HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-05-85 ce<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 9 5 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Au ust 30, 1985 SUBJECT AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4082, WATERSHED 13-LANCASTER ROAD PARALLEL, WALNUT CREEK, AND AUTHORIZATION OF $161,449 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND. TYPE OF ACTION AWARD CONTRACT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY James L. Hill, Associate En ineer ISSUE: Sealed bids for District Project No. 4082 were received and opened on August 27, 1985. The Board of Di rectors must award the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: A Planning Division study concluded that wet weather overflows in a 6" tributary sewer at Castle Hill Court, Walnut Creek; are due to inadequate capacity of the downstream 100i nch mai n sewer in Lancaster Road, Wal nut Creek. The study indicated that a parallel main sewer in Lancaster Road is required to handle current peak wet weather flows as well as projected peak flows in that local watershed, and prevent any further overflows at Castle Hill Court. Attachment 1 to this position paper is a map of the proposed work. The work consists of constructing approximately 1,500 feet of 12-inch and IS-inch main sewer from the intersection of Castle Hill Road and Lancaster Road, Walnut Creek, north along Lancaster Road parallel to the' existing lO-inch and 12-inch main sewer constructed previously under District Project No. X1566. The project will include four new manholes along Lancaster Road, as well as modifications to existing manholes to allow splitting and recombining of the flow. The existing 6-inch sewer along Castle Hill Road, which was constructed under District Project No. 3977, is also tied into the new parallel force main to prevent future sewage overflows at Castle Hill Court. Plans and specification for the project were completed and advertisements inviting submission of sealed bids were placed in the local newspaper on August 12 and August 20, 1985. The engineer's estimate for the contract work is $116,142. Bids were received and opened August 27, 1985. The bid tabulation is included as Attachment 2 to this position paper. The lowest responsible bidder is Orca Construction Company at $131,949. The post bid/preconstruction cost estimate is included as Attachment 3 to this position paper. The total project cost is estimated at $175,449. $161,449 in additional funds are required for the construction contract cost, construction contingencies, and construction management and inspection costs. This project is included in the Five-year Capital Improvement Plan. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ DRW !lflB RAB RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of District Project No. 4082 to the lowest, responsible bidder, Orca Construction Company. Authorize $161,449 from the Sewer Construction Fund for construction, construction management and inspection, and contingencies. It~VIEWED AND ItECOMMEND~D FOIt 80AltD ACTION INITIATING DEPT ./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. , ._----,.~~._.~----,._-----_.__._._~._"...,'.._--".~~---~._---",._-~-~._---,._.--,.~_..._..._~-'--'---_.._-----_.~---,--_._--~---,..._---........---,----------- - ~ 'a~ ~\ \ } '\ \ -:;\ .J u.1 'Sr ~ b\ 4. :"1 (.) ~, ~ ~ ~ ~......""" " ;.. ....) -- ~~ . ______ ,~J. G - , S~ ,_____~\'ll r:i 1&1 II:: U s I .1 i 1&1 - :t .. i z z 0 1&1 8 ~ :x ~ u 9 ~ II:: ~ i( II:: i ~ N ! Do. a ATTACHMENT 2~ Central Contra Costa Sanit..ty District .UMMARV DF .IDS PROJECT NO. 4082 __ Lancaster Road Trunk Parallel DATE 8/27/85 ENGR. EST. $ 11 n .14? nn LOCATION Lancaster Road. Wal nut Creek ~ BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) I BID PRICE 1 Orca Construction Co. (415 ) 449-0222 $ 131.949 1R?fi r.~talina Ct . Li\lennore, CA 94550 2 Mountain Cascade. Inc. (415 ) 837-1101 $ 153,785 P. O. Box 116. San Ramon. CA 94583 3 ManIJe1 C Jttrdim. Inc. (415 )4A7-0444 $ 161,340 P. O. Box 677, Union City, CA 94587 ~ 4 Fee Construction Inc. (415 )656-0451 $ 178,782 P. O. Box 1727. Fremont. CA 9453A 5 MGM Construction Co. (415 )685-A812 $ 185.440 P. O. Box 5757. Concord. CA 94524 - 6 L&S General Contractors, Inc. (415 )944-1313 $ 254.877 2672 Quiet Place Drive~ Walnut Creek, CA 94598 - ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( I f ..- "..A. ~r rYl.11 A 71' ~. III () U .- a: PREPARED BY James L. H,ll DATE 8/27/85 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 2503-9/84 "----,_._--~-------_._,-~-_._-_.----~._..__.__.._'--~---,..-._----~_.__._~---_._..,~.....+,-,.,'".._-,._---_._-,_._-~,.,....,...-+- ITEM 10. ATTACHMENT 3 POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 4082 DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) . TOTAL . $ 131,949 19,800 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies . . . . . . $ 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . . $ 1,500 Inspection . $ 5.600 Engineering . $ 1,500 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals . $ 8.600 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Survey, Engineering, Printing, Advertising Special Services Right-of-Way Acquisition. . . '. . . . $ 15,100 . $ -0- . $ -0- 7. Total Preconstruct ion Incidentals (as of 8/30/85 ). . $ 15.100 8. Total Estimated Project Cost (Items 5 & 7) $ 8 . 600 . $ -0- .$ 160.349 $ 15 .100 . $ 175,449 14,000 9. Funds Previously Authorized . . . . . . . $ Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. (Item 8 minus Item 9) . $ 161.449 % CONST. CONTRACT 100 15 7 o 122 11 133 2050-8-78 <C<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 5 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Au ust 30, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4060, STORM DAMA E AWARD CONTRACT REPAIRS - RAINTREE PLACE, LAFAYETTE, AND AUTHORIZATION OF AUTHORIZE FUNDS $42,580 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND SUBMITTED BY James L. Hill, Associate En ineer ISSUE: Sealed bids for District Project No. 4060 were received and opened on August 22, 1985. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: Heavy rains during the winter storms of 1982-83 damaged the District's 8-inch sewer crossing at Las Trampas Creek behind #926 Raintree Place, Lafayette. It is necessary to replace the sewer line and creek crossing to prevent interruption of service to approximately 90 properties which are connected upstream of the sewer creek crossing. Attachment 1 to this position paper is a location map of the proj ect. The project consists of reconstructing 75 lineal feet of 8-inch pipe crossing Reliez Creek in the vicinity of Raintree Place and replacing another 126 feet of 8-inch sewer pipeline and appurtenances, using a new alignment to correct maintenance problems. Plans and specifications for the project were completed and advertisements inviting submission of sealed bids were placed in the local newspaper on August 5 and August 14, 1985. The engineer's estimate for the contract work is $27,300. Bids were received and opened August 22, 1985. The bid tabulation is included as Attachment 2 to this position paper. The low bidder is Richard Sawdon General Engineering Incorporated at $33,550. The reasons for the discrepancy between the low bid and the engineer's estimate are: 1. The installed cost of the steel pipe for the crossing repair was significantly higher than what was estimated, and what had been bid on previous jobs. 2. The majority of contractors who were contacted regarding bidding on this project had other work in progress and were unable to bid. The post bid/preconstruction cost estimate is included as Attachment 3 to this position paper. The total project construction cost is estimated to be $42,580, and includes the construction contract cost, construction contingency, and construction management and inspection costs. This project is included in the Five-year Capital Improvement Plan. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION AJ~ lF$ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JLH DRW RAB RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract for construction of District Project No. 4060 to the lowest responsible bidder, Richard Sawdon General Engineering Incorporated. Authorize $42,580 from the Sewer Construction Fund for construction, construction management and inspection, and contingencies. It~VlnIEO "NO It~COMM~NO~O 1'0. 'OAItO ACTION INITIATING DIEPT ./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. I I~ 1Cl'\ tl. ~ ~ ~ .:t: - r- r- 1'\1 ~ ~ ArrACHMENT 1 DP 4060 - RAINTREE PLACE, LAFAYErrE PROJECT LOCAnON MAP 6 U B ~ .5 0/6 \ ~ /8 - / ~IJAJeCr ro t}(8" 5r A..3+ 75'f5 i IAlE A 2.0 19 JACKSOlJ ~ ~ I? . . ~TTACHMENT 2 Central ,__ontra Costa Sanltf 'Y District SUMMARY DF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4060 Storm Damage Repairs DATE August 22, 1 qR5 ENGR. EST.~ 27.300.00 LOCATION Raintree Place. Lafayette W BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRICE ,....:- Richard Sawdon ( 415) 820-2746 ,$ 1 P.O. Box 350. Diablo, CA 94528 33.550.00 - Roto-Rooter (415 ) 939-3100 $ 2 47,395.00 195 Mason Circle, Concord, CA 94520 MGM Construction Co. ( 415) 685-8812 $ 3 1785 Arnold Industrial Hwy . , Concord, CA 94520 76.430.00 - ( ) $ ~ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ~ ( ) $ ( ) $ c. ( ) $ ; ~ ( ) $ ( ) $ II: PREPARED BY James t-'. Hill DATE A'lg ?2, 1925 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 2503-9/84 ATTACHMENT 3 POST BID - PRECONSTRUCTlON ESTIMATE OF COSTS FOR DISTRICT SEWERING PROJECT 4060 ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL 1. Construction Contract (As Bid) . .$ 33,550 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies . $ 5,030 3. Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion Survey. . $ 2,000 Inspection .$ 1,100 Engineering . $ 900 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals . $ 4.000 $ 4.000 4. Street Resurfacing or Seal Coat .$ -0- . % CONST. CONTRACT 100 15 12 o 5. Total Estimate Required to Complete Project . $ 42,580 6. Pre Bid Expenditures Survey, Engineering, Printing, Advertising . $ Special Services . $ Right-ot-Way Acquisition. . $ 7. Total Preconstruct ion Incidentals (as ot ) . . $ $ -0- *. 8. Total Estimated Project Cost . $ 42,580 (Items 5 & 7) 9. Funds Previously Authorized . $ -0- 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Complete Project. . . $ 42.580 (Item 8 minus Item 9) * All design work was completed under DP 20008 - Storm Damage, and is therefore not applicable to this project budget. 127 2050-8-78 District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 DATAugust 26, 1985 T Y P Ap}:~Rt)\lEo tlu ITo. AIM OF EASEMENT SUBJEco.UITo.AIM SEWER EASE~NT, JOO 4065, SUBDIVISION 6292, SANDERS RANQi, K>RPGA AREA SUBMIT1..~NBN:tS UtI 11 HALL, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER INITltJJ~!N'EER:i~~rDEPT /CONSTRUCTION DIV. ISSUE: Smith and Wallace Development Canpany, ONner-developer of Subdivision 6292, has requested the 01 strict to qu1tcl aim the sewer easements which lie within Lots 32 through 39 of Subdivision 6292. BACKGRa.JND: The subj ect easements were dedicated to th1 s 01 strict when the subd1v 1 son map was f 11 ed. The al1 gnment of the sewer was subseq uentl y adj usted to conform to District requ1ranents. A new easement has been granted for the revised sewer alignment. The subject easements are no longer needed. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Smith and Wallace Development Canpany, Job 4065, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the 01 strict to execute sa1 d Quitcl aim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION U), P,t1. /J!tf INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JSMc RAB SIT& (qf, f>J) , -+- I " " " I , "--~--tt--~- I ' I -- -- - -- - - + - -- .- --- -- I I f 1/ , QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT JOB 4065 - SUB 6292 SANDERS RANCH - MORAGA AREA l\t BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 9/5/85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE AUGUST 26, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PROJECT 3386, REROOF 1250 SPRINGBROOK ROAD, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE CCEPT CONTRACT WORK NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. MUNAWAR HUSAIN, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT/CONSTRUCTION DIV. ISSUE: Work has been completed on the 1250 Springbrook Road Reroof Project and the contract is now ready for acceptance. BACKGRCllND: The contract included ranoval of existing roofing, heating and air conditioning equipment, and installation of a new 4-ply roofing system covering approximately 7,000 square feet. Equi pment pl atforms and duct openi ngs for future HVAC equipment were also added. Sparks Roofing Company was issued a Notice to Proceed on October 30, 1984. Unfavorable weather delayed the start of work until June, 1985. On August 15, 1985 the Contractor compl eted the contract work. Thi s contract work shoul d now be accepted by the District. REOOMMENDATION: Accept the Contract for constructi on of proj ect 3386, Reroof 1250 Springbrook Road, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jjp. MH Qk: RK flH JSM ltJJ3 Central Contra Costa San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. ENGINEERING 1 9 5 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE AUGUST 30, 1985 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $23,500 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR DESIGN AND MATERIALS PREPURCHASE FOR HEADQUARTERS OFFICE BUILDING MODIFICATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT 20033 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY DAVE REINDL, ASSISTANT ENGINEER INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION ISSUE: Board of Directors approval is required to authorize sewer construction fUndS for design and prepurchase of materials for modifications to the Headquarters Office Building (HOB) to accommodate Planning Division staff. BACKGROUND: The Planning Division was created as a separate unit of the Engineering Department in April 1984. Since inception, the staff assigned to the Planning Division has been located in several different areas on the first and second floors. The decentralized arrangement has proven to be very inefficient because it inhibits staff communication and impairs productivity. Supervisors and thei r employees are located on separate floors, a situation that requi res excessive travel time to give and receive supervision. A simil ar situation exists with the Division secretary and project files. As the Planning Division undertakes future projects and expands existing programs, the problems associated with the decentralized office arrangement are anticipated to become worse. The office space requirements for the Pl anni ng Divi si on have been investigated. Based on the current and near-term future workload, a total area of 2,170 square feet is needed to accommodate the staff equipment and files. Several office space layouts were evaluated on the first and second floors of the HOB. The best office location is in the east half of the first floor of the HOO (Attachment 1). This area is currently unused and is reserved for future offices. After consolidation of the Planning Division staff on the first floor, there will be 1,860 square feet of future office space avail abl e on the second floor and 330 square feet on the first fl oor. Modifications will need to be made to the first floor area to allow use as offices. The accoustical ceiling and lights were previously installed; however, carpeting, interior office walls, and electrical and telephone wires were not. Additional modifications include HVAC ductwork, additional fire sprinklers, a connecting doorway to the Construction Division offices, and the purchase of permanent office partitions to repl ace temporary partitions which are currently being rented for Planning Division staff. The proposed modifications will match the style of the other office areas of the HOB. The preliminary cost estimate of the proposed modifications is $50,000, which includes prepurchased materials, construction, and District staff time for design and construction supervision. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DR CWS JMK DRW INITlJ {f('/DIV' 'rJ~ .:JMt: ()~ POSITION PAPER Page 2 District staff wlll perform preliminary design, final design, and construction management tasks. An outside contractor wlll construct the proposed modifications. Staff proposes to prepurchase certain materials with a long delivery time and modify the HVAC ductwork before award of the construction contract to expedite the project. Staff requests an authorization of $23,500 for design, materials prepurchase, and HVAC modifications (Attachment 2). This authorization request incl udes $5,000 authorized by the General Manager-Chief Engineer to initiate the project. RECO~NDATION: Authorize $23 ,500 from the Sewer Construction Fund for design and materials prepurchase for the HOB modifications. ~ . - cffiil I~ " --- -- llif ~II ~ II, _. ul ~.~- ----, I ...": f J I ! If S i" I I' i! I I i ~ I I , I I~.'" ~'I i II ~ ~ 1\! I C:: - -.- I ______ :J !; I ~~ .lIli..! i 1-'1 .. . i -'I ~ & I I I ~ r....'\ c jrtl. clHh ~~. A5H I ~ ~; I !21 i I = III ~~. ~ I ~ i I 1- II: ~ ~ I- Z w 2 :E: () C ~ C ~ ATTACH~NT 2 AUTHORIZATION REQUEST HEADQUARTERS OFFICE BUILDING MODIFICATIONS Preliminary and Final Design $ 7,260 Materials Prepurchase Hardware Doors Hollow Metal Door & Window Frames Partitions Subtotal - Materials Prepurchase 960 1,500 1,780 11 ,000 $15,240 Preconstruction HVAC Modifications $ 1,000 Total Authorization Request $23 ,500 <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. ENGINEERING POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 30, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $80,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR Et.ERGENCY CREEK BANK AND SEWER RESTORATION AT #12 EVERGREEN DRIVE, ORINDA, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4000 AUTHORIZE FUNDS Division ISSUE: Authorization of District funds is required for the emergency repair and restoration of the creek bank, sewer, and sewer crossing at #12 Evergreen Drive, Orinda, prior to the 1985-86 wet weather season. BACKGROUND: A landsl ide caused by creek erosion during the 1982-83 winter damaged a District sewer main at #12 Evergreen Drive, Orinda, and threatens to damage the property owner's house. As a result, a temporary sewer was installed to maintain sewer service. Additionally, the sewer creek crossing at the same address has been damaged, resulting in sagging and cracking of the sewer pipeline. This pipeline could break in a severe storm and discharge raw sewage into the creek. At the August 22, 1985, Board meeting, an emergency condition was declared to exi st at #12 Evergreen Drive, Orinda. To expedite the needed repai rs, the General Manager-Chief Engineer was authorized to execute an agreement with SAFECO (the property owner's insurance company) and Robert Wootten (the property owner) for renovation work at #12 Evergreen Drive, Orinda. The work consists of repair to the creek bank and sewer crossing, and replacement of the District's temporary sewer line with a permanent sewer line. The total project construction cost, which is presented in Attachment 1 to this position paper, is estimated at $160,000, and includes the construction contract cost, a construction contingency, and construction management and inspection costs. Per the executed agreement with the District, SAFECO will contribute $80,000 to the total cost of the repair project, leaving $80,000 as the District's portion of the repair costs. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to expend up to $80,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the emergency repair and restoration of the creek bank, sewer, and sewer crossi ng at #12 Evergreen Drive, Ori nda, District Project No. 4000. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION J DRW RAB O,&.J f!f4--n /1/ r L) ATTAa-tMENT 1 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE EM:RGENCY CREEK BANK AND SEWER RESTORATION - #12 EVERGREEN DRIVE, ORINDA CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 1. 2. 3. 4. Jobsite Access/Restoration Repair of Slide Replacement of Sewer in Slide Repair Repair of Creek Crossing Contingency (25%) Subtotal Construction Contract CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING 1. District Surveying 2. District Inspection 3. District CM & CA 4. Woodward-Clyde Inspection Subtotal Construction Engineering Total Construction Cost SAFECO Insurance Contribution Total District Contribution* *Does not include design costs, which were funded under DP 20008 - Storm Damage. $ 6,000 80,000 6,000 25,600 $117,600 29,400 $147,000 $147,100 $ 2,200 1,400 1,400 $ 5,000 8,000 $ 13 ,000 $ 13 ,000 $160,000 (80,000) $ 80,000 ((S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. ENGINEERING POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE August 28, 1985 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $25,500 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR RENOVA- TION AND TESTING OF THE EXISTING M-2 FORCE MAIN CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM TEST STATIONS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4015 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY James L. Hill, Associate Engineer ISSUE: Funds are requested for the renovation of the existing M-2 force main corrosion protection system testing stations, and to conduct a testing program which will provide data needed to develop criteria for design of a new corrosion protection system. BACKGROUND: The M-2 force mai n consi sts of approximately 4,000 li near feet of 20-inch steel pipe installed in 1969. It is the only sewer available to handle sewage flows from the Martinez area and therefore, must be kept operational. At the time of construction an impressed current system was installed to protect the line from corrosion. Attachment 1 to the position paper is a map of the M-2 force main. Due to the age of the original corrosion protection system for the M-2 and an upstream force mai n (M-6), there was concern regardi ng the ability of the 01 d corrosion protection system to adequately protect the M-2 and M-6 force mains. As a result of this concern, a corrosion engineer was retained to study the existing corrosion protection system. The study recommended that the old corrosion protection systems be replaced. The M-6 corrosion protection system has been replaced. During the predesign phase for the M-2 force main it was found that several of the electrolysis test stations (ETS's) located in the Industrial Tank (IT) holding basins were inaccessible. This prevented collection of test data needed to develop design criteria, and thus precluded completion of the predesign on the M-2 force main. In October of 1984, Jose Villalobos & Associates was retained to prepare a plan for renovating the ETS System, thereby allowing test data to be collected. The work included preparation of a test station design that would allow all weather access to all ETS's, as well as to evaluate the ETS's to assure that all testing stations were appropriately located along the M-2 force main. The plan was comp 1 eted and recommendati ons for renovati ng the ETS' s were made. The proposed renovation will consist of: 1. Relocation of 5 existing test stations to allow all weather access. 2. Installation of 2 new test stations. 3. Installation of 7 new reference cells for the above mentioned test stations. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. D?tJ 1Jt~ The renovation of the corrosion protection testing system will be performed by the Collection System Operations Department (CSOD) in coordination with the Engineering Division. Once the test station renovation has been completed, a testing program will be conducted to gather data needed to develop design criteria for the new corrosion protection system. The estimated cost both to renovate the ETS's and test the M-2 force main corrosion protection system is $25,500. Once the design criteria are developed, an additional request for funds to design and install the new corrosion protection system will be made. The total cost of the project including the renovation of the ETS System, conducting the testing program, designing the new corrosion protection system and construction of the new corrosion protection system is estimated to be between $85,500 and $115,500. The replacement cost for the M-2 force main is estimated at approximately $450,000. It is therefore cost effective to expend funds now to protect the existing M-2 force main from corrosion, thereby avoiding the potential greater cost and service inconvenience of having to subsequently replace the line due to failure. This work is part of the 5-year Capital Improvement plan. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $25,500 from the Sewer Construction Fund for renovation and testing of the existing M-2 force main corrosion protection system test stations, District Project No. 4015. ItEV'PED ~ND RECOMMENDED 1'0. .O~.D ~CT'ON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. ACME FILL CORP 58.25AC' GOTTSCHALK 5&.25AC LION OIL CO 334.815 AC. o 17'/1 PIPE PROTECTION X2032 I S II X2UIl DRAINAGE ATTACHMENT 1 ELECTROLYSIS TEST STATION GENERAL PLAN - LINE M-2 LEGEND: A" - Existing G - New (!) - Reconstructed SCALE IN FEET i 300 0 300 600 100 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO REVISE THE LIST OF EMPLOYEES AUTHORIZED TO HAVE ACCESS TO THE DISTRICT'S SAFE DEPOSIT BOX DATE August 28, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accountin _____= u or za on to a 0 ette S. Mil er, Accounting Technician, and delete Steven A. Elsberry, Accounting Supervisor, from the list of employees having access to the District's safe deposit box is requested. BACKGROUND: The District maintains a safe deposit box at the Wells Fargo Bank in Pleasant Hill to safeguard developer bonds which are in the form of certificates of deposits. A desi gnated Accounti ng staff member is given responsi bllity to deposit and withdraw such bonds, and to maintain records and receipts which serve as an inventory of the contents of the safe deposit box. Employees currently authorized to have access to the safe deposit box are: Joyce E. McMillan, Secretary of the District Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Steven A. Elsberry, Accounting Supervisor Deborah D. Barone, Accountant Deborah D. Barone is the staff member presently assigned custodial responsibility for the safe deposit box. She was recently promoted to the position of Accountant, and has assumed new responsibilities. It is considered desirable to assign C. Miller the custodial responsibilities, and to have D. Barone provide coverage in C. Miller's absence. A previous request to authorize C. Miller access to the safe deposit box was deferred by the Board of Di rectors to requi re compl eti on of her probati onary period; the Board also expressed a degree of concern regarding expanding the list to five employees. C. M1l1er has achieved permanent status, and the number of employees will be retained at four by deleting the Accounting Supervisor. A resolution to authorize Colette S. Miller access to the District's safe deposit box and to remove Steven A. Elsberry from the list of employees having such access is attached; the resulting list of employees will be as follows: Joyce E. McMillan, Secretary of the District Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Deborah D. Barone, Accountant Colette S. Miller, Accounting Technician RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution to add Colette S. Miller to, and to de 1 ete Steven A. El sberry from, the li st of employees authori zed access to the District's safe deposit box. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ c. -<..I WNF RESOlUTION NO. 85- A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 83-165 AND AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT. FINANCE OFFICER. ACCOUNTANT. AND ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN AS SIGNATORIES AND KEYHOLDERS FOR THE DISTRICT SAFE DEPOSIT BOX BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. a public corporation <hereinafter referred to as Corporation). as follows: THAT. th i s Corporati on has entered into a Rental Agreement _< and renewals thereof) for a Safe Deposit Box in the vaults of Wells Fargo Bank (hereinafter called Bank); and THAT. anyone of the fo 11 ow i ng offi cers and employees of th i s Corporation shall have the right of access to and control of the contents thereof. and to surrender the said Box. releasing Bank from all liability with respect thereto: JOYCE E. McMILLAN. SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT WAL TER N. FUNASAKI. FINANCE OFFICER DEBORAH D. BARONE. ACCOUNTANT COLETTE S. MILLER, ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the certification of the Secretary of this Corporation as to election or appointment of authorized officers or employees shall be binding upon this Corporation, and the authority hereby conferred shall remain in force until written notice of the revocation or modification thereof shall be delivered to an officer of Bank at the office at which said Safe Deposit Box is located. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of September, 1985. by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa. State of California Approved as to Form: Jam~s L. Hazard District Counsel --------------------------'--