HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-20-85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. I V. B IDS AND AWARDS 1 6 20 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 10, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUll-lORIZATION TO AWARD CONTRACT FOR JANITORIAl SERVICES TO ACTION BUILDING SYSTEMS AUll-lORIZE AW ARD OF CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY C. Schr INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Purchasin ISSUE: Purchasing has complied with the formal bid request procedures for requesting janitorial services, and staff recommends that the Board authorize the contract award. BACKGROOND: Purchasi ng identi fied a need to combi ne the total j anitori al requirements of the District into one service contract which will improve overall service and reduce staff administrative time. The District requires janitorial services for the Headquarters Office Building (HOO), Treatment Plant Operations Administrative area, CSO, and three trailers. Draft specificati ons were developed by Purchasi ng and reviewed by staff from the affected departments. This cooperative effort resulted in a very detailed, yet clear scope of services that was incorporated into a formal bid request. The formal bid request was publicly advertised and bid opening took place on June 4, 1985. We received three bids. All bidders were completely responsive as shown in the attached tabulation of bids. All bidders submitted fixed monthly prices for routine services and fixed unit prices for the special cleaning requirements. A summary of bids is shown below: Wal nut Creek American Building Acti on Buil di ng Janitorial Maintenance Systems Schedule I, II, III, & IV Total Monthly Cost: $ 3,717.00 $ 2,469.67 $ 2,250.00 Annual Cost (12 Mos.): 44,604.00 29,636.00 27,000.00 Special cleaning per year: 12,650.00 16,300.00 9,900.00 Projected 12 month total: 57,254.00 45,936.00 36,900.00 The lowest responsible bidder is Action Building Systems with a projected 12 month cost of $36,900. It is planned to let the original contract until July 1986, then at our option extend the contract as warranted. Janitorial service costs are included in the Administrative and CSO O&M Budget expense; therefore, we are not requesting additional funds from the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a contract to Acti on Buil di ng Systems on fixed monthly and fixed unit price bases for janitorial services. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ccs KFL PM INITIATING ~ .~ ----'--,..--~-....-_...-.__....-.~."..,-.~,..--..,' -----.---'".--..----- --,---, -----------".-.---...--,.-~.-__".___.,...__.____,____..._ _""4'__,_,~_",__"______",_",,,_,____,,,,,___,__~,,,..,".__~..,~.___~_,__._______,_~____._ \. r, ~l 'V ~ ( .... ... ... v ... - 00:: to ... ... ... z ~ ;> 0:: ... ....... ... u ... - 00:: ... ... ..... II. 0 V ...... - u u ~ z - ;> 0:: ... II: U"\.....v W 00 ~ ID N g ::; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :i ~ 0 ....... 0 ~ 0 0 U"\ ~ ~ Z <( t; ~ ~ 0- '-'> '-'> ~ ~ l ... i 00:: r-: X ... ... ..... ..... ("I"' ..... ..... 0' '!; '" ~~ C O~ N 0: ri" u u .~ .- I (/) I ~ ::; U >..:r ul... t;: ... ... 0 ~ ~ '0 0 <I> c c c .J: :31~ -u 0 ~ U"\ C - - - 1'- z- u- 0 I~ :z ;> 0:: N '-'> ..:r ..... N .j.J ... ~ :z <N? fJ, fJ, ~ N ..... iti . l.g 0 '!/. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'f;. ~ -'w ~ 0 ~ '-'> 0 0 ~ 10- ~~ '-'> ~ '-'> 00 '-'> 0: CO 00:: . ~ .. 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SUBMITTED BY Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: Heat radiated fran the waste heat boilers in the furnacing process has affected the drive motors of the Plant's dewatering centrifuge. BACKGROUND: Since the start up of the Plant Operations Department's multiple hearth furnaces, an overheati ng probl em has developed with two of the centrifuge drive motors due to their close proximity to the waste heat boiler. The purchase and installation of insulation blankets to shield the motors is recommended to reduce the risk of centrifuge motor failure. This solution is the least costly method of alleviating this problem. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $3,000 fran the Sewer Constructi on Fund for purchase and installation of insulation materials to protect the centrifuge motors. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CIL DO CWB Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 14, 1985 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT AND APPOINT JAMES L. HAZARD COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1985 AND ADOPT RESOlUTION TYPE OF ACTION APPOINT COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Admi ni strative ISSUE: The District's current Counsel is resigning effective June 30, 1985. James L. Hazard of Sell ar, Hazard, Snyder & Kelly is to be appoi nted as the repl acement effective J ul y 1, 1985. BACKGROUND: An extensive recruiting effort to find a replacement for District Counsel John J. Carniato has now been completed. The Board of Directors interviewed the final candidates at the May 30 Adjourned Board Meeting and directed staff to enter into contract negotiations with James Hazard as the first choice candidate. These negotiations have produced a draft contract satisfactory to Mr. Hazard and the District staff; it is recommended that this agreement be approved. Under the terms of this agreement, Mr. Hazard will receive partial compensation during the month of June for transitional work performed in connection with change in District Counsel; the effective date of his appointment to the District Counsel position will be J u 1 y 1, 1985. While Mr. Hazard is to be the appointed District Counsel, other attorneys in his firm will be assigned to various tasks by Mr. Hazard. Under the agreement, the legal services provided by Mr. Hazard and other members of the firm will not exceed $15,000 per quarter at the rates outlined in Article II. These amounts are in concert with the budget for legal services in Fiscal Year 1985-1986. Any litigation or special project work for the District will be covered by a separate agreement. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Approve and execute agreement for District Counsel legal services. 2. Appoint James L. Hazard to the position of Counsel for the District effective J u 1 y 1, 1985. 3. Adopt attached resolution of appointment. IN REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM '-1-"" ...----.-.- . _".__.........~_._.~._.'...4~.__._'._,___..~_........._._.____~_._.'_.___M..__,._~~,..._____,__._,_._...__._.____..__ RESOLUTION NO. 85- 059 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING JAMES L. HAZARD TO THE EXEMPT POSITION OF COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT The Board of Directors of the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT does hereby resolve as follows: THAT, JAMES L. HAZARD be appointed to the exempt position of Counsel for the District in accordance with Chapter 2.16 of the District Code and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement for Legal Services between Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and Sellar, Hazard, Snyder & Kelly dated June 20, 1985; and THAT, the appointment of JAMES L. HAZARD to the exempt position of Counsel for the District shall be effective July 1,1985. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 1985, by the Board of Directors of the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT this 20th day of June, 1985, by the following vote: AYES: Members: Carlson, Dalton, Schmidt, Clausen, Boneysteele NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: None COUNTERSIGNED: (:,0 C. In { t.L&t- cr tary of the Ce tral Contra osta Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cali 0 Approved as to Form: tr- CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVICES BETWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND SELLAR, HAZARD, SNYDER & KELLY BY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 20th day of June , 1985, by and between the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the "District", and JAMES L. HAZARD, hereinafter referred to as "Counsel for the Dis- trict", and the firm of SELLAR, HAZARD, SNYDER & KELLY, here- inafter collectively referred to as "Counsel for the District," mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I: SCOPE OF SERVICES Counsel for the District shall perform legal services and legal representation on behalf of the District as directed by the Board of the District. Counsel for the District shall work in a cooperative role wi th the District's Management Team through the General Manager-Chief Engineer. It is anticipated that Counsel for the District will attend the meetings of the Board of Directors, Board Agenda Meetings, Risk Management Meetings, and the various other District meetings, as needed. He will provide the Board and its Management Team wi th legal advice, including but not limited to evaluation of liti- gation handled by outside counsel, legal administrative mat- ters, the "Brown Act" and general "special district" law. It is anticipated that the firm, on a case by case basis, will continue to handle outside litigation for the District, as set forth in a separate contract between the firm and the District. Addi tionally, it is anticipated that on a periodic basis, additional contract work on special projects such as the Code Revision as set forth below, will be contracted for on a separate basis. ARTICLE II. COMPENSATION 1. During the month of June 1985, Counsel for the District will charge for all initial introductory meetings and briefings concerning general District affairs on a one-half rate of the hourly rates set forth below, not to exceed a total sum of $2,500.00. Additionally, Counsel for the District will provide substantive legal services under the rates set forth oelow, not to exceed in combination with initial meetings and briefings, the total sum of $2,500.00. -1- 2. Counsel for the District will provide legal services at the hourly rates set forth below not to exceed $15,000.00 per quarter, (three months) including normal business expenses. This excludes extraordinary business expenses without the prior approval thereof. Counsel for the District will provide on a monthly basis, documentation of the actual hours worked by each member of Counsel for the District with a designation of the subject matter. 3. The hourly rates for legal services shall be: $90.00 - Chief District Counsel - James L. Hazard. $80.00 - Associate District Counsel - Kenton L. AIm or Partners of the firm. $70.00 - Staff District Counsel, or Associate Attorneys for the firm. $35.00 - Paralegal. The firm's billings contain an administrative charge reflecting the annual costs of postage, telephone and duplicating services. This charge, together with the charges set forth above will not exceed the $15,000.00 limit per quarter. 4. At the rates set forth above, during the contract period, Counsel for the District shall provide the District with a complete revision of the "District Code". Said fee shall not exceed an additional sum of $20,000.00. ARTICLE III: TERM OF THE AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be from June 1, 1985 through June 30, 1986 or unless terminated sooner. It is anticipated that this contract may be extended on an annual basis with the mutual consent of each party. This contract will be reviewed by each party annually in June of each year. ARTICLE IV: CONFIDENTIAL RELATIONSHIP. All dealings of the parties under this Agreement shall be confidential and no report, data, information, or communication developed, prepared, or assembled by Counsel for the District under this Agreement shall be revealed, disseminated, or made available by Counsel for the District to any person or organi- zation other than the District without the prior knowledge and concurrence of the District. -2- ;-,.....-______._.._~'"~_.____~.~______".._____.....___4.~_~_ ARTICLE V: EXEMPT EMPLOYEE STATUS. Pursuant to Chapter 2.61.020, Counsel for the District shall act as attorney for the District in all matters affecting the affairs and administration of the District, except in those matters where special counsel are from time to time employed for specif ic responsibilities. The District will not be required to pay for Counsel for the District's Workmen's Compensation or heal th insurance coverage benefits. ARTICLE VI: ASSIGNMENT AND LAWS. Counsel for the District shall not subcontract any of the work or assign any of its rights or obligations without the prior written consent of the District. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. ARTICLE VII: NOTICES. All notices or other official correspondence relating to con- tractual matters between the parties hereto shall be made by depositing same first-class, postage-paid mail addressed as follows: To Counsel for the District: JAMES L. HAZARD SELLAR, HAZARD, SNYDER & KELLY 2815 Mitchell Drive, #202 P. O. Box 3510 Walnut Creek, California 94598 To District: BOARD OF DIRECTORS c/o ROGER DOLAN, General Manager-Chief Engineer CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 or to such other address as either party may designate here- inafter in writing delivered to the other party. ARTICLE VIII: RECORDS Counsel for the District shall at all times keep a complete and thorough record of the time expended in performing services on behalf of the District as herein agreed upon and Counsel for the District shall also make available to the District for audit all of such records so maintained. -3- ARTICLE IX: CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Counsel for the District promises and agrees that Counsel for the District and members of his staff shall avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest. Counsel for the District agrees to immediately notify the Board of Directors and the General Manager-Chief Engineer of any case which may involve an actual or potential conflict of interest. ARTICLE X: INDEMNIFICATION. Counsel for the District agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the District, its Directors, Officers, Agents, and Employees, for any expense, loss, or damage, including attorney's fees, to which the District may be subjected arising from any suit or claim, in the event it shall be determined herein that any negligent acts, errors, or omissions of Counsel for the Dis- trict, its agents, employees, or representatives shall have caused the occurrence or circumstances out of which the suit or claim arose and shall defend the District in any action filed alleging such negligent act, errors, or omissions. The District agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Counsel for the District, its agents and employees, for any expense, loss, or damage, including attorney's fees, to which the Counsel for the District may be subjected arising from any sui t or claim, in the event it shall be determined herein that any negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the District, its Directors, Officers, Agents and Employees shall have caused the occurrence or circumstances out of which the suit or claim arose and shall defend the Counsel for the District in any action filed alleging such negligent act, errors, or omissions. ARTICLE XI: INSURANCE. During the entire term of this Agreement and any extension or modification thereof, Counsel for the District shall keep in effect insurance policies providing coverage for general public liability, including lawyers'professional liability, and wor- ker's compensation exposures at limits deemed acceptable by the District. Counsel for the District shall provide Certificates of Insurance evidencing that the above required insurance co- verages are in effect. ARTICLE XII: TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by either party, at its sole discretion, upon thirty (30) calendar days prior wri tten notice. -4- 'l'""-" ...--.---.--.,-..-'----.---~_~____,______ ARTICLE XIII: TERMS. No alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in wri ting and signed by the parties hereto. No oral understanding or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. ARTICLE XIV: ARTICLE HEADINGS. Article headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not intended to be used in interpreting or construing the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement. ARTICLE XV: PARTIAL INVALIDITY. If any term, covenant, condition, provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby. ARTICLE XVI: SURVIVAL Notwithstanding the District's acceptance of the services or termination thereof and payment therefor, Counsel for the Dis- trict shall remain obligated under all clauses of this agreement which expressly or by their nature extend beyond and survive such acceptance, termination and payment. Notwi thstanding the Counsel for the District's acceptance of the services or termination thereof and payment therefor, the Dis- trict shall remain obligated under all clauses of this agreement which expressly or by their nature extend beyond and survive such acceptance, termination and payment. ARTICLE XVII: SIGNATURES. These signatures attest the parties' agreement hereto. co ~NITARY DISTRICT By: Its President Attest: Joyce E. McMillan, (J Secr~tary of the District By: (J'Jc.L (f '())(~ -5- ----,.-....-..------.-----~--------_..._____"..__"__.____,~""___,.~,..._..M_~.._.....__._._ ;f By: SELLAR, By: Partner -6- <({5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. ENGINEERING 1 6 20 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 6, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTIiORIZE FUNDS AUTIiORIZE $17,900 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR COMPlETION OF DESIGN FOR HOLDING BASIN "c" RENOV ATION - DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 3615 SUBMIJay.If-~a Miyamoto-Mill s Associ ate Engi nee INITIAfWgfHeerfn'tJ Div i si on ISSUE: Funds are needed to complete design of Holding Basin "c" Renovation - Di stri ct proj ect No. 3615. BACKGROUND: There are three ho1 di ng basi ns at the Treatment P1 ant provi di ng storage for flows that are bypassed during peak storm flows and emergencies. The District has embarked on a program to improve the three holding basins to provide maximum storage vol ume. Ho1 di ng Basi n "A" was renovated in 1979 and Ho1 di ng Basi n "B" was renovated in 1980. In March 1982 the Board of Directors authorized a total of $26,069 for design of the Holding Basin "c" Renovation project. Design of this project was interrupted in mid-1982 and 1983 because of the need to work on higher priority projects including storm damage repairs. It is now possible to complete the design effort and proceed with construction this summer. Additional funds are needed because of an increased design effort due to changes in ci rcumstances and proj ect approach. These changes are as follows: o Include a geotechnical evaluation of the effect of basin levees and equipment loads on the District's 72-inch diameter outfall which is beneath Basin C. o Include analysis and evaluation of the classification of the alum sludge which is presently deposited in the basin in light of current State regulations. o Prepurchase a sump pump for the project in order to expedite construction. o Include District force account labor and equipment rental to perform basin dewatering before the construction contract is awarded. An additional amount of $17,900 is being requested to complete design and perform pre-construction work (Attachment 1). The renovated basin will provide approximately 30 million gallons of additional storage capacity. The predesign level construction cost estimate for the Holding Basin "c" Renovation Project is approximately $400,000. This estimate includes $285,000 for disposal of approximately 17,000 cubic yards of digested sludge and al um $1 udge that was pl aced in Basi n "C." RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $17,900 from Sewer Constructi on Funds for compl eti on of design for Holding Basin "C" Renovation - District Project No. 3615. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. fa ATTA~MENT 1 HOlDING BAS IN "C" RENOV AT ION ESTIMATED COST TO COMPlETE DESIGN AND PERFORM PRE-CONSTRUCTION WORK DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 3615 Estimate Needed Previous Net This To Complete Authorizations Req ue st 1. Design & Desi gn Rev i fN $26,569 $20,669 $ 5,900 2. Survey 7,600 5,400 2,200 3. Soils Consultant 4,000 -0- 4,000 4. Basi n Dewateri ng 2,000 -0- 2,000 5. Equipment Pre-Purchase 3,800 -0- 3,800 TOTALS $43,969 $26,069 $17 ,900 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. ENGINEERING 2 6 20 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 11, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $23,500 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR A PREDESIGN STUDY OF THE LARWIN RlMP STATION - DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 3974 AUTHORIZE FUNDS James L. Hill, Associate En SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Funds are needed for a predesi gn study of operati onal probl ems at the Larwin Pump Station. BAO<GROUND: Plant Operations Department staff have experienced problems with operation of the variable speed pump drives and with excessive vibration of one of the pumps at the Larw in Pump Stati on. The Engi neeri ng Department has initiated a study to determine the cause of the operational problems and develop alternatives to correct the problems. In addition, a determination of the actual capacity of four pumps at Larwin Pump Station has been included in the scope of the predesign study because the wastewater flow is nearing the design capacity of the pump stati on. The $23,500 authorization being requested includes a previous $5,000 authorization by the General Manager-Chief Engineer to initiate the project and corrects a negative balance in the project budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $23,500 from Sewer Construction Funds for a predesign study of the Larwin Pump Station - District Project No. 3974. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JLH ~\Jr;, cws flfj$AB JD INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. ca Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI I. ENGINEERING 3 6 20 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 11, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $16,100 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR A PREDESIGN STUDY OF AN OVERFLOtI PROBLEM ~ VIA ROBLE, LAFAYETTE, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4014 SUBMITTED BY, "E" INIT,1ATIIllG DEP1./DI\101 1 1 James L. Hill, Associate ng1neer tnglneerlng v s on AUTHORIZE FUNDS ISSUE: Funds are needed for a predes1 gn study of a sewage overflow probl em on Via Roble in Lafayette. BACKGROUND: Several sewage overflows have occurred dur1 ng wet weather 1 n a six-inch District sewer located on Via Roble in Lafayette, and resulted in flooding private property adjacent to the sewer easement. The Engineering Department was requested by the Collection System Operations Department to eval uate the overflow probl em, prepare al ternat1ves, and recommend' a correction for the probl em. Al ternat1ves to be cons1 dered to correct the overflow 1 ncl ude reconstruction of the existing sewer to eliminate slipped pipe joints, rerouting of the sewer, and a small pump station. The $16,100 authorization being requested includes a previous $5,000 authorization by the General Manager-Chief Engineer to initiate the project and corrects a negative balance in the project budget. RECOt+1ENDATION: Authorize $16,100 from the Sewer Construction Funds for a predes1gn study to correct the sewa'ge overflow problem on Via Roble in Lafayette - District Project No. 4014. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEP~ cc<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VII. ENGINEERIN 4 6/20/85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE May 23, 1985 AUTHORIZE $14,000 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR THE DES IGN OF THE LANCASTER ROAD SEWER MAIN PARALLEL - DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4082 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY James L. Hill, Associate ISSUE: Funds are requested for design of a parallel main sewer to relieve capacity problems along Lancaster Road, Walnut Creek. BACKGROUND: Wet weather sewer overflows have been experienced in the vicinity of Lancaster Road in Walnut Creek. A sewer capacity study conducted by the Planning Division in April 1985 revealed that the current peak wet weather flows exceed the capacity of the 10-inch and 12-inch portions of the existing Lancaster Road sewer system. The study recommended that a parallel sewer be constructed for this portion of Lancaster Road to eliminate the current overflows, and to prevent future overflows. The proposed project will involve installation of approximately 1500 feet of lO-inch, 12-inch, and lS-inch parallel sewer. The preliminary estimated total project cost is $115,000, including preliminary design, final design, and construction management. Pl ans and specifications for the proposed Lancaster Road sewer will be prepared by District Engineering staff. The estimated cost of the design effort is $14,000. The $14,000 authorization requested includes a previous $5,000 authorization by the General Manager-Chief Manager to initiate the project. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $14,000 from Sewer Construction Funds for the design of the Lancaster Road Sewer Main Parallel - District Project No. 4082. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JLH ~ V~ws '7/JfJ RAB RJD INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. (((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER NO. VII. ENGINEERING 5 6 20 85 VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE JUNE 17, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE $16,400 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THE MARTINEZ RENOVATION PROJECT (20019) SUBJECT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY JAY McCOY, CONSTRUCTION DIVISION MANAGER INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION ISSUE: Funding is necessary to complete work on Phase II of the Martinez Sewer Renovation Project and to perform work on Phase III of the Project. BACKGROUND: In April of 1984, the Board authorized $55,000 for Phase II of an eight phase Martinez Sewer Renovation Project. The eight phases are: Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV Phase V Phase VI Phase VII Phase VII Trunk Sewer Survey and Watershed Capacity Study Sewer Mai n Survey Easement Review and Correction Detailed Project Schedule and Financial Plan Sewer Main Capacity Study Collection System Condition Assessment Design of Improvements to Collection System Staged Construction of Collection System Improvement Phase II included survey work to establish the vertical and horizontal 1 ocati on of exi sti ng sewer mai ns in Marti nez and the pl otti ng of these locations on District record maps. The survey work was completed in April, 1985. The plotting work has commenced but has not as yet been completed. Concurrently, the City of Marti nez has been preparing easement maps and descriptions as a part of Phase III. This easement work by the City has made it necessary for the Di strict to perform additi onal survey and drafting work to provide detailed information on the locations of certain sewer mai ns. Some of the additi onal Phase III survey work has been performed but more funds are needed to complete the survey and drafting related to Phase III and the remainder of the plotting originally anticipated to be completed as a part of Phase II. It is estimated that the remaining work will cost $16,400 and funds in this amount are requested from the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $16,400 from the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the continuation of the Martinez Sewer Renovation Project. JSM REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION P/JP RAB <c<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VIII. BUDGET & FINANe 1 6 20 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE June 14, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT THE 1985-1986 PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, AND OPERATIONS BUDGET ADOPTION AND MAINTENANCE BUDGETS SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance & Accountin ISSUE: The 1985-1986 Personnel, Equipment, and Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budgets are submitted for adoption by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1985-1986 O&M Budget was approved by the Board of Directors on June 6, 1985. The 1985-1986 Sewer Service Charge was establ ished by the Board at $124 annually, which resulted in a $5, or 3.9%, reduction from the 1984-1985 Sewer Service Charge of $129. A revised O&M revenue budget page which reflects the $124 Sewer Service Charge rate is attached. The 1985-1986 Personnel and Equipment budgets were approved at the April 4, 1985 and May 2, 1985 Board Meetings, respectively. A copy of the Board resolution implementing the adoption of the 1985-1986 Personnel, Equipment and O&M budgets is attached. RECXIIENDATION: Adopt the 1985-1986 Personnel, Equipment, and Operations and Maintenance budgets and related Board resolution. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. tfo--~ . WNF ....l <( :::> .... u <( o w .... .... u UVlW -W'":l "':::>0 .... Z '" VlWC>. -> OW 0 '" Z >- <( ",w <(U.... ....ZW -<(<!:I Z Z 0 <(W:::> Vl....<Cl Z <(_Ln ....<(CO Vl::O: 0\ o _ UO I Z ... <( <( CO '" 0\ ....Vl_ Z Z 000 U_Z ....<( ....l <( <("'.... "'WW ....C>.<!:I ZOO W :::> U <Cl \0 CO ~ I Ln CO 0\ - OJ ';;; Vl Vl -;::;~~I~ .... :~~I "'''' ... ~ :CX?r-:":~~ I 0\ .....::l 0101 N I 01..... ""S-S- VNOMN \0 .... 100000'H.OVN , Ln "'U UU M ......... N "0<( "01 ---- ~~~ ::l _0 <Cl"O 01 \0 ..... COU 0\01 ~. I 0 LnS- CO C>. 0\ ~Ln I CO 010\ U~ " I ~~~ "'... 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