HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-04-85 (((S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. III. BIDS & AWARDS 1 4 4 85 VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 3816 SUBJECT TO STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD N FUNDS. POSITION PAPER DATE March 29, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE CONTRACT AWARD AUTHORIZE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Simmons, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The authorization by the Board to award the contract for Project 3816, Stage 5B, Treatment Pl ant Expansion, will expedite the start of work on the project. BACKGRCllND: On February 7, 1985, sealed bids for District Project 3816, Stage 5B, 15MGD Hydraulic Capacity Expansion and Sludge Thickening Facilities, were opened. A tabulation of the bids is attached. On March 21, 1985, the Board denied a protest filed by C. W. Roen Construction Company, Inc. against award of the Stage 5B constructi on contract to the apparent low bi dder. The protes"t is considered formally resol ved because the protestant di d not appeal the Board's decision within the seven (7) day period following the hearing as allowed by State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) regulations. It is, therefore, appropriate to proceed with award of the contract subject to SWRCB approval. Seven bids ranging from $5,000,000 to $6,999,000 were received (see attached tabulation). Pacific Mechanical Corporation is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder at $5,000,000. The Engineer's estimate for this work is $5,897,850. An evaluation of the bid by District staff and personnel from the design engineer, John Carollo Engineers, has determ1ned that the low bid is reasonable and is favorable to the District. In accordance with SWRCB grant regulations, prior to execution of the construction contract by the Grantee, the contract must be submitted to the SWRCB to verify conformance with grant regulations and procedures. Staff is requesting the authorization to award the contract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation at this time in order to expedite the project mobilization so that the summer construction season schedule can be maintained. The Board will be requested to authorize additional sewer construction funds for this project including construction administration, force account, and the John Carollo Engineers' contract at the April 18, 1985, Board meeting. A portion of this project is grant fundable. The amount of expected grant funding will be included in the April 18 position paper. This project is included in the Five-Year Capital Expenditure Plan. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAS RIfj RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ;f;l~ RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to award a contract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation for the construction of the Stage S8, lSf1(]D Hydraulic Capacity Expansion and Sludge Thickening Facilities Project. This award is subject to obtaining SWRCB. approval prior to execution of the contract. Authorize $S,OOO,OOO in Sewer Construction Funds to construct the project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. Centra~ ':ontra Costa Sani'~ ,ry District 8UMMARV OF BIDS PROJECT NO. X3816 _ STAGE 5B, 15 MGD HYDRAULIC CAPACITYOATE February 7.1985 EXPANSION AND SLUDGE THICKENING FACILITI~ LOCATION CCCSD WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY ENGR. EST.~ 5,897,850 a: W BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRICE 1 Pacific Mechanical Corp. ( 415) 827-4940 $ 2501 Annalisa Drive, Concord 94520 5,000,000.00 2 C.W. Roen Construction ( 415) 837-5501 $ P.O. Box 4, Danville 94526 5,046,700.00 3 Kaweah Construction ( 916 ) 739-6830 $ P.O. Box 28057, Sacramento 95828 5,090,000.00 ~ 4 DYN Construction (415) 229-3400 $ 261 Arthur Road, Martinez 94553 5,450,000.00 - 5 Monterey Mechanical ( 415 ) 632-3173 $ 5,488,000.00 8275 San Leandro St., Oakland 94621 6 Homer J. Olsen, Inc. ( 415 ) 489-1661 $ 35500 Olsen Way, Union City 94587 6,789,000.00 7 Dalzell Corporation ( 415 ) 835-0732 $ P.O. Box 8284, Emeryville 94662 6,999,000.00 ( ) $ ( ) $ ~ ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. SOLID WASTE 1 4 4 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 1, 1985 AUTHORIZE $23,523 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. JAMES M. KELLY, PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER ENGINEERING DEPT./PLANNING DIVISION ISSUE: Funds are requested to print a final version of Volume I of the Solid Waste Management Project Report; for the East County Public Participation Workshop; and to prepare a White Paper that presents CCCSD's recommendations to the County on solid waste management. BACKGROUND: On February 16, 1984, the Board directed staff to "...pursue, with diligence, the potential of the District's operating or contracting a solid waste landfill for the public benefit..." The Board authorized the staff to conduct preliminary planning on April 11, 1984, and on June 28, 1984, the Board authorized funding for Phase I of the District Landfill Project. A summary of funds authori zed and expendi tures is presented on Attachment A. The Phase I scope of work i ncl uded preparati on of a Soli d Waste Management Pl an and a comprehensive public landfill site screening to identify potential sites throughout the County. The Scope of Work has been compl eted, as well as the preparati on and pri nti ng of an Executive Summary and Vol umes I and II of the Solid Waste Management Project Report. In addition, two central public participation workshops, a recycling workshop, and a thi rd workshop for East County residents that was not in the Scope of Work were held. All of the above-mentioned tasks were completed within the budget authorized by the Board, except for the East County Workshop. The Board authorized, in concept, expenditure of funds for the East County Workshop (General Manager-Chief Engineer's Report), January 17, 1985, Board meeting. District staff did not plan to produce a draft version of Volume I; however, due to the amount of interest generated by the public in response to the project, Vol ume I has been made a draft. The 1 ast day to submit comments on draft Volume I report is April 30, 1985. There is adequate budget to respond to written comments by indicating the portion of the report that addresses the comment; however, staff recommends that the Volume I report be revised and reissued, as it is apparent that the study report will be the basis for solid waste planning in the County. The work performed to date constitutes Phase I of the Sol id Waste Management Project. Two fundamental findings of Phase I were that the solid waste problem is County-wide and will require a County-wide agency to conduct Phase II and that REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ..::J /f/t K- fff JMK RAB POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 further public involvement is required to help insure that a landfill will be sited in the County. It is requested that staff be authorized to prepare two documents: a Phase II Scope of Work (with budget) to be forwarded to the County and Solid Waste Commission and a White Paper on CCCSD's recommendations to the County concerning the overall solid waste management problem. This effort would be jointly conducted by staff and the District's lead consultant on this project, Brown, Vence and Associates (BVA). The authorization would fund the printing of a final Volume I report, the additional costs associated with the East County workshop, and the preparation of a White Paper to advise the County on how to use the findings of the Solid Waste Management Report. The total estimated cost of this work is $23,523. A cost breakdown is attached to the Position Paper. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the expenditure of $23,523 in sewer construction funds to print Volume I of the Solid Waste Management Project Report in final form, for additional costs associated with the East County workshop, and to prepare a White Paper to adv i se the County on how to use the fi nd i ngs of the Sol i d Waste Management Report. ATTADlENT A CENTRAl.. CONTRA roSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT LANDFILL PROJ ECT PROJECT NO. 20015 COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY CURRENT AUTHORIZATION Previous authorizations Amount authorized June 28, 1984 Total amount previously authorized Amount Expended/encumbered through February 1985 Remaining budget (The $11,756 is adequate to fund staff work and to respond to comments received through April 30, 1985, on Volume 1) $ 41,904 190,000 $231,904 220,148 $ 11,756 REQUESTED AUTHORIZATION Brown, Vence and Associates* $10,000 Urban A1ternatives* 6,523 Make additions, corrections, and/or deletions to Volume I. Print and mail 500 copies of final report. 7,000 TOT AI.. $23 ,523 *To be accomplished by contract change order. srre -- (", 4L PEAK / 1.-1"\ / / c.. A '\:P "- ~ / ~ / \ / "- / "- / /c...... \ "- / / \l"\. A \!.l "- 'N / / \.C / / ~ \ / <S\ / \ I- / >--- fl / ...... / / ~ / o = AMENDEO ASSESSMENT NUMI3EP. . APPORTIONMENT OF L.I.D. BO~DS LID 54-3-3-3 THROUGH - . . . ORINDA AREA Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V 1. SOLID WASTE 2 4 4 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE SUBJECT March 29, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT A RESOLUTION TRANSMITTING THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT PUBLIC PARTICIPATION WORKSHOP MAILING LISTS TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jo ce McMillan Secretar of the Distric Administrative ISSUE: It is requested that the Board of Directors consider adoption of a resolution transmitting the Solid Waste Management Project public participation workshop mailing lists to the Board of Supervisors together with the recommen- dation that the Board of Supervisors assume responsibility for the public notification process with regard to landfill siting activities in Contra Costa County. BACKGROUND: At the East County public workshop held in Antioch on January 29, 1985, the issue of public notification was raised. At that time, staff indicated that action would be taken to try and assure that in the future adequate public notification would take place. Recognizing the role of the County relative to solid waste planning and siting a landfill, it is appropriate at this time that the public participation mailing lists be forwarded to the County for their use in this endeavor. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution transmitting the Solid Waste Management Project public participation mailing lists to the Board of Supervisors with the recommendation that the public notification process continue. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. .tJrL JMK- JK fIJff> RESOLUTION NO. 85- RESOLU'I _ j TRANSMITTING SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. )JECT PUBLIC PARTICIPATION WORKSHOP MAILING LISTS TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has conducted an extensive public notification process in conjunction with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District/Contra Costa County Solid Waste Management Study. and WHEREAS, in response to numerous and repeated requests from East County residents for notification of all future meetings, workshops and ~ hearings relative to the landfill siting process, the Study Team made a commitment that notification would be made. and WHEREAS, in addition to the East County citizens' requests, a significant number of Contra Costa County residents and citizens organi- zations have requested that notification be made of all subsequent workshops and hearings. and WHEREAS, it is imperative for the successful siting of any landfill in Contra Costa County that public participation be encouraged. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hereby transmits the attached Solid Waste Management Project Public Participation East County Workshop Mailing List and the General Workshop Mailing List to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa is requested and encouraged to assume responsibility for the public notification of East County residents who have specifically requested notification and it is recommended that all concerned residents and citizens organizations be included in that notification process. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1985 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 18, 1985 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE BOARD OFt RECTORS JOYCE E. MC MILLAN. OUTLINE OF THE ST/E 56 PROTEST MARCH 21 BOARD MEETING DETERMINATION HEARING AT THE A protest determination hearing will be conducted by the Board on March 21, 1985, to resolve a protest against award of the Stage 5B construc- tion contract to the apparent low bidder. This memo will address the hearing process and format. Background information about the protest is included in the position paper. All bidders on the Stage 5B Project have been notified about the protest determination hearing. Only the apparent low bidder (Pacific Mechanical Corp.) and the apparent second low bidder (C.W. Roen Construction Co.) are expected to attend and make presentations. The suggested order of presentations for the hearing is: 1. Open hearing. 2. Staff presentation. 3. C.W. Roen Construction Co. presentation (protester). 4. Pacific Mechanical Corp. presentation. 5. Presentation by other bidders (if any). 6. Close hearing. 7. Discussions and questions by the Board Members. 8. Staff conclusions and recommendations. 9. Board action to resolve the protest. The outline of the staff presentation is: 1. Introduction a. Stage 5B bids b. Basis of the protest 2. Protest procedures a. Federal requirements b. Protest resolution 3. Minority Business/Women's Business Participation Requirements a. Participation goals b. Two ways to comply with goals c. Pacific Mechanical Corp. actions to comply with goals After the close of the hearing, District staff will present final con- clusions and recommendations based on information presented at the hearing. SEM:CWS:tkf ___._....'.~.H______._____,~,.__.~,~__.~_.~...."'"..,,_ ~,.._.,__'_....~_.___.,.____'____~_.....__._~___.__.,- I