HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-02-85 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I V. B IDS AND AvJARDS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 22, 1985 AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID FOR PAINTING OF INTERIOR OF INFLUENT DIVERSION STRUCTURE TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD BID SUBJECT SUBMITTlOa~'e Ohda Plant Maintenance Su erintendent INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: The Infl uent Diversi on Structure at the Treatment Pl ant needs to be pai nted. Bids have been submitted, and it is recommended that the contract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. BACKGROUND: The interior of the Influent Diversion Structure is in need of repainting. The interior of this building has an extremely harsh environment due to the presence of sewer gases, which requi res extensive surface preparation and speci al pai nt. Staff fel t that thi s job coul d most economically be done by an outside painting contractor. Specifications were written and the Notice to Contractors was publicly advertised on March 26 and 31,1985. Bids were publicly opened on Monday, April 22, 1985. Four bids were received as follows: CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT $ 5,797.00 EXCEPTIONS Bl ai r & Sons None H. T. Jones Painting and Coatings 8,350.00 None Redwood Painting 11,179.00 None w. L. Beardsworth 15,200.00 None A techni cal and commerci al eval uati on was conducted by the Pl ant Operati ons Department Mai ntenance Superi ntendent and Purchasi ng (see Attachment 1) whi ch shows that Blair & Sons is the lowest responsible bidder. Funds were budgeted in the 1984-85 Operati ons and Mai ntenance budget for thi s work. RECOt+ENDATION : Award the contract to B 1 ai r & Sons for i nteri or coati ng of building and equipment in the Influent Diversion Structure at the lump sum contract price of $5,797.00. DAO 1jf REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION TI G DEPT.!DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 23, 1985 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CHARLES W. BATT~S 1/. ~ J PAT O'CONNOR INTERIOR COATING OF BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT IN THE INFLUENT DIVERSION STRUCTURE WITH EPOXY PAINT Formal bidding commenced with publication of Notice to Contractors on March 26 and 31, 1985. Four contractors completed the site inspection, as required, and were given their bid package upon completion of the inspection. Bids were publicly opened on Monday, April 22, 1985. Four bids were received as follows: CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT EXCEPTIONS Blair & Sons $ 5,797.00 None H. T. Jones Painting $ 8,350.00 None and Coatings Redwood Painting $11,179.00 None W. L. Beardsworth $15,200.00 None A technical and commercial evaluation was conducted by the Plant Operations Department Maintenance Supervisor and Purchasing (see Attachment 1) which shows that Blair & Sons is the lowest responsible bidder. They have previously performed contract work for the District and demonstrated that they can fulfill all of the requirements of a contract. Blair & Sons' bid is below the estimate of $6,200. Purchasing, therefore, recommends that you prepare the Position Paper to the Board of Directors recommending the award to Blair & Sons for Interior Coating of Building and Equipment in the Influent Diversion Structure at the lump sum contract price of $5,797.00. PO/gv Attachment cc: Dale Ohda K. Laverty ....... I-- Z w :!:: :c U e::( I-- I-- e::( " r~ ~, ~ ~ ....... ( ... u ... - 00: ...... ... ... - u z - :> 0: ... S a 'r- '-:: I~ ....... R ,.,. e:;: ...u ... - Ig ~ g 00: ....... ... ... . ~ i~ ....... :: .;:. ~ -& I J!:. 0... :'\J '- t ...... L.{) J -u en +~ ;2 z - :::I a: ....... .;... .- ... a C. II: I-- a ... lD '-: ::E Cl :::I ....... ....w a z co t; ,... ~ ~ a ~ ... I~ o a: N x OIl ... ... . ~ :i ~ L.{) I~ Q) I l~ ...c t "I IL-.l ...... ~ I - U .- Z - :::I II: s:: C'\. ... 'r- :!:: ~ g s:: Q) Vl ..w . E Q) Cl ... u a ... - 0- s:: ~ 011: L.{) .9 S I~ ... ... M 'r- =' ~ co I c- ~ ~ ~ w . 'r- s:: p I- ...... o<:l .J ,..!, ~ z~ il~ M :::III: enQ) ... s::s... 'r- :z -0 ~ 2S r- U 'r- =' ..... ,....: =,s... g c ~~ en co ~ ~ . 011: ...... ........ (/) Xl 't Pr I~ L.{) 4- o s:: 0 s...Q~ > en'r- ~ II- ...... s:: Vl ;p~.J !~ -u 'r- s... .. z- :::III: ~Q) Xit: ~ ... z tt:l > f O'r- U.Cl ii! s...~ ~ o s:: ~2 D 'r- Q) ... i z .. s... =' a: ~ !( ci 0 ~~ s Q) r- D Z ~ ~ 0:::1 l5~4- 8 II: '" ... ai ... oil uS b ... ::E i s:: s:: z 0 g J oC ci oC II: ~ - ............... ... 0 :::I w ... > oC 0 0 .: 0 :> .. w .. ... " " Q 4ft Q ca ~ 110 Ii: . 0 - ii! .Z .. ~ I .. 0 ... Q ! 0 Vl , - en , .. "4 s:: 'r- .... ~ ::>> tt:l ca 0 4 U It- i u I-- .. ~~ ;) -l ~~ .. " 6t= ....... 0" z .. " 0 co Z ...~ '- . ~ ~ co '" 3 ~ c .. ~ !: ....... cc<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. BIDS AND AWA DS 2 5 2/85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 29, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT REJECT JILL BIDS FOR A NEW QOSED CIROJIT TELEVISION SYSTEM AND REVISE 1984/85 EQUIPMENT BUDGET AU lHOR IZATION REJ ECT BIDS SUBMITTED BY John Larson, Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System 0 erations De artment ISSUE: The Board has until May 3, 1985, to award a contract or reject all bids for the retrofitting of an existing van with a Closed Circuit Television system. BACKGROUND.: The District purchased a black and white Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system installed in a stepside van in 1974 for the purpose of internally inspecting sewer pi pel ines. The CCTV unit has been used to inspect over 500 mil es of sewer pi pel ine during the past 11 years. A great majority of the inspection effort has been directed toward new pipel ines to el iminate poor qual ity work from being accepted as a part of the District's collection system. As a result of its ability to detect problems that can occur during the backfilling operation, CCTV is now required prior to final acceptance by all but the small est sewer agenci es and ci ti es. The 1984/85 Equipment Budget included an authorization of $62,000 to retrofit the exi sti ng CCTV van with a new sol i d state color CCTV system. At the time that the Equipment Budget was prepared, the District had just experienced two years of steadily decreasing reliability and increasing repair costs due to deterioration of the electronic components of the black and white CCTV system. Improved rel iabil ity was requi red to meet the demand for inspecting new pipelines in a timely manner. Upgrading the CCTV system to color would greatly enhance the operator's ability to identify problems, such as sulfide corrosion, in the older portions of the collection system. Although the District has periods during which two CCTV units could be used, the decision simply to retrofit the existing van was based on using a contract CCTV inspection service to supplement the District's CCTV unit during periods of high demand. Two bids to retrofit the existing van with a solid state color CCTV system were received and were opened on February 27, 1985. The low bi d of $51,940, including sales tax, was submitted by WECO of Benicia, California. The second low bid of $55,438 was submitted by OJES, Inc. of Sacramento, Cal iforni a. The budget amount of $62,000 was based on earl ier quotes from the two bi dders. During the bid evaluation period, the staff identified a new manufacturer of pipeline CCTV systems. The equipment manufactured by this third party JD JAL Rej ect Bi ds Page 2 appears to meet the District's needs; however, the installed price of the equipment (estimated at $34,000) would be much lower due to technical innovation in its design. The District would save approximately $18,000 by rebidding this contract. In the past year some additional information has come to light. Fi rst, there has been a ten percent increase in the quantity of new pipeline under constructi on over th i s same time 1 ast year. Second, a contract CCTV serv ice was used to inspect a new pi peli ne proj ect; the quality and quantity of detail was much lower than that provided by the District's CCTV crew. Third, additional experience has been gained in using the CCTV to inspect older portions of the collection system. It has proven to be a valuable tool in identifying the source of problems as well as providing feedback on the quality of CSO's maintenance activities. By rejecting all bids and rebidding, the Board has the opportunity to place two CCTV units into service within the original 1984/85 Equipment Budget authorization of $62,000. A new solid state color CCTV system coul d be purchased and install ed in a new utility van at a cost of $49,000. The existing black and white CCTV unit could be refurbished to improve its reliability at a cost of $13,000. A cost summary is attached to this position paper. The benefits that would be associated with owning and operating two CCTV units are: o Continued high quality inspection of new pipelines by using Di stri ct CCTV crew. o Improved serv ice to contractors by usi ng the second CCTV unit for new pipeline inspecting during the busy periods. o Greatl y increased i nspecti on of 01 der porti ons of the collection system resulting in the identification and correction of problem areas. This will result in a reduction in both stoppages and infiltration/inflow. o More feedback on the quality of eso's maintenance activities with attendant improvements in both quality and productivity. No additional funds are being requested as a part of this action. RECX>>IENDATION: Reject all bids received on February 27, 1985, for retrofitting the existing van with a new CCTV system. Revise the 1984/85 Equipment Budget authorization to include the equipment necessary for one new solid state color CCTV unit and one refurbished black and white CCTV un i t. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Attachment ClOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM 1984/85 . EQUIPMENT BUDGET AUlHORlZATION Retrofit Existing CCTV System with New Color Camera, Transmission Cable and Reel Assembly, Power and Light Control Unit, Monitor, and VCR. Recondition Existing CCTV Van. Total $62,000 REVISED 1984185 EOUIPMENTBUDGETAlJ1HORIZATION NEW SOLID STATE COLOR CCTV UNIT Purchase Color CCTV Equipment $25,000 Purchase Utility Van 12,000 Modify Van and Install Equipment 9,000 Contingency 3,000 Subtotal $49,000 REFURBISH EXISTING BLACK AND WHITECCTV UNIT Repair Body and Interior $ 5,000 Replace CCTV Components 5,500 Contingency 2,500 Subtotal $13 ,000 Total $62,000 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. c((5D Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ V. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 5 2 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT April 23, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 85-6 (DANVILLE) AND 85-7 (DANVILLE) ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate En ineer Construction Div. Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Remarks 85-6 Danville Eugene A. Grillo 319 Diablo Road, #202 Danville, CA 94526 208-031-005 (0.34 acre) Property to be City of developed as a 10- Danville unit senior citizens' apartment complex. Negative declaration by the City of Danvill 85-7 Danville Jay Weymouth 215 Marks Road Danvi 11 e, CA 196-070-011 (1.10 acre) Existing home; failing septic system. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption. II CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P. A. 85-6 and 85-7 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB DH ~. , 11 . //f/( iJM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JD( ~~ "- ~~.:foVi""/.~\U:~"'~;~;~~ ~~~ID,r~IO JO~~r~0J '4~1'81 I~~~I -=f-.~;'6'2" ~ o ILYI) ," .~~';...... ~ ''- ",', r, ~~.., -! i- !!; ::I . .~ ~ ~ 04 ',,', ~''<''; 41 '" 2S ---4 ~ - ,~, ,6 ..nAr. ~ ~"" ,'" L't .............. e /,,- !( 173AC . ',', 1tf'4 4& ~... f........ 0" .~ ~ ' ~ I 1-,,- ',', 5 20 130 - 46 '\0 57 , '45AC _ I l!i - ',', .... ~ '//1 ..Ji.- \ 'T ' ---........ "'>' <l" .. ~l / 59 58 c. LA VI" __ .-+-~ ',', ~ UJ'/l../ t5 - or-' \. U T.ll 5 "II' " ' ~'H' '.ly z '-- - .0' 302 AC D A.-.A iI"'li: 10~ - . rrr-~ I ~""" "" 10 'f<ifP''''''' ..... c. ~ ~k . __ '\ ~.:. . I 0" .ttlr.nl V 120 j'2T 4 -2 .<'~ 6 \ rl!~. 07L V "........ 8~' ";';5"" -.C b ;, ':: . .." . . j~I$'-;" 0 · -..' _."~ ,,' '~,,'- I " I 108 ..., 5 U B .~ u r5( - ."iil" ~I , 2.24Ar. ,Q f-'-" -..!!! I-- ... ,,,, l).... ~ 131! II: - :!i f-- - '''ofl 109 n, 0 L . 'i---; -i 209AC"~~&.8t :~2: fNr>..~..~.. ~". CHARW~;\8_12IZ ~L -i ~ -i f 178 ~f. 18' ,~ <J. /)~il . 1>1/'" ---0 24~ ~ 143~47 iOi -li-!!-~'80' I ~ :'illJi ~8>:- .i< J I.,!. u" -J C'2[0!l4' '2.' '" "'" ,-' 'J ~ ~., \,;~~:< -4.. 103 ~03, J74~r~ ".. ! 5 ~"'TO' b,-" ,'~ ~)/""Ii'ii 8 ~~..5"STA Ec S08R '25AC I ~ ~8~ 8-15'/6 0\ G F 1731 17~' BtfS;~ 'l< i \" ~_L of- H'17- S UB- ;; I,,-CJ "t\ ~ -U' --rrrr 433AC .. 0"" ~~. \\~\~ .~ r;-l ~ \ () ~ ~~~.. ':~~f~ ~52AM'<i0 ~ a" ~Pi:. J ~ 168 167 '1 6 ~ 106"C ~ r- ~ V\. r .. ~ IllI ~ /. II ~ - , . 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" <'/ <'oJf<~ " ~~. ~~ 'b^~ ,~ ~ '0 y ~ \ .> ", ~\.9 '<, i::)~ .t 4 .~ ,Csu <:, I 1> .A ..... '< ... II HUMPHPEY 1:':-0.75 AC III BISCHOFF 12 90 AC 74 73 59 AC HT Ollil CSBCR~; 32 20 4C JrA. 86-7 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 4 5/2/85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 23, 1985 SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO ADD C. MILLER, ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN, TO THE LIST OF EMPLOYEES AUTHORIZED TO HAVE ACCESS TO THE DISTRICT1S SAFE DEPOSIT BOX TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SU~MITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: It is recommended that Colette S. Miller, Accounting Technician IIII, be authorized access to the District's safe deposit box. BACKGROUND: The District maintains a safe deposit box at the Wells Fargo Bank in Pleasant Hill to safeguard contractor bonds which are in the form of certificates of deposits. A designated Accounting staff member is given responsibility to deposit and withdraw such bonds, and to maintain records and receipts which serve as an inventory of the contents of the safe deposit box. Employees currently authorized to have access to the safe deposit box are: Joyce E. McMillan, Secretary of the District Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Steven A. Elsberry, Accounting Supervisor Deborah D. Barone, Accountant D. Barone is the staff member assigned custodial responsibil ity for the safe deposit box. She was recently promoted to the position of Accountant, and has assumed new responsibil ities. It is considered desirable to assign C. Miller, Accounting Technician, the custodial responsibilities, and to have D. Barone provide coverage in C. Miller's absence. A resolution to authorize Colette S. Miller access to the District's safe deposit box is attached. RECOtIENDATION: Adopt the attached resol ution to add Col ette S. Mill er to the list of employees authorized access to the District's safe deposit box. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~. WNF INITIATING DEPT./DIV. RESOLUTION NO. 85- A RESOLUTION REVISING RESOLUTION NO. 83-165 AND AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT, FINANCE OFFICER, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR, ACCOUNTANT, AND ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN AS SIGNATORIES AND KEYHOLDERS FOR THE DISTRICT SAFE DEPOSIT BOX BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a public corporation (hereinafter referred to as Corporation), as follows: THAT, this Corporation has entered into a Rental Agreement (and renewals thereof) for a Safe Deposit Box in the vaults of Wells Fargo Bank (hereinafter called Bank); and THAT, anyone of the following officers and employees of this Corporation shall have the right of access to and control of the contents thereof, and to surrender the said Box, releasing Bank from all liability with respect thereto: JOYCE E. McMILLAN, SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT WALTER N. FUNASAKI, FINANCE OFFICER STEVEN A. ELSBERRY, ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR DEBORAH D. BARONE, ACCOUNTANT COLETTE S. MILLER, ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the certification of the Secretary of this Corporation as to election or appointment of authorized officers or employees shall be binding upon this Corporation, and the authority hereby conferred shall remain in force until written notice of the revocation or modification thereof shall be del ivered to an officer of Bank at the office at which said Safe Deposit Box is located. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of May, 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: John J. Carniato District Counsel (((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. ENGINEERING 1 5 2 85 OS 10 n P VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P IT. N .-JA ER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT TRANSMIT CCSD S SOLI 0 WASTE MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATI ONS TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE A ril 29 1985 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE LETTER JAMES M. KELLY SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Specific recommendations for the County Board of Supervisors concerning solid waste issues have been prepared. Staff recommends that the recommendations be sent to the Board of Supervisors. BACKGROUND: The attached letter presents the District's recommendations for the Board of Supervisors concerning solid waste issues. Specific recommendations are made regarding Acme Fill closure, interim solid waste export, public landfill site search, County-wide consensus required for solving the County-wide solid waste problem, transfer stations, and funding. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attached letter to be sent the County Board of Supervisors. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB F ENG. .--__._--.--....,_,.,._.._~,._,__.."_M__.~____~.__.__._^_,_____~__'~__._~___._.,_.__~.~.._..,.,__.___.._._,,__.,..___._~____+.._."..~.....___....._.,.~".,,~...'_'""m.~_+___._._._._..__.,_._...._M.__.~.__~.___._."....___._____". Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Martinez, California 94553 . 5019 Imhoff Place (415) 689-3890 ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer May 2, 1985 J. J. CARNIATO Counsel for the District (415) 283-1552 JOYCE E. McMILLAN Secretary 01 the District Honorable Board Members Board of Supervisors Contra Costa County P. o. Box 911 Martinez, CA 94553 RE: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT'S SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CONTRA COST A COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Dear Board Members: The Solid Waste Management Project Report conducted by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) and Contra Costa County provides compara- tive information to be used for solid waste management decision making. The CCCSD Board of Directors has deliberated upon the information in the report, in addition to feedback received from the public and other interested parties, and has formulated specific recommendations for the Board of Supervisors concerning solid waste issues. These recommendations are contained in the balance of this letter and cover the following issues: o Acme Fill Closure o Interim Solid Waste Export o Public Landfill Site Search o County-Wide Consensus o Transfer Stations o Funding ACME FILL CLOSURE The current Army Corps of Engineers permit for the existing Acme Fill expansion expires either in June 1987, or until the height of fill reaches 40 feet, whichever comes first. It is very unlikely that any new landfill could be placed into operation in the 1987 timeframe. Consequently, it is extremely important that Acme be given permission to continue operation until at least June 1989 in order to give the County time to develop and implement alternatives. Permit authority to allow Acme Fill Corporation to raise its landfill to the 60 foot level would provide landfill capacity until at least June 1989. This additional capacity would greatly alleviate the looming short term solid waste crisis in the County while not harming or usurping any further wetland habitat. CCCSD recommends that the Board of Supervisors continue to take an active and aggressive role to assist the Acme Fill Corporation in its attempts to extend its 97 acre expansion permit for two years past June 1987. The CCCSD Board of Directors stands ready to assist the Board of Supervisors in this task. In addition, CCCSD recommends the Board of Supervisors assist Acme Fill Corporation overcome legal challenges that may arise from Acme's extension request. Public agency support for an extension of Acme Fill's permit should be based upon Acme Fill Corporation's commitment to develop host community mitiga- tion measures for the extension, such as importing cover material to preserve the hill that acts as a buffer for the Vine Hill community, preparing a comprehensive closure plan, keeping access roads and surrounding property free of debris, and minimizing transportation impacts to the Arthur Road area. INTERIM saUD WASTE EXPORT The Solid Waste Management Project Report documents that the County could be out of landfill capacity as early as 1989. It is probable that it will not be possible to permit and place replacement landfills into service in time to avoid the necessity for solid waste export, possibly even if Acme Fill Corporation succeeds in extending its present permit. Consequently, it is essential for Contra Costa County to secure a commitment from another county for interim solid waste disposal. CCCSD recommends that the Board of Supervisors initiate an intensive effort to negotiate solid waste export agreements with one or more neighboring counties. This effort should begin immediately as the experience of other counties (e.g., San Francisco) shows that the process can take 18 months or longer. The county negotiating team should address the following export issues: o The negotiation of a contract with private landfill operators in the "import county," as appropriate. o Evaluate CEQA requirements, as required by the "import county. " o The need to negotiate a fair and reasonable tipping fee surcharge that may be required by an "import county" to compensate that county for the impacts of solid waste import. o Determine what other actions might be required by the host county, such as amending and complying with the host county's Solid Waste Management Plan. o The need to develop a plan and a schedule under which the needed activities would be conducted. -2- CCCSD further recommends that the Board of Supervisors investigate the staffing requirements for the successful negotiation of a solid waste export agreement to assure that sufficient resources are allocated to this potentially difficult and lengthy task. The County's negotiation effort should be closely coordinated with the affected franchisors and franchisees. PUBLIC LANDFILL SITE SEARCH The Public Participation Program which was conducted as part of the Solid Waste Management Project Report identified significant public opposition to each of the three privately proposed landfill sites. Furthermore, while no fatal technical flaws were uncovered in the Solid Waste Management Report, such flaws could be uncovered by the further study currently underway by the private landfill proponents. As a result, it is uncertain whether any of the three private proposals will survive the permit process. It is still more uncertain whether two or more of the private proposals will survive the permit process and thus provide competition for disposal fees. CCCSD recommends that the Board of Supervisors continue work to select possible landfill sites; however, CCCSD believes that the publicly identified landfill site option should be fully executed only in the case where private industry fails to show adequate progress to permit two landfills in the county. This approach will avoid the danger that a publicly identified landfill site alternative will reduce the chances that privately proposed sites will survive the permit process or reduce the commitment of private entrepreneurs to persevere in their efforts. In the event only one private site is permitted, the option of rate regulation should be considered along with the option of developing a competing publicly identified site. Who would operate and own the publicly identified site could be determined after the site was permitted (i.e., the decision if the site is public or private). CCCSD recommends that the public landfill site selection process proceed, using a step-by-step methodical approach, similar to that used in the Solid Waste Management Project. Actual procurement of a landfill site would be held in abeyance pending a Board of Supervisors determination of the adequacy of the progress the private sector is making in permitting a landfill. In order to facilitate this determination, a series of realistic measurable milestone accomplishments should be scheduled in the near future. If the private landfill proponents fail to meet these milestones, the Board of Supervisors should embark on an appropriate alternative plan. In order to insure the maximum cooperation from regional interest groups, CCCSD recommends that the Board of Supervisors assume responsibility for the management of a future publicly identified landfill site selection effort. CCCSD would, of course, wish to participate in the process, along with other franchisers, in a manner consistent with its role as a major solid waste franchiser in the county. COUNTY-WIDE CONSENSUS Perhaps the most definitive conclusion relating to solid waste management policy that the CCCSD Board of Directors has reached throughout the Solid Waste Management Report preparation period is that the county solid waste problem requires county-wide solutions. Because of the high vulnerability which -3- environmentally sensitive projects have in the permit process, it is probably necessary to achieve a county-wide consensus to ensure a successful resolution to the solid waste management problem. In addition, amendments to the Solid Waste Management Plan require approval of fifty percent of the cities having fifty percent of the incorporated population of the county. CCCSD recommends that the Board of Supervisors create a decision making body to represent cities and sanitary districts as well as the county in solid waste matters. This body should be given sufficient authority and responsibility to enable the county to reach a workable consensus of those aspects of solid waste management which are controlled by franchisers, including control of the waste stream and recycling efforts which are integrated into solid waste collection. The existing Solid Waste Commission might evolve into this decision-making body. TRANSFER ST A nONS The Solid Waste Management Project Report makes the following findings rela- tive to transfer stations: o A central county transfer station is cost effective or marginally cost effective for most Acme Fill replacement options. o A transfer station could reduce the truck traffic in-route to a landfill by ten-fold. o A transfer station is probably needed for export of solid waste out of the county. o The time requirement for a new transfer station from permit application to operation is two to three years if there are no major complications in site acquisition and permitting. CCCSD recommends that the Board of Supervisors undertake efforts to facili- tate construction of a transfer station in central county. Study areas needing further investigation include site identification, more definitive cost estimates, options for ownership and operation, financing, the need for an interim vs. a long term solution, the need for waste stream control, integration of recycling options, and possibilities for a sponsoring agency. CCCSD recommends the Board of Supervisors adopt a policy which would require that transfer stations be provided to mitigate truck traffic at any future landfills which have access routes in residential areas. The adoption of such a policy would expedite the permitting, financing, and construction of transfer stations. FUNDING CCCSD recommends that future solid waste management planning efforts that will be conducted by the county or other authorized agencies be funded by an increase in the existing landfill tonnage surcharge fees. These fees are a uniform rate applied at all Contra Costa County landfills and would enable revenue generation from all waste disposed of in the County, including imported waste. The surcharge is fair, equitable, and is readily implementable by the Board of Supervisors. -4- The CCCSD Board of Directors is happy to have been of service to the County in contributing to the Solid Waste Management Project Report. CCCSD stands ready to assist the Board of Supervisors in the future, consistent with its role as a major franchiser of solid waste in the County. tl:L/B Parke Boneysteele, President Board of Directors RAB:bg cc: Management Advisory Committee Technical Advisory Committee Solid Waste Commission -5- Contra Costa itary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Apri 1 22, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE 1985-1986 EQUIPMENT BUDGET APPROVE E0UIPMENT BUDGET SUBMITTEQ BY .. Off. Walter Funasakl, Flnanee leer i,N\TIP.T~NG DEPT.!DIV . . Aamlnlstratlve7Flnanee & Aeeountlng ISSUE: Approval of the District's 1985-1986 Equipment Budget is requested. BACKGROUND: The 1985-1986 Equipment Budget was submitted for review at the April 18, 1985 Board Meeting, and was calendared for approval by the Board on May 2, 1985. No changes or additional information were requested as a result of the Board's review on April 18. The approved 1985-1986 Equipment Budget will be schedul ed for adoption with the 1985-1986 Personnel and Operations and Maintenance Budgets on June 20, 1985. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 1985-1986 Equipment Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~;:::.. ~ vJF PM CC(SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.VII. BUDGET & FINANCE 2 5 2 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Apri 1 22, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT RECEIVE ANNUAL REPORT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The District's Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee (Committee) has prepared its annual report to District management and the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Committee in January 1982. The scope of activities of the Committee includes the submission of an annual report to District management and the Board of Directors. The annual report of the Committee for the March 1984 to March 1985 period is submitted herewith. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the annual report of the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I2!O::~ . WNF PM .. ._____.._.__.._"____,~___._.___".,..~..__..___."_.~~~'"._._...,^_"~.~______.,,~_.______...__~,,_~_~M._______."__....._...._.._.__._.__.__~_____....._____.___ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT Report Period: March 1984 - March 1985 Introduction The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee (Committee) was established by the Board of Directors to facilitate the internal administration of the District's Deferred Compensation Plan (Plan). The scope of the Committee's activities are to: o Establish internal District administrative procedures within the provisions of the Deferred Compensation Plan document. o Educate participants regarding the Plan provisions by issuing a handbook which summarizes the Deferred Compensation Plan, and responding to queries from participants. o Review accountability by the Plan Administrator, Hartford Variable Annuities Life Insurance Company (Hartford), and respond to participants' queries regarding accuracy or propriety of account balances. o Review participants' requests for emergency withdrawal of funds. o Review investment performance of the Deferred Compensation Plan on an annual basis. Committee Accomplishments The following activities were completed by the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee since March 1984: o Education of participants - The employee handbook summarizing the Deferred Compensation Plan provisions was updated to reflect changes in interest rates, social security rates, and Committee membership. General queries from participants regarding the Plan were responded to by Committee members. o Review accountability by the Plan Administrator - There were few queries from participants regarding account accuracy and propriety. Instances of inaccuracies which were reported to Hartford were corrected promptly. o Review requests for emergency withdrawals - One emergency withdrawal request was reviewed by the Committee and denied as non-qualifying, and the applicant did not pursue his request further. A second emergency withdrawal request was reviewed and recommended for approval by the Board of Directors. o Review investment performance of the Plan - A summary which presents the investment performance of the Pl an is prov i ded on an attachment. The. summary shows the investment performance for the calendar years 1981, 1982, 1983, and 1984. The performance measures for 1981, 1982, and 1983 were based on a sample of 25 participants' accounts. As a result of the availability of quarterly summary reports from Hartford for 1984, the performance measures are based on the results of all District participants' accounts, and the presentation format has been modified accordingly. Current Committee Activities The Committee is currently involved in the following major activities: o The Committee has undertaken a review of other deferred compensation plans in order to evaluate the competitive standing of the Hartford administered deferred compensation plan. Letters requesting information on various deferred compensation plans were sent to 20 different insurance companies, brokerage fi rms, and Savings & Loans. Twelve replies were received, and after a preliminary review of these 12 plans, six plans were selected for a more thorough analysis. Of these six plans, three have been chosen for an in-depth comparative analysis with the current deferred compensation plan we have with Hartford, as well as a new plan proposed by Hartford. This review and analysis will be completed in July, 1985, and a Position Paper containing the Committee recommendations will be submitted no later than the July 18, 1985 Board Meeting. o The Committee has reviewed the Pl an document and has compl eted a draft revision which incorporates changes required by new Internal Revenue Service regul ations as well as changes recommended by Hartford. A final review by District Counsel is required before the Committee prepares a report of its recommendation to District management and the Board of Directors. Conclusion During the twelve month period March 1984 through March 1985, the Committee has accomplished all of the responsibilities incl uded within its scope of activities. This has been achieved through the conscientious efforts of the Committee members. The performance of Hartford in administering the Plan during this period is considered to be satisfactory. Review of other deferred compensation plans indicates that Hartford is one of the leading deferred compensation plan administrators in their fee structure, administrative reporting methods, and response to problems. The Plan's investment performance during the calendar year ended December 31, 1984 for stocks and bonds exceeded the general market, as measured by the Dow Jones indexes; however, as measured by the Standard and Poor's 500 stock index and the Shearson Lehman bond index, the District's investments slightly underperformed the general market. Interest earned on fixed interest accounts reflected the prevailing short-term interest rates. Committee Members: & d~.J' Wal tar Funasaki ~ ~ ~ I~ i9 ) Tony !'lZ ott (through January 21, 1985) -({All vtt <f -t. j -'" .I en Harri son ~~~ Maria Izzo (beginning March 14, 1985) ifl~ ;/~ Doni ta Hoh enstei n (th rough Ma rch 13, 1985) n Netto (beginning Janu ry 22,1985) '/wffi- JrUL arriette Stahl ~ u ..... cr: ~ . ~:z: t'I"\ c< co ....J......,en >~U- ~z~ . ~O::;:N ...........c::OO %~OCT\ <<Ll-- V) c.n 0:: .. ~E5~a; :;;~~en ooz- UU~O <c~.... 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