HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-18-85 c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE March 27, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT APPROVAL AND EXECllTION OF STATE UTIL !TIES ~REEr.ENT UTe 106 .09.1 CONCERNING RELOCATION AND ADJ USTMENT OF CERTAIN DISTRICT FACILITIES AT THE NORRIS CANYON ROAD APPROVE STATE UTILITIES AGREEMENT UT. 106 .09.1 James L. Hill SUB I ISSUE: The subj ect Agreement is necessary to formal ize the State's recognized liability for costs to relocate publicly owned sewer facilities located within its freeway right-of-way. BACKGROUND: On January 9, 1985, the State of California, Department of Transportation, issued to the District a "Notice to Owner" ordering that certain sewer facilities be relocated to accommodate the State's proposed widening of the Norris Canyon Road overcrossing of Freeway 680 in San Ramon. District staff has reviewed the work effort necessary for the relocation and the State has confirmed the scope of work. The Collection System Operations Department will be responsible for construction of the relocation. The estimated cost of the project, including construction and incidentals, is $3,500. Actual final costs will be reimbursed to the District by the Department of Transportation within 90 days after receipt of the final invoice from the Di stri ct. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the State Utility Agreement, UTe 106.09.1, and adopt the attached resolution authorizing the President and Secretary to execute the Agreement. JLH @ f)lJ?RAB RJD REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION <; RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE UTILITIES AGREEMENT NO. 106.09.1 DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 4042 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Di rectors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT, the President and Secretary respectively of this District are authorized and directed to execute Utilities Agreement 106.09.1, District Project No. 4042, for and on behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. PASSED AND ADOPTED th i s day of April, 1985, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: John J. Carniato District Counsel Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 4 18 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 12, 1985 SUBJECT CONFIRM "AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM" AND APPORTION ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 54-3, ORINDA AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPORTIONMENT OF L. 1. D. BONDS SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate En ineer Construction Div. ISSUE: Four existing parcels of land are being split into new parcels by the map of Subdivision 6522. The property owner has requested this District to apportion the L.I.D. bonds which are outstanding on these parcels of land. BACKGROUND: The four existing parcels were assigned assessment numbers 54-3-3-3 through 54-3-3-6. The new parcel s are shown on the attached Amended Assessment Diagram. The loI.D. bond amounts on the four parcels must be apportioned to the newly created parcels of land before the County Auditor can prepare a tax bill for each new parcel. Staff has apportioned the amounts as follows: Assessment No. Amended Amount Assessment No. Apportioned Assessment Amount 54-3-3-3 $6,540.00 54-3-3-7 $6,540.00 54-3-3-4 (portion) 6,372.50 54-3-3-8 6,372.50 54-3-3-4 (remai nder) -0- 54-3-3-17 -0- 54-3-3-5 (portion) 4,997.50 54-3-3-9 1,895.00 54-3-3-10 1,207.50 54-3-3-11 947.50 -0- 54-3-3-12 54-3-3-16 947.50 54-3-3-5 (remainder) -0- 54-3-3-6 4,830.00 54-3-3-13 54-3-3-14 54-3-3-15 1,207.50 1,207.50 2,415.00 RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the amended assessment diagram and apportion assessment amounts and authorize the recording of said diagram. RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. iQi DH ;;r JM /J1Jff Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 4 4/18/85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE A ril 4, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF PAUL MORSEN AT A GRIEVANCE ADMINISTRATION SEMINAR IN PORTLAND, OREGON ON JUNE 3 AND JUNE 4, 1985 FOR AN ESTIMATED COST OF $850. CONSENT CALENDAR SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. PAUL MORSEN, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUE: Board authorization for an employee to attend an out-of-state conference is requ ired. BACKGROUND: Each year, the American Arbitration Association (AAA) sponsors a series of seminars dealing with Employee and Labor Relations issues. These highly regarded seminars are scheduled so that every few years they are offered at a west coast location. This year, in June, the AAA is sponsoring their Grievance Processing Semi nar in Portl and, Oregon. Grievance Processing, "Skelly" hearings, and dispute resolutions are a responsibil ity of the Deputy General Manager and attendance at this seminar will provide an update on recently passed laws, trends and developments in these areas. It is requested that Paul Morsen be authorized to attend this seminar. The cost of this trip will be approximately $850. Sufficient funds for this are i ncl uded in the Central Services and Management 1984-1985 Travel & Conference budget line item. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Paul Morsen at the AAA Grievance Processing Seminar, June 3rd and 4th, to be hel d in Portl and, Oregon at an estimated cost of $850. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION r < <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 4 18 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE April 12, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE JOHN LARSON TO ATTEND CWPCA CONFERENCE IN ANAl-lIEM, CALIFORNIA ON MAY 8-10, 1985, AT A reST OF $700. AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Roger Dol an INITIATING DEPT./DIV. General Manager-Chief Engineer ISSUE: Board authorizati on is requested to exceed the budgeted amount for travel and conferences in the Coll ecti on System Operati ons Department. BACKGROUND: The California Water Pollution Control Association (CWPCA) Conference in May 1985 is offering an excellent program related to collection system operations. The scheduled topics include performance of piping materials, repair and cleaning techniques, TV inspection, and computer applications. In addition, there will be an equipment show. At th i s time, Coll ecti on System Operati ons Department travel and conferences budget has been fully expended. Attendance at the CWPCA Conference was included in the 1984/85 budget; however, the previous Coll ecti on System Operati ons Department Manager used the budgeted funds to attend a CASA meeti ng at the req uest of the Boa rd. The cost of travel, lodging, and registration will be approximately $700. This authorizati on woul d resul tin a $700 overrun in the travel and conferences budget. There are sufficient funds in the overall budget to cover this expense. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize John Larson to attend CWPCA Conference in Anahiem,Cal ifornia, on May 8-10, 1985, at a cost of $700. INI REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RJD Contra San BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. V. ENGINEERING 1 4 18 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE APR I L 15, 1985 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $445,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR COLLEC- TION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN. AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH CAMP, DRESSER & MCKEE ENG. TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS, AUTHORIZE CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ENGINEERING DEPT.jPLANNING DIVISION JARRED MIYAMOTO-MILLS, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER ISSUE: Funds are needed to complete the proposed comprehensive Collection System Master Plan. Authorization is requested for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract with Camp, Dresser & McKee Engineers (COM) of Walnut Creek for a portion of the work. BACKGROUND: Comprehensive collection system master planning was last updated in January 1967 with the completion of a revision of the 1956 Central Contra Costa Sewerage Survey prepared by Brown and Cal dwell. Duri ng the 1970s watershed pl anni ng was done on an area-by-area basi s as needed. Because of the ongoi ng development withi n the Di stri ct and the time si nce a comprehensive pl anni ng update has been done, staff recommends that the District proceed with a comprehensive collection system master plan at this time. The Board of Di rectors has authorized $322,000 to date for prelimi nary sewer capacity studies in high growth watersheds, sewer pipeline and land-use data collection, and flow monitoring (see Attachment 1). Preliminary watershed faci 1 iti es pl ans have been compl eted for Watershed 33 - San Ramon Vall ey and Watershed 44 - North Concord/Clyde. A needs analysis has been done for Watershed 43 - Martinez. These studies have identified $18 to 26 million in sewer system capacity problems (see Attachment 2). An intensive wet weather flow monitoring study, authorized by the Board at its January 3, 1985, meeting, has recently been successful 1 y compl eted. Prel imi nary analysi s of the flow monitori ng data shows that the amount of Rai nfall Dependent Infll trati on and Inflow (ROllI) enteri ng District sewers in areas not recently studied cause several trunks to flow full duri ng a two-year return frequency storm. Thi s observati on prov i des further evidence of the need for proceeding with a comprehensive collection system master plan at this time. Comprehensive collection system master planning will establish a phased capital improvement program that will indicate where sewers need to be located, how large these sewers should be, and when they should be built. In addition, this effort will identify areas which should receive further attention for potential ROllI reduction. Long-term flow monitoring will provide verification of the assumptions and projections made in the Master Plan. z ::- I.A 1<:- JlIJ& REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. J~1M JMK RAB RJD POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 APRIL 10, 1985 The project team for the Collection System Master Plan study will consist of Di strict staff and COM Engi neers of Wal nut Creek. District staff will coll ect sewer pi pel i nell and-use data, prepare speci al maps, perform the proj ect management role, provide independent verification of data entry quality control, direct design criteria and capital improvement program development, and print the final report. COM will be responsible for flow and rainfall data analysis, data reduction and entry, trunk sewer analysis using computer model ing techniques, design criteria, long-term monitor location, and capital improvement program recommendations, and preparation of interim, draft, and final reports. COM was selected for the overall project, including wet weather flow monitoring and sewer master pl anni ng, because of thei r speci al experti se, experi ence, and competence in coll ecti on system master pl anning work. In December 1984, staff requested formal written proposals from three of the leading firms in this field, conducted a competitive proposal review and interview, and selected COM based on the proj ect team proposed, proj ect approach, and excel 1 ent references. COM has been professional and insightful during its direction of the wet weather flow monitoring program. COM's efforts have assured the study of an accurate flow and rainfall database from which all the predictions of trunk sewer capacity will be derived. A cost reimbursement contract with a fixed cost ceiling has been negotiated with COM for all work required to complete the study. A cost ceiling of $270,000 has been established for this work. Included in the contract cost is $17,000 for COM to provide a micro-computer system, including custom software, for use by District staff in performing future watershed and local capacity studies. Local capacity studies are required when a development is planned either at the outskirts of the District or as part of a densifying redevelopment or infilling. The Planning Division is currently receiving one to two requests for these studies each month. Because of the large volume of sewer and land-use data that must be collected for each of these studies and because the engineering calculations involved are complex and tedious, computer modeling is a particularly appropriate approach to performing the analyses. Use of the computer model and data from the long-term flow monitors will allow staff to update each watershed about once every two years and to identify when a comprehensive update of the primary trunks is appropriate (estimated to be required every five to eight years). The database and computer model will be developed by COM as part of the Master Plan work. The expenditure proposed will cover the purchase of an IBM/PC-compati bl e computer, hard-d i sk storage for the sewer and land-use database, a CRT monitor, a printer and customization of COM's existing computer software to provide a level of user-friendliness appropriate to operation by District staff. COM will be responsible for the total system inclusive of all hardware and software. This will assure that the system is fully operational upon receipt by the District. Mark-up and profit will not be applied to the hardware cost. The authorization requested to complete the Collection System Master Plan totals $445,000. A breakdown of costs is included in Attachment 1. POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 APRIL 10, 1985 The work product output of the Collection System Master Plan will be as follows: o A Project Report, including Executive Summary Results of Hydraulic "Modeling" of District Trunk Sewers Recommended Capital Improvement Program Timetable for Capital Improvement Program Presentation Maps o Recommended Revisions to Sewer Design Criteria Standards o Recommended Locations for Long-Term Flow Monitoring o Computer System for Use in Local Capacity Studies RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a total of $445,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for completion of a comprehensive District-wide Collection System Master Plan. Authorize the General Manager-Chi ef Engi neer to execute a cost reimbursement contract with a fixed cost ceiling between Camp, Dresser and McKee Engineers and the District for a portion of the master planning work. ATT ACHtlENT 1 COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN COST SUMMARY Authorized To Date: Planning Studies - consultant (WS 33) Flow Monitoring (Dry and Wet Weather) $ 54,000 188,000 Force Account Studi es (WS 33 and WS 44) 38,000 - Data Collection (Current and Future Land-Use and Sewer Data) 42,000 Subtotal: $322,000 Authorization Requested: Collection System Master Plan - Camp, Dresser and McKee $270,000 - Force Account 145,000 - Contingency for Changes/Additions in Scope* (Consultant Contract or Force Account) 30,000 Subtotal: $445,000 Total: $767,000 *Di strict staff will execute a contract change order with COM, if necessary, to expand their work using this Board-authorized contingency. ATTACHMENT 2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT NEEDS IDENTIFIED IN WATERSHED STUDIES PERFORMED SINCE 1982 o Preliminary Studies - Approximately 36 percent of District San Ramon Vall ey Martinez N. Concord/Clyde Downtown Wal nut Creek $10-15 mi 11 ion 5-8 mill ion 1 mill ion 2 mill ion $18- 26 million o Wet Weather Flow Monitoring Additional capacity problem areas ident,ified <C<SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. 2 POSITION PAPER SUBJECT AUTHOR E N RAL N R-CHIEF ENGIN R AN AGREEMENT WITH VILLALOBOS & ASSOCIATES FOR CORROSION EV ALUATION OF K-l/K-3A FORCE MAINS, AND AUTHORIZE $14,500 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE 10, 1985 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jim Hill Associate En ineer Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Villalobos & Associates, and for Sewer Construction Funds for the work. BACKGROUND: In May 1979, Corrosion Engineering and Research Company, CERCO, prepared a report for the District evaluating possible corrosion damage to the K-l force mains from the Lower Orinda Pump Station and the K-3A force main from the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station. Please refer to Exhibits A and B for clarification. Both systems were identified by CERCO as being affected by stray currents from BARTO operati ons. Si nce that report, BARTO has install ed and operated a diode system meant to control the stray current problems. A follow up investigation is needed to compare and eval uate the effectiveness of the BARTO diode system relative to the District's pipeline system to: 1. Determ i ne if the K-1 and K-3 A force mains have been damaged by BARTO stray currents; and 2. Determine if specific corrosion protection systems are appropriate for the existing pipelines, or for new pipelines that may be required due to the proposed development in Orinda. This project will provide the results necessary to identify any corrosion problems, and to determine whether or not the District has benefited from relocations necessitated by the construction of the BARTO system. Based upon the results of this report, the design and construction of new facilities may be requi red. The scope of work will involve the location and monitoring of existing electrolysis test stations (ETS's), comparison of the results with previous monitoring data. A report will be prepared evaluating the condition of the force mai ns and the effects of the BARTO System on the force mai ns, and recommendi ng additional action, if necessary. The work will be billed on an hourly basis, with a cost ceiling of $11,273. An additional $2,970 will also be required for District staff to assist in locating the ETS's, review and evaluate Villalobos' work product, and to manage the contract and budget. The estimated replacement costs in 1985 dollars for the K-1 and K-3A force mains are $1,390,000. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RJD INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~cws ~ RAB The District has selected Villalobos & Associates, Inc., to perform the specialty corrosion engineering services for this project. The District has had experience with two other corrosion engineering consultants in addition to Villalobos & Associates. Villalobos & Associates was selected for the K-l/K-3A force main project because the required services are similar to those provided by Villalobos & Associates on the recent M-2 force main corrosion protection project. District staff was very pl eased with thei r performance on the M-2 force mai n proj ect. Because the K-l/K3-A force mai n proj ect is a rel ativel y small proj ect and favorable experience with Villalobos & Associates, District staff chose not to follow a formal consultant procurement process for this project. REOOt41ENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Villalobos & Associates for professional engineering services in conjunction with corrosion evaluation of the K-1 and K-3A force mains, and authorize $14,500 in Sewer Construction Funds for this work. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. j~~ ..~K~-"'.~~" 44"LV). ,.. 0~ ~~'" #' ..:;.. '.;~,36 . ,.~ ...~~ 3. ..~ ., 7~ (<~'" ~ !rOc ~.. _ ~"" 'oq, " ", - . "'~' ~~"" ~ ''''4 "If. "'''" ~.'" ~"~,"":' 7~~ " "").,'Oc.> i '.Y 7 " ~'CLUB,,<<~1" m'- .Ld..-r-(r" ~~'~/"3 m /_~'''.dJ,4l i .. -'. ' '1 . ,.\i>" - ], ... 3ZZ ... ~.to ,Il ". .j 17,IAC J)II!lI3 - , ~ U1 ~if''''' ~, ~,,-- '!O I.;i . ".",... ~ ;~~~~~~'~~~:~J-:t?"~-_. ~~~'_\"~~ " \~ ~' '....,. "" t" /' . :;r;..' /=~'(." \... .Of 'Io~~ .. . ~ ~ 4 JOt \ZHW :P" J:.:J -~ ..' ~ ~WlA ~~ ~KE CASCADE ./.... ''', '~: ,. .n" L!, '~"..--J ~'".. 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(,) C CD Z- w\U ~@ ..I ~. o o 01 ~ UJ UJ l&. 0' 0, CDI 01 01 "', I 0\ z UJ ..J ct U (/) o o ", , I .:~ L l~ of' ~ ~ c((SD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO.V. ENGINEERING 3 4 18 85 POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer DATE CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PROJ ECT CONCEPT FOR WALNUT CREEK DOWNTOWN PARALLEL PROJ ECT COP 1997> April 10, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE PROJ ECT CONCE PT SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Approval of the proj ect for DP 1997 - Wal nut Creek Downtown Parall el is the final step of the environmental review required by California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). BACKGROUND: At the March 21, 1985, Board meeting, the Board held a hearing to consi der the Negative Decl arati on for DP 1997 - Wal nut Creek Downtown Parall el Proj ect. At the concl usi on of the March 21 heari ng, the Board adopted the Negative Declaration. To complete the CEQA environmental review, the Board must consider approval of the project concept after review and consideration of the Negative Declaration. Thi s proj ect is proposed for constructi on now based on a unique, one time opportunity for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District to incorporate project construction with construction of the al ready approved Wal nut Creek Project/San Ramon Creek Bypass Flood Control Channel. The proposed proj ect consi sts of construction of an 8400 foot, isolated section of 54-inch diameter pipeline within the Southern Pacific Rail road right-of-way in the City of Wal nut Creek, Californi a, between Arroyo Way and Rudgear Road (see Exhibit A attached). The pipeline would begin approximately 60 feet north of the existing Walnut Creek Channel at the southern edge of Arroyo Way. The pipeline would end approximately 160 feet south of the Southern Pacific Rail road ri ght-of-way crossi ng of San Ramon Creek, which is 1300 feet north of the intersection of Rudgear Road with Danville Boulevard and the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Neither end of the pipeline would be connected to the existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District sewage transport system in the project area. The proposed proj ect w 111 ul timatel y serve as a segment of a trunk sewer system which is likely to be required further south of the project area to meet future demands for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District sewer services. The proposed project would be connected to the existing Walnut Creek area sewer system to act as a relief sewer to handle existing flows in case of a need for a sewer line bypass in Walnut Creek. The proposed project is scheduled for construction in the Spring of 1986, which requires design this year. The construction cost of the total project is estimated at approximately $2,000,000, based on 1985 costs. P/JfJ RAB RJD REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI G DEPT./DIV. JLH This concept approval does not include any funding request. The Board will have the opportunity at the time of award of the constructi on contract to make the final decision regarding project funding. RE(x)~ENDATION: After rev i ew and consi derati on of the Negative Decl arati on, approve the project concept for DP 1997 - Walnut Creek Downtown Parallel Project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. II"l co 0\ .... .. Q en u u laJ U i: .. 0< laJ u E-<laJ ex: E-<CX: ~ u< 0 r.: U) 'IE-< OU CX:W c:l.o.., 0 OCX: laJc.. U)laJ ~ O:z:: ~f-< ~ cx:z c:l.o.... ~ Wx: "0.. :tv i:laJ t\; E-< fa.oU) 0>- \.J U) c:l.ocx: ....w :C3 U):.:l ~U) ....0 h ~U) .. o-JU II; laJU ~ ::; cx:u .. ~ .. ~ .. .. i: II; II; cs: ).... ::; II; c CI '-1 .. a .. J- '" .. u .. - i: 0 c:c ~ CI .. - "" . .. 0 ::I: II; . c U ~- 0 0 .. X to- .. l.LI Z .. 0 . c . I&J x .. . C!) .. I&J I 0 <> ..J 0 <> 0 <> I 0 <> 0 <> I 0 <> W 0 <> ~B N ~ lie CD A .u lib q;; - - L <c<S Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS N~ V. ENGINEERING 4 4 18 85 OS On VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P ITI N r'APER General Manager-Chief Engineer SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $1,112,400 IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 3816, STAGE 58, 15MGD HYDRAULIC CAPACITY EXPANSION AND SLUDGE THICKENING FACILITIES DATE Apri 1 10, 1985 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS SUBMITTED BY Robert A. Simmons, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: Board authorization is requested to commit sewer construction funds for administrative and other costs associated with the construction of the Stage 5B proj ect. BACKGROUND: The Stage 5B project will provide conventional secondary treatment and sludge processing for wastewater flows up to 45MGD. The project consists of the installation of large diameter piping, junctlonstructures, and three dissolved air flotation sludge thickeners. On April 4, 1985, the Board authorized the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract with Pacif1c Mechanical Corporation to construct the Stage 5B, 15MGD Hydraulic Capacity Expansion and Sludge Thickening Facilities Project. F1vemillion dollars was allocated from sewer construction funds to cover the construction contract amount. If the Noti ce to Proceed is issued on May 1, 1985, the contract call s for the 15MGD Hydraulic Capacity Expansion work to be complete by January, 1986, and the Sludge Thickening Facilities work to be complete by September, 1986. As discussed in the position paper dated January 4, 1985, the construction contract will be administered by a project team composed of District staff, personnel from the design engineer, John Carollo Engineers, and a material testing firm. District staff will be responsible for overall project management, grant administration, resident engineering, and day-to--day inspection. John Carollo Engineers will provide construction support services in the areas of office engineering (review of submittals and design clarifications) and specialty inspection. In addition, JCE will provide start-up support including O&M manual preparation, operator classroom training, and performance cert1ficati on. A materi al testi ng fi rm will be retai ned for inspection and testing of structural concrete and for soil density determinations. The construction contract will be administered over a 17-month contract period. The District has been awarded federal and state grants under the Clean Water Grant Program for construction of the Stage 5B project. The District will be reimbursed for 87 1/2 percent of the grant-el igible costs of the project. Although a majority of the project costs are grant eligible, some of the necessary project items are not grant fundab1e. For instance, certain pipelines are sized larger for future capacity. The incremental costs of these facilities (approximately $510,000) are not grant fundable. IfjJ ~ RAS PIfrf RA8 CHIEF ENG. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Rq&-- A "Post Bid-Preconstruction Cost Estimate" is included as Attachment 1 to this position paper. An amount of $1,112,400 in sewer construction funds is needed for Di strict force account, consul tant serv ices, di rect equi pment purchases, material testing services, and construction contingencies. The estimate is based on the following considerations: 1. The project will require a full-time associate engineer to serve as Resident Engineer on the project. 2. A full-time construction inspector and a half-time construction inspector will be required during the first eight months of the contract whil e construction proceeds on both the hydraul ic capacity expansion and the dissolved air flotation facility. Close coverage of the expansion project is necessary to coordinate the construction with Pl ant Operati ons and because work will be accompl i shed over 1 ive aerati on basi ns. Upon compl eti on of the hydraul ic expansi on work, project inspection will be reduced to one full-time inspector for the remai nder of the proj ect. 3. A temporary, part-time secretarial positi on will be requi red, over present District staffing, to process correspondence and provide clerical support for the project. 4. Recognizing that weather delays, change orders, and other factors may contribute to the need for construction administration and inspection services to extend beyond the contract completion dates, an allowance for the continuation of these services for a period equivalent to 12 percent of the contract time has been included in the estimate. 5. In accepting the Clean Water Grants, the District has agreed to comply with the various grant program regulations. This compliance will result in additional administrative efforts by District staff which is reflected in the attached cost estimate. These additional costs are grant fundable, however. This authorization of $1,112,400 combined with the $5,000,000 authorized on April 4 and prev ious authorizations total 1 i ng $542,000 equal an estimated total project cost of $6,654,400 as shown near the bottom of Attachment 1. Upon receipt of approval to award from the State Water Resources Control Board, staff will execute the contract and be prepared to issue a Notice to Proceed to Pacific Mechanical Corporation. RECOMMENDATION: 1) Authorize $1,112,400 in sewer construction funds for construction activities associated with the Stage 5B construction project. 2) Authorize a temporary, part-time secretari al positi on (Range G45, $1,463 to $1,764) for the duration of the project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. STAGE 5B, 15MGD HYDRAULIC CAPACITY EXPANSION AND SLUDGE THICKENING FACILITIES D. P. NO. 3816 POST BID-PRECONSTRUCT ION EST1MATE OF COSTS ~ DESCRIPTION 1. Construction Contract Costs a. Construction Contract (As Bid): b. Estimated Const. Contingency: c. Prepurchased Equipment: d. Survey: Total Constr. Cont. Costs: 2. Construction Administration Costs a. Resident Engrg. & Inspection: b. Grant Administration: c. Engineering: d. John Carollo Engineers: e. Material Testing: Total 3. Misc. Constr. Admin. Support Costs a. Plant Maintenance: b. Legal Support: 4. Construction Admin. Contingency: Total Const. Admin. Costs: 5. Facility Start-Up Costs a. Start-Up Planning 1. District Force Account: 2. John Carollo Engineers: b. Prepares Users Guide/O&M Manual 1. District Force Account: 2. John Carollo Engineers: c. Conduct Training Session 1. District Force Account: 2. John Carollo Engineers: d. Performance Testing and Report (required by Grant Regulations) 1. District Force Account: 2. John Carollo Engineers: Total Start-Up Costs: Revenue Program Update (required by Grant Regulations): 7. Design and Related Expenditures 6. a. District Force Account: b. John Carollo Design Costs: Total Preaward Expenditures: 8. Total Estimated Project Costs: (Items 1 through 7) 9. Funds Previously Authorized: 10. Total Additional Funds Required to Compl ete Project: (Item 8 minus Item 9) OUTSIDE CONTRACT COSTS 5,000,000 250,000 26,90U DISTRICT FORCE AMUNT lli!QQ $5,276,900 $32,100 197 ,400 23 ,000 287,300 38,400 11,000 $220,400 336,700 10,800 10,000 231,200 415,90U 69,200 4,900 18,500 10,600 12,700 $ 46,700 471,000 5,300 30,200 1,600 11 ,90U 49,000 106,600 TOTAL $5,309,000 647,100 95,700 25,000 577,600 $6,654,400 $5,542,000 $I, 112 ,400 PERCENT OF CONS I RUCTION COSTS 10~ 5.4 0.7 0.2 3.7 .Jh! 10.4 0.2 0.2 ...!..:l 12.1 Contra Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer NO. VI. BUDGET & FINANCE 2 4 18 85 ~~Hl 8, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY RECEIVE INVEST- MENT POLICY SI,I~MJTTED Iil.Y walter tunasaki, Finance Officer IIlIITI....TI~G 1>EPT.{DIV ~amlnls~ra~ ve/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Assembly Bill No. 1073, which was enacted in late 1984, amended the Government Code to require the treasurer or chief fiscal officer of a local agency to "annually render to the legisl ative body of the local agency a statement of investment policy." BACKGROUND: As a result of the investment losses suffered by the City of San Jose, the California legislature enacted Assembly Bill No. 1073 which amended Government Code Section 53646 to require: A. The treasurer or chief fiscal officer to annually render to the legislative body of the local agency a statement of investment po li cy . B. The treasurer or chief fiscal officer to render a monthly report to the chief executive officer and legislative body of the local agency showing the type of investment, institution, date of maturity, amount of deposit, current market val ue for all securities with a maturity of more than 12 months, rate of interest, and such data as may be required by the local agency. C. Section 53646 shall remain in effect only until January 1, 1991, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, which is enacted before January 1, 1991, deletes or extends that date. A monthly investment report is submitted with the District's monthly financial statements to the General Manager-Chief Engineer and the Board of Directors which complies with all requirements of amended Section 53646. A proposed investment policy is attached for review and comment by the Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the District's proposed investment policy for review and comment and adopt, if appropriate. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~....~./ . WF PM CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT INVESlJENT POlICY The investment policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is embodied in the following eleven sections: I. Statement of Objectives The temporary investment portfol io of the District shall be designed to attain a market-average rate of return, taking into account the District's investment risk constraint and prudent investment principles. II. Permissible Investments Within the constraints prescribed by the Government Code of the State of California for permissible investments, the District's investment portfol io will only be invested in the following instruments: o United States Treasury Bills and Notes, and obligations of government agencies for which the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged. o Bankers Acceptances, drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank, which are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System. o Certificates of Deposit issued by a Federal or State chartered bank or a Federal or State chartered savings and loan association. o Commercial Paper of prime qual ity 1 imited to corporati ons with assets over $500,000,000. , o Repurchase agreements for a period less than 30 days o Local Agency Investment Fund of the State of California III. Banks and Dealers The District will use the services of the Treasurer's Office of the County of Contra Costa which will transact the District's investment decisions in compliance with the requirements described in this investment pol icy. The Treasurer's Office will execute the District's investments through such brokers, dealers and financial institutions as are approved by the County Treasurer. IV. Maturities The maximum maturity for investments of the District is one year. Prior approval of the Board of Directors must be obtained to acquire investments with maturities beyond one year. V. Diversification To minimize the risk of loss through default, the total amount invested in a single issuer will not be greater than 15% of the District's investment portfolio value, except that the 15% limitation will not apply to United States Treasury Bills and Notes. VI. Risk Credit and market risks will be minimized through adherence to the list of permissible investments, a limit on maximum maturities and the 1 imitation on the total investment in a single issuer. VII. Delegation and Authority The District Finance Officer will be responsible for investment transactions which should be made in accordance with this investment policy and within the internal controls described in the following section. VIII. Prudence Prudent judgment must be exercised by the District Finance Officer responsible for investment transactions undertaken in accordance with this investment policy. IX. Control s The District Finance Officer will establish subsidiary accounti ng records of each investment which will enabl e the determination of income earned monthly and through maturity, and the balancing of the principal amounts to a control account in the general ledger. Internal control procedures should be established based on the assignment of a dollar limit on investment transactions which can be initiated by the Finance Officer. Investment transacti ons which exceed the Finance Officer's doll ar limit, and are within the dollar limit of the Deputy General Manager, will require approval of the Deputy General Manager; if thE1 transaction exceeds the dollar limit of the Deputy General Manager, the approval of the General Manager-Chief Engineer will be required. The dollar limits of the Finance Officer and the Deputy General Manager will be $4 million and $5 mill ion, respectively. Such internal controls are to be reviewed by the District's independent auditors annually. _"..___~__,.,"._.___.__._._,_.______~.__.,".____,__...~_.._,"...___~~_____..__...__..'____M..~_._,._..._____._.,_"-,-,_,~,_,,,_.~",_,____,'_"_____"____""~'____'___"__.-"."'----..,...-~ ------.....,..-.--.-- X. Reporti ng The District Finance Officer will annually render a statement of investment policy to the Board of Directors. The Finance Officer will submit a monthly report to the District's General Manager-Chief Engineer and Board of Di rectors showing the type of investment, issuer, dates of issue and maturity, amount of deposit, current market value of all securities with a maturity of more than 12 months, and rate of interest. XI. Performance Evaluation A performance evaluation will be completed by the District's independent auditors every four years, commencing with the 1984-1985 fiscal year, to determine whether the investment objective of achieving a market-average rate of return is being real ized. In determining the market-average rate of return, the average return on three month U. S. Treasury bill s, or the average rate on Federal funds, whichever is higher, will be used. , Cont Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS NO. VI. BUDGET & FINANCE POSITION PAPER VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager-Chief Engineer R~Hl 8, 1985 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE 1985-1986 EQUIPMENT BUDGET FOR REVIEW RECEIVE EQUIPMENT BUDGET 1~~~~~~%~rat1e~/Finance & Accounting SIJJlM-jT.TED e;f walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer ISSUE: The District's 1985-1986 Equipment Budget is submitted for review. BACKGROUND: The 1985-1986 Equipment Budget is transmitted herewith. The Equipment Budget is summarized by department totals for 1985-1986 and each of the four prior fiscal years. A 1 ist of all equipment items requested by department, categorized by functional classification, and a descriptive sheet which describes and justifies each item is provided. The Equipment Budget is submitted for initial review by the Board; it is scheduled for approval at the next Board Meeting on May 2, 1985. RECOM~NDATION: Receive the 1985-1986 Equipment Budget for review and provide District staff with comments and guidance. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .... ~ ~~ WF INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. PM Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS OS ON n VIA: ROGER J. DOLAN P ITI r'APER General Manager-Chief Engineer s~RIAL OF SEWAGE OVERFLOW DAMAGE CLAIM FROM RUTH FONTANA NO. VI!. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 4 18 85 DAApril 10, 1985 TYI5ENV tiTA~~ SUBMITTI;.P BY JaCK ~. Campbell, Admin. Operations Mgr. INITA'dln~~~TRi.~~IVMgmt. & Safety ISSUE: A claim for $1.5 mill ion alleging District responsibil ity for personal injuries and property damage has been filed by Ms. Fontana of 3133 Pine Street, Marti nez. BACKGROUND: On November 10, 1984, a sewage overflow occurred at Ms. Fontana's residence in Martinez. She alleges serious physical and psychiatric reactions as a result, as well as contamination of real and personal property. The property involved is not within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District but, instead, is in the Mountain View Sanitary District; therefore, the claim should be directed solely against them. Ms. Fontana's attorney, Mr. Daniel Angius of San Francisco, has been advised of this but has refused to withdraw the claim against Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. He has advised the District of his intent to leave both districts in the potential suit for the time being. Because of the continuation of this claim, it is necessary to open a case file and proceed with the formal claim processing procedure. RECOMMENDATION: Deny Ms. Fontana's claim against the District and refer it to the Risk Manager for further action as necessary. INIT TI~~/DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ JEC PM