HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 10-03-85 <CCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV.1 HEARINGS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ANNEXATION OF THE MONACO PARCEL IN LAKE ORINDA HIGHLANDS AND THE EXTENSION OF THE PUBLIC SEWER TO SERVE SAID PARCEL TYPE OF ACT ION HOLD PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall/Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Construction ISSUE: In accordance with Board policy, it is necessary to hold a public hearing to sol i ci t fran interested parti es thei r concerns re1 ative to the deve10pnent of the Mona co pa rce 1 . BACKGROJND: Mr. Donal d Monaco has requested that the District annex a 0.44 acre parcel he owns on the street known as La Madrona1 in Orinda (see Attachment A). The parcel is currently vacant and Mr. Monaco desires to build one single-family hane on it. A publ ic sewer must be extended in La Madrona1 to prov ide sewer serv ice to the parcel. Because of previous concerns expressed by Lake Orinda High1ands'residents on similar actions, the Board of Directors is holding a public hearing on the proposed project. The proj ect consi sts of the annexati on of the property and the extensi on of approximately 400 feet of a-inch mai n 1 ine sewer (see Attachment B). The proposed sewer will be extended past seven presently unsewered sites. All costs will be borne by the ow ner-devel opere If substantiative environmentally sensitive issues are raised, the Board may continue the hearing and direct staff to review the issues and report to the Board the measures which will be taken to mitigate the potential adverse effects which may result fran the project. If no substantiative environmentally sensitive issues are raised, the Board may approve the annexation and direct staff to proceed with the finding that the project is an exemption category of Class III, New Construction of Small Structures and that neither a negative declaration nor an environmental impact report are required. RECOMMENDATION: Hold a public hearing regarding the annexation of the Monaco parcel in Lake Orinda Highlands and the extension of the public sewer to serve said parcel and take appropriate action as a result of input fran the public. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH J~1c/RSK RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~r (j& UrP GUAIIANTY SERVICE COIIP 4 I. 7 4 5 AC \ \ ) JOHNSON .'.1'AC ..--- "AC EN.IiII..1:II 11'."AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION ~A. ~5.14 L 4 'I Cl , pi ~-- 1"~' L CITY OF DRIHUA 26 ORINDA WAY ORINDA, CA 84583 (415) 254-3900 ~~e~u~~[Q) SEP 16 1985 cccso SECRnAAY Of lHE DISTRICT September 13, 1985 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 ATTN: Joyce E. McMillan Dear Ms. McMillan: The Orinda City Council respectfully asks that the Public Hearing on the matter of the annexation of a 0.44 acre parcel in Lake Orinda Highlands be con- tinued to your next meeting following September 19, 1985, and that this information be provided the Orinda Planning Commission: 1. Distance from parcel to existing sewer. 2. Number of lots which could use extension. 3. Ownership of such lots. 4. Reason why parcel was not previously in- cluded. 5. Evidence that adjacent owners have been notified. 6. Clear copy of district boundary map. Your assistance is much appreciated. T!l:S' - ~.~.~~;:--- RGH:nh ----~_._-'_.-......_-' ...---,-..-------------.--..---..-.--.----..-..-,--.---,._,.,._------_.._-------_.._--_.~.....-._...--~._-----------_._~---_..._--_._,._-~....._--'-_.-----_._"-_.,~..'".._-,-~---"._---- PHILIP GALLAGHER 201 E1 Toyona1 Orinda, Ca 9~563 August 27, 1985 Mr. Bill Gregory Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca 9~553 Dear Mr. Gregory: I appreciate your explaining to me the purpese and signi- ficance of the Sept 19, 1985 hearing re annexation of a par- ce1 of land in Orinda, owned by Mr. Donald Monaco and front- ing on La Madrona1, all as indicated on the map you enclosed. I will be out of town on Sept 19th, and would ap9reciate your reading into the minutes of the hearing that I favor such annexation. V?;l~ y~ r~J' ill U8 ill [ W m-{~r \ ,I \ ! L "U"q() ~Q8~ AuI.JJ\,.J..J cr:~"';"f1;,L CONTRA CO~Tt\ SANliARY D!~nn!.c, ~")N~.TnUC'T10i'l OI\,;ISION ...~~~:t . ~. 31 1~'8S Re- ~ pnrp,,~q~~ 1)QAlt. \.1\-. t-1. ( Loy, _Po R. ~5 - \ 1- :]: &."-l\LL b~ cJ~.4-IoL...e. i. A11 eN tl ~ ~i. \") h.Q.~~'~{! <0\:-1 t-\h MONA-to S' At-/\\J E=-?'A7(~}'J, \=)Le.A S G 'PuT t-'\ S. 0 N The l-'e '-C~ d A '5 bE-1Na IN ~A\JOR of. The. s6'-".J41t. ...- p.....c:re-c:-r. -r~AN~ Y~o.l ~~ -S J-A M~ v-~"\.....4 '-- .. 0... ~ ~ Pt--. ,e4-.. . po' &, /76r Oft-fAIt/A- J dA- 9t1S~3 ~u sr '1. '1/ 19trS . BOA-1l-/ o{l ])/redfo/s C.e.4T~1 (lo,v;r.,. (!ostA- S-bv:f7H..)I /)/wr/,t-. 50 I Cj r /IA ht'rfl p/,<f-P'e /fA,+/t. t /A/~ Z. I (! A- //1414 /V/~ '9',-, ~~ 3 ~, . /l..S : Iv..y-e.. r'(! .f'-c,reNt'.. 7-0 "'^y ~-eflt 't!sr Fo;c. A'tV"-J'p,tJ'V of- j1A-/'l.(I-el ?.'r-o~6-1()./ A-N" yt:> ;tv j7u.j,),-e A....eIt-fL.'.1V1 eOJVa.er,v/~ 't"h,',S A-~A/~k'-f-I-"tJ;v C r )-ef7'f"'~b.e, 1'/ 19 r~ .& F,"/Vd' t-k~ M.y S"O-/-e/u.le A-S A- f'A-/V /lWl J3/t..()r f4,ill If/pr ,;..lld~ ~-e ro 6~ r'r-.e S.,,.,;t- /1-"" ..,-tv /.. >e,;Hl.j /V'l. 1= r"'9 u '-S'- ",,"~f S'''''D~/I ~r~ ~ ~;.' /V-P;1/1-I.'v-e r-e S,Po#~ -r l"'eJ~ ~ pu.6I/~ 0 ~ e; u ~$r/ t'A/ $ f rp yV. fi...R. -.l}JA-/lJ./ rtu ;3CM41.J p lot,l.. ~~ tI -e / # r Its J -e{!, S,' ON tA-rwf/ l.. A- f!-I.(..fu..yt! /k -e$/ A/f IV (. .. eJ...]: /A..I 0 <(. / , J;~ J4. h /., 7- 0 /1- /I' .., ~L ~ F"ll' ( ,)' to $'"'U e4 'f u. ~ $'''' / t:1~ s. 5"/4/(1-en e/)" / ~~~ j) () J1/",.. I' /?, M tJ A/ /l-ttd R!C!DY(EUd) AUG 2 '( 1985 cccso SECRETARy OF THE OlSTR/Ct 41 . ' tt!e,,"~;;6 ~~ cJ/' '1M. 7I!~j7 ,:~ ~ ' ;.i ~, C74. ~d ~ dd~. ~-.tt>e~' ttdt ~ ~~~,t6u,~"~ _ ' ~:Cf~ Oct8~ ~tL_-~4IfV. Is II; ~~ tI~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 (415) 689.3890 September 24, 1985 ROGER J. DOlAN General Manager Chief Engineer JAMES L HAZARD CounMI for the District (415) 938-1430 JOYCE E. McMIlLAN Secretary of the District Honorable Richard G. Heggie Mayor of the City of Orinda 26 Orinda Way Orinda, CA 94563 Dear Mayor Heggie: MONACO PARCEL ANNEXATION (AP No. 265-060-010) At their regular meeting of September 19, 1985, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District conducted a public hearing to consider annexation of the Monaco parcel in Lake Orinda Highlands and the extension of the public sewer to serve said parcel. There were no appearances either in favor of or in opposition to the requested annexation. However, receipt of the following correspondence was acknowledged: letter from Mr. Donald R. Monaco advising that he would be unable to attend the public hearing and requesting an opportunity to respond to public or Board questions or comments should any arise; letters from Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Campton, Mr. Richard Strong, and Mr. Philip Gallagher all expressing support of the requested annexation; and letter from Mayor Richard G. Heggie of the City of Orinda requesting additional information and continuance of the matter to the next District Board meeting. The information requested was delivered on September 19, 1985. As requested by the Orinda City Council, the Board of Directors continued this matter to October 3, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience so that staff can respond prior to the October 3 Board Meeting. Sincerely, 81~~~~~~ Secretary of the District cc: Board of Directors R. Dolan bcc: R. Baker J. McCoy W. Gregory Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V.1 BIDS AND AWARDS 10 3 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE r Se tember 23, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE JltIARD OF CONlRACT TO MCGUIRE & HESTER FOR lHE ClEANING OF AlUM SLUOOE BASINS I AND III AND AUlHCRIZE ION FUNDS AUlHCRIZE flW ARD ISSUE: On September 20, 1985, seal ed bi ds for c1 eani ng of A1 um Sl udge Basi ns I and III which are located at the District's Water Pollution Control Plant, were opened. The Board of Di rectors must award a contract or rej ect proposal s w ithi n 30 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: The Central Contra Costa Sani tary Di stri ct conti nues to treat a1 um sludge generated by the Contra Costa Water District through the use of settling/drying basins on the Water Pollution Control Plant site pending the resolution of the alum sludge issue. At present A1t.U11 Sludge Basins I and III are full, dri ed, and req ui re c1 eani ng. Allm Sl udge Basi n I was 1 ast c1 eaned in 1983. Thi s is the fi rst year Basi n III, a pol ish i ng basi n, will be c1 eaned. Approximately 6,300 cubic yards of dried alum sludge will be hauled off-site. The off-site dump location will be Acme Fill Corporation. This year's sludge removal cost at $11.70/cubic yard is 50 percent higher than last year's cost of $7.64 per cubic yard to remove material fran Basin II, however, removal costs are in 1 ine with the recently bid Basin "c" contract costs. The engineer's estimate was $50,000 and was based on the 1984 removal costs. A Capital Project Account will be established for this work to track expenditures for the purpose of recovering these costs fran Contra Costa Water District. This project was advertised on September 10 and 15, 1985, inviting contractors to review the project and submit sealed bids within 15 days. Two bids were received, the low bid at $73,710 and the high bid at $79,380. The lowest responsible bidder is McGuire & Hester. REOOr+1ENDATION: Authorize award of the contract for the cleaning of Alum Sludge Basins I and III to McGuire & Hester, and authorize $80,000 in Sewer Construction Funds for thi 5 proj ect. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CWB Maintenance Labor Contractor Construction C1 eri ca1 PREOONSlRUCTION OOST ESTIMATE $ 2,000 73,710 2,290 2,000 $ 80,000 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V.2 BIDS AND AWARDS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 23, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT REJECT BIDS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4060, STORM DAMAGE REPAIRS - RAINTREE PLACE, LAFAYETTE REJ ECT BIDS SUBMITTED BY James L. Hill, Associate En ineer ISSUE: Sealed bids for District Project No. 4060 were received and opened on August 22, 1985. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: Heavy rains during the winter storms of 1982-83 damaged the District's 8-inch sewer crossing at Las Trampas Creek behind #926 Raintree Place, Lafayette. It is necessary to replace the sewer line and creek crossing to prevent future damage. Attachment 1 to this position paper is a plot plan of the project. The project consists of reconstructing 75 1 ineal feet of 8-inch pipe crossing Reliez Creek in the vicinity of Raintree Place and replacing another 126 feet of 8-inch sewer pipeline and appurtenances, using a new alignment, to provide future protection and ease of maintenance for the facilities. The bid tabulation is included as Attachment 2 to this position paper. After bids were received a dispute arose between the low and second low bidders regarding alleged deficiencies in the low bidder's proposal. District staff and legal counsel subsequently investigated the allegations and carefully evaluated the bids. It was determined that the low bidder's proposal did meet legal and District requirements. However, the staff investigation did reveal that the low bidder's bid preparation was unorthodox in that the low bid contractor submitted a bid without adequate evaluation of cost and subcontractor requirements. This fact cast serious doubts on the low bidder's adequacy to successfully perform the work. Staff believes that the second low bid is unreasonably high, probably due to lack of competitiveness in the fall construction season. The delay caused by the bid dispute has shifted the contract completion time for the work into the rainy season. Since this project consists of earthwork on a creek bank, it would be difficult to complete the work if there is significant rainfall in October and November. There would be a possibility of a contractor requested change order for changed site conditions. Staff has evaluated the condition of the sewer facilities at Raintree Place and believes that they will be able to weather this year's rainy season. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JH JVA; OW H[:. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. --___.._.~.._"____.__",..--_____._.__~_~__.".__.____.,_,.,_......~.._...._,_ .._,____._.__,_,.",.__,__"._~.._____._'"__._.,_._____.~._~_.m.._'__~..____.._.,_.____....,_..'_..__".,.._.,.__.__~__,_'....___"._._.....__.".",._._..~_...__...__" '________"~.__.,,."__~...._ _.~.__.______ After a review of all the facts, staff bel ieves .that the best interests of the public would be served by rejecting all bids and rebidding this project next spring. RECOMMENDATION: Reject all bids received on August 22, 1985 for District Project No. 4060, Raintree Place, Lafayette, and rebid the project in the spring of 1986. ..v,rw<<O AND I<<COMUNO<<O POI .OAIO ACTION INITIATING DE"JDlV. GEN. MG"./CHIE" ENG. I I~ I", ~ ~ ~ ""'i ~ - t'" r- ~ ~ ~ ATTACHMENT I DP 4060 - RAINTREE PlACE, IAFA y~ I IE PROJECT PLOT PLAN SUB 50/6 \ ~ /8 - / ~IJIJecr TO t){~ 'sTA..3+75% illJEA 20 19 JACKSOtJ M2 _ - STI/. ~ tl575 ~ 14- C ~ -'" C t 5 _. D- e.TTBCHMENT 2 entra. ,ontra OS a anl,'- 'ry Istrlct SUMMARY DF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4060 Storm Damage Repairs DATE August 22 t 1 qA5 ENGR. EST. $ 27 t300.00 LOCATION Raintree Place, Lafayette a: ~ BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRICE Richard Sawdon ( 415) 820-2746 .$ 1 P.O. Box 350t Diablot CA . 94528 33.550.00 , Roto-Rooter (415 ) 939-3100 $ 2 47t395.00 195 Mason Circlet Concordt CA .' 94520 MGM Construction Co. ( 415) 685-8812 $ 3 1785 Arnold Industrial Hwy . , Concordt CA 94520 76t430.00 ( ) $ I-- ( ) $ ~ ( ) $ ~ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ,. ( $ '. ) ; ( ) $ ( ) $ PREPARED BY James E Hill DATE AlIg ?2. 1925 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 2503-9/84 Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI.3 CONSENT CALENDA 10/3/85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 27, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE PGREE~NT RRATING TO REJIL PROPERTY WITH PETER B. BEDFORD, et ux, JCB 3949 - PARCEL 1, IN THE CITY OF tAFAYEm APPROV E REPl PROPERTY AGREE~NT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. DENNIS HJltL ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPT/CONSTRUCTION DIV ISSUE: The property owners have requested permissi on to mai ntai n in pl ace an above ground concrete wal kway, a concrete pad, and steel stai rway which were constructed within a District sewer easement as shown on the attached map. BACKGROUND: The property owners have cooperated with the District by modifing their building plans to minimize conflicts in the easement area. The 8-inch sewer pipe which was installed as a part of the new office building is ductile iron, thus limiting potential future maintenance problems. Staff has determi ned that the encroach i ng improvements w 11 1 not interfere with the present use of the District's sewer. However, if the need should arise, the agreement requi res the property owner to relocate the sewer at the property owner's expense. The agreement also provides for the property owner being responsible to pay the additional maintenance costs which may be incurred by the District fran the improvements being located on the District's easement. RECXl MMEN OAT ION : Approve the Agreement Rel ati ng to Real Property with Peter B. Bedford, et ux, Job 3949, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATIN;I;?DIV. DH M5 RAB :1 I I I NeW OF-FIC/!' B/./ILO ING I I I .~ \ENCI?IJACHMENi V Ae,oVE. Gtf(ADE: i!: PAAl<.. t N G # 3hB, M+. t>i4blo B\vtL. Real Propert Agreement JOB 3949 Lafayette Area ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.VI.4 CONSENT CALENDAR 10 3 5 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT QUITQAIM SEWER EASEt-ENT, JCB 1553, PARCEL NO. 21, LAFAYETTE MEA APPROV E QUITQ AIM OF SEWER EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Bedford, CftIners of property at 3687 Mt. Di abl 0 Bl vd. , Lafayette, have requested the District to quitcl aim the subject easement which lies within their property (see attached map). BACKGROUND: The public sewer main which was located within the subject easement has been relocated within the Bedford's property to be clear of the new office building. A repl acement easement has been granted to this District along the new alignment. The property CftIners have paid the District's quitclaim processing fee. RE(x)Mt-ENDATION: ApprOle quitcl aim of easement, Job 1553, Parcel 21, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JMc )frY; RAB CHIEF ENG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~y RJD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \J ~ ~ ~ ,1117@fKiiilf!!J2iirr@fdW;@Ji.1Jlliliilli I QI/ITCLA 1M I I I I I I f>LOG . A&OVE Gr~pe PAAl<.l p.J G co f'JC , WAI-KWA.Y Quitclaim Easement Job 1553 - Parcel 21 Lafayette Area ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VI.5 CONSENT CALENDA POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Se tember 24, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION QUITO-AIM SEWER EASEMENT, JCB 4019, WJIl NUT mEEK AREA APPROVE QUITO-AIM OF EASEMENT DENNIS HJIlL/ASSOCIATE ENGINEER SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Derr Construction Canpany, OtIner-developer of Subdivision 6415 in Walnut Creek, has requested the District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGRClIND: The subject easement was dedicated to this District on the map of Subdivision 6415. Subsequently, the route of the proposed sewer was changed and new easements have been granted to the Di strict over the rev ised alignment. Staff has determined that the subject easement is not needed for present or future District use. The OtIner-developer has paid the District's processing fee. RECOMMENDATION: Approve quitclaim of easement, Job 4019, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH f!t~ INITIATIN4(./DIV. JSM RAB RJD l't ~ 74'. ~ /~- , ~ - , " .. 0 ~ - ~ J.:: 2 N ~ =t 0 &&I . ~ ,... It) - It) :R - A ~ . . If') If') - U) (I). - ~._- . l1>:. ~b~~ N STRONG MONILLAS Quitclaim Easement Job 4019 - Sub 6415 Walnut Creek Area <(<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VI.6 CONSENT CALENDAR 10/3/85 I VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN POSITION PAPER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION DATE SEPTEMBER 24, 1985 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 85-19 (ALAMO) AND P.A. 85-20 (MARTINEZ) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Parcel No. P .A. 85-19' P.A. 85-20 ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Area Alamo Owner Address Parcel No. & AcreaQe Sylvia Bulin 1472 - 17th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122 196-030-07 (2.46 acres) Remarks Presently vacant parcel is being spl it into two building sites. "Negative Declarationll by Contra Costa County. Lead Aqency Contra Costa County Central Contra Costa San ita ry District RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 85-19 and P.A. 85-20 to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JY DH Martinez Shell Oil Company P.O. Box 711 Martinez, CA 94553 374-031-12 (2.9 acres 374-041-11 tota 1 ) Modifications are being made to Shell's Employee Club House. District staff determined that the Club House property must annex to the District to continue sewer service. Shell Oil paid additional fixture fees and back EQC charges. Distric1 to prepare IINotice of Exemption.1I REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION pt '0AP f / IV) "^ - - >>~~~. I JMc RAB RJD "~~I --r-- .3 "' ~ II ':' '. "," ,,~~;" T ~~~',~ \~~ :~ '12 " _ ,,': i; i ;,. ~ '; p...\ Vt1 71>' ~'l .1 ("J.~ s.!oIl ro r... ....J.>.> \.- ~AC .JI.:\ J ~ ~ I."'" 10'C o '\\ ----..l -:-"!i l~ H" I I fOAC ...-U,~ :.,. ~ri!--~;:~" ~. a -~. D : .. · I "''1T({ ~.. ~ ( "it#- 74 ~ '.l1- -;....~ ~ ~ I S'UI , .. ,- 4725 . I '" Z ~~e) . t .\ 71 '---1 "~t--- " S B 1'2\ · n LIIl IN ..l~ %. " - 'P46- ~ ~ rl ~ 'lil " II '-' ~""'.""~ Ilj' .... -. · -13 7 . I . L...J.. >,n '-. """D"'" ~ 12 \,"jlZ"l' ./60 /~ ~ "/101 \1'').'' '4 1"0,0. I... ,l!( ~~ -:b!. 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Ol <D 10 ~ ~ ~r:IAleIGY > q l\t SHELL OIL CO. /" AN,e;r COUNTy ((<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VI.7 CONSENT CALENDA 10 3 5 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 27, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING COUNTY SHERIFF-CORONER'S OFFICE TO ACT ON RADIO LICENSE APPLICATIONS ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY CHARLES BATTS, MANAGER INITIATING DEPT./DIV. PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT ISSUE: Authorization is requested to allow Division Commander, Office of County Sheriff-Coroner to act on behalf of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on matters relating to radio station license applications. BACKGROUND: The District has radio licenses for communication equipment issued by the Federal Communications Commission in the name of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. This equipment is maintained by contract by the Communications Division, Sheriff-Coroner Office, Contra Costa County. As part of this service they will process license applications and renewals, frequency coordination, and compatibility requests. The Communications Division of the Sheriff-Coroner's Office handles such work on a daily basis for many agencies and is well versed in Federal Communications Commission regulations and documents; also compatibility requests require special test equipment and coordination with other agencies. The Federal Communications Commission requires that signatures on all license applications and renewals must be by an elected official, or a person specifically appointed by name by the governing board. Adoption of an appropriate Board Reso- lution designating Captain John C. Hart, Communications Director, Office of the County Sheriff-Coroner, for this purpose is requested. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution authorizing the County Sheriff- Coroner's Office to act on behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on matters relating to radio station license applications. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION \//..,. CB JAL RJD RESOLUTION NO. 85- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DIVISION COMMANDER, OFFICE OF COUNTY SHERIFF- CORONER TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ON MATTERS RELATING TO RADIO STATION LICENSE APPLICATIONS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a public corporation (hereinafter referred to as Corpora- tion), as follows: THAT, this Corporation appoints Captain John C. Hart, Communications Director, Office of the County Sheriff-Coroner, as its appointed representative authorized to sign applications and otherwise act on behalf of the Corporation in matters of radio station license applications and related federal communi- cations matters, effective October 3, 1985; and THAT, the Federal Communications Commission is requested to refrain from acting on the basis of submittals signed by persons other than Captain John C. Hart and/or the President of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Board of Directors. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of October, 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Hazard District Counsel Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI1.1 ADMINISTRATION POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 25, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOP- AUTHORIZE CONTRACT MENT SERVICES AND HARDWARE PERIPHERALS FOR $94,500 FROM EXECUTION AND FUNDS THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance & Accountin ISSUE: Three software applicati ons, which were deferred until compl etion of the initial complement of Financial Management Information System (FMIS) software applications, are now proposed for development. BACKGROUM>: The following software applications have been completed under the Alexander Grant/MMI contract, and made operational on the District's FMIS: General Ledger; Grant Accounting; Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable; Capital Project Cost Accounting; Fixed Assets; Payroll/Personnel; Labor Distribution; Purchase Orders; Job Work Orders; Parts and Material Inventory; and Rolling Equipment Maintenance. The acquisition of these software applications, and the ADDS Mentor computer and peripheral hardware equipment, was accomplished within the budgeted cost of $233,000. During the initial requirements definition phase of the FMIS project described above, the District's FMIS Committee identified three additional software applications as bei ng requi red by District users. However, software fi rms which submitted proposals for the twelve more conventional applications excluded these applications because of their specialized nature. As a consequence, the three applications were deferred for implementation until after completion of the base FMIS project. These applications, and a fourth application which has been newly identified, are described in Attachment I, and are listed below: Sewer Service Charge Calculation System Plant Preventive Maintenance System Sewer Maintenance Management System Permit Operations System To initiate implementation of the four new applications, the Board of Directors, on December 20, 1984, authorized execution of a contract for data processing consulting services to determine system requirements, prepare the Request for Proposal for software development, and assist in contract negotiations with the selected vendor, for an amount not to exceed $15,000. A contract with Appl ied Business Systems, Inc. was executed. Appl ied Business Systems, Inc. developed systems specifications for each of the four applications for inclusion in the Request for Proposal, based on interviews with user personnel. A Request for Proposal was distributed to an initial list of INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~~. WNF v.(.... JL PM eleven software firms. Due to the unique and specialized nature of the applications, the response level was inadequate; the FMIS Committee then expanded the distribution on a nationwide basis to twenty-eight software firms. Sufficient proposal responses were received and were evaluated by the FMIS Committee. After a lengthy review process, which included interviews of customer references, the fi rms of MMI Management Systems and General Phys i cs Corporati on were selected by the FMIS Committee. During this period, the Collection System Operations Department (CSO). embarked on a parallel course to review existing microcomputer applications for the Sewer Maintenance Management System which would operate on CSO's recently-acquired microcomputer hardware. In a comparative review with the proposals received for this appl ication on the District's FMIS, it was CSO's and the FMIS Committee's conclusion that the specialized requirements for this application made acquisition of a microcomputer software application designed for sewer maintenance management preferable from the standpoint of lower software development and incremental hardware costs. A future request for funds for the microcomputer application w1"ll be submitted by CSO. The software firms selected by the FMIS Committee and the fixed fee proposed for each of the three software applications to be installed on the District's FMIS, and related peripheral hardware, are summarized in Attachment II. RECOMMEtI>ATION: Authorize the Deputy General Manager to execute contracts for software development services with MMI Management Systems and General Physics Corporation, and authorize acquisition of related peripheral hardware, for a cost of $94,500 to be drawn from the Sewer Construction Fund. ..vr...O MID UCOMMaNO.O po. 80A.0 ACTION INITIATINO DII"JDIV. ellN. 11I0"./(;"111" IINO. Attachment I CENTRAl CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS PROPOSED FOR DEVELOPMENT Sewer Service Charge Calculation System This application will produce annual business/commercial customer sewer service charges based upon system derived estimated sewage di scharge volumes, provide data base record management, and flexible report writer features for modeling and management queries. Plant Preventive Maintenance System This system would provide a data base for all plant machinery and equipment, schedule maintenance to be in balance with available resources, and provide clerical time saving functions such as automatically pri nti ng turn-around work orders. The system shoul d be flexible in a user's ability to change scheduling criteria and provide easy record lookup. Sewer Maintenance Management System This application will be implemented by the Collection System Operations Department as a separate project in a future funding request. Permit Operations System The application for the Permit Section will provide multifunctional capabilities. It includes components of a cashiering or point of sale system, data base record management, extensive 1 ist report generation, and work permit/project tracking features. In addition, the system will administer the District's rebate program. Attachment II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SOFTWARE DEVElOAENT "AND PERIPHERAl HARDWARE COST SUMMARY Application Permit System Operations Sewer Service Charge Calcu- lation Plant Preventive Maintenance Software Firm Cost MMI Management Systems $17,000 MMI Management Systems 15,500 General Physics Corporation 31,690 Total Software Development Cost 64,190 Additional hardware peri pheral s requi red to accomodate these applications: 150 megabyte disk drive (less trade- in of 60 megabyte disk drive); 3 video display terminals; 2 line printers; miscellaneous equipment and cabling. Total Authorization Requested 30,310 $94,500 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. 2 ADMINISTRATION 10 3 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 30, 1985 CONSIDER A SECOND REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL FROM THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for emergency withdrawal of funds from the Deferred Compensation Plan. BACKGROUND: At the August 1, 1985 Board Meeti ng, the Board authorized the emergency withdrawal of $3,900 from the Deferred Compensation Plan at the request of Doyle M. Hill, Instrument Technician, because of extreme financial hardship caused by incapacity following a personal injury. The amount was subsequently withdrawn and was used to pay for personal medically-rel ated expenses due to Mr. Hill's hospitalization. During Mr. Hill's recuperation, it was determined that an operation and second hospitalization was necessary. A second request for emergency withdrawal is being made for $4,533 to cover personal out-of-pocket expenses directly resulting from this situation, which are not covered by the District's medical insurance. The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee has considered this second request and concluded that it meets the requirements for emergency withdrawal. RECOIENDATION: The Deferred Compensat10n Pl an Advi sory Committee recommends approval of Doyle M. Hill's second request for emergency withdrawal of $4,533 from the Deferred Compensation Plan. REVIEWED AND ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. # 0ptA,.,~ . ~F ~ RJD PM JH ((sD Central BOARD OF DIRECTORS District NO. VIII.! ENGINEERING 10 3 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE September 27,1985 SUBJECT SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF OCTOBER 17, 1985, TO CONSIDER TYPE OF ACTION ADOPTION OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY RAILROAD'S RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION SET PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY Jacqueline L. Zayac, Planning/Grants Tech. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Planning Division ISSUE: A public hearing must be conducted prior to adopting the Negative Dec1 arat10n for the proposed Southern Pacific Transportation Company Rail road's Right-of-Way Acquisition, hereinafter called "SPTCRR Right-of-Way." BACKGROUND: The County is currently negot1 at1 ng with the Southern Pacific Transportation Company to purchase the SPTCRR Right-of-Way. With other entities interested in acquiring rights in the SPTCRR Right-of-Way such as East Bay Municipal Utility District and livermore-Amador Valley Water Management Agency, the District must act immediately to be able to purchase land rights to preserve the right-of-way for a poss1b1 e future sewer l1ne. An Env1 ronmenta1 Impact Report (EIR) w111 be prepared dur1 ng the next several months which will address alternative alignments for a new sewer from the south end of the Walnut Creek bypass pipeline to Ensenada Drive, San Ramon. The EIR is scheduled to be completed by the summer of 1986. Since the District cannot be certain that the SPTCRR Right-of-Way will still be available when the EIR is comp1 eted, an In1t1 a1 Study and Negative Dec1 arat1 on have been prepared for acquisition of the SPTCRR Right-of-Way now; however, no project is proposed at this time. If the Negative Declaration is approved, the District plans to acquire rights in approximately 15 mil es of abandoned SPTCRR Right-of-Way runn1 ng north to south from Monument Boulevard, Pleasant Hill, to Ensenada Drive, San Ramon (see Attachment 1). The area from Rudgear Road, Walnut Creek, to Ensenada Drive, San Ramon, may ultimately serve as an alignment for a new District sewer line to provide expanded service in and from the Danv111e-San Ramon Valley area. The Walnut Creek bypass project which w111 be installed between Ygnac10 Valley Road and Rudgear Road cou1 d serve to connect a new line from San Ramon with an existing or parallel trunk sewer line between Ygnacio Valley Road and Monument Bou1 evard. RECOt4ENDATION: Set a public hearing date of October 17, 1985, to consider adoption of the Negative Dec1 arat10n for the Southern Pacific Transportation Company Railroad's Right-of-Way Acquisition. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB H1:.G. JLZ J M I<.. JMK WtE> ATTACHMENT I -~,.,-"",,::,: l~Y ."- 14 us -NAVAL '1;..oC'~ "AGAZ/NE .~ - ~ ~ v ~,,,,~ I~.'!;.. ~~' ~' Clayton EL IU! MT 1101'. L. 0' ~' -, @i i1 0. "'. 0J". Ei "!IlP M!TCHE:L ROC" .._~L....~__ ~ z o -;"".r - -6 EAGi.E PEAK. .4~ f.. 136;' H -^' ~~ STATE ~ MOUNT GAME ~EFUGf 3-F o PARK I, I .' "v" 15 \ li. .~;- 6AS.l~ Pft." L. I I I LAS TRAMPAS I 17,~~:~~~~.~~~~~ t I I I _CD.':ypU ; AlAMEDA-/'_ ~, ~~ " ~ " -::~ '..'t.f:<,- ': ~~ _ _ f .:; [ -11 C/.,',"::;". ~ 6 ~~ .. \. " ".." ,wIEDEYA~^, , "l.' ~ ~ "':'~:";~.'M'.C ...... ~. --...a..._ ~' LEGEND: - - - - -1. Monument Blvd. to Ygnacio Valley Rd. 11111111111112. Ygnacio Valley Rd. to Rudger Rd. ;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:; 3. Rudger Rd. to Ensenada Dr. i' ff 3 : ~. ---,' RC",,--_ " B~ /.:. 11:' c' 0' o +~~- <, .- ,.- L. ""\:, ~ L. B..,t,CI<: L. :':'f:' ,,- T" ~::'.c ~ ~ ~ 5 :: t....~ P..IlO.' . Cent! Contra Costa Sanita.. District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 3, 1985 PAGE 1 OF 4 NOVIII.2 ENGINEERING 1 DATE SUBJECT AUlHORIZE lHE GM-CE TO EXECUTE A $14,000 AGREEt-ENT WITH HARRIS & ASSOCIATES AND AUlHORIZE $32,200 FROM lHE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PREDESIGN OF A COMBINATION FACILITY BUILDING, DP 20027 AND 20028 TYPE OF ACTION AUlHORIZE AGREEt-ENT AUlHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Ass Division ISSUE: Board approval is requi red for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Harri s & Associ ates and to authorize $32,200 for predesign of a combined mechanical maintenance facility and a materials control facil ity. BACKGROUND: The exi sti ng mechani cal mai ntenance facil ity was constructed duri ng the 1957 Treatment Pl ant expansi on. Si nce then, the Treatment Pl ant facil ity has expanded from an 11 million gallon per day (MGD) primary treatment process to a 35 M3D secondary treatment process with sludge incineration. Expansion to 45 M3D is currentl y underway. Additi onal worki ng space for mai ntenance activiti es is now required to support and maintain the greatly expanded and more complicated treatment facilities. The existing materials control building was originally a contractor's temporary office/welding bay. In 1976 the District purchased the building and its contents for $5,000. The facil ity lacks adequate storage space thereby necessitating storage of equipment and parts in widely scattered areas throughout the Plant. Such a situation makes inventory control and security difficult and increases storage and retrieval time. In addition, the existing space, which houses $500,000 worth of inventory, has no insulation, sprinkling system, ventilation, seismic strengthening to support the loft, or restroom facilities. A preliminary feasibility study has been completed for the mechanical maintenance facility and the materials control facility. The study found that combining the two functi ons into one buil di ng was the most cost-effective approach. Such an approach consists of combining the two into a single building as separate units but with common restroom, office, and lunch room space. The new building would be located between the existing solids conditioning building and the existing materials control building as presented in Attachment 2. This site was selected since efficient maintenance depends on strategic access to parts and equipment and since the greatest amount of mechanical maintenance activity occurs near the proposed location. Staff recommends that a two-phase approach be taken on the project. Phase I will be a predesign consisting of the development of a plan and elevation of the REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 CC DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. (!, (!U76'x) tJ RtJ 1M5 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE lHE GM-CE TO EXECUTE A $14,000 ~REEt.ENT WITH HARRIS & ASSOCIATES AND AUTHORIZE $32,200 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR PREDESIGN OF A COMBINATION FACILITY BUILDING, DP 20027 AND 20028 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE 4 Seotember 5, 1985 combined facil ities with the most efficient layout of the functions required for mechanical maintenance and materials control, including a preliminary cost estimate. The design intent is to construct a low cost prefabricated metal building with a 15-ton bridge crane for mechanical maintenance, industrial grade shelving for materials control, and other specialized equipment and furnishings. Phase II will involve the final design and construction of the facilities. Harris & Associates (H&A) has been selected to complete the Phase I predesign. H&A was selected because of their performance on the feasibility study, and their background and fami 1 i arity with the mai ntenance and materi al s control requi rements. The estimated cost to compl ete the Phase I predesign study is presented in Attachment 1. Additi onal funds w ill be requested at the time Phase II is initi ated. At the present time onl y a very rough estimate can be made for completion of Phase II, the final design and construction. That estimate is $900,000 for the proposed 13,000 sq. ft. building or roughly $70/sq. ft. This estimate includes sitework, building shell, insulation, HVAC, fire sprinklers, crane, shelving, safety ventilation, restroom fixtures, construction contingencies, design, construction management, and force account. The request for Phase I includes two previous $5,000 authorizations by the General Manager-Chief Engineer to initiate the preliminary feasibility study for each facility. The work with H&A will be performed on a cost-reimbursement basis, with a contract cost ceiling. This project is included in the 5-Year Capital Improvement Pl an. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Harris & Associates and authorize $32,200 from the Sewer Construction Fund for predesign of a combination facility building "--------- 13028-9/85 ATTAQ-It-ENT 1 Page 3 Of 4 MEQ-IANICAL MAINTENANCE AND MATERIALS CONTROL BUILDING ESTIMATED COST FOR PREDESIGN Harris & Associates District Forces Project Management Design Review $5,400 800 Subtotal Contingency (10%) Total Estimated Predesign Cost Previous GM-CE Authorization For Preliminary Feasibility Studies Total Funds Requested $14,000 6,200 $20,200 2,000 $22,200 $10,000 $32,200 '- RAILROAD TD.(\CKS : - ~" ... " CENT. \ " (rHICKE' )l "'-.-- . ( ~ ~-_......." iGE! SLUDGE ' ROIl HICKEJ)~ ~X\ ~j I '----,- I ~-- _ET _DG HYDRO- NEUMATIC TANKS I :OPANE .ORAGE .NKS SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING / / INFLUENT DIVERSION STRUCTURE IEMICAL FEED BLDG. " o o Q) LIJ A ACHMENT 12 PLaT PLAN PROPOSED aMBINATICN FA BUILDINO . Centl Contra Costa Sanita, _ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. VIII.3 ENGINEERING SUBJECT AUlHORIZE lHE GM-CE TO EXEaJTE AN AGREE~NT WITH VILLALOOOS & ASSOCIATES AND JlVl1-IORIZE $80,000 FROM l1-IE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR A-IASE I DESIGN OF CORROSION PROTECTION FOR lHE WASTEWATER TREATM2NT PLANT, DP 20029 DATE Au ust 28, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION AUl1-IORIZE JIl]REE~NT AUl1-IORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Cheryl Creson, Associate En ineer En Division ISSUE: Board approval is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Villalobos & Associates and to authorize $80,000 fran the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the Phase I desi gn of a corrosi on protecti on system for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. BACKGROUND: Buried piping at both the Treatment Plant and Filter Plant sites is in corrosive soil. The original design engineers were aware of the corrosive soil conditions and provided for a corrosion protection system. The system was install ed duri ng the Stage SA construction; however, post-construction testi ng indicated significant design and construction deficiencies. As a result of the deficiencies, none of the buried piping at the two sites has a working corrosion protection system, with the exception of the fuel gas piping. Recognizing the importance of providing adequate corrosion protection, the District included a scope of work for correction of the corrosion protection system deficiencies as part of the Stage SA Canpletion Project. Metcalf & Eddy Consulting Engineers were selected as the design engineer for the Stage SA Completion Project. Villalobos & Associates was included in the Metcalf & Eddy team to perform the corrosion protection evaluation and design. During the Stage SA Completion Project, Villalobos & Associates evaluated several alternatives in order to determine the most cost effective approach for correcting the corrosion protection system deficiencies. The recommended approach consisted of a two-phased program. Phase I consisted of design and construction of electrolysis test stations (ETS's). Phase II included data collection fran the ETS's, design of a corrosion protection system using the test data and installation of the corrosion protection system. The two-phased approach offers the distinct advantage of having actual field test data available at the time the corrosion protection system is designed. This greatly facll itates the design of the most cost effective corrosion protection system for the Plant. After review by the District, the recommended two-phased approach was approved and design for the electrolysis test stations (ETS) for the main Treatment Plant area was begun. Upon reaching the 90% completion level in late 1982, the Phase I design was submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) for grant funding approval. Since the correction of the corrosion system was part of the Stage SA-I and SA-II termination agreement, review and approval of the 90% design was del ayed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. j) /2f,J /!Jf? C.C /) (,'X../ 1302A.9/85 CC DRW RAB SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE Gf+CE TO EXECUTE AN ~REE~NT WITH VILLALOBOS & ASSOCIATES AND AUTHORIZE $80,000 FROM THE SEWER roNSTRUCTION FUND FOR PHASE I DESIGN OF roRROSION PROTECTION FOR THE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, DP 20029 POSITION PAPER PAGE ') OF 4 DATE August 28, 1985 Staff bel ieves it is appropriate to proceed with the project at this time. One reason is that the termination agreement, which will be finalized within the month, stipulates installation of a corrosion protection system 18 months from the date of the agreement. In addition, the project is required to protect District pipeline assets having an estimated replacement value in excess of $6.0 million. Staff also recommends that the project be expanded to include not only the main Treatment Plant site but also the Filter Plant site. Installation of a corrosion protection system for the Filter Plant site was originally scheduled to follow the completion of the Treatment Plant corrosion protection system. The need for immediate attention to Filter Plant corrosion has been evidenced by two recent corrosion-related piping failures which have occurred at the Filter Plant and which have cost the District $23,000 to repair. Staff, therefore, recommends proceedi ng with the Fil ter Pl ant site corrosi on protecti on proj ect at the same time as the main Treatment Plant site corrosion protection project. In order to move the proj ect forward, additi onal funds are now requi red. The funds will be used to (1) complete the Phase I design (i.e., design of ETS's) for the main Treatment Plant area, and (2) to incorporate under Phase I the design of ETS's for the Filter Plant site. A summary of design costs for Phase I is presented in Attachment No.1. It shoul d be noted that under the Stage SA Completion Project $11,240.84 remain of funds previously authorized for Phase I design. This amount is therefore shown as a credit applied towards the total cost to finish Phase I design. Additional funds will be requested at a future Board meeting for Phase I construction as well as design and construction of Phase II Since the project is a continuation and extension of previous work performed by Villalobos & Associates, it is consistent with District consultant procurement poli cy to retain Vi 11 al obos & Associ ates to do th i s work. Therefore, staff recommends that Villalobos & Associates be retained to perform the work necessary to complete the design of Phase I. In order to present a preview of the overall cost of the corrosion protection project, staff has estimated that construction costs associated with the project will be approximately $1.0 million. This estimate is presented in Attachment 2. Grant funding el igibil ity for a $229,000 portion of this project is included in the termination agreement for the Stage SA-I and SA-II grants. This project is included in the S-Year Capital Improvement Plan. REroMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engi neer to execute an agreement with Villalobos & Associates to complete the Phase I design of a corrosi on protecti on system for the mai n Treatment Pl ant site and Fil ter Pl ant site, and authorize an additional $80,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for design of Phase I. ~------_.. 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 4 ATTAa-t~NT 1 SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUIRED FOR DESIGN OF PHASE I CX>RROSION PROTECTION FOR lHE WASTEWATERTREAT~NT PlANT ITEM CX>ST (a) $60,618 Design Contract Force Account Design $4,460 Desi gn Rev i ew 6,000 Proj ect Management 6,880 O&M Training 4,3 20 21,660 SUBTOTAL $82,278 Contingency 10%(b) 8,228 TOTAL $90,506 Authorized Funds Remaining for Phase I Design(c) ($11 ,240) $79,266 Say Net Funds Requested $80,000 (a)Villalobos & Associates (b) For Force Account or consultant contract change orders, if necessary (c) Previously authorized funds expended to date are $134,908, and included predesign reports for both main Treatment Plant and Filter Plant sites plus Phase I 90% design for main Treatment Plant site. ------.--~,.,---_._.._~~--_._-----_..._----~-,.-...-.~-_..-...-.---.----.-- Page 4 of 4 ATTAa-tt-ENT 2 ORDER OF MAGNITUDE(a) COST ESTIMATE CORROSION PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION (b) Treatment Plant $759,000 Filter Plant 283,000 TOTAL PLANT $1,042,000 (a)Rough approximation on the order of ~ 40%. (b)June 1986 Dollars. Includes design, construction, construction contingency and District force account for Phases I and II.