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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-22-85 ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE AUGUST 19, 1985 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING, CONSIDER ADOPTION OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT FOR NORTH CONCORD/CLYDE SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT INITIATING DEPT./DIV. TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ADOPT NEGATIVE DECLARA- TION AND APPROVE PROJECT SUBMITTED BY JAC UELINE L. ZAYAC PLANNING GRANTS TECH. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PANNING DIVISION ISSUE: A publ ic hearing must be conducted prior to adopting the Negative Declaration for the proposed North Concord/Clyde Sewage Collection System Improvements Proj ect, herei nafter call ed "the proj ect." If the Negative Declaration is adopted, approval of the project is required. BACKGROUND: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and guidelines require the Board to consider the Initial Study prepared and publ ic comments received pri or to approv i ng the Negative Decl arati on for the proj ect. If the Board adopts the Negative Declaration, approval of the project will be required to complete the CEQA requirements and allow the District to file a Notice of Determination in the County Clerk's office. The Initial Study for the project was prepared by Earth Metrics, Inc., an environmental and planning consulting firm. District staff concluded that the Initial Study for the project adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluated the proposed project's effect on the environment. Based on the Initial Study, it was determined that a Negative Declaration is the appropriate document for the proj ect. In compl iance with the CEQA requirements, District staff arranged for a legal notice to be publ ished which sol icited comments and provided notice of the District's intent to adopt the Negative Declaration for the proposed project. The project, located in Watershed 44, includes a portion of North Concord, the unincorporated town of Clyde, a portion of the United States Naval Weapons Station, and unincorporated land east and south of Mallard Reservoir as shown on Attachment 1. District flow capacity studies indicate that pump station and collection system improvements are needed in the immediate future to meet exi sting and projected demands from approved and anticipated land developments. The present system has difficulty accommodating existing peak flows during storm periods, and District staff has determi ned that the proposed improvements are needed to accommodate ongoi ng development. Benefits from the proposed proj ect woul d .. resul t from reduci ng the number of pump stati ons from four to two. These benefits i ncl ude the conservation of energy, chemicals, labor, and maintenance expenses. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JLZ <.o-(JMK RAB ~\\0 l~ ---.--____------.--,._~__._.___.____.._________~___._o__<__...._~___._~._.____,w.~..,_.._~^___,__.__.._______~_________~-____._+,...._ "-.----."...-.-.--.-.--..-.--."--~---~--_.---.-..'_r POS TIION PAPER Page 2 The project involves installation of trunk sewer and force main pipelines and pump station upgrading as shown on Attachment 1. Phase I, schedul ed for construction in Fi scal Year 1985/1986, incl udes the following project elements: 1. West Trunk Parallel 2. East Bates Avenue Sewer Improvements 3. Concord Industrial Pump Station Upgrading Phase II is scheduled for construction in Fiscal Year 1986/1987 and is comprised of the following project element: 4. Port Chicago Pump Station Abandonment and Sewer Improvements Phase III consists of the following project element and is scheduled for construction in Fiscal Year 1987/1988: 5. Clyde Pump Station Abandonment and Sewer Improvements All pipe sizes indicated in the Negative Declaration and Initial Study are nominal and will be final ized in design based upon District design standards. Some pipe sizes may change; however, changes will not significantly affect pipel ine capacity. The pipel ine lengths indicated in the Negative Decl aration and Initial Study are approximate. The final pipeline routes will be established during the design phase. RECOMtlfNDATION: Conduct a publ ic hearing, consider adoption of the project Negative Declaration, and consider approval of the project. ....a .t .. .~. II- \-- // _/ // PROJECT ELEMENT /' / / c.t':Joe s~t\O(\ ~\l(t\~ PROJECT TITLE ------- ----- .& West Trunk Parallel & & & ~-"' ; -..: ~ ../ --.J.,_ __..,' ....",.. - -'I. ---. -~ ~ ""~. '- \ .& .. #,.... J,.\G ~T" / ~,.. ( 0" .0- ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSED NORTH CONCORD / CLYDE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT <e(SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 8 22 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 9, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 85-17 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Construction Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Lead Remarks A enc 85-17 Alamo (78A7 ) Lucille Ritzmann 903 Forrest Lane Alamo, CA 201-082-012 Existing house with CCCSD failing septic system District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 85-17 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMc RAB DIV DH f/I! ./ HIEF ENG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. PROPOSED ANNEXATION f?A. 85-/7 ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 22 Altgast 12, 1985 Kp~dVEAW~~ENT TO DEDICATION SUBJECPuTHORIZE THE EXEQJTION OF A CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY CJOO 3176 - PARCEL 1) SUB 6457 CALm> AREA) SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer IJIIITI,o\TING D~PT./.QIV. ~ng'neer'ng uept/Construction Div. ISSUE: A portion of Subdivision 6457 is being dedicated to the County for the widening of Stone Valley Road. An existing public sewer easement is located within the dedicated area. BACKGROJND: The County requi res a "Consent to Dedication" whenever an area dedicated for public road purposes encroaches upon an existing easement. A standard consent document will be used in which the District retains prior rights. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Consent to Dedication to Contra Costa County, Stone Valley Road widening, Subdivision 6457, Job No. 3176, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said document and authorize its recording by Contra Costa County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION tf) ~. DH JMc RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~_. - \C N&/'-67'eo"WOl) '11".1/ (r) '='r ...' ~- :...() N-I t./(!K,-~OE>'e. ,It) . III '~5.06' __ -~ ~ ______ - r-~ ! tN.".60.0....L.. 1,4' .. "'88 '/9'''''e. ~~r;,e"(r) ~Ll! '''-40' ~ -,,- Itt.-~ I CONSENT TO DEDICATION JOB 3176 & JOB 4081 - SUB 6457 ALAMO AREA I TIJSRJW I <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nt). V. CONSENT CALENDAR POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 12, 1985 SUBJECT APPROVE ~REE~NT RaATING TO REJlL PROPERTY WI11-I GR<l'IERS SQUAAE INVESHENT CO., JOO 4032, PARCEL 1, IN 11-IE WJlLNUT mEEK AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROV E REPl PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept/Construct1on D1v. ISSUE: The property owner has requested permission to install a concrete planter box and decking over a portion of a District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The concrete planter box and surrounding decorative concrete are an integral part of the site landscaping improvements which face North California Boulevard. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need shoul d arise, the proposed agreement requ1 res the property owner to remove the structure at the owner's expense within 30 days of notice. The property owner has cooperated with District staff by executing the subject agreement and paying our processing fee. RECOM~NDATION: Approve the Agreement Rel at1 ng to Real Property with Growers Square Investment Co., Job 4032, authorize the President of the District Board of 01 rectors and the Secretary of the 01 str1 ct to execute sa 1 d agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION .or DH / HIEF ENG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JSMc RAB RJD I.- 'I ~/llK.~ · -,..... tr.f ;. · - Jf.k~/'Jl. I':" - .. I ~ 1 FJ ~r .. ~ /., , r l/ Jot. '. ,'li ,~l(o'" .. ,~. 1'/" _ ~ ,~ z" ~nrR'~ III"*' ,--,./ ~. ,~ V" ....' ' ,11// ,"/"1: ~ t . ,,\- ...,' '/111' .. I S' . II iJ./'!/ · I IV L /i7t OJ , . · 11 .. l' r- _ .. r /%?' j ;......, ~~~~/ ~ f j t ~ ," I I I .1 ,t. fJ 8" ,FC' ~ n _pt.A,iltfl _ /" " $ i " · ..uK. ~ /1'/W ~':J1M,~ T. '$1 ~." ~. r ~J-'-'-o z' ' -f< ... """"".. I ~ ;II/' I ~ ~ I J /). .....::<- '-- · · h.! ; """"'... ..- ~ · [JI: II h' I / J if 'T" . "---- ~ ~t//II/ ..;:'JC1.~ _ I. ~~ ~ 1 "/?I ..",/I - .' ""<--= · IJ 1/1' Vit- ol. \ ..-- ~ ~'P~ ' -=- ... y:'.,/:I ........ 'If ,:};o ~ ~ -.'n~' ,.. ;; I ~ >5i~, --:!.rJ \ ~., w~ ';"~ ,. - I~ f""""~ ~ .........1\\ C~eE~.1\ <:' ~ ,\ V flII.' 'vJAL.~U~\ . ~: ~ \t t;jJfJ..lP I ~ 712ft' ~ ,I \\ \hI\ ,~' FLi - /J ,.", , ~\,r. ~ i.!" ~'fJ~.....' :::'Z~.SJt V8 If WI · ~~~".." ~ -:1""' ~ . I~ "<:""" ,." ., , l~ , ' " " .' , ... "",', - . - ~. ~."" \ ... ~., ~. '"' '" " "'" \ ~ , ,,', :I.~V'..iI' ,,,;::.,', ~. ,,'. \..I/~'~IS r, .:.:m ~,/DM.r ~ I. ,1- ~ l~~-'h~.. r ~~~s . ~///'.. ~~ , , r ;7/- ,-;., ~ 'If" ~ · , 11'".... · r..: .;; · , - ~ "'... ' ~. &\ ' 'd- . "''i~'" 9-:. - ... 'l . - '" ..Y " ,,~ I " ~~'..--- . .. ,..... . ~r..~, '>- ~ ~...,:, I; .IC~ 1 ".., .,'.:, "', I" ~.:.. ."..... '.:. c lb' ., ....' . .. .... .' o ~ Iri LL '. .::'~\ . I.......~<:t~.:. -~'M ..~.;.::..... .;, - ~ \'0:"' ""'$11 " ~~ \ =: h..... ") , ..... ~ l~ 1 ".- ~. I L... \\ " IIr--2-- L I~'. \ . ~ ....lL\. ItJ, lIT J F' :v I W JU~NITA j. . '" IlIID r--= ... .~ I c> \ \ lo..--- .. . '.O'4C .. 15 .' -, - /rAISE" ~ NO~'V~ '.'''AC .,." - REAL PROPERTY - ..., JOB 4032AGREEMENT WALNUT CREEK AREA ... 1 , I ! .. i i I kA'\.~ .\..~ ~~..'\.~ I/L/ Frf iil \ ~ 'I IQDW~ h' DIf[:I' lJ ..- ~ c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. ENGINEERING 1 8 22 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 19, 1985 SUBJECT ESTABLISH SEPTEMBER 19, 1985, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING 1) THE ANNEXATION OF THE MONACO PARCEL (LAKE ORINDA HIGHLANDS AREA) AND 2) THE EXTENSION OF THE PUBLIC SEWER IN LA MADRONAL TO SERVE SAID PARCEL TYPE OF ACTION ESTPBLISH PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jay McCoy, Construction Division Manage Engineering Dept/Construction Div. ISSUE: It is the pol icy of the Board of Di rectors to give speci al consi derati on to annexations in the Lake Orinda Highlands area. BACKGROUND: Mr. Donald Monaco has requested that the District annex a 0.44 acre parcel he CfIIns on La Madronal in Orinda (see attached map). The parcel is currently vacant, and Mr. Monaco desires to build one single family hane on it. In accordance with the District's environnental guidelines, this annexation and subsequent sewer project are categorically exempt fran the requirement of prepari ng a negative decl arati on or EIR (Cl ass III, New Constructi on of Small Structures). But, during a previous review of a project in the Lake Orinda Highlands area, the Board made it clear that special consideration is to be given to all future projects in this sensitive area of the District. Therefore, it is appropriate to hold a public hearing on Mr. Monaco's project. Staff will notify all resi dents who woul d be affected by the annexati on and sewer extension that a hearing will be hel d to receive input fran the public. Provided that no significant environnental issues are brought to 1 ight at the hearing, staff will proceed with the categorical exemption and the processing of the annexati on. RECOMMENDATION: Establish September 19, 1985, as the date for a public hearing regarding 1) the annexation of the Monaco parcel (Lake Orinda Highlands Area, and 2) the extension of the public sewer on La Madronal to service said parcel. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION }?~ RAB ./ HIEF ENG. GUAIIANTY I(IIVICE COIIP. 41.T41AC > ~OHNION 'S. TAC ------- "- ~ '" 'AC 1II111I..rll 'T."AC / ~~ ~ PROPOSED ANNEXATION ~ A. ~5..14 Costa itary BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. VI. ENGINEERING 2 8 22 85 DATE AUGUST 19, 1985 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $21,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PREDESIGN AND DESIGN OF CONCORD INDUSTRIAL PUMP STATION UPGRADING, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4091 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JARRED MIYAMOTO-MILLS, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION ISSUE: Board authorization of funds is required for predesign and design of Concord Industrial Pump Station Upgrading, District Project No. 4091, in the North Concord/Clyde area of Watershed 44. BACKGROUND: Capacity analysis of collection system facl1ities in the North Concord/Clyde area (Watershed 44) has recently been completed by District staff. The capacity analysis identified needed capital improvements required for continued adequate service. The proposed North Concord/Clyde Collection System Improvements Project, as a whole, is the subject of a public hearing to consider adoption of a Negative Declaration on this evening's agenda. Upgrading of the Concord Industrial Pump Station from 120 gallons per minute to approximately 1,100 gallons per minute rated capacity is one element of the proposed project. Thi s proj ect e1 ement consi sts of rep1 acement of pump motors, improvement of electrical and control systems, and construction of additional wet well capacity. The proposed pump station upgrading is shown in context with the other project elements required in Watershed 44 on Attachments 1 and 2. It is estimated that $21,000 will be needed to complete predesign and design of the pump station upgrading project element. A breakdown of this total is provided in Attachment 3. All engineering work will be done by District staff. The authorization being requested includes a previous $5,000 authorization by the General Manager-Chief Engineer to initiate predesign work. This project is included in the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan. The preliminary construction cost estimate is $60,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $21,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for predesign and design of Concord Industrial Pump Station Upgrading, District Project No. 4091. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON JM2 DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /)-- mid .7An. f I 'J.f.-'> ,I~a at PROJEct ELEMENT & & & &. & 0" ,0 , >:::< //-" // '~ / ~ /' '- /''' ' C~oe ctatiO(\ /,,/ "u~p ;> ...U " \ ------- ------ --/ PROJECT TITLE West Tf1U1k Parallel East Bates Ave. Sewer Improvements Concord Industrial Pump Station Upgrading Port Chicago Pump Station Abandonment & Sewer Improvements Clyde Pump Station Abandonment V \ "\ , ~ ~ ---- ---=------ - ~ ----:~>~ '-.... (0_'.' '- . #,... ~\O ,.~ / ~~ ( ATTACHMENT 1 PROPOSED NORTH CONCORD / CLYDE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT >- ~ 0 0 o. 0 0 o. ZI-~ 0 o. o. 0 0 o. ~CI)~ 0 o. 0 o. 0 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-481-4 LIl 0 0 0 0 LIl ...J I- ,.... 0\ \0 N tQ ,.... LLI CI) C'tl N ..... 0 R: LLI .,.. .. ..... .,.. t> LLI 0 ~ o~ CD III 00 >- I- Z <0 CI) 0 ...... 8 ~ 1-4 III 1Il~ ...... ...... 2:!t> ell CD CD C s.. s.. Z o ~ ~CD CD CD 0 ~ C!J::J O::CIlI III fi a.. a.. ~ 1-4~>- 111_ IDIIl 0 0 LLI CI) ID IIlE()O 0 r- 0 r-O > LL1(1) CD-oOCl) ~CD CI) CDCI) CDCI) ~ 08 ECDIIl8 111111 g ~~ ~~ 1-4 III ~ III III III I- ~ ..,CI)<o LL1< CI) LLI 1-4 CI) ~ 2:1- ~z o~ I- CI)~ l8 l8 l8 ro to ~ LLI 1-4 to >-LL1 ...J~ I I I I I CI)...J e~ LIl LIl LIl l8 ,.... LLI to to to to N Z I- st> ~8 t t t t t Z 1-LL1 ~ frla ~ jR: 8u.. C 0 0 a.. - LLI E ~ 0>- ::J III ~i Q., ~ r- CI) s.. s.. CI) III r- CD CCD r- CD~ III C) ~I ~I O::J LLI r- ::J C _ C O::CI) ~ III CCD s.._ ::JCI) ~CI) 8 s.. ~i ~-o Q., III 1-4 III III III ell ~ell 8 I- Q., <~ ::J s.. 0 III CI) III -0 C) C)~ ~ ~~ t> ~ III s.. ca.. IlICC C Cl)a.. 1-4;:) () CD CD ECDCD ~ LLI ::J ~E :C;~i ::JEi (3 s.. 1111-4 -OC Q.,C I- ID s.. 0 o.g~ CD.g ~ 0 8: s.. 0- Z ~ ~CD ()~ ~cs.. -ocs.. III I C III s..llIa.. ~IIIQ. 0 CD O~ O..oE r-..oE LLI 3= LL1(1) OCl) Q.,<1-4 0<1-4 CI) ~ ~ I- -0 -0 Q., 01-0:: CD CD 1-40LLl m N ..... C C ~LL1i 0\ 0\ ~C) ~C) 0 0 0 0- 0- CI)(3::J ~ ~ ~ ZIIl ZIIl C:8:Z III III < < ,... ..... I- Z t>1-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LL1~i5 ~ a < o::~S Q.,LL1 LLI LLI CI) ...... ATTAQUoENT 3 NORTH CONCORD/CLYDE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CONCORD INDUSTRIAL PUMP STATION UPGRADING DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4091 SUMMARY OF COSTS FOR PROJ ECT DESIGN o Project Management o Environmental Documentation o Predesign o Design o Design Review o Printing and Advertising TOTAL $ 1,000 3,600 5,000 8,300 1,600 1 ,500 $21,000 cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 NO. SUBJECT HOMEOWNER AND SAFECO INSURANCE CO. FOR A CREEK BANK AND SEWER RESTORATION AT #12 EVERGREEN DR., ORINDA; DECLARE THAT AN EMERGENCY CONDITION EXISTS VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 19, 1985 POSITION PAPER TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT DECLARE EMERGENCY SUBMITTED BY Jack E. Campbell, Admin. Operations Mgr. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Risk M mt. & Safet ISSUE: An agreement needs to be executed and the job started before September 1, 1985 in order to complete the above work before the upcoming wet season. Attachment 1 of this position paper is a map of the damaged areas. BACKGROUND: A landslide caused by creek erosion located adjacent to a District sewer line occurred at the above location during the 1982-83 storm season. The slide has enlarged each year since then causing a break in the sewer line and threatening the property owner's house and additional sections of the District's line. The geotechnical studies conclude that the best solution to the erosion problem is a complete restoration and stabilization of the creek bank below the house. The District's line has to be placed within this bank since no practical alternative routing is available. In addition to the landslide, the 1982-1983 storm season caused erosion at one support of the creek crossing located just downstream of the landslide, resulting in sagging and cracking of the sewer pipeline. After evaluation of several alternatives, it was determined that the most econanical repair is to replace the damaged support, protect the slopes around the creek crossing, and replace the damaged portion of sewer pipeline. Negotiations were conducted with the haneowner, Robert Wootten, and his insurance carrier, SAFECO. An agreement has been reached to repai r and stabilize the creek bank, protect the house, and replace the District's sewer line. SAFECO has agreed to pay $80,000 toward this with the District covering the remaining expenses. The final cost is not known at this time but is expected to be around $160,000 including engineering design, construction, and inspection. In addition, this estimate includes the work required to repair a storm damaged District sewer creek crossing which is also located on the Wootten's property. It would be desirable to have all the construction activity to be done at the same time. A breakdown of the estimated costs is presented in Attachment 2 to this position paper. SAFECO is obtaining bids for the work and when a better cost estimate can be made the staff will return to the Board with a request for Sewer Construction Funds. This is anticipated to be ready for the September 5 meeting. The geotechnical analyses by both the District's and SAFECO's engineering consultants indicate that there is a significant probability that the District's line, the INIT ATING DEPT./DIV. ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JEC ~~') PM RJD Wootten's house, and the creek crossing trestle could be lost during a severe storm this fall or winter if the repairs are not completed in time. If this occurs there woul d be a public health risk because of raw sewage spilling into the creek which flows into the East Bay Municipal Utility District's San Pablo Reservoir. The District would thereby incur an increased liability from local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Because of these extraordinary risks the staff recommends that the District Board declare that an emergency situation exists pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20806 so that the work can be initiated as soon as the necessary agreements are signed. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the GM-CE to execute an agreement with SAFECO and Robert Wootten for renovation work at #12 Evergreen Drive, Orinda, to repair the creek bank and sewer creek crossi ng, and to restore the Di stri ct' s permanent sewer li ne. Decl are that an emergency situation exists at 112 Evergreen Drive, Orinda, under Public Contract Code Section 20806. It~VIEW~D IoND It~COMM~ND~D I'01lt 8010ltD IoCTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. IIGR.lCHIEF ENG. _._--_.~---._----------_._._----------,-----~_..__.-,.'_..-..__.--.-"'._"-------_._-._--~.-.--- CCCSD ENGINEERING DIVIS~ON PROJECT ..)~~~...~~~.~..~~~~.g~...~.~~~~l.............~................................ ....... ............SHUT... ._..... OF.............. SUBJECT .....~~~~m~~~...of1ll.v~;.S.reeii...Dr:....Or1 "(1a................. ....... ..... ............. ~~K;D:'''' ...... ::~:..... ..... ... ..... ........... ............ ..... ........ ........ . 9 .......... ......................... ......... ..................... ........ .......... .......... (Q RD ~ ~ ~ i\. . ~ t\a :\~ .I/~ P19$14 "'.J140 . ~ I'1166,rL ""'" ". ,,~ "'O"L "'tf.J/'N ""..JON P$.Jtl88R 8 /2 /4 "II"'N "'O"L "II.JOIN "'O'OL If) ID.... eL "'O'IL "4$P2'HP I'ltf'$'N o P'()?'4 ",$.J tI" A1fALHM~M1 , ATTACtIENT 2 PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE EVERGREEN DRIVE STORM DAMAGE REPAIR 1. Design Engineering o District Forces(~~) o Woodward-Clyde $ 20,600 7,200 Subtotal $ 27,900 2. Construction Management o District Forces(~~) o Woodward-Clyde $ 3,000 7,000 Subtotal ( 4) 3. Construction Costs $ 10,000 o o o o Jobsite Accesf6~estoration Slide Repair (3) Sewer Replacement (3) Creek Crossing Repair (5) $ 3,000 85 ,800 13 ,200 22,400 Subtotal $124,400 $162,300 TOTAL NOTES: (1) Based on current expenditures and projections to completion (2) Design P.O. 230360 (3) District cost estimate by DAJ (6/20/85) (4) Include 1~ contingency (5) Estimate by JLH (8/12185) (6) Estimate by wee (8/5/85)