HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-06-85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 6 6 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 6, 1985 SUBJECT HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR ESTABLISHING THE 1985-1986 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES AND FOR THEIR COLLECTION, AS WELL AS THE COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES, ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL TYPE OF ACTION HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance & Accountin ISSUE: The District Codes and State law require holding Publ ic Hearings for establ ishing the 1985-1986 Sewer Service Charge rates, and on the matter of placing current and delinquent charges on the tax roll for collection. BACKGROUND: Notice of the June 6, 1985 Public Hearings to consider changes to the current schedul e of Sewer Serv ice Charges, coll ection of the 1985-1986 Sewer Serv ice Charges on the County tax roll, and to receive and consi der protests to having delinquent sewer charges collected on the 1985-1986 tax roll was duly given. It is recommended that three separate hearings be held to consider the matters described. HearinQ to consider establishinQ the 1985-1986 Sewer Service CharQe: Upon review of the 1985-1986 Operations and Maintenance Budget and consideration of appropriate levels of reserves, the Board is required to consider changes to the schedule of Sewer Service Charges on an annual basi s. Hearina to consider collection of 1985-1966 Sewer Service Charaes on the County tax roll: The law requires that a Public Hearing be held each year before the Sewer Service Charge can be placed on the tax roll. The Sewer Service Charge has been collected on the County tax roll since inception of the charge in 1976. Collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and effective means for the District to collect the major portion of the 100,000 or so accounts. Effective 1982-1983, Contra Costa County began assessing a fee for collecting the Sewer Service Charge on the tax roll. The annual fee of approximately $50,000 is still more economical than the alternative of billing by the District. Heari ng to consi der coll ecti on of del i 1'1:1 uent sewer serv ice charges: The District bills certain property owners directly. During the 1984-1985 fiscal year, one owner fail ed to pay sewer serv ice charges which were billed directly. Infonmation regarding the delinquent account is contained on the attached report. It is proposed that the delinquent REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ef'c:9-~' WNF i) PM RJD INITIATING DEPT./DIV. charges be collected on the 1985-1986 County tax roll, unless there are valid protests. The delinquent property owners were notified of the June 6, 1985 Public Hearing by certified mail. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct three separate Public Hearings and upon their respective conclusions, adopt resolutions for the following actions: 1. Establish a 1985-1986 Sewer Service Charge rate schedule. 2. Authorize the collection of the 1985-1986 Sewer Service Charge on the County tax roll. 3. Consi der protests and, if appropriate, adopt the attached report pursuant to Section 5473, Health and Safety Code, for collection of delinquent service charges on the County tax roll. ftn/EWEO ~HD ItECOUEHDED I'Oft 10~ItO ~CT'OH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. s.. .... 0) .s::. 0 ~ r-~ 0\ IUCO) . s.. ~::J::J ...... 0 000 ~ It- I-~ ...... 4A III 0) 0) s.. ~t IU .s::. 0 ::Jr-O\ 2"1U . 0) CN 0 ....0)...... .... r- 0.. 4A > 0) s.. 0 CD III ~ s.. C 0) 0) 0)0 0 :. ::J C 0 0) 2"~ . III 0\ ....IU N ~ r-a:l ...... ex) 0) 4A 0\ 0 ...... I ti ~ ex) 0) I-l 0\ 0 t=LU ...... .... ll-~ > ~I "0 Oc s.. 0) ::J 0) 0 CD 0 (I) iOCl) .... 0..0 0 ~~ s.. > 0) t:; ~nz C :. .... 0) ~ig (I) >. r- III <&I) ::J 0 ~ffi!z .... > 8i!~ 0) s.. s.. 0) &l)5! 0.. >. C ~III ~ Illl~ It- s.. III 0 0)0) O\LU o..s.. III ro4C ~ 0-0 IU I s.."O ~! C 0..< 0) 0) E E IU >. (I) IU 0.. ~ C >. .... s.. s.. ~ 0) \0 C .0 N 0) >. ~ ::J i .q- 2" ~ .... a<s III . . 1110:::"0< r- s.. 0) 0:::0 0) "0 0) s.. . c"O 1II.s::. .. CD :'''0 s.. ~ 0) 0< :::E....r- s.. a<s05::: IU > III .0\ C s.. s....... IU CD :::EN 0 C ~ III >. s.. O)~ 0 cs.. III ....0) III :.0.. 0) ~ O~ III .0 III 0 0 r-o.. <Z I r- 0 0"0 >. 0 It-O) ~ ...... ~ C I 0)111 ::J \0 .s::. .... 0 0\ I-r- 0 ...... "".,,-,"'_- ,t" . \! ~'C' "', ,P: .' ~:' . k l " .. .".,., .---, :. r"-'; ;"-" r", '- ,,~~-,.: (.. r' ",- \.,;< iO t ~; C' ~ \i ~ ~l ";,," L C.... ',,;- . "" t",~... '" . r : \ :._ it r t \ [C' ',_ t t C'~ ( BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ V. BIDS AND AWARDS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 22, 1985 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD TO PURCHASE CHLORINE LIQUID FROM OCCIDENTAL CHEMICAL CORPORATION FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1985 THROUGH JUNE 1986 TYPE OF ACTION AWARD OF PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Ken F. Laverty, Purchasing & Materials Officer Administrative/Purchasing & Materials Control ISSUE: The District has advertised and received bids (Bid Request T0225C) for chlorine liquid to be used by the treatment plant in the fiscal year 1985/86. BACKGROUND: companies. The Bid Request was publicly advertised and issued to four separate There were three responses received as follows: Total Delivered Unit Price Per Ton Pennwalt Corp. Dow Chemical Occidental Chemical $164.85 170.00 139.08 Analysis by Purchasing staff indicated that the lowest responsible bidder was Occidental Chemical. This firm is the District's current supplier of chlorine liquid, at a per ton cost of $130.60 delivered. On the basis of an annual usage of 700 tons, the anticipated value of the proposed blanket purchase order for the period July 1985 through June 1986 is $97,356.00. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award to purchase chlorine liquid from Occidental Chemical Corporation for the period July 1985 through June 1986 at a per ton cost of $139.08. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION KFL ~ CB C/C~ CCS ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. -) .) ,:) I I I l I J W I < U .. - 00: .. "- .. W -u Z - JO: "- JW ~~ 00: - .. "- U ~ U") IS N N ..'" a - u z - l- t: J 0: ~ "- 0 0: U r- '" - leu ~ III ~ a a a ~ :IE ~ S~ ~ o::t 0"\ I U") J J '" z E__ ~ ~ 0"\ I"-. eo I (Y) t: ~ 25~ o 0: .. .. n ~ I .. 0 ~tO .- ;:y;; .."- I"-. (Y) - I"-. ~ It' ::: tO~ - 1.<:: U") (Y) 0"\ -.. t: r- eo ~ t:C\.. ~ a a a ~ a eo -0 a ~:? E ~ ~ eo N I"-. -0 a 0 u ..'" 0 0 0 0 0 III or- 0"\ ..... ::l - U ~ ..0 ut: .- ~ z - N eo N a 0"\ OJ (Y) ~ JO: eo o::t o::t (Y) >- - j? 0 "- 0 ...) l...) - :z: f- a C5 to ~ tt J'" a a u ~ < U .. I .. t: r- OJ to ::::l oa: 0"\ CD CD CD I 0"\ 0 E ~~ r- U :""l C .. .. - I - ~ ~ '-'I"-- ~ ,~ - -I -.. a ~~ '- It r- ~ a a a a a '-' a a a '- ~ ..'" III a 0 3: ~t;; '- z!,! 0 CD 0 0 OJ 0 a ~ ~ JO: a CD CD a a >- a I"-. ~ .. I"-. U") I"-. I"-. - I-' - - - \0 a a a U") I~ t: ~ ~ ~'" a a 0"\ a (Y) 0 0 ......~ ~ ..!,! a U") eo a I .. ~ c ~ to ~ 00: .. .. .. n I U") -.. .. .. ............ Vi ~ U I"-. - rl U") I - U") :: '- ,.. I"-. (Y) - eo .:'\, :: 0 -0 to ~~ OJr-~ a 0 a L.() 5 U") .... o::t '- - or- 3: ~ ~~ ..... a a I"-. - eo III 0 ~ ::l t: - u 0 0 0 0 g 0 OJ ~ - t: z- a U") N I"-. o::t >- 0- to ~ JO: eo or- ~ ~ .. - o::t ~ - Z r- U - - 0 ;:: OJ N t: .. t: OJ -0 0 a: E ~ 'r- r- t: -0 0 ~ ~ ~g or- or- r- or- ~ 0 Q 0 ... z E to ~ OJ ~ ~ OJ ~ J r- !c 6 ~ 0 '" 0: ::l ~ ~ .;t: OJ OJ ~ 4- Q - < .;t: II: ~ Q Z 0 ;:: OJ E to 0- 0.. a: ... ... 0: ~ ~ uS t: i u 8 II: 0 .. m .. or- -0 :E: ~ V> t: z Q 0 -i t: OJ to OJ OJ 0 ... Q :> :> 6 '" < ~ ~ or- -0 .. U U U ,e or- 0 > < a a ..: Q :> ~ E -0 OJ to or- III OJ ~ U r- ~ ~ ~ t: ~ .. OJ < ~ to 'r- en 0- ~ OJ 0 U") r- to ~ 0- ~ 0 t: e... a ~ >, ~ ~ x ~ 0"\ 0 - , to ...... rg L.LJ .. 0"\ ~ 4- U") n -0 t: ~ I"-. -t5 4- I III ::l to I en r- eo rt:l .. U") 0 ~ .--. OJ a ~ Q .0 ~ t: -.. U -c U") .;t: 0"\ ~ C'1 (Y) -0 -0 a z 0 ;; 'r- a or- E I 1,0 ~ OJ 'r- (Y) E OJ f ::l n........ .-J 0 ,to ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ..0 or- -.. ... OJ ~ 0- -i-> e... ~ .;t:IOJ OJ to ~ 0 a: 0- ~ .;t: ~ - ...... -g 0"\ "'*= --- Ul~ > r- t: Z U r- g;5 ~ r- - j4- 'r- ~ ~ 'r- a 0 III Q 'r- a -0 X, t::tO r- OJ ~ 0 r- t: ~o OJ OJ U") t: to 0' OJ ~ -0 OJ ;: to I~ i:: t: ~ ::l ~ or- IOJ -0 III ~ OJ III ~ ~ or- >, 4- 0 4- ~ -i-> E -0 to ct 11-1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .;t: eo c: III III c: 'r- r- OJ ::l -.. ... OJ OJ 0 r- r- OJ OJ OJ III to ~ ,~ r- U :::>> ~ - -c ~ 0 r- ~ or- ~ 0- r- ~ ~ ........ U CQ ::l -.. or- ...) .;t: ::l to to ::l to OJ t: 0 ....... t: I"-. 4 U (+-l U 0- 0::: U (/) (/) Cl 0 I- 'r- e... ... U III 0 a OJ W .5 0 3: ~~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -i-> ~ ii ;: iF a 0 0 0 0 0 0 -' .. z '0 a ~ .-J .-J .-J .-J .-J .-J OJ ::E Z OJ 1"-.' '" ::E 0 < 0 VI .. '--- 0 0 ::l ;S '" Ii ~6 0 0 0 r...: a: N (Y) o::t U") ~ eo a: a: .. ~ !:z - Central Contra Costa Sanitary BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. BIDS AND AWARDS 2 6 6 85 May 22, 1985 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD TO PURCHASE SULFUR DIOXIDE LIQUID FROM VIRGINIA CHEMICAL CO. FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1985 THROUGH JUNE 1986 TYPE OF ACT ION AWARD OF PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Ken F. Laverty, Purchasing & Materials Off. AdministrativEVPurchasing & Materials Control ISSUE: The District has advertised and received bids (Bid Request T0235C) for sulfur dioxide liquid to be used by the treatment plant in the fiscal year 1985/86. BACKGROUND: companies. The Bid Request was publicly advertised and issued to four separate There were three responses received as follows: TOTAL DELIVERED UNIT PRICE PER TON Cominco American Stauffer Chemical Virginia Chemical $209.35 206.95 189.00 Analysis by Purchasing staff indicated that the lowest responsible bidder was Virginia Chemical. The firm is the District's current supplier of sulfur dioxide, at a per ton cost of $158.80 delivered. On the basis of an annual usage of 440 tons, the anticipated value of the proposed blanket purchase order for the period July 1985 through June 1986 is $83,160.00. RECOMt1ENDATION: Authorize award to purchase sulfur dioxide liquid from Virginia Chemical Co. for the period July 1985 through June 1986 at a per ton cost of $189.00. ~ CCS KFL Pf1 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. -) )' :) I I 'I I' ( I .... "' -<u .... - 00: ....Q. ...... Z !.1 ;) a: Q. .... .. ~~ - o a: .... Q. U L() (V) N ... 0 0 ...... I- - 0 z - ;) a: Q. - I a: ... ;;; 0 0 O"t 0 lD ~ ~ - (V) - \!:> ;) 'g ....... ....... L() O"t - e z t. ~ ~ ~ ... Oa: .. .. .. .. 0 :x: ~u: s- -C .... Q. L() N <::t (V) .jJ Ul m ....... CO - r- g~ C ;~ 1..- 0 e IZ ....... L() CO 0 "'0 0 IE E..-' "- Q) 1= I~ 0 ,..... - 0 'r- '0 ~~ "- s- ~ ...... 0 0 0 0 ..c VI O"t "- -u N L() - O"t Q) CO z - ~ s-u: ~ ;)a: ....... - CO 0 >- - Q. ~ - - z: 0 I~ 0 <::t O"t <::t U t-o ....... 0 N N L() VI -<0 \!:> 0 <::t 0 e gl~ Q) 150: .. .. .. .. 0 s- s- .... Q. (V) N Ll1 - .jJ ~ Iy r- ~ e CO O"t - mr-- ,2 ~ z L() fi- S-I~ 0 0 <::t L() "'0 O"t :::l l-J-~ t Q) ~ 1 0 \!:> (V) O"t or- VI 0 ~ S- ....... 0 0 0 ..c Q) \!:> eju: - 0 z - 0 <::t N \!:> >- 0 v ~ ~ :)f O"t - 0 0 N - N z: l~ 0 0 <::to <::t ..... 0 CO (V) - - e ~n ~ ~!.1 ~ 0 <::t - 0 "'0 l-c l'!f .. .. .. .jJ or- S- (V) (V) L() N . - :::l o :Xl c r- I..... Ie co O"t L() 0- s: cf--i ~ I~ I:: Z (V) 'r- .s: ~ 0 0 L() L() "'0 r- r- ~~ t ....... 0 0 (V) (V) 'r- (j) E S- - u 0 0 0 0 ..c VI 0 Q) 0 19lri z - 0 ....... N O"t Q) N "'0 ~ ~ :>f O"t - 0 0 >- or- Vi (..-'I N z: z X 0 1= 0 ... 'r- "'0 E 0: "'0 Q) 0 ~ l5~ S- S- S- S- ... Q) Q) 4- .jJ Q :::l .... e; :li z ~ ~ > 0.. Q) ~ ~ 0 4- II: m z 0 5 0:> 'r- e Q) 0: r- w w It: Ul ug r- Q) 0 ..s:::. i 8 II: 15 g cD Q. .~ :::l -i -< Q) e u or- VJ Z 0 ci a: ~ (/') w 0 :> ... -< w "'0 e 0 or- .VI > -< a a ..: 0 > .... e 0 .jJ S- ......... e m .. .. 0 .jJ o. (V) Q) .jJ ... "'0 .jJ S- .jJ m '" 0 ..... S- Q) .jJ "'0 X Cl S- ::::, S- Q) a. or- e l..LJ ....... ~ 0- Q) a. e to co ~ .. 0 ~ or- a. .. :::l I - - 0 r- .. ......... N 0 Q) en u ~ '.. VI C;-Q -0 e (V) 4- e Q) ~ Q) L() Q) .. 0 - m r- Z "'0 U 0'1 - s- - or- \!:> (/') "'0 ea m OJ 0 or- :::l s- \!:> Q) .jJ1 'r- .... U t; Ii: x s- m ---- > VI a.o r- ..c 0 or- s- o: 0 .jJ ..s:::. or- E O..jJ m E r- I~ l'! I-- ~ or- U X r- Q) j 'r- e Z Q) VI "'0 ~ m Q) .jJ Q) ,\!:> s- or- 0 ..s:::. e s- .. 0 e .jJ .jJ "'0 ....... VI ,co .Q) U ~ 1(""" 0 s- m ..s:::. ---- m!_ .jJ "'0 - t; .. w :::l .jJ 01 VI r- ..s:::. - m Q) ~ ro VI I/) 4- 'r- Q) m e u - ..- "'0 o ""- ... or- Q) r- e Q) r- .jJ 0 s- ....... ::l ::>> e s- o :::l or- s- m 0 .jJ :::l ex: r- ea or- -I-l I-' (/') l..1... (/') l- e... :c u <4: t::r. I~ e .. s- VI ~ 0 'r- or- Q) \;;; I~ >- 3: ~~ .jJ 0 s- .jJ .jJ .jJ .jJ Q f--J 51= 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 z <::t a. .....J .....J .....J .....J .. :l Z <::t rc:l :Ii 0 0 .. - N 0 0 0 0 u ~ 0: ~6 w - (V) <::t L() \!:> .. .. t !: z -< <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. BIDS & AWARDS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 30, 1985 SUBJECT DEQARE BID FOR ()JE CARGO VAA NONRESPONSIVE, PU1HORIZE TYPE OF ACTION STAFF TO ISSUE A RJROiASE ORDER FOR ()JE CARGO V AA, AAD Authorize Award EXTEND PU1HORIZATION OF $48,022 UNEXPENDED BALANCE TO of Purchase SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The Board of Directors is requested to declare the one bid received for the purchase of one cargo van as bei ng nonresponsive, authorize the purchase of one cargo van without further publ ic bi ds, and approve the expenditure, in the 1985-1986 fiscal year, of the unexpended balance of funds originally authorized in the 1984-1985 Equipment Budget. BACKGROUND: A request for bids for the purchase of one cargo van, as a part of the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system, were publicly adverti sed in the Contra Costa Times on May 3, 1985. Copi es of the bi d documents were mail ed the same day to seven deal ers with i n the Di stri ct service area. One bid was received fran Sun Valley Ford and opened publ icly on May 15, 1985. The bid was $10,460.01 (pl us tax). On subsequent evaluation, the vehicle bid did not meet the major technical requirements of the specifications. Specifically, a heavy duty cargo van with a sliding side door is needed for the CCTV application and the vehicle proposed by Sun Valley Ford is a light duty van with swing-out side doors. Prior to proceeding further, the bid fran Sun Valley Ford must be decl ared nonresponsive. The publ ic bidding requirement for the purchase of the cargo van having been sati sf i ed, the staff located th ree vans in stock at other deal ers that would meet the requirements of the appl ication. The most suitable heavy duty cargo van is available fran Steve Schneider Chevrolet in San Rafael. A purchase price of $11,300 (plus sales tax) has been negotiated subject to Board approval. On May 2, 1985, the Board approved restructuring the 1984-1985 equipment budget authorization of $62,000 for a new CCTV system to incl ude a new cargo van and new equipment. Approximately $14,000 will be expended fran the 1984-1985 Equipment Budget by the end of the 1984-1985 fiscal year. As the equi pment budget is an annual authorizati on, Board authorizati on of $48,022 fran Sewer Constructi on funds is needed to compl ete the planned work. No additional funds are being requested as a part of this acti on. The details of the original authorization and the expenditures are shown on the attachment to this position paper. BOARD ACTION CARGO V AN Page 2 RECOMtENDATIONS: 1. Decl are the proposal by Sun Vall ey Ford to furni sh one cargo van to be nonresponsive. 2. Authorize staff to issue a purchase order to Steve Schneider Chevrolet for the purchase of one cargo van at a cost not to exceed $11,300 pl us tax. 3. Approve extendi ng the $48,022 unexpended bal ance of $62,000, ori gi nally authorized in the 1984-1985 Equi pment Budget, into the 1985-1986 fiscal year. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR'/CHIEF ENG. . . Attachment a.OSED CIRQJIT TElEVISION SYSTEM NEW Sa.IO STATE roLm CCTV SYSTEM Purchase CCTV Equipment Purchase Cargo Van Modify Van and Install Equipment Contingency Subtota 1 REFUmISH EXISTING BLACK AND WHITE CCTV UNIT Repair Body and Interior Replace CCTV Components Contingency Subtotal T ota 1 Less Amount Expended Amount Unexpended BOOGET 1984/85 EXPENDITURES $25,000 -0- 12,000 $11,978 9,000 -0- 3,000 -0- 49,000 11 ,978 5,000 5,500 2,500 2,000 -0- -0- 13 ,000 2,000 62,000 13 ,978 - 13 ,978 $48,022 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER SUBJECT NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 24, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 85-10 (ALAMO), P.A. 85-11 (DIABLO) AND P.A. 85-12 (ALAMO)TO BE IN- CLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering/Construction Parcel No. Area 85-10 Alamo (77D2) 85-11 Diablo (81B7) 85-12 Alamo (78A7) Owner Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Remarks Norman E. Betaque 1655 Diablo Vista Rd. Alamo, C/\ 94507 188-360-002 (0.82AC) Existing House CCCSD Failing Septic Syste District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" G. C. Bewall, et ux 1965 Diablo Road Diablo, CA 94528 (1.39AC) 60th properties were CCCSD connected over 12 years ago and paid their connection fees. R. E. Sawdon, et ux P. O. Box 350 Diablo, CA 94528 195-270-029 (0.53AC) An error in our maps showed these parcels to be within this District. Until for mal annexation, the District must bill them direct for E.Q. District to prepare i "Notice of Exemption' Beverly J. Jeffery 926 Escondido Ct. Alamo, CA 94507 201-050-035 (0.43AC) Existing House CCCSD Failing Septic System. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 85-10(Alamo), P.A. 85-11(Diablo) and P.A. 85-12 (Alamo) to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. J..9t DH REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARP ACTION fII#l JMc RAB <:ORTESE LAND CO. 2. ... A STATE 33.12AC BREAR 3.52 AC ( V r \0..-.. HAVERFIELD p\ S4 4 3B AC 1"\ AC 5~ \,e ~c9 o \ INC. i?A,85-/0 , ..~ -- ~/(':\. ~A,,^ ~ SOULE ~7. 72 AC I'ETI ~7::---- ~.:,(~",,::, , '.' .' .' :'/ :: ... " - '~ AT H - / ~ / tP. \d ,..-..-~ ".tr\ 'y \ + ANN!,~; -r-- PROPOSED ANNEXATION F?A. 85 --II PROPOSED ANNEXATION P A, 85 - /2 <c(sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE Ma 24, 1985 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH RICHARD D. DAVIS, ET UX, JOB 933, PARCEL 1 AND JOB 1551, PARCEL 44 IN THE PLEASANT HILL AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Construction Div. ISSUE: The property owner has requested permission to install a wooden deck over a portion of a District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: At District request, the deck has been re-designed into seven removable sections in the easement area. Each section in the area of the sewer manholes weighs' 1 ess than two hundred pounds. Thi s des i gn wi 11 permit access for maintenance at the manholes while still allowing the property owner the enjoyment of the wooden deck. The property owner has paid the Districts fee for processing the subject agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should.arise, the agreement requires the property owner to remove the structure at the owners expense within 30 days of notice. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement 'Relating to Real Property with Richard D. Davis et ux, Job 933 and Job 1551, authorize the President of the District Board of Director and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement and authorize the agree- ment to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JMc RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. rl( ~).'. , \ '"61'. ~. ,~~,. f'top .,J./ , . \ 41lG, ~'':>((.1\) -". -~-_. -'- .~... " 1-(f'fJ'f, 4..." 1"1~ ". . ,- - 6..tfZ'?"P'~ \ . ~- -', -'----~.;;~ I=~:~.\.t~ \.... - I / 6, \~' ,'~"l..~_ ..._ I ~~ " _. \.. , --- '\ \" -- - . .-- /' \ 1\ .tJ : "--':=;, I '\ . ~=+" ~~. If"'"' - I I . ~e.t.lW Of- ~ ~ HOUSe W~Hr ,~ (0 rt ~ ct. ~) ~) (j) ....~ '""'~ ) .~;.'~ .(,.o"'~~\ . -.<~\ \ Y~bM\~ t1 p.J.I "" th ..c. "ftp. flIi............ ~ (, Df9) . (.,~(h. l4f11..~ 11erl: ~ n"! I' Ibl;! " lho111 ,'Oi II, I~I~ , tutll REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 933 & 1551 PLEASANT HILL ARE~ - <<<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS No.VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 6 6 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH CHARLES B. NEWTON, ET UX, JOB 3251, PARCEL 1, PLEASANT HILL AREA ~la 24, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate En ineer ISSUE: The property owner has requested the District to permit a swimming pool deck and a small corner of the pool to remain within a District easement. BACKGROUND: In June, 1983 District staff determined that the subject swimming pool and concrete decking encroached into a District sewer easment. A corner of the concrete decking is over the sewer main and a corner of the shallow end of the actual pool is approximately one foot inside the sewer easement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should arise, the agreement requires the property owner to remove the improvements at the owners expense within thirty days of notice. The property owner has cooperated with District staff and has paid the Districts fee for processing the subject agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement relating to Real Property with Charles B. Newton, et ux, Job 3251, authorize the President of the Board and Secretary of the District to execute said Agreement and authorize the Agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. \\\0, GI 'J /71tfl> DH JMc RAB RJD / l /./ /: /l ~ /('. // '" o /~.,/ coll!l SM'TH / /'Y ~'::: . .\.~ Z'lI.:n"C. s~8S1$~ ~\ / ~ .' ,:,..6?'~~~ /:t!}~ \~ ..~/~"::'~0\"::-----:,:,f1. ~ fa CIn / / -t(.f.;;\ 8\ \!h:f:JA:~.fll1 CITY ../ 1\r;p,'. I, '(.Jk .../ . / \.Yr"'4.J_>.>.:'~' __ .RUSS c/' ~i · ot>A tl-t \, ~ p..C 000 ('-0 t ~G ~ O_OOAC -- I 1 . '///,#' i? ,7 ~~-'H~IA/ lj,(/E '-- ~. c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 6 6/85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE MAY 24, 1985 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH PAUL L. RUSHING, ET UX, JOB 1043, LAFAYETTE AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate En ineer t. Construction i~ivision ISSUE: The property owner has proposed the construction of a garage extension over a District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The property owner originally requested permission to encroach four feet into the sewer easement. This would have put a portion of the garage over the sewer main. The width of the ,garage has been lessened at staff's request so that the garage is two feet clear of the sewer main. This reduction in size of the garage is the maximum possible that will still allow the garage to be useful to the property owner. The property owner has cooperated with District staff by altering garage plans and has paid the Districts fee for processing the subject agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need~shQuld arise, the~agreement requires the property owner to remove the garage at the owners expense within thirty days of notice. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with Paul L. Rushing, et u~, Job 1043, authorize the President of the Board and Secretary of the District to execute said Agreement and authorize the Agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JMc RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. P\( (}Of /;:~y '~ ~. /' 'ft) , 710AC I <>\ \\ ';.\~ J~ "'~ OBLATE FATKE"S T'" ~ WESTERN P"OVtf'tCE INe ~\;. '1." AC ~\~ ~\ ~ ~ E...,.c I ~ r I J.J6f RESIDE NeE ... 0,,:".- ': ~ ..0 l'~ I,IS It '~ I ... '~. -~,~ I '.,. ,iii I "~' I , ~ .. . -L ~~"'u, I ~~!!.-C)I '\ . \ ~ ui t I~ , 'J I r 5' S. S.E. . c$ S.D.f. Real Property Agreement Job 1043 Lafayette Area c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 6 6 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH FRED MILLER, JOB 2155, PARCEL 3, ORINDA AREA APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Construction Division ISSUE: The property owner has proposed to construct a residence adjoining the Di stri ct sewer easement on the owners property. A porti on of the house and wooden decks will cantilever over the sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The decks and cantilevered portion of the residence are to be 12 feet above existing grade. If the need should arise, the proposed agreement provides that the property owner is responsible for all costs involved in relocating the sewer out from under the proposed improvements, including granting a required new sewer easement. The property owner has cooperated with District staff by providing construction drawings of the proposed improvements and has paid the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with Fred Miller, Job 2155, Parcel 3, authorize the President of the Board and the Secretary of the District to execute said Agreement and authorize the Agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .I, '11 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. DH JMc RAB RJD I B R ~\ I '~ 10/ .J: 5.E. 6"A.C.? SEWER MAIN '1f L sire PlAN Real Property Agreement Job 2155 - Parcel 3 Orinda Area "\' . ,', '1,/,." ,.~'w.: '..,,,:.~\""~^' ~ " .' +-r.m.~t. ~ ~~t-"M't1u J...o.i.;t.J~ ~I-'l f/U.t:> "'\.1~ "I!H -1<152-- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IX. BUDGET & FINANCE 2 6 6 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 3, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE THE 1985-1986 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET BUDGET APPROVAL SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative Finance & Accountin ISSUE: The 1985-1986 Operations and Mai ntenance <O&M) Budget is submitted for approval by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1985-1986 O&M Budget was submitted to the Board of Directors for initial review at the May 30, 1985 Adjourned Board Meeting and is scheduled for approval at the June 6, 1985 Board Meeting. The Memorandum of Understandi ng (MQU) with the Management Support/Confidenti al Group was adopted by the Board on May 30, 1985. The $100,000 salaries and wages effect of this KlU in the 1985-1986 fiscal year was provided for within the 1985-1986 District Contingency Account which totaled $200,000. It is now appropriate to transfer the $100,000 salaries and wages increase from the Contingency Account to the respective departmental Salaries and Wages--Non-management accounts. As a resul t of thi s transfer, the Conti ngency Account was reduced to $100,000 and the Salaries and Wages--Non-management accounts increased by $100,000 in the revised 1985-1986 O&M Budget which is enclosed. Additional information requested by the Board on May 30, 1985 is provided in Attachments I and II. Attachment I identifies the estimated allocation of departmental force account charges to capital projects in 1985-1986. Attachment II explains the reduced amounts budgeted in 1985-1986 in two Sewer Service Charge accounts. The 1985-1986 Personnel and Equipment budgets were approved by the Board of Di rectors on April 4, 1985 and May 2, 1985, respectively. Fi nal adopti on of the 1985-1986 Equipment, Personnel and O&M Budgets is scheduled on June 20, 1985. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 1985-1986 Operations and Maintenance Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION #cJ~' WNF PM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. CENTRAL. CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT SALARIES AND WAGES PROJ ECTED TO BE CAPITALIZED IN 1985-1986 Attachment I EnQineerinQ Department: Capital Project Number and Title Estimated Capitalized District Salaries and WaQes 3816 20014 3760 Various 20028 3694 4015 3841 3615 3841 20027 3700 20026 Various Various Stage 5B Hydraulic Capacity Expansion Treatment Plant Seismic Improvements Stage 5A-I Project Completion, Including As-Built Drawings Co" ecti on System Improvements Storm Damage Proj ects Walnut Creek Bypass Sewer Warehouse/Maintenance Buildings Multiple Hearth Furnace Modifications Cathodic Protection System Sludge Dewatering Pumping Station Improvements Holding Basin C Dewatering System Improvements Treatment Plant Building (MMB/MCB) San Ramon Valley EIR Collection System Master Plan Solids Handling Water Reclamation Study Watershed Sewer Improvements and Capacity Studi es Grant Administration All Other Projects, Less than $10,000 Total Engineering 3816 Plant Operations Department: 20011 5B Hydraulic Capacity Expansion and Sludge Thickening Facilities Pipe Supports Total Plant Operations Collection System Operations Department: 20023 Outfall Inspection and Repair Installation of New Manholes and Sewer Line Reconstruction Total Collection System Operations Total District $113,530 34,853 62,707 39,144 35,585 34,965 29,772 16,896 12,660 12,541 11 ,483 15,541 27,586 14,098 24,890 24,676 25,060 17,164 48,445 16,053 58,441 676,090 47,600 19,700 67,300 5,600 42,400 48,000 $791,390 Attachment II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 1985-1986 SEWER SERY ICE OfARGE REVENUE ACCOUNTS District Sewer Service Charge revenue is accounted for in the following four separate accounts: County Collections Counter Collections Di rect Bill ing Prior Year Collections In 1985-1986, Sewer Service Charge revenues from Counter Collections and Direct Billings are budgeted $72,399 and $30,559, respectively, less than projected revenues in 1984-1985. The variance explanation is provided by account in the following sections: Counter Collections: Revenues from Counter Collections of Sewer Service Charges in 1985-1986 are budgeted $72,399 less than projected 1984-1985 revenues. The primary cause of this variance is higher than normal 1984-1985 commercial building connections, which accounted for approximately $50,000 of the variance; additionally, there were over 400 house connections in 1984-1985 higher than projections, which produced approximately $25,000 in unanticipated 1984-1985 revenues. The unusually high volume of connections in 1984-1985 is not anticipated to recur in 1985-1986. Direct Billing: 1985-1986 budgeted revenues are $30,559 less than projected 1984-1985 revenues. This is primarily the result of unusually high 1984-1985 revenues caused by: approximately $20,000 of revenue which was direct-billed instead of being collected by the Contra Costa County on the real property bills because certain District annexations submitted to the County were misprocessed and were not included on the 1984-1985 tax rolls; additionally, Sewer Service Charges direct-billed to the Contra Costa County itsel f for County facil ities were approximately $10,000 higher in 1984-1985 than in prior years because of higher water use volumes, which are anticipated to be mitigated in 1985-1986. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 6 6 85 DAT~ay 31, 1985 SUBAD6PT AN ORDINANCE COMPIL ING AND CODIFYING lHE EXISTING ORDINANCES OF THE DISTRICT BY REFERENCE AS THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CODE TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT ORDINANCE SU8J.1ITTED ~.Y Joyce MCMillan, Secretary of the District INITI!}T)Nq Df:PT./DIV Aom1n1strat1ve Department ISSUE: The compilation and codification of the existing ordinances of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict has been prepared and rev iewed by staff and Counsel for the Di strict and is on fil e in the office of the Secretary of the Di strict. It is recommended that the Board of Directors adopt an ordinance adopting the compil ati on and codificati on by reference as the Central Contra Costa Sanitary o i str i ct Code. BACKGROUND: In December 1963 and again in June 1973, the existing ordinances of the Di strict were compil ed, codified, and adopted by reference. Si nce that time more than 60 ordinances have been adopted by the District Board of Directors. While in most cases these ordinances were integrated into the District Code, it became apparent that a review and updating is again necessary. Book Publishing Company was retained to perform this work. Based on all ordinances adopted by the District Board and input from the Management Group as to current practices and procedures, a draft District Code was prepared and reviewed for internal conflicts, indexed, and cross referenced. An historical citation showing legislative history and derivation was prepared for each section. A complete and comprehensive table indicating disposition of each ordinance was included. This draft Di strict Code was then rev iewed once more by each member of the Management Group and minor changes were incorporated. The draft provided to the Board highlighted the minor changes that were made. In some instances District staff determined that it would be appropriate to rewrite an entire section or chapter. Some of th i s work, such as the rates and charges program, is currentl y underway and as each phase is completed, it will be presented to the Board for adoption and inclusion in the District Code. It was concluded that this work could be best accomplished accurately and efficiently after codification when comprehensive historical citations and cross references would be available. In his review of the draft District Code, Counsel for the District concurred with staff findings. In addition, District Counsel advised that certain sections of the District Code be reviewed in light of current statutory and decisional law. This project would appropriately be assigned to the new District Counsel and funds for this purpose have been requested in the 1985-1986 O&M Budget. As well as providing legal review of the District Code, this project would provide the new District Counsel with an opportunity to become familiar with the District's Rules and Regul ati ons. JM REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION The draft District Code was distributed to the Board of Directors on April 18, 1985, for review and comments. Upon approval of the cod1fication and adoption of the attached ordinance by the Board of Directors, the ordinance will be published once in the Contra Costa Times and will be effective upon expiration of the week of publication. Since continued maintenance of the District Code is of primary importance, a procedure is now in place to ensure that all ordinances adopted will be codified and inserted in the District Code on a quarterly basis. RECOM~NDATION: Adopt an ordinance compiling and codifying the existing ordinances of the Di strict and adopti ng the compil ati on and codi ficati on by reference as the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code and direct the Secretary of the District to publish said ordinance pursuant to Government Code Section 6490. ItEV'IEWEO AND ItECOMMENDEO I'01t 10AltO ACT'ON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF [NG. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF lHE CENTRAL CONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT OO~IL ING AND OODIFYING lHE EXISTING ORDINANCES OF lHE DISTRICT AND ADOPTING lHE OO~ILATION AND OODIFICATION BY REFERENCE AS lHE CENTRAL roNlRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT roDE The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District do ordain as follows: The compilation and codification of the existing ordinances of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that is on file in the Office of the Secretary of the District under the title of "Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code" is hereby adopted by reference, as the official code of the District in accordance with the provisions of Health and Safety Code Section 6491.2 and Goverrwent Code Sections 50022.1 to 50022.8. This Ordinance shall be published once in the Contra Costa Tilles, a newspaper of general circulation. published and circulated within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and shall be effective upon expiration of the week of publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 6th day of June, 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa. State of California Approved as to Form: John J. Carniato Di strict Counsel (<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI II. ENGINEERING POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 84-13 (CONCORD AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT Ma 24, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept.jConstruction Division ISSUE: Peter B. Bedford has requested the District to annex his property so that it may receive sewer service and site development can proceed. BACKGROUND: The subject parcel is located at the western terminus of Bates Avenue and is identified as Assessors Parcel Numbers 159-120-28 and 29. The parcel contains approximately 60.43 acres. The property is planned to be developed as an industrial park with the City of Concord being the lead agency. This District and the City of Concord have a practice which requires that properties requesting annexation to this District also annex to the City when they are within the Cities sphere of influence. This parcel was previously considered for annexation in August 1984. No action was taken at that time because the property owner did not have an agreement with the City of Concord regarding annexation to the City. The property owner and the City of Concord now have an annexation agreement. The agreement requires the City to be the lead agency in a Boundary Reorganization which will include annexation to this District. It is appropriate for the District to process this annexat'ion request at the present time so that connection permits may be issued. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 84-13 to be included in the future Boundary Reorgani- zation which will be initiated by the City of Concord with the Local Agency Formation Commission. DH INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ol~ RJD / LION OIL CO 1I1E"'1"EII1 BOLL"",II .,-iL. PL",1I1 6Afr:;;.7 / %.'1./'5 7f1 .~TE 5 LION OIL CO, OIL CO PROPOSED ANNEXATION F?A. 84 - /3 c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. VI I I. ENGINEERING 2 6/6/85 DATE May 20. 1985 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. FOR MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES FOR THE STAGE 5B PROJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBM,J,T'TED BY A' A' . KObert . Slmmons, ssoclate Englneer INITIATING DFPT./DIV. EngineerTng Dept. / Construction Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Testing Engineers, Inc. BACKGROUND: On April 4, and 10, 1985, the District publically advertised for test- ing services related to materials (concrete, soils and asphalt) for the Stage 5B construction project. Four (4) firms responded by submitting qualifications and cost proposals. Testing Engineers, Inc.'s proposal was evaluated to be the best of those received and was also the least expensive. District staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Testing Engineers, Inc. Compensation shall be by cost reimbursement with a not to exceed cost ceiling of $23,000.00. Funds for this work will come from the Stage 5B construction project budget previously authorized by the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Testing Engineers, Inc. for material testing services in conjunction with the Stage 5B project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION tf),f RAS JM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IX. BUDGET & FINANCE 1 6 6 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT CLOSE OUT UNDEREXPENDED CAPITAL PROJECTS, RETURNING $40,929 TO THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND. CLOSE OUT OVEREXPENDE CAPITAL PROJECTS, AUTHORIZING $17,496 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION Ma TYPE OF ACTION 1985 SUBMITTED BY Ja Construction D'v' . INITIATING DEPT./DIV. AUTHORIZE FUNDS ISSUE: Supplemental funding is necessary to close out certain completed but overexpended capital projects. BACKGROUND: The work on 19 capital projects has been completed, and these project accounts can be closed. The attached Capital Project Summary lists these projects including the status of each project budget. A total surplus of $58,425 remains in J 4 of the project accounts. The remaining 5 projects have overruns totaling $17,496. Overruns in excess of $1,000 are explained below. o Project 3977 - Replacement of Deficient Sewers This project included corrective work on Vessing Road in Pleasant Hill, on Castle Hill Road in Walnut Creek and on Cameo Drive in Danville for the purpose of eliminating overflowing manholes. The project budget was $111,080. The design provided for the elimination of an apparent sag in an existing pipeline on Castle Hill Road. When the problem area was exca- vated, the cause of the problem was found to be a hump in the pipeline downstream of the apparent sag. The hump had to be eliminated by replacing the existing pipe. The existence of the hump was a differing site con- dition. A change order was issued to eliminate the hump. The corrective work was performed as extra work on a time and materials basis. The pro- ject budget was exceeded by $11,337 as a result of this change order. o Project 30006 - Marina Vista Sewer Authorized funds for this project were exceeded by $4,567 because of extra work which was required to find and reconnect existing side sewers to the new sewer main. This project replaced an existing sewer main in Martinez which was extremely substandard. There was limited information on the location of existing side sewers and it took longer to find and reconnect the side sewers than originally planned. RECOMMENDATION: Close out underexpended capital projects, returning $40,929 to the sewer construction fund. Close out overexpended capital projects, authorizing $17,496 in sewer construction funds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMc RAB 7~ CAPIT Pi PROJ ECT SUMMARY Remaining Balance Proj ect Dept Boa rd Numbe r Description ~ Auth Surpl us Deficit 3433 Pump Station Renovation Eng $653,834 $15,067 3660 C12/S02 System Improvements Eng 829,795 17 ,258 3932 WC Telephone System Purch. CSO 2,010 2,010 3955 Warner Court Sewer CSO 4,785 522 3977 Replacement of Deficient Eng 111,080 $11,337 Sewers 4004 Moraga Trunk Replacement Eng 45,104 12,331 10002 Muffin Monster Grinders PO 30,468 262 10004 Influent Channel Vent PO 6,000 129 10005 No. 3 WHP Pump Sta rters PO 13 ,000 518 10009 Aeration Air Headers Repair PO 35,000 955 20012 Radio Repeater Purch. CSO 4,800 694 200016 Wall Panel Bracing Eng 58,431 8,597 30001 Equipment and Supply Purch. Adm 3,318 57 30002 Shop Improvement CSO 2,500 282 30003 Convert Gas Tunk to Diesel CSO 3,750 759 30004 Exhaust System in Shop CSO 3,294 119 30006 Marina Vista Sewer CSO 4,900 4,567 30008 CSO Steam Cleaner CSO 3,100 400 30010 Sony Word Processor Adm 46,482 ~l $58,425 $17,496 Net Returned to Sewer Construction Fund $40,929 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR SOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./D1V. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. X. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 22, 1985 ~~PROVE SEmEtvENT JlGREEtvENT WITH CITY OF CONCORD AND ADOPT TH IRD AtvENDMENT TO 1974 CONTRACT B ElW EEN CONCORD AND DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION APPROV E S Em EtvENT AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT AtvENDMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jack E. Campbell, Admin. Operations Manager Administrative/Risk Mgmt. and Safety ISSUE: Negoti ati ons have been campl eted with the City of Concord to resol ve a dispute arising fram the 1974 Agreement with the City of Concord whereby the District receives and treats wastewater from Concord. BACKGROUND: For sometime there has been a disagreement between the City of Concord and the District as to the appropriate amount of cost reimbursement the District should receive for treating Concord's wastewater. A 1974 agreement between the two entities provided that payment of operations and maintenance costs would be based on a wastewater flow rati 0 and capital costs on an assessed val uati on rati o. Probl ems developed in measuri ng the amount of wastewater flow from Concord and the assessed val uati on rati 0 was found not to be a sati sfactory way of apporti oni ng the capital co st s. Negotiations were initiated in April of 1984 and a series of engineering studies performed in an attempt to resol ve these issues. Through the cooperative and positive efforts of the City and District staffs and with the support of the Concord City Council and District Board of Directors, an amendment to the 1974 contract and a settlement agreement have been developed which bring this dispute to a conclusion. The key elements of this settlement are: 1. New flow metering instrumentation will be installed at the Concord Pump Station and north meter locations. The City and District will share the costs for this new installation but the flow measuring devices will be owned and controlled by the Di strict. Temporary ADS meters will be used until the permanent meters are installed and calibrated. The change to more accurate flow metering will increase the annual revenue to the District over that which Concord was paying in prey ious years. 2. Capital cost apportionment between the City and District will no longer be based on assessed valuation but, instead, on the wastewater flow ratio as is used for the operati on and mai ntenance costs. Thi s change will increase Concord's share of the District's Treatment Plant capital costs from around 24% to approximately 32% based on the current ratio. 3. The City of Concord will pay the District $3.5 million in final settlement of the past underpayments claimed by the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INI, IAT~~T'/DIV' JEC PM .~.~-~~ _.._----...-'_._------,--_.,.,---_._"------_._---_..~,---------~~_.".__.._-"...... RECOM~NDATrONS : 1. Approve the Settlement Agreement and Release as negotiated between the City and District. 2. Approve the Third Amendment to the September 10, 1974 Agreement between the City of Concord and District for wastewater disposal; adopt appropriate resolution. REVIEWED I.ND RECOMMENDED FOR 80l.RD I.Cr/ON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG.