HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-30-85 c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 5/30/85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 22, 1985 SUBJECREJECT ALL BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACE CONTROL ROOM SHELL (DISTRICT PROJECT 3694.5) TYPE OF ACTION REJECT BIDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. CHER YL CRESON, ASSOCIATE ENGINEE ENGINEERING DIVISION ISSUE: Sealed bids for the construction of the Furnace Control Room were opened May 6, 1985. The Board of Directors must award the contract or reject bids within 30 days of the bid opening. BACKGROUND: The Furnace Control Room task was authorized by the Board as part of the overall Incinerator Repairs and Modifications Project on August 2, 1984. The overall authorization for the Incinerator Repairs and Modifications Project is $4,683,000. Presently, controls and instruments for the incinerator system are located in various places throughout the four floors of the Solids Conditioning Building. The operating life of the instruments and controls is adversely affected by the hot and dusty environment of the incinerators. In addition, these devices require on-going monitoring and adjustment which further openly exposes the equipment as well as District operating and maintenance staff to the heat, dust, and high noise levels of the process. The control room will provide a centralized instrumentation and control package including an integrated graphical alarm panel in a protective environment for more efficient operation. The planned sequence for the completion of the overall Furnace Project is to 1) bid and construct the control room shell ; 2) finish design of the electrical/instrumentation modifications, including relocation to the new control room; and 3) bid and construct the electrical/instrumentation modifications. It is anticipated that the electrical! instrumenta- tion plans and specifications will be advertised in late summer. Three bids ranging from $198,500 to $262,000 were received for construction of the Furnace Control Room, and are presented in Attachment 1 to this Position Paper. The low bid is 7396 greater than the engineer's estimate of $114,963. The Engineering Department has met at length with John Carollo Engineers and the two low bidders to review the Control Room Shell bids and determine the reasons for the difference between bids and the estimate. The major reasons identified were: 1. Access difficulty for construction 2. Retrofit construction 3. Maintenance of existing operations 4. Busy construction season 5. Logistics of numerous subcontractors in small construction site and tight schedule. R~V/~W~D AND R~COMM~ND~D FOR SOARD ACTION RAB CWS CFC ~--- HSM ffJB e~9J INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Q}(! . The Engineering Department believes that modifications can be made in the plans and specifications to reduce the cost of the Control Room Shell. Staff recommends that the Control Room Shell bids be rejected, that modifications be made to the plans and specifica- tions, and that the project be rebid. The Engineering Department will report the status of the Incinerator Repairs and Modifica- tion Project budget to the Board of Directors when the Control Room Shell plans and specifications are rebid and presented to the Board for approval. RECOMMEND A nON: Reject all bids received May 6, 1985, for construction of the Furnace Control Room Shell (DP 3694.5). REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR 80l.RD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. ATTACHMENT NO. 1 Presentation of Bids Received May 6, 1985, for Construction of the Furnace Control Room Shell Phase 1 COP 3694.5) 5/17/85 Bidder Bid Price West Coast Contractors, Inc. & Bruce W. Fisher $198,500 Malpass Construction, Inc. 214,500 Dalzell Corp 262,000 <C(S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ III. BUDGET & FINANC 1 5 30 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 23, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT RECEIVE 1985-1986 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET FOR REVIEW BUDGET REVIEW SUBMITTED BY Walter Funasaki Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Finance & Accountin ISSUE: The 1985-1986 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Budget is being submitted for review at the May 30, 1985 Board Meeting, and is scheduled for approval at the June 6, 1985 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: The 1985-1986 O&M Budget expenses total $18,072,057 which exceeds the 1984-1985 budgeted expenses of $17,725,497 by $346,560, or 2.0 percent, and is higher than the 1984-1985 projected actual expenses of $16,417,454 by $1,654,6_03, or 10.1 percent. Explanations of departmental expense increases, or decreases, between 1985-1986 budgeted expenses and 1984-1985 projected actual expenses are provided foll owi ng each departmental expense summary withi n the attached budget document. The 1985-1986 O&M Budget revenues of $18,566,362 are canposed of Sewer Service Charge revenues of $14,348,862, City of Concord service charge revenues of $3,600,000, and other revenues of $617,500. The budgeted Sewer Service Charge revenues are based on the present annual rate of $129, and projected increases in residential connections and increased usage volumes for canmercial and industrial users during 1985-1986. The 1985-1986 budgeted revenues exceed 1984-1985 projected actual revenues of $18,225,211 by $341,151, or 1.9 percent. The following are noteworthy budgetary considerations: o Conti ngency Account - The establi shment of a Di strict conti ngency expense account which was initiated in 1984-1985 has been continued in 1985-1986; the contingency amount of $200,000 provides for expenses which are not included in other budgeted expenses because of a high 1 evel of uncertai nty as to timi ng and amount. These uncertainties are described on Attachment III. o Canpensated Absences Expense - Canpensated absences expense was required to be recorded by public agencies beginning in the 1983-1984 fiscal year. The expense effect of the increase in the liability for accrued vacation and sick leave is projected for 1984-1985 to be $228,000 and is budgeted in 1985-1986 in the amount REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. E~_~' WF of $282,000; the $54,000 fncrease fn thfs expense reflects the hfgher than nonnal retfranents whfch occurred fn 1984-1985, for whfch approxfmately $200,000 fn canpensated absences payments were recorded fn the salarfes and wages expense account for that ffscal year. In 1985-1986, payments made to retfrfng or tennfnatfng anployees for accrued vacatf on and sfck 1 eave 1 fabfl fty wfll be recorded fn a separate salarfes and wages account tftled "Salarfes and Wages - Canpensated Absences"; such payments fn the amount of $63,000 are budgeted fn 1985-1986. o Cfty of Concord Servfce Charge Settlanent - The settlanent agreanent negotfated wfth the Cfty of Concord fs now scheduled for ratfffcatfon at efther the May 30, 1985 or June 6, 1985 Board Meetf ng. The settl anent to the Of strfct for underpayment caused by under reported flow volumes wfll provfde a number of alternatfve methods for pass-through to Dfstrfct payors. As these alternatfves are contfngent on acceptance of the settlanent agreanent, staff wfll be prepared to revfew than on May 30, 1985, and wfll antfcfpate a detennfnatfon when the Sewer Servfce Charge rate for 1985-1986 fs establfshed on June 6. 1985. A summary of actual, projected actual and budgeted expenses, revenues and reserves for the sfx ff scal years 1980-1981 through 1985-1986 f s shown on Attachment I, wfth a presentatfon of Sewer Servfce Charge rates and Sewer Servfce Charge equfvalent unfts for each ffscal year. Attachment II fs a graph whfch shows the major expense categorfes of labor, chanfcals and utflftfes fn relatfon to total budgeted expenses for each of the sfx ffscal years. Any adjustments to the 1985-1986 O&M Budget whfch may be detennfned at the May 30, 1985 Board Meetfng wfll be fncorporated fn the budget to be submftted for approval at the June 6, 1985 Board Meetfng, at whfch the followfng actfons are scheduled: o Approve the 1985-1986 O&M Budget. o Conduct a publ fc hearfng for the establ fshment of the 1985-1986 Sewer Servfce Charge rate. o Establfsh the 1985-1986 Sewer Servfce Charge rate. o Conduct a publ fc hearfng for the collectfon of the 1985-1986 Sewer Servfce Charge rate on the County tax rolls. RECOMtJENDATION: Recefve the 1985-1986 Operatfons and Mafntenance Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance in preparing the budget for approval, and revfew establfshment of the 1985-1986 Sewer Servfce Charge rate and the level of O&M reserves to be mafntafned. .~VIEW~O ANO .~COMM~NO~O I'01t 'OAltO ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEI' ENG. Attachment I \0 l.O I,/') C"I 0"""" ~oo~ Ll'l '" co '" ~ co j O'lO\O.qoq- \000\0 0 '" '" N '" co 1.0 COO'l""" ~q~r;. ";, ~ ex:. ., lli.o'; M 1NI cc 0""'" \0 .... N \0 Ll'l '-OO"IOOOr--. lIl:tO~\O '" '" co co r--.NLl1"l:t_O ('l') \0 \0 Ll') .... ~ '" '" .. .. .... .. .; NNNC"I_CO ....'" co '" ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ '" ::s ..... Ll'l +> ~_~m~! ~o~~ \0 '" '" N co U """MOOMLn "'O~ Ll'l ..... '" N co '" <( r-:.~~~~~ ~~r;. .. ..... ":. Ll'l ~ ~ ,...: N I .., N 0"I0"l CO,.....,,..... "'O~ .... 0 .... 111 _\'oOMCX) ~CO'" 0 co '" ~ co +> u;.~c;.";.0'\~ N(\J"""'N ~ q ~ ~ '" U 111 N_NCO \0 ....'" co N '" 0 ~ l- e.. .... ,~ CIO ~I -~~m~ij ~~~~ \0 \0 .... N '" ~~~~~\O .........'" '" .... N '" ~ ~~~O"I ..... ~ ~ I 0 '" ON,...."""'''''''''''''' "'..... 0 '" \0 CIO O'\M_qCO\o NCIOCIO'" '" \0 0 '" ocnC"")Lt')O'lCO N~\O ~ Ll'l r-:CO~ ~ .. .. .... .. .. . N N_NCO "'''' ~ ~ ~VI '" ~j UlJ.J ~ ~I ~~mo~; mm~~ CIO ~ .... \0 ....>\0 o ('l') \0""" CO \0 CIOCIO.... 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CD GlCCUJ U U '" C C QJ <to-J.,... l- I- '" 1-." +> .,....,..._ c:: Q. 111 >, 111 111 I 0.0 I I > > 0 e C'h- "' E 3:+>.<: 0. .~ <( l- I- 0 ) "t:lco_=, en QJ.,........ X "'1- ." ." 111 111 .... cC wu 0..0.. QJV'lUO Lo.J 111 e.. 111 111 Vl Vl ::s > > > '" l- I- l- I- I- 111 111 111 111 111 111 > ." ." ." 3: 3: 111 111 111 111 111 111 0:: 0:: 0::0:: Vl Vl ~,._.,--------_...._---~._-----"---_.. , ,------'--,,-----_..._--,,",- ". ", __.__.__uM_.,__,..__._.________,__~_'..__ --.+.-..-..-----.--.,----.--..,--'---.-"---~..-_f__- Attachment I I CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE EXPENSES FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 en 12 a: < -' 11 -' 0 0 10 LL. 0 9 en Z 8 0 -' 7 -' ~ 6 5 4 3 2 1 1980-1981 ACTUAL Budget 1981-1982 ACTUAL , 982-1983 ACTUAL 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 ACTUAL PROJECTED BUDGET ACTUAL Attachment III UNCERTAINTIES PROVIDED FOR WIlHIN lHE DISTRICT CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT The following is a description of the major uncertainties, or "risks," which are provided for in the contingency account: Salaries and Wages - The Management Support/Confidential Group's Memorandum of Understand1 ng U(>U> 1 s be1 ng presented for consi derati on at the May 30, 1985 Board Meeti ng. The sal aries and wages effect of the MDU in 1985-1986 which is approximately $100,000 will be provided by transfer from the contingency account. Claims Expense - A nominal $18,300 has been budgeted within the Administrative and Collection System Operations Departments for minor claims. Settlements of major sewer overflow, landslide, public liability and other damage claims will be drawn from the contingency account.