regulate rates and charges for use of such site, including, but not limited to, site inspec- tion and audit by all persons or entities, the District will direct all garbage collected under this Agreement be delivered to said privately owned disposal si te for the term of the Agreement, including any extensions which may be granted. The District may thereafter, in its discretion, assume the rate setting authority or any portion thereof. This Agreement on the part of the District is conditioned upon the privately owned disposal site being properly approved and permi tted by the necessary public boards and enti ties. The District in all instances retains the right to direct the garbage collected under this Agreement to a transfer station prior to the delivery to the privately owned disposal si te. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to be in conflict with or eliminate the rights and obligations provided for in paragraphs 24 and 25. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor must provide the District with conclusive proof that: (1) the Contractor has -24- ownership of or a legal binding right to use a properly approved and permi tted disposal site (s); (2) that said disposal si te (s) has sufficient capacity available to the Contractor to provide for disposal of all the garbage to be collected under this Agreement; (3) and that said site(s) provides an economically satisfactory disposal alternative. Proof of each of these conditions shall be provided in writing to the satisfaction of the District Board of Directors prior to January 1, 1991. In the event said condi tions have not been met to the Board's satisfaction by January 1, 1991, the District is relieved of any obligation to direct the garbage collected under this Agreement to any particular disposal site. Furthermore, in the event said condi tions have not been met, the District, in its sole discretion, may direct the garbage collected under this Agreement to be delivered to any site of its choosing. This shall include the right of the District to direct the disposal, at no cost to the District, of all garbage collected by virtue of this Agreement, to a transfer station or stations, disposal site or sites selected by the District, including dis- posal site(s) that may be owned or operated by the District, provided that the disposal of garbage at such transfer station(s) or site(s) is authorized by law. The Contractor agrees that the District may charge the Contractor a reasonable fee for disposal of garbage collected by -25- virtue of this Agreement if such garbage is disposed of at the sites owned by or controlled by the District and shall be passed on to the Customers by means of the rates fixed by the District for the Contractor to the extent that such fee is reasonable. Moreover, in the event said condi tions have not been met, the District shall have the right to declare a breach or default of said agreement, and may proceed, pursuant to paragraph 31 of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement. 28. ANNEXATION AND CHANGE OF ZONE BOUNDARIES: The District agrees to give notice to the Contractor by April 1 of the next calendar year of any geographic area which has been annexed to or deannexed from the District during the preceding calendar year and which has been included in, or excluded from, the Zone. Such notice shall specifically describe the changed bound- aries of the Zone. If such notice is given to the Contractor, all of the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to the collection, removal, and disposal of garbage wi thin such changed boundaries of the Zone beginning on July I of the calendar year following the preceding calendar year during which such annexation or deannexa- tion occurred. The Contractor shall give notice to the District by April I of the next calendar year of any geographic area in the Zone or immediately contiguous to the Zone, in which the Contractor has commenced service wi thin the preceding year, notwithstanding -26- whether the Contractor deems that area to be regulated or unregu- lated. The Contractor realizes that the District boundaries may be al tered by virtue of actions taken by the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). The Contractor agrees that should the District boundaries be so amended so as to change the jurisdiction of the District to regulate the collection, removal and disposal of garbage, that it will abide by whatever changes in the Zone which become necessary due to changes in the District boundaries made by the Local Agency Formation Commission. The Contractor agrees that the District Board of Directors may make such alterations to the Zone as are necessitated by such Local Agency Formation Commission action and shall have no right or claim to damages or other relief against the District for such altera- tions to the Zone. The District shall provide notice to the Contractor of all peti tions or resolutions sent by the District to LAFCO for annexation or deannexations which may directly affect the territories included in the Zone. 29. TAKEOVER OF FRANCHISE RIGHTS BY OTHER PUBLIC ENTITY: In the event that the County, or a municipal corporation, which has boundaries that are entirely or partially included within the Zone, takes action according to the laws of the State of California to assume the powers and responsibilities of the franchisor in relation to garbage collection and disposal within -27- its boundaries, the rights of the respective parties in regard to this Agreement shall be as set forth in Health and Safety Code ~ 4270 et seg. and other applicable law of the State of California. Notwi thstanding any lawful action by another publ ic enti ty to take over the right to franchise solid waste handling, collection and disposal, the District shall retain the right at all times during the term of this Agreement, including any extensions granted by the District Board, to direct the disposition of all garbage collected within the Zone. Contractor agrees, notwith- standing any actions taken by another public entity in regard to assuming the role of the solid waste franchisor, to deliver the garbage collected under this Agreement to the location or loca- tions designated by the District during the term of this Agreement, including any extensions granted by the District Board. 30. AFFILIATED ENTITIES: The Contractor shall provide information necessary to satis- fy the District that the charges made by any affiliated entity are reasonable. "Affiliated entity" shall be defined, for purposes of this paragraph, as any entity which provides products or services to the Contractor and in which the Contractor owns a 10% or greater interest. The District shall have the right to inspect the financial records of any affiliated entity in which the Contractor owns a majori ty interest. For purposes of this paragraph the term "Contractor" shall include the Contractor, if an individual, and -28- all members of his or her immediate family; or if a corporation, the controlling shareholder and the controlling shareholder IS immediate family members. For the purpose of this paragraph, "Immediate Family" includes spouses, children, and relatives of the first degree of sanguinity. 31. BREACH AND TERMINATION: The General Manager/Chief Engineer of the District shall have authority, subject to review by the Board of Directors of the District upon appeal, to determine whether a breach of any pro- vision of this Agreement by the Contractor has occurred. Any wa5.ver or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or to be construed as approval of a course of conduct. In the event that a breach occurs, the District shall give the Contractor notice of the breach, in wri ting, setting forth the breach or default. The Contractor shall have a reasonable period to cure the noticed breach, said period not to exceed sixty (60) days. In the event the breach or default is cured to the satisfaction of the General Manager/Chief Engineer of the District wi thin the period of time allotted, the breach shall not be deemed a material breach. In the event that the General Manager deter- mines that the Contractor has failed to satisfactorily cure the breach or default within the period of time allotted, General Manager may determine such breach or default to be material. -29- Multiple or repeated breaches, or a pattern of breaches and subsequent attempts to cure said breaches by Contractor shall provide an adequate basis for the General Manager, in his dis- cretion, to declare any subsequent breach to be material, not- wi thstanding whether or not that breach is ul timately cured by the Contractor. If such a determination of material breach is made, the General Manager's determination shall be automatically appealed to the Board for final action. A material breach shall be cause for termination of this Agreement by the Board of Directors of the District. In the event of a termination prior to the natural expiration of the term of this Agreement, the District shall have the right to temporarily assume the obligations of the Contractor and shall therefor have the right to forthwi th take possession of all trucks and other equipment of the Contractor and exercise the Con- tractor's right to enter and use any disposal facilities for the purpose of performing the services agreed to be performed by the Contractor herein until such time as the District can make other arrangements for the performance of said services. However, such temporary assumption of Contractor's obligations under the Agree- ment shall not be continued by the District for a period exceeding twelve {12} months from the date such operations are undertaken by the District. -30- During any period in which District has temporarily assumed the obligations of Contractor under this Agreement, District shall be entitled to the gross revenue attributable to operations during such period and shall pay therefrom only those costs and expenses applicable or allocable to said period, including the reasonable rental value of the trucks and equipment to be paid to the Con- tractor. The excess, if any, of revenue over appl icable or allocable costs and expenses during such period shall be deposi ted wi th the District funds to the credi t of the operation and maintenance account. The loss, if any, during such period shall be a charge against Contractor, and shall be paid to the district by the Contractor upon demand. Final adjustment and allocation of gross revenue, costs, and expenses to the period during which the District temporarily assumed the obligations of Contractor shall be determined by an audit by a Certified Public Accountant and prepared in report form with his unqualified opinion annexed thereto. District shall indemnify Contractor against and hold it harmless from, any and all liability claims, judgments or demands, including demands arising from injuries or deaths of persons and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the operations and obligations of Contractor which District assumes pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph 31, save and except claims or litigation arising through the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Contractor and will make good to and reim- burse Contractor for any expenditures, including reasonable at- -31- torneys' fees, that the Contractor may make by reason of such matters and, if requested by Contractor, shall defend any suit at the sole cost and expense of District. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the District during any period in which District temporarily assumes the obligations of the Contractor under this Agreement, from employing persons who were employed by the Contractor for the collection of garbage under this Agreement. Upon the occurrence of said breach and the declaration of such by the Board of Directors of the District, this Agreement and the franchise granted thereunder shall be of no further force and effect, excepting these provisions concerning District's right to temporarily assume the Contractor's obligations and to use Con- tractor's facilities upon early termination as provided herein. The District then shall be free to enter into whatever other arrangements are deemed justified and necessary for the collec- tion, removal and disposal of garbage within the Zone. Failure by the District to provide the Contractor with the exclusive franchise to collect and dispose of garbage within the Zone, as defined in this Agreement, and except as set forth in paragraph 32, shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement which will allow the Contractor, in its discretion, to terminate the Agreement and be relieved of all obligations and duties hereunder. Notice of termination by the Contractor must be provided to the District one (1) year prior to cessation of the duties and responsibilities of the Contractor hereunder. -32- 32. EMERGENCY: Notwithstanding the Contractor's exclusive franchise rights set forth in Paragraph 31, in the event of an emergency due to natural disaster or labor strike which interrupts the collection of garbage by the Contractor, the Board of Directors of the District shall have the right to declare a temporary suspension of this Agreement for the reasonable durataion of the emergency and until such time as the District determines that the Contractor is able to reassume all obligations under this Agreement. Should Contractor fail to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors of the District that required services can be resumed by Contractor prior to the expiration of a six (6) month period, this Agreement may be terminated at the direction of the Board of Directors. An emergency or a declaration terminating the Agreement may only be declared by a resolution adopted by a 4/5 vote by the District's Board of Directors. 33. DISTRICT CODE: This Agreement is entered into under and by virtue of the authority of and pursuant to Chapter 8 of the Code of the District and in accordance with the provisions thereof, and any subsequent amendment thereto, which are hereby incorporated in this Agreement by reference. -33- 34. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: The term of this Agreement and the exclusive franchise granted hereunder shall be for a period of ten (10) years from January 1, 1986 to December 31, 1995, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 27 and 31 of this Agreement. 35. CONTEST OF AGREEMENT'S TERMS BY THE PARTIES: In the event either party to this Agreement attempts to challenge the validity of any portion of this Agreement, such action in attempting to challenge the Agreement shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and the nonbreaching party shall have the right to elect to terminate forthwith without suit or other proceeding. This paragraph 35 shall not be construed to prevent either party from seeking redress to the courts for the purposes of legal review of administrative procedures in regard to rate setting or District actions taken pursuant to this Agreement, or for the purpose of enforcing the provisions contained in this Agreement. 36. SEVERABILITY: In the event legal action is brought by a person or entity, other than the parties to this Agreement, to challenge, invali- date, contest or set aside any of the provisions of this Agreement, each and every term and condition, and each and every section and paragraph is severable from the remaining terms, conditions, sections, and paragraphs. The invalidation of any term, con- -34- di tion, section or paragraph as a resul t of a legal action, brought by a person or entity not a party to this Agreement, shall not affect the validi ty or enforceabili ty of the remaining provisions. Each of said remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 37. TERMS OF AGREEMENT BARGAINED FOR: All terms, condi tions and obligations contained in this Agreement have been bargained for and agreed upon by the parties in good fai th. Further, the parties have entered into this Agreement on the advice of counsel. 38. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SUPERSEDE PRIOR AGREEMENTS: This Agreement shall supersede any and all agreements here- tofore entered into by the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate by its duly authorized officers and representatives as of the date first above written. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT B1; : Its: By: Its: -35- ATTACHMENT II PROPOSED SECTION 7 OF THE REFUSE COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEtENT FOR PLEASANT HILL BAYSHORE DISPOSAL SERVICE 7. DUTY OF CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN RECORDS -- RIGHT OF DISTRICT TO EXAMINE CONTRACTOR'S RECORDS: Contractor shall maintain a proper set of books and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, accurately reflecting the business done by it under this Agreement. Contractor shall further maintain records as to its total number of customers, said records to detail the types of customers and such other operating statistics in such manner and with such detail as the District may requi reo The Contractor shall, by March 31 of each year, submit to the District an operating statement for Zone 3 for the most recent reporting year, prepared on a compiled basis by a Certified Public Accountant which will comply with the following requirements: a. A statement by the Certified Public Accountant that the operating statement was prepared on a compiled basis as defined in American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services No.1 will be affixed to the operating statement. b. The operati ng statement will be based on revenue and expense accounts which will be established to determine the results of such operation as a separate division within the Contractor's single entity. c. The operati ng statement will present revenues by category of regulated service, and expenses will be reported in accordance -1- with the formats developed in the Price Waterhouse report dated February 7, 1983. d. Customary footnote disclosure should be provided with the statement of operations, and should include an explanation of the allocation bases used for all expense accounts. In the event the Contractor is required by another public entity or regulator to provide audited financial statements, the Contractor will transmit a copy of the audited financial statements to the District and thereafter submit such audited financi al statements to the Di strict by March 31 each year, in lieu of the compiled operating statement. The Contractor shall further furni sh to the Di strict a report of its total number of customers within the Zone by types of customers and such other operating statistics in such manner and with such detail as the District may request. The District may, at its own expense, at any time during the term of this Agreement, examine the books and records of the Contractor, or have the books and records of the Contractor exami ned by a person appoi nted for that purpose by the Di strict. Di strict shall give thi rty (30) days written notice to the Contractor in advance of such examination date. The information required by this paragraph shall pertain to the Contractor's operations in the Zone. Nothing contained herein shall require the Contractor to provide the District with information pertaining to the Contractor's operations which are not regulated by the District; provided that the District's agent may examine the Contractor's books, records and financial statements pertaining to operations not regulated by the District for the sole purpose of gathering information necessary to allow the agent to ascertain and communicate to the District -2- whether income, expenses, assets and liabilities are reasonably and consistently allocated among operations regulated by the District and operations not regulated by the District. As used in this paragraph "Di stri ct Agent" shall mean an independent CPA, as agreed upon by the parties, or, failing agreement, appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Contra Costa County Superior Court. Notwithstanding this requirement to use an independent CPA as the "District Agent," the District may use District employees, or any other person designated by the District, to examine records of the Contractor otherwise available to other public entities. Information gained from such examination of records pertaining to operati ons not regul ated by the Di strict shall be treated by the District and its agents as confidential information. However, nothing in this paragraph will prevent the District allowing public access to District records as provided for under the California Government Code, and in the event any dispute arises as to the public access to information provided by the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement, the District shall in its discretion provide public access to said information according to law or tender the defense of any claims made against the District concerning said information to the Contractor. -3- . Centr~_ Contra Costa Sanitat )" District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 19, 1985 NO. v. HEARINGS 2 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION AMENDING EXHIBIT A, DESIGNATED POSITIONS AND DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES OF THE CCCSD CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE DATE December 12, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED aY . Joyce ~. McM,llan, Secretary of the District INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Department ISSUE: A need exists to update the designated positions contained in Exhibit A of the District's Conflict of Interest Code. BH::KGROUND: Since the CCCSD Confl ict of Interest Code was adopted in 1976, the District has undergone organizational changes resulting from District growth and central ization of functions. In some cases certain positions in the District which previousl y entail ed di scretionary duties and deci sion maki ng which coul d foreseeably have a material effect on a financial interest, no longer act in those capacities. Amendment to the District Conflict of Interest Code is necessitated by these changed circumstances, including the creation of new positions and relevant changes in the duties assigned to existing positions. As part of the Ralph Andersen and Associates Classifications Study, questionnaires indicating major areas of responsibil ity or job assignments were completed by employees and evaluated by Management and forwarded to Ralph Andersen and Associates for review. With the concl usion, adoption, and implementation of the second and final phase of the Study, changed circumstances have become apparent. Exhibit A, Designated Positions and Disclosure Categories of the District Conflict of Interest Code, was reviewed by staff and amended to reflect the results of the classification study and the current management organizational structure of the District. This in turn was reviewed and approved by District Counsel. At thi s time it woul d be appropri ate for the Board of Di rectors to review the designated positions and conduct a public hearing to receive comments with regard to the proposed amendments. Approval of the amendments to Exhibit A of the Conflict of Interest Code is requested. Upon adoption of this amendment, it must be submitted to the Board of Supervisors, the Code reviewing body. The Board of Supervisors must then, within 90 days after receiving the proposed code amendment, either approve it, revise it, or return it to the District for modification. The code takes effect upon its approval by the Board of Supervisors of the County. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to consider approval of the amendment to Exhibit A, Designated Positions and Disclosure Categories, of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Conflict of Interest Code (Resolution No. 85- ). If approved, authorize the Secretary of the District to submit a copy of such code amendment to the Board of Supervisors of Contra Costa County for approval. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302".9/85 tIfl JEM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. '-"---_.~.,.._--~-_." . RESOLUTION NO. 85- A RESOLUTION AMENDING EXHIBIT A, DESIGNATED POSITIONS AND DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES, OF THE CCCSD CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE WHEREAS, Section 2.20.020 of the Code of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District provides the Board of Directors shall from time to time establ ish by resolution designated positions of officers and employees deemed to make, or participate in the making of, decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on a financial interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT Exhibit A, Designated Positions and Disclosure Categories, of the Code entitled "Conflict of Interest Code, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District," a copy of which is attached hereto and by reference incorporated herei n, be, and is hereby, approved and adopted for the District, subject to the approval thereof by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa; and THAT the Secretary of the District be, and is hereby, authorized and instructed to submit a copy of such Code amendment to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa and to request said Board of Supervisors to approve said Code amendment in accordance with Government Code Section 87303. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 19th day of December 1985 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Haza rd District Counsel EXHIBIT "A" DesiQnated Positions Disclosure Categories 1. Director I, II, III, IV, V 2. General Manager-Chief Engineer I, II, III, IV, V 3. Secretary of the District I, II, III, IV, V 4. Counsel for the District I, II, III, IV, V 5. All Management Positions I, II, III, IV, V 6. Accounting Supervisor I, II, IV, V 7. Consultant I, II, IV, V 8. Principal Engineer I, IV, V 9. Senior Engineer I, IV, V 10. Associate Engineer I, IV, V 1l. Survey Party Chief I, IV, V 12. Senior Engineering Assistant IV, V 13. Engineering Support Supervisor IV, V 14. Senior Construction Inspector IV, V 15. CSO Inspection Supervisor IV, V 16. Survey Supervisor IV, V 17. Construction Inspector IV, V 18. Buyer IV, V 19. Plant Operations Superintendent IV, V 20. Collection System Superintendent IV, V 2l. Plant Maintenance Superintendent IV, V 22. Laboratory Superintendent IV, V 23. Maintenance Supervisor IV, V 24. Electrical Shop Supervisor IV, V 25. Instrument Shop Supervisor IV, V 26. Safety and Loss Control Specialist IV, V 27. Maintenance Safety Specialist IV, V 28. Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor IV, V 29. Machine Shop Supervisor IV, V 30. Buildings and Grounds Supervisor IV, V 3l. Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor IV, V 32. Pumping Stations Superintendent IV, V 33. Pumping Stations Supervisor IV, V 34. Control Systems Engineer I, II, III, IV, V 35. Senior Chemist IV, V 36. Real Property Specialist I, II, III, IV, V 37. Permit and Services Technician I, II, III, IV, V Category Index I Interests in Real Property II Investments III Sources of Income IV Supply Sources V Contractors . Centr,- Contra Costa Sanitat:l District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION BOARD MEETING OF December 19, 1985 PAPER SUBJECT AUTHORIZE CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 20014 SEISMIC STRENGTHENING, AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND AUTHORIZE $847,500 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND SUBMITTED BY Joye Kurasaki, Associate En ineer PAGE 1 OF NO. VI. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 DATE December 17, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE CONTRACT; APPROVE CONTRACT AMEND- MENT; AUTHORIZE FUNDS ISSUE: On December 10, 1985, sealed bids for Seismic Strengthening of Selected Buildings, District Project No. 20014, were received and opened. The Board of Directors must award a contract or reject bids within 75 days of bid opening. BACKGROUND: As a result of questions raised during the legal settlement process for the District's SA Treatment Plant construction, H. J. Degenkolb Associates (HJD) was retained by the District in February, 1982, to study selected structures at the District's Treatment Plant for seismic stability. This study was completed in June, 1982, and became the basis for the seismic strengthening project to correct structural deficiencies. The design emphasis of the project is to prevent injury to District personnel and to minimize major structural and equipment damage during an earthquake. The seismic strengthening project includes structural work within the Solids Conditioning Building, the Plant Operations Building Administra- tion and Maintenance areas, Substation 82, and the Inlet Building. It also includes equipment bracing within the Solids Conditioning Building. Plans and specifications for the project were prepared by HJD. On December 10, 1985, seven (7) bids, ranging from $596,000 to $980,000 were received. A tabulation of bids is presented in Attachment 1. All bids were evaluated by staff. The lowest responsible bidder is S. J. Amoroso Construction Company, Inc. The Engineer's estimate, prepared by HJD, is $1.1 million. The difference between the bids and the Engineer's estimate is due to the following factors: a. A very competitive bid climate (seven bids received). b. The Engineer's estimate by HJD was very conservative in estimating the labor required due to the retrofit nature of the project. c. The seismic strengthening project involves retrofit work which is more difficult to estimate than new construction. District staff made every effort to seek out potential bidders and to ensure that they understood the scope of the proj ect. The bi dders were requi red to attend one of three mandatory prebid pl ant tours, each of which averaged three hours. Several bidders scheduled subsequent Plant tours after the mandatory prebid tour. Therefore, INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ,~L~~ JLK ttJt\ $Lu SHeD DRW RAB SUBJECT AUTHORIZE CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20014 SEISMIC STRENGTHENING, AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND AUTHORIZE $847,500 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 4 DATE December 17, 1985 the bidders were highly educated about the project and apparently felt sufficiently comfortable to submit "tight" bids. A post bi d/preconstructi on cost estimate is presented in Attachment 2. At thi s time $ 847,500 in additional funds is required to complete the project, including the construction contract; force account costs for construction management, testing, inspection, and preparation of as-built drawings; consultant services during construction; and construction contingencies. Thi s proj ect i nvol ves si gnifi cant retrofit work in four different areas of the Treatment Plant. The work includes the erection of large structural steel members in the Solids Conditioning Building, concrete block wall and plaster ceiling demoliti on work in the Pl ant Operati ons Bui 1 di ng Admi ni strati on area, concrete work in Substation 82, and steel work in the Inlet Building. During construction District staff will be inspecting the work in these four areas in addition to coordinating the project with other ongoing District projects and Plant Operations. District staff will be especially involved with ensuring the Contractor's compliance with the applicable safety requirements during the proj ect. HJD will provide a portion of the construction services including review of shop drawings, test and inspection reports, answer questions during construction, conduct periodic site inspections, and a final site inspection and report. District staff has negotiated Contract Amendment No.2 with HJD to provide the above described construction services on a cost reimbursement basis with a cost ceiling of $43,106. This cost for construction services is included in the post bid/preconstruction cost estimate. The total project cost is estimated at $1,007,100. This project is included in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Pl an. The cost of this project will be partially reimbursed by contributions of up to $500,000 from Brown & Caldwell, the SA Engineer, as provided for in the SA Settlement Agreement between the District, Contractor, and Engi neer. Al so, under the terms of the Termi nati on Agreement between the Di strict, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, the District will be paid an allowance of up to $350,000 for the cost of compl eti ng th i s work. The net cost of the proj ect over the contributions of the SA Engineer and the grant payments will be borne by the District. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the constructi on contract for the Sei smic Strengtheni ng of Selected Buildings, District Project No. 20014 to S. J. Amoroso Construction Company, Inc. per thei r proposal received December 10, 1985. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engi neer to execute Contract Amendment No. 2 with HJ D for services during construction. Authorize $847,500 in Sewer Construction Funds for proj ect compl eti on. --------- 13028-9/85 Attachment No. 1 Central ~ontra Costa Sanit T'Y District Page 3 of 4 SUMMARY DF BIDS PROJECT NO. 20014 - Seismic Strengthening LOCATION HeCldqlJClrters Offic:p Rllilrlin9 DATE December 10. 1 <38S ENGR.EST.$ 1.1 Million BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRICE 2. , ( ) $ .- S. J. Amoroso Construction 349-6691 596,000 148 Hatch Drive, Fos tp r r.ity, r.A Arntz- Joint Ventllrp ( ) 382-1188 $ 353 Bel Marin Keys B1 vd. , Novato. CA 681,000 Romack Iron Works ( ) 65R-05RR $ 3250 Ho 11 is Street, Oakland, CA 706,856 Adams & Smi th ( ) <318-4100 $ 1225 Davi d Avenue, Concord. CA 776.340 West Coast Contractors ( 707 ) R64-135? . $ 4154 793,000 Sui sun Valley Road, SII i C;ltn, r.A Valentine Corporation ( ) 453-373? $ P. O. Box <3337. San Rafael, CA 898.36<3 Dal zell Corporation ( ) 815-0712 $ 980,000 P. o. Rox R?R4, Fmp ry" i 11 e , CA ( ) $ ( ) .$ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PREPARED BY Joye L. Kurasaki Dec. 10,1985 DATE SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 2503-9/84 POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 20014 ITEM DESCRIPTION la. Construction Contract (As Bid) b. Equipment Relocation c. Total Construction Contract Attachment No. 2 Page 4 of 4 ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL 596,000 . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,000 602,000 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies . . . . . . $ 3. Estimated Force Account Plant Opera~ions Inspection &. Contract Engineering . . . Required for Project Completion . $ 4 , 000 .$ 64,747 . $ 12.035 Admj n i stra.t Ion. Total Estimated Force Account . $ Rn. 7R? 4. Outside Services Required for Project Completion a. H. J. Degenkolb Constructlon.S~rvJces. ' 43~tOp b. OutslQe Testing .. 16,888 c. Security ijuard ... 2, 5. Tfol~ll E~t~rhJm~~iir~l~ ld01np~~,v~r~reh . . . . . ~ I,. I u.6 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Engineering, Design Review, Printing~AdY$ H. J. Degenkolb Waste Heat RolJer Deslgn$ H. J. Degenko 1 b Se i smJ c. D~s I.gn.. . $ 41.300 4,834 127.078 7. Total Preconstruct ion Incidentals (as 0112/19/85). . $ 173.212 8. Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5 & 7) 9. Funds Previously Authorized 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. (Item 8 minus Item 9) 90,000. $ Rn , 7R? 61 , 1 06 . $ .$ 8~~,888 $ 173.212 . $1 ,007, 100 . $ .1I)Q,600 . $ 847,500 % CONST. CONTRACT 100 15 '3 10 119 29 167 2505-8/78 . Centr ~ Contra Costa Sanital.. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 19 1985 NO. VI I. DATE CONSENT CALENDAR 8 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH BURKE PROPERTIES, JOB 1618, PARCEL 4, IN THE PLEASANT HILL AREA December 11, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION APPROV E REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept/Construction Div. ISSUE: The property owner has requested permi ssi on to install a decorative concrete fountain over a portion of a District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The concrete fountain is an integral part of the site landscaping improvements which face Contra Costa Boulevard. Staff has determined that this improvement will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need shoul d ari se, the proposed agreement requi res the property owner to remove the structure at the owner's expense within 30 days of notice. The property owner has cooperated with District staff by executing the subject agreement and paying our processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Rel ating to Real Property with Burke Properties, Job 1618, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSMc RAB 1302/1 .9/85 foOl( DH J:r;p INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. .J C= 11I% Zt- Oz Cc Zen ce mill c..J iliA. m~ 00 t->- ~!: ,u a:>- ID =~C ot-C ...co ua: ~iSa: '11I0 a: ell. ( ~ ill qf ~~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ t .~ WOAltlMENT I c : ..J ~ ~ W. I I 0 ~ I 0: ~ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<_ _ II - _ L - - - - - - - - I Q. = C ~~ ~~~ .~~ '01 L\ ! : .t8t : --,er. : ~ - ~ V\ ~ !Ill ~ ~ -----~ ~ ~ I ~ 1--- ~ I~ ~ I ~~ ~ 12~ II ~ J II. . ~~ ~..J \.;:,\: ~~ ~~ .IAI o .'" . ... '-- __.0 - -1- - -~- - - - - - - - - - ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ M.9Z.9l.99S .... . ., Q ... ::i ; ~. ~ . ItI Q:) .... 4i &. va ~ ~ REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 1618 PARCEL 4 PLEASANT HILL AREA . Centr&.- Contra Costa Sanitar. District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX 10 SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 92 NO. VI I. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 DATE INITIATE ANNEXATION D. A. 92 SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: This District must initiate the annexation proceedings with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) before the annexation process can be officially compl eted. BACKGROUND: The LAFC has requested that the Di strict submit no more than 10 separate areas under anyone proceeding to avoid overloading their schedule. The subject areas are generally located in Alamo, Danv1l1e, and Walnut Creek. LAFC has indicated that they may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas we submit to el iminate isl ands or straighten boundary lines. The District will have to hold a publ ic hearing to consider the annexation of any parcel added by LAFC. RECOMMENDATION: Pass a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District under District Annexation 92. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMc RAB - 1302A.9/85 tI.P~ DH :t;!fj INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. \ l'. ( ,; '.' \~ft" ,~. '_ _...of / ; \,--- , ,. .,~~:/ r'~-'-__, ./..~.)~;I: ....// \ ., - /" , ~>l ; Y ; -/ ..//:( \ '. \ \ l.. I' ~,~~ ~ r\l l'''__~t ..\...... \ ~.~~\. :, '/ :; !((") '\.... ,~ \~ ~\ \ ) ../ t~ -. , , /' /. ~- Mos~s Rock' Spnng .,.r- -' ..~pnng ..- \.. ~ ~ ....~ . , . \..-.. . --..... ., . ., ~ ~n.;n'~'. ~ ~ :~r: @::\: ~ 1'%0_: ~ :::~ ::~ ltJ ::~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ::::~ -- :::::.:::::::::::;':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~: - - ---t.:::: - - @ II (NfCHARD ,...... -- -- -- --- -- eSTATE5 OR. {:::)}::::::::::::::::::::}:{::::::::::::::::::::::::::::}::::::)::::::::::):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;,:::::::::::::::: VV4L.N lit C~cE-K. A !eeA DISTRICT ANNEXATION 9~ PARCEL NO 1 ~ 'eJ @ 1978 4L..Amo AI€E.A DISTRICT ANNEXATION 92 PARCEL NO. 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 ;it ~\t CL :::::. ~=\t t\::::::}:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::70\}~m~\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ DANVILLE BLVD. - ~ /I KENDALL 1 2 ~ 6 OhJ'I/L.Lc A~EA DISTRICT ANNEXATION 92 PARCEL NO. 3 @ 1977 ~4 85 74 I<<. P/NTJiIDOH6ltSHr~~. @72 1983 :7) SUBD.> Lor ;f R.;J;VCJ-)O -El .!JjO t:>ANVILLe AREA DtSTR~CT ANNEXATION 92 pAR.eEL NO. 4 ::;:::::::;:;:::::;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::::: ::;:;:;:;:;:::::::::;:::;:.:::::::::;:::;:::::;:::;:;:;:::;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:.:;:;:;:::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::::::...::::::::.. ~ ~ RD. @ 971 D.4NV/L.L-E AReA DISTRICT ANNEXATION 92 PARCEL NO. 5 ~ ,~ ~ \) y ~ , ~~ ~'? <\.'<; ~,c" v~ ~ PANVILLE AREA DISTRICT ANNEXATION 92 PARCEL NOS. 6,J,and 8 J ~ ~ )... ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OAk @ .. -::.-~ :} ~ ,;;;;; ~ ::f ~ il!!!! ~ ::::::' ~ N4!I-.B'w ):::)4 A.} VI LL E A fC~A . DISTRICT ANNEXATION 92 PARCEL NOS. 9 and 10 -----"-------------,.----T